Бедствующий писатель, вам только что удалось продать книгу за достаточную сумму, чтобы позволить себе дом.
Жизнь в пригороде обещает быть всем, о чем вы мечтали в городе: больше пространства, больше тишины, и, возможно, без соседей по комнате, пришло время начать свою личную жизнь.
В сорок три года ты не становишься моложе.
Все меняется, когда молодая студентка колледжа откликнулась на ваше объявление о сдаче в субаренду одной из открытых спален.
Она блондинка, восемнадцати лет, и, как вы быстро обнаружили, у нее есть тайное желание.
Как у ее домовладельца, у вас есть время, и вы чувствуете себя обязанным помочь ей осуществить ее фантазии, какими бы порочными они ни были. В конце концов, когда вы думали о том, чтобы начать свою личную жизнь заново, вы никак не представляли, что она может быть такой... полноценной.
Патч уже встроен в русскую версию!
A struggling writer, you just managed to sell a book for enough money to afford a house.
Life in the suburbs promised to be everything you dreamed of in the city: more space, quieter, and
maybe without roommates, it was time to kick start your love life. At forty-three, you weren't getting any younger.
Everything changed when a young college student responded to your advertisement to sublet one of the open bedrooms.
She was blonde, eighteen, and as you quickly discovered, had a secret desire. As her landlord, you have time and
feel obligated to help her pursue her fantasies, however depraved they might be. After all, when you thought about
kick-starting your love life again, you never imagined it could be so...fulfilling.
Год выпуска: 2021
Жанр: 3dcg, anal, animated, creampie, dating sim, exhibitionism, group sex, handjob, harem, humor, interracial, lesbian, male protagonist, masturbation, oral, pov, romance, sex toys, spanking, stripping, teasing, vaginal, voyeurism,
Цензура: Отсутствует
Разработчик/Издатель: Big Chungus Productions - Patreon - Discord - Itch.io - Steam
Перевод: Djonnik
Платформа: PC/Windows/Linux/Android
Версия: Completed
Таблэтка: Не требуется
Тип издания: [v.1.08] Rus / Remake [v.1.85] Eng
Язык игры: Русский/Английский
Язык интерфейса: Русский/Английский
Поблагодарить Переводчика : Yoomoney кошелёк 410011767825451
Бедствующий писатель, вам только что удалось продать книгу за достаточную сумму, чтобы позволить себе дом.
Жизнь в пригороде обещает быть всем, о чем вы мечтали в городе: больше пространства, больше тишины, и, возможно, без соседей по комнате, пришло время начать свою личную жизнь.
В сорок три года ты не становишься моложе.
Все меняется, когда молодая студентка колледжа откликнулась на ваше объявление о сдаче в субаренду одной из открытых спален.
Она блондинка, восемнадцати лет, и, как вы быстро обнаружили, у нее есть тайное желание.
Как у ее домовладельца, у вас есть время, и вы чувствуете себя обязанным помочь ей осуществить ее фантазии, какими бы порочными они ни были. В конце концов, когда вы думали о том, чтобы начать свою личную жизнь заново, вы никак не представляли, что она может быть такой... полноценной.
Патч уже встроен в русскую версию!
A struggling writer, you just managed to sell a book for enough money to afford a house.
Life in the suburbs promised to be everything you dreamed of in the city: more space, quieter, and
maybe without roommates, it was time to kick start your love life. At forty-three, you weren't getting any younger.
Everything changed when a young college student responded to your advertisement to sublet one of the open bedrooms.
She was blonde, eighteen, and as you quickly discovered, had a secret desire. As her landlord, you have time and
feel obligated to help her pursue her fantasies, however depraved they might be. After all, when you thought about
kick-starting your love life again, you never imagined it could be so...fulfilling.
Год выпуска: 2021
Жанр: 3dcg, anal, animated, creampie, dating sim, exhibitionism, group sex, handjob, harem, humor, interracial, lesbian, male protagonist, masturbation, oral, pov, romance, sex toys, spanking, stripping, teasing, vaginal, voyeurism,
Цензура: Отсутствует
Разработчик/Издатель: Big Chungus Productions - Patreon - Discord - Itch.io - Steam
Перевод: Djonnik
Платформа: PC/Windows/Linux/Android
Версия: Completed
Таблэтка: Не требуется
Тип издания: [v.1.08] Rus / Remake [v.1.85] Eng
Язык игры: Русский/Английский
Язык интерфейса: Русский/Английский
Поблагодарить Переводчика : Yoomoney кошелёк 410011767825451
1.85 - 2025-03-15
v1.8 - 2025.02.15
517 new images (of those 90 are from the previous production edition, the remaining 427 are brand new)
47 new animations across two sexy scenes (also one sexy scene from the previous edition with 11 animations); the animations have been updated to match the image processing which included defect removal & color correction to better fit the new experience.
11,400 plus words of story, including the remainder of the fourth in game day.
Brand new Love score out of X on the characters page, so it's easy to see what the total potential love score is versus how many points you've acquired with any of the characters in game so far.
6 new sound effects & music files
Updated the Replay link to be in the left nav even before you start the game for easier access, and added the four new scenes to replay (one scene has two variations, depending on your past choices with Daisy in game, which leads to two different sets of animation).
Tons of updates to the prior content based on Discord feedback including choice updates, menu updates & more.
A new driving animation earlier in the game where MC visits Elizabeth & Tricia at the office on Day 2, and a similar driving animation when he visits the bookstore in this update.
Bug fixes in 1.8 added on Jan 20th include a lot of text edits, story continuity, spelling & grammar, audio in multiple places, max love score issues, and a host of other things courtesy folks on Discord & Steam that contributed. Hopefully I got all the things fixed up so I can continue onto the 1.85 for next month.
A few more bugs fixed on Jan 21st related to some audio bleed from day3, the max score for Daisy, and I think a few other small items. If there's anything pending, please chime in, I appreciate anybody raising their hand & sharing stuff that could look, sound, or play better. Thanks.
Feb 9th, all fixes from the 1.85 have been backported to the 1.8 version, so hopefully it's bug free; if not, please share anything that could be improved, and I'll do my best to address it.
v1.7 - 2025-01-22
More than 14,000 words of story - one of my longest ever updates.
568 new full HD images - again, the most in a single update so far.
47 animations across three brand new adult scenes; two were remakes of prior scenes in the previous production edition, and one brand new for the remake
19 new music & sound effects files
Added back the scene replay feature to the menu when in-game, you can easily access it from the "Stats," link in the upper left, and then easily replay any of the 10 animated scenes in the remake.
Also added back the image slideshow for the main menu, since I liked it better than the "pick a single random static image," like I had in the 1.6 edition.
A lot of work over the past five plus weeks, since one of the animated scenes was finished in early November, but couldn't be added to the story until this version, since it required a lot of other work before inclusion.
Updated Dec 30th with bug fixes as well as a few spelling & grammar issues thanks to a volunteer on Discord.
v1.6 Beta - 2024-12-22
Nine thousand words of new story
416 new images, as well as four remade animations from the first animated scene in the game
Brand new menu (similar to the prior production version)
Revamped characters page, accessible via the new Stats link in the upper left, in addition to redone character images for that section versus the previous edition of the game.
Renaming feature / change the customization in game via the character profile pages for Daisy, Lily, or Rose.
Bugs fixed including some issues with the Lily love score variable, the character screen, and a bunch of spelling & grammar issues courtesy supporter on Discord.
A few other things were updated including making all the character names a unique color (one was pending after the 1.5 update), and as of the last edition yesterday, the image effects that cause some players nausea have been removed.
v1.5 Beta - 2024-11-29
7,400 words of new story
320 new images
29 new animations across two brand new sexy scenes
37 new music files and sound effects
Scoring changes from the earlier game scenes based on some feedback in Discord
Introducing two new never before seen characters in any version of the game, and Sara the coffee shop barista in a second job is introduced for the first time in the remake.
To see the older release notes for 1.4, see this patreon post here.
1.5 updated Oct 28th, with multiple spelling, grammar, and other fixes thanks to feedback on Discord.
v1.4 Beta
Story continues with the 2nd day in the game and over twelve thousand words in this update
517 new images including Daisy, Rose, Lily, and a new character (to the beta) in her second job
Multiple new locations that were never featured in the original game
39 new sound effects & music tracks, bringing the total to 310+ audio files (far more than the previous production game)
15 brand new animations
Lots of new transitions (good, bad, or meh? You tell me) in both the earlier parts o the beta and the newest content.
Audio, image, and other bug fixes from the beginning of the beta through to the newest content, with a few dozen edits overall.
Updated Sept 29th with multiple spelling and grammar issues from reports on Discord & multiple forums.
v1.3 Beta
I've got work on the new Horny Holiday expansion coming up this weekend, so instead of making you wait extra, I'm going to ship the 1.3 beta today and we'll have the beta 1.4 next month toward the end of September, between the 22nd and 29th.
To see the release notes for the 1.2 beta edition, read this post on here on Patreon (also public like this one). Now, what's in this update?
Six thousand words of new story, bringing the total to about 41 thousand, six hundred words - we're now over a third of the way done, and some portions in the later updates should be faster as they'll have less rework, I think.
297 new images (some are remakes from the current production edition, some are brand new).
14 brand new animations (13 of those are a remake of the previous Jen + MC scene in the bathroom) one is a surprise as part of a scene that was not in the current edition
31 new music and sound effects files, which brings the total to 276 - finally, more audio than anything else I've ever done. I'm particularly proud of this one.
At least one spelling and grammar fix from the previous 1.2, and hopefully less bugs than last time ;)
Updated on August 17th with multiple spelling issues and one bug fix.
v1.08 Harem Ever After - Patreon Edition - 2024-03-25
Three new fully animated scenes, with more than 26 animations, some with 30, 40, or even 60 frames - yeah, I tried to push things & improve in that area too.
Twenty plus new renders in my latest visual style, a significant upgrade to the previous styling in the game.
43 scenes in the replay feature, now when replaying a scene you can experience every scene the same way as it happened in the game.
Rewritten introduction, multiple other scenes as well, for clarity and quality.
Compressed animations to shrink the game footprint from 7.7 gigabytes to just over 5 gigs; this includes the new content as well.
Added character label & italics to all the lines where the main character was thinking, but it didn't have a label.
Reworked sounds, the man laughing in particular, as well as others that didn't have the same high quality as the remainder.
Customization has been simplified, enabling people who don't want to customize all the text to skip many questions in the game & focus on the story. Also, this feature has been improved to lay the foundation for (maybe) eventual localization into other languages...but that's for later, it's still English only for this update.
Added - bug fix for the scene replay from the latest changes, as well as a beta version of European Spanish and Simplified Chinese.
New Sept 5th bug fix for the individual endings with Daisy (screen issue missing), Lily (poor design on my part) and I believe Rose as well. Also adjusted the volume of the heartbeat sound effect to make it softer since it was a little too loud.
New Sept 24th, French language and Traditional Chinese language added via machine translation.
New Sept 28th fixed multiple bugs and experience issues with the rename feature that ensures you can modify Lily or Rose's names.
New added translations for Italian, Russian, Turkish, Portuguese, and Dutch.
New Sept 30th fixed a dialogue issue on day 3 evening, also fixed another personalization bug with the character name & relationship edit feature.
Dec 8th two spelling fixes and conversion to video for most animation.
v1.06 Audio Edition - 2023.03.26
A rich, detailed story line to explore with choices that influence the story
More than 101,000 words of text in the current edition, more than a full length novel.
Crisp, beautiful images rendered in glorious HD
3,600+ full HD images in the game - so far.
Music and sound effects that deepen the experience in game
120+ music tracks & sound effects.
30FPS animations - both adult and nonadult
32 fully animated adult scenes with 340+ unique animations with erotic sound effects that enhance the experience, easily accessible from the Replay feature. 29 in the main game, and 3 in the bonus section.
Fetishes / tags - F solo, M/F, M/F/F, F/F, F/F/F, lesbian, oral, harem, vaginal, anal, group, squirt, toys, voyeurism, spanking, domination, corruption, humor, first person POV, pregnancy.
Audio edition update notes
Image transitions for the first act - previously, I was using "with dissolve," only on all the images, but I've added some zoom, and other effects, for new images. In particular, these are great for scenes where the dialogue or text emphasizes the character is looking at a specific place...now, the camera zooms in as well. It's awesome.
35+ new audio effects throughout the first act, from the beginning of the game to the first night with Rose & Lily in MC's house where a knock at the door signals the start of the next scene, and the last of the image + audio transitions.
Bug fixes for nicknames - I'm not 100% certain this is fixed, but there was a massive issue early in the game that destroyed these variables, those have been fixed.
At least two different lighter animations early in the game had the wrong images showing, those have been addressed.
Other smaller spelling, grammar, other fixes as well.
There was in a previous edition a scene with Chef Naomi and Rose, while the other characters watched. It's back in the bonus edition, and if the MC chooses, he can skip going back home with the other tenants and have a lot of fun with Naomi & Rose. 20 new images and over 20 animations.
Lois the bartender never got any love with the MC either; in this edition, in the bonus scene you can skip going back home after the date with Elizabeth, and keep flirting. 33 new images, and 14 animations.
Vanessa and Sara, the two baristas in the coffee shop, kissed in front of the MC in the previous edition, but now, there's a whole new threesome scene with them. 25 new images, and 17 new animations.
The harem ending with Dee, Lily, and Rose has been updated & expanded with 3 new images, and 9 new animations.
For the new scenes, I had to mix new audio, so there are now 7 additional sound effects to accompany the new scenes above.
Revamped the left menu, replacing the Replay & Gallery links with a single link that points to a combined page for Replay or Bonus content; this way, it's easier to navigate to your favorite characters to see their bonus content - or in the case of the three tenants, the slide shows that seem hard for some people to find.
Tricia library scene with MC has multiple improved animations which were made by combining existing loops where the start frame was the same; it's improved compared to before, and plays much, much better.
Lily & MC hotel scene near the end on day 6 also had improvements in multiple animations, resulting in longer, more interesting, and smoother movement. This was the same technique as the expansion & upgrade to the animations with Tricia in the library scene.
Other miscellaneous two frame and other animation fixes in multiple places in th game.
Last but not least, more story, with an additional five thousand words in the various new scenes.
Remastered all the audio, in every adult replay scene;
Adds 69 new static images (believe it or not, wasn't planned I'd hit that number, but when you're on a roll, you're on a roll, right?)
Completes the Harem ending, and bumps the version number to 1.0
Updated title screen, removed the Patreon link back (I figure ya'll can find me...or not? We'll see).
554 new frames of animation, it's probably like 10 to 20 somewhere in there in the game, I didn't count. Sorry not sorry.
Total game now has 95K words, a decent sized novel, for all the shenanigans.
v.0.25 - 2022-11-19
.25 updated original notes below, new notes are as follows:
New intro / beginning scene with new animation, multiple static renders, as well as animation previews of scenes with Daisy, Lily, and Rose in the beginning of the game.
Bug fixed with an early Daisy solo scene, where if you skipped, the scene audio continued when it should have stopped.
Other story, continuity improvements.
Original notes:
Day 7 continues with not one but two threesome scenes, with Rose and Lily swapping positions with each other in the two different scenes. About 10 animations from the new content beyond what was in the .24 expanded update, available in the scene replay as well.
Day 7 ending with Daisy and MC, new animations in three different positions for the finale, as well as over twenty animations between the various positions in this scene.
Sound effects for the day 7 content that was in the .24 update but wasn't yet added ( there was a preview of the threesome content before, but without the sexy sounds for the scene, those have been added).
Removed content earlier in the game with both Chef Naomi, and with Lois the bartender. The story updates make everything better, so if you liked those scenes, keep the older version handy.
In total, there are more than 45 new renders and over 30 new animations in the game, and now there are a total of 27 scenes in the replay feature, including the ending scenes with each individual love interest. Compared to the initial .24 update, there's about 35 animations or so as the original .24 didn't have the Rose, Lily, and MC threesome scene.
Day 6 evening, again with Lily, and depending on love scores, you might get the first ending, with Lily. There's a special animated scene with more customization than usual, and more animations than most scenes.
Day 7 morning...there are branches here, and depending on love scores, attention you've given to one house guest or another, you might land on the Rose Ending, also included in this update.
Day 7 morning...maybe you've had your eyes on not one, or two, but ALL the house guests. I'd be lying if I said this was not my favorite option. For this path, you'll get a new scene in the morning, where both Lily and Rose help MC get to the finish, as only two house guests can. Lots of animation in this one, though only on act with all three.
Story, continued same sound effects as before (have spent a limited amount of time into understanding how I could make these even better, which I'd like to do, probably in the update or two).
36 static images, 3 fully animated scenes, all of which are in the reply gallery. Two of the 3 scenes are the endings with the two love interests, Rose & Lily.
Updated Sept 10th with new Ren'py code to help with image lag, stutter, and performance; hopefully that's a big improvement...and a bonus sneak peak of the harem ending with all three love interests, another fully animated scene with ~8 animations, also in the replay gallery.
In total then, this update has *four* new scenes in the Replay feature, the most I think I've ever added in a single update, since this was largely focused on animations, not more static content.
v0.23 - 2022-10-04
Day 6 lunch, starts with the end of the cafe scene; The update is around Lily and MC, with many heartfelt conversations between MC, Dee, Rose, and Lily.
The end of the update depending on choices will be a new fully animated scene with Lily & MC in the same hotel as Dee + MC were in previously (her request in game). From there, I've got hints about what happens in the next two updates.
127 new full HD renders
Lily & MC animated scene added to the gallery
279 frames of animation (more than 10 animations in game)
Updated Sept 10th with new Ren'py code to help with image lag, stutter, and performance; hopefully that's a big improvement.
v0.22 fixed 2
In the .24 release notes, updated with the details of what I tried today. Seems to work better I think? Now (again) porting back to the .23, and then .22.
And now those changes are live in the .23 and the .22 versions, here and on Itch. From what I can tell maybe better? I've read good things, would love to hear your experience.
Original (now is there egg on my face ironic) post:
I *think* the performance issues have gone away, the game took a little blue pill, and poof! Everything works.
Nah, what happened was I added the Ren'py feature to limit game RAM to ~256 megabytes, which is more than enough for any given scene to fully load in memory & more, while at the same time, not trying to take *all* the RAM that the game could take from the system.
Get the updated links in the various posts here, or from Itch, etc.
Have a good one, and do lemme know after you give it a go, how it goes ;)
Brosef Chungus
v0.22 fixed - 2022-09-09
Happy Friday, .22, .23, and .24 updated with memory management
I *think* the performance issues have gone away, the game took a little blue pill, and poof! Everything works.
Nah, what happened was I added the Ren'py feature to limit game RAM to ~256 megabytes, which is more than enough for any given scene to fully load in memory & more, while at the same time, not trying to take *all* the RAM that the game could take from the system.
Get the updated links in the various posts here, or from Itch, etc.
Have a good one, and do lemme know after you give it a go, how it goes ;)
Brosef Chungus
For the .22 version, we resume the story with Dee and MC at the hotel. I've also gone back and fixed some continuity things, nickname issues, and other stuff earlier in the game to clean up everything and get it ready for the various endings.
Scenes and other details:
Day 5 night; MC and Daisy wake up, anal scene;
- otherwise simple animation while she finishes herself,
Day 6 morning, serious discussion with Daisy; impacts various endings;
Day 6 breakfast at Fat Burger with all the tenants;
During the breakfast, Jen is there! What a surprise
Optional scene with Jen, two climax options
Two new fully animated scenes (Daisy + MC, MC + Jen) are in the reply feature, with more than twenty animations in total.
Thousands of words of text, and the most content in terms of story in any update this year so far :) I'm pretty proud of this one.
Updated June 25th with some story improvements, minor script rewrites
v0.21 - 2022-08-15
63 new full HD renders;
More than 30 animations;
New scene in replay gallery with Daisy and MC in a hotel room
Story up through Day 5 sunset / evening with Daisy & MC after the picnic at the park finishes up
Quality of life improvements including a notification for love score improvements in the upper right corner of the screen;
Multiple new two-frame animations sprinkled throughout earlier content to improve the feel of the interactions (everything is *far* more interesting now, even the scene with Daisy puking has a few two frame animations that make it just so much better!).
PLUS: four new animations, two in the latest Daisy + MC scene (one for each path) and then one for an earlier Daisy + MC scene doggy style; and a close up of Lisa + MC anal.
Also 10+ older renders have been edited, removed, or replaced with better versions, some rewriting has been done in earlier parts of the game, as well as multiple new two frame animations.
Final - final - update June 25th: backported a few nickname issues, other variable changes, and more text to ensure continuity for the endings that are coming soon.
What's new in the .020 update?
After the events of Day 5 morning, MC arrives home (or never left, depending on your choices) and is in the mood for some brunch. Daisy interrupts him with a proposition - how about lunch in the park? Refuse, well, you skip basically the new content of the update. Accept her invitation, and day 5 afternoon ensues with special time between you and your tenant.
100+ new Full HD images
15+ new animations (depending on choices) lots of smaller ones as well)
1 new replayable scene in the gallery
Altered a previous scene in the yoga studio to skip if preferences aren't met
Improvements to code, bugs, memory management to ensure animations work seamlessly across a wider range of computers, and miscellaneous script improvements.
Updated May 28th; includes two new animations, one for an earlier Daisy + MC scene doggy style; and a close up of Lisa + MC anal.
Also 10+ older renders have been edited, removed, or replaced with better versions, some rewriting has been done in earlier parts of the game, as well as multiple new two frame animations.
Final update June 17th: backported a few nickname issues, other variable changes, and more text to ensure continuity for the endings that are coming soon.
What's in the .018 update?
Updated since launch on May 8th;
Bug fixes, a few preference related scenes, and other improvements.
More than 65,000 words now - a good sized novel worth of story
Day 4 afternoon, a scorching new scene with Lily, Daisy, and MC - the first group session with more than 50 stills, and 17+ animations (depending on your preferences in game, you may see some, all, or even none...)
Day 4 evening, a date with Tricia, where there are 70 images and 11+ animations in the scene with a BDSM / voyeur theme.
5 new sound effects
Partial rewrite of the script to date to edit out excessive mentions of the protagonists name, and instead, uses the specific nicknames that are set in the earlier part of the game.
Easy access to the new characters screen, with changes for relationships with the 3 primary love interests, as well as 3 bonus galleries (2 new for this update) which are automatically playing slideshows of unique images that were specifically created for the new gallery feature.
As usual, the two new fully animated scenes are accessible to replay via the menu in the left hand side as you play the game or reload from a previous save.
Numerous bug fixes, edits, and improvements.
v0.0.17 Final
Two new replayable scenes in the Replay feature; three new scenes in total in the update
172 new full HD images
21 new full HD animations
Five new sexy sounds in the new gallery scenes
Gym (new location), Chef Naomi's Place (new location), and introducing Chef Naomi, a new character.
The date with Tricia scene is not yet included, it will be in the update next month.
New notes:
Image gallery: feature includes an auto-playing slide show with 39 a brand new image series with Daisy posing for the camera.
Default menu screen updated with more of the characters in the game and a bigger number of rotating images.
.017 Alpha Update
Hopefully a few people like what's new in the latest version of the game. Since it's been a while, I'm releasing this version to everybody...later, when there's another update, it'll probably be like the previous updates.
160+ new full hd images
1 new replayable scene with Rose, including ~11 animations...different than the others in game, as I haven't yet converted to video + some other changes I normally make
A few new sexy sounds to go with the Rose scene
v.0.016 Basic
What's in the update?
80+ new full hd renders
17 new animations webm format as usual in the animated edition
In the Basic edition, there are ~ 30 new images that are used as two image animations instead of the new 17 fully animated videos.
1 new scene for the replay gallery with (depending on choices) either 15 or 16 animations in the scene (single longest animated scene in game so far)
Four new erotic sounds for the above scene;
Not sure on the overall amount of text, it's basically three scenes in total, with all the new content focused on Daisy + Chad.
v0.0.14 Basic
100 brand new full HD renders
No new soundtracks, or sound effects in this version
1 new adult scene with Daisy + MC, also added to the Replay gallery
Update June 25th: Re-encoded videos to better match Ren'py color space; should enable improved transitions from video to still image + back for all animated scenes. Also updated Nicknames, titles to lower case.
Updated with a new bad ending if enough bad love points are accumulated, and lowers the volume on the intro video.
Finishes day 2 in game; story progression with all three main love interests
160+ new renders in full HD
Scenes with Rose and Lily (fully animated)
Brand new Scene Replay for all six animated scenes
Massive animation improvement to every scene; game now has 70 different animations in the /videos/ folder if you poke through the code, and of course a lot of smaller animation as well.
Six thousand words+ of new story / content
Five new music sound tracks to add variety to the new scenes
Four new erotic sound effects for the animated scenes
Updated, fixed reported bug with dialogue that didn't reflect choices from the diner scene with Jen + Daisy.
What's new & awesome in Her Heart's Desire?
Updated text from the entire .012 previous version; there's probably a dozen or so things that were improved, polished, misspelled, etc - those are fixed thanks to a few fearless volunteers - thanks all!
5,000 (five thousand) words of new copy covering multiple new scenes with the cast
154 new full HD renders across multiple scenes on day 2;
9 new 30 FPS animations across two brand new adult scenes that are so hot, your monitor might melt ;)
5 new erotic sound effects that accompany the two new animated adult scenes.
Sounds good, right?
Introducing Rose and Lily (names changeable, as usual) relationship customizable, in similar style as Daisy.
Ten thousand words of brand new story, updates & improvements to all previous copy as well to make sure everything is perfect.
331 New images...is that right? Yep, it's a lot, for a week's worth of update (or maybe not) but either way, it's a lot of story, and a great time.
10 new animations in 30 FPS (total for higher quality animations in game is now 20, as a few repeat, and are shown at variable speeds).
5 new songs, and 5 new erotic sound effects
A scorching hot animated sexual scene with Daisy and MC, featuring both hand stimulation of MC and oral stimulation by Daisy :) Scene includes two new erotic sounds to accompany the activity.
New animated main menu
v0.011 Alpha
- First update, added another ten images, and 7 distinct, 30 FPS animations, rewrote the first 70% of the text, other fixes to spelling & grammar based on feedback.
v0.01 Alpha
-First release, contains 429 images, multiple simple 2 frame animations, 6 music tracks, 3 sound effects, and over thirteen thousand words of story.
v1.8 - 2025.02.15
517 new images (of those 90 are from the previous production edition, the remaining 427 are brand new)
47 new animations across two sexy scenes (also one sexy scene from the previous edition with 11 animations); the animations have been updated to match the image processing which included defect removal & color correction to better fit the new experience.
11,400 plus words of story, including the remainder of the fourth in game day.
Brand new Love score out of X on the characters page, so it's easy to see what the total potential love score is versus how many points you've acquired with any of the characters in game so far.
6 new sound effects & music files
Updated the Replay link to be in the left nav even before you start the game for easier access, and added the four new scenes to replay (one scene has two variations, depending on your past choices with Daisy in game, which leads to two different sets of animation).
Tons of updates to the prior content based on Discord feedback including choice updates, menu updates & more.
A new driving animation earlier in the game where MC visits Elizabeth & Tricia at the office on Day 2, and a similar driving animation when he visits the bookstore in this update.
Bug fixes in 1.8 added on Jan 20th include a lot of text edits, story continuity, spelling & grammar, audio in multiple places, max love score issues, and a host of other things courtesy folks on Discord & Steam that contributed. Hopefully I got all the things fixed up so I can continue onto the 1.85 for next month.
A few more bugs fixed on Jan 21st related to some audio bleed from day3, the max score for Daisy, and I think a few other small items. If there's anything pending, please chime in, I appreciate anybody raising their hand & sharing stuff that could look, sound, or play better. Thanks.
Feb 9th, all fixes from the 1.85 have been backported to the 1.8 version, so hopefully it's bug free; if not, please share anything that could be improved, and I'll do my best to address it.
v1.7 - 2025-01-22
More than 14,000 words of story - one of my longest ever updates.
568 new full HD images - again, the most in a single update so far.
47 animations across three brand new adult scenes; two were remakes of prior scenes in the previous production edition, and one brand new for the remake
19 new music & sound effects files
Added back the scene replay feature to the menu when in-game, you can easily access it from the "Stats," link in the upper left, and then easily replay any of the 10 animated scenes in the remake.
Also added back the image slideshow for the main menu, since I liked it better than the "pick a single random static image," like I had in the 1.6 edition.
A lot of work over the past five plus weeks, since one of the animated scenes was finished in early November, but couldn't be added to the story until this version, since it required a lot of other work before inclusion.
Updated Dec 30th with bug fixes as well as a few spelling & grammar issues thanks to a volunteer on Discord.
v1.6 Beta - 2024-12-22
Nine thousand words of new story
416 new images, as well as four remade animations from the first animated scene in the game
Brand new menu (similar to the prior production version)
Revamped characters page, accessible via the new Stats link in the upper left, in addition to redone character images for that section versus the previous edition of the game.
Renaming feature / change the customization in game via the character profile pages for Daisy, Lily, or Rose.
Bugs fixed including some issues with the Lily love score variable, the character screen, and a bunch of spelling & grammar issues courtesy supporter on Discord.
A few other things were updated including making all the character names a unique color (one was pending after the 1.5 update), and as of the last edition yesterday, the image effects that cause some players nausea have been removed.
v1.5 Beta - 2024-11-29
7,400 words of new story
320 new images
29 new animations across two brand new sexy scenes
37 new music files and sound effects
Scoring changes from the earlier game scenes based on some feedback in Discord
Introducing two new never before seen characters in any version of the game, and Sara the coffee shop barista in a second job is introduced for the first time in the remake.
To see the older release notes for 1.4, see this patreon post here.
1.5 updated Oct 28th, with multiple spelling, grammar, and other fixes thanks to feedback on Discord.
v1.4 Beta
Story continues with the 2nd day in the game and over twelve thousand words in this update
517 new images including Daisy, Rose, Lily, and a new character (to the beta) in her second job
Multiple new locations that were never featured in the original game
39 new sound effects & music tracks, bringing the total to 310+ audio files (far more than the previous production game)
15 brand new animations
Lots of new transitions (good, bad, or meh? You tell me) in both the earlier parts o the beta and the newest content.
Audio, image, and other bug fixes from the beginning of the beta through to the newest content, with a few dozen edits overall.
Updated Sept 29th with multiple spelling and grammar issues from reports on Discord & multiple forums.
v1.3 Beta
I've got work on the new Horny Holiday expansion coming up this weekend, so instead of making you wait extra, I'm going to ship the 1.3 beta today and we'll have the beta 1.4 next month toward the end of September, between the 22nd and 29th.
To see the release notes for the 1.2 beta edition, read this post on here on Patreon (also public like this one). Now, what's in this update?
Six thousand words of new story, bringing the total to about 41 thousand, six hundred words - we're now over a third of the way done, and some portions in the later updates should be faster as they'll have less rework, I think.
297 new images (some are remakes from the current production edition, some are brand new).
14 brand new animations (13 of those are a remake of the previous Jen + MC scene in the bathroom) one is a surprise as part of a scene that was not in the current edition
31 new music and sound effects files, which brings the total to 276 - finally, more audio than anything else I've ever done. I'm particularly proud of this one.
At least one spelling and grammar fix from the previous 1.2, and hopefully less bugs than last time ;)
Updated on August 17th with multiple spelling issues and one bug fix.
v1.08 Harem Ever After - Patreon Edition - 2024-03-25
Three new fully animated scenes, with more than 26 animations, some with 30, 40, or even 60 frames - yeah, I tried to push things & improve in that area too.
Twenty plus new renders in my latest visual style, a significant upgrade to the previous styling in the game.
43 scenes in the replay feature, now when replaying a scene you can experience every scene the same way as it happened in the game.
Rewritten introduction, multiple other scenes as well, for clarity and quality.
Compressed animations to shrink the game footprint from 7.7 gigabytes to just over 5 gigs; this includes the new content as well.
Added character label & italics to all the lines where the main character was thinking, but it didn't have a label.
Reworked sounds, the man laughing in particular, as well as others that didn't have the same high quality as the remainder.
Customization has been simplified, enabling people who don't want to customize all the text to skip many questions in the game & focus on the story. Also, this feature has been improved to lay the foundation for (maybe) eventual localization into other languages...but that's for later, it's still English only for this update.
Added - bug fix for the scene replay from the latest changes, as well as a beta version of European Spanish and Simplified Chinese.
New Sept 5th bug fix for the individual endings with Daisy (screen issue missing), Lily (poor design on my part) and I believe Rose as well. Also adjusted the volume of the heartbeat sound effect to make it softer since it was a little too loud.
New Sept 24th, French language and Traditional Chinese language added via machine translation.
New Sept 28th fixed multiple bugs and experience issues with the rename feature that ensures you can modify Lily or Rose's names.
New added translations for Italian, Russian, Turkish, Portuguese, and Dutch.
New Sept 30th fixed a dialogue issue on day 3 evening, also fixed another personalization bug with the character name & relationship edit feature.
Dec 8th two spelling fixes and conversion to video for most animation.
v1.06 Audio Edition - 2023.03.26
A rich, detailed story line to explore with choices that influence the story
More than 101,000 words of text in the current edition, more than a full length novel.
Crisp, beautiful images rendered in glorious HD
3,600+ full HD images in the game - so far.
Music and sound effects that deepen the experience in game
120+ music tracks & sound effects.
30FPS animations - both adult and nonadult
32 fully animated adult scenes with 340+ unique animations with erotic sound effects that enhance the experience, easily accessible from the Replay feature. 29 in the main game, and 3 in the bonus section.
Fetishes / tags - F solo, M/F, M/F/F, F/F, F/F/F, lesbian, oral, harem, vaginal, anal, group, squirt, toys, voyeurism, spanking, domination, corruption, humor, first person POV, pregnancy.
Audio edition update notes
Image transitions for the first act - previously, I was using "with dissolve," only on all the images, but I've added some zoom, and other effects, for new images. In particular, these are great for scenes where the dialogue or text emphasizes the character is looking at a specific place...now, the camera zooms in as well. It's awesome.
35+ new audio effects throughout the first act, from the beginning of the game to the first night with Rose & Lily in MC's house where a knock at the door signals the start of the next scene, and the last of the image + audio transitions.
Bug fixes for nicknames - I'm not 100% certain this is fixed, but there was a massive issue early in the game that destroyed these variables, those have been fixed.
At least two different lighter animations early in the game had the wrong images showing, those have been addressed.
Other smaller spelling, grammar, other fixes as well.
There was in a previous edition a scene with Chef Naomi and Rose, while the other characters watched. It's back in the bonus edition, and if the MC chooses, he can skip going back home with the other tenants and have a lot of fun with Naomi & Rose. 20 new images and over 20 animations.
Lois the bartender never got any love with the MC either; in this edition, in the bonus scene you can skip going back home after the date with Elizabeth, and keep flirting. 33 new images, and 14 animations.
Vanessa and Sara, the two baristas in the coffee shop, kissed in front of the MC in the previous edition, but now, there's a whole new threesome scene with them. 25 new images, and 17 new animations.
The harem ending with Dee, Lily, and Rose has been updated & expanded with 3 new images, and 9 new animations.
For the new scenes, I had to mix new audio, so there are now 7 additional sound effects to accompany the new scenes above.
Revamped the left menu, replacing the Replay & Gallery links with a single link that points to a combined page for Replay or Bonus content; this way, it's easier to navigate to your favorite characters to see their bonus content - or in the case of the three tenants, the slide shows that seem hard for some people to find.
Tricia library scene with MC has multiple improved animations which were made by combining existing loops where the start frame was the same; it's improved compared to before, and plays much, much better.
Lily & MC hotel scene near the end on day 6 also had improvements in multiple animations, resulting in longer, more interesting, and smoother movement. This was the same technique as the expansion & upgrade to the animations with Tricia in the library scene.
Other miscellaneous two frame and other animation fixes in multiple places in th game.
Last but not least, more story, with an additional five thousand words in the various new scenes.
Remastered all the audio, in every adult replay scene;
Adds 69 new static images (believe it or not, wasn't planned I'd hit that number, but when you're on a roll, you're on a roll, right?)
Completes the Harem ending, and bumps the version number to 1.0
Updated title screen, removed the Patreon link back (I figure ya'll can find me...or not? We'll see).
554 new frames of animation, it's probably like 10 to 20 somewhere in there in the game, I didn't count. Sorry not sorry.
Total game now has 95K words, a decent sized novel, for all the shenanigans.
v.0.25 - 2022-11-19
.25 updated original notes below, new notes are as follows:
New intro / beginning scene with new animation, multiple static renders, as well as animation previews of scenes with Daisy, Lily, and Rose in the beginning of the game.
Bug fixed with an early Daisy solo scene, where if you skipped, the scene audio continued when it should have stopped.
Other story, continuity improvements.
Original notes:
Day 7 continues with not one but two threesome scenes, with Rose and Lily swapping positions with each other in the two different scenes. About 10 animations from the new content beyond what was in the .24 expanded update, available in the scene replay as well.
Day 7 ending with Daisy and MC, new animations in three different positions for the finale, as well as over twenty animations between the various positions in this scene.
Sound effects for the day 7 content that was in the .24 update but wasn't yet added ( there was a preview of the threesome content before, but without the sexy sounds for the scene, those have been added).
Removed content earlier in the game with both Chef Naomi, and with Lois the bartender. The story updates make everything better, so if you liked those scenes, keep the older version handy.
In total, there are more than 45 new renders and over 30 new animations in the game, and now there are a total of 27 scenes in the replay feature, including the ending scenes with each individual love interest. Compared to the initial .24 update, there's about 35 animations or so as the original .24 didn't have the Rose, Lily, and MC threesome scene.
Day 6 evening, again with Lily, and depending on love scores, you might get the first ending, with Lily. There's a special animated scene with more customization than usual, and more animations than most scenes.
Day 7 morning...there are branches here, and depending on love scores, attention you've given to one house guest or another, you might land on the Rose Ending, also included in this update.
Day 7 morning...maybe you've had your eyes on not one, or two, but ALL the house guests. I'd be lying if I said this was not my favorite option. For this path, you'll get a new scene in the morning, where both Lily and Rose help MC get to the finish, as only two house guests can. Lots of animation in this one, though only on act with all three.
Story, continued same sound effects as before (have spent a limited amount of time into understanding how I could make these even better, which I'd like to do, probably in the update or two).
36 static images, 3 fully animated scenes, all of which are in the reply gallery. Two of the 3 scenes are the endings with the two love interests, Rose & Lily.
Updated Sept 10th with new Ren'py code to help with image lag, stutter, and performance; hopefully that's a big improvement...and a bonus sneak peak of the harem ending with all three love interests, another fully animated scene with ~8 animations, also in the replay gallery.
In total then, this update has *four* new scenes in the Replay feature, the most I think I've ever added in a single update, since this was largely focused on animations, not more static content.
v0.23 - 2022-10-04
Day 6 lunch, starts with the end of the cafe scene; The update is around Lily and MC, with many heartfelt conversations between MC, Dee, Rose, and Lily.
The end of the update depending on choices will be a new fully animated scene with Lily & MC in the same hotel as Dee + MC were in previously (her request in game). From there, I've got hints about what happens in the next two updates.
127 new full HD renders
Lily & MC animated scene added to the gallery
279 frames of animation (more than 10 animations in game)
Updated Sept 10th with new Ren'py code to help with image lag, stutter, and performance; hopefully that's a big improvement.
v0.22 fixed 2
In the .24 release notes, updated with the details of what I tried today. Seems to work better I think? Now (again) porting back to the .23, and then .22.
And now those changes are live in the .23 and the .22 versions, here and on Itch. From what I can tell maybe better? I've read good things, would love to hear your experience.
Original (now is there egg on my face ironic) post:
I *think* the performance issues have gone away, the game took a little blue pill, and poof! Everything works.
Nah, what happened was I added the Ren'py feature to limit game RAM to ~256 megabytes, which is more than enough for any given scene to fully load in memory & more, while at the same time, not trying to take *all* the RAM that the game could take from the system.
Get the updated links in the various posts here, or from Itch, etc.
Have a good one, and do lemme know after you give it a go, how it goes ;)
Brosef Chungus
v0.22 fixed - 2022-09-09
Happy Friday, .22, .23, and .24 updated with memory management
I *think* the performance issues have gone away, the game took a little blue pill, and poof! Everything works.
Nah, what happened was I added the Ren'py feature to limit game RAM to ~256 megabytes, which is more than enough for any given scene to fully load in memory & more, while at the same time, not trying to take *all* the RAM that the game could take from the system.
Get the updated links in the various posts here, or from Itch, etc.
Have a good one, and do lemme know after you give it a go, how it goes ;)
Brosef Chungus
For the .22 version, we resume the story with Dee and MC at the hotel. I've also gone back and fixed some continuity things, nickname issues, and other stuff earlier in the game to clean up everything and get it ready for the various endings.
Scenes and other details:
Day 5 night; MC and Daisy wake up, anal scene;
- otherwise simple animation while she finishes herself,
Day 6 morning, serious discussion with Daisy; impacts various endings;
Day 6 breakfast at Fat Burger with all the tenants;
During the breakfast, Jen is there! What a surprise
Optional scene with Jen, two climax options
Two new fully animated scenes (Daisy + MC, MC + Jen) are in the reply feature, with more than twenty animations in total.
Thousands of words of text, and the most content in terms of story in any update this year so far :) I'm pretty proud of this one.
Updated June 25th with some story improvements, minor script rewrites
v0.21 - 2022-08-15
63 new full HD renders;
More than 30 animations;
New scene in replay gallery with Daisy and MC in a hotel room
Story up through Day 5 sunset / evening with Daisy & MC after the picnic at the park finishes up
Quality of life improvements including a notification for love score improvements in the upper right corner of the screen;
Multiple new two-frame animations sprinkled throughout earlier content to improve the feel of the interactions (everything is *far* more interesting now, even the scene with Daisy puking has a few two frame animations that make it just so much better!).
PLUS: four new animations, two in the latest Daisy + MC scene (one for each path) and then one for an earlier Daisy + MC scene doggy style; and a close up of Lisa + MC anal.
Also 10+ older renders have been edited, removed, or replaced with better versions, some rewriting has been done in earlier parts of the game, as well as multiple new two frame animations.
Final - final - update June 25th: backported a few nickname issues, other variable changes, and more text to ensure continuity for the endings that are coming soon.
What's new in the .020 update?
After the events of Day 5 morning, MC arrives home (or never left, depending on your choices) and is in the mood for some brunch. Daisy interrupts him with a proposition - how about lunch in the park? Refuse, well, you skip basically the new content of the update. Accept her invitation, and day 5 afternoon ensues with special time between you and your tenant.
100+ new Full HD images
15+ new animations (depending on choices) lots of smaller ones as well)
1 new replayable scene in the gallery
Altered a previous scene in the yoga studio to skip if preferences aren't met
Improvements to code, bugs, memory management to ensure animations work seamlessly across a wider range of computers, and miscellaneous script improvements.
Updated May 28th; includes two new animations, one for an earlier Daisy + MC scene doggy style; and a close up of Lisa + MC anal.
Also 10+ older renders have been edited, removed, or replaced with better versions, some rewriting has been done in earlier parts of the game, as well as multiple new two frame animations.
Final update June 17th: backported a few nickname issues, other variable changes, and more text to ensure continuity for the endings that are coming soon.
What's in the .018 update?
Updated since launch on May 8th;
Bug fixes, a few preference related scenes, and other improvements.
More than 65,000 words now - a good sized novel worth of story
Day 4 afternoon, a scorching new scene with Lily, Daisy, and MC - the first group session with more than 50 stills, and 17+ animations (depending on your preferences in game, you may see some, all, or even none...)
Day 4 evening, a date with Tricia, where there are 70 images and 11+ animations in the scene with a BDSM / voyeur theme.
5 new sound effects
Partial rewrite of the script to date to edit out excessive mentions of the protagonists name, and instead, uses the specific nicknames that are set in the earlier part of the game.
Easy access to the new characters screen, with changes for relationships with the 3 primary love interests, as well as 3 bonus galleries (2 new for this update) which are automatically playing slideshows of unique images that were specifically created for the new gallery feature.
As usual, the two new fully animated scenes are accessible to replay via the menu in the left hand side as you play the game or reload from a previous save.
Numerous bug fixes, edits, and improvements.
v0.0.17 Final
Two new replayable scenes in the Replay feature; three new scenes in total in the update
172 new full HD images
21 new full HD animations
Five new sexy sounds in the new gallery scenes
Gym (new location), Chef Naomi's Place (new location), and introducing Chef Naomi, a new character.
The date with Tricia scene is not yet included, it will be in the update next month.
New notes:
Image gallery: feature includes an auto-playing slide show with 39 a brand new image series with Daisy posing for the camera.
Default menu screen updated with more of the characters in the game and a bigger number of rotating images.
.017 Alpha Update
Hopefully a few people like what's new in the latest version of the game. Since it's been a while, I'm releasing this version to everybody...later, when there's another update, it'll probably be like the previous updates.
160+ new full hd images
1 new replayable scene with Rose, including ~11 animations...different than the others in game, as I haven't yet converted to video + some other changes I normally make
A few new sexy sounds to go with the Rose scene
v.0.016 Basic
What's in the update?
80+ new full hd renders
17 new animations webm format as usual in the animated edition
In the Basic edition, there are ~ 30 new images that are used as two image animations instead of the new 17 fully animated videos.
1 new scene for the replay gallery with (depending on choices) either 15 or 16 animations in the scene (single longest animated scene in game so far)
Four new erotic sounds for the above scene;
Not sure on the overall amount of text, it's basically three scenes in total, with all the new content focused on Daisy + Chad.
v0.0.14 Basic
100 brand new full HD renders
No new soundtracks, or sound effects in this version
1 new adult scene with Daisy + MC, also added to the Replay gallery
Update June 25th: Re-encoded videos to better match Ren'py color space; should enable improved transitions from video to still image + back for all animated scenes. Also updated Nicknames, titles to lower case.
Updated with a new bad ending if enough bad love points are accumulated, and lowers the volume on the intro video.
Finishes day 2 in game; story progression with all three main love interests
160+ new renders in full HD
Scenes with Rose and Lily (fully animated)
Brand new Scene Replay for all six animated scenes
Massive animation improvement to every scene; game now has 70 different animations in the /videos/ folder if you poke through the code, and of course a lot of smaller animation as well.
Six thousand words+ of new story / content
Five new music sound tracks to add variety to the new scenes
Four new erotic sound effects for the animated scenes
Updated, fixed reported bug with dialogue that didn't reflect choices from the diner scene with Jen + Daisy.
What's new & awesome in Her Heart's Desire?
Updated text from the entire .012 previous version; there's probably a dozen or so things that were improved, polished, misspelled, etc - those are fixed thanks to a few fearless volunteers - thanks all!
5,000 (five thousand) words of new copy covering multiple new scenes with the cast
154 new full HD renders across multiple scenes on day 2;
9 new 30 FPS animations across two brand new adult scenes that are so hot, your monitor might melt ;)
5 new erotic sound effects that accompany the two new animated adult scenes.
Sounds good, right?
Introducing Rose and Lily (names changeable, as usual) relationship customizable, in similar style as Daisy.
Ten thousand words of brand new story, updates & improvements to all previous copy as well to make sure everything is perfect.
331 New images...is that right? Yep, it's a lot, for a week's worth of update (or maybe not) but either way, it's a lot of story, and a great time.
10 new animations in 30 FPS (total for higher quality animations in game is now 20, as a few repeat, and are shown at variable speeds).
5 new songs, and 5 new erotic sound effects
A scorching hot animated sexual scene with Daisy and MC, featuring both hand stimulation of MC and oral stimulation by Daisy :) Scene includes two new erotic sounds to accompany the activity.
New animated main menu
v0.011 Alpha
- First update, added another ten images, and 7 distinct, 30 FPS animations, rewrote the first 70% of the text, other fixes to spelling & grammar based on feedback.
v0.01 Alpha
-First release, contains 429 images, multiple simple 2 frame animations, 6 music tracks, 3 sound effects, and over thirteen thousand words of story.
Тему отредактировал: admin - 15-03-2025, 08:40
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Причина: Тема обновлена. Добавлена английская версия Remake [v.1.85] Eng. Topic updated. Added English version Remake [v.1.85] Eng.
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