"BMO TV" - это приключенческая игра в жанре point-and-click о реалити-шоу, где участники превращают друг друга во всевозможные сексуальные кинки. Игроку предстоит либо уничтожить других жителей до того, как они уничтожат их, либо найти союзников, чтобы раскрыть заговор, намного превосходящий его самого. Мы хотим распространить идею секс-позитивного движения, поэтому в основе игры лежит исследование игроками своих фетишей и кинков, а также знакомство с самим собой.
"BMO TV" - это игра о реалити-шоу про бимбофикацию в духе" Stranded", "Bimbo House" и т.д. Но вместо своих предшественников "BMO TV" - это полностью визуальное point-and-click приключение с сотнями возможностей сделать своего персонажа уникальным. Это не порноигра. В ней всего несколько реальных сексуальных сцен, поэтому она не рассчитана на целевую аудиторию этого сайта, а предназначена для людей с кинком на принудительную феминизацию. Речь идет о собственном преображении, а не о превращении других участниц в шлюх. Речь идет о преодолении главной героиней собственных чувств, связанных с превращением в бимбо. Если вам нужна только игра, в которой вы можете быть мудаками по отношению к другим участникам, то вы не целевая аудитория этой игры. Если вы будете играть только так, то игра испортит вам впечатление, а ведь в этом и заключается ее смысл.
BMO TV is a point-and-click adventure game about a reality tv show, where the contestants transform each other into all kinds of sexual kinks. The player has to either eliminate the other residents before they eliminate them, or make allies to uncover a conspiracy far greater than themselves. We want to spread the message of the sex-positive movement, so at its core this game is about the players exploring their fetishes and kinks, and getting to know themselves.
BMO TV is a game about a bimbofication reality tv show in the likes of Stranded, Bimbo House, etc. But instead of their predecessors, BMO TV is a completely visual point-and-click adventure with hundreds of options to make your character unique. It is not a porn game. There are only a handfull of actual sex scenes, so it isn't particularly made for the target audience of this website and instead is entirely made for people with a forced feminization kink. It's about your own transformation rather than turning the other contestants into bimbos. It's about overcoming the main characters own feelings of becoming a bimbo herself. If you just want a game where you can be assholes to the other contestants, then you're not the target audience of the game. If you only play like that, then the game will ruin your experience and that's the whole point of it.
Год выпуска: 2021
Жанр: 2dcg, male protagonist, female protagonist, character creation, transformation, sissification, point and click, simulator, mind control, corruption,
Цензура: Отсутствует
Разработчик/Издатель: Rel - www.patreon.com/relattic | discord.com/invite/UgBaGdT
Платформа: PC/Windows/MacOS/Linux
Тип издания: В разработке
Таблетка: Не требуется
Версия: v.0.6.4.f4
Язык игры: Английский
Язык интерфейса: Английский
v0.6.4.f4 - 2024-10-15
- fixed several smaller bugs and dialog issues
- fixed some bugs and changed some UI texts
- fixed several smaller bugs and dialog issues
- Harpy NPC & TF
- Three new rooms in True End Gameplay
- Employee PC Data in Doomsday
- Katelyn Dialog Character Rework
- Katelyn's Expressions and Poses triggered in all Dialogs
- New Legacy Items to Skip Contestant Quests
- More Audio Reworks
- Several Bugfixes
- fixed some smaller bugs
- fixed some graphical glitches
- fixed some problems with NPCs not displaying correctly during dialogs
- Spider NPC & TF
- Two new rooms in True End Gameplay
- Base Floor Puzzle Complete in True Ending
- Abigail Dialog Character Rework
- Abigail's Expressions and Poses triggered in all Dialogs
- New Contestant Reactions to being transformed in Base Gameplay Loop
- More Audio Reworks
- New Music
- Legacy Milkbottle is now free
- Several Bugfixes
- fixed an issue with some character animations being out of sync
- fixed several smaller bugs
v0.6.2.f3 - 2024-05-15
- fixed an issue with in-room doors like the kitchen cabinets, the shower curtain, etc, that the last patch introduced
- fixed a bug that shuts all doors close right after opening them
- fixed several smaller bugs
- Lamia NPC & TF
- Expanded True End House and added the first part of the True End Escape puzzle
- 5/5 Attacks for all contestants (except Erica, who will not get that)
- More Intensive Audio Reworks
- Himari and Marco sex scene that was teased but missing
- Abi attacks Erica scene at the beginning of the game
- more sex minigame work
- Fixed several bugs in relation to the Easter Event
v0.6.1.f1b - 2024-03-04
- Slime TF (most complex tf we've had yet on a technical level)
- added Himari Expressions Graphics
- reworked almost all Himari Dialogs to show fitting Expressions (let me know if some are missing or not working correctly)
- added sound effects to some Himari Expressions
- Succubus TF completely reworked with more graphics and player choices
- completely reworked sex mini game (first iteration, still some features missing, more next patch)
- added sex mini game to several sex scenes (all would have been too much work)
- ability to skip and roll a dice to check success for new sex mini game
- added sex scenes for all NPCs when they have been transformed with DUM+ and/or HEAT+
- added a caravan to the garden after Abigail gets forced to live in one
- Second Abigail Room (Caravan) in World and for Ally Night Events
- finally fixed the Thoughts UI not working correctly
- new room environment audio system (experimental for now but will get fleshes out over the next few months.)
- some new background music added in several spots (will also be more over the next few months)
- doubled number of save slots available
- Searchfield for Savegames (not very performant but it works)
- Popularity Gain Difficulty Slider
- Clothes Popularity Loss Difficulty Slider
- added the new Femdemic hairstyles in the Ally route
- fixed Pool Filter Look option missing
- asking Allies for help with high-up items when the ladder doesn't fit
- Unity Engine Upgrade
- switched ALL asset loading to Addressables (I had to rewrite all scripts that load any media, no idea what the optimization effect of this will be but the game is buildable again, which it wasn't before because it needed over 30GB of RAM to do so)
v0.6.0.f3 - 2024-01-21
- fixed video issues
- The Alliance Main Quest Finale
- The True Ending (Part 1)
- Setting facial features on Ally quest
- new Katelyn graphics on Ally quest
- New Skip Time menu (hover over the time in the topbar)
- New Difficulty Slider for how many votes the other contestants will get
- Pool water filter system - the pool can't be trapped anymore
- "Look"-Action on most objects in the game with helpful descriptions
- New Potions in the vending machine: Visage+ and Visage-
- the hourglass is now accessed through the memory crystal (available immediately)
- the hourglass legacy item now unlocks all nodes on the hourglass
- the pliers can now always be taken, but will be returned at night
- increased chance to find Damaris depending on game difficulty
- increased fitness gain depending on game difficulty
- decreased chance of Katelyn having an orgasm during the workout
- increased fitness gain in Legacy (need to reskill)
- decreased the milk delivery goals depending on game difficulty
- decreased the Control requirements on gynoid route depending on game difficulty
- made Hanko stamps be there at all daytimes on Normal and Easy difficulty
- decreased amount of Erica Domination events depending on game difficulty
v0.5.6.xmas 2
- fixed a bug with some past and future Chritstmas Calendar Event rewards (Days 7, 11, 13, 16, 19, 20. 21, 23)
v0.5.6.xmas 1
- activated the Chritstmas Calendar Event (next Patch will be released this month as well.. soon, I promise)
v0.5.6.f4 + Halloween Event
- activated the Halloween event, unfortunately with a bug where you need to use the Map from the vending machine for fast traveling out of the hobby room during the Halloween questline.
- graphical bugfixes
- fixed some outdated texts
- minor bugfixes
- fixed some video issues
- Other contestants attacking each other
- New Allies Branch events to lock stats
- Introduction of a new character: Damaris the Fairy
- A new room: Damaris' fairy house
- Two new Erica poses in the world
- New starting clothes, including lots of new male styles
- experimental way to reset language changes to any text soon after the text ticker has completed
- repackaged some files
v0.5.5 - 2023-07-18
- Thai Masseuse Branch
- Original Thai Branch Reworks
- First Allies Event
- New Hairstyle/Haircolor Event (Allies Branch)
- Fitness Rework
- Reaction Minigame Skippable
- Marco's Bedroom
- New Katelyn Poses in the Gym + new Traps?
- Shaving Beard
- Buying multiple items
- VSync Setting
- several small bugfixes
- added Femdemic promotion
- Isekai (anime) Branch
- Branch clarity (Easier to see what you've finished so far)
- Clothes shop reworked
- Puzzles rework
- Abigail's & Katelyn's room lock peek option
- More memory refactorings
- Kitty Anthro Branch
- Advent Calendar 2022
- Peek into Himari's Bedroom
- New Katelyn Gym Graphics (final placeholder graphic to be replaced)
- rework some old branches into week 10 Finale
- Latina Maid Branch
- New End of Week show
- New Rooms: Bathroom, Locker Room
- New Male Hair & Beards
- New Kitchen NPC Graphics: Katelyn & Abigail
- Gloryhole Mechanic
- Yearly Halloween Event
v0.5.1 f1(2022.12.06)
- French Maid Branch
- New Marco interactions
- New clothing shop category: Legwear(tons of new things to choose from)
- New Upper Hallways
- Standing Positions in each room
- New Himari in Kitchen Graphics replacement
- CPU optimization
- a lot of fixes and smaller things
fixes the long-persisting disk space usage issue.
- Katelyn Ally Quest
- Start of Maid branch
- New End-of-Week show (Week 9)
- Finale of Show in Week 10 (Game Ending Rework)
- New character; Marco (only a few occurences for now)
- New clothing shop category: Accessories (tons of new things to choose from)
- New sex graphics for main character: Doggy Style
- a lot of fixes and smaller things
- Audio-Visual Upgrades
- Erica Latex Slave Story
- New Latex Full Body Suit
- Himari Ally Content
- New End-Of-Week Show
- New Garden Graphics
- New Logo Graphics
- Showing Multiple Characters in Dialogs
- New Katelyn in Garden Graphics
- New Graphics for Himari Blowjob
- a lot of fixes and smaller things
v0.4.5 (Now Free)
- Easter Event (only during Easter week)
- Legacy System
- Magical Girl Quest
- New Main Menu Layout
- Massive additions to the cow branch: reactions, the second ending, breaking out logic
- Blowjob Graphics
- New Hallway Graphics
- Abigail Masturbation Scene
- Increased Body Proportions
- Katelyn Graphics
- Bugreport System
- a lot of fixes and smaller things
- slightly changed several dialogs/texts
- minor bugfixes
v0.4.4.f2 has been uploaded, which fixes the major crash issues.
It is now a 64-bit excecutable only.
v0.4.4.f1 (Now Free)
- Fixed Windows build crashing a lot
- Hucow Transformation Branch
- New Kitchen Graphics
- Long Nails TF, Styles and Vanity Options
- Clothing Popularity System (clothes will lose popularity gain the more often you wear them)
- Quicktime Event Rework: Arrows instead of letters
- New Low Mood Events to force you into clothes if you don't choose yourself (Community Request)
- New TV Animations by Sapphirefoxx
- Unlockables now have Descriptions how to unlock them
v0.4.3 (Now Free)
- new story: Gynoid Branch Full Long Story
- new streaming room graphics
- opened way in right hallway to tv studio
- tv studio daily wheel of unfortune spin to gain 10 votes
- lo fi background music
- music volume slider setting (new master)
- remove advent calendar (all items freely available, except miss clause -> seasonal reward)
- new himari stamp help
- added contestant help lines to quest list
- tell where the stamp at the end of the schoolgirl branch
- made stamp a bit more visible
- Arrows showing the navigation objects in each room on first enter and on pressing the question button
- reworks for heel mechanics
- added a minimum amount of movements after your last time tripping before which you can't trip
- added a maximum amount of movements after your last time tripping after which you will always trip
- upon tripping and only if there's no other contestant in the room, there's a chance that no attack will be triggered
- reworked the explanation of the show rules
- added explanation on unbalanced nature between the player and the contestants
- added vote highscore in tv studio
- you can now escape the Himari branches by only transforming Himari once with a Dum+
- other contestants now gain daily votes depending on their ingame actions (times transformed player + transformation state sexappeal) (needs heavy balancing)
- you now gain permanent popularity from attacking contestants -> needs balance testing
- you no longer gain 5 votes every day for disqualifying a contestant (contestants will attack each other in the future, and will never be disqualified)
- fixed a visual bug introduced in the latest temporary update.
v0.4.2.f2 (temporary changes)
- several small gameplay changes that would've been fixed with v0.4.3 but because of the amount of messages about them, I decided to do an update to change some things up
v0.4.2.f1c (WebGL only)
- fixed aspect ratio issues on WebGL (not a perfect solution, but probably better than before)
-> please use a modern browser, or update your browser to a 2021 version
- fixed a major bug that prevented events from being tinkered with
- WebGL Savegame Download
- Added Tasks to Questlist (incl. Erica Tasks)
- All Eight Lab Explosion Outcomes, including four new bad endings
- Lab Quest Notebook will now only be visible for x seconds every day, depending on Player IQ
- Lab Quest Available Days reduced to 5
- Unlockable Content: Reaching Bad Endings Now Can Unlock Clothes for future playthroughs
- New TV Studio Graphics
- Abigail now correctly stops you when tinkering with the paint bottles at night
- Himari/Abigail will no longer interfere with Attacks when they have become your ally
- Himari/Abigail will no longer take away the ladder when they have become your ally
- Himari/Abigail will now loose Ally status when you attack them or they catch you manipulating their stuff
- Gynoid Branch: Disabled Ability to Disqualify Abigail
- reworked a lot of old clothes
- removed ability to gain relationship with Katelyn for content in v0.4.4
- Added content unlocks to all branches:
fluffy jacket, schoolgirl outfit, robotic high heels, fluffy babydoll, asylum crop top, long pink home dress
- Christmas Special: Advent Calendar (only available until next patch, won't be available on free version)
- Reworked Abigail's Pool graphics
- added shoes and underwear to asian paths
- removed mouse click from reaction minigame
- Several smaller and bigger changes that I forgot to write down
- Reduced main character graphics quality on WebGL to reduce size
v0.4.1 (Now Free)
- Abigail Gynoid Branch Continuation (completion planned for v0.4.2)
- New Clothing Category: Shoes
- New Full Body View (button in corner of screen)
- New MC leg position when wearing High Heels
- High Heels Walking Training
- New TF: Tendons Length
- Tripping on Heels Events
- Simplified UI, that's always on Screen
- Added Bedroom Mirror for showing all stats
- New tooltips for clothes
- Added background colors to all clothes to signal mood changes
- New Gym Background Graphics
- New Himari Standing Graphics
- New Himari Pool Graphics
- Himari TF Choices when taking control
- New Abigail Graphics in Hobby Room
- Expanded Save Slots to 1000
- New Difficulty Adjustment Option: Cost of Anti-TF Items
- Lowered Default timer values for attack timer
- Added Toenail Coloring in Vanity
- Added more clothes
- Added hints to Himari Stamp Quest
- Added harsh punishments for resting too often
- Total Memory Optimization Refactoring
- Obligatory 'Several Bugfixes' Message
- Added Walkthrough
- Changed Reaction Minigame to immediately succeed or fail on button press
- swimwear disallow on other activities
- added autosave slot, saving before going to bed
- you will now gain half the popularity of an activity on a fail, instead of none at all
- Abigail Story Introduction
- Abigail Lab Quest Introduction
- Abigail Branch Outcomes
-> branch 1 will continue in v0.4.1
-> branch 2 will continue in v0.4.2
- new Abigail Standing Graphics
- added HEAT+ to Abigail's possible TFs
- 3 new steps at body 0 for males
- Underwear (including mood changes)
- Ahegao expression for orgasms/compulsions
- New Pool Graphics
- New Bedroom Graphics
- Preview Option to change the Bedroom Color through AI:Ison (for Alpha players only)
- New Exhibitionism Attack Graphics
- Clothing Competition Sweater Dress
- Added a bad end to the new fembot storyline (branch will be extended in v0.4.1)
- Added a character image for the moderator
- new body proportions 9-14
- new smaller bikini top
- new hobby room graphics
- panic button for Patreon version
- popularity change popup
- added pliers to unlock Wardrobe after escaping Asian branches
- first phase of Erica storyline
- wearing chastity cage
- wearing clitoris piercing
- wearing a buttplug
- licking boots task
- buying a TF task
- Abigail feet massage task
- camshow humiliation task
- eating cum task
- blowjob task
- second phase of Erica storyline
- protection from attacks
- added Erica tasks to quest system
- added getting pigtails from Himari when she's your ally
- added getting asian eye shape from Himari when she's your ally
- bugfixes
- added smaller bikini
- minor bugfixes
- changed patreon goals
v0.3.2b (WebGL only)
- some bugfixes for WebGL
- added weekly shows for weeks 1,2,3 & 4
- added life goal effects during week 1
- added compulsion effects during week 2
- added name change event during week 3 show
- added hair color change event during week 4 show for Player Character and Abigail
- added tons of new clothing options
- adjusted clothing stats
- added tanning when sunbathing
- add visualization for understanding bimbo/sluttiness scores in wardrobe (not meeting requirements will lead to compulsion events)
- fixed a bug that made the rash itch when naked
- added new vending machine hallway graphics
- added contestant dialog reactions after weekly shows
- changed some Katelyn and Himari Dialogs after weekly shows
- changed the first-day tour to include talking to all contestants before being able to interact with anything
- added thoughts for that language, life goals, tf junkie, smoke/cum addiction
- added language loss effect to dialogs
- quest log system (very basic for now)
- added dialog auto-advancement
- added dialog skip button
- added day planner
- Asian Schoolgirl Path will now start three days after initial Himari Stamp conversation if the stamp has not been given to Himari
- Asian Prostitution Path will now start when asking Himari for sexual favours for finding the Hanko Stamp (Path not finished)
- During Schoolgirl Path, don't stop facial tfs completely, only for eyes
- Schoolgirl Path now only has one treshhold for hairlength, the other states will immediately increase, so it is much faster to game over
- During the Schoolgirl Path all Attacks will be done by Himari, choosing only tfs fitting to the path, e.g. hair extension during hair phase
- Added all days of second Himari path (thai prostitute)
- Added system for addictions
- Added animation for drooling
- Added item that stops drooling in shop
- Added graphics for longer pigtails
- Added texts to masturbation scene
- Added new graphics to Abigail living room scene
- Added ability for player to choose what TF to apply next (only for Abigail) (result can only be seen in the Evening when she is in the living room for now)
- added vanity for makeup application in Bedroom
- when exhibitionism goes up, the character will sit on the vanity to apply makeup
- makeup has min and max values based on exhibitionism
- added bimbo/sluttiness score to popularity popup
- bimbo & sluttiness scores added to sexappeal calculation
- added compulsion events that make the character run back to the bedroom if your mind and visual representation are too far apart from each other (exhibitionismclothes, iqbimbo score, libidosluttiness score
- added arousal tipping point (>50) above which the character should get more aroused by being in the same room as the other contestants if they have been transformed at least once before
- added spontaneous orgasms if arousal > 75, which will lead to being attacked by Erica if it happens outside your Bedroom
- changed longer hair to be behind character instead of in front
- one potion/syringe per tf at vending machine (you can only use one potion per day, but as many syringes as you want): GROW+ for body up, DUM+ for iq down, SKIN+ for exhibitionism up, SKIN- for exhibitionism down, GROW- for body down, DUM- for iq up, RISE+ for height up, RISE- for height down, ELONG+ for hairlength up, ELONG- for hairlength down, rash lotion, HEAT+ for libido up, HEAT- for libido down, FEM+ for femininity up, FEM- for femininity down, GIRTH+ for penis growth, GIRTH- for penis shrink
- new character art for Abigail in Living Room
- new tf choices when attacking Abigail, that will be represented in her Living Room art
- new time schedule (Morning, Noon, Afternoon, Evening, Night, Late Night)
- IQs will slowly make you drop your guard over time (growing chance that attack evasion will fail immediately)
Quality of Life:
- added settings for reduced hypnosis visuals
- added starting dialog to choose hypnosis visual settings
- added morning dialog to choose hypnosis settings for old savegames
- added Help-Button to highlight all interactable objects in the room
- added message for Patreon charging at the beginning of each month in menu
- added a message about the game versions only being available starting with the $5 Patreon tier
- added a changing booth to the pool
- added an invisible layer outside of most popup windows that closes the window when clicked on (Shops, Vanity, Inventory, Affection Window)
- fixed cooking not advancing time
- fixed streaming not advancing time
- fixed vibrator at pool being opened by default
- fixed himari graphic in hobby room staying active after stamp dialog
- fixed a bug where going naked has no mood effects
- added black screen to savegame loading
- fixed female eyes not white on darker skin colors
- fixed drool color at night
- added the ability to fast-travel with map-object
- raised price of map object to 40
- fixed contestant positions on map
- trying a new stat visualization for: RashExhitibionism and BodyFemininity
- added explanation for current states of RashExhibitionism and BodyFemininity
- changed the way how contestants choose what tf to do
- fixed room tint sometimes not resetting to daylight correctly
- fixed Himari dialog on low affection breaking game
- changed Himari SG path morning hypnosis to not pass time
- made Himari SG path exitable by defeating Himari
- fixed small penis sizes growing back to large as soon as they are supposed to shrink
- added several morning messages to different penis transformation stages
- fixed some typos send in by blahblah2019 - thank you!
- fixed Abigail grins awkwardly repeated twice
- fixed votes from disqualified contestants not showing up immediately
-fixed nakedness sometimes breaks game
-fixed itch on nakedness (maybe - untested sorry)
-fixed mtf taking longer to appear on smaller penis sizes
-fixed talking to AI after disqualifying Katelyn gives votes every time
-fixed Himari saying that your hair grew when it didn't on female start
-fixed savegames not resetting all values correctly
- removed schoolgirl outfit from store
- fixed hair on schoolgirl route not growing out to the needed length
- fixed patreon amount bar to work for amounts past $1,000 you pepople are crazy :)
- saving volume slider value on device
- increased maximum fitness to 100
- changed Katelyns interactions based on new fitness values
- fixed some things with the height transformation
- fixed facial transformations not narrated correctly
- fixed facial transformations happening on next morning not saved correctly
- fixed drool transformation not happening sometimes
- fixed makeup color not showing. it will now show up on high libido characters automatically as was originally intended for this version (makeup system will be replaced in v0.3.1.0)
- added a readme to Mac version with tips how to get the game to start from the forum
- added a sensory warning to beginning of game
- hairlength didn't visualize past level 7 fixed
- fixed window size not saved
- fixed what transformations happen when a contestant makes you choose one
- height not saved correctly fixed
- fixed wrong contestant being displayed in dialog sometimes
- fixed a bug that left the screen blurry and the headset on during contestant attacks after all tfs have been used
- fixed Himari not showing in Hobby Room anymore after BJ scene
b Version
fixed kitchen not working
- flash fix
- fixed penis transformation
- lowered penis transformation threshold for now
- fixed Katelyn not appearing in the garden after the first day (maybe)
- fixed being able to talk to kitchen chairs
- fixed camera helper message displayed twice (maybe)
- added a message to the clothing shop where to change clothes
- fixed taking control of katelyn disables dialogs
- fixed clothes wearing not saved correctly
- fixed Erica hitting you doesn't go down overnight, but increases
- fixed a bug where Katelyn still removes all clothes on schoolgirl path
- added a volume slider to menu
- made the game start in 16:9 windowed mode
- made the game window always snap to a 16:9 aspect ratio
- fixed hair transformation attacks not happening through attacks
- fixed penis transformation not happening
- gave lower stats a higher chance to be used during attacks
- disabled attacks for maxed out stats
- fixed arousal going above 100
- fixed the nudity blur in free version overlaying some menus/dialogs
- fixed penis length not being saved correctly
- fixed penis tfs not happening
- added eye blinking animation
- fixed iq going below 0 (maybe)
- half-fixed facial transformations overriding all other transformations happening in the morning
early morning quick fix
fixed some bugs and added some clarification to mechanics
Quick Savegames Bugfix to prevent savegame loss. Please update.
- new player character graphics
- character creation choices: hair color, hairstyle (female), penis length (male)
- replaced living room graphics
- removed time advancement on entering the living room
- new logo
- new stats: mood, horniness
- mood effector system: events will impact the mood over a period of time
- mood now affects character graphics expression
- clothes can now be worn in a wardrobe system
- clothes system - choose what to wear fashion = min and max score
- clothes will massively affect your mood
- libido score now affects minimum horniness
- random events now invoke a reaction minigame. the time available depends on your mood, horniness, and IQ.
- the IQ score directly affects the hair color, depending on what color you chose at the character creation
- added four new attacks contestant can use against you: rash creme (creates itchiness for unrevealing clothes), femininity acceptance (lowers negative mood after body transformations), face transformations (eyes, nose, mouth, eyebrows), height reduction
- contestants can now give the player a choice what to attack with depending on certain relationship statuses
- added activities to house
- doing activities gains you popularity (based on activity appeal, Sex Appeal, mood, and arousal)
- interactions with other contestants will also play into popularity and mood changes
- resting in your room will decrease your popularity at an increasing pace the more you do it in one day
- taking control of contestants gives you a popularity boost
- in the camera room you get points depending on popularity, mood (higher is better), and arousal (higher is better)
- in the camera room the expected vote count will now be displayed
- Bambi is now called Abigail
- Bad endings for reaching the maximum of a score have been removed and will be replaced with a different system at some point
- bad end only happens for a score reaching max if all scores that are connected reach max as well (This system will be completely overhauled at some point when the main story progressions are further along.)
- for female characters, there's an eyesight transformation and they will start with glasses, not being able to see without them
- Asian schoolgirl transformation completely overhauled
- added the Introduction to Erica, the fourth contestant (no way to take control yet)
- the vending machine now has a new UI that gives information about items before purchasing
- Calming Tea has been removed from the vending machine
- New purchasable items in the vending machine: Increaso (increase body/hair), Tranquility (lower IQ), Sagacity (replacement for Calm Tea - raise IQ/lower Libido)
- contestants can now sometimes comment on the player's transformation state
- rewrote some dialogs (ongoing)
-restyled UI
-main menu now has a Patreon goals bar with milestone explanations
- Unlocked all player transformation stages for all stats (Body, IQ, Slut, Clothes, Hair length)
- Bambi all faces graphics replaced
- Dialog system overhaul: can now have choosable answers
- Some bugs fixed
- New Affection system (talking raises affection, attacking lowers affection)
- Other contestants attacking you depends on affection
- Bedroom graphics perspective update
- Backend changes to the dialogue system
- Several bugfixes
- Disabled camera effects to see if people like graphics better that way
- Added slight character shadow to distinct it better from the background now that effects are off
- Added explanation to the ladder
- Added a hint to Katelyn objectives
- Added a hint to Book objective
- Added a hint to Vibrator
- Fixed a bug with the fridge
- Changed default difficulty level
- Changed several player character facial expressions
- Changed player clothing level 1 and 2 (tshirt and dress) to better show first body change
- Added thought screen to better highlight facial features
- Added character scaling buttons - Added two final face types: Bimbo & Slut
- Face is now dependant on both Bimbo & Slut
- Hovering objects now directly loads the interaction menu
"BMO TV" - это приключенческая игра в жанре point-and-click о реалити-шоу, где участники превращают друг друга во всевозможные сексуальные кинки. Игроку предстоит либо уничтожить других жителей до того, как они уничтожат их, либо найти союзников, чтобы раскрыть заговор, намного превосходящий его самого. Мы хотим распространить идею секс-позитивного движения, поэтому в основе игры лежит исследование игроками своих фетишей и кинков, а также знакомство с самим собой.
"BMO TV" - это игра о реалити-шоу про бимбофикацию в духе" Stranded", "Bimbo House" и т.д. Но вместо своих предшественников "BMO TV" - это полностью визуальное point-and-click приключение с сотнями возможностей сделать своего персонажа уникальным. Это не порноигра. В ней всего несколько реальных сексуальных сцен, поэтому она не рассчитана на целевую аудиторию этого сайта, а предназначена для людей с кинком на принудительную феминизацию. Речь идет о собственном преображении, а не о превращении других участниц в шлюх. Речь идет о преодолении главной героиней собственных чувств, связанных с превращением в бимбо. Если вам нужна только игра, в которой вы можете быть мудаками по отношению к другим участникам, то вы не целевая аудитория этой игры. Если вы будете играть только так, то игра испортит вам впечатление, а ведь в этом и заключается ее смысл.
BMO TV is a point-and-click adventure game about a reality tv show, where the contestants transform each other into all kinds of sexual kinks. The player has to either eliminate the other residents before they eliminate them, or make allies to uncover a conspiracy far greater than themselves. We want to spread the message of the sex-positive movement, so at its core this game is about the players exploring their fetishes and kinks, and getting to know themselves.
BMO TV is a game about a bimbofication reality tv show in the likes of Stranded, Bimbo House, etc. But instead of their predecessors, BMO TV is a completely visual point-and-click adventure with hundreds of options to make your character unique. It is not a porn game. There are only a handfull of actual sex scenes, so it isn't particularly made for the target audience of this website and instead is entirely made for people with a forced feminization kink. It's about your own transformation rather than turning the other contestants into bimbos. It's about overcoming the main characters own feelings of becoming a bimbo herself. If you just want a game where you can be assholes to the other contestants, then you're not the target audience of the game. If you only play like that, then the game will ruin your experience and that's the whole point of it.
Год выпуска: 2021
Жанр: 2dcg, male protagonist, female protagonist, character creation, transformation, sissification, point and click, simulator, mind control, corruption,
Цензура: Отсутствует
Разработчик/Издатель: Rel - www.patreon.com/relattic | discord.com/invite/UgBaGdT
Платформа: PC/Windows/MacOS/Linux
Тип издания: В разработке
Таблетка: Не требуется
Версия: v.0.6.4.f4
Язык игры: Английский
Язык интерфейса: Английский
v0.6.4.f4 - 2024-10-15
- fixed several smaller bugs and dialog issues
- fixed some bugs and changed some UI texts
- fixed several smaller bugs and dialog issues
- Harpy NPC & TF
- Three new rooms in True End Gameplay
- Employee PC Data in Doomsday
- Katelyn Dialog Character Rework
- Katelyn's Expressions and Poses triggered in all Dialogs
- New Legacy Items to Skip Contestant Quests
- More Audio Reworks
- Several Bugfixes
- fixed some smaller bugs
- fixed some graphical glitches
- fixed some problems with NPCs not displaying correctly during dialogs
- Spider NPC & TF
- Two new rooms in True End Gameplay
- Base Floor Puzzle Complete in True Ending
- Abigail Dialog Character Rework
- Abigail's Expressions and Poses triggered in all Dialogs
- New Contestant Reactions to being transformed in Base Gameplay Loop
- More Audio Reworks
- New Music
- Legacy Milkbottle is now free
- Several Bugfixes
- fixed an issue with some character animations being out of sync
- fixed several smaller bugs
v0.6.2.f3 - 2024-05-15
- fixed an issue with in-room doors like the kitchen cabinets, the shower curtain, etc, that the last patch introduced
- fixed a bug that shuts all doors close right after opening them
- fixed several smaller bugs
- Lamia NPC & TF
- Expanded True End House and added the first part of the True End Escape puzzle
- 5/5 Attacks for all contestants (except Erica, who will not get that)
- More Intensive Audio Reworks
- Himari and Marco sex scene that was teased but missing
- Abi attacks Erica scene at the beginning of the game
- more sex minigame work
- Fixed several bugs in relation to the Easter Event
v0.6.1.f1b - 2024-03-04
- Slime TF (most complex tf we've had yet on a technical level)
- added Himari Expressions Graphics
- reworked almost all Himari Dialogs to show fitting Expressions (let me know if some are missing or not working correctly)
- added sound effects to some Himari Expressions
- Succubus TF completely reworked with more graphics and player choices
- completely reworked sex mini game (first iteration, still some features missing, more next patch)
- added sex mini game to several sex scenes (all would have been too much work)
- ability to skip and roll a dice to check success for new sex mini game
- added sex scenes for all NPCs when they have been transformed with DUM+ and/or HEAT+
- added a caravan to the garden after Abigail gets forced to live in one
- Second Abigail Room (Caravan) in World and for Ally Night Events
- finally fixed the Thoughts UI not working correctly
- new room environment audio system (experimental for now but will get fleshes out over the next few months.)
- some new background music added in several spots (will also be more over the next few months)
- doubled number of save slots available
- Searchfield for Savegames (not very performant but it works)
- Popularity Gain Difficulty Slider
- Clothes Popularity Loss Difficulty Slider
- added the new Femdemic hairstyles in the Ally route
- fixed Pool Filter Look option missing
- asking Allies for help with high-up items when the ladder doesn't fit
- Unity Engine Upgrade
- switched ALL asset loading to Addressables (I had to rewrite all scripts that load any media, no idea what the optimization effect of this will be but the game is buildable again, which it wasn't before because it needed over 30GB of RAM to do so)
v0.6.0.f3 - 2024-01-21
- fixed video issues
- The Alliance Main Quest Finale
- The True Ending (Part 1)
- Setting facial features on Ally quest
- new Katelyn graphics on Ally quest
- New Skip Time menu (hover over the time in the topbar)
- New Difficulty Slider for how many votes the other contestants will get
- Pool water filter system - the pool can't be trapped anymore
- "Look"-Action on most objects in the game with helpful descriptions
- New Potions in the vending machine: Visage+ and Visage-
- the hourglass is now accessed through the memory crystal (available immediately)
- the hourglass legacy item now unlocks all nodes on the hourglass
- the pliers can now always be taken, but will be returned at night
- increased chance to find Damaris depending on game difficulty
- increased fitness gain depending on game difficulty
- decreased chance of Katelyn having an orgasm during the workout
- increased fitness gain in Legacy (need to reskill)
- decreased the milk delivery goals depending on game difficulty
- decreased the Control requirements on gynoid route depending on game difficulty
- made Hanko stamps be there at all daytimes on Normal and Easy difficulty
- decreased amount of Erica Domination events depending on game difficulty
v0.5.6.xmas 2
- fixed a bug with some past and future Chritstmas Calendar Event rewards (Days 7, 11, 13, 16, 19, 20. 21, 23)
v0.5.6.xmas 1
- activated the Chritstmas Calendar Event (next Patch will be released this month as well.. soon, I promise)
v0.5.6.f4 + Halloween Event
- activated the Halloween event, unfortunately with a bug where you need to use the Map from the vending machine for fast traveling out of the hobby room during the Halloween questline.
- graphical bugfixes
- fixed some outdated texts
- minor bugfixes
- fixed some video issues
- Other contestants attacking each other
- New Allies Branch events to lock stats
- Introduction of a new character: Damaris the Fairy
- A new room: Damaris' fairy house
- Two new Erica poses in the world
- New starting clothes, including lots of new male styles
- experimental way to reset language changes to any text soon after the text ticker has completed
- repackaged some files
v0.5.5 - 2023-07-18
- Thai Masseuse Branch
- Original Thai Branch Reworks
- First Allies Event
- New Hairstyle/Haircolor Event (Allies Branch)
- Fitness Rework
- Reaction Minigame Skippable
- Marco's Bedroom
- New Katelyn Poses in the Gym + new Traps?
- Shaving Beard
- Buying multiple items
- VSync Setting
- several small bugfixes
- added Femdemic promotion
- Isekai (anime) Branch
- Branch clarity (Easier to see what you've finished so far)
- Clothes shop reworked
- Puzzles rework
- Abigail's & Katelyn's room lock peek option
- More memory refactorings
- Kitty Anthro Branch
- Advent Calendar 2022
- Peek into Himari's Bedroom
- New Katelyn Gym Graphics (final placeholder graphic to be replaced)
- rework some old branches into week 10 Finale
- Latina Maid Branch
- New End of Week show
- New Rooms: Bathroom, Locker Room
- New Male Hair & Beards
- New Kitchen NPC Graphics: Katelyn & Abigail
- Gloryhole Mechanic
- Yearly Halloween Event
v0.5.1 f1(2022.12.06)
- French Maid Branch
- New Marco interactions
- New clothing shop category: Legwear(tons of new things to choose from)
- New Upper Hallways
- Standing Positions in each room
- New Himari in Kitchen Graphics replacement
- CPU optimization
- a lot of fixes and smaller things
fixes the long-persisting disk space usage issue.
- Katelyn Ally Quest
- Start of Maid branch
- New End-of-Week show (Week 9)
- Finale of Show in Week 10 (Game Ending Rework)
- New character; Marco (only a few occurences for now)
- New clothing shop category: Accessories (tons of new things to choose from)
- New sex graphics for main character: Doggy Style
- a lot of fixes and smaller things
- Audio-Visual Upgrades
- Erica Latex Slave Story
- New Latex Full Body Suit
- Himari Ally Content
- New End-Of-Week Show
- New Garden Graphics
- New Logo Graphics
- Showing Multiple Characters in Dialogs
- New Katelyn in Garden Graphics
- New Graphics for Himari Blowjob
- a lot of fixes and smaller things
v0.4.5 (Now Free)
- Easter Event (only during Easter week)
- Legacy System
- Magical Girl Quest
- New Main Menu Layout
- Massive additions to the cow branch: reactions, the second ending, breaking out logic
- Blowjob Graphics
- New Hallway Graphics
- Abigail Masturbation Scene
- Increased Body Proportions
- Katelyn Graphics
- Bugreport System
- a lot of fixes and smaller things
- slightly changed several dialogs/texts
- minor bugfixes
v0.4.4.f2 has been uploaded, which fixes the major crash issues.
It is now a 64-bit excecutable only.
v0.4.4.f1 (Now Free)
- Fixed Windows build crashing a lot
- Hucow Transformation Branch
- New Kitchen Graphics
- Long Nails TF, Styles and Vanity Options
- Clothing Popularity System (clothes will lose popularity gain the more often you wear them)
- Quicktime Event Rework: Arrows instead of letters
- New Low Mood Events to force you into clothes if you don't choose yourself (Community Request)
- New TV Animations by Sapphirefoxx
- Unlockables now have Descriptions how to unlock them
v0.4.3 (Now Free)
- new story: Gynoid Branch Full Long Story
- new streaming room graphics
- opened way in right hallway to tv studio
- tv studio daily wheel of unfortune spin to gain 10 votes
- lo fi background music
- music volume slider setting (new master)
- remove advent calendar (all items freely available, except miss clause -> seasonal reward)
- new himari stamp help
- added contestant help lines to quest list
- tell where the stamp at the end of the schoolgirl branch
- made stamp a bit more visible
- Arrows showing the navigation objects in each room on first enter and on pressing the question button
- reworks for heel mechanics
- added a minimum amount of movements after your last time tripping before which you can't trip
- added a maximum amount of movements after your last time tripping after which you will always trip
- upon tripping and only if there's no other contestant in the room, there's a chance that no attack will be triggered
- reworked the explanation of the show rules
- added explanation on unbalanced nature between the player and the contestants
- added vote highscore in tv studio
- you can now escape the Himari branches by only transforming Himari once with a Dum+
- other contestants now gain daily votes depending on their ingame actions (times transformed player + transformation state sexappeal) (needs heavy balancing)
- you now gain permanent popularity from attacking contestants -> needs balance testing
- you no longer gain 5 votes every day for disqualifying a contestant (contestants will attack each other in the future, and will never be disqualified)
- fixed a visual bug introduced in the latest temporary update.
v0.4.2.f2 (temporary changes)
- several small gameplay changes that would've been fixed with v0.4.3 but because of the amount of messages about them, I decided to do an update to change some things up
v0.4.2.f1c (WebGL only)
- fixed aspect ratio issues on WebGL (not a perfect solution, but probably better than before)
-> please use a modern browser, or update your browser to a 2021 version
- fixed a major bug that prevented events from being tinkered with
- WebGL Savegame Download
- Added Tasks to Questlist (incl. Erica Tasks)
- All Eight Lab Explosion Outcomes, including four new bad endings
- Lab Quest Notebook will now only be visible for x seconds every day, depending on Player IQ
- Lab Quest Available Days reduced to 5
- Unlockable Content: Reaching Bad Endings Now Can Unlock Clothes for future playthroughs
- New TV Studio Graphics
- Abigail now correctly stops you when tinkering with the paint bottles at night
- Himari/Abigail will no longer interfere with Attacks when they have become your ally
- Himari/Abigail will no longer take away the ladder when they have become your ally
- Himari/Abigail will now loose Ally status when you attack them or they catch you manipulating their stuff
- Gynoid Branch: Disabled Ability to Disqualify Abigail
- reworked a lot of old clothes
- removed ability to gain relationship with Katelyn for content in v0.4.4
- Added content unlocks to all branches:
fluffy jacket, schoolgirl outfit, robotic high heels, fluffy babydoll, asylum crop top, long pink home dress
- Christmas Special: Advent Calendar (only available until next patch, won't be available on free version)
- Reworked Abigail's Pool graphics
- added shoes and underwear to asian paths
- removed mouse click from reaction minigame
- Several smaller and bigger changes that I forgot to write down
- Reduced main character graphics quality on WebGL to reduce size
v0.4.1 (Now Free)
- Abigail Gynoid Branch Continuation (completion planned for v0.4.2)
- New Clothing Category: Shoes
- New Full Body View (button in corner of screen)
- New MC leg position when wearing High Heels
- High Heels Walking Training
- New TF: Tendons Length
- Tripping on Heels Events
- Simplified UI, that's always on Screen
- Added Bedroom Mirror for showing all stats
- New tooltips for clothes
- Added background colors to all clothes to signal mood changes
- New Gym Background Graphics
- New Himari Standing Graphics
- New Himari Pool Graphics
- Himari TF Choices when taking control
- New Abigail Graphics in Hobby Room
- Expanded Save Slots to 1000
- New Difficulty Adjustment Option: Cost of Anti-TF Items
- Lowered Default timer values for attack timer
- Added Toenail Coloring in Vanity
- Added more clothes
- Added hints to Himari Stamp Quest
- Added harsh punishments for resting too often
- Total Memory Optimization Refactoring
- Obligatory 'Several Bugfixes' Message
- Added Walkthrough
- Changed Reaction Minigame to immediately succeed or fail on button press
- swimwear disallow on other activities
- added autosave slot, saving before going to bed
- you will now gain half the popularity of an activity on a fail, instead of none at all
- Abigail Story Introduction
- Abigail Lab Quest Introduction
- Abigail Branch Outcomes
-> branch 1 will continue in v0.4.1
-> branch 2 will continue in v0.4.2
- new Abigail Standing Graphics
- added HEAT+ to Abigail's possible TFs
- 3 new steps at body 0 for males
- Underwear (including mood changes)
- Ahegao expression for orgasms/compulsions
- New Pool Graphics
- New Bedroom Graphics
- Preview Option to change the Bedroom Color through AI:Ison (for Alpha players only)
- New Exhibitionism Attack Graphics
- Clothing Competition Sweater Dress
- Added a bad end to the new fembot storyline (branch will be extended in v0.4.1)
- Added a character image for the moderator
- new body proportions 9-14
- new smaller bikini top
- new hobby room graphics
- panic button for Patreon version
- popularity change popup
- added pliers to unlock Wardrobe after escaping Asian branches
- first phase of Erica storyline
- wearing chastity cage
- wearing clitoris piercing
- wearing a buttplug
- licking boots task
- buying a TF task
- Abigail feet massage task
- camshow humiliation task
- eating cum task
- blowjob task
- second phase of Erica storyline
- protection from attacks
- added Erica tasks to quest system
- added getting pigtails from Himari when she's your ally
- added getting asian eye shape from Himari when she's your ally
- bugfixes
- added smaller bikini
- minor bugfixes
- changed patreon goals
v0.3.2b (WebGL only)
- some bugfixes for WebGL
- added weekly shows for weeks 1,2,3 & 4
- added life goal effects during week 1
- added compulsion effects during week 2
- added name change event during week 3 show
- added hair color change event during week 4 show for Player Character and Abigail
- added tons of new clothing options
- adjusted clothing stats
- added tanning when sunbathing
- add visualization for understanding bimbo/sluttiness scores in wardrobe (not meeting requirements will lead to compulsion events)
- fixed a bug that made the rash itch when naked
- added new vending machine hallway graphics
- added contestant dialog reactions after weekly shows
- changed some Katelyn and Himari Dialogs after weekly shows
- changed the first-day tour to include talking to all contestants before being able to interact with anything
- added thoughts for that language, life goals, tf junkie, smoke/cum addiction
- added language loss effect to dialogs
- quest log system (very basic for now)
- added dialog auto-advancement
- added dialog skip button
- added day planner
- Asian Schoolgirl Path will now start three days after initial Himari Stamp conversation if the stamp has not been given to Himari
- Asian Prostitution Path will now start when asking Himari for sexual favours for finding the Hanko Stamp (Path not finished)
- During Schoolgirl Path, don't stop facial tfs completely, only for eyes
- Schoolgirl Path now only has one treshhold for hairlength, the other states will immediately increase, so it is much faster to game over
- During the Schoolgirl Path all Attacks will be done by Himari, choosing only tfs fitting to the path, e.g. hair extension during hair phase
- Added all days of second Himari path (thai prostitute)
- Added system for addictions
- Added animation for drooling
- Added item that stops drooling in shop
- Added graphics for longer pigtails
- Added texts to masturbation scene
- Added new graphics to Abigail living room scene
- Added ability for player to choose what TF to apply next (only for Abigail) (result can only be seen in the Evening when she is in the living room for now)
- added vanity for makeup application in Bedroom
- when exhibitionism goes up, the character will sit on the vanity to apply makeup
- makeup has min and max values based on exhibitionism
- added bimbo/sluttiness score to popularity popup
- bimbo & sluttiness scores added to sexappeal calculation
- added compulsion events that make the character run back to the bedroom if your mind and visual representation are too far apart from each other (exhibitionismclothes, iqbimbo score, libidosluttiness score
- added arousal tipping point (>50) above which the character should get more aroused by being in the same room as the other contestants if they have been transformed at least once before
- added spontaneous orgasms if arousal > 75, which will lead to being attacked by Erica if it happens outside your Bedroom
- changed longer hair to be behind character instead of in front
- one potion/syringe per tf at vending machine (you can only use one potion per day, but as many syringes as you want): GROW+ for body up, DUM+ for iq down, SKIN+ for exhibitionism up, SKIN- for exhibitionism down, GROW- for body down, DUM- for iq up, RISE+ for height up, RISE- for height down, ELONG+ for hairlength up, ELONG- for hairlength down, rash lotion, HEAT+ for libido up, HEAT- for libido down, FEM+ for femininity up, FEM- for femininity down, GIRTH+ for penis growth, GIRTH- for penis shrink
- new character art for Abigail in Living Room
- new tf choices when attacking Abigail, that will be represented in her Living Room art
- new time schedule (Morning, Noon, Afternoon, Evening, Night, Late Night)
- IQs will slowly make you drop your guard over time (growing chance that attack evasion will fail immediately)
Quality of Life:
- added settings for reduced hypnosis visuals
- added starting dialog to choose hypnosis visual settings
- added morning dialog to choose hypnosis settings for old savegames
- added Help-Button to highlight all interactable objects in the room
- added message for Patreon charging at the beginning of each month in menu
- added a message about the game versions only being available starting with the $5 Patreon tier
- added a changing booth to the pool
- added an invisible layer outside of most popup windows that closes the window when clicked on (Shops, Vanity, Inventory, Affection Window)
- fixed cooking not advancing time
- fixed streaming not advancing time
- fixed vibrator at pool being opened by default
- fixed himari graphic in hobby room staying active after stamp dialog
- fixed a bug where going naked has no mood effects
- added black screen to savegame loading
- fixed female eyes not white on darker skin colors
- fixed drool color at night
- added the ability to fast-travel with map-object
- raised price of map object to 40
- fixed contestant positions on map
- trying a new stat visualization for: RashExhitibionism and BodyFemininity
- added explanation for current states of RashExhibitionism and BodyFemininity
- changed the way how contestants choose what tf to do
- fixed room tint sometimes not resetting to daylight correctly
- fixed Himari dialog on low affection breaking game
- changed Himari SG path morning hypnosis to not pass time
- made Himari SG path exitable by defeating Himari
- fixed small penis sizes growing back to large as soon as they are supposed to shrink
- added several morning messages to different penis transformation stages
- fixed some typos send in by blahblah2019 - thank you!
- fixed Abigail grins awkwardly repeated twice
- fixed votes from disqualified contestants not showing up immediately
-fixed nakedness sometimes breaks game
-fixed itch on nakedness (maybe - untested sorry)
-fixed mtf taking longer to appear on smaller penis sizes
-fixed talking to AI after disqualifying Katelyn gives votes every time
-fixed Himari saying that your hair grew when it didn't on female start
-fixed savegames not resetting all values correctly
- removed schoolgirl outfit from store
- fixed hair on schoolgirl route not growing out to the needed length
- fixed patreon amount bar to work for amounts past $1,000 you pepople are crazy :)
- saving volume slider value on device
- increased maximum fitness to 100
- changed Katelyns interactions based on new fitness values
- fixed some things with the height transformation
- fixed facial transformations not narrated correctly
- fixed facial transformations happening on next morning not saved correctly
- fixed drool transformation not happening sometimes
- fixed makeup color not showing. it will now show up on high libido characters automatically as was originally intended for this version (makeup system will be replaced in v0.3.1.0)
- added a readme to Mac version with tips how to get the game to start from the forum
- added a sensory warning to beginning of game
- hairlength didn't visualize past level 7 fixed
- fixed window size not saved
- fixed what transformations happen when a contestant makes you choose one
- height not saved correctly fixed
- fixed wrong contestant being displayed in dialog sometimes
- fixed a bug that left the screen blurry and the headset on during contestant attacks after all tfs have been used
- fixed Himari not showing in Hobby Room anymore after BJ scene
b Version
fixed kitchen not working
- flash fix
- fixed penis transformation
- lowered penis transformation threshold for now
- fixed Katelyn not appearing in the garden after the first day (maybe)
- fixed being able to talk to kitchen chairs
- fixed camera helper message displayed twice (maybe)
- added a message to the clothing shop where to change clothes
- fixed taking control of katelyn disables dialogs
- fixed clothes wearing not saved correctly
- fixed Erica hitting you doesn't go down overnight, but increases
- fixed a bug where Katelyn still removes all clothes on schoolgirl path
- added a volume slider to menu
- made the game start in 16:9 windowed mode
- made the game window always snap to a 16:9 aspect ratio
- fixed hair transformation attacks not happening through attacks
- fixed penis transformation not happening
- gave lower stats a higher chance to be used during attacks
- disabled attacks for maxed out stats
- fixed arousal going above 100
- fixed the nudity blur in free version overlaying some menus/dialogs
- fixed penis length not being saved correctly
- fixed penis tfs not happening
- added eye blinking animation
- fixed iq going below 0 (maybe)
- half-fixed facial transformations overriding all other transformations happening in the morning
early morning quick fix
fixed some bugs and added some clarification to mechanics
Quick Savegames Bugfix to prevent savegame loss. Please update.
- new player character graphics
- character creation choices: hair color, hairstyle (female), penis length (male)
- replaced living room graphics
- removed time advancement on entering the living room
- new logo
- new stats: mood, horniness
- mood effector system: events will impact the mood over a period of time
- mood now affects character graphics expression
- clothes can now be worn in a wardrobe system
- clothes system - choose what to wear fashion = min and max score
- clothes will massively affect your mood
- libido score now affects minimum horniness
- random events now invoke a reaction minigame. the time available depends on your mood, horniness, and IQ.
- the IQ score directly affects the hair color, depending on what color you chose at the character creation
- added four new attacks contestant can use against you: rash creme (creates itchiness for unrevealing clothes), femininity acceptance (lowers negative mood after body transformations), face transformations (eyes, nose, mouth, eyebrows), height reduction
- contestants can now give the player a choice what to attack with depending on certain relationship statuses
- added activities to house
- doing activities gains you popularity (based on activity appeal, Sex Appeal, mood, and arousal)
- interactions with other contestants will also play into popularity and mood changes
- resting in your room will decrease your popularity at an increasing pace the more you do it in one day
- taking control of contestants gives you a popularity boost
- in the camera room you get points depending on popularity, mood (higher is better), and arousal (higher is better)
- in the camera room the expected vote count will now be displayed
- Bambi is now called Abigail
- Bad endings for reaching the maximum of a score have been removed and will be replaced with a different system at some point
- bad end only happens for a score reaching max if all scores that are connected reach max as well (This system will be completely overhauled at some point when the main story progressions are further along.)
- for female characters, there's an eyesight transformation and they will start with glasses, not being able to see without them
- Asian schoolgirl transformation completely overhauled
- added the Introduction to Erica, the fourth contestant (no way to take control yet)
- the vending machine now has a new UI that gives information about items before purchasing
- Calming Tea has been removed from the vending machine
- New purchasable items in the vending machine: Increaso (increase body/hair), Tranquility (lower IQ), Sagacity (replacement for Calm Tea - raise IQ/lower Libido)
- contestants can now sometimes comment on the player's transformation state
- rewrote some dialogs (ongoing)
-restyled UI
-main menu now has a Patreon goals bar with milestone explanations
- Unlocked all player transformation stages for all stats (Body, IQ, Slut, Clothes, Hair length)
- Bambi all faces graphics replaced
- Dialog system overhaul: can now have choosable answers
- Some bugs fixed
- New Affection system (talking raises affection, attacking lowers affection)
- Other contestants attacking you depends on affection
- Bedroom graphics perspective update
- Backend changes to the dialogue system
- Several bugfixes
- Disabled camera effects to see if people like graphics better that way
- Added slight character shadow to distinct it better from the background now that effects are off
- Added explanation to the ladder
- Added a hint to Katelyn objectives
- Added a hint to Book objective
- Added a hint to Vibrator
- Fixed a bug with the fridge
- Changed default difficulty level
- Changed several player character facial expressions
- Changed player clothing level 1 and 2 (tshirt and dress) to better show first body change
- Added thought screen to better highlight facial features
- Added character scaling buttons - Added two final face types: Bimbo & Slut
- Face is now dependant on both Bimbo & Slut
- Hovering objects now directly loads the interaction menu
Тему отредактировал: Nikol - 24-10-2024, 13:53
Причина: Тема обновлена до версии v.0.6.4.f4 / Topic updated to v.0.6.4.f4
Причина: Тема обновлена до версии v.0.6.4.f4 / Topic updated to v.0.6.4.f4
Пароль на архив / Archive password:
Downloaded from Porno-Island
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