Описание:Вы - 18-летняя девушка, которая только что переехала в город Трулаго, чтобы поступить на первый курс университета. Вы выросли на ферме в сонной деревушке Аламбра, в 3 часах езды к северу от Трулаго. Вы никогда не были вдали от дома и очень рады, что наконец-то переехали в большой город и стали жить самостоятельно. Вам надоело работать на ферме, выполнять грязную работу и ухаживать за животными. Единственные, с кем вы поддерживали связь - это ваши родители, пара друзей и несколько глупых деревенских мальчишек по соседству.
Вам просто не терпится уехать из этого скучного места, где вы выросли. Когда ваш отец пришел с новостью и сказал, что вам разрешили уехать и поступить в университет, это был самый счастливый день в вашей жизни (пока). Вы были в поле и кормили свиней, когда он принес вам эту новость. Ваша самая заветная мечта - стать моделью и кинозвездой. Даже если у вас приличный внешний вид, вы всегда мечтаете привести в порядок свое тело и превратиться в гламурную звезду. Ваши родители, напротив, хотят, чтобы вы получили высшее образование и стали юристом, и именно поэтому вы здесь. Они также платят за это большие деньги и не потерпят, если вас постигнет неудача.
Может быть, вы сможете сделать и то, и другое? Стать звездой и продолжить свое образование?
You are the character of a 18 year old girl, that have just moved to the Trulago City to start at your first year at the university. You have grown up at a farm in the sleepy village Alambra, a 3 hour ride north of Trulago. You have never been away from home and are very exited to finally move to the big city and live on your own. Being forced to work at the farm with dirty work and animals has made you sick and tired of it. The only persons you have been in touch with is your parents, a couple of friends and some stupid farm boys in the neighbourhood.
You just can't wait to get away from this boring place where you grew up. When your father came with the news and told you that you were allowed to move away and attend the university, it was the happiest day of your life (so far). You was out in the field feeding the pigs when he brought you the news. Your biggest dream is to become a model and a movie star. Even if you have a decent look you always dream on fixing your body and transform into a glamorous star. Your parents in opposite, wish for you to get a university education and become a lawyer, and that's why you are here. They also pay a lot of money for it, and will not tolerate that you fail.
Can you maybe do both? Transform into a star and fulfill your education?
Год выпуска: 2021
Жанр: anal, bdsm, blackmailing, gambling, group, kidnapping, lesbian, male domination, female domination, masturbation, oral, poison, religion, vaginal, female protagonist,
Цензура: Отсутствует
Разработчик/Издатель: Bluey - discord.com/invite/75ARtwWtx7
Платформа: PC/Windows
Тип издания: В разработке
Таблетка: Не требуется
Версия: v.1.31
Язык игры: Английский
Язык интерфейса: Английский
V 1.31(2023.06.01)
Two images broken at startup screen fixed (Thank you Sihy)
Swimmingpool dead end fixed (Thank you Techfreako)
Maid job bug when principal is arrested. Fixed (Thank you Nameless6968)
Email from principal after he is arrested bug fixed. (Thank you Techfreako)
Alternative person to expell you, when principal is arrested
Dungeon scene with not taking the knife will have an end (Thank you Techfreako)
Bugfix ava in church don't happen after blackmailing key (Thank you Gerlach)
Misc. grammar fixes... (thank you Alley and JennaJJ)
V 1.30(2023.05.16)
Public swimmingpool opens up later in the game (after halfplayed game)
More confessional stuff (with ava)
Secret room in the cellar at the university
Can you get the key to the cellar at the university?
Will you blackmail Ava further?
More stuff with Eva
Optimize the prechecks to increase performance (Thank you sissysabrina97)
Level text wrong. Fixed now. (Thank you sissysabrina97)
Spelling fixes (Thank you BBZ01)
Spelling fixes (Thank you Bill)
V 1.10(2022.11.26)
Misc videos removed sound from (Thank you Rosemary)
Spelling mistakes fixed (Thank you Candy1970)
Update taxi locations
Burglary happening improved (report theft and they will not come back so easily)
Sell sex in the park option if you are very liberal or slutty
Bug in the erotic shop, when you go to work fixed (Thanks Travis72)
Library introduced
New "Very Hard" level introduced
You can now have a boyfriend
Map is updated
Misc videos removed sound from (Thank you Rosemary)
Map updated with new locations that was missing
Bug fix in apartment when receiving money from home (Thank you Jacques00)
Bug in second pornscene in Beu fashion fixed (Thank you scorpion14gandy/Evernnac and Rosemary)
Bug in level calculation fixed (Thank you scorpion14gandy/Evernnac)
Filename bug fixed (Thank you Dixon Butz)
Bug in dildo testing in erotic shop (Thank you gmlie)
Can't escape when caught stealing at gas station bug fixed (Thank you Rosemary)
V 1.00
Map is updated with building locations
Venereal disease introduced (STD's): Chlamydia, Genital herpes, Gonorrhea, HPV
Use of female condoms
Remedy for venereal disease at the hospital
New Smart Electronics shop opens up at the mall
Burglary in the flat may occur
Introduction of school friends: Luna and Ava (a start)
Bank opens up in Mainstreet (Thanks for the tip BBZ01)
Liberal statusbar bug fixed
Brothel exhausted bug fixed. (Thank you so much sospice)
More uncle Tommy stuff
More brothel stuff
Use of pain killers. If you don't have you get hangover when drinking heavy
Minor stats changes when doing BJ (Thanks BBZ01)
Spelling fixes (Thanks BBZ01)
Bugfix payment at the cafe (Thanks BBZ01)
Coordinated stats when drinking on the hotel and nightclub (Thanks BBZ01)
Vale should be able to swim while at the nudist beach. (Thanks BBZ01)
New job at the mall. You can work in the erotic shop later in the game
Fitness count when applying for a model job
Fitness count also when someone attacks you
You can do prostitution in the park if slutty enough
V 0.981
Serious wallet found error that causes your money to be NaN is fixed
V 0.98
You have now three possible modes to play in (easy, normal and hard)
Corus Finance finally fixed. You can now pay back your debt in the end if you ave enough money (Thanks Candy1970).
More text corrections (Thank you again Candy1970. Also thanks to karactr and BBZ01)
Fixed code bug when masturbating (Thank you Candy1970 and Sorter)
Wrong video on web cam show tits. Fixed
Variables not loading correctly when playing loading old saved file fixed
Birthcontrol pills not needed when pregnant
Adjustements on the web cam shows
Minor fixes on text in left side bar
Bug fixed when finding a ticket in the cafe
Washingpowder error fixed (Thank you karactr)
Message bug fixed in the BeU Fashing agency when visit outside model timeframe
Brothel symbol fix to match work hours (Thanks karactr)
You can receive a golden ticket offer outside nightclub (Thanks karactr and zenith)
Addictions is reduced over time if not using drugs, alc. or having sex (Thank you BBZ01)
Bugfix nightclub when getting drinkoffer. Stats fixed (Thank you BBZ01)
Bugfix at the hairdresser. Takes more than 5 minutes (Thank you BBZ01)
Dancing reduce some stats. Fixed. (Thank you BBZ01)
Too much drugs and drinking may make you horny
Morality is separated in to two new stats: Moral and Liberal
Laundry. Have to do it regulary or no clothes to wear...
Dishwashing will help on moral and make landlady happy
There is a maximum on how much you can eat on one day
Hairdresser opens up at the mall. You can increase your looks
Got rid of some animated gifs
Separate all text to a translationfile (used several weeks). Actually now the game can be translated to other languages just by editing one text file.
Proofreading text (Got very good help from Candy1970. Thank you so much!!!! Could never have done it without you)
Rewrite about, spoiler and add thanks button
More scenes from the beach
Dukes gym with sauna opens in the mall
More scenes at the BeU fashion
You are not allowed to pay back the loan until you have fullfilled the contract with Corus Media...
School offers morning prayer
Orgasmus shop. More stuff
Improved some statistics
Pregnancy rewritten to be more realistic
Blackmail payment rewritten to fixed sum
It would be nice if there are more free roam events added like jogging without bra in park, then some people approach and ask to grope. Here we should choose to allow them to grope or not. Sex behind trees/bushes can be added. Need more beach content too. Option to go without panties.
We need more choices too, like if she's groped in bar or park, we should get options like allow him to grope, ignore him, encourage/flirt him, rebuke him etc. It would make game much more fun than adding complex mechanics in game.
Minor corrections:
Blinking email sybmol on right side bar not blinking anymore.
V 0.9
Correction of language (Thank you Sappho)
New scenes at the hotel
The hotel has a bar now.
Drugdealing implemented
New erotic shop opens up at the mall (limited goods for now)
Possible to masturbate with a dildo. Faster and reduce more lust
You can hang around and wait in the streets.
More email options
Change font through the game
Rewrite prof. Bransons offer. Can turn him down and still get another offer later.
More Professor Branson stuff... Explore his office...
More principal stuff... You can get even with him...
Minor corrections:
Weight given both in kilos and lbs (Thanks Lian1286)
Corus Finance bug with closing down business fixed (Thanks tyhmaalamas)
Fix choice boxes so they are not so wide
Bug fixed. You get email before you have a computer
Number of spam is reduced
Change font to Arial
Bugfix in stats for drunk and drugged
Morality bar moved close to lust bar. (thank you Candy1970)
Reduced size of some pictures to avoid too much scrolling. (thank you Candy1970)
Bufix: Sunbathe in the park gives tanning (Thank you Mercedes)
V 0.8
Major game facelife with updated CSS, HTML, JS etc.
Status bars made more graphical
Game size have gone down some (Gone through all MP4's, shrinked as much as possible- 18%)
Extended Email communication
Email icon added when new email
Rent goes up after a while
Drug/Alc. in your blood will decrease over time
In case of very low energy go home
Can buy cocain and weed in the nightclub
Added some new street happenings
Can still visit uncle after working at brothel. New scenes added. (thank you ChaosEggman)
Can be stopped by police if you have weed or cocain on you.
Masturbate in bed available