В начале игры у вас нет памяти, и вы ничего не знаете о городе, в котором живете. Вы обнаруживаете, что у вас есть дом и начинающий бизнес под названием Royal, ресторан. Этот город - город-призрак и находится вне всяких чартов, но это спасение для тех, кто не хочет, чтобы его нашли. По мере развития сюжета вы узнаете больше о своей памяти и больше об этом странном городе, встречая по пути красивых женщин.
You have no memory at the start of the game and know nothing of the town you live in. You find out you have a house and a starting business called the Royal, a restaurant. The town is a ghost town and off the charts but, is an escape for those that don't want to be found. As the story progress you will learn more about your memory and more about this strange town while meeting beautiful women along the way.
Год выпуска: 2021
Жанр: 3dcg, anal, animated, big tits, creampie, drugs, exhibitionism, graphic violence, group sex, handjob, harem, humiliation, lesbian, male domination, male protagonist, masturbation, oral, sandbox, sleep sex, spanking, titfuck, urination, vaginal, virgin, voyeurism,
Цензура: Отсутствует
Разработчик/Издатель: www.patreon.com/user?u=8220646
Платформа: PC/Windows/Linux/Android
Тип издания: [Completed]
Таблэтка: Не требуется
Версия: v.1.0
Язык игры: Английский
Язык интерфейса: Английский
Системные требования (минимальные):
ОС Windows
В начале игры у вас нет памяти, и вы ничего не знаете о городе, в котором живете. Вы обнаруживаете, что у вас есть дом и начинающий бизнес под названием Royal, ресторан. Этот город - город-призрак и находится вне всяких чартов, но это спасение для тех, кто не хочет, чтобы его нашли. По мере развития сюжета вы узнаете больше о своей памяти и больше об этом странном городе, встречая по пути красивых женщин.
You have no memory at the start of the game and know nothing of the town you live in. You find out you have a house and a starting business called the Royal, a restaurant. The town is a ghost town and off the charts but, is an escape for those that don't want to be found. As the story progress you will learn more about your memory and more about this strange town while meeting beautiful women along the way.
Год выпуска: 2021
Жанр: 3dcg, anal, animated, big tits, creampie, drugs, exhibitionism, graphic violence, group sex, handjob, harem, humiliation, lesbian, male domination, male protagonist, masturbation, oral, sandbox, sleep sex, spanking, titfuck, urination, vaginal, virgin, voyeurism,
Цензура: Отсутствует
Разработчик/Издатель: www.patreon.com/user?u=8220646
Платформа: PC/Windows/Linux/Android
Тип издания: [Completed]
Таблэтка: Не требуется
Версия: v.1.0
Язык игры: Английский
Язык интерфейса: Английский
Системные требования (минимальные):
ОС Windows
1.0 - 2023.03.24
Added Reclusive Bay ending
My new project will be announced soon
0.44 - 2023-02-19
SMALL UPDATE here, the next update will have the ending so stay tuned!
Added a 30 RS repeatable for Eve (36 renders, 10 animations)
Added a 30 RS repeatable for Summer (37 renders 5 animations)
Added a 30 RS repeatable for Leah (31 renders 5 animations)
0.43.1 - 2023-01-19
Remade threesome with vivian 70 images 5 animations
New Main Story scene cascade's big choice
New Main Story scene the outcome
New Main Story scene leave town
Added Eve's 10 SL Repeatable
Added Leah's 10 SL Repeatable
Added Summer's 10 SL Repeatable
I had to make adjustments for RS and SL in some scenes so that each girl reached the thresholds required for
future repeatable scenes. The adjusted amounts will go into effect as soon as you load your file so don't worry
0.42 - 2022-12-18
Remade Leah Begins to Understand
Made a new side scene for Leah leah says thank you
Made a new main story scene spreading the word
Made a new main story scene spilling the beans
Made a new main story scene park speech
Fixed a typo error in Lilys night scene
0.41 - 2022-11-20
Added a side scene for Eve (eve visiting her dad)
Added a 2nd side scene for Eve (eve returns home)
Added a 3rd side scene for Eve (eve as a maid)
Added a side scene for Summer (Summer goes to Paige)
Added a side scene for Leah (Leah learns the truth)
Remade an Eve side scene
Fixed a bug that was occurring in an Marcus scene and a main story scene.
Fixed a bug where you could do Marcus' quest with Leah before intended.
0.40 - 2022-10-19
Remade cascade money fun
Added a side scene with vivian talking to lynn royal
Added a side scene for Vivian informing vivian
Added lockpicking scene for Leah
Added lockpicking scene for Summer
Added a scene for marcus and summer
Added it so the side girls can be viewed from the start up screen rather than just the game file in game
v0.39 - 2022-09-17
Added a new scene beach day
Remade the scene eve_visits_vivian
Added a new side scene with lily coming to terms.
added a new possible side scene with lily
added a new possible side scene with Rebecca
added a new side scene with lily
added a new side scene with Paige
changed the background image in the preferences menu
Zapped some more typos but caught a few more after I made the build so more will be zapped next patch too.
v0.38 - 2022-08-17
remade Vivian thigh job
added a new scene catching up at the bar
added a new scene for lock-picking with eve
added a new main story scene Trevor gets a visitor
added a new main story scene returning home
added a new side story for Cascade the_best_medicine
added a new main story scene trevor draws a line 62 renders
added a new main story scene a different approach 29 renders
added a new scene for Paige jail visit 26 renders
added a new scene paige in the kitchen 39 renders 2 animations
remade vivian scene begin 20 renders
-Remade Paige spanking scene
-Remade Lily Sleepjob scene
- Added a new main story scene with split paths
- Added a main story scene trevor has had enough
- Added a main story scene with lily with split paths
- Added a side story scene for Vivian Vivian flips out
- Added a side story scene for Vivian vivian feels guilty
- Added a New Main Story Scene (Marcus and Lynn come clean)
- Added a New Main Story Scene (Summer moves in)
- Added a New Main Story Scene (Checking on Eve)
- Added a New Main Story Scene (Warehouse spies)
- Added Summer's morning date
- Added a Summer Side Scene (Paige and Summer)
- Added a Summer Side Scene (Summers proper thank you)
- Remade first_memory
- Remade eve talks about visiting
- Added Summer Eye Candies bought from Vivian
- Got Summer's room started on development
- Added a way for you to actually get drunk at the Mermaid's cove now.
- Increased the chance to trigger the Morning Date Encounters
- Changed it so you can quickly talk to who you see in the bar VS having to move to certain areas to talk to someone
- Fixed it so after the SL went back down from FwF if you are below 5 SL the repeatable isn't available
- Fixed it so when you talk to Leah on monday her animation shows up.
- Fixed is so when you talk to Marcus late night the animation shows up
*There is a typo for the Summer repeatable scene that causes an error. Just ignore it. It will be fixed next patch.*
-Added a new Main StoryScene (Memory Lane)
-Added a 10 SL repeatable for Vivian in The Royal
-Added a 5 SL repeatable for Leah in Cuppa Joe
-Added a 5 SL repeatable for Eve in the Police Station
-Added a 5 SL repeatable for Summer in the bar at night
-Added a scene side scene for Marcus with Leah
-Added a Leah side scene
-Added a side story scene for Leah
-Added Paige Eye Candy Pack
-Remade Vivian Coffee Date Scene
-Remade Lily Coffee Date scene
-Added a Main Story scene Eve visits Merlot
-Added a Main Story scene vivian shower thoughts
-Added Lilys 30 RS repeatable lewd
-Added Main Story Scene Investigating Merlot
- Added Main Story Scene Trevor's Concerned
-Added Eye Candy pack for Cascade enjoy them because she won't get anymore for a while
-Remade Cascade book work
-Remade Vivian house break in
- Added a UI to world map (skip time and time of day etc)
- Made it so lock-picking scenes work at Late Night as well.
Remade Paige fingered
Remade blackmailing Merlot
Remade Vivian plan begin
added a side scene for Paige drinking with Paige
added a side scene for Paige unwanted quest
added main story scene returning memory
added main story scene warehouse_argument
KNOWN ISSUES A bug with the Paige repeatable You can skip it, it will be fixed next patch
- Added Leah morning date
- Added a side story scene with Eve (Eves new vitcim)
- Added a side stroy for Eve (meeting eves mom)
- Added Paige's repeatable
- Added a Main Story (running out of time)
added a repeatable scene for cascade
added a new location to the map Recluse Beach
-new main story scene going to the beach
-new side scene with Leah (Leah thinking)
-new side scene with (Leah deans office)
remade leah visits the royal
- fixed several with cascade and marcus
-Added a Main Story Scene (Trevor's Past)
- Added a Main Story Scene (Meeting Lily's Family)
- Added a branching scene (Rebecca Wakes You Up)
- Added a branching scene (Lily Wakes You Up)
- Added a small scene to of going home.
- Remade the scene with Paige and Cascade arguing in the kitchen
- Remade Leah's first side scene
- Changed it so you have different font set ups now in preferences .
- Fixed a typo that caused an error in the scene with Summer at the pool.
- Fixed the eye candy bug some players got when reloading.
- killed around 400 more typos. They just keep appearing
- Added A Main Story Scene (Meeting with Lynn)
- Added a Main Store Scene (The Discussion)
- Added a repeatable lewd (scene with Vivian)
- Added a few flashback renders at the start of the game and
in meeting Cascade to give meaning to the lost memories.
- Added the option to name your saved game
- Added a wallpaper of Summer.
- Added a wallpaper of Eve
- Added Cascade Eye candy Pack
-remade Lily finds out shes an exhibitionist
- fixed more typos that endless struggle
- Added a Main Story Scene (Mayor Troubles)
- Added a Main Story Scene (Marcus and Lynn catch up)
- Added 2 wallpapers 1 of Lily and 1 of Summer
- Added a Side Scene for Vivian (Vivian finds out about Merlot)
- Added a Side Scene for Vivian (Vivian runs into trouble)
- Added a Side Scene for Marcus (Vivian)
- Added Summers Eye Candy Pack to Vivians shop.
- Added Paiges special name for you in the coffee date repeatable scene.
- Added Vivian's side hussle (Talk to her at the bar to unlock. Then buy from her in her bedroom.)
- Remade Paige's scene (Paige's coffee date)
- Remade Lily's side scene (Park Yoga)
- All navigations are switched over to change based off of time of day.
- Fixed Marcus not actually giving you money in Eve's scene.
- Fixed a bug where Paige would refer to player as none in her repeatable
- Fixed a typo in the Lily park scene that would cause errors to some players.
- Took care of a lot of typos throughout the dialogs.
- Added a Side Scene with Eve (Eve starts to open up)
- Added a Side scene with Summer (Summer wake up)
- Added a Side Scene for Cascade (Cascade's Struggle)
- Added a Side Scene for Lily (Lily's Sister)
- Added a Side Scene for Lily (lily morning bedroom yoga)
- Remade the scene where Paige visits the MC.
- Remade the MC_bedroom free roam area.
- Remade the Cascade coffee date repeatable.
- Added a new feature with FwF.
Putting a girl in favorites gives a +1 RS.
Putting a girl in Hotest gives +1 SL.
when you switch them out their RS or SL goes back to normal.
- Fixed a bug when you clicked another upgrade when buying an upgrade already, it would error.
- Fixed the bug where places would say it was closed when it doesn't (No more double clicking YAY!)
- Fixed a bug at the Mausoleum at late night.
- Fixed a bug in the bar where Summer talked to you at places she shouldn't have.
- Fixed a bug in Cascade's replay.
- Fixed a couple replay bugs if you rejected the girls advances in replay.
- Fixed a bug that could cause errors when talking to Paige at the bar on Saturday.
- Fixed a bug with a scene with Cascade that was getting an error.
- Fixed a bug in replays from the main menu where you would get an e-mail alert.
- Fixed a bug where some players would have an error in the scene pool time with Summer.
- Changed it so after you buy a new area if automatically shows the scene rather than going there.
- Changed it so while in game can only view scenes for that playthrough and out of game menu.
you can view all the scenes you have seen across all playthroughs.
- Started converting navigation images to change depending on time of day and location.
- Fuck them typos...
- Added a Main Story Scene (Digging for information)
- Added A Side Story Scene for Cascade (Showing Cascade The Ropes)
- Added a Side Story Scene for Summer (Inviting Summer Back)
- Added a Side Story Scene for Summer (Pool time with Summer)
- Added a Side Story Scene for Vivian (Vivian busy at work)
- Remade Paige's Side Scene (Smoking in the Royal)
- Remade Cascade night time lockpicking even
- Fixed a bug where late night would error out in Lily's room.
- Fixed a bug where park renders wouldn't load when it was Late Night.
- 172 renders and 1 animation
- Added a side scene for Summer (Summer comes over)
- Added a Main Story Scene (Second Flashback)
- fixed cascades replay and Lily's bedroom at night.
246 renders
- Added Summer's side scene (afternoon bar visit)
- Added Summer's side scene (Summer visits the royal)
- Added Leah's side scene (Leah Conflicted)
- Added Leah's side scene (drinking with Leah)
- Added Leah's side scene (Leah Decides)
- Added New wallpaper of Paige voted for on Patreon.
- Added a new free roam area. This was one hell of a project. It goes off of a weekly schedule.
- Added 7 eye candies renders.
- Added a repeatable scene for Cascade in the royal (5 SL required)
- Added a repeatable scene for Cascade in the royal (10 SL required)
- Added a repeatable scene for Lily in the royal (5 SL required)
- Added a repeatable scene for Lily in the royal (10 SL required)
- Added a repeatable scene for Paige in the royal (5 SL required)
- Added a repeatable scene for Paige in the royal (10 SL required)
- Added a repeatable scene for Vivian in the royal (5 SL required)
- Added a Main Story Scene 'meeting ???'
- The long and awaited quest system in now implemented.
- Moved The Royal's kitchen in free roam to make more sense. (on the left side)
- Remade Cascade and Marcus scene. (Everyone's favorite, from what I hear on forums...)
- Remade Paige and Marcus scene.
- Remade Lily and Marcus scene.
- Remade Meeting Vivian scene.
- Fixed the background in 4 renders in the scene (Who is Marcus) to match the royals background.
- Added a new time zone after seeing the scene You were sleeping (Late Night).
- Added a daily repeatable for the new girl. (no spoilers) xD
- Added a new one time buy for the new girl.
- Added Tool Text to all objects like doors.
* example Cascade's Door now says just that when moused over.
- Fixed some scenes where you would be called none instead of your name.
- renders 243 renders
- Added Main Story Scene (Cascade Trade Deal)
- Added Main Story Scene (On The Run) (Decided by choice)
- Added Main Story Scene (In Jail) (Decided by choice)
- Added Main Story Scene (You were sleeping)
- Added a scene for building the showers with the construction guy.
- Added a scene for building the sauna with the construction guy.
- Changed Opening screen to an Animation instead of Images.
-Added A Logo to the beginning of the start of a new game.
- Split the Pool 10k purchase into 3 sections (4k, 3k, 3k)
This will help when I add in more scenes in the future so you don't need the full 10k.
- Added an app to give money for those that hate lockpicking, hacking, and working.
- Added a subscribstar link on PC.
- Remade The hot tub scene with Paige.
- Remade a small scene with Lily talking about saving with the girls.
- Remade Cascade's saving Scene. (8 renders)
- Remade the building corridor scene with the construction guy.
- Remade the building swimming pool scene with the construction guy.
- Remade Paige's Eye Candy Renders.
- Remade the Quick Trader free roam area's.
- Added in a small fail-safe for folded money.
- Destroyed spelling errors some more. The on-going struggle.
(141 new renders)
(8 new animations)
VERSION 0.20.3
- Added a new scene Side scene for Leah. (Leah studies)
- Added a main scene (Merlot talks to the mayor)
- Added a side scene for Vivian (Vivian still mad)
- Added a side scene with Eve and everybodies favorite character Marcus. (optional)
- Added a delivery quest for Vivian first time gives +1 RS
- Added Vivian to The Royal (left side in the morning) after meeting her.
- Changed out all of the main menu renders for better ones.
Definitely gives it a better feel.
-Remade The free roam park area.
-Remade the free roam area for The Royal.
-Remade Cascade's night visit.
-Remade The hot tub scene with Paige
-Remade the scene where you talk to Paige after Jake hits you.
-Remade the scene where Jake hits you.
-Remade Paige Shop encounter.
-Remade the scene where Cascade tells you about Paige moving in.
-Decreased corridor to 4,000 from 5,000.
- Lewd scene added for paige (also a major choice added this will determine your relationship with her)
- Added a main story scene with vivian (Vivian tells the MC)
- Added side scene with Eve (Eve visits Vivian)
- Added a side scene with Leah (Leah begins to understand)
- Added a main story scene with Vivian (Who is Marcus)
- Added a side scene with Eve (Eve's plan)
- Added daily repeatables for Cascade, Lily, Paige, Leah and Eve.
The first time it gives you 1 RS and 20 bucks after that its just a way to get an extra 20 bucks each delivery once per day.
- Added a one time buy RS item for Leah and Eve.
- Added in weekly stratch off tickets at the shop.
- Always destroying more typos.
0.17.0 UPDATE
- Added a main story scene with Vivian (blackmailing merlot)
- Added a main story scene with Cascade (visiting dad's grave)
- Added a side scene with Vivian (vivian visits the park)
- Added a side scene with Cascade (money at the royal)
- Added repeatable scene for Cascade, Lily, Paige and Vivian
(They are by chance after sleeping)
- Added side event with a New girl 1 (college talk)
- Added another side event for new girl 1 (new girl1 visits the royal)
- Added side event for new girl 2 (talk with new girl 2)
_ Added a new lewd scene, this time for Lily (night fun in the park)
- Added 4 new renders to search for
- Mausoleum added
- Cuppa Joe added
- changed coffee item image so it's background is transparent, and doesn't blind you when looking at it.
- made the interface for Eye Candy renders, Peek Snaps, and Replays look amazing.
- One time purchases are now available at the shop for Cascade, Lily, Paige, and Vivian.
(Vivian's item can't be used quite yet however)
- Once again the axe came down upon the typos of Reclusive Bay. Hundreds have met their devise...(AXE).. demise.
- Be advised, if you saved while the shop Buy/Sell interface was open you may get an exception when you load the save.
If for any reason this happens, you should be be able to click "Rollback" and then the game should work normally.
- changed coffee image so its background tranparent, and doesnt blind you when looking at it.
- Improved the skill system UI.
- One time purchases are now available at the shop for Cascade, Lily, Paige, and Vivian.
(Vivian's item can't be used quite yet however)
- Changed it the way an encounter worked with paige so there will be no soft block om the scene.
- Changed the way an encounter worked with Lily to remove the small block on the scene.
- Get hint now tells you the SL and RS for each girl.
- Get hint has recieved some make up to beautify it some more.
- Added a gallery from main menu
-Email issue fixed for saved games.
-Added a side scene with Paige.
-Added a scene main story scene with Vivian.
-Added side scene with Lily.
-Added a side scene with Vivian.
-Added a new area to explore (No scenes there yet however)
-Changed Marcus dialog so it is better understood.
-Changed the energy required to work. It was 40. Now it costs no energy, but can only be done once per day.
-Changed the amounnts for working from 20, 35, 50 to 100, 150, 200
-Changed the hacking and locking success rate from 70%, 80% and 90% (based off skill points) to 80%, 90%, 100%
-Changed the base amount of earnings for hacking and lockpicking from $10, $20 and $30, to $30, $50, and $75 per successful attempt.
-bonuses from tiers of increased money for hacking annd lockpicking from 5, 10, 15 to 10, 15, 20 per level
(These amounts may change in the future.)
-Icons for the PC redone.
-Added Town Map.
-Emails now sit in the inbox by order of date received.
-That pesky pillow will no longer jump at you after resting.
-Fixed the reward system for the girls for saving. Now they aren't as eager to get naked for you.
-Fixed scenes being skipped because you talking to paige early after talking to lily.
-Added a navigation tool tip letting you know where you are headed too.
-Water gives 1 energy now.
-Coffee gives 5 energy now.
- If you acquired Restaurant Equipment. money increase after sleep went from $25 to $50.
- Hundreds of typos have met their demise.
- Redid Hacking interface so it looks pretty boss
- Redid image for Lockpicking Job interface so it looks fancier.
- put cookies in fridge.
changed Paige menu with Marcus so both options give same RS and SL
changed cascade SL and a greyed option so you know why they cant continue.
changed around the hint system
fixed Piage in the hot tub before it was suppose to happen
changed so they can skip the pic quests
changed Cascade and Paige dialog in restaurant to work properly before and after the bank saving encounter
added arrow to front doors so the arrow pointing at the sitars take u upstairs and the other takes you to livingroom
added text to profile interface
added text to expanded profile
added prices to the purchases that can be made with construction.
changed the saved text on the PC to show your money as well
Fixed crashes with doors that lead to character rooms
took out RS booster until they are fully ready
fixed an issue with the wine bottle (stupid wine bottle)
scene with cascade
Main story scene x 2
scene with paige
buy and sell system (One time purchases not implimented yet)
added a hint system to the game
scene with lily and paige
scene with vivian
hacking skill perks
fixed most renders in the game
added lockpicking app
added lockpicking skill perks
Added Reclusive Bay ending
My new project will be announced soon
0.44 - 2023-02-19
SMALL UPDATE here, the next update will have the ending so stay tuned!
Added a 30 RS repeatable for Eve (36 renders, 10 animations)
Added a 30 RS repeatable for Summer (37 renders 5 animations)
Added a 30 RS repeatable for Leah (31 renders 5 animations)
0.43.1 - 2023-01-19
Remade threesome with vivian 70 images 5 animations
New Main Story scene cascade's big choice
New Main Story scene the outcome
New Main Story scene leave town
Added Eve's 10 SL Repeatable
Added Leah's 10 SL Repeatable
Added Summer's 10 SL Repeatable
I had to make adjustments for RS and SL in some scenes so that each girl reached the thresholds required for
future repeatable scenes. The adjusted amounts will go into effect as soon as you load your file so don't worry
0.42 - 2022-12-18
Remade Leah Begins to Understand
Made a new side scene for Leah leah says thank you
Made a new main story scene spreading the word
Made a new main story scene spilling the beans
Made a new main story scene park speech
Fixed a typo error in Lilys night scene
0.41 - 2022-11-20
Added a side scene for Eve (eve visiting her dad)
Added a 2nd side scene for Eve (eve returns home)
Added a 3rd side scene for Eve (eve as a maid)
Added a side scene for Summer (Summer goes to Paige)
Added a side scene for Leah (Leah learns the truth)
Remade an Eve side scene
Fixed a bug that was occurring in an Marcus scene and a main story scene.
Fixed a bug where you could do Marcus' quest with Leah before intended.
0.40 - 2022-10-19
Remade cascade money fun
Added a side scene with vivian talking to lynn royal
Added a side scene for Vivian informing vivian
Added lockpicking scene for Leah
Added lockpicking scene for Summer
Added a scene for marcus and summer
Added it so the side girls can be viewed from the start up screen rather than just the game file in game
v0.39 - 2022-09-17
Added a new scene beach day
Remade the scene eve_visits_vivian
Added a new side scene with lily coming to terms.
added a new possible side scene with lily
added a new possible side scene with Rebecca
added a new side scene with lily
added a new side scene with Paige
changed the background image in the preferences menu
Zapped some more typos but caught a few more after I made the build so more will be zapped next patch too.
v0.38 - 2022-08-17
remade Vivian thigh job
added a new scene catching up at the bar
added a new scene for lock-picking with eve
added a new main story scene Trevor gets a visitor
added a new main story scene returning home
added a new side story for Cascade the_best_medicine
added a new main story scene trevor draws a line 62 renders
added a new main story scene a different approach 29 renders
added a new scene for Paige jail visit 26 renders
added a new scene paige in the kitchen 39 renders 2 animations
remade vivian scene begin 20 renders
-Remade Paige spanking scene
-Remade Lily Sleepjob scene
- Added a new main story scene with split paths
- Added a main story scene trevor has had enough
- Added a main story scene with lily with split paths
- Added a side story scene for Vivian Vivian flips out
- Added a side story scene for Vivian vivian feels guilty
- Added a New Main Story Scene (Marcus and Lynn come clean)
- Added a New Main Story Scene (Summer moves in)
- Added a New Main Story Scene (Checking on Eve)
- Added a New Main Story Scene (Warehouse spies)
- Added Summer's morning date
- Added a Summer Side Scene (Paige and Summer)
- Added a Summer Side Scene (Summers proper thank you)
- Remade first_memory
- Remade eve talks about visiting
- Added Summer Eye Candies bought from Vivian
- Got Summer's room started on development
- Added a way for you to actually get drunk at the Mermaid's cove now.
- Increased the chance to trigger the Morning Date Encounters
- Changed it so you can quickly talk to who you see in the bar VS having to move to certain areas to talk to someone
- Fixed it so after the SL went back down from FwF if you are below 5 SL the repeatable isn't available
- Fixed it so when you talk to Leah on monday her animation shows up.
- Fixed is so when you talk to Marcus late night the animation shows up
*There is a typo for the Summer repeatable scene that causes an error. Just ignore it. It will be fixed next patch.*
-Added a new Main StoryScene (Memory Lane)
-Added a 10 SL repeatable for Vivian in The Royal
-Added a 5 SL repeatable for Leah in Cuppa Joe
-Added a 5 SL repeatable for Eve in the Police Station
-Added a 5 SL repeatable for Summer in the bar at night
-Added a scene side scene for Marcus with Leah
-Added a Leah side scene
-Added a side story scene for Leah
-Added Paige Eye Candy Pack
-Remade Vivian Coffee Date Scene
-Remade Lily Coffee Date scene
-Added a Main Story scene Eve visits Merlot
-Added a Main Story scene vivian shower thoughts
-Added Lilys 30 RS repeatable lewd
-Added Main Story Scene Investigating Merlot
- Added Main Story Scene Trevor's Concerned
-Added Eye Candy pack for Cascade enjoy them because she won't get anymore for a while
-Remade Cascade book work
-Remade Vivian house break in
- Added a UI to world map (skip time and time of day etc)
- Made it so lock-picking scenes work at Late Night as well.
Remade Paige fingered
Remade blackmailing Merlot
Remade Vivian plan begin
added a side scene for Paige drinking with Paige
added a side scene for Paige unwanted quest
added main story scene returning memory
added main story scene warehouse_argument
KNOWN ISSUES A bug with the Paige repeatable You can skip it, it will be fixed next patch
- Added Leah morning date
- Added a side story scene with Eve (Eves new vitcim)
- Added a side stroy for Eve (meeting eves mom)
- Added Paige's repeatable
- Added a Main Story (running out of time)
added a repeatable scene for cascade
added a new location to the map Recluse Beach
-new main story scene going to the beach
-new side scene with Leah (Leah thinking)
-new side scene with (Leah deans office)
remade leah visits the royal
- fixed several with cascade and marcus
-Added a Main Story Scene (Trevor's Past)
- Added a Main Story Scene (Meeting Lily's Family)
- Added a branching scene (Rebecca Wakes You Up)
- Added a branching scene (Lily Wakes You Up)
- Added a small scene to of going home.
- Remade the scene with Paige and Cascade arguing in the kitchen
- Remade Leah's first side scene
- Changed it so you have different font set ups now in preferences .
- Fixed a typo that caused an error in the scene with Summer at the pool.
- Fixed the eye candy bug some players got when reloading.
- killed around 400 more typos. They just keep appearing
- Added A Main Story Scene (Meeting with Lynn)
- Added a Main Store Scene (The Discussion)
- Added a repeatable lewd (scene with Vivian)
- Added a few flashback renders at the start of the game and
in meeting Cascade to give meaning to the lost memories.
- Added the option to name your saved game
- Added a wallpaper of Summer.
- Added a wallpaper of Eve
- Added Cascade Eye candy Pack
-remade Lily finds out shes an exhibitionist
- fixed more typos that endless struggle
- Added a Main Story Scene (Mayor Troubles)
- Added a Main Story Scene (Marcus and Lynn catch up)
- Added 2 wallpapers 1 of Lily and 1 of Summer
- Added a Side Scene for Vivian (Vivian finds out about Merlot)
- Added a Side Scene for Vivian (Vivian runs into trouble)
- Added a Side Scene for Marcus (Vivian)
- Added Summers Eye Candy Pack to Vivians shop.
- Added Paiges special name for you in the coffee date repeatable scene.
- Added Vivian's side hussle (Talk to her at the bar to unlock. Then buy from her in her bedroom.)
- Remade Paige's scene (Paige's coffee date)
- Remade Lily's side scene (Park Yoga)
- All navigations are switched over to change based off of time of day.
- Fixed Marcus not actually giving you money in Eve's scene.
- Fixed a bug where Paige would refer to player as none in her repeatable
- Fixed a typo in the Lily park scene that would cause errors to some players.
- Took care of a lot of typos throughout the dialogs.
- Added a Side Scene with Eve (Eve starts to open up)
- Added a Side scene with Summer (Summer wake up)
- Added a Side Scene for Cascade (Cascade's Struggle)
- Added a Side Scene for Lily (Lily's Sister)
- Added a Side Scene for Lily (lily morning bedroom yoga)
- Remade the scene where Paige visits the MC.
- Remade the MC_bedroom free roam area.
- Remade the Cascade coffee date repeatable.
- Added a new feature with FwF.
Putting a girl in favorites gives a +1 RS.
Putting a girl in Hotest gives +1 SL.
when you switch them out their RS or SL goes back to normal.
- Fixed a bug when you clicked another upgrade when buying an upgrade already, it would error.
- Fixed the bug where places would say it was closed when it doesn't (No more double clicking YAY!)
- Fixed a bug at the Mausoleum at late night.
- Fixed a bug in the bar where Summer talked to you at places she shouldn't have.
- Fixed a bug in Cascade's replay.
- Fixed a couple replay bugs if you rejected the girls advances in replay.
- Fixed a bug that could cause errors when talking to Paige at the bar on Saturday.
- Fixed a bug with a scene with Cascade that was getting an error.
- Fixed a bug in replays from the main menu where you would get an e-mail alert.
- Fixed a bug where some players would have an error in the scene pool time with Summer.
- Changed it so after you buy a new area if automatically shows the scene rather than going there.
- Changed it so while in game can only view scenes for that playthrough and out of game menu.
you can view all the scenes you have seen across all playthroughs.
- Started converting navigation images to change depending on time of day and location.
- Fuck them typos...
- Added a Main Story Scene (Digging for information)
- Added A Side Story Scene for Cascade (Showing Cascade The Ropes)
- Added a Side Story Scene for Summer (Inviting Summer Back)
- Added a Side Story Scene for Summer (Pool time with Summer)
- Added a Side Story Scene for Vivian (Vivian busy at work)
- Remade Paige's Side Scene (Smoking in the Royal)
- Remade Cascade night time lockpicking even
- Fixed a bug where late night would error out in Lily's room.
- Fixed a bug where park renders wouldn't load when it was Late Night.
- 172 renders and 1 animation
- Added a side scene for Summer (Summer comes over)
- Added a Main Story Scene (Second Flashback)
- fixed cascades replay and Lily's bedroom at night.
246 renders
- Added Summer's side scene (afternoon bar visit)
- Added Summer's side scene (Summer visits the royal)
- Added Leah's side scene (Leah Conflicted)
- Added Leah's side scene (drinking with Leah)
- Added Leah's side scene (Leah Decides)
- Added New wallpaper of Paige voted for on Patreon.
- Added a new free roam area. This was one hell of a project. It goes off of a weekly schedule.
- Added 7 eye candies renders.
- Added a repeatable scene for Cascade in the royal (5 SL required)
- Added a repeatable scene for Cascade in the royal (10 SL required)
- Added a repeatable scene for Lily in the royal (5 SL required)
- Added a repeatable scene for Lily in the royal (10 SL required)
- Added a repeatable scene for Paige in the royal (5 SL required)
- Added a repeatable scene for Paige in the royal (10 SL required)
- Added a repeatable scene for Vivian in the royal (5 SL required)
- Added a Main Story Scene 'meeting ???'
- The long and awaited quest system in now implemented.
- Moved The Royal's kitchen in free roam to make more sense. (on the left side)
- Remade Cascade and Marcus scene. (Everyone's favorite, from what I hear on forums...)
- Remade Paige and Marcus scene.
- Remade Lily and Marcus scene.
- Remade Meeting Vivian scene.
- Fixed the background in 4 renders in the scene (Who is Marcus) to match the royals background.
- Added a new time zone after seeing the scene You were sleeping (Late Night).
- Added a daily repeatable for the new girl. (no spoilers) xD
- Added a new one time buy for the new girl.
- Added Tool Text to all objects like doors.
* example Cascade's Door now says just that when moused over.
- Fixed some scenes where you would be called none instead of your name.
- renders 243 renders
- Added Main Story Scene (Cascade Trade Deal)
- Added Main Story Scene (On The Run) (Decided by choice)
- Added Main Story Scene (In Jail) (Decided by choice)
- Added Main Story Scene (You were sleeping)
- Added a scene for building the showers with the construction guy.
- Added a scene for building the sauna with the construction guy.
- Changed Opening screen to an Animation instead of Images.
-Added A Logo to the beginning of the start of a new game.
- Split the Pool 10k purchase into 3 sections (4k, 3k, 3k)
This will help when I add in more scenes in the future so you don't need the full 10k.
- Added an app to give money for those that hate lockpicking, hacking, and working.
- Added a subscribstar link on PC.
- Remade The hot tub scene with Paige.
- Remade a small scene with Lily talking about saving with the girls.
- Remade Cascade's saving Scene. (8 renders)
- Remade the building corridor scene with the construction guy.
- Remade the building swimming pool scene with the construction guy.
- Remade Paige's Eye Candy Renders.
- Remade the Quick Trader free roam area's.
- Added in a small fail-safe for folded money.
- Destroyed spelling errors some more. The on-going struggle.
(141 new renders)
(8 new animations)
VERSION 0.20.3
- Added a new scene Side scene for Leah. (Leah studies)
- Added a main scene (Merlot talks to the mayor)
- Added a side scene for Vivian (Vivian still mad)
- Added a side scene with Eve and everybodies favorite character Marcus. (optional)
- Added a delivery quest for Vivian first time gives +1 RS
- Added Vivian to The Royal (left side in the morning) after meeting her.
- Changed out all of the main menu renders for better ones.
Definitely gives it a better feel.
-Remade The free roam park area.
-Remade the free roam area for The Royal.
-Remade Cascade's night visit.
-Remade The hot tub scene with Paige
-Remade the scene where you talk to Paige after Jake hits you.
-Remade the scene where Jake hits you.
-Remade Paige Shop encounter.
-Remade the scene where Cascade tells you about Paige moving in.
-Decreased corridor to 4,000 from 5,000.
- Lewd scene added for paige (also a major choice added this will determine your relationship with her)
- Added a main story scene with vivian (Vivian tells the MC)
- Added side scene with Eve (Eve visits Vivian)
- Added a side scene with Leah (Leah begins to understand)
- Added a main story scene with Vivian (Who is Marcus)
- Added a side scene with Eve (Eve's plan)
- Added daily repeatables for Cascade, Lily, Paige, Leah and Eve.
The first time it gives you 1 RS and 20 bucks after that its just a way to get an extra 20 bucks each delivery once per day.
- Added a one time buy RS item for Leah and Eve.
- Added in weekly stratch off tickets at the shop.
- Always destroying more typos.
0.17.0 UPDATE
- Added a main story scene with Vivian (blackmailing merlot)
- Added a main story scene with Cascade (visiting dad's grave)
- Added a side scene with Vivian (vivian visits the park)
- Added a side scene with Cascade (money at the royal)
- Added repeatable scene for Cascade, Lily, Paige and Vivian
(They are by chance after sleeping)
- Added side event with a New girl 1 (college talk)
- Added another side event for new girl 1 (new girl1 visits the royal)
- Added side event for new girl 2 (talk with new girl 2)
_ Added a new lewd scene, this time for Lily (night fun in the park)
- Added 4 new renders to search for
- Mausoleum added
- Cuppa Joe added
- changed coffee item image so it's background is transparent, and doesn't blind you when looking at it.
- made the interface for Eye Candy renders, Peek Snaps, and Replays look amazing.
- One time purchases are now available at the shop for Cascade, Lily, Paige, and Vivian.
(Vivian's item can't be used quite yet however)
- Once again the axe came down upon the typos of Reclusive Bay. Hundreds have met their devise...(AXE).. demise.
- Be advised, if you saved while the shop Buy/Sell interface was open you may get an exception when you load the save.
If for any reason this happens, you should be be able to click "Rollback" and then the game should work normally.
- changed coffee image so its background tranparent, and doesnt blind you when looking at it.
- Improved the skill system UI.
- One time purchases are now available at the shop for Cascade, Lily, Paige, and Vivian.
(Vivian's item can't be used quite yet however)
- Changed it the way an encounter worked with paige so there will be no soft block om the scene.
- Changed the way an encounter worked with Lily to remove the small block on the scene.
- Get hint now tells you the SL and RS for each girl.
- Get hint has recieved some make up to beautify it some more.
- Added a gallery from main menu
-Email issue fixed for saved games.
-Added a side scene with Paige.
-Added a scene main story scene with Vivian.
-Added side scene with Lily.
-Added a side scene with Vivian.
-Added a new area to explore (No scenes there yet however)
-Changed Marcus dialog so it is better understood.
-Changed the energy required to work. It was 40. Now it costs no energy, but can only be done once per day.
-Changed the amounnts for working from 20, 35, 50 to 100, 150, 200
-Changed the hacking and locking success rate from 70%, 80% and 90% (based off skill points) to 80%, 90%, 100%
-Changed the base amount of earnings for hacking and lockpicking from $10, $20 and $30, to $30, $50, and $75 per successful attempt.
-bonuses from tiers of increased money for hacking annd lockpicking from 5, 10, 15 to 10, 15, 20 per level
(These amounts may change in the future.)
-Icons for the PC redone.
-Added Town Map.
-Emails now sit in the inbox by order of date received.
-That pesky pillow will no longer jump at you after resting.
-Fixed the reward system for the girls for saving. Now they aren't as eager to get naked for you.
-Fixed scenes being skipped because you talking to paige early after talking to lily.
-Added a navigation tool tip letting you know where you are headed too.
-Water gives 1 energy now.
-Coffee gives 5 energy now.
- If you acquired Restaurant Equipment. money increase after sleep went from $25 to $50.
- Hundreds of typos have met their demise.
- Redid Hacking interface so it looks pretty boss
- Redid image for Lockpicking Job interface so it looks fancier.
- put cookies in fridge.
changed Paige menu with Marcus so both options give same RS and SL
changed cascade SL and a greyed option so you know why they cant continue.
changed around the hint system
fixed Piage in the hot tub before it was suppose to happen
changed so they can skip the pic quests
changed Cascade and Paige dialog in restaurant to work properly before and after the bank saving encounter
added arrow to front doors so the arrow pointing at the sitars take u upstairs and the other takes you to livingroom
added text to profile interface
added text to expanded profile
added prices to the purchases that can be made with construction.
changed the saved text on the PC to show your money as well
Fixed crashes with doors that lead to character rooms
took out RS booster until they are fully ready
fixed an issue with the wine bottle (stupid wine bottle)
scene with cascade
Main story scene x 2
scene with paige
buy and sell system (One time purchases not implimented yet)
added a hint system to the game
scene with lily and paige
scene with vivian
hacking skill perks
fixed most renders in the game
added lockpicking app
added lockpicking skill perks
The first three days is linear so you can understand the game, when open full free roam, I'll let you know.
As for fetishes, yes I do have some I want to put into the game as it progress. There will be options to turn off and on any you don't like or what to see.
As for fetishes, yes I do have some I want to put into the game as it progress. There will be options to turn off and on any you don't like or what to see.
Тему отредактировал: СынПирокара - 31-01-2024, 10:02
Причина: Тема обновлена. Добавлена английская версия v.1.0. / Topic updated. Added English version v.1.0.
Причина: Тема обновлена. Добавлена английская версия v.1.0. / Topic updated. Added English version v.1.0.
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