Описание:Погруженный во тьму преступного мира вампиров, наш главный герой должен быстро адаптироваться к декадентским и порочным обычаям вампирской аристократии. При сомнительной удаче и небольшой помощи таинственной незнакомки ему удаётся пережить первые встречи с влиятельными личностями, но для того, чтобы по-настоящему преуспеть, ему нужно быстро ознакомиться с вездесущими интригами этого мира и политическими играми с высокими ставками...
Поначалу игнорируемый или используемый в качестве пешки, он быстро понимает, что для процветания в этом мире ему нужно тщательно выбирать свои действия и привязанности. Как он будет использовать свои вновь обретённые силы в этом мире разврата и интриг? Как он будет решать, кому доверять, кому подчиняться, кого завоёвывать, а кого предавать?
Thrust into the darkness of vampire underworld, our protagonist needs to adapt fast to the decadent and depraved ways of the vampiric aristocracy. With some luck and a bit of help from a mysterious stranger he manages to survive the initial encounters with powerful individuals, but to truly prosper he needs to quickly familiarize himself with this world's ever-present scheming and high stake political games...
At first ignored or used as a pawn, he realizes quickly that to prosper in this world he needs to chose his actions and allegiances carefully. How will he use his new found powers in this world of debauchery and intrigue? How will he decide who to trust, who to obey, who to conquer, and who to betray?
Год выпуска: 2021
Жанр: 3DCG, big tits, fantasy, handjob, lesbian, male domination, male protagonist, masturbation, oral, sandbox, teasing, vaginal
Цензура: Отсутствует
Разработчик/Издатель: madmate.games -
Subscribestar -
Itch.io -
Patreon -
DiscordПеревод: moHAXПлатформа: PC/Windows/Linux/Android
Тип издания: В разработке
Таблэтка: Не требуется
Версия: v.0.9301 Rus / v.0.9331 Eng
Язык игры: Русский/Английский
Язык интерфейса: Русский/Английский
Поддержать Переводчика (Boosty)Поблагодарить Переводчика : Yoomoney кошелёк 41001164267801190.9331: - 2025-03-08
-Consistency fixes; rebalancing of some choices
-Continuation of the "Holding Out for a Hero" quest. To access use phone in your room and call Claire.
v0.9321: - 2024-12-02
-Typo fixes
-Fixed duplicated Violet Lips card and Beeper
-Continuation of "Serial Thrilla" quest. To access use the phone in your room.
-New pop-up screen that will inform player when they have reached the end of content.
-A minor retcon of a dialogue option when talking to Joey during the "Holding Out For A Hero". No functional change, but different dialogue that will be referenced by new lines by Joey and other characters.
-Player can no longer use mesmerizing dialogue options if choosing them would result in negative energy.
-Fixed missing music and audio effects in 0.9311:
-Fixed save game compatibility.:
-Can call Detective Grimes from the phone in your room.\n-Can visit Violet Lips club to talk to Jenny.:
-Fixed all found issues with Power stat from the previous version - the game won't crash on taking traits any more and players won't be robbed of some of their power points
-Reverted changes to backend from 0.9301
-Added an option to add a name to your saved games.
-Some optimization fixes, typos, some code cleanup etc.
-Additional functionality added to Character screen
-Traits have been remade.
v0.9301: - 2024-01-17
-Fixed some code issues, inconsistencies and typos
v0.930 change log (compared to 0.92)
-New story chapter! it ends when you are teleported back to your room.
-A ton of back end code has been reworked and recompiled. if you are using any mods it's possible you may have to disable them, or even start the game from the beginning, or wait for them to be patched.
-Retroactively changed some choices. when you load your game if you made some choices you'll be presented with the menu to re-do them. it's explained in more detail inside the game
-Added additional glossary information giving the player an idea of their progress with different NPC's
-Expanded inventory interface to include shopping interface as well (not currently usable ingame)
Known bugs/issues:
-Player preferences do not persist after closing the game and Load Game menu always defaults to first page. To temporarily circumvent this issue, you can set up preferences in any of the older versions if you still have them installed and then use the new version.
-There is a chance that loading a save file from a previous version would result in an error about ren'py not being able to find a valid rollback. That is unfortunately due to limitation of the engine when dealing with large code changes (as there were in this release). If that happens, you can try loading a later or earlier save file. Tip: you can also check the Autosaves tab for additional save games that may be valid.
-One of the player choices has flipped results. No effect on the game, will be fixed in next release.
v0.92: - 2023-11-05
-CoreTech building not being available for exploration was (hopefully) fixed. I was unable to replicate issue on my end even when loading broken saves so I re-applied new values and gave it to people that had broken saves. so far the fix works, so hopefully it's solved.
-fixed Ciara being called Claire in some new scenes
-fixed interaction that flipped negative consequences to be more severe when passing skill check instead of other way around
-fixed some typos
v0.91: - 2023-09-30
Implemented quests "Meeting the Boss", "Testing the Waters" and "Lessons in Spirituality".
v0.81: - 2023-05-15
-Fixed the issue where starting "Psychology 101" quest resulted in visuals being unresponsive in certain conditions.
-Old saves no longer work. When trying to load them, the game informs players of that and boots them into main menu
-Quests "Psychology 101" and "School's in" are implemented- to start them go to the new position on the map - Hospital - for the "School's in" and for "Psychology 101" you first need to not have chased away Claire, and then either call her by phone from your room (phone is intractable in v0.8), or go to the new location on the map - Coffee Shop.
-Glossary entries are now marked whenever new information is either added or updated
-Skill checks and Character affinity/trust checks now show up as successful and failed. The message has been automated (was semi-automatic before), and instead of manually calculating the possibilities of players clearing the checks the system now works in 5 tiers of difficulty: None, Trivial, Easy, Medium, Hard, with each tier representing 20 percentile of maximum number of possible points a player could achieve up to that point. So a Hard skill roll for Prowess would require player to gather 80% of all of the skill points in #hat category. The whole system is remade and I think I changed every variable where it was needed, but I may have missed some, so if you spot something wrong with choices feel free to inform me
-Added extra values in all classes. the reason y'all had to reboot the game from the start was because a functionality that I wanted to implement couldn't be implemented without adding a new value into a particular class, breaking the game in the process. so hopefully adding a dummy value
v0.71: - 2022-11-26
-new main story segment
v0.62:- 2022-09-07
-fixing a potential gamebreaking issue and a bunch of typos
-finishing the Papers Please quest and proceeding with the story
v0.52 changelog:
-bug fixes, mostly for people that are playing from the start and are getting error messages for images. also some consistency fixes.
v0.51 changelog:
-optimized image size - I could convert images into .webm lossless version for a 40% reduction in image size for the same visuals, but I opted for drastically reducing size for a minor reduction in quality. if you think it's too much of a sacrifice feel free to let me know as it is easy to convert them back
-added a couple of sound effects, visual effects, a minor bugfix, 1 point of power that I missed (retroactive), did some minor re-balancing, re-touching of some screens and a couple of successful skill check confirmations that I missed
In this release 2 quests are resolved - The Key Ingredient and True Rulers (and you finally get paid for the old one). To access the quests you can leave the MC's apartment and visit either Zoey or Shevaun.
After you finish both quests in any order you should get the end of content message followed by credits and return to the exploration section. Should work on both old and new games.
To enable the walkthrough, drop the file in the /game folder and enable it from the preferences menu (there should be a new on/off switch for it showing up there).
-More story
-implemented version control, current version is now available in the About menu
-fixed a bunch of text errors (thank you wibble!)
-implemented new UI theme
-consolidated player attributes (details in the previous post)
-re-balanced choice effects
-slightly improved glossary UI
-revised glossary entries and filled in missing ones
-implemented quests and quest log screen
-implemented traits and traits screen
-implemented containers and their interactions
-implemented map screen and map interaction
-added some music and did a pass on music loudness
No new story content. Old saves don't work. You can check out the map in your room before you finish the quest.
-More story
-More story
-Added more save slots, to keep in line with VN standards
-Added a bunch of grammar fixes, courtesy of spectre1viper.
-Fixed some rendering errors that were pointed out
-Changed character screen font according to patreon votes.
-Improved waltkthrough implementation.
-Implementing character, glossary and player notification screens
-Text fixes
0.1 - initial release
-Don't expect to get the invitation easily, but I heard vampires tend to throw wicked masquerade balls.
-No ntr.
-Any and all sexual encounters can be declined/avoided.
-You can chose your character name, but only after a couple of scenes!
-Loading a game and then starting a new one glitches the character screen. Don't do that.
-Skipping through dialogue and quickly rolling back may screw up notifications and music. Continuing the story should eventually fix the issue, reloading also works as well.
-0.2 - some saves may not work, try loading other saves/quicksaves/autosaves