Год выпуска: 2020
Жанр: 3D game, ahegao, anal, animated, bestiality, big tits, creampie, footjob, handjob, lesbian, male domination, monster, multiple penetration, oral, rape, sci-fi, sex toys, tentacles, titfuck, vaginal sex, virtual reality, voiced, vore,
Цензура: Отсутствует
Разработчик/Издатель: Project Helius - www.patreon.com/ProjectH
Платформа: PC/Windows
Тип издания: В разработке
Таблэтка: Не требуется
Версия: v.0.4.9 Cracked
Язык игры: Русский/Английский
Язык интерфейса: Русский/Английский
Описание:"Fallen Doll: Operation Lovecraft" - это полностью 3D-игра, созданная на движке Unreal Engine, с поддержкой настольных компьютеров и виртуальной реальности. В ней представлены женщины и андроиды женского пола, которых трахают различные инопланетные монстры и человеческие мужчины в состоянии децеребрации (так называемые мечтатели).
В настоящее время игра представляет собой всего лишь сексуальный симулятор, но ожидается, что в начале 2021 года она разовьется до полноценной игры с одиночным и многопользовательским режимами.
Как следует из названия, "Operation Lovecraft" вдохновлена научно-фантастической вселенной, созданной Г. Ф. Лавкрафтом.
Fallen Doll: Operation Lovecraft is a full 3D game made with the Unreal Engine, with desktop and virtual reality supports. It features women and female androids being fucked by various alien monsters and human males in a decerebrate state (called dreamers). Currently, the game is only a sex simulator, but it is expected to evolve to a full game with a single and multiplayer modes in early 2021.
As implied by the title, Operation Lovecraft takes its inspiration from the science fiction universe created by H. P. Lovecraft
1. Удалите/переместите "MindflayerCertificate" в папке «\Paralogue\Binaries\Win64».
2. Запустите там же «Mindflayer.Desktop.exe» (от имени администратора, у меня и так запускает) подтвердите создание нового сертификата.
3. Повторно заходил так же через «Mindflayer.Desktop.exe», другие варианты не пробовал.
Войдя в режим Гарема заметил только 3 локации (лаборатория, мастерская и мостик) и переходы с лифтом, пробовал взаимодействовать со всем что там есть, но вроде только двери и ворота работают. (если что то найдёте рабочее, то напишите тут пожалуйста)
Анимаций здесь побольше чем в обычной галерее.
Кстати в Галерее: в лаборатории свои анимации и монстры, а в мастерской свои.
Графика конечно классная, но без сюжета и геймплея (может когда-нибудь и сделают), можно только анимации посмотреть, а это кошмар как скучно (хотя анимации вроде шикарные), поэтому даже простые 2д и прочие картинки притягивают сильнее, да к тому же тут железо нужно мощное, которое не у всех есть. И почти все на том английском форуме пишут, что это полное разочарование.
Update 0.4.9 Patch Notes:
14 New Experiments
New Outfits:
Alet: Libero
Erika: Succubus Mistress
Dr,Anya: Duct Tape Fixes Everything
Weekly Store:
Dr.Anya: Herdsman's Daydream
Various bugs and exploits addressed.
v0.34 Cracked
New language: Tranditional Chinese
Dr.Anya's Voivode Command Uniform
9 New sex scenes and new voice acting for Erika's forced scenes
Better optimization and asset compression (the file size is now roughly 4GB)
Auto benchmark and better presets for new players
More detailed texture and mesh around the Dreamer's rear, if you get what I mean
Better ahegao and tongue
Improved environment and sperm visual effects
Bug and translation error fixes
v0.33 Cracked
Revamped butt physics
Dynamic seminal fluids visual effect for shooting outside
Alet's New Costume: Ribboned Christmas Gift
Erika's New Costume: Holy Night Surprise
Minor bug fixes
New Sex Scenes:
Erika Dreamer V 12
Erika Ghast V 03
Erika Deep One A 03
Anya Basatan A 03
Anya Ghast V 01
Alet Dreamer F 02
Alet Dreamer A 06
Alet Deep One A 03
New Languages:
Korean Localization
Environment sound effect volume setting
New Sex Scenes:
Alet Hybrid V 05
Alet Dreamer A 05
Alet Dreamer F 01
Anya Elder Thing V 03
Anya Ghast B 01
Anya Dreamer H 02
Anya Basatan A 02
Erika Byakhee V 03
Erika Hound B 01
Erika Yith A 04
New Outfit Set:
Dr.Anya: Miskatonic Scholar
Improvements and Bug Fixes:
Fixed a problem causing DoF not possible to turn off
Texture fixes
New Costume:
Erika's Erotes Dancewear
New Languages:
9 New Scenes:
Erika + Dreamer A 04
Anya + Byakhee B 01
Anya + Byakhee V 01
Alet + Deep One V 03
Anya + Lloigor A 01
Anya + Lloigor V 01
Anya + Ghast A 01
Erika + Ghast V 02
Anya + Dreamer H 01
Stability and performance improvements based on update 0.30
DOF and resolution setting now works as intended
Fixed a bug regarding male sound volume and transparency settings
Translation fixes
VR Version thoroughly debugged and overhauled for different headsets
Added dummy UI buttons for the Campaign and Harem Mode
Added Russian support (beta)
New Monster:
9 New Scenes and 1 Rework:
Erika + Ghast A 01
Erika + Ghast V 01
Anya + Ghast A 01
Erika + Hound Handjob 01
Anya + Dreamer Footjob 01
Anya + Dreamer A 03
Erika + Byakhee Handjob 01
Anya + Erika Double Dildo 01
Anya + Erika Lesbian 01
Swallow option for Erika + Deep One Handjob 01
Now you can edit the Denier value of Erika's maid uniform.
Pose switching gadget no longer interferes with menu operating.
Known Issues:
Penis skin sliding is not functional due to a bug in this engine version.
Additions: This update focuses on Dr.Anya's sex scenes.
New partner: Elder Thing
New Sex Scenes:
Anya+Elder Thing V 01
Anya+Elder Thing V 02
Anya+Basatan V 01
Anya+Dreamer V 08
Anya+Dreamer A 02
Anya+Basatan V 01
Anya+Hybrid V 01
Anya+Byakhee A 01
Alet+Dreamer A 04
Erika+Yith A 03
Reworked all Erika+Byakhee scenes
Various animation tweaks for previous Anya scenes
New Erika dress changing visual effects
Reworked Ahegao Mode (Expressions are tweaked and no longer static. Now only triggered after reaching multiple orgasms without switching to another pose.
Can be turned off in the options)
Better jizz on skin visuals
New Erika voices
Remade the stockings and heels for Erika's Night Maid set
Fixed a display bug when byakhee is set as transparent
9 New Sex Scenes (Full list in the download links)
Anya's new costume: Banya Bathrobe
Suffocation and new facial expressions (Still a wip so you may see some unpolished suffocation expressions)
Ahegao can now be triggered by reaching climax 3 consecutive times. Softcore intimate actions, such as handjob, do not contribute to ahego progress. To resume to the normal status, press Clean Scene button.
Improved tongue shader
Previous animation reworked: Anya Deep One Accept, and a few more
The operation bed in the lab is no longer a collision object (you can move your camera through it now)
Fixed various apparel clippings
Added experimental precum visual effect for monsters
Adjusted animations added in 0.27 Preview
Now you can switch stable/track pov mode by looping the camera button instead of toggling in the option menu
Belly bulging added
Animation Remade:
Erika Hybrid Vaginal 01
Added two new intimate scenes since 0.27 Preview (A total of 12 since 0.26):
Anya-Deep One
Please note that these newly added scenes were not planned in advance and thoroughly tested, so there is a chance that they may have some issues (most likely not, but who knows)
New Enemy: Lloigor
New Location: Workshop
9 New sex scenes
Added screen scaling option
Added stable mode (Press O key) and FOV settings for POV camera
New sex mode shortcuts:
Q, W, E, corresponding to the sex phase buttons (start, pause, return, cum in/out)
UI and shadow casting improvements
Erika can take off the heels while keeping the stockings on with maid uniform dressed
Fixed Alet's eye highlight
Fixed a issue when select return during a sex act in VR
Changed the characters on Alet's stealth suit shirt to a more readable font
Erika's Night Maid clothing material and physics
Better sweat visuals for Erika and Anya
0.24 and 0.25 Animation fixes
Improved Anya's in-mouth shading and lip sync
Improved Anya's breast and butt jiggle physics (now adjustable in the custom menu)
Default camera angle and dressing limitation adjusted for some scenes
VR - Sweat visual added
VR - Body/Outfit Customization no longer causes character error
Voice and climax visual fixes
Animation name fixes
Head track no longer causes character's head to behave abnormally in some circumstances
Fixed an issue preventing Alet's dress from being changed
Erika's New (Old?) Outfit: Night Maid, tailored to match the body of her MK-IV model, with improved details.
10 New Sex Scenes:
3 Alet+Deep One
Erika+Great Race
2 Erika+Hound
Erika+Deep One
Revised animations added in 0.24
Wrong voices fixed
Polished Anya's appearance, physics and expressions
Sweat visual fixes
Body seam fixed
Added Anya's custom menu
Male transparency setting now works as intended in VR
Known Issues:
The handcuff in Anya&Basatan scene is missing.
A new character: Dr.Anya
4 new sex scenes for Dr.Anya
4 new sex scenes for Erika
2 new sex scenes for Alet
Outfit and body model fixes
New UI sound effects
New scenes are highlighted
Known Issues:
We are still fine-tuning Dr.Anya's appearance and physics parameters.
New enemy: Deep One Hybrid
10 new sex scenes:
Erika-Spawn of Basatan
Erika-Great Race of Yith
Erika-Hound of Tindalos
Erika-Mi-go Nymph
Alet-Deep One Hybrid
Motion blur effects
Skin pressing effects
Enable POV switch among multiple actors
Added confirmation check for resolution change
Textures become blurry with low graphic quality setting
Model clipping with Erika's stealthsuit
Animation and sound effect fixes
Fixed a rare crash issue
Fixed lighting flickers
8 new sex scenes for Erika (7 Dreamer, 1 Hound)
1 new sex scene for Alet (Dreamer)
New title screen UI
A new consensual sex voice set for Alet
A new forced sex voice set for Erika
Dynamic tears in deepthroat/forced scenes
Improved squirting visuals
Improved Great Race sperm visuals
Hair color customization is now enabled
Love juice splashing is now visible after reaching climax once
Dress changing visual effect fixes
Body parts no longer turn invisible when camera clips with the model
Stocking denier setting no longer appears in male's custom panel
Known Issues:
Cannot save Alet's hair color
Two positions are unavailable
9 new sex scenes
Alet's new outfit set: Nyx Stealth Suit
New Monster: Mi-Go Nymph
Revamped squirting visuals for Slyph and penetration scenes
Now you can press U to hide UI
Advanced shadow casting render solution (wip)
Added outfit changing visual effect
General skin/apparel texture and model improvements
Now you do not need to drag the girl's body to enable climax or pull out button
Auto Pose is more effective when activated
UI improvements
Stocking Nylon Denier is now customizable
Penis now gets wet during sex
Squirting effect for Slyph's vibrator scenes now works as intended
Cum stains no longer slide on clothes
Expression, clipping, animation and voice fixes
General bug fixes
No longer conflicts with windows 10's "beta: unicode utf-8 for worldwide language support" feature
Effectively eliminated false positive from anti-virus applications and firewalls.
New features:
4 Sex Scenes for Erika
More realistic cum stain
Combat boots for Erika's Adjutant Uniform
Autosave function for outfit custom
Male skin color custom
Added saliva dripping effect for blowjob scenes
Added soft cloth physics for Alet's shirt
Alet will now squirt as intended in Slyph's vibrator mode scenes
VR: Added title page and control manual
VR: Added vertical rotation for camera
VR: In POV mode, male head will be hidden (for dreamer only)
Improvements and fixes:
Accessories and hair model quality improvements
Lowering male transparency in custom panel will now enable transparent male mode
Visual improvements on male's muscle
Fixed jittering balls in certain poses
Fixed some clipping issues with costume dressed
Fixed misplaced cum stains
Blowjob voice fixes
Animation fixes
VR: Missing Spawn of Basatan animation added
VR: Fixed scene cleanup feature
VR: Improved menu selection method
Known Issues:
Typo in news screen
The collision system of Erika's vagina occasionally fails to work
10 new sex poses
New facial expressions for Erika
Dreamer Muscle Custom
Male Sound/Transparency Toggle
Visual improvements on Female Hair
Accelerated max sex speed by 25%
Audio Volume Settings
Depth of Vision Settings
Help Screen Added
Title and News Screen Added
General performance optimization
Revised Breast Physics system
Revised Female Model and texture
Revised Erika's Uniform
Revised Hound's Sound Effect
Revised Sex SFX's fall off range and playback logic
Experimental: Fixed an issue with cum stains slidng on the skin
Experimental: Fixed an issue with cumshot projectory
Experimental: Revamped VR control solution
Other Minor Bug fixes
Fix: Alet's breast jiggle doesn't work
Fix: Alet's fringe jitters unnaturally
Fix: Occasional model disappearance when switching character
Fix: Erika's cornea clips with eye socket
Fix: Replaced sock material and tweaked broken outfit parts
Fix: Great Race of Yith's POV camera position
Fix: Missing SFX added
Fix: Missing chair added in VR
Improvement: Animation improvements
Improvement: Head track now has an independent UI button
Improvement: Various sound effect adjustments
Improvement: Now you can hide the character selection UI
Improvement: Now you can pan the camera by click and drag left mouse button (You can still use middle mouse key)
Improvement: Dreamer penis texture rework
Improvement: Now you can customize camera's zoom in/out speed
Improvement: You can toggle the male actor's transparency in VR
Improvement: Most customization can be achieved in VR
Improvement: You can switch to POV camera in VR
New Sex Scene: Tentacle Anal Penetration (This pose is for testing the visual effect when cumming outside on the girl's body)
New sex partner: Dreamer
New sex partner: The Great Race of Yith
11 new sex poses
Anus reworked (again)
Erika's body revised
Breast physics simulation system improved
3 new outfits
Mood Tags (Resist/Accept/Indulge/Succumb) have been assigned to each sex pose. They currently have no impact on the gameplay.
General animation adjustments.
Added POV camera mode.
Experimental VR Support. Press Menu to select sex partners and trigger to confirm.
Added 5 new sex poses
Breast physics improvements (wip)
Hair physics improvements (wip)
Skin material overhaul
More realistic cumshot outside effect (wip)
General animation fixes and smoother genital collision simulation
Added a variety of new facial expressions during sex (wip)
Sex sound effects rework (wip)
Added transparent male actor switch
Added female eye tracking switch: (Eye Track: Genital/Head/Camera/None)
Added skin customization options
Known Issues:
Skin texture seam near crotch region
Boobs jiggle rapidly in certain poses
Upper eyelid artifact when eyes are closed
White question mark in black diamond error message pops up while launching the game on non-English versions of Windows 10. The solution can be found HERE. We are taking measures to rectify the problem in the next update.
T = Girl Squirt
C = Set default starting camera angle to current angle
P = Toggle first person view/third person view
O = Stabilize first person camera view
Q = Start sex / stop sex
W = Cum inside during sex