Hunter one day receives a package from his dead uncle. In there he finds a mysterious book of magic spells, the first of which allows him to magically hypnotize and enslave the people around him. In further studies of the book, he will discover a way to change the people around him even more, including their gender. He will encounter mysterious figures and learn dangerous secrets about a mad medieval wizard, his dead uncle, and his presumably dead father.
Год выпуска: 2020
Жанр: real porn, text based, simulator, animated, corruption, mind control, incest, transformation, slave, male domination, bdsm, anal, vaginal sex, oral, creampie, sex toys, lesbian, paranormal, milf,
Цензура: Отсутствует
Разработчик/Издатель: Huntermc - www.patreon.com/HunterMC
Платформа: PC/Windows/MacOS/Linux
Тип издания: В разработке
Таблетка: Не требуется
Версия: v.
Язык игры: Английский
Язык интерфейса: Английский - 2024-04-26
Added an expanded dialog for watching TV with Mom in the livingroom.
Added new NPC (Anna): She works at the Cinema, selling tickets.
Added the first enchantment stage for Anna
Added new NPC (Sabina): She is the twin sister of Anna. She earns a living as a camgirl.
Added 4 new locations (Cinema Auditorium, Home of the twins, a room for each twin).
Added some code to have npcs change location the moment a new time phase in their time table is achieved. This means that they will go home instantly once they are finished with work.
Updated to sugarcube 2.3.6
Added an option to link Tanja's and Kim's orgasms together. Once you know mutaris, you can find the option within their respective magic menus under the mutaris tab.
Fixed the Kathrin not wanting to fuck bug.
Written go home/stay home talk options for Claudia - 2024-03-19
Fixed the bug when the pc orgasms
Fixed the bug that appeared when trying to enchant someone who is not yet ready to be enchanted
Added completely new descriptions for the livingroom with both Mom and Andrea present, different for each possible combination of enslavement stages between them.
You can now tell Christina to go home / stay at home.
You can now tell Tanja to stay at home
You can now allow npcs to leave their homes when you told them to stay at home with the phone.
Added a few descriptions to the streets to indicate whose homes are on that street.
Completely overhauled how many variables are tracked to further improve performance.
Added an indication text when you can't progress with the Rego Te spell (either because the you finished the enslavement of that npc or because you need to do something else before continuing (transformation of the npc)).
Added images for sex with Mom in your bedroom. Her being there will now also lock the book and the computer for as long as she's there.
Asking someone fuckable to fuck in a location that is not in their privacy-array will now open up an option to move to such a place.
Added Joe's home to the map.
* Added thoughts of the day as hints to give Jasmin the dildo, Brian the buttplug and using the rope to unlock Brians bondage scenes and searching for the bag in the attic.
* Switched the daily thoughts to be three random ones every morning.
* Changed how the quests are tracked. That might to lead to some doubling if loading saves from older version, but nothing should break.
* Added a quest for Joe
* More than one npcs can appear as watching when you fuck someone. Prerequesite is that they are present and have the keyword:horny. Which in most cases mean they are ready to do that when they are fuckable (and enjoy it)
* Andrea is now fuckable in the livingroom at home.
* NPCs now have an option in their talk menu to send them home. When you have enslaved them enough you can even tell them to stay there.
* Fixed Henriettas gaming event skip
* Searching rooms now passes time (5 minutes)
* Tanja will now walk around time as soon as you hired Kim/talked with Kim about her mother.
* Fixed the broken Kathrin calls that have already been activated.
* Fixed the error in the update widget for saves older than
* Reorganized the timetables for the npcs to reduce the amount of variables to increase performance
* Changed how the time of movement for npcs is handled to reduce the amount of variables even more. Wether they move is now based on randomness, modified by what they are doing at the time.
* Npcs now don't leave when you are present.
* Fixed a bug in Lucys enchanting
* Fixed two phonecalls for Kathrin
* Increased the font size for the handwritten content to increase readability
* Adjusted Lucys talk options to include appropriate answers before asking for a job
* Fixed the time overflow when translating chapters about the author
* Added a line of code that should display the reduced amount of mana after calming an npc down with magic before closing the dialog window
* Jasmins reaction to asking her to flash you now forces you to close the talk menu, thus circumventing the option to continue talking to her.
* Brians first enchantment should now correctly reduce mana
* Claudia should now not be able to tell you stories in the diner before having enchanted her to do so.
* Printing the porn image of Claudia now directly disables the research button.
* I have no clue why the streaming shop isn't working correctly when buying multiple upgrades, so I changed it to auto-close after a purchase. Sorry for the inconvenience.
* Added links to Tanjas livingroom to lead Tanja/Kim to their respective rooms.
* Added checks for Kims enchantment stages to access the threesome with Tanja.
* Fixed a bug that prevented you from talking about magic with Brenda after questioning Victoria
* Changed all npcs talk menus to work with subgroupings of options into "questions" and "things to do" and a few npc's have more categories.
* Fixed a bug in Tanjas cheats that fucked up the "voyeur" stage.
* Added the option to make both women have an orgasm via magic to the threesomes
* Reduced the frequency of getting calls
* Added the option to search empty rooms (rooms of npcs who are not there atm) once per day for a small chance to find either a bit of money or a random item.
Added Joes streaming dialog
* Fixed a missing line in Brenda's streaming dialog.
* Fixed a bug in Moms cooking event
* Added claudias complete storyline
* Added a angry passage for Brian's home.
*Fixed bug when talking to Cluadia
* Fixed the updater widget to include joes journal.
* Changed Christina's studio text when she is your sexslave.
* Added Joes transformation
* Fixed a missing line for the dialog css box.
* Added Joe to the change name menu.
* Offending an npc now just makes them angry with you, preventing further content for 1-2 days (if you anger them again, it adds more days to the cooldown), you have the option to use the Rego Te spell on them to make them not angry anymore (in the talk options). Asking npcs to fuck when they are not ready yet and some rude/impolite talk options can cause the anger.
* Fixed the updater widget to prevent errors in updating older saves.
* Switched the way locations are tracked and saved, thus lowering the amount of variables the game needs to track (hopefully reducing the problem of increasing lag)
* Fixed a few more bugs
* Added talk options for Brenda to ask about herself and her thoughts about you.
* You can now ask Christina for the key to her home.
* Fixed some missing text in Lucys talk options.
* Added a new npc (Joe) the barkeep (model is Derrick Pierce). His enchantment can be triggered in the back streets (accessible from main street)
* Changed Lucys enchantment options from promo and raise as different paths to one unified alternating path.
* Fixed a problem with the image of the food in the cooking event not properly displaying after choosing a certain path of options.
* Added a special items shop in the occult oddities shop in the mall. There are 3 artifacts for sale (1 amulet and 2 rings). These give you big statsboosts in (amulet= +20 Spellpower, Labans ring = +30 Max mana, d'Erlettes ring = +10 mana regeneration). They cost 5000$ each, to give you something to sink your money into.
* The dialog windows are now scrollable with the arrow keys
* Added cheat menus for Kim and Tanja
* Added a questline for Kim
* Changed the move widget to automatically send the player to different passages for locked, empty(with key) or angry passages.
* Added a difficulty slider in the options menu
* Added an explanation of the difficulty level to the slider.
* Added a timer that prevents you from enchanting an npc more than once per day. Lowering the difficulty below 3 deactivates this cooldown.
* Added a bit more detailled hints in the daily thoughts.
* Fixed a broken image when fucking in tanjas home.
* Fixed a bug where NPCs appeared in placed they have no business being at.
* Added the option to make the women in the threesomes orgasm with magic
* Added the function to control your orgasm in threesomes.
* Changed how the images for the journal entries are generated. This fixes the error in Christinas journal where the sextoy image was shown even if the other ending was chosen.
* Added a quest for Joe (Not tracked yet)
* Added a link in every enchantment menu that allows you to reconsider (i.e. close the enchanting window without having to pay mana for the spell.)
* Fixed some spelling mistakes
* Switched the order of Christinas journal entries
* Fixed Uncle Alberts journal entries from hardcoded names to variable ones
* Added an indicator in the phone menu when new unseen calls are pending.
* Fixed a bug in Christinas sex menus
* Fixed Jasmins flashing scene
* Fixed Kathrins last journal entry
* Fixed the broken phone call for Andrea
* Fixed the broken enchantment link for Lucy
* Fixed Brians punish options
* Fixed Lucys journal
* Fixed the timetables when using the wait function
* Added a way to chose the events for each character in the cheats menu. If there is a story relevant event pending, the option will be disabled.
* Fixed the link to the motel in the travelmap
* Added a color picker page (go there via the options page) that allows you to pick the colors for the different kind of links and save it as a custom style that will be kept over reloads and save games. You can also reset back to the default on the same page.
* Included jQuery UI and switched some of the menus to accordions. They look a lot nicer now.
* Added a code snippet that will hopefully help with the dialogs that are not scrollable and make them scrollable again by basing the dialogs max-height on the height of the ui-bar.
* Switched the wait menu from a slider to a jquery ui spinner.
* Switched the meetbrenda event for Jasmin to overwrite non-story relevant events, thus happening directly after fulfilling the conditions.
* Added a symbol in front of the choice links to make them align with magic and talk links vertically.
* The links on the sex passage now don't add to the game history, thus allowing the "back" button to go back to before you started fucking.
* Fixed an error in the tracking of the orgasm control research
* Added player stats to the overview tab in the journal.
* Added missing location to moms roomvisit event
* Took out one dialog for the book research. The first menu is now on the passage itself and the dialogs open for the different options.
* Switched a bit of the css to make the UI look prettier in some places.
* Fixed the broken link in the cooking event for mom.
* Added a phone call mechanic. NPCs will now call you randomly and send you short (non interactive) messages. For now there are only very few calls, but I will add more over time. If you have a new message, a red symbol will appear in the left side menu. Under the option messages you can see new ones and under archived messages you can review older ones.
* Added a way to change the location of the fuck, so I can add links to the sex and have images from another location displayed.
* Changed a few lines in Lucys enchantment menu to prevent links from showing up when they are not supposed to.
* Rewrote Henry's and Christina's enchantments to fit the more detailled style.
* Added the option to have a lesbian show with Mom and Andrea in their respective sex menus when both are at the same location.
* Added a big event with Mom and Andrea meeting. It has variations for every possible combination of status for both NPCs
* Re-adjusted the peoplepresent function.
* You can now ask Lucy for her apartment key and the key to the apartment building.
* On new games, cheats are now always active.
* When you are fucking Mom at home and Andrea is present and of high enough level, she will watch you and masturbate.
* When you are fucking Andrea at her apartment and Mom is present and of high enough level, she will watch you and masturbate.
* Changed the way the npcs at your current location are tracked
* Fixed the fridge raiding bug
* Fixed the npcs not calling you by the right name when changing it manually.
* Added an event for Brian (getting bullied first, with later stages, you can bully him in return)
* Added an event for Mom (cooking for herself, in later stages for you)
* Added a talk option for Brian to disable/enable his events.
* Removed the patreon link, since the account doesn't exist anymore.
* Slightly rewritten Moms, Andreas, Brians, Jasmin, Lisa enchantment dialogs.
* Fixed the bugs in the insult widget by changing it to a jаvascript function for more flexibility.
* Fixed the bug where the coffeecan broke the inventory
* You can now learn how to control your orgasms and can then cum with the click on the link option instead of waiting until you reach your threshold. Activate/Deactivate this in the magic menu option under your portrait.
* You can increase and decrease the threshold you need to reach to orgasm in the magic menu under your character portrait.
* Added the "overview" tab in the journal where you can see information about the magics/spells you know.
* Unlocked the quicktravel map for all players and prettied it up. More locations will appear when you unlock them (mostly by getting keys)
* Added Kathrins journal
* Fixed another bug in the updater.
* Added another if clause in the quest display widget. That should catch the errors.
* Fixed Jasmins park event
* Fixed the sextalk-fingering bug
* Added Tanja and Kim to the rename page
* Changed the sex machine events in the gym to be more consistent with the text.
* Added Lucys apartment sex images
* Added Kathrins streaming video
* Added Kathrins images for the empty room
* Added Kathrin, Kim and Tanja to the hints section of the tutorial
* Added an option to apply updates
* Added an automatic updater to update saves from the same version with the bugfixes.
* Fixed asking Lucy for a new hire twice.
* Fixed the sex-shop,
* Hopefully fixed the bug with Dad/Albert/Hooded figure appearing in Tanjas home
* Added a function to rewrite the setters for the journal to fit the new system to the save game updater
* Added Tanjas home to her privacy list, so you can fuck her there.
* Fixed Andreas bag error
* Fixed the bug with your orgasm
* Fixed a problem with the attention function to get Victorias and Brendas storyline to work again.
* Added a new list of sex talking for fingering a horny NPC.
* Fixed the broken quests
* Changed/Renamed Christinas videos/images to be able to change her talking when fucking her to be happy about it at higher levels.
* Added a new tag ("unwilling") that switches the things the npcs with this tag say when fucking them to something negative.
* Fixed Jasmins park sex event bug.
* Changed items from setup variables to temporary variables.
* Made the close shop link in the shops appear prettier.
* Changed the layout of the inventory to look a bit nicer.
* Added a game version indicator in the stats menu.
* Added new locations (Cinema inside and outside; Diner inside and outside)
* Added Tanja and Kim, a mother and her daughter.
* Changed the timetable for working npcs to allow more time to meet them at home.
* Added occult items that restore mana
* Added a store for buying occult items
* Written an event for Kathrin, who will give you items as gifts.
* Added a template to add adjectives to your cock for future self transformation
* Switched the "Don't bother me" talk options to a tag supressing the assignment of new events, instead of manually resetting the events.
* Added a new system to display threesomes. There is just one yet (Kim and Tanja), but the system is adaptable and more will follow.
* Added a way to display a masturbation image if a npc is watching you fuck someone else.
* Updated to sugarcube 2.35
* Fixed the sexshop and the bookstore
* Fixed the daybreak widget
* Fixed Andreas enchantment
* Fixed Jasmins final enslavement cheat
* Made the original save button available until the left sidemenu becomes fully available, so you can save/load the game without having to click through the first few pages.
I fixed a few more bugs, though new ones might have slipped in through the reworking,
I added a slider to the front page that modifies difficulty (reduces cost for unlocking new enchantment options)
I reworked the quests and the events system (The big code changes
fixed the broken journal entries
* Added the option to ask for Lisas keys
* Added the option to ask Brenda to stop camming
* Added functions to npcs (isHorny, isObedient, isSlave, isFuckable, isKnown)
* Added functions to locations (isClosed, hasKey, isKnown)
* Dynamically generate temporary variables for npcs and locations.
* Added a speechbubble that appears in the characterportraits when they have a possible event. By clicking on it you open a window, where they will give you a hint of where the event will happen.
* Written a call macro that makes writing a call much easier. The container is Text messages are initialized by , whereby args is the sender. The text of the message follows after the closed brackets. Images are started by, whereby args is the sender. The image path is written after the closed brackets.
* The ride sidebar is now scrollable if too many people are present and should be fixed to the correct height for each screen resolution. The movement menu should always appear on the bottom and never scroll out of frame.
* Removed the move menu shortcut option
* Added Henrietta gaming event
* Added Henrietta gym machine event
* Added a workslate timetable
* Implemented the motel (motel_outside, motel_inside, broom closet and Victorias Room)
* Added a new npc Kathrin (Chloe Couture), who works at the motel.
* Added the intro event for Kathrin.
* Added a story relevant event for searching Victorias motel room.
* You can now only phone npcs you have the number of. If they hate you, they will not react to your calls.
* Added give number talk options for Brenda, Christina and Lucy.
* Added a button in the left menu to go to the tutorial from everywhere.
* Deleted the tutorial option in your bedroom.
* Added a series of buttons to the start page to activate/deactivate cheats,handwritten font and animations in speech boxes, added the same buttons in the options menu.
* Added Victories diary (image and text)
* Changed quest items from story variables to setup variables that are stored in the inventory.
* Shifted hints and tips from the journal to the tutorial area.
* Added a way to activate the cheats while playing. The link is somewhere in the tutorial area.
* Wrote Brendas journal entries
* Wrote more journal entries for Victoria.
* Wrote Kathrins enchant menu
* Detailed Brendas talk denials more, so she only invites you, once she has first confronted you.
* Changed mp4 from widget to macro and included closeability.
* Changed the submenu in the character tab in the journal to wrap around when you too many people are unlocked. This circumvents it getting cluttered.
* Written an option (accessible from the empty motel room) to lure Kathrin there (for enchanting purpose).
* Written Kathrins enchant events
* Written Kathrins talk widgets
* Written Kathrins sex menu
* Changed the sex first events from story variables to setup variables.
* Written Brendas sexfirst events
* Written Christinas about me/about you talk options
* Written cheats menu for Kathrin
* Written cheats menu for Brenda
* Written Kathrins quests
* Fixed a few css errors for image placement
*Fixed Jasmins enchants (now for good)
*Fixed Moms bedroom images
*Fixed Lucys menu
*Fixed Christinas menu
*You can now deactivate the handwritten font in the options.
*Fixed Lucys enchant menu
*Fixed interacting when 2 npcs are present
*Fixed Henrys journal
*Fixed Henrys images
*Fixed Jasmins enchant menu
*Fixed Jasmin repeating her talk with boss event
*Fixed Christinas talk menu
Fixed Character References
*Added Brendas enchantment menu.
*Added Brendas enchantment events.
*Added Christinas stay at home menu.
*Added Brendas talk options.
*Fixed the bug where fucking Lisa always lead to the black out.
*Added a function that makes the videos and images minimizable even after the first dialog opened.
*Added a function that should make too long dialogs scrollable (hopefully).
*You now only pay mana when you are actually using the spells.
*Changed the magic menu so that you now see the locked options that will be available to you when you have more influence.
*Streamlined more story variables to keep the amount of memory needed down.
*Revamped the way NPCS and locations are stored to get rid of even more story variables, to improve long play performance.
I fixed the bug with the disappearing side menu while interacting with Brianna.
I expanded the tutorial.
Styled the scrollbar to be more discreet. Is it is not visible enough, let me know.
Fixed some spelling mistakes.
Changed the height to width ratio of some videos. That should prevent some dialogs from pushing the buttons out of frame.
It just fixes the broken link in the Cafe to ask for a job.
*Added a rudimentary tutorial. For now it is reachable from your bedroom. It contains only the left sidebar. The rest is in the works.
*Added images for patreon and discord in the sidebar.
*This time the money issue should be fixed for good. (Cross your fingers!)
*Fixed the bugged trigger for the mysterious woman events.
*Put the links to close the daily review dialog on top of the streaming table so they should always be accessible.
*You now need to have a job, before you can ask Lucy to speak privately.
*The intro picture is now minimizable, thus letting you go quicker to the links below.
*Added a button to ring Lucys apartment from the outside of the apartment building.
*Added a cheat option to reset your money if it is set to NaN.
*The button to show the stream overview will now only show if you have someone streaming for you.
*Replaced the widget that controlled the money, that I think was responsible for the NaN bug. That should hopefully prevent that.
*Added a limit to the tries to searching the attic. You should now find the back with at most 4 searches.
*Added a limit to the tries for entering the apartment building. Dependend on which action you chose you now have a limit of 4 (wait) or 9(ring random) actions. Waiting takes longer in game, but has a quicker guaranteed success. Ringing is quicker, but the guaranteed success needs more tries.
*The popup of the closing mall should now appear automatically if it gets too late, not just when moving.
I fixed the bugs in many events,
fixed the sextalk bugs with blowjobs and Christina,
fixed the bug with always being transported to the Apartment once you have enchanted Lisa,
fixed the bug with the date not displaying properly,
fixed the but with Brians home empty not existing (damn spelling mistakes!)
v0.4.3.2a + b
Older Changelogs
*Added a way to save the original name (male in case of Brian and Henry, non-bimbo in case of Lisa), before the player changed them while progressing.
*Added a way to change the original name (for Brian, Henry and Lisa) in the cheat menu.
*Completely overhauled the cheat menu for the characters. The new version lets you chose a specific stage of the enslavement and even return to previous versions. It skips the corresponding events and names are reset to the default, though (Still changeable with the cheats menu).
*Added Christinas journal entries
*Added Lucy talk options.
*Added Lisa talk options.
*Added the option to make your women have an orgasm whenever you cum in or on them in the mutaris part of the enchantment menu.
*Comissioned and added a title image (Patreon money, Yay!).
*Added an intro event for Brenda in the bookstore. You can change her name in that intro.
*Written content for Christinas home.
*Added a quest for Christina
*Added a quest for Lucy
*Added an suspicion mechanic that tracks how suspicious you and your women are. It is tracked individually for each npc. To this date there is only one event dependant on a certain amount of suspicion, but in the future there will be more.
*You can now take a row boat at the lake and row to its center. There you can meditate for 30 min to regain a lot of mana. In later updates there will be more options here.
*Added an emergency dialog close with the esc key. I recommend you use it only in emergencies when you're stuck and can't close it otherwise (because of an error message for example). It can cause a fuckup in story variables if you use it in dialogs you can usually only close via links.
*Fixed some problems with Lucy and Christina.
*When Christina is turned into a sextoy and has thus closed her shop, you can buy the stuff in your room from the internet (under the option "Go online")
*Changed Brians sex menu and how the images/videos are generated.
*Changed how the spells are tracked.
*Reduced recupero and recreo max level to 8.
*Changed the journal to be expandable, so the page is not as cluttered.
*Structured the sex popups (with the videos) to be more organised.
*You now have to tell your women to start doing camshows via the talk menu and can equally tell them to stop camming. They don't start automatically.
*The event in which you are watched by the mysterious woman is now triggered at a certain amount of suspicion. It is also now a proper event and as such fixed into the normal event mechanics.
Added content for Christina (sexshops)
Fixed bugs
Fixed the problem with Lisas events
Fixed the bug with the enchantment option appearing in the mall, even though it shouldn't
Added the gym event for Mom
Added the disable event options for Jasmin and Andrea
Fixed the problem with Mom's events.
Added a function that allows you to tell Mom to stop bothering you in the house. This deactivates her events until you tell her to resume them.
Fixed the problem of Mom changing locations every time you change to a location once you told her to stay at home. She now stays where it says she is
for 10 minutes
Built a workaround of the bug with Moms event being deleted. I couldn't find the source of the bug, but the workaround should prevent it from happening.
Added a code that locks the enchant option once you have fully enslaved a NPC
Fixed the image path for the dream in the intro.
Fixed the bugs of Henry, Brian and Lisa not talking to you, even after enchanting
Fixed the bug with the enslavement events giving error messages instead of firing.
Fixed the problem with the sidemenu when Mom is in her bedroom or the bathroom.
Fixed the problem with the font size.
Fixed the bug with the quest page.
Added a code snippet that should fix Mom in the location that is displayed in the hallway.
It should fix the not talking problem with Andrea, Brian, and Lisa. The quests should also work now.
I changed something with the text size in the message boxes, but since I couldn't replicate the error on my side before, I'm not sure it fixed it.
Completed Henrys enslavement events
Written Lucys enslavement and enslavement events. Lucy enslavement path is completely different from the older ones.
Added a function that hides the sidemenu when interacting with someone through a closed door.
Added new locations (Park, Lake, Motel, Lucys Apartment) Although they have no content yet.
Completely changed how events are stored and called to allow for more flexibility and easier new additions.
Completely changed how the sex dialogs work. They are now randomly put together from descriptions and dialog.
Changed how Brians insults are generated.
Completely changed how the gallerys are generated.
Completely changed how the journal entries are stored and called.
Completely changed how the locations are stored to allow for dynamic generation of movement links
Completely changed how the timetables for the characters work.
Completely changed how the interaction menus are generated. They are now dynamically generated for every character.
Changed for the update of the enslavement status to take place in the corresponding event not directly after the enchanting itself.
Changed how the streaming of the slaves is tracked and the money is calculated.
A lot of gamestates are now tracked as tags, which allows for more flexibility.
*Fixed the problem with the sex pictures not correctly displaying when changing the characters names.
*Fixed the spelling mistakes
*Fixed the recreo and recupero spells
Changelog Version 0.3.9
*Wrote Lisas first and second encantment events.
*Wrote the journal entries for Lisa.
*Wrote the last parts of Brians dialog when punishing him in his house.
*Wrote the end if you angered Lisa.
*You can now interact with Lisa.
*Added a map, accessible via the button in the left sidemenu that lets you fast-travel to the major locations. Some of the locations will turn to links once you own the relevant keys to enter the locations unimpeded.
*Finished the enslavement based events for Brian
*You can talk to Mom and get her to buy more stuff to stock the fridge each day (needs at least first enslavement level). You'll have to give her a one time payment to allow her to do it. Further upgrades increase the cost and the number of items you get per day, but it the item itself is still randomized.
*You are now able to customize the names not only of the MC, but also of all enslaveable characters. You can set the names for the female versions in each transformation event and the names of the formerly unknown characters when meeting them for the first time.
*You can change the names in play in the cheats menu.
*Changed the design of some of the intro links.
*Changed some of the events based on the idea that every page should have only one picture, to avoid needless scrolling.
*You can now only raid the fridge a certain amount of times per day (Starts at 1, but upgradeable).
Fixed the problem with the BDSM content not showing.
Changelog Version 0.3.8
Brianna now has a streaming video.
You can start interacting with Lisa. To get her to talk to you you can take 2 different routes (I will maybe add a third one later). You can either use an enslaved Brian or an enslaved Andrea to get access. Both options can be accessed via the talk menu. She can't be enchanted yet.
The sexshop now has some toys for sale.
You can buy rope, ballgag and nippleclamps for Brianna (Each item bought (in the named order) unlocks more options for interacting with her. With all three you unlock a different menu where you can fuck all her holes while having her bondage.
Jasmins masturbation options using toys are now only visible, once you give her a dildo (via the talk menu).
When you give a buttplug to Brianna (via the talk menu), you can have her show you the plug (also via the talk menu)
Finished Brians enslavement path. There are also videos for every training step implemented.
Fully written Brians punishment dialogs.
You are now able to make Brianna show you her buttplug. Depending on her enslavement level she might react differently.
Detailed Andreas responses when ringing her apartment.
Added a quest that tracks your investigation into the mysterious woman/photo.
Finished Andreas talk options (for now)
Added the movienight event for Jasmin.
There is a journal entry for the mysterious woman.
Changed Brians enslavement dialogs a little.
Brians punishment is now different if he is female.
Fixed the bug reported to me.
Added the price information and number of upgrades in the streaming upgrade menu.
Fixed some more bugs.
Fixed a lot of the popups so that most of them are closeable again (popups essential for storyline purposes are still not dismissable, but I think I got all of those covered with closing links)
Fleshed out some talk content with Henry.
Completing the enslavement of an npc allows you to get a reward in the quest menu.
Added the option to upgrade the streaming equipment for more money gain each day.
You can now ask Jasmin to flash you. Reaction depends on progress in enslavement and the publicity of the location you are in.
Some options, like asking non enchanted characters to fuck will now lead to a bad end.
The popup with the infos for the new day now contain a list of thoughts of what options are generally available for the character. These can be minimized by clicking on the "Dismiss" link and displayed again by clicking on the "Display" link that will appear in its stead.
Added Brian stage 2
Changed the .gifs to .mp4 to reduce the folder size to around 90 mb.
Changed how the interaction menu works.
Changed the naming of some pictures to streamline some widgets.
Changed the design of the questpage.
Hunter one day receives a package from his dead uncle. In there he finds a mysterious book of magic spells, the first of which allows him to magically hypnotize and enslave the people around him. In further studies of the book, he will discover a way to change the people around him even more, including their gender. He will encounter mysterious figures and learn dangerous secrets about a mad medieval wizard, his dead uncle, and his presumably dead father.
Год выпуска: 2020
Жанр: real porn, text based, simulator, animated, corruption, mind control, incest, transformation, slave, male domination, bdsm, anal, vaginal sex, oral, creampie, sex toys, lesbian, paranormal, milf,
Цензура: Отсутствует
Разработчик/Издатель: Huntermc - www.patreon.com/HunterMC
Платформа: PC/Windows/MacOS/Linux
Тип издания: В разработке
Таблетка: Не требуется
Версия: v.
Язык игры: Английский
Язык интерфейса: Английский - 2024-04-26
Added an expanded dialog for watching TV with Mom in the livingroom.
Added new NPC (Anna): She works at the Cinema, selling tickets.
Added the first enchantment stage for Anna
Added new NPC (Sabina): She is the twin sister of Anna. She earns a living as a camgirl.
Added 4 new locations (Cinema Auditorium, Home of the twins, a room for each twin).
Added some code to have npcs change location the moment a new time phase in their time table is achieved. This means that they will go home instantly once they are finished with work.
Updated to sugarcube 2.3.6
Added an option to link Tanja's and Kim's orgasms together. Once you know mutaris, you can find the option within their respective magic menus under the mutaris tab.
Fixed the Kathrin not wanting to fuck bug.
Written go home/stay home talk options for Claudia - 2024-03-19
Fixed the bug when the pc orgasms
Fixed the bug that appeared when trying to enchant someone who is not yet ready to be enchanted
Added completely new descriptions for the livingroom with both Mom and Andrea present, different for each possible combination of enslavement stages between them.
You can now tell Christina to go home / stay at home.
You can now tell Tanja to stay at home
You can now allow npcs to leave their homes when you told them to stay at home with the phone.
Added a few descriptions to the streets to indicate whose homes are on that street.
Completely overhauled how many variables are tracked to further improve performance.
Added an indication text when you can't progress with the Rego Te spell (either because the you finished the enslavement of that npc or because you need to do something else before continuing (transformation of the npc)).
Added images for sex with Mom in your bedroom. Her being there will now also lock the book and the computer for as long as she's there.
Asking someone fuckable to fuck in a location that is not in their privacy-array will now open up an option to move to such a place.
Added Joe's home to the map.
* Added thoughts of the day as hints to give Jasmin the dildo, Brian the buttplug and using the rope to unlock Brians bondage scenes and searching for the bag in the attic.
* Switched the daily thoughts to be three random ones every morning.
* Changed how the quests are tracked. That might to lead to some doubling if loading saves from older version, but nothing should break.
* Added a quest for Joe
* More than one npcs can appear as watching when you fuck someone. Prerequesite is that they are present and have the keyword:horny. Which in most cases mean they are ready to do that when they are fuckable (and enjoy it)
* Andrea is now fuckable in the livingroom at home.
* NPCs now have an option in their talk menu to send them home. When you have enslaved them enough you can even tell them to stay there.
* Fixed Henriettas gaming event skip
* Searching rooms now passes time (5 minutes)
* Tanja will now walk around time as soon as you hired Kim/talked with Kim about her mother.
* Fixed the broken Kathrin calls that have already been activated.
* Fixed the error in the update widget for saves older than
* Reorganized the timetables for the npcs to reduce the amount of variables to increase performance
* Changed how the time of movement for npcs is handled to reduce the amount of variables even more. Wether they move is now based on randomness, modified by what they are doing at the time.
* Npcs now don't leave when you are present.
* Fixed a bug in Lucys enchanting
* Fixed two phonecalls for Kathrin
* Increased the font size for the handwritten content to increase readability
* Adjusted Lucys talk options to include appropriate answers before asking for a job
* Fixed the time overflow when translating chapters about the author
* Added a line of code that should display the reduced amount of mana after calming an npc down with magic before closing the dialog window
* Jasmins reaction to asking her to flash you now forces you to close the talk menu, thus circumventing the option to continue talking to her.
* Brians first enchantment should now correctly reduce mana
* Claudia should now not be able to tell you stories in the diner before having enchanted her to do so.
* Printing the porn image of Claudia now directly disables the research button.
* I have no clue why the streaming shop isn't working correctly when buying multiple upgrades, so I changed it to auto-close after a purchase. Sorry for the inconvenience.
* Added links to Tanjas livingroom to lead Tanja/Kim to their respective rooms.
* Added checks for Kims enchantment stages to access the threesome with Tanja.
* Fixed a bug that prevented you from talking about magic with Brenda after questioning Victoria
* Changed all npcs talk menus to work with subgroupings of options into "questions" and "things to do" and a few npc's have more categories.
* Fixed a bug in Tanjas cheats that fucked up the "voyeur" stage.
* Added the option to make both women have an orgasm via magic to the threesomes
* Reduced the frequency of getting calls
* Added the option to search empty rooms (rooms of npcs who are not there atm) once per day for a small chance to find either a bit of money or a random item.
Added Joes streaming dialog
* Fixed a missing line in Brenda's streaming dialog.
* Fixed a bug in Moms cooking event
* Added claudias complete storyline
* Added a angry passage for Brian's home.
*Fixed bug when talking to Cluadia
* Fixed the updater widget to include joes journal.
* Changed Christina's studio text when she is your sexslave.
* Added Joes transformation
* Fixed a missing line for the dialog css box.
* Added Joe to the change name menu.
* Offending an npc now just makes them angry with you, preventing further content for 1-2 days (if you anger them again, it adds more days to the cooldown), you have the option to use the Rego Te spell on them to make them not angry anymore (in the talk options). Asking npcs to fuck when they are not ready yet and some rude/impolite talk options can cause the anger.
* Fixed the updater widget to prevent errors in updating older saves.
* Switched the way locations are tracked and saved, thus lowering the amount of variables the game needs to track (hopefully reducing the problem of increasing lag)
* Fixed a few more bugs
* Added talk options for Brenda to ask about herself and her thoughts about you.
* You can now ask Christina for the key to her home.
* Fixed some missing text in Lucys talk options.
* Added a new npc (Joe) the barkeep (model is Derrick Pierce). His enchantment can be triggered in the back streets (accessible from main street)
* Changed Lucys enchantment options from promo and raise as different paths to one unified alternating path.
* Fixed a problem with the image of the food in the cooking event not properly displaying after choosing a certain path of options.
* Added a special items shop in the occult oddities shop in the mall. There are 3 artifacts for sale (1 amulet and 2 rings). These give you big statsboosts in (amulet= +20 Spellpower, Labans ring = +30 Max mana, d'Erlettes ring = +10 mana regeneration). They cost 5000$ each, to give you something to sink your money into.
* The dialog windows are now scrollable with the arrow keys
* Added cheat menus for Kim and Tanja
* Added a questline for Kim
* Changed the move widget to automatically send the player to different passages for locked, empty(with key) or angry passages.
* Added a difficulty slider in the options menu
* Added an explanation of the difficulty level to the slider.
* Added a timer that prevents you from enchanting an npc more than once per day. Lowering the difficulty below 3 deactivates this cooldown.
* Added a bit more detailled hints in the daily thoughts.
* Fixed a broken image when fucking in tanjas home.
* Fixed a bug where NPCs appeared in placed they have no business being at.
* Added the option to make the women in the threesomes orgasm with magic
* Added the function to control your orgasm in threesomes.
* Changed how the images for the journal entries are generated. This fixes the error in Christinas journal where the sextoy image was shown even if the other ending was chosen.
* Added a quest for Joe (Not tracked yet)
* Added a link in every enchantment menu that allows you to reconsider (i.e. close the enchanting window without having to pay mana for the spell.)
* Fixed some spelling mistakes
* Switched the order of Christinas journal entries
* Fixed Uncle Alberts journal entries from hardcoded names to variable ones
* Added an indicator in the phone menu when new unseen calls are pending.
* Fixed a bug in Christinas sex menus
* Fixed Jasmins flashing scene
* Fixed Kathrins last journal entry
* Fixed the broken phone call for Andrea
* Fixed the broken enchantment link for Lucy
* Fixed Brians punish options
* Fixed Lucys journal
* Fixed the timetables when using the wait function
* Added a way to chose the events for each character in the cheats menu. If there is a story relevant event pending, the option will be disabled.
* Fixed the link to the motel in the travelmap
* Added a color picker page (go there via the options page) that allows you to pick the colors for the different kind of links and save it as a custom style that will be kept over reloads and save games. You can also reset back to the default on the same page.
* Included jQuery UI and switched some of the menus to accordions. They look a lot nicer now.
* Added a code snippet that will hopefully help with the dialogs that are not scrollable and make them scrollable again by basing the dialogs max-height on the height of the ui-bar.
* Switched the wait menu from a slider to a jquery ui spinner.
* Switched the meetbrenda event for Jasmin to overwrite non-story relevant events, thus happening directly after fulfilling the conditions.
* Added a symbol in front of the choice links to make them align with magic and talk links vertically.
* The links on the sex passage now don't add to the game history, thus allowing the "back" button to go back to before you started fucking.
* Fixed an error in the tracking of the orgasm control research
* Added player stats to the overview tab in the journal.
* Added missing location to moms roomvisit event
* Took out one dialog for the book research. The first menu is now on the passage itself and the dialogs open for the different options.
* Switched a bit of the css to make the UI look prettier in some places.
* Fixed the broken link in the cooking event for mom.
* Added a phone call mechanic. NPCs will now call you randomly and send you short (non interactive) messages. For now there are only very few calls, but I will add more over time. If you have a new message, a red symbol will appear in the left side menu. Under the option messages you can see new ones and under archived messages you can review older ones.
* Added a way to change the location of the fuck, so I can add links to the sex and have images from another location displayed.
* Changed a few lines in Lucys enchantment menu to prevent links from showing up when they are not supposed to.
* Rewrote Henry's and Christina's enchantments to fit the more detailled style.
* Added the option to have a lesbian show with Mom and Andrea in their respective sex menus when both are at the same location.
* Added a big event with Mom and Andrea meeting. It has variations for every possible combination of status for both NPCs
* Re-adjusted the peoplepresent function.
* You can now ask Lucy for her apartment key and the key to the apartment building.
* On new games, cheats are now always active.
* When you are fucking Mom at home and Andrea is present and of high enough level, she will watch you and masturbate.
* When you are fucking Andrea at her apartment and Mom is present and of high enough level, she will watch you and masturbate.
* Changed the way the npcs at your current location are tracked
* Fixed the fridge raiding bug
* Fixed the npcs not calling you by the right name when changing it manually.
* Added an event for Brian (getting bullied first, with later stages, you can bully him in return)
* Added an event for Mom (cooking for herself, in later stages for you)
* Added a talk option for Brian to disable/enable his events.
* Removed the patreon link, since the account doesn't exist anymore.
* Slightly rewritten Moms, Andreas, Brians, Jasmin, Lisa enchantment dialogs.
* Fixed the bugs in the insult widget by changing it to a jаvascript function for more flexibility.
* Fixed the bug where the coffeecan broke the inventory
* You can now learn how to control your orgasms and can then cum with the click on the link option instead of waiting until you reach your threshold. Activate/Deactivate this in the magic menu option under your portrait.
* You can increase and decrease the threshold you need to reach to orgasm in the magic menu under your character portrait.
* Added the "overview" tab in the journal where you can see information about the magics/spells you know.
* Unlocked the quicktravel map for all players and prettied it up. More locations will appear when you unlock them (mostly by getting keys)
* Added Kathrins journal
* Fixed another bug in the updater.
* Added another if clause in the quest display widget. That should catch the errors.
* Fixed Jasmins park event
* Fixed the sextalk-fingering bug
* Added Tanja and Kim to the rename page
* Changed the sex machine events in the gym to be more consistent with the text.
* Added Lucys apartment sex images
* Added Kathrins streaming video
* Added Kathrins images for the empty room
* Added Kathrin, Kim and Tanja to the hints section of the tutorial
* Added an option to apply updates
* Added an automatic updater to update saves from the same version with the bugfixes.
* Fixed asking Lucy for a new hire twice.
* Fixed the sex-shop,
* Hopefully fixed the bug with Dad/Albert/Hooded figure appearing in Tanjas home
* Added a function to rewrite the setters for the journal to fit the new system to the save game updater
* Added Tanjas home to her privacy list, so you can fuck her there.
* Fixed Andreas bag error
* Fixed the bug with your orgasm
* Fixed a problem with the attention function to get Victorias and Brendas storyline to work again.
* Added a new list of sex talking for fingering a horny NPC.
* Fixed the broken quests
* Changed/Renamed Christinas videos/images to be able to change her talking when fucking her to be happy about it at higher levels.
* Added a new tag ("unwilling") that switches the things the npcs with this tag say when fucking them to something negative.
* Fixed Jasmins park sex event bug.
* Changed items from setup variables to temporary variables.
* Made the close shop link in the shops appear prettier.
* Changed the layout of the inventory to look a bit nicer.
* Added a game version indicator in the stats menu.
* Added new locations (Cinema inside and outside; Diner inside and outside)
* Added Tanja and Kim, a mother and her daughter.
* Changed the timetable for working npcs to allow more time to meet them at home.
* Added occult items that restore mana
* Added a store for buying occult items
* Written an event for Kathrin, who will give you items as gifts.
* Added a template to add adjectives to your cock for future self transformation
* Switched the "Don't bother me" talk options to a tag supressing the assignment of new events, instead of manually resetting the events.
* Added a new system to display threesomes. There is just one yet (Kim and Tanja), but the system is adaptable and more will follow.
* Added a way to display a masturbation image if a npc is watching you fuck someone else.
* Updated to sugarcube 2.35
* Fixed the sexshop and the bookstore
* Fixed the daybreak widget
* Fixed Andreas enchantment
* Fixed Jasmins final enslavement cheat
* Made the original save button available until the left sidemenu becomes fully available, so you can save/load the game without having to click through the first few pages.
I fixed a few more bugs, though new ones might have slipped in through the reworking,
I added a slider to the front page that modifies difficulty (reduces cost for unlocking new enchantment options)
I reworked the quests and the events system (The big code changes
fixed the broken journal entries
* Added the option to ask for Lisas keys
* Added the option to ask Brenda to stop camming
* Added functions to npcs (isHorny, isObedient, isSlave, isFuckable, isKnown)
* Added functions to locations (isClosed, hasKey, isKnown)
* Dynamically generate temporary variables for npcs and locations.
* Added a speechbubble that appears in the characterportraits when they have a possible event. By clicking on it you open a window, where they will give you a hint of where the event will happen.
* Written a call macro that makes writing a call much easier. The container is Text messages are initialized by , whereby args is the sender. The text of the message follows after the closed brackets. Images are started by, whereby args is the sender. The image path is written after the closed brackets.
* The ride sidebar is now scrollable if too many people are present and should be fixed to the correct height for each screen resolution. The movement menu should always appear on the bottom and never scroll out of frame.
* Removed the move menu shortcut option
* Added Henrietta gaming event
* Added Henrietta gym machine event
* Added a workslate timetable
* Implemented the motel (motel_outside, motel_inside, broom closet and Victorias Room)
* Added a new npc Kathrin (Chloe Couture), who works at the motel.
* Added the intro event for Kathrin.
* Added a story relevant event for searching Victorias motel room.
* You can now only phone npcs you have the number of. If they hate you, they will not react to your calls.
* Added give number talk options for Brenda, Christina and Lucy.
* Added a button in the left menu to go to the tutorial from everywhere.
* Deleted the tutorial option in your bedroom.
* Added a series of buttons to the start page to activate/deactivate cheats,handwritten font and animations in speech boxes, added the same buttons in the options menu.
* Added Victories diary (image and text)
* Changed quest items from story variables to setup variables that are stored in the inventory.
* Shifted hints and tips from the journal to the tutorial area.
* Added a way to activate the cheats while playing. The link is somewhere in the tutorial area.
* Wrote Brendas journal entries
* Wrote more journal entries for Victoria.
* Wrote Kathrins enchant menu
* Detailed Brendas talk denials more, so she only invites you, once she has first confronted you.
* Changed mp4 from widget to macro and included closeability.
* Changed the submenu in the character tab in the journal to wrap around when you too many people are unlocked. This circumvents it getting cluttered.
* Written an option (accessible from the empty motel room) to lure Kathrin there (for enchanting purpose).
* Written Kathrins enchant events
* Written Kathrins talk widgets
* Written Kathrins sex menu
* Changed the sex first events from story variables to setup variables.
* Written Brendas sexfirst events
* Written Christinas about me/about you talk options
* Written cheats menu for Kathrin
* Written cheats menu for Brenda
* Written Kathrins quests
* Fixed a few css errors for image placement
*Fixed Jasmins enchants (now for good)
*Fixed Moms bedroom images
*Fixed Lucys menu
*Fixed Christinas menu
*You can now deactivate the handwritten font in the options.
*Fixed Lucys enchant menu
*Fixed interacting when 2 npcs are present
*Fixed Henrys journal
*Fixed Henrys images
*Fixed Jasmins enchant menu
*Fixed Jasmin repeating her talk with boss event
*Fixed Christinas talk menu
Fixed Character References
*Added Brendas enchantment menu.
*Added Brendas enchantment events.
*Added Christinas stay at home menu.
*Added Brendas talk options.
*Fixed the bug where fucking Lisa always lead to the black out.
*Added a function that makes the videos and images minimizable even after the first dialog opened.
*Added a function that should make too long dialogs scrollable (hopefully).
*You now only pay mana when you are actually using the spells.
*Changed the magic menu so that you now see the locked options that will be available to you when you have more influence.
*Streamlined more story variables to keep the amount of memory needed down.
*Revamped the way NPCS and locations are stored to get rid of even more story variables, to improve long play performance.
I fixed the bug with the disappearing side menu while interacting with Brianna.
I expanded the tutorial.
Styled the scrollbar to be more discreet. Is it is not visible enough, let me know.
Fixed some spelling mistakes.
Changed the height to width ratio of some videos. That should prevent some dialogs from pushing the buttons out of frame.
It just fixes the broken link in the Cafe to ask for a job.
*Added a rudimentary tutorial. For now it is reachable from your bedroom. It contains only the left sidebar. The rest is in the works.
*Added images for patreon and discord in the sidebar.
*This time the money issue should be fixed for good. (Cross your fingers!)
*Fixed the bugged trigger for the mysterious woman events.
*Put the links to close the daily review dialog on top of the streaming table so they should always be accessible.
*You now need to have a job, before you can ask Lucy to speak privately.
*The intro picture is now minimizable, thus letting you go quicker to the links below.
*Added a button to ring Lucys apartment from the outside of the apartment building.
*Added a cheat option to reset your money if it is set to NaN.
*The button to show the stream overview will now only show if you have someone streaming for you.
*Replaced the widget that controlled the money, that I think was responsible for the NaN bug. That should hopefully prevent that.
*Added a limit to the tries to searching the attic. You should now find the back with at most 4 searches.
*Added a limit to the tries for entering the apartment building. Dependend on which action you chose you now have a limit of 4 (wait) or 9(ring random) actions. Waiting takes longer in game, but has a quicker guaranteed success. Ringing is quicker, but the guaranteed success needs more tries.
*The popup of the closing mall should now appear automatically if it gets too late, not just when moving.
I fixed the bugs in many events,
fixed the sextalk bugs with blowjobs and Christina,
fixed the bug with always being transported to the Apartment once you have enchanted Lisa,
fixed the bug with the date not displaying properly,
fixed the but with Brians home empty not existing (damn spelling mistakes!)
v0.4.3.2a + b
Older Changelogs
*Added a way to save the original name (male in case of Brian and Henry, non-bimbo in case of Lisa), before the player changed them while progressing.
*Added a way to change the original name (for Brian, Henry and Lisa) in the cheat menu.
*Completely overhauled the cheat menu for the characters. The new version lets you chose a specific stage of the enslavement and even return to previous versions. It skips the corresponding events and names are reset to the default, though (Still changeable with the cheats menu).
*Added Christinas journal entries
*Added Lucy talk options.
*Added Lisa talk options.
*Added the option to make your women have an orgasm whenever you cum in or on them in the mutaris part of the enchantment menu.
*Comissioned and added a title image (Patreon money, Yay!).
*Added an intro event for Brenda in the bookstore. You can change her name in that intro.
*Written content for Christinas home.
*Added a quest for Christina
*Added a quest for Lucy
*Added an suspicion mechanic that tracks how suspicious you and your women are. It is tracked individually for each npc. To this date there is only one event dependant on a certain amount of suspicion, but in the future there will be more.
*You can now take a row boat at the lake and row to its center. There you can meditate for 30 min to regain a lot of mana. In later updates there will be more options here.
*Added an emergency dialog close with the esc key. I recommend you use it only in emergencies when you're stuck and can't close it otherwise (because of an error message for example). It can cause a fuckup in story variables if you use it in dialogs you can usually only close via links.
*Fixed some problems with Lucy and Christina.
*When Christina is turned into a sextoy and has thus closed her shop, you can buy the stuff in your room from the internet (under the option "Go online")
*Changed Brians sex menu and how the images/videos are generated.
*Changed how the spells are tracked.
*Reduced recupero and recreo max level to 8.
*Changed the journal to be expandable, so the page is not as cluttered.
*Structured the sex popups (with the videos) to be more organised.
*You now have to tell your women to start doing camshows via the talk menu and can equally tell them to stop camming. They don't start automatically.
*The event in which you are watched by the mysterious woman is now triggered at a certain amount of suspicion. It is also now a proper event and as such fixed into the normal event mechanics.
Added content for Christina (sexshops)
Fixed bugs
Fixed the problem with Lisas events
Fixed the bug with the enchantment option appearing in the mall, even though it shouldn't
Added the gym event for Mom
Added the disable event options for Jasmin and Andrea
Fixed the problem with Mom's events.
Added a function that allows you to tell Mom to stop bothering you in the house. This deactivates her events until you tell her to resume them.
Fixed the problem of Mom changing locations every time you change to a location once you told her to stay at home. She now stays where it says she is
for 10 minutes
Built a workaround of the bug with Moms event being deleted. I couldn't find the source of the bug, but the workaround should prevent it from happening.
Added a code that locks the enchant option once you have fully enslaved a NPC
Fixed the image path for the dream in the intro.
Fixed the bugs of Henry, Brian and Lisa not talking to you, even after enchanting
Fixed the bug with the enslavement events giving error messages instead of firing.
Fixed the problem with the sidemenu when Mom is in her bedroom or the bathroom.
Fixed the problem with the font size.
Fixed the bug with the quest page.
Added a code snippet that should fix Mom in the location that is displayed in the hallway.
It should fix the not talking problem with Andrea, Brian, and Lisa. The quests should also work now.
I changed something with the text size in the message boxes, but since I couldn't replicate the error on my side before, I'm not sure it fixed it.
Completed Henrys enslavement events
Written Lucys enslavement and enslavement events. Lucy enslavement path is completely different from the older ones.
Added a function that hides the sidemenu when interacting with someone through a closed door.
Added new locations (Park, Lake, Motel, Lucys Apartment) Although they have no content yet.
Completely changed how events are stored and called to allow for more flexibility and easier new additions.
Completely changed how the sex dialogs work. They are now randomly put together from descriptions and dialog.
Changed how Brians insults are generated.
Completely changed how the gallerys are generated.
Completely changed how the journal entries are stored and called.
Completely changed how the locations are stored to allow for dynamic generation of movement links
Completely changed how the timetables for the characters work.
Completely changed how the interaction menus are generated. They are now dynamically generated for every character.
Changed for the update of the enslavement status to take place in the corresponding event not directly after the enchanting itself.
Changed how the streaming of the slaves is tracked and the money is calculated.
A lot of gamestates are now tracked as tags, which allows for more flexibility.
*Fixed the problem with the sex pictures not correctly displaying when changing the characters names.
*Fixed the spelling mistakes
*Fixed the recreo and recupero spells
Changelog Version 0.3.9
*Wrote Lisas first and second encantment events.
*Wrote the journal entries for Lisa.
*Wrote the last parts of Brians dialog when punishing him in his house.
*Wrote the end if you angered Lisa.
*You can now interact with Lisa.
*Added a map, accessible via the button in the left sidemenu that lets you fast-travel to the major locations. Some of the locations will turn to links once you own the relevant keys to enter the locations unimpeded.
*Finished the enslavement based events for Brian
*You can talk to Mom and get her to buy more stuff to stock the fridge each day (needs at least first enslavement level). You'll have to give her a one time payment to allow her to do it. Further upgrades increase the cost and the number of items you get per day, but it the item itself is still randomized.
*You are now able to customize the names not only of the MC, but also of all enslaveable characters. You can set the names for the female versions in each transformation event and the names of the formerly unknown characters when meeting them for the first time.
*You can change the names in play in the cheats menu.
*Changed the design of some of the intro links.
*Changed some of the events based on the idea that every page should have only one picture, to avoid needless scrolling.
*You can now only raid the fridge a certain amount of times per day (Starts at 1, but upgradeable).
Fixed the problem with the BDSM content not showing.
Changelog Version 0.3.8
Brianna now has a streaming video.
You can start interacting with Lisa. To get her to talk to you you can take 2 different routes (I will maybe add a third one later). You can either use an enslaved Brian or an enslaved Andrea to get access. Both options can be accessed via the talk menu. She can't be enchanted yet.
The sexshop now has some toys for sale.
You can buy rope, ballgag and nippleclamps for Brianna (Each item bought (in the named order) unlocks more options for interacting with her. With all three you unlock a different menu where you can fuck all her holes while having her bondage.
Jasmins masturbation options using toys are now only visible, once you give her a dildo (via the talk menu).
When you give a buttplug to Brianna (via the talk menu), you can have her show you the plug (also via the talk menu)
Finished Brians enslavement path. There are also videos for every training step implemented.
Fully written Brians punishment dialogs.
You are now able to make Brianna show you her buttplug. Depending on her enslavement level she might react differently.
Detailed Andreas responses when ringing her apartment.
Added a quest that tracks your investigation into the mysterious woman/photo.
Finished Andreas talk options (for now)
Added the movienight event for Jasmin.
There is a journal entry for the mysterious woman.
Changed Brians enslavement dialogs a little.
Brians punishment is now different if he is female.
Fixed the bug reported to me.
Added the price information and number of upgrades in the streaming upgrade menu.
Fixed some more bugs.
Fixed a lot of the popups so that most of them are closeable again (popups essential for storyline purposes are still not dismissable, but I think I got all of those covered with closing links)
Fleshed out some talk content with Henry.
Completing the enslavement of an npc allows you to get a reward in the quest menu.
Added the option to upgrade the streaming equipment for more money gain each day.
You can now ask Jasmin to flash you. Reaction depends on progress in enslavement and the publicity of the location you are in.
Some options, like asking non enchanted characters to fuck will now lead to a bad end.
The popup with the infos for the new day now contain a list of thoughts of what options are generally available for the character. These can be minimized by clicking on the "Dismiss" link and displayed again by clicking on the "Display" link that will appear in its stead.
Added Brian stage 2
Changed the .gifs to .mp4 to reduce the folder size to around 90 mb.
Changed how the interaction menu works.
Changed the naming of some pictures to streamline some widgets.
Changed the design of the questpage.
Тему отредактировал: СынПирокара - 26-04-2024, 15:16
Причина: Тема обновлена до версии v. / Topic updated to v.
Причина: Тема обновлена до версии v. / Topic updated to v.
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