Юные Титаны - это молодые супергерои, борющиеся с преступностью под руководством Робина,
В тайне от других Титанов, их лидер команды Робин был похищен Слейдом, одним из их самых опасных врагов
Захватив его, Слейд ввёл что-то в вены Робинса, сопровождая это загадочным сообщением.
От создателя Тренера Четырех Стихий.
The Teen Titans are young superheroes fighting crime under leadership of Robin,
Unknown to the other Titans, Their team leader Robin was abducted by Slade, one of their most dangerous enemies
After restraining him, Slade take a syringe and inject something into Robins veins accompanied by a cryptic message.
By the creator of Four Elements Trainer.
Год выпуска: 2021
Жанр: 2d game, 2dcg, anal, animated, bukkake, creampie, fantasy, female domination, group sex, handjob, male protagonist, monster, oral, parody, prostitution, titfuck, turn based combat, vaginal, voyeurism,
Цензура: Отсутствует
Разработчик/Издатель: Mity - Patreon
Перевод: Rouzenrot
Платформа: PC/Windows/Linux/Android
Тип издания: В разработке
Таблэтка: Не требуется
Версия: v.1.5.0 Rus / v.1.5.1 Eng
Язык игры: Русский/Английский (Смена в настройках)
Язык интерфейса: Русский/Английский
Поддержать Переводчика (Boosty)
Поблагодарить Переводчика : Yoomoney кошелёк 410014776465748
Юные Титаны - это молодые супергерои, борющиеся с преступностью под руководством Робина,
В тайне от других Титанов, их лидер команды Робин был похищен Слейдом, одним из их самых опасных врагов
Захватив его, Слейд ввёл что-то в вены Робинса, сопровождая это загадочным сообщением.
От создателя Тренера Четырех Стихий.
The Teen Titans are young superheroes fighting crime under leadership of Robin,
Unknown to the other Titans, Their team leader Robin was abducted by Slade, one of their most dangerous enemies
After restraining him, Slade take a syringe and inject something into Robins veins accompanied by a cryptic message.
By the creator of Four Elements Trainer.
Год выпуска: 2021
Жанр: 2d game, 2dcg, anal, animated, bukkake, creampie, fantasy, female domination, group sex, handjob, male protagonist, monster, oral, parody, prostitution, titfuck, turn based combat, vaginal, voyeurism,
Цензура: Отсутствует
Разработчик/Издатель: Mity - Patreon
Перевод: Rouzenrot
Платформа: PC/Windows/Linux/Android
Тип издания: В разработке
Таблэтка: Не требуется
Версия: v.1.5.0 Rus / v.1.5.1 Eng
Язык игры: Русский/Английский (Смена в настройках)
Язык интерфейса: Русский/Английский
Поддержать Переводчика (Boosty)
Поблагодарить Переводчика : Yoomoney кошелёк 410014776465748
v1.5.1 - 2025-02-25
v1.4.5 - 2025.02.05
v1.4.4 - 2024-10-24
So for everyone who isn't a bughunter, what's new in this build? To be short and sweet about it:
a new Raven scene,
a Starfire scene,
two new enemies to fight,
an optional new female enemy scene(which you might not want to see at all!),
a new Bumblebee scene,
some panty/pussy showing(dependent on your choices)
v1.4.2 - 2024-08-19
Last time you met Tessa, a pole dancer and some of her friends. You can keep pestering her/them and some panty flashing (with or without panty) will be the result. That as well as Tessa telling you she will give you a chance to talk to her, just not while wearing your Teen Titans outfit.
Once you've convinced Tessa, you can take her to a burger joint not too far away and plead your case. You can also help out a friend during that which will result in butt fun or vaginal fun with a green person. Depends on what gender he/she is.
A not so cryptic message will lead you to another face off with real Robin! NO real differences if you win or lose, but I AM keeping tabs on it for the future. There will be a cavity search afterwards. Bumblebee might or might not help with that.
You'll be able to catch Raven staring out of the window and push her against said window(and push something of you inside of her!). Do it again and someone might be shocked to see it
Have Cyborg research some blood and go for a ride with Tessa's friends so they can meet Tessa again.
If jinx and Blackfire are still in the holding cells, you can double-dip Blackfire after buying something long and hard for Jinx.
If you make the wrong choices... Chu-hui will work that pole at Girls!Girls!Girls!
-scene with Beast Boy or Beast Girl (vaginal or butt fun)
-doubledip Blackfire with Jinx's help
-Cavity search (Terra)
-Some more butt fun with Raven
-Chu-hui works that pole
-Tessa's friend does some flashing
-some smaller changes all over like giving Tessa nipples while dancing! But you'll still have to contend with some older placeholder backgrounds. I did one, it looked even worse than the placeholder, scrapped it and lost a lot of time because of that. City backgrounds kick my ass.
v1.4.0 - 2024-08-01
Last time you met Tessa, a pole dancer and some of her friends. You can keep pestering her/them and some panty flashing (with or without panty) will be the result. That as well as Tessa telling you she will give you a chance to talk to her, just not while wearing your Teen Titans outfit.
Once you've convinced Tessa, you can take her to a burger joint not too far away and plead your case. You can also help out a friend during that which will result in butt fun or vaginal fun with a green person. Depends on what gender he/she is.
A not so cryptic message will lead you to another face off with real Robin! NO real differences if you win or lose, but I AM keeping tabs on it for the future. There will be a cavity search afterwards. Bumblebee might or might not help with that.
You'll be able to catch Raven staring out of the window and push her against said window(and push something of you inside of her!). Do it again and someone might be shocked to see it
Have Cyborg research some blood and go for a ride with Tessa's friends.
If jinx and Blackfire are still in the holding cells, you can double-dip Blackfire after buying something long and hard for Jinx.
If you make the wrong choices... Chu-hui will work that pole at Girls!Girls!Girls!
So tldr:
-scene with Beast Boy or Beast Girl (vaginal or butt fun)
-doubledip Blackfire with Jinx's help
-Cavity search (Terra)
-Some more butt fun with Raven
-Chu-hui works that pole
-Tessa's friend does some flashing
-some smaller changes all over like giving Tessa nipples while dancing! But you'll still have to contend with some older placeholder backgrounds. I did one, it looked even worse tha, the placeholder, scrapped it and lost a lot of time because of that. City backgrounds kick my ass.
Pfew! I got 18Titans v1.3.9 ready! Well... ready is too big of a word. It's more of a "peg leg" build to be honest. Short and straight for all the reasons you already know about, but perhaps also because I tried to animate a few things which were less of a success(and turned out to be wasted energy) Regardless, I needed to get it out now and not spend more time on it since I want to return to my old schedule and have April be a FET month once more. Anything in this build which feels unfinished will have to wait till after.
Now despite it's length I still hope you'll find it entertaining! The bughunters helped me pin down some problems, but *knocks on wood* there weren't too many crazy things going on with this build. Still if you find any, which aren't obviously me cutting temporary corners, I'd be happy to hear about it! If you have feedback for me, be it bugs/typos or just want to share you opinion etc. I'll happily welcome it. You can leave a comment or send me a dm. Thanks!
BUGHUNTERS! Thanks as always for your help. I haven't been able to incorporate all of your suggestions, but I did add a (rough) guest appearance during the new Blackfire and Jinx holding cell scene of Starfire and Terra. Still needs work though. The serious bugs should be fixed, but I'm certain you'll still be able to find some oddities here and there.
Like I said, a short build, but I hope you'll like what's there! This will proceed with the MC trying to find Girls! Girls! Girls! after Yhads told him or after he bought a map. As for the rest of it, you can read about it in the vague spoilerlog I'll add at the bottom of this post. Thanks for everything! April will be a FET build again.
v1.3.7 - 2024-06-04
No build in the past has been put together without at least some problems to overcome, but this one is definitely right up there with the worst of them! Mostly because irl stuff. A lot of that luckily none re-occurring, but it certainly had me running. Anyway, it's here, it's done! A pale shadow of what I wanted to do, but I set myself a deadline and ...that was yesterday... I'm eager to get back to my normal schedule.
Anyway, this month's build is a belated 18Titans build. Last time I promised Terra would show up again and in this build... and she will! Sort of. You'll see. See the spoiler log at the bottom of this post for more (vague) details. Last time you tried to find "Girls! Girls! Girls!" and you will this time.
I spent a lot of time on fixing current and older bugs. Super special thanks to you-know-who-you-are, for that truly enormous amount of bug/typo feedback. I has kept me busy and I think I got 99% of it done. I'll give your dm a proper reply soon.
But this is of course a BUGHUNT version and as such you can expect to find some of those in this build. Naturally I'd love to hear about it if you find something so I can fix it for the next version.
But it's not just bugs! Typos and personal opinions or whatever else you'd like to share with me can be done in the comments below or by sending me a dm. Both ways are fine and appreciated! Just don't be upset if I'm tardy with replying. I always try to answer every message I get, but lately that has become my "I'll do it tomorrow"-thing in favor of sleep.
v1.3.5 - 2024-03-22
There will be a new scene with Jinx where you can lower her resistance, it starts with "fist" and ends in "ing". If you take Terra along(not possible if she isn't still in the tower),She'll help out too!
Raven will show you her feet! Always a challenge for me. One of the things I had to fix in the bughunt was her having six toes... for god's sake what's wrong with me and feet?
Raven and Starfire will explore each other again! But this time without the puppet king making them.
Discover what Beast Boy's part time job is and help him/her!
Buy and insert new batteries into Snow white. She'll ride YOU this time.
You'll finally get a real solid lead as to where you can find Terra, however she won't appear in this build!
v1.3.4 - 2024-03-01
There will be a new scene with Jinx where you can lower her resistance, it starts with "fist" and ends in "ing".
Raven will show you her feet! Always a challenge for me.
Raven and Starfire will explore each other again! But this time without the puppet king making them.
Discover what Beast Boy's part time job is and help him!
Buy and insert new batteries into Snow white. She'll ride YOU this time. Actually this has a semi optional "scat" part. It's as close as I'm currently willing to approach that, but in this case I figured it'd be fitting and maybe funny?
You'll finally get a real solid lead as to where you can find Terra, however she won't appear in this build!
v1.3.3 - 2023-12-10
This build is very straightforward. Much more than I like, but so be it. You'll continue the Puppet king part. There's an optional masturbation scene with you/Terra. There will be a few smaller animations with Terra and Raven. It won't progress beyond the double dildo part. After this you can visit Pantha for an old-fashioned missionary reward. Jinx will have a new scene(bj) in the holding cell. Don't forget you can invite Terra if she's still living in teen tower. About Terra, she'll be gone again after all is said and done but visit Cyborg for a sliver of hope! I also added a small gallery for a few one-off scenes which aren't repeatable. Since this build has a couple of those, I felt that was really needed now. You can find it in the MC's room with the posters etc.
Bug Fixess
-There will be a butt fun scene with Beast girl... and optionally one with Beast boy!
-Bumblebee will have her own anal scene which you won't have to share with Cyborg like in the previous build.
-You'll meet a new enemy(and an old friend)! You won't get to fight him because I didn't manage to get that into this build, part of the cliffhanger I mentioned earlier.
-Freaky puppet sex with a blond haired puppet(optional)!
-Starfire gets another vaginal scene.
-You can go to Chu-hui's dojo... but you won't be able to arrive. Casuality of my bad planning.
-You'll need to make a choice on how to proceed with Blackfire. One of the choices will open up new possibilities in the future but BLOCK the holding cell options.
v1.2.7 - 2023-07-21
Pre launch
- Cyborg will finish the spaceship and you'll have to tell the persons who will come along and get some items for the trip!
- I redid the raven anal scene. Only the graphics. Same pov and all. I just slimmed her down a lot.
- There will be a new scene for anyone giving orders to Blackfire in the holding cell. It's a tickle/pee/missionary combination, depending on what you choose. Starfire can tag along if she's still on earth.
- Bumblebee tries to set your death flag... it's an optional combo scene with you, Cyborg and her. DP!
I wanted to add some butt fun with BB, but that's currently only a stump
After launch
- Starfire will do stuff which absolutely isn't sex with a strange alien girl. Stuff like sucking and fuc-"
- The player will do stuff which absolutely IS sex with a strange alien girl"
- Free Blackfire from a sticky situation. It's the very slow/short start of doing sexy stuff with Blackfire in the future if you're not into the whole holding cells part of the game.
- Fight two new enemies (flower + monstergirl)
- Slight variation on the older rubbing scene with Starfire
v1.2.5 - 2023-07-10
Pre launch
- Cyborg will finish the spaceship and you'll have to tell the persons who will come along and get some items for the trip!
- I redid the raven anal scene. Only the graphics. Same pov and all. I just slimmed her down a lot, but there's still a graphical glitch during that scene.
- There will be a new scene for anyone giving orders to Blackfire in the holding cell. It's a tickle/pee/missionary combination, depending on what you choose."
- Bumblebee tries to set your deathflag... it's an optional combo scene with you, Cyborg and her. DP!
I wanted to add some butt fun with BB, but that's currently only a stump. Don't know if I can add it during the bughunting period... but probably not.
After launch
- Starfire will do stuff which absolutely isn't sex with a strange alien girl."
- The player will do stuff which absolutely is sex with a strange alien girl"
- Free Blackfire from a sticky situation. It's the very slow/short start of doing sexy stuff with Blackfire in the future if you're not into the whole holding cells part of the game.
- Fight two new enemies (flower + monstergirl)
- Slight variation on the rubbing scene with Starfire
v1.2.4 - 2023-05-07
-Spoiler log! gonna keep this vague as always-
There's a new scene with StarFire, which has some front and back penetration plus rubbing going on. You'll be locked out of this new scene pretty quickly for story reasons!
There's a scene with Raven, the backdoor will be taken in this scene as well as the front door. Red Raven will no longer be the only Raven who has had butt fun.
Bumblebee will have a vaginal scene, will give you a hand, body and micro job! They're basically different parts of the same one scene with her.
Blackfire's bum will be slapped, by possibly just you or you and Pantha! Pantha can also lower herself over Blackfire. Whether Pantha will help with the spanking also depends on whether you've already seen some scenes with Blackfire in the holding cell.
You'll fight a new enemy. I got a little genderbendy and turned him into a her(unlike the cartoon), but it's not like you get to do anything except fight him/her so it doesn't really matter yet.
You will NOT be able to get Pantha a communicator in this build, but I added the option to call her anyway for the shared Blackfire spanking scene. I might take this out in the early access version.
Cyborg will NOT be able to build/finish the spaceship. Just one of those things I didn't have enough time for.
In the build you'll see what happens in Slade's warehouse. You'll get to have butt fun with one of the robots. A slightly adapted version of that will also be available for the Sladebot in your room.
Pantha will have a new boob scene and you'll have several places to deposit the white stuff.
Jinx will have a butt scene now too. Get her some entertainment first and she'll entertain you!
Bumblebee will wash your "rooster"... in both the sexy and none sexy way. Ps. in the last version the player was forced to watch her and Cyborg's sex scene. I changed that so it isn't mandatory anymore.
Chu-hui comes to visit you and help you get stronger! And if you make the right choices... yes you can "bed her"... or rather the other way around. She'll also have a poster for you... of herself.
When you've seen all the scenes above and defeated Chu-hui 4 times you've pretty much seen all there is to seen.
There's a small easter-egg too if you punch in the right five digit number on the numpad of the clone tube. It'll probably be very clear what that number is later, BUT you won't know it at the right time, so create a save at that moment.
For the bughunters! In this version I added a small bit to the easter-egg in Slade's warehouse with the tubes and changed the code to 80085. I made the fight against Chu-hui easier. Chu-hui will now always offer you her poster, even if you beat her three times in a row from the start. You can also take Terra with you during the new anal scene with Jinx Besides that I fixed some smaller bugs, fixed typos etc. Nothing too crazy this time.
Cyborg will finally crack the info you got from the Sladebot. This part will end on a very big cliffhanger. The end is very clear so unlike the last time you won't have to wonder whether it continues in this build.
You can take Terra on a second date. That date won't end without problems. Problems which will have you decided whether you're going to take jinx with you afterwards to Teen Tower. There will be a simple tickle scene with her if you do.
There will be a scene with Terra and Starfire with part of you in between them. Beast Girl can play along when some conditions are met.
You can catch Terra and Starfire in the bathroom washing each others' back after you choose to come outside during the previous scene.
Beast Girl will have a reverse cowgirl scene and a small beejay as part of the cowgirl scene... just to be clear no, she won't turn into a cow :)
The other parts of Raven's psyche in the hand mirror will want some attention from you after you've met and gave some to Red Raven.
Cyborg will finally find a place to park his third leg with Bumblebee's help!
You can replay the Bumblebee scene where she goes "spelunking".
You can find a sexy magazine by either winning a fight or snooping around someone else's room. It currently only has one page though.
Red Raven will have a vaginal scene, but that's pretty much the same as the other differently colored Ravens.
v1.1.9 - Bughunt
Summary of additions to this build (spoilers)
Cyborg will finally crack the info you got from the Sladebot. This part will end on a very big cliffhanger. The end is very clear so unlike the last time you won't wonder whether it continues in this build.
You can take Terra on a second date. That date won't end without problems. Problems which will have you decided whether you're going to take jinx with you afterwards to Teen Tower. There will be a simple tickle scene with her if you do.
There will be a scene with Terra and Starfire with part of you in between them. Beast Girl can play along when some conditions are met.
You can catch Terra and Starfire in the bathroom washing each others' back after you choose to come outside during the previous scene.
Beast Girl will have a reverse cowgirl scene and a small beejay as part of the cowgirl scene... just to be clear no, she won't turn into a cow :)
The other parts of Raven's psyche in the hand mirror will want some attention from you after you've met and gave some to Red Raven.
Cyborg will finally find a place to park his third leg with Bumblebee's help!
You can replay the Bumblebee scene where she goes "spelunking".
You can find a pornmag but it's not actually there yet to see. I haven't even started sketching it so all you can do is find it. Either by winning a fight or snooping around someone else's room.
Red Raven will have a pussy scene, but that's pretty much the same as the other differently colored Ravens.
And I think that's about it.
In this build you'll be able to get a blojo from Terra(Starfire will come and help) and the second time will be slightly different. The Sladebot will be rebooted(partly). You can have vaginal sex with her and move her to the mc's room.
Bumblebee will come around to help out with the Sladebot and you'll be able to see her in the bathroom afterwards.
Blackfire will be able to get some bumfun in the holding cell. Of course you can invite Starfire to watch and she'll do what she threatened Blackfire with the last time. Rhymes "with kiss in her face".
Terra can also come along when you visit Jinx from now on. Just like Starfire she can Kiss jinx in her face during the vaginal sex scene and she has some small things to say during the other jinx scenes.
And finally you can look into Raven's hand mirror which you could already see in her room during the last build. Just a little warning, Some of you might expect a full on orgy here. That would be nice eventually, but it's not there yet. Instead there will be butt fun with Raven... sort of... You'll meet Raven's dad... also sort of... It'll make sense once you see it.
Oh and finally, there will be a new poster for the mc's room which you can buy from Yhads.
v1.1.6 - 2022-08-06
There will be a new scene with Pantha if you win from her during a fight.
Blackfire will have a new scene in the holding cell, but don't forget you'll have to have come inside of her during the earlier scene before that unlocks. You can of course take Firestar along for a slightly different ending of that scene.
Jinx will also have a new scene in the holding cell. It will only be unlocked when something happens elsewhere first. The earlier scene(the one where the three holes in the glass wall are filled with erections) for that is not required.
You can take Terra on a date and Raven can be taken on another date too. I'd suggest to go with Terra first.
Things happen, Chu-hui will call you again and you'll fight two new enemies.
You can search and find the three parts Cyborg needs to put together a working Sladebot with a mini scene(master bation) afterwards.
And finally there's a vaginal scene with Raven.
There will be a new scene with Pantha if you win from her during a fight.
Blackfire will have a new scene in the holding cell, but don't forget you'll have to have come inside her during the earlier scene before that unlocks. You can of course take Firestar along for a slightly different ending of that scene.
Jinx will also have a new scene in the holding cell. It will only be unlocked when something happens elsewhere first. The earlier scene for that is not required.
You can take Terra on a date and Raven can be taken on another date too. I'd suggest to go with Terra first.
Things happen, Chu-hui will call you again and you'll fight two new enemies.
You can search and find the three parts Cyborg needs to put together a working Sladebot(but that's as far as things go).
And finally there's a vaginal scene with Raven.
Edit: 1.1.4 fixes Batarangs not properly working in 1.1.3 (only the batarangs)
Hey all, a few people were getting stuck in Teen Tower immediately after Raven's date. At first I had no idea how that could happen, but then I noticed you could take Raven out on a date during the day which is what caused the progress lock.
I removed that bug and added some retroactive fixes. So if you are one of the few people who couldn't progress pass that point, it shouldn't be a problem anymore in this version.
Ps, if you can visit Pantha and lose to her(thus forcing night to occur) you can also bypass the bug without needing to download this version.
I also took the opportunity to fix a few graphical glitches and add some dialogue during battles when you can't use items against certain enemies(this introduced a new bug with the Batarangs which is why 1.1.4 was needed!)
Hey all, if you've already played 18Titans v1.1.1 and experienced no problems there is no pressing reason to download this version.
Version 1.1.1 was a hotfix for a bug involving Beast Boy, but if you already played 1.1.0 you might still be suffering from the effects of that bug even in 1.1.1. Basically, Beast Boy's gender became messed up and among other things, locked you out of the possibility to turn him into a girl.
This latest version is supposed to clear up the remnants of that bug if you already "stepped into it", but like I said, if you never played 1.1.0 you shouldn't experience those problems to begin with.
Here's hoping nothing else too serious pops up, but if so, you can let me know in the comments or send me a dm.
18Titans 1.0.9 - Bughunt
Hey all! It's been a while since 18Titans was on the menu, but Raven is finally getting her date and Terra is also getting something... A new forceful female character will make her appearance as well as other stuff, but I'll write up a slightly more detailed description below. Let's have some links first!
This build is pretty much as far as I managed to get this month(while still being late) and there will be a moment where you might lament that fact. You'll be fighting an enemy and won't be able to claim your prize for winning that fight. That's not a bug. I just didn't make it that far.
As always, if you find any sort of bug or other things you'd like to bring to my attention, you can write a comment below or send me a dm. Both are equally helpful and appreciated!
- Spoiler log -
Now for the spoilers. Jinx will have a new scene if you captured her and finished the earlier scenes at least once. This will eventually end up in a scene with three dicks(if you've seen Cyborg's nightly visitor ) and one Jinx. Those three holes in the glass wall weren't a coinky-dinky! Her resistance will be lowered to 10 afterwards.
Blackfire DOES NOT have a new scene, but her resistance will be lowered to 10 if you ejaculate inside of her in this version. That will be important for future versions.
A new character will be introduced, called Pantha. Winning from her in a match will yield a reward in the form of a vaginal scene with her. She'll teach you a new move which currently(?) only applies when fighting her.
Terra will spread her legs. At first just to receive coconut milk on the outside. In a later scene you get to choose where.
Raven will get her date and the mc will get a blow/licky job.
After Raven's new scene, and going to bed, you'll get a call from Kitten and can use the telescope to fight a new enemy the next day. This is the fight where you can't claim your prize if you win.
You'll fight a new mysterious enemy!
And that's about it for this version.
Like I said, whatever feedback you have, I'll gladly receive/read it and hopefully use it to make a better version in the future. Thanks and I hope you'll like this version's new additions.
ps. I'll start putting together a new FET art assets update now which will have scenes from FET's last update.
So what's new in this version which wasn't already present in 1.0.5?
- You can get a simple boob/handjob from Raven(That's all that's new for her in this version).
- Beast Boy/Girl will get a moped/money and you get something in return from her!
- Jinx will do something with a certain thing being pushed through a hole in a wall. Beast Boy can be invited as well!
- Blackfire gets to have extra nutrients, in either her mouth or her uterus. As always, Starfire can come along to watch.
- Terra becomes a part of the Titans and gets her Titan outfit. Slade gets to show off his new idle for the first time.
- The MC learns a new technique to deal a bit more damage and increase his defense.
- Yhads is selling a new poster.
I've added "under construction" signs here and there and some tidbits aren't mentioned, but if you've seen all the scenes which I mentioned above you'll have reached the end of the new content.
Hey guys, here's a short summary of what I added since version 1.0.3 to help you know when you've seen all the new stuff.
My suggestion is to first play the this version normally and afterwards see if you missed something.
Naturally there will be a bit of spoilerage going on here, but I'll try and keep it vague.
This build is more of a "setup build" where I put smaller pieces into place for the next build.
That means there'll be less hardcore sex scenes than you saw during the first build.
Starfire - Anal! And she gets to watch you degrade her sister if you ask her.
Blackfire - You can give her four orders in total.
Jinx - You can give her one more order.
Beast girl has a total of four smaller girl scenes. When you reach 4/4 you'll reach an "under construction" - sign. Can be totally avoided if
you're boner doesn't get confused and is just like "NO. Nonono."
Kitten - You can meet her and her dad.
Terra - Nothing... okay, just a preview of her non naked body.
Bumblebee - A poster, you can also buy a Terra poster now from Yhads if you didn't get one from Beast boy earlier.
Raven - You get to fight/kiss/slap her bottom/see her nude etc. You'll reach an "under construction" - sign when you run out of her options at night.
The batarangs for Robin are cheaper and a bit more powerful.
There's a new enemy which is also pretty weak like Doctor Light and can help you get stronger more easily.
If you find bugs and/or have other feedback, you can tell me in the comments or if you want, simply send me a pm. it's all good!
Thanks and I hope you'll have some fun with this build!
Early access version so expect a lot of bugs
v1.4.5 - 2025.02.05
v1.4.4 - 2024-10-24
So for everyone who isn't a bughunter, what's new in this build? To be short and sweet about it:
a new Raven scene,
a Starfire scene,
two new enemies to fight,
an optional new female enemy scene(which you might not want to see at all!),
a new Bumblebee scene,
some panty/pussy showing(dependent on your choices)
v1.4.2 - 2024-08-19
Last time you met Tessa, a pole dancer and some of her friends. You can keep pestering her/them and some panty flashing (with or without panty) will be the result. That as well as Tessa telling you she will give you a chance to talk to her, just not while wearing your Teen Titans outfit.
Once you've convinced Tessa, you can take her to a burger joint not too far away and plead your case. You can also help out a friend during that which will result in butt fun or vaginal fun with a green person. Depends on what gender he/she is.
A not so cryptic message will lead you to another face off with real Robin! NO real differences if you win or lose, but I AM keeping tabs on it for the future. There will be a cavity search afterwards. Bumblebee might or might not help with that.
You'll be able to catch Raven staring out of the window and push her against said window(and push something of you inside of her!). Do it again and someone might be shocked to see it
Have Cyborg research some blood and go for a ride with Tessa's friends so they can meet Tessa again.
If jinx and Blackfire are still in the holding cells, you can double-dip Blackfire after buying something long and hard for Jinx.
If you make the wrong choices... Chu-hui will work that pole at Girls!Girls!Girls!
-scene with Beast Boy or Beast Girl (vaginal or butt fun)
-doubledip Blackfire with Jinx's help
-Cavity search (Terra)
-Some more butt fun with Raven
-Chu-hui works that pole
-Tessa's friend does some flashing
-some smaller changes all over like giving Tessa nipples while dancing! But you'll still have to contend with some older placeholder backgrounds. I did one, it looked even worse than the placeholder, scrapped it and lost a lot of time because of that. City backgrounds kick my ass.
v1.4.0 - 2024-08-01
Last time you met Tessa, a pole dancer and some of her friends. You can keep pestering her/them and some panty flashing (with or without panty) will be the result. That as well as Tessa telling you she will give you a chance to talk to her, just not while wearing your Teen Titans outfit.
Once you've convinced Tessa, you can take her to a burger joint not too far away and plead your case. You can also help out a friend during that which will result in butt fun or vaginal fun with a green person. Depends on what gender he/she is.
A not so cryptic message will lead you to another face off with real Robin! NO real differences if you win or lose, but I AM keeping tabs on it for the future. There will be a cavity search afterwards. Bumblebee might or might not help with that.
You'll be able to catch Raven staring out of the window and push her against said window(and push something of you inside of her!). Do it again and someone might be shocked to see it
Have Cyborg research some blood and go for a ride with Tessa's friends.
If jinx and Blackfire are still in the holding cells, you can double-dip Blackfire after buying something long and hard for Jinx.
If you make the wrong choices... Chu-hui will work that pole at Girls!Girls!Girls!
So tldr:
-scene with Beast Boy or Beast Girl (vaginal or butt fun)
-doubledip Blackfire with Jinx's help
-Cavity search (Terra)
-Some more butt fun with Raven
-Chu-hui works that pole
-Tessa's friend does some flashing
-some smaller changes all over like giving Tessa nipples while dancing! But you'll still have to contend with some older placeholder backgrounds. I did one, it looked even worse tha, the placeholder, scrapped it and lost a lot of time because of that. City backgrounds kick my ass.
Pfew! I got 18Titans v1.3.9 ready! Well... ready is too big of a word. It's more of a "peg leg" build to be honest. Short and straight for all the reasons you already know about, but perhaps also because I tried to animate a few things which were less of a success(and turned out to be wasted energy) Regardless, I needed to get it out now and not spend more time on it since I want to return to my old schedule and have April be a FET month once more. Anything in this build which feels unfinished will have to wait till after.
Now despite it's length I still hope you'll find it entertaining! The bughunters helped me pin down some problems, but *knocks on wood* there weren't too many crazy things going on with this build. Still if you find any, which aren't obviously me cutting temporary corners, I'd be happy to hear about it! If you have feedback for me, be it bugs/typos or just want to share you opinion etc. I'll happily welcome it. You can leave a comment or send me a dm. Thanks!
BUGHUNTERS! Thanks as always for your help. I haven't been able to incorporate all of your suggestions, but I did add a (rough) guest appearance during the new Blackfire and Jinx holding cell scene of Starfire and Terra. Still needs work though. The serious bugs should be fixed, but I'm certain you'll still be able to find some oddities here and there.
Like I said, a short build, but I hope you'll like what's there! This will proceed with the MC trying to find Girls! Girls! Girls! after Yhads told him or after he bought a map. As for the rest of it, you can read about it in the vague spoilerlog I'll add at the bottom of this post. Thanks for everything! April will be a FET build again.
v1.3.7 - 2024-06-04
No build in the past has been put together without at least some problems to overcome, but this one is definitely right up there with the worst of them! Mostly because irl stuff. A lot of that luckily none re-occurring, but it certainly had me running. Anyway, it's here, it's done! A pale shadow of what I wanted to do, but I set myself a deadline and ...that was yesterday... I'm eager to get back to my normal schedule.
Anyway, this month's build is a belated 18Titans build. Last time I promised Terra would show up again and in this build... and she will! Sort of. You'll see. See the spoiler log at the bottom of this post for more (vague) details. Last time you tried to find "Girls! Girls! Girls!" and you will this time.
I spent a lot of time on fixing current and older bugs. Super special thanks to you-know-who-you-are, for that truly enormous amount of bug/typo feedback. I has kept me busy and I think I got 99% of it done. I'll give your dm a proper reply soon.
But this is of course a BUGHUNT version and as such you can expect to find some of those in this build. Naturally I'd love to hear about it if you find something so I can fix it for the next version.
But it's not just bugs! Typos and personal opinions or whatever else you'd like to share with me can be done in the comments below or by sending me a dm. Both ways are fine and appreciated! Just don't be upset if I'm tardy with replying. I always try to answer every message I get, but lately that has become my "I'll do it tomorrow"-thing in favor of sleep.
v1.3.5 - 2024-03-22
There will be a new scene with Jinx where you can lower her resistance, it starts with "fist" and ends in "ing". If you take Terra along(not possible if she isn't still in the tower),She'll help out too!
Raven will show you her feet! Always a challenge for me. One of the things I had to fix in the bughunt was her having six toes... for god's sake what's wrong with me and feet?
Raven and Starfire will explore each other again! But this time without the puppet king making them.
Discover what Beast Boy's part time job is and help him/her!
Buy and insert new batteries into Snow white. She'll ride YOU this time.
You'll finally get a real solid lead as to where you can find Terra, however she won't appear in this build!
v1.3.4 - 2024-03-01
There will be a new scene with Jinx where you can lower her resistance, it starts with "fist" and ends in "ing".
Raven will show you her feet! Always a challenge for me.
Raven and Starfire will explore each other again! But this time without the puppet king making them.
Discover what Beast Boy's part time job is and help him!
Buy and insert new batteries into Snow white. She'll ride YOU this time. Actually this has a semi optional "scat" part. It's as close as I'm currently willing to approach that, but in this case I figured it'd be fitting and maybe funny?
You'll finally get a real solid lead as to where you can find Terra, however she won't appear in this build!
v1.3.3 - 2023-12-10
This build is very straightforward. Much more than I like, but so be it. You'll continue the Puppet king part. There's an optional masturbation scene with you/Terra. There will be a few smaller animations with Terra and Raven. It won't progress beyond the double dildo part. After this you can visit Pantha for an old-fashioned missionary reward. Jinx will have a new scene(bj) in the holding cell. Don't forget you can invite Terra if she's still living in teen tower. About Terra, she'll be gone again after all is said and done but visit Cyborg for a sliver of hope! I also added a small gallery for a few one-off scenes which aren't repeatable. Since this build has a couple of those, I felt that was really needed now. You can find it in the MC's room with the posters etc.
Bug Fixess
-There will be a butt fun scene with Beast girl... and optionally one with Beast boy!
-Bumblebee will have her own anal scene which you won't have to share with Cyborg like in the previous build.
-You'll meet a new enemy(and an old friend)! You won't get to fight him because I didn't manage to get that into this build, part of the cliffhanger I mentioned earlier.
-Freaky puppet sex with a blond haired puppet(optional)!
-Starfire gets another vaginal scene.
-You can go to Chu-hui's dojo... but you won't be able to arrive. Casuality of my bad planning.
-You'll need to make a choice on how to proceed with Blackfire. One of the choices will open up new possibilities in the future but BLOCK the holding cell options.
v1.2.7 - 2023-07-21
Pre launch
- Cyborg will finish the spaceship and you'll have to tell the persons who will come along and get some items for the trip!
- I redid the raven anal scene. Only the graphics. Same pov and all. I just slimmed her down a lot.
- There will be a new scene for anyone giving orders to Blackfire in the holding cell. It's a tickle/pee/missionary combination, depending on what you choose. Starfire can tag along if she's still on earth.
- Bumblebee tries to set your death flag... it's an optional combo scene with you, Cyborg and her. DP!
I wanted to add some butt fun with BB, but that's currently only a stump
After launch
- Starfire will do stuff which absolutely isn't sex with a strange alien girl. Stuff like sucking and fuc-"
- The player will do stuff which absolutely IS sex with a strange alien girl"
- Free Blackfire from a sticky situation. It's the very slow/short start of doing sexy stuff with Blackfire in the future if you're not into the whole holding cells part of the game.
- Fight two new enemies (flower + monstergirl)
- Slight variation on the older rubbing scene with Starfire
v1.2.5 - 2023-07-10
Pre launch
- Cyborg will finish the spaceship and you'll have to tell the persons who will come along and get some items for the trip!
- I redid the raven anal scene. Only the graphics. Same pov and all. I just slimmed her down a lot, but there's still a graphical glitch during that scene.
- There will be a new scene for anyone giving orders to Blackfire in the holding cell. It's a tickle/pee/missionary combination, depending on what you choose."
- Bumblebee tries to set your deathflag... it's an optional combo scene with you, Cyborg and her. DP!
I wanted to add some butt fun with BB, but that's currently only a stump. Don't know if I can add it during the bughunting period... but probably not.
After launch
- Starfire will do stuff which absolutely isn't sex with a strange alien girl."
- The player will do stuff which absolutely is sex with a strange alien girl"
- Free Blackfire from a sticky situation. It's the very slow/short start of doing sexy stuff with Blackfire in the future if you're not into the whole holding cells part of the game.
- Fight two new enemies (flower + monstergirl)
- Slight variation on the rubbing scene with Starfire
v1.2.4 - 2023-05-07
-Spoiler log! gonna keep this vague as always-
There's a new scene with StarFire, which has some front and back penetration plus rubbing going on. You'll be locked out of this new scene pretty quickly for story reasons!
There's a scene with Raven, the backdoor will be taken in this scene as well as the front door. Red Raven will no longer be the only Raven who has had butt fun.
Bumblebee will have a vaginal scene, will give you a hand, body and micro job! They're basically different parts of the same one scene with her.
Blackfire's bum will be slapped, by possibly just you or you and Pantha! Pantha can also lower herself over Blackfire. Whether Pantha will help with the spanking also depends on whether you've already seen some scenes with Blackfire in the holding cell.
You'll fight a new enemy. I got a little genderbendy and turned him into a her(unlike the cartoon), but it's not like you get to do anything except fight him/her so it doesn't really matter yet.
You will NOT be able to get Pantha a communicator in this build, but I added the option to call her anyway for the shared Blackfire spanking scene. I might take this out in the early access version.
Cyborg will NOT be able to build/finish the spaceship. Just one of those things I didn't have enough time for.
In the build you'll see what happens in Slade's warehouse. You'll get to have butt fun with one of the robots. A slightly adapted version of that will also be available for the Sladebot in your room.
Pantha will have a new boob scene and you'll have several places to deposit the white stuff.
Jinx will have a butt scene now too. Get her some entertainment first and she'll entertain you!
Bumblebee will wash your "rooster"... in both the sexy and none sexy way. Ps. in the last version the player was forced to watch her and Cyborg's sex scene. I changed that so it isn't mandatory anymore.
Chu-hui comes to visit you and help you get stronger! And if you make the right choices... yes you can "bed her"... or rather the other way around. She'll also have a poster for you... of herself.
When you've seen all the scenes above and defeated Chu-hui 4 times you've pretty much seen all there is to seen.
There's a small easter-egg too if you punch in the right five digit number on the numpad of the clone tube. It'll probably be very clear what that number is later, BUT you won't know it at the right time, so create a save at that moment.
For the bughunters! In this version I added a small bit to the easter-egg in Slade's warehouse with the tubes and changed the code to 80085. I made the fight against Chu-hui easier. Chu-hui will now always offer you her poster, even if you beat her three times in a row from the start. You can also take Terra with you during the new anal scene with Jinx Besides that I fixed some smaller bugs, fixed typos etc. Nothing too crazy this time.
Cyborg will finally crack the info you got from the Sladebot. This part will end on a very big cliffhanger. The end is very clear so unlike the last time you won't have to wonder whether it continues in this build.
You can take Terra on a second date. That date won't end without problems. Problems which will have you decided whether you're going to take jinx with you afterwards to Teen Tower. There will be a simple tickle scene with her if you do.
There will be a scene with Terra and Starfire with part of you in between them. Beast Girl can play along when some conditions are met.
You can catch Terra and Starfire in the bathroom washing each others' back after you choose to come outside during the previous scene.
Beast Girl will have a reverse cowgirl scene and a small beejay as part of the cowgirl scene... just to be clear no, she won't turn into a cow :)
The other parts of Raven's psyche in the hand mirror will want some attention from you after you've met and gave some to Red Raven.
Cyborg will finally find a place to park his third leg with Bumblebee's help!
You can replay the Bumblebee scene where she goes "spelunking".
You can find a sexy magazine by either winning a fight or snooping around someone else's room. It currently only has one page though.
Red Raven will have a vaginal scene, but that's pretty much the same as the other differently colored Ravens.
v1.1.9 - Bughunt
Summary of additions to this build (spoilers)
Cyborg will finally crack the info you got from the Sladebot. This part will end on a very big cliffhanger. The end is very clear so unlike the last time you won't wonder whether it continues in this build.
You can take Terra on a second date. That date won't end without problems. Problems which will have you decided whether you're going to take jinx with you afterwards to Teen Tower. There will be a simple tickle scene with her if you do.
There will be a scene with Terra and Starfire with part of you in between them. Beast Girl can play along when some conditions are met.
You can catch Terra and Starfire in the bathroom washing each others' back after you choose to come outside during the previous scene.
Beast Girl will have a reverse cowgirl scene and a small beejay as part of the cowgirl scene... just to be clear no, she won't turn into a cow :)
The other parts of Raven's psyche in the hand mirror will want some attention from you after you've met and gave some to Red Raven.
Cyborg will finally find a place to park his third leg with Bumblebee's help!
You can replay the Bumblebee scene where she goes "spelunking".
You can find a pornmag but it's not actually there yet to see. I haven't even started sketching it so all you can do is find it. Either by winning a fight or snooping around someone else's room.
Red Raven will have a pussy scene, but that's pretty much the same as the other differently colored Ravens.
And I think that's about it.
In this build you'll be able to get a blojo from Terra(Starfire will come and help) and the second time will be slightly different. The Sladebot will be rebooted(partly). You can have vaginal sex with her and move her to the mc's room.
Bumblebee will come around to help out with the Sladebot and you'll be able to see her in the bathroom afterwards.
Blackfire will be able to get some bumfun in the holding cell. Of course you can invite Starfire to watch and she'll do what she threatened Blackfire with the last time. Rhymes "with kiss in her face".
Terra can also come along when you visit Jinx from now on. Just like Starfire she can Kiss jinx in her face during the vaginal sex scene and she has some small things to say during the other jinx scenes.
And finally you can look into Raven's hand mirror which you could already see in her room during the last build. Just a little warning, Some of you might expect a full on orgy here. That would be nice eventually, but it's not there yet. Instead there will be butt fun with Raven... sort of... You'll meet Raven's dad... also sort of... It'll make sense once you see it.
Oh and finally, there will be a new poster for the mc's room which you can buy from Yhads.
v1.1.6 - 2022-08-06
There will be a new scene with Pantha if you win from her during a fight.
Blackfire will have a new scene in the holding cell, but don't forget you'll have to have come inside of her during the earlier scene before that unlocks. You can of course take Firestar along for a slightly different ending of that scene.
Jinx will also have a new scene in the holding cell. It will only be unlocked when something happens elsewhere first. The earlier scene(the one where the three holes in the glass wall are filled with erections) for that is not required.
You can take Terra on a date and Raven can be taken on another date too. I'd suggest to go with Terra first.
Things happen, Chu-hui will call you again and you'll fight two new enemies.
You can search and find the three parts Cyborg needs to put together a working Sladebot with a mini scene(master bation) afterwards.
And finally there's a vaginal scene with Raven.
There will be a new scene with Pantha if you win from her during a fight.
Blackfire will have a new scene in the holding cell, but don't forget you'll have to have come inside her during the earlier scene before that unlocks. You can of course take Firestar along for a slightly different ending of that scene.
Jinx will also have a new scene in the holding cell. It will only be unlocked when something happens elsewhere first. The earlier scene for that is not required.
You can take Terra on a date and Raven can be taken on another date too. I'd suggest to go with Terra first.
Things happen, Chu-hui will call you again and you'll fight two new enemies.
You can search and find the three parts Cyborg needs to put together a working Sladebot(but that's as far as things go).
And finally there's a vaginal scene with Raven.
Edit: 1.1.4 fixes Batarangs not properly working in 1.1.3 (only the batarangs)
Hey all, a few people were getting stuck in Teen Tower immediately after Raven's date. At first I had no idea how that could happen, but then I noticed you could take Raven out on a date during the day which is what caused the progress lock.
I removed that bug and added some retroactive fixes. So if you are one of the few people who couldn't progress pass that point, it shouldn't be a problem anymore in this version.
Ps, if you can visit Pantha and lose to her(thus forcing night to occur) you can also bypass the bug without needing to download this version.
I also took the opportunity to fix a few graphical glitches and add some dialogue during battles when you can't use items against certain enemies(this introduced a new bug with the Batarangs which is why 1.1.4 was needed!)
Hey all, if you've already played 18Titans v1.1.1 and experienced no problems there is no pressing reason to download this version.
Version 1.1.1 was a hotfix for a bug involving Beast Boy, but if you already played 1.1.0 you might still be suffering from the effects of that bug even in 1.1.1. Basically, Beast Boy's gender became messed up and among other things, locked you out of the possibility to turn him into a girl.
This latest version is supposed to clear up the remnants of that bug if you already "stepped into it", but like I said, if you never played 1.1.0 you shouldn't experience those problems to begin with.
Here's hoping nothing else too serious pops up, but if so, you can let me know in the comments or send me a dm.
18Titans 1.0.9 - Bughunt
Hey all! It's been a while since 18Titans was on the menu, but Raven is finally getting her date and Terra is also getting something... A new forceful female character will make her appearance as well as other stuff, but I'll write up a slightly more detailed description below. Let's have some links first!
This build is pretty much as far as I managed to get this month(while still being late) and there will be a moment where you might lament that fact. You'll be fighting an enemy and won't be able to claim your prize for winning that fight. That's not a bug. I just didn't make it that far.
As always, if you find any sort of bug or other things you'd like to bring to my attention, you can write a comment below or send me a dm. Both are equally helpful and appreciated!
- Spoiler log -
Now for the spoilers. Jinx will have a new scene if you captured her and finished the earlier scenes at least once. This will eventually end up in a scene with three dicks(if you've seen Cyborg's nightly visitor ) and one Jinx. Those three holes in the glass wall weren't a coinky-dinky! Her resistance will be lowered to 10 afterwards.
Blackfire DOES NOT have a new scene, but her resistance will be lowered to 10 if you ejaculate inside of her in this version. That will be important for future versions.
A new character will be introduced, called Pantha. Winning from her in a match will yield a reward in the form of a vaginal scene with her. She'll teach you a new move which currently(?) only applies when fighting her.
Terra will spread her legs. At first just to receive coconut milk on the outside. In a later scene you get to choose where.
Raven will get her date and the mc will get a blow/licky job.
After Raven's new scene, and going to bed, you'll get a call from Kitten and can use the telescope to fight a new enemy the next day. This is the fight where you can't claim your prize if you win.
You'll fight a new mysterious enemy!
And that's about it for this version.
Like I said, whatever feedback you have, I'll gladly receive/read it and hopefully use it to make a better version in the future. Thanks and I hope you'll like this version's new additions.
ps. I'll start putting together a new FET art assets update now which will have scenes from FET's last update.
So what's new in this version which wasn't already present in 1.0.5?
- You can get a simple boob/handjob from Raven(That's all that's new for her in this version).
- Beast Boy/Girl will get a moped/money and you get something in return from her!
- Jinx will do something with a certain thing being pushed through a hole in a wall. Beast Boy can be invited as well!
- Blackfire gets to have extra nutrients, in either her mouth or her uterus. As always, Starfire can come along to watch.
- Terra becomes a part of the Titans and gets her Titan outfit. Slade gets to show off his new idle for the first time.
- The MC learns a new technique to deal a bit more damage and increase his defense.
- Yhads is selling a new poster.
I've added "under construction" signs here and there and some tidbits aren't mentioned, but if you've seen all the scenes which I mentioned above you'll have reached the end of the new content.
Hey guys, here's a short summary of what I added since version 1.0.3 to help you know when you've seen all the new stuff.
My suggestion is to first play the this version normally and afterwards see if you missed something.
Naturally there will be a bit of spoilerage going on here, but I'll try and keep it vague.
This build is more of a "setup build" where I put smaller pieces into place for the next build.
That means there'll be less hardcore sex scenes than you saw during the first build.
Starfire - Anal! And she gets to watch you degrade her sister if you ask her.
Blackfire - You can give her four orders in total.
Jinx - You can give her one more order.
Beast girl has a total of four smaller girl scenes. When you reach 4/4 you'll reach an "under construction" - sign. Can be totally avoided if
you're boner doesn't get confused and is just like "NO. Nonono."
Kitten - You can meet her and her dad.
Terra - Nothing... okay, just a preview of her non naked body.
Bumblebee - A poster, you can also buy a Terra poster now from Yhads if you didn't get one from Beast boy earlier.
Raven - You get to fight/kiss/slap her bottom/see her nude etc. You'll reach an "under construction" - sign when you run out of her options at night.
The batarangs for Robin are cheaper and a bit more powerful.
There's a new enemy which is also pretty weak like Doctor Light and can help you get stronger more easily.
If you find bugs and/or have other feedback, you can tell me in the comments or if you want, simply send me a pm. it's all good!
Thanks and I hope you'll have some fun with this build!
Early access version so expect a lot of bugs
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