Описание:После двух лет жизни в одиночестве, перед вами открывается возможность начать все сначала, когда вы становитесь участником нового телешоу.
Вы будете жить месяц с 7 незнакомцами, и романтика настоятельно приветствуется!
After two years of living in solitude, a chance to start anew presents itself when you get chosen as a participant in a new TV show.
You’ll be living with 7 strangers for a month, and romance is strongly encouraged!
Год выпуска: 2022
Жанр: 3dcg, animated, big tits, creampie, handjob, harem, male protagonist, milf, oral, romance, teasing, vaginal, virgin,
Цензура: Отсутствует
Разработчик/Издатель: patreon.com/robertdeadth | robertdeadth.itch.io
Перевод: Sefudc54Тестирование: Duero25Платформа: PC/Windows/Linux/Android
Тип издания: В разработке
Таблэтка: Не требуется
Другая игра: A Date With EmilyВерсия: Ep. 7 Rus / Ep. 8 Eng
Язык игры: Русский/Английский
Язык интерфейса: Русский/Английский
Поблагодарить Переводчика:
Тинькофф Банк: 2200701356258373
Episode 8 - 2025.02.04
in-game days 12 and 13
318 renders
54 animations
13,500 words
4 new Steam achievements.
Episode 7 - 2024-06-18
in-game day 11
in-game scene gallery
522 renders
12 animations
10,500 words
4 new Steam achievements.
Episode 6 - 2024-02-26
in-game days 9 and 10
750 renders
14 animations
16,500 words
4 new Steam achievements
1 new music track
some small fixes and corrections.
Episode 5 - Part 2: - 2023-11-16
in-game day 8
498 renders
7 animations
11,200 words
6 new Steam achievements
3 new music tracks
fixed some typos in previous episodes.
Hey everyone, it seems that there was an error in the newest update (Episode 5 Part 2) that prevented some players from getting the full experience. If you encountered an error or didn't get to see the sex scene with Ayaka at the end of the update (and you didn't reject her), you'll need to load a save file from before the start of Episode 5 Part 2 in order to fix this. You can skip to the scene you missed quickly by holding the left Ctrl button on your keyboard. The error shouldn't happen now and you should be able to see the scene with Ayaka. I'm sorry for the trouble and thank you for your understanding.
Episode 5 - Part 1: - 2023-09-04
in-game day 7
464 renders
6 animations
11100 words
7 new Steam achievements f
ixed some typos in previous episodes
Ep. 4
in-game days 5 and 6
656 renders
10 animations
16500 words
17 new music tracks
9 new Steam achievements
added the ability to name save files (can be turned on/off in the preferences screen)
fixed some typos in the previous episodes.
Episode 3 Part 2: - 2023-02-08
603 renders
4 animations
11 new music tracks
14,000 words
Episode 3 Part 1: - 2022-10-18
462 renders
13900 words
added 2 new music tracks
new main menu background video
vastly improved writing in Episode 1 (not a reason for a new playthrough, but should be a huge improvement for new players)
Episode 2 Part 2:
338 renders
14192 words
added 7 new music tracks
made all of the music tracks in Episode 1 fade in and out more smoothly
remade 1 render in Episode 1 that I was particularly unhappy with
corrected typos in Episode 1 and Episode 2 Part 1.
Episode 2 Part 1:
over 11 thousand words
230 renders
approximately 45 minutes of playtime
Episode 1:
over 34 thousand words
473 renders
22 music tracks
approximately over 2 hours of playtime
Hey everyone! Tune in to the show is the second game I’ve ever created, and my first big, episodical project. I’ve been working on it since October, and I’m extremely excited (and nervous) to finally share it with you all.
Tune in to the show is a game that focuses on the story and characters.
I’ve learned a lot during the development process of this game, and I hope that the improvement will be visible if you compare it with my first game, A Date With Emily. However, I’m still very much a beginner, and as such, I would love to read all of your comments, be they positive or negative, so that I can improve even further. I’m still operating on the same average laptop on which I’ve created my first game, so I’m still kind of limited by my hardware, but I’m trying my best to work with what I have.
To answer possible questions:
Will there be NTR in the game? - No, the player will be the only one who can get romantically involved with the girls.
Harem? - Yes, but you can also choose not to get sexually involved with any of the main girls you don’t like (meaning you can have a sexual relationship with all 6 of them, or just 1, or any combination).
When will the 2nd episode come out? - A realistic estimate is June, an optimistic one is the end of May.
I’m a full-time university student in my 3rd year and as such, I still have to focus on writing my BA Thesis until June, which means that I can’t work on the game full-time yet.
If you have enjoyed the game and have some money to spare, consider supporting the development of the next episodes by becoming a patron, or by buying the game on itch.io. You can also support the game by simply leaving a comment or a review :)
I hope that you enjoy the game, thank you so much for checking it out!