Описание:В кафе Secret Care вы являетесь владельцем нового кафе в городе. Но это не ваше обычное кафе, в этом заведении есть специальная программа ухода, чтобы его клиенты действительно наслаждались своим пребыванием.
Каждый день вам придется заботиться о клиентах, а также поддерживать хорошие отношения со своими коллегами, чтобы разблокировать специальные мероприятия. Здесь вы можете найти милые или полезные сцены и непристойные анимированные сцены. Выберите свой собственный путь с Куки, Рейной или Синтией (или всеми тремя из них, если вам повезет, или ни с кем, если не повезёт), и убедитесь, что вы не разоритесь.
Случайные события, которые могут произойти после рабочего дня, гарантируют, что вы будете получать разные впечатления каждый день.
In the Secret Care Cafe you are the owner of the new cafe in town. But it's not your everyday cafe shop, this place has a special care program to make it's customers really enjoy their stay.
Everyday you will have to take care of customers as well as keep good relations with your coworkers to unlock special events. Here you can find cute or wholesome scenes and lewd animated scenes. Chose your own path with Cookie, Rai or Cynthia (or all 3 of them if you're lucky or none if you are not), and make sure to not get broke.
Random events that can trigger after day of work will make sure you will get different experience everyday.
Год выпуска: 2020
Жанр: 2d game, 3dcg, adventure, animated, big ass, big tits, creampie, groping, handjob, male protagonist, management, milf, oral, teasing, vaginal, group, multiple penetration, swinging, ntr, anal,
Цензура: Отсутствует
Разработчик/Издатель: Rare Alex - www.patreon.com/bePatron?u=17421115
Перевод: Mechan1cПлатформа: PC/Windows
Тип издания: В разработке
Таблетка: Не требуется
Версия: v.0.8.41 Rus / v.0.8.47 Eng
Язык игры: Русский/Английский (
Перевод на 80% машинный)
Язык интерфейса: Русский/Английский
Поблагодарить Переводчика: Yoomoney кошелёк 410017524399421Поблагодарить Переводчика:
Sberbank: 2202 2016 5632 0294
0.8.47 - 2025-03-03
- added 3 new events, main event, Rai's chat nsfw event with Cynthia and Jock's and Cynthia benefit event
- added a lot of new code behind how new events will be added (and old ones to be changed), now folder with the game has folders with events txt files and sprites files. You can easily view them and it will be the easiest way to get translations done. fix typos and even event code in the interactions in game.
- changed the Upgrade Menu unlock description to be more clear when does it unlock (and changed from sprite to text)
- fixed error with not spawning second boss (wrong event order)
- fixed wrong first event showing in Cookie's side story gallery
- corrected a bunch of typos
v0.8.46 - 2025-02-01
- added 3 new events, 2 new main events (one with Aria and second with RaixAme), 1 random event (Cynthia nsfw)
- limited Goth Client skill activation rate to 4 times max per client
- fixed goth client crashing game in specific situation
- fixed some portraits positioning
- fixed a couple of other minor bugs
- hopefully fixed Goth Dude messing up other clients positioning through his skill (to observe)
- fixed AV clients messing with clients positioning
- fixed wrong character talking in few events
- corrected couple of typos
v0.8.45 - 2024-12-22
- added 3 new events, Cookie's aftermath with Big guy and nsfw benefit event after that, Rai's early chat event.
- slowed down leaving clients so no matter the speed you can still see why client left
- deleted one unfinished event from gallery that was coded in as duplicate
- fixed CookiexCynthiaxSergil event sometimes not spawning in gallery
- fixed two event interloping on top of each other in Seasonal gallery
- fixed not moving mouths and their wrong placements in two winter events
- fixed wrong person talking in one scene in CookiexSergilxCynthia event
- fixed goth guy not registering he is still seating at the table if his skill activated
- fixed (hopefully) clients sometimes being stuck at the entrance or having a double take
- fixed AV producers and Sport fans cameraman and Quiet guy being on top of everything in game and fixed collisions at 4th table
- fixed crashing on preparation screen under specific circumstances
- fixed crashing when clicking on some items in interactive cookie event and few others bugs here
- fixed crashing during Anastasia boss battle and spawning clients
- fixed bug that didn't spawn 3rd boss again if you already used their summon perk
- fixed crashing while seeing Sergil's secret cg in gallery
- fixed sport fans not registering you used Sent Text skill on them
- few small optimizations all around
- added 3 new events, Cookie's aftermath with Big guy and nsfw benefit event after that, Rai's early chat event.
- slowed down leaving clients so no matter the speed you can still see why client left
- deleted one unfinished event from gallery that was coded in as duplicate
- fixed CookiexCynthiaxSergil event sometimes not spawning in gallery
- fixed two event interloping on top of each other in Seasonal gallery
- fixed not moving mouths and their wrong placements in two winter events
- fixed wrong person talking in one scene in CookiexSergilxCynthia event
- fixed goth guy not registering he is still seating at the table if his skill activated
- fixed (hopefully) clients sometimes being stuck at the entrance or having a double take
- fixed AV producers and Sport fans cameraman and Quiet guy being on top of everything in game and fixed collisions at 4th table
- fixed crashing on preparation screen under specific circumstances
- fixed crashing when clicking on some items in interactive cookie event and few others bugs here
- fixed crashing during Anastasia boss battle and spawning clients
- fixed bug that didn't spawn 3rd boss again if you already used their summon perk
- fixed crashing while seeing Sergil's secret cg in gallery
- fixed sport fans not registering you used Sent Text skill on them
- few small optimizations all around
v.0.8.43 - 2024-11-18
Hey there!
I hope you had a scary-sexy Halloween!
Today I'm finishing all the gallery merging, now it should all work beautifully, fast and without even crisp on it. We can put it in the 'finished' box and be happy. Finally I also finished the quite longer event with Cynthia x Cookie x Sergil, that pops up only if you agree in a Cookie event that you'll tell Cynthia about you two, so yes we crossed into the choices matter territory, as some events might not be available if you chose another option.
I'm back to having issues with GMS (engine I'm using for the game), so that's no fun. I'll report it later today, maybe they will think of another solution than before.
Next update should be in a week or so, because this month I’ll be focusing on nsfw events over coding as it was mind torture.
Where is the file with just Update? As mentioned in last release notes this version has many things changed so it is impossible for me to create 'just Update' files without you having visual issues very quickly. That's why for this update you'll have to download the whole game. Sorry for the issue.
Secret Care Cafe release notes ver 0.8.43:
- added nsfw event with Cookie, Cynthia and Sergil if you wanted to tell Cynthia about Cookie and You
- added 'handy' animation to Cookie x 2 best bros 2nd event (that we made on stream some time ago)
- re-added all clients events and abilities to gallery, merging them into one, at the same time reducing the amount of objects for game to load by 131 (optimization, in short)
- fixed crashing while Anastasia tried to spawn
- fixed first summer event showing wrong order of cgs
- fixed crashing in Roomba and Veronica boss fight connected to gojima and kizuma
- fixed gojima and kizuma not reacting propertly if they couldnt sit down
- fixed maids sometimes not leaving sits after clients leave
- fixed a couple of events having weird effects when scrolled up the text (there are still more to fix)
- a couple other small fixes and optimizations and typo fixes
Known Issues:
They shouldn't now, but I didn't do enough tests, so if you see a client block itself on the doors again please let me know what client it was and which speed were you using this day so I can check it and fix it.
v0.8.42 - 2024-11-04
- added new subsribers-exclusive event of Cookie being very brave on the beach, nsfw with two possible outcomes
- rewrote nearly entire gallery
* merged over 276+ objects in engine to one object (basically optimization of the game)
* thanks to that fixed crashes in the gallery that appeared in last update
* added extra tabs to the gallery
* buttons look better + shadows and highlights are code generated and not sprites
- added ability to chose a person in your end-of-day menu, you can choose between 4 maids (right now only early/first interactions added, only main skin and Sergil POV)
- fixed crashing when a Lovely Couple was sitting down inside without favorite maid chosen
- fixed crashing while Anastasia tried to spawn
- fixed first summer event showing wrong order of cgs
- fixed crashing in Roomba and Veronica boss fight connected to gojima and kizuma
- fixed gojima and kizuma not reacting propertly if they couldnt sit down
- fixed maids sometimes not leaving sits after clients leave
- fixed a couple of events having weird effects when scrolled up the text (there are still more to fix)
- corrected a couple of typos
v0.8.41 - 2024-09-20
- added 2 events nsfw (Rai x Sergil and Ame x Sport Fans)
- fixed gray screen in Ame x Cynthia x Sergil date at one point
- fixed bug that didn't load any random events and was stuck on black screen if you haven't seen random events for a long time
- fixed bug that tried to load non-existing texture pages
- optimized some events to run through single event-object instead of separate objects (basically coding around GMS2 limitations) (part 1)
- reduced number of object in the game so it should load and start a bit smoother (part 1)
- some other optimization
- fixed few spelling mistakes
- fixed bug that checked wrong variable for Ames x Sport Fans gallery icon
- fixed one of Cynthia's events in gallery checking wrong variable
- fixed crashing and weirdness in gallery when seeing Cookie's gallery
- added 3 new events (important chat event with Cookie and Sergil (nsfw), chat event between Ame and cookie, main event)
- one new song added to main event
- fixing events and scripts to lower their amount (tldr; amount influences the build creation)
- fixed crashes under specific conditions during 3rd boss fight
- fixed crashing when you wanted to get back to title screen during 3rd boss fight
- fixed crashing in Cookie x Big Client event if you scrolled back after specific moment
- fixed right clicking on business client during gameplay sometimes having weird effect
- fixed error with one of the fonts
- fixed cookie not responding fast enough to move requests in Anastasia latest event
- fixed bug that made wedlock couple not spawn (thank you Miya!)
- fixed bug in Cookie's first seggs scene that weirdly reacted to not seggsins her (understandably)
- fixed few spelling mistakes
v0.8.39 - 2024-08-02
- added 3 events (short event with Rai falling down again, first event with wedlock husband, main morning event with Clint unlocking item shop and upgrade menu)
- added a perk to reset 3rd boss and make it appear again
- added a button letting you disable a mouse wheel speed change in escape menu during gameplay
- remade the way clients are spawning, now we will be able to easily influence the chances of a specific client appearing
- remade the way story events are being generated, preventing the end of the day from not wanting to progress in some cases (black screen)
- you can now change the speed of the game with + and - on your keypad
- now the Item Shop and Upgrade Menu are closed until day 4 to prevent new players from spending all of their money first day, instead of focusing on stock
- added to some information when buttons will unlock if hovered over them (Backrooms, item shop, upgrade menu)
- changed chances for all clients to spawn (and reduced 2 bros spawning at the same time)
- greatly increased chances to see the new random events that are added to the game
- decreased the speed of energy depletion for maids in backrooms
- increased cleanliness restoration from maids' cleaning
- decreased a chance for a client to spawn when no one is inviting (from 50% to 33% if cafe empty and to 16% if cafe has clients), so you have more control over who is being invited
- Roomaid perk now unlocks after beating 3rd boss
- increased starting money from 2000 to 3000
- some code optimization
- fixed wrong person talking in 2 lines in 2guys x Cookie aftermath event
- fixed morning sex with Cynthia event that didn't show some part of the text under specific circumstances
- fixed crashing and sudden start of secret Halloween event if bought the skip gem
- fixed black screen after Girl in the Bar event
- fixed Send Text skill, showing wrong values and costing way less when buying third and fourth levels
- fixed Speedtasker's perk level 2 visible requirements
- fixed crashing while trying to play Cookie's and Sport Guy's event from gallery
- fixed day ending while Anastasia take out cgs were visible
- fixed few objects persisting between maps, taking up resources
- fixed right clicking Ame sometimes not canceling her inviting clients
- fixed housewife's, Anastasia's, two bros', shy couple's and gyaru's walking positions
- fixed perks having wrong fonts in description
- fixed all of Sergil's perks having visual bugs when they were locked
- fixed a bunch of typos
v0.8.38 - 2024-07-09
- added 5 new events (Cynthia's random and chat events, Cookies and Ame's talk about her flat main event, Ame sfw client group event and Kais visit to Sergil)
- added mute button to gallery if you don't like the bgm there
- some optimizations during main gameplay (mainly camera based)
- added condition of having bought VIP room to Gojima/Kizuma event
- fixed some mouths running away from body while characters were talking
- fixed crashing while trying to start Two Best Friends Cookie's aftermath event in gallery
- fixed bug with Cynthia's flirt when instead of her own cgs, it counted Cookie's cgs to decide what to show
- fixed bug showing gray background in two best guys aftermath
- fixed bug that prevented you from seeing nsfw event with Nina
- added 4 new events
* Cookie's chat with Sergil 'scare'
* one main event with Sergil and ?
* chat cookie event about Anastasia
* Cookie's nsfw aftermath with 2 best friends
- changed order of some main events
- fixed the bug showing you client buttons for too long if you backed out of menu
- fixed bug letting you repeat nsfw event with Cookie and boys
- changed one background cg (front of the cafe, looked very weird in VN parts)
- corrected few typos