Вы - начинающий фотограф, желающий добиться успеха и, возможно, выйти на рынок фотобизнеса для взрослых. В течение многих лет вы обучались и перебивались с одной работы на другую, пытаясь найти идеальную работу в области фотографии, но безуспешно.
You are an aspiring photographer looking to make it big and hopefully branch out into the adult business. For years you have been training and bouncing between menial jobs trying to land the perfect job in photography, but with no luck.
Год выпуска: 2020
Жанр: real porn, male protagonist, animated, text based, vaginal, oral, titfuck, exhibitionism, stripping, masturbation, interracial, handjob, big tits, big ass, milf, lesbian, group,
Цензура: Отсутствует
Разработчик/Издатель: SkullCam37
Перевод: Gost1k
Платформа: PC/Windows/MacOS/Linux
Тип издания: В разработке
Таблэтка: Не требуется
Версия: v.1.101.0 Rus / v.1.107.0 Eng
Язык игры: Русский/Английский
Язык интерфейса: Русский/Английский
Поблагодарить Переводчика (Coffee)
v1.107.0 - 2024-12-10
- Added new Sultry Studio girl (Katie)
- Added 2 more videos to Random Massages
- Increased SS schedule to include 4 girls
v1.106.0 - 2024-08-02
- Added new Studio Contact Lyra
- Added Pool encounter for Janice
- Spelling and Grammar fixes
v1.105.0 - Added 3 new girls to the Strip Club (Alana, Mia and Gabriella)
- Removed Sophia at the Strip Club
- Sophia offered as an unlockable
- External shoot girls now show up green when the collections are complete
- Added option in the Studio Options screen to display the best photo when encountering girls
v1.104.0 - Replaced Kagney at the Adult Shop (including events/content) with Vienna
- Added assistant selection at the Adult Shop
- Added content for Vienna and Staci
- Added "Outside" button to the Quick Nav menu
- Kagney offered as an unlockable (with previous scenes)
- Fixed a bug in the Gym whilst not having Lust as a Studio contact
v1.103.0 - Lana and Katrina can now be Secretaries at Sultry Studio - 2024-02-08
- Added Lesbian video for Caprice/Sybil
- Fixed a bug in SS not showing secretary avatars
- Spelling and Grammar fixes
v1.102.0 - Added Xmas shoots for Anna, Faye, Ariana, Jelena, Jessa
- Corrected one of Alix's image sizes
- Spelling and Grammar fixes
v1.101.0 - Added special shoot for Chanel, Holly/Dani and Alina/Kenzie - 2023-11-17
- Added encounter for Lust and Kenzie
v1.100.0 - Added intro scene ready for next content update
- Added new Chapter 10 objective
- The notification icon now appears on the Laptop button too
- Videos will now only play when on screen
- Added videos for Alina, Vina, Abigail, Alix, Amy, Joanna and Lust (Chapter 10)
- Replaced some videos with sound (Alina/Dillion)
- Added new Contact (Chanel)
- Stripper choice is now added to Chapter skips from Chapter 8 onwards
- Cherie's porno service is now subscribed to when skipping to Chapter 10
- Spelling and Grammar fixes
v1.99.0 - Added story scene for Skylar
- Added new girl to the Brothel (Skylar)
- Spelling and Grammar fixes
v1.98.1 - Fixed a bug with Tera's model tags
- Spelling and Grammar fixes
v1.98.0 - Added Chapter 10 skip
- Changed Chapter 10 objective to help players
- Added special shoots for Alli/Keisha, Dillion and Jillian
- Fixed bug in Brothel showing empty rooms
- Spelling and Grammar fixes
v1.97.0 - Added new girl to City Studio (Tera)
- Added a new random encounter at the park
- Spelling and Grammar fixes
- Added new girl Kylie
- Added first Chapter 10 objective
- Spelling and Grammar fixes
- Added intro to Chapter 10
- Added 2 new girls (Eva & Keisha)
- Fixed a bug unlocking the Massage Parlour in Chapter 2
v1.94.0 (2023.02.02)
- Players can now schedule Mackenzies girl for the PM
- City Studio secretaries now earn passive studio reputation
- Added Studio Management button after selling City Studio shots
- Added column showing this weeks income at City Studio
- Fixed bug at Police Station
- Fixed loads of spelling and grammar
- Added missing Avatars
v1.93.2 - Fixed a bug where Bloom wouldn't show up
v1.93.1 - Fixed a bug where Eliza could be hired multiple times
v1.93.0 - Added new storyline with Ariana and Eliza
- Added new brothel girl Eliza
- Added new girl to Sultry Studio (Bloom)
- Combined City Studio upgrades, finances and market values into one page "Studio Management"
- Changed formatting on market values to highlight which tags are valuable
- Increased Brothel room sizes to allow for more girls
- Spelling and Grammar fixes
v1.92.0 - Added new girl to Sultry Studio (Sonya)(2023.01.23)
- Romi can now be hired as a scretary at the Sultry Studio
- Training Mackenzie now has a progress bar
- Mackenzie's friends now have progress bars with visual indicators to unlocking the next type of shoot
- Fixed a bug in the Strip Club
- Slight formatting fixes at Cherie's, City Studio, Sultry Studio and Intro Select screen
v1.91.1 - Fixed bug with Chapter 9 skip (Allocate Training)
v1.91.0 - Added new girl for new SS area (Melena)(2022.12.23)
- Added Chapter 9 skip
- More Style changes and fixes
v1.90.0 - Added new Xmas content for Kenzie, Julia and Piper
- Updated styles for multiple components
v1.89.0 - Added special content for Kimmy/Sydney and Anissa
- Anissa and Janice can now be hired as Secretaries at Sultry Studio
- Stevie can now be assigned to work at the Strip Club
- Updated some formatting
- Added additional styling
v1.88.2 - Added small coffee shop scene for Holly in Chapter 9(2022.11.25)
v1.88.1 - Added collection system for girls at the new Sultry Studio area
- Added green buttons for complete collections above
- Fixed Objectives formatting
v1.88.0 - Added Holly scene for Chapter 9
- Added Chapter 9 objectives
- Added new Sultry Studio area (after training mackenzie)
- Added 3 new girls for new SS area (Gloria, Niemira & Mila)
- Shoots at Cheries now use AM/PM system
- Training MacKenzie at the Sultry Studio is now tracked
1.87.0(2022.11.11) - Added countdown for Cherie and her girls as to when they are comfortable with Porn shoots
- Added Red Porn button for Cherie and her girls when not comfortable
- Added images of Cherie to the "Shoot Cherie" page
- Added additional porn videos for Abigail, Holly and Christie
- Sound added to videos for Abigail, Holly and Christie
- Teannas additional porn videos can now be viewed at Cheries
- Fixed a bug with Adriana's Pool event that caused errors
- Replaced duplicate video (Adriana Anal)
v1.86.0(2022.10.24) - Added Gym schedule for Piper in Chapter 7 and dialogue clues as to which days she is there
- Added encounter for Ariana
- Added additional video content for Adriana
- Added 2 additional special scenes for Adriana
v1.85.0 - Added scene for Lisa if chosen through Vina's event
- Added scene for Vina and Kenzie if chosen through Vina's event
- Added new contact (Kenzie)
- Spelling corrections
v1.84.0(2022.09.26) - Added the ability to mark contacts as favourites (favourites will appear first in contact list)
- Added first story scene to Chapter 9
- Added first objective to Chapter 9
- Added new girl to Sultry Studio (Stevie)
- Back button on model contact screen now takes you to correct Contacts page
v1.83.0(2022.08.26) - Encounters can now be viewed at the weekends after hiring a girl from SS
- Sound added to videos for Summer, Vina & Teanna
- Added additional video content for Summer & Vina
- Added additional Special Shoot for Aaliyah (Interracial)
- Fixed a small bug with Sultry Studio variables
- Fixed incorrect "Girls Unlocked" count
- Piper now only appears at the weekend as intended (intro to Ch9 Betrayal)
v1.82.2(2022.08.10) - Fixed a bug with Secretary Select
- Re-enabled Saves
v1.82.1 - Added encounters for all 5 Sultry Studio (SS) girls
- Added porn content for all 5 SS girls
- Allowed players to promote SS girls to full time contacts
- Players can now change which secretary is being trained at SS
v1.82.0 - Added Intro scenes to Sultry Studio
- Added Beginning of Chapter 9
- Added additional content for Mackenzie if she is the friend chosen
- Added Quick Nav buttons to Sultry Studio
- Added content for 5 girls at Sultry Studio (Sydney, Chloe, Anissa, Naomi & Jayden)
- Fixed a bug with Angel/Mackenzie involving Chapter Skips
v1.81.0 - Created new Contact page for those with navigation issues
- Added new Chapter 8 objective for Betrayal path
- Added Intro to next content for Betrayal path
- Sound added to videos for Amy, Blowbang, Caprice & Dani
- Added additional video content for Caprice & Dani
v1.80.1 - Fixed a bug with the new message notification
- Fixed a bug where the auto-buy canvas was not staying checked
v1.80.0 - Added 2 new objectives to Chapter 8
- Added Intro to next content for Mending path (Betrayal coming soon)
- Check messages button now indicates if you have unread messages
- Added extra buttons to purchase larger quantities of canvas in City Studio
- Added ability to autobuy canvas weekly based on Secretary comfort
- Spelling and Grammar corrections
v1.79.0 - Added encounter for Crystal, Mea & Natalia
- Added additional video scene for each secretary when checking on them at your apartment
- Added new porn content for Angela & Anna
- All porn shoot videos now have sound for Angela & Anna
- Coded a new Brothel Girl encounter page
v1.78.0 - Added 3 new Brothel girls (Natalia, Mea and Crystal)
- Contact button now goes green if all collections are complete
- External shoot button only appears after unlocking the Massage Parlor in Chapter 2
- Corrected some image sizes
v1.77.0 - Added new Stripper (Juelz)
- Added new porn content for Aaliyah
- All porn shoot videos now have sound for Aaliyah
- Added Chapter 8 skip
- Changed formatting on skip page to look neater
- Added studio options in main studio
- Sound can now be enabled for all locations (not just City Studio)
- Spelling corrections
v1.76.0 - Added 2 objectives for Chapter 8
- Added new scene for both Chapter 8 story arcs
- Added additional content for Teanna (Contact)
- Added new item to purchase at the Adult Store
- Added special shoots for Piper, Adriana, Kleio & Caprice
- Small formatting changes
v1.75.0 - Added achievement icons
- Added 4 new achievements
- Added new scene (achievement unlock)
- Added new girl Julia (achievement unlock)
- Fixed girls unlocked numbering bug
v1.74.0 - Added church service intro event
- Added 4 church service scenes
- Implemented Achievement system
- Added first set of achievements (Studio Girls)
- Added new girl Adriana (achievement unlock)
- Added Intro Scene for Adriana
v1.73.0 - Added 2 new girls to the City Studio (Li & Diamond)
- Increased max level of Advertising (City Studio)
- Added model tag reset to City Studio mod management screen
v1.72.1 - Fixed bug with Angel's store PM scene not showing in later Chapters
- Fixed an error that shows at Cherie's in Chapter 6
v1.72.0 - Added next story scenes for the mending path
- Piper content now accessible through mending path
- Added code to allow modded tags in City Studio
- Started implementing the Achievement system
- Dialogue corrections (morning/afternoon)
- Spelling fixes
v1.71.1 - Added path name to the objectives screen
- Removed Piper from Cheries after you hire her (Betrayal)
- Fixed bug with external shoots when skipping to chapter 6/7
v1.71.0 - Added code to import modded contacts to the City Studio
- Adjusted some code to fit with modded contacts
- Fixed an error with external shoots before the brothel was unlocked
- Added first Chapter 8 objective
- Added next story scenes for the betrayal path
- Added more content for Piper (unlocked through betrayal)
- Opened up Cherie's again (mending path)
- Added formatting to a missed passage
v1.70.1 - Lana is now unlocked when skipping to Chapter 5 or above
v1.70.0 - Added story scene for Dani to unlock new contact at City Studio (AJ)
- Changed Festive shoots into inviting External Girls for shoots
- Added photoshoot options for regular Brothel Girls
- Added encounters for Alex and Jane (Brothel girls)
- Added a "Shoot again" button to contact shoots if shooting in the AM
- Increased some comfort levels on later Chapter skips
- Moved Selfies to their own folder
- Added dialogue to help with Cherie's computer password puzzle
- Added 2 additional Chapter 6 Objectives to help players advance to Chapter 7
v1.60.1 - Fixed a bug for City Studio girls comfort being null (HTML file can be downloaded separately)
1.60.0 - Added next story scenes for Chapter 7
- Added intro scenes for Chapter 8
- Added new model (Alli)
- Added shoot buttons turning green for modded contacts if collection is complete
- Comfort decreases on City Studio porn shoots now scale depending on missing shots for that collection (max 10 decrease)
- Added Police Station, Hospital and Church as visitable locations ready for future content
- Added final Chapter 7 Objective
v1.50.0 - Added some small interactions with girls at the bar of the Strip Club (Amy, Casey & Sadie)
- Current and Lifetime Rep now visible on upgrades screen (City Studio)
- City Studio upgrade button visible with requirements shown
- Spelling fixes
v1.40.0 - New Chapter skip options for later chapters (can choose agents, friends helped etc)
- Shoot options will now be green if the collection is complete (Contacts and City Studio)
- Added simple encounter for Abella, Whitney and Lucy
v1.39.0 - Added Xmas shoots for Brooklyn, Hixxy and Aaliyah
- Added Xmas shots for Kelsi and Jewelz from the Brothel (can invite from Contacts menu)
- Added Xmas shots for Sophia, Abigail and Joanna from the Strip Club (can invite from Contacts menu)
v1.38.0 - Resized some larger images to match collections
- Removed Model Space "in development" text
- Dakota now unlocks with a more appropriate comfort level
- Fixed a bug which broke Sybil's BJ training video
- Added back buttons to the top of the City Studio and Main Studio collection screens
- Added the next Chapter 7 storyline scene
- Added a couple of Chapter 7 objectives
- Added new visitable location (Sauna) after completing Chapter 7 events
v1.37.0 - Added Chapter 7 skip
- Added Chapter 7 Objective
- Added summary screen after upgrading City Studio to explain what upgrade does
- Added first part of Cherie's chapter 7 storyline
- Fixed Britney's porn training at City Studio
- Added porn shoot for Britney at City Studio
- Added scenes for Jillian/Dillion (dependant on ch6 choice)
- Added more content for Jillian/Dillion
- Fixed Cecilia's porn training at City Studio
- Fixed a bug that appeared overnight if you had Britney hired as a secretary at the City Studio
v1.36.0 - Added porn (shoots/training) for Christie, Jessa, Kyler, Sybil, Cecilia, Aidra, Bree, Britney, and Jill
v1.35.5 - Added button to input code screens
- Replaced duplicate Gina nude shot
v1.35.4 - Added "Skip Day" button to side menu
- Fixed a bug which didn't unlock masseuses when skipping chapters
v1.35.3 - Fixed small error on the new collection screen
v1.35.2 - Fixed bug selling Marica shoots
- Added porn training and shoots for Rachel
- Players can now choose a collection screen in the options
- Fixed the back buttons on the collection screens
v1.35.1 - Porn shoots no longer decreases comfort unless the extra "hardcore" content has been unlocked
- Comfort increases now vary based on type of shoot
- New Collection screen and navigation controls (City Studio)
- Added new City Studio girl Marica (including Porn)
- Added porn training and shoots for Bailey
- Secretaries at the City Studio now sell a random collection of their own shoots daily (passive income)
v1.35.0 - Added collections for the main contacts (inluding any modded)
- Added City Studio expansion to allow more girls to be hired
- Added porn training options for Cassidy at the City Studio
- Added porn shoots for Cassidy
- Added missing backgrounds and formatting for Secretary shots
- Added New Studio options page (to allow sound on new videos)
- Collection images can now be opened up for a larger version
- Added ability to have multiple porn shoots (in the code)
- Shooting porn at the City Studio now decreases comfort
v1.34.1 - Fixed modded contacts Seduction category
- Added check for optimized mod.js file (including porn vids)
v1.34.0 - All main studio contacts now have a "Seduction" category of shoots
- All 3 main secretaries now have a "Seduction" category of shoots
- Cherie, and all of her girls now have a "Seduction" category of shoots
- Adjusted some starting comfort levels & Special comfort shoot requirements
- Small grammar corrections
- Weekly debt from City Studio now gets added before the Secretary pays it off
- Added cosplay sets for Aaliyah, Alexa, Angela, Ariana, Katrina, Kirsten, Kleio, Peta, Riley & Romi
- Added girl names to the Chapter 6 objectives
v1.33.8 - Fixed bug where orders would refill before the weekly reset
- City Studio funds and debt now integrated with main Studio
v1.33.7 - Orders can now be for shoot types instead of model tags
- Bug fix for secretary shoot hints
v1.33.6 - Completing orders now give Rep and failing orders loses Rep
- Rep decreases are now a widget
- Rep now visible on the City Studio main screen
- Fixed issue with decimal costs
- Small bug and spelling fixes
v1.33.5 - Lifetime Rep now recorded behind the scenes
- Removed market values secretary perk
- Added additional orders secretary perk
- Added button to request different orders at the cost or rep
- Seeing Market Values is now a purchasable upgrade
- Players can now see the Secretary perk when talking to the girl hired
- City Studio secretaries can have multiple image sets
- Added second Aidra secretary set
- Added additional Girl (Jelena)
- City Studio secretaries will now give hints as to what is selling well
- Added upgrade to advertising which increases rep gain
- Add way to buy more content for girls (added more for Jelena to test)
v1.33.4 - Added additional girls (Rachel & Christie)
- Max average is now displayed on the collection screen for each type of shot
- New order system implemented
- Firing models/secretaries at the City Studio costs their wage
v1.33.3 - Added new category for City Studio models (Seduction)
- Fixed bug that would allow models to be hired multiple times
- Adjusted market value refreshes to avoid exploitation
- Wages lowered and seperated into model and secretary wages with different amounts
- Increased starting amount of models hireable to 3
- Reduced number of shots given per shoot to 2
- Selling shots now increased rep (City Studio)
v1.33.2 - Added missing content (imgs for secretaries and nude shoots for all)
- Added secretary abilities
- Buying lighting and equipment now increases profit margins for all shoot types (City Studio)
v1.33.1 - Added more girls to City Studio (Aidra, Britney & Bree)
- Profiles at City Studio now show model categories
- Girl wages are now removed once firing them
- After selling a collection, the market value for that model's categories decreases
- Added button after selling to go back to the contact
- Added button to view collections from main City Studio page
v1.33.0 - Added City Studio with new girls and systems (7 girls, new collection system, hiring system, new way to sell shots)
- Added scenes for Estate Agents that were not picked previously (Aria, Alexa, Skyler & India)
- Amended mod shoot widget for easier increase in photos
- Reduced game history to improve performance
- Spelling and dialogue corrections
v1.32.3 - Fixed a bug on the Studio screen that allowed Mackenzie to appear in the Studio without chosing her
v1.32.2 - Fixed an error at Cherie's if you hadn't met Angel yet
v1.32.1 - Fixed an error on the sleep page if you hadn't met Angel yet
v1.32.0 - Finished the Mackenzie storyline and added content for her
- Finished the Angel storyline and added content for her
- Added new dialogue to match choices made with Angel/Mackenzie
- Added final Chapter 6 Objective
- Added scene to finish Chapter 6 and introduce Chapter 7
- Added code ready to enable modded contacts
- Spelling and dialogue corrections
- Fixed a bug with Riley's inital scene and AM/PM system
v1.31.1 - Maid interactions now use AM/PM system
v1.31.0 - Game revamp!
- Added encounter for Riley, Alexa, Anya, Aria, Elsa, Caprice & Anna
- Added a couple of new items for Riley (for testing)
- Added new Random Event
- Added a few items into Model Space
UI Fixes & Improvements
- Added "back" button at Cheries Office
- Revamped Outside, Beach & Mall passages (background/textbox)
- Resized some images that were too large
- Changed some earlier scenes to use AM/PM system
- General UI improvements
- Added skip to Chapter 6
- Removed Freelance Models from MS
Bug Fixes:
- Fixed a bug where Mia's dream would be added twice
- Fixed a bug on the Brothel Investment screen
Code Changes:
- New Data structures for Contacts implemented
- Encounters for Studio contacts now use new code and data structure
- Created new ClientShoot and PornShootContact code for use with new data structures
- Added new Studio Shoot and firstMet widget
- Moved initial variables from Intro to StoryInit
- ClientShoots and PornShoots now use new code and data structures
v1.30.0 - Added new location (Cherie's Office)
- Added different outfits for Cherie at her Office
- Added encounter for Aaliyah and Hixxy
- Added counter on Contacts screen for number of porn videos remaining
- Players can now visit the beach on any day
- Changed some beach encounter days
- Added default case for ClientShoot passage (code)
- Created new Encounters code ready for new data structures (code)
v1.29.1 - Fixed bugged Hixxy shoots
v1.29.0 - Added new Contact (Hixxy)
- Added special shoot for Gina, Aria, Angela, Marley, Kendra, Lana, Megan, Kirsten, Faye, Jade, India, Skyler, Brooklyn, Alexa, Karma and Hixxy
- Added additional Outfits to buy at the Adult Shop (Cosplay)
- Resized some images that were too large
- Spelling fixes
v1.28.1 - Talking to Ashley at the Gym will no longer take you to the beach
- Spelling fixes
v1.28.0 - Changed the way the background is displayed on Model Space
- Revamped the Gym location (Added background and styling)
- Revamped the Park location (Added background and styling)
- Revamped the Pool location (Added background and styling)
- Added events for Ava (Chapter 6)
- Added objective to complete Ava's event
v1.27.2 - Skipping to Chapter 5 now unlocks Aaliyah instead of Dakota
v1.27.1 - Corrected Secretary speech to use AM/PM system
- Added a button at Cheries to tell her you paid off her debt
- Added new model (Aaliyah) to replace Dakota
- Added code input on the Laptop screen
- You can no longer trigger events coming from the shops back to the Mall
- Slightly increased the chance of random events
- You can no longer trigger more than 1 random event per location
v1.27.0 - Added 10 new small random encounters whilst travelling to places
- Added new contact encounter for Autumn, Ivy, Ashley & Megan
- Added new girl Skyler (if you picked her as your estate agent)
- Corrected some formatting issues
v1.26.0 - Added new girl Aria (if you picked her as your estate agent)
- Added new girl India (if you picked her as your estate agent)
- Regular Brothel girls now give money for lesser services when at full slut levels
- Special shoots not available are now buttons to make it more obvious that requirements are not met
- Corrected the model count on the contacts page
v1.25.2 - Added random sorting to the contacts page
v1.25.1 - Fixed a bug that prevented some players from getting all massage girls
v1.25.0 - Added previous scenes to be Chapter 6 objectives
- Added new girl Alexa (if you picked her as your estate agent)
- Corey and Nicole are now available on Model Space
- Added new model in Model Space (Haley)
- Added a few more placeholder girls to replace Corey and Nicole
- Added new porn videos for Lust
- Added encounter for Madison at Cheries (Kitchen)
- Added new porn videos for Dillion and Jillian
- Added new location at Cheries (Kitchen)
- Added new event for Dillion and Jillian
- Added new model in Model Space (Vanessa)
- Added background image to Model Space and made small UI tweaks
- Changed Model Space to use AM/PM system
- Made image buttons for outside locations
- Added new porn videos for Alina
- Added event for Alina
- Fixed a bug where Lana couldn't be unlocked if players skipped to Chapter 5 and chose Stella as the secretary
- Added hidden relationship mechanic to Massage and Brothel Secretaries
- Added new scene for each additional secretary to introduce sex scenes
- Added repeatable sex scenes for additional secretaries
- Added additional events at the weekends for main secretaries once they have moved in
- Added additional videos for the main Secretaries, only available after the weekend events
- Changed some game text to change depending on AM/PM
- Added a WIP message on the Chapter 6 Objective screen
- Added additional scenes for Brooklyn
- Added additional item to the General Store
- You can now select a particular girl to give you a massage at the parlour
- Added a few additional massage gifs
- Added strip club scenes for Brooklyn
v1.20.1 - Fixed a bug where Nicole couldn't be unlocked if you advanced to Chapter 6
v1.20.0 - Added next part in the Angel/Mackenzie storyline
- When visiting places from outside, any back buttons will now take you outside again rather than the Studio
- Increased the amount of Porn Vids you can shoot a week to 14
- Cost to upgrade studio equipment now scales with previous investments
- Added additional Girl (Brooklyn)
v1.19.0 - Added Angel's house as a visitable location (ready for the next part in Angel/Mackenzie storyline)
- Secretary shoots now use the AM/PM system
- Added Chapter 6 Intro event
- Added small management features for the Strip Club
v1.18.0 - Fixed a bug where custom modded categories was causing players to lose funds
- Added the ability to hire Secretaries at the Massage Parlour and Brothel
- Added widget to handle rep increases
- Updated Objectives for Chapter 5
- Added a simple time system so days are now two parts (AM/PM)
- Added skip to Chapter 5
v1.17.0 - Added modding capabilities (downloaded version)
- Added new maid (Jane)
- Added more camsite girls
v1.16.0 - Update coffee shop dialogue to include Avatars
- Revamped the camsites slightly and added a few new gifs
- Moved Freelancing into Model Space
- Moved Ariana into Model Space
v1.15.1 - Fixed an exploitable bug to raise the secretary's relationship/satisfaction at the coffee shop
- Fixed a big where shooting the xmas scene with your secretary would lose your funds
v1.15.0 - Added Xmas themed option in Model Space ("Xmas Babes")
- Added Xmas themed special shoots for Peta, Riley, Mia, Lauren, Dani, Nicole & Romi
- Added Special shoot section for Secretaries (added Xmas shoots for each)
v1.14.1 - Fixed a bug where the glory hole kept taking players to the second Kagney event
v1.14.0 - Added events and interactions for Kagney
- Expanded the Skylar event ready for additional content
v1.13.1 - Added back buttons to the Library events
v1.13.0 - Added more outfits for secretaries at the Studio (Amber, Stella & Valentina)
- Changed outfits for secretaries at the Coffee Shop to be more casual
- Added encounter for a couple of Brothel girls (Anya & Emily)
- Opened up the Library (although still a WIP)
- Removed counter at gloryhole
v1.11.1 - Coffee shop bug fix
- Added image for the Beach
v1.11.0 - Format changes and added Quick Nav to side menu
- Added new Special scenes for Ariana, Peta, Elsa & Katrina
- Added image for the Gym
- Added Public Toilet area in the park
- Added First event for Kagney (Adult Store Shopkeeper)
v1.10.1 - Bug fixes on Pool Area and Coffee Shop
v1.10.0 - Added Brothel Mgt Points to side bar
- Added more variety for dialogue in the Brothel
- Meeting girls outside the Studio should now take you back to the meeting spot rather than the Studio
- Added starter events for Angel
- Separated the Pool area into it's own separate area
v1.9.1 - Cleaned up widgets and setting variables for photos
v1.9.0 - Added Brothel (10 girls & 190+ new video clips!)
- Removed message about bonus not being included
- Added "Studio" button to nav bar
- Checking on Secretary at Home now increases Relationship but can only be done once a day
- Removed some images from Freelancing and Model Space for models now represented elsewhere in the game
- Fixed some back buttons to avoid "back loops"
v1.8.0 - Further increased Reputation limit
- Increased relationship increase for buying the secretary lunch
- Porn shoots with Secretary now increase relationship level
- Advanced storyline with Secretary
- Added "Home" location
- Added additional content for "Model Space"
- Added BDSM option for Dakota
v1.7.1 - Spelling
v1.7.0 - Refactored increaseComfort code
- Revamped the Contacts page
- Increased Reputation limit
- Added new girl (Jade)
- Added new content (Model Space)
- Resized some videos to reduce overall game size
v1.6.0 - Added "Porno Service" Business investment
- Refactored Special Shoot code
- Added additional content (Porno Service) for Riley, Mia, Katsumi, Caprice, Anna, Autumn, Lauren & Kimmy
- Fixed a few buttons that were not styled
- Special shoots now give rep
- Added a few massage scenes
- Added a system for Cherie's girls to help around the office
- Added beach event for Caprice
v1.5.2 - Fixed Secretary Porn "back" button loop
- Solved filename issue with Caprice porn options
v1.5.1 - Added additional porn options for Caprice & Janice
- Expanded Secretary storyline (added porn shoots)
- Added new girls (Karma, Romi, Faye)
- Expanded on Nicole (Maid)
- Added Chapter skips to beginning of the game
- Added Objectives page
- Added additional upgrades to increase earnings on photoshoots
- Fixed back button on Special Shoot
- Added back button on Secretary Shoot page
- Converted camsite, park & gym content to .mp4s saving space
- Re-coded porn shoot page for more efficiency
- Correct some text mistakes
- re-factored Dialogue & Video code for better re-use
- Added counter for number of girls unlocked/available
- Reduced Rep gain for repeat photoshoots & freelancing
- Added Rep gains to porn shoots
- Increased maximum Rep
- Fixed bonus exploit for shooting Cherie's girls
v1.4.0 - Added all Studio Owner content
- Added 5 errand Events
- Added 10 girls+ to Cherie's contacts
- Added 2 new girls (Kirsten & Dakota)
- Added 3 lesbian scenes for Cherie
- Added 3 events with Cherie
- Added Cherie shoot
- Fixed more "back" buttons to return to previous page
- Increased Reputation rewards to speed up game
v1.3.0 - Completed UI Improvements on all pages
- Modified some Comfort increases to speed up game
- Added "back" button to contact pages
- Changed Areas "back" button to go back outside rather than the Studio
- Re-coded ClientShoot scene and comfort increases for more efficiency
- Fixed bug where Secretary Relationship could reach zero and disappear
- Added additional porn scenes for Katsumi, Anna, Autumn, Mia, Lena, Dani, Remy, Angela and Marley
- Added dream sequence for Dani & Katrina
- Added 2 new girls (Megan, Katrina)
v1.2.1 - Added 4 new girls (Kendra, Lana, Anya, Gina)
- Added scene for Lana at the park
- Added scene for Elsa (to introduce Gina)
- Added Chapter 4 Intro (Chapter still under construction)
- Expanded Secretary relationship (added Nude shoots)
- Added 'back' button to special shoot page if girl is not comfortable yet
- Added UI Improvements (still in progress)
- Added Pages into the Contacts list for easier navigation
- Re-coded the park logic to make the Maid Service easier to obtain
v1.1.3 - Kleio now cannot raise past max comfort level
- Added Sex Toys to purchasable items in the Adult Store
- Added 5 Lesbian scenes for girls you have already met
- Added new girl (Elsa)
- Added additional Massage Scene (accessible through messages)
- Added scenes for girls around the City (Ariana, Marley, Dani, Remy, Peta, Angela)
- Added the Beach as a place to visit on the weekends
v1.0.2 - Fixed secretary scouting so you cannot Scout for more models once all girls have been found
- Kleio now earns comfort doing Porn videos
- Chapter 3 intro text removed as Massage Parlour is fleshed out
v1.0.1 - Fixed secretary date so you can only take her out once
- Fixed number of vids allowed per week to a maximum of 7
- Fixed Coffee shop advertising event to be once only
v1.0.0 - New version format
- Added more options for pornshots for most girls
- Added shops to Mall and items to buy
- Expanded the Maids by adding bribes
- Expanded the Mall/Studio to enable outfits into shoots
- Expanded the Coffee Shop (results in an additional girl)
- Added Contacts link to the main Studio page
- Added Collect funds link to top of all photoshoot pages
- Added Skip Day button
- Amended Storyline to be more believable
- Advanced Secretary storyline by adding in a date night
v0.9 - Added 1 girl met through freelance work
- Added more porn videos and options
- Massage Parlour added
- Placeholder for the Mall added
- Expanded the secretary options - an additional 5 girls added through scouting
v0.8 - Porn shoots now add to girls comfort level
- Fixed bug where Freelance didnt show up if you skipped intro
- Fixed some secretary dialogue
- Camsites gifs updated to have fallbacks for devices that dont support webp files
- Set Rep and Comfort limits
- Removed comfort exploit by going back to contacts and comfort still being increased
v0.7 - General tweaks, added chapters, first public release.
v0.6 - Additional girl, additional upgrades, implemented first proper business venture
v0.5 - General UI and story tweaks, added Pornography business investment
v0.4 - Added additional upgrades and services, 1 additional girl and finances section
v0.3 - Added additional places to visit and upgrades section with configured Secretary upgrade
v0.2 - Added 3 more girls and some repeatable scenes and shoots which can earn you money and reputation
v0.1 - Meet 5 different girls, some choices and story elements have set the scene
Вы - начинающий фотограф, желающий добиться успеха и, возможно, выйти на рынок фотобизнеса для взрослых. В течение многих лет вы обучались и перебивались с одной работы на другую, пытаясь найти идеальную работу в области фотографии, но безуспешно.
You are an aspiring photographer looking to make it big and hopefully branch out into the adult business. For years you have been training and bouncing between menial jobs trying to land the perfect job in photography, but with no luck.
Год выпуска: 2020
Жанр: real porn, male protagonist, animated, text based, vaginal, oral, titfuck, exhibitionism, stripping, masturbation, interracial, handjob, big tits, big ass, milf, lesbian, group,
Цензура: Отсутствует
Разработчик/Издатель: SkullCam37
Перевод: Gost1k
Платформа: PC/Windows/MacOS/Linux
Тип издания: В разработке
Таблэтка: Не требуется
Версия: v.1.101.0 Rus / v.1.107.0 Eng
Язык игры: Русский/Английский
Язык интерфейса: Русский/Английский
Поблагодарить Переводчика (Coffee)
v1.107.0 - 2024-12-10
- Added new Sultry Studio girl (Katie)
- Added 2 more videos to Random Massages
- Increased SS schedule to include 4 girls
v1.106.0 - 2024-08-02
- Added new Studio Contact Lyra
- Added Pool encounter for Janice
- Spelling and Grammar fixes
v1.105.0 - Added 3 new girls to the Strip Club (Alana, Mia and Gabriella)
- Removed Sophia at the Strip Club
- Sophia offered as an unlockable
- External shoot girls now show up green when the collections are complete
- Added option in the Studio Options screen to display the best photo when encountering girls
v1.104.0 - Replaced Kagney at the Adult Shop (including events/content) with Vienna
- Added assistant selection at the Adult Shop
- Added content for Vienna and Staci
- Added "Outside" button to the Quick Nav menu
- Kagney offered as an unlockable (with previous scenes)
- Fixed a bug in the Gym whilst not having Lust as a Studio contact
v1.103.0 - Lana and Katrina can now be Secretaries at Sultry Studio - 2024-02-08
- Added Lesbian video for Caprice/Sybil
- Fixed a bug in SS not showing secretary avatars
- Spelling and Grammar fixes
v1.102.0 - Added Xmas shoots for Anna, Faye, Ariana, Jelena, Jessa
- Corrected one of Alix's image sizes
- Spelling and Grammar fixes
v1.101.0 - Added special shoot for Chanel, Holly/Dani and Alina/Kenzie - 2023-11-17
- Added encounter for Lust and Kenzie
v1.100.0 - Added intro scene ready for next content update
- Added new Chapter 10 objective
- The notification icon now appears on the Laptop button too
- Videos will now only play when on screen
- Added videos for Alina, Vina, Abigail, Alix, Amy, Joanna and Lust (Chapter 10)
- Replaced some videos with sound (Alina/Dillion)
- Added new Contact (Chanel)
- Stripper choice is now added to Chapter skips from Chapter 8 onwards
- Cherie's porno service is now subscribed to when skipping to Chapter 10
- Spelling and Grammar fixes
v1.99.0 - Added story scene for Skylar
- Added new girl to the Brothel (Skylar)
- Spelling and Grammar fixes
v1.98.1 - Fixed a bug with Tera's model tags
- Spelling and Grammar fixes
v1.98.0 - Added Chapter 10 skip
- Changed Chapter 10 objective to help players
- Added special shoots for Alli/Keisha, Dillion and Jillian
- Fixed bug in Brothel showing empty rooms
- Spelling and Grammar fixes
v1.97.0 - Added new girl to City Studio (Tera)
- Added a new random encounter at the park
- Spelling and Grammar fixes
- Added new girl Kylie
- Added first Chapter 10 objective
- Spelling and Grammar fixes
- Added intro to Chapter 10
- Added 2 new girls (Eva & Keisha)
- Fixed a bug unlocking the Massage Parlour in Chapter 2
v1.94.0 (2023.02.02)
- Players can now schedule Mackenzies girl for the PM
- City Studio secretaries now earn passive studio reputation
- Added Studio Management button after selling City Studio shots
- Added column showing this weeks income at City Studio
- Fixed bug at Police Station
- Fixed loads of spelling and grammar
- Added missing Avatars
v1.93.2 - Fixed a bug where Bloom wouldn't show up
v1.93.1 - Fixed a bug where Eliza could be hired multiple times
v1.93.0 - Added new storyline with Ariana and Eliza
- Added new brothel girl Eliza
- Added new girl to Sultry Studio (Bloom)
- Combined City Studio upgrades, finances and market values into one page "Studio Management"
- Changed formatting on market values to highlight which tags are valuable
- Increased Brothel room sizes to allow for more girls
- Spelling and Grammar fixes
v1.92.0 - Added new girl to Sultry Studio (Sonya)(2023.01.23)
- Romi can now be hired as a scretary at the Sultry Studio
- Training Mackenzie now has a progress bar
- Mackenzie's friends now have progress bars with visual indicators to unlocking the next type of shoot
- Fixed a bug in the Strip Club
- Slight formatting fixes at Cherie's, City Studio, Sultry Studio and Intro Select screen
v1.91.1 - Fixed bug with Chapter 9 skip (Allocate Training)
v1.91.0 - Added new girl for new SS area (Melena)(2022.12.23)
- Added Chapter 9 skip
- More Style changes and fixes
v1.90.0 - Added new Xmas content for Kenzie, Julia and Piper
- Updated styles for multiple components
v1.89.0 - Added special content for Kimmy/Sydney and Anissa
- Anissa and Janice can now be hired as Secretaries at Sultry Studio
- Stevie can now be assigned to work at the Strip Club
- Updated some formatting
- Added additional styling
v1.88.2 - Added small coffee shop scene for Holly in Chapter 9(2022.11.25)
v1.88.1 - Added collection system for girls at the new Sultry Studio area
- Added green buttons for complete collections above
- Fixed Objectives formatting
v1.88.0 - Added Holly scene for Chapter 9
- Added Chapter 9 objectives
- Added new Sultry Studio area (after training mackenzie)
- Added 3 new girls for new SS area (Gloria, Niemira & Mila)
- Shoots at Cheries now use AM/PM system
- Training MacKenzie at the Sultry Studio is now tracked
1.87.0(2022.11.11) - Added countdown for Cherie and her girls as to when they are comfortable with Porn shoots
- Added Red Porn button for Cherie and her girls when not comfortable
- Added images of Cherie to the "Shoot Cherie" page
- Added additional porn videos for Abigail, Holly and Christie
- Sound added to videos for Abigail, Holly and Christie
- Teannas additional porn videos can now be viewed at Cheries
- Fixed a bug with Adriana's Pool event that caused errors
- Replaced duplicate video (Adriana Anal)
v1.86.0(2022.10.24) - Added Gym schedule for Piper in Chapter 7 and dialogue clues as to which days she is there
- Added encounter for Ariana
- Added additional video content for Adriana
- Added 2 additional special scenes for Adriana
v1.85.0 - Added scene for Lisa if chosen through Vina's event
- Added scene for Vina and Kenzie if chosen through Vina's event
- Added new contact (Kenzie)
- Spelling corrections
v1.84.0(2022.09.26) - Added the ability to mark contacts as favourites (favourites will appear first in contact list)
- Added first story scene to Chapter 9
- Added first objective to Chapter 9
- Added new girl to Sultry Studio (Stevie)
- Back button on model contact screen now takes you to correct Contacts page
v1.83.0(2022.08.26) - Encounters can now be viewed at the weekends after hiring a girl from SS
- Sound added to videos for Summer, Vina & Teanna
- Added additional video content for Summer & Vina
- Added additional Special Shoot for Aaliyah (Interracial)
- Fixed a small bug with Sultry Studio variables
- Fixed incorrect "Girls Unlocked" count
- Piper now only appears at the weekend as intended (intro to Ch9 Betrayal)
v1.82.2(2022.08.10) - Fixed a bug with Secretary Select
- Re-enabled Saves
v1.82.1 - Added encounters for all 5 Sultry Studio (SS) girls
- Added porn content for all 5 SS girls
- Allowed players to promote SS girls to full time contacts
- Players can now change which secretary is being trained at SS
v1.82.0 - Added Intro scenes to Sultry Studio
- Added Beginning of Chapter 9
- Added additional content for Mackenzie if she is the friend chosen
- Added Quick Nav buttons to Sultry Studio
- Added content for 5 girls at Sultry Studio (Sydney, Chloe, Anissa, Naomi & Jayden)
- Fixed a bug with Angel/Mackenzie involving Chapter Skips
v1.81.0 - Created new Contact page for those with navigation issues
- Added new Chapter 8 objective for Betrayal path
- Added Intro to next content for Betrayal path
- Sound added to videos for Amy, Blowbang, Caprice & Dani
- Added additional video content for Caprice & Dani
v1.80.1 - Fixed a bug with the new message notification
- Fixed a bug where the auto-buy canvas was not staying checked
v1.80.0 - Added 2 new objectives to Chapter 8
- Added Intro to next content for Mending path (Betrayal coming soon)
- Check messages button now indicates if you have unread messages
- Added extra buttons to purchase larger quantities of canvas in City Studio
- Added ability to autobuy canvas weekly based on Secretary comfort
- Spelling and Grammar corrections
v1.79.0 - Added encounter for Crystal, Mea & Natalia
- Added additional video scene for each secretary when checking on them at your apartment
- Added new porn content for Angela & Anna
- All porn shoot videos now have sound for Angela & Anna
- Coded a new Brothel Girl encounter page
v1.78.0 - Added 3 new Brothel girls (Natalia, Mea and Crystal)
- Contact button now goes green if all collections are complete
- External shoot button only appears after unlocking the Massage Parlor in Chapter 2
- Corrected some image sizes
v1.77.0 - Added new Stripper (Juelz)
- Added new porn content for Aaliyah
- All porn shoot videos now have sound for Aaliyah
- Added Chapter 8 skip
- Changed formatting on skip page to look neater
- Added studio options in main studio
- Sound can now be enabled for all locations (not just City Studio)
- Spelling corrections
v1.76.0 - Added 2 objectives for Chapter 8
- Added new scene for both Chapter 8 story arcs
- Added additional content for Teanna (Contact)
- Added new item to purchase at the Adult Store
- Added special shoots for Piper, Adriana, Kleio & Caprice
- Small formatting changes
v1.75.0 - Added achievement icons
- Added 4 new achievements
- Added new scene (achievement unlock)
- Added new girl Julia (achievement unlock)
- Fixed girls unlocked numbering bug
v1.74.0 - Added church service intro event
- Added 4 church service scenes
- Implemented Achievement system
- Added first set of achievements (Studio Girls)
- Added new girl Adriana (achievement unlock)
- Added Intro Scene for Adriana
v1.73.0 - Added 2 new girls to the City Studio (Li & Diamond)
- Increased max level of Advertising (City Studio)
- Added model tag reset to City Studio mod management screen
v1.72.1 - Fixed bug with Angel's store PM scene not showing in later Chapters
- Fixed an error that shows at Cherie's in Chapter 6
v1.72.0 - Added next story scenes for the mending path
- Piper content now accessible through mending path
- Added code to allow modded tags in City Studio
- Started implementing the Achievement system
- Dialogue corrections (morning/afternoon)
- Spelling fixes
v1.71.1 - Added path name to the objectives screen
- Removed Piper from Cheries after you hire her (Betrayal)
- Fixed bug with external shoots when skipping to chapter 6/7
v1.71.0 - Added code to import modded contacts to the City Studio
- Adjusted some code to fit with modded contacts
- Fixed an error with external shoots before the brothel was unlocked
- Added first Chapter 8 objective
- Added next story scenes for the betrayal path
- Added more content for Piper (unlocked through betrayal)
- Opened up Cherie's again (mending path)
- Added formatting to a missed passage
v1.70.1 - Lana is now unlocked when skipping to Chapter 5 or above
v1.70.0 - Added story scene for Dani to unlock new contact at City Studio (AJ)
- Changed Festive shoots into inviting External Girls for shoots
- Added photoshoot options for regular Brothel Girls
- Added encounters for Alex and Jane (Brothel girls)
- Added a "Shoot again" button to contact shoots if shooting in the AM
- Increased some comfort levels on later Chapter skips
- Moved Selfies to their own folder
- Added dialogue to help with Cherie's computer password puzzle
- Added 2 additional Chapter 6 Objectives to help players advance to Chapter 7
v1.60.1 - Fixed a bug for City Studio girls comfort being null (HTML file can be downloaded separately)
1.60.0 - Added next story scenes for Chapter 7
- Added intro scenes for Chapter 8
- Added new model (Alli)
- Added shoot buttons turning green for modded contacts if collection is complete
- Comfort decreases on City Studio porn shoots now scale depending on missing shots for that collection (max 10 decrease)
- Added Police Station, Hospital and Church as visitable locations ready for future content
- Added final Chapter 7 Objective
v1.50.0 - Added some small interactions with girls at the bar of the Strip Club (Amy, Casey & Sadie)
- Current and Lifetime Rep now visible on upgrades screen (City Studio)
- City Studio upgrade button visible with requirements shown
- Spelling fixes
v1.40.0 - New Chapter skip options for later chapters (can choose agents, friends helped etc)
- Shoot options will now be green if the collection is complete (Contacts and City Studio)
- Added simple encounter for Abella, Whitney and Lucy
v1.39.0 - Added Xmas shoots for Brooklyn, Hixxy and Aaliyah
- Added Xmas shots for Kelsi and Jewelz from the Brothel (can invite from Contacts menu)
- Added Xmas shots for Sophia, Abigail and Joanna from the Strip Club (can invite from Contacts menu)
v1.38.0 - Resized some larger images to match collections
- Removed Model Space "in development" text
- Dakota now unlocks with a more appropriate comfort level
- Fixed a bug which broke Sybil's BJ training video
- Added back buttons to the top of the City Studio and Main Studio collection screens
- Added the next Chapter 7 storyline scene
- Added a couple of Chapter 7 objectives
- Added new visitable location (Sauna) after completing Chapter 7 events
v1.37.0 - Added Chapter 7 skip
- Added Chapter 7 Objective
- Added summary screen after upgrading City Studio to explain what upgrade does
- Added first part of Cherie's chapter 7 storyline
- Fixed Britney's porn training at City Studio
- Added porn shoot for Britney at City Studio
- Added scenes for Jillian/Dillion (dependant on ch6 choice)
- Added more content for Jillian/Dillion
- Fixed Cecilia's porn training at City Studio
- Fixed a bug that appeared overnight if you had Britney hired as a secretary at the City Studio
v1.36.0 - Added porn (shoots/training) for Christie, Jessa, Kyler, Sybil, Cecilia, Aidra, Bree, Britney, and Jill
v1.35.5 - Added button to input code screens
- Replaced duplicate Gina nude shot
v1.35.4 - Added "Skip Day" button to side menu
- Fixed a bug which didn't unlock masseuses when skipping chapters
v1.35.3 - Fixed small error on the new collection screen
v1.35.2 - Fixed bug selling Marica shoots
- Added porn training and shoots for Rachel
- Players can now choose a collection screen in the options
- Fixed the back buttons on the collection screens
v1.35.1 - Porn shoots no longer decreases comfort unless the extra "hardcore" content has been unlocked
- Comfort increases now vary based on type of shoot
- New Collection screen and navigation controls (City Studio)
- Added new City Studio girl Marica (including Porn)
- Added porn training and shoots for Bailey
- Secretaries at the City Studio now sell a random collection of their own shoots daily (passive income)
v1.35.0 - Added collections for the main contacts (inluding any modded)
- Added City Studio expansion to allow more girls to be hired
- Added porn training options for Cassidy at the City Studio
- Added porn shoots for Cassidy
- Added missing backgrounds and formatting for Secretary shots
- Added New Studio options page (to allow sound on new videos)
- Collection images can now be opened up for a larger version
- Added ability to have multiple porn shoots (in the code)
- Shooting porn at the City Studio now decreases comfort
v1.34.1 - Fixed modded contacts Seduction category
- Added check for optimized mod.js file (including porn vids)
v1.34.0 - All main studio contacts now have a "Seduction" category of shoots
- All 3 main secretaries now have a "Seduction" category of shoots
- Cherie, and all of her girls now have a "Seduction" category of shoots
- Adjusted some starting comfort levels & Special comfort shoot requirements
- Small grammar corrections
- Weekly debt from City Studio now gets added before the Secretary pays it off
- Added cosplay sets for Aaliyah, Alexa, Angela, Ariana, Katrina, Kirsten, Kleio, Peta, Riley & Romi
- Added girl names to the Chapter 6 objectives
v1.33.8 - Fixed bug where orders would refill before the weekly reset
- City Studio funds and debt now integrated with main Studio
v1.33.7 - Orders can now be for shoot types instead of model tags
- Bug fix for secretary shoot hints
v1.33.6 - Completing orders now give Rep and failing orders loses Rep
- Rep decreases are now a widget
- Rep now visible on the City Studio main screen
- Fixed issue with decimal costs
- Small bug and spelling fixes
v1.33.5 - Lifetime Rep now recorded behind the scenes
- Removed market values secretary perk
- Added additional orders secretary perk
- Added button to request different orders at the cost or rep
- Seeing Market Values is now a purchasable upgrade
- Players can now see the Secretary perk when talking to the girl hired
- City Studio secretaries can have multiple image sets
- Added second Aidra secretary set
- Added additional Girl (Jelena)
- City Studio secretaries will now give hints as to what is selling well
- Added upgrade to advertising which increases rep gain
- Add way to buy more content for girls (added more for Jelena to test)
v1.33.4 - Added additional girls (Rachel & Christie)
- Max average is now displayed on the collection screen for each type of shot
- New order system implemented
- Firing models/secretaries at the City Studio costs their wage
v1.33.3 - Added new category for City Studio models (Seduction)
- Fixed bug that would allow models to be hired multiple times
- Adjusted market value refreshes to avoid exploitation
- Wages lowered and seperated into model and secretary wages with different amounts
- Increased starting amount of models hireable to 3
- Reduced number of shots given per shoot to 2
- Selling shots now increased rep (City Studio)
v1.33.2 - Added missing content (imgs for secretaries and nude shoots for all)
- Added secretary abilities
- Buying lighting and equipment now increases profit margins for all shoot types (City Studio)
v1.33.1 - Added more girls to City Studio (Aidra, Britney & Bree)
- Profiles at City Studio now show model categories
- Girl wages are now removed once firing them
- After selling a collection, the market value for that model's categories decreases
- Added button after selling to go back to the contact
- Added button to view collections from main City Studio page
v1.33.0 - Added City Studio with new girls and systems (7 girls, new collection system, hiring system, new way to sell shots)
- Added scenes for Estate Agents that were not picked previously (Aria, Alexa, Skyler & India)
- Amended mod shoot widget for easier increase in photos
- Reduced game history to improve performance
- Spelling and dialogue corrections
v1.32.3 - Fixed a bug on the Studio screen that allowed Mackenzie to appear in the Studio without chosing her
v1.32.2 - Fixed an error at Cherie's if you hadn't met Angel yet
v1.32.1 - Fixed an error on the sleep page if you hadn't met Angel yet
v1.32.0 - Finished the Mackenzie storyline and added content for her
- Finished the Angel storyline and added content for her
- Added new dialogue to match choices made with Angel/Mackenzie
- Added final Chapter 6 Objective
- Added scene to finish Chapter 6 and introduce Chapter 7
- Added code ready to enable modded contacts
- Spelling and dialogue corrections
- Fixed a bug with Riley's inital scene and AM/PM system
v1.31.1 - Maid interactions now use AM/PM system
v1.31.0 - Game revamp!
- Added encounter for Riley, Alexa, Anya, Aria, Elsa, Caprice & Anna
- Added a couple of new items for Riley (for testing)
- Added new Random Event
- Added a few items into Model Space
UI Fixes & Improvements
- Added "back" button at Cheries Office
- Revamped Outside, Beach & Mall passages (background/textbox)
- Resized some images that were too large
- Changed some earlier scenes to use AM/PM system
- General UI improvements
- Added skip to Chapter 6
- Removed Freelance Models from MS
Bug Fixes:
- Fixed a bug where Mia's dream would be added twice
- Fixed a bug on the Brothel Investment screen
Code Changes:
- New Data structures for Contacts implemented
- Encounters for Studio contacts now use new code and data structure
- Created new ClientShoot and PornShootContact code for use with new data structures
- Added new Studio Shoot and firstMet widget
- Moved initial variables from Intro to StoryInit
- ClientShoots and PornShoots now use new code and data structures
v1.30.0 - Added new location (Cherie's Office)
- Added different outfits for Cherie at her Office
- Added encounter for Aaliyah and Hixxy
- Added counter on Contacts screen for number of porn videos remaining
- Players can now visit the beach on any day
- Changed some beach encounter days
- Added default case for ClientShoot passage (code)
- Created new Encounters code ready for new data structures (code)
v1.29.1 - Fixed bugged Hixxy shoots
v1.29.0 - Added new Contact (Hixxy)
- Added special shoot for Gina, Aria, Angela, Marley, Kendra, Lana, Megan, Kirsten, Faye, Jade, India, Skyler, Brooklyn, Alexa, Karma and Hixxy
- Added additional Outfits to buy at the Adult Shop (Cosplay)
- Resized some images that were too large
- Spelling fixes
v1.28.1 - Talking to Ashley at the Gym will no longer take you to the beach
- Spelling fixes
v1.28.0 - Changed the way the background is displayed on Model Space
- Revamped the Gym location (Added background and styling)
- Revamped the Park location (Added background and styling)
- Revamped the Pool location (Added background and styling)
- Added events for Ava (Chapter 6)
- Added objective to complete Ava's event
v1.27.2 - Skipping to Chapter 5 now unlocks Aaliyah instead of Dakota
v1.27.1 - Corrected Secretary speech to use AM/PM system
- Added a button at Cheries to tell her you paid off her debt
- Added new model (Aaliyah) to replace Dakota
- Added code input on the Laptop screen
- You can no longer trigger events coming from the shops back to the Mall
- Slightly increased the chance of random events
- You can no longer trigger more than 1 random event per location
v1.27.0 - Added 10 new small random encounters whilst travelling to places
- Added new contact encounter for Autumn, Ivy, Ashley & Megan
- Added new girl Skyler (if you picked her as your estate agent)
- Corrected some formatting issues
v1.26.0 - Added new girl Aria (if you picked her as your estate agent)
- Added new girl India (if you picked her as your estate agent)
- Regular Brothel girls now give money for lesser services when at full slut levels
- Special shoots not available are now buttons to make it more obvious that requirements are not met
- Corrected the model count on the contacts page
v1.25.2 - Added random sorting to the contacts page
v1.25.1 - Fixed a bug that prevented some players from getting all massage girls
v1.25.0 - Added previous scenes to be Chapter 6 objectives
- Added new girl Alexa (if you picked her as your estate agent)
- Corey and Nicole are now available on Model Space
- Added new model in Model Space (Haley)
- Added a few more placeholder girls to replace Corey and Nicole
- Added new porn videos for Lust
- Added encounter for Madison at Cheries (Kitchen)
- Added new porn videos for Dillion and Jillian
- Added new location at Cheries (Kitchen)
- Added new event for Dillion and Jillian
- Added new model in Model Space (Vanessa)
- Added background image to Model Space and made small UI tweaks
- Changed Model Space to use AM/PM system
- Made image buttons for outside locations
- Added new porn videos for Alina
- Added event for Alina
- Fixed a bug where Lana couldn't be unlocked if players skipped to Chapter 5 and chose Stella as the secretary
- Added hidden relationship mechanic to Massage and Brothel Secretaries
- Added new scene for each additional secretary to introduce sex scenes
- Added repeatable sex scenes for additional secretaries
- Added additional events at the weekends for main secretaries once they have moved in
- Added additional videos for the main Secretaries, only available after the weekend events
- Changed some game text to change depending on AM/PM
- Added a WIP message on the Chapter 6 Objective screen
- Added additional scenes for Brooklyn
- Added additional item to the General Store
- You can now select a particular girl to give you a massage at the parlour
- Added a few additional massage gifs
- Added strip club scenes for Brooklyn
v1.20.1 - Fixed a bug where Nicole couldn't be unlocked if you advanced to Chapter 6
v1.20.0 - Added next part in the Angel/Mackenzie storyline
- When visiting places from outside, any back buttons will now take you outside again rather than the Studio
- Increased the amount of Porn Vids you can shoot a week to 14
- Cost to upgrade studio equipment now scales with previous investments
- Added additional Girl (Brooklyn)
v1.19.0 - Added Angel's house as a visitable location (ready for the next part in Angel/Mackenzie storyline)
- Secretary shoots now use the AM/PM system
- Added Chapter 6 Intro event
- Added small management features for the Strip Club
v1.18.0 - Fixed a bug where custom modded categories was causing players to lose funds
- Added the ability to hire Secretaries at the Massage Parlour and Brothel
- Added widget to handle rep increases
- Updated Objectives for Chapter 5
- Added a simple time system so days are now two parts (AM/PM)
- Added skip to Chapter 5
v1.17.0 - Added modding capabilities (downloaded version)
- Added new maid (Jane)
- Added more camsite girls
v1.16.0 - Update coffee shop dialogue to include Avatars
- Revamped the camsites slightly and added a few new gifs
- Moved Freelancing into Model Space
- Moved Ariana into Model Space
v1.15.1 - Fixed an exploitable bug to raise the secretary's relationship/satisfaction at the coffee shop
- Fixed a big where shooting the xmas scene with your secretary would lose your funds
v1.15.0 - Added Xmas themed option in Model Space ("Xmas Babes")
- Added Xmas themed special shoots for Peta, Riley, Mia, Lauren, Dani, Nicole & Romi
- Added Special shoot section for Secretaries (added Xmas shoots for each)
v1.14.1 - Fixed a bug where the glory hole kept taking players to the second Kagney event
v1.14.0 - Added events and interactions for Kagney
- Expanded the Skylar event ready for additional content
v1.13.1 - Added back buttons to the Library events
v1.13.0 - Added more outfits for secretaries at the Studio (Amber, Stella & Valentina)
- Changed outfits for secretaries at the Coffee Shop to be more casual
- Added encounter for a couple of Brothel girls (Anya & Emily)
- Opened up the Library (although still a WIP)
- Removed counter at gloryhole
v1.11.1 - Coffee shop bug fix
- Added image for the Beach
v1.11.0 - Format changes and added Quick Nav to side menu
- Added new Special scenes for Ariana, Peta, Elsa & Katrina
- Added image for the Gym
- Added Public Toilet area in the park
- Added First event for Kagney (Adult Store Shopkeeper)
v1.10.1 - Bug fixes on Pool Area and Coffee Shop
v1.10.0 - Added Brothel Mgt Points to side bar
- Added more variety for dialogue in the Brothel
- Meeting girls outside the Studio should now take you back to the meeting spot rather than the Studio
- Added starter events for Angel
- Separated the Pool area into it's own separate area
v1.9.1 - Cleaned up widgets and setting variables for photos
v1.9.0 - Added Brothel (10 girls & 190+ new video clips!)
- Removed message about bonus not being included
- Added "Studio" button to nav bar
- Checking on Secretary at Home now increases Relationship but can only be done once a day
- Removed some images from Freelancing and Model Space for models now represented elsewhere in the game
- Fixed some back buttons to avoid "back loops"
v1.8.0 - Further increased Reputation limit
- Increased relationship increase for buying the secretary lunch
- Porn shoots with Secretary now increase relationship level
- Advanced storyline with Secretary
- Added "Home" location
- Added additional content for "Model Space"
- Added BDSM option for Dakota
v1.7.1 - Spelling
v1.7.0 - Refactored increaseComfort code
- Revamped the Contacts page
- Increased Reputation limit
- Added new girl (Jade)
- Added new content (Model Space)
- Resized some videos to reduce overall game size
v1.6.0 - Added "Porno Service" Business investment
- Refactored Special Shoot code
- Added additional content (Porno Service) for Riley, Mia, Katsumi, Caprice, Anna, Autumn, Lauren & Kimmy
- Fixed a few buttons that were not styled
- Special shoots now give rep
- Added a few massage scenes
- Added a system for Cherie's girls to help around the office
- Added beach event for Caprice
v1.5.2 - Fixed Secretary Porn "back" button loop
- Solved filename issue with Caprice porn options
v1.5.1 - Added additional porn options for Caprice & Janice
- Expanded Secretary storyline (added porn shoots)
- Added new girls (Karma, Romi, Faye)
- Expanded on Nicole (Maid)
- Added Chapter skips to beginning of the game
- Added Objectives page
- Added additional upgrades to increase earnings on photoshoots
- Fixed back button on Special Shoot
- Added back button on Secretary Shoot page
- Converted camsite, park & gym content to .mp4s saving space
- Re-coded porn shoot page for more efficiency
- Correct some text mistakes
- re-factored Dialogue & Video code for better re-use
- Added counter for number of girls unlocked/available
- Reduced Rep gain for repeat photoshoots & freelancing
- Added Rep gains to porn shoots
- Increased maximum Rep
- Fixed bonus exploit for shooting Cherie's girls
v1.4.0 - Added all Studio Owner content
- Added 5 errand Events
- Added 10 girls+ to Cherie's contacts
- Added 2 new girls (Kirsten & Dakota)
- Added 3 lesbian scenes for Cherie
- Added 3 events with Cherie
- Added Cherie shoot
- Fixed more "back" buttons to return to previous page
- Increased Reputation rewards to speed up game
v1.3.0 - Completed UI Improvements on all pages
- Modified some Comfort increases to speed up game
- Added "back" button to contact pages
- Changed Areas "back" button to go back outside rather than the Studio
- Re-coded ClientShoot scene and comfort increases for more efficiency
- Fixed bug where Secretary Relationship could reach zero and disappear
- Added additional porn scenes for Katsumi, Anna, Autumn, Mia, Lena, Dani, Remy, Angela and Marley
- Added dream sequence for Dani & Katrina
- Added 2 new girls (Megan, Katrina)
v1.2.1 - Added 4 new girls (Kendra, Lana, Anya, Gina)
- Added scene for Lana at the park
- Added scene for Elsa (to introduce Gina)
- Added Chapter 4 Intro (Chapter still under construction)
- Expanded Secretary relationship (added Nude shoots)
- Added 'back' button to special shoot page if girl is not comfortable yet
- Added UI Improvements (still in progress)
- Added Pages into the Contacts list for easier navigation
- Re-coded the park logic to make the Maid Service easier to obtain
v1.1.3 - Kleio now cannot raise past max comfort level
- Added Sex Toys to purchasable items in the Adult Store
- Added 5 Lesbian scenes for girls you have already met
- Added new girl (Elsa)
- Added additional Massage Scene (accessible through messages)
- Added scenes for girls around the City (Ariana, Marley, Dani, Remy, Peta, Angela)
- Added the Beach as a place to visit on the weekends
v1.0.2 - Fixed secretary scouting so you cannot Scout for more models once all girls have been found
- Kleio now earns comfort doing Porn videos
- Chapter 3 intro text removed as Massage Parlour is fleshed out
v1.0.1 - Fixed secretary date so you can only take her out once
- Fixed number of vids allowed per week to a maximum of 7
- Fixed Coffee shop advertising event to be once only
v1.0.0 - New version format
- Added more options for pornshots for most girls
- Added shops to Mall and items to buy
- Expanded the Maids by adding bribes
- Expanded the Mall/Studio to enable outfits into shoots
- Expanded the Coffee Shop (results in an additional girl)
- Added Contacts link to the main Studio page
- Added Collect funds link to top of all photoshoot pages
- Added Skip Day button
- Amended Storyline to be more believable
- Advanced Secretary storyline by adding in a date night
v0.9 - Added 1 girl met through freelance work
- Added more porn videos and options
- Massage Parlour added
- Placeholder for the Mall added
- Expanded the secretary options - an additional 5 girls added through scouting
v0.8 - Porn shoots now add to girls comfort level
- Fixed bug where Freelance didnt show up if you skipped intro
- Fixed some secretary dialogue
- Camsites gifs updated to have fallbacks for devices that dont support webp files
- Set Rep and Comfort limits
- Removed comfort exploit by going back to contacts and comfort still being increased
v0.7 - General tweaks, added chapters, first public release.
v0.6 - Additional girl, additional upgrades, implemented first proper business venture
v0.5 - General UI and story tweaks, added Pornography business investment
v0.4 - Added additional upgrades and services, 1 additional girl and finances section
v0.3 - Added additional places to visit and upgrades section with configured Secretary upgrade
v0.2 - Added 3 more girls and some repeatable scenes and shoots which can earn you money and reputation
v0.1 - Meet 5 different girls, some choices and story elements have set the scene
Тему отредактировал: Nikol - 10-12-2024, 10:31
Причина: Тема обновлена. Добавлена английская версия v.1.107.0 Eng. / Topic updated. Added English versio v.1.107.0 Eng.
Причина: Тема обновлена. Добавлена английская версия v.1.107.0 Eng. / Topic updated. Added English versio v.1.107.0 Eng.
Пароль на архив / Archive password:
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