Описание:Краски моего звучания - это научно-фантастический, шпионский, драматический, эротический визуальный роман, действие которого разворачивается в оригинальной обстановке. Это вселенная, полная возможностей для драматизма персонажей, заговоров, шпионажа, интриг и действий.
История началась, когда в мирах Империи вспыхнуло восстание беспрецедентного масштаба, и человечество впервые с момента основания Империи столкнулось с неопределенным будущим. Печально известный день резко изменил жизнь многих, в том числе и нашего главного героя.
Следите за историей Офицера, как он тщательно маневрирует вокруг махинаций различных держав Империи, каждая из которых борется за его верность или смерть...
Как командор отряда специальных операций "Ню", формируйте товарищество, соперничество и даже романтические отношения с членами вашей команды. Осторожно, у каждого участника есть свои скрытые планы и личная заинтересованность. Будьте внимательны, никому не доверяйте, вам нужно будет заслужить преданность, возможно, даже любовь каждого участника, чтобы пережить это путешествие.
Color of My Sound is a Sci-Fi, Espionage, Drama, Erotic visual novel set in an original setting. It is a universe chock full of potential for character drama, conspiracies, espionage, intrigue and action.
The story began when a rebellion on an unprecedented scale erupted across the Empire's worlds and humanity faces an uncertain future for the first time since the Empire's inception. The infamous day has abruptly altered the lives of many, including our protagonist.
Follow the story of the Officer, as he carefully manoeuvres around the machinations of various powers of the Empire, each vying for his allegiance or death...
As the commanding officer of Special Operations Squad "Nu", form camaraderie, rivalry, and even romance with your team members. Careful, each member has their own hidden agendas and personal stake. Pay careful attention, trust no one, you will need to earn the loyalty, perhaps even love of each member to survive this journey.
Год выпуска: 2021
Жанр: 3dcg, big ass, big tits, creampie, handjob, harem, male protagonist, oral, pov, romance, sci-fi, teasing, vaginal, virgin,
Цензура: Отсутствует
Разработчик/Издатель: www.patreon.com/GallantTrombe
Платформа: PC/Windows/Linux/Android
Тип издания: В разработке
Таблэтка: Не требуется
Версия: Ch.3A v6 Rus / Ch.3 Finale v6 Eng
Язык игры: Русский/Английский
Язык интерфейса: Русский/Английский
Ch.3 Final v6- 2025-02-25
-1578 renders
-Scene Replay rework
-Sharpening and Film Grain filters
Ch.3A v6 - 2024-06-28
-1016 renders
-New Lore Tips feature
-Reworked Preference menu
Ch.2 Final v7 - 2023-11-10
-749 renders
-Codex Rework
-UI Rework
-Camera effect
-Chapter 2 is now complete!
The Codex has been reworked, most of that is the code underneath. There is an invisible script that will run once the new content begins when you continue your save. So if you are not starting a fresh save, fret not. The Codex should unlock itself and all its appropriate entries then. Otherwise, a fresh start should work as intended with the entries unlocking gradually and at appropriate moments.
Due to changes done to the game, the Scene Replay unlocks are not backward compatible. There is an "Unlock Everything" option added to the scene replay.
There is a new camera parallax effect added to the game. This is the initial release. I have plans for further expansion of its features and usage. If you find it nauseous or irradiating, feel free to turn it off in preference.
Thank you for waiting! Enjoy the end to this chapter of CoMS. Chapter 3 is now in development and will pick up right where Ch2 left off.
Ch.2 Pt.C v4 - 2023-06-28
630 renders
New dialogue box options
Dialogue text alignment options
Chapter 2 Part A - 6 - 2023-01-10
Chapter 1 Enhanced Edition - 2022-12-12
The beginning of Chapter 1 (where you pick your name) has been completely reworked -170 new renders.
One lewd scene has been expanded with 51 new renders!
Audio! This is the first release of sound effects. Still no proper music yet, but I've added sound effects, ambient and musical loops throughout.
Codex rework! The unlocking system and the Glossary has been completely reworked. Each entry, including the Dossier, will unlock progressively throughout the game, and not at the end of each update.
Scene Replay! A Scene Replay feature has been added.
Ch.1 Finale v.9 - 2022-10-24
Chapter 1 Finale v8
Here's a recap of what's new:
- 1101 renders
- Just under 10000 words
- New Codex entries
- "Click to continue" indicator for better quality of life
Chapter 1 Part C
This update adds 250 renders and about 3000 words.
Chapter 1 Part B
279 renders
2 H-scenes
-Added Codex
The Codex is a supplementary feature that provides additional lore and character info. By reaching the end of each story update, the Codex will be expanded with new info relevant to the story.
In order to unlock the Codex for the first time, simply load your last save and proceed to the very end. You should see a notification and dialogue confirming its availability. The Codex can then be accessed from the Menu or the Quick Menu.
This update also fixes numerous typos. Thank you to those who aided me in this effort.
First Release
This is my first game, I hope you'll all enjoy it. This is a story-driven VN inspired by many movies, anime, mangas, and more. Genre-wise, expect a traditional anime style harem story. There will be NO NTR, sharing, and such. Although the story is one that I consider to be quite mature and serious, I try to strike a good balance between that and porn and all its absurdities. Therefore, it is simpler to just say, no other male will ever touch or get to watch any of the love interests of the story. Needless to say, I won't be using NTR bait for fake drama either.
In terms of the amount of "content" you can expect... The entire premise, character backstories, motivates, and obstacles are all designed to allow for both serious spy and political drama storytelling, with plenty of plot and character arc relevant sex scenes. It will take a little bit of time to build up to it, but it won't take long. I plan to have at least one full-length sex scene (80+ renders) per update, including the initial release.