"Shadows Over Solomon Falls" - это мистическая ролевая игра с небольшими элементами симулятора жизни. Игра очень сфокусирована на сюжете, в ней много важных решений, двигающих историю вперед. Вдохновленная городским фэнтези и телевизионными ужастиками, она включает в себя различные трансформации, варьирующиеся от обыденных до странных, с участием уникальных и причудливых персонажей.
Shadows Over Solomon Falls is a mystery RPG with minor lifesim elements. The game is very plot focused with major decisions that drive the story forward.
Inspired by urban fantasy and horror TV, it features transformations ranging from the mundane to the bizarre, supported by a cast of unique and quirky characters.
Год выпуска: 2022
Жанр: 3dcg, female protagonist, trans protagonist (optional), life simulator, adventure, masturbation, big tits, blackmail, corruption, groping, sexual harassment, mind control, transformation, oral, vaginal, creampies, female domination, male domination, bdsm, slavery, lesbian, drugs, exhibitionism, stripping, handjob, teasing,
Цензура: Отсутствует
Разработчик/Издатель: Wendythered - www.patreon.com/wendythered
Платформа: PC/Windows
Тип издания: В разработке
Таблетка: Не требуется
Версия: v.0.4
Язык игры: Английский
Язык интерфейса: Английский
v0.4 - 2024-03-07
The word count is now over 315,000 words!
New content:
The cliffhanger from 0.35 is resolved! With a possible "bad end"
New scene with Amber and Anya
Bug fixes:
Fixed a lot of minor issues. Mostly spelling and grammar issues. Thank you to Shaqarava on the TFGames forum for pointing a lot of them out for me.
Fixed an issue with Izabela's night visit and incorrect dialogue for Arisha if you chose Nicholai in the dream.
Fixed an issue where the player was forced to kiss Eric. Oops!
Fixed a missing picture when investigating Nicholai
Fixed the drinking with deputies pub event.
The task to find Lisa should finally complete!
Fixed a major bug in leveling up thievery where it got a big boost from fitness. Oops! Note that this is essentially a nerf to thievery as it currently works.
Discovered Ray wasn't giving the key for the motel blackmail route on Saturday. Fixed this!
v0.35 - 2023-11-25
The word count is now over 315,000 words!
New content:
New encounter with one of the vampires if you have met them before.
A chance to investigate your suspect for who is behind Lisa's murder. This can go multiple ways depending on who your suspect is and how your skill checks turn out!
A new adventure with Eric and Wolfram!
The Tisdale Manor is now in the game. You'll see it if you investigate Joshua!
More secrets to discover, perhaps even the identity of the Mastermind behind all the events in the game!
Bug fixes:
Fixed a fairly major bug from the last update. New players don't need to worry about it but it did necessitate me adding in a scene where the PC picks their suspects again.
Fixed a bug where the player can get stuck in the Sheriff's office if they're late to work. Or go in when it's their day off.
If you weren't being blackmailed by Ray and had the key on Saturday, you could be blackmailed by him but I did the day calculation wrong. That should be fixed now so Ray blackmail will happen on Monday as it should.
Version 0.3(2022.11.14)
The word count is now over 238,000 words!
New content:
Go to the pub and have drinks with various residents of Solomon Falls! (only available during the week, not during weekend content!)
Experience the aftermath of last update's big events!
Discover more of the history of Solomon Falls and your place in it!
Three potential sex scenes depending on your choices in this and prior updates! (Technically, there are 6 different sex scenes but a player can only get three depending on choices as some are mutually exclusive.)
Several new locations added to the game!
New interactions with the vampires!
Several new locations added to the game!
A potential romantic moment with Eric should players make the right choice!
Bug fixes:
Fixed a bug where you'd get an error if you tried to leave the library without asking any questions after your first visit.
Fixed some missing links if you go to slap Sean but miss during a meal at the B&B.
Fixed an issue with the undercover makeup ui picture
Various typos fixed
Fixed a bug if you run from Carlo when first meeting him then return later.
Version 0.24b(2022.08.04)
Bug fixes:
A rare case where you could get a blank screen at the motel has been fixed.
Getting a blank screen when meeting the priest and "agreeing to talk" has been fixed.
Various spelling errors corrected.
Version 0.24a
Bug fixes:
A bug during the Patterson breakin when you had the key has been fixed.
Various spelling errors corrected.
Version 0.24
The word count is now over 207,000 words!
New content:
Meet Kamiko and visit the gas station
Sean's first date.
Meet Sharelle at the grocery store and Wolfram at the lighthouse.
Meet two new characters that won't be named here during a special event.
Break into the Patterson home with Anya and Amber with a possible 2nd blackmail "date" with Ray or a new one if you managed to steal the key!
New encounter with the Sheriff's deputies! And a possible new date arranged!
A very important encounter that could lead to a bad end or deaths for one or more NPCs!
Bug fixes:
A bug that could get you stuck in the church when you first visit has been fixed.
Various spelling errors corrected.
The word count is now over 180,000 words!
New content:
New dream
New talk with Sean at breakfast!
New job events! The Mayor now has his missing event from Thursday! (see bugs!)
A complete makeover for your character!
The ability to quit jobs has now been added! Once you quit a job you can't go back and do that job again so be sure! Also note that quitting your job will not be available
until the following week of work.
When you first visit the Patterson house you now have a chance to visit Lisa's room and learn 3 more secrets!
New topics to talk about in the library! In addition, the conversation where you ask him questions has been polished and should flow better.
Added hints to the Main Square on the first day to help new players.
New interaction after work with Mark, Anya and Amber!
New date possible with Mark, Anya or Amber!
New hypnosis events!
You can now search Riley's room if you have the maid job!
Character creation has been changed to be more narrative in nature and engaging.
The first day in town has been changed quite a bit. Dialogues have been cleaned up and many of the renders have been redone. Janice now has a secret to learn among other
changes and in general the early game pushes the theme of the game better with the unsettling supernatural elements being more obvious. It now pushes you to meet Amber and
Lisa's parents before it opens up into the sandbox. This is to make sure players have met them and to keep the early game more focused.
Many renders have been redone. All characters have had their skin and eyes tweaked to look better. Lighting is generally improved in many of the renders.
I tweaked the skin and eye settings on all characters. I also redid every single picture that comes up when a character is talking.
I made it harder to steal the key from the Patterson's home. This is because you could, with the right stats, automatically succeed in stealing the key and have no
chance to get the blackmail route.
If you decide not to pay for a secret with Carlo (with sex or money!) he now allows you to try for the same secret again if you visit him the next day instead of it being lost for
all time.
Masterbation now goes to its own screen instead of embedding in the bedroom screen. It also has all new renders!
It is no longer possible to fail to get inside the Patterson home as this task is too important.
Ray's blackmail now happens on the same day you meet him if it happens.
Jill's date now happens on the day after you meet her. This allows you to have an event each night through Thursday if you meet her on the first day.
The transgender dream sequence has been expanded! It's not a bit more horrific and lasts longer, showing the changes in more detail!
Mark's date has had an expansion. You now have the chance to ask him several more questions about Lisa and learn new secrets!
The roll to resist drug addiction is now based on willpower, not athletics and it lowers willpower.
Bug fixes:
Mayor's missing job event for Thursday added!
Many, many bug fixes from broken secrets to broken pictures and more.
May spelling and grammar fixes.
Deputy Lucas Parker has been in the notebook as Deputy Lucas Bryant all this time! Fixed!
Version 0.22
The word count is now around 121,000 words!
Bug fixes:
Many, many bug fixes.
Jill's date should consistently show up in your notebook now after you accept it from her.
I went back and rewrote some of the earlier content. No huge changes, mostly just polishing and looking for spelling mistakes.
New content:
First date with Jill!
The word count is now around 108.000 words!
Bug fixes:
Fixed a bug that could cause the days to advance by 2 if you stayed out too late. Reset the day to the correct day should this bug have happened to a player.
Fixed a bug with the last dream that didn't properly advance the player to the next dream.
Fixed a bug that caused the date reminders for Mark and the Jill to never show..
New way of doing skill checks makes it much easier for me. Special thanks to Scyne!
Inventory and Notebook pop up in their own dialogue boxes now. This fixes an issue where a player might explore them then get stuck with no way back to their original page.
I did some streamlining of events. This won't impact the players but makes it easier for me to add news one and makes things less cluttered.
I've added some code that should remove the chance that your first meeting with a character is interupted by your character deciding she needs sleep.
New content:
New secret from Carlo!
Breakfast scenes added in! New scene with Sean at breakfast if you also ran into him during a meal in the B&B!
New dream!
New job content! The Mayor's content changes based on your interactions with Ray!
All new location replaces an old location! Creepy!
You can get addicted to drugs if you're on the undercover job!
First date with Mark!
The most recent changes should be in the game itself.
Version 0.2.a
-This is a bugfix release. I also increased the save slots to 20.
Version 0.2
The word count is now around 91.000 words!
Bug fixes:
A few small bugs I found while testing were fixed.
I fixed a bug with Mark's intro where if you acted submissively it set a non-existent variable because of a mispelling. Oops!
Sitting on benches in the park or on the promenade now gives variable energy back depending on how long you sit there. For 1 hours it is 5 energy all the way up
to 20 energy if you sit there for 4 hours. Passing time in your bedroom works the same way and now also returns energy.
I changed most of the images to jpeg and compressed to lower the game size.
The energy for moving around has been totally removed. The energy for using skills has been slightly increased.
You can now critically succeed or fail at skill tasks! This will have very good or bad effects if it happens!
New content:
New dream! You get to find out what the mysterious voice is and if you're playing TG ask the being in your dreams about it!
You can now eat a meal in the B&B. To do so go to the B&B entry. This can be done once a day and restores some energy.
The first time you eat in the B&B you get another event with Sean. It changes based upon how you reacted to him in the hallway
and somewhat based on if you're a born female or TG
Second day for the various jobs added!
New secrets from Carlo and new hypno events with the doctor and priest!
New event at the clothing store! Note, you'll see it automatically if you are working for the mayor.
A new character is introduced at the library and another one at the docks!
New event exclusive to transgender characters!
Ray's blackmail event!
Version 0.1.1.a
Bug fixes:
Visual bug when talking to the mayor about being his personal assistant has been fixed. Thanks Gwen and the others on the Twine Games discord!
The first time you visited the diner, eating a meal left you with no way to exit or talk about the waitress job. That's fixed now. Oops!
Fix bugs having to do with the doctor's hypno session and a small bug in the Sheriff's talk.
Removed the energy cost for going from your bedroom to the entry area or the outside of the b&b and vice versa. Moving around the B&B no longer costs energy at all.
Removed the energy cost for going in and out of the motel room.
Lowered the energy cost for moving from place to place from 5 to 3.
Work "under the hood" to streamline some code. Thank you Gwen for pointing it out to me!
Version 0.1.1
Bug fixes:
Numerous small bugs. Notably, I forgot to set up a notebook page for Lou if you work as a waitress. That has been fixed.
If you saw the doctor and let her hypnotise you it didn't have the full intended affect. This is fixed and should also
update on old saves when you see her for the second time.
Minor tweaks to the start page including adding the awesome logo by TRBRY
Some images are no longer rounded, such as the polaroids of the characters in the notebook.
Changed the pages to have much less or no scrolling. The trade off is links to continue the story.
New content!
Maid Job added: Meet Mister Van Horn in the diner and then go to his manor if you want it. Note: Transgender
characters will need to be more feminine to accept the job but they can still talk about it with him.
Church scenes added! Including a new way to get back energy!
Library scenes added! Discover new secrets! More content to come to the library soon!
Version 0.1.c
Bug fixes:
Fixed job logic so it doesn't tell you you missed work when you didn't. Thank you MadMaddy for reporting this!
Fixed a few typos in character creation.
Fixed the new autosleep function to kick off BEFORE 7am so you didn't get caught in an end of content loop!
Version 0.1.b
Bug fixes:
A few minor typos fixed.
Limited showering to once a day after feedback.
Added an autosleep function to prevent skipping through days without sleeping.
Version 0.01a
Bug fixes:
No path back to main square from residential district.
Missing HTML element in one version of the Ray encounter.
Karl encounter repeated endlessly in the diner.
Fixed a bug when meeting Grace if you were out of energy.
Moved looks to "Other stats" on the side bar.
Made Anya's intro flow better.
Thank you CyCy!
Version 0.01
Initial release.
Around 35,000 words total.
Starting scenes with 10+ characters.
Many locations created but only a few have content.
The following locations have a decent amount of content: The Main Square, Lou's Diner, City Hall, The Sheriff's Station, Haven Park, the Residential District, the Doctor's Office,
a redacted, and also a bit at redacted.
Discover secrets about several characters and locations!
Three jobs available to get hired for: deputy, personal assistant and waitress
Begin the very early stages of your investigation into the disappearance of Lisa Patterson!
Full transgender transformation if you choose that start. Can your character become a man again?
System stuff:
Stat, skill and leveling system implemented.
Characters created.
First pass at energy and health balancing.
Corruption, Willpower and Dominance/Submission systems implemented.
Clothing system implemented.
Notebook to track tasks, people and placed implemented!
"Shadows Over Solomon Falls" - это мистическая ролевая игра с небольшими элементами симулятора жизни. Игра очень сфокусирована на сюжете, в ней много важных решений, двигающих историю вперед. Вдохновленная городским фэнтези и телевизионными ужастиками, она включает в себя различные трансформации, варьирующиеся от обыденных до странных, с участием уникальных и причудливых персонажей.
Shadows Over Solomon Falls is a mystery RPG with minor lifesim elements. The game is very plot focused with major decisions that drive the story forward.
Inspired by urban fantasy and horror TV, it features transformations ranging from the mundane to the bizarre, supported by a cast of unique and quirky characters.
Год выпуска: 2022
Жанр: 3dcg, female protagonist, trans protagonist (optional), life simulator, adventure, masturbation, big tits, blackmail, corruption, groping, sexual harassment, mind control, transformation, oral, vaginal, creampies, female domination, male domination, bdsm, slavery, lesbian, drugs, exhibitionism, stripping, handjob, teasing,
Цензура: Отсутствует
Разработчик/Издатель: Wendythered - www.patreon.com/wendythered
Платформа: PC/Windows
Тип издания: В разработке
Таблетка: Не требуется
Версия: v.0.4
Язык игры: Английский
Язык интерфейса: Английский
v0.4 - 2024-03-07
The word count is now over 315,000 words!
New content:
The cliffhanger from 0.35 is resolved! With a possible "bad end"
New scene with Amber and Anya
Bug fixes:
Fixed a lot of minor issues. Mostly spelling and grammar issues. Thank you to Shaqarava on the TFGames forum for pointing a lot of them out for me.
Fixed an issue with Izabela's night visit and incorrect dialogue for Arisha if you chose Nicholai in the dream.
Fixed an issue where the player was forced to kiss Eric. Oops!
Fixed a missing picture when investigating Nicholai
Fixed the drinking with deputies pub event.
The task to find Lisa should finally complete!
Fixed a major bug in leveling up thievery where it got a big boost from fitness. Oops! Note that this is essentially a nerf to thievery as it currently works.
Discovered Ray wasn't giving the key for the motel blackmail route on Saturday. Fixed this!
v0.35 - 2023-11-25
The word count is now over 315,000 words!
New content:
New encounter with one of the vampires if you have met them before.
A chance to investigate your suspect for who is behind Lisa's murder. This can go multiple ways depending on who your suspect is and how your skill checks turn out!
A new adventure with Eric and Wolfram!
The Tisdale Manor is now in the game. You'll see it if you investigate Joshua!
More secrets to discover, perhaps even the identity of the Mastermind behind all the events in the game!
Bug fixes:
Fixed a fairly major bug from the last update. New players don't need to worry about it but it did necessitate me adding in a scene where the PC picks their suspects again.
Fixed a bug where the player can get stuck in the Sheriff's office if they're late to work. Or go in when it's their day off.
If you weren't being blackmailed by Ray and had the key on Saturday, you could be blackmailed by him but I did the day calculation wrong. That should be fixed now so Ray blackmail will happen on Monday as it should.
Version 0.3(2022.11.14)
The word count is now over 238,000 words!
New content:
Go to the pub and have drinks with various residents of Solomon Falls! (only available during the week, not during weekend content!)
Experience the aftermath of last update's big events!
Discover more of the history of Solomon Falls and your place in it!
Three potential sex scenes depending on your choices in this and prior updates! (Technically, there are 6 different sex scenes but a player can only get three depending on choices as some are mutually exclusive.)
Several new locations added to the game!
New interactions with the vampires!
Several new locations added to the game!
A potential romantic moment with Eric should players make the right choice!
Bug fixes:
Fixed a bug where you'd get an error if you tried to leave the library without asking any questions after your first visit.
Fixed some missing links if you go to slap Sean but miss during a meal at the B&B.
Fixed an issue with the undercover makeup ui picture
Various typos fixed
Fixed a bug if you run from Carlo when first meeting him then return later.
Version 0.24b(2022.08.04)
Bug fixes:
A rare case where you could get a blank screen at the motel has been fixed.
Getting a blank screen when meeting the priest and "agreeing to talk" has been fixed.
Various spelling errors corrected.
Version 0.24a
Bug fixes:
A bug during the Patterson breakin when you had the key has been fixed.
Various spelling errors corrected.
Version 0.24
The word count is now over 207,000 words!
New content:
Meet Kamiko and visit the gas station
Sean's first date.
Meet Sharelle at the grocery store and Wolfram at the lighthouse.
Meet two new characters that won't be named here during a special event.
Break into the Patterson home with Anya and Amber with a possible 2nd blackmail "date" with Ray or a new one if you managed to steal the key!
New encounter with the Sheriff's deputies! And a possible new date arranged!
A very important encounter that could lead to a bad end or deaths for one or more NPCs!
Bug fixes:
A bug that could get you stuck in the church when you first visit has been fixed.
Various spelling errors corrected.
The word count is now over 180,000 words!
New content:
New dream
New talk with Sean at breakfast!
New job events! The Mayor now has his missing event from Thursday! (see bugs!)
A complete makeover for your character!
The ability to quit jobs has now been added! Once you quit a job you can't go back and do that job again so be sure! Also note that quitting your job will not be available
until the following week of work.
When you first visit the Patterson house you now have a chance to visit Lisa's room and learn 3 more secrets!
New topics to talk about in the library! In addition, the conversation where you ask him questions has been polished and should flow better.
Added hints to the Main Square on the first day to help new players.
New interaction after work with Mark, Anya and Amber!
New date possible with Mark, Anya or Amber!
New hypnosis events!
You can now search Riley's room if you have the maid job!
Character creation has been changed to be more narrative in nature and engaging.
The first day in town has been changed quite a bit. Dialogues have been cleaned up and many of the renders have been redone. Janice now has a secret to learn among other
changes and in general the early game pushes the theme of the game better with the unsettling supernatural elements being more obvious. It now pushes you to meet Amber and
Lisa's parents before it opens up into the sandbox. This is to make sure players have met them and to keep the early game more focused.
Many renders have been redone. All characters have had their skin and eyes tweaked to look better. Lighting is generally improved in many of the renders.
I tweaked the skin and eye settings on all characters. I also redid every single picture that comes up when a character is talking.
I made it harder to steal the key from the Patterson's home. This is because you could, with the right stats, automatically succeed in stealing the key and have no
chance to get the blackmail route.
If you decide not to pay for a secret with Carlo (with sex or money!) he now allows you to try for the same secret again if you visit him the next day instead of it being lost for
all time.
Masterbation now goes to its own screen instead of embedding in the bedroom screen. It also has all new renders!
It is no longer possible to fail to get inside the Patterson home as this task is too important.
Ray's blackmail now happens on the same day you meet him if it happens.
Jill's date now happens on the day after you meet her. This allows you to have an event each night through Thursday if you meet her on the first day.
The transgender dream sequence has been expanded! It's not a bit more horrific and lasts longer, showing the changes in more detail!
Mark's date has had an expansion. You now have the chance to ask him several more questions about Lisa and learn new secrets!
The roll to resist drug addiction is now based on willpower, not athletics and it lowers willpower.
Bug fixes:
Mayor's missing job event for Thursday added!
Many, many bug fixes from broken secrets to broken pictures and more.
May spelling and grammar fixes.
Deputy Lucas Parker has been in the notebook as Deputy Lucas Bryant all this time! Fixed!
Version 0.22
The word count is now around 121,000 words!
Bug fixes:
Many, many bug fixes.
Jill's date should consistently show up in your notebook now after you accept it from her.
I went back and rewrote some of the earlier content. No huge changes, mostly just polishing and looking for spelling mistakes.
New content:
First date with Jill!
The word count is now around 108.000 words!
Bug fixes:
Fixed a bug that could cause the days to advance by 2 if you stayed out too late. Reset the day to the correct day should this bug have happened to a player.
Fixed a bug with the last dream that didn't properly advance the player to the next dream.
Fixed a bug that caused the date reminders for Mark and the Jill to never show..
New way of doing skill checks makes it much easier for me. Special thanks to Scyne!
Inventory and Notebook pop up in their own dialogue boxes now. This fixes an issue where a player might explore them then get stuck with no way back to their original page.
I did some streamlining of events. This won't impact the players but makes it easier for me to add news one and makes things less cluttered.
I've added some code that should remove the chance that your first meeting with a character is interupted by your character deciding she needs sleep.
New content:
New secret from Carlo!
Breakfast scenes added in! New scene with Sean at breakfast if you also ran into him during a meal in the B&B!
New dream!
New job content! The Mayor's content changes based on your interactions with Ray!
All new location replaces an old location! Creepy!
You can get addicted to drugs if you're on the undercover job!
First date with Mark!
The most recent changes should be in the game itself.
Version 0.2.a
-This is a bugfix release. I also increased the save slots to 20.
Version 0.2
The word count is now around 91.000 words!
Bug fixes:
A few small bugs I found while testing were fixed.
I fixed a bug with Mark's intro where if you acted submissively it set a non-existent variable because of a mispelling. Oops!
Sitting on benches in the park or on the promenade now gives variable energy back depending on how long you sit there. For 1 hours it is 5 energy all the way up
to 20 energy if you sit there for 4 hours. Passing time in your bedroom works the same way and now also returns energy.
I changed most of the images to jpeg and compressed to lower the game size.
The energy for moving around has been totally removed. The energy for using skills has been slightly increased.
You can now critically succeed or fail at skill tasks! This will have very good or bad effects if it happens!
New content:
New dream! You get to find out what the mysterious voice is and if you're playing TG ask the being in your dreams about it!
You can now eat a meal in the B&B. To do so go to the B&B entry. This can be done once a day and restores some energy.
The first time you eat in the B&B you get another event with Sean. It changes based upon how you reacted to him in the hallway
and somewhat based on if you're a born female or TG
Second day for the various jobs added!
New secrets from Carlo and new hypno events with the doctor and priest!
New event at the clothing store! Note, you'll see it automatically if you are working for the mayor.
A new character is introduced at the library and another one at the docks!
New event exclusive to transgender characters!
Ray's blackmail event!
Version 0.1.1.a
Bug fixes:
Visual bug when talking to the mayor about being his personal assistant has been fixed. Thanks Gwen and the others on the Twine Games discord!
The first time you visited the diner, eating a meal left you with no way to exit or talk about the waitress job. That's fixed now. Oops!
Fix bugs having to do with the doctor's hypno session and a small bug in the Sheriff's talk.
Removed the energy cost for going from your bedroom to the entry area or the outside of the b&b and vice versa. Moving around the B&B no longer costs energy at all.
Removed the energy cost for going in and out of the motel room.
Lowered the energy cost for moving from place to place from 5 to 3.
Work "under the hood" to streamline some code. Thank you Gwen for pointing it out to me!
Version 0.1.1
Bug fixes:
Numerous small bugs. Notably, I forgot to set up a notebook page for Lou if you work as a waitress. That has been fixed.
If you saw the doctor and let her hypnotise you it didn't have the full intended affect. This is fixed and should also
update on old saves when you see her for the second time.
Minor tweaks to the start page including adding the awesome logo by TRBRY
Some images are no longer rounded, such as the polaroids of the characters in the notebook.
Changed the pages to have much less or no scrolling. The trade off is links to continue the story.
New content!
Maid Job added: Meet Mister Van Horn in the diner and then go to his manor if you want it. Note: Transgender
characters will need to be more feminine to accept the job but they can still talk about it with him.
Church scenes added! Including a new way to get back energy!
Library scenes added! Discover new secrets! More content to come to the library soon!
Version 0.1.c
Bug fixes:
Fixed job logic so it doesn't tell you you missed work when you didn't. Thank you MadMaddy for reporting this!
Fixed a few typos in character creation.
Fixed the new autosleep function to kick off BEFORE 7am so you didn't get caught in an end of content loop!
Version 0.1.b
Bug fixes:
A few minor typos fixed.
Limited showering to once a day after feedback.
Added an autosleep function to prevent skipping through days without sleeping.
Version 0.01a
Bug fixes:
No path back to main square from residential district.
Missing HTML element in one version of the Ray encounter.
Karl encounter repeated endlessly in the diner.
Fixed a bug when meeting Grace if you were out of energy.
Moved looks to "Other stats" on the side bar.
Made Anya's intro flow better.
Thank you CyCy!
Version 0.01
Initial release.
Around 35,000 words total.
Starting scenes with 10+ characters.
Many locations created but only a few have content.
The following locations have a decent amount of content: The Main Square, Lou's Diner, City Hall, The Sheriff's Station, Haven Park, the Residential District, the Doctor's Office,
a redacted, and also a bit at redacted.
Discover secrets about several characters and locations!
Three jobs available to get hired for: deputy, personal assistant and waitress
Begin the very early stages of your investigation into the disappearance of Lisa Patterson!
Full transgender transformation if you choose that start. Can your character become a man again?
System stuff:
Stat, skill and leveling system implemented.
Characters created.
First pass at energy and health balancing.
Corruption, Willpower and Dominance/Submission systems implemented.
Clothing system implemented.
Notebook to track tasks, people and placed implemented!
Тему отредактировал: Nikol - 31-10-2024, 19:57
Причина: Тема обновлена до версии v.0.4 / Topic updated to v.0.4
Причина: Тема обновлена до версии v.0.4 / Topic updated to v.0.4
Пароль на архив / Archive password:
Downloaded from Porno-Island
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