Драко, плотский вампир эпохи Стюартов, просыпается в Америке XXI века, не понимая, как он туда попал... или кто привел его туда. Чтобы разгадать эту тайну и восстановить свой статус, он должен найти подсказки, обрести влияние, выпить крови и поработить прекрасных молодых женщин для своей конюшни.
Draco, a Stuart era carnal vampire, awakens in 21st century America with no understanding how he got there-- or who brought him. To solve this mystery and recover his status, he must find clues, gain influence, drink blood, and enslave beautiful young women into his stable.
Год выпуска: 2022
Жанр: mind control, corruption, real porn, male domination, harem, masturbation, oral, slave, vaginal, horror, adventure, point and click, superpowers,
Цензура: Отсутствует
Разработчик/Издатель: Amalgam - www.patreon.com/amalgam
Платформа: PC/Windows
Тип издания: В разработке
Таблетка: Не требуется
Версия: v.3.99G09 PUBLIC
Язык игры: Английский
Язык интерфейса: Английский
v3.99G09 Karlee Update - 2025-03-25
Corrected misaligned memories shop buttons in public version
Repaired soft hang when selecting Digimona in memories shop.
Extraction scene added for Karlee
Returning sow scene added for Karlee
“100% drain” mechanic added
Mara scenes added to Memories Shop.
Ann scenes added to Memories Shop.
Michelle scenes added to Memories Shop.
Karlee can now be revisited for feeding and extraction
Karlee can now be killed for a full blood dra
v3.99G07/08 - 2025-01-10
VERY LIKELY THE FINAL UPDATE. Donate to save the game.
Donation deadline: January 13, 2025
Fixed an error that made it impossible to proceed with Mallory-Ann.
Sometimes room arrows drift. I don’t know why this happens yet. Reboot or reloading should fix it.
Sometimes the UI does not return correctly to its original position. I also don’t know why this happens yet. Press the F9 UI repair button a few times until it goes to where it should be (it doesn’t know which resolution you’re playing in so it cycles through different options).
It’s possible to repeat the activation conversation for Gemma Wilson. Doesn’t really hurt anything.
Mallory-Ann & Beverly added
Digimona added
Kelly now available for feeding
Pathetic e-begging message added
Better technical functionality in drug pouch & flower jar
Display errors fixed in loading screens
Improved resolution functionality
Game now returns the Booty Bandit and the Woman In the Alley to the world in Chapter 5 if not yet eaten.
v3.99G05-PUBLIC - 2024-11-01
Fixed softlock after booty bandit
Removed Don’t Save option after start of Chapter 5.
Kelly now available for feeding (Subscribers only)
Start of Digimona path added
Chapter 5 opening gameplay added
Added F9 UI repair button (press it until the UI looks right)
Sometimes room arrows drift. I don’t know why this happens yet. Reboot or reloading should fix it.
Sometimes the UI does not return correctly to its original position. I also don’t know why this happens yet. Press the new F9 UI repair button a few times until it goes to where it should be (it doesn’t know which resolution you’re playing in so it cycles through different options).
Unable to enter Pike’s Place Flowers
Stalking Gemma goes into soft-lock if player rebooted the game or loaded a save between meeting her and sleeping with her.
Roommates may be missing from their room if player rebooted the game or loaded a save between meeting them and sleeping with them.
Crucial errors in Day 0 repaired
“Infinite loading screens” repaired
Use of some special abilities leaves “ghost” dialog on screen.
Corrected instances in which Draco’s sprite “breaks” and stops appearing
Some of Kelly’s dialog resetting to Chapter One repaired
Fixed error where guessing the correct flower for secret objective wasn’t recognized.
Chapter 5 opening gameplay added
Kelly now available for feeding
Start of Digimona path added
Added F9 UI repair button (press it until the UI looks right)
Sometimes room arrows drift. I don’t know why this happens yet. Reboot or reloading should fix it.
Sometimes the UI does not return correctly to its original position. I also don’t know why this happens yet. Press the new F9 UI repair button a few times until it goes to where it should be.
Loading screens now alert player when the game needs a few seconds to pull up game resources.
Made room in stable for one additional girl
Repaired corrupt Kelly problem
FIXES (bugs not present in F10 Windows version)
Repaired corrupt Téa problem
Repaired incorrect sprites displaying for Ann in the early game.
Loading screens should now always credit the appropriate Subscriber
Distinct “sick” sprite added to the four main girls to denote when they are awake but not healthy enough for drinking.
Invisible arrows in Hammer roof should be visible again
Errant up arrow in the dealers’ alley removed. This should restore normal progression with Mara/Elly/Ann.
Bonus points should be added correctly now when feeding on the bonus girls.
V3.99F07/08 - 2024-03-25
Administrator Jezabel Valient added
Secret room added
Animate ability added (Level 6)
You can shuffle through the rows of your Stable by pressing Pause on your keyboard.
Alleywood Hills area added
Gemma Wilson added (Subscribers only)
Significantly reduced GPU usage
Boot and load time reduced about 20%
Some UI elements improved for better player comprehension, especially regarding use of items
Better adaptation to 16:9 resolution.
The Stable screen now shows everyone you’ve fed from.
Jezabel now appears in the stable
Mortar now shows recipe guide during assembly
Téa generic sex scene improved.
Karlee’s scene improved.
Updated sprite for Téa in Stable.
The score screen will now alert you in the event that cheats may have been detected.
Talking no longer depletes time left.
Michelle no longer appears in the Stable screen after Chapter 2, but player has option to travel to Downtown via the Abilities button.
If you gain a level after feeding, characters in the room may duplicate.
Bonus points not properly being added after bonus feedings.
Fixed a bug that would infinitely multiple a player’s virulence.
Fixed a bug that might have incorrectly put players into Wraith Mode from out of nowhere.
Fixed an inventory bug that occurs when the player goes to the casino as Ann with the drug pouch open.
The secret room cannot be opened in some circumstances.
Fixed lockup of guard in Watson Hall
Sound effects fixed
No longer possible to go into debt via the Uber driver.
Some UI elements improved for better player comprehension, especially regarding use of items
Feeding on the guard in Watson Hall will lock the UI. Press F5 to get out of it.
Some sound effects have been corrupted and will not play. Shouldn’t affect gameplay.
It is possible to have negative cash due to the Uber Driver.
Interacting with Brendan should no longer cause a loop
Interacting with Brendan puts the game into an infinite loop
Ann should no longer get booted from the bar
Secret room added
Dialog added with Brendan about Gemma, intended to start the quest
Ann gets booted immediately from the bar
Michelle removed from Stable screen after Chapter 2
Rae Lil Black temporarily removed (The Thief)
Stable screen now shows bonus girls and up to 7 girls at a time.
Alleywood Hills area added
Gemma Wilson added
Using Mara to unlock the greenhouse should no longer softlock the game.
The player can no longer sell more drugs than they actually have.
Partly fixed an error in Chapter 3 when there are too many things going on overnight, and Draco may appear to awaken in the forest during the day time. While this still happens, the player is blocked from clicking anything and breaking the game.
The bouquet bag should properly load into the player’s inventory now.
Fixed repeat instances of feeding on Melissa Moore.
Fixed an error which allowed the player to use both Brendan and Mara to find Magmar’s book.
Fixed an error which prevented the player from skipping the gunfight in Chapter 4.
Various text made easier to read
Improved mouse-over feedback on some screen elements.
Game now does a corruption check before using the virulence potion to make sure the player doesn’t waste it.
Reduced quantity of buckets in the jar.
v3.99F01 (subscribers only)
Added Jezabel Valient secret objective
Repaired a bug that caused the (DONE) dialog option to be prematurely active at the start of the game, which could trap players when used.
Fixed some odd conditional behavior in Mara’s interaction menus.
Made certain things clearer in the endgame
This was updated with special attention to “speed running” so it’s a lot more stable now when clicking rapidly. It’s still possible to create conflicting routines but it doesn’t happen as often.
Numpad 0 deactivated
Fixed a cosmetic error which sometimes showed Michelle naked in public.
Fixed a boomerang bug that happens sometimes when Ann is finishing her missions in the casino
Fixed sprite errors that occur with the mortar.
The mortar should work consistently now.
Increased the point value of optional story-based tasks to encourage their completion.
Loading errors now return you to the save menu. Make sure that you select a save slot and try again.
CRITICAL: I accidentally left on a test key, which is numpad 0. It will zip you to Michelle’s door. Don’t press it. Sorry.
The mortar & pestle in Chapter 3 sometimes fails to accept reagents after a recipe rejection. Just close the mortar and reinitiate it.
Certain arrows drift over time for some reason, I haven’t figured out why yet. It’s not a big deal I don’t think.
Clicking too fast when Ann is returning from the casino can spit the player out to the wrong location.
The Téa extraction blackout bug was fixed.
You can no longer return to Blaze’s apartment at the end of Chapter 4.
The assailants should no longer respawn inappropriately at the end of Chapter 4.
The vial sprites should display correctly now.
Fixed boomerang bug in Michelle’s apartment when visiting her for the first time.
Fixed a UI hang that sometimes occurs in the casino.
Fixed an exploit that allowed players to complete Chapter 3 without completing the dispeller first.
Corrected a bug which told the player to find a blood source on campus after the window of opportunity had already closed.
CRITICAL: The Memories Shop entries for the main girls are still in development and I left them on by accident. Do not use them or your game will hang. Sorry.
CRITICAL: At the conclusion of Chapter 4, while evading the police, it is possible to return to Blaze’s apartment. This is not intended, and doing so can trap the player. So don’t do it.
Returning to Hammer in late Chapter 4 after a game load can cause the assailants to respawn. Just ignore them.
On any extraction after the first, Téa’s scenes will black out without returning to the normal screen. Press F5 to restore the screen.
The vial has some graphical errors where it does not correctly show the potions correctly or the amount of maidenthirst. The text should be correct, however.
The mortar & pestle in Chapter 3 sometimes fails to accept reagents after a recipe rejection. Just close the mortar and reinitiate it.
A mistake that made certain characters appear too early was fixed.
Clicking arrows rapidly in the forest as Ann will no longer lock the arrows.
Fixed a boomerang bug that can trap the player in Landhurst’s office.
Fixed the pestle animation glitch.
Fixed the dim screen bug that happens when you don’t have enough time to fast travel from the Stable.
Various graphical enhancements.
It is no longer possible to go into Chapter 4 without having fed on Mara at least once.
Tried to make it a little more obvious that there are 24 save slots available, not 3.
Slightly reduced starting cash.
Reduced starting burden by 1.
Increased starting speed by 1.
V3.99 - 2023-08-16
I can’t fix this right now, but the bounding box for characters to give them something is actually somewhere below their head, so if you’re having trouble giving an item over, drag it down lower than you think you need to and it’ll work.
The game loads cinematics separate from the rest of the game, so the first cinematic of every session of play (each individual boot) will hold the black screen fade out a little longer than normal. Just be patient. Will make a loading screen for future versions.
The mortar & pestle in Chapter 3 sometimes fails to accept reagents after a recipe rejection. Just close the mortar and reinitiate it.
Mortar & pestle no longer blocked from use if you do it too early in Chapter 4.
Fixed a minor bug where the lake guy’s strength wasn’t being checked correctly (strength requirement is higher)
Fixed some instances of the rare but critical save-persistent menu glitch.
FIxed a bug which allowed access to the menus via the keyboard when they should not be.
Repaired several mechanical errors that tend to occur when the player is being moved as part of a dialog or cut scene.
Fixed a bug that would permanently lock the player out from Téa if they made the wrong dialog choice.
Fixed a bug where the maidenthirst is not returned to you even when the recipe is abandoned.
Melissa Moore should be accessible more than once, in case you pass on first meeting
Fixed a bug that caused Brendan to reappear in Chapter 4 after he should be gone.
Added a “finish” screen to the end of the current content; post your scorescreens in the Discord, to let amalgam know you finished the game (it helps me know the game is working okay)
Transferring your game to the Subscriber version will now immediately allow access to the Subscriber extras.
It is no longer possible to have negative charm
Boot time reduced 2-3x
Game storage size reduced 4x
V3.987, released August 9, 2023
The arrow from university back to downtown was fixed.
Viagra purchase should work alright now.
Partial fix for the persistent save glitch implemented. If you find your menus suddenly not working and it is persistent in the save file, see ADDITIONS below.
The “woman in the alley” will no longer appear during the Chapter 4 gunfight if you hadn’t found her already.
Removed F9 HUD debug
Cost of Viagra increased to $100
The score display in the Stable screen should now adjust along with your resolution.
Made the end of content in Chapter 5 more obvious
Subscriber exclusive memory shop items now hidden on the public release, to reduce confusion.
Added persistent menu glitch debug button (F11)
See main release v3.984
V3.986, released August 7, 2023
The arrow taking you back to downtown from the university is bugged. It will take you to a black screen with the UI locked. I suggest using fast travel to get around, but if you end up in that position, press the F5 debug button to release the UI, then travel via stable or coffin return.
Purchasing Viagra bugs out on the first purchase, and is then successful on the second purchase.
An unusual error is afflicting some players where menus are persistently glitched, even across saves. No easy fix. Submit save files to amalgam for repair.
Player can now collect Calladium normally.
Pre-activated Chapter 4 gunmen removed.
Mission update box should be consistent in all resolutions.
Should no longer be possible to reach the booksearches before they are necessary
See main release v3.984
V3.985, released August 6, 2023
See main release v3.984
There is a bug which prevents the player from collecting Calladium in Chapter 4. Go to the casino at least once and it should resolve itself.
I accidentally left some Chapter 4 characters pre-activated in Chapter 1. They are the gunmen in Hammer District. Ignore them.
Playing in 16:9 is causing the mission update box to appear in the wrong size. Check your task list.
It is possible to access the booksearches before that quest has actually been activated. If you are in the library in Chapter 4, it’s best that you stay away from the booksearch kiosk until you have spoken to Magmar the second time.
Use of F9 HUD reset actually makes things worse in 16:9. Do not use.
Stalking Ann’s father will no longer lock the screen.
Created a workaround for the suite boomerang bug; the Out arrow in the room will activate, allowing you to exit (this one’s really hard to fix)
The assailants should be properly gone now when skipping the gunfight.
Téa can no longer be used to assist in the library. Brendan is the person you need to talk to.
Players can now select 16:9 or 16:10 ratio resolutions, depending on what works best for them. Note that the game was not designed for 16:9 so many things will look off.
v3.984, released August 2, 2023
This is the complete public game so far from Chapter 0 through the very beginning of Chapter 5.
Chapter 4 is 95% complete. The chapter’s climax is a survival challenge that is not yet fully developed. Feel free to skip it.
Gameplay is over once all your tasks are listed as insoluble.
The stuck door in the warehouse still has no function.
When stalking Ann's father, the game will freeze. Use the F5 debug button to get out of the freeze, then go outside to the intersection. You should be able to find Ann's apartment from there.
There is a rare bug where, If you click rapidly while typing in your name when starting a new game, it may cause the player to start in a black screen and be unable to do anything. Just don’t do that.
I don't know why this happens but some people are unable to load the game in the intended resolution which causes problems with the UI. Press F1-F4 to access the menu buttons and press F9 to restore a HUD if it moves off screen and doesn't come back. See the official changelog for more debug solutions.
Loading time substantially improved (boot time is still long)
Fixed a variety of sprites that were cut off.
All mandatory puzzles can now be skipped.
Chapter 1 substantially reworked for better flow and gameplay clarity.
Brendan has been retconned to no longer be a school friend of Michelle’s, for better flow and gameplay clarity.
Clickable areas in the scene now spawn a small arrow to help you identify and differentiate what you are clicking on.
If you have the Astregression ability when running out of time, the game will prompt you to use it if you wish.
Téa is now accessible beyond Chapter 2 as long as you have the things you need.
Added casino
Added luxury suite floor
Added church bodyguards Russell and Julian
Added storage function in coffin (holds dragon statuette from Chapter 2)
Added 10 puzzles and/or sub-puzzles
Two secret girls included, though there could be more
EXPERIMENTAL ADDITIONS (not fully functional)
Added some limited sex animations
Added a limited memories shop
Interactions with Kelly expanded
Several scene items added on campus for future gameplay.
Bug fixes
A bug that caused the inventory not to reset properly after Ann’s mission was fixed (I think).
Bug fixes:
A bug that did not fill out Magmar’s flower list correctly was fixed.
Bugs found:
A major bug incorrectly fills your ingredient list from Magmar. (You can use the SKIP PUZZLE button to get past this issue as long as you have all 7 botanical reagents.)
Bug fixes
Fixed a bug which caused the game to stall when asking the janitor a question.
Under rare circumstances, Blaze and Shark will be missing from the park when they are required for the completion of the dealer raid. Submit your save file in the Discord for a fix.
A bug which prevented players from re-extracting Mara and Téa was fixed.
A bug which caused the player to be assigned milkweed twice by Magmar was fixed.
A bug which prevented Mara’s sprite from appearing was fixed.
The Chapter 4 objectives were clarified to make clear they are insoluble.
About 10% of the time while being assigned your floral reagents, you will be assigned milkweed twice. Just ignore the second instance when mixing. You don’t need a second milkweed plant.
A bug is preventing players from extracting Mara and Téa more than once. Ann should be extractable once per night.
A few bugs where trying to examine some miscellaneous characters in the early game caused UI lock were fixed. (Should this happen to you elsewhere, you can press F1 to get out of it)
A bug that allowed the player to use the Stalk ability prematurely, ultimately trapping the player, has been fixed. You will need to restart your game.
The flower descriptions in Chapter 3 were updated to be a little bit more specific:
Beardtongue: long, tubular flowers on a skinny stalk with skinny leaves
Lantana camara: bundles of flowerlets that look like a colorful cloud of fireworks
4 o’clock flower: large petals of two contrasting colors
Milkweed: dense bundles of star-shaped flowerlets on thick stalks and large, broad leaves
A bug which caused Michelle’s door to disappear, making it impossible to progress, has been fixed.
A bug which allowed the player to play through Chapter 3 without activating the statue, and ultimately trapping themselves, has been fixed.
v2.1 to v3.0
Examining some minor characters-- especially in Chapter 1-- causes the game to lock. Press F1 to get out of it.
MAJOR BUG: It is possible to play the start of Chapter 3 out of order, which is trapping players. Once you receive the objective to activate the statue, go back to the warehouse and do so IMMEDIATELY. Activate the statue by doubleclicking it. Working on a fix.
You can ask Brendan for help to rescue Michelle. This is a premature talk option that isn’t supposed to be available until Chapter 4. No major problems reported from this.
The mortar sometimes fails to receive reagents. Canceling and clicking on it again should fix this.
Playing straight through the game from Chapter 1 all the way into Chapter 3 without a reload or reboot can cause Michelle’s door to disappear, making it impossible to progress. Loading a save or rebooting the game should solve the problem.
The lower data display may not work if playing from the start. Loading a saved game should fix it.
If you try to take an escort but the game erroneously says you have too many escorts, rebooting or loading a save should fix the issue.
Sometimes your inventory is not restored correctly after returning from Ann’s mission. Press F2 to refresh the inventory.
Clicking through menus too fast can sometimes cause the stable screen to bug out. Exiting the stable and reentering usually fixes it.\
In case user interface gets stuck, press F1
In case inventory does not load or reset correctly, or if follower icons get lost, press F2
In case screen fades out but does not return, press F3
Reboot: F12
Open Mac Terminal
cd /.app/Contents/MacOS/
chmod -R 777 [applicationName]
Hold control key when right-click open to have the "Open" choice in the prompt
All other OS:
Download and extract,
Start a new game or
Continue from v2.03-v2.9
Drop previous “saveData” folder into “Bloodshift_Data” folder
Load stored save file from BEFORE Chapter 3.
Game will be all kinds of fucked if starting from after the start of the chapter. Don’t even try it.
Full save ability
Fully playable until the start of Chapter 4 (content ends)
Save and store your game before the start of Chapter 4 for future compatibility.
Warning added to start letting players know some puzzles require searching for clues outside the game
Loading screen fixed
Faster boot time and load time
Stable screen now shows current score, chapter, achievements, and name
Stats now highlight when increased or decreased
Achievement panel added
Cleaned up stable screen
Limited cumshot animations added (Ann and Mara)
Limited “female ejaculation” animation added (Ann)
Game tips added to load screen
Draco model changed
Skip puzzle button now offered for some puzzles (bottom right corner)
Sex sound options removed (will be back)
Astregression ability removed (will be back)
Mortar & pestle added to Ann’s apartment
Magmar added
Preacher Michaels added
Greenhouse added
Gareth Regional Park added
Reagent crafting added
Bloodburn modified to reduce blood maximum (earned at Level 4)
Animate ability added (only useful on Mara in this build) (earned at level 5)
Extraction ability added
Dialog upgrade
Certain dialog and other choices have positive and negative effects on your stats.
“Be a dick”: + virility / -blood max
“Be kind-hearted”: +blood max / -virility
“Be honest”: -1 blood burden / -charm
“Be wise”: +exp / -strength
“Be boastful” +strength/-exp
“Be strict” +time/-energy
“Be patient” +energy/-time
“Be quick-witted +speed/-recovery
“Be callous” +recovery/-speed
Rudimentary achievements added
Completing optional objectives now grants bonus points
Default stat changes:
Minimum feeding threshold: 86%
Minimum consciousness threshold: 71%
Blood draws changed to: 40, 50, 60, and 70%
Native virility changed to 23
Levelup change
4 stats randomly increase at levelup
Blood burden always increases by 2
Chapter 2 professor’s password puzzle and answer changed (easier, but solved differently)
You can now send Elly home even when Mara is sick, as long as hold dominance over Ann.
Added ability to skip some puzzles (no bonus points, however)
Top Ten Patrons list updated
Ten oldest Patrons list added
Option to customize Draco’s middle name added
Game integrity routine added
Boastful dialog responses increase your strength but slow your experience gain. Right now strength has no function until Chapter 4, so you may want to avoid these options (could give you head start later, however)
Added an additional clue to Alex Sanchez’ room for solving the password puzzle.
Reduced nightly blood depletion from 26 to 24
(depletion rebalance will only take effect on new campaigns)
From v1.8 or later:
Copy your previous /saveData folder into the new Bloodshift_Data folder so it is organized thusly: Bloodshift/Bloodshift_Data/saveData
From 1.8 or later: load from late Chapter 1.
From 1.92 or later: load from BEFORE meeting Téa
From 2.0 or later: load from anywhere
From pre-1.8:
Do not attempt to continue from pre-1.8
Delete any old installations and their save files.
Fixed a serious bug that caused Michelle to become unrecruitable if the player saved and loaded the game with her in their party.
Fixed a bug which allowed the violinist to be “resurrected” by talking to the “fat” bum
Removed 4:3 resolution option (hopefully helps Linux players with their resolution problem)
Added version checker to alert player of potential incompatibility with old save files
Removed Chapter 2 skip option.
Fixed a nasty bug that caused the player to get stuck on Dr Sanchez’ computer if they attempted to hack the password, failed, saved, then returned after a reload or a reboot.
Added MacOS and Linux versions (untested)
Slightly improved one of the password hack hints
Copy your previous /saveData folder into the new Bloodshift_Data folder so it is organized thusly: Bloodshift/Bloodshift_Data/saveData
In general it is always best to start from the previous chapter, so load up your late-chapter save from Chapter 1.
From 1.8 or later: definitely start from late Chapter 1.
From 1.92 or later: start from BEFORE meeting Téa
From 2.0: start from anywhere
Fixed a bug which trapped the player when trying to feed on the janitor.
Fixed a bug which caused Michelle to appear in the hallway during the doorway puzzle.
Fixed a bug which shrank Brendan’s sprite and hitbox, making him hard to interact with.
Fixed a bug which inappropriately left Mara’s room accessible when starting from Chapter 2. (this fix will not take effect if you are continuing from a Chapter 2 accelerated start; you will need to start again, sorry)
First night no-recovery mechanic disabled. All familiars should now heal on the same night they were fed upon once again.
All heal rates adjusted to between 14 and 19% per night.
Native virility raised from 16 to 20
Nightly depletion rate dropped from 29 to 26
Most characters’ natural resistance values significantly reduced
Sales of cocaine tripled after the apartment raid
Bloodburn change:
No longer reduces your blood maximum
Blood cost changed from 20 to 60
Wraith mode added-- You may sleep while starving but you will enter Wraith mode for the rest of the game. Your score, data, and achievements will be permanently wiped.
Téa can now be visited at her apartment for repeat feeding (no other interactions available)
Fast Travel to university added
Stable now only shows familiars who have been fed on at least once.
Téa added to stable
The Knoll Student Residential Hill added
Save slots now show the starting game version.
On rare occasions a load gets stuck (you’ll know it’s stuck if the music continues playing after more than a few seconds). Press F12 to reboot the game or press the REBOOT button that appears
Before you play:
You will need to start over for this build. You're still recommended to keep a save from before Chapter 2.
Remember to use F9 to clear game hangs.
Known issues:
The opening screen lists the version as 1.58.
Your game will bug out after breaking into Professor Sanchez's office. Only complete this mission after you have exhausted all other missions.
Giving something to the kid will lock the game. Use F9 to clear it.
Do not visit Professor Roberts again. This will cause the missions to loop.
Do not use the Chapter 2 Skip.
Do not try to drink Ann if the kid is in the room. (You should know better than that.) But seriously, the game will get weird
Play limits:
Mara's thread ends once you drink her. She will not return to the park. there is only one scene with her.
You can get up to two different scenes with ann.
You cannot sell any drugs at this time.
You cannot complete the Chapter 2 main mission.
You cannot find a campus blood source.
You cannot access Professor Toro's office.
You can access Prof Sanchez' office but nothing will happen there, and the game may bug out. You should do this last
Ch 1.13 release
Драко, плотский вампир эпохи Стюартов, просыпается в Америке XXI века, не понимая, как он туда попал... или кто привел его туда. Чтобы разгадать эту тайну и восстановить свой статус, он должен найти подсказки, обрести влияние, выпить крови и поработить прекрасных молодых женщин для своей конюшни.
Draco, a Stuart era carnal vampire, awakens in 21st century America with no understanding how he got there-- or who brought him. To solve this mystery and recover his status, he must find clues, gain influence, drink blood, and enslave beautiful young women into his stable.
Год выпуска: 2022
Жанр: mind control, corruption, real porn, male domination, harem, masturbation, oral, slave, vaginal, horror, adventure, point and click, superpowers,
Цензура: Отсутствует
Разработчик/Издатель: Amalgam - www.patreon.com/amalgam
Платформа: PC/Windows
Тип издания: В разработке
Таблетка: Не требуется
Версия: v.3.99G09 PUBLIC
Язык игры: Английский
Язык интерфейса: Английский
v3.99G09 Karlee Update - 2025-03-25
Corrected misaligned memories shop buttons in public version
Repaired soft hang when selecting Digimona in memories shop.
Extraction scene added for Karlee
Returning sow scene added for Karlee
“100% drain” mechanic added
Mara scenes added to Memories Shop.
Ann scenes added to Memories Shop.
Michelle scenes added to Memories Shop.
Karlee can now be revisited for feeding and extraction
Karlee can now be killed for a full blood dra
v3.99G07/08 - 2025-01-10
VERY LIKELY THE FINAL UPDATE. Donate to save the game.
Donation deadline: January 13, 2025
Fixed an error that made it impossible to proceed with Mallory-Ann.
Sometimes room arrows drift. I don’t know why this happens yet. Reboot or reloading should fix it.
Sometimes the UI does not return correctly to its original position. I also don’t know why this happens yet. Press the F9 UI repair button a few times until it goes to where it should be (it doesn’t know which resolution you’re playing in so it cycles through different options).
It’s possible to repeat the activation conversation for Gemma Wilson. Doesn’t really hurt anything.
Mallory-Ann & Beverly added
Digimona added
Kelly now available for feeding
Pathetic e-begging message added
Better technical functionality in drug pouch & flower jar
Display errors fixed in loading screens
Improved resolution functionality
Game now returns the Booty Bandit and the Woman In the Alley to the world in Chapter 5 if not yet eaten.
v3.99G05-PUBLIC - 2024-11-01
Fixed softlock after booty bandit
Removed Don’t Save option after start of Chapter 5.
Kelly now available for feeding (Subscribers only)
Start of Digimona path added
Chapter 5 opening gameplay added
Added F9 UI repair button (press it until the UI looks right)
Sometimes room arrows drift. I don’t know why this happens yet. Reboot or reloading should fix it.
Sometimes the UI does not return correctly to its original position. I also don’t know why this happens yet. Press the new F9 UI repair button a few times until it goes to where it should be (it doesn’t know which resolution you’re playing in so it cycles through different options).
Unable to enter Pike’s Place Flowers
Stalking Gemma goes into soft-lock if player rebooted the game or loaded a save between meeting her and sleeping with her.
Roommates may be missing from their room if player rebooted the game or loaded a save between meeting them and sleeping with them.
Crucial errors in Day 0 repaired
“Infinite loading screens” repaired
Use of some special abilities leaves “ghost” dialog on screen.
Corrected instances in which Draco’s sprite “breaks” and stops appearing
Some of Kelly’s dialog resetting to Chapter One repaired
Fixed error where guessing the correct flower for secret objective wasn’t recognized.
Chapter 5 opening gameplay added
Kelly now available for feeding
Start of Digimona path added
Added F9 UI repair button (press it until the UI looks right)
Sometimes room arrows drift. I don’t know why this happens yet. Reboot or reloading should fix it.
Sometimes the UI does not return correctly to its original position. I also don’t know why this happens yet. Press the new F9 UI repair button a few times until it goes to where it should be.
Loading screens now alert player when the game needs a few seconds to pull up game resources.
Made room in stable for one additional girl
Repaired corrupt Kelly problem
FIXES (bugs not present in F10 Windows version)
Repaired corrupt Téa problem
Repaired incorrect sprites displaying for Ann in the early game.
Loading screens should now always credit the appropriate Subscriber
Distinct “sick” sprite added to the four main girls to denote when they are awake but not healthy enough for drinking.
Invisible arrows in Hammer roof should be visible again
Errant up arrow in the dealers’ alley removed. This should restore normal progression with Mara/Elly/Ann.
Bonus points should be added correctly now when feeding on the bonus girls.
V3.99F07/08 - 2024-03-25
Administrator Jezabel Valient added
Secret room added
Animate ability added (Level 6)
You can shuffle through the rows of your Stable by pressing Pause on your keyboard.
Alleywood Hills area added
Gemma Wilson added (Subscribers only)
Significantly reduced GPU usage
Boot and load time reduced about 20%
Some UI elements improved for better player comprehension, especially regarding use of items
Better adaptation to 16:9 resolution.
The Stable screen now shows everyone you’ve fed from.
Jezabel now appears in the stable
Mortar now shows recipe guide during assembly
Téa generic sex scene improved.
Karlee’s scene improved.
Updated sprite for Téa in Stable.
The score screen will now alert you in the event that cheats may have been detected.
Talking no longer depletes time left.
Michelle no longer appears in the Stable screen after Chapter 2, but player has option to travel to Downtown via the Abilities button.
If you gain a level after feeding, characters in the room may duplicate.
Bonus points not properly being added after bonus feedings.
Fixed a bug that would infinitely multiple a player’s virulence.
Fixed a bug that might have incorrectly put players into Wraith Mode from out of nowhere.
Fixed an inventory bug that occurs when the player goes to the casino as Ann with the drug pouch open.
The secret room cannot be opened in some circumstances.
Fixed lockup of guard in Watson Hall
Sound effects fixed
No longer possible to go into debt via the Uber driver.
Some UI elements improved for better player comprehension, especially regarding use of items
Feeding on the guard in Watson Hall will lock the UI. Press F5 to get out of it.
Some sound effects have been corrupted and will not play. Shouldn’t affect gameplay.
It is possible to have negative cash due to the Uber Driver.
Interacting with Brendan should no longer cause a loop
Interacting with Brendan puts the game into an infinite loop
Ann should no longer get booted from the bar
Secret room added
Dialog added with Brendan about Gemma, intended to start the quest
Ann gets booted immediately from the bar
Michelle removed from Stable screen after Chapter 2
Rae Lil Black temporarily removed (The Thief)
Stable screen now shows bonus girls and up to 7 girls at a time.
Alleywood Hills area added
Gemma Wilson added
Using Mara to unlock the greenhouse should no longer softlock the game.
The player can no longer sell more drugs than they actually have.
Partly fixed an error in Chapter 3 when there are too many things going on overnight, and Draco may appear to awaken in the forest during the day time. While this still happens, the player is blocked from clicking anything and breaking the game.
The bouquet bag should properly load into the player’s inventory now.
Fixed repeat instances of feeding on Melissa Moore.
Fixed an error which allowed the player to use both Brendan and Mara to find Magmar’s book.
Fixed an error which prevented the player from skipping the gunfight in Chapter 4.
Various text made easier to read
Improved mouse-over feedback on some screen elements.
Game now does a corruption check before using the virulence potion to make sure the player doesn’t waste it.
Reduced quantity of buckets in the jar.
v3.99F01 (subscribers only)
Added Jezabel Valient secret objective
Repaired a bug that caused the (DONE) dialog option to be prematurely active at the start of the game, which could trap players when used.
Fixed some odd conditional behavior in Mara’s interaction menus.
Made certain things clearer in the endgame
This was updated with special attention to “speed running” so it’s a lot more stable now when clicking rapidly. It’s still possible to create conflicting routines but it doesn’t happen as often.
Numpad 0 deactivated
Fixed a cosmetic error which sometimes showed Michelle naked in public.
Fixed a boomerang bug that happens sometimes when Ann is finishing her missions in the casino
Fixed sprite errors that occur with the mortar.
The mortar should work consistently now.
Increased the point value of optional story-based tasks to encourage their completion.
Loading errors now return you to the save menu. Make sure that you select a save slot and try again.
CRITICAL: I accidentally left on a test key, which is numpad 0. It will zip you to Michelle’s door. Don’t press it. Sorry.
The mortar & pestle in Chapter 3 sometimes fails to accept reagents after a recipe rejection. Just close the mortar and reinitiate it.
Certain arrows drift over time for some reason, I haven’t figured out why yet. It’s not a big deal I don’t think.
Clicking too fast when Ann is returning from the casino can spit the player out to the wrong location.
The Téa extraction blackout bug was fixed.
You can no longer return to Blaze’s apartment at the end of Chapter 4.
The assailants should no longer respawn inappropriately at the end of Chapter 4.
The vial sprites should display correctly now.
Fixed boomerang bug in Michelle’s apartment when visiting her for the first time.
Fixed a UI hang that sometimes occurs in the casino.
Fixed an exploit that allowed players to complete Chapter 3 without completing the dispeller first.
Corrected a bug which told the player to find a blood source on campus after the window of opportunity had already closed.
CRITICAL: The Memories Shop entries for the main girls are still in development and I left them on by accident. Do not use them or your game will hang. Sorry.
CRITICAL: At the conclusion of Chapter 4, while evading the police, it is possible to return to Blaze’s apartment. This is not intended, and doing so can trap the player. So don’t do it.
Returning to Hammer in late Chapter 4 after a game load can cause the assailants to respawn. Just ignore them.
On any extraction after the first, Téa’s scenes will black out without returning to the normal screen. Press F5 to restore the screen.
The vial has some graphical errors where it does not correctly show the potions correctly or the amount of maidenthirst. The text should be correct, however.
The mortar & pestle in Chapter 3 sometimes fails to accept reagents after a recipe rejection. Just close the mortar and reinitiate it.
A mistake that made certain characters appear too early was fixed.
Clicking arrows rapidly in the forest as Ann will no longer lock the arrows.
Fixed a boomerang bug that can trap the player in Landhurst’s office.
Fixed the pestle animation glitch.
Fixed the dim screen bug that happens when you don’t have enough time to fast travel from the Stable.
Various graphical enhancements.
It is no longer possible to go into Chapter 4 without having fed on Mara at least once.
Tried to make it a little more obvious that there are 24 save slots available, not 3.
Slightly reduced starting cash.
Reduced starting burden by 1.
Increased starting speed by 1.
V3.99 - 2023-08-16
I can’t fix this right now, but the bounding box for characters to give them something is actually somewhere below their head, so if you’re having trouble giving an item over, drag it down lower than you think you need to and it’ll work.
The game loads cinematics separate from the rest of the game, so the first cinematic of every session of play (each individual boot) will hold the black screen fade out a little longer than normal. Just be patient. Will make a loading screen for future versions.
The mortar & pestle in Chapter 3 sometimes fails to accept reagents after a recipe rejection. Just close the mortar and reinitiate it.
Mortar & pestle no longer blocked from use if you do it too early in Chapter 4.
Fixed a minor bug where the lake guy’s strength wasn’t being checked correctly (strength requirement is higher)
Fixed some instances of the rare but critical save-persistent menu glitch.
FIxed a bug which allowed access to the menus via the keyboard when they should not be.
Repaired several mechanical errors that tend to occur when the player is being moved as part of a dialog or cut scene.
Fixed a bug that would permanently lock the player out from Téa if they made the wrong dialog choice.
Fixed a bug where the maidenthirst is not returned to you even when the recipe is abandoned.
Melissa Moore should be accessible more than once, in case you pass on first meeting
Fixed a bug that caused Brendan to reappear in Chapter 4 after he should be gone.
Added a “finish” screen to the end of the current content; post your scorescreens in the Discord, to let amalgam know you finished the game (it helps me know the game is working okay)
Transferring your game to the Subscriber version will now immediately allow access to the Subscriber extras.
It is no longer possible to have negative charm
Boot time reduced 2-3x
Game storage size reduced 4x
V3.987, released August 9, 2023
The arrow from university back to downtown was fixed.
Viagra purchase should work alright now.
Partial fix for the persistent save glitch implemented. If you find your menus suddenly not working and it is persistent in the save file, see ADDITIONS below.
The “woman in the alley” will no longer appear during the Chapter 4 gunfight if you hadn’t found her already.
Removed F9 HUD debug
Cost of Viagra increased to $100
The score display in the Stable screen should now adjust along with your resolution.
Made the end of content in Chapter 5 more obvious
Subscriber exclusive memory shop items now hidden on the public release, to reduce confusion.
Added persistent menu glitch debug button (F11)
See main release v3.984
V3.986, released August 7, 2023
The arrow taking you back to downtown from the university is bugged. It will take you to a black screen with the UI locked. I suggest using fast travel to get around, but if you end up in that position, press the F5 debug button to release the UI, then travel via stable or coffin return.
Purchasing Viagra bugs out on the first purchase, and is then successful on the second purchase.
An unusual error is afflicting some players where menus are persistently glitched, even across saves. No easy fix. Submit save files to amalgam for repair.
Player can now collect Calladium normally.
Pre-activated Chapter 4 gunmen removed.
Mission update box should be consistent in all resolutions.
Should no longer be possible to reach the booksearches before they are necessary
See main release v3.984
V3.985, released August 6, 2023
See main release v3.984
There is a bug which prevents the player from collecting Calladium in Chapter 4. Go to the casino at least once and it should resolve itself.
I accidentally left some Chapter 4 characters pre-activated in Chapter 1. They are the gunmen in Hammer District. Ignore them.
Playing in 16:9 is causing the mission update box to appear in the wrong size. Check your task list.
It is possible to access the booksearches before that quest has actually been activated. If you are in the library in Chapter 4, it’s best that you stay away from the booksearch kiosk until you have spoken to Magmar the second time.
Use of F9 HUD reset actually makes things worse in 16:9. Do not use.
Stalking Ann’s father will no longer lock the screen.
Created a workaround for the suite boomerang bug; the Out arrow in the room will activate, allowing you to exit (this one’s really hard to fix)
The assailants should be properly gone now when skipping the gunfight.
Téa can no longer be used to assist in the library. Brendan is the person you need to talk to.
Players can now select 16:9 or 16:10 ratio resolutions, depending on what works best for them. Note that the game was not designed for 16:9 so many things will look off.
v3.984, released August 2, 2023
This is the complete public game so far from Chapter 0 through the very beginning of Chapter 5.
Chapter 4 is 95% complete. The chapter’s climax is a survival challenge that is not yet fully developed. Feel free to skip it.
Gameplay is over once all your tasks are listed as insoluble.
The stuck door in the warehouse still has no function.
When stalking Ann's father, the game will freeze. Use the F5 debug button to get out of the freeze, then go outside to the intersection. You should be able to find Ann's apartment from there.
There is a rare bug where, If you click rapidly while typing in your name when starting a new game, it may cause the player to start in a black screen and be unable to do anything. Just don’t do that.
I don't know why this happens but some people are unable to load the game in the intended resolution which causes problems with the UI. Press F1-F4 to access the menu buttons and press F9 to restore a HUD if it moves off screen and doesn't come back. See the official changelog for more debug solutions.
Loading time substantially improved (boot time is still long)
Fixed a variety of sprites that were cut off.
All mandatory puzzles can now be skipped.
Chapter 1 substantially reworked for better flow and gameplay clarity.
Brendan has been retconned to no longer be a school friend of Michelle’s, for better flow and gameplay clarity.
Clickable areas in the scene now spawn a small arrow to help you identify and differentiate what you are clicking on.
If you have the Astregression ability when running out of time, the game will prompt you to use it if you wish.
Téa is now accessible beyond Chapter 2 as long as you have the things you need.
Added casino
Added luxury suite floor
Added church bodyguards Russell and Julian
Added storage function in coffin (holds dragon statuette from Chapter 2)
Added 10 puzzles and/or sub-puzzles
Two secret girls included, though there could be more
EXPERIMENTAL ADDITIONS (not fully functional)
Added some limited sex animations
Added a limited memories shop
Interactions with Kelly expanded
Several scene items added on campus for future gameplay.
Bug fixes
A bug that caused the inventory not to reset properly after Ann’s mission was fixed (I think).
Bug fixes:
A bug that did not fill out Magmar’s flower list correctly was fixed.
Bugs found:
A major bug incorrectly fills your ingredient list from Magmar. (You can use the SKIP PUZZLE button to get past this issue as long as you have all 7 botanical reagents.)
Bug fixes
Fixed a bug which caused the game to stall when asking the janitor a question.
Under rare circumstances, Blaze and Shark will be missing from the park when they are required for the completion of the dealer raid. Submit your save file in the Discord for a fix.
A bug which prevented players from re-extracting Mara and Téa was fixed.
A bug which caused the player to be assigned milkweed twice by Magmar was fixed.
A bug which prevented Mara’s sprite from appearing was fixed.
The Chapter 4 objectives were clarified to make clear they are insoluble.
About 10% of the time while being assigned your floral reagents, you will be assigned milkweed twice. Just ignore the second instance when mixing. You don’t need a second milkweed plant.
A bug is preventing players from extracting Mara and Téa more than once. Ann should be extractable once per night.
A few bugs where trying to examine some miscellaneous characters in the early game caused UI lock were fixed. (Should this happen to you elsewhere, you can press F1 to get out of it)
A bug that allowed the player to use the Stalk ability prematurely, ultimately trapping the player, has been fixed. You will need to restart your game.
The flower descriptions in Chapter 3 were updated to be a little bit more specific:
Beardtongue: long, tubular flowers on a skinny stalk with skinny leaves
Lantana camara: bundles of flowerlets that look like a colorful cloud of fireworks
4 o’clock flower: large petals of two contrasting colors
Milkweed: dense bundles of star-shaped flowerlets on thick stalks and large, broad leaves
A bug which caused Michelle’s door to disappear, making it impossible to progress, has been fixed.
A bug which allowed the player to play through Chapter 3 without activating the statue, and ultimately trapping themselves, has been fixed.
v2.1 to v3.0
Examining some minor characters-- especially in Chapter 1-- causes the game to lock. Press F1 to get out of it.
MAJOR BUG: It is possible to play the start of Chapter 3 out of order, which is trapping players. Once you receive the objective to activate the statue, go back to the warehouse and do so IMMEDIATELY. Activate the statue by doubleclicking it. Working on a fix.
You can ask Brendan for help to rescue Michelle. This is a premature talk option that isn’t supposed to be available until Chapter 4. No major problems reported from this.
The mortar sometimes fails to receive reagents. Canceling and clicking on it again should fix this.
Playing straight through the game from Chapter 1 all the way into Chapter 3 without a reload or reboot can cause Michelle’s door to disappear, making it impossible to progress. Loading a save or rebooting the game should solve the problem.
The lower data display may not work if playing from the start. Loading a saved game should fix it.
If you try to take an escort but the game erroneously says you have too many escorts, rebooting or loading a save should fix the issue.
Sometimes your inventory is not restored correctly after returning from Ann’s mission. Press F2 to refresh the inventory.
Clicking through menus too fast can sometimes cause the stable screen to bug out. Exiting the stable and reentering usually fixes it.\
In case user interface gets stuck, press F1
In case inventory does not load or reset correctly, or if follower icons get lost, press F2
In case screen fades out but does not return, press F3
Reboot: F12
Open Mac Terminal
cd /.app/Contents/MacOS/
chmod -R 777 [applicationName]
Hold control key when right-click open to have the "Open" choice in the prompt
All other OS:
Download and extract,
Start a new game or
Continue from v2.03-v2.9
Drop previous “saveData” folder into “Bloodshift_Data” folder
Load stored save file from BEFORE Chapter 3.
Game will be all kinds of fucked if starting from after the start of the chapter. Don’t even try it.
Full save ability
Fully playable until the start of Chapter 4 (content ends)
Save and store your game before the start of Chapter 4 for future compatibility.
Warning added to start letting players know some puzzles require searching for clues outside the game
Loading screen fixed
Faster boot time and load time
Stable screen now shows current score, chapter, achievements, and name
Stats now highlight when increased or decreased
Achievement panel added
Cleaned up stable screen
Limited cumshot animations added (Ann and Mara)
Limited “female ejaculation” animation added (Ann)
Game tips added to load screen
Draco model changed
Skip puzzle button now offered for some puzzles (bottom right corner)
Sex sound options removed (will be back)
Astregression ability removed (will be back)
Mortar & pestle added to Ann’s apartment
Magmar added
Preacher Michaels added
Greenhouse added
Gareth Regional Park added
Reagent crafting added
Bloodburn modified to reduce blood maximum (earned at Level 4)
Animate ability added (only useful on Mara in this build) (earned at level 5)
Extraction ability added
Dialog upgrade
Certain dialog and other choices have positive and negative effects on your stats.
“Be a dick”: + virility / -blood max
“Be kind-hearted”: +blood max / -virility
“Be honest”: -1 blood burden / -charm
“Be wise”: +exp / -strength
“Be boastful” +strength/-exp
“Be strict” +time/-energy
“Be patient” +energy/-time
“Be quick-witted +speed/-recovery
“Be callous” +recovery/-speed
Rudimentary achievements added
Completing optional objectives now grants bonus points
Default stat changes:
Minimum feeding threshold: 86%
Minimum consciousness threshold: 71%
Blood draws changed to: 40, 50, 60, and 70%
Native virility changed to 23
Levelup change
4 stats randomly increase at levelup
Blood burden always increases by 2
Chapter 2 professor’s password puzzle and answer changed (easier, but solved differently)
You can now send Elly home even when Mara is sick, as long as hold dominance over Ann.
Added ability to skip some puzzles (no bonus points, however)
Top Ten Patrons list updated
Ten oldest Patrons list added
Option to customize Draco’s middle name added
Game integrity routine added
Boastful dialog responses increase your strength but slow your experience gain. Right now strength has no function until Chapter 4, so you may want to avoid these options (could give you head start later, however)
Added an additional clue to Alex Sanchez’ room for solving the password puzzle.
Reduced nightly blood depletion from 26 to 24
(depletion rebalance will only take effect on new campaigns)
From v1.8 or later:
Copy your previous /saveData folder into the new Bloodshift_Data folder so it is organized thusly: Bloodshift/Bloodshift_Data/saveData
From 1.8 or later: load from late Chapter 1.
From 1.92 or later: load from BEFORE meeting Téa
From 2.0 or later: load from anywhere
From pre-1.8:
Do not attempt to continue from pre-1.8
Delete any old installations and their save files.
Fixed a serious bug that caused Michelle to become unrecruitable if the player saved and loaded the game with her in their party.
Fixed a bug which allowed the violinist to be “resurrected” by talking to the “fat” bum
Removed 4:3 resolution option (hopefully helps Linux players with their resolution problem)
Added version checker to alert player of potential incompatibility with old save files
Removed Chapter 2 skip option.
Fixed a nasty bug that caused the player to get stuck on Dr Sanchez’ computer if they attempted to hack the password, failed, saved, then returned after a reload or a reboot.
Added MacOS and Linux versions (untested)
Slightly improved one of the password hack hints
Copy your previous /saveData folder into the new Bloodshift_Data folder so it is organized thusly: Bloodshift/Bloodshift_Data/saveData
In general it is always best to start from the previous chapter, so load up your late-chapter save from Chapter 1.
From 1.8 or later: definitely start from late Chapter 1.
From 1.92 or later: start from BEFORE meeting Téa
From 2.0: start from anywhere
Fixed a bug which trapped the player when trying to feed on the janitor.
Fixed a bug which caused Michelle to appear in the hallway during the doorway puzzle.
Fixed a bug which shrank Brendan’s sprite and hitbox, making him hard to interact with.
Fixed a bug which inappropriately left Mara’s room accessible when starting from Chapter 2. (this fix will not take effect if you are continuing from a Chapter 2 accelerated start; you will need to start again, sorry)
First night no-recovery mechanic disabled. All familiars should now heal on the same night they were fed upon once again.
All heal rates adjusted to between 14 and 19% per night.
Native virility raised from 16 to 20
Nightly depletion rate dropped from 29 to 26
Most characters’ natural resistance values significantly reduced
Sales of cocaine tripled after the apartment raid
Bloodburn change:
No longer reduces your blood maximum
Blood cost changed from 20 to 60
Wraith mode added-- You may sleep while starving but you will enter Wraith mode for the rest of the game. Your score, data, and achievements will be permanently wiped.
Téa can now be visited at her apartment for repeat feeding (no other interactions available)
Fast Travel to university added
Stable now only shows familiars who have been fed on at least once.
Téa added to stable
The Knoll Student Residential Hill added
Save slots now show the starting game version.
On rare occasions a load gets stuck (you’ll know it’s stuck if the music continues playing after more than a few seconds). Press F12 to reboot the game or press the REBOOT button that appears
Before you play:
You will need to start over for this build. You're still recommended to keep a save from before Chapter 2.
Remember to use F9 to clear game hangs.
Known issues:
The opening screen lists the version as 1.58.
Your game will bug out after breaking into Professor Sanchez's office. Only complete this mission after you have exhausted all other missions.
Giving something to the kid will lock the game. Use F9 to clear it.
Do not visit Professor Roberts again. This will cause the missions to loop.
Do not use the Chapter 2 Skip.
Do not try to drink Ann if the kid is in the room. (You should know better than that.) But seriously, the game will get weird
Play limits:
Mara's thread ends once you drink her. She will not return to the park. there is only one scene with her.
You can get up to two different scenes with ann.
You cannot sell any drugs at this time.
You cannot complete the Chapter 2 main mission.
You cannot find a campus blood source.
You cannot access Professor Toro's office.
You can access Prof Sanchez' office but nothing will happen there, and the game may bug out. You should do this last
Ch 1.13 release
Тему отредактировал: СынПирокара - Вчера, 23:40
Причина: Тема обновлена до версии v.3.99G09 PUBLIC / Topic updated to version v.3.99G09 PUBLIC
Причина: Тема обновлена до версии v.3.99G09 PUBLIC / Topic updated to version v.3.99G09 PUBLIC
Пароль на архив / Archive password:
Downloaded from Porno-Island
Загрузил: СынПирокара (25 марта 2025 23:40)
Статус: Проверено (СынПирокара)
Взяли: 130 | Размер: 1,59 Gb
Раздают: 13 Качают: 6 Скачали: 49
Мультитрекер: Раздают: 0 Качают: 0 Скачали: 0
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Bloodshift (2 файла)