Никита живет в мире, полном несправедливости и раздора. Что, если бы у него был шанс стать кем-то другим, посмотреть на все со стороны? Изменил бы он мир вокруг себя? Или проще было бы принять все и измениться самому?
Вы разберетесь в этом....
...нужно только добавить немного волшебства...
Nikita lives in a world full of injustice and discord. What if he had the chance to be someone else, to look at everything from the outside? Would he change the world around him? Or would it be easier to accept everything and change himself?
You'll figure it out....
...just need to add a little MAGIC...
Год выпуска: 2022
Жанр: corruption, magic, gender bender, transformation, domination, submission, school girls, mind control, male protagonist, female protagonist,
Цензура: Отсутствует
Разработчик/Издатель: FavoriteCat - www.patreon.com/FavoriteCat | discord.com/invite/bmD9SFxUnt
Платформа: PC/Windows/MacOS/Linux
Тип издания: В разработке
Таблетка: Не требуется
Версия: v.2.7
Язык игры: Английский
Язык интерфейса: Английский
v2.7 - 2025-01-10
Some non-working (or poorly working) Engravement events have been fixed;
Fixed willpower difference score counter in Engravement;
Fully rebalanced "Engravement" event's system:
You can now watch up to 20 events in a row per game day, but if you watch more than 6, a new game day will start when you exit the event;
Stephan's resisting back more often now;
When Stephan resists, he advances his move a bit;
When a player resists Stephan, he gains +30 or +50 arousal;
Stephan now deals more damage to the player's willpower;
The 1st passive arousal ability given to the player when Stephan wins is now +70 from the start of each cycle;
Now, if Stephan sees the player's arousal is over 50, he starts making more active moves;
Long story short, Stephan will now win slightly even if you hit the “resist” button every time.
Added Engravement bar with animation;
Added Willpower difference bar with animation;
Added visual instructions (can open anytime by pressin on "rules" button) showing Willpower bar value to reach one of the 3 event endings.
New content:
Added 3 endings for the Engravement event;
Added some h-events after the endings;
Added the ability to use GC Beta Pill on Stephan.
-Added a transformation event;
-Several random and non-random events in different parts of the map;
-Many events are made with the ability to choose an action option, and also many events depend on the current gender of the protagonist;
The cheats remain unchanged. So far, I don't see the point in changing them. Especially considering how delayed the development has been
v2.6 - 2024-08-08
• Updated 'GameSettings' menu;
• Updated Magic Sphere hints + fixed an error with the sequence of hints (not sure if I fixed this completely);
• Fixed a bug with the 'Sleep' button stopping working;
• Fixed an infinite loop of offers in the club;
• Drinks in the bar are no longer 'free'. Added an intoxication effect from 'drink offers' from others.
• Now Stephen's offer to try a 'new drug' depends on the spread of the drug, not on whether you've taken it or not;
• Fixed a bug with Levi's room appearing for cleaning;
• Fixed a bug where Akira would appear again, even after setting up the game through the GameSettings Menu;
Changes list:
• Akira's storyline has progressed. Now you can finally feed her a level 2 pill.
• Added 4 new Ethereal events for her. (not counting her transformation event when you give her a level 2 pill;
• Akira (Level 2 pill).
-Now her 'Corruption' can be increased like other characters;
-All events have been changed and new ones added. (7 variable events in total + "talk" dialogue. They now depend on her 'Relationship' and 'Corruption' levels.);
-Event with buying 'Ractivity' is now available;
• Added the ability to create a level 3 pill. (The necessary element for this is purchased from Akira.) + dialogue with Jimmy about it;
• Added the ability to use a level 3 pill on Stephan;
-The plot has progressed a bit. (You chose Stephan in the vote);
-Added a major confrontation with Stephan. It will have 3 endings (later, through voting, a 4th ending kind of a 'Bad Ending' will be added).
-In the confrontation with Stephan, you'll play a game accompanied by many small events. 64 events of your domination over Stephan and 37 events of his domination over you.
-All events are divided into 5 levels for you and 5 for Stephan.
-All events take into account multiple characteristics. You need to think a little to achieve the result you want.
-All events are arranged in order when you view them for the first time, but later become random. Your favorite cat tried to clearly show the gradual domination over Stephan, or the gradual suppression of your will, through this order of events.
-I may have to tweak some aspects of this stage a bit more, but I thought I'd show everything to you first, get your opinion and then I'll polish this system to perfection.
v2.55 - 2024-04-22
-Hanging in the Pharma is no longer recurring;
-Fixed a bug where Levi's avatar would not change after his transformation;
-Ethereal pill on Stepfan now works correctly;
-Ethereal pill on Layla now works correctly;
-The Ethereal pill on Levi now works correctly too;
-Fixed a bug with story rollback in the HypnoBitch branch with Jimmy;
-The termination of Layla's contract with Stefan now works;
-Corrected incorrect inventory save transfers;
-You can no longer release Celtos twice;
-Gang's pill level now changes if you feed them a pill;
-Jimmy's dominant motivation path in the new lab has been fixed and works normally now. The events with the "game and coffee" with Jimmy at the end of the dominant path fixed too.
-Now the Ethereal pill can be eaten before bed on the weekends too;
-The cursor icon on the side icons for ArousalInc and ArousalDec pills now changes equally in all cases.
-There may be more, but this is the basic of what I have recorded;
I had a great plan and I was stuck to it, but still had to change it somewhat. In this update I paid much less attention to Layla and Levi, and I didn't pay any attention to Cindy at all. But there was a lot of new stuff about Akira and the main Tasty Curse story.
I'll explain my decision to do so after describing the changes.
Changes list:
New NTR branch event. I've spent some time to make quite a bit of Layla's content for the future, but it's not in the game yet. The NTR path of different characters will be slightly different. Speaking of Layla, if you choose NTR path, Layla gets new variable - self-control.
One event, a conversation with Layla which can be seen via Ethereal pill.
Simple pills (lvl3)
As I promised, you now have a chance to study them, and Jimmy will tell you about the application. However, once you have studied them, you will probably be a little disappointed. But don't worry, the storyline demands it.
Phew, let's start.
-Added 7 Ethereal pill events;
-Added the ability to use lvl 1 pill on Akira. I'll say that this should be done in the main storyline, however you will have to figure out how to do it yourself. There are plenty of hints in the game with highlighted text.
-Now at relationship level 25+, Akira will tell you about the Dark Lord and a bit about her mission;
-A few new events with Akira after she gets the level one pill. (Locations: her apartment, her bathroom, work);
-Now you can learn more about her problems at work. It'll give you something to think about.
Work at medical center
Advancing in the story with Akira will open up the opportunity for you to work there. Unlike other earning opportunities, this job is tied to a story. Here you will have a small confrontation with Akira for a few days.
While working, you will have the opportunity to see:
-15 events of working as a doctor's assistant;
-18 patient supervising's events;
-6 events with Head Doctor;
-32 small random events with sexy nurses;
You will also have the opportunity to win a 500$ cash bonus for your good and "honest" work. If you're very lucky, you can even get it fairly.
Random events:
The random event system has been greatly improved. Now some random events are grouped together, and run alternately until you watch each one.
For example, the events in the medical center are arranged in special order. So if you choose the path of corruption while working there, you will see how everyone will be gradually becoming more and more depraved.
Also, all Ethereal pills events are now of this type.
Added page down and page up flipping arrow.
Left the sweetest part for last, haha. It's really handy, try it!
The cheats remain unchanged. New cheats did not appear. Cheats will be updated in the next update.
v2.5 Hotfix
The Streets location is now always open;
Returned the usual size of the interface (to avoid unnecessary problems on mobile devices);
Changed the cursor when hovering over the icons of pills in the portrait;
Now additional icons on the portrait are opened after opening the lab;
BodySwitch pill usage is limited during random events;
The meditation book now works normally;
You now get 3 Ethereal pills when crafting instead of 2;
Fixed Ethereal pills working if Levi is a guy;
Fixed Ethereal pills when watching Olga;
v2.5 - 2024-03-02
Let's start with mechanical changes and fixes:
Bug with Cindy when she broke the game's walkthrough in Convergence mode;
The gambling table is now playable, all odds of winning and losing have been fixed, also new game mechanics have been added;
The game interface has been slightly scaled down;
The size of the game has been reduced to about 2GB (in this version);
Now the game supports transferring saves from any version of the game starting from 2.2 (i.e. now saves will work not only from the previous version of the game);
Character thoughts in the sidebar no longer break after page reloads;
Fixed all old events where videos were not displaying properly or not playing at all;
Removed unnecessary game files;
Now in certain situations the buttons don't disappear like before, they just turn off. This is noticeable visually;
Now when different random events run at the same time, they don't overlap;
The random movement of time no longer interrupts important events;
Fixed a bug with sudden "teleportation" to bed at nightfall;
Random events and their chances of occurrence have been very much improved. Literally everywhere, all over the game.
The code throughout the game has also been very heavily formatted and optimized, but you won't notice a difference here. It will only make further development easier.
Research tab in new Laboratory! :
I'm not a programmer at all, but I had to do some pretty good coding here. We now have a working base for researching new pills! What's included?
New pills will be divided into 3 levels based on the difficulty of research. Research progress costs daily player spending, but you have 3 options to speed it up:
1. Work on research;
2. Spend money;
3. Motivate Jimmy;
(4. Use cheats);
Either way you figure it out, the new lab offers special button for "guidance on the research".
Third point - Motivate Jimmy.
You will be able to use this option to speed up your research while in Carol's body. You have 2 paths Dominant and Submissive. If you have not yet become Jimmy's Hypno-bitch, you have another opportunity to do so on the Sub path. The Dom path doesn't mean you'll make Jimmy a slave, it just takes your relationship with him to the next level. Who knows where that will lead? Each path comes with 4 events + 3 events in Jimmy's room after completing the Dom path.
Added 3 new pills to the game available for research after opening a new lab.
-The 2 pills will allow you to increase and decrease your arousal at any point in the game. Also,
corresponding icons for them have been added to the character portrait;
-The 3d pill is called the Ethereal pill. It will allow you to look into the recent past of any
character. You will be able to find out what someone was doing that day and possibly get some
valuable information and even more. There are several random events per character. Some of them are quite important. Some events can change depending on the state of the character or player. So far I haven't customized the system to show you the events you need to see, now it's random, but the chance of important events has been increased.
So I'll spell out a bit about the events of each character.
To make it easier to describe let's put it this way:
"< 2" Events if this character has not yet taken a level 2 pill;
"> 1" Events if this character has already taken a level 2 pill;
"Any" Events are not affected by pills;
Layla (GF) (6 events)
< 2 : 2 events.
> 1 : 4 events. (Layla has an NTR route open now)
Carol (Roommate) (4 events)
< 2 : 2 events.
> 1 : 2 events.
Olga (Mom) (4 events)
< 2 : 1 event.
> 1 : 4 events. (Olga has an NTR route open now)
Dad (3 events)
Any: 3 events.
Anya (Sis) (4 events)
< 2 : 1 events.
> 1 : 1 events.
Any: 2 events.
Stephan (Bully) (2 events)
Any: 2 events.
Levi (Brother) (2 events)
Male: 1 event.
Female: 1 event. (the event unfolds along with Layla's events)
Vanessa, Jimmy and Akira are still in development, because behind them lies a whole chain of other events that need to be added at the same time.
All cheats have been updated + added a couple new ones. All cheats will be sent to patrons starting from "Dreamer Cat" tier.
v2.35 - 2024-02-07
Fixed and reworked a lot of text lines in different parts of the game;
Levi no longer shows up in the bathroom in his altered form;
Changed the formula for harassment in Pleasure House to a more realistic one;
Fixed the chance of Levi appearing in Pleasure House;
Fixed the edible-unedible game on a date with Carol;
Fixed the inability to exit random club events in some situations. (but it's worth double-checking just in case);
Now you can't turn Levi only if you have more than 130 perversion points instead of 100;
Changes list:
Added several button colors, as well as their descriptions right after the prologue;
Added handy tabs about the statistics of game characters, they can be opened via the "Notes" tab;
A meditation book can now also reduce perversion;
Added a magic orb, which will be able to tell you what to do at the moment (it can be bought at any time in the store, access to it will be from the inventory) It's like in-game walkthrough;
The game's story and main events are now linear (meaning they follow strictly one after the other);
Slightly changed the "shop", now it is possible to buy 10x of goods at once;
Random events on the "streets" are now categorized into daytime and nighttime events;
Added 15 mini random events in different locations (Shop, Uni, Cafe, Streets) with Player interaction after the spread of New Celtos;
Added quick gender change function after getting BodyChange Pills (click on the corresponding picture under the character icon in the sidebar);
Added the option to replay 3 of Stephan's training sessions after completing his training in his room in dorm;
Since this update is not slick, I decided not to update the cheats in this update. They will be changed in the next one.
v2.3 - 2023-12-05
`-Fixed and reworked a lot of text lines in different parts of the game;
-Now time doesn't move forward when you say "Fuck off" to Stephan;
-Levi's appearances are balanced;
-Fixed bug teleporting from house to dorm due to anal plug;
-Fixed the infinite loop in the club. (hopefully fixed, but if this bug occurs again, let me know);
-Vanessa no longer stops being dominant (I had everything stable after the fix, but if the error happens again, let me know);
-Fixed a bug with Stephan's training not allowing to see the next event;
-Lots of other little corrections that I don't want to clog up this text with;`
**Changes list:**
`-Updates from the previous version are now carried over to the new version. (However, if you have older versions of the game, this will not work);
-More events with Akira;
-Stephan keeps trying to corrupt you (2 more training sessions with him makes it to the semi-final of Stephan's storyline. Depending on the decision you make, events after class and in the dorm apartments may change);
-You'll finally get to meet Dr. Leccto (This meeting will lead to many events and changes);
-You will have the opportunity to use 1 GC Beta Pill;
-After meeting Dr. Leccto, you will be able to discover a new laboratory;
-There are 81 mini-events added to the game. They will (or won't) start appearing after meeting Dr. Leccto`
v2.2 - 2023-09-22
>>Trying to start the line on an old save can lead to unstable operation!<<
Fixed and reworked a lot of text in different parts of the game. (though hardly anyone will notice it);
The picture of the witch in the prologue now looks a little more intimidating!
The work of the "Sit and Wait" button in the bar has been fixed;
New video in Cindy's finale after she steals the body;
Fixed the event when Stephan arrives at the dorm apartments with a butt plug in Carol's body;
Vanessa no longer stops being dominant after a new pill;
Fixed the money accrual/discharge system in the Pleasure House. Now everything works correctly. (not sure if I removed the bug when $P.money $ was appearing, but in my personal tests there was no error);
Levi's showing up a little less often now;
Now Levi's masturbation in the player's room doesn't move time forward;
Lots of other little corrections that I don't want to clog up this text with;
Changes list:
Whoa! What's that? It's a browser icon! Now Tasty Curse is not a little mini-game anymore!
A second encounter with Akira and a few small events after that await you;
You will be able to access the strip area of the club;
In the strip area, you can try gambling;
Now you can meet the Infomant and get information from him on the location of the mysterious lab. (The way you convince him to give you this information could affect something in the future. You will have 4 ways to do it, the choice is yours.);
Now, encounters with Levi will increase your "perversion". Now the events with Levi will appear gradually depending on how much "perversion" you have;
Added 5 new events with Levi's:
- In the shower at home (60 perversion);
- At home in the player's room in the morning. (50 per.);
- In the pleasure house (50 per.);
- In the Cafe (40 per.);
- While doing Housework at home (50 per.);
Your bond with Cindy has grown closer. You can talk to her before you go to bed in the dorm (even if you erased her);
If you choose to keep Cindy, you will be able to enter "convergence" mode with her after the conversation. In this mode, Cindy will be able to comment on many events and you will get to switch bodies with Cindy for a while. In this mode, Cindy will be able to help you with the following events:
- Get a chance to enter the strip zone;
- To deal with the black guys in the house;
- Gain some popularity at the club;
- Take care of Dad in the bathroom in the morning;
- Work in Pleasure House;
- Have sex with Jimmy (if Player is already hypno-bitch);
Be careful, if you accumulate too much energy, something will happen. (4 random events);
v 2.1
Changes list:
The game is divided into chapters now, at the beginning of each chapter now has a small animation with its name;
Picture for Chapter 2!;
Changed a few lines of text at the beginning of the game and added a picture of a girl flying on a broomstick;
A new subconscious scene is added. Appears immediately after the last experiment with Cindy.
Advancing the main storyline:
It would be a spoiler to write exactly what happened, so I'll try to describe everything in a few phrases.
To continue the main plot you need to ask Stephan where he gets the drug;
Added the ability to "negotiate" with a gang guys;
Opened two new locations Street and Club;
The Street serves as a point to get to the club, to easily find the gang guys and for some future events;
Many different events and new acquaintances will be waiting for you at the club, on a further plot you will be there more than once. (Not even talking about random events and events without videos, there are already 18 H-events available playing in Carol's body and 12 events playing as Nikita, where he can finally hit on the girls.);
Added intoxication system and corresponding indicator on the side tab.(currently works only in the club) Try not to drink too much (6 events for Carol's body);
Added lots of events on the way to and from the club by car! 18 events during the day and 12 at night. (only for Carol's body right now)
>>Trying to start the line on an old save can lead to unstable operation!<<
Earnings from freelancing;
Some events in male body doing female things;
Bug with Stephan in Pleasure House;
"End of Content" message corrected according latest updates;
If you "invited" Vanessa to the Pleasure House, you can meet her there;
Changes list:
Stephan has a new "training session";
New special stream;
Now you get two BodySwitch pills for crafting at once;
If you have enough trust, you can go on a date with Carol on weekends;
To avoid replaying the game again with each update, you can now customize it. The "Set my game" button is on the home page. (I do not advise to use for those who have not played)
New cheat that sends you straight to the end of the week - JFDSFSHFHIU;
The money cheat now gives 3 hundred bucks! (instead of 150);
Some fixes;
New items in supermarket!;
OnlyCups: Ability to stream (special events open after uploading second photo, a lot of events);
A couple of extra training "sessions" with Stephan;
New little event in Levi's room;
New little event in Layla apartments (could happen if you let Stephan go to Layla many times);
A couple of morning random events with Carol (changes depending on her corruption);
Access to Vanessa's Offices (a lot of events);
The game now works fine on any device!
Plug works properly;
Time with Vanessa fixed;
Cindy night events fixed;
Fixed some time issues;
OnlyCups photo uploading fixed;
Stephan debt paying fixed (till dress);
Two more random ev. with Vanessa (lvl2);
Some random ev. appearing fixed;
Added description for characters in Notes tab;
Some small fixes;
Some fixes;
New items in supermarket;
OnlyCups (check new laptop);
The Thought Box changes colors now, indicating the level of corruption;
2 new random events in Levi room;
Random dialogues of students, varying with the level of drug distribution;
More random mini-events;
Lvl2pill for Vanessa! (bunch of events);
New experiments with Jimmy (starts from day 65);
Be careful with experiments, because if you lose in a menta
Jimmy's branch is enlarged! (not literally);
There are now 2 more trainings in Stephan's room! (check supermarket!)
A new level of event in the classroom when "Let him";
The Thought Box!;
New pill O_0;
Some old bugs were fixed (such as prices at Rico's, Levi's room and some time changes at some transitions);
Added 2 more cheats:
set 100 Arousal - HFJLSJDHDJ
-I have optimized the display of some events that in my opinion come out too rarely or often. I think everything needs a balance;
-Finally there's a chain of actions after winning a card from Layla in Carol's body, even a little more
-A lot of new developments related to Levi; -Along with Levi's events, there is an opportunity to prepare a room for him so that he is not so...interfering;
-The chain of events with Stefan and the debt developed a little more;
-Olga's new events will organize a new storyline, be prepared
Fixed some bugs (mainly with the display of some texts and pictures and "teleportation" after some events);
Changed video and pictures display ratios;
If you play as Carol and have a high parameter of corruption, there will be new scenes in the cafe;
New Jimmy relationship lvl;
More morning reactions after waking up;
Now you can invite Carol home during cockroach extermination (various new events at home with Carol!)
The appearance of a new character! (so far only an event);
The event with Stepfan after the appearance of a new character (so far only an event);
Many new city, uni, cafe and supermarket gifs will appear after the new events with Stepfan;
Cheat menu! Yay!
Update 1.31b
-Fixed a lot of bugs;
-New interface! It looks much better, yeah?
-Economical system more balanced and player female corruption more slightly now;
-Added blinking text appearing when Jimmy has news;
-Added meditation (decreases corruption, you can buy the book in shop);
-Added "Content Alert"(it should pop-up when the main content is exhausted);
-Added Weekdays and weekend;
-Added new random events (a lot of);
-Added Pill (lvl2) to Olga(mom) (bunch of new events!);
-Added Pill (lvl2) to Anya(sis) (bunch of new events!);
In the next update, there will be a progression of the story. There may be a new chara......shh... I didn't say anything.
Никита живет в мире, полном несправедливости и раздора. Что, если бы у него был шанс стать кем-то другим, посмотреть на все со стороны? Изменил бы он мир вокруг себя? Или проще было бы принять все и измениться самому?
Вы разберетесь в этом....
...нужно только добавить немного волшебства...
Nikita lives in a world full of injustice and discord. What if he had the chance to be someone else, to look at everything from the outside? Would he change the world around him? Or would it be easier to accept everything and change himself?
You'll figure it out....
...just need to add a little MAGIC...
Год выпуска: 2022
Жанр: corruption, magic, gender bender, transformation, domination, submission, school girls, mind control, male protagonist, female protagonist,
Цензура: Отсутствует
Разработчик/Издатель: FavoriteCat - www.patreon.com/FavoriteCat | discord.com/invite/bmD9SFxUnt
Платформа: PC/Windows/MacOS/Linux
Тип издания: В разработке
Таблетка: Не требуется
Версия: v.2.7
Язык игры: Английский
Язык интерфейса: Английский
v2.7 - 2025-01-10
Some non-working (or poorly working) Engravement events have been fixed;
Fixed willpower difference score counter in Engravement;
Fully rebalanced "Engravement" event's system:
You can now watch up to 20 events in a row per game day, but if you watch more than 6, a new game day will start when you exit the event;
Stephan's resisting back more often now;
When Stephan resists, he advances his move a bit;
When a player resists Stephan, he gains +30 or +50 arousal;
Stephan now deals more damage to the player's willpower;
The 1st passive arousal ability given to the player when Stephan wins is now +70 from the start of each cycle;
Now, if Stephan sees the player's arousal is over 50, he starts making more active moves;
Long story short, Stephan will now win slightly even if you hit the “resist” button every time.
Added Engravement bar with animation;
Added Willpower difference bar with animation;
Added visual instructions (can open anytime by pressin on "rules" button) showing Willpower bar value to reach one of the 3 event endings.
New content:
Added 3 endings for the Engravement event;
Added some h-events after the endings;
Added the ability to use GC Beta Pill on Stephan.
-Added a transformation event;
-Several random and non-random events in different parts of the map;
-Many events are made with the ability to choose an action option, and also many events depend on the current gender of the protagonist;
The cheats remain unchanged. So far, I don't see the point in changing them. Especially considering how delayed the development has been
v2.6 - 2024-08-08
• Updated 'GameSettings' menu;
• Updated Magic Sphere hints + fixed an error with the sequence of hints (not sure if I fixed this completely);
• Fixed a bug with the 'Sleep' button stopping working;
• Fixed an infinite loop of offers in the club;
• Drinks in the bar are no longer 'free'. Added an intoxication effect from 'drink offers' from others.
• Now Stephen's offer to try a 'new drug' depends on the spread of the drug, not on whether you've taken it or not;
• Fixed a bug with Levi's room appearing for cleaning;
• Fixed a bug where Akira would appear again, even after setting up the game through the GameSettings Menu;
Changes list:
• Akira's storyline has progressed. Now you can finally feed her a level 2 pill.
• Added 4 new Ethereal events for her. (not counting her transformation event when you give her a level 2 pill;
• Akira (Level 2 pill).
-Now her 'Corruption' can be increased like other characters;
-All events have been changed and new ones added. (7 variable events in total + "talk" dialogue. They now depend on her 'Relationship' and 'Corruption' levels.);
-Event with buying 'Ractivity' is now available;
• Added the ability to create a level 3 pill. (The necessary element for this is purchased from Akira.) + dialogue with Jimmy about it;
• Added the ability to use a level 3 pill on Stephan;
-The plot has progressed a bit. (You chose Stephan in the vote);
-Added a major confrontation with Stephan. It will have 3 endings (later, through voting, a 4th ending kind of a 'Bad Ending' will be added).
-In the confrontation with Stephan, you'll play a game accompanied by many small events. 64 events of your domination over Stephan and 37 events of his domination over you.
-All events are divided into 5 levels for you and 5 for Stephan.
-All events take into account multiple characteristics. You need to think a little to achieve the result you want.
-All events are arranged in order when you view them for the first time, but later become random. Your favorite cat tried to clearly show the gradual domination over Stephan, or the gradual suppression of your will, through this order of events.
-I may have to tweak some aspects of this stage a bit more, but I thought I'd show everything to you first, get your opinion and then I'll polish this system to perfection.
v2.55 - 2024-04-22
-Hanging in the Pharma is no longer recurring;
-Fixed a bug where Levi's avatar would not change after his transformation;
-Ethereal pill on Stepfan now works correctly;
-Ethereal pill on Layla now works correctly;
-The Ethereal pill on Levi now works correctly too;
-Fixed a bug with story rollback in the HypnoBitch branch with Jimmy;
-The termination of Layla's contract with Stefan now works;
-Corrected incorrect inventory save transfers;
-You can no longer release Celtos twice;
-Gang's pill level now changes if you feed them a pill;
-Jimmy's dominant motivation path in the new lab has been fixed and works normally now. The events with the "game and coffee" with Jimmy at the end of the dominant path fixed too.
-Now the Ethereal pill can be eaten before bed on the weekends too;
-The cursor icon on the side icons for ArousalInc and ArousalDec pills now changes equally in all cases.
-There may be more, but this is the basic of what I have recorded;
I had a great plan and I was stuck to it, but still had to change it somewhat. In this update I paid much less attention to Layla and Levi, and I didn't pay any attention to Cindy at all. But there was a lot of new stuff about Akira and the main Tasty Curse story.
I'll explain my decision to do so after describing the changes.
Changes list:
New NTR branch event. I've spent some time to make quite a bit of Layla's content for the future, but it's not in the game yet. The NTR path of different characters will be slightly different. Speaking of Layla, if you choose NTR path, Layla gets new variable - self-control.
One event, a conversation with Layla which can be seen via Ethereal pill.
Simple pills (lvl3)
As I promised, you now have a chance to study them, and Jimmy will tell you about the application. However, once you have studied them, you will probably be a little disappointed. But don't worry, the storyline demands it.
Phew, let's start.
-Added 7 Ethereal pill events;
-Added the ability to use lvl 1 pill on Akira. I'll say that this should be done in the main storyline, however you will have to figure out how to do it yourself. There are plenty of hints in the game with highlighted text.
-Now at relationship level 25+, Akira will tell you about the Dark Lord and a bit about her mission;
-A few new events with Akira after she gets the level one pill. (Locations: her apartment, her bathroom, work);
-Now you can learn more about her problems at work. It'll give you something to think about.
Work at medical center
Advancing in the story with Akira will open up the opportunity for you to work there. Unlike other earning opportunities, this job is tied to a story. Here you will have a small confrontation with Akira for a few days.
While working, you will have the opportunity to see:
-15 events of working as a doctor's assistant;
-18 patient supervising's events;
-6 events with Head Doctor;
-32 small random events with sexy nurses;
You will also have the opportunity to win a 500$ cash bonus for your good and "honest" work. If you're very lucky, you can even get it fairly.
Random events:
The random event system has been greatly improved. Now some random events are grouped together, and run alternately until you watch each one.
For example, the events in the medical center are arranged in special order. So if you choose the path of corruption while working there, you will see how everyone will be gradually becoming more and more depraved.
Also, all Ethereal pills events are now of this type.
Added page down and page up flipping arrow.
Left the sweetest part for last, haha. It's really handy, try it!
The cheats remain unchanged. New cheats did not appear. Cheats will be updated in the next update.
v2.5 Hotfix
The Streets location is now always open;
Returned the usual size of the interface (to avoid unnecessary problems on mobile devices);
Changed the cursor when hovering over the icons of pills in the portrait;
Now additional icons on the portrait are opened after opening the lab;
BodySwitch pill usage is limited during random events;
The meditation book now works normally;
You now get 3 Ethereal pills when crafting instead of 2;
Fixed Ethereal pills working if Levi is a guy;
Fixed Ethereal pills when watching Olga;
v2.5 - 2024-03-02
Let's start with mechanical changes and fixes:
Bug with Cindy when she broke the game's walkthrough in Convergence mode;
The gambling table is now playable, all odds of winning and losing have been fixed, also new game mechanics have been added;
The game interface has been slightly scaled down;
The size of the game has been reduced to about 2GB (in this version);
Now the game supports transferring saves from any version of the game starting from 2.2 (i.e. now saves will work not only from the previous version of the game);
Character thoughts in the sidebar no longer break after page reloads;
Fixed all old events where videos were not displaying properly or not playing at all;
Removed unnecessary game files;
Now in certain situations the buttons don't disappear like before, they just turn off. This is noticeable visually;
Now when different random events run at the same time, they don't overlap;
The random movement of time no longer interrupts important events;
Fixed a bug with sudden "teleportation" to bed at nightfall;
Random events and their chances of occurrence have been very much improved. Literally everywhere, all over the game.
The code throughout the game has also been very heavily formatted and optimized, but you won't notice a difference here. It will only make further development easier.
Research tab in new Laboratory! :
I'm not a programmer at all, but I had to do some pretty good coding here. We now have a working base for researching new pills! What's included?
New pills will be divided into 3 levels based on the difficulty of research. Research progress costs daily player spending, but you have 3 options to speed it up:
1. Work on research;
2. Spend money;
3. Motivate Jimmy;
(4. Use cheats);
Either way you figure it out, the new lab offers special button for "guidance on the research".
Third point - Motivate Jimmy.
You will be able to use this option to speed up your research while in Carol's body. You have 2 paths Dominant and Submissive. If you have not yet become Jimmy's Hypno-bitch, you have another opportunity to do so on the Sub path. The Dom path doesn't mean you'll make Jimmy a slave, it just takes your relationship with him to the next level. Who knows where that will lead? Each path comes with 4 events + 3 events in Jimmy's room after completing the Dom path.
Added 3 new pills to the game available for research after opening a new lab.
-The 2 pills will allow you to increase and decrease your arousal at any point in the game. Also,
corresponding icons for them have been added to the character portrait;
-The 3d pill is called the Ethereal pill. It will allow you to look into the recent past of any
character. You will be able to find out what someone was doing that day and possibly get some
valuable information and even more. There are several random events per character. Some of them are quite important. Some events can change depending on the state of the character or player. So far I haven't customized the system to show you the events you need to see, now it's random, but the chance of important events has been increased.
So I'll spell out a bit about the events of each character.
To make it easier to describe let's put it this way:
"< 2" Events if this character has not yet taken a level 2 pill;
"> 1" Events if this character has already taken a level 2 pill;
"Any" Events are not affected by pills;
Layla (GF) (6 events)
< 2 : 2 events.
> 1 : 4 events. (Layla has an NTR route open now)
Carol (Roommate) (4 events)
< 2 : 2 events.
> 1 : 2 events.
Olga (Mom) (4 events)
< 2 : 1 event.
> 1 : 4 events. (Olga has an NTR route open now)
Dad (3 events)
Any: 3 events.
Anya (Sis) (4 events)
< 2 : 1 events.
> 1 : 1 events.
Any: 2 events.
Stephan (Bully) (2 events)
Any: 2 events.
Levi (Brother) (2 events)
Male: 1 event.
Female: 1 event. (the event unfolds along with Layla's events)
Vanessa, Jimmy and Akira are still in development, because behind them lies a whole chain of other events that need to be added at the same time.
All cheats have been updated + added a couple new ones. All cheats will be sent to patrons starting from "Dreamer Cat" tier.
v2.35 - 2024-02-07
Fixed and reworked a lot of text lines in different parts of the game;
Levi no longer shows up in the bathroom in his altered form;
Changed the formula for harassment in Pleasure House to a more realistic one;
Fixed the chance of Levi appearing in Pleasure House;
Fixed the edible-unedible game on a date with Carol;
Fixed the inability to exit random club events in some situations. (but it's worth double-checking just in case);
Now you can't turn Levi only if you have more than 130 perversion points instead of 100;
Changes list:
Added several button colors, as well as their descriptions right after the prologue;
Added handy tabs about the statistics of game characters, they can be opened via the "Notes" tab;
A meditation book can now also reduce perversion;
Added a magic orb, which will be able to tell you what to do at the moment (it can be bought at any time in the store, access to it will be from the inventory) It's like in-game walkthrough;
The game's story and main events are now linear (meaning they follow strictly one after the other);
Slightly changed the "shop", now it is possible to buy 10x of goods at once;
Random events on the "streets" are now categorized into daytime and nighttime events;
Added 15 mini random events in different locations (Shop, Uni, Cafe, Streets) with Player interaction after the spread of New Celtos;
Added quick gender change function after getting BodyChange Pills (click on the corresponding picture under the character icon in the sidebar);
Added the option to replay 3 of Stephan's training sessions after completing his training in his room in dorm;
Since this update is not slick, I decided not to update the cheats in this update. They will be changed in the next one.
v2.3 - 2023-12-05
`-Fixed and reworked a lot of text lines in different parts of the game;
-Now time doesn't move forward when you say "Fuck off" to Stephan;
-Levi's appearances are balanced;
-Fixed bug teleporting from house to dorm due to anal plug;
-Fixed the infinite loop in the club. (hopefully fixed, but if this bug occurs again, let me know);
-Vanessa no longer stops being dominant (I had everything stable after the fix, but if the error happens again, let me know);
-Fixed a bug with Stephan's training not allowing to see the next event;
-Lots of other little corrections that I don't want to clog up this text with;`
**Changes list:**
`-Updates from the previous version are now carried over to the new version. (However, if you have older versions of the game, this will not work);
-More events with Akira;
-Stephan keeps trying to corrupt you (2 more training sessions with him makes it to the semi-final of Stephan's storyline. Depending on the decision you make, events after class and in the dorm apartments may change);
-You'll finally get to meet Dr. Leccto (This meeting will lead to many events and changes);
-You will have the opportunity to use 1 GC Beta Pill;
-After meeting Dr. Leccto, you will be able to discover a new laboratory;
-There are 81 mini-events added to the game. They will (or won't) start appearing after meeting Dr. Leccto`
v2.2 - 2023-09-22
>>Trying to start the line on an old save can lead to unstable operation!<<
Fixed and reworked a lot of text in different parts of the game. (though hardly anyone will notice it);
The picture of the witch in the prologue now looks a little more intimidating!
The work of the "Sit and Wait" button in the bar has been fixed;
New video in Cindy's finale after she steals the body;
Fixed the event when Stephan arrives at the dorm apartments with a butt plug in Carol's body;
Vanessa no longer stops being dominant after a new pill;
Fixed the money accrual/discharge system in the Pleasure House. Now everything works correctly. (not sure if I removed the bug when $P.money $ was appearing, but in my personal tests there was no error);
Levi's showing up a little less often now;
Now Levi's masturbation in the player's room doesn't move time forward;
Lots of other little corrections that I don't want to clog up this text with;
Changes list:
Whoa! What's that? It's a browser icon! Now Tasty Curse is not a little mini-game anymore!
A second encounter with Akira and a few small events after that await you;
You will be able to access the strip area of the club;
In the strip area, you can try gambling;
Now you can meet the Infomant and get information from him on the location of the mysterious lab. (The way you convince him to give you this information could affect something in the future. You will have 4 ways to do it, the choice is yours.);
Now, encounters with Levi will increase your "perversion". Now the events with Levi will appear gradually depending on how much "perversion" you have;
Added 5 new events with Levi's:
- In the shower at home (60 perversion);
- At home in the player's room in the morning. (50 per.);
- In the pleasure house (50 per.);
- In the Cafe (40 per.);
- While doing Housework at home (50 per.);
Your bond with Cindy has grown closer. You can talk to her before you go to bed in the dorm (even if you erased her);
If you choose to keep Cindy, you will be able to enter "convergence" mode with her after the conversation. In this mode, Cindy will be able to comment on many events and you will get to switch bodies with Cindy for a while. In this mode, Cindy will be able to help you with the following events:
- Get a chance to enter the strip zone;
- To deal with the black guys in the house;
- Gain some popularity at the club;
- Take care of Dad in the bathroom in the morning;
- Work in Pleasure House;
- Have sex with Jimmy (if Player is already hypno-bitch);
Be careful, if you accumulate too much energy, something will happen. (4 random events);
v 2.1
Changes list:
The game is divided into chapters now, at the beginning of each chapter now has a small animation with its name;
Picture for Chapter 2!;
Changed a few lines of text at the beginning of the game and added a picture of a girl flying on a broomstick;
A new subconscious scene is added. Appears immediately after the last experiment with Cindy.
Advancing the main storyline:
It would be a spoiler to write exactly what happened, so I'll try to describe everything in a few phrases.
To continue the main plot you need to ask Stephan where he gets the drug;
Added the ability to "negotiate" with a gang guys;
Opened two new locations Street and Club;
The Street serves as a point to get to the club, to easily find the gang guys and for some future events;
Many different events and new acquaintances will be waiting for you at the club, on a further plot you will be there more than once. (Not even talking about random events and events without videos, there are already 18 H-events available playing in Carol's body and 12 events playing as Nikita, where he can finally hit on the girls.);
Added intoxication system and corresponding indicator on the side tab.(currently works only in the club) Try not to drink too much (6 events for Carol's body);
Added lots of events on the way to and from the club by car! 18 events during the day and 12 at night. (only for Carol's body right now)
>>Trying to start the line on an old save can lead to unstable operation!<<
Earnings from freelancing;
Some events in male body doing female things;
Bug with Stephan in Pleasure House;
"End of Content" message corrected according latest updates;
If you "invited" Vanessa to the Pleasure House, you can meet her there;
Changes list:
Stephan has a new "training session";
New special stream;
Now you get two BodySwitch pills for crafting at once;
If you have enough trust, you can go on a date with Carol on weekends;
To avoid replaying the game again with each update, you can now customize it. The "Set my game" button is on the home page. (I do not advise to use for those who have not played)
New cheat that sends you straight to the end of the week - JFDSFSHFHIU;
The money cheat now gives 3 hundred bucks! (instead of 150);
Some fixes;
New items in supermarket!;
OnlyCups: Ability to stream (special events open after uploading second photo, a lot of events);
A couple of extra training "sessions" with Stephan;
New little event in Levi's room;
New little event in Layla apartments (could happen if you let Stephan go to Layla many times);
A couple of morning random events with Carol (changes depending on her corruption);
Access to Vanessa's Offices (a lot of events);
The game now works fine on any device!
Plug works properly;
Time with Vanessa fixed;
Cindy night events fixed;
Fixed some time issues;
OnlyCups photo uploading fixed;
Stephan debt paying fixed (till dress);
Two more random ev. with Vanessa (lvl2);
Some random ev. appearing fixed;
Added description for characters in Notes tab;
Some small fixes;
Some fixes;
New items in supermarket;
OnlyCups (check new laptop);
The Thought Box changes colors now, indicating the level of corruption;
2 new random events in Levi room;
Random dialogues of students, varying with the level of drug distribution;
More random mini-events;
Lvl2pill for Vanessa! (bunch of events);
New experiments with Jimmy (starts from day 65);
Be careful with experiments, because if you lose in a menta
Jimmy's branch is enlarged! (not literally);
There are now 2 more trainings in Stephan's room! (check supermarket!)
A new level of event in the classroom when "Let him";
The Thought Box!;
New pill O_0;
Some old bugs were fixed (such as prices at Rico's, Levi's room and some time changes at some transitions);
Added 2 more cheats:
set 100 Arousal - HFJLSJDHDJ
-I have optimized the display of some events that in my opinion come out too rarely or often. I think everything needs a balance;
-Finally there's a chain of actions after winning a card from Layla in Carol's body, even a little more
-A lot of new developments related to Levi; -Along with Levi's events, there is an opportunity to prepare a room for him so that he is not so...interfering;
-The chain of events with Stefan and the debt developed a little more;
-Olga's new events will organize a new storyline, be prepared
Fixed some bugs (mainly with the display of some texts and pictures and "teleportation" after some events);
Changed video and pictures display ratios;
If you play as Carol and have a high parameter of corruption, there will be new scenes in the cafe;
New Jimmy relationship lvl;
More morning reactions after waking up;
Now you can invite Carol home during cockroach extermination (various new events at home with Carol!)
The appearance of a new character! (so far only an event);
The event with Stepfan after the appearance of a new character (so far only an event);
Many new city, uni, cafe and supermarket gifs will appear after the new events with Stepfan;
Cheat menu! Yay!
Update 1.31b
-Fixed a lot of bugs;
-New interface! It looks much better, yeah?
-Economical system more balanced and player female corruption more slightly now;
-Added blinking text appearing when Jimmy has news;
-Added meditation (decreases corruption, you can buy the book in shop);
-Added "Content Alert"(it should pop-up when the main content is exhausted);
-Added Weekdays and weekend;
-Added new random events (a lot of);
-Added Pill (lvl2) to Olga(mom) (bunch of new events!);
-Added Pill (lvl2) to Anya(sis) (bunch of new events!);
In the next update, there will be a progression of the story. There may be a new chara......shh... I didn't say anything.
Тему отредактировал: СынПирокара - 10-01-2025, 21:13
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