Patriarch is an ambitious sandbox harem-builder game set in a dark near future where a single powerful crime family has brought a city to it's knees. You play as the heir to this family, whose job it is to make a name for himself and establish the connections necessary to lead an empire. Date and control the women near you, as you build a harem of girlfriends, wives and sex slaves.
The game features humiliation/degradation, rough sex and similar fetisches, all stemming from the idea of total power exchange. Not for the faint of heart!
Патриарх - это амбициозная игра-песочница для создания гаремов, действие которой разворачивается в мрачном ближайшем будущем, где одна могущественная преступная семья поставила город на колени. Вы играете за наследника этой семьи, чья работа состоит в том, чтобы сделать себе имя и установить связи, необходимые для руководства империей. Встречайтесь и контролируйте женщин рядом с вами, пока вы строите гарем из подруг, жен и секс-рабынь.
В игре представлены унижение / деградация, грубый секс и подобные фетиши, и все это проистекает из идеи тотальной смены власти. Не для слабонервных!
Год выпуска: 2021
Жанр: male protagonist, real porn, bdsm, corruption, group, harem, humiliation, male domination, sexual harassment, slave, anal, big tits, big ass, creampie, oral, prostitution, spanking, vaginal, blackmail, rape,
Цензура: Отсутствует
Разработчик/Издатель: Oranos(Original Dev) - www.patreon.com/oranosdev | Khrisis937 - discord.com/invite/RpphSXQp
Платформа: PC/Windows/MacOS/Linux
Тип издания: В разработке
Таблетка: Не требуется
Версия: v.0.17
Язык игры: Английский
Язык интерфейса: Английский
0.17 - 2024-12-16
- Completed Phoebe's content. She can now be taken back to the harem, where you can unlock an additional 9 scenes, one of which is much longer than usual.
- If you've renovated the East wing and kink toggle is on, Luna, Aletta, Lilith and the twins can now get pregnant. (8 scenes)
- Added the side characters Nadia, Violet, Sara and Eva around the city (park, beach, college, earl's coffee) that appear when the player unlocks city level 4, marked with a pink icon next to their name - For a total of 17 scenes
- Added two more furniture items for sale at the Meatlocker.
- If you have reached the appropriate stage of the story, you will now receive income from Crimson.
- The living expenses of house residents have been lowered slightly.
- Removed the initial cost of Marlene
- Fixed some typos
0.16 - 2024-08-31
- Continued the main story. You can speak to your capo and choose to move against Fabiene. Following these events to completion will make Crimson available again.
- Your wives and girlfriends now have mood that decreases with each day you haven't interacted with them. You can observe this in the Mood section of the girlfriend menu.
When they feel 'neglected' there is a chance they will approach you for sex at the start of the day. When they feel 'desperate' they will always approach you for sex at the start of the day. Added 9 scenes for the girlfriends/wives and 1 more if Saffron is a girlfriend.
- Added the Aluress Modeling Agency in downtown, which can be bought and ran by the player. The agency's studio can be upgraded two times if city corruption level is high enough, each upgrade enabling more explicit and kinky shoots. Contains 10 scenes including shoots and staff interactions.
- Added Amanda, a new character who can be encountered in Crimson after ALL Dance & Dalliance prostitutes have been acquired.
- You can now instantly pay the mysterious man in the rotating stock of the meatlocker a large sum to instantly get all 25 girls for Dance and Dalliance.
- Fixed some typos and changed some words here and there
v0.15 - 2024-08-08
- Added Kelsey, a new candidate for the Bimbo program, with 18 scenes
- Added Amber as a breeder in the East Wing with 3 scenes.
- Added two random encounters at beach at city level 3 or greater, and at oldtown at city level 2 or greater.
- Added two new scenes in the Milk farm, one of them for Monique.
- Added a scene for Bri in the house, she has a chance to appear in the living room if your relationship is maxed out.
- Added the ability to further customize slave lifestyle choices.
- Added a scene in college office at city level 4 if kink is toggled on.
- Added a scene in living room if you have maids and kink is toggled on.
- Added a scene in the garage with Ruby if you have a car.
- Fixed the issue with menus sometimes getting stuck in loops.
- Fixed Douglas and Phoebe's storys sometimes locking you out of content.
- Fixed the player getting stuck in Lola's progression if they didn't buy the debt from Marquis. (Should work, but hasn't been thoroughly tested, so might need a hotfix)
- The Ypsilon Kappa ritual can no longer be done multiple times.
- Eden now gives the intended hormone sample.
- fixed some typos.
v0.14 - 2024-05-15
- Continued the main story, speak to your capo to continue
- Added the new character Kimberly, who can be encountered through the main story
- Added two new scenes to "Monitor the halls" activity at College. The activity now unlocks at City Level 2.
- Added 13 scenes to the "Lounge" activity featuring Amber, Ruby, Pussi and Cunti, Barbie, Mary, Monique and Lilith. This activity now also has a random chance to increase Fitness or Authority.
- Some of the menus in the sidebar (walkthrough kink toggle, and settings) no longer takes you back to your home when closed, but instead returns you to your previous place or scene. These menus are now safe to be used regardless of your location. Shoutout to community member Akasha for the help!
- Added the the Dance and Dalliance bordello. Go to Red light district and return to Club Silencio after you've attacked it in the main story. The bordello gives you a late game income source with a tied in collection "quest" and three scenes.
- When the gang war progresses far enough, certain areas will now become unavailable until they are made safe again.
- Once a certain point in the story is reached, the player will be able to take over Megazonic, netting daily income and a new scene at the club.
v0.13.1 hotfix: - 2024-02-25
- fixed the bug where certain actions taken in Angelica's wedding would prohibit the player from finishing Gabrielle's wedding preperations. If players haven't yet married Angelica, no actions need to be taken. If you have already married Angelica AND you're stuck on Gabrielle's preperations, press "Redeem Pixiv content" in sidebar, write "weddingfix" and press enter. This will reset the preparations and hopefully let you proceed. DO NOT use the wedding fix if you have succesfully married both Angelica and Gabrielle.
- Continued the main story
- Introduced the new character Gabrielle, which is encountered through the new main story continuation. She can be married, and will live with the player like Angelica does, with the chance to appear in different parts of the house.
- After the main story continuation is completed, the player can again increase the rate of recruitment by talking to Simon.
- Added a scene featuring Gabrielle and Angelica if the player marries both, triggering at the end of the second wedding.
- Expanded the citywide corruption to now also have an effect on the Public Pools, Earl's coffee, Gym and Mall.
- When citywide corruption is high enough, there is now a chance a random sex encounter will trigger when you enter certain parts of the city (2 in brighttown at level 3, 1 in redlight at level 3, one in gym at level 4). These random encounters can be turned off in the new "Settings" next to the kink toggle in the side bar.
- Altered who the player can invite to their wedding if they choose to marry Angelica after a certain point in the story.
- Added two new furniture items for the basement, either of which can be obtained at Gabrielle's wedding¨.
- Added a main story guide to the in-game walkthrough, as well as an explanation of the City corruption levels and the Threat/soldiers system to the Core mechanics section.
- The breeding kink toggle should now work correctly.
- The lounge activity can now be accessed from the Atrium, not only the Living Room.
- The scene where you propose the extracurricular course to Carmichael now only plays once.
- Fixed the Jade and Laura patreon scenes triggering too early.
- Fixed the scene with Lola and her friend triggering too early.
- You can no longer spend time with Angelica at night or later, or once you've expended your daily energy.
- Altered Ana's image with AI to better reflect the character's age.
- Minor changes to the intro.
- You can no longer buy the car more than once.
- Fixed three missing images for Angel, Eve and Haley.
- Fixed some code and typos.
v0.12 - 2023-11-23
- Added City Corruption Level as a new parameter indicating the overall corruption of the city. Based on how overtly sexual the female populace is and how accepted slavery and sexual domination is, the city will dynamically change as you visit places in it. Besides there being new things to see in many of the locations, there are also scenes and activities that only unlock at certain levels of citywide corruption. Locations dynamically changing based on city level are: "outside", college, beach, downtown, park, red light district, brighttown, pitcher's bar and oldtown
- Added the ability for the player to aquire hormone samples during one of the final scenes with each named character. These can be cashed in together with money at Crowle's clinic to increase the City's Corruption Level. You can return to previously completed characters and redo their final scene in order to get samples if you haven't gotten one from that character yet.
- The trigger for dr.Crowle's invitation to the Corpus Nova Clinic now occurs earlier in the game. You now only need to reach day 50 for it to trigger, and you don't need 100 reputation or ownership of Villa Garcia. The villa is still required for the Bimbo and Breeding programs however.
- At city level 3 or greater you can now talk to Rue in the Atrium of your house to arrange the "Free Love" Festival in the Park, which includes 9 scenes
- At city level 3 or greater you can now crash a college house party at Rushbrook Av., which includes 5 scenes.
- Added 7 scenes around the city that unlock at City Corruption Level 3 and 4. At park, megazonic (2 scenes), pitchers bar, brighttown, red light district and college office. My intention is to add more of these in the future.
- Slightly increased payout for the college job, as well as the street walker girl asignment in order to make the early game slightly less dificult economically. Also added the the ability for the player to push down these costs even further by commanding the household to subside on one of two special diets.
- Added the ability for the player to toggle kinks in the sidebar. Also added a new kink with one scene at the new festival and one scene related to new furniture. Breeding/Pregnancy is now also under the kink toggle and turned off by default.
- Resized the UI elements on the side bar to reduce the amount of scrolling the player has to do.
- Carmichael's achievement now gives the correct 5000 instead of 5.
- Fixed some typos and fixed some incorrect text colouring
v0.11.1 Hotfix: - 2023-10-15
- Fixed the Silencio attack to be non-repeatable
- Fixed some typos
- Introduced girl living expenses as an additional daily cost for girls that stay at the house to increase realism. (this includes all girls in the two categories as well as the step sisters and Angelica. It also includes the living furniture)
- Added five more wake-up scenes (Angelica, Haley, Lisa, Pussi and Cunti, Julia and Diana)
- Added the ability to aquire a group of maids, with a total of eight scenes spread between the Living Room, Bedroom, Harem and Kitchen
- Added new scenes for old characters: 1 scene for Rue in garden, 1 scene for Lola by pool, 1 scene for Sophie in City Hall, 2 scenes for Amber after building the bhome office
- Added a new mission type offered by your capo once you have talked to Simon. This new mission will allow you to upgrade your facilities at St.James' drive
- Added the ability for the player to get a home gym and home office, each with their own perks
- The main story has progressed several scenes, including the raising of the threat level to 3, which means an escalation of violence in the city. To combat this, the player has to more carefully manage the soldier resource as well as attack his enemies in order to not suffer heavy casualties. You can once more upgrade recruitment with Simon as well as do emergency recruitment. You can now also perform offensive missions with your Capo once the Threat level is at max.
- Added story-adjacent events when threat level is 3, including repeating attacks by your enemies on your forces
- Added 4 new furniture items, two of which have a scene
- Added the ability for the player to act as a hall monitor at the college, with the chance of triggering 2 scenes
- Added 1 generic scene in brighttown, 1 in red light district
- Restored a missing image from the Khrisis update (0.6)
- Fixed some typos
- fixed some of Jade's pictures displaying incorrectly
- fixed bug that prevented player from speaking with Carmichael about Monique if the head nurse in clinic had already been spoken with in 0.9.
- Fixed a bug where Jade's progress could be reset if you called her in to your office even after she starts working out of the cam studio.
- Added the new girl Monique as a participant for Crowle's Breeding program, who can be encountered after funding the program and talking to Principal Carmichael.
- Added the new girl Jade who will enable the Cam studio in the West wing of the Villa, she can be encountered in the college office after completing Reilly's content.
- Added the minor character Adrianah
- Added the opportunity for the player to invest either in a Cam studio or Milk farm in the West wing, either of which both provides income and new interactions. The cam studio also unlocks a new job that can be assigned for extra income and reputation.
- Completely redone hint system. Old hints removed and replaced by a full in-game walkthrough, both for general gameplay concepts and strategy, and walkthroughs for each girl.
- Redone achievement system. Unearned achievements now give you a hint as to where you can encounter the needed girl. Earned Achievements now give you a one-time reward such as money or stat boosts. Haley, Angelica and Emily now only show up on achievement list if they were enabled by player's choice of marrying Angelica or not.
- Added airplane mode to the phone so players can choose to not recieve new texts/new text alerts
- Added two new furniture items to the Meatlocker, a shoeshiner and a garden set.
- Marlene now automatically joins the harem to prevent people from locking themselves out of the follower system and meeting Haley
- Lowered the discipline needed to remove trade tarrifs in City Hall to 15.
- Fixed a bug where you could endlessly interact with Candace.
- Fixed a bugged image and link in one of Angelica's scenes.
- Fixed the conversation about teaching with Carmichael repeating.
- Resized some images.
- Fixed typos.
- Phoebe's pictures should now display correctly
- Crowle no longer repeats his dialogue if you visit him more than once
- Fixed typos in penelope's and breedig mares' scenes
v. 0.9
- Added the new character Haley, a fleshed out alternative to Angelica for players who rejected to pursue her in marriage. Like Hannah and Belle she’s a follower. She has six location-dependent scenes after you get her achievement.
- Two wings have been added to Villa Garcia. One of which can be remodeled to a breeding hall in this version.
- Added the Corpus Nova Clinic in the Financial District. Investment opportunities here will allow the player to fund a “Bimbo program” and a “Breeding program”
- Added the new character Penelope in adjacency to the Bimbo program
- Added a group of brood mares at the meatlocker, with progression linked to the breeding hall.
- Main story continued with Phoebe at St. James’ Drive.
- Added a new character to Satin in Red light district
- Minor grammar and code fixes
- Resized and cropped some images
- Added the new character Reilly at the college
- Added the ability to teach a extracurricular class at college with three new characters and many new scenes
- Added 14 new text messages
- Added events around the house (1 for Ella, 1 for Ruby, 2 for twins)
- Added a new harem event for Angelica
- Added Ruby as a harem thrall
- When disciplining girls at home or working out at the gym, you can now instantly redo the action if you have sufficient time and energy
- Main story continued
Bug fixes:
- Angelica can (again) be married
- Corrected some typos
- Fixed Ella's missing texts
All the content in 0.6 was made by the amazing Khrisis! I'm immensly thankful for his efforts!
This patch adds all the content made in 0.6 back into the main game
Khrisis integration update:
- More texts from a variety of girls.
- More hookups: 2 At Megazonic Nightclub, a different girl at the nightclub, a girl at the beach, all three strippers at the strip club (inc. Lexi)
- New Dungeon training scenes (Ella and Marlene)
- New character: Carmen the realtor.
- New scenes for existing girls (Audrey, Angelica, Twins, Amber)
v.0.7.1 Hotfix
- Added 6 patreon scenes
- Fixed some typos that caused certain images not to appear
- Electra now actually provides income
- Fixed an exploit where the player could both get followers and marry Angelica
- Fixed an exploit where you could get more slaves by running Saffron's slave event over and over
- Fixed an exploit where the player could go through the final date with Angelica multiple times and get the 20.000 from Finch over and over
A note from Oranos - Important!
Though this version is released after Khrisis' fan update, the two versions are currently incompatable. This is due to a lot of progress being done on 0.7 already when the fan version of 0.6 was released. Integrating the content added by Khrisis as well as some new content by him will be the chief undertaking in the coming weeks. In the meantime, for those of you who played 0.6, I have added a savefile starting roughly at the end of 0.5 so you don't have to start over.
- Added a special honeymoon event for Angelica that unlocks a whole new area, including a new character with a full arc
- Added a new follower system and two new slave followers for players who didn't marry Angelica
- Added a new event for Aletta, in which a new character with a full arc can be encountered. This character has two different paths depending on the player's aproach.
- Added a (very) small story expansion, simply setting the stage
- Added the new resource 'soldiers' which will be used in more deadly gang engagements, and the threat level which will indicate the danger your soldiers face in the city. These will become increasingly important in future updates, allthough the current system is more of a foundation.
- Added Lilith, a new character with a full arc
- Added a new harem system. This is designed to be highly customizable. In it's current state it's more of a foundation though - stay tuned for future updates!
- removed an exploit where you could endlessly dominate amber for authority.
- fixed typos
- assigning slaves to work as elite escorts no longer locks you out from changing jobs for them
- Daniel's drug trade no longer breaks at 600 rep, instead it caps above 600 at 7000 income.
- fixed a bug that made Aletta's patreon event not show up
Patreon content:
- Due to the long time it has taken to release 0.7, this version will not have early access. Instead I will give two extra scenes to patreons of ALL tiers.
The patreon scenes will come in a patch Tuesday the 12th. I'm putting in the finishing touches, if ready tomorrow Monday the 11th I'm releasing it then.
More texts from a variety of girls.
- More hookups: 2 At Megazonic Nightclub, a different girl at the nightclub, a girl at the beach, all three strippers at the strip club (inc. Lexi)
- New Dungeon training scenes (Ella and Marlene)
- New character: Carmen the realtor.
- New scenes for existing girls (Audrey, Angelica, Twins, Amber)
- Added girls Angelica (in City hall), Julia and Diana (in apartment), and Scarlet and Sienna (in Satin Slus VIP)
- Added Cheat codes for all patrons
- Added locations Gold Acres Realty and Ibson Bank in Financial Quarters, as well as Earl's Coffee outside player's apartment, Servus Adult Goods to Mall and the VIP section to Satin Sluts Pleasure House.
- Added various minor encounters
- Added the house upgrade Villa Garcia to player's home
- Added another investment opportunity to Jones & Sons
- Added a new job for your slaves
- Added slaves Suzie and Aiko in Meatlocker, and Wanda, unlocked in Angelica's story
- Added the ability to buy "furniture" in the Meatlocker
- Added one scene each for Ruby and Amber
- Each Capo now has a way to increase your profits
Bug fixes:
- It's no longer possible to buy Lola's father's debt from Marquis more than once
- Fixed code typos at Lola's and Bri's houses
- Cleaned up code in finance screen
- You can now longer dominate Candace endlessly regardless of energy
- fixed dead end on Angelica's path
- fixed typos
- Added Sophie (in City Hall), Rue (at Park festival) and Ruby (in the meatlocker)
- Added City Hall functionality
- Added new locations Nude beach, Park festival, Public pool and Warehouse
- Added minor encounters at Park festival, Restaurant Lotus and Public pool
- Added various generic scenes
- Removed the time constraints for visiting Lola, Bri and Suki at home
- Added two new recomendations from money and authority
Bug fixes:
- Fixed code typos
- Teaching a class now passes the time and takes energy
- Luna's achievement should now show correctly
- Added girls with full arcs (Lisa at beach, Aletta in apartment, Mary at college), including minor event scenes like sleep, lounge and discipline
- Added minor encounters to gym and noir lingerie
- Added two investment opportunities (started by talking to Douglas), each rewarded with a scene and income.
- Added another scene with Suki in office.
- Added an achievement system that informs the player when the final stage of a relationship is reached.
- The text message offering the sale of two slaves is now more likely to occur
- Teaching classes at the college new yields a bonus to your daily salary
Bug fixes:
- Fixed a code typo that made actions in city hall available even after closing.
- Fixed various typos.
- Added girls with full arcs - Candace (in Ypsilon Kappa), Lola, Bri, Suki and Carmichael (in college)
- Added slaves Barbie (in Pitchers) and Amber (in Ypsilon Kappa)
- Added a new girl in Satin - the Veiled Cherub
- Added Rushbrook Avenue, with the homes of Lola, Bri and Suki
- Added Ypsilon Kappa's sorority house in College
- Added Car dealership to Mall
- Added more random text messages from Audrey, since these are the most likely to repeat
- Added the ability for the player to talk over text with Amber, Candace and Ella
- Added the Authority stat, which is trained by engaging in certain actions with girls, like "punish", "dominate" and "discipline"
- Added teaching in college, an activity reliant on Authority.
- Resized some images to prevent too much scrolling in menus. Added some environment images in menus that previously lacked. Restyled some text to improve readability. Overhauled the overall presentation of the game.
- It should no longer be possible to get a "New text!" alert and just a blank text.
- Fixed a few typos
- Fixed some script typos causing minor issues
- Fixed a bug that made the "luna is bored" event occur way earlier than intended
- Added ”Home” button for convenience in most locations
- Spacing of Apartment menu options compacted
- Added Oldtown and ”Meatlocker” locations, including some short scenes with slaves.
- Patreon bonus content, one scene for first tier + three scenes for second tier
Bug fixes:
- Text from ”unknown sender” should now always display a text, and never just a blank screen
- You no longer have the option to fuck luna at max relation if she’s not in her room
- Fixed a few typos
- ”Step sister(s)” corrected to ”half sister(s)”
The first release of the game contains:
- 332 images and gifs
- 28 scenes with oral, anal or vaginal sex
- full arcs for Mila, Ella, Laura and Luna
- completed side-character content for Audrey, Marlene, Pussi & Cunti
Known bugs:
- Sometimes the game indicates you have a new text message when you have none. I'm looking in to it, but it's not a large priority since it's not tied to any meaningful gameplay right now.
Patriarch is an ambitious sandbox harem-builder game set in a dark near future where a single powerful crime family has brought a city to it's knees. You play as the heir to this family, whose job it is to make a name for himself and establish the connections necessary to lead an empire. Date and control the women near you, as you build a harem of girlfriends, wives and sex slaves.
The game features humiliation/degradation, rough sex and similar fetisches, all stemming from the idea of total power exchange. Not for the faint of heart!
Патриарх - это амбициозная игра-песочница для создания гаремов, действие которой разворачивается в мрачном ближайшем будущем, где одна могущественная преступная семья поставила город на колени. Вы играете за наследника этой семьи, чья работа состоит в том, чтобы сделать себе имя и установить связи, необходимые для руководства империей. Встречайтесь и контролируйте женщин рядом с вами, пока вы строите гарем из подруг, жен и секс-рабынь.
В игре представлены унижение / деградация, грубый секс и подобные фетиши, и все это проистекает из идеи тотальной смены власти. Не для слабонервных!
Год выпуска: 2021
Жанр: male protagonist, real porn, bdsm, corruption, group, harem, humiliation, male domination, sexual harassment, slave, anal, big tits, big ass, creampie, oral, prostitution, spanking, vaginal, blackmail, rape,
Цензура: Отсутствует
Разработчик/Издатель: Oranos(Original Dev) - www.patreon.com/oranosdev | Khrisis937 - discord.com/invite/RpphSXQp
Платформа: PC/Windows/MacOS/Linux
Тип издания: В разработке
Таблетка: Не требуется
Версия: v.0.17
Язык игры: Английский
Язык интерфейса: Английский
0.17 - 2024-12-16
- Completed Phoebe's content. She can now be taken back to the harem, where you can unlock an additional 9 scenes, one of which is much longer than usual.
- If you've renovated the East wing and kink toggle is on, Luna, Aletta, Lilith and the twins can now get pregnant. (8 scenes)
- Added the side characters Nadia, Violet, Sara and Eva around the city (park, beach, college, earl's coffee) that appear when the player unlocks city level 4, marked with a pink icon next to their name - For a total of 17 scenes
- Added two more furniture items for sale at the Meatlocker.
- If you have reached the appropriate stage of the story, you will now receive income from Crimson.
- The living expenses of house residents have been lowered slightly.
- Removed the initial cost of Marlene
- Fixed some typos
0.16 - 2024-08-31
- Continued the main story. You can speak to your capo and choose to move against Fabiene. Following these events to completion will make Crimson available again.
- Your wives and girlfriends now have mood that decreases with each day you haven't interacted with them. You can observe this in the Mood section of the girlfriend menu.
When they feel 'neglected' there is a chance they will approach you for sex at the start of the day. When they feel 'desperate' they will always approach you for sex at the start of the day. Added 9 scenes for the girlfriends/wives and 1 more if Saffron is a girlfriend.
- Added the Aluress Modeling Agency in downtown, which can be bought and ran by the player. The agency's studio can be upgraded two times if city corruption level is high enough, each upgrade enabling more explicit and kinky shoots. Contains 10 scenes including shoots and staff interactions.
- Added Amanda, a new character who can be encountered in Crimson after ALL Dance & Dalliance prostitutes have been acquired.
- You can now instantly pay the mysterious man in the rotating stock of the meatlocker a large sum to instantly get all 25 girls for Dance and Dalliance.
- Fixed some typos and changed some words here and there
v0.15 - 2024-08-08
- Added Kelsey, a new candidate for the Bimbo program, with 18 scenes
- Added Amber as a breeder in the East Wing with 3 scenes.
- Added two random encounters at beach at city level 3 or greater, and at oldtown at city level 2 or greater.
- Added two new scenes in the Milk farm, one of them for Monique.
- Added a scene for Bri in the house, she has a chance to appear in the living room if your relationship is maxed out.
- Added the ability to further customize slave lifestyle choices.
- Added a scene in college office at city level 4 if kink is toggled on.
- Added a scene in living room if you have maids and kink is toggled on.
- Added a scene in the garage with Ruby if you have a car.
- Fixed the issue with menus sometimes getting stuck in loops.
- Fixed Douglas and Phoebe's storys sometimes locking you out of content.
- Fixed the player getting stuck in Lola's progression if they didn't buy the debt from Marquis. (Should work, but hasn't been thoroughly tested, so might need a hotfix)
- The Ypsilon Kappa ritual can no longer be done multiple times.
- Eden now gives the intended hormone sample.
- fixed some typos.
v0.14 - 2024-05-15
- Continued the main story, speak to your capo to continue
- Added the new character Kimberly, who can be encountered through the main story
- Added two new scenes to "Monitor the halls" activity at College. The activity now unlocks at City Level 2.
- Added 13 scenes to the "Lounge" activity featuring Amber, Ruby, Pussi and Cunti, Barbie, Mary, Monique and Lilith. This activity now also has a random chance to increase Fitness or Authority.
- Some of the menus in the sidebar (walkthrough kink toggle, and settings) no longer takes you back to your home when closed, but instead returns you to your previous place or scene. These menus are now safe to be used regardless of your location. Shoutout to community member Akasha for the help!
- Added the the Dance and Dalliance bordello. Go to Red light district and return to Club Silencio after you've attacked it in the main story. The bordello gives you a late game income source with a tied in collection "quest" and three scenes.
- When the gang war progresses far enough, certain areas will now become unavailable until they are made safe again.
- Once a certain point in the story is reached, the player will be able to take over Megazonic, netting daily income and a new scene at the club.
v0.13.1 hotfix: - 2024-02-25
- fixed the bug where certain actions taken in Angelica's wedding would prohibit the player from finishing Gabrielle's wedding preperations. If players haven't yet married Angelica, no actions need to be taken. If you have already married Angelica AND you're stuck on Gabrielle's preperations, press "Redeem Pixiv content" in sidebar, write "weddingfix" and press enter. This will reset the preparations and hopefully let you proceed. DO NOT use the wedding fix if you have succesfully married both Angelica and Gabrielle.
- Continued the main story
- Introduced the new character Gabrielle, which is encountered through the new main story continuation. She can be married, and will live with the player like Angelica does, with the chance to appear in different parts of the house.
- After the main story continuation is completed, the player can again increase the rate of recruitment by talking to Simon.
- Added a scene featuring Gabrielle and Angelica if the player marries both, triggering at the end of the second wedding.
- Expanded the citywide corruption to now also have an effect on the Public Pools, Earl's coffee, Gym and Mall.
- When citywide corruption is high enough, there is now a chance a random sex encounter will trigger when you enter certain parts of the city (2 in brighttown at level 3, 1 in redlight at level 3, one in gym at level 4). These random encounters can be turned off in the new "Settings" next to the kink toggle in the side bar.
- Altered who the player can invite to their wedding if they choose to marry Angelica after a certain point in the story.
- Added two new furniture items for the basement, either of which can be obtained at Gabrielle's wedding¨.
- Added a main story guide to the in-game walkthrough, as well as an explanation of the City corruption levels and the Threat/soldiers system to the Core mechanics section.
- The breeding kink toggle should now work correctly.
- The lounge activity can now be accessed from the Atrium, not only the Living Room.
- The scene where you propose the extracurricular course to Carmichael now only plays once.
- Fixed the Jade and Laura patreon scenes triggering too early.
- Fixed the scene with Lola and her friend triggering too early.
- You can no longer spend time with Angelica at night or later, or once you've expended your daily energy.
- Altered Ana's image with AI to better reflect the character's age.
- Minor changes to the intro.
- You can no longer buy the car more than once.
- Fixed three missing images for Angel, Eve and Haley.
- Fixed some code and typos.
v0.12 - 2023-11-23
- Added City Corruption Level as a new parameter indicating the overall corruption of the city. Based on how overtly sexual the female populace is and how accepted slavery and sexual domination is, the city will dynamically change as you visit places in it. Besides there being new things to see in many of the locations, there are also scenes and activities that only unlock at certain levels of citywide corruption. Locations dynamically changing based on city level are: "outside", college, beach, downtown, park, red light district, brighttown, pitcher's bar and oldtown
- Added the ability for the player to aquire hormone samples during one of the final scenes with each named character. These can be cashed in together with money at Crowle's clinic to increase the City's Corruption Level. You can return to previously completed characters and redo their final scene in order to get samples if you haven't gotten one from that character yet.
- The trigger for dr.Crowle's invitation to the Corpus Nova Clinic now occurs earlier in the game. You now only need to reach day 50 for it to trigger, and you don't need 100 reputation or ownership of Villa Garcia. The villa is still required for the Bimbo and Breeding programs however.
- At city level 3 or greater you can now talk to Rue in the Atrium of your house to arrange the "Free Love" Festival in the Park, which includes 9 scenes
- At city level 3 or greater you can now crash a college house party at Rushbrook Av., which includes 5 scenes.
- Added 7 scenes around the city that unlock at City Corruption Level 3 and 4. At park, megazonic (2 scenes), pitchers bar, brighttown, red light district and college office. My intention is to add more of these in the future.
- Slightly increased payout for the college job, as well as the street walker girl asignment in order to make the early game slightly less dificult economically. Also added the the ability for the player to push down these costs even further by commanding the household to subside on one of two special diets.
- Added the ability for the player to toggle kinks in the sidebar. Also added a new kink with one scene at the new festival and one scene related to new furniture. Breeding/Pregnancy is now also under the kink toggle and turned off by default.
- Resized the UI elements on the side bar to reduce the amount of scrolling the player has to do.
- Carmichael's achievement now gives the correct 5000 instead of 5.
- Fixed some typos and fixed some incorrect text colouring
v0.11.1 Hotfix: - 2023-10-15
- Fixed the Silencio attack to be non-repeatable
- Fixed some typos
- Introduced girl living expenses as an additional daily cost for girls that stay at the house to increase realism. (this includes all girls in the two categories as well as the step sisters and Angelica. It also includes the living furniture)
- Added five more wake-up scenes (Angelica, Haley, Lisa, Pussi and Cunti, Julia and Diana)
- Added the ability to aquire a group of maids, with a total of eight scenes spread between the Living Room, Bedroom, Harem and Kitchen
- Added new scenes for old characters: 1 scene for Rue in garden, 1 scene for Lola by pool, 1 scene for Sophie in City Hall, 2 scenes for Amber after building the bhome office
- Added a new mission type offered by your capo once you have talked to Simon. This new mission will allow you to upgrade your facilities at St.James' drive
- Added the ability for the player to get a home gym and home office, each with their own perks
- The main story has progressed several scenes, including the raising of the threat level to 3, which means an escalation of violence in the city. To combat this, the player has to more carefully manage the soldier resource as well as attack his enemies in order to not suffer heavy casualties. You can once more upgrade recruitment with Simon as well as do emergency recruitment. You can now also perform offensive missions with your Capo once the Threat level is at max.
- Added story-adjacent events when threat level is 3, including repeating attacks by your enemies on your forces
- Added 4 new furniture items, two of which have a scene
- Added the ability for the player to act as a hall monitor at the college, with the chance of triggering 2 scenes
- Added 1 generic scene in brighttown, 1 in red light district
- Restored a missing image from the Khrisis update (0.6)
- Fixed some typos
- fixed some of Jade's pictures displaying incorrectly
- fixed bug that prevented player from speaking with Carmichael about Monique if the head nurse in clinic had already been spoken with in 0.9.
- Fixed a bug where Jade's progress could be reset if you called her in to your office even after she starts working out of the cam studio.
- Added the new girl Monique as a participant for Crowle's Breeding program, who can be encountered after funding the program and talking to Principal Carmichael.
- Added the new girl Jade who will enable the Cam studio in the West wing of the Villa, she can be encountered in the college office after completing Reilly's content.
- Added the minor character Adrianah
- Added the opportunity for the player to invest either in a Cam studio or Milk farm in the West wing, either of which both provides income and new interactions. The cam studio also unlocks a new job that can be assigned for extra income and reputation.
- Completely redone hint system. Old hints removed and replaced by a full in-game walkthrough, both for general gameplay concepts and strategy, and walkthroughs for each girl.
- Redone achievement system. Unearned achievements now give you a hint as to where you can encounter the needed girl. Earned Achievements now give you a one-time reward such as money or stat boosts. Haley, Angelica and Emily now only show up on achievement list if they were enabled by player's choice of marrying Angelica or not.
- Added airplane mode to the phone so players can choose to not recieve new texts/new text alerts
- Added two new furniture items to the Meatlocker, a shoeshiner and a garden set.
- Marlene now automatically joins the harem to prevent people from locking themselves out of the follower system and meeting Haley
- Lowered the discipline needed to remove trade tarrifs in City Hall to 15.
- Fixed a bug where you could endlessly interact with Candace.
- Fixed a bugged image and link in one of Angelica's scenes.
- Fixed the conversation about teaching with Carmichael repeating.
- Resized some images.
- Fixed typos.
- Phoebe's pictures should now display correctly
- Crowle no longer repeats his dialogue if you visit him more than once
- Fixed typos in penelope's and breedig mares' scenes
v. 0.9
- Added the new character Haley, a fleshed out alternative to Angelica for players who rejected to pursue her in marriage. Like Hannah and Belle she’s a follower. She has six location-dependent scenes after you get her achievement.
- Two wings have been added to Villa Garcia. One of which can be remodeled to a breeding hall in this version.
- Added the Corpus Nova Clinic in the Financial District. Investment opportunities here will allow the player to fund a “Bimbo program” and a “Breeding program”
- Added the new character Penelope in adjacency to the Bimbo program
- Added a group of brood mares at the meatlocker, with progression linked to the breeding hall.
- Main story continued with Phoebe at St. James’ Drive.
- Added a new character to Satin in Red light district
- Minor grammar and code fixes
- Resized and cropped some images
- Added the new character Reilly at the college
- Added the ability to teach a extracurricular class at college with three new characters and many new scenes
- Added 14 new text messages
- Added events around the house (1 for Ella, 1 for Ruby, 2 for twins)
- Added a new harem event for Angelica
- Added Ruby as a harem thrall
- When disciplining girls at home or working out at the gym, you can now instantly redo the action if you have sufficient time and energy
- Main story continued
Bug fixes:
- Angelica can (again) be married
- Corrected some typos
- Fixed Ella's missing texts
All the content in 0.6 was made by the amazing Khrisis! I'm immensly thankful for his efforts!
This patch adds all the content made in 0.6 back into the main game
Khrisis integration update:
- More texts from a variety of girls.
- More hookups: 2 At Megazonic Nightclub, a different girl at the nightclub, a girl at the beach, all three strippers at the strip club (inc. Lexi)
- New Dungeon training scenes (Ella and Marlene)
- New character: Carmen the realtor.
- New scenes for existing girls (Audrey, Angelica, Twins, Amber)
v.0.7.1 Hotfix
- Added 6 patreon scenes
- Fixed some typos that caused certain images not to appear
- Electra now actually provides income
- Fixed an exploit where the player could both get followers and marry Angelica
- Fixed an exploit where you could get more slaves by running Saffron's slave event over and over
- Fixed an exploit where the player could go through the final date with Angelica multiple times and get the 20.000 from Finch over and over
A note from Oranos - Important!
Though this version is released after Khrisis' fan update, the two versions are currently incompatable. This is due to a lot of progress being done on 0.7 already when the fan version of 0.6 was released. Integrating the content added by Khrisis as well as some new content by him will be the chief undertaking in the coming weeks. In the meantime, for those of you who played 0.6, I have added a savefile starting roughly at the end of 0.5 so you don't have to start over.
- Added a special honeymoon event for Angelica that unlocks a whole new area, including a new character with a full arc
- Added a new follower system and two new slave followers for players who didn't marry Angelica
- Added a new event for Aletta, in which a new character with a full arc can be encountered. This character has two different paths depending on the player's aproach.
- Added a (very) small story expansion, simply setting the stage
- Added the new resource 'soldiers' which will be used in more deadly gang engagements, and the threat level which will indicate the danger your soldiers face in the city. These will become increasingly important in future updates, allthough the current system is more of a foundation.
- Added Lilith, a new character with a full arc
- Added a new harem system. This is designed to be highly customizable. In it's current state it's more of a foundation though - stay tuned for future updates!
- removed an exploit where you could endlessly dominate amber for authority.
- fixed typos
- assigning slaves to work as elite escorts no longer locks you out from changing jobs for them
- Daniel's drug trade no longer breaks at 600 rep, instead it caps above 600 at 7000 income.
- fixed a bug that made Aletta's patreon event not show up
Patreon content:
- Due to the long time it has taken to release 0.7, this version will not have early access. Instead I will give two extra scenes to patreons of ALL tiers.
The patreon scenes will come in a patch Tuesday the 12th. I'm putting in the finishing touches, if ready tomorrow Monday the 11th I'm releasing it then.
More texts from a variety of girls.
- More hookups: 2 At Megazonic Nightclub, a different girl at the nightclub, a girl at the beach, all three strippers at the strip club (inc. Lexi)
- New Dungeon training scenes (Ella and Marlene)
- New character: Carmen the realtor.
- New scenes for existing girls (Audrey, Angelica, Twins, Amber)
- Added girls Angelica (in City hall), Julia and Diana (in apartment), and Scarlet and Sienna (in Satin Slus VIP)
- Added Cheat codes for all patrons
- Added locations Gold Acres Realty and Ibson Bank in Financial Quarters, as well as Earl's Coffee outside player's apartment, Servus Adult Goods to Mall and the VIP section to Satin Sluts Pleasure House.
- Added various minor encounters
- Added the house upgrade Villa Garcia to player's home
- Added another investment opportunity to Jones & Sons
- Added a new job for your slaves
- Added slaves Suzie and Aiko in Meatlocker, and Wanda, unlocked in Angelica's story
- Added the ability to buy "furniture" in the Meatlocker
- Added one scene each for Ruby and Amber
- Each Capo now has a way to increase your profits
Bug fixes:
- It's no longer possible to buy Lola's father's debt from Marquis more than once
- Fixed code typos at Lola's and Bri's houses
- Cleaned up code in finance screen
- You can now longer dominate Candace endlessly regardless of energy
- fixed dead end on Angelica's path
- fixed typos
- Added Sophie (in City Hall), Rue (at Park festival) and Ruby (in the meatlocker)
- Added City Hall functionality
- Added new locations Nude beach, Park festival, Public pool and Warehouse
- Added minor encounters at Park festival, Restaurant Lotus and Public pool
- Added various generic scenes
- Removed the time constraints for visiting Lola, Bri and Suki at home
- Added two new recomendations from money and authority
Bug fixes:
- Fixed code typos
- Teaching a class now passes the time and takes energy
- Luna's achievement should now show correctly
- Added girls with full arcs (Lisa at beach, Aletta in apartment, Mary at college), including minor event scenes like sleep, lounge and discipline
- Added minor encounters to gym and noir lingerie
- Added two investment opportunities (started by talking to Douglas), each rewarded with a scene and income.
- Added another scene with Suki in office.
- Added an achievement system that informs the player when the final stage of a relationship is reached.
- The text message offering the sale of two slaves is now more likely to occur
- Teaching classes at the college new yields a bonus to your daily salary
Bug fixes:
- Fixed a code typo that made actions in city hall available even after closing.
- Fixed various typos.
- Added girls with full arcs - Candace (in Ypsilon Kappa), Lola, Bri, Suki and Carmichael (in college)
- Added slaves Barbie (in Pitchers) and Amber (in Ypsilon Kappa)
- Added a new girl in Satin - the Veiled Cherub
- Added Rushbrook Avenue, with the homes of Lola, Bri and Suki
- Added Ypsilon Kappa's sorority house in College
- Added Car dealership to Mall
- Added more random text messages from Audrey, since these are the most likely to repeat
- Added the ability for the player to talk over text with Amber, Candace and Ella
- Added the Authority stat, which is trained by engaging in certain actions with girls, like "punish", "dominate" and "discipline"
- Added teaching in college, an activity reliant on Authority.
- Resized some images to prevent too much scrolling in menus. Added some environment images in menus that previously lacked. Restyled some text to improve readability. Overhauled the overall presentation of the game.
- It should no longer be possible to get a "New text!" alert and just a blank text.
- Fixed a few typos
- Fixed some script typos causing minor issues
- Fixed a bug that made the "luna is bored" event occur way earlier than intended
- Added ”Home” button for convenience in most locations
- Spacing of Apartment menu options compacted
- Added Oldtown and ”Meatlocker” locations, including some short scenes with slaves.
- Patreon bonus content, one scene for first tier + three scenes for second tier
Bug fixes:
- Text from ”unknown sender” should now always display a text, and never just a blank screen
- You no longer have the option to fuck luna at max relation if she’s not in her room
- Fixed a few typos
- ”Step sister(s)” corrected to ”half sister(s)”
The first release of the game contains:
- 332 images and gifs
- 28 scenes with oral, anal or vaginal sex
- full arcs for Mila, Ella, Laura and Luna
- completed side-character content for Audrey, Marlene, Pussi & Cunti
Known bugs:
- Sometimes the game indicates you have a new text message when you have none. I'm looking in to it, but it's not a large priority since it's not tied to any meaningful gameplay right now.
Тему отредактировал: СынПирокара - 16-12-2024, 17:37
Причина: Тема обновлена до версии v.0.17 / Topic updated to version v.0.17.
Причина: Тема обновлена до версии v.0.17 / Topic updated to version v.0.17.
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