Ты старшеклассник, у которого не было возможности выбрать свой собственный клуб.
Оказавшись в конфликте между двумя разными клубами, вы пытаетесь показать себя с лучшей стороны, завести новых друзей и укрепить отношения.
Ваши приключения на этом только начинаются.
Есть много тайн, которые ждут, чтобы стать раскрытыми на вашем пути.
You are a high school student who didn't have chance to choose his own club. After finding yourself in a conflict between two different clubs, you are trying to prove yourself to others, make new friends and improve your relationships. But your adventure doesn't end there. There are a lot of mysteries waiting to be unveiled along the way.
Год выпуска: 2021
Жанр: 3dcg, animated, big ass, big tits, creampie, dating sim, fantasy, footjob, group sex, handjob, harem, incest, male protagonist, milf, oral, romance, sandbox, school setting, teasing, vaginal,
Цензура: Отсутствует
Разработчик/Издатель: NijuKozo - Patreon - Itch.io - Discord
Перевод: Shiza
Платформа: PC/Windows/Linux/Android
Тип издания: В разработке
Таблэтка: Не требуется
Версия: Halloween Special
Язык игры: Русский/Английский
Язык интерфейса: Русский/Английский
Поддержать Переводчика (Boosty Shiza)
Ты старшеклассник, у которого не было возможности выбрать свой собственный клуб.
Оказавшись в конфликте между двумя разными клубами, вы пытаетесь показать себя с лучшей стороны, завести новых друзей и укрепить отношения.
Ваши приключения на этом только начинаются.
Есть много тайн, которые ждут, чтобы стать раскрытыми на вашем пути.
You are a high school student who didn't have chance to choose his own club. After finding yourself in a conflict between two different clubs, you are trying to prove yourself to others, make new friends and improve your relationships. But your adventure doesn't end there. There are a lot of mysteries waiting to be unveiled along the way.
Год выпуска: 2021
Жанр: 3dcg, animated, big ass, big tits, creampie, dating sim, fantasy, footjob, group sex, handjob, harem, incest, male protagonist, milf, oral, romance, sandbox, school setting, teasing, vaginal,
Цензура: Отсутствует
Разработчик/Издатель: NijuKozo - Patreon - Itch.io - Discord
Перевод: Shiza
Платформа: PC/Windows/Linux/Android
Тип издания: В разработке
Таблэтка: Не требуется
Версия: Halloween Special
Язык игры: Русский/Английский
Язык интерфейса: Русский/Английский
Поддержать Переводчика (Boosty Shiza)
В комнате ГГ на стене висит календарь, при 5 нажатиях на него откроется окно ввода кодов:
treasury - даёт 555555 монет
shortcut - повышает максимальный уровень отношений (всё ещё нужно проходить ивенты)
collection - разблокировка галереи
somebody - разблокировка раздела "Другое" в галерее
royal - разблокировка тайника для Патронов
focus - разблокировка всех фотографий
bag - добавляет в инвентарь много материалов
treasury - даёт 555555 монет
shortcut - повышает максимальный уровень отношений (всё ещё нужно проходить ивенты)
collection - разблокировка галереи
somebody - разблокировка раздела "Другое" в галерее
royal - разблокировка тайника для Патронов
focus - разблокировка всех фотографий
bag - добавляет в инвентарь много материалов
Halloween Special 2024 v1.0 - 2025-01-10
- It's finally here. You can download School Of Love: Halloween Special! v1.0
v1.8.8 - 2024-08-28
Coyote Club:
Updated Level 10 Stage 0
Added Level 10 Stage 1
Added Level 10 Stage 2
Added Level 3 Stage 0
Added Level 3 Stage 1
Added Level 4 Stage 0
Added Level 4 Stage 1
Added Level 4 Stage 2
Added Level 4 Stage 3
Added Level 4 Stage 4
Added Level 4 Stage 0
Added Level 4 Stage 1
Added Level 4 Stage 0
Added Level 4 Stage 1
Added Level 4 Stage 2
Added Level 4 Stage 3
Added Level 4 Stage 4
Added Level 4 Stage 5
Added Level 6 Stage 0
Added Level 6 Stage 1
Added Level 6 Stage 2
Added Level 6 Stage 3
Club Tendency:
Added Coyote Club Tendency Event Level 1 Stage 2
Added Coyote Club Tendency Event Level 2 Stage 0
Added Coyote Club Tendency Event Level 2 Stage 1
Spend Time:
Added new "Spend Time" option for Sue
Added new "Spend Time" option for Rosetta
Added new "Spend Time" option for Selena
Club Tasks:
Added a new task with Natalie (Task 4)
Added a new task with Irina (Task 5)
Added new message for Natalie (Level 6)
New Locations:
Added Cemetery
Added Pool
Added an Achievement System
Added 5 new achievements
Added 2 special events related to achievements
Added Achievements app to the Phone
Secret Cards:
Added 9 Secret Cards
Added 11th Page to the Secret Stash
Made changes to the Secret Stash UI
Added an Event Gallery System
Added new cherry-picked H-scenes for the gallery
Added numbers to the Gallery
Gameplay & UI Improvements:
Character and Club names in the quest log are now colored for level requirements
Made changes to the Bat Catching system
Made changes to the Club Tendency tab
Added Aquamarine Ore to Mining Site 1
Added new gem-cutting option for Aquamarine Ore with Godot
Added new items to Cindy's Shop
Made changes to the Quick Navigation
Made changes to the Main Menu design
Updated Cheat Codes
Changed the Main Menu and Quit Menu background images
Added a new item to the Crafting Table
Added new sound effects to all new lewd scenes
Added new music tracks
Bug Fixes:
Fixed a bug related to Coyote Club Level 10 Stage 1
Fixed a bug where events from the first week were skippable
Proofread and corrected typos in some of the previous Coyote Club events
Additions to the v1.8.8 Changelog for the Second Early Access:
Fixed a bug where loading some save files were causing issues
v1.8.7 - 2024-05-06
Added a new Secret Object with it's event
Added a new lewd Easter Egg
Added 9 new Patron Cards for the Patron Stash
Now you can see the character portraits full screen by just clicking on them
Made some changes to the Splash Screen for new NijuKozo logo
Made some changes to the Quick Navigation Screen for new character portraits
Catching Bats are way easier now
You can add more girls to your favorites list now
Added expand future to the favorites list for quick access
Designed a new Main Menu
Designed a new Game Menu
4th Page is added to the Patron Stash
Made some changes to one of the previous Easter Eggs
Added Others to the Character Details screen
Fixed a reported bug related to Elena's 50k sCoins situation
Fixed a reported bug where Katarina was sending two different messages at once
Removed the old gallery from the Game Menu
Added new cherry-picked H-scenes for the gallery
Changed the Main Menu's background image
Changed the Quit Menu's background image
Added a new item to Cindy's Shop
Implemented performance improvements
Updated the cheat codes
Made some changes to the Messages UI for new portraits
Tips tab is accessible from every character's detail now
Made some changes to the Emoji system for the Messages. They are colorful now
Changed the game's logo in the Main Menu.
Quick Menu is easier to control now
Fixed some typos
v0.1.8.6 - 2024-03-07
Added 5 new Levels:
Added 1 Level for Hana's Story
Added 1 Level for Katie's Story
Added 1 Level for Mia's Story
Added 1 Level for Irina's Story
Added 1 Level for Main Story (Coyote Club Level 10)
Added 2 new Club Tasks:
1 new Club Task with Katie (Coyote Club)
1 new Club Task with Jina (Hawk Club)
Added 2 new Club Tendency events:
Added Coyote Club Tendency Event Level 1 Stage 0
Added Coyote Club Tendency Event Level 1 Stage 1
Added a new Easter Egg with Special Characters
Added 1 new Date for Jina
Added 12 new Secret Cards for the Secret Stash
Added 57 new Portraits for Character Details screen
Added 1 new interactable character:
Added two new Locations:
Stera's Shop
Designed a new UI for the Character Details screen
Now you can have favorite characters for easy access
Added new unlockable portraits for every character
Implemented the Club Tendency system
Removed Moon from the character details screen
Added a Guitar game for an event
Added a Bat Hunt game for an event
Introduced Potion Crafting option for the new NPC Ranni
Included new sound effects for all of the new lewd scenes
Removed the "Continue" option from the Main Menu
Added new items to Cindy's Shop
Implemented performance improvements
Changed the Main Menu's background image
Changed the Quit Menu's background image
Updated Cheat codes
Added the 10th Page to the Secret Stash
Added new cherry-picked H-scenes for the gallery
Fixed reported typos
Fixed reported bugs
Fixed some UI related bugs
Fixed some typo
v0.1.8.5 - 2023-08-23
Note: Saves from v0.1.8 will work this version
Added 3 new Levels:
Added 2 Levels for Sena's Story
Added 1 Level for Petra's Story
Added 6 new Secret Cards for the Secret Stash
1 new Location is added:
Throne Room (Realm Of Heat)
2 new Spend Times are added:
Added a new spend time with Natalie
Added a new spend time with Petra
1 new Action is added:
Added a new action with Sena
11 new Specials are added:
Added 5 new specials with Sena
Added 3 new specials with Clover
Added 2 new specials with Natalie
Added 1 new special with Petra
Added some other interactions
Edited the new content
Made some changes to the Save/Load system
Added new sound effects to all of the new lewd scenes
Added a new item to Moon's Shop
Cheat codes are changed
9th Page is added to the Secret Stash
New content's cherry-picked h-scenes added to the gallery
Changed the Main Menu's background image
Changed the Quit Menu's background image
Fixed the bug where Sena was not in the right place for one of her interactions.
Beach Photo stage is less confusing now.
Fixed the reported typos
Fixed the reported bugs
Added new audio tracks
v0.1.8 - 2023.03.27
Added 9 new Levels:
Reworked 1 Level for the Main Story (Coyote Club Level 9)
Added 1 Level for the Side Story (Hawk Club Level 5)
Added 1 Level for Natalie's Story
Added 1 Level for Katarina's Story
Added 2 Levels for Rachel's Story
Added 1 Level for Sena's Story (New Character!)
Added 1 Level for Clover's Story (New Character!)
Added 1 Level for Petra's Story (New Character!)
Added 3 new Club Tasks:
1 new Club Task with Irina (Coyote Club)
2 new Club Tasks with Katarina (Hawk Club)
Added 3 new item acquisition events:
Copper Pickaxe
Iron Pickaxe
Gold Pickaxe
Added 4 new Messages:
Added 2 Messages for Katarina
Added 1 Message for Natalie
Added 1 new Date for Katarina
Added 1 new Secret Object event
Added 9 new Secret Cards for the Secret Stash
Added 9 new Patron Cards for the Patron Stash
Added 4 new interactable characters:
Added lots of new Locations:
Temple Inside
Godot's Workshop (Realm Of Heat)
Sena's Place (Realm Of Heat)
Clover's Lab (Realm Of Heat)
Sena's Office (Realm Of Heat)
Mountain (Realm Of Heat)
Mining Sites (Realm Of Heat)
Tavern (Realm Of Heat)
Streets (Realm Of Heat)
Church (Realm Of Heat)
4 new Spend Times are added:
Added 2 new spend times with Rachel
Added 2 new spend times with Petra
Added 19 new Interactions
11 New levels added to the game:
1 Levels added to Main Story. (Coyote Club Level 7 Reworked).
2 Levels added to Jina's Story.
3 Levels added to Irina's Story.
3 Levels added to Angelica's Story.
1 Level added to Rachel's Story.
1 Levels added to Lumin's Story.
Added new actions with the girls:
4 New Actions with Teresa.
5 New Actions with Mia.
5 New Actions with Elena.
5 New Actions with Katie.
4 New Actions with Irina.
7 New Actions with Hana.
Total 30 Actions.
1 New Task added to Coyote Club:
1 New club task with Irina.
3 New Tasks added to Hawk Club:
2 New club tasks with Jina.
1 New club task with Angelica.
Added new event with Katie. (Lewd)
Added new event with Hana. (Lewd)
Added 2 new Easter Eggs. One of them are include Lewd scenes.
Added 2 new h-scenes with Hana in Hana Room at midnight.
Added 2 new h-scenes with Katie in Katie Room at midnight.
Added a new secret object with its event.
Added a new wishlist item and it's event. (Blindfold)
1 New interactable characters are added to the game:
Added New Places and Some Locations:
City Park has been remade.
Sweet Taste.
Angelica's Room.
Jina's Room.
7 New Spend Times are added:
Added 4 New spend times with Jina.
Added 3 New spend time with Angelica.
Added 9 New Secret Cards to the Secret Stash.
Added 9 New Secret Cards to the Patron Stash.
"Continue from the last scene of v0.1.4" is added to the game.
We added Patron Stash to the game, there are 9 different premium cards you can buy (with sCoins) in the game.
Added Easter Eggs to the Completion app on the Phone.
New content's cherry-picked h-scenes added to the gallery.
Fifth Page is added to the Secret Stash.
Cheat codes are changed.
Changed the Main Menu's background image.
Made some visual changes to the Completions app on the Phone.
Made some visual changes to the Secret Stash.
Made some visual changes to the wishlist screen.
Added new items to the Cindy's Shop.
Added new items to the Moon's Boutique.
Made some performance improvements to the game.
Removed the hanging sign and the little window from the TV Room's door.
Fixed some typos.
Additions to the v0.1.5 Changelog for the Second Early Access:
Added a new lewd Easter Egg.
Wishlist Events are added to the Completion app.
Wishlist items are more visible with exclamation marks on them if you haven't done them yet.
Specials are added to the Completion app.
Actions are added to the Completion app.
Patron Cards are added to the Cards part in the Completion app.
Lumin's Level 1 Event added to the gallery.
Fixed a bug where 2 of the Patron Cards were from the Secret Cards.
Fixed a bug where Rachel's exp wasn't increasing.
Fixed a bug where Angelica's Level 4 event wasn't triggering because of a missing information.
Fixed a bug where Jina's Room was accessible before Jina moves to the MC's house.
Fixed a bug where Auto Triggered Events were triggering without the character level requirements.
Fixed a bug where Blindfold event was happening without the exact requirements.
Polished some of the new events.
Made some visual changes to the Main Menu.
Fixed some typos.
Additions to the v0.1.5 Changelog for the Third Early Access:
Updated the RenPy's version to 7.4.8
Fixed some typos.
12 New levels added to the game:
1 Level added to Main Story. (Coyote Club Level 5 Reworked.)
1 Level added to Hawk Club.
3 Levels added to Teresa's Story.
2 Levels added to Katie's Story.
2 Levels added to Cindy's Story.
1 Level added to Emma's Story.
1 Level added to Natalie's Story.
1 Level added to Sue's Story.
3 New Tasks added to Hawk Club:
2 New club tasks with Mia.
1 New club task with Angelica.
4 New Tasks added to Coyote Club:
2 New club tasks with Teresa.
1 New club task with Elena.
1 New club task with Katie.
Added a new secret object with its event.
13 New Spend Times are added:
Added 3 New spend times with Teresa.
Added 4 New spend times with Cindy. One of them is the Work option.
Added 5 New spend times with Emma.
Added 1 New spend time with Sue.
You can date with Teresa now, go ask her on Saturday or Sunday morning in the Teresa House Kitchen.
Added 9 New Secret Cards to the Secret Stash.
Added many new Locations:
Storage Room in School.
Angelica's House.
Teresa's House.
New locations to the Mall.
Now you can continue from the last scene of v0.1.2.
Added Quick Navigation for Mall.
Added Sleep all day option to the bed.
Added two new places to the map.
Added new items to Cindy's Shop.
Added a Crafting Table to the Storage Room. You can craft new items and one of those items is an exp booster which will double the amount of exp you get from Spend Times.
The Laptop in Coyote Club is working now, there's a wishlist in the Web Browser app. You can either donate some sCoins for the items or buy them for the club. Clicking those new items at noon will trigger special events.
Third Page added to the Secret Stash.
New content's cherry-picked h-scenes are added to the gallery.
Cheat codes are changed.
Main Menu image is changed.
New music tracks are added to the game for some events.
Made some performance improvements to the game.
Fixed a bug where a certain cheat code wasn't working properly.
Fixed some typos.
Additions to the v0.1.3 for the Second Early Access:
Now you can continue from the last scene of v0.1.1 too.
Crafting recipe for the Cure is asking for a single Midnight Exotic instead of three now.
Players can access the Web Browser from the main's laptop too now.
Fixed a bug where Midnight Exotic was spawning more than it's supposed to.
Made visual improvements to the Crafting Screen.
Made visual improvements to the Web Browser.
Made visual improvements to the Arcade Machine.
The hint for the Binoculars is much more clear now.
Added notifications for wishlist items.
Fixed some typos.
Additions to the v0.1.3 Changelog for the Third Early Access:
Added Rich Discord Presence for the pc version, you can disable it in options.
Now there's a compressed version for android devices, it's the same game but half the size with lower quality.
Made some changes to the Hawk Club's dance music for Teresa's Level 4 event.
Made visual improvements to the Web Browser.
Fixed some typos.
Additions to the v0.1.3 Changelog for the Public Release:
Fixed some typos.
v0.1.2 - Changelog
11 New levels added to the game:
2 Levels added to Main Story. (Coyote Club Level 4 Reworked.)
4 Levels added to Mia's Story.
2 Levels added to Angelica's Story.
1 Level added to Katie's Story.
1 Level added to Lumin's Story.
1 Level added to Hawk Club.
4 New Tasks added to Hawk Club:
You can level the Hawk Club too now. To do that, you need to click on the whiteboard in Hawk Club at noon and do tasks with other members.
1 New club task with Mia.
1 New club task with Angelica.
1 New club task with Jina.
1 New club task with Natalie.
Added a new secret object with its event. (Linda & Emily)
9 New Spend Times are added:
Added 5 New spend times with Mia. One of them is a special H-Scene.
Added 2 New spend times with Angelica.
Added 2 New spend times with Lumin.
Added new items to the Cindy's Shop.
Added new Location to School:
School Rooftop.
Added 9 New Secret Cards to the Secret Stash.
Added 2 different dates and you can check the photos from your date on your phone after.
You can date with Katie now, go ask her on Saturday or Sunday morning in the kitchen.
You can date Irina now, go ask her on Saturday or Sunday at noon at the mall.
There are new bath scenes now. When you click on the girls in the Bathroom, you will see new mini-events:
Added Irina talking scene in bathroom.
Added Hana talking scene in bathroom.
Added Mia talking scene in bathroom.
Added Katie talking scene in bathroom.
Now you can skip the Prologue, it won't affect your game progression.
The "!" on the info screen is moved to the Phone, it's called Notes app now.
Phone screen is added and it's active now, for Secret Card hints, Compilation, and Date Photos.
Added Notepad to Laptop, for Secret Object hints.
Added a new screen to Laptop for viewing the files in the usb stick.
Made some changes to the Getting Started screen.
Added stage system for levels, now it's easier to understand the event objectives.
Added an Event Tracker to the game, so you can check it on your phone if you completed everything.
Fixed many grammar mistakes and writing errors thanks to the Grammarians on our discord server.
Fixed a bug where popup text from Cindy's shop wasn't disappearing after a while.
Fixed a bug where Quick Nav was not working properly on rollback.
Fixed a bug where going to the School's Second Floor Right Corridor wasn't triggering Natalie's event.
Fixed a bug where Blue Curtain wasn't unlocking a Secret Card when no one is in the GYM.
New content's cherry-picked h-scenes added to the gallery.
Second Page added to the Secret Stash
Cheat codes are changed.
Main Menu image changed.
Added "Others" to the Gallery for some other characters.
Added "Graphics Card" to the game, you can buy it from Cindy's Shop. It'll increase the sCoin amount while mining on your laptop.
Items have distinct border colors now, so you'll know which one is for objectives, secret objects, selling, etc.
Added Boutique to the Mall, it's only for one of Mia's events now.
Items are cheaper in the Cindy's Shop now, and we've increased the prices for sellable items.
New music tracks added to the game for some events.
Increased the sCoin mining speed on the laptop.
Made visual changes for club tasks and specials for level requirements.
v0.1.1 Changelog for Public Release
Fixed a bug where Hana's level 3 event wasn't triggering. With that fix, the last Coyote Club event can trigger now.
Fixed a bug where the cheat code used for exp was corrupting the characters' and club's leveling process.
Fixed a bug where the map screen was messing with the layered screen.
Fixed a bug where the same girls were in the two different parts of the beach at the same time.
Task Board in Coyote Club is now clickable throughout the day to avoid confusions. But you can only use it at noon.
There's a Getting Started screen after the Prologue now, you can access it from the game menu later.
Added a button for Cindy to the Gallery.
Added sound effects to remaining GUI objects.
Made visual improvements and some fixes to Hana's level 2 event.
Made visual improvements to Katie's Room.
Made some changes to Jina's leveling objectives to avoid confusions.
Some obsolete files removed from the game.
Made changes to the About menu for attributions.
Made some changes to the in-game laptop screen.
Fixed many typos.
14 New levels added to the game:
4 New levels added to the Main Story.
3 New levels added to Jina's Story.
2 New levels added to Hana's Story.
1 New level added to Katie's Story.
1 New level added to Irina's Story.
1 New level added to Elena's Story.
2 New levels added to Natalie's Story.
11 New tasks added to Coyote Club:
You can level the Coyote Club now. To do that, you need to click on the whiteboard in Coyote Club at noon and do tasks with other members.
3 New club tasks with Elena.
3 New club tasks with Teresa.
2 New club tasks with Katie.
2 New club tasks with Irina.
1 New club task with Sue.
20 New spend time options added to the game (Some of them are like mini-events, don't forget to check them.):
5 New spend times with Hana.
2 New spend times with Irina.
2 New spend times with Katie.
3 New spend times with Mia.
3 New spend times with Jina.
3 New spend times with Natalie.
2 New spend times with Teresa.
Now you'll have access to Hawk Club if you level Natalie. You can spend time with Natalie and Jina there.
We made some changes to the Prologue:
There's more information about what's going on.
Prologue scene 2 and 4 changed for better understanding.
2 New characters are added to the game:
Cindy and Stella
3 New maps are added to the game:
Mall, Beach and Lake
Gallery added to the game, you can access it in the game menu.
We added Secret Stash to the game, there are 9 different secret cards you can find around. After some events, if you check the "!" on your info screen, you'll see some hints there.
Quick Navigation is added to the game, also you can see where the girls are too. It's available for School and Home.
Navigation arrows are different now, they are still there but easier to control.
Laptop screen added.
Inventory system added to the game with a shop, you can mine sCoins on your laptop or you can collect Seashells, Flowers, Cranberries and sell them to Cindy to make some sCoins.
Cheat codes are added to the game.
Clickable objects are added to the game.
Now you can play the game on Android too.
There's a beautiful quit screen now.
v0.1 Beta:
the prologue
14+ characters,
1300+ images
90+ animations,
14 events
8 different characters
- It's finally here. You can download School Of Love: Halloween Special! v1.0
v1.8.8 - 2024-08-28
Coyote Club:
Updated Level 10 Stage 0
Added Level 10 Stage 1
Added Level 10 Stage 2
Added Level 3 Stage 0
Added Level 3 Stage 1
Added Level 4 Stage 0
Added Level 4 Stage 1
Added Level 4 Stage 2
Added Level 4 Stage 3
Added Level 4 Stage 4
Added Level 4 Stage 0
Added Level 4 Stage 1
Added Level 4 Stage 0
Added Level 4 Stage 1
Added Level 4 Stage 2
Added Level 4 Stage 3
Added Level 4 Stage 4
Added Level 4 Stage 5
Added Level 6 Stage 0
Added Level 6 Stage 1
Added Level 6 Stage 2
Added Level 6 Stage 3
Club Tendency:
Added Coyote Club Tendency Event Level 1 Stage 2
Added Coyote Club Tendency Event Level 2 Stage 0
Added Coyote Club Tendency Event Level 2 Stage 1
Spend Time:
Added new "Spend Time" option for Sue
Added new "Spend Time" option for Rosetta
Added new "Spend Time" option for Selena
Club Tasks:
Added a new task with Natalie (Task 4)
Added a new task with Irina (Task 5)
Added new message for Natalie (Level 6)
New Locations:
Added Cemetery
Added Pool
Added an Achievement System
Added 5 new achievements
Added 2 special events related to achievements
Added Achievements app to the Phone
Secret Cards:
Added 9 Secret Cards
Added 11th Page to the Secret Stash
Made changes to the Secret Stash UI
Added an Event Gallery System
Added new cherry-picked H-scenes for the gallery
Added numbers to the Gallery
Gameplay & UI Improvements:
Character and Club names in the quest log are now colored for level requirements
Made changes to the Bat Catching system
Made changes to the Club Tendency tab
Added Aquamarine Ore to Mining Site 1
Added new gem-cutting option for Aquamarine Ore with Godot
Added new items to Cindy's Shop
Made changes to the Quick Navigation
Made changes to the Main Menu design
Updated Cheat Codes
Changed the Main Menu and Quit Menu background images
Added a new item to the Crafting Table
Added new sound effects to all new lewd scenes
Added new music tracks
Bug Fixes:
Fixed a bug related to Coyote Club Level 10 Stage 1
Fixed a bug where events from the first week were skippable
Proofread and corrected typos in some of the previous Coyote Club events
Additions to the v1.8.8 Changelog for the Second Early Access:
Fixed a bug where loading some save files were causing issues
v1.8.7 - 2024-05-06
Added a new Secret Object with it's event
Added a new lewd Easter Egg
Added 9 new Patron Cards for the Patron Stash
Now you can see the character portraits full screen by just clicking on them
Made some changes to the Splash Screen for new NijuKozo logo
Made some changes to the Quick Navigation Screen for new character portraits
Catching Bats are way easier now
You can add more girls to your favorites list now
Added expand future to the favorites list for quick access
Designed a new Main Menu
Designed a new Game Menu
4th Page is added to the Patron Stash
Made some changes to one of the previous Easter Eggs
Added Others to the Character Details screen
Fixed a reported bug related to Elena's 50k sCoins situation
Fixed a reported bug where Katarina was sending two different messages at once
Removed the old gallery from the Game Menu
Added new cherry-picked H-scenes for the gallery
Changed the Main Menu's background image
Changed the Quit Menu's background image
Added a new item to Cindy's Shop
Implemented performance improvements
Updated the cheat codes
Made some changes to the Messages UI for new portraits
Tips tab is accessible from every character's detail now
Made some changes to the Emoji system for the Messages. They are colorful now
Changed the game's logo in the Main Menu.
Quick Menu is easier to control now
Fixed some typos
v0.1.8.6 - 2024-03-07
Added 5 new Levels:
Added 1 Level for Hana's Story
Added 1 Level for Katie's Story
Added 1 Level for Mia's Story
Added 1 Level for Irina's Story
Added 1 Level for Main Story (Coyote Club Level 10)
Added 2 new Club Tasks:
1 new Club Task with Katie (Coyote Club)
1 new Club Task with Jina (Hawk Club)
Added 2 new Club Tendency events:
Added Coyote Club Tendency Event Level 1 Stage 0
Added Coyote Club Tendency Event Level 1 Stage 1
Added a new Easter Egg with Special Characters
Added 1 new Date for Jina
Added 12 new Secret Cards for the Secret Stash
Added 57 new Portraits for Character Details screen
Added 1 new interactable character:
Added two new Locations:
Stera's Shop
Designed a new UI for the Character Details screen
Now you can have favorite characters for easy access
Added new unlockable portraits for every character
Implemented the Club Tendency system
Removed Moon from the character details screen
Added a Guitar game for an event
Added a Bat Hunt game for an event
Introduced Potion Crafting option for the new NPC Ranni
Included new sound effects for all of the new lewd scenes
Removed the "Continue" option from the Main Menu
Added new items to Cindy's Shop
Implemented performance improvements
Changed the Main Menu's background image
Changed the Quit Menu's background image
Updated Cheat codes
Added the 10th Page to the Secret Stash
Added new cherry-picked H-scenes for the gallery
Fixed reported typos
Fixed reported bugs
Fixed some UI related bugs
Fixed some typo
v0.1.8.5 - 2023-08-23
Note: Saves from v0.1.8 will work this version
Added 3 new Levels:
Added 2 Levels for Sena's Story
Added 1 Level for Petra's Story
Added 6 new Secret Cards for the Secret Stash
1 new Location is added:
Throne Room (Realm Of Heat)
2 new Spend Times are added:
Added a new spend time with Natalie
Added a new spend time with Petra
1 new Action is added:
Added a new action with Sena
11 new Specials are added:
Added 5 new specials with Sena
Added 3 new specials with Clover
Added 2 new specials with Natalie
Added 1 new special with Petra
Added some other interactions
Edited the new content
Made some changes to the Save/Load system
Added new sound effects to all of the new lewd scenes
Added a new item to Moon's Shop
Cheat codes are changed
9th Page is added to the Secret Stash
New content's cherry-picked h-scenes added to the gallery
Changed the Main Menu's background image
Changed the Quit Menu's background image
Fixed the bug where Sena was not in the right place for one of her interactions.
Beach Photo stage is less confusing now.
Fixed the reported typos
Fixed the reported bugs
Added new audio tracks
v0.1.8 - 2023.03.27
Added 9 new Levels:
Reworked 1 Level for the Main Story (Coyote Club Level 9)
Added 1 Level for the Side Story (Hawk Club Level 5)
Added 1 Level for Natalie's Story
Added 1 Level for Katarina's Story
Added 2 Levels for Rachel's Story
Added 1 Level for Sena's Story (New Character!)
Added 1 Level for Clover's Story (New Character!)
Added 1 Level for Petra's Story (New Character!)
Added 3 new Club Tasks:
1 new Club Task with Irina (Coyote Club)
2 new Club Tasks with Katarina (Hawk Club)
Added 3 new item acquisition events:
Copper Pickaxe
Iron Pickaxe
Gold Pickaxe
Added 4 new Messages:
Added 2 Messages for Katarina
Added 1 Message for Natalie
Added 1 new Date for Katarina
Added 1 new Secret Object event
Added 9 new Secret Cards for the Secret Stash
Added 9 new Patron Cards for the Patron Stash
Added 4 new interactable characters:
Added lots of new Locations:
Temple Inside
Godot's Workshop (Realm Of Heat)
Sena's Place (Realm Of Heat)
Clover's Lab (Realm Of Heat)
Sena's Office (Realm Of Heat)
Mountain (Realm Of Heat)
Mining Sites (Realm Of Heat)
Tavern (Realm Of Heat)
Streets (Realm Of Heat)
Church (Realm Of Heat)
4 new Spend Times are added:
Added 2 new spend times with Rachel
Added 2 new spend times with Petra
Added 19 new Interactions
11 New levels added to the game:
1 Levels added to Main Story. (Coyote Club Level 7 Reworked).
2 Levels added to Jina's Story.
3 Levels added to Irina's Story.
3 Levels added to Angelica's Story.
1 Level added to Rachel's Story.
1 Levels added to Lumin's Story.
Added new actions with the girls:
4 New Actions with Teresa.
5 New Actions with Mia.
5 New Actions with Elena.
5 New Actions with Katie.
4 New Actions with Irina.
7 New Actions with Hana.
Total 30 Actions.
1 New Task added to Coyote Club:
1 New club task with Irina.
3 New Tasks added to Hawk Club:
2 New club tasks with Jina.
1 New club task with Angelica.
Added new event with Katie. (Lewd)
Added new event with Hana. (Lewd)
Added 2 new Easter Eggs. One of them are include Lewd scenes.
Added 2 new h-scenes with Hana in Hana Room at midnight.
Added 2 new h-scenes with Katie in Katie Room at midnight.
Added a new secret object with its event.
Added a new wishlist item and it's event. (Blindfold)
1 New interactable characters are added to the game:
Added New Places and Some Locations:
City Park has been remade.
Sweet Taste.
Angelica's Room.
Jina's Room.
7 New Spend Times are added:
Added 4 New spend times with Jina.
Added 3 New spend time with Angelica.
Added 9 New Secret Cards to the Secret Stash.
Added 9 New Secret Cards to the Patron Stash.
"Continue from the last scene of v0.1.4" is added to the game.
We added Patron Stash to the game, there are 9 different premium cards you can buy (with sCoins) in the game.
Added Easter Eggs to the Completion app on the Phone.
New content's cherry-picked h-scenes added to the gallery.
Fifth Page is added to the Secret Stash.
Cheat codes are changed.
Changed the Main Menu's background image.
Made some visual changes to the Completions app on the Phone.
Made some visual changes to the Secret Stash.
Made some visual changes to the wishlist screen.
Added new items to the Cindy's Shop.
Added new items to the Moon's Boutique.
Made some performance improvements to the game.
Removed the hanging sign and the little window from the TV Room's door.
Fixed some typos.
Additions to the v0.1.5 Changelog for the Second Early Access:
Added a new lewd Easter Egg.
Wishlist Events are added to the Completion app.
Wishlist items are more visible with exclamation marks on them if you haven't done them yet.
Specials are added to the Completion app.
Actions are added to the Completion app.
Patron Cards are added to the Cards part in the Completion app.
Lumin's Level 1 Event added to the gallery.
Fixed a bug where 2 of the Patron Cards were from the Secret Cards.
Fixed a bug where Rachel's exp wasn't increasing.
Fixed a bug where Angelica's Level 4 event wasn't triggering because of a missing information.
Fixed a bug where Jina's Room was accessible before Jina moves to the MC's house.
Fixed a bug where Auto Triggered Events were triggering without the character level requirements.
Fixed a bug where Blindfold event was happening without the exact requirements.
Polished some of the new events.
Made some visual changes to the Main Menu.
Fixed some typos.
Additions to the v0.1.5 Changelog for the Third Early Access:
Updated the RenPy's version to 7.4.8
Fixed some typos.
12 New levels added to the game:
1 Level added to Main Story. (Coyote Club Level 5 Reworked.)
1 Level added to Hawk Club.
3 Levels added to Teresa's Story.
2 Levels added to Katie's Story.
2 Levels added to Cindy's Story.
1 Level added to Emma's Story.
1 Level added to Natalie's Story.
1 Level added to Sue's Story.
3 New Tasks added to Hawk Club:
2 New club tasks with Mia.
1 New club task with Angelica.
4 New Tasks added to Coyote Club:
2 New club tasks with Teresa.
1 New club task with Elena.
1 New club task with Katie.
Added a new secret object with its event.
13 New Spend Times are added:
Added 3 New spend times with Teresa.
Added 4 New spend times with Cindy. One of them is the Work option.
Added 5 New spend times with Emma.
Added 1 New spend time with Sue.
You can date with Teresa now, go ask her on Saturday or Sunday morning in the Teresa House Kitchen.
Added 9 New Secret Cards to the Secret Stash.
Added many new Locations:
Storage Room in School.
Angelica's House.
Teresa's House.
New locations to the Mall.
Now you can continue from the last scene of v0.1.2.
Added Quick Navigation for Mall.
Added Sleep all day option to the bed.
Added two new places to the map.
Added new items to Cindy's Shop.
Added a Crafting Table to the Storage Room. You can craft new items and one of those items is an exp booster which will double the amount of exp you get from Spend Times.
The Laptop in Coyote Club is working now, there's a wishlist in the Web Browser app. You can either donate some sCoins for the items or buy them for the club. Clicking those new items at noon will trigger special events.
Third Page added to the Secret Stash.
New content's cherry-picked h-scenes are added to the gallery.
Cheat codes are changed.
Main Menu image is changed.
New music tracks are added to the game for some events.
Made some performance improvements to the game.
Fixed a bug where a certain cheat code wasn't working properly.
Fixed some typos.
Additions to the v0.1.3 for the Second Early Access:
Now you can continue from the last scene of v0.1.1 too.
Crafting recipe for the Cure is asking for a single Midnight Exotic instead of three now.
Players can access the Web Browser from the main's laptop too now.
Fixed a bug where Midnight Exotic was spawning more than it's supposed to.
Made visual improvements to the Crafting Screen.
Made visual improvements to the Web Browser.
Made visual improvements to the Arcade Machine.
The hint for the Binoculars is much more clear now.
Added notifications for wishlist items.
Fixed some typos.
Additions to the v0.1.3 Changelog for the Third Early Access:
Added Rich Discord Presence for the pc version, you can disable it in options.
Now there's a compressed version for android devices, it's the same game but half the size with lower quality.
Made some changes to the Hawk Club's dance music for Teresa's Level 4 event.
Made visual improvements to the Web Browser.
Fixed some typos.
Additions to the v0.1.3 Changelog for the Public Release:
Fixed some typos.
v0.1.2 - Changelog
11 New levels added to the game:
2 Levels added to Main Story. (Coyote Club Level 4 Reworked.)
4 Levels added to Mia's Story.
2 Levels added to Angelica's Story.
1 Level added to Katie's Story.
1 Level added to Lumin's Story.
1 Level added to Hawk Club.
4 New Tasks added to Hawk Club:
You can level the Hawk Club too now. To do that, you need to click on the whiteboard in Hawk Club at noon and do tasks with other members.
1 New club task with Mia.
1 New club task with Angelica.
1 New club task with Jina.
1 New club task with Natalie.
Added a new secret object with its event. (Linda & Emily)
9 New Spend Times are added:
Added 5 New spend times with Mia. One of them is a special H-Scene.
Added 2 New spend times with Angelica.
Added 2 New spend times with Lumin.
Added new items to the Cindy's Shop.
Added new Location to School:
School Rooftop.
Added 9 New Secret Cards to the Secret Stash.
Added 2 different dates and you can check the photos from your date on your phone after.
You can date with Katie now, go ask her on Saturday or Sunday morning in the kitchen.
You can date Irina now, go ask her on Saturday or Sunday at noon at the mall.
There are new bath scenes now. When you click on the girls in the Bathroom, you will see new mini-events:
Added Irina talking scene in bathroom.
Added Hana talking scene in bathroom.
Added Mia talking scene in bathroom.
Added Katie talking scene in bathroom.
Now you can skip the Prologue, it won't affect your game progression.
The "!" on the info screen is moved to the Phone, it's called Notes app now.
Phone screen is added and it's active now, for Secret Card hints, Compilation, and Date Photos.
Added Notepad to Laptop, for Secret Object hints.
Added a new screen to Laptop for viewing the files in the usb stick.
Made some changes to the Getting Started screen.
Added stage system for levels, now it's easier to understand the event objectives.
Added an Event Tracker to the game, so you can check it on your phone if you completed everything.
Fixed many grammar mistakes and writing errors thanks to the Grammarians on our discord server.
Fixed a bug where popup text from Cindy's shop wasn't disappearing after a while.
Fixed a bug where Quick Nav was not working properly on rollback.
Fixed a bug where going to the School's Second Floor Right Corridor wasn't triggering Natalie's event.
Fixed a bug where Blue Curtain wasn't unlocking a Secret Card when no one is in the GYM.
New content's cherry-picked h-scenes added to the gallery.
Second Page added to the Secret Stash
Cheat codes are changed.
Main Menu image changed.
Added "Others" to the Gallery for some other characters.
Added "Graphics Card" to the game, you can buy it from Cindy's Shop. It'll increase the sCoin amount while mining on your laptop.
Items have distinct border colors now, so you'll know which one is for objectives, secret objects, selling, etc.
Added Boutique to the Mall, it's only for one of Mia's events now.
Items are cheaper in the Cindy's Shop now, and we've increased the prices for sellable items.
New music tracks added to the game for some events.
Increased the sCoin mining speed on the laptop.
Made visual changes for club tasks and specials for level requirements.
v0.1.1 Changelog for Public Release
Fixed a bug where Hana's level 3 event wasn't triggering. With that fix, the last Coyote Club event can trigger now.
Fixed a bug where the cheat code used for exp was corrupting the characters' and club's leveling process.
Fixed a bug where the map screen was messing with the layered screen.
Fixed a bug where the same girls were in the two different parts of the beach at the same time.
Task Board in Coyote Club is now clickable throughout the day to avoid confusions. But you can only use it at noon.
There's a Getting Started screen after the Prologue now, you can access it from the game menu later.
Added a button for Cindy to the Gallery.
Added sound effects to remaining GUI objects.
Made visual improvements and some fixes to Hana's level 2 event.
Made visual improvements to Katie's Room.
Made some changes to Jina's leveling objectives to avoid confusions.
Some obsolete files removed from the game.
Made changes to the About menu for attributions.
Made some changes to the in-game laptop screen.
Fixed many typos.
14 New levels added to the game:
4 New levels added to the Main Story.
3 New levels added to Jina's Story.
2 New levels added to Hana's Story.
1 New level added to Katie's Story.
1 New level added to Irina's Story.
1 New level added to Elena's Story.
2 New levels added to Natalie's Story.
11 New tasks added to Coyote Club:
You can level the Coyote Club now. To do that, you need to click on the whiteboard in Coyote Club at noon and do tasks with other members.
3 New club tasks with Elena.
3 New club tasks with Teresa.
2 New club tasks with Katie.
2 New club tasks with Irina.
1 New club task with Sue.
20 New spend time options added to the game (Some of them are like mini-events, don't forget to check them.):
5 New spend times with Hana.
2 New spend times with Irina.
2 New spend times with Katie.
3 New spend times with Mia.
3 New spend times with Jina.
3 New spend times with Natalie.
2 New spend times with Teresa.
Now you'll have access to Hawk Club if you level Natalie. You can spend time with Natalie and Jina there.
We made some changes to the Prologue:
There's more information about what's going on.
Prologue scene 2 and 4 changed for better understanding.
2 New characters are added to the game:
Cindy and Stella
3 New maps are added to the game:
Mall, Beach and Lake
Gallery added to the game, you can access it in the game menu.
We added Secret Stash to the game, there are 9 different secret cards you can find around. After some events, if you check the "!" on your info screen, you'll see some hints there.
Quick Navigation is added to the game, also you can see where the girls are too. It's available for School and Home.
Navigation arrows are different now, they are still there but easier to control.
Laptop screen added.
Inventory system added to the game with a shop, you can mine sCoins on your laptop or you can collect Seashells, Flowers, Cranberries and sell them to Cindy to make some sCoins.
Cheat codes are added to the game.
Clickable objects are added to the game.
Now you can play the game on Android too.
There's a beautiful quit screen now.
v0.1 Beta:
the prologue
14+ characters,
1300+ images
90+ animations,
14 events
8 different characters
В твоей комнате на стене висит календарь, при 5 нажатиях на него откроется окно ввода кодов: money - добавляет денег, exp - опыта всем, gallery - открывает основную галерею, others - открывает дополнительную галерею, secret - открывает секретный тайник, photo - фотографии на телефоне.(Так же в меню помощь имеются данные коды.)
School Of Love: Clubs! is a high quality Dating Sim/Visual Novel game, there are +23000 words, 16+ characters, 2200+ images and 302+ animations, 28+ events in total for many different girls and your club with the prologue. There are much more things you'll find out throughout the game, easter eggs, secret objects, cards, characters etc. This will be an amazing journey.
Тему отредактировал: admin - 10-01-2025, 05:04
Причина: Тема обновлена до версии Halloween Special. / Topic updated to version Halloween Special. Большое спасибо за перевод Shiza.
Причина: Тема обновлена до версии Halloween Special. / Topic updated to version Halloween Special. Большое спасибо за перевод Shiza.
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