Игра, представляющая из себя симулятор школьника, которого вы сами и создаете. Учитесь, покупайте совершенно ненужные вещи для школьника, встречайтесь , а также делайте то, что вы хотите. Разве не этого все желали в школьные годы: полной свободы действий, что не будет ограничена законом, взрослыми и другими факторами?
This game is a simulator of a schoolboy, which you create yourself. Learn, buy completely unnecessary things for the student, meet with, and do what you want. Isn't that what everyone wanted in school years: complete freedom of action that will not be limited by law, adults and other factors?
Андроид порт от разработчика! / Android port from the developer!
Год выпуска: 2020
Жанр: 2d game, 2dcg, big tits, creampie, male protagonist, rpg, sandbox, school setting, simulator,
Цензура: Частично присутствует
Разработчик: Sloths Command - Patreon - Discord - itch.io
- SubscribeStar
Тип издания: В разработке
Версия: v.0.963 Fixed
Язык игры: English (machine translated), Russian
Язык интерфейса: English (machine translated), Russian
Язык озвучки: Отсутствует
Таблетка: Не требуется
v.0.947 BugFix 7 - 2023-12-04
- Improved some story quests related to Yuki Oota. Now progress on them cannot get stuck, and when going through the storyline itself there will be a little more hints than usual. In addition, some restrictions have been removed that could be confusing at certain points in the game.
- Improved some story quests related to Ayano Yoshida. In addition, some restrictions have been removed that could be confusing at certain points in the game.
- A new feature has been added to the new character editor when playing as a female character - the ability to change skin color.
- A new feature has been added to the new interface for sex with randomized female NPCs - putting on and removing a condom. This is available in almost all available scenes.
- The animations in the new sex interface with randomized female NPCs have been slightly improved: existing issues have been fixed and the overall appearance of this interface has been improved.
- The romantic plot with Yuki Oota was continued with certain events telling about her goals and telling about her life. To reach him, you need to confess your love to her after the meeting and successfully progress through her branch.
- The storyline involving Suzuki Matsui was continued. Now, after the events with cards and her training, new events have also appeared that tell about her story. Events have many choices that affect the further progression of the story.
- You can now make futanari in your character editor. In addition, the corresponding settings have been added to this tab - penis size and phimosis. This feature is only available to Best Friend level subscribers and above, and only from your character's female gender page in the Body Customization tab.
- A new small storyline has been added related to the city and its city events. It is already completely finished, and there is also a slight variation in how it could end.
- New events have been added with randomized female NPCs of 18+ orientation.
- Now randomized NPCs can order a beating of your character from hooligans, which is why new events have appeared in the game, where your character will be forced to fight if he does not have the appropriate perks and/or relationships with hooligans.
- Now, depending on the individual qualities of the randomized NPC with whom your character has sexual contact, he may require you to wear your character's condom. The chance of this depends on the indicator of his responsibility, courage and vulgarity.
- Now randomized NPCs with a certain personality type offer sex for money not only to your character, but also to other NPCs. This event is available in the Alley sublocation.
- The biography menu can now be opened directly from the narrative interface if any sprite of a randomized NPC is shown on the screen. It will tell you what kind of relationship you have with him, what his attributes, perks and other information that you may need at that time.
- Randomized NPCs can now have sexual contact with each other in some specific cases. There are many factors that influence the chance of this happening. In addition, there may be a natural refusal to do this if you are dating a randomized NPC. This function is disabled by the “Disable NTR content” setting in the corresponding menu.
- New bras have been added to the masturbation scene of the randomized NPC, of which there are currently about 7 pieces.
- New panties have been added to the masturbation scene of a randomized NPC, of which there are currently about 6 pieces.
- The architecture of the game's glitches has been completely changed: now there is practically no delay when rewinding time, all functions have been distributed so that all existing glitches continue to work and do not disrupt the gameplay, and do not load the game engine and your device at the same time. Instead of loading after every game hour in three seconds on some Android devices, the game began to calculate everything in milliseconds.
- A significant refactoring of the systems responsible for the distribution of group activity has been carried out, because of which, firstly, there will be fewer problems associated with it, and secondly, this system will work much faster and more stable.
- Improved memory loss that could cause the game to become laggy over time.
- Improved the situation with game crashes on some weak Android/Windows devices. Now the game is much more stable for such people.
- The set of clothes worn by a randomized NPC is now calculated not every in-game hour, but when you click on this randomized NPC and his appearance is calculated. This will slightly reduce the hourly load on the game, and also fix some problems associated with this.
- The requirement for RNPS to put on a more vulgar-looking sports uniform has been increased by 10 vulgarity units.
- Now the "Activity" parameter affects the randomized NPC much more than before.
- Changed the conditions for dropping 18+ group activity with randomized NPCs.
- There was a minor refactoring of the systems responsible for determining the appearance of your character and some other systems that negatively affected the overall performance of the game.
- A minor refactoring of the systems responsible for hourly calculations has been carried out. There are much fewer errors associated with them, and miscalculations have become more accurate. In addition, the story events themselves have been improved in terms of “conditions”, making there will be significantly fewer problems with knocking them out.
- A minor refactoring of the systems responsible for location navigation was carried out. Now this happens, although not as quickly as before, but the transitions themselves have more accuracy and capabilities, which in the long run has a positive effect on the performance of the game itself.
- Now randomized NPCs who care about your character's appearance will not ignore your character's attempts to interact with him if your character has a minimum level of relationship with him.
- A major event has been added to the game with a randomized female NPC in the Beach location, which can end in more than ten different ways and variations.
- A new major event has been added with a randomized female NPC in the Academy location of 18+ orientation for RNPCs with the “Stupid” character trait.
- Added more character emotions to sex scenes through the new sex interface: more possible emotions, improved interactions.
- Now in a sex scene with randomized female NPCs in the 69 position, not only can your character ejaculate, but so can the girl. In addition, the guy's ejaculation animation itself has been improved, and is also slightly better animated.
- A wrinkle customization feature has been added to the new character editor.
- Added a new possible interaction with randomized NPCs when they are visiting your character - sit silently. It can lead to extremely unexpected consequences...
- A new button has been added to the new sex interface with randomized NPCs - settings, where there are settings for the speed of your character's ejaculation, as well as a setting for where he will cum at the end of the scene.
- In the missionary position scene, a new scene ending was added to the new interface for sexual contact with randomized NPCs - outside.
- For all 18+ scenes, new positions have been added to end that same scene. Now, when choosing where to cum: outside or inside, it also takes into account whether your character is wearing a condom or not.
- Bras have been added to the petting scene, which will be displayed on the female RNPC if they are wearing one.
- A page has been added to the new character editor that allows you to fine-tune your gaming session. It is still available to Patreon subscribers at the Best Friend level and above.
- Now randomized NPCs during a dialogue with your character may ask you to move to another location for a conversation with some chance.
- The possibility of random generation has been added to the new editor of your character: now next to the input field for your character's name, there is a button that allows you to randomize your character.
- The model of movement of randomized NPCs across locations on weekdays has been improved: now randomized NPCs spend much more of this time at the academy, especially during school hours. At the same time, instead of abruptly leaving the academy afterwards, they slowly leave it, and by the time it closes, only a few RNPCs remain there instead of a huge pack of all the generated characters.
- Improved system of absenteeism/return to the academy by randomized NPCs. Now such actions are influenced by much more of their individual qualities than before.
- A new public cheat has been added to the game: now, if you enter “azumi” into the console, all the scenes in the gallery with the character Azumi Yoshida will open.
- A new public cheat has been added to the game: now, if you enter “all_scenes” into the console, absolutely all scenes with all available story characters will open in the game gallery.
- The generation function "All RNPCs have different heights" has been removed due to its irrelevance from the menu for point generation of randomized NPCs.
- The generation function "All RNPCs have a new body type" has been removed due to its irrelevance from the menu for point generation of randomized NPCs.
- Now the back button that switches pages of your character editor also works as a back button when editing your appearance. If any settings page is open, you will be redirected to the settings category selection page.
- A check has been added to check whether an event with a randomized NPC meets the conditions, which is why there will no longer be errors related to the incorrect occurrence of events.
- The "No clothes" button now works as a "Put on clothes" button. It displays the state of the function, in which you can either disable the display of clothing or enable it in the new editor of your character.
- Changed and improved some backgrounds that affected Ayano Yoshida's storyline.
- Certain time periods for story events have been changed in order to prevent a potential player from winning a story event for several game weeks under the conditions that he had to win it in the same game week.
- The meeting of the student council, necessary to move forward in the plot, can now take place not only on Friday, but also on Saturday and Sunday, which will eliminate moments of “jam” during the passage.
- Now, if a randomized NPC has low intelligence, their character trait changes to "Stupid". Also vice versa: if a character has more than 31 intelligence units, his character trait will change to any other, except stupid, perverted and some others.
- The module responsible for determining the initiator/initiated has been improved. Now there should be no errors related to the character's appearance during everyday scenes.
- The situation related to memory leaks during long gaming sessions has been improved: for this purpose, certain functions have been added that close and delete unnecessary data, and some screens and labels have been redesigned.
- A function has been added to the game to check for the existence of RGB, which means that if RGB is missing, the game will issue a corresponding warning when the color of the RNPC name changes.
- Now, if your character is wearing a "Condom", it will appear in a sex scene with a randomized female NPC in the "69" pose.
- A new option has been added to the sex scene with randomized male NPCs - wear a condom. Now, if you have one, you will have a choice at the start of this scene whether to equip it.
- New character positions have been added to the sex scene with randomized male NPCs.
- Improved ejaculation animation during the scene with randomized NPCs in the "Petting you" pose. Now this animation is generally present, unlike the previous version, when it simply “Appeared” on a female RNPC.
- Added new positions in the sex scene with randomized female NPCs in the "Petting you" position.
- Added new positions in the sex scene with randomized female NPCs in the "69" position.
- Now, if your character is wearing a "Condom", it will appear in a sex scene with a randomized female NPC in the "Petting you" position.
- From the new menu of sexual contact with randomized NPCs, buttons for taking off and putting on clothes on female NPCs in the “Masturbate for me” position are now available.
- From the new menu of sexual contact with randomized NPCs, buttons for taking off and putting on clothes in the “Masturbate in front of her” position are now available.
- Now, if your character has an insufficient level of arousal, in certain sex scenes with RNPCs in the new interface, his penis will be shown as “Semi-flaccid” or “Unerect”.
- In a sex scene with randomized NPCs, new possible emotions have been added to the "Cowgirl" position, which change depending on the success of the scene itself and your character's actions within it.
- New possible emotions have been added to the sex scene with randomized NPCs in the "Side" pose, which change depending on the success of the scene itself and your character's actions within it.
- In a sex scene with randomized NPCs, new possible emotions have been added to the “Petting you” pose, which change depending on the success of the scene itself and your character’s actions within it.
- New possible emotions have been added to the sex scene with randomized male NPCs, which change depending on the success of the scene itself and your character's actions within it.
- The choice of whether your character should wear a condom or not has been added to the old interface for sexual contact with randomized NPCs.
- In a sex scene with randomized NPCs, new possible emotions have been added to the "Cowgirl" position, which change depending on the success of the scene itself and your character's actions within it.
- New possible emotions have been added to the sex scene with randomized NPCs in the "Side" pose, which change depending on the success of the scene itself and your character's actions within it.
- In a sex scene with randomized NPCs, new possible emotions have been added to the “Petting you” pose, which change depending on the success of the scene itself and your character’s actions within it.
- Added new positions in the sex scene with randomized female NPCs in the Cowgirl position.
- Now, if your character is wearing a Condom, it will appear in a sex scene with a randomized female NPC in the Cowgirl position.
- The system responsible for launching the game at the very beginning of the game has been improved: now subsequent loads will be much faster than before.
- New possible emotions have been added to the sex scene with randomized male NPCs, which change depending on the success of the scene itself and your character's actions within it.
- In the sex scene with randomized NPCs in the "Side" position, different variations of tightness have been added to where your character can ejaculate: inside or on the girl. In addition, for this purpose, the new interface for sex with RNPC has animations.
- In the sex scene with randomized NPCs in the Cowgirl position, different variations of tightness have been added to where your character can ejaculate: inside or on the girl.
- Added new positions in the sex scene with randomized female NPCs in the "Side" position.
- Now, if your character is wearing a "Condom", it will appear in a sex scene with a randomized female NPC in the "Side" pose.
- A male character's body hair, if any, will now be displayed in a Sex Scene in the Side Position.
- In a sex scene in the "Side" pose, a male character's body tattoos, if any, will now be displayed.
- Now, if a randomized female NPC has pubic hair, it will appear in the 18+ scene with him while using the "Side" pose.
- Stockings have been added to the side scene, displaying on a randomized female NPC if they are wearing them. In addition, they also have the setting enabled in this scene from the new sex scene interface.
- The choice of whether your character should wear a condom or not has been added to the old interface for sexual contact with randomized NPCs.
- Removed some rudimentary files from the game that were no longer used, but were still present in the game directory.
- Animations have been sped up in the new character editor.
- Removed certain rudimentary pieces of code that were preventing the game from working correctly.
-Animations have been sped up in the new character editor.
- The initial loading of the game was accelerated on devices with poor internet and/or when playing through devices whose location was too far from the game servers.
- Improved performance in game locations for weaker Android devices: now the delay when going to a location/switching RNPS from the menu is faster.
- A minor refactoring of the systems responsible for opening scenes with story characters was carried out: now all this is opened using functions without unnecessary repetitions in the code, which could cause shortcomings and errors.
- A new potion has been added for possible creation to the corresponding menu - Regeneration Potion. With it, your character will be able to remove scars that he may develop over time.
- The donor table filter has been updated: now the text is not displayed there if it contains the “@” sign. Additionally, the warning text and what should be in this table have been updated.
- Quite large events have been added to the storyline with the god Barnibold, which continue his story and give your character the opportunity to continue to be for this church.
- Added dates with Yuki, Ayano and Suzuki, which can be released as an event. They have quite good variability, as well as large sizes, which, in general, will diversify your story game.
- A complete refactoring of some modules in the “Distribution of activities among RNPC” code was carried out. The main share fell on the group activity module, which is why the code became more productive, began to produce fewer impossible situations, and in general there are now fewer errors and defects in it.
- New systems and mechanics have been added that allow you to generate “old characters”, as well as events with several RNPCs at once, which allows you to create more diverse and interesting events with them.
- The ability to take a screenshot using the game engine was removed from the game due to the fact that this ability caused unexpected exceptions that interrupted the gameplay.
- A new item has been added to the online store - a bag. By purchasing it, your character will receive twice as many ingredients for going for them.
- The ability to enable text-to-speech using a button on the keyboard was removed from the game. This option is still available in the game settings.
- New ingredients have been added for possible searching to create some potions.
- Now cheats in the menu for interacting with randomized NPCs, working when you press the F9, F11 and F12 buttons, give not five points, but ten.
- Now your character is no longer kicked off the world map for being overweight if you play on easy difficulty.
- The performance of game servers has been improved: connections are much faster than before. There are more additional servers in case of crashes and/or lack of capacity of one.
- Removed some individual rudimentary pieces of code that were no longer used by the game, however, existed in it due to its use in older updates.
- Changed some individual animations in the new interface for sexual contact with randomized NPCs.
- A button for putting on/removing a bra from a randomized NPC has been added to the new interface for sexual contact with randomized female NPCs.
- Now, when using the new interface with randomized NPCs, if your character cums, he can increase his agility with some chance.
Fixes bugs:
- Fixed an issue where some text in the new character creation interface could extend beyond the interface in the English translation of the game.
- Fixed an issue that caused the "Tights and Black Top" clothing set to be displayed when playing as a male character in the editor.
- Fixed a bug due to which the maximum possible activity in the new editor was shown as 100, and not 5, which was not true.
- Fixed a bug due to which a randomized NPC did not remember if you invited him to the club through coercion/persuasion, and he refused you.
- Fixed a bug due to which, when playing in the English language of the game, the "Text-to-speech" button was not displayed in the game settings menu.
- Fixed a bug due to which, when wearing the Jacket and Skirt clothing set, accessories were displayed that were generally displayed on top of the entire costume, which looked terrible, in the game session, as well as in the randomized NPC editor.
- Fixed a bug where wearing the Casual Set 2 outfit would cause the accessories to generally appear on top of the entire outfit, which looked terrible, in a game session, as well as in the randomized NPC editor.
- Fixed an issue where the text in the Push-Up and Bench Press UI would simply not appear when playing in English, causing some issues.
- Fixed a bug due to which, when playing in English, text was missing at some points in the game.
- Fixed a bug due to which, when playing in English, text in Russian could be present in some places in the game.
- Fixed a bug due to which your character's name was not displayed in the new editor.
- Fixed a bug due to which the "No clothes" button in the appearance change category was not displayed in the new character editor.
- Fixed a bug due to which tooltips in the new character editor were missing padding when playing in English.
- Fixed an issue that could cause the new character editor to have incorrect fonts in tooltips.
- Fixed an issue where the ID of changed appearance categories could go outside the interface in the new randomized NPC editor in some specific cases.
- Fixed an issue where some text in the new character creation interface could extend beyond the interface in the English translation of the game.
- Fixed an issue that caused the "Tights and Black Top" clothing set to be displayed when playing as a male character in the editor.
- Fixed a bug due to which the maximum possible activity in the new editor was shown as 100, and not 5, which was not true.
- Fixed a bug due to which, if your character was in the “Alley” location during non-school hours, he was not kicked out of there, although he should have been.
- Fixed a bug due to which, when the skin color was changed, a randomized female NPC could have an incorrect skin tone near the mouth in the sex scene in the "Cowgirl" position.
- Fixed a bug due to which, if the skin color of a randomized female NPC was changed, the skin color of the hand in the sex scene in the “69” position could also change.
- Fixed a bug due to which a male character's tongue would be "on top" of the mouth, rather than out of it, in a sex scene with a female RNPC in the "69" position. In addition, some incorrect positions of layers and other points have been corrected in it so that it looks as it should and as required.
- Fixed a bug due to which, when the skin color was changed, a randomized female NPC could have an incorrect skin tone near the mouth in the sex scene in the "Cowgirl" position.
- Fixed a bug due to which, if the skin color of a randomized female NPC was changed, the skin color of the hand in the sex scene in the “69” position could also change.
- Fixed a visual issue due to which, when using a quick connection, a profile could be displayed in the main menu as unconnected, although at the same time you could safely launch the game and the game would consider that you had successfully logged into your account.
- Fixed a bug due to which an exception could occur when trying to save/do something after certain actions in the game, making it impossible to continue the game in any way. This exception completely broke all options to save/do anything about it.
- Fixed a bug where, in a sex scene with randomized male NPCs, a male character could have wrinkles in the scene, even if his sprite had not had them since the beginning of the game.
- Fixed a bug that caused the active/passive parameter to be mixed up during a sex scene with a randomized male NPC.
- Fixed an issue that caused your character to be given twice as much sexual experience as they should have during a sex scene with a randomized male NPC.
- Fixed a bug that could cause an exception to occur during the opening of the interaction menu and while a female NPC was visiting your character.
- Fixed a bug due to which the status bar inaccurately showed the number of “movements” and “time” until the moment of ejaculation and orgasm.
- Fixed a bug due to which in the scene with randomized NPCs "Cowgirl" pubic hair was not displayed on female RNPCs if they were actually present on it.
- Fixed an issue that caused your character's penis to appear the same color as the RNPC's skin when playing the "Cowgirl" scene.
- Fixed a bug due to which some innovations did not appear in new versions of the game at all.
- Fixed a bug with certain layers not displaying correctly in the Cowgirl pose with randomized female NPCs.
- Fixed a bug due to which the hide interface button in the new sex interface with randomized NPCs did not hide notifications and some other interface details.
- Fixed a bug due to which, if you open a sexual contact through the interaction menu with the RNPC when he is visiting you, the choice of which menu to open would not open: the menu of the new sexual contact with the interface or the old one.
- Fixed a bug due to which some events that required a fight, when escaping from a given fight, sometimes set incorrect results, not taking into account the possible success of this action.
- Fixed a bug due to which a fight in an event with the destruction of a sand castle of a randomized NPC, and in the event of a loss in this very fight, was transferred to the interaction menu with this character.
- Fixed a bug due to which your character could receive a double “reward” for losing/winning in a fight with a randomized NPC.
- Fixed incorrect translation in some places in the game when playing in English.
- Fixed a bug due to which some lines were not displayed at all when playing in English.
- Fixed a bug due to which some buttons were not displayed when playing in English.
- Fixed a bug due to which an exception could appear on your screen indicating that your email is not registered.
- Fixed a bug due to which the storyline with Ayano Yoshida could not be completed to the end if choosing options that were not the ones that should have been chosen initially.
- Fixed a bug due to which randomized NPCs could not move through all existing locations in the academy, which created an unpleasant feeling of emptiness in certain places.
- Fixed a bug due to which not all story events would start in certain locations if the conditions required that your character be within the academy location.
- Fixed a bug due to which the variable minutes and hours could have a fractional value, which could result in incorrect movements of randomized NPCs, non-dropping of some events, as well as many other errors.
- Fixed a bug due to which some events with Yuki Oota simply did not waste energy, satiety, and did not even take time, if they happened at all.
- Fixed a bug due to which the cheat code for opening all scenes with Yuki Oota did not open some scenes, leaving the available tabs “empty”.
- Fixed a bug due to which the cheat code for opening all scenes with Yuki Tsukasa did not open some scenes, leaving the available tabs “empty”.
- Fixed a bug due to which in some events with randomized NPCs the incorrect translation was displayed when playing in the English translation of the game.
- Fixed a bug due to which cheats that work on the F9, F11 and F12 buttons in the interaction menu with randomized NPCs did not always work if they were used in certain places.
- Fixed a bug due to which part of the translation of events with phone calls from randomized NPCs was displayed in Russian in the English translation of the game.
- Fixed a bug due to which certain items in the inventory could be mixed up, which created significant confusion and the inability to exit the location if your character was overloaded.
- Fixed an issue where changing gender using your character editor could not work correctly due to some incorrect in-game features.
- Fixed an issue where your character randomizer from the editor would still give your character a male first and last name when changing gender.
- Fixed an issue where if you changed the dictionary, your character randomizer would still give your character a Japanese first and last name.
- Fixed a bug where your character randomizer would only give your character 30 attributes, which was inconsistent with some game balance changes.
- Fixed a bug where paying for a new apartment only increased the debt for it, which made it useless to put money on a deposit and/or pay for it, because over time your character's debt would increase.
- Fixed a bug that could cause an exception to occur when opening the perks tab through your character's diary.
- Fixed a bug due to which the name of the location in the diary in the “Friends” category in the Russian translation of the game had an English translation.
- Fixed a bug due to which an exception could occur when playing any events from the interaction menu with randomized NPCs.
- Fixed a bug due to which the skin color of a randomized NPC was not displayed in the information menu when using the phone.
- Fixed an issue that caused your character to be kicked out of the cheat menu into your character's apartment, even if he was elsewhere at the time. In case the cheat menu was opened via the phone.
- Fixed an issue due to which, if you entered a Patreon code in an already running game session, your character could be thrown into your apartment, even if he was in a completely different place.
- Fixed a bug due to which your character could be thrown out of the cheat menu into the randomized NPC editor if he was in a certain location.
- Fixed a bug due to which an exception could occur if an event with RNPS was released at the beginning of the game session due to some data unloading.
- Fixed a bug due to which an exception was thrown during the start of some events with randomized NPCs.
- Fixed a bug due to which the English translation of the game might not be displayed when editing randomized NPCs from the RNS editor in the "Phimosis" button.
- Fixed an issue where in the new editor your character could have the "Phimosis" and "Body Hair" settings, even when playing as a female gender that did not initially include these appearance settings.
- Fixed a bug due to which the "No Clothes" setting was actually missing from your character editor when playing as a female, being replaced by the "Legs and Black Top" clothing selection button. In addition, if such a function was turned on, it could no longer be turned off.
- Fixed a bug that made it impossible to exit the clothing edit menu in the new character editor. There was simply no back button.
- Fixed a bug due to which the "Pubic Hair" button did not work at all in your character editor. Regardless of the switch, nothing changed.
- Fixed a bug due to which the RNPC could have two indicators of vulgarity, which could differ from each other and which, in general, broke the possibility of developing this attribute.
- Fixed a bug due to which some lines in the RNPS location distribution module did not work properly, causing errors.
- Fixed a bug due to which, if you entered an incorrect RGB to display it in the RNPС name, an error was thrown. Now, instead of an error, this RGB will simply be reset when moving to a location if the game finds such an error.
- Fixed a bug due to which, if you find an abandoned factory through the "Find a Character" function, your character could get stuck in an event where he is not allowed out of the abandoned factory.
- Fixed a bug due to which the “Character Stuck” function from the game settings menu did not work properly: after clicking it and then opening the settings menu, your character was simply transported to the location where your character was stuck before.
- Fixed a bug due to which the appearance of your character in an event where a randomized NPC offers to kiss could be incorrect.
- Fixed an issue where in Suzuki Matsui's storyline she might not call your character back when making certain choices that were inconsistent with the game's choices.
- Fixed some crashes related to memory leaks.
- Fixed a bug due to which the game could crash when viewing your character's appearance using the corresponding function.
- Fixed a bug that could cause an exception to occur during any scenes with your character.
- Fixed a bug that could cause an exception to be thrown when viewing your character's appearance due to some incorrect generation and problems with it.
- Fixed a bug due to which the game could be too slow in calculating the appearance of randomized NPCs and your character.
- Fixed a bug that could cause an exception to occur when moving from location to location due to problems with data calculation within the RNPS activity calculation function.
- Fixed a bug due to which, in some individual and certain cases in the game, an exception could occur when moving from location to location with some chance.
- Fixed a bug due to which items could get confused in the inventory, and if overloaded, they would not allow your character to move at all.
- Fixed a bug due to which randomized NPCs who care about appearance could approach your character to get to know each other, even if they didn’t like your character’s appearance.
- Fixed a bug that could cause an exception to occur in certain places in the game when playing in English.
- Fixed a bug due to which an exception could be thrown when viewing the biography of a randomized NPC at certain moments.
- Fixed a bug due to which an exception could be thrown when asking a randomized NPC to vote for the desired candidate in the corresponding event.
- Fixed a bug due to which in the information table relationship points with a randomized NPC could be displayed as a fractional number rather than an integer.
- Fixed a bug due to which an unsuccessful escape from a fight with a randomized NPC could be considered a loss in some certain events.
- Fixed a bug due to which an exception could occur if there is a mole on a randomized NPC, and at the same time there is a “Rider” scene with him.
- Fixed a bug that caused an exception to occur during one of the events with Suzuki Matsui when playing in English.
- Fixed a bug due to which group activity of randomized NPCs could occur with three RNPCs at once, even if the game was not initially prepared for such circumstances.
- Fixed a bug where some group activities with randomized NPCs could occur with the same gender of the character, which could produce errors.
- Fixed a bug where hug/kiss scenes among randomized NPCs could produce an incorrect overall scene view.
- Fixed a bug due to which randomized NPCs with poor health did not go home to heal their wounds.
- Fixed a bug due to which the list of common activities could be unavailable from certain types of interfaces, which is why these same activities were ignored when distributing them.
- Fixed a bug where a randomized NPC you meet could cheat on your character even with high responsibility.
- Fixed a bug where a randomized NPC could have a group activity without another actor, causing the activity to appear as "NoNo"
- Fixed a bug due to which one randomized NPC, with whom there is some kind of group activity, could have a location activity instead of this same group activity, which could result in a situation where a girl cooed sweetly with a male RNPC, who at that time was just eating chips.
- Fixed a bug due to which a randomized NPC could have an adjacent activity to the one that he already had, which caused situations in which one NPC gives a blowjob to another, and that one communicates with a third
v0.946 Bugfix 5
New content:
The game engine version has been downgraded to a more stable version - 8.0.3, which fixes a lot of bugs, exceptions and performance issues/some other systems.
The inventory interface has been completely changed: it has been made more convenient for android devices, larger in size, it has different types of sorting by weight, by number of items, by letter, as well as a lot of other useful information that will help in its simpler management.
The interface of your character editor has been completely modified: it has become much more detailed, began to fit the general style of the game interface, is much more convenient, and also has animations that make this interface much more lively than the example that was previously in the game.
A new possible feature has been added to the main character editor - depravity. It can be changed directly in the editor, and its value directly affects the clothing of your character, if she is a girl.
Added a new mini-game while pumping the strength attribute using bench press, push-ups and other possible methods.
The optimization of the game has been improved: now there are much fewer miscalculations going on in an hour, which is why there are also many times fewer delays when wasting time. In addition, the code itself responsible for this part of the game has become more understandable and less "loaded".
Now the activity distribution of randomized NPCs is also affected by their "activity" indicator, which is set when generating a new game session.
A new scene has been added to the new sex scene interface - a masturbation scene for your character/randomized NPC. With its own animations and in-game systems.
For randomized NPCs, more than a dozen new possible dialogue developments have been added to the “Everyday Topics”, as well as to the “Romantic Themes”, which come out depending on the randomness and nature of the individual RNPC.
Performance settings in the settings menu are now permanent variables that are not reset after each new gaming session.
A significant refactoring of the inventory system was carried out: now it works much more stable, the code itself is less loaded with various “rudiments”, and, as expected, it has become a little more understandable than it was before.
The new sex system with randomized NPCs has been improved: the fatigue system has been optimized, which previously worked in all scenes equally, and behavior patterns have been slightly improved, which in general will add a little more variety to the scene.
Added a new possible location interaction - masturbate. When using it, depending on the location, time of day and other moments, the interaction itself will change, and a new CG was drawn for it, which is displayed in this very interaction.
For female randomized NPCs, a new possible feature has been added that changes the entire appearance of randomized NPCs - wrinkles. With it, it will be possible to make a girl / woman look older. The wrinkles themselves are an optional possible setting, they are not generated on randomized NPCs under any circumstances on their own.
A significant refactoring of all scenes from randomized NPCs, of which there are almost two dozen, was carried out, which improves the performance of these same scenes, their performance, the determinants of the initiator / actor, the determinants of whether your character is involved in the scene, were improved. In general, this will significantly improve their display, as well as fix a lot of bugs that could be associated with these points.
Interaction lists with randomized NPCs are now affected by your character's gender: the names of interactions themselves have been changed to be more logical and interconnected with roleplaying.
Now in scenes with randomized NPCs, if your character is a girl, then she will appear in scenes with them as a girl, and not as a guy, as it was before.
Now in the new sex scene, if you are playing as a girl, the name of the scenes / hints and other points are displayed accordingly, and not as if you are playing as a man.
Now randomized NPCs react to your character if he walks around completely naked/in only his underwear.
Added new major events with new 18+ content, with randomized NPCs.
A new 18+ scene has been added to the new sex system with randomized NPCs - the blowjob scene.
The performance of the systems responsible for the initial launch of the game has been slightly improved - now the game starts faster on Android devices, although not much.
Now gifts from randomized NPCs only go when they have a sufficient level of love for your character.
Randomized NPCs with the “Weak” and “Downtrodden” traits can no longer have tattoos or other bully elements at all.
In the new sex system with randomized NPCs, a new system for calculating the orgasm of a girl with which your character is closely involved has been added: now it cannot fall below a certain value depending on the level of the girl.
Edited generation chances for different skin colors: now certain skin colors will match very rarely, and others very often.
Improved game load times when the internet connection is low, making everything much faster and more efficient.
Improved the determinant of who is positioned in the scene with randomized NPCs - your character or another RNPC, which will save the game from some popular bugs related to incorrect display.
Added certain filters to the sponsors table, fixing some potential vulnerabilities in the game.
Removed import and export buttons for randomized NPCs from the RNPC editor.
The Randomized NPC Fight Confirmation feature is now enabled natively when starting a game session.
Your character ratings now have a maximum and minimum level they can reach. Now this indicator cannot rise and fall indefinitely.
The filter responsible for adding something to the table of donators has been improved: it hides websites, like all ads, leaving only nicknames.
A new accessible feature has been added to the game settings menu - quick connection. Using it, you can avoid some individual and rare exceptions when connecting to a Patreon subscriber’s account.
Now the performance setting “Adjust the number of active RNPCs” is available only after the start of the game session, since before it it simply did not work and there was simply no need for it.
A significant refactoring of the systems responsible for the relationship stages system has been carried out: there are much fewer errors and shortcomings in it, the mistakes themselves have been improved and made more acceptable, and now they affect more things in relations with the RNPC.
The systems responsible for the appearance of the RNPC were refactored. Now there are much fewer errors found there than there were before. In addition, the screen itself began to work many times faster than before.
The system for calculating the orientation of randomized NPCs during communication with them has been improved.
A significant refactoring of the randomized NPC editor was carried out: certain bugs and shortcomings associated with it were fixed. Including those that caused an exception to be thrown after the start of the gaming session with some chance of that happening, albeit a very small one. Some rudimentary things were removed, bugs with the generation of certain things were fixed, and a lot of other things, which is why it became more stable than it was before.
There has been a significant refactoring of the code that relates to determining the appearance of randomized NPCs. Most of the bugs associated with this have been fixed, many definitions have been improved, old functions that do not affect anything else have been removed, and new ones have been added to improve and speed up the performance of this module.
Work has been done to remove unnecessary Python libraries and unnecessary files from the engine directory, which will slightly change the weight of the game in a smaller direction, and also speed up the loading of the game in some moments.
A minor refactoring of the systems responsible for launching the game on android was carried out: the launch is now a little faster, extra systems are loaded during the game, and in general, the compatibility of the game with new android systems has been improved.
A minor refactoring of the system that is responsible for entering the game was carried out - now it happens a little faster, and the systems themselves do not load the device once again, which makes the game less problems with memory leaks.
The beach marker has been moved a little lower to make it clear that the map can be moved.
The martial arts hall was moved a little to the right on the map so that when hovering over it, the location icon would not overlap other markers.
Now you can change the game language only in the main game menu to avoid possible exceptions after switching it.
A significant refactoring of the system that is responsible for reproducing and displaying the sprite of randomized NPCs on the screen was carried out: now such a module is less loaded, more productive and, in general, has more functions and variables that correct and improve some points.
The module responsible for the distribution of activity by randomized NPCs has been improved: now their activity is affected by more consequences and other parameters. For example, now an NPC with high responsibility will specifically protect the RNPS from himself if he is now in a relationship, and irresponsible ones are the opposite. In addition, some other innovations have been introduced into the given module, which have a pleasant effect on artificial intelligence.
The standard position of the "NTR content" button has been changed: now it is always on, but it can still be disabled in the game settings.
A minor refactoring of the code responsible for logging into your subscriber account was carried out - the first launch is faster and with much fewer errors.
Now all the settings for blood, tattoos and NTR content in the corresponding context menu are permanent variables that are not reset when you restart the game.
Now, by entering the core_path code into the console for patreon, you have the opportunity to enter and set a new root folder for the game, which is especially useful for Android devices.
Cut out notifications about increasing the level of relationships when interacting with Ayano Yoshida.
Fixed bugs:
Fixed a bug due to which the fourth base hairstyle in the kiss scene with a changed skin color could give incorrect shades of shadows.
Fixed a bug that could cause an exception to occur in some rare cases in a 18+ scene of a 69 pose character.
Fixed a bug due to which the total weight of inventory items could not block the in-game map in case of a significant excess of the maximum values.
Fixed a bug due to which the item "Diary" did not have a description in the inventory interface.
Fixed a bug due to which tooltips for changing the path for downloading modifications and changing the path for cross-save were mixed up in the patron-subscriber's office.
Fixed a bug where the default paths to install them could have wrong slashes, which could make it look different than it should.
Fixed a bug due to which the table of donators was reset after re-entering the main menu of the game from the game session. In the moments when we just entered the game, the table worked as it should.
Fixed a bug due to which in the 18+ scene with randomized NPCs, the most randomized female NPC displayed incorrect skin color.
Fixed a bug due to which the text when playing in English was not translated from line to line when choosing a new system of sexual encounters with RNPC.
Fixed a bug that could cause shadow stains on the hair in the 18+ scene - petting me and with the skin color of the most randomized NPC changed.
Fixed a bug that could cause hair shadow stains in the 18+ scene - rider pose and when the skin color of the most randomized NPC was changed.
Fixed a bug due to which shadow spots could remain on the hair in the 18+ scene - side pose and when the skin color of the most randomized NPC was changed.
Fixed a bug that could cause hair shadow stains in the 18+ scene - cancer pose and with the skin color of the most randomized NPC changed.
Fixed a bug that could cause hair shadow stains in the chest pawing scene and when the skin color of the most randomized NPC was changed.
Fixed a bug due to which incorrect clothes could be generated on your character from the very beginning of the game, which should not have been.
Fixed a bug due to which, when communicating with a randomized NPC who did not want to communicate with your character, emotions would change after the appearance of the RNPC sprite.
Fixed a bug due to which the perk for levels "Exhibitionist" did not work on your character, preventing him from completely undressing.
Fixed a bug due to which in the martial arts hall, when it was closed, it could be ejected into the same martial arts hall in an endless loop.
Fixed a bug due to which, in some places in the code, the location of the occult club was not considered the location of the academy, due to which your character was not thrown out of it when the academy was closed, events might not drop out, and some other moments and errors associated with this location.
Fixed a bug due to which on Android devices in some moments it was impossible to save after long game sessions and some other moments of the gameplay.
Fixed a bug due to which in some moments the game could simply crash after it was launched on an old-style android device.
Fixed a bug due to which the appearance of randomized NPCs could not be calculated during any events related to them, which could cause casus and funny situations.
Fixed a bug where the dataset for randomized male NPCs could sometimes be written to data for women's clothing rather than men's, causing certain rendering errors in their appearance in some scenes.
All translation regarding the definition of "fifth point" has been changed to the word "butt" for easier understanding of what is happening when playing in English.
Fixed a bug due to which some events with randomized NPCs would still drop out even if your character was female, and events were supposed to be purely for male characters, causing dissonance.
Changed the translation of the "open logs" button to "history" for better understanding when playing in English by the player.
Fixed a bug due to which in some categories in the editor of randomized NPCs there was simply not enough space for all fields with these same appearance changing functions.
Fixed a bug due to which, with some chance, it was impossible to enter the game. It just throws an exception that does nothing.
Fixed a bug due to which, if the gender display of the RNPS was enabled, this same gender was not displayed for all randomized NPCs in the lists.
Fixed a bug that could cause issues with the hair shadows of a randomized female NPC in the kiss scene with him.
Fixed a bug that could cause issues with the hair shadows of a randomized female NPC in the hug scene.
Fixed a bug due to which, despite the vulgarity score of a randomized NPC, he could simply refuse your character in vulgar interactions.
Fixed a bug that could cause issues with the hair shadows of the randomized female NPC in the breast groping scene.
Fixed a bug where rules/X-Ray goggles and some other things that affect clothing weren't affecting the clothing of randomized NPCs in any scenes.
Improved the determinant of whether the randomized NPC in the futanari missionary scene is or not.
Fixed a fundamental bug that could cause an exception in any of the story/RNPC events at the most unexpected moment.
Fixed a bug due to which an incorrect number of people in a location could be shown when opening the in-game map.
Fixed a bug due to which, after opening the map, it still showed the location where you were the last time before.
Fixed a bug that could cause an exception to be thrown when opening the console after reloading the game on PC devices.
Fixed a bug that could cause an exception to occur if a randomized female NPC had a third base hair style and a side pose was selected for the sex scene.
Fixed a bug that could cause an exception to occur if a randomized female NPC had a third base hair style and the sex scene was set to Cowgirl.
Fixing a bug that could cause the background to be missing in a sex scene with a randomized female NPC in a side sex scene in some specific cases.
Fixing a bug that could cause the background to be missing in the sex scene with a randomized female NPC in scene 69 in some specific cases.
Fixed a bug due to which changing the corruption parameter did not change the clothes of randomized NPCs in the RNPC editor.
Fixed a bug due to which the inclusion of heterochromia in the RNPC editor caused the editor to change the eye color of all RNPC from the list.
Fixed a bug where the skin color around a member of a randomized futanari NPC could not match the skin color of his body.
Fixed a bug that caused the grocery store mini-game to be skipped even when it was not required by the game code.
Fixed a bug where the "Skip Mini-Game" feature would only disable the warning itself, but not the mini-game itself.
Fixed a bug due to which in the menu of group activities with randomized NPCs, the name of the NPC participating in them could be displayed as No No.
Fixed a bug where the name of an RNPC that participated in a group activity with another RNPS could have a double name when repeated multiple times in a row. It's the same with last names.
Fixed a bug due to which the game could crash during certain moments of the gameplay - during the time when the rain animation was in progress.
Fixed a bug that could cause an exception in the online store in some cases due to incorrect entry points for the buy product buttons.
Fixed a bug due to which it was possible to donate your funds to the benefit of the club indefinitely, while the game did not take into account how much money your character has, and did not even remove them after donations.
Fixed a bug where when donating to the occult club, the text says that your character is donating money to the academy.
Fixed a bug due to which changes to hairpins / bracelets and chains on randomized NPCs were not saved when they were edited in a specialized interface.
Fixed a bug due to which skin color changes on randomized NPCs were not saved when they were edited in a specialized interface.
Fixed a bug due to which your character could be told reactions in which he was a member of the occult club, although he was not a member at the same time.
Fixed a bug due to which the option from the game console "Unlock the ability to invite randomized NPCs to the occult club" did not force your character to join there, which made this feature useless.
Fixed a bug due to which the project in the club of the occult could not be completed at all, freezing on certain values and not giving popularity to the club and other privileges for completing it.
Fixed a bug where the discord integration feature, after enabling/disabling it from the options menu, would still reset everything no matter what.
Fixed a bug due to which the choice at the beginning of the game to have or not discord integration meant nothing, because after the first restart of the game it was reset.
Fixed a bug that prevented your character from cumming in the new Randomized NPC Sex UI if it had too much stamina. The same applies to the RNPC, with whom sexual intercourse was taking place at that moment.
Fixed a bug where after the sex scene ended in the new UI, even if your character's partner had the strength to continue, but you finished everything, text would come out in which both of your characters were tired and needed to rest.
Fixed a bug due to which the interface of a new type of sex could not close completely, which is why reusing it could be accompanied by bugs.
Fixed a bug that could cause an exception to be thrown at any time when choices appeared in story/randomized NPC events.
Fixed a bug that could cause buttons to disappear when translating into English in the interaction menu with RNPC.
Fixed a bug due to which the text could be untranslated when translated into English in the interaction menu with RNPC.
The system for determining the appearance of RNPCs has been improved, which is why there should be several times fewer errors associated with this than there were before.
Fixed a bug that caused an exception to occur when choosing the “splash in the water” option to interact with a randomized NPC when playing in English.
Fixed a bug due to which the “Arm Wrestling” and “Get Phone Number” interactions would transfer to the same interactions with the RNPS.
Fixed a bug due to which randomized male NPCs could have no clothes on their bodies when naked on the street/any other crowded location.
Fixed a bug due to which some certain buttons and text in events/some interface points were not displayed when playing in English.
Fixed a bug due to which, when playing in English, some interface was not translated into English, being in Russian.
Fixed a bug due to which a certain part of the interface could not work correctly when playing in English.
Fixed a bug where the "Steal Money" interaction could result in an exception under some specific circumstances.
Fixed a bug that caused an exception to occur when playing for money with randomized NPCs from the interface for interacting with them.
Fixed an issue due to which a bet of 1000 credits on cards could be considered the maximum, while the maximum should have been higher based on the general values of this mechanic.
Fixed a bug due to which the performance setting associated with disabling the activity module of randomized NPCs did not work.
Fixed a bug due to which, due to changing the gender of your character, his clothes could simply disappear, although the game could consider that he was wearing one.
A bug has been fixed that could cause the RNPC vulgarity calculation to work incorrectly in the RNPC editor.
Fixed a bug that made it impossible to change the color of your character's eyes: despite the indicators, they still did not change your character's appearance in any way.
Fixed a bug where changing eye color in your character editor could cause an exception to be thrown.
Fixed a bug due to which some of your character's settings could break further possible progression of the game.
Fixed a bug due to which the new type of inventory did not close after clicking on items, which made it impossible to click anywhere after going to a location.
Fixed an issue where a randomized NPC could agree to date your character even if your character and them had not even interacted before.
Fixed a bug due to which the orientation system did not take into account your character's gender, permanently considering your character to be male, even if this was not the case.
Fixed a bug due to which the interaction menu with a randomized NPC could cause an incorrect and incorrect calculation of your character’s appearance indicator.
Fixed a bug due to which refusal of dialogue on romantic topics by a randomized NPC could rewind time in a game session.
Fixed a bug due to which the bra of randomized NPCs might not adjust to the body in the RNPC editor.
Fixed a bug due to which the “Top Sponsors” menu could disappear after exiting to the main menu of the game.
Fixed a bug due to which changes in the scars/tattoos/appearance features editor were not saved at all on randomized NPCs, even after switching them in the corresponding menu.
Fixed a bug where the change or presence of scars/tattoos on randomized male NPCs was transmitted to every other RNPC in the lists.
Fixed a bug due to which in the randomized NPC editor, male NPCs were generated in the same clothes.
Fixed a bug due to which clothes on randomized male NPCs did not spawn evenly, which was why there was a certain imbalance in one direction.
Fixed a bug due to which an exception could be thrown with a low chance after generating randomized NPCs at the beginning of a game session.
Fixed a bug due to which changing clothes in the randomized NPC editor for male NPCs simply did not work.
Fixed issues related to incorrect data unpacking when opening the randomized NPC editing screen.
Fixed a bug due to which an event could occur with a randomized NPC who was simply afraid of your character and had a fairly high fear level.
Fixed an issue where, when choosing to play cards from the menu for interacting with randomized NPCs, your character would simply not receive a tutorial telling you what to do in those cards.
Fixed a bug that caused an exception to occur when trying to save after a long gaming session.
Fixed a bug where a relationship stage from "Dating" or "In Love" could move to "Acquaintance" during some interactions, literally resetting all accumulated progress on it.
Fixed a bug due to which the stockings button was not blocked during the blowjob scene, even though they could not be displayed in this scene at all.
Fixed a bug due to which the event with Hitomi Watanabe did not play at all after leaving/coming to the academy, which made it impossible to complete the storyline with her.
Fixed a bug that could cause an exception to occur when playing a kiss scene with randomized female NPCs.
Fixed a bug due to which hairstyles of the first and second types were not displayed on a male character during the playback of a kissing scene with randomized NPCs.
Fixed a bug that prevented your character from gaining stamina when boxing in the martial arts gym.
Fixed a bug due to which randomized NPCs in the list of those present at a location could have buttons that went beyond their limits and overlapped the buttons below in some locations of the game.
Fixed a bug due to which randomized NPCs with certain sets of clothing could have problems in the form of overlaying accessories on top of clothing/other elements of the NPC, except for the texture of their skin.
Fixed a bug due to which the “All randomized NPCs in chacha suits” function did not work correctly, due to which all male NPCs were not wearing the costumes they were supposed to have.
Fixed a bug due to which X-ray glasses given to randomized NPCs would also undress your character even in the menu for interacting with his clothes.
Fixed a bug due to which characters with a certain skin color could break the shadows of the clothes they were wearing, which is why the shadows themselves were incorrect.
Fixed a bug where changing clothing color could break shadows on changed skin color during initial session generation.
Fixed a bug due to which male clothing could spawn on randomized female NPCs during events/communication with them and other activities, when they suddenly changed their “image”.
Fixed a bug due to which an exception could be thrown when opening the interaction menu with a randomized male NPC due to incorrect generation.
Fixed a bug due to which in the editor of randomized NPCs, female RNPCs could lose parts of their hands when opening the menu for changing bras/underwear in general, as well as when wearing the “Blouse and Skirt” clothing set.
Fixed a bug due to which randomized NPCs with the "Jacket and Skirt" clothing set could have some accessories appear on top of their clothing.
Fixed a bug due to which accessories on the right hand of randomized female NPCs could be combined with accessories from casual clothing from the list in the editor. In addition, a bug has been fixed that could cause the same thing to happen in a game session.
Fixed a bug where any randomized NPC's data could be overwritten as your character's data during some long play sessions and under certain game conditions.
Fixed a bug due to which the eloquence attribute might not be upgraded, even if there was a notification to the contrary.
Improved situation with servers for downloading modifications/cross-save. In some countries where it didn't work, it now works. In addition, overall stability and download speed have been improved.
Fixed bugs and bugs on some services when mail could not get into the database for a long time - now everything works as it should, and much better. In addition, the total time for adding mail to the database has been significantly reduced and is much faster in general.
The discord bot that awards roles for subscription purchases has been moved to a separate server, making it much faster and better performing than before.
Fixed a bug due to which the loading screen for your account could go beyond the main menu interface, which could lead to some dissonance.
Fixed a bug due to which an event in the gym could appear on a permanent basis. One went, another went.
Fixed a bug due to which an exception could occur when entering the "Friends" tab with a small chance of this happening.
Fixed an issue that caused "You've had enough for today" to be displayed when your character arrived at the abandoned factory after a fight with the head of the hooligans, when there should have been a different line.
Fixed a bug due to which an exception could occur when entering any group activities of randomized NPCs.
Fixed an issue where the ability to turn off blood on randomized NPCs might not work as it should.
Fixed an issue due to which switching Light Mode in different saves could incorrectly affect the game in general.
Fixed a bug that could cause an exception to be thrown due to some files conflicting with each other.
Fixed an issue due to which the locations of the occult club and student council could disappear and reappear during any interaction there.
Fixed a bug that could cause an incorrect amount of the strength distributor progress indicator to be displayed during the bench press.
Fixed a bug that could incorrectly calculate the number of points needed to pump attributes during any interactions.
Fixed a flaw due to which the number of points received for leveling the force attribute could have a fractional value, not an integer.
Fixed a bug due to which certain clothes of randomized NPCs could be repainted in any colors, like black, for no reason.
Fixed a bug that caused 18+ activities to incorrectly distribute NPC activities inside the script in case of selecting certain activity selections.
Fixed a bug that made it impossible to enter the name of your character in the interface that is associated with the creation of your character.
Fixed a bug that caused the male sprite's eyebrows to not be displayed in the kiss scene with randomized female NPCs.
Fixed a bug due to which randomized female NPCs could display underwear in an incorrect way in the RNPCs editor: to be more than necessary or less.
Fixed a flaw due to which randomized female NPCs could have incorrect skin tones in the place where there should be shadows from clothes in the "pawing ass" scene.
Fixed a bug that caused clothing of incorrect size to be displayed on a male character in the "pawing ass" scene, played with randomized female NPCs in the case of an appropriate choice, which caused the textures of his body to go "behind her".
Fixed a flaw due to which randomized female NPCs could have incorrect skin tones in the place where there should be shadows from clothes in the "breast pawing" scene.
Fixed a flaw, and because of which, with certain sets of clothes, the skin color could simply reset.
Fixed a bug that caused the sleeves to be displayed incorrectly in the set of clothes "Everyday set number 2".
Fixed a bug due to which, with some sets worn on randomized female NPCs, shadows on clothes could be displayed incorrectly in the RNPS editor and in the game session on the displayed sprite.
Fixed a bug that caused the skin color of the RNPCs palms in the "Skirt and Jacket" set of clothes to not change regardless of changing this setting.
Fixed a bug due to which the "Cat Ears" accessory was not displayed in the kiss scene, if any were worn on female RNPS.
Fixed a flaw due to which the hairstyle basis could be incorrectly calculated in some scenes, which could cause certain problems with the display of accessories and hair.
Fixed a possible exception that could come out after trying to save on some android devices and after some specific actions.
Fixed a flaw due to which randomized female NPCs could have incorrect skin tones in the place where there should be shadows from clothes in the "petting you" scene.
Fixed a bug that caused the "Blowjob" and "wet in front of her" buttons to have incorrect guidance fields, which is why the induced version of the button simply appeared in the wrong place with the appropriate action.
Fixed a bug where nipple piercings could be displayed through a bra during a masturbation scene of a randomized female NPC.
Fixed a bug due to which a randomized female NPC could not display a bra and stockings in a masturbation scene if the RNPCs had a standard skin color.
Fixed some bugs in the activity distribution module of randomized NPCs.
Fixed a flaw due to which the responsibility indicator in the corresponding context menu of a randomized NPC showed incorrect values.
Fixed a bug that could cause an exception with some chance during the playback of events with any elections.
Fixed a bug that could cause an exception to fly out in case of opening any game save.
Fixed a bug that could cause an exception to fly after creating a game save in some individual cases.
Fixed a bug that could cause an exception in the case of reproducing the mechanics of fights and battles.
Fixed a flaw that could cause "namnps" to appear in some dialogues instead of any meaningful name/surname of the RNPCs.
Fixed a bug that caused the "create root folder" function to not work on android devices.
Fixed a bug that caused an exception in the case of using the "Break Character" interaction after the end of a fight with a randomized NPC.
Fixed a bug due to which the background of the occult club at the academy, when interacting with Ayano Yeshida, could disappear and reappear with animation, which could "Cut the eyes".
Fixed a bug that caused the background of the occult club to appear when interacting with Ayano Yoshida from your character's apartment during cohabitation.
Fixed a bug that could cause exceptions to appear when playing a scene with an old sex scene.
Fixed a bug that caused some buttons in the settings menu to not be displayed when playing in the English translation of the game.
Fixed a bug that could cause an exception during a kiss scene with randomized NPCs if your character had 3 or 4 hairstyles.
Игра, представляющая из себя симулятор школьника, которого вы сами и создаете. Учитесь, покупайте совершенно ненужные вещи для школьника, встречайтесь , а также делайте то, что вы хотите. Разве не этого все желали в школьные годы: полной свободы действий, что не будет ограничена законом, взрослыми и другими факторами?
This game is a simulator of a schoolboy, which you create yourself. Learn, buy completely unnecessary things for the student, meet with, and do what you want. Isn't that what everyone wanted in school years: complete freedom of action that will not be limited by law, adults and other factors?
Андроид порт от разработчика! / Android port from the developer!
Год выпуска: 2020
Жанр: 2d game, 2dcg, big tits, creampie, male protagonist, rpg, sandbox, school setting, simulator,
Цензура: Частично присутствует
Разработчик: Sloths Command - Patreon - Discord - itch.io
- SubscribeStar
Тип издания: В разработке
Версия: v.0.963 Fixed
Язык игры: English (machine translated), Russian
Язык интерфейса: English (machine translated), Russian
Язык озвучки: Отсутствует
Таблетка: Не требуется
v.0.947 BugFix 7 - 2023-12-04
- Improved some story quests related to Yuki Oota. Now progress on them cannot get stuck, and when going through the storyline itself there will be a little more hints than usual. In addition, some restrictions have been removed that could be confusing at certain points in the game.
- Improved some story quests related to Ayano Yoshida. In addition, some restrictions have been removed that could be confusing at certain points in the game.
- A new feature has been added to the new character editor when playing as a female character - the ability to change skin color.
- A new feature has been added to the new interface for sex with randomized female NPCs - putting on and removing a condom. This is available in almost all available scenes.
- The animations in the new sex interface with randomized female NPCs have been slightly improved: existing issues have been fixed and the overall appearance of this interface has been improved.
- The romantic plot with Yuki Oota was continued with certain events telling about her goals and telling about her life. To reach him, you need to confess your love to her after the meeting and successfully progress through her branch.
- The storyline involving Suzuki Matsui was continued. Now, after the events with cards and her training, new events have also appeared that tell about her story. Events have many choices that affect the further progression of the story.
- You can now make futanari in your character editor. In addition, the corresponding settings have been added to this tab - penis size and phimosis. This feature is only available to Best Friend level subscribers and above, and only from your character's female gender page in the Body Customization tab.
- A new small storyline has been added related to the city and its city events. It is already completely finished, and there is also a slight variation in how it could end.
- New events have been added with randomized female NPCs of 18+ orientation.
- Now randomized NPCs can order a beating of your character from hooligans, which is why new events have appeared in the game, where your character will be forced to fight if he does not have the appropriate perks and/or relationships with hooligans.
- Now, depending on the individual qualities of the randomized NPC with whom your character has sexual contact, he may require you to wear your character's condom. The chance of this depends on the indicator of his responsibility, courage and vulgarity.
- Now randomized NPCs with a certain personality type offer sex for money not only to your character, but also to other NPCs. This event is available in the Alley sublocation.
- The biography menu can now be opened directly from the narrative interface if any sprite of a randomized NPC is shown on the screen. It will tell you what kind of relationship you have with him, what his attributes, perks and other information that you may need at that time.
- Randomized NPCs can now have sexual contact with each other in some specific cases. There are many factors that influence the chance of this happening. In addition, there may be a natural refusal to do this if you are dating a randomized NPC. This function is disabled by the “Disable NTR content” setting in the corresponding menu.
- New bras have been added to the masturbation scene of the randomized NPC, of which there are currently about 7 pieces.
- New panties have been added to the masturbation scene of a randomized NPC, of which there are currently about 6 pieces.
- The architecture of the game's glitches has been completely changed: now there is practically no delay when rewinding time, all functions have been distributed so that all existing glitches continue to work and do not disrupt the gameplay, and do not load the game engine and your device at the same time. Instead of loading after every game hour in three seconds on some Android devices, the game began to calculate everything in milliseconds.
- A significant refactoring of the systems responsible for the distribution of group activity has been carried out, because of which, firstly, there will be fewer problems associated with it, and secondly, this system will work much faster and more stable.
- Improved memory loss that could cause the game to become laggy over time.
- Improved the situation with game crashes on some weak Android/Windows devices. Now the game is much more stable for such people.
- The set of clothes worn by a randomized NPC is now calculated not every in-game hour, but when you click on this randomized NPC and his appearance is calculated. This will slightly reduce the hourly load on the game, and also fix some problems associated with this.
- The requirement for RNPS to put on a more vulgar-looking sports uniform has been increased by 10 vulgarity units.
- Now the "Activity" parameter affects the randomized NPC much more than before.
- Changed the conditions for dropping 18+ group activity with randomized NPCs.
- There was a minor refactoring of the systems responsible for determining the appearance of your character and some other systems that negatively affected the overall performance of the game.
- A minor refactoring of the systems responsible for hourly calculations has been carried out. There are much fewer errors associated with them, and miscalculations have become more accurate. In addition, the story events themselves have been improved in terms of “conditions”, making there will be significantly fewer problems with knocking them out.
- A minor refactoring of the systems responsible for location navigation was carried out. Now this happens, although not as quickly as before, but the transitions themselves have more accuracy and capabilities, which in the long run has a positive effect on the performance of the game itself.
- Now randomized NPCs who care about your character's appearance will not ignore your character's attempts to interact with him if your character has a minimum level of relationship with him.
- A major event has been added to the game with a randomized female NPC in the Beach location, which can end in more than ten different ways and variations.
- A new major event has been added with a randomized female NPC in the Academy location of 18+ orientation for RNPCs with the “Stupid” character trait.
- Added more character emotions to sex scenes through the new sex interface: more possible emotions, improved interactions.
- Now in a sex scene with randomized female NPCs in the 69 position, not only can your character ejaculate, but so can the girl. In addition, the guy's ejaculation animation itself has been improved, and is also slightly better animated.
- A wrinkle customization feature has been added to the new character editor.
- Added a new possible interaction with randomized NPCs when they are visiting your character - sit silently. It can lead to extremely unexpected consequences...
- A new button has been added to the new sex interface with randomized NPCs - settings, where there are settings for the speed of your character's ejaculation, as well as a setting for where he will cum at the end of the scene.
- In the missionary position scene, a new scene ending was added to the new interface for sexual contact with randomized NPCs - outside.
- For all 18+ scenes, new positions have been added to end that same scene. Now, when choosing where to cum: outside or inside, it also takes into account whether your character is wearing a condom or not.
- Bras have been added to the petting scene, which will be displayed on the female RNPC if they are wearing one.
- A page has been added to the new character editor that allows you to fine-tune your gaming session. It is still available to Patreon subscribers at the Best Friend level and above.
- Now randomized NPCs during a dialogue with your character may ask you to move to another location for a conversation with some chance.
- The possibility of random generation has been added to the new editor of your character: now next to the input field for your character's name, there is a button that allows you to randomize your character.
- The model of movement of randomized NPCs across locations on weekdays has been improved: now randomized NPCs spend much more of this time at the academy, especially during school hours. At the same time, instead of abruptly leaving the academy afterwards, they slowly leave it, and by the time it closes, only a few RNPCs remain there instead of a huge pack of all the generated characters.
- Improved system of absenteeism/return to the academy by randomized NPCs. Now such actions are influenced by much more of their individual qualities than before.
- A new public cheat has been added to the game: now, if you enter “azumi” into the console, all the scenes in the gallery with the character Azumi Yoshida will open.
- A new public cheat has been added to the game: now, if you enter “all_scenes” into the console, absolutely all scenes with all available story characters will open in the game gallery.
- The generation function "All RNPCs have different heights" has been removed due to its irrelevance from the menu for point generation of randomized NPCs.
- The generation function "All RNPCs have a new body type" has been removed due to its irrelevance from the menu for point generation of randomized NPCs.
- Now the back button that switches pages of your character editor also works as a back button when editing your appearance. If any settings page is open, you will be redirected to the settings category selection page.
- A check has been added to check whether an event with a randomized NPC meets the conditions, which is why there will no longer be errors related to the incorrect occurrence of events.
- The "No clothes" button now works as a "Put on clothes" button. It displays the state of the function, in which you can either disable the display of clothing or enable it in the new editor of your character.
- Changed and improved some backgrounds that affected Ayano Yoshida's storyline.
- Certain time periods for story events have been changed in order to prevent a potential player from winning a story event for several game weeks under the conditions that he had to win it in the same game week.
- The meeting of the student council, necessary to move forward in the plot, can now take place not only on Friday, but also on Saturday and Sunday, which will eliminate moments of “jam” during the passage.
- Now, if a randomized NPC has low intelligence, their character trait changes to "Stupid". Also vice versa: if a character has more than 31 intelligence units, his character trait will change to any other, except stupid, perverted and some others.
- The module responsible for determining the initiator/initiated has been improved. Now there should be no errors related to the character's appearance during everyday scenes.
- The situation related to memory leaks during long gaming sessions has been improved: for this purpose, certain functions have been added that close and delete unnecessary data, and some screens and labels have been redesigned.
- A function has been added to the game to check for the existence of RGB, which means that if RGB is missing, the game will issue a corresponding warning when the color of the RNPC name changes.
- Now, if your character is wearing a "Condom", it will appear in a sex scene with a randomized female NPC in the "69" pose.
- A new option has been added to the sex scene with randomized male NPCs - wear a condom. Now, if you have one, you will have a choice at the start of this scene whether to equip it.
- New character positions have been added to the sex scene with randomized male NPCs.
- Improved ejaculation animation during the scene with randomized NPCs in the "Petting you" pose. Now this animation is generally present, unlike the previous version, when it simply “Appeared” on a female RNPC.
- Added new positions in the sex scene with randomized female NPCs in the "Petting you" position.
- Added new positions in the sex scene with randomized female NPCs in the "69" position.
- Now, if your character is wearing a "Condom", it will appear in a sex scene with a randomized female NPC in the "Petting you" position.
- From the new menu of sexual contact with randomized NPCs, buttons for taking off and putting on clothes on female NPCs in the “Masturbate for me” position are now available.
- From the new menu of sexual contact with randomized NPCs, buttons for taking off and putting on clothes in the “Masturbate in front of her” position are now available.
- Now, if your character has an insufficient level of arousal, in certain sex scenes with RNPCs in the new interface, his penis will be shown as “Semi-flaccid” or “Unerect”.
- In a sex scene with randomized NPCs, new possible emotions have been added to the "Cowgirl" position, which change depending on the success of the scene itself and your character's actions within it.
- New possible emotions have been added to the sex scene with randomized NPCs in the "Side" pose, which change depending on the success of the scene itself and your character's actions within it.
- In a sex scene with randomized NPCs, new possible emotions have been added to the “Petting you” pose, which change depending on the success of the scene itself and your character’s actions within it.
- New possible emotions have been added to the sex scene with randomized male NPCs, which change depending on the success of the scene itself and your character's actions within it.
- The choice of whether your character should wear a condom or not has been added to the old interface for sexual contact with randomized NPCs.
- In a sex scene with randomized NPCs, new possible emotions have been added to the "Cowgirl" position, which change depending on the success of the scene itself and your character's actions within it.
- New possible emotions have been added to the sex scene with randomized NPCs in the "Side" pose, which change depending on the success of the scene itself and your character's actions within it.
- In a sex scene with randomized NPCs, new possible emotions have been added to the “Petting you” pose, which change depending on the success of the scene itself and your character’s actions within it.
- Added new positions in the sex scene with randomized female NPCs in the Cowgirl position.
- Now, if your character is wearing a Condom, it will appear in a sex scene with a randomized female NPC in the Cowgirl position.
- The system responsible for launching the game at the very beginning of the game has been improved: now subsequent loads will be much faster than before.
- New possible emotions have been added to the sex scene with randomized male NPCs, which change depending on the success of the scene itself and your character's actions within it.
- In the sex scene with randomized NPCs in the "Side" position, different variations of tightness have been added to where your character can ejaculate: inside or on the girl. In addition, for this purpose, the new interface for sex with RNPC has animations.
- In the sex scene with randomized NPCs in the Cowgirl position, different variations of tightness have been added to where your character can ejaculate: inside or on the girl.
- Added new positions in the sex scene with randomized female NPCs in the "Side" position.
- Now, if your character is wearing a "Condom", it will appear in a sex scene with a randomized female NPC in the "Side" pose.
- A male character's body hair, if any, will now be displayed in a Sex Scene in the Side Position.
- In a sex scene in the "Side" pose, a male character's body tattoos, if any, will now be displayed.
- Now, if a randomized female NPC has pubic hair, it will appear in the 18+ scene with him while using the "Side" pose.
- Stockings have been added to the side scene, displaying on a randomized female NPC if they are wearing them. In addition, they also have the setting enabled in this scene from the new sex scene interface.
- The choice of whether your character should wear a condom or not has been added to the old interface for sexual contact with randomized NPCs.
- Removed some rudimentary files from the game that were no longer used, but were still present in the game directory.
- Animations have been sped up in the new character editor.
- Removed certain rudimentary pieces of code that were preventing the game from working correctly.
-Animations have been sped up in the new character editor.
- The initial loading of the game was accelerated on devices with poor internet and/or when playing through devices whose location was too far from the game servers.
- Improved performance in game locations for weaker Android devices: now the delay when going to a location/switching RNPS from the menu is faster.
- A minor refactoring of the systems responsible for opening scenes with story characters was carried out: now all this is opened using functions without unnecessary repetitions in the code, which could cause shortcomings and errors.
- A new potion has been added for possible creation to the corresponding menu - Regeneration Potion. With it, your character will be able to remove scars that he may develop over time.
- The donor table filter has been updated: now the text is not displayed there if it contains the “@” sign. Additionally, the warning text and what should be in this table have been updated.
- Quite large events have been added to the storyline with the god Barnibold, which continue his story and give your character the opportunity to continue to be for this church.
- Added dates with Yuki, Ayano and Suzuki, which can be released as an event. They have quite good variability, as well as large sizes, which, in general, will diversify your story game.
- A complete refactoring of some modules in the “Distribution of activities among RNPC” code was carried out. The main share fell on the group activity module, which is why the code became more productive, began to produce fewer impossible situations, and in general there are now fewer errors and defects in it.
- New systems and mechanics have been added that allow you to generate “old characters”, as well as events with several RNPCs at once, which allows you to create more diverse and interesting events with them.
- The ability to take a screenshot using the game engine was removed from the game due to the fact that this ability caused unexpected exceptions that interrupted the gameplay.
- A new item has been added to the online store - a bag. By purchasing it, your character will receive twice as many ingredients for going for them.
- The ability to enable text-to-speech using a button on the keyboard was removed from the game. This option is still available in the game settings.
- New ingredients have been added for possible searching to create some potions.
- Now cheats in the menu for interacting with randomized NPCs, working when you press the F9, F11 and F12 buttons, give not five points, but ten.
- Now your character is no longer kicked off the world map for being overweight if you play on easy difficulty.
- The performance of game servers has been improved: connections are much faster than before. There are more additional servers in case of crashes and/or lack of capacity of one.
- Removed some individual rudimentary pieces of code that were no longer used by the game, however, existed in it due to its use in older updates.
- Changed some individual animations in the new interface for sexual contact with randomized NPCs.
- A button for putting on/removing a bra from a randomized NPC has been added to the new interface for sexual contact with randomized female NPCs.
- Now, when using the new interface with randomized NPCs, if your character cums, he can increase his agility with some chance.
Fixes bugs:
- Fixed an issue where some text in the new character creation interface could extend beyond the interface in the English translation of the game.
- Fixed an issue that caused the "Tights and Black Top" clothing set to be displayed when playing as a male character in the editor.
- Fixed a bug due to which the maximum possible activity in the new editor was shown as 100, and not 5, which was not true.
- Fixed a bug due to which a randomized NPC did not remember if you invited him to the club through coercion/persuasion, and he refused you.
- Fixed a bug due to which, when playing in the English language of the game, the "Text-to-speech" button was not displayed in the game settings menu.
- Fixed a bug due to which, when wearing the Jacket and Skirt clothing set, accessories were displayed that were generally displayed on top of the entire costume, which looked terrible, in the game session, as well as in the randomized NPC editor.
- Fixed a bug where wearing the Casual Set 2 outfit would cause the accessories to generally appear on top of the entire outfit, which looked terrible, in a game session, as well as in the randomized NPC editor.
- Fixed an issue where the text in the Push-Up and Bench Press UI would simply not appear when playing in English, causing some issues.
- Fixed a bug due to which, when playing in English, text was missing at some points in the game.
- Fixed a bug due to which, when playing in English, text in Russian could be present in some places in the game.
- Fixed a bug due to which your character's name was not displayed in the new editor.
- Fixed a bug due to which the "No clothes" button in the appearance change category was not displayed in the new character editor.
- Fixed a bug due to which tooltips in the new character editor were missing padding when playing in English.
- Fixed an issue that could cause the new character editor to have incorrect fonts in tooltips.
- Fixed an issue where the ID of changed appearance categories could go outside the interface in the new randomized NPC editor in some specific cases.
- Fixed an issue where some text in the new character creation interface could extend beyond the interface in the English translation of the game.
- Fixed an issue that caused the "Tights and Black Top" clothing set to be displayed when playing as a male character in the editor.
- Fixed a bug due to which the maximum possible activity in the new editor was shown as 100, and not 5, which was not true.
- Fixed a bug due to which, if your character was in the “Alley” location during non-school hours, he was not kicked out of there, although he should have been.
- Fixed a bug due to which, when the skin color was changed, a randomized female NPC could have an incorrect skin tone near the mouth in the sex scene in the "Cowgirl" position.
- Fixed a bug due to which, if the skin color of a randomized female NPC was changed, the skin color of the hand in the sex scene in the “69” position could also change.
- Fixed a bug due to which a male character's tongue would be "on top" of the mouth, rather than out of it, in a sex scene with a female RNPC in the "69" position. In addition, some incorrect positions of layers and other points have been corrected in it so that it looks as it should and as required.
- Fixed a bug due to which, when the skin color was changed, a randomized female NPC could have an incorrect skin tone near the mouth in the sex scene in the "Cowgirl" position.
- Fixed a bug due to which, if the skin color of a randomized female NPC was changed, the skin color of the hand in the sex scene in the “69” position could also change.
- Fixed a visual issue due to which, when using a quick connection, a profile could be displayed in the main menu as unconnected, although at the same time you could safely launch the game and the game would consider that you had successfully logged into your account.
- Fixed a bug due to which an exception could occur when trying to save/do something after certain actions in the game, making it impossible to continue the game in any way. This exception completely broke all options to save/do anything about it.
- Fixed a bug where, in a sex scene with randomized male NPCs, a male character could have wrinkles in the scene, even if his sprite had not had them since the beginning of the game.
- Fixed a bug that caused the active/passive parameter to be mixed up during a sex scene with a randomized male NPC.
- Fixed an issue that caused your character to be given twice as much sexual experience as they should have during a sex scene with a randomized male NPC.
- Fixed a bug that could cause an exception to occur during the opening of the interaction menu and while a female NPC was visiting your character.
- Fixed a bug due to which the status bar inaccurately showed the number of “movements” and “time” until the moment of ejaculation and orgasm.
- Fixed a bug due to which in the scene with randomized NPCs "Cowgirl" pubic hair was not displayed on female RNPCs if they were actually present on it.
- Fixed an issue that caused your character's penis to appear the same color as the RNPC's skin when playing the "Cowgirl" scene.
- Fixed a bug due to which some innovations did not appear in new versions of the game at all.
- Fixed a bug with certain layers not displaying correctly in the Cowgirl pose with randomized female NPCs.
- Fixed a bug due to which the hide interface button in the new sex interface with randomized NPCs did not hide notifications and some other interface details.
- Fixed a bug due to which, if you open a sexual contact through the interaction menu with the RNPC when he is visiting you, the choice of which menu to open would not open: the menu of the new sexual contact with the interface or the old one.
- Fixed a bug due to which some events that required a fight, when escaping from a given fight, sometimes set incorrect results, not taking into account the possible success of this action.
- Fixed a bug due to which a fight in an event with the destruction of a sand castle of a randomized NPC, and in the event of a loss in this very fight, was transferred to the interaction menu with this character.
- Fixed a bug due to which your character could receive a double “reward” for losing/winning in a fight with a randomized NPC.
- Fixed incorrect translation in some places in the game when playing in English.
- Fixed a bug due to which some lines were not displayed at all when playing in English.
- Fixed a bug due to which some buttons were not displayed when playing in English.
- Fixed a bug due to which an exception could appear on your screen indicating that your email is not registered.
- Fixed a bug due to which the storyline with Ayano Yoshida could not be completed to the end if choosing options that were not the ones that should have been chosen initially.
- Fixed a bug due to which randomized NPCs could not move through all existing locations in the academy, which created an unpleasant feeling of emptiness in certain places.
- Fixed a bug due to which not all story events would start in certain locations if the conditions required that your character be within the academy location.
- Fixed a bug due to which the variable minutes and hours could have a fractional value, which could result in incorrect movements of randomized NPCs, non-dropping of some events, as well as many other errors.
- Fixed a bug due to which some events with Yuki Oota simply did not waste energy, satiety, and did not even take time, if they happened at all.
- Fixed a bug due to which the cheat code for opening all scenes with Yuki Oota did not open some scenes, leaving the available tabs “empty”.
- Fixed a bug due to which the cheat code for opening all scenes with Yuki Tsukasa did not open some scenes, leaving the available tabs “empty”.
- Fixed a bug due to which in some events with randomized NPCs the incorrect translation was displayed when playing in the English translation of the game.
- Fixed a bug due to which cheats that work on the F9, F11 and F12 buttons in the interaction menu with randomized NPCs did not always work if they were used in certain places.
- Fixed a bug due to which part of the translation of events with phone calls from randomized NPCs was displayed in Russian in the English translation of the game.
- Fixed a bug due to which certain items in the inventory could be mixed up, which created significant confusion and the inability to exit the location if your character was overloaded.
- Fixed an issue where changing gender using your character editor could not work correctly due to some incorrect in-game features.
- Fixed an issue where your character randomizer from the editor would still give your character a male first and last name when changing gender.
- Fixed an issue where if you changed the dictionary, your character randomizer would still give your character a Japanese first and last name.
- Fixed a bug where your character randomizer would only give your character 30 attributes, which was inconsistent with some game balance changes.
- Fixed a bug where paying for a new apartment only increased the debt for it, which made it useless to put money on a deposit and/or pay for it, because over time your character's debt would increase.
- Fixed a bug that could cause an exception to occur when opening the perks tab through your character's diary.
- Fixed a bug due to which the name of the location in the diary in the “Friends” category in the Russian translation of the game had an English translation.
- Fixed a bug due to which an exception could occur when playing any events from the interaction menu with randomized NPCs.
- Fixed a bug due to which the skin color of a randomized NPC was not displayed in the information menu when using the phone.
- Fixed an issue that caused your character to be kicked out of the cheat menu into your character's apartment, even if he was elsewhere at the time. In case the cheat menu was opened via the phone.
- Fixed an issue due to which, if you entered a Patreon code in an already running game session, your character could be thrown into your apartment, even if he was in a completely different place.
- Fixed a bug due to which your character could be thrown out of the cheat menu into the randomized NPC editor if he was in a certain location.
- Fixed a bug due to which an exception could occur if an event with RNPS was released at the beginning of the game session due to some data unloading.
- Fixed a bug due to which an exception was thrown during the start of some events with randomized NPCs.
- Fixed a bug due to which the English translation of the game might not be displayed when editing randomized NPCs from the RNS editor in the "Phimosis" button.
- Fixed an issue where in the new editor your character could have the "Phimosis" and "Body Hair" settings, even when playing as a female gender that did not initially include these appearance settings.
- Fixed a bug due to which the "No Clothes" setting was actually missing from your character editor when playing as a female, being replaced by the "Legs and Black Top" clothing selection button. In addition, if such a function was turned on, it could no longer be turned off.
- Fixed a bug that made it impossible to exit the clothing edit menu in the new character editor. There was simply no back button.
- Fixed a bug due to which the "Pubic Hair" button did not work at all in your character editor. Regardless of the switch, nothing changed.
- Fixed a bug due to which the RNPC could have two indicators of vulgarity, which could differ from each other and which, in general, broke the possibility of developing this attribute.
- Fixed a bug due to which some lines in the RNPS location distribution module did not work properly, causing errors.
- Fixed a bug due to which, if you entered an incorrect RGB to display it in the RNPС name, an error was thrown. Now, instead of an error, this RGB will simply be reset when moving to a location if the game finds such an error.
- Fixed a bug due to which, if you find an abandoned factory through the "Find a Character" function, your character could get stuck in an event where he is not allowed out of the abandoned factory.
- Fixed a bug due to which the “Character Stuck” function from the game settings menu did not work properly: after clicking it and then opening the settings menu, your character was simply transported to the location where your character was stuck before.
- Fixed a bug due to which the appearance of your character in an event where a randomized NPC offers to kiss could be incorrect.
- Fixed an issue where in Suzuki Matsui's storyline she might not call your character back when making certain choices that were inconsistent with the game's choices.
- Fixed some crashes related to memory leaks.
- Fixed a bug due to which the game could crash when viewing your character's appearance using the corresponding function.
- Fixed a bug that could cause an exception to occur during any scenes with your character.
- Fixed a bug that could cause an exception to be thrown when viewing your character's appearance due to some incorrect generation and problems with it.
- Fixed a bug due to which the game could be too slow in calculating the appearance of randomized NPCs and your character.
- Fixed a bug that could cause an exception to occur when moving from location to location due to problems with data calculation within the RNPS activity calculation function.
- Fixed a bug due to which, in some individual and certain cases in the game, an exception could occur when moving from location to location with some chance.
- Fixed a bug due to which items could get confused in the inventory, and if overloaded, they would not allow your character to move at all.
- Fixed a bug due to which randomized NPCs who care about appearance could approach your character to get to know each other, even if they didn’t like your character’s appearance.
- Fixed a bug that could cause an exception to occur in certain places in the game when playing in English.
- Fixed a bug due to which an exception could be thrown when viewing the biography of a randomized NPC at certain moments.
- Fixed a bug due to which an exception could be thrown when asking a randomized NPC to vote for the desired candidate in the corresponding event.
- Fixed a bug due to which in the information table relationship points with a randomized NPC could be displayed as a fractional number rather than an integer.
- Fixed a bug due to which an unsuccessful escape from a fight with a randomized NPC could be considered a loss in some certain events.
- Fixed a bug due to which an exception could occur if there is a mole on a randomized NPC, and at the same time there is a “Rider” scene with him.
- Fixed a bug that caused an exception to occur during one of the events with Suzuki Matsui when playing in English.
- Fixed a bug due to which group activity of randomized NPCs could occur with three RNPCs at once, even if the game was not initially prepared for such circumstances.
- Fixed a bug where some group activities with randomized NPCs could occur with the same gender of the character, which could produce errors.
- Fixed a bug where hug/kiss scenes among randomized NPCs could produce an incorrect overall scene view.
- Fixed a bug due to which randomized NPCs with poor health did not go home to heal their wounds.
- Fixed a bug due to which the list of common activities could be unavailable from certain types of interfaces, which is why these same activities were ignored when distributing them.
- Fixed a bug where a randomized NPC you meet could cheat on your character even with high responsibility.
- Fixed a bug where a randomized NPC could have a group activity without another actor, causing the activity to appear as "NoNo"
- Fixed a bug due to which one randomized NPC, with whom there is some kind of group activity, could have a location activity instead of this same group activity, which could result in a situation where a girl cooed sweetly with a male RNPC, who at that time was just eating chips.
- Fixed a bug due to which a randomized NPC could have an adjacent activity to the one that he already had, which caused situations in which one NPC gives a blowjob to another, and that one communicates with a third
v0.946 Bugfix 5
New content:
The game engine version has been downgraded to a more stable version - 8.0.3, which fixes a lot of bugs, exceptions and performance issues/some other systems.
The inventory interface has been completely changed: it has been made more convenient for android devices, larger in size, it has different types of sorting by weight, by number of items, by letter, as well as a lot of other useful information that will help in its simpler management.
The interface of your character editor has been completely modified: it has become much more detailed, began to fit the general style of the game interface, is much more convenient, and also has animations that make this interface much more lively than the example that was previously in the game.
A new possible feature has been added to the main character editor - depravity. It can be changed directly in the editor, and its value directly affects the clothing of your character, if she is a girl.
Added a new mini-game while pumping the strength attribute using bench press, push-ups and other possible methods.
The optimization of the game has been improved: now there are much fewer miscalculations going on in an hour, which is why there are also many times fewer delays when wasting time. In addition, the code itself responsible for this part of the game has become more understandable and less "loaded".
Now the activity distribution of randomized NPCs is also affected by their "activity" indicator, which is set when generating a new game session.
A new scene has been added to the new sex scene interface - a masturbation scene for your character/randomized NPC. With its own animations and in-game systems.
For randomized NPCs, more than a dozen new possible dialogue developments have been added to the “Everyday Topics”, as well as to the “Romantic Themes”, which come out depending on the randomness and nature of the individual RNPC.
Performance settings in the settings menu are now permanent variables that are not reset after each new gaming session.
A significant refactoring of the inventory system was carried out: now it works much more stable, the code itself is less loaded with various “rudiments”, and, as expected, it has become a little more understandable than it was before.
The new sex system with randomized NPCs has been improved: the fatigue system has been optimized, which previously worked in all scenes equally, and behavior patterns have been slightly improved, which in general will add a little more variety to the scene.
Added a new possible location interaction - masturbate. When using it, depending on the location, time of day and other moments, the interaction itself will change, and a new CG was drawn for it, which is displayed in this very interaction.
For female randomized NPCs, a new possible feature has been added that changes the entire appearance of randomized NPCs - wrinkles. With it, it will be possible to make a girl / woman look older. The wrinkles themselves are an optional possible setting, they are not generated on randomized NPCs under any circumstances on their own.
A significant refactoring of all scenes from randomized NPCs, of which there are almost two dozen, was carried out, which improves the performance of these same scenes, their performance, the determinants of the initiator / actor, the determinants of whether your character is involved in the scene, were improved. In general, this will significantly improve their display, as well as fix a lot of bugs that could be associated with these points.
Interaction lists with randomized NPCs are now affected by your character's gender: the names of interactions themselves have been changed to be more logical and interconnected with roleplaying.
Now in scenes with randomized NPCs, if your character is a girl, then she will appear in scenes with them as a girl, and not as a guy, as it was before.
Now in the new sex scene, if you are playing as a girl, the name of the scenes / hints and other points are displayed accordingly, and not as if you are playing as a man.
Now randomized NPCs react to your character if he walks around completely naked/in only his underwear.
Added new major events with new 18+ content, with randomized NPCs.
A new 18+ scene has been added to the new sex system with randomized NPCs - the blowjob scene.
The performance of the systems responsible for the initial launch of the game has been slightly improved - now the game starts faster on Android devices, although not much.
Now gifts from randomized NPCs only go when they have a sufficient level of love for your character.
Randomized NPCs with the “Weak” and “Downtrodden” traits can no longer have tattoos or other bully elements at all.
In the new sex system with randomized NPCs, a new system for calculating the orgasm of a girl with which your character is closely involved has been added: now it cannot fall below a certain value depending on the level of the girl.
Edited generation chances for different skin colors: now certain skin colors will match very rarely, and others very often.
Improved game load times when the internet connection is low, making everything much faster and more efficient.
Improved the determinant of who is positioned in the scene with randomized NPCs - your character or another RNPC, which will save the game from some popular bugs related to incorrect display.
Added certain filters to the sponsors table, fixing some potential vulnerabilities in the game.
Removed import and export buttons for randomized NPCs from the RNPC editor.
The Randomized NPC Fight Confirmation feature is now enabled natively when starting a game session.
Your character ratings now have a maximum and minimum level they can reach. Now this indicator cannot rise and fall indefinitely.
The filter responsible for adding something to the table of donators has been improved: it hides websites, like all ads, leaving only nicknames.
A new accessible feature has been added to the game settings menu - quick connection. Using it, you can avoid some individual and rare exceptions when connecting to a Patreon subscriber’s account.
Now the performance setting “Adjust the number of active RNPCs” is available only after the start of the game session, since before it it simply did not work and there was simply no need for it.
A significant refactoring of the systems responsible for the relationship stages system has been carried out: there are much fewer errors and shortcomings in it, the mistakes themselves have been improved and made more acceptable, and now they affect more things in relations with the RNPC.
The systems responsible for the appearance of the RNPC were refactored. Now there are much fewer errors found there than there were before. In addition, the screen itself began to work many times faster than before.
The system for calculating the orientation of randomized NPCs during communication with them has been improved.
A significant refactoring of the randomized NPC editor was carried out: certain bugs and shortcomings associated with it were fixed. Including those that caused an exception to be thrown after the start of the gaming session with some chance of that happening, albeit a very small one. Some rudimentary things were removed, bugs with the generation of certain things were fixed, and a lot of other things, which is why it became more stable than it was before.
There has been a significant refactoring of the code that relates to determining the appearance of randomized NPCs. Most of the bugs associated with this have been fixed, many definitions have been improved, old functions that do not affect anything else have been removed, and new ones have been added to improve and speed up the performance of this module.
Work has been done to remove unnecessary Python libraries and unnecessary files from the engine directory, which will slightly change the weight of the game in a smaller direction, and also speed up the loading of the game in some moments.
A minor refactoring of the systems responsible for launching the game on android was carried out: the launch is now a little faster, extra systems are loaded during the game, and in general, the compatibility of the game with new android systems has been improved.
A minor refactoring of the system that is responsible for entering the game was carried out - now it happens a little faster, and the systems themselves do not load the device once again, which makes the game less problems with memory leaks.
The beach marker has been moved a little lower to make it clear that the map can be moved.
The martial arts hall was moved a little to the right on the map so that when hovering over it, the location icon would not overlap other markers.
Now you can change the game language only in the main game menu to avoid possible exceptions after switching it.
A significant refactoring of the system that is responsible for reproducing and displaying the sprite of randomized NPCs on the screen was carried out: now such a module is less loaded, more productive and, in general, has more functions and variables that correct and improve some points.
The module responsible for the distribution of activity by randomized NPCs has been improved: now their activity is affected by more consequences and other parameters. For example, now an NPC with high responsibility will specifically protect the RNPS from himself if he is now in a relationship, and irresponsible ones are the opposite. In addition, some other innovations have been introduced into the given module, which have a pleasant effect on artificial intelligence.
The standard position of the "NTR content" button has been changed: now it is always on, but it can still be disabled in the game settings.
A minor refactoring of the code responsible for logging into your subscriber account was carried out - the first launch is faster and with much fewer errors.
Now all the settings for blood, tattoos and NTR content in the corresponding context menu are permanent variables that are not reset when you restart the game.
Now, by entering the core_path code into the console for patreon, you have the opportunity to enter and set a new root folder for the game, which is especially useful for Android devices.
Cut out notifications about increasing the level of relationships when interacting with Ayano Yoshida.
Fixed bugs:
Fixed a bug due to which the fourth base hairstyle in the kiss scene with a changed skin color could give incorrect shades of shadows.
Fixed a bug that could cause an exception to occur in some rare cases in a 18+ scene of a 69 pose character.
Fixed a bug due to which the total weight of inventory items could not block the in-game map in case of a significant excess of the maximum values.
Fixed a bug due to which the item "Diary" did not have a description in the inventory interface.
Fixed a bug due to which tooltips for changing the path for downloading modifications and changing the path for cross-save were mixed up in the patron-subscriber's office.
Fixed a bug where the default paths to install them could have wrong slashes, which could make it look different than it should.
Fixed a bug due to which the table of donators was reset after re-entering the main menu of the game from the game session. In the moments when we just entered the game, the table worked as it should.
Fixed a bug due to which in the 18+ scene with randomized NPCs, the most randomized female NPC displayed incorrect skin color.
Fixed a bug due to which the text when playing in English was not translated from line to line when choosing a new system of sexual encounters with RNPC.
Fixed a bug that could cause shadow stains on the hair in the 18+ scene - petting me and with the skin color of the most randomized NPC changed.
Fixed a bug that could cause hair shadow stains in the 18+ scene - rider pose and when the skin color of the most randomized NPC was changed.
Fixed a bug due to which shadow spots could remain on the hair in the 18+ scene - side pose and when the skin color of the most randomized NPC was changed.
Fixed a bug that could cause hair shadow stains in the 18+ scene - cancer pose and with the skin color of the most randomized NPC changed.
Fixed a bug that could cause hair shadow stains in the chest pawing scene and when the skin color of the most randomized NPC was changed.
Fixed a bug due to which incorrect clothes could be generated on your character from the very beginning of the game, which should not have been.
Fixed a bug due to which, when communicating with a randomized NPC who did not want to communicate with your character, emotions would change after the appearance of the RNPC sprite.
Fixed a bug due to which the perk for levels "Exhibitionist" did not work on your character, preventing him from completely undressing.
Fixed a bug due to which in the martial arts hall, when it was closed, it could be ejected into the same martial arts hall in an endless loop.
Fixed a bug due to which, in some places in the code, the location of the occult club was not considered the location of the academy, due to which your character was not thrown out of it when the academy was closed, events might not drop out, and some other moments and errors associated with this location.
Fixed a bug due to which on Android devices in some moments it was impossible to save after long game sessions and some other moments of the gameplay.
Fixed a bug due to which in some moments the game could simply crash after it was launched on an old-style android device.
Fixed a bug due to which the appearance of randomized NPCs could not be calculated during any events related to them, which could cause casus and funny situations.
Fixed a bug where the dataset for randomized male NPCs could sometimes be written to data for women's clothing rather than men's, causing certain rendering errors in their appearance in some scenes.
All translation regarding the definition of "fifth point" has been changed to the word "butt" for easier understanding of what is happening when playing in English.
Fixed a bug due to which some events with randomized NPCs would still drop out even if your character was female, and events were supposed to be purely for male characters, causing dissonance.
Changed the translation of the "open logs" button to "history" for better understanding when playing in English by the player.
Fixed a bug due to which in some categories in the editor of randomized NPCs there was simply not enough space for all fields with these same appearance changing functions.
Fixed a bug due to which, with some chance, it was impossible to enter the game. It just throws an exception that does nothing.
Fixed a bug due to which, if the gender display of the RNPS was enabled, this same gender was not displayed for all randomized NPCs in the lists.
Fixed a bug that could cause issues with the hair shadows of a randomized female NPC in the kiss scene with him.
Fixed a bug that could cause issues with the hair shadows of a randomized female NPC in the hug scene.
Fixed a bug due to which, despite the vulgarity score of a randomized NPC, he could simply refuse your character in vulgar interactions.
Fixed a bug that could cause issues with the hair shadows of the randomized female NPC in the breast groping scene.
Fixed a bug where rules/X-Ray goggles and some other things that affect clothing weren't affecting the clothing of randomized NPCs in any scenes.
Improved the determinant of whether the randomized NPC in the futanari missionary scene is or not.
Fixed a fundamental bug that could cause an exception in any of the story/RNPC events at the most unexpected moment.
Fixed a bug due to which an incorrect number of people in a location could be shown when opening the in-game map.
Fixed a bug due to which, after opening the map, it still showed the location where you were the last time before.
Fixed a bug that could cause an exception to be thrown when opening the console after reloading the game on PC devices.
Fixed a bug that could cause an exception to occur if a randomized female NPC had a third base hair style and a side pose was selected for the sex scene.
Fixed a bug that could cause an exception to occur if a randomized female NPC had a third base hair style and the sex scene was set to Cowgirl.
Fixing a bug that could cause the background to be missing in a sex scene with a randomized female NPC in a side sex scene in some specific cases.
Fixing a bug that could cause the background to be missing in the sex scene with a randomized female NPC in scene 69 in some specific cases.
Fixed a bug due to which changing the corruption parameter did not change the clothes of randomized NPCs in the RNPC editor.
Fixed a bug due to which the inclusion of heterochromia in the RNPC editor caused the editor to change the eye color of all RNPC from the list.
Fixed a bug where the skin color around a member of a randomized futanari NPC could not match the skin color of his body.
Fixed a bug that caused the grocery store mini-game to be skipped even when it was not required by the game code.
Fixed a bug where the "Skip Mini-Game" feature would only disable the warning itself, but not the mini-game itself.
Fixed a bug due to which in the menu of group activities with randomized NPCs, the name of the NPC participating in them could be displayed as No No.
Fixed a bug where the name of an RNPC that participated in a group activity with another RNPS could have a double name when repeated multiple times in a row. It's the same with last names.
Fixed a bug due to which the game could crash during certain moments of the gameplay - during the time when the rain animation was in progress.
Fixed a bug that could cause an exception in the online store in some cases due to incorrect entry points for the buy product buttons.
Fixed a bug due to which it was possible to donate your funds to the benefit of the club indefinitely, while the game did not take into account how much money your character has, and did not even remove them after donations.
Fixed a bug where when donating to the occult club, the text says that your character is donating money to the academy.
Fixed a bug due to which changes to hairpins / bracelets and chains on randomized NPCs were not saved when they were edited in a specialized interface.
Fixed a bug due to which skin color changes on randomized NPCs were not saved when they were edited in a specialized interface.
Fixed a bug due to which your character could be told reactions in which he was a member of the occult club, although he was not a member at the same time.
Fixed a bug due to which the option from the game console "Unlock the ability to invite randomized NPCs to the occult club" did not force your character to join there, which made this feature useless.
Fixed a bug due to which the project in the club of the occult could not be completed at all, freezing on certain values and not giving popularity to the club and other privileges for completing it.
Fixed a bug where the discord integration feature, after enabling/disabling it from the options menu, would still reset everything no matter what.
Fixed a bug due to which the choice at the beginning of the game to have or not discord integration meant nothing, because after the first restart of the game it was reset.
Fixed a bug that prevented your character from cumming in the new Randomized NPC Sex UI if it had too much stamina. The same applies to the RNPC, with whom sexual intercourse was taking place at that moment.
Fixed a bug where after the sex scene ended in the new UI, even if your character's partner had the strength to continue, but you finished everything, text would come out in which both of your characters were tired and needed to rest.
Fixed a bug due to which the interface of a new type of sex could not close completely, which is why reusing it could be accompanied by bugs.
Fixed a bug that could cause an exception to be thrown at any time when choices appeared in story/randomized NPC events.
Fixed a bug that could cause buttons to disappear when translating into English in the interaction menu with RNPC.
Fixed a bug due to which the text could be untranslated when translated into English in the interaction menu with RNPC.
The system for determining the appearance of RNPCs has been improved, which is why there should be several times fewer errors associated with this than there were before.
Fixed a bug that caused an exception to occur when choosing the “splash in the water” option to interact with a randomized NPC when playing in English.
Fixed a bug due to which the “Arm Wrestling” and “Get Phone Number” interactions would transfer to the same interactions with the RNPS.
Fixed a bug due to which randomized male NPCs could have no clothes on their bodies when naked on the street/any other crowded location.
Fixed a bug due to which some certain buttons and text in events/some interface points were not displayed when playing in English.
Fixed a bug due to which, when playing in English, some interface was not translated into English, being in Russian.
Fixed a bug due to which a certain part of the interface could not work correctly when playing in English.
Fixed a bug where the "Steal Money" interaction could result in an exception under some specific circumstances.
Fixed a bug that caused an exception to occur when playing for money with randomized NPCs from the interface for interacting with them.
Fixed an issue due to which a bet of 1000 credits on cards could be considered the maximum, while the maximum should have been higher based on the general values of this mechanic.
Fixed a bug due to which the performance setting associated with disabling the activity module of randomized NPCs did not work.
Fixed a bug due to which, due to changing the gender of your character, his clothes could simply disappear, although the game could consider that he was wearing one.
A bug has been fixed that could cause the RNPC vulgarity calculation to work incorrectly in the RNPC editor.
Fixed a bug that made it impossible to change the color of your character's eyes: despite the indicators, they still did not change your character's appearance in any way.
Fixed a bug where changing eye color in your character editor could cause an exception to be thrown.
Fixed a bug due to which some of your character's settings could break further possible progression of the game.
Fixed a bug due to which the new type of inventory did not close after clicking on items, which made it impossible to click anywhere after going to a location.
Fixed an issue where a randomized NPC could agree to date your character even if your character and them had not even interacted before.
Fixed a bug due to which the orientation system did not take into account your character's gender, permanently considering your character to be male, even if this was not the case.
Fixed a bug due to which the interaction menu with a randomized NPC could cause an incorrect and incorrect calculation of your character’s appearance indicator.
Fixed a bug due to which refusal of dialogue on romantic topics by a randomized NPC could rewind time in a game session.
Fixed a bug due to which the bra of randomized NPCs might not adjust to the body in the RNPC editor.
Fixed a bug due to which the “Top Sponsors” menu could disappear after exiting to the main menu of the game.
Fixed a bug due to which changes in the scars/tattoos/appearance features editor were not saved at all on randomized NPCs, even after switching them in the corresponding menu.
Fixed a bug where the change or presence of scars/tattoos on randomized male NPCs was transmitted to every other RNPC in the lists.
Fixed a bug due to which in the randomized NPC editor, male NPCs were generated in the same clothes.
Fixed a bug due to which clothes on randomized male NPCs did not spawn evenly, which was why there was a certain imbalance in one direction.
Fixed a bug due to which an exception could be thrown with a low chance after generating randomized NPCs at the beginning of a game session.
Fixed a bug due to which changing clothes in the randomized NPC editor for male NPCs simply did not work.
Fixed issues related to incorrect data unpacking when opening the randomized NPC editing screen.
Fixed a bug due to which an event could occur with a randomized NPC who was simply afraid of your character and had a fairly high fear level.
Fixed an issue where, when choosing to play cards from the menu for interacting with randomized NPCs, your character would simply not receive a tutorial telling you what to do in those cards.
Fixed a bug that caused an exception to occur when trying to save after a long gaming session.
Fixed a bug where a relationship stage from "Dating" or "In Love" could move to "Acquaintance" during some interactions, literally resetting all accumulated progress on it.
Fixed a bug due to which the stockings button was not blocked during the blowjob scene, even though they could not be displayed in this scene at all.
Fixed a bug due to which the event with Hitomi Watanabe did not play at all after leaving/coming to the academy, which made it impossible to complete the storyline with her.
Fixed a bug that could cause an exception to occur when playing a kiss scene with randomized female NPCs.
Fixed a bug due to which hairstyles of the first and second types were not displayed on a male character during the playback of a kissing scene with randomized NPCs.
Fixed a bug that prevented your character from gaining stamina when boxing in the martial arts gym.
Fixed a bug due to which randomized NPCs in the list of those present at a location could have buttons that went beyond their limits and overlapped the buttons below in some locations of the game.
Fixed a bug due to which randomized NPCs with certain sets of clothing could have problems in the form of overlaying accessories on top of clothing/other elements of the NPC, except for the texture of their skin.
Fixed a bug due to which the “All randomized NPCs in chacha suits” function did not work correctly, due to which all male NPCs were not wearing the costumes they were supposed to have.
Fixed a bug due to which X-ray glasses given to randomized NPCs would also undress your character even in the menu for interacting with his clothes.
Fixed a bug due to which characters with a certain skin color could break the shadows of the clothes they were wearing, which is why the shadows themselves were incorrect.
Fixed a bug where changing clothing color could break shadows on changed skin color during initial session generation.
Fixed a bug due to which male clothing could spawn on randomized female NPCs during events/communication with them and other activities, when they suddenly changed their “image”.
Fixed a bug due to which an exception could be thrown when opening the interaction menu with a randomized male NPC due to incorrect generation.
Fixed a bug due to which in the editor of randomized NPCs, female RNPCs could lose parts of their hands when opening the menu for changing bras/underwear in general, as well as when wearing the “Blouse and Skirt” clothing set.
Fixed a bug due to which randomized NPCs with the "Jacket and Skirt" clothing set could have some accessories appear on top of their clothing.
Fixed a bug due to which accessories on the right hand of randomized female NPCs could be combined with accessories from casual clothing from the list in the editor. In addition, a bug has been fixed that could cause the same thing to happen in a game session.
Fixed a bug where any randomized NPC's data could be overwritten as your character's data during some long play sessions and under certain game conditions.
Fixed a bug due to which the eloquence attribute might not be upgraded, even if there was a notification to the contrary.
Improved situation with servers for downloading modifications/cross-save. In some countries where it didn't work, it now works. In addition, overall stability and download speed have been improved.
Fixed bugs and bugs on some services when mail could not get into the database for a long time - now everything works as it should, and much better. In addition, the total time for adding mail to the database has been significantly reduced and is much faster in general.
The discord bot that awards roles for subscription purchases has been moved to a separate server, making it much faster and better performing than before.
Fixed a bug due to which the loading screen for your account could go beyond the main menu interface, which could lead to some dissonance.
Fixed a bug due to which an event in the gym could appear on a permanent basis. One went, another went.
Fixed a bug due to which an exception could occur when entering the "Friends" tab with a small chance of this happening.
Fixed an issue that caused "You've had enough for today" to be displayed when your character arrived at the abandoned factory after a fight with the head of the hooligans, when there should have been a different line.
Fixed a bug due to which an exception could occur when entering any group activities of randomized NPCs.
Fixed an issue where the ability to turn off blood on randomized NPCs might not work as it should.
Fixed an issue due to which switching Light Mode in different saves could incorrectly affect the game in general.
Fixed a bug that could cause an exception to be thrown due to some files conflicting with each other.
Fixed an issue due to which the locations of the occult club and student council could disappear and reappear during any interaction there.
Fixed a bug that could cause an incorrect amount of the strength distributor progress indicator to be displayed during the bench press.
Fixed a bug that could incorrectly calculate the number of points needed to pump attributes during any interactions.
Fixed a flaw due to which the number of points received for leveling the force attribute could have a fractional value, not an integer.
Fixed a bug due to which certain clothes of randomized NPCs could be repainted in any colors, like black, for no reason.
Fixed a bug that caused 18+ activities to incorrectly distribute NPC activities inside the script in case of selecting certain activity selections.
Fixed a bug that made it impossible to enter the name of your character in the interface that is associated with the creation of your character.
Fixed a bug that caused the male sprite's eyebrows to not be displayed in the kiss scene with randomized female NPCs.
Fixed a bug due to which randomized female NPCs could display underwear in an incorrect way in the RNPCs editor: to be more than necessary or less.
Fixed a flaw due to which randomized female NPCs could have incorrect skin tones in the place where there should be shadows from clothes in the "pawing ass" scene.
Fixed a bug that caused clothing of incorrect size to be displayed on a male character in the "pawing ass" scene, played with randomized female NPCs in the case of an appropriate choice, which caused the textures of his body to go "behind her".
Fixed a flaw due to which randomized female NPCs could have incorrect skin tones in the place where there should be shadows from clothes in the "breast pawing" scene.
Fixed a flaw, and because of which, with certain sets of clothes, the skin color could simply reset.
Fixed a bug that caused the sleeves to be displayed incorrectly in the set of clothes "Everyday set number 2".
Fixed a bug due to which, with some sets worn on randomized female NPCs, shadows on clothes could be displayed incorrectly in the RNPS editor and in the game session on the displayed sprite.
Fixed a bug that caused the skin color of the RNPCs palms in the "Skirt and Jacket" set of clothes to not change regardless of changing this setting.
Fixed a bug due to which the "Cat Ears" accessory was not displayed in the kiss scene, if any were worn on female RNPS.
Fixed a flaw due to which the hairstyle basis could be incorrectly calculated in some scenes, which could cause certain problems with the display of accessories and hair.
Fixed a possible exception that could come out after trying to save on some android devices and after some specific actions.
Fixed a flaw due to which randomized female NPCs could have incorrect skin tones in the place where there should be shadows from clothes in the "petting you" scene.
Fixed a bug that caused the "Blowjob" and "wet in front of her" buttons to have incorrect guidance fields, which is why the induced version of the button simply appeared in the wrong place with the appropriate action.
Fixed a bug where nipple piercings could be displayed through a bra during a masturbation scene of a randomized female NPC.
Fixed a bug due to which a randomized female NPC could not display a bra and stockings in a masturbation scene if the RNPCs had a standard skin color.
Fixed some bugs in the activity distribution module of randomized NPCs.
Fixed a flaw due to which the responsibility indicator in the corresponding context menu of a randomized NPC showed incorrect values.
Fixed a bug that could cause an exception with some chance during the playback of events with any elections.
Fixed a bug that could cause an exception to fly out in case of opening any game save.
Fixed a bug that could cause an exception to fly after creating a game save in some individual cases.
Fixed a bug that could cause an exception in the case of reproducing the mechanics of fights and battles.
Fixed a flaw that could cause "namnps" to appear in some dialogues instead of any meaningful name/surname of the RNPCs.
Fixed a bug that caused the "create root folder" function to not work on android devices.
Fixed a bug that caused an exception in the case of using the "Break Character" interaction after the end of a fight with a randomized NPC.
Fixed a bug due to which the background of the occult club at the academy, when interacting with Ayano Yeshida, could disappear and reappear with animation, which could "Cut the eyes".
Fixed a bug that caused the background of the occult club to appear when interacting with Ayano Yoshida from your character's apartment during cohabitation.
Fixed a bug that could cause exceptions to appear when playing a scene with an old sex scene.
Fixed a bug that caused some buttons in the settings menu to not be displayed when playing in the English translation of the game.
Fixed a bug that could cause an exception during a kiss scene with randomized NPCs if your character had 3 or 4 hairstyles.
Тему отредактировал: admin - Сегодня, 16:08
Причина: Тема обновлена до версии v.0.963 Fixed. / Topic updated to version v.0.963 Fixed.
Причина: Тема обновлена до версии v.0.963 Fixed. / Topic updated to version v.0.963 Fixed.
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