Год выпуска: 2020
Жанр: real porn, animated, anal, creampie, footjob, group, handjob, masturbation, multiple penetration, oral, sex toys, stripping, titfuck, vaginal, management
Цензура: Отсутствует
Разработчик/Издатель: Tobe
Платформа: PC/Windows
Тип издания: В разработке
Таблэтка: Не требуется
Версия: v.
Язык игры: Английский
Язык интерфейса: Английский
Вы недавно купили особый клуб в городе. Привлекайте девушек, развивайте свой клуб и зарабатывайте деньги!
You recently bought a special club in town. Recruit girls, improve your club and make money!
The game is just a prototype, to hear what you think about the core gameplay loop. There are many improvements and elements that will be added in (starting with a story and some long term objectives) in the future.
If you have a problem seeing the videos, you need to download new codecs to see the videos in the game.
UI rework of the booth game, to increase useful information while reducing clutter
Won't-do lists for girls have been replaced with a visual element that shows which finishers the girl will not do.
Instead of showing which specific sex act tiers a girl won't do, a visual element has been added to show which skills the girl will not perform, as if a girl will perform a skill, the specifics of which acts within that tier the girl will not perform does not affect gameplay.
The booth/client readout has been removed.
This information is now fully visible in each booth directly, so it is redundant.
A new client will now signal which girls have the baseline ability to perform their act, as if they were clicked on.
Clicking on a client still maintains this function.
Customer intake rework
Customers will now have more variance as to when they enter.
Reputation will affact this variance, as will reputation-based traits.
This reputation will be compared to an external variable, currently based on the days passed. Favorable comparisons increase customer rates, unfavorable comparisons reduce them, increasing the importance for Reputation.
At parity this should give the same number of customers over time, even if the variable of when they show up changes.
This is necessary backbone for a future mechanic.
Customer quality rework
Reputation of the bar will no longer be the only variable going into the club customers' quality levels.
There is now an external variable that goes into this as well. Currently, this variable is scaling with the days past.
This is necessary backbone for a future mechanic.
Brat trait introduced
Brats do not gain openness by normal means.
Instead, they gain openness when forced to work by a negotiator.
They also get permanent boosts to their stats when forced to work by a negotiator, and this can bring them above the normal cap for stats.
They also cost considerably less to force to work by negotiators.
Costs of club upgrades have been reworked.
Money costs have been reduced, especially for lower level improvements.
Connection costs have been increased for high tier improvements.
Scramble mode costs have been reduced.
Assorted bug fixes have been employed. There will still be some minor bugs remaining, and those are planned to be tackled for the 10.0 version.
Buying a new club level will no longer add a girl to the Scramble Mode recruitment list.
The game attempting to do so with insufficient girls available (coupled with not removing girls from that list in Normal Mode) is the probable cause of the infinite loop crashes when getting a club level, in both Normal and Scramble Modes. Seeing as the crash is no longer reported in Scramble Mode recruitment or Lottery recruitment, this should eliminate the problem entirely. If not, please let me know.
In Scramble Mode, the first recruitment of a girl therefore now happens when the girl sees you have no girls in your club but buying your first policy. In terms of gameplay flow, you should feel no difference as a result.
The first policy will no longer check if you have a girl recruited before being able to buy.
This means that the flow of purchasing your upgrades in Normal Mode and Scramble Mode will be identical: Basic Club, Stage, Dance policy, and then First Girl in normal mode.
The Recruit Girls button will no longer be visible until you buy the first policy.
This is intended to direct new players to buy the first policy, preventing them from believing they've soft-locked the game due to a lack of conveyance on the game's part.
Tutorialized pointers are added to the initial club setup. These are unobtrusive text boxes and arrows that point to the first couple of steps necessary to start the club.
These do not interrupt gameplay for veterans, and older players can just continue doing the same gameplay flow they've always done.
Recruiting girls in normal mode now displays them as the most recent recruit in the club hub menu.
A new trait has been added: Camgirl.
Camgirls have a special power that procs whenever passive internet training kicks in for them. Whenever this occurs, they get a massive popularity boost for the next shift they work (within 3 days).
They are also suited to the Advertiser backstage role.
Fixing the too few girlpacks infinite loop bug.
Scramble Mode and Crown Jewels modes are going to require a minimum number of girlpacks in order to appear as game options.
Flattening the resource generation curve in mid and end game somewhat.
Values that scale with the club's level should now scale properly when you max out your club.
This means no more +10000 finisher bonuses.
This also means no more 'suddenly I'm broke from accountancy waste' shockers.
Brokers are less swingy.
Brokers will be discounted if you only have zero or one girl currently running.
Added a pause/unpause button outside of zoom mode.
Negotiators not unpausing the game is still a known issue but fixing the crashing bugs was too high priority to delay this patch. Use the unpause button to resume the game.
Made sure that when you have no girls left waiting for a client, that the first girl that returns from a booth is selected as next to go into a booth.
Money accumulated in the booth game, if reaching 6 digits, will now display as '+100K' or more.
Accountancy waste and benefits are readjusted. Please continue to give feedback on this.
Any replacement girl that is revealed because you've rejected contracts below your minimum contract limit will no longer escalate the cost/stats of new girls--the replacement shall remain at your current cost level.
Accordingly, rejecting contracts will no longer lower your cost/stats level. Once you start seeing girls of a particular cost, that's it.
Scramble mode costs have been adjusted. You should see less mammoth rep/inf/con costs, and sometimes will get discounts if you're lucky.
When you fulfill the requirements of an Investor during the booth game, the Investor will become available for the booths immediately, and their icon shows accordingly.
I want to see if the power curve feels right with this new patch. Once it uploads and you have time to play around with it, please continue to give feedback. Once the power curve feels 'good', I will do a pass on the costs for club upgrades to fit within it.
Update 9.3.J.2
Assorted bug fixes, Nicole Dating Game now has progress bars, including how far you're into your streak for proc'ing the sex-icon for progress, and how far you need to progress her, keyboard functionality and expanded features for Zoom 2.0 (including a girl trait that interacts with it), as well as expanded options for girls' vitals and Broker support for same.
Version 8: Dates!
Added a new shop to buy improvements for the dates
Added an improvement to unlock the previous new shop
Added content for the café date and added a new date
Added a new phase to the café date
Added the possibility to unlock Nicole's three next performances (Pose, Solo Fingering, Toys Masturbation)
Added new levels for Nicole's outfits
Added a new category of finishers, threesome and group finishers
Updated all basic girlpacks to add these new categories
Added a "Hide footjob" option
Fixed a bug that caused some girls to disappear from the hiring screen
Hopefully fixed a bug causing the work phase to not end following a scene with Nicole
Other minor fixes
As always, don't forget to move all of your girlpacks into the new game folder!
Version 7: All about Nicole!
Added dialogs with Nicole, the assistant.
Added a dating system based on a new minigame.
Added a new money: Nicole Points. These points can be gainedthrough the dating system or bought.
Added a special shop for Nicole, using Nicole Points.
Added the possibility to buy outfits for Nicole. These outfits cost Nicole points.
Added a wardrobe for Nicole, where you can choose her outfit.
Added the beginning of unlocking performances for Nicole. The performances can be bought for Nicole Points.
Added dancing videos for Nicole.
Moved the in-built girls into external girlpacks.
Added anal performances for Kimmy Granger.
Added a credits screen for the base music.
There are now multiple ways to download the game: the complete package with the eight "basic" girlpacks or the empty one that contains none. If you download the empty one, don't forget to add your own girlpacks!
This should allow for the updates to be smaller in size as only the "base" game will have to be downloaded again.
As always, don't forget to move all of your girlpacks into the new game folder!
Prototype v6: End of silence!
Videos will now play with sound if they have some.
Added sound to most of the in-game videos (not all).
Default videos don't have sound.
Added an option when zooming on a video to reduce and increase volume of the video.
Added an option to choose the aspect ratio of the videos when zoomed in.
Added music to the game.
Added an option in the settings menu to choose the volume of the music.
Added the possibility to add your own music in the game, through two subfolders in the "Musics" folder in the main game folder. See the "How to create a Girlpack (and add your music to the game)" PDF for more info.
Note that the game will only use music in the OGGVORBIS format.
Added the "modular booths" improvemnt for the club. It allows to select a special performance for a booth during the work phase, forcing this booth to only have client wanting this specific performance.
Added the possibility to "reset" a girl (from the staff menu) get her stats, lessons, openness... back to their basic values.
Added the possibility to choose the positionning of the portrait during lessons for the packmakers. See the "How to create a Girlpack (and add your music to the game)" PDF for more info.
As always, don't forget to move all of your girlpacks into the new game folder!
Prototype v5: Giving lessons!
Fixed a few bugs.
Added an autosave feature (new save every day, two autosaves slots).
You can now skip dialog by pressing Ctrl.
You can now hide the UI during dialog by pressing Shift or H.
Introducing a new mechanic: giving lessons to the girls. You can now buy (and improve) the lounge in the improvements to unlock the ability to give lessons to the girls. This will increase their openness, as well as give you some special scenes!.
For the moment, all the base girls have at least one lesson. After that, it will always be the default, basic lesson.
Pack makers can also add lessons to their packs. This is not mandatory, and old packs will still work perfectly fine, but this is a new tool for those wanting to go further.
See the How To Make A Girlpack PDF for more information on that, and the Example Girl pack with lessons for examples of lessons.
This is a work in progress, and the lesson system will evolve and get richer and richer over time. It is currently in a usable state, but I'm sure it is lacking some functionalities. So I intend to work with packmakers who are interested in creating lessons to see what they would like me to add.
The process of making a lesson can be simple or complex, depending on what you want to make. I'll try to answer questions and give help on that regard, as well as improve the documentation and create clearer ways for the game to display problems with a lesson.
As always, don't forget to move all of your girlpacks into the new game folder!
Prototype v4 Hotfix 1
Fixed slight video transparency.
Fixed crash/bug when hiring the last girl available before ending the fourth mission.
Fixed various UI bugs.
Fixed the last club upgrade not unlocking anything.
Slight increase in mafia guys spawning probabilty.
Influence gain now depends on client's happiness.
Added the possibility to fire girls. To do that, go to the staff screen.
Added an options menu because the default options menu at launch was deleted (Unity removed it so I had to make a basic options menu...).
Upgraded the daily report. Thanks SiJa !
Added icons for days passed, connection, reputation and money. Thanks SiJa !
Small UI changes.
Added a couple of videos for performances Rachel Starr didn't have (don't forget to "Repair" her!). Thanks 4ffe !
Don't forget to move your Girlpacks in the new game folder!
Prototype v4
Added a new mechanic: the mafia's services. You subscribe to those and pay a fixed amount every day in exchange for some help during the work phase. Services must first be unlocked by spending influence points.
Added the possibility for clients to be members of the mafia. When they are, they will give the player influence if they get out happy from the booth they came to. This and the new change above will only be unlocked afer finishing the fourth mission.
Added a bit of story, related to the mafia, with a new character.
Reworked the UI and the integrated girlpacks (thanks to SiJa for his tremendous work on that!).
You can now double click on the girls' portraits to switch them between Rest and Work in the Planning screen, as well as during work after clicking on the empty "girl's space" of a booth to assign a girl to the booth.
Added the possiblity to specify what performance a girl can't do. Will mostly be used when girlpack makers don't find a video for one type. When a girl can't do a performance, she will always refuse to do it, no matter how open she is. If nothing is specified, the game will consider that the girl will accept everything.
Linked to that, added buttons in the staff display screen to update the performances the recruited girls won't do. You'll have to do that for every girl that was recruited before this update, and after each time you modify a girlpack. This is only useful for recruited girls, meaning that you don't have to do it for girls not yet recruited in the savefile you are using.
Added an option in girlpack making to specify if a girl costs influence to buy.
Added an option to specify if a girl can be unlocked from the "Lottery" service. See the specific services in game for more details (basically, this allows to use influence points to unlock a random girl from the pool of girls marked with the "inLottery" option).
For more details on all of that, see the updated "How to create a GirlPack".
The "Example Girl" pack has also been updated to incorporate those changes
Note: old packs will still work perfectly fine with the new version. This only adds new personalization options.
Added default scenes for every performances.
Reduced overall money and reputation gain. This should hopefully make the game last longer without aking it grindy.
Tested a Linux build. Unfortunately, it didn't work, for unknown reasons. Sorry Linux users, this version is still not availale for your system.
Don't forget to move all of your girlpacks into the new game folder!
Prototype v3
Hotfix 1
Added the possibilty to use extenal Girlpacks. To do so, the girlpack must be created accordingly to a specific method (described in the pdf "How to create a GirlPack").
To show the way girlpacks work, created one: Monique Alexander.
Added a new mission mechanic, as well as the first few basic missions.
Added a new dialog mechanic, as well as the first few basic dialogs and the very beginning of the story.
Added an improvement that unlocks the possibility to buy other improvements.
Added ab improvement to have access to and upgrade costumes.
Added an "Office" screen, related to story and missions.
Added the assistant: Nicole Aniston. She doesn't have much content for now (2 pictures and a few dialogs).
Many other small adjustments.
Prototype v2
Added a new girl: Kira Noir.
Added a new mechanic: costumes. They act closely like improvements but they are more powerful and only one can be activated at a time.
Reworked the planning screen, and added different sorting options of the girls.
Fixed a lot of bugs. Many of them were linked to my terrible saving system which was therefore updated. This means that old saves, while still usable, will be very buggy and weird. I strongly advise to start a new game.
Added very basic events. There are currentl five of them in the game. They can trigger when coming back from the work screen and having specific girls with enough openness. Therefore, most of them will appear kinda "late" in the game.
Replaced food by cigarettes during work phase, and changed the purpose of cooks. Also added automated dispenser for drinks, cigarettes, drugs and condoms. They can be bought as the highest level upgrades of the corresponding gifts.
A few UI improvements.
Reuploaded some of the videos, to try and get a better quality without taking too much space.
Fixes a few bugs but, most importantly, hopefully fixes the video not showing bug. I tested it on Windows 8.1 and it worked, I'm not sure for Windows 7 but it should work too.
Apologies for the delay.
Жанр: real porn, animated, anal, creampie, footjob, group, handjob, masturbation, multiple penetration, oral, sex toys, stripping, titfuck, vaginal, management
Цензура: Отсутствует
Разработчик/Издатель: Tobe
Платформа: PC/Windows
Тип издания: В разработке
Таблэтка: Не требуется
Версия: v.
Язык игры: Английский
Язык интерфейса: Английский
Вы недавно купили особый клуб в городе. Привлекайте девушек, развивайте свой клуб и зарабатывайте деньги!
You recently bought a special club in town. Recruit girls, improve your club and make money!
The game is just a prototype, to hear what you think about the core gameplay loop. There are many improvements and elements that will be added in (starting with a story and some long term objectives) in the future.
If you have a problem seeing the videos, you need to download new codecs to see the videos in the game.
UI rework of the booth game, to increase useful information while reducing clutter
Won't-do lists for girls have been replaced with a visual element that shows which finishers the girl will not do.
Instead of showing which specific sex act tiers a girl won't do, a visual element has been added to show which skills the girl will not perform, as if a girl will perform a skill, the specifics of which acts within that tier the girl will not perform does not affect gameplay.
The booth/client readout has been removed.
This information is now fully visible in each booth directly, so it is redundant.
A new client will now signal which girls have the baseline ability to perform their act, as if they were clicked on.
Clicking on a client still maintains this function.
Customer intake rework
Customers will now have more variance as to when they enter.
Reputation will affact this variance, as will reputation-based traits.
This reputation will be compared to an external variable, currently based on the days passed. Favorable comparisons increase customer rates, unfavorable comparisons reduce them, increasing the importance for Reputation.
At parity this should give the same number of customers over time, even if the variable of when they show up changes.
This is necessary backbone for a future mechanic.
Customer quality rework
Reputation of the bar will no longer be the only variable going into the club customers' quality levels.
There is now an external variable that goes into this as well. Currently, this variable is scaling with the days past.
This is necessary backbone for a future mechanic.
Brat trait introduced
Brats do not gain openness by normal means.
Instead, they gain openness when forced to work by a negotiator.
They also get permanent boosts to their stats when forced to work by a negotiator, and this can bring them above the normal cap for stats.
They also cost considerably less to force to work by negotiators.
Costs of club upgrades have been reworked.
Money costs have been reduced, especially for lower level improvements.
Connection costs have been increased for high tier improvements.
Scramble mode costs have been reduced.
Assorted bug fixes have been employed. There will still be some minor bugs remaining, and those are planned to be tackled for the 10.0 version.
Buying a new club level will no longer add a girl to the Scramble Mode recruitment list.
The game attempting to do so with insufficient girls available (coupled with not removing girls from that list in Normal Mode) is the probable cause of the infinite loop crashes when getting a club level, in both Normal and Scramble Modes. Seeing as the crash is no longer reported in Scramble Mode recruitment or Lottery recruitment, this should eliminate the problem entirely. If not, please let me know.
In Scramble Mode, the first recruitment of a girl therefore now happens when the girl sees you have no girls in your club but buying your first policy. In terms of gameplay flow, you should feel no difference as a result.
The first policy will no longer check if you have a girl recruited before being able to buy.
This means that the flow of purchasing your upgrades in Normal Mode and Scramble Mode will be identical: Basic Club, Stage, Dance policy, and then First Girl in normal mode.
The Recruit Girls button will no longer be visible until you buy the first policy.
This is intended to direct new players to buy the first policy, preventing them from believing they've soft-locked the game due to a lack of conveyance on the game's part.
Tutorialized pointers are added to the initial club setup. These are unobtrusive text boxes and arrows that point to the first couple of steps necessary to start the club.
These do not interrupt gameplay for veterans, and older players can just continue doing the same gameplay flow they've always done.
Recruiting girls in normal mode now displays them as the most recent recruit in the club hub menu.
A new trait has been added: Camgirl.
Camgirls have a special power that procs whenever passive internet training kicks in for them. Whenever this occurs, they get a massive popularity boost for the next shift they work (within 3 days).
They are also suited to the Advertiser backstage role.
Fixing the too few girlpacks infinite loop bug.
Scramble Mode and Crown Jewels modes are going to require a minimum number of girlpacks in order to appear as game options.
Flattening the resource generation curve in mid and end game somewhat.
Values that scale with the club's level should now scale properly when you max out your club.
This means no more +10000 finisher bonuses.
This also means no more 'suddenly I'm broke from accountancy waste' shockers.
Brokers are less swingy.
Brokers will be discounted if you only have zero or one girl currently running.
Added a pause/unpause button outside of zoom mode.
Negotiators not unpausing the game is still a known issue but fixing the crashing bugs was too high priority to delay this patch. Use the unpause button to resume the game.
Made sure that when you have no girls left waiting for a client, that the first girl that returns from a booth is selected as next to go into a booth.
Money accumulated in the booth game, if reaching 6 digits, will now display as '+100K' or more.
Accountancy waste and benefits are readjusted. Please continue to give feedback on this.
Any replacement girl that is revealed because you've rejected contracts below your minimum contract limit will no longer escalate the cost/stats of new girls--the replacement shall remain at your current cost level.
Accordingly, rejecting contracts will no longer lower your cost/stats level. Once you start seeing girls of a particular cost, that's it.
Scramble mode costs have been adjusted. You should see less mammoth rep/inf/con costs, and sometimes will get discounts if you're lucky.
When you fulfill the requirements of an Investor during the booth game, the Investor will become available for the booths immediately, and their icon shows accordingly.
I want to see if the power curve feels right with this new patch. Once it uploads and you have time to play around with it, please continue to give feedback. Once the power curve feels 'good', I will do a pass on the costs for club upgrades to fit within it.
Update 9.3.J.2
Assorted bug fixes, Nicole Dating Game now has progress bars, including how far you're into your streak for proc'ing the sex-icon for progress, and how far you need to progress her, keyboard functionality and expanded features for Zoom 2.0 (including a girl trait that interacts with it), as well as expanded options for girls' vitals and Broker support for same.
Version 8: Dates!
Added a new shop to buy improvements for the dates
Added an improvement to unlock the previous new shop
Added content for the café date and added a new date
Added a new phase to the café date
Added the possibility to unlock Nicole's three next performances (Pose, Solo Fingering, Toys Masturbation)
Added new levels for Nicole's outfits
Added a new category of finishers, threesome and group finishers
Updated all basic girlpacks to add these new categories
Added a "Hide footjob" option
Fixed a bug that caused some girls to disappear from the hiring screen
Hopefully fixed a bug causing the work phase to not end following a scene with Nicole
Other minor fixes
As always, don't forget to move all of your girlpacks into the new game folder!
Version 7: All about Nicole!
Added dialogs with Nicole, the assistant.
Added a dating system based on a new minigame.
Added a new money: Nicole Points. These points can be gainedthrough the dating system or bought.
Added a special shop for Nicole, using Nicole Points.
Added the possibility to buy outfits for Nicole. These outfits cost Nicole points.
Added a wardrobe for Nicole, where you can choose her outfit.
Added the beginning of unlocking performances for Nicole. The performances can be bought for Nicole Points.
Added dancing videos for Nicole.
Moved the in-built girls into external girlpacks.
Added anal performances for Kimmy Granger.
Added a credits screen for the base music.
There are now multiple ways to download the game: the complete package with the eight "basic" girlpacks or the empty one that contains none. If you download the empty one, don't forget to add your own girlpacks!
This should allow for the updates to be smaller in size as only the "base" game will have to be downloaded again.
As always, don't forget to move all of your girlpacks into the new game folder!
Prototype v6: End of silence!
Videos will now play with sound if they have some.
Added sound to most of the in-game videos (not all).
Default videos don't have sound.
Added an option when zooming on a video to reduce and increase volume of the video.
Added an option to choose the aspect ratio of the videos when zoomed in.
Added music to the game.
Added an option in the settings menu to choose the volume of the music.
Added the possibility to add your own music in the game, through two subfolders in the "Musics" folder in the main game folder. See the "How to create a Girlpack (and add your music to the game)" PDF for more info.
Note that the game will only use music in the OGGVORBIS format.
Added the "modular booths" improvemnt for the club. It allows to select a special performance for a booth during the work phase, forcing this booth to only have client wanting this specific performance.
Added the possibility to "reset" a girl (from the staff menu) get her stats, lessons, openness... back to their basic values.
Added the possibility to choose the positionning of the portrait during lessons for the packmakers. See the "How to create a Girlpack (and add your music to the game)" PDF for more info.
As always, don't forget to move all of your girlpacks into the new game folder!
Prototype v5: Giving lessons!
Fixed a few bugs.
Added an autosave feature (new save every day, two autosaves slots).
You can now skip dialog by pressing Ctrl.
You can now hide the UI during dialog by pressing Shift or H.
Introducing a new mechanic: giving lessons to the girls. You can now buy (and improve) the lounge in the improvements to unlock the ability to give lessons to the girls. This will increase their openness, as well as give you some special scenes!.
For the moment, all the base girls have at least one lesson. After that, it will always be the default, basic lesson.
Pack makers can also add lessons to their packs. This is not mandatory, and old packs will still work perfectly fine, but this is a new tool for those wanting to go further.
See the How To Make A Girlpack PDF for more information on that, and the Example Girl pack with lessons for examples of lessons.
This is a work in progress, and the lesson system will evolve and get richer and richer over time. It is currently in a usable state, but I'm sure it is lacking some functionalities. So I intend to work with packmakers who are interested in creating lessons to see what they would like me to add.
The process of making a lesson can be simple or complex, depending on what you want to make. I'll try to answer questions and give help on that regard, as well as improve the documentation and create clearer ways for the game to display problems with a lesson.
As always, don't forget to move all of your girlpacks into the new game folder!
Prototype v4 Hotfix 1
Fixed slight video transparency.
Fixed crash/bug when hiring the last girl available before ending the fourth mission.
Fixed various UI bugs.
Fixed the last club upgrade not unlocking anything.
Slight increase in mafia guys spawning probabilty.
Influence gain now depends on client's happiness.
Added the possibility to fire girls. To do that, go to the staff screen.
Added an options menu because the default options menu at launch was deleted (Unity removed it so I had to make a basic options menu...).
Upgraded the daily report. Thanks SiJa !
Added icons for days passed, connection, reputation and money. Thanks SiJa !
Small UI changes.
Added a couple of videos for performances Rachel Starr didn't have (don't forget to "Repair" her!). Thanks 4ffe !
Don't forget to move your Girlpacks in the new game folder!
Prototype v4
Added a new mechanic: the mafia's services. You subscribe to those and pay a fixed amount every day in exchange for some help during the work phase. Services must first be unlocked by spending influence points.
Added the possibility for clients to be members of the mafia. When they are, they will give the player influence if they get out happy from the booth they came to. This and the new change above will only be unlocked afer finishing the fourth mission.
Added a bit of story, related to the mafia, with a new character.
Reworked the UI and the integrated girlpacks (thanks to SiJa for his tremendous work on that!).
You can now double click on the girls' portraits to switch them between Rest and Work in the Planning screen, as well as during work after clicking on the empty "girl's space" of a booth to assign a girl to the booth.
Added the possiblity to specify what performance a girl can't do. Will mostly be used when girlpack makers don't find a video for one type. When a girl can't do a performance, she will always refuse to do it, no matter how open she is. If nothing is specified, the game will consider that the girl will accept everything.
Linked to that, added buttons in the staff display screen to update the performances the recruited girls won't do. You'll have to do that for every girl that was recruited before this update, and after each time you modify a girlpack. This is only useful for recruited girls, meaning that you don't have to do it for girls not yet recruited in the savefile you are using.
Added an option in girlpack making to specify if a girl costs influence to buy.
Added an option to specify if a girl can be unlocked from the "Lottery" service. See the specific services in game for more details (basically, this allows to use influence points to unlock a random girl from the pool of girls marked with the "inLottery" option).
For more details on all of that, see the updated "How to create a GirlPack".
The "Example Girl" pack has also been updated to incorporate those changes
Note: old packs will still work perfectly fine with the new version. This only adds new personalization options.
Added default scenes for every performances.
Reduced overall money and reputation gain. This should hopefully make the game last longer without aking it grindy.
Tested a Linux build. Unfortunately, it didn't work, for unknown reasons. Sorry Linux users, this version is still not availale for your system.
Don't forget to move all of your girlpacks into the new game folder!
Prototype v3
Hotfix 1
Added the possibilty to use extenal Girlpacks. To do so, the girlpack must be created accordingly to a specific method (described in the pdf "How to create a GirlPack").
To show the way girlpacks work, created one: Monique Alexander.
Added a new mission mechanic, as well as the first few basic missions.
Added a new dialog mechanic, as well as the first few basic dialogs and the very beginning of the story.
Added an improvement that unlocks the possibility to buy other improvements.
Added ab improvement to have access to and upgrade costumes.
Added an "Office" screen, related to story and missions.
Added the assistant: Nicole Aniston. She doesn't have much content for now (2 pictures and a few dialogs).
Many other small adjustments.
Prototype v2
Added a new girl: Kira Noir.
Added a new mechanic: costumes. They act closely like improvements but they are more powerful and only one can be activated at a time.
Reworked the planning screen, and added different sorting options of the girls.
Fixed a lot of bugs. Many of them were linked to my terrible saving system which was therefore updated. This means that old saves, while still usable, will be very buggy and weird. I strongly advise to start a new game.
Added very basic events. There are currentl five of them in the game. They can trigger when coming back from the work screen and having specific girls with enough openness. Therefore, most of them will appear kinda "late" in the game.
Replaced food by cigarettes during work phase, and changed the purpose of cooks. Also added automated dispenser for drinks, cigarettes, drugs and condoms. They can be bought as the highest level upgrades of the corresponding gifts.
A few UI improvements.
Reuploaded some of the videos, to try and get a better quality without taking too much space.
Fixes a few bugs but, most importantly, hopefully fixes the video not showing bug. I tested it on Windows 8.1 and it worked, I'm not sure for Windows 7 but it should work too.
Apologies for the delay.
Тему отредактировал: Nikol - 27-06-2022, 22:47
Причина: Тема обновлена до версии v. / Topic updated to v.
Причина: Тема обновлена до версии v. / Topic updated to v.
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