В этом визуальном романе вам предстоит познакомиться с историей одного молодого человека, которая происходит с ним во время летних каникул. Лето предвещало много веселья и отдыха, но неожиданно он начинает видеть кое в ком, из своего окружения, предмет сексуального интереса. Быть может теперь у него начнётся романтическое приключение? Появление неожиданной и довольно привлекательной гостьи делает ситуацию ещё более сложной и в то же время, предоставляет больше возможностей для романтических приключений. От вас будет зависеть насколько эротическим будет это лето и как именно оно пройдёт для героя.
На данной странице вы сможете скачать порно игру House Chores на русском языке бесплатно.
House Chores is a visual novel where you experience the story of a young man on his summer vacation. Problems arise when he begins to see someone close to him in a much different manner. To make matters worse, two unexpected guests barge in and complicate this messy summer even further!
Can you score it big during your summer vacation? Or will you start the school year empty handed?
От переводчика: Могут попадаться слипшиеся слова, это сама игра так отображает.
Год выпуска: 2020
Жанр: 2dcg, adventure, animated, big ass, big tits, creampie, footjob, groping, handjob, incest, male protagonist, masturbation, milf, oral, titfuck, vaginal, voyeurism,
Цензура: Отсутствует
Разработчик/Издатель: Siren's Domain - Patreon - Itch.io
Перевод: Shiza
Other Games: Zombie's Retreat - Town of Passion
Платформа: PC/Windows/Android
Тип издания: Completed
Таблэтка: Не требуется
Версия: v.0.20.1 Rus / v.1.0.2 Eng
Язык игры: Русский/Английский
Язык интерфейса: Русский/Английский
Поддержать Переводчика (Boosty Shiza)
== Roadmap/Plans ==
In case you weren't aware, House Chores is the third of three game projects that I am working on simultaneously! Because of this, it's a lower-priority project and it's designed to be a little less demanding compared to Town of Passion & Zombie's Retreat.
I want each update/build to feel meaningful but this will not be the lengthiest visual novel out there by any means.
My plans are to finish this visual novel in a year so roughly the late summer of 2020. I also intend for this game to be just an hour or two from start to finish if you quickly play through it. If enough people enjoy House Chores, it's possible that I will increase the scope of the project slightly to include more content!
В этом визуальном романе вам предстоит познакомиться с историей одного молодого человека, которая происходит с ним во время летних каникул. Лето предвещало много веселья и отдыха, но неожиданно он начинает видеть кое в ком, из своего окружения, предмет сексуального интереса. Быть может теперь у него начнётся романтическое приключение? Появление неожиданной и довольно привлекательной гостьи делает ситуацию ещё более сложной и в то же время, предоставляет больше возможностей для романтических приключений. От вас будет зависеть насколько эротическим будет это лето и как именно оно пройдёт для героя.
На данной странице вы сможете скачать порно игру House Chores на русском языке бесплатно.
House Chores is a visual novel where you experience the story of a young man on his summer vacation. Problems arise when he begins to see someone close to him in a much different manner. To make matters worse, two unexpected guests barge in and complicate this messy summer even further!
Can you score it big during your summer vacation? Or will you start the school year empty handed?
От переводчика: Могут попадаться слипшиеся слова, это сама игра так отображает.
Год выпуска: 2020
Жанр: 2dcg, adventure, animated, big ass, big tits, creampie, footjob, groping, handjob, incest, male protagonist, masturbation, milf, oral, titfuck, vaginal, voyeurism,
Цензура: Отсутствует
Разработчик/Издатель: Siren's Domain - Patreon - Itch.io
Перевод: Shiza
Other Games: Zombie's Retreat - Town of Passion
Платформа: PC/Windows/Android
Тип издания: Completed
Таблэтка: Не требуется
Версия: v.0.20.1 Rus / v.1.0.2 Eng
Язык игры: Русский/Английский
Язык интерфейса: Русский/Английский
Поддержать Переводчика (Boosty Shiza)
v1.0.2 - 2025-03-20
- Linda's Bend Scene should now function properly. After seeing the Linda/Julie pool scene, 'admiring' Linda should end a little differently than before
- Emily's tease scene has been adjusted again. It should work this time... If it's still loading as a black screen for those on Low Quality mode, let me know and I'll make further adjustments
- Sometimes the mouse cursor doesn't show up when starting the game. I made some small adjustments that I hope reduces the frequency of this issue. I'll be continuing to monitor how often it's happening to players
This update fixes two notable problems:
- Emily's tease scene should work properly on Low Quality mode now
- Linda's secret feather duster will now properly show up when you meet the requirements (viewing Linda/Julie's pool scene)
v1.0.0 - 2025-03-16
New Outfit:
Linda - Maid
New Scenes:
Linda Bend Over Sex (Default, Casual, Maid, & Nude Variations)
Linda & Emily Sex
Foursome Sex
New On-Screen Scene:
Emily & Julie Sex
Updated CG:
Emily Tease - Now Animated
Linda Bend Over - Now Animated (+More)
Updated On-Screen Scenes:
Linda Bedroom BJ - Zoom In & Dialogue Update
Linda Bath Paizuri - Zoom In
Julie Kitchen Sex - Zoom In
== v1.0.0 Content ==
This new update adds a proper conclusion to the story of House Chores!
After the events of the previous update, Linda & Emily's combined story has been expanded. Talking to Emily after the group paizuri scene will
progress their events just a little farther ;)
After you have completed the new scene for Linda & Emily as well as viewed Linda & Julie's sex scene, a brand new special event will occur the next day.
Additionally, to celebrate the release of v1.0, Linda has received a new maid outfit! Once you have viewed the Julie/Linda kiss scene by the pool, a
secret feather duster will be somewhere in the house. Once you find it, Linda can now change into "Maid Mode!" during the Morning time slot. Currently,
one of her scenes has a special maid variation but further functionality and content may come at a later date.
There's quite a few new various features included with this update so be sure to read the extra sections below.
Thank you so much for playing House Chores!
== Gallery ==
Early on, there was a lot of sketches that ultimately went unused. After you complete Linda, Julie, and Emily's stories, you'll unlock some
of these sketches in the gallery! You can access this through the pause menu or at the main character's bulletin board.
== Title Screen ==
The title screen can now be customized and new backgrounds will unlock as you progress through House Chores!
The bulletin board in the main character's bedroom will let you choose a new title screen. New screens will automatically be selected when
unlocked but you can disable this feature as well if you prefer to keep one.
Once you have completed the game, all title screens (and a small bonus surprise) will be unlocked even when playing on a new save file.
== Quality Of Life ==
You can now 'pass time' at the video games interactable in the Living Room. This should save you from having to walk down the hall and into
the MC's Bedroom
With that said, I do still have a few more updates planned for House Chores. Some small, some larger. So there will be a little more content to play through in the future including an Epilogue update!
== Beta 0.20.1 Changelog == - 2024-11-01
-Fixed bug where screen went black when interacting with Emily's door
-Microscopic dialogue tweaks
== 0.20 Changelog ==
New Scenes:
Linda Cabinet Fingering/Sex
Emily & Linda Paizuri
== Beta 0.20 ==
Beta 0.20 continues Emily's storyline as it begins to collide with Linda! After getting caught in the same bed together,
Linda has begun to act differently...
In order to begin the new content, you will need to have progressed far enough to reach the 'home run' scene with Linda.
From there, talking to Emily should naturally progress the story to the new events!
== 0.19 Changelog == - 2024-08-27
New Outfit:
Linda (Valencia)
New Scene:
Linda Valencia Sex
== Beta 0.19 Changelog ==
In celebration of Linda winning previous Milf Showdown competition, a special new event is now available in House Chores!
After achieving her first 'home run' scene, going to sleep and waking up in the morning will spawn a mysterious golden
apple on your bookshelf. Taking a bite from it may have some unknown consequences, but I think it's worth the risk!
Very short & sweet update but I hope you all enjoy! Thanks for playing House Chores!
0.18.1 - 2024-06-01
-Fixed bug where special 'event' after the first view of the Pajamas scene wasn't triggering
-Affected save files should be able to rewatch the event at night to fix this
0.18 Changelog
New Outfit:
Emily (Pajamas)
New Scene:
Emily Pajamas Sex
== Beta 0.18 ==
This update is the conclusion of Emily's solo story in House Chores!
After a restless night full of terrifying nightmares, Emily's bed is the only safe haven for a proper rest! That is, as
long as there are no wet dreams...
To begin this new content, you will need to have progressed far enough through Emily's storyline (after viewing the couch
sex scene). Talking to her should guide you to your next steps in case you're stuck!
== Beta 0.17.2 Changelog - 2024-03-27
-Small bug fixes with 0.17.1 content
== Beta 0.17.1 Changelog ==
-Added option to change location of Julie and Linda at night after completing their duo story
-Every night, their location is randomized but can be changed
-When they're separate, Julie will have an option to meet up with Linda
-Added new dialogue for Pool Makeout scene during repeat
-Other small bug fixes
0.17 Changelog
New On-Screen Scenes:
Julie Chair Sex (Regular & Yoga)
New Full Scenes:
Julie & Linda Threesome
== Beta 0.17 ==
The final part of the Julie & Linda's threesome saga has finally reached a conclusion!
To begin the new update, you'll need to have progressed far enough along through both Julie & Linda's storylines. After the
pool makeout scene from the previous update, the new content picks up directly after! Talking to both Julie & Linda will be
the key to progress further along.
Additionally, a new invite activity is unlocked after completing Julie's base story. When you're in your room, click on
the tissue box to invite her in for some private time!
I hope you enjoy this new update! Thank you for playing and supporting House Chores!
== Additional Changes ==
-Added more save slots
-Few previous typo/bug fixes with older scenes
0.16 Changelog - 2024-01-18
New Outfits:
Julie Bikini
New Scenes:
Julie Sun Screen 'Massage'
Julie & Linda Make Out
== Beta 0.16 ==
Tensions are reaching their boiling point as Julie grows restless within the house! With a brand new bikini and a lot of
close calls, a brand new relationship is forged within the house!
To begin the first part of this new update, you will need to continue with Julie's story as usual! If you're unsure of what
to do, make sure to talk to her while she's in her regular clothes or while she's working out during the Day.
To begin the second half of the new update, you will need to progress far enough with BOTH Julie and Linda. After both
conditions are met, talking to either of them will notify you that a new event will occur in the house somewhere!
I hope you enjoy this new update! Thank you for playing and supporting House Chores!
v0.15.1 Beta - 2023-10-03
Fixed bug where you could access new Linda on-screen scenes slightly earlier than intended
0.15 Changelog - 2023-09-30
New Scenes:
Linda Bath Sex
Linda Chair Sex (+Kissing Variation)
Linda Bed Sex (Ride/Mating Press Variations)
== Beta 0.15 ==
The 'close-call' updates continue now featuring Linda as she tries to hide her romantic relationship with the main character
from the house!
However, Julie just so happens to always be nearby. Surely she's not catching on, right?!
The new content in this update continues directly off of Linda's storyline. After completing the recent events in her casual
outfit, you will need to make sure she's dressed back in her regular outfit and continue talking to her! The new events
should continue automatically.
Additionally, after reaching a certain point in the new story events, Linda will become increasingly horny and new activities
will unlock. These new activities feature a few different variations so be sure to experiment and see just how far your
endurance can last!
v0.14.2 Beta - 2023-08-02
-Added zoom feature to Linda Kitchen Sex scene as well as additional dialogue/audio
-Fixed bug where Admire Ass event wasn't working in Kitchen (all is right in the world again!)
v0.14.1 Beta
-Fixed bug where one of Emily's cutscenes would incorrectly replay every time you entered the location
v0.14 Beta
Beta 0.14 continues Emily's storyline with some very sneaky behavior!
After completing the events of her main storyline, talking to her will continue into the new Beta 0.14 events. If you're
not sure where to continue, be sure to listen to the dialogue carefully and when traveling across the house, you might
run into some surprises ;)
This update is the first update leading to future 'group' activities so stay tuned for more sneaky events. With everyone
becoming increasingly more bold, someone's bound to get caught soon!
== On-Screen Scene Zoom ==
A new feature to on-screen scenes is being tested in this update as well with the new Emily Laundry scene.
The ability to zoom in and out of on-screen scenes adds a little more immersion and visual 'clarity' to those special moments.
In the next few updates, I plan to go back and update most/all of the other on-screen scenes to have this same functionality.
New Scenes:
Emily Laundry Stuck
Emily Couch Sneaky Sex
v0.13 - 2023-05-04
New Costume:
Emily Bunny Outfit
New Scenes:
Emily Bunny Sex
New Room:
Emily's Room (Spring Theme)
== New Content ==
Spring has arrived in House Chores with Beta 0.13!
Emily's feeling the spring fever and needs your help to make that magic come alive! When a magic egg appears on her bed
one day, that's only the start of a strange and mysterious set of events. What could be causing this seasonal shift?
Perhaps some mysteries can only be explained by magic!
In order to access the new event, you need to complete Emily's story by witnessing her first 'home run' scene. From there,
during the Morning/Day/Evening time slots, you'll find an automatic event in the Hallway to begin the new event.
The spring event consists of finding 3 hidden easter eggs around the house! Keep your eyes peeled because some of them
might blend in a little bit.
v0.12.3 - 2023-04-21
-Julie now moves to the kitchen (during Morning) AFTER the couples yoga scene
-Fixes several issues related to the original timing
-Made a number of changes to dialogue & notifications at different points of her story for added clarity
== Beta 0.12.2 Changelog == - - 2023.03.01
-Fixed two areas in Julie's storyline that could cause sequence breaking & dialogue not matching up with current progress
-Fixes bug where you can view a cutscene with her in the hallway way too early
== Beta 0.12.1 Changelog ==
-Fixed issue where Julie wouldn't return back to the kitchen the next day after selecting 'private show'
0.12 Changelog
New Costume:
Julie Dress (unlocked naturally during her storyline)
New Scenes:
Julie Date Night Car Sex
New On-Screen Scenes:
Julie BJ
Julie Kitchen Sex
New Room:
Dining Room (Date Night)
== New Content ==
Beta 0.12 introduces a romantic date night with Julie!
After a spontaneous idea leads to spontaneous disaster, it's up to you to cheer Julie up and sweep her off her feet!
This new content is accessed as part of Julie's main storyline. So after reaching your first 'home run' scene with her,
the conversation will gradually move to the new content.
The on-screen scenes are bonus unlockables after completing Julie's first 'home run' scene as well. These can be accessed
during different times of day depending on where Julie is.
Lastly, Julie's location in the morning has been updated slightly. After your relationship progresses past a certain point,
she will finally emerge from her slumber and can be spotted grabbing a breakfast snack!
0.11 Beta - 2022-11-28
v0.10 Beta - 2022-09-09
Beta 0.10 is here and provides a proper conclusion to Emily's (solo) storyline! This update picks up where her last update left off so continue interacting with her to see what new ideas she has cooking up in that creative mind of hers!
I had a lot of fun with this update. Emily's story wound up being quite different from how I originally envisioned it but I'm very happy with the end result. The idea to use the RPG Maker engine to explore her creativity I think adds a bit of fun humor to the story and helps spice things up a bit from the usual.
Keep in mind, this update is partially incomplete but I wanted to go ahead and publish the game now. In the next day or two, I'll release Beta 0.10.1 which will add the ability to replay her scenes in just the regular (non fantasy) variations with custom dialogue. So be on the lookout for that announcement!
-Added low quality support for the Julie TV Cuddling/BJ scene
-Fixed bug where TV music wouldn't fade out
-Fixed bug where you could skip TV BJ and proceed to Sex scene
-Going to monitor this fix in case it wasn't properly corrected
-Fixed bug where Linda would stay on screen after sex scene (Android)
Major Scenes Added:
Julie TV Cuddling
Julie TV BJ
Julie Bedroom Sex (3 variations)
== New Content ==
Beta 0.9 is the conclusion to Julie's main solo story!
In this update, Julie begins to let her guard down and show a slightly more vulnerable side as your relationship progresses!
When and how will you respond to Julie's advances? While subtle, those choices will affect how and where events take place
around the house!
== Misc Changes ==
-I'm sure there are some small tweaks that I forgot about...
== Beta 0.8.2 Changelog ==
-Updated UI
-Revamped all major scenes (allows for view functionality)
-Some scenes may have slight errors. Please report any of those to me on Discord!
-Revamped Quality/Message Box settings
-Simplified options menu, added new tab to better clarify if players are on High Quality/Low Quality mode
-Message Box settings can now allow for invisible message box
-These options are global so changing your setting on one file should change it on all of them
Beta 0.8.1 Changelog ==
-Fixed issue where Linda Quickie & Shower scenes weren't looping
-Added 2nd puzzle solution for Emily's riddle
-Updated scene player for Linda Holiday scene
Major Scenes Added:
Emily Footjob (Dark Queen Cosplay) (Regular Outfit version coming soon!)
On-Screen Scenes Added:
Linda Shower Sex
New CG:
Emily Breast Tease
New Location:
Dining Room
== New Content ==
Beta 0.8 is the long awaited introduction of Emily's storyline!
Home from her first year of college, Emily longs to return to a comfortable setting. While the two of you certainly fight
'like' Brother & Sister, your shared hobbies are where you might find some interesting situations occurring this summer!
Additionally, Linda has a small addition to her available options in the bathroom. The new On-Screen scene is viewable after
having had your first 'home-run' scene with her!
I hope you all enjoy this little holiday moment and I hope you all have a Happy Holidays!
== Misc Changes ==
-New scene player improvements
-Only applies to Emily's new scene, older scenes will be changed soon to match!
-Holiday present moved from Emily's room to Dining Room
0.7 Changelog
Major Scenes added:
Linda Holiday Sex (Day & Night)
New Location:
Living Room (Festive)
Costumes Added:
Linda (Holiday)
== New Content ==
Beta 0.7 is the first holiday update for House Chores!
To activate the event, when you have fully romanced Linda, going to sleep the next day will automatically trigger the event.
In the future, if a currency system is added, this event may be activated in a slightly different way so this log may
become outdated.
I hope you all enjoy this little holiday moment and I hope you all have a Happy Holidays!
== 0.6.2 Changelog ==
-Updated Julie's audio sounds
-Added small sound clips before first masturbation scene
== 0.6.1 Changelog ==
-Fixed audio issue during Julie's Yoga Scene
-Added a little bit of extra dialogue after the first instance of this scene
0.6 Changelog
Major Scenes added:
Julie Paizuri (yoga outfit)
Busts Updated:
Emily & Julie
Costumes Added:
Julie (Yoga)
== New Content ==
Beta 0.6 is a short & sweet update that updates half of the cast to feature new looks. This includes proper expressions for Emily
and more expressive emotions for Julie.
Julie's story has been slightly tweaked but now includes the option to participate in Yoga sessions with her after making more
progress with both exercise & romantic points. Romantic points can be earned in the morning after certain events have been met.
== Other Misc Changes ==
-Minor tweaks to dialogue in older content
-Older content will continue to be changed/improved as more assets are complete
0.5.2 Changelog
-Added a little more dialogue with Linda on Day 1
-(Adds a bit more context to the pace of Day 1 & 2's events)
0.5.1 Changelog
-This is the biggest change in this update
Most android devices and some lower end PC hardware can't display the full NSFW scenes properly. I have now added a Low
Quality mode which displays a lower frame-rate version of some scenes. This also means I can now begin releasing an Android
Version again!
By default, LQ mode is forced for the Android build. On PC, you can toggle it in the settings. I may add toggle for Android
but I have to get some technical issues figured out first. It appears most Android devices do not work on HQ anyways.
I will be monitoring feedback to see if players are still having issues. There are some scenes that do not have a low quality
variation and may end up needing them. Adding those is easy!
(if you are transferring a save file from PC and don't see the option, go to your bedroom and all of your saves should now
show the option. weird work around to prevent other shenanigans from happening)
-Added in dialogue before Linda sex scene to choose if hair stays in bun or is worn down (forgot to add this initially >_>)
-Added new Custom Options
-Semi transparency toggle for message boxes if you want it to be partially see-through
-Low Quality toggle
0.5 Changelog
Major Scenes added:
Linda Sex (bedroom)
On-Screen Scenes Added:
Linda Paizuri (bathroom)
Linda Sex (kitchen)
== New Content ==
House Chores is finally back! With a new artist on board, this project is able to continue on better than ever.
This update finishes the 'main' storyline for Linda. What I mean by that is the build up from the start of the relationship to
the first intercourse scene. There will very likely be more scenes for Linda in the future still.
== Game Changes ==
-Added character descriptions in the pause menu
-Added support for custom mouse cursor (helps give it a 'visual novel feel')
-Some choices during Linda's story now have a passion or lust indicator. Choosing enough of one option will slightly change some
dialogue and events during her story
-Rebuilt stats system for Linda & Julie
-This is mostly to help me program the game easier. This shouldn't affect the player's experience aside from maybe
needing slightly more affection/action points than usual if transferring a save file over
-Partially rebuilt Julie's storyline using this new system
-Again, this shouldn't drastically affect players but the notifications may be slightly different now when interacting
-This has only been partially worked on. If it breaks part of her story I will fix that in an update soon after lol
== Other Misc Changes ==
-Minor tweaks to dialogue in older content
-Semi major change to the dishwashing scene before the Linda BJ scene
-Tweaks to original HJ scene to get smoother transitions
0.4.1 Changelog
-Small typo corrections
0.4.0 Changelog
New Scene:
Linda Blowjob (bathroom)
On-Screen Scenes Added:
Julie Masturbating
Julie Handjob
== New Content ==
0.4.0 adds the beginning of Julie's storyline! Her storyline introduces the second activity- fitness points. Where Linda's story
relies on completing chores, Julie's relies on exercising. The basic progression of her story is laid out now and may get tweaked
in the future. For example, if I add a currency system, I may require the player to purchases exercise equipment. For now, I
wanted to keep it simple.
In addition, when you have completed all of Linda's current story, you will get a new location to experience her last scene!
0.3.1 Changelog
-Fixed issue with playing games during evening time
-Tweaked progression system to attempt and fix getting stuck
0.3.0 Changelog
New Scene:
Linda Blowjob (kitchen)
On-Screen Scenes Added:
Linda Blowjob (MC's bedroom)
New Location:
Linda's Bedroom
== New Content ==
0.3.0 is the 2nd half of a 2 part update that started with 0.2.9. This update continues to test a more detailed progression system.
Now, the game looks at how many times you've completed chores, flirted with Linda, and talked with her enough to help determine
when to unlock new content. Eventually, I plan to add some sort of screen that shows how you're progressing so it's more clear.
This system still may get tweaked in the future so I'll be listening to feedback and seeing how many people are stuck trying to
figure out what to do next (hopefully that stays minimal!)
This also adds the 'major' scene that is the main highlight of this update. This new scene has other variations that will be
included in more updates when the time is right! I hope you enjoy it. It features a new technique that's never been done in any
scene I've added to Town of Passion or Zombie's Retreat.
== Other Misc Changes ==
-Fixed duplicate bust during 'touch it' option
v0.2 Beta
New Busts:
'not' Aunt - Julie
'not' Sister - Emily
Scenes added:
Fap (Chibi) Scenes Added:
MC + Linda sex
== New Engine ==
The main focus of this update is moving the game to a brand new engine which effectively requires re-making the entire game so far.
The engine went from Visual Novel Maker to RPGMaker. Most of the VN elements have been kept as well as a few new bonus features
have been added.
Ultimately, this engine swap allows for more flexibility with mini games, more fluid & consistent sex scenes (with sound effects),
and the easier ability to port to Android!
== New Activities ==
Unlike Beta 0.1, the game now has a functional day/night system with activities to pass the time. In future updates, I plan to add
several more activities so don't worry about there being few things to do at the moment. You can also re-experience most events
in the game now such as the bath peek scene and asking Linda for a 'favor'.
== Other Misc Changes ==
-A bunch...
v0.1 Beta
Initial Release
- Linda's Bend Scene should now function properly. After seeing the Linda/Julie pool scene, 'admiring' Linda should end a little differently than before
- Emily's tease scene has been adjusted again. It should work this time... If it's still loading as a black screen for those on Low Quality mode, let me know and I'll make further adjustments
- Sometimes the mouse cursor doesn't show up when starting the game. I made some small adjustments that I hope reduces the frequency of this issue. I'll be continuing to monitor how often it's happening to players
This update fixes two notable problems:
- Emily's tease scene should work properly on Low Quality mode now
- Linda's secret feather duster will now properly show up when you meet the requirements (viewing Linda/Julie's pool scene)
v1.0.0 - 2025-03-16
New Outfit:
Linda - Maid
New Scenes:
Linda Bend Over Sex (Default, Casual, Maid, & Nude Variations)
Linda & Emily Sex
Foursome Sex
New On-Screen Scene:
Emily & Julie Sex
Updated CG:
Emily Tease - Now Animated
Linda Bend Over - Now Animated (+More)
Updated On-Screen Scenes:
Linda Bedroom BJ - Zoom In & Dialogue Update
Linda Bath Paizuri - Zoom In
Julie Kitchen Sex - Zoom In
== v1.0.0 Content ==
This new update adds a proper conclusion to the story of House Chores!
After the events of the previous update, Linda & Emily's combined story has been expanded. Talking to Emily after the group paizuri scene will
progress their events just a little farther ;)
After you have completed the new scene for Linda & Emily as well as viewed Linda & Julie's sex scene, a brand new special event will occur the next day.
Additionally, to celebrate the release of v1.0, Linda has received a new maid outfit! Once you have viewed the Julie/Linda kiss scene by the pool, a
secret feather duster will be somewhere in the house. Once you find it, Linda can now change into "Maid Mode!" during the Morning time slot. Currently,
one of her scenes has a special maid variation but further functionality and content may come at a later date.
There's quite a few new various features included with this update so be sure to read the extra sections below.
Thank you so much for playing House Chores!
== Gallery ==
Early on, there was a lot of sketches that ultimately went unused. After you complete Linda, Julie, and Emily's stories, you'll unlock some
of these sketches in the gallery! You can access this through the pause menu or at the main character's bulletin board.
== Title Screen ==
The title screen can now be customized and new backgrounds will unlock as you progress through House Chores!
The bulletin board in the main character's bedroom will let you choose a new title screen. New screens will automatically be selected when
unlocked but you can disable this feature as well if you prefer to keep one.
Once you have completed the game, all title screens (and a small bonus surprise) will be unlocked even when playing on a new save file.
== Quality Of Life ==
You can now 'pass time' at the video games interactable in the Living Room. This should save you from having to walk down the hall and into
the MC's Bedroom
With that said, I do still have a few more updates planned for House Chores. Some small, some larger. So there will be a little more content to play through in the future including an Epilogue update!
== Beta 0.20.1 Changelog == - 2024-11-01
-Fixed bug where screen went black when interacting with Emily's door
-Microscopic dialogue tweaks
== 0.20 Changelog ==
New Scenes:
Linda Cabinet Fingering/Sex
Emily & Linda Paizuri
== Beta 0.20 ==
Beta 0.20 continues Emily's storyline as it begins to collide with Linda! After getting caught in the same bed together,
Linda has begun to act differently...
In order to begin the new content, you will need to have progressed far enough to reach the 'home run' scene with Linda.
From there, talking to Emily should naturally progress the story to the new events!
== 0.19 Changelog == - 2024-08-27
New Outfit:
Linda (Valencia)
New Scene:
Linda Valencia Sex
== Beta 0.19 Changelog ==
In celebration of Linda winning previous Milf Showdown competition, a special new event is now available in House Chores!
After achieving her first 'home run' scene, going to sleep and waking up in the morning will spawn a mysterious golden
apple on your bookshelf. Taking a bite from it may have some unknown consequences, but I think it's worth the risk!
Very short & sweet update but I hope you all enjoy! Thanks for playing House Chores!
0.18.1 - 2024-06-01
-Fixed bug where special 'event' after the first view of the Pajamas scene wasn't triggering
-Affected save files should be able to rewatch the event at night to fix this
0.18 Changelog
New Outfit:
Emily (Pajamas)
New Scene:
Emily Pajamas Sex
== Beta 0.18 ==
This update is the conclusion of Emily's solo story in House Chores!
After a restless night full of terrifying nightmares, Emily's bed is the only safe haven for a proper rest! That is, as
long as there are no wet dreams...
To begin this new content, you will need to have progressed far enough through Emily's storyline (after viewing the couch
sex scene). Talking to her should guide you to your next steps in case you're stuck!
== Beta 0.17.2 Changelog - 2024-03-27
-Small bug fixes with 0.17.1 content
== Beta 0.17.1 Changelog ==
-Added option to change location of Julie and Linda at night after completing their duo story
-Every night, their location is randomized but can be changed
-When they're separate, Julie will have an option to meet up with Linda
-Added new dialogue for Pool Makeout scene during repeat
-Other small bug fixes
0.17 Changelog
New On-Screen Scenes:
Julie Chair Sex (Regular & Yoga)
New Full Scenes:
Julie & Linda Threesome
== Beta 0.17 ==
The final part of the Julie & Linda's threesome saga has finally reached a conclusion!
To begin the new update, you'll need to have progressed far enough along through both Julie & Linda's storylines. After the
pool makeout scene from the previous update, the new content picks up directly after! Talking to both Julie & Linda will be
the key to progress further along.
Additionally, a new invite activity is unlocked after completing Julie's base story. When you're in your room, click on
the tissue box to invite her in for some private time!
I hope you enjoy this new update! Thank you for playing and supporting House Chores!
== Additional Changes ==
-Added more save slots
-Few previous typo/bug fixes with older scenes
0.16 Changelog - 2024-01-18
New Outfits:
Julie Bikini
New Scenes:
Julie Sun Screen 'Massage'
Julie & Linda Make Out
== Beta 0.16 ==
Tensions are reaching their boiling point as Julie grows restless within the house! With a brand new bikini and a lot of
close calls, a brand new relationship is forged within the house!
To begin the first part of this new update, you will need to continue with Julie's story as usual! If you're unsure of what
to do, make sure to talk to her while she's in her regular clothes or while she's working out during the Day.
To begin the second half of the new update, you will need to progress far enough with BOTH Julie and Linda. After both
conditions are met, talking to either of them will notify you that a new event will occur in the house somewhere!
I hope you enjoy this new update! Thank you for playing and supporting House Chores!
v0.15.1 Beta - 2023-10-03
Fixed bug where you could access new Linda on-screen scenes slightly earlier than intended
0.15 Changelog - 2023-09-30
New Scenes:
Linda Bath Sex
Linda Chair Sex (+Kissing Variation)
Linda Bed Sex (Ride/Mating Press Variations)
== Beta 0.15 ==
The 'close-call' updates continue now featuring Linda as she tries to hide her romantic relationship with the main character
from the house!
However, Julie just so happens to always be nearby. Surely she's not catching on, right?!
The new content in this update continues directly off of Linda's storyline. After completing the recent events in her casual
outfit, you will need to make sure she's dressed back in her regular outfit and continue talking to her! The new events
should continue automatically.
Additionally, after reaching a certain point in the new story events, Linda will become increasingly horny and new activities
will unlock. These new activities feature a few different variations so be sure to experiment and see just how far your
endurance can last!
v0.14.2 Beta - 2023-08-02
-Added zoom feature to Linda Kitchen Sex scene as well as additional dialogue/audio
-Fixed bug where Admire Ass event wasn't working in Kitchen (all is right in the world again!)
v0.14.1 Beta
-Fixed bug where one of Emily's cutscenes would incorrectly replay every time you entered the location
v0.14 Beta
Beta 0.14 continues Emily's storyline with some very sneaky behavior!
After completing the events of her main storyline, talking to her will continue into the new Beta 0.14 events. If you're
not sure where to continue, be sure to listen to the dialogue carefully and when traveling across the house, you might
run into some surprises ;)
This update is the first update leading to future 'group' activities so stay tuned for more sneaky events. With everyone
becoming increasingly more bold, someone's bound to get caught soon!
== On-Screen Scene Zoom ==
A new feature to on-screen scenes is being tested in this update as well with the new Emily Laundry scene.
The ability to zoom in and out of on-screen scenes adds a little more immersion and visual 'clarity' to those special moments.
In the next few updates, I plan to go back and update most/all of the other on-screen scenes to have this same functionality.
New Scenes:
Emily Laundry Stuck
Emily Couch Sneaky Sex
v0.13 - 2023-05-04
New Costume:
Emily Bunny Outfit
New Scenes:
Emily Bunny Sex
New Room:
Emily's Room (Spring Theme)
== New Content ==
Spring has arrived in House Chores with Beta 0.13!
Emily's feeling the spring fever and needs your help to make that magic come alive! When a magic egg appears on her bed
one day, that's only the start of a strange and mysterious set of events. What could be causing this seasonal shift?
Perhaps some mysteries can only be explained by magic!
In order to access the new event, you need to complete Emily's story by witnessing her first 'home run' scene. From there,
during the Morning/Day/Evening time slots, you'll find an automatic event in the Hallway to begin the new event.
The spring event consists of finding 3 hidden easter eggs around the house! Keep your eyes peeled because some of them
might blend in a little bit.
v0.12.3 - 2023-04-21
-Julie now moves to the kitchen (during Morning) AFTER the couples yoga scene
-Fixes several issues related to the original timing
-Made a number of changes to dialogue & notifications at different points of her story for added clarity
== Beta 0.12.2 Changelog == - - 2023.03.01
-Fixed two areas in Julie's storyline that could cause sequence breaking & dialogue not matching up with current progress
-Fixes bug where you can view a cutscene with her in the hallway way too early
== Beta 0.12.1 Changelog ==
-Fixed issue where Julie wouldn't return back to the kitchen the next day after selecting 'private show'
0.12 Changelog
New Costume:
Julie Dress (unlocked naturally during her storyline)
New Scenes:
Julie Date Night Car Sex
New On-Screen Scenes:
Julie BJ
Julie Kitchen Sex
New Room:
Dining Room (Date Night)
== New Content ==
Beta 0.12 introduces a romantic date night with Julie!
After a spontaneous idea leads to spontaneous disaster, it's up to you to cheer Julie up and sweep her off her feet!
This new content is accessed as part of Julie's main storyline. So after reaching your first 'home run' scene with her,
the conversation will gradually move to the new content.
The on-screen scenes are bonus unlockables after completing Julie's first 'home run' scene as well. These can be accessed
during different times of day depending on where Julie is.
Lastly, Julie's location in the morning has been updated slightly. After your relationship progresses past a certain point,
she will finally emerge from her slumber and can be spotted grabbing a breakfast snack!
0.11 Beta - 2022-11-28
v0.10 Beta - 2022-09-09
Beta 0.10 is here and provides a proper conclusion to Emily's (solo) storyline! This update picks up where her last update left off so continue interacting with her to see what new ideas she has cooking up in that creative mind of hers!
I had a lot of fun with this update. Emily's story wound up being quite different from how I originally envisioned it but I'm very happy with the end result. The idea to use the RPG Maker engine to explore her creativity I think adds a bit of fun humor to the story and helps spice things up a bit from the usual.
Keep in mind, this update is partially incomplete but I wanted to go ahead and publish the game now. In the next day or two, I'll release Beta 0.10.1 which will add the ability to replay her scenes in just the regular (non fantasy) variations with custom dialogue. So be on the lookout for that announcement!
-Added low quality support for the Julie TV Cuddling/BJ scene
-Fixed bug where TV music wouldn't fade out
-Fixed bug where you could skip TV BJ and proceed to Sex scene
-Going to monitor this fix in case it wasn't properly corrected
-Fixed bug where Linda would stay on screen after sex scene (Android)
Major Scenes Added:
Julie TV Cuddling
Julie TV BJ
Julie Bedroom Sex (3 variations)
== New Content ==
Beta 0.9 is the conclusion to Julie's main solo story!
In this update, Julie begins to let her guard down and show a slightly more vulnerable side as your relationship progresses!
When and how will you respond to Julie's advances? While subtle, those choices will affect how and where events take place
around the house!
== Misc Changes ==
-I'm sure there are some small tweaks that I forgot about...
== Beta 0.8.2 Changelog ==
-Updated UI
-Revamped all major scenes (allows for view functionality)
-Some scenes may have slight errors. Please report any of those to me on Discord!
-Revamped Quality/Message Box settings
-Simplified options menu, added new tab to better clarify if players are on High Quality/Low Quality mode
-Message Box settings can now allow for invisible message box
-These options are global so changing your setting on one file should change it on all of them
Beta 0.8.1 Changelog ==
-Fixed issue where Linda Quickie & Shower scenes weren't looping
-Added 2nd puzzle solution for Emily's riddle
-Updated scene player for Linda Holiday scene
Major Scenes Added:
Emily Footjob (Dark Queen Cosplay) (Regular Outfit version coming soon!)
On-Screen Scenes Added:
Linda Shower Sex
New CG:
Emily Breast Tease
New Location:
Dining Room
== New Content ==
Beta 0.8 is the long awaited introduction of Emily's storyline!
Home from her first year of college, Emily longs to return to a comfortable setting. While the two of you certainly fight
'like' Brother & Sister, your shared hobbies are where you might find some interesting situations occurring this summer!
Additionally, Linda has a small addition to her available options in the bathroom. The new On-Screen scene is viewable after
having had your first 'home-run' scene with her!
I hope you all enjoy this little holiday moment and I hope you all have a Happy Holidays!
== Misc Changes ==
-New scene player improvements
-Only applies to Emily's new scene, older scenes will be changed soon to match!
-Holiday present moved from Emily's room to Dining Room
0.7 Changelog
Major Scenes added:
Linda Holiday Sex (Day & Night)
New Location:
Living Room (Festive)
Costumes Added:
Linda (Holiday)
== New Content ==
Beta 0.7 is the first holiday update for House Chores!
To activate the event, when you have fully romanced Linda, going to sleep the next day will automatically trigger the event.
In the future, if a currency system is added, this event may be activated in a slightly different way so this log may
become outdated.
I hope you all enjoy this little holiday moment and I hope you all have a Happy Holidays!
== 0.6.2 Changelog ==
-Updated Julie's audio sounds
-Added small sound clips before first masturbation scene
== 0.6.1 Changelog ==
-Fixed audio issue during Julie's Yoga Scene
-Added a little bit of extra dialogue after the first instance of this scene
0.6 Changelog
Major Scenes added:
Julie Paizuri (yoga outfit)
Busts Updated:
Emily & Julie
Costumes Added:
Julie (Yoga)
== New Content ==
Beta 0.6 is a short & sweet update that updates half of the cast to feature new looks. This includes proper expressions for Emily
and more expressive emotions for Julie.
Julie's story has been slightly tweaked but now includes the option to participate in Yoga sessions with her after making more
progress with both exercise & romantic points. Romantic points can be earned in the morning after certain events have been met.
== Other Misc Changes ==
-Minor tweaks to dialogue in older content
-Older content will continue to be changed/improved as more assets are complete
0.5.2 Changelog
-Added a little more dialogue with Linda on Day 1
-(Adds a bit more context to the pace of Day 1 & 2's events)
0.5.1 Changelog
-This is the biggest change in this update
Most android devices and some lower end PC hardware can't display the full NSFW scenes properly. I have now added a Low
Quality mode which displays a lower frame-rate version of some scenes. This also means I can now begin releasing an Android
Version again!
By default, LQ mode is forced for the Android build. On PC, you can toggle it in the settings. I may add toggle for Android
but I have to get some technical issues figured out first. It appears most Android devices do not work on HQ anyways.
I will be monitoring feedback to see if players are still having issues. There are some scenes that do not have a low quality
variation and may end up needing them. Adding those is easy!
(if you are transferring a save file from PC and don't see the option, go to your bedroom and all of your saves should now
show the option. weird work around to prevent other shenanigans from happening)
-Added in dialogue before Linda sex scene to choose if hair stays in bun or is worn down (forgot to add this initially >_>)
-Added new Custom Options
-Semi transparency toggle for message boxes if you want it to be partially see-through
-Low Quality toggle
0.5 Changelog
Major Scenes added:
Linda Sex (bedroom)
On-Screen Scenes Added:
Linda Paizuri (bathroom)
Linda Sex (kitchen)
== New Content ==
House Chores is finally back! With a new artist on board, this project is able to continue on better than ever.
This update finishes the 'main' storyline for Linda. What I mean by that is the build up from the start of the relationship to
the first intercourse scene. There will very likely be more scenes for Linda in the future still.
== Game Changes ==
-Added character descriptions in the pause menu
-Added support for custom mouse cursor (helps give it a 'visual novel feel')
-Some choices during Linda's story now have a passion or lust indicator. Choosing enough of one option will slightly change some
dialogue and events during her story
-Rebuilt stats system for Linda & Julie
-This is mostly to help me program the game easier. This shouldn't affect the player's experience aside from maybe
needing slightly more affection/action points than usual if transferring a save file over
-Partially rebuilt Julie's storyline using this new system
-Again, this shouldn't drastically affect players but the notifications may be slightly different now when interacting
-This has only been partially worked on. If it breaks part of her story I will fix that in an update soon after lol
== Other Misc Changes ==
-Minor tweaks to dialogue in older content
-Semi major change to the dishwashing scene before the Linda BJ scene
-Tweaks to original HJ scene to get smoother transitions
0.4.1 Changelog
-Small typo corrections
0.4.0 Changelog
New Scene:
Linda Blowjob (bathroom)
On-Screen Scenes Added:
Julie Masturbating
Julie Handjob
== New Content ==
0.4.0 adds the beginning of Julie's storyline! Her storyline introduces the second activity- fitness points. Where Linda's story
relies on completing chores, Julie's relies on exercising. The basic progression of her story is laid out now and may get tweaked
in the future. For example, if I add a currency system, I may require the player to purchases exercise equipment. For now, I
wanted to keep it simple.
In addition, when you have completed all of Linda's current story, you will get a new location to experience her last scene!
0.3.1 Changelog
-Fixed issue with playing games during evening time
-Tweaked progression system to attempt and fix getting stuck
0.3.0 Changelog
New Scene:
Linda Blowjob (kitchen)
On-Screen Scenes Added:
Linda Blowjob (MC's bedroom)
New Location:
Linda's Bedroom
== New Content ==
0.3.0 is the 2nd half of a 2 part update that started with 0.2.9. This update continues to test a more detailed progression system.
Now, the game looks at how many times you've completed chores, flirted with Linda, and talked with her enough to help determine
when to unlock new content. Eventually, I plan to add some sort of screen that shows how you're progressing so it's more clear.
This system still may get tweaked in the future so I'll be listening to feedback and seeing how many people are stuck trying to
figure out what to do next (hopefully that stays minimal!)
This also adds the 'major' scene that is the main highlight of this update. This new scene has other variations that will be
included in more updates when the time is right! I hope you enjoy it. It features a new technique that's never been done in any
scene I've added to Town of Passion or Zombie's Retreat.
== Other Misc Changes ==
-Fixed duplicate bust during 'touch it' option
v0.2 Beta
New Busts:
'not' Aunt - Julie
'not' Sister - Emily
Scenes added:
Fap (Chibi) Scenes Added:
MC + Linda sex
== New Engine ==
The main focus of this update is moving the game to a brand new engine which effectively requires re-making the entire game so far.
The engine went from Visual Novel Maker to RPGMaker. Most of the VN elements have been kept as well as a few new bonus features
have been added.
Ultimately, this engine swap allows for more flexibility with mini games, more fluid & consistent sex scenes (with sound effects),
and the easier ability to port to Android!
== New Activities ==
Unlike Beta 0.1, the game now has a functional day/night system with activities to pass the time. In future updates, I plan to add
several more activities so don't worry about there being few things to do at the moment. You can also re-experience most events
in the game now such as the bath peek scene and asking Linda for a 'favor'.
== Other Misc Changes ==
-A bunch...
v0.1 Beta
Initial Release
== Roadmap/Plans ==
In case you weren't aware, House Chores is the third of three game projects that I am working on simultaneously! Because of this, it's a lower-priority project and it's designed to be a little less demanding compared to Town of Passion & Zombie's Retreat.
I want each update/build to feel meaningful but this will not be the lengthiest visual novel out there by any means.
My plans are to finish this visual novel in a year so roughly the late summer of 2020. I also intend for this game to be just an hour or two from start to finish if you quickly play through it. If enough people enjoy House Chores, it's possible that I will increase the scope of the project slightly to include more content!
Тему отредактировал: admin - 20-03-2025, 14:39
Причина: Тема обновлена. Добавлена английская версия v.1.0.2 Eng. Topic updated. Added English version v.1.0.2 Eng.
Причина: Тема обновлена. Добавлена английская версия v.1.0.2 Eng. Topic updated. Added English version v.1.0.2 Eng.
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