В игре Гильдия Гарем Героя вы выступаете в роли простого бедного паренька, который становится героем сообщества после того, как переживает мощную атаку демона. Вы возглавите Гильдию, полную прекрасных искательниц приключений, готовых трудиться, тренироваться и сражаться за вас. Улучшайте Гильдию, развивайте город, ищите новых членов Гильдии, выстраивайте отношения и выполняйте задания в этом RPG мире, чтобы разблокировать полностью анимированные и непристойные сцены без цензуры.
In Hero's Harem Guild you're a simple poor guy who becomes a community hero for surviving a powerful demon attack. You'll lead a Guild full of beautiful adventurers willing to work, train and fight for you. Upgrade the Guild, repair the town, seek new members, build relationships, and complete quests in this RPG-themed world to unlock fully animated and uncensored lewd scenes.
В русскую версию инцест патч уже встроен!
Год выпуска: 2020
Жанр: 3dcg, ahegao, anal, animated, big ass, big tits, creampie, dating sim, fantasy, handjob, harem, humor, incest, male protagonist, masturbation, milf, monster girl, oral, pov, romance, sandbox, spanking, titfuck ,vaginal, voyeurism,
Цензура: Отсутствует
Разработчик/Издатель: Komisari - www.patreon.com/komisari
Перевод: Kasatik | Группа переводчика в ВК
Платформа: PC/Windows
Тип издания: Заброшена / Abandoned
Таблетка: Не требуется
Версия: v. Public
Язык игры: Русский/Английский
Язык интерфейса: Русский/Английский
Поблагодарить Переводчика : Яндекс кошелёк 4100171869891
Now you have to use the girls deck to insert cheat codes.
To enter in cheat-code mode, you have to write a "." at the start.
Once you do, you can write the following codes:
"imthelover" : Girls are always at max affection possible. Gets updated every time time passes.
"gimmegold" : Gives you money
"gibpower" : Gives you exp
"releasemypp" : Unlocks the gallery.
"showmethesecrets" : Shows hidden stuff, like hidden girls, even if you didn't unlock them yet. There are some nice secrets, I would suggest not using this
Example: If you want money, you have to write ".gimmemoney" in the girls deck search bar.
In Hero's Harem Guild you're a simple poor guy who becomes a community hero for surviving a powerful demon attack. You'll lead a Guild full of beautiful adventurers willing to work, train and fight for you. Upgrade the Guild, repair the town, seek new members, build relationships, and complete quests in this RPG-themed world to unlock fully animated and uncensored lewd scenes.
В русскую версию инцест патч уже встроен!
Год выпуска: 2020
Жанр: 3dcg, ahegao, anal, animated, big ass, big tits, creampie, dating sim, fantasy, handjob, harem, humor, incest, male protagonist, masturbation, milf, monster girl, oral, pov, romance, sandbox, spanking, titfuck ,vaginal, voyeurism,
Цензура: Отсутствует
Разработчик/Издатель: Komisari - www.patreon.com/komisari
Перевод: Kasatik | Группа переводчика в ВК
Платформа: PC/Windows
Тип издания: Заброшена / Abandoned
Таблетка: Не требуется
Версия: v. Public
Язык игры: Русский/Английский
Язык интерфейса: Русский/Английский
Поблагодарить Переводчика : Яндекс кошелёк 4100171869891
Now you have to use the girls deck to insert cheat codes.
To enter in cheat-code mode, you have to write a "." at the start.
Once you do, you can write the following codes:
"imthelover" : Girls are always at max affection possible. Gets updated every time time passes.
"gimmegold" : Gives you money
"gibpower" : Gives you exp
"releasemypp" : Unlocks the gallery.
"showmethesecrets" : Shows hidden stuff, like hidden girls, even if you didn't unlock them yet. There are some nice secrets, I would suggest not using this
Example: If you want money, you have to write ".gimmemoney" in the girls deck search bar.
v0.1.2.3b - 2023-06-05
Minor Changes
- New: Tutorial that will lead you to the POND as a beginner zone for fishing.
- New: Gallery section for specific girls.
- New: You can now "favorite" some scenes from the Gallery. They will appear at the start of the list.
- Balanced: Increased "Lost Boots" chance to appear.
- Balanced: Lucy will get less money working at town.
- QoL: You will move the entire stack of items at transfering items at shops.
- QoL: Clicking on an item inside a shop will send the full stack instead of only 1.
- QoL: New small text when you receive a Town Request with a "Request" item.
- QoL: You can now receive the money directly from the Guild Chest.
• The Guild Board perk only works to automate the previous process.
- V0.1.2.3b change: The girl at the +18 notice.
- V0.1.2.3b change: "Small Knife" price lowered and added tiers for foraging.
- V0.1.2.3b change: Lowered fingerlicker price from 10 silver to 5.
- V0.1.2.3b change: Reduced swearing and insults.
- V0.1.2.3b change: Shikia's tips for fishing.
- V0.1.2.3b change: Christmas Fishing Battle performance and minor stuff.
- V0.1.2.3b change: Multiple quests changed.
- V0.1.2.3b change: Removed "Invest" from shops. (It doesn't change anything.)
- V0.1.2.3b change: "House Of The Owl" quest;
• "Lucy's Workshop" doesn't check until you actually enter the room.
• Added "at morning" in "Lucy's Workshop".
• Added "The Door" as a needed requisit to finish the quest.
- V0.1.2.3b change: Multiple perks changed.
- V0.1.2.3b change: Added total affection icon to delivering requests.
- V0.1.2.3b change: Added a scroll bar for the quest's objectives.
- V0.1.2.3b change: Narissa is unlockable.
- V0.1.2.3b new: Christmas cards.
- Being able to re-play the snowy event by finishing the prologue again.
- Tutorials appeared in weird moments, causing crashes.
- "Craft" and "Buy" icons not centered in shops.
- Fixed a Ghostly and Glitchy error.
- Lucy's "Guild Outfit" error.
- Shop menu of Granny bugged when pressing "Talk"
- Fixed halloween event.
- v0.1.2.3b: Girls showing their hint event when not reaching maximum exp.
- v0.1.2.3b: Coins button crashed the game.
- V0.1.2.3b: Game won't crash anymore for countries with banned pastebin, patreon and discord pages.
- V0.1.2.3b: Fara level 1 hint corrected from "night" to "midnight".
- V0.1.2.3b: Leticia level 3 hint corrected from "evening" to "afternoon".
- V0.1.2.3b: Luna appeared twice at the "Prologue" quest.
- V0.1.2.3b: Text from Quest's are now correctly aligned.
- V0.1.2.3b: Random crashes when opening the saves menu.
- V0.1.2.3b: Spaces were available when choosing a name.
- V0.1.2.3b: Durability bug when using the Guild Chest.
- V0.1.2.3b: Evie MIDNIGHT bug when she's not there.
- V0.1.2.3b: Fixed Halloween quest and item descriptions. October 27 to December 8.
- V0.1.2.3b: Fixed cards background panning.
- V0.1.2.3b: Rollback working on some screens.
v0.1.2 Beta
Added 1 new girl.
Added 23 new events.
Added 44 new micro-events. (Most of them are spending time events.)
I literally made a new game, there’s a lot of changes on code, but not that much on what the player sees. This time, I won’t mention the changes on the code, I’ll do that in another post with some information on how I did the rework. It’s pretty interesting. What I will write in this changelog are only changes that the player is able to see. There’s a lot of changes in, for example, how the girl’s behavior works and how I can design different positions for different characters, or different talk options based on how the game progresses, and a lot more, but that’s for later.
*NEW* Levels and Exp:
Now almost all actions will give you EXP.
Added a small level bar on top of the screen.
Getting affection, talking with Jimmy, leveling up girls, foraging, mining, fishing, everything will give you exp that you’ll be able to spend.
The more levels you have, the more exp you need per level.
The levels are CONSUMED when used.
*NEW* Perks or Skill Trees:
You can spend levels and money to buy permanent upgrades to your character, guild, or girls.
Added 20 perks, including the ability to headpat girls any time, getting more affection, upgrading your fishing skill, and more!
*NEW* Foraging:
Now random items will spawn on zones.
You can click items on the screen to collect them.
Some items spawn at specific times of the day, and after you collect them there’s a cooldown.
You can sell those items (Flowers, apples, mushrooms, etc) or use them for craft.
*NEW* Tutorials Or Help Menu:
Added a help menu inside options and pop-up tutorials.
Added 15 tutorials.
You can toggle the tutorials on and off.
*NEW* Actions:
Added an “Action” option when talking to a girl. This will lead to repeatable lewd events.
More repeatable lewd events will be added over time.
*REWORKED* Talk Options:
Added a smooth transition when opening menus.
You now have different options when talking to a girl.
Talking to a girl gives you 1 Trust and Knowledge point, when reaching 3 consecutive trust points, you break the maximum affection limit by 1 and you get 15% affection of the actual level.
New talk options appear over the course of time, and when you progress with girls.
*REWORKED* Spend Time:
Now you have a micro-event the first time you spend time with a girl in a position.
When spending time with a girl, if it’s the first time you spend time with a girl there you will get a micro-event and you get 1 Affection point PLUS 1 Trust point. If you do it again, you will see a fast reminder of the event and you will get only 1 affection.
*REWORKED* Girls Deck:
Added animated card portraits.
You can now buy/unlock different cards for every girl. Some of them are animated and some of them may give you an in-game scene after unlocking it.
Changed the design completely.
Added 2 new types of affection bars.
Added quick-buttons if you right-click.
Added a search option.
Added an option for fan-art drawings to be featured as a card portrait!
*REWORKED* Inventory:
Inventory expands after reaching maximum capacity.
Changed some icons.
Items will now float on the screen until you pick up them.
Added information pop-up for items.
Added stats information for tools. (Damage, durability, power, etc.)
Changed the design completely.
You can now move items.
Added hotkeys.
You can now equip/use tools.
The shops changed completely.
There is no maximum amount of money you can get per shop.
Added talk options.
You can now craft items.
*REWORKED* Quintuplets:
Added a GUI.
You can now ask for prices, and build the upgrades with items.
*REWORKED* Navigation:
Extremely faster than the previous version.
Now there is a smooth transition when moving from zones.
Added hinters; You can right-click, press H, or Mouse Wheel to activate hinters and see where you can go. (Completely customizable)
Girls, GUI, and objects on screen now appear instantly instead of 0.5-2 seconds. (aka 2 seconds of pain and lag)
*REWORKED* Guild Map:
Now any human being can use it.
*REWORKED* Guild Board:
Now is useful.
Now almost every guild member can work. (Lucy, Luna, Shino, Evie, and Ari)
You can send your girls to work in different places outside the town, or in the town itself. Every place and every girl will give you different items.
You have to wait for REAL-TIME for them to come back, the time you have to wait depends on the girl and the place you send her.
You can send/retrieve them AT ANY MOMENT.
Added a money bank and a chest to store items that the girls collect. You can upgrade this with perks. If for some reason the chest/money bank is full, the girl will stop working automatically.
Added a history window. To see what they collected.
*REWORKED* Game Menu:
Changed design.
Added an infinite amount of slots for save-games.
*REWORKED* Save-Games:
Save-games are now completely compatible between versions. Now you can’t overwrite a previous version save-game.
Save-games gets updated every time you change the version.
Auto-Saves are triggered every time you sleep.
*CHANGED* Mining:
Now you can mine without opening a window.
Time does not pass while mining.
You need to equip a pickaxe.
*CHANGED* Fishing
Added an arrow to change reeling sides.
*CHANGED* Guild Rooms:
Changed all rooms.
Added 9 new zones.
*CHANGED* Quests:
You can now organize your quests by “Active”, “Completed”, “Locked” and “In Development”
Changed the design a little bit.
Changed notifications.
You can now see where every girl is once you unlock a perk.
Added exclamation marks to zones when you have a new event available there.
Added animation when you open the map.
Added a way to go back.
Every position of every girl was reworked.
Every girl got their card portrait changed.
Little tweaks in the affection levels:
For every level, you’ll need the sum of all levels of the girl. Level 5 = 1+2+3+4+5 affection needed. (15), for example.
Added 1 extra event.
Added 3 lewd scenes.
Added 1 new animated card.
Added 2 new fanart cards.
Added 2 lewd scenes.
Added 1 new fanart card.
Added 1 new card.
Added 1 lewd scene.
Added 1 new animated card.
A fanart card will be added in the pre-release.
Added 1 new fanart card
Added 1 new fanart card.
Added 2 Events.
Added 1 lewd scene.
Added 3 events.
Added 1 lewd scene.
Added 3 events.
Added 1 amazing af fan art card.
Almost all locations got changed.
Added an option to disable/enable Discord presence.
v0.1.1 Public #Build 1
Evie events will now trigger even if she's not in that specific place.
Bug Fixes:
Gallery not working correctly.
v0.1.1 Public
Auto-Save default features of renpy caused really tedious lags while playing. Auto-Save was disabled completely and it will now auto-save ONLY when you sleep. You will note a great increase in performance.
Now you can’t open the menu when you have a shop open.
Added a cheat to unlock the gallery, change mc’s name and unlock the console.
Spanish is now COMPLETED. Thanks to Ezra#4008!
Bugs Fixed:
It won’t crash anymore after breaking a simple buoy while fishing.
1 to 2 seconds lag when entering a choice window or randomly while playing.
v0.1.1 Pre-Release
Changed some TIPS.
Corrected some grammatical errors.
Now loading shops is extremely fast. Removed the loading window.
When talking to Maria, you will open her chatting options instead of her shop first.
Now, when fishing, you won’t progress when making a full circle while reeling but in every position. (And buffed reel power)
Now Fishing Supplies costs less and has less probability to break.
Now you will know when a bait/hook/buoy is consumed.
Shikia now will suggest you to not reel fast. That’s not the way fishing works!
Now you can rollback after using shops.
Nerfed Iron Pickaxe and chance to get a mineral.
Changed transitions when you move more faster. Now looks like a “blink”.
Right-Click while fishing won’t send you to the menu!
Added some extra dialogues to Elizabeth and Leticia to know where Ari is.
You can tell Evie to take a break from studying or not in the morning.
Changed how shops looks.
Bugs Fixed:
Fishing sounds keeps playing and you can’t stop them.
The game crashed randomly for some users at the start of the game.
The game crashed randomly when navigating in Lucy and Evie random events.
The game won’t even start for MAC users.
After you buy Shino’s wine, you’re trapped in a infinite loop.
After 5th level of Evie, you don’t see both Evie and Luna at midnight anymore.
You can sell the same item multiple times and get unlimited money in merchants.
If you save a game while in shops and loaded another save, gui would stay the same as the shop one.
Mining doesn’t work in other languages. (¿?)
Mining ore heals after pressing space.
2 days passed when spending time with Luna at midnight.
If you start fishing after you use a buoy and you sell it, game crashes.
Gallery showed Maria scenes when selecting Ari.
Shikia, the fisher girl in the lake, looks like she’s small.
Narissa event in the market appears even if you’re looking for Evie.
Gallery is broken.
v0.1.1 Beta
Removed Kami
Added 8 new characters to the story
Added 7 new girls to unlock.
Added 79 new events
Disabled the power-save feature that was enabled by default This made the game laggy for some.
Removed the CLEAR GUI text style (No name with dialogue in color representing speaker):
Now you’ll always see the speaker’s name with white dialogue.
CLEAR GUI and BLACK GUI now only DISABLES/ENABLES the black background on dialogue.
Now there’s no auto-change between BLACK GUI and CLEAR GUI when you have CLEAR GUI selected and the scene involves a new character.
Arrows will be used to move between places, instead of “invisible”, clickable walls. Except for doors.
Cinematic Mode:
The cinematic mode will trigger automatically. It only works in 1 event, so far.
While in cinematic mode, you CAN’T skip or click to continue. (You can rollback. The rollback will lead to the start of the “cinematic”.)
This is made to have an “anime” effect in some events, making the music go together with the scenes/effects to give more… impact on the scene?
It desynchronizes the audio a little if the user pauses. If people like this feature, I’ll try to fix this.
This is a test. If needed, it will be deleted completely or implemented as an optional feature. (It will be determined during pre-release, for sure.)
You can talk to him at the entrance of the market now.
Every time you interact with him, he will talk about recent events, if possible. He will give you advice and pointers that may help you… Or maybe you’ll learn more about the world you live in.
Added 13 different dialogues.
Added 20+ Items
27 slots -> Unlimited
You can scroll now.
Items now properly stack
3 maximum popups -> Unlimited popups.
Quick View:
You can now enable/disable the quick view feature from the girl’s cards, right-clicking the image to enable/disable it and right-clicking the quick view to disable it.
The design was changed completely.
If you hover the mouse over you can see the affection needed per level, and if the affection goal was reached, you’ll see the TIP of the girl.
Little tweaks in the affection levels, here are some examples:
To level up from 4 to 5 -> 4 affection needed
To level up from 7 to 8 -> 6 affection needed
To level up from 12 to 13 -> 9 affection needed
To level up from 17 to 18 -> 14 affection needed
tldr; First levels need less affection.
After 5th level of Lucy, you’ll gain x2 affection when you spend time. This is made to make the game less grindy and simulate the other ways to get affection that are not implemented in the game yet.
Rates may change in v0.1.2
From level 3 to level 10
Added 8 events
2 new gallery scenes
Little tweak to her card background.
She was the winner of the Girl Content Poll; She didn’t receive more events/levels but the events last longer than other girls’.
From level 5 to level 10
Added 6 events
2 new gallery scenes
She was the winner of the Girl Content Poll; She didn’t receive more events/levels but the events last longer than other girls’.
Added an option to sleep with her instead of performing fellatio during the tradition. Manners make man.
From level 4 to level 10
6 new events
2 new gallery scenes
New Card thumbnail and background.
“Human” ears removed. And now the fur color of her cat ears is like Lucy’s hair, just as Lucy stated. Rework of her v0.1.0 events will be done later!
From level 4 to level 10
6 new events
1 new gallery scene
From level 3 to level 10.
Level 3 changed. You’ll start from level 2.
Added 7 new events.
1 gallery scene.
*Reworked* Evie:
Evie got a complete rework.
From level 0 to level 10.
13 new events.
She’s one of the main girls.
2 gallery scenes.
New card and card background
You will unlock Evie after Luna and Shino.
*Reworked* Sunny:
Sunny is back, but has seen some changes.
6 levels and 8 new events
1 gallery scene
New card and card background
You’ll find her mostly on the beach.
You’ll need her to be level 6 to unlock the end of the prologue.
*New* Maria:
You’ll be able to level Maria up to 5.
She’ll be mining during the day and tends her shop in the evening.
To unlock her, you have to get level 5 with all guild girls and Rebecca.
Both her “talk” and “shop” animations will be done later, together with all of the girls.
*New* Elizabeth:
You’ll be able to level Elizabeth up to level 1.
To unlock her, you have to progress on quest “Prologue”.
She’s doesn’t do much all day, and doesn’t appear in evening, night and midnight. (This is because in v0.1.2 all girl positions and how positions work will be reworked.)
*New* Leticia:
You’ll be able to level Leticia up to level 2.
To unlock her, you have to progress on quest “Prologue”.
She’s doesn’t do much all day, and doesn’t appear in evening, night and midnight. (This is because in v0.1.2 all girl positions and how positions work will be reworked.)
*New* Ari:
You’ll be able to level Ari up to level 2.
To unlock her, you have to progress on quest “Prologue”.
She’s doesn’t do much all day, and doesn’t appear in evening, night and midnight. (This is because in v0.1.2 all girl positions and how positions work will be reworked.)
*New* Narissa
The Fisher:
You will meet her the first time you go to the market.
Yeah, she has a name now.
She will be at the lake all day. You can ask her about fishing.
She will be a card in future updates, and you’ll be able to unlock her after the prologue.
*New* The Fish Vendor:
You will meet her the first time you go to the market.
She will be at the market all day. You can sell fish and buy baits and hooks in her shop.
You will need to buy the fishing rod from her.
*New* The Clothier:
You will meet her the first time you enter her shop.
She will be at the market only during the day. You will be able to buy/craft outfits from her in the future.
She will be a card in future updates, and you’ll be able to unlock her after the prologue.
And others...
*New* Beach:
The beach is now available! With 6 different locations to discover.
Random girls will appear minding their own business! You can’t interact with them, yet.
But you can watch them… (Editor Note – Can you hear the sirens, too?)
*New* Ruins:
You’ll be able to unlock the ruins after buying a canoe from Maria.
There are 7 different locations in total, in which 4 of them you can mine.
And other stuff…
*New* Witch Shop:
Will be unlocked after you meet Leticia, again.
Added 5 extra locations to the market, including The Park.
Moved some props for future use.
Bar closed, for now! (Editor Note – Time to sober up, gentlemen!)
Town Stairs:
Added 2 extra locations.
Bicycle Parking:
Tweaked the background…
Player Activities:
*Reworked* Fishing:
It was changed completely.
Now you must reel to catch a fish, you have X time to do so.
Every time you fail to catch a fish, time passes and you need to wait to a couple of seconds. If you catch it, less time passes and you start fishing again automatically.
There are 3 values: Auto-Fishing, Reeling and Time.
Auto-Fishing is how fast you catch a fish without reeling.
Reeling is how fast you catch a fish every full reel.
Time is how many seconds you have, to catch a fish.
Both can be upgraded by buying baits, hooks and buoys at the shop. (This will be replaced by perks later.)
*New* Mining:
To mine in caves, you’ll need to buy a pickaxe from Maria.
Everyday random ores spawn in the cave. You’ll have to select the ore and start clicking at it.
Every pickaxe has their own durability and damage.
Every time you click, time slowly passes. You get resources while mining and after breaking the ores.
*New* Shops:
Added 3 shops to the game.
You can buy, sell and *craft items there.
Every merchant will have a limited amount of money, but it will replenish bit by bit everyday.
Fishing Shop:
You will be able to buy the fishing rod, fish, hooks, baits and buoys there.
It’s the only place where you can sell fish.
*In the future, you’ll be able to craft consumables for your adventurers, helpers, or you to raise their fishing skill.
Ores Shop:
You will be able to buy ores and pickaxes there.
It’s the only place where you can sell ores.
*In the future, you’ll be able to craft Ingots or better pickaxes for your adventurers, helpers, or you to raise their mining skill.
Clothing Shop:
You will be able to buy most quest items here.
It’s the only place where you can sell Amianite.
*In the future, you’ll be able to craft/buy outfits for your girls, to raise their sex-appeal. kappa
* = Further updates.
“Chapter 1”:
Now changed to “Prologue”
You will unlock the quest after the second dream.
You will unlock 5 new girls by the end of this quest.
“A Room For An Elf”:
The quest is not in development anymore.
You get a new guild location and a new gallery scene by completing the quest.
“Where’s Jiro?”:
“Where’s Jimmy?”:
Changed completely.
6 steps to be completed.
“Guild Update”:
Now you need to travel to the library to complete this quest.
Added a really long description of what you need to do to reach the library… Very long…
“The Quintuplets”:
Now is completed after you meet them.
1 new quest.
Cheat Codes:
For now, there are only 2 cheat codes. One to always have max affection with every girl and the other to get 10 gold.
Whenever stuff like perks, levels and etc. are added, more cheat codes will too.
Guild Board (Girl’s work):
Now you will get more money per request. But girls gets tired. Every day they consecutively work, will give you half the money of the previous day.
Take care of your waifus and go get some money by yourself >:c
Now whenever you start the game, discord will show that you’re playing the game.
Maybe you don’t give a fuck, but I am very excited about this for some reason.
Bugs Fixed:
The ambient sounds were still playing when opening the map.
Whenever you load a save you get random pop-ups.
Lucy’s second event triggers anytime, not only during the afternoon, like it is supposed to be.
Rebecca’s first event triggers even if you don’t unlock her card.
If you wait in the bathroom before a girl enters, you get kicked out of the room with a black screen.
The popup events trigger randomly.
When you name your character in advanced options and you leave the name by which people call you blank, it won't stay as "Zack" and will go blank.
Whenever you click an item, their “tooltip” appears behind the characters on-screen.
Gallery scroll value remains the same when switching girls.
Evie is not cute enough to be alive. (Editor Note – She has successfully been silenced.)
Small, insignificant changes:
When a quest is new/updated and you open the quest menu, that quest will be selected automatically.
Now the quests are optimized for translation.
Now morning events triggers after a “dream”.
Changed some dialogues and scenes of the Demon God to make her look a lot less… Evil. (I mean, someone has to “do the deed” some day.)
Now the quest rewards show the unlocked girl after you unlock her and not her black template.
Now every event’s music won’t change that fast when ending an event. This is made to keep the “atmosphere” and not to change drastically.
Changed affection pop-ups outlines
Whenever the door is broken by the Quintuplets, the MC says that he can enter, even if the door is broken. This is made for the players to know they can enter and they don't need to fix the door.
Some events now stay with the “menu” on.
Fixed the Gallery Thumbnails. They should look good now.
You can fast access the quest from the girl’s tip screen if a quest is mentioned and the quest is unlocked.
Added an icon to fast travel to your room from the map.
You can now skip the tutorial if you already completed it before. (Skipping the tutorial will lead you to after having met Lucy.)
Added a dynamic “description” for some items. (The description changes while the story progresses)
Added some QoL features to the gallery.
Added arrows to the guild map, literally the third search result for HHG in google was how to reach the library. (Editor Note – … and I bet that people will still keep on asking.)
Changed description of Fara’s levels, the second search result of HHG in google was about how to get Fara’s wednesday event.
Added more than 30 background music themes. And remastered some others.
Remember: This update is NOT a CONTENT update. It’s a solid update ready to ADD content. v0.0.1 was the demo. This is technically the first version of the game!
This game is REWORKED! It will crash instantly!
First Game and Main Menu:
You’ll now have an intro when you first enter the game. You’ll see this intro only 1 time. Doesn’t matter how many saved games you have.
The main menu was changed. Showing all 12 girls.
And a beautiful button for patreon added uwu
Added a confirmation screen whenever you try to exit the game. With links to patreon, discord, and itch.io.
Added a presplash
Reworked completely the prologue. Adding 2 new characters.
Removed the “Blur” effect from the prologue.
Added sounds and effects!
Now the game gives you a tutorial whenever you unlock something.
Black Gui and Clear Gui:
You now have the option to use the clear guy or the black guy.
You can change this easily in the options menu.
BLACK GUI: A line cuts the screen, showing a white dialogue with the name of the character talking in the upper middle. All characters have white dialogue. This screen is shown in every scene.
CLEAR GUI: No line cuts the screen. No name is shown and the characters has color names representing the character himself. When a new character is on the event, it switches automatically to black gui.
The inventory system:
No longer works just for quests
The inventory disappears automatically if another action is done
From 3 slots to 27.
Items now have name, description, type, and rarity.
You can now USE the item when clicking them.
The inventory sorts automatically according to type and rarity. It follows this order: Quests, Tools, Items(Legendary,Epic,Rare,Uncommon and Common)
Currency now appears in the inventory
Added animation and sound to the open/close inventory action
Added animation(popups) and sound when you get an item.
Added animation and sound when you get money.
Added sound when you use money.
The Quest System:
Now every quest have is own background and icon!
You can see detailed information about what’s your actual objective, together with a description of what happens or what you need to do.
You can now see the rewards of that quest.
Quest in developments appears as “QUEST IN DEVELOPMENT” only when you reach the developed objective.
The quests don’t sort automatically, but you can disable/enable: Completed quests, locked quests, and quest in development.
Added a notification on the quest icon when you update a quest.
Added animations(pop-ups) and sounds when you discover a new quest, complete a quest and complete an objective.
The clock:
The clock is completely new. You can see clearly what day is, what weekday, the time you’re actually (Morning,Noon,Etc.) with both a picture and text. You can lock/unlock the text clicking the picture.
Added a WATCH to pass time in the place. Hurray!
Changed completely where the arrows are.
When you’re inside the guild, a bedroom button appears. Teletransports you to your bedroom. Leaving your vital organs in disrepair
When you’re in your bedroom, a Contract button appears. It teletransports you to the board. With the same miserable destiny.
GUILD MAP -> You can now buy a Guild Map from the Quintuplets to fast travel in the guild and access new zones!
Added a new zone: The Library, you can access it only if you have the guild map.
Map and zones:
Changed map, it now has trees! ♥
Added a new explorable zone: Lake, you can fish there.
The old market was completely deleted.
Added a new market with 5 new zones inside. (For now, obviously)
Added a bar :)
Added a fishing post. You can sell the fish you get on the basket.
More easy and simple to understand.
You don’t receive the coins automatically every morning. They keep saved on the board. Go and claim it!
Lucy is not an Adventurer anymore.
Luna and Evie are the only ones capable of making contracts
You can fish to get money in the early game.
You can sell the fish on the market.
Yes. You can skip that 4 seconds sequence if you hold CTRL while clicking the rod. You’re welcome
Girls system and cards:
Now every girl has levels! Starting at level 0! Every level is one event.
Affection is the same as EXP. You need affection to level up the girls. You can get affection passing time with them.
When you reach the necessary affection, you need to wait one day to unlock THE TIP and being able to see the event and level the girl.
Added animation and sounds when you meet girls! It is like catching pokemon, but with waifus.
Added animation(popup) and sounds when you level up a character.
Now scenes that implies multiple characters give you affection. For example, In an event when you level up Shino, you get affection with Fara.
Cards suffered a complete and beautiful rework. Completely animated cards with some info about the character, a circular bar of exp, and two new options;
You can activate Quick View from a girl's cards to see her progress in the top right corner of the screen. If you touch that icon, the card of the girl opens.
You can add girls to favorites. The girls in favorite will be on top of the Quick View and the Cards List
It’s easy af to get affection. For now.
- Changed Evie's dialogue size from 25 to 30. (Normal characters have 33)
- Changed Shino’s color name to represent her hair, not her clothes.
- Added the “Kami” Character. Represents the developer and tells you whenever one zone or feature is being “built”!
- Added some new characters that will join the Harem :)
Ari and Leticia were completely reworked.
Elizabeth had some small changes.
Sunny was disabled in this version due to a big change to her. She looked a lot like Zara, from Azur Lane. She’ll be available in the next updates.
Maria, Narissa, Leticia, Ari, and Elizabeth are not available due to lack of time and problems in pc performance. I’ll buy a pc really soon. They will be available soon.
Disabled future events of Fara-Luna and Evie-Lucy. They will be back when needed in the future! No more future events!
Evie only can join the guild and work.
Lucy Max Lvl = 3
Rebecca Max Lvl = 3
Fara Max Lvl = 5
Luna Max Lvl = 4
ADDED SPANISH LANGUAGE. It's in beta. So it has some bugs.
Changelog v0.1.0 BETA -> v0.1.0 BETA 1x
Tweaked some writing errors.
Fixed the map bug when you're in *Bicycle Parking* and *The Bar*.
Fixed Rebecca's "Talk" option crash.
Fixed the crash when you open Sunny's Quest
Fixed the crash when you try to enter Rebecca's room after finding Jimmy.
Now you can't fish while the map is open.
Translated correctly most of the game, except the map icons.
Fixed all(or most) typos error.
When you use an item, the popup appears in spanish now.
You can open/close the inventory with the "E" key.
If you have a fishing rod while having the inventory opened, you can use it with the " 1 " key.
Added a little mouse icon in the Guild Map which shows that it can be scrolled with the mouse wheel.
Changelog v0.1.0 BETA 1x -> v0.1.0 PRE-RELEASE
Tweaked some writing errors.
Fixed a bug where the board rewards per contract were at the same position when you take one contract. They now display correctly
Fixed a bug when you click the contract icon in the bedroom. No “Rooms” zone event activates! Now even you teleport yourself to the board, if a event is available in the ladder, it will happen.
Fixed the Quest 10, now it should unlock properly.
Changed the game menu style background.
In the prologue, you can now access the map while in the back of the house. Some people were confused about it.
Changed ALL screens and GUI to the game to make it easy to translate! ♥
Added the archer contract.
Added mouse style. (An option to disable this will be implemented in the future)
Added a new gallery.
You can’t access the gallery from the main menu, it has to be from a save.
You see all the replay options. If they are locked, they will be blurred.
You can sort that replay scenes using the girl’s menu below.
Optimized so users that played the BETA will get their scenes unlocked automatically.
Changelog v0.1.0 PRE-RELEASE -> v0.1.0 PUBLIC
Tweaked some writing errors.
Rebecca and Shino name now are displayed correctly.
Now is more clearly when there’s no content left.
Changed the game icon for something more… God Like.
Changed card background.
Changed card background.
Changed card thumbnail and color name.
Changed card background.
Changed card thumbnail.
First Game and Main Menu:
You’ll now have an intro when you first enter the game. You’ll see this intro only 1 time. Doesn’t matter how many saved games you have.
The main menu was changed. Showing all 12 girls.
And a beautiful button for patreon added uwu
Added a confirmation screen whenever you try to exit the game. With links to patreon, discord, and itch.io.
Added a presplash
Reworked completely the prologue. Adding 2 new characters.
Removed the “Blur” effect from the prologue.
Added sounds and effects!
Now the game gives you a tutorial whenever you unlock something.
Black Gui and Clear Gui:
You now have the option to use the clear guy or the black guy.
You can change this easily in the options menu.
BLACK GUI: A line cuts the screen, showing a white dialogue with the name of the character talking in the upper middle. All characters have white dialogue. This screen is shown in every scene.
CLEAR GUI: No line cuts the screen. No name is shown and the characters has color names representing the character himself. When a new character is on the event, it switches automatically to black gui.
The inventory system:
No longer works just for quests
The inventory disappears automatically if another action is done
From 3 slots to 27.
Items now has name,description, type and rarity.
You can now USE the item when clicking them.
The inventory sorts automatically according to type and rarity. It follows this order: Quests, Tools, Items(Legendary,Epic,Rare,Uncommon and Common)
Currency now appears in the inventory
Added animation and sound to the open/close inventory action
Added animation(popups) and sound when you get an item.
Added animation and sound when you get money.
Added sound when you use money.
The Quest System:
Now every quest have is own background and icon!
You can see detailed information about what’s your actual objective, together with a description of what happens or what you need to do.
You can now see the rewards of that quest.
Quest in developments appears as “QUEST IN DEVELOPMENT” only when you reach the developed objective.
The quests don’t sort automatically, but you can disable/enable: Completed quests, locked quests, and quest in development.
Added a notification on the quest icon when you update a quest.
Added animations(pop-ups) and sounds when you discover a new quest, complete a quest and complete an objective.
The clock:
The clock is completely new. You can see clearly what day is, what weekday, the time you’re actually (Morning,Noon,Etc.) with both a picture and text. You can lock/unlock the text clicking the picture.
Added a WATCH to pass time in the place. Hurray!
Changed completely where the arrows are.
When you’re inside the guild, a bedroom button appears. Teletransports you to your bedroom. Leaving your vital organs in disrepair
When you’re in your bedroom, a Contract button appears. It teletransports you to the board. With the same miserable destiny.
GUILD MAP -> You can now buy a Guild Map from the Quintuplets to fast travel in the guild and access new zones!
Added a new zone: The Library, you can access it only if you have the guild map.
Map and zones:
Changed map, it now has trees! ♥
Added a new explorable zone: Lake, you can fish there.
The old market was completely deleted.
Added a new market with 5 new zones inside. (For now, obviously)
Added a bar :)
Added a fishing post. You can sell the fish you get on the basket.
More easy and simple to understand.
You don’t receive the coins automatically every morning. They keep saved on the board. Go and claim it!
Lucy is not an Adventurer anymore.
Luna and Evie are the only ones capable of making contracts
You can fish to get money in the early game.
You can sell the fish on the market.
Yes. You can skip that 4 seconds sequence if you hold CTRL while clicking the rod. You’re welcome
Girls system and cards:
Now every girl has levels! Starting at level 0! Every level is one event.
Affection is the same as EXP. You need affection to level up the girls. You can get affection passing time with them.
When you reach the necessary affection, you need to wait one day to unlock THE TIP and being able to see the event and level the girl.
Added animation and sounds when you meet girls! It is like catching pokemon, but with waifus.
Added animation(popup) and sounds when you level up a character.
Now scenes that implies multiple characters give you affection. For example, In an event when you level up Shino, you get affection with Fara.
Cards suffered a complete and beautiful rework. Completely animated cards with some info about the character, a circular bar of exp, and two new options;
You can activate Quick View from a girl's cards to see her progress in the top right corner of the screen. If you touch that icon, the card of the girl opens.
You can add girls to favorites. The girls in favorite will be on top of the Quick View and the Cards List
It’s easy af to get affection. For now.
- Changed Evie's dialogue size from 25 to 30. (Normal characters have 33)
- Changed Shino’s color name to represent her hair, not her clothes.
- Added the “Kami” Character. Represents the developer and tells you whenever one zone or feature is being “built”!
- Added some new characters that will join the Harem :)
Ari and Leticia were completely reworked.
Elizabeth had some small changes.
Sunny was disabled in this version due to a big change to her. She looked a lot like Zara, from Azur Lane. She’ll be available in the next updates.
Maria, Narissa, Leticia, Ari, and Elizabeth are not available due to lack of time and problems in pc performance. I’ll buy a pc really soon. They will be available soon.
Disabled future events of Fara-Luna and Evie-Lucy. They will be back when needed in the future! No more future events!
Evie only can join the guild and work.
Lucy Max Lvl = 3
Rebecca Max Lvl = 3
Fara Max Lvl = 5
Luna Max Lvl = 4
ADDED SPANISH LANGUAGE. It's in beta. So it has some bugs.
Changelog v0.1.0 BETA -> v0.1.0 BETA 1x
Tweaked some writing errors.
Fixed the map bug when you're in *Bicycle Parking* and *The Bar*.
Fixed the Rebecca's "Talk" option crash.
Fixed the crash when you open Sunny's Quest
Fixed the crash when you try to enter Rebecca's room after finding Jimmy.
Now you can't fish while map is open.
Translated correctly most of the game, except the map icons.
Fixed all(or most) typos error.
When you use an item, the popup appears in spanish now.
You can open/close the inventory with the "E" key.
If you have a fishing rod while having the inventory opened, you can use it with the " 1 " key.
Added a little mouse icon in the Guild Map which shows that it can be scrolled with the mouse wheel.
Changelog v0.1.0 BETA 1x -> v0.1.0 PRE-RELEASE
Tweaked some writing errors.
Fixed a bug where the board rewards per contract where at the same position when you take one contract. They now display correctly
Fixed a bug when you click the contract icon in the bedroom. No “Rooms” zone event activates! Now even you teleport yourself to the board, if a event is available in the ladder, it will happen.
Fixed the Quest 10, now it should unlock properly.
Changed the game menu style background.
In the prologue, you can now access the map while in the back of the house. Some people where confused about it.
Changed ALL screens and GUI to the game to make it easy to translate! ♥
Added the archer contract.
Added mouse style. (An option to disable this will be implemented in the future)
Added a new gallery.
You can’t access the gallery from main menu, it has to be from a save.
You see all the replay options. If they are locked, they will be blurred.
You can sort that replay scenes using the girl’s menu below.
Optimized so users that played the BETA will get their scenes unlocked automatically.
Changelog v0.1.0 PRE-RELEASE -> v0.1.0 PUBLIC
Tweaked some writing errors.
Rebecca and Shino name now are displayed correctly.
Now is more clearly when there’s no content left.
Changed the game icon for something more… God Like.
Changed card background.
Changed card background.
Changed card thumbnail and color name.
Changed card background.
Changed card thumbnail.
Changelog v0.1.0 PUBLIC -> v0.1.0 PUBLIC #BUILD 1
Tweaked a hell of a lot of writing HORRORS.
Now there’s a little text on the cards window that tells you how to close it.
Fixed some scenes where the black gui doesn’t activate.
Guild Arrows:
You can now use the arrow keys to move in the guild. Except in the “Rooms” zone. (You can only go to the left, right, and your room. Up!)
Removed the toilet.
Guild Map:
Added a tooltip when you hover in the mouse icon.
Added a Edge Scroll, made principally for laptop users! (Or Idon’thavemouse ones!)
Corrected some illogical lines when you “Enter Anyway” when Lucy is taking a bath.
She’s now the partner of Luna. Not her sister.
+1 Event and Level to Rebecca. This is meant only for her to leave that “Panic” state.
The bath scene with Luna doesn’t have camera movement anymore. And a new single scene was added between those.
She’s now the partner of Lucy. Not her sister.
Initial release.
Minor Changes
- New: Tutorial that will lead you to the POND as a beginner zone for fishing.
- New: Gallery section for specific girls.
- New: You can now "favorite" some scenes from the Gallery. They will appear at the start of the list.
- Balanced: Increased "Lost Boots" chance to appear.
- Balanced: Lucy will get less money working at town.
- QoL: You will move the entire stack of items at transfering items at shops.
- QoL: Clicking on an item inside a shop will send the full stack instead of only 1.
- QoL: New small text when you receive a Town Request with a "Request" item.
- QoL: You can now receive the money directly from the Guild Chest.
• The Guild Board perk only works to automate the previous process.
- V0.1.2.3b change: The girl at the +18 notice.
- V0.1.2.3b change: "Small Knife" price lowered and added tiers for foraging.
- V0.1.2.3b change: Lowered fingerlicker price from 10 silver to 5.
- V0.1.2.3b change: Reduced swearing and insults.
- V0.1.2.3b change: Shikia's tips for fishing.
- V0.1.2.3b change: Christmas Fishing Battle performance and minor stuff.
- V0.1.2.3b change: Multiple quests changed.
- V0.1.2.3b change: Removed "Invest" from shops. (It doesn't change anything.)
- V0.1.2.3b change: "House Of The Owl" quest;
• "Lucy's Workshop" doesn't check until you actually enter the room.
• Added "at morning" in "Lucy's Workshop".
• Added "The Door" as a needed requisit to finish the quest.
- V0.1.2.3b change: Multiple perks changed.
- V0.1.2.3b change: Added total affection icon to delivering requests.
- V0.1.2.3b change: Added a scroll bar for the quest's objectives.
- V0.1.2.3b change: Narissa is unlockable.
- V0.1.2.3b new: Christmas cards.
- Being able to re-play the snowy event by finishing the prologue again.
- Tutorials appeared in weird moments, causing crashes.
- "Craft" and "Buy" icons not centered in shops.
- Fixed a Ghostly and Glitchy error.
- Lucy's "Guild Outfit" error.
- Shop menu of Granny bugged when pressing "Talk"
- Fixed halloween event.
- v0.1.2.3b: Girls showing their hint event when not reaching maximum exp.
- v0.1.2.3b: Coins button crashed the game.
- V0.1.2.3b: Game won't crash anymore for countries with banned pastebin, patreon and discord pages.
- V0.1.2.3b: Fara level 1 hint corrected from "night" to "midnight".
- V0.1.2.3b: Leticia level 3 hint corrected from "evening" to "afternoon".
- V0.1.2.3b: Luna appeared twice at the "Prologue" quest.
- V0.1.2.3b: Text from Quest's are now correctly aligned.
- V0.1.2.3b: Random crashes when opening the saves menu.
- V0.1.2.3b: Spaces were available when choosing a name.
- V0.1.2.3b: Durability bug when using the Guild Chest.
- V0.1.2.3b: Evie MIDNIGHT bug when she's not there.
- V0.1.2.3b: Fixed Halloween quest and item descriptions. October 27 to December 8.
- V0.1.2.3b: Fixed cards background panning.
- V0.1.2.3b: Rollback working on some screens.
v0.1.2 Beta
Added 1 new girl.
Added 23 new events.
Added 44 new micro-events. (Most of them are spending time events.)
I literally made a new game, there’s a lot of changes on code, but not that much on what the player sees. This time, I won’t mention the changes on the code, I’ll do that in another post with some information on how I did the rework. It’s pretty interesting. What I will write in this changelog are only changes that the player is able to see. There’s a lot of changes in, for example, how the girl’s behavior works and how I can design different positions for different characters, or different talk options based on how the game progresses, and a lot more, but that’s for later.
*NEW* Levels and Exp:
Now almost all actions will give you EXP.
Added a small level bar on top of the screen.
Getting affection, talking with Jimmy, leveling up girls, foraging, mining, fishing, everything will give you exp that you’ll be able to spend.
The more levels you have, the more exp you need per level.
The levels are CONSUMED when used.
*NEW* Perks or Skill Trees:
You can spend levels and money to buy permanent upgrades to your character, guild, or girls.
Added 20 perks, including the ability to headpat girls any time, getting more affection, upgrading your fishing skill, and more!
*NEW* Foraging:
Now random items will spawn on zones.
You can click items on the screen to collect them.
Some items spawn at specific times of the day, and after you collect them there’s a cooldown.
You can sell those items (Flowers, apples, mushrooms, etc) or use them for craft.
*NEW* Tutorials Or Help Menu:
Added a help menu inside options and pop-up tutorials.
Added 15 tutorials.
You can toggle the tutorials on and off.
*NEW* Actions:
Added an “Action” option when talking to a girl. This will lead to repeatable lewd events.
More repeatable lewd events will be added over time.
*REWORKED* Talk Options:
Added a smooth transition when opening menus.
You now have different options when talking to a girl.
Talking to a girl gives you 1 Trust and Knowledge point, when reaching 3 consecutive trust points, you break the maximum affection limit by 1 and you get 15% affection of the actual level.
New talk options appear over the course of time, and when you progress with girls.
*REWORKED* Spend Time:
Now you have a micro-event the first time you spend time with a girl in a position.
When spending time with a girl, if it’s the first time you spend time with a girl there you will get a micro-event and you get 1 Affection point PLUS 1 Trust point. If you do it again, you will see a fast reminder of the event and you will get only 1 affection.
*REWORKED* Girls Deck:
Added animated card portraits.
You can now buy/unlock different cards for every girl. Some of them are animated and some of them may give you an in-game scene after unlocking it.
Changed the design completely.
Added 2 new types of affection bars.
Added quick-buttons if you right-click.
Added a search option.
Added an option for fan-art drawings to be featured as a card portrait!
*REWORKED* Inventory:
Inventory expands after reaching maximum capacity.
Changed some icons.
Items will now float on the screen until you pick up them.
Added information pop-up for items.
Added stats information for tools. (Damage, durability, power, etc.)
Changed the design completely.
You can now move items.
Added hotkeys.
You can now equip/use tools.
The shops changed completely.
There is no maximum amount of money you can get per shop.
Added talk options.
You can now craft items.
*REWORKED* Quintuplets:
Added a GUI.
You can now ask for prices, and build the upgrades with items.
*REWORKED* Navigation:
Extremely faster than the previous version.
Now there is a smooth transition when moving from zones.
Added hinters; You can right-click, press H, or Mouse Wheel to activate hinters and see where you can go. (Completely customizable)
Girls, GUI, and objects on screen now appear instantly instead of 0.5-2 seconds. (aka 2 seconds of pain and lag)
*REWORKED* Guild Map:
Now any human being can use it.
*REWORKED* Guild Board:
Now is useful.
Now almost every guild member can work. (Lucy, Luna, Shino, Evie, and Ari)
You can send your girls to work in different places outside the town, or in the town itself. Every place and every girl will give you different items.
You have to wait for REAL-TIME for them to come back, the time you have to wait depends on the girl and the place you send her.
You can send/retrieve them AT ANY MOMENT.
Added a money bank and a chest to store items that the girls collect. You can upgrade this with perks. If for some reason the chest/money bank is full, the girl will stop working automatically.
Added a history window. To see what they collected.
*REWORKED* Game Menu:
Changed design.
Added an infinite amount of slots for save-games.
*REWORKED* Save-Games:
Save-games are now completely compatible between versions. Now you can’t overwrite a previous version save-game.
Save-games gets updated every time you change the version.
Auto-Saves are triggered every time you sleep.
*CHANGED* Mining:
Now you can mine without opening a window.
Time does not pass while mining.
You need to equip a pickaxe.
*CHANGED* Fishing
Added an arrow to change reeling sides.
*CHANGED* Guild Rooms:
Changed all rooms.
Added 9 new zones.
*CHANGED* Quests:
You can now organize your quests by “Active”, “Completed”, “Locked” and “In Development”
Changed the design a little bit.
Changed notifications.
You can now see where every girl is once you unlock a perk.
Added exclamation marks to zones when you have a new event available there.
Added animation when you open the map.
Added a way to go back.
Every position of every girl was reworked.
Every girl got their card portrait changed.
Little tweaks in the affection levels:
For every level, you’ll need the sum of all levels of the girl. Level 5 = 1+2+3+4+5 affection needed. (15), for example.
Added 1 extra event.
Added 3 lewd scenes.
Added 1 new animated card.
Added 2 new fanart cards.
Added 2 lewd scenes.
Added 1 new fanart card.
Added 1 new card.
Added 1 lewd scene.
Added 1 new animated card.
A fanart card will be added in the pre-release.
Added 1 new fanart card
Added 1 new fanart card.
Added 2 Events.
Added 1 lewd scene.
Added 3 events.
Added 1 lewd scene.
Added 3 events.
Added 1 amazing af fan art card.
Almost all locations got changed.
Added an option to disable/enable Discord presence.
v0.1.1 Public #Build 1
Evie events will now trigger even if she's not in that specific place.
Bug Fixes:
Gallery not working correctly.
v0.1.1 Public
Auto-Save default features of renpy caused really tedious lags while playing. Auto-Save was disabled completely and it will now auto-save ONLY when you sleep. You will note a great increase in performance.
Now you can’t open the menu when you have a shop open.
Added a cheat to unlock the gallery, change mc’s name and unlock the console.
Spanish is now COMPLETED. Thanks to Ezra#4008!
Bugs Fixed:
It won’t crash anymore after breaking a simple buoy while fishing.
1 to 2 seconds lag when entering a choice window or randomly while playing.
v0.1.1 Pre-Release
Changed some TIPS.
Corrected some grammatical errors.
Now loading shops is extremely fast. Removed the loading window.
When talking to Maria, you will open her chatting options instead of her shop first.
Now, when fishing, you won’t progress when making a full circle while reeling but in every position. (And buffed reel power)
Now Fishing Supplies costs less and has less probability to break.
Now you will know when a bait/hook/buoy is consumed.
Shikia now will suggest you to not reel fast. That’s not the way fishing works!
Now you can rollback after using shops.
Nerfed Iron Pickaxe and chance to get a mineral.
Changed transitions when you move more faster. Now looks like a “blink”.
Right-Click while fishing won’t send you to the menu!
Added some extra dialogues to Elizabeth and Leticia to know where Ari is.
You can tell Evie to take a break from studying or not in the morning.
Changed how shops looks.
Bugs Fixed:
Fishing sounds keeps playing and you can’t stop them.
The game crashed randomly for some users at the start of the game.
The game crashed randomly when navigating in Lucy and Evie random events.
The game won’t even start for MAC users.
After you buy Shino’s wine, you’re trapped in a infinite loop.
After 5th level of Evie, you don’t see both Evie and Luna at midnight anymore.
You can sell the same item multiple times and get unlimited money in merchants.
If you save a game while in shops and loaded another save, gui would stay the same as the shop one.
Mining doesn’t work in other languages. (¿?)
Mining ore heals after pressing space.
2 days passed when spending time with Luna at midnight.
If you start fishing after you use a buoy and you sell it, game crashes.
Gallery showed Maria scenes when selecting Ari.
Shikia, the fisher girl in the lake, looks like she’s small.
Narissa event in the market appears even if you’re looking for Evie.
Gallery is broken.
v0.1.1 Beta
Removed Kami
Added 8 new characters to the story
Added 7 new girls to unlock.
Added 79 new events
Disabled the power-save feature that was enabled by default This made the game laggy for some.
Removed the CLEAR GUI text style (No name with dialogue in color representing speaker):
Now you’ll always see the speaker’s name with white dialogue.
CLEAR GUI and BLACK GUI now only DISABLES/ENABLES the black background on dialogue.
Now there’s no auto-change between BLACK GUI and CLEAR GUI when you have CLEAR GUI selected and the scene involves a new character.
Arrows will be used to move between places, instead of “invisible”, clickable walls. Except for doors.
Cinematic Mode:
The cinematic mode will trigger automatically. It only works in 1 event, so far.
While in cinematic mode, you CAN’T skip or click to continue. (You can rollback. The rollback will lead to the start of the “cinematic”.)
This is made to have an “anime” effect in some events, making the music go together with the scenes/effects to give more… impact on the scene?
It desynchronizes the audio a little if the user pauses. If people like this feature, I’ll try to fix this.
This is a test. If needed, it will be deleted completely or implemented as an optional feature. (It will be determined during pre-release, for sure.)
You can talk to him at the entrance of the market now.
Every time you interact with him, he will talk about recent events, if possible. He will give you advice and pointers that may help you… Or maybe you’ll learn more about the world you live in.
Added 13 different dialogues.
Added 20+ Items
27 slots -> Unlimited
You can scroll now.
Items now properly stack
3 maximum popups -> Unlimited popups.
Quick View:
You can now enable/disable the quick view feature from the girl’s cards, right-clicking the image to enable/disable it and right-clicking the quick view to disable it.
The design was changed completely.
If you hover the mouse over you can see the affection needed per level, and if the affection goal was reached, you’ll see the TIP of the girl.
Little tweaks in the affection levels, here are some examples:
To level up from 4 to 5 -> 4 affection needed
To level up from 7 to 8 -> 6 affection needed
To level up from 12 to 13 -> 9 affection needed
To level up from 17 to 18 -> 14 affection needed
tldr; First levels need less affection.
After 5th level of Lucy, you’ll gain x2 affection when you spend time. This is made to make the game less grindy and simulate the other ways to get affection that are not implemented in the game yet.
Rates may change in v0.1.2
From level 3 to level 10
Added 8 events
2 new gallery scenes
Little tweak to her card background.
She was the winner of the Girl Content Poll; She didn’t receive more events/levels but the events last longer than other girls’.
From level 5 to level 10
Added 6 events
2 new gallery scenes
She was the winner of the Girl Content Poll; She didn’t receive more events/levels but the events last longer than other girls’.
Added an option to sleep with her instead of performing fellatio during the tradition. Manners make man.
From level 4 to level 10
6 new events
2 new gallery scenes
New Card thumbnail and background.
“Human” ears removed. And now the fur color of her cat ears is like Lucy’s hair, just as Lucy stated. Rework of her v0.1.0 events will be done later!
From level 4 to level 10
6 new events
1 new gallery scene
From level 3 to level 10.
Level 3 changed. You’ll start from level 2.
Added 7 new events.
1 gallery scene.
*Reworked* Evie:
Evie got a complete rework.
From level 0 to level 10.
13 new events.
She’s one of the main girls.
2 gallery scenes.
New card and card background
You will unlock Evie after Luna and Shino.
*Reworked* Sunny:
Sunny is back, but has seen some changes.
6 levels and 8 new events
1 gallery scene
New card and card background
You’ll find her mostly on the beach.
You’ll need her to be level 6 to unlock the end of the prologue.
*New* Maria:
You’ll be able to level Maria up to 5.
She’ll be mining during the day and tends her shop in the evening.
To unlock her, you have to get level 5 with all guild girls and Rebecca.
Both her “talk” and “shop” animations will be done later, together with all of the girls.
*New* Elizabeth:
You’ll be able to level Elizabeth up to level 1.
To unlock her, you have to progress on quest “Prologue”.
She’s doesn’t do much all day, and doesn’t appear in evening, night and midnight. (This is because in v0.1.2 all girl positions and how positions work will be reworked.)
*New* Leticia:
You’ll be able to level Leticia up to level 2.
To unlock her, you have to progress on quest “Prologue”.
She’s doesn’t do much all day, and doesn’t appear in evening, night and midnight. (This is because in v0.1.2 all girl positions and how positions work will be reworked.)
*New* Ari:
You’ll be able to level Ari up to level 2.
To unlock her, you have to progress on quest “Prologue”.
She’s doesn’t do much all day, and doesn’t appear in evening, night and midnight. (This is because in v0.1.2 all girl positions and how positions work will be reworked.)
*New* Narissa
The Fisher:
You will meet her the first time you go to the market.
Yeah, she has a name now.
She will be at the lake all day. You can ask her about fishing.
She will be a card in future updates, and you’ll be able to unlock her after the prologue.
*New* The Fish Vendor:
You will meet her the first time you go to the market.
She will be at the market all day. You can sell fish and buy baits and hooks in her shop.
You will need to buy the fishing rod from her.
*New* The Clothier:
You will meet her the first time you enter her shop.
She will be at the market only during the day. You will be able to buy/craft outfits from her in the future.
She will be a card in future updates, and you’ll be able to unlock her after the prologue.
And others...
*New* Beach:
The beach is now available! With 6 different locations to discover.
Random girls will appear minding their own business! You can’t interact with them, yet.
But you can watch them… (Editor Note – Can you hear the sirens, too?)
*New* Ruins:
You’ll be able to unlock the ruins after buying a canoe from Maria.
There are 7 different locations in total, in which 4 of them you can mine.
And other stuff…
*New* Witch Shop:
Will be unlocked after you meet Leticia, again.
Added 5 extra locations to the market, including The Park.
Moved some props for future use.
Bar closed, for now! (Editor Note – Time to sober up, gentlemen!)
Town Stairs:
Added 2 extra locations.
Bicycle Parking:
Tweaked the background…
Player Activities:
*Reworked* Fishing:
It was changed completely.
Now you must reel to catch a fish, you have X time to do so.
Every time you fail to catch a fish, time passes and you need to wait to a couple of seconds. If you catch it, less time passes and you start fishing again automatically.
There are 3 values: Auto-Fishing, Reeling and Time.
Auto-Fishing is how fast you catch a fish without reeling.
Reeling is how fast you catch a fish every full reel.
Time is how many seconds you have, to catch a fish.
Both can be upgraded by buying baits, hooks and buoys at the shop. (This will be replaced by perks later.)
*New* Mining:
To mine in caves, you’ll need to buy a pickaxe from Maria.
Everyday random ores spawn in the cave. You’ll have to select the ore and start clicking at it.
Every pickaxe has their own durability and damage.
Every time you click, time slowly passes. You get resources while mining and after breaking the ores.
*New* Shops:
Added 3 shops to the game.
You can buy, sell and *craft items there.
Every merchant will have a limited amount of money, but it will replenish bit by bit everyday.
Fishing Shop:
You will be able to buy the fishing rod, fish, hooks, baits and buoys there.
It’s the only place where you can sell fish.
*In the future, you’ll be able to craft consumables for your adventurers, helpers, or you to raise their fishing skill.
Ores Shop:
You will be able to buy ores and pickaxes there.
It’s the only place where you can sell ores.
*In the future, you’ll be able to craft Ingots or better pickaxes for your adventurers, helpers, or you to raise their mining skill.
Clothing Shop:
You will be able to buy most quest items here.
It’s the only place where you can sell Amianite.
*In the future, you’ll be able to craft/buy outfits for your girls, to raise their sex-appeal. kappa
* = Further updates.
“Chapter 1”:
Now changed to “Prologue”
You will unlock the quest after the second dream.
You will unlock 5 new girls by the end of this quest.
“A Room For An Elf”:
The quest is not in development anymore.
You get a new guild location and a new gallery scene by completing the quest.
“Where’s Jiro?”:
“Where’s Jimmy?”:
Changed completely.
6 steps to be completed.
“Guild Update”:
Now you need to travel to the library to complete this quest.
Added a really long description of what you need to do to reach the library… Very long…
“The Quintuplets”:
Now is completed after you meet them.
1 new quest.
Cheat Codes:
For now, there are only 2 cheat codes. One to always have max affection with every girl and the other to get 10 gold.
Whenever stuff like perks, levels and etc. are added, more cheat codes will too.
Guild Board (Girl’s work):
Now you will get more money per request. But girls gets tired. Every day they consecutively work, will give you half the money of the previous day.
Take care of your waifus and go get some money by yourself >:c
Now whenever you start the game, discord will show that you’re playing the game.
Maybe you don’t give a fuck, but I am very excited about this for some reason.
Bugs Fixed:
The ambient sounds were still playing when opening the map.
Whenever you load a save you get random pop-ups.
Lucy’s second event triggers anytime, not only during the afternoon, like it is supposed to be.
Rebecca’s first event triggers even if you don’t unlock her card.
If you wait in the bathroom before a girl enters, you get kicked out of the room with a black screen.
The popup events trigger randomly.
When you name your character in advanced options and you leave the name by which people call you blank, it won't stay as "Zack" and will go blank.
Whenever you click an item, their “tooltip” appears behind the characters on-screen.
Gallery scroll value remains the same when switching girls.
Evie is not cute enough to be alive. (Editor Note – She has successfully been silenced.)
Small, insignificant changes:
When a quest is new/updated and you open the quest menu, that quest will be selected automatically.
Now the quests are optimized for translation.
Now morning events triggers after a “dream”.
Changed some dialogues and scenes of the Demon God to make her look a lot less… Evil. (I mean, someone has to “do the deed” some day.)
Now the quest rewards show the unlocked girl after you unlock her and not her black template.
Now every event’s music won’t change that fast when ending an event. This is made to keep the “atmosphere” and not to change drastically.
Changed affection pop-ups outlines
Whenever the door is broken by the Quintuplets, the MC says that he can enter, even if the door is broken. This is made for the players to know they can enter and they don't need to fix the door.
Some events now stay with the “menu” on.
Fixed the Gallery Thumbnails. They should look good now.
You can fast access the quest from the girl’s tip screen if a quest is mentioned and the quest is unlocked.
Added an icon to fast travel to your room from the map.
You can now skip the tutorial if you already completed it before. (Skipping the tutorial will lead you to after having met Lucy.)
Added a dynamic “description” for some items. (The description changes while the story progresses)
Added some QoL features to the gallery.
Added arrows to the guild map, literally the third search result for HHG in google was how to reach the library. (Editor Note – … and I bet that people will still keep on asking.)
Changed description of Fara’s levels, the second search result of HHG in google was about how to get Fara’s wednesday event.
Added more than 30 background music themes. And remastered some others.
Remember: This update is NOT a CONTENT update. It’s a solid update ready to ADD content. v0.0.1 was the demo. This is technically the first version of the game!
This game is REWORKED! It will crash instantly!
First Game and Main Menu:
You’ll now have an intro when you first enter the game. You’ll see this intro only 1 time. Doesn’t matter how many saved games you have.
The main menu was changed. Showing all 12 girls.
And a beautiful button for patreon added uwu
Added a confirmation screen whenever you try to exit the game. With links to patreon, discord, and itch.io.
Added a presplash
Reworked completely the prologue. Adding 2 new characters.
Removed the “Blur” effect from the prologue.
Added sounds and effects!
Now the game gives you a tutorial whenever you unlock something.
Black Gui and Clear Gui:
You now have the option to use the clear guy or the black guy.
You can change this easily in the options menu.
BLACK GUI: A line cuts the screen, showing a white dialogue with the name of the character talking in the upper middle. All characters have white dialogue. This screen is shown in every scene.
CLEAR GUI: No line cuts the screen. No name is shown and the characters has color names representing the character himself. When a new character is on the event, it switches automatically to black gui.
The inventory system:
No longer works just for quests
The inventory disappears automatically if another action is done
From 3 slots to 27.
Items now have name, description, type, and rarity.
You can now USE the item when clicking them.
The inventory sorts automatically according to type and rarity. It follows this order: Quests, Tools, Items(Legendary,Epic,Rare,Uncommon and Common)
Currency now appears in the inventory
Added animation and sound to the open/close inventory action
Added animation(popups) and sound when you get an item.
Added animation and sound when you get money.
Added sound when you use money.
The Quest System:
Now every quest have is own background and icon!
You can see detailed information about what’s your actual objective, together with a description of what happens or what you need to do.
You can now see the rewards of that quest.
Quest in developments appears as “QUEST IN DEVELOPMENT” only when you reach the developed objective.
The quests don’t sort automatically, but you can disable/enable: Completed quests, locked quests, and quest in development.
Added a notification on the quest icon when you update a quest.
Added animations(pop-ups) and sounds when you discover a new quest, complete a quest and complete an objective.
The clock:
The clock is completely new. You can see clearly what day is, what weekday, the time you’re actually (Morning,Noon,Etc.) with both a picture and text. You can lock/unlock the text clicking the picture.
Added a WATCH to pass time in the place. Hurray!
Changed completely where the arrows are.
When you’re inside the guild, a bedroom button appears. Teletransports you to your bedroom. Leaving your vital organs in disrepair
When you’re in your bedroom, a Contract button appears. It teletransports you to the board. With the same miserable destiny.
GUILD MAP -> You can now buy a Guild Map from the Quintuplets to fast travel in the guild and access new zones!
Added a new zone: The Library, you can access it only if you have the guild map.
Map and zones:
Changed map, it now has trees! ♥
Added a new explorable zone: Lake, you can fish there.
The old market was completely deleted.
Added a new market with 5 new zones inside. (For now, obviously)
Added a bar :)
Added a fishing post. You can sell the fish you get on the basket.
More easy and simple to understand.
You don’t receive the coins automatically every morning. They keep saved on the board. Go and claim it!
Lucy is not an Adventurer anymore.
Luna and Evie are the only ones capable of making contracts
You can fish to get money in the early game.
You can sell the fish on the market.
Yes. You can skip that 4 seconds sequence if you hold CTRL while clicking the rod. You’re welcome
Girls system and cards:
Now every girl has levels! Starting at level 0! Every level is one event.
Affection is the same as EXP. You need affection to level up the girls. You can get affection passing time with them.
When you reach the necessary affection, you need to wait one day to unlock THE TIP and being able to see the event and level the girl.
Added animation and sounds when you meet girls! It is like catching pokemon, but with waifus.
Added animation(popup) and sounds when you level up a character.
Now scenes that implies multiple characters give you affection. For example, In an event when you level up Shino, you get affection with Fara.
Cards suffered a complete and beautiful rework. Completely animated cards with some info about the character, a circular bar of exp, and two new options;
You can activate Quick View from a girl's cards to see her progress in the top right corner of the screen. If you touch that icon, the card of the girl opens.
You can add girls to favorites. The girls in favorite will be on top of the Quick View and the Cards List
It’s easy af to get affection. For now.
- Changed Evie's dialogue size from 25 to 30. (Normal characters have 33)
- Changed Shino’s color name to represent her hair, not her clothes.
- Added the “Kami” Character. Represents the developer and tells you whenever one zone or feature is being “built”!
- Added some new characters that will join the Harem :)
Ari and Leticia were completely reworked.
Elizabeth had some small changes.
Sunny was disabled in this version due to a big change to her. She looked a lot like Zara, from Azur Lane. She’ll be available in the next updates.
Maria, Narissa, Leticia, Ari, and Elizabeth are not available due to lack of time and problems in pc performance. I’ll buy a pc really soon. They will be available soon.
Disabled future events of Fara-Luna and Evie-Lucy. They will be back when needed in the future! No more future events!
Evie only can join the guild and work.
Lucy Max Lvl = 3
Rebecca Max Lvl = 3
Fara Max Lvl = 5
Luna Max Lvl = 4
ADDED SPANISH LANGUAGE. It's in beta. So it has some bugs.
Changelog v0.1.0 BETA -> v0.1.0 BETA 1x
Tweaked some writing errors.
Fixed the map bug when you're in *Bicycle Parking* and *The Bar*.
Fixed Rebecca's "Talk" option crash.
Fixed the crash when you open Sunny's Quest
Fixed the crash when you try to enter Rebecca's room after finding Jimmy.
Now you can't fish while the map is open.
Translated correctly most of the game, except the map icons.
Fixed all(or most) typos error.
When you use an item, the popup appears in spanish now.
You can open/close the inventory with the "E" key.
If you have a fishing rod while having the inventory opened, you can use it with the " 1 " key.
Added a little mouse icon in the Guild Map which shows that it can be scrolled with the mouse wheel.
Changelog v0.1.0 BETA 1x -> v0.1.0 PRE-RELEASE
Tweaked some writing errors.
Fixed a bug where the board rewards per contract were at the same position when you take one contract. They now display correctly
Fixed a bug when you click the contract icon in the bedroom. No “Rooms” zone event activates! Now even you teleport yourself to the board, if a event is available in the ladder, it will happen.
Fixed the Quest 10, now it should unlock properly.
Changed the game menu style background.
In the prologue, you can now access the map while in the back of the house. Some people were confused about it.
Changed ALL screens and GUI to the game to make it easy to translate! ♥
Added the archer contract.
Added mouse style. (An option to disable this will be implemented in the future)
Added a new gallery.
You can’t access the gallery from the main menu, it has to be from a save.
You see all the replay options. If they are locked, they will be blurred.
You can sort that replay scenes using the girl’s menu below.
Optimized so users that played the BETA will get their scenes unlocked automatically.
Changelog v0.1.0 PRE-RELEASE -> v0.1.0 PUBLIC
Tweaked some writing errors.
Rebecca and Shino name now are displayed correctly.
Now is more clearly when there’s no content left.
Changed the game icon for something more… God Like.
Changed card background.
Changed card background.
Changed card thumbnail and color name.
Changed card background.
Changed card thumbnail.
First Game and Main Menu:
You’ll now have an intro when you first enter the game. You’ll see this intro only 1 time. Doesn’t matter how many saved games you have.
The main menu was changed. Showing all 12 girls.
And a beautiful button for patreon added uwu
Added a confirmation screen whenever you try to exit the game. With links to patreon, discord, and itch.io.
Added a presplash
Reworked completely the prologue. Adding 2 new characters.
Removed the “Blur” effect from the prologue.
Added sounds and effects!
Now the game gives you a tutorial whenever you unlock something.
Black Gui and Clear Gui:
You now have the option to use the clear guy or the black guy.
You can change this easily in the options menu.
BLACK GUI: A line cuts the screen, showing a white dialogue with the name of the character talking in the upper middle. All characters have white dialogue. This screen is shown in every scene.
CLEAR GUI: No line cuts the screen. No name is shown and the characters has color names representing the character himself. When a new character is on the event, it switches automatically to black gui.
The inventory system:
No longer works just for quests
The inventory disappears automatically if another action is done
From 3 slots to 27.
Items now has name,description, type and rarity.
You can now USE the item when clicking them.
The inventory sorts automatically according to type and rarity. It follows this order: Quests, Tools, Items(Legendary,Epic,Rare,Uncommon and Common)
Currency now appears in the inventory
Added animation and sound to the open/close inventory action
Added animation(popups) and sound when you get an item.
Added animation and sound when you get money.
Added sound when you use money.
The Quest System:
Now every quest have is own background and icon!
You can see detailed information about what’s your actual objective, together with a description of what happens or what you need to do.
You can now see the rewards of that quest.
Quest in developments appears as “QUEST IN DEVELOPMENT” only when you reach the developed objective.
The quests don’t sort automatically, but you can disable/enable: Completed quests, locked quests, and quest in development.
Added a notification on the quest icon when you update a quest.
Added animations(pop-ups) and sounds when you discover a new quest, complete a quest and complete an objective.
The clock:
The clock is completely new. You can see clearly what day is, what weekday, the time you’re actually (Morning,Noon,Etc.) with both a picture and text. You can lock/unlock the text clicking the picture.
Added a WATCH to pass time in the place. Hurray!
Changed completely where the arrows are.
When you’re inside the guild, a bedroom button appears. Teletransports you to your bedroom. Leaving your vital organs in disrepair
When you’re in your bedroom, a Contract button appears. It teletransports you to the board. With the same miserable destiny.
GUILD MAP -> You can now buy a Guild Map from the Quintuplets to fast travel in the guild and access new zones!
Added a new zone: The Library, you can access it only if you have the guild map.
Map and zones:
Changed map, it now has trees! ♥
Added a new explorable zone: Lake, you can fish there.
The old market was completely deleted.
Added a new market with 5 new zones inside. (For now, obviously)
Added a bar :)
Added a fishing post. You can sell the fish you get on the basket.
More easy and simple to understand.
You don’t receive the coins automatically every morning. They keep saved on the board. Go and claim it!
Lucy is not an Adventurer anymore.
Luna and Evie are the only ones capable of making contracts
You can fish to get money in the early game.
You can sell the fish on the market.
Yes. You can skip that 4 seconds sequence if you hold CTRL while clicking the rod. You’re welcome
Girls system and cards:
Now every girl has levels! Starting at level 0! Every level is one event.
Affection is the same as EXP. You need affection to level up the girls. You can get affection passing time with them.
When you reach the necessary affection, you need to wait one day to unlock THE TIP and being able to see the event and level the girl.
Added animation and sounds when you meet girls! It is like catching pokemon, but with waifus.
Added animation(popup) and sounds when you level up a character.
Now scenes that implies multiple characters give you affection. For example, In an event when you level up Shino, you get affection with Fara.
Cards suffered a complete and beautiful rework. Completely animated cards with some info about the character, a circular bar of exp, and two new options;
You can activate Quick View from a girl's cards to see her progress in the top right corner of the screen. If you touch that icon, the card of the girl opens.
You can add girls to favorites. The girls in favorite will be on top of the Quick View and the Cards List
It’s easy af to get affection. For now.
- Changed Evie's dialogue size from 25 to 30. (Normal characters have 33)
- Changed Shino’s color name to represent her hair, not her clothes.
- Added the “Kami” Character. Represents the developer and tells you whenever one zone or feature is being “built”!
- Added some new characters that will join the Harem :)
Ari and Leticia were completely reworked.
Elizabeth had some small changes.
Sunny was disabled in this version due to a big change to her. She looked a lot like Zara, from Azur Lane. She’ll be available in the next updates.
Maria, Narissa, Leticia, Ari, and Elizabeth are not available due to lack of time and problems in pc performance. I’ll buy a pc really soon. They will be available soon.
Disabled future events of Fara-Luna and Evie-Lucy. They will be back when needed in the future! No more future events!
Evie only can join the guild and work.
Lucy Max Lvl = 3
Rebecca Max Lvl = 3
Fara Max Lvl = 5
Luna Max Lvl = 4
ADDED SPANISH LANGUAGE. It's in beta. So it has some bugs.
Changelog v0.1.0 BETA -> v0.1.0 BETA 1x
Tweaked some writing errors.
Fixed the map bug when you're in *Bicycle Parking* and *The Bar*.
Fixed the Rebecca's "Talk" option crash.
Fixed the crash when you open Sunny's Quest
Fixed the crash when you try to enter Rebecca's room after finding Jimmy.
Now you can't fish while map is open.
Translated correctly most of the game, except the map icons.
Fixed all(or most) typos error.
When you use an item, the popup appears in spanish now.
You can open/close the inventory with the "E" key.
If you have a fishing rod while having the inventory opened, you can use it with the " 1 " key.
Added a little mouse icon in the Guild Map which shows that it can be scrolled with the mouse wheel.
Changelog v0.1.0 BETA 1x -> v0.1.0 PRE-RELEASE
Tweaked some writing errors.
Fixed a bug where the board rewards per contract where at the same position when you take one contract. They now display correctly
Fixed a bug when you click the contract icon in the bedroom. No “Rooms” zone event activates! Now even you teleport yourself to the board, if a event is available in the ladder, it will happen.
Fixed the Quest 10, now it should unlock properly.
Changed the game menu style background.
In the prologue, you can now access the map while in the back of the house. Some people where confused about it.
Changed ALL screens and GUI to the game to make it easy to translate! ♥
Added the archer contract.
Added mouse style. (An option to disable this will be implemented in the future)
Added a new gallery.
You can’t access the gallery from main menu, it has to be from a save.
You see all the replay options. If they are locked, they will be blurred.
You can sort that replay scenes using the girl’s menu below.
Optimized so users that played the BETA will get their scenes unlocked automatically.
Changelog v0.1.0 PRE-RELEASE -> v0.1.0 PUBLIC
Tweaked some writing errors.
Rebecca and Shino name now are displayed correctly.
Now is more clearly when there’s no content left.
Changed the game icon for something more… God Like.
Changed card background.
Changed card background.
Changed card thumbnail and color name.
Changed card background.
Changed card thumbnail.
Changelog v0.1.0 PUBLIC -> v0.1.0 PUBLIC #BUILD 1
Tweaked a hell of a lot of writing HORRORS.
Now there’s a little text on the cards window that tells you how to close it.
Fixed some scenes where the black gui doesn’t activate.
Guild Arrows:
You can now use the arrow keys to move in the guild. Except in the “Rooms” zone. (You can only go to the left, right, and your room. Up!)
Removed the toilet.
Guild Map:
Added a tooltip when you hover in the mouse icon.
Added a Edge Scroll, made principally for laptop users! (Or Idon’thavemouse ones!)
Corrected some illogical lines when you “Enter Anyway” when Lucy is taking a bath.
She’s now the partner of Luna. Not her sister.
+1 Event and Level to Rebecca. This is meant only for her to leave that “Panic” state.
The bath scene with Luna doesn’t have camera movement anymore. And a new single scene was added between those.
She’s now the partner of Lucy. Not her sister.
Initial release.
Тему отредактировал: severnivolk - 21-08-2024, 12:10
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