Описание:Контракт с суккубом
В этой игре повествуется история о парне по имени Крис. Который из-за собственной чрезмерной похоти, встретил суккуба. Но не зная с кем он связался и к чему всё это приведет, Крис сам того не понимая заключил с ним контракт. На утро после встречи с суккубом, Крис обнаружил , что превратился в девушку. С этого и началось его приключение. Теперь Крису необходимо выяснить все подробности произошедшего и вернуть своё прежнее тело, или оставить всё как есть..?
Контракт с суккубом II
Это продолжение игры Succubus Contract.
История продолжается после того, как МС в облике девушки теряет сознание.
Ты играешь за МС, который ранее, сам того не осознавая, подписал контракт с суккубом. Конечно, суккуб скрыла от MC все детали и особенности их "контракта" и выдала все за обычный поцелуй. Но этот поцелуй полностью изменил жизнь MC и превратил его в девушку. После того как наш MC смирился со своим положением и уже привык к своему новому телу, суккуб снова посетил его. Но на этот раз суккуб пришла с более серьезными намерениями, чтобы вовлечь MC в жизнь похоти и разврата. Суккуб была очень серьезна и установила новые правила использования тела, для МС. Теперь MC должен пить сперму или таблетки, чтобы сохранить свои женские гениталии, а если он этого не сделает, то его женские гениталии будут заменены на мужские, и он станет фута. Но что, если в очередной раз эта суккуба что-то скрывает?
Succubus Contract
This game tells a story, about guy, who's name Kris. Who, because of his own excessive lust, met a succubus. But without knowing who he contacted and where all this will lead, Kris himself did not understand the contract with him. The morning after meeting the succubus, Kris discovered that he had turned into a girl. That 's where his adventure began. Now Kris needs to find out all the details of what happened and get his old body back, or leave it as it is.?
Succubus Contract II
This is the sequel to the game Succubus Contract.
The story continues after the MC in the guise of a girl loses consciousness.
You play as the MC, who previously, without realizing it, signed a contract with a succubus. Of course, the succubus hid all the details and specifics of their "contract" from the MC and passed it all off as an ordinary kiss. But that kiss, completely changed MC's life and turned him into a girl. After our MC had come to terms with his situation and was already used to his new body, the succubus visited him again. But this time the succubus came with more serious intentions, to involve the MC in a life of lust and debauchery. The succubus was very serious and set new rules for the use of the body, for the MC. Now the MC must drink sperm or pill to keep his female genitalia, and if he does not, his female genitalia will be replaced with male genitalia and he will become Futa. But, what if, once again, this succubus is hiding something..?
Год выпуска: 2020
Жанр: 3dcg, adventure, ahegao, anal, bdsm, big tits, cheating, corruption, creampie, drugs, exhibitionism, female domination, female protagonist, futa, trans, group sex, handjob, interracial, lesbian, male domination, male protagonist, masturbation, monster, multiple penetration, oral, paranormal, sex toys, sexual harassment, simulator, stripping, transformation, vaginal, voyeurism,
Цензура: Отсутствует
Разработчик/Издатель: Stick4Luck -
Patreon -
Itch.io -
Boosty -
DiscordПлатформа: PC/Windows/Linux/Android
Тип издания: В разработке
Таблетка: Не требуется
Версия: Succubus Contract 2 [v.19.0] + SC Remastered [v.0.25.0]
Язык игры: Русский(основной), Английский (машинный перевод)
v19.0 - 2025-03-21
Short Description:
In this update the event with Alan will continue, but since Alan is not at home, he will be replaced by his father, Riel. Riel will obviously be interested in MC and not only as an interesting conversation partner, but also as an object of sexual lust. This will lead the characters to massage and other games bordering on lust and MC's conscience.
Also, MC will come home after a hard day (after a BDSM club or a date with Alan) and fall asleep, but the character from the last part, familiar to us as the driver Rob, who is currently the owner of MC's new apartment, decided to watch MC's naked body while sleeping. And if you have futa content enabled, Rob will be pleasantly surprised....
Main changes:
1400+ lines of script
200 images
Big event with Riel (after the night with Alan)
Big event with MC and Rob in female body and futa body (if MC comes home after a date with Alan or MC comes home after a BDSM club)
Lewd Mind
Mind Control
Futa Content
Foot and Body Massage
Swallowing cum
Cum on body
Sex for money
Futa body orgasm without touching dick
Submissive MC
v18.0 - 2025-03-16
200 images
1500+ lines of script
Big event with Averia
Big event with Cody and Averia
Updated gallery
Fixed old bugs (including those reported on the Disrord server)
Sex Toys
Rude language
Sexy costumes
Role Playing
Dominant MC / Submissive MC
Dominant Cody
Submissive Averia
Short Playthrough:
In order to get content from this update you need to go home with Averia after Riel's BDSM club - this is available if the MC has not gone on a date with Alan and the MC has 8 or more relationship points with Averia.
Then at Averia's house, she will offer to let you play with her, this requires 10 or more dominance points.
If you can't move on at the end of the event with Cody, then you are 10 or more points short of submissiveness.
v17.0 - 2025.02.14
1600+ lines of script
200 renders
A few big events with Averia
Updated gallery
Updated playthrough
Added images to “phone”
Big event with strangers
Fixed a large number of text bugs
Fixed minor bugs
Extended all story branches to version 17.0 (except for the branch where Alan takes MC home)
v16.0 - 2025-01-05
1500+ lines of text
201 images
Huge event with Alan
Mini event with strangers
Reworked playthrough
Added “screen shake effects” as an innovation
Updated gallery
Added music for some locations
Fixed old bugs
Added new bugs (just kidding. I hope.)
v15.0 - 2024-12-01
Major changes:
1800+ lines of script
200 images
Updated gallery
Detected and fixed minor bugs
Continued absolutely all past storylines and minor storylines up to the current 15.0 update
Fixed the “characters” section on the phone
Event with Averia
Event with Alan
Event with Zaila
Event with Coach
Event with strangers
Seven new characters (MC will meet three of them)
v14.0 - 2024-09-26
Major changes:
1500+ lines of script
202 renders
Continued event with Tom
New small event with Tom
Small event with Averia
Big event with Mr. Steven (Rector)
Small event with Mr. Stephen (Rector)
Found and corrected bugs with “costume party”
Fixed the “transfer of choice” system
Completed event from version 6.0 update
Absolutely every version of the game (v1.0 - v2.0 - v3.0 - and etc.) has been corrected for character points (added missing ones, removed unnecessary ones).
Added icon for nudism characteristics
Fixed all old bugs
Now defaults to text with stroke instead of text on black background (can be fixed in settings)
Added character descriptions to the phone (they got a little confused, will be fixed in the next patch)
For those who dreamed of seeing a pregnant MC there is a mini event with a cute belly
6 mini gil
Anal sex
Vaginal sex
Cum in ass in pussy.
Swallow cum
Cum on body
Public sex
Big cock
Big balls
Sex toys
Lustful mind
Sex in the workplace
1500 lines of script
201 renders
Big Event with Tom
Big event with Cody
Continuation of the event with Wilson.
Completely redesigned “ choices from the past part” system that harmonizes perfectly with everything already in the game. It is now visually more pleasing and understandable.
Added phone to the interface with a beautiful animation (upper right corner)
Added all statistics, character descriptions, and there is a groundwork for further development of this device
1000+- lines of script
Changed some details of the main menu interface
Changed the appearance of the gallery, added the ability to unlock all scenes (lower left corner), image blurring replaced by a light blackout
Created game icon
Added system of changing text window and text during the game - now you can remove black text box and instead of it will be white text with black outline more in the image at the bottom of this post).
Unconscious girl (she doesn't mind)
Sex with sleeping girl (she too)
Vaginal sex
Sex toys
Female Domination
Latex costumes
Cum licking
v12.0 - 2024-08-07
1400+ lines
215 renders
Fixed old bugs
Completed events with Bari, Miles, and Bari
Completed secret event from the last installment
Big event with Tom
Big Event with Wilson
Succubus Contract - Remastered [0.25.0] - 2024-07-01
v11.0 - 2024-06-29
Major changes:
1300+ lines of script
200 images
A huge event with Tom and his friends
Two new characters
Fixed old bugs
Updated walkthrough
All images from the game will now be archived and hidden,
and you will be able to see them only after passing the event in the game (if you are against it post in the comments)
v10.0 - 2024-05-27
Main changes:
1500+ lines of script
200 images
Credits added.
Added Special Thanks
added music to the main menu
fixed past bugs including futa and lesbi content bug
big event with Alexia
small event with Tom
small event with Agnes
updated gallery
Big boobs
Main changes:
1200 lines of script
200 renders
fixed old bugs with labels and text
updated gallery
created playthrough
huge event with Agnes
lesbian sex
futa sex
anal sex
anal cream pie
dominant MC
submissive Agnes
v8.0 - 2024-02-13
Main changes:
All events prior to version 8.0 have been completed
Fixed minor bugs
New unified storyline
Added futa content (for those who have it enabled)
The end of the event at the bdsm club
Event wrap-up with Wilson
Small event in a university restroom
Big event with Agnes
cream pie
big boobs
big nipples
public sex
anal sex
General changes:
200 renders
1500+ lines of script
Event with Wilson (conclusion)
Event in BDSM club (conclusion)
Mini event with Tom
Mini event with Averia in the shower
Big cock
Double penetration
Cream pie
Swallow cum
Cum on body
Cum in ass
Sex toys
Anal plug
High sex
v6.0 - 2023-11-26
Change List:
1500+ lines of script
200 renders
Fixed some old bugs
Updated gallery
New character
Event with Rector
Event with Ryel and Averia
Event with strangers
Light BDSM
Sex toys
Sexy photo session
Dressing up
v5.0 - 2023-11-10
Main changes:
1200+ script lines
201 render
Updated gallery
Big event with Wilson
Small event with Leroy
lustful mind
vaginal sex
anal sex
sex toys
butt plug
double penetration
high sex
I present you a fix that will allow you to completely disable Futa content in the game and also, it has some more nice bonuses, such as:
The game now has a notification system in the upper left corner of the screen (under development)
Fixed most of the past bugs in the script
Added many new choices for example now you can avoid having sex with Avi and the bartender
Added a new story engine, for those who disable futa content. No spoilers, you have to see it for yourself ;)
MC can now have sex with Avi in his female body
75 renders
750+ lines of text
1600+ lines of script
200 images
More choices
Continuation of the event with Cody.
Big event with Wilson
Several mini animations
New location
Elections from the previous one
Gallery updated
Dominance over MCs
Pussy Licking
Sex toys
Anal plug
Big dick
Cum swallowing
lustful mind
Change List:
200 renders
1200+ lines of script
Added end of update screen
Election transfer system from the last part of the game (partial, will be revealed in full in future updates)
Big Sex Event with Averia
Small sex event with Cody
Finalized Gallery
Gallery updated
Lots of choices
Mini animations (2-5 images)
New character
New location
New clothes Averia
Sex toys
Anal Sex
Oily bodies
v2.0 - 2023-05-29
1190+ lines of script
200 images
Two new characters
One small animation
New pussy MC (modern genitalia)
Correction of translation errors of the first update and improved translation of the current version.
Updated main menu design (will be supplemented)
The interface is now a little more comfortable for those who play on various gadgets
Some buttons in the main menu, at the moment do not work. This will be fixed in future patches.
v1.1 Fix
200 renders
1190 lines of script
1980x1080 FullHD image
New main menu splash screen
New menu design
Language selection (English by default)
v0.24.0 - 2023-04-07
This is the final, voluminous update for the first part of Succubus Contract. In this update, MC will be able to choose who to spend her free time with (if she's not dating Wilson). Previously, only one option was available, Cody. But now you can spend time with Tom or Avery.
But I can't promise you that if you choose Tom, you will only spend time with him... Things can change and new people can ask to join your company...
List of changes:
235 renders.
1,900 lines of script
Tom event
Averia event
The event with the two bad guys
New characters.
small animations 4-5 pieces
Blowjob in a public place
Interracial sex
Big boobs Averia
Sexy mini photo shoot
Big dicks
v0.21.0 - 2023-02-16
1,400+ lines of script
217 images
Continuation of the event - threesome sex with Wilson and Leroy
Continuing event - sex with Cody
Event - homecoming in three variations
secret event
cream pie
cum in mouth
anal plug
anal sex
talking on the phone during sex
cuckolding (light version)
v0.19.9 - 2022-12-30
1500 lines of script
201 images
New character (Wilson's best friend)
Changed text color and background (to standard)
Edited translation of version 0.15.5
Added new fetish Queen of Spides
New sex toy - anal plug
QoS-themed underwear added
Threesomes (vaginal and oral)
Sexual domination over Tom
Sex under drugs (not propaganda)
Pussy licking
Blow job
Licking MC's ass
Making a home video with Wilson and his friend
Playing with balls
Cheating in front of MC's boyfriend
References to conversations from past versions ( a nice bonus for those who follow the plot)
Fixing some bugs and working through past storylines.
Improved functionality when selecting a character name (now you can put spaces and the maximum number of characters 30)
v0.18.8 - 2022-11-25
1100+ lines of script
200 images
Female lesbian atmosphere
A little romance
Clothing Store Event
Strapon domination
Oral sex
Anal sex
New clothes (casual, swimsuit, pajamas, tracksuit, sports underwear, panties)
Event in a special outfit (only available in the Cody branch)
Webcam Event
Sex Event with Cody
v0.17.7 - 2022-10-26
201 images
1000+ lines of script
Fixed errors with [name]
Fixed other errors with text
Added a button which, when clicked, will take you straight to the new content (must be ticked on the main issues/selections in the menu that appears)
Fixed minor bugs in the script
New character - Alexia
Event with Alexia
Event with Cody
Event MC plays with herself alone at home.
If you took a vibrator from Averia you will get a bonus scene.
Changes-list for version 0.16.6 - 2022-09-12
Hello everyone!
Absolutely the whole update version 0.16.6 is dedicated to the continuation of the storyline with Riel in the club. Earlier I thought I would give this branch 3/4 of the whole update, but then I thought it better to finish this event completely. That would then proceed to another storyline where there would be more lesbian content.
In this update waiting for you:
1300+ lines of script
200+ renders
a few parodies of the animation (I'm just learning how to make animations)
completed event with James and Ryel
blowjob to two guys.
blowjob to one guy
male domination
dirty dialogues in relation to MCs
It will take a little while to update the gallery to the current version, I will release this update as a separate fix.
This update will continue MC's adventure in the club with Rielle and his partner James. The options for her adventure depend on the choices made previously. And also, there are 4 different completions of this event, which also in the future will play a big role. So choose wisely ;)
Earlier I suggested the Challenge, but not many people supported it, so I made very few additional renders.
A selection of images from a future update can only be seen by patrons. Because it will contain sexual content, and Patreon forbids it from being shown in the public domain.
If you have any problems with the update, report it in any way you can.
180 images
950+ lines of script
Fixed past bugs with invisible text and finalised the gallery.
The event with Riel
The event with Tom
The Dream World Event
University event
202 images.
2000 lines of script.
Continuation of the story with Averia in the club
Continuing the story with Averia in her new apartment
MC can go home from the club and catch Tom off guard (very small, unfinished event)
New voluminous event in the dream realm
New characters (two orcs and one ogre)
Have you been saving up your lust, submission and dominance points? In this update you will need them, and they will affect the election
The Sleepy Kingdom is done in a fantasy style, with orcs, taverns, and one beautiful maid.
Minor bug fixes
Translation of the text is done using the new technology I wrote about earlier
Lesbian sex with a strap-on
Awesome renders
250 renders
1900+ lines of script
Fixed the bug with the "Invisible Name"
700+ lines of script
106 images
Event with Averia
A small event with a mystery girl
Event with a stranger in a public place
Very small event with Mr. Steven
Redesigned main menu
GALLERY (In the future, I’ll add a description to each scene as to how it can be accessed. by default they’re locked, but now you can view the most interesting ones at any time)
Language selection on the main menu
Added music in a certain scene (I couldn’t find suitable music for the whole game but I’m working on it)
Character prompts (in progress)
The new menu is more convenient for those who play on smartphones and tablets.
1,200 lines of code
160 images
Bug fixes (Riel, now not Rector. And other minor bugs)
Added 4 new characters
Narrative system changed (MC is now practically narrating in his own voice)
Translator, corrected the translation of the new part taking into account all comments, tips and suggestions.
P.S. I did not fix the bug with the anal cork and Averia, it's too time consuming and useless. As such, you'll have to put up with the butt plug if you choose to have sex with Cody. LoL.
750 lines of code
100 images
Bug fixes (Riel, now not Rector. And other minor bugs)
Added 3 new characters
Narrative system changed (MC is now practically narrating in his own voice)
Translator, corrected the translation of the new part taking into account all comments, tips and suggestions.
Sex with shemale
Double penetration
Lesbian threesome
Submission, tenderness and roughness.
Slightly modified Appetite system ( max 100)
Completion of the sex scene with Wilson
New mystery world
Brand new details about the succubus contract
Sexy scenes with Avi.
650+ lines of text
73 image
350+ lines of text
+58 images
fixes for some previous bugs
500+ lines of text
83 images
Scenes that were not included in the previous public release.
176 images
800+ lines of text
A small event with Wilson.
Clothing Store Events
Cody events
600+ lines of text
107 images
Sex scenes with Tom.
Fixed bugs with "forced scenes"
Bug fixes have been made to the Russian version of the game.
Added "playthrough" in the game folder
Added 175 new images
1200 lines of text
Events with Avery and Wilson
Added "characteristics bar"
Sex scenes have been added, which depend on previous elections.
Added 113 images
Added 900+ lines of text
The "rollback lock" function has been removed.
A branch of "travel home" was developed.
Added a branch using a dildo that was given by Averia.
Event with a photo shoot
Added ability to go on a "date" with Tom
There is an opportunity to develop a relationship with Cody or Wilson.
The choice of language is made when starting the game.
Fixed new menu buttons
137 new images
Approximately 1000 lines of text
This update is fully dedicated to sexual scenes and new experiences, the main character.
It is you who make the choice, which will be taken into account in the future sexual events.
The translation of the first parts is slightly corrected
115 new images
2 new characters
500 lines of text
And a lot of events and offshoots, some depend on your choices made earlier.
Improved translation into English (worked on improving English - MasterSav)
A working version of Android has been made.
Modified menu
Что было изменено:
Полностью переработан текст
Полностью переработаны изображения (за исключением некоторых)
Исправлены небольшие ошибки
v.0.2 Fix
Что изменено:
300 изображений было изменено (в основном для версии 0.1)
Полностью переработан в ручную перевод на английский язык.
Откорректирован русский язык.
И некоторые косметические изменения самой игры.
300 images have been changed (mainly for version 0.1)
Completely redesigned manual translation into English
And some cosmetic changes to the game itself