Вы - герой - или, возможно, злодей - в этой истории, первоначально находясь в путешествии, чтобы выяснить, почему ваша семья была изгнана из вашего родного города, но быстро погрузиться в события, выходящие за рамки того, что вы могли себе представить. По мере нарастания напряженности между людьми и мифическими существами, которые скрываются за пределами поля зрения, станете ли вы маяком надежды ... или используете свою вновь обретенную силу, чтобы взять мир под свой контроль?
Коды для русской версии:
1)подумать о дедушке, 2)свистнуть
3)хлопок, 4)мыслить наоборот
5)подумать о арк, 6)падору
7)ключ, 8)помощь
P.S. некоторые коды открываются только по ходу сюжета.
You are the hero - or possibly villain - of this tale, originally on a journey to discover why your family was driven out of your home town, but quickly thrust into events beyond anything you could ever have imagined. As tensions rise between the humans and the mythical creatures that lurk just outside of sight, will you stand as a beacon of hope... or use your newfound power to bring the world under your control?
Год выпуска: 2020
Жанр: 3dcg, adventure, ahegao, anal, animated, bdsm, big tits, cheating, corruption, cosplay, creampie, exhibitionism, fantasy, handjob, harem, incest, lactation, lesbian, male, domination, male protagonist, masturbation, milf, mind control, monster, monster girl, oral, pregnancy, prostitution, rape, religion, romance, rpg, sandbox, slave, spanking, teasing, twins, vaginal, virgin, voyeurism,
Цензура: Отсутствует
Разработчик/Издатель: ArcGames - SubscribeStar - Itch.io - Discord
Перевод: ivann
Платформа: PC/Windows/Linux/Android
Тип издания: В разработке
Таблэтка: Не требуется
Версия: v.0.22.1a Rus / v.0.22.3 Eng
Язык игры: Русский/Английский (Смена в настройках)
Язык интерфейса: Русский/Английский
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AMI: New naughty scene with Ami! (Talk to her on Monday morning when she's cleaning the bathroom)!
VERONICA: New naughty scene with Veronica! (Talk to her in the College)!
VERONICA: Veronica now uses the updated character model in her Act Three scenes!
MADISON: New naughty scene with Madison! (Talk to her in the College)!
MADISON: Madison now uses the updated character model in her Act Three scenes!
COLLEGE: Five new "Explore" events in the college! These use a new randomisation system which will be built out over time. I was hoping to get more explore events into all the other districts as well, but ran out of time.
Bug: Alice's text is no longer misaligned during conversations
Bug: The missing "shaking text" has returned! MC's reaction to Beast and Control/Desire text should now make a LOT more sense...
Bug: Players could still skip time in Act One through the Outskirts map. Now they cannot!
Bug: Fixed the "yours" error. As it turns out, it was mine, not yours
Bug: Fixed the "cannot find 'happy' image" for Pixie error. All she needed was a little lemon sherbet ice cream
Bug: MC will no longer tell Kana that "Annie is right outside" if Annie is, in fact, not right outside
Bug: Day and time will no longer appear underneath dream text
Bug: Typos and grammatical errors fixed
v0.22.2 - 2024-12-06
NEW AREA: After doing the NIGHT Bridge event (the one that unlocks the Shopkeep). go to the Bridge during the DAY and select "Explore the River" to unlock a new STORY area! Not much to do here right now, but it will come into play later on!
CODE: I'm experimenting with the "3D Stage" feature of Ren'py, for use in future systems. Mostly backend work for now, but if you want to see a basic example of it in action, head to the Park in Act 3 and click "Look Around"!
LILY: In Act One and Two you can now work at Lily's bar in the evening!
NPC: New NPC Character Models added! These will begin to pop up more and more over time
Misc: Added an option to the NIGHT Bridge story event to allow people to be more of a dick if they want
Misc: Added an outline to "thinking" text so that it's still readable even if you lower the textbox opacity to 0%
Misc: Club Date girl selection has been updated to new "card selection" system!
Misc: Converted all the character models from .png to .webp, as part of my constant campaign to keep this game below 2GB. This reduces the character models' filesize by around 80!%
Bug: Even more menu overflow errors removed!
Bug: Fixed a crash during Pixie's 'personal time' with your laptop in Act One. The screen has been waterproofed
Bug: Fixed an error during the Chastity event in Act Three. Lucille was just too angry!
Bug: Fixed a weird issue with the textbox showing up behind centered text
Bug: Alice and Chloe will now appear properly in the War Room!
Bug: Time will no longer crawl along while waiting for night to fall during Sawano's missions in Act Two
Bug: You can no longer work in Lily's bar if it's after midnight. What, you expect her to pay overtime?
Bug: Pixie no longer obscures text during the Act Two to Three transition
Bug: Older saves will no longer have oversized screenshots attached (thanks, MyeLittleEye!)
Bug: Typos and grammatical errors fixed
v0.22.1a - 2024-11-10
KANA: New naughty event with Kana! Talk to her in her field after everything with Maven is done!
ANNIE: New naughty event with Annie! Just talk to her at the farm in Act Three!
JESSICA: An alternate way to open up the locked sections of the east side of town if you don't have Claire! Just talk to Jessica!
ALICE: Alice can now be found in the War Room on TUESDAY/WEDNESDAY/THURSDAY MORNINGS, helping out her big sister!
HANA: Hana can be found foraging in the park on MONDAY and FRIDAY MORNINGS!
MAVEN: Maven can now be found in KANA'S FIELD every EVENING (if you told her to be nice to Kana)!
LUCILLE: Lucille has been updated to the new character model system! She now has fully animated eyes and lips!
UI: The CREDITS and HISTORY pages have been updated to the new UI!
OPTIONS: Added a slider in Options for textbox opacity (by request)!
CODE: Tweaked the Hidden Voices code slightly to make it nicer, and to allow me to quickly update the older code. Lamia Hidden Voice restored soon!
CODE: Added a code snippet by MyLittleEye to make dealing with the "no snappable" bug easier in future updates!
Misc: Shrank the spacing between choice menu options to allow for more options on screen at once without overflow
Bug: Text that floats in the centre of the screen will no longer have a quick menu attached to it
Bug: Many, many choice menu overflow issues have been fixed!
Bug: Sub-navigation menu now appears correctly in the Act Two Living Room!
Bug: Emma will no longer be in the garden training until you've spoken to her about it. She's so eager!
Bug: Players could get stuck in a loop in Act One by clicking the time skip button on the map screen. This button has been disabled until Act Two to prevent issues.
Bug: Error with ("sad" image not found) has been fixed. Jessica was just too sad!
Bug: Multiple mentions of Annie removed from Act Three conversations if you were a monster and didn't get her to Love 3 before hitting Act Three. Shame on you.
Bug: Removed MC's knowledge that the Flying Bar is effective against Eldritch if Lily has already left town
Bug: MC will no longer be confused about what time it is when Gwen bursts into his room with a knife. You heard me
Bug: You can no longer call Madison to watch while you're having fun with Veronica if Madison is heavily pregnant. The stress isn't good for the baby! It was disappearing!
Bug: Fixed an error preventing players from seeing Chloe read to Alice in the garden in Act Two. The wholesomeness must shine!
Bug: Gwen will no longer show up around the Manor in Act Three until you have met her in the Living Room
Bug: Added a failsafe to restore the top menu when changing locations if it was accidentally erased
Bug: Fixed some misaligned text boxes
Bug: Typos and grammatical errors fixed
v0.22.0 - 2024-10-04
Изменения 0.22.0:
От Переводчика:
Новых событий нет, а был переработан UI, Меню Сохранения и Загрузок. Подсказки, Иконка инвентаря и доступ к карточке девушек, Меню Опции и всё подобное. Так же исправлены некоторые диалоги.
UI: A huge UI/X overhaul! Details are listed in the bullet points below:
UI - DIALOGUE: Dialogue boxes are now slightly larger and more ornate to allow for longer dialogue chunks, a cleaner quick menu and to move away from the 'black boxes' aesthetic. New mechanics (coming in the next update) will iterate on the new design and add a fun new toy.
UI - QUICK MENU: The Quick Menu has been moved from its distracting position at the top of the screen and into the dialogue box to give everyone a more pleasant-looking experience (and make things easier on PC players who had to keep popping open the top nav bar to get access to it)!
UI - TOP MENU: The old nav bar at the top of the screen has been completely overhauled! The clock has moved to the centre of the screen and been given a sleeker look, and the old buttons in the top-right have been compiled into three new buttons: "Notes", "Inventory" and "Options".
UI - CLOCK: The clock now has a new position and a new look! It will now be visible any time the general UI is (which will help prevent confusion in people who hid the top bar and then passed time) and will clearly display what time of day it is.
UI - NOTES: Stats, Powers, Leads and Girls icons have been moved into the "Notes" icon to help keep the main screen looking a little cleaner and to reduce visual clutter.
UI - OPTIONS: The old preferences screen has been renamed to "options" and given a sleek new look! Options are now divided into "Display", "Audio" and "Extras" categories for quick and easy scrolling to what you're looking for. Additionally, you can now hear preview sounds of Sound Effects, Vocal Effects and Clock Ticks with in the options menu so you can easily adjust each of the volume levels to your personal preference!
UI - SAVE/LOAD: The Save/Load Screens have been given a massive visual overhaul! Save slots are now clearly numbered, and there are ten to a page. NOTE: I have had to resize the save thumbnails, but Ren'py doesn't apply this change retroactively! Your old saves will look weird until you overwrite them!
UI - CHOICES: The Choices UI has be overhauled with new button graphics and new positioning. This MIGHT cause some weirdness in older events if there's more than five options on screen, so report any oddness you see!
UI - SLEEP WITH SOMEONE: New UI added for when you select "sleep with someone"! (In Act Three only - I didn't have time to apply this to Act Two yet, sorry)! Now you'll get a fun little graphical UI which will allow you to pick the location and then the girl. This uses the new Avatar Portrait system that will be showing up in various mechanics in future updates!
UI - LIVING ROOM: The dialogue options for "garden" and "bathroom" have been moved to "sub-location" icons, visible above the normal navigation icons at the bottom of the screen. This is something I'm experimenting with and may apply to other game areas.
Bug: The "draggable" error that appeared for some people when trying to engage in combat has been fixed! This required an edit to the Ren'py SDK which SHOULD be fine, but report any weirdness!
Bug: Wiki link on the main menu has been updated to point to the new and improved wiki. Thanks, team!
Bug: Typo Hero has decided to give the Dread Arc a break this month and will stay home to sharpen his sowrd. I mean sword! Damnit!
EMMA: You can help Emma train her powers! Visit her in the GARDEN and select "About your powers..."!
EMMA: You can now find emma in the GARDEN every WEEKDAY AFTERNOON!
EMMA: Emma now has her own voice effect!
EMMA: Emma now has an updated character model!
GWEN: You can now enter Gwen's room in Act Three!
CHLOE: You can now enter Chloe's room in Act Three!
JESSICA: Jessica will now react if you exit the bathroom during the time that she's normally taking a bath (Wednesday morning)
ALICE: Alice is now visible in the Living Room on Friday mornings!
TIME: Added a new function to jump by day rather than minute, which should solve the issues with large time jumps, such as those in the finales
Misc: Added new variables to every single location in the game, to track where players are coming from. This will help with making more detailed interactions and hopefully also with failsafes in case of save/location errors
Misc: Updated the Hidden Voices code so that players can properly advance the "mind reading" questline even on characters without the new character models.
Bug: A timetick error in the Act Two Finale has been squashed
Bug: Using a power while teaching classes in the college in Act Two was hiding your nav bar for the rest of the event
Bug: Pixie was causing an error screen during an Act Two event with Chloe. She has been told to stop eating ice cream directly over the keyboard
Bug: Typo Hero holds his sword aloft as a sunbream descends from the clouds. "Ooh, fish!" cries Gwen & Ami: Kid Detectives. And then they all have lunch.
v0.21.8 - 2024-08-01
EMMA: You can help Emma train her powers! Visit her in the GARDEN and select "About your powers..."!
EMMA: You can now find emma in the GARDEN every WEEKDAY AFTERNOON!
EMMA: Emma now has her own voice effect!
EMMA: Emma now has an updated character model!
GWEN: You can now enter Gwen's room in Act Three!
CHLOE: You can now enter Chloe's room in Act Three!
JESSICA: Jessica will now react if you exit the bathroom during the time that she's normally taking a bath (Wednesday morning)
ALICE: Alice is now visible in the Living Room on Friday mornings!
TIME: Added a new function to jump by day rather than minute, which should solve the issues with large time jumps, such as those in the finales
Misc: Added new variables to every single location in the game, to track where players are coming from. This will help with making more detailed interactions and hopefully also with failsafes in case of save/location errors
Misc: Updated the Hidden Voices code so that players can properly advance the "mind reading" questline even on characters without the new character models.
Bug: A timetick error in the Act Two Finale has been squashed
Bug: Using a power while teaching classes in the college in Act Two was hiding your nav bar for the rest of the event
Bug: Pixie was causing an error screen during an Act Two event with Chloe. She has been told to stop eating ice cream directly over the keyboard
Bug: Typo Hero holds his sword aloft as a sunbream descends from the clouds. "Ooh, fish!" cries Gwen & Ami: Kid Detectives. And then they all have lunch.
v0.21.7 - 2024-07-18
MAVEN: There is now an "Aftermath" event that takes place after Kana and Maven's meeting. Go talk to Maven to see it, and make a certain decision... also, remember to check in with Kana afterwards!
KANA: You can now give Kana headpats (only in the field)!
LIL' KANA: You can now give Lil' Kana headpats (headpat Kana and she'll want one too)!
MODELS: Hana, Ami, Chloe, Annie, Maven, Jessica and Lyx have all been updated from the old Paperdolls to the new Character Models! Huge thank you to Chris for doing that! (0.21.6a)
TIME: You can now turn off the clock "ticks" (making timeskips instant)! Go to "Preferences" and under "Clock", click "Disable"!
TIME: You can no longer click on navigation overlays while time is ticking (0.21.6a)
TIME: Almost all time skips have been increased by 50-100% and new time skips have been added (0.21.6a)
Bug: Some time transitions were crashing the game - these have all been tidied up (0.21.6a)
Bug: An issue with Asteria's "happy" paperdoll crashing the game was been dealt with. She has been told to smile less intimidatingly (0.21.6a)
Bug: Opening a screen overlay while time was ticking could cause the overlay to get stuck (0.21.6a)
Bug: There were a number of issues that were causing start-of-game crashes (0.21.6a)
Bug: Hidden Voices power wasn't working properly. Now it is again! (0.21.6a)
Bug: One of the Lyx sequences was broken. It's working again! (0.21.6a)
Bug: Talking to the three Numbers in Artifact's demesne was crashing the game. They've been asked to be less meta (0.21.6a)
Bug: An error when going to your room at night in Act One has been squashed!
Bug: You couldn't give the medicine to Kana if Annie wasn't at the farm. Now you can! But also, why do you hate Annie so much? Huh? Meanie.
Bug: Sitting with Kana until the time slot changed locked you into a black screen. Now you can sit with her for as long as you like!
Bug: A number of issues with time changes leading to weird overlay problems have been fixed. There will likely be more, so keep reporting them and I'll deal with them one by one!
Bug: During the Act One finale, Robin was reversing time. He has been nerfed. Too OP.
Bug: Duplicate bug for Kana's questline has been squashed (again!)
Bug: Error screen when losing to Hazel has been fixed
Bug: Time was being wibbly-wobbly in the Act Two finale. It has been Doctored. Who? Don't worry about it
Bug: A few "sleeping" events were overlapping each other. Everyone has been asked to wait patiently in line
Bug: Pixie was cloning herself during one of the Chloe events. To save our ice cream, her cloning vats have been taken away from her
Bug: You could work in Lily's bar all night. Lily has had unions explained to her and now enforces regular working hours
Bug: Shrugging in unison, Gwen & Ami: Kid Detectives nod. Sure! TYPO HERO HAS JOINED THE PARTY!
KANA: Kana's Koma Kwestline Kompleted! No spoilers here, but you can now gather the final ingredients Lyx needs, and see what happens... yes, this is the whole questline, no more cliffhangers! Did you leave Maven alive? If so, Kana may have some words for her...
MODELS: Character paperdolls have been upgraded! Now they blink, have different poses based on their emotions, and their lips move whilst their dialogue scrolls on the screen (and stop moving once the dialogue scroll ends)! This change only affects a few paperdolls right now, but more will be added in every update!
VOICE EFFECTS: All characters now have voice effects! These are your standard "bleepbloop" VN effects, not full voices, but they do change depending on the character's emotion!
TIME: The time system has been upgraded! Now there are FOUR timeslots instead of just three (Morning/Day/Evening/Night) and time is measured in hours and minutes!
CALENDAR: Days of the month and month names have been added! This will allow me to start introducing seasonal events like Hallowe'en, Christmas, and so on!
PREFERENCES: New volume sliders have been added for the Voice Effects and Clock sounds, in case you think they're too loud or just want to turn them off completely!
Bug: The Nexus lead was HUGE. Now it is little. Tremble at the power I wield
Bug: It was possible to redo the "meet Kana with Lyx" event and duplicate old leads. Now it isn't, and all duplicate leads should be erased on loading in
Bug: Lucille's climax image was broken. That's one hell of a climax!
Bug: MC was calling Lily "Jessica" in one scene. Embarrassing!
Bug: You could summon Veronica and Madison at night in the college. Now they're allowed to get their beauty sleep!
Bug: Fixed text appearing over Pixie's "laptop scene" in Act One if you chose to stop looking
Bug: The "sound volume" bar in preferences now actually affects sound effects
Bug: You could call Jessica to practice combat at night. Let the poor woman sleep!
Bug: Gwen & Ami: Kid Detectives look at the Typo Hero questioningly. "So you vanquish typos, or you're a hero of typos?". Typo Hero sheathes his blade and smiles "Watn to cmoe an cee?"
v0.21.5 - 2024-05-21
NEW CHARACTER: Continue with the Kana lead you got from Lyx!
KANA: Can continue her Lead!
LUCILLE: Lucille finally has a room of her own once again! In the East Hallway - Human Floor!
LUCILLE: New naughty event with Lucille! Talk to her in her room!
DREAMS: Five new dreams will appear once you've tried to access the Nexus in Act Three and spoken to Lyx about it. They may reveal a little more about a certain character's origin, and perhaps a way to eventually reopen the Nexus...
Misc: Slight rework to the Act One finale to include kinetic text and tidy up the code a little.
Misc: Fixed some instances of paperdolls overlaying on top of text.
Misc: Shifted a dialogue line in the park concert scene so it makes a little more sense.
Misc: Work continues on making "virgin runs" possible. I'm about 20% through remaking the Act One finale renders and they'll all be released at once in a futuer update - coming soon!
Bug: The figured pulls himself from the pool of light, armor gleaming in the flickering luminescence. Picking up his sword, he turns to Gwen & Ami: Kid Detectives. "Hi," he says, "I'm the Typo Hero...".
TERRI & TAMMI: Terri & Tammi will now perform a concert! Make sure you've conquered the Park and explored it, then talk to them about the concert!
TERRI & TAMMI: Terri & Tammi will now appear in the background of the Park when you visit it
COMBAT: Watching Terri & Tammi's concert will give you a +2 to your CLASH dice for the rest of the day!
HIDDEN VOICES: Added the new HIDDEN VOICES mechanic to more characters (click on the ORANGE text that appears when people talk)!
HIDDEN VOICES: Disabled the old system once you reach Act Three so there isn't any weird overlap and people don't get the bizarre issue that happens when you use HV while a dialogue choice is visible (the new system will eventually be added to Act Two as well, but that's a TONNE of work)!
Bug: Fixed an issue that was causing the tooltips for inventory items to spill out of their box
Bug: Gwen was having a Yandere moment in Act Two even after being on a beach date with you. Her short-term memory loss has been fixed and now she'll calm down as she should!
Bug: You could confront Hana and Ard at night in Act Two. Now you can't - they need their beauty sleep!
Bug: Trying to access the Nexus in Act Three was causing the top bar to disappear. Now it doesn't!
Bug: Chastity was showing up outside the Church in casual clothes in Act Two long before she should have. She'll be more patient now!
Bug: Lyx's HINT was talking about conquering locations way before it should have. Lyx has been scolded and promised not to give out any more spoile- THE REAL ENEMY IS ACTUALLY-(crash)
Bug: Terri & Tammi were sometimes forgetting who was who. They should remember their own names now
Bug: The Fairies weren't actually doing anything when they won the CLASH roll. They should be less distracted now
Bug: Gwen & Ami: Kid Detectives watch in fascination as the sword rises from the pool of glowing light, clutched by an unseen hand. The sword clatters to the ground, the hand grips the edge of the shield, and pulls...
v0.21.3 - 2024-04-23
KANA: If you have a kid with Kana, she will now join you when you sit by her mom's bedside
BOSS GIRL: New Boss Girl! Should be familiar to people who remember Act Two. What's this broken jar doing on the ground..?
BOSS GIRL: Naughty event for the new Boss Girl included in this update!
LOCATION: You can now conquer Lyx's Cottage location!
RECIPE: New recipe! Fairy Cakes! Conquer the Cottage and then explore it to find the recipe!
Misc: Updated the girls' Character Cards so that their bios are not text rather than baked into the image. This should make translators' jobs easier, as well as allow me to easily update the bios as the girls change over the course of the story!
Bug: Trying to enter Claire's room would throw up an error message - you can now invade her privacy at will!
Bug: Navigation menu will no reappear properly when trying to move around the West Hallway
Bug: There was a layering issue in the daycare, and the kids have been told to stop breaking reality
Bug: The girls' stats in their Heart Menus were falling out of their boxes. Things are much tidier now!
Bug: Teh red bttnon pluses, shiftss, changes itno a lrage red sheild. For a momment, notthnig... then slwoly a swrod beigns to rise from teh glwoing centre... what is with these typos!? ... Oh, no...
KANA: New Kana lead! Go check on her at Annie's farm!
MORGANA: You can now check on Morgana's location - beware of dogs!
NEXUS: New lead! Try accessing the Nexus, then talk to Lyx!
DHENA: You can now search the shops for the acid you need!
CHARACTER CARDS: Character Cards' "Hint" sections have all been updated to remove the "no more content" line and replace it with something that can be updated properly throughout Act Three.
CLAIRE: Added a line of dialogue when you try to check Claire's room to indicate that you should try Emma's door (if Emma is in your Act Three playthrough)
OUTSKIRTS: Added War Map links on the Outskirts Map in the same style as the Town Map
Misc: Changed a whole bunch of map_return markers for smoother navigation
Misc: Lyx's "theme music" will now play when you talk to her
Misc: Added the amount of Ichor required to the locked options on the Shopkeep's Elixir page so that it's less confusing for people
Bug: There was a bug preventing Claire from turning up outside Emma's door in the morning. Claire has fixed her sleeping patterns and will now be awake and chatting to Emma earlier!
Bug: The stats page overlay was all out of alignment. It now looks like it should again!
Bug: "Eureka!" Cries a small voice, as Gwen & Ami: Kid Detectives come upon a large red button! They press it and immeediatle a brite ligth begisn to... wiat, whtas happnin?
CLAIRE: Talk to Claire to unlock a new Warmap route to the cafe (this also unlocks the currently-locked Org/Fey locations on the east side of the map so you can visit them again)!
LYX & VIOLA: First interaction between Lyx and Viola! Must have met Viola and spoken to Lyx about the Flying Bar. Then just enter the Flying Bar!
FLYING BAR: Will now appear even if Lily is gone! Just get into at least one fight (if you've already been in a fight then that counts) and then sleep!
FLYING BAR: New Lead! (Talk to Lyx)
BRIDGE: New Lead! (Go to the Bridge and select "Explore the River")
KANA: New Lead! (Talk to Lyx)
LOMEG: New Lead! (Talk to Claire then talk to Lyx)
DHENA: New Lead! (Visit Dhena's cave then talk to Lyx)
NEW LOCATION: The Glade! Go to the Manor Garden and click on "Look Around"! (This is actually kind of an old location, from way back in the days of the original battle system. But now it has its own map!)
NEW LOCATION: Ruined Farm! Located on the Town Map (nothing to do there just yet)!
MAP: Added SHOPS and CAFE back to the Town Map (nothing to do there just yet)!
MAP: Changed the battle map overview so that the location links are clearer and less squiggly
MAP: Changed a couple Faction flags so that the Faction owners made more sense
LEADS: Changed the graphics for the Leads to make them less "lumpy", and adjusted the text position better
Bug: A sneaky mention of Patreon remained in the game. I did to it what Patreon tried to do to the kids
Bug: Typos fixed! Wait... where did the Kid Detectives go..?
Valentine's Special
SUBSCRIBESTAR: Removed ALL mention of Patreon from the game and replaced every instance with SubStar!
DAYCARE KIDS: A new wholesome group event with the kids! Because Patreon can bite me. Go to the daycare and select "Group Play"!
CLAIRE: New Claire event! Just go to sleep any time after meeting Claire in Act Three!
DAYCARE: You can now rename your kids again in Act Three! That should confuse them nicely
GLYTCHES: More glytches have been added to the prologue
CREDITS: Credits have been fully updated to include all the amazing tier 4 players and higher who made the SubStar Shift! Thank you so much, everyone! <3
Bug: Trying to visit Ami's room would teleport you to a healthy-looking Ami. Too healthy! This has been "fixed"...
Bug: MC kept wondering how Viola got Viola's fluids. The stupid has been slapped out of him
Bug: Pixie was cloning herself. She has been forbidden from watching the Prestige and the clones have been... dealt with
Bug: Some odd text artifacts have been erased from dialogue lines. Thanks, thelling!
Bug: You could rescue Kana even if you lost the Maven fight. Now you have to earn your wolfy waifu's return!
Bug: Lil' Ronnie is no longer cutting off Lil' Emma's legs. Rude!
Bug: Typos and grammatical errors fixed (this is just to remind people what the last bullet point always relates to. Lotta people been asking me how to find the Kid Detectives...)
v0.20.9 - 2024-02-13
GLYTCHES: More glytches have been added, plus a new take on Hidden Voices that will hopefully be less prone to breaking than the old system. Talk to Chloe to see them in action (Hint: you can click/tap on the orange words)!
EMMA: You can now ask Emma to sing for you!
EMMA: You can now tell Emma that your kid is okay!
SLEEP WITH... You can now invite Lily to spend the night with you!
SLEEP WITH... You can now invite Lyx to spend the night with you (30% chance of a surprise in the morning)!
SLEEP WITH... You can now invite Viola to spend the night with you (60% chance of waking up to a bit of a surprise...)!
EMMA & CLAIRE: Claire will now appear outside Emma's door in the MORNING as well as the AFTERNOON if Emma hasn't left her room yet
CHLOE: Chloe will now properly appear in the War Room instead of her paperdoll popping in to greet you!
FEY FLOOR: Re-added the "Fey Floor" option to the East Hallway. You can't enter Ami or Hana's rooms, though, as they're always working! Poor girls...
Misc: Removed the Discord integration so that the new Web build will work properly (more on that coming later!)
Misc: Tidied up the dialogue with Chloe in Act Three so her paperdoll doesn't keep bouncing in and out of the screen
Misc: Chloe will now always wear her war outfit while in the war room
Misc: Added "your" variants to Chloe's speech patterns
Bug: Gwen's naughty pool scene wasn't showing up in Act Two. Now it is!
Bug: The "active" icon now shows properly when you visit the dungeon or the pool in Act Three!
Bug: Gwen & Ami: Kid Detectives quickly dispatch the Python with a knife covered in Rust and continue on their way (this one's for you, my fellow coding nerds)
v0.20.8 - 2024-01-23
LYX: You can now meet Lyx again (properly this time)! Once you've met Claire again, go to sleep and the Lyx event should trigger!
LYX: You can now talk with Lyx whenever you want! After the event listed above, go to the West Hallway and call for her (you can only pick the "chat" option for now. More to come in the next update)!
LYX: Lyx now has a paperdoll!
EMMA: New naughty scene with Emma! Talk to her in her room and select 'let's be naughty'!
EMMA: Moved her out of the guest room and back into her room from Act Two
RADIO: Added a few new lines to the radio in the Manor living room
GLYTCH: A new kinetic text mechanic! I've been wanting to do something like this for an age, but only just figured out a decent method. It's purely aesthetic, but has numerous lore implications... (look for text that flickers and changes)
PROLOGUE: Tidied up the prologue a little bit, added some kinetic tags (including some "glytches") and prevented Pixie's paperdoll from sliding in and out all the time
NAUGHTY: Tweaked the code a little bit so that randomised lines are repeated less often
FAN ART: Added another piece of fan art to the EXTRAS gallery. Thanks, Hershey!
Misc: Added a few new facial expressions to some of the paperdolls
Bug: Fixed a bunch of graphical inconsistencies in the sleepover scenes. Pixie is still trying to eat her own hand, but it makes her happy so who am I to stand in the way of that?
Bug: The location menu was remaining on-screen during Gwen's evening event. It disappears properly now
Bug: Emma was sneaking into the kitchen for food even after publicly leaving her room. She's been told she doesn't need to sneak around stealing food any more
Bug: Chloe, Gwen and Jessica were having time-travel flashes during their sleepover events. Now they'll remain in this space-time coordinate
Bug: Gwen & Ami: Kid Detectives follow the trail of clues along with Recursive River and deep into the forest. The Techlight Trees glimmer and fizz around them, illuminating their path it fits and patches. But look out, kids! There's a Python in the trees!
SLEEP WITH... The option to invite Manor girls to spend the night with you returns! ELEVEN girls added!
PIXIE: New naughty scenes with Pixie! Just talk to her in your room and select "let's be naughty..."!
PIXIE: Old naughty scenes have been replaced with the newer ones, for better graphical quality!
VERONICA: You can now hug Veronica after meeting her again in the College!
Misc: Trying out a new dialogue randomiser in Pixie's latest naughty scenes, to add a little bit of variety to multiple re-watches
Misc: Removed the "what should I be doing" dialogue option from Pixie in Act Three for now, as her advice wasn't very helpful
Misc: Removed the very old Pixie h-scenes from Act Three as they looked extremely weird next to the newer ones
Bug: Gwen was appearing over certain text lines
Bug: You couldn't talk to Gwen after passing time. Poor Gwen, she was so lonely!
Bug: Having a bath at night was causing players to time travel. The plumbing has been redirected away from the DeLorean in the garage
Bug: Some of Veronica's lines were causing her paperdoll to move in and out of the screen. She's less nervous about her scene now and will stay put
Bug: Pregnancy checks were still running when being naughty with Pixie in Act Three. They've been disabled for now, in keeping with the rest of the characters
Bug: Following the Byting stream, Gwen & Ami: Kid Detectives are on the case! Will they uncover the reason for the digital destruction, or will they plunge into perilous programs and perish in the pools of propagation?
v0.20.6b: - 2024-01-03
EMMA: New Emma event! Visit her room during the DAY!
EMMA: You can now talk to Emma in her room!
CLAIRE: You can now talk to Claire in her room!
GWEN: Gwen will now (properly) appear in the pool on WEDNESDAY MORNING and AFTERNOON!
GWEN: You can now talk to Gwen when she's at the pool, and try to help her with her physical therapy!
JESSICA: Jessica will now appear at the pool on SATURDAY and SUNDAY AFTERNOONS!
JESSICA: You can now apply "lotion" to Jessica at the pool!
BATHROOM: You can now have a bath and clean yourself up! (Some characters may comment on it if you get too stinky, but they'll still love you)
Bug: The ghost of Gwen past will no longer haunt the pool
Bug: Rubble and stray data shards flicker and shift beneath the detectives' feet. The jam is gone, replaced with a stream of bytes. Gwen dips her finger in tentatively... ouch! It bites!
v0.20.5: - 2023-12-09
CLAIRE: New Claire event! Conquer the Bridge and the Apartments (and if Emma is around you need to have gotten to the end of her current content) and then sleep!
EMMA: New sequence of mini-events! After meeting Claire, go check on Emma any AFTERNOON in her room! There are five mini-events to listen to!
EMMA: Emma now has a paperdoll!
CLAIRE: Claire now has a paperdoll!
POOL: The Manor swimming pool is accessible once again! Everyone needs a relaxing dip now and then, especially in wartime
POOL: Swimming in the pool will now give you +1 to ATTACK and CLASH rolls for the rest of the day!
Misc: Removed the Wardrobe icon and put it as a dialogue option in your room (nav bar was getting too cluttered!)
Bug: Can no longer dream about Chastity before meeting her
Bug: Can no longer dream about the Beast in its humanoid form in Act One
Bug: Rocks tumble and the light swells, illuminating a landscape of binary bits and two little figures, huddled in the centre. Hand in hand they take a deep breath and head out in search of more clues!
EMMA: A new event with Emma! Try visiting her room (this is a setup event; more to come in the next update)!
GWEN: A new mini event with Gwen! Check out the living room on Monday, Wednesday or Friday night!
KIDS: You can now tell Jessica, Lily, Veronica and Madison that their kids are safe! (Annie and Pixie already know, and the other moms you don't have access to yet)!
SHOPKEEP: The Shopkeep now sells FOUR new Elixirs! Come on, try one... what's the worst that could happen?
COMBAT: You can now "shatter" dice! When a buff to a dice exceeds the maximum number of sides a dice has it will now shatter and increase to the buffed value rather than capping out! This means that D4's can now exceed 4, D6's can exceed 6 and so on!
COMBAT: The different dice are now coloured, to help differentiate them from each other!
Marina: Added the ability to check out the Marina tunnel. Or what's left of it...
Bug: The light grows bigger, reflecting off tumbled rocks as it approaches the crumbled stone entrance... a hand pierces through the light, rocks shift, the glow increases and... "I found a clue!"
v0.20.3: - 2023-11-15
KANA: You can now check on Kana, sit at her bedside and stroke her hair or hold her hand! Morrning, Afternoon AND Evening! She needs the love...
HOUSE LADIES: The rest of the House Ladies return! You can find them in their rooms in the East Hallway!
HOUSE LADIES: All of the House Ladies now have their own Paperdolls!
JULIE: You can be naughty with Julie in her room in the East Hallway!
LAURA: You can be naughty with Laura in her room in the East Hallway!
RENEE: You can be naughty with Renee in her room in the East Hallway!
RENEE & JULIE: You can be naughty with both at the same time in their room in the East Hallway!
CHELSEA: A new narrative event for Chelsea! Explore the Apartments after you have recruited her!
HAZEL: A new narrative event for Hazel! Explore the College after you have recruited her!
NOELLE: A new narrative event for Noelle! Explore the Mansions after you have recruited her!
OPHELIA: A new narrative event for Ophelia! Explore the Old Club after you have recruited her!
RACHEL: A new narrative event for Rachel! Explore the Bridge after you have recruited her!
TERRI & TAMMI: A new narrative event for Terri & Tammi! Explore the Park after you have recruited them!
SHOPKEEP: The Shopkeep no longer sells dice upgrades (see below)! Instead he will now sell an Elixir that grant permanent boosts throughout the fight for so long as they're active (more Elixirs to come in the future!
SHOPKEEP: You can no longer visit the Shopkeep's store before the dream with the Numbers, so players are warned about him before making a purchase
RECIPE: A new recipe: Roasted Beets! Unlock by exploring the Apartments!
RECIPE: A new recipe: Spicy Oysters! Unlock by exploring the Mansions!
RECIPE: A new recipe: Rainbow Cotton Candy! Unlock by exploring the Park!
COMBAT DICE: There has been a change to how Combat Dice are upgraded! Now you can grow your dice to D6's by recruiting Hazel, Ophelia and Rachel and exploring their locations. The Shopkeep will no longer upgrade dice, and will instead offer special Elixirs that give you boosts which last all combat (but may come with their own, dark price...)
AUTO-WIN: You can now choose between Physical Victory, Seductive Victory and Shatter Victory in the auto-win option in the War Room
Misc: Changed meeting Annie from a dialogue menu option to an automatic scene to prevent edge cases where players could rescue Kana before meeting Annie and thus make her very confused about where Kana is
Misc: Added Laura, Renee and Julie to the angry lineup of defenders during Chastity's Act Three return event
Bug: Player will no longer meet Jessica in random locations then be surprised by her new outfit later on at the front door
Bug: Player will no longer meet Ami in random locations then be surprised by her eyepatch later on at the front door
Bug: Manor will no longer be attacked by Goons before the player has completed the battle tutorial
Bug: Minion One and Minion Two's names were swapped in the forest fight. They have now stopped practicing their ventriloquism and will focus on the fight
Bug: Text for the Chastity dream wasn't centered correctly. Now it is!
Bug: From somewhere in the void, rocks shift... crack... tumble... a flickering light is seen, and a small voice echoes in the darkness: "Gwen & Ami: Kid Detectives are back!"
v0.20.2: - 2023-10-23
KANA: The return of Kana! Discover the FOREST and search it to find her!
NAUGHTY: Four new naughty scenes! Complete the Forest Boss Girl fight to access them!
BOSS GIRL: New Boss Girl! A certain cruel wolf matron makes her reappearance...
MINION FIGHT: New combat style: Minion Fights! These are very simple fights which consist of a single ATTACK round. Players will roll three dice and choose the largest number (or smallest, if you like pain. I don't judge) which will determine if they take any damage during the fight. Minion fights are used by certain bosses to soften up the player before they fight the main Boss Girl herself!
MINIONS: Three new minions! Wolf girls devoted to a certain cruel wolf matron...
LOCATION: New location appears! The FOREST is now accessible from the Outskirts map in Act Three!
Bug: Gwen's Act Three paperdoll was showing up when using Hidden Voices, even before Act Three, which was a very depressing bit of clairvoyance on the MC's part!
Bug: Reinforce Tactics wasn't always upgrading the lowest dice. Now it will!
Bug: Some dialogue lines with Lily and Gwen were appearing under the paperdolls
Bug: The world shifts... and settles... and all is black. Time passes, minutes or aeons, it's impossible to tell, until, finally... a voice... "I found a clue!"
v0.20.1: - 2023-10-07
Annie: The return of Annie! Conquer the Old Club and clear the roadblock to get access to the Farm!
Kids: The return of the kids! Once you make it to the farm, you can talk to any of the kids you left in the day care!
Kids: You can talk to, and play with, all of the kids in the day care!
Kids: All the kids now have paperdolls!
Radio: If you go to the Manor living room in the afternoon, you might hear something interesting on the radio (ten different transmissions to hear)!
Gwen: After listening to the radio, you can ask Gwen about it!
Numbers: The Numbers you met in the Act Two finale return! Meet the Shopkeep (conquer then scout the bridge) and then sleep!
Shopkeep: After talking to the Numbers, find and talk to the Shopkeep again for a little more lore hints!
Outskirts: You now have access to the Outskirts! Conquer the Old Club, then select "Clear the Roadblock" from the Outskirts location!
Outskirts: You can visit every location in the Outskirts (except Morgana)!
Combat: New Power available! You can now use AURA in combat to increase your SEDUCE dice by two!
Combat: If you use auto-win you will now take a tiny amount of damage when doing so. Don't worry! You can still use the auto-win all day every day, but now events that require you to have taken damage will trigger correctly (such as Lily and Lyx's events)
Misc: Tidied up some of Gwen's dialogue so her paperdoll doesn't keep sliding in and out
Misc: Went through some of the earlier dialogue in Act Three and added way more references to the kids, if you have any. Their moms will ask about them too, when you meet them for the first time!
Bug: Players were unable to leave via the front door at night, even with all requirements met, but could leave through other means. The front door has been unlocked now, so MC no longer needs to climb out via bathroom windows
Bug: Jessica's paperdoll was hiding some words, and they weren't even naughty! MC has learned to throw his voice slightly to the right, so all is uncovered now. Nice try, Jessica!
Bug: A couple of error messages relating to Madison and Veronica have been fixed - they're no longer trying to wear outfits that don't exist!
Bug: Upgraded dice weren't appearing the first time you fought Goons in the garden. Now they are!
Bug: Your Goon's "Reinforce" tactic was boosting the first dice, not the lowest. Now it will boost the lowest, as it should! Silly Goons, so disorganised...
Bug: Fixed an error with paperdolls sticking around after reloading the same scene whilst in the middle of talking to them. Shoo, paperdolls! Shoo!
Bug: There was an issue preventing Lyx from appearing in your bedroom. Which some might say is a good thing, but those people didn't bribe me with mangoes so now she can get in again
Bug: The latest engine update messed up autosaves. They should be working properly again from this update onwards!
Bug: You can no longer search the apartments at night, causing a time dilation flux. Doc Brown gave me a good scolding
Bug: The Credits page is functional again! No more weirdness, and the supporter list is up to date again! Yay!
Bug: Ty-ty-typpppooosss fixx-x-xxx-xxxed...
v0.20.0: - 2023-09-21
Veronica & Madison: The return of Veronica and Madison! Conquer the college and make Hazel loyal (or get rid of her) to enter!
The Bridge: You can now (attempt to) cross the bridge, once you've conquered it, to attack the east side of town!
Shopkeep: New character appears! The Shopkeep. Allows you to buy upgrades for your dice (and more later on)!
Elixirs: You can now gather Ichor Elixirs (Eldritch Currency) from the Bridge after completing the event above!
War Room: Improved the "Ask Jessica for help" section, and added "How do I Shatter my opponent?" to the list of questions
War Room: Improved the "Ask Jessica for help" section, and added "How do I Shatter my opponent?" to the list of questions
Map: Mansion and Apartment locations are now unlocked for everyone in Act Three, even if you didn't find them in Act Two!
Map: If you've completed the combat tutorial, you can now explore the town at night!
Combat: You can now increase your dice to D8's (maximum roll of 8)!
Combat: New Power available! You can now use HIDDEN VOICES in combat for a one-turn SCOUT effect!
Veronica: Veronica now has a paperdoll!
Madison: Madison now has a paperdoll!
Bug: Hid "Troop Count" on the stats page until players have completed the combat tutorial
Bug: The new combat system accidentally blocked progress with Emma. You can now continue to unearth the mystery surrounding her fear!
Bug: The engine upgrade broke a couple girls' pregnancies. Now the only thing stopping you from having kids is your crippling social anxiety!
Bug: The Lily's Bar event in Act Three wasn't firing for people - now it will trigger correctly (Lily got drunk and fell asleep on an important button)!
Bug: A few text overflow issues dealt with
Bug: Wheeled Gwen back an inch so she wasn't overlapping her own name and dialogue any more
Bug: When fighting Goons, if you put a dice into ATTACK and then removed it, it would unlock SEDUCE which would then crash. Now SEDUCE remains greyed-out no matter what. Sorry, boy-love fans!
Bug: Shattering a girl, then selecting "release", then changing your mind, was crashing the game. Now you can be as weirdly indecisive as you like!
Bug: MC will no longer claim the college is his when he doesn't, in fact, own it during the fight with Hazel
Bug: Goon Tactics weren't turning off after combat ends, allowing people to sneak the abilities into practice fights. Now MC is forced to play fair. Booo!
Bug: SSsoem Typpoes Fixxedh...
BATTLE SYSTEM REWORK: A complete overhaul of the Battle System! There's WAY Too many changes to list here, but here are just a few highlights:
BATTLE SYSTEM: Brand-new combat mechanics and renders
BATTLE SYSTEM: No more districts! Conquer locations directly to unlock their events!
BATTLE SYSTEM: The Organisation will now try to take back vulnerable locations you've conquered!
BATTLE SYSTEM: Boss Girls all have a unique naughty event!
BATTLE SYSTEM: Hana will now prepare "Meals" - permanent effects that change certain aspects of the combat system!
BATTLE SYSTEM: Dungeon and Rehab removed while I rework their concepts
BATTLE SYSTEM: Just... so much more!
UPGRADE: The cutscene issue on Android has been fixed, so this update upgrades the game engine once again! If you've been having trouble getting the game to run on your Android device, this should fix the problem!
Cafe: Added a line to remind people to talk to the Chief in Act Two if they try to use the Lvl 2 Passcard too quickly
Stats: The stats were misaligned with the hint overlay. Now it actually makes sense!
Stats: Added "TROOPS" counter to the stats page
Bug: Fixed some dialogue lines in the Rehab that were displaying underneath the paperdolls
Bug: Fixed some more text overflow issues. That should be it for the overflow problems!
Bug: Fixed an "I should increase my authority" dialogue line when you were already maxed out
Bug: Fixed an "I should be able to teach private classes now!" line when you already had that ability
Bug: As Typo Hero enfolds the Dread Arc in a hug there is a sudden burst of static... the world stretches... groans... and snaps!
Viola: TWO new naughty events with Viola (just talk to her in the bar after meeting her)! To get the second event just be naughty with her a second time...
Version: The cutscene bug still isn't fixed in the Android version, and it looks like it's a problem with Ren'py itself. So for now I've reverted back to 7.5.2. All your saves should still work, but I'm ready to upload an 8.1.1 version if anything goes wrong. Sorry about this, everyone!
Bug: Players could get access to Jessica's car earlier than intended on replays
Bug: On meeting Lyx in Act Three, MC would reference Molly even though she may not be there. Obviously they are soul-bound through space and time!
Bug: Some of MC's text was appearing underneath the girls' paperdolls in the rehab centre
Bug: Fixed a graphical issue that was making MC's right arm show up twice during the meeting with Viola. MC is Eldritch confirmed!?
Bug: Viola was showing up in her "true(?)" form when visiting the Cosplaytime store. She has now been hidden again!
Bug: Pregnancy checks were throwing up error messages. Now the only thing throwing up is the expectant mothers! ... gross
Bug: TypeError when trying to invite Claire on a date at the club has been fixed. That girl certainly knows how to say no!
Bug: ... and lets it fall. With a sudden movement he darts forwards and, raising his arms wide... enfolds the Dread Arc in a hug.
v0.19.7b - 2023-08-02
Certain cutscenes not playing
Errors related to kinetic tags/gradients
Text overflow in certain dialogues
Pregnancy not working in Act Two
Okay, so this update is a little different, in that it's actually an upgrade. Specifically, an upgrade to the Ren'py SDK that I use to make Corrupted Kingdoms. There's a number of advantages to upgrading, but most of them are highly technical, so I'll just cover the main ones:
First, and most importantly, this should fix any Android issues people have been having! The upgraded SDK comes with all sorts of fixes for Android, so if you haven't been able to run CK on your device recently, this should solve your issue!
Secondly, the upgrade bumps Ren'py up to Python 3 (the programming language) which comes with a lot of new goodies, including the ability to create pseudo-3D environments, synchronize your saves to my server for easy transfer between devices, and many more. These features aren't enabled right now (as I need to experiment with them first) but will be slowly introduced in the coming months.
Now, all that being said, there's a reason why this is a separate download. Everything has been thoroughly tested, top to bottom, but as with any upgrade there could be little gremlins just waiting to strike. So please backup your saves before playing this upgraded version! It's a 99.9% chance that you'll be absolutely fine, but 0.1% is still a chance.
Viola: The new community-created character is finally revealed! Viola Zann! Just head to Lily's bar after the events of 0.19.3 to meet her!
Viola: After meeting Viola, you can talk to her in the bar and learn a little more about her
UI: HUGE User Interface refurbishment! Because of the discrepancy between the early game and late game renders, the cutscene bars were causing ugly issues when overlayed by textboxes. Because of this, I have decided to shrink down the new textboxes to better fit the old bars. Along with this change is the following:
UI: Character titles have been temporarily removed! I have a better idea of how to incorporate them in a more attractive and less forceful way, but I need to polish it a bit, so for now they're hidden
UI: Prefix "think" and "speech" images are now attached to the start of each dialogue line, so they follow the text rather than occupying a fixed position!
UI: When no paperdoll (side image) is on the screen, dialogue text will expand to fill the textbox - no more bunching up to the right!
Misc: Removed the "are you sure you want to..." confirmation when you cancel power or lead usage. Too many clicks!
Bug: It was possible to try to confront Lily in the evening, resulting in an image error. Now you are forced to let her sleep, you meanies
Bug: Added a line of code to prevent Jessica from popping up in scenes she isn't supposed to be in. She's just so worried about you!
Bug: Some of the navigation icons had artifacting, and not the fun green girl kind!
Bug: Telling Chloe to go to her room for naughty fun with her assassin form kept you in the war room. Now you will move correctly!
Bug: The Goons were overlapping the text in the train and roadblock maps. They've been told to shuffle a little more to the left
Bug: The Dread Arc rises from his seat and his form grows to fill the chamber, the shadows themselves seeming to reach out and trail around his gargantuan form, lit only by the flickering light of a single computer screen. Silently, Typo Hero steps forward and raises his sword...
Lyx: Lyx returns! Conquer the Apartment Block and then sleep in your room at the Manor to meet her again!
Jessica: New naughty event with Jessica! Just talk to her and select "let's be naughty"!
Chloe: You can now have naughty fun with Chloe in her Assassin form in her room (this was accidentally blocked before)!
Lily: In Act Two, you can no longer work as normal when you find Lily drunk and upset at the bar. You now have to talk to her first, you heartless monster
Chastity: Switched "Eldritch Beauty" title to "Mysterious Beauty" for the early game, as it's potentially a spoiler. A certain event in Act One will change the title back to the Eldritch one (you don't need to restart - people already past that point will have the Eldritch Beauty title)
Goons: The group of Goons now have their own updated paperdoll, and won't be weirdly bisected when chasing you from the train station or the roadblock in Act Three
Bug: Lily was sometimes not wearing the right clothes in Act Two until you approached her. She's been asked to stop quick-changing behind the bar
Bug: Goons will no longer have paperdolls pop up during the Act Two finale. It was distracting and weird!
Bug: Ami no longer has the weird, bisected paperdoll image when giving you binoculars in Act Three
Bug: You can no longer visit the dungeon at the start of Act Three before meeting with Pixie again
Bug: Jessica's paperdoll was hanging around during her naughty bathroom event. She has been told to stop being creepy
Bug: One of the map icons was wiggling provocatively when moused over, and it was awakening things in people. It has been kink-shamed into stopping
Bug: Tidied up a little code, preparatory to possibly upgrading the SDK
Bug: Blinking, Typo Hero surveys the room of the Dread Arc. A small, dimly-lit room, illuminated only by the flickering of a single screen. A hunched figure raises bleary eyes to gaze upon the intruder, and croaks out "You... finally."
v0.19.5 - 2023-07-13
Emma: New story event! Visit Emma's room after taking a certain number of districts to kick it off!
Lily: New naughty event with Lily! Talk to her in the bar (after the developments in 0.19.3)!
Jessica: Added some new facial expressions and tweaked her "neutral" expression to be less happy, so now she won't be smiling when giving you bad news any more! Who knew Jessica was so into schadenfreude?
Bug: The Centre for Disease Control map icon was stuck in its "hover" phase after being taken by the Eldritch. It has been brought back down to earth
Bug: Tweaked some of Chastity's expressions to tidy up a shading issue
Bug: Finally, Typo Hero stands before the door to the Dread Arc's chamber... there's a lock on the door! With a gesture the lock becomes a lick... wiping his hand, Typo Hero creaks open the door and steps inside...
Lily: Another story/lore event! Talk to Jessica to open up the bar, then try entering it again!
Lily: You can now chat with Lily in the bar (after the certain events from the last update)
Jessica: Talk to Jessica about the Bar to gain access to it (and some new lore)!
Jessica: Tweaked Jessica's code when you're talking to her so that she doesn't keep zooming in and out
Rehab: You can now select "Sleep and return" at night at the Rehab Centre - no more having to trek all the way back to the Manor!
Bug: Jessica was hanging around a little too long in the Lily story event. She will now take the hint and leave you alone earlier
Bug: A monster lunges from the shadows straight for Typo Hero! But one glance from his burning eyes and the monster becomes a mister and shamefacedly slinks away... a creature into a feature... staff to stuff... relentlessly, he moves onwards!
v0.19.3a - 2023-06-29
Lily: New STORY event! Conquer the Park district and then sleep to kick it off!
Lily: You can now knock on the bar door and have a small conversation with Lily! No more hiding out in the bar
Lily: Updated her Paperdoll to the latest version! No more strange bisections!
Lily: Reworked the scene where you meet Lily in Act Three to remove the black bars and improve the lighting slightly
New Location: A new location will be added to the Manor after a certain event! No spoilers... you'll figure it out!
War Map: New Conquerable location! "The Park"! (South of the Manor) - no Boss Girl for this one, sorry!
Church: Updated the Church background to make it more... Eldritchy!
Train Station: The background for the Train Station now changes when the Eldritch conquer the area!
Goons: Goons now have a Victory Screen when you beat them in district battles, just like the Boss Girls!
Misc: Added an "ACT THREE" text display during the Act Two finale
Bug: The purchase price of The Field wasn't disappearing after buying it in Act Two
Bug: Jessica wasn't counting districts correctly; she has been told to use her fingers if that helps
Bug: Using rollback whilst doing therapy was causing the paperdolls to get stuck. Now they should disappear as intended!
Bug: Fixed some minor shading issues with one of Chastity's outfit and expression combinations
Bug: It was possible to duplicate characters if you broke them then sent them to rehab from the dungeon. No more clones! We've been having a real problem with them lately...
Bug: The corridors twist and change at some unseen will as the Typo Hero moves unseen and uncontested, onwards, ever onwards, towards the Dread Arc...
Eldritch: The Eldritch Fight Back! The Eldritch faction has decided to take advantage of the war to try and claim the town for its tentacled own. For every district you conquer, the Eldritch will now claim one (or more!) for their own... uh-oh!
War Map: New Conquerable location! "Apartment Block"! (South of the Manor) - no Boss Girl for this one, sorry!
War Map: New Conquerable location! "Chinatown"! (South of the Manor) - no Boss Girl for this one, sorry!
Misc: Updated the combat tutorials and practice fights so the dialogue makes a bit more sense, and the stat displays open automatically when appropriate
Bug: You couldn't talk to Alice in the garden, which was making her very sad... so now you can!
Bug: The issue with duplicate Boss Girls has been fixed - once you load your game you'll notice that all the clones have been... dealt with...
Bug: Fixed gaining Noelle's memento jumping you to Hillside instead of Northside
Bug: Terri was missing some battle sprites. They have been restored!
Bug: Moved Tammi (enemy support) to a better location during combat
Bug: Chastity icon in the wardrobe menu was tearing. Now it's not!
Bug: Chloe's Assassin form's title wasn't displaying properly - now it is!
Bug: After the graphical overhaul for the combat system, the tutorials were displaying things in the wrong places - now they point to the right locations!
Bug: Fixed a "not in list" error when admitting Boss Girls to rehab from the dungeon without breaking them
Bug: You could send girls to rehab before it was built. So eager! But now you have to wait
Bug: Ami was growing an extra ear in her War outfit. She has been told to stop eating the glowing green cheese
Bug: Alice was appearing all over the Manor, in places she shouldn't be. Now she'll be a little more careful
Bug: Alarms blare, a flashing red light dark corridors illuminating the grimly-set face of the Typo Hero as he makes his way through the Dread Arc's Tower...
Transparent Animations: I'm testing out a new method of creating transparent animations (where the animation plays and the background can be seen behind it). If I can get this to work nicely, it will open up a lot of opportunities to bring/summon girls and be naughty with them anywhere! As well as opening up some interesting events, potentially...
Chloe: Chloe is being used to test the above system. Talk to her anywhere, and select "let's be naughty" and then "right here" to try out the new system!
Chloe: Assassin Form is now available! Only in the above system for now, I'm afraid, though - just while testing
Alice: Alice now has a paperdoll!
Alice: You can now find Alice around the Manor and chat with her! She can be found in the following locations:
Alice: Can be found at the FRONT DOOR on MONDAY MORNING!
Alice: Can be found in the GARDEN on WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON!
Alice: Can be found in the LIVING ROOM on FRIDAY MORNING!
Misc: Removed all the "by 1/one" text snippets from stat increases where the jump cannot ever be higher than one, for consistency and brevity
Bug: Puppet's paperdoll was showing up for some people where she shouldn't. She's been told to be less spooky
Bug: Some characters were missing specific battle sprite frames
Bug: Quick menu wasn't turning back on after battles for players who had the option enabled. Now it will!
Bug: You could enter the rehab at night. MC has been reminded that a good night's sleep is important for a healthy mind and stable emotional state and has agreed to let the poor patients sleep
Bug: Rehab was allowing you to admit Boos Girls you hadn't met yet for treatment. When did MC become able to manipulate the time stream!?
Bug: Turning off Auto-Win was dumping players in random locations. The wormhole has been closed
Bug: Typo Hero rubs his unmarked chest and grins, as sirens blare and a desperate voice reverberates through the speakers above: TRUE REALITY BREACHED! THE HERO IS AWAKE! THE HERO IS AWAKE!
The weekly update has been released!
This week it's a huge upgrade to the Rehabilitation Centre! Now you must lead the girl's therapy session and complete a unique event to get them to join your side! For reasons of filesize and workload, all one-shot girls (such as the Boss Girls) are assigned a "speech style" rather than individual dialogue, but there are elements of individuality in each one so I hope everyone can still have fun with it! Also, you can now choose what recruits will call you, engage in practice squad battles and AUTO-WIN ALL YOUR FIGHTS (if you want)! I hope you enjoy! :)
NOTE: I will be taking my once-every-two-or-three-months break next week so there will be no update until the 12th of June, at which point weekly updates will start up again!
Due to the necessity of changing the User Interface some screens (such as the skill, inventory, fighter and crafting screens) haven't had a UI pass and look kinda janky. All this will be fixed in the next few updates, so please bear with me until then. Thank you!
Rehabilitation Centre: Rehabilitation system has been upgraded! Now instead of merely waiting the one week, you must interact with the girl and lead her therapy session. At the end, you will have to visit her home district for a unique event, after which she will be recruitable and given the "rehabilitated" mental state!
Rehabilitation Centre: You can now send girls that you broke in the dungeon to therapy! (changes their mental state from "broken" to "rehabilitated"). NOTE: the "broken" mental state isn't applied retroactively due to coding limitations. Only girls you break from this update onwards will have the "broken" or "shattered" mental state. Sorry! You can still send everyone to therapy, though!
Rehabilitation Centre: You can now admit girls directly into therapy from the rehab centre. No need to go via the dungeon!
Rehabilitation Centre: You can now choose what recruits (such as the Boss Girls) will call you (default: "Master")!
War Room: New "Battle options" choice under "Prepare for battle": allows you to auto-win all your battles! For people who just want to enjoy the story and not have to engage with the combat system
War Room: New "Squad Fight" under the "practice battle" option, for people who want to try out morale-affecting skills or see what new squads look like
Speech System: A new speech system has been coded and makes its debut with this release! This is all "under the hood" stuff, but it should make introducing new characters significantly faster AND allow them to be summoned for conversation and naughtiness ANYWHERE (in future updates)!
Misc: Went through the paperdoll code and massively streamlined it. This will make creating and displaying paperdoll variants (including nudes!) much easier going forward!
Misc: New "under the hood" system for storing individual character data (such as their mental state) that will allow for a lot more nuanced interactions going forward!
Misc: Testing out a system that will allow paperdolls to remain on-screen even when someone else is talking. Only used in therapy sessions right now, but if it works I'll spread it to the other events too.
Bug: Left the TEST FIGHT option from dev testing in the war room... whoops!
Bug: You could send Goons to the rehabilitation centre before it was built. Now they actually have to wait for construction to be done, first!
Bug: You could re-recruit Boss Girls when roleplaying in the dungeon with them. No more cloning! It ruined Spider-man...
Bug: The blade plunges deep into Typo Hero's chest and the world... cracks... falling away in green shards which shatter against the cold marble floor... of the Dread Arc's tower!
I hope you enjoy this week's update! Next Early Access update will be Monday, 12th of June.
v0.18.9 - 2023-05-28
REHABILITATION CENTRE: New building in Northside! The Rehabilitation Centre, once built, will allow you to recruit Boss Girls without using the dungeon! You can also recruit Goons you beat (who can eventually be turned into new squads, assigned to particular buildings and functions and so on)!
Rehab: You can send defeated Boss Girls to the Rehab Centre directly after beating them, or from the dungeon at any time! After seven days (you will be able to shorten this number in future updates) the girl will be recruited once you visit them!
Rehab: You can now send Goons to the rehab centre when you beat them! Future updates will allow you to recruit them for various tasks, but right now you can just talk to them (five unique dialogues)!
Combat: Made some changes to the combat UI and graphics. This will give me more "real estate" to work with, as well as helping to future proof certain systems and fun little ideas I have planned. If you're wondering where the HP/WP and stat breakdowns are, just click on the names in the top left and top right of the battle screen!
Combat: Brand new player and enemy sprites!
Combat: Battle maps are now animated! Ooooh!
Investigate: Investigating Northside will now reveal the Build Site! (Build the Rehabilitation Centre there!)
Scavenge: You can now find Assorted Materials when selecting "Search for Supplies" in Northside (after finding the Build Site)!
Misc: Updated the Northside background image
Misc: Changed The Glades and Northside districts to use the forest battlemap instead of the hills
Misc: Old Town and Hillside Development fights now take place in the forest and the hills respectively. This is temporary, while I design the interior battle maps
Misc: Made a start on making the text on the warmap more readable, but honestly I think I'm going to redesign that whole UI...
Bug: Missing recipes have now been returned - I pinky-promise this time!
Bug: Ami had overlapping paperdolls in the East Hallway and the Bathroom. The doppelganger has been shooed away now
Bug: Talking to Lucille in the hallway now displays her correct paperdoll and her expressions change, as they should
Bug: One of the arrows in Veronica's character card was misaligned. Now it is not!
Bug: Sparks flicker from the tip of Typo Hero's sword as it scrapes against the rocks outside of the cave. The sparks are... green..? He pauses, statue-still for a long, long moment... then sighs and raises his sword... to place the tip against his own chest...
v0.18.8 - 2023-05-18
CONSTRUCTION YARD: New building in Hillside! The Construction Yard, once built, will allow you to construct unique buildings in other districts (Training Ground only for now - more buildings coming in future updates)!
TRAINING GROUNDS: New building in The Glades! The Training Grounds, once built, will allow you to increase the MC's PHY stat permanently by one! Also, may have more uses later!
Investigate: Investigating Hillside Development will now reveal the Construction Yard!
Investigate: Investigating The Glades will now reveal the Training Grounds!
Investigate: Investigating The Glades will now reveal the The Clearing! Revisit it for some peeks into MC's childhood, or Pixie being weird (five unique, randomised lines for each)!
Scavenge: You can now find Construction Materials when selecting "Search for Supplies" in Hillside (after finding the Yard!)
Scavenge: You can now find Vegetables when selecting "Search for Supplies" in The Glades!
Scavenge: You can now find Timber when selecting "Search for Supplies" in The Glades (after finding the Training Grounds!)
Molly: You can now be naughty with Molly in Act Three! Just talk to her while she's in the garden!
Cooking: Now when you learn your first recipe you will also get the ingredients for it, so they're not listed as "unknown" in the recipe book
Misc: Changed the Qarinah dream in Act Three so it only shows up once, and gave the "speaker" a namebox
Misc: Tweaked a couple of the district location backgrounds. Trying something out
Bug: While in the SUPPORT position, Rachel was incorrectly being called Ophelia. Very embarrassing
Bug: Players could access Roxy's character card before meeting her - this SHOULD be fixed, but let me know if not, as the code is a little complex
Bug: The simulation in which he was trapped is broken. Shaken, bloodied but unbowed, Typo Hero emerges from the cave and looks up at the Dread Arc's Tower once more. Brushing a fragment of crystal from his shoulder, he sets off once again...
I hope you enjoy this week's update! Next Early Access update will be Monday, 22nd of May.
v0.18.7 (Patreon)
The weekly update has been released!
This week it's a slightly smaller update as a lot of the work was done in the back end (giggity) rather than the front, to set up future systems and - hopefully - allow players to start building things in the next update! Still, there's some lore, a new recipe that should make it easier to fight Temptress Bosses, a new way to gather supplies and a few UI and bug fixes! I hope you enjoy! :)
Due to the necessity of changing the User Interface some screens (such as the skill, inventory, fighter and crafting screens) haven't had a UI pass and look kinda janky. All this will be fixed in the next few updates, so please bear with me until then. Thank you!
War Map: Experimenting with adding new options when scouting conquered districts, to allow for more exploration and discovery. Only Hillside Development and Riverview Apartments for now
Hillside Development: New options! "Investigate the area" and "search for supplies"!
Recipe: New recipe! Sugar Water! Found in the Hillside Development district after you've conquered it!
Item: New item: Sugar Water! Heals half of your maximum WP!
Item: You can now find sugar by selecting "Search for supplies" when scouting the conquered Hillside Development district!
Item: You can now find water by selecting "Search for supplies" when scouting the conquered Riverview district!
Lore: You can learn a little something by selecting "Investigate the area" when scouting the conquered Hillside Development district (must have the sugar water recipe first)!
Lore: You can learn a little something by selecting "Investigate the area" when scouting the conquered Riverview district!
UI: Finally got around to fixing the weirdly offset "return" button on some screens!
Bug: Hopefully fixed the issue with leftover battle numbers hanging around after combat if you skipped the text via other methods than TAB
Bug: Enemy was refusing to accept defeat when a support character dealt the finishing blow. They are now less elitist about who beats them
Bug: Noelle's lust attack will no longer trigger the enemy's counter-attack
I hope you enjoy this week's update! Next Early Access update will be Monday, 15th of May.
v0.18.6 Changelog:
The weekly update has been released!
This week it's a new conquerable location and a new Boss Girl - Rachel of the Riverview Apartments! Also, you can now chat properly with Molly and Gwen, there's a new dream and a number of UI and bug fixes! I hope you enjoy! :)
Due to the necessity of changing the User Interface some screens (such as the skill, inventory, fighter and crafting screens) haven't had a UI pass and look kinda janky. All this will be fixed in the next few updates, so please bear with me until then. Thank you!
War Map: New Conquerable location! "Riverview Apartments"! (East of the Manor)
Boss Girl: New Boss Girl! "Rachel" is in charge of the Riverview district!
Skill: New combat skill - PURIFY! Removes negative effects like Befuddle! Learned from Rachel, the new Boss Girl!
Molly: You can now talk to Molly! Find her in the Manor Garden!
Gwen: You can now chat properly with Gwen in the Living Room!
Qarinah: A new dream has been added! If you dream (10% chance on sleep) then you will now have a guaranteed dream that hints at what's going on with Qarinah...
UI: Removed black bars from: Living Room, Front Door, Lily's Bar, Pixie's Event, Emma's Event, Ami's Event, Gwen's Event, Molly's event and Manor Garden
Dialogue: Tidied up the dialogue and dialogue UI for Jessica and Ami
Bug: The Qarinah/Beast dream was appearing in Act Three, even though that makes no sense. Now it isn't!
Bug: Lucille's paperdoll was appearing on the wrong side in the wardrobe scene
Bug: From beneath the bloodied, huddled rags a haggard form stirs and rises, trembling, to its feet. From one skeletal hand dangles a sword, obviously too heavy to hold and yet still the figure holds on... on the blade is inscribed two simple words: "Typo Hero". Gwen & Ami: Kid Detectives gasp! The jam thief at last!
I hope you enjoy this week's update! Next Early Access update will be Monday, 8th of May.
v0.18.5 Changelog: - 2023-05-02
The weekly update has been released!
I was super sick last week because someone threw pee on me (don't ask - I'm in Thailand right now and it's a Songkran thing) so this update is mostly bugfixes and polishing. And also a naughty scene with the Puppet... if you dare! I hope you enjoy! :)
Due to the necessity of changing the User Interface some screens (such as the skill, inventory, fighter and crafting screens) haven't had a UI pass and look kinda janky. All this will be fixed in the next few updates, so please bear with me until then. Thank you!
Puppet: You can now have naughty fun with the Puppet in Act Three! (If you dare...)
Puppet: Added a new line of dialogue to the Puppet in Act Three, allowing you to ask about MC's mother
Jessica: Jessica will now appear naked on Wednesday mornings ONLY in the bathroom and when you summon her to the living room. No more warring with Org members with the girls hanging out
Ami: Ami's paperdoll has been updated to the newer version (no more being cut in half! Poor mouse...)
Lucille: Lucille's paperdoll has been updated to the newer version (no more being cut in half! Though you know she loves to be split apart...)
Molly: Molly now has a paperdoll!
Misc: The dialogue bar was masking the Nexus icon in Artifact's demesne. The icon has been removed and replaced with a dialogue option instead to make things cleaner
Misc: Added a couple lines of dialogue to the first Qarinah encounter in case you don't get it before Act Two
Misc: Adjusted a line in Asteria's exercise event to account for the fact that Mistis may or may not be there
Bug: An "iExit" tag was displaying text instead of an icon
Bug: Ophelia's support attack was causing an error. She has been told to stop aiming it at the CPU
Bug: "Pump It" was displaying the PHY boost as "0" no matter what. Now you can get your gains again, bruh!
Bug: Healing effects were always showing on the enemy's side, not the player's. No more heal-stealing!
Bug: There was a little screen tearing around the "decorate" and "wardrobe" buttons
Bug: You can no longer "Talk to Pixie" in Act Three upon just waking up
Bug: Some incorrect names have been corrected
Bug: Weird line breaks in two events have been removed
Bug: Courtyard Girls in Act Two were discussing things and people MC hadn't discovered or met yet
Bug: During your first class, the Courtyard Girls talked as though you've met even though players may not have spoken to them yet
Bug: College staff and students weren't correctly changing to casual clothing when the option was unlocked
Bug: Fixed a couple of text run-over menu options
Bug: Qarinah's Heart Card is now locked until the meeting in the garden near the start of Act Two
Bug: Qarinah's "Princess" outfit is now locked in her heart card until players complete the event that unlocks it
Bug: Gwen & Ami: Lid Defectives have dim-covered the jam thief! Lurking at each other, they gulf loudly and peach our their hands...
I hope you enjoy this week's update! Next Early Access update will be Monday, 1st of May.
v18.4 Changelog:
The weekly update has been released!
This week it's another conquerable district, with a brand-new Boss Girl and skill, and the return of the "Puppet Nun" who is... somehow even weirder than before. It's probably fine, though, right? Right!? I hope you enjoy! :)
Due to the necessity of changing the User Interface some screens (such as the skill, inventory, fighter and crafting screens) haven't had a UI pass and look kinda janky. All this will be fixed in the next few updates, so please bear with me until then. Thank you!
War Map: New Conquerable location! "Old Town"! (East of the Manor)
Boss Girl: New Boss Girl! "Ophelia" is in charge of the Old Town district!
Skill: New combat skill - IMPALE! Chance to insta-kill your opponent! Learned from Ophelia, the new Boss Girl!
Puppet Nun: You can now talk to the Puppet Nun (if you rescued her in the finale) - just head to the East Hallway!
Puppet Nun: Puppet Nun now has a paperdoll!
Android: New SWIPE GESTURES feature! You can now swipe your phone screen to activate certain functions! (Swipe left to rollback, right to skip, up for game menu and down to hide the UI!) Many thanks to a certain player for the code snippet!
Misc: More quick menu tweaks in a desperate attempt to get it working properly on Android. Yaaaaay
Misc: Fixed a little tearing around the sides of the War Room nav icon
Bug: Some people were missing the Endure and Shatter powers in their skill menu. These have been restored!
Bug: If enemy HP or WP was reduced to zero by a support character attack, the enemy would keep fighting. They've been told off and will stop cheating from now on
Bug: Chastity was showing off her new War outfit in Acts One and Two. She has been slapped with a spoiler warning
Bug: Chloe's dialogue wasn't showing the OUTBREAK notification at one point. Now it is!
Bug: Gwen & Ami: Kid Detectives enter the dark cage... I mean cave. There at the bank is a hatched fig cure. I mean at the bark is a bunched... at the bunk... what is going on!?
I hope you enjoy this week's update! Next Early Access update will be Monday, 24th of April.
v18.3 Changelog:
Chastity: Meet Chastity again, and find out a little about what's happened to her! (Just go to sleep any time after doing the combat tutorial)
Chastity: Chastity now has a paperdoll!
Chastity: You can now change Chastity's outfit at the Wardrobe!
War Map: New Conquerable location! "The Glades"! (Just north-east of the Manor)
Boss Girl: New Boss Girl! "Terri" is in charge of The Glades district!
Boss Girl: New Boss Girl! "Tammi" is Terri's twin and acts as her support!
Skill: New combat skill - SHIELD STANCE! Learned from Terri, the new Boss Girl!
Combat: Enemy SUPPORT character system implemented! Only for Terri & Tammi right now, but its modular nature means it can be plugged into any fight! Enemy support characters do not show their intent, so beware of hidden skills and attacks!
Combat: Player stats are updated immediately after being altered and no longer just at the start of the turn. This should prevent confusion about support buffs not appearing to work
Misc: Applied another fix to hopefully solve the Android quick_menu issues, so let's see if this one works!
Bug: Northside was showing as conquered if you'd already conquered Crescent Hills. Now it will display properly
Bug: Noelle was pretending to be Hazel in the dungeon. Her masquerade has ended
Bug: "noelle_captive_type" variable error has been fixed
Bug: Noelle's support move was displaying the wrong damage numbers
Bug: "tempCOR is not defined" error was been fixed
Bug: You can no longer tell when your enemy is going to counter you if you're befuddled!
Bug: Gwen & Ami: Kid Detectives continue to follow the trail of jam, What's this? There's a weird, huge tower up ahead! And some kind of cave that the jam leads right into!
v18.2a Changelog:
War Map: New Conquerable location! "Northside"! (Just north of the Manor)
Boss Girl: New Boss Girl! "Noelle" is in charge of the Northside district!
Jessica: Jessica will now default to naked if she's in the bathroom (or if you summon her while she was in the bath)!
Gwen: You can now find and chat with Gwen at the FRONT DOOR on WEEKDAY EVENINGS!
Gwen: Gwen now has a paperdoll!
Android: I have changed the code to make the quick menu permanently visible while I try to figure out how to get the on/off code working consistently. All Android users should now see the quick menu at the top of their screens
Misc: Added a flash transition to some dungeon scenes to mask the animation reset on variable change
Bug: Trying to do naughty things with Chloe was sometimes throwing up an error
Bug: Eating food no longer opens you up to a counter-attack. Although it kind of should..?
Bug: The "e_HEAL not defined" error has been crushed beneath my sandalled feet
Bug: ENDURE battle skill was confused as to whether it blocked physical or arcane damage. It's fine now
Bug: Goon was shaking his breasts at you in combat. He's been asked to knock it off
Bug: Jessica was being duplicated in the bathroom. I know, more Jessicas = more fun! But the existential crisis was getting to her so she's back down to just one now
Bug: Pixie clone was appearing in Act Two when you asked for Easter Egg hints. She has been returned to her vat
Bug: HP and WP weren't being restored correctly if switching from a low HP/WP character to a high HP/WP character. Now they are!
Bug: Squads were being removed from battles that should have had them if done after "looking for trouble". They have returned!
Bug: Gwen & Ami: Kid Detectives find nothing but boring paper with pictures of old people in the wallet. What a waste! After feeding the paper to a cow, they continue their mission!
0.18.1 - 2023.03.31
Pixie: Added "Talk to Pixie" option back to the Manor bedroom in Act Three! Complete with naughty events, too!
Pixie: Pixie now has a paperdoll!
Pixie: You can change Pixie's outfit at the Wardrobe now!
Chloe: Chloe now appears in the War Room every MORNING and AFTERNOON!
Chloe: New naughty event with Chloe! Talk to her in the WAR ROOM!
Chloe: All of Chloe's features have been reinstated for Act Three, including changing her speech patterns, making her drink potions and all the naughty stuff!
Chloe: Chloe now has a paperdoll!
Chloe: You can change Chloe's outfit at the Wardrobe now!
Bimbo: Chloe's "Bimbo" Fey Form now has a paperdoll!
Wardrobe: Fixed Jessica and Hana's Wardrobe section so they're not appearing under menu choices any more
UI: Changed the bedroom menu in Act Two slightly so the "Decorate" option is on the nav bar and "Talk to Pixie" is higher on the list as it should be.
Bug: Org Goons were showing up in Asteria's final heart event in Act Two. They have been kicked out! Blasted gatecrashers...
Bug: Gwen & Ami: Kid Detectives follow the jam trail back to a very lazy man. He's just lying in a field and won't wake up to answer questions! So rude. So they take his wallet. Maybe there's clues inside!
I hope you enjoy this week's update! Next Early Access update will be Monday, 3rd of April.
Due to the necessity of changing the User Interface some screens (such as the skill, inventory, fighter and crafting screens) haven't had a UI pass and look kinda janky. All this will be fixed in the next few updates, so please bear with me until then. Thank you!
Due to the necessity of changing the User Interface some screens (such as the skill, inventory, fighter and crafting screens) haven't had a UI pass and look kinda janky. All this will be fixed in the next few updates, so please bear with me until then. Thank you!
War Map: New Conquerable location! "Hillside Development"! (Just south of the Manor)
Boss Girl: New Boss Girl! "Hazel D." in charge of the Hillside Development district!
Skill: New combat skill - PUMP IT! Learned from Hazel, the new Boss Girl!
Combat: Reworked the AI a little bit to prevent them defaulting to a single move most of the time (TANK especially has been completely reworked)
Jessica: You can now call Jessica to the LIVING ROOM any time you like! No more hunting around the Manor for her! Man, she was good at hide and seek!
Ard & Hana: Now have updated paperdolls! No more bisected Hana in the kitchen. Phew!
Misc: Highlighted the word GARDEN in the "Learn How to Fight" lead as people weren't reading it carefully and were getting confused as to where Jessica was (fixed in 0.17.8b)
Bug: Fixed a situation in which you could get soft-locked in the Dungeon. Uh-oh!
Bug: Fixed a UI issue where "(iExit)" was appearing on Wardrobe options
Bug: Fixed an issue where Jessica would sometimes pop up during battle. Don't be a helicopter mom, Jessica!
Bug: Fixed the "black bar at bottom of screen" bug! (fixed in 0.17.8b)
Bug: You could recruit the Boss Girl multiple times from the dungeon. No more clones! (fixed in 0.17.8b)
Bug: You could "Mount an Attack" before doing the battle tutorial in the garden, which would mess up progression (fixed in 0.17.8b)
Bug: The lab background wasn't showing up in Act Two. Now it is! (fixed in 0.17.8b)
Bug: Jessica's stats weren't increasing for her naughty bathroom event (fixed in 0.17.8b)
Bug: Moved quick_menu to the top of the screen and tied its visibility to the visibility of the top bar. Hopefully this will solve the Android "quick menu is blocking stuff" (fixed in 0.17.8b)
Bug: Gwen & Ami: Kid Detectives approach the creaking cupboard slowly. Is it the missing jam? A lead? A clue!? AHHHH! NOITSBUGS! ITSBUUUUUUGS!
v0.17.7 - 2023-02-04
Jessica: You can now have naughty fun with Jessica in the bathroom (WEDNESDAY MORNING)!
Ami: Ami is now on lookout duty only in the AFTERNOON
Ami: Ami can now be found cleaning the bathroom on MONDAY MORNINGS
Ami: Ami can now be found cleaning the east hallway on WEDNESDAY MORNINGS
Ami: Ami can now be found clearing the garden on FRIDAY MORNINGS
Misc: Added a fade transition when opening the War Map so it's less jarring
Bug: Ami will no longer regenerate her eye when switching to her ponytail hairstyle. Poor Ami...
Bug: Time wasn't advancing when MC went looking for the fish girls. Super Simping Swimming Speed?
Bug: Hopefully fixed the overlapping quick menu and exit buttons on the War Map for Android players (Hopefully)
Bug: Gwen & Ami: Kid Detectives! Their first adventure: the case of the Terrible Typos! Who is the typo in the white sheet? Is the Manor haunted? And who took all the jam? These questions and more will probably not be answered in... Gwen & Ami: Kid Detectives!
War Room: New room: the War Room! Talk to Jessica (Front Door on Sunday afternoon) and select "Strategise with Jessica"
War Map: New mechanic - the interactive War Map! Just for information right now, but you will be able to plan attacks and conquer territory with it very soon!
Paperdolls: New paperdoll for Ami (Dress her up at the wardrobe in your room)!
Misc: Removed the Church from the property listings since you can't buy it yet and it was worrying people about to do the Act Two finale
Misc: Moved the Manor nav UI around a bit again. The number of buttons on this UI is too damn high!
Bug: Typo stuff... or Gwen And Ami: Kid Detectives! Either one
Main Story: Main Story progression! After exploring the map, return to the Manor's Front Door
Nexus: You can now TRY to use the Nexus portal in the Manor (emphasis on "try")!
Kana: Added some extra dialogue lines in Act One to help people who are confused about springing the Org trap
Bug: The East Hallway was trapping players who interacted with anything in it. The curse has been lifted and everyone should be free now
Bug: A mysterious figure emerges to encase Typo Hero's body in green crystal! So while he's in there, how about the Adventures of Gwen & Ami: Kid Detectives!
Ami: You can now be naughty with Ami at the front door (talk to her when she's at the front door)!
Goon Squad: Added Org Goon Squads to the Roadblock and Train locations to prevent MC from escaping!
Misc: Updated the "Exit" button at night to bounce you back to wherever you tried to exit from
Misc: Updated some of the Manor navigation backend code to properly record where you're located to make future redirections easier
Bug: The chain link fence when meeting Molly wasn't stretching the whole way. Pretty significant security flaw, Molly!
Bug: The boar was riddled with parasites and Typo Hero DIES! Can I do that? Am I allowed? It's my changelog after all! Let me check the rules...
Вы - герой - или, возможно, злодей - в этой истории, первоначально находясь в путешествии, чтобы выяснить, почему ваша семья была изгнана из вашего родного города, но быстро погрузиться в события, выходящие за рамки того, что вы могли себе представить. По мере нарастания напряженности между людьми и мифическими существами, которые скрываются за пределами поля зрения, станете ли вы маяком надежды ... или используете свою вновь обретенную силу, чтобы взять мир под свой контроль?
Коды для русской версии:
1)подумать о дедушке, 2)свистнуть
3)хлопок, 4)мыслить наоборот
5)подумать о арк, 6)падору
7)ключ, 8)помощь
P.S. некоторые коды открываются только по ходу сюжета.
You are the hero - or possibly villain - of this tale, originally on a journey to discover why your family was driven out of your home town, but quickly thrust into events beyond anything you could ever have imagined. As tensions rise between the humans and the mythical creatures that lurk just outside of sight, will you stand as a beacon of hope... or use your newfound power to bring the world under your control?
Год выпуска: 2020
Жанр: 3dcg, adventure, ahegao, anal, animated, bdsm, big tits, cheating, corruption, cosplay, creampie, exhibitionism, fantasy, handjob, harem, incest, lactation, lesbian, male, domination, male protagonist, masturbation, milf, mind control, monster, monster girl, oral, pregnancy, prostitution, rape, religion, romance, rpg, sandbox, slave, spanking, teasing, twins, vaginal, virgin, voyeurism,
Цензура: Отсутствует
Разработчик/Издатель: ArcGames - SubscribeStar - Itch.io - Discord
Перевод: ivann
Платформа: PC/Windows/Linux/Android
Тип издания: В разработке
Таблэтка: Не требуется
Версия: v.0.22.1a Rus / v.0.22.3 Eng
Язык игры: Русский/Английский (Смена в настройках)
Язык интерфейса: Русский/Английский
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AMI: New naughty scene with Ami! (Talk to her on Monday morning when she's cleaning the bathroom)!
VERONICA: New naughty scene with Veronica! (Talk to her in the College)!
VERONICA: Veronica now uses the updated character model in her Act Three scenes!
MADISON: New naughty scene with Madison! (Talk to her in the College)!
MADISON: Madison now uses the updated character model in her Act Three scenes!
COLLEGE: Five new "Explore" events in the college! These use a new randomisation system which will be built out over time. I was hoping to get more explore events into all the other districts as well, but ran out of time.
Bug: Alice's text is no longer misaligned during conversations
Bug: The missing "shaking text" has returned! MC's reaction to Beast and Control/Desire text should now make a LOT more sense...
Bug: Players could still skip time in Act One through the Outskirts map. Now they cannot!
Bug: Fixed the "yours" error. As it turns out, it was mine, not yours
Bug: Fixed the "cannot find 'happy' image" for Pixie error. All she needed was a little lemon sherbet ice cream
Bug: MC will no longer tell Kana that "Annie is right outside" if Annie is, in fact, not right outside
Bug: Day and time will no longer appear underneath dream text
Bug: Typos and grammatical errors fixed
v0.22.2 - 2024-12-06
NEW AREA: After doing the NIGHT Bridge event (the one that unlocks the Shopkeep). go to the Bridge during the DAY and select "Explore the River" to unlock a new STORY area! Not much to do here right now, but it will come into play later on!
CODE: I'm experimenting with the "3D Stage" feature of Ren'py, for use in future systems. Mostly backend work for now, but if you want to see a basic example of it in action, head to the Park in Act 3 and click "Look Around"!
LILY: In Act One and Two you can now work at Lily's bar in the evening!
NPC: New NPC Character Models added! These will begin to pop up more and more over time
Misc: Added an option to the NIGHT Bridge story event to allow people to be more of a dick if they want
Misc: Added an outline to "thinking" text so that it's still readable even if you lower the textbox opacity to 0%
Misc: Club Date girl selection has been updated to new "card selection" system!
Misc: Converted all the character models from .png to .webp, as part of my constant campaign to keep this game below 2GB. This reduces the character models' filesize by around 80!%
Bug: Even more menu overflow errors removed!
Bug: Fixed a crash during Pixie's 'personal time' with your laptop in Act One. The screen has been waterproofed
Bug: Fixed an error during the Chastity event in Act Three. Lucille was just too angry!
Bug: Fixed a weird issue with the textbox showing up behind centered text
Bug: Alice and Chloe will now appear properly in the War Room!
Bug: Time will no longer crawl along while waiting for night to fall during Sawano's missions in Act Two
Bug: You can no longer work in Lily's bar if it's after midnight. What, you expect her to pay overtime?
Bug: Pixie no longer obscures text during the Act Two to Three transition
Bug: Older saves will no longer have oversized screenshots attached (thanks, MyeLittleEye!)
Bug: Typos and grammatical errors fixed
v0.22.1a - 2024-11-10
KANA: New naughty event with Kana! Talk to her in her field after everything with Maven is done!
ANNIE: New naughty event with Annie! Just talk to her at the farm in Act Three!
JESSICA: An alternate way to open up the locked sections of the east side of town if you don't have Claire! Just talk to Jessica!
ALICE: Alice can now be found in the War Room on TUESDAY/WEDNESDAY/THURSDAY MORNINGS, helping out her big sister!
HANA: Hana can be found foraging in the park on MONDAY and FRIDAY MORNINGS!
MAVEN: Maven can now be found in KANA'S FIELD every EVENING (if you told her to be nice to Kana)!
LUCILLE: Lucille has been updated to the new character model system! She now has fully animated eyes and lips!
UI: The CREDITS and HISTORY pages have been updated to the new UI!
OPTIONS: Added a slider in Options for textbox opacity (by request)!
CODE: Tweaked the Hidden Voices code slightly to make it nicer, and to allow me to quickly update the older code. Lamia Hidden Voice restored soon!
CODE: Added a code snippet by MyLittleEye to make dealing with the "no snappable" bug easier in future updates!
Misc: Shrank the spacing between choice menu options to allow for more options on screen at once without overflow
Bug: Text that floats in the centre of the screen will no longer have a quick menu attached to it
Bug: Many, many choice menu overflow issues have been fixed!
Bug: Sub-navigation menu now appears correctly in the Act Two Living Room!
Bug: Emma will no longer be in the garden training until you've spoken to her about it. She's so eager!
Bug: Players could get stuck in a loop in Act One by clicking the time skip button on the map screen. This button has been disabled until Act Two to prevent issues.
Bug: Error with ("sad" image not found) has been fixed. Jessica was just too sad!
Bug: Multiple mentions of Annie removed from Act Three conversations if you were a monster and didn't get her to Love 3 before hitting Act Three. Shame on you.
Bug: Removed MC's knowledge that the Flying Bar is effective against Eldritch if Lily has already left town
Bug: MC will no longer be confused about what time it is when Gwen bursts into his room with a knife. You heard me
Bug: You can no longer call Madison to watch while you're having fun with Veronica if Madison is heavily pregnant. The stress isn't good for the baby! It was disappearing!
Bug: Fixed an error preventing players from seeing Chloe read to Alice in the garden in Act Two. The wholesomeness must shine!
Bug: Gwen will no longer show up around the Manor in Act Three until you have met her in the Living Room
Bug: Added a failsafe to restore the top menu when changing locations if it was accidentally erased
Bug: Fixed some misaligned text boxes
Bug: Typos and grammatical errors fixed
v0.22.0 - 2024-10-04
Изменения 0.22.0:
От Переводчика:
Новых событий нет, а был переработан UI, Меню Сохранения и Загрузок. Подсказки, Иконка инвентаря и доступ к карточке девушек, Меню Опции и всё подобное. Так же исправлены некоторые диалоги.
UI: A huge UI/X overhaul! Details are listed in the bullet points below:
UI - DIALOGUE: Dialogue boxes are now slightly larger and more ornate to allow for longer dialogue chunks, a cleaner quick menu and to move away from the 'black boxes' aesthetic. New mechanics (coming in the next update) will iterate on the new design and add a fun new toy.
UI - QUICK MENU: The Quick Menu has been moved from its distracting position at the top of the screen and into the dialogue box to give everyone a more pleasant-looking experience (and make things easier on PC players who had to keep popping open the top nav bar to get access to it)!
UI - TOP MENU: The old nav bar at the top of the screen has been completely overhauled! The clock has moved to the centre of the screen and been given a sleeker look, and the old buttons in the top-right have been compiled into three new buttons: "Notes", "Inventory" and "Options".
UI - CLOCK: The clock now has a new position and a new look! It will now be visible any time the general UI is (which will help prevent confusion in people who hid the top bar and then passed time) and will clearly display what time of day it is.
UI - NOTES: Stats, Powers, Leads and Girls icons have been moved into the "Notes" icon to help keep the main screen looking a little cleaner and to reduce visual clutter.
UI - OPTIONS: The old preferences screen has been renamed to "options" and given a sleek new look! Options are now divided into "Display", "Audio" and "Extras" categories for quick and easy scrolling to what you're looking for. Additionally, you can now hear preview sounds of Sound Effects, Vocal Effects and Clock Ticks with in the options menu so you can easily adjust each of the volume levels to your personal preference!
UI - SAVE/LOAD: The Save/Load Screens have been given a massive visual overhaul! Save slots are now clearly numbered, and there are ten to a page. NOTE: I have had to resize the save thumbnails, but Ren'py doesn't apply this change retroactively! Your old saves will look weird until you overwrite them!
UI - CHOICES: The Choices UI has be overhauled with new button graphics and new positioning. This MIGHT cause some weirdness in older events if there's more than five options on screen, so report any oddness you see!
UI - SLEEP WITH SOMEONE: New UI added for when you select "sleep with someone"! (In Act Three only - I didn't have time to apply this to Act Two yet, sorry)! Now you'll get a fun little graphical UI which will allow you to pick the location and then the girl. This uses the new Avatar Portrait system that will be showing up in various mechanics in future updates!
UI - LIVING ROOM: The dialogue options for "garden" and "bathroom" have been moved to "sub-location" icons, visible above the normal navigation icons at the bottom of the screen. This is something I'm experimenting with and may apply to other game areas.
Bug: The "draggable" error that appeared for some people when trying to engage in combat has been fixed! This required an edit to the Ren'py SDK which SHOULD be fine, but report any weirdness!
Bug: Wiki link on the main menu has been updated to point to the new and improved wiki. Thanks, team!
Bug: Typo Hero has decided to give the Dread Arc a break this month and will stay home to sharpen his sowrd. I mean sword! Damnit!
EMMA: You can help Emma train her powers! Visit her in the GARDEN and select "About your powers..."!
EMMA: You can now find emma in the GARDEN every WEEKDAY AFTERNOON!
EMMA: Emma now has her own voice effect!
EMMA: Emma now has an updated character model!
GWEN: You can now enter Gwen's room in Act Three!
CHLOE: You can now enter Chloe's room in Act Three!
JESSICA: Jessica will now react if you exit the bathroom during the time that she's normally taking a bath (Wednesday morning)
ALICE: Alice is now visible in the Living Room on Friday mornings!
TIME: Added a new function to jump by day rather than minute, which should solve the issues with large time jumps, such as those in the finales
Misc: Added new variables to every single location in the game, to track where players are coming from. This will help with making more detailed interactions and hopefully also with failsafes in case of save/location errors
Misc: Updated the Hidden Voices code so that players can properly advance the "mind reading" questline even on characters without the new character models.
Bug: A timetick error in the Act Two Finale has been squashed
Bug: Using a power while teaching classes in the college in Act Two was hiding your nav bar for the rest of the event
Bug: Pixie was causing an error screen during an Act Two event with Chloe. She has been told to stop eating ice cream directly over the keyboard
Bug: Typo Hero holds his sword aloft as a sunbream descends from the clouds. "Ooh, fish!" cries Gwen & Ami: Kid Detectives. And then they all have lunch.
v0.21.8 - 2024-08-01
EMMA: You can help Emma train her powers! Visit her in the GARDEN and select "About your powers..."!
EMMA: You can now find emma in the GARDEN every WEEKDAY AFTERNOON!
EMMA: Emma now has her own voice effect!
EMMA: Emma now has an updated character model!
GWEN: You can now enter Gwen's room in Act Three!
CHLOE: You can now enter Chloe's room in Act Three!
JESSICA: Jessica will now react if you exit the bathroom during the time that she's normally taking a bath (Wednesday morning)
ALICE: Alice is now visible in the Living Room on Friday mornings!
TIME: Added a new function to jump by day rather than minute, which should solve the issues with large time jumps, such as those in the finales
Misc: Added new variables to every single location in the game, to track where players are coming from. This will help with making more detailed interactions and hopefully also with failsafes in case of save/location errors
Misc: Updated the Hidden Voices code so that players can properly advance the "mind reading" questline even on characters without the new character models.
Bug: A timetick error in the Act Two Finale has been squashed
Bug: Using a power while teaching classes in the college in Act Two was hiding your nav bar for the rest of the event
Bug: Pixie was causing an error screen during an Act Two event with Chloe. She has been told to stop eating ice cream directly over the keyboard
Bug: Typo Hero holds his sword aloft as a sunbream descends from the clouds. "Ooh, fish!" cries Gwen & Ami: Kid Detectives. And then they all have lunch.
v0.21.7 - 2024-07-18
MAVEN: There is now an "Aftermath" event that takes place after Kana and Maven's meeting. Go talk to Maven to see it, and make a certain decision... also, remember to check in with Kana afterwards!
KANA: You can now give Kana headpats (only in the field)!
LIL' KANA: You can now give Lil' Kana headpats (headpat Kana and she'll want one too)!
MODELS: Hana, Ami, Chloe, Annie, Maven, Jessica and Lyx have all been updated from the old Paperdolls to the new Character Models! Huge thank you to Chris for doing that! (0.21.6a)
TIME: You can now turn off the clock "ticks" (making timeskips instant)! Go to "Preferences" and under "Clock", click "Disable"!
TIME: You can no longer click on navigation overlays while time is ticking (0.21.6a)
TIME: Almost all time skips have been increased by 50-100% and new time skips have been added (0.21.6a)
Bug: Some time transitions were crashing the game - these have all been tidied up (0.21.6a)
Bug: An issue with Asteria's "happy" paperdoll crashing the game was been dealt with. She has been told to smile less intimidatingly (0.21.6a)
Bug: Opening a screen overlay while time was ticking could cause the overlay to get stuck (0.21.6a)
Bug: There were a number of issues that were causing start-of-game crashes (0.21.6a)
Bug: Hidden Voices power wasn't working properly. Now it is again! (0.21.6a)
Bug: One of the Lyx sequences was broken. It's working again! (0.21.6a)
Bug: Talking to the three Numbers in Artifact's demesne was crashing the game. They've been asked to be less meta (0.21.6a)
Bug: An error when going to your room at night in Act One has been squashed!
Bug: You couldn't give the medicine to Kana if Annie wasn't at the farm. Now you can! But also, why do you hate Annie so much? Huh? Meanie.
Bug: Sitting with Kana until the time slot changed locked you into a black screen. Now you can sit with her for as long as you like!
Bug: A number of issues with time changes leading to weird overlay problems have been fixed. There will likely be more, so keep reporting them and I'll deal with them one by one!
Bug: During the Act One finale, Robin was reversing time. He has been nerfed. Too OP.
Bug: Duplicate bug for Kana's questline has been squashed (again!)
Bug: Error screen when losing to Hazel has been fixed
Bug: Time was being wibbly-wobbly in the Act Two finale. It has been Doctored. Who? Don't worry about it
Bug: A few "sleeping" events were overlapping each other. Everyone has been asked to wait patiently in line
Bug: Pixie was cloning herself during one of the Chloe events. To save our ice cream, her cloning vats have been taken away from her
Bug: You could work in Lily's bar all night. Lily has had unions explained to her and now enforces regular working hours
Bug: Shrugging in unison, Gwen & Ami: Kid Detectives nod. Sure! TYPO HERO HAS JOINED THE PARTY!
KANA: Kana's Koma Kwestline Kompleted! No spoilers here, but you can now gather the final ingredients Lyx needs, and see what happens... yes, this is the whole questline, no more cliffhangers! Did you leave Maven alive? If so, Kana may have some words for her...
MODELS: Character paperdolls have been upgraded! Now they blink, have different poses based on their emotions, and their lips move whilst their dialogue scrolls on the screen (and stop moving once the dialogue scroll ends)! This change only affects a few paperdolls right now, but more will be added in every update!
VOICE EFFECTS: All characters now have voice effects! These are your standard "bleepbloop" VN effects, not full voices, but they do change depending on the character's emotion!
TIME: The time system has been upgraded! Now there are FOUR timeslots instead of just three (Morning/Day/Evening/Night) and time is measured in hours and minutes!
CALENDAR: Days of the month and month names have been added! This will allow me to start introducing seasonal events like Hallowe'en, Christmas, and so on!
PREFERENCES: New volume sliders have been added for the Voice Effects and Clock sounds, in case you think they're too loud or just want to turn them off completely!
Bug: The Nexus lead was HUGE. Now it is little. Tremble at the power I wield
Bug: It was possible to redo the "meet Kana with Lyx" event and duplicate old leads. Now it isn't, and all duplicate leads should be erased on loading in
Bug: Lucille's climax image was broken. That's one hell of a climax!
Bug: MC was calling Lily "Jessica" in one scene. Embarrassing!
Bug: You could summon Veronica and Madison at night in the college. Now they're allowed to get their beauty sleep!
Bug: Fixed text appearing over Pixie's "laptop scene" in Act One if you chose to stop looking
Bug: The "sound volume" bar in preferences now actually affects sound effects
Bug: You could call Jessica to practice combat at night. Let the poor woman sleep!
Bug: Gwen & Ami: Kid Detectives look at the Typo Hero questioningly. "So you vanquish typos, or you're a hero of typos?". Typo Hero sheathes his blade and smiles "Watn to cmoe an cee?"
v0.21.5 - 2024-05-21
NEW CHARACTER: Continue with the Kana lead you got from Lyx!
KANA: Can continue her Lead!
LUCILLE: Lucille finally has a room of her own once again! In the East Hallway - Human Floor!
LUCILLE: New naughty event with Lucille! Talk to her in her room!
DREAMS: Five new dreams will appear once you've tried to access the Nexus in Act Three and spoken to Lyx about it. They may reveal a little more about a certain character's origin, and perhaps a way to eventually reopen the Nexus...
Misc: Slight rework to the Act One finale to include kinetic text and tidy up the code a little.
Misc: Fixed some instances of paperdolls overlaying on top of text.
Misc: Shifted a dialogue line in the park concert scene so it makes a little more sense.
Misc: Work continues on making "virgin runs" possible. I'm about 20% through remaking the Act One finale renders and they'll all be released at once in a futuer update - coming soon!
Bug: The figured pulls himself from the pool of light, armor gleaming in the flickering luminescence. Picking up his sword, he turns to Gwen & Ami: Kid Detectives. "Hi," he says, "I'm the Typo Hero...".
TERRI & TAMMI: Terri & Tammi will now perform a concert! Make sure you've conquered the Park and explored it, then talk to them about the concert!
TERRI & TAMMI: Terri & Tammi will now appear in the background of the Park when you visit it
COMBAT: Watching Terri & Tammi's concert will give you a +2 to your CLASH dice for the rest of the day!
HIDDEN VOICES: Added the new HIDDEN VOICES mechanic to more characters (click on the ORANGE text that appears when people talk)!
HIDDEN VOICES: Disabled the old system once you reach Act Three so there isn't any weird overlap and people don't get the bizarre issue that happens when you use HV while a dialogue choice is visible (the new system will eventually be added to Act Two as well, but that's a TONNE of work)!
Bug: Fixed an issue that was causing the tooltips for inventory items to spill out of their box
Bug: Gwen was having a Yandere moment in Act Two even after being on a beach date with you. Her short-term memory loss has been fixed and now she'll calm down as she should!
Bug: You could confront Hana and Ard at night in Act Two. Now you can't - they need their beauty sleep!
Bug: Trying to access the Nexus in Act Three was causing the top bar to disappear. Now it doesn't!
Bug: Chastity was showing up outside the Church in casual clothes in Act Two long before she should have. She'll be more patient now!
Bug: Lyx's HINT was talking about conquering locations way before it should have. Lyx has been scolded and promised not to give out any more spoile- THE REAL ENEMY IS ACTUALLY-(crash)
Bug: Terri & Tammi were sometimes forgetting who was who. They should remember their own names now
Bug: The Fairies weren't actually doing anything when they won the CLASH roll. They should be less distracted now
Bug: Gwen & Ami: Kid Detectives watch in fascination as the sword rises from the pool of glowing light, clutched by an unseen hand. The sword clatters to the ground, the hand grips the edge of the shield, and pulls...
v0.21.3 - 2024-04-23
KANA: If you have a kid with Kana, she will now join you when you sit by her mom's bedside
BOSS GIRL: New Boss Girl! Should be familiar to people who remember Act Two. What's this broken jar doing on the ground..?
BOSS GIRL: Naughty event for the new Boss Girl included in this update!
LOCATION: You can now conquer Lyx's Cottage location!
RECIPE: New recipe! Fairy Cakes! Conquer the Cottage and then explore it to find the recipe!
Misc: Updated the girls' Character Cards so that their bios are not text rather than baked into the image. This should make translators' jobs easier, as well as allow me to easily update the bios as the girls change over the course of the story!
Bug: Trying to enter Claire's room would throw up an error message - you can now invade her privacy at will!
Bug: Navigation menu will no reappear properly when trying to move around the West Hallway
Bug: There was a layering issue in the daycare, and the kids have been told to stop breaking reality
Bug: The girls' stats in their Heart Menus were falling out of their boxes. Things are much tidier now!
Bug: Teh red bttnon pluses, shiftss, changes itno a lrage red sheild. For a momment, notthnig... then slwoly a swrod beigns to rise from teh glwoing centre... what is with these typos!? ... Oh, no...
KANA: New Kana lead! Go check on her at Annie's farm!
MORGANA: You can now check on Morgana's location - beware of dogs!
NEXUS: New lead! Try accessing the Nexus, then talk to Lyx!
DHENA: You can now search the shops for the acid you need!
CHARACTER CARDS: Character Cards' "Hint" sections have all been updated to remove the "no more content" line and replace it with something that can be updated properly throughout Act Three.
CLAIRE: Added a line of dialogue when you try to check Claire's room to indicate that you should try Emma's door (if Emma is in your Act Three playthrough)
OUTSKIRTS: Added War Map links on the Outskirts Map in the same style as the Town Map
Misc: Changed a whole bunch of map_return markers for smoother navigation
Misc: Lyx's "theme music" will now play when you talk to her
Misc: Added the amount of Ichor required to the locked options on the Shopkeep's Elixir page so that it's less confusing for people
Bug: There was a bug preventing Claire from turning up outside Emma's door in the morning. Claire has fixed her sleeping patterns and will now be awake and chatting to Emma earlier!
Bug: The stats page overlay was all out of alignment. It now looks like it should again!
Bug: "Eureka!" Cries a small voice, as Gwen & Ami: Kid Detectives come upon a large red button! They press it and immeediatle a brite ligth begisn to... wiat, whtas happnin?
CLAIRE: Talk to Claire to unlock a new Warmap route to the cafe (this also unlocks the currently-locked Org/Fey locations on the east side of the map so you can visit them again)!
LYX & VIOLA: First interaction between Lyx and Viola! Must have met Viola and spoken to Lyx about the Flying Bar. Then just enter the Flying Bar!
FLYING BAR: Will now appear even if Lily is gone! Just get into at least one fight (if you've already been in a fight then that counts) and then sleep!
FLYING BAR: New Lead! (Talk to Lyx)
BRIDGE: New Lead! (Go to the Bridge and select "Explore the River")
KANA: New Lead! (Talk to Lyx)
LOMEG: New Lead! (Talk to Claire then talk to Lyx)
DHENA: New Lead! (Visit Dhena's cave then talk to Lyx)
NEW LOCATION: The Glade! Go to the Manor Garden and click on "Look Around"! (This is actually kind of an old location, from way back in the days of the original battle system. But now it has its own map!)
NEW LOCATION: Ruined Farm! Located on the Town Map (nothing to do there just yet)!
MAP: Added SHOPS and CAFE back to the Town Map (nothing to do there just yet)!
MAP: Changed the battle map overview so that the location links are clearer and less squiggly
MAP: Changed a couple Faction flags so that the Faction owners made more sense
LEADS: Changed the graphics for the Leads to make them less "lumpy", and adjusted the text position better
Bug: A sneaky mention of Patreon remained in the game. I did to it what Patreon tried to do to the kids
Bug: Typos fixed! Wait... where did the Kid Detectives go..?
Valentine's Special
SUBSCRIBESTAR: Removed ALL mention of Patreon from the game and replaced every instance with SubStar!
DAYCARE KIDS: A new wholesome group event with the kids! Because Patreon can bite me. Go to the daycare and select "Group Play"!
CLAIRE: New Claire event! Just go to sleep any time after meeting Claire in Act Three!
DAYCARE: You can now rename your kids again in Act Three! That should confuse them nicely
GLYTCHES: More glytches have been added to the prologue
CREDITS: Credits have been fully updated to include all the amazing tier 4 players and higher who made the SubStar Shift! Thank you so much, everyone! <3
Bug: Trying to visit Ami's room would teleport you to a healthy-looking Ami. Too healthy! This has been "fixed"...
Bug: MC kept wondering how Viola got Viola's fluids. The stupid has been slapped out of him
Bug: Pixie was cloning herself. She has been forbidden from watching the Prestige and the clones have been... dealt with
Bug: Some odd text artifacts have been erased from dialogue lines. Thanks, thelling!
Bug: You could rescue Kana even if you lost the Maven fight. Now you have to earn your wolfy waifu's return!
Bug: Lil' Ronnie is no longer cutting off Lil' Emma's legs. Rude!
Bug: Typos and grammatical errors fixed (this is just to remind people what the last bullet point always relates to. Lotta people been asking me how to find the Kid Detectives...)
v0.20.9 - 2024-02-13
GLYTCHES: More glytches have been added, plus a new take on Hidden Voices that will hopefully be less prone to breaking than the old system. Talk to Chloe to see them in action (Hint: you can click/tap on the orange words)!
EMMA: You can now ask Emma to sing for you!
EMMA: You can now tell Emma that your kid is okay!
SLEEP WITH... You can now invite Lily to spend the night with you!
SLEEP WITH... You can now invite Lyx to spend the night with you (30% chance of a surprise in the morning)!
SLEEP WITH... You can now invite Viola to spend the night with you (60% chance of waking up to a bit of a surprise...)!
EMMA & CLAIRE: Claire will now appear outside Emma's door in the MORNING as well as the AFTERNOON if Emma hasn't left her room yet
CHLOE: Chloe will now properly appear in the War Room instead of her paperdoll popping in to greet you!
FEY FLOOR: Re-added the "Fey Floor" option to the East Hallway. You can't enter Ami or Hana's rooms, though, as they're always working! Poor girls...
Misc: Removed the Discord integration so that the new Web build will work properly (more on that coming later!)
Misc: Tidied up the dialogue with Chloe in Act Three so her paperdoll doesn't keep bouncing in and out of the screen
Misc: Chloe will now always wear her war outfit while in the war room
Misc: Added "your" variants to Chloe's speech patterns
Bug: Gwen's naughty pool scene wasn't showing up in Act Two. Now it is!
Bug: The "active" icon now shows properly when you visit the dungeon or the pool in Act Three!
Bug: Gwen & Ami: Kid Detectives quickly dispatch the Python with a knife covered in Rust and continue on their way (this one's for you, my fellow coding nerds)
v0.20.8 - 2024-01-23
LYX: You can now meet Lyx again (properly this time)! Once you've met Claire again, go to sleep and the Lyx event should trigger!
LYX: You can now talk with Lyx whenever you want! After the event listed above, go to the West Hallway and call for her (you can only pick the "chat" option for now. More to come in the next update)!
LYX: Lyx now has a paperdoll!
EMMA: New naughty scene with Emma! Talk to her in her room and select 'let's be naughty'!
EMMA: Moved her out of the guest room and back into her room from Act Two
RADIO: Added a few new lines to the radio in the Manor living room
GLYTCH: A new kinetic text mechanic! I've been wanting to do something like this for an age, but only just figured out a decent method. It's purely aesthetic, but has numerous lore implications... (look for text that flickers and changes)
PROLOGUE: Tidied up the prologue a little bit, added some kinetic tags (including some "glytches") and prevented Pixie's paperdoll from sliding in and out all the time
NAUGHTY: Tweaked the code a little bit so that randomised lines are repeated less often
FAN ART: Added another piece of fan art to the EXTRAS gallery. Thanks, Hershey!
Misc: Added a few new facial expressions to some of the paperdolls
Bug: Fixed a bunch of graphical inconsistencies in the sleepover scenes. Pixie is still trying to eat her own hand, but it makes her happy so who am I to stand in the way of that?
Bug: The location menu was remaining on-screen during Gwen's evening event. It disappears properly now
Bug: Emma was sneaking into the kitchen for food even after publicly leaving her room. She's been told she doesn't need to sneak around stealing food any more
Bug: Chloe, Gwen and Jessica were having time-travel flashes during their sleepover events. Now they'll remain in this space-time coordinate
Bug: Gwen & Ami: Kid Detectives follow the trail of clues along with Recursive River and deep into the forest. The Techlight Trees glimmer and fizz around them, illuminating their path it fits and patches. But look out, kids! There's a Python in the trees!
SLEEP WITH... The option to invite Manor girls to spend the night with you returns! ELEVEN girls added!
PIXIE: New naughty scenes with Pixie! Just talk to her in your room and select "let's be naughty..."!
PIXIE: Old naughty scenes have been replaced with the newer ones, for better graphical quality!
VERONICA: You can now hug Veronica after meeting her again in the College!
Misc: Trying out a new dialogue randomiser in Pixie's latest naughty scenes, to add a little bit of variety to multiple re-watches
Misc: Removed the "what should I be doing" dialogue option from Pixie in Act Three for now, as her advice wasn't very helpful
Misc: Removed the very old Pixie h-scenes from Act Three as they looked extremely weird next to the newer ones
Bug: Gwen was appearing over certain text lines
Bug: You couldn't talk to Gwen after passing time. Poor Gwen, she was so lonely!
Bug: Having a bath at night was causing players to time travel. The plumbing has been redirected away from the DeLorean in the garage
Bug: Some of Veronica's lines were causing her paperdoll to move in and out of the screen. She's less nervous about her scene now and will stay put
Bug: Pregnancy checks were still running when being naughty with Pixie in Act Three. They've been disabled for now, in keeping with the rest of the characters
Bug: Following the Byting stream, Gwen & Ami: Kid Detectives are on the case! Will they uncover the reason for the digital destruction, or will they plunge into perilous programs and perish in the pools of propagation?
v0.20.6b: - 2024-01-03
EMMA: New Emma event! Visit her room during the DAY!
EMMA: You can now talk to Emma in her room!
CLAIRE: You can now talk to Claire in her room!
GWEN: Gwen will now (properly) appear in the pool on WEDNESDAY MORNING and AFTERNOON!
GWEN: You can now talk to Gwen when she's at the pool, and try to help her with her physical therapy!
JESSICA: Jessica will now appear at the pool on SATURDAY and SUNDAY AFTERNOONS!
JESSICA: You can now apply "lotion" to Jessica at the pool!
BATHROOM: You can now have a bath and clean yourself up! (Some characters may comment on it if you get too stinky, but they'll still love you)
Bug: The ghost of Gwen past will no longer haunt the pool
Bug: Rubble and stray data shards flicker and shift beneath the detectives' feet. The jam is gone, replaced with a stream of bytes. Gwen dips her finger in tentatively... ouch! It bites!
v0.20.5: - 2023-12-09
CLAIRE: New Claire event! Conquer the Bridge and the Apartments (and if Emma is around you need to have gotten to the end of her current content) and then sleep!
EMMA: New sequence of mini-events! After meeting Claire, go check on Emma any AFTERNOON in her room! There are five mini-events to listen to!
EMMA: Emma now has a paperdoll!
CLAIRE: Claire now has a paperdoll!
POOL: The Manor swimming pool is accessible once again! Everyone needs a relaxing dip now and then, especially in wartime
POOL: Swimming in the pool will now give you +1 to ATTACK and CLASH rolls for the rest of the day!
Misc: Removed the Wardrobe icon and put it as a dialogue option in your room (nav bar was getting too cluttered!)
Bug: Can no longer dream about Chastity before meeting her
Bug: Can no longer dream about the Beast in its humanoid form in Act One
Bug: Rocks tumble and the light swells, illuminating a landscape of binary bits and two little figures, huddled in the centre. Hand in hand they take a deep breath and head out in search of more clues!
EMMA: A new event with Emma! Try visiting her room (this is a setup event; more to come in the next update)!
GWEN: A new mini event with Gwen! Check out the living room on Monday, Wednesday or Friday night!
KIDS: You can now tell Jessica, Lily, Veronica and Madison that their kids are safe! (Annie and Pixie already know, and the other moms you don't have access to yet)!
SHOPKEEP: The Shopkeep now sells FOUR new Elixirs! Come on, try one... what's the worst that could happen?
COMBAT: You can now "shatter" dice! When a buff to a dice exceeds the maximum number of sides a dice has it will now shatter and increase to the buffed value rather than capping out! This means that D4's can now exceed 4, D6's can exceed 6 and so on!
COMBAT: The different dice are now coloured, to help differentiate them from each other!
Marina: Added the ability to check out the Marina tunnel. Or what's left of it...
Bug: The light grows bigger, reflecting off tumbled rocks as it approaches the crumbled stone entrance... a hand pierces through the light, rocks shift, the glow increases and... "I found a clue!"
v0.20.3: - 2023-11-15
KANA: You can now check on Kana, sit at her bedside and stroke her hair or hold her hand! Morrning, Afternoon AND Evening! She needs the love...
HOUSE LADIES: The rest of the House Ladies return! You can find them in their rooms in the East Hallway!
HOUSE LADIES: All of the House Ladies now have their own Paperdolls!
JULIE: You can be naughty with Julie in her room in the East Hallway!
LAURA: You can be naughty with Laura in her room in the East Hallway!
RENEE: You can be naughty with Renee in her room in the East Hallway!
RENEE & JULIE: You can be naughty with both at the same time in their room in the East Hallway!
CHELSEA: A new narrative event for Chelsea! Explore the Apartments after you have recruited her!
HAZEL: A new narrative event for Hazel! Explore the College after you have recruited her!
NOELLE: A new narrative event for Noelle! Explore the Mansions after you have recruited her!
OPHELIA: A new narrative event for Ophelia! Explore the Old Club after you have recruited her!
RACHEL: A new narrative event for Rachel! Explore the Bridge after you have recruited her!
TERRI & TAMMI: A new narrative event for Terri & Tammi! Explore the Park after you have recruited them!
SHOPKEEP: The Shopkeep no longer sells dice upgrades (see below)! Instead he will now sell an Elixir that grant permanent boosts throughout the fight for so long as they're active (more Elixirs to come in the future!
SHOPKEEP: You can no longer visit the Shopkeep's store before the dream with the Numbers, so players are warned about him before making a purchase
RECIPE: A new recipe: Roasted Beets! Unlock by exploring the Apartments!
RECIPE: A new recipe: Spicy Oysters! Unlock by exploring the Mansions!
RECIPE: A new recipe: Rainbow Cotton Candy! Unlock by exploring the Park!
COMBAT DICE: There has been a change to how Combat Dice are upgraded! Now you can grow your dice to D6's by recruiting Hazel, Ophelia and Rachel and exploring their locations. The Shopkeep will no longer upgrade dice, and will instead offer special Elixirs that give you boosts which last all combat (but may come with their own, dark price...)
AUTO-WIN: You can now choose between Physical Victory, Seductive Victory and Shatter Victory in the auto-win option in the War Room
Misc: Changed meeting Annie from a dialogue menu option to an automatic scene to prevent edge cases where players could rescue Kana before meeting Annie and thus make her very confused about where Kana is
Misc: Added Laura, Renee and Julie to the angry lineup of defenders during Chastity's Act Three return event
Bug: Player will no longer meet Jessica in random locations then be surprised by her new outfit later on at the front door
Bug: Player will no longer meet Ami in random locations then be surprised by her eyepatch later on at the front door
Bug: Manor will no longer be attacked by Goons before the player has completed the battle tutorial
Bug: Minion One and Minion Two's names were swapped in the forest fight. They have now stopped practicing their ventriloquism and will focus on the fight
Bug: Text for the Chastity dream wasn't centered correctly. Now it is!
Bug: From somewhere in the void, rocks shift... crack... tumble... a flickering light is seen, and a small voice echoes in the darkness: "Gwen & Ami: Kid Detectives are back!"
v0.20.2: - 2023-10-23
KANA: The return of Kana! Discover the FOREST and search it to find her!
NAUGHTY: Four new naughty scenes! Complete the Forest Boss Girl fight to access them!
BOSS GIRL: New Boss Girl! A certain cruel wolf matron makes her reappearance...
MINION FIGHT: New combat style: Minion Fights! These are very simple fights which consist of a single ATTACK round. Players will roll three dice and choose the largest number (or smallest, if you like pain. I don't judge) which will determine if they take any damage during the fight. Minion fights are used by certain bosses to soften up the player before they fight the main Boss Girl herself!
MINIONS: Three new minions! Wolf girls devoted to a certain cruel wolf matron...
LOCATION: New location appears! The FOREST is now accessible from the Outskirts map in Act Three!
Bug: Gwen's Act Three paperdoll was showing up when using Hidden Voices, even before Act Three, which was a very depressing bit of clairvoyance on the MC's part!
Bug: Reinforce Tactics wasn't always upgrading the lowest dice. Now it will!
Bug: Some dialogue lines with Lily and Gwen were appearing under the paperdolls
Bug: The world shifts... and settles... and all is black. Time passes, minutes or aeons, it's impossible to tell, until, finally... a voice... "I found a clue!"
v0.20.1: - 2023-10-07
Annie: The return of Annie! Conquer the Old Club and clear the roadblock to get access to the Farm!
Kids: The return of the kids! Once you make it to the farm, you can talk to any of the kids you left in the day care!
Kids: You can talk to, and play with, all of the kids in the day care!
Kids: All the kids now have paperdolls!
Radio: If you go to the Manor living room in the afternoon, you might hear something interesting on the radio (ten different transmissions to hear)!
Gwen: After listening to the radio, you can ask Gwen about it!
Numbers: The Numbers you met in the Act Two finale return! Meet the Shopkeep (conquer then scout the bridge) and then sleep!
Shopkeep: After talking to the Numbers, find and talk to the Shopkeep again for a little more lore hints!
Outskirts: You now have access to the Outskirts! Conquer the Old Club, then select "Clear the Roadblock" from the Outskirts location!
Outskirts: You can visit every location in the Outskirts (except Morgana)!
Combat: New Power available! You can now use AURA in combat to increase your SEDUCE dice by two!
Combat: If you use auto-win you will now take a tiny amount of damage when doing so. Don't worry! You can still use the auto-win all day every day, but now events that require you to have taken damage will trigger correctly (such as Lily and Lyx's events)
Misc: Tidied up some of Gwen's dialogue so her paperdoll doesn't keep sliding in and out
Misc: Went through some of the earlier dialogue in Act Three and added way more references to the kids, if you have any. Their moms will ask about them too, when you meet them for the first time!
Bug: Players were unable to leave via the front door at night, even with all requirements met, but could leave through other means. The front door has been unlocked now, so MC no longer needs to climb out via bathroom windows
Bug: Jessica's paperdoll was hiding some words, and they weren't even naughty! MC has learned to throw his voice slightly to the right, so all is uncovered now. Nice try, Jessica!
Bug: A couple of error messages relating to Madison and Veronica have been fixed - they're no longer trying to wear outfits that don't exist!
Bug: Upgraded dice weren't appearing the first time you fought Goons in the garden. Now they are!
Bug: Your Goon's "Reinforce" tactic was boosting the first dice, not the lowest. Now it will boost the lowest, as it should! Silly Goons, so disorganised...
Bug: Fixed an error with paperdolls sticking around after reloading the same scene whilst in the middle of talking to them. Shoo, paperdolls! Shoo!
Bug: There was an issue preventing Lyx from appearing in your bedroom. Which some might say is a good thing, but those people didn't bribe me with mangoes so now she can get in again
Bug: The latest engine update messed up autosaves. They should be working properly again from this update onwards!
Bug: You can no longer search the apartments at night, causing a time dilation flux. Doc Brown gave me a good scolding
Bug: The Credits page is functional again! No more weirdness, and the supporter list is up to date again! Yay!
Bug: Ty-ty-typpppooosss fixx-x-xxx-xxxed...
v0.20.0: - 2023-09-21
Veronica & Madison: The return of Veronica and Madison! Conquer the college and make Hazel loyal (or get rid of her) to enter!
The Bridge: You can now (attempt to) cross the bridge, once you've conquered it, to attack the east side of town!
Shopkeep: New character appears! The Shopkeep. Allows you to buy upgrades for your dice (and more later on)!
Elixirs: You can now gather Ichor Elixirs (Eldritch Currency) from the Bridge after completing the event above!
War Room: Improved the "Ask Jessica for help" section, and added "How do I Shatter my opponent?" to the list of questions
War Room: Improved the "Ask Jessica for help" section, and added "How do I Shatter my opponent?" to the list of questions
Map: Mansion and Apartment locations are now unlocked for everyone in Act Three, even if you didn't find them in Act Two!
Map: If you've completed the combat tutorial, you can now explore the town at night!
Combat: You can now increase your dice to D8's (maximum roll of 8)!
Combat: New Power available! You can now use HIDDEN VOICES in combat for a one-turn SCOUT effect!
Veronica: Veronica now has a paperdoll!
Madison: Madison now has a paperdoll!
Bug: Hid "Troop Count" on the stats page until players have completed the combat tutorial
Bug: The new combat system accidentally blocked progress with Emma. You can now continue to unearth the mystery surrounding her fear!
Bug: The engine upgrade broke a couple girls' pregnancies. Now the only thing stopping you from having kids is your crippling social anxiety!
Bug: The Lily's Bar event in Act Three wasn't firing for people - now it will trigger correctly (Lily got drunk and fell asleep on an important button)!
Bug: A few text overflow issues dealt with
Bug: Wheeled Gwen back an inch so she wasn't overlapping her own name and dialogue any more
Bug: When fighting Goons, if you put a dice into ATTACK and then removed it, it would unlock SEDUCE which would then crash. Now SEDUCE remains greyed-out no matter what. Sorry, boy-love fans!
Bug: Shattering a girl, then selecting "release", then changing your mind, was crashing the game. Now you can be as weirdly indecisive as you like!
Bug: MC will no longer claim the college is his when he doesn't, in fact, own it during the fight with Hazel
Bug: Goon Tactics weren't turning off after combat ends, allowing people to sneak the abilities into practice fights. Now MC is forced to play fair. Booo!
Bug: SSsoem Typpoes Fixxedh...
BATTLE SYSTEM REWORK: A complete overhaul of the Battle System! There's WAY Too many changes to list here, but here are just a few highlights:
BATTLE SYSTEM: Brand-new combat mechanics and renders
BATTLE SYSTEM: No more districts! Conquer locations directly to unlock their events!
BATTLE SYSTEM: The Organisation will now try to take back vulnerable locations you've conquered!
BATTLE SYSTEM: Boss Girls all have a unique naughty event!
BATTLE SYSTEM: Hana will now prepare "Meals" - permanent effects that change certain aspects of the combat system!
BATTLE SYSTEM: Dungeon and Rehab removed while I rework their concepts
BATTLE SYSTEM: Just... so much more!
UPGRADE: The cutscene issue on Android has been fixed, so this update upgrades the game engine once again! If you've been having trouble getting the game to run on your Android device, this should fix the problem!
Cafe: Added a line to remind people to talk to the Chief in Act Two if they try to use the Lvl 2 Passcard too quickly
Stats: The stats were misaligned with the hint overlay. Now it actually makes sense!
Stats: Added "TROOPS" counter to the stats page
Bug: Fixed some dialogue lines in the Rehab that were displaying underneath the paperdolls
Bug: Fixed some more text overflow issues. That should be it for the overflow problems!
Bug: Fixed an "I should increase my authority" dialogue line when you were already maxed out
Bug: Fixed an "I should be able to teach private classes now!" line when you already had that ability
Bug: As Typo Hero enfolds the Dread Arc in a hug there is a sudden burst of static... the world stretches... groans... and snaps!
Viola: TWO new naughty events with Viola (just talk to her in the bar after meeting her)! To get the second event just be naughty with her a second time...
Version: The cutscene bug still isn't fixed in the Android version, and it looks like it's a problem with Ren'py itself. So for now I've reverted back to 7.5.2. All your saves should still work, but I'm ready to upload an 8.1.1 version if anything goes wrong. Sorry about this, everyone!
Bug: Players could get access to Jessica's car earlier than intended on replays
Bug: On meeting Lyx in Act Three, MC would reference Molly even though she may not be there. Obviously they are soul-bound through space and time!
Bug: Some of MC's text was appearing underneath the girls' paperdolls in the rehab centre
Bug: Fixed a graphical issue that was making MC's right arm show up twice during the meeting with Viola. MC is Eldritch confirmed!?
Bug: Viola was showing up in her "true(?)" form when visiting the Cosplaytime store. She has now been hidden again!
Bug: Pregnancy checks were throwing up error messages. Now the only thing throwing up is the expectant mothers! ... gross
Bug: TypeError when trying to invite Claire on a date at the club has been fixed. That girl certainly knows how to say no!
Bug: ... and lets it fall. With a sudden movement he darts forwards and, raising his arms wide... enfolds the Dread Arc in a hug.
v0.19.7b - 2023-08-02
Certain cutscenes not playing
Errors related to kinetic tags/gradients
Text overflow in certain dialogues
Pregnancy not working in Act Two
Okay, so this update is a little different, in that it's actually an upgrade. Specifically, an upgrade to the Ren'py SDK that I use to make Corrupted Kingdoms. There's a number of advantages to upgrading, but most of them are highly technical, so I'll just cover the main ones:
First, and most importantly, this should fix any Android issues people have been having! The upgraded SDK comes with all sorts of fixes for Android, so if you haven't been able to run CK on your device recently, this should solve your issue!
Secondly, the upgrade bumps Ren'py up to Python 3 (the programming language) which comes with a lot of new goodies, including the ability to create pseudo-3D environments, synchronize your saves to my server for easy transfer between devices, and many more. These features aren't enabled right now (as I need to experiment with them first) but will be slowly introduced in the coming months.
Now, all that being said, there's a reason why this is a separate download. Everything has been thoroughly tested, top to bottom, but as with any upgrade there could be little gremlins just waiting to strike. So please backup your saves before playing this upgraded version! It's a 99.9% chance that you'll be absolutely fine, but 0.1% is still a chance.
Viola: The new community-created character is finally revealed! Viola Zann! Just head to Lily's bar after the events of 0.19.3 to meet her!
Viola: After meeting Viola, you can talk to her in the bar and learn a little more about her
UI: HUGE User Interface refurbishment! Because of the discrepancy between the early game and late game renders, the cutscene bars were causing ugly issues when overlayed by textboxes. Because of this, I have decided to shrink down the new textboxes to better fit the old bars. Along with this change is the following:
UI: Character titles have been temporarily removed! I have a better idea of how to incorporate them in a more attractive and less forceful way, but I need to polish it a bit, so for now they're hidden
UI: Prefix "think" and "speech" images are now attached to the start of each dialogue line, so they follow the text rather than occupying a fixed position!
UI: When no paperdoll (side image) is on the screen, dialogue text will expand to fill the textbox - no more bunching up to the right!
Misc: Removed the "are you sure you want to..." confirmation when you cancel power or lead usage. Too many clicks!
Bug: It was possible to try to confront Lily in the evening, resulting in an image error. Now you are forced to let her sleep, you meanies
Bug: Added a line of code to prevent Jessica from popping up in scenes she isn't supposed to be in. She's just so worried about you!
Bug: Some of the navigation icons had artifacting, and not the fun green girl kind!
Bug: Telling Chloe to go to her room for naughty fun with her assassin form kept you in the war room. Now you will move correctly!
Bug: The Goons were overlapping the text in the train and roadblock maps. They've been told to shuffle a little more to the left
Bug: The Dread Arc rises from his seat and his form grows to fill the chamber, the shadows themselves seeming to reach out and trail around his gargantuan form, lit only by the flickering light of a single computer screen. Silently, Typo Hero steps forward and raises his sword...
Lyx: Lyx returns! Conquer the Apartment Block and then sleep in your room at the Manor to meet her again!
Jessica: New naughty event with Jessica! Just talk to her and select "let's be naughty"!
Chloe: You can now have naughty fun with Chloe in her Assassin form in her room (this was accidentally blocked before)!
Lily: In Act Two, you can no longer work as normal when you find Lily drunk and upset at the bar. You now have to talk to her first, you heartless monster
Chastity: Switched "Eldritch Beauty" title to "Mysterious Beauty" for the early game, as it's potentially a spoiler. A certain event in Act One will change the title back to the Eldritch one (you don't need to restart - people already past that point will have the Eldritch Beauty title)
Goons: The group of Goons now have their own updated paperdoll, and won't be weirdly bisected when chasing you from the train station or the roadblock in Act Three
Bug: Lily was sometimes not wearing the right clothes in Act Two until you approached her. She's been asked to stop quick-changing behind the bar
Bug: Goons will no longer have paperdolls pop up during the Act Two finale. It was distracting and weird!
Bug: Ami no longer has the weird, bisected paperdoll image when giving you binoculars in Act Three
Bug: You can no longer visit the dungeon at the start of Act Three before meeting with Pixie again
Bug: Jessica's paperdoll was hanging around during her naughty bathroom event. She has been told to stop being creepy
Bug: One of the map icons was wiggling provocatively when moused over, and it was awakening things in people. It has been kink-shamed into stopping
Bug: Tidied up a little code, preparatory to possibly upgrading the SDK
Bug: Blinking, Typo Hero surveys the room of the Dread Arc. A small, dimly-lit room, illuminated only by the flickering of a single screen. A hunched figure raises bleary eyes to gaze upon the intruder, and croaks out "You... finally."
v0.19.5 - 2023-07-13
Emma: New story event! Visit Emma's room after taking a certain number of districts to kick it off!
Lily: New naughty event with Lily! Talk to her in the bar (after the developments in 0.19.3)!
Jessica: Added some new facial expressions and tweaked her "neutral" expression to be less happy, so now she won't be smiling when giving you bad news any more! Who knew Jessica was so into schadenfreude?
Bug: The Centre for Disease Control map icon was stuck in its "hover" phase after being taken by the Eldritch. It has been brought back down to earth
Bug: Tweaked some of Chastity's expressions to tidy up a shading issue
Bug: Finally, Typo Hero stands before the door to the Dread Arc's chamber... there's a lock on the door! With a gesture the lock becomes a lick... wiping his hand, Typo Hero creaks open the door and steps inside...
Lily: Another story/lore event! Talk to Jessica to open up the bar, then try entering it again!
Lily: You can now chat with Lily in the bar (after the certain events from the last update)
Jessica: Talk to Jessica about the Bar to gain access to it (and some new lore)!
Jessica: Tweaked Jessica's code when you're talking to her so that she doesn't keep zooming in and out
Rehab: You can now select "Sleep and return" at night at the Rehab Centre - no more having to trek all the way back to the Manor!
Bug: Jessica was hanging around a little too long in the Lily story event. She will now take the hint and leave you alone earlier
Bug: A monster lunges from the shadows straight for Typo Hero! But one glance from his burning eyes and the monster becomes a mister and shamefacedly slinks away... a creature into a feature... staff to stuff... relentlessly, he moves onwards!
v0.19.3a - 2023-06-29
Lily: New STORY event! Conquer the Park district and then sleep to kick it off!
Lily: You can now knock on the bar door and have a small conversation with Lily! No more hiding out in the bar
Lily: Updated her Paperdoll to the latest version! No more strange bisections!
Lily: Reworked the scene where you meet Lily in Act Three to remove the black bars and improve the lighting slightly
New Location: A new location will be added to the Manor after a certain event! No spoilers... you'll figure it out!
War Map: New Conquerable location! "The Park"! (South of the Manor) - no Boss Girl for this one, sorry!
Church: Updated the Church background to make it more... Eldritchy!
Train Station: The background for the Train Station now changes when the Eldritch conquer the area!
Goons: Goons now have a Victory Screen when you beat them in district battles, just like the Boss Girls!
Misc: Added an "ACT THREE" text display during the Act Two finale
Bug: The purchase price of The Field wasn't disappearing after buying it in Act Two
Bug: Jessica wasn't counting districts correctly; she has been told to use her fingers if that helps
Bug: Using rollback whilst doing therapy was causing the paperdolls to get stuck. Now they should disappear as intended!
Bug: Fixed some minor shading issues with one of Chastity's outfit and expression combinations
Bug: It was possible to duplicate characters if you broke them then sent them to rehab from the dungeon. No more clones! We've been having a real problem with them lately...
Bug: The corridors twist and change at some unseen will as the Typo Hero moves unseen and uncontested, onwards, ever onwards, towards the Dread Arc...
Eldritch: The Eldritch Fight Back! The Eldritch faction has decided to take advantage of the war to try and claim the town for its tentacled own. For every district you conquer, the Eldritch will now claim one (or more!) for their own... uh-oh!
War Map: New Conquerable location! "Apartment Block"! (South of the Manor) - no Boss Girl for this one, sorry!
War Map: New Conquerable location! "Chinatown"! (South of the Manor) - no Boss Girl for this one, sorry!
Misc: Updated the combat tutorials and practice fights so the dialogue makes a bit more sense, and the stat displays open automatically when appropriate
Bug: You couldn't talk to Alice in the garden, which was making her very sad... so now you can!
Bug: The issue with duplicate Boss Girls has been fixed - once you load your game you'll notice that all the clones have been... dealt with...
Bug: Fixed gaining Noelle's memento jumping you to Hillside instead of Northside
Bug: Terri was missing some battle sprites. They have been restored!
Bug: Moved Tammi (enemy support) to a better location during combat
Bug: Chastity icon in the wardrobe menu was tearing. Now it's not!
Bug: Chloe's Assassin form's title wasn't displaying properly - now it is!
Bug: After the graphical overhaul for the combat system, the tutorials were displaying things in the wrong places - now they point to the right locations!
Bug: Fixed a "not in list" error when admitting Boss Girls to rehab from the dungeon without breaking them
Bug: You could send girls to rehab before it was built. So eager! But now you have to wait
Bug: Ami was growing an extra ear in her War outfit. She has been told to stop eating the glowing green cheese
Bug: Alice was appearing all over the Manor, in places she shouldn't be. Now she'll be a little more careful
Bug: Alarms blare, a flashing red light dark corridors illuminating the grimly-set face of the Typo Hero as he makes his way through the Dread Arc's Tower...
Transparent Animations: I'm testing out a new method of creating transparent animations (where the animation plays and the background can be seen behind it). If I can get this to work nicely, it will open up a lot of opportunities to bring/summon girls and be naughty with them anywhere! As well as opening up some interesting events, potentially...
Chloe: Chloe is being used to test the above system. Talk to her anywhere, and select "let's be naughty" and then "right here" to try out the new system!
Chloe: Assassin Form is now available! Only in the above system for now, I'm afraid, though - just while testing
Alice: Alice now has a paperdoll!
Alice: You can now find Alice around the Manor and chat with her! She can be found in the following locations:
Alice: Can be found at the FRONT DOOR on MONDAY MORNING!
Alice: Can be found in the GARDEN on WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON!
Alice: Can be found in the LIVING ROOM on FRIDAY MORNING!
Misc: Removed all the "by 1/one" text snippets from stat increases where the jump cannot ever be higher than one, for consistency and brevity
Bug: Puppet's paperdoll was showing up for some people where she shouldn't. She's been told to be less spooky
Bug: Some characters were missing specific battle sprite frames
Bug: Quick menu wasn't turning back on after battles for players who had the option enabled. Now it will!
Bug: You could enter the rehab at night. MC has been reminded that a good night's sleep is important for a healthy mind and stable emotional state and has agreed to let the poor patients sleep
Bug: Rehab was allowing you to admit Boos Girls you hadn't met yet for treatment. When did MC become able to manipulate the time stream!?
Bug: Turning off Auto-Win was dumping players in random locations. The wormhole has been closed
Bug: Typo Hero rubs his unmarked chest and grins, as sirens blare and a desperate voice reverberates through the speakers above: TRUE REALITY BREACHED! THE HERO IS AWAKE! THE HERO IS AWAKE!
The weekly update has been released!
This week it's a huge upgrade to the Rehabilitation Centre! Now you must lead the girl's therapy session and complete a unique event to get them to join your side! For reasons of filesize and workload, all one-shot girls (such as the Boss Girls) are assigned a "speech style" rather than individual dialogue, but there are elements of individuality in each one so I hope everyone can still have fun with it! Also, you can now choose what recruits will call you, engage in practice squad battles and AUTO-WIN ALL YOUR FIGHTS (if you want)! I hope you enjoy! :)
NOTE: I will be taking my once-every-two-or-three-months break next week so there will be no update until the 12th of June, at which point weekly updates will start up again!
Due to the necessity of changing the User Interface some screens (such as the skill, inventory, fighter and crafting screens) haven't had a UI pass and look kinda janky. All this will be fixed in the next few updates, so please bear with me until then. Thank you!
Rehabilitation Centre: Rehabilitation system has been upgraded! Now instead of merely waiting the one week, you must interact with the girl and lead her therapy session. At the end, you will have to visit her home district for a unique event, after which she will be recruitable and given the "rehabilitated" mental state!
Rehabilitation Centre: You can now send girls that you broke in the dungeon to therapy! (changes their mental state from "broken" to "rehabilitated"). NOTE: the "broken" mental state isn't applied retroactively due to coding limitations. Only girls you break from this update onwards will have the "broken" or "shattered" mental state. Sorry! You can still send everyone to therapy, though!
Rehabilitation Centre: You can now admit girls directly into therapy from the rehab centre. No need to go via the dungeon!
Rehabilitation Centre: You can now choose what recruits (such as the Boss Girls) will call you (default: "Master")!
War Room: New "Battle options" choice under "Prepare for battle": allows you to auto-win all your battles! For people who just want to enjoy the story and not have to engage with the combat system
War Room: New "Squad Fight" under the "practice battle" option, for people who want to try out morale-affecting skills or see what new squads look like
Speech System: A new speech system has been coded and makes its debut with this release! This is all "under the hood" stuff, but it should make introducing new characters significantly faster AND allow them to be summoned for conversation and naughtiness ANYWHERE (in future updates)!
Misc: Went through the paperdoll code and massively streamlined it. This will make creating and displaying paperdoll variants (including nudes!) much easier going forward!
Misc: New "under the hood" system for storing individual character data (such as their mental state) that will allow for a lot more nuanced interactions going forward!
Misc: Testing out a system that will allow paperdolls to remain on-screen even when someone else is talking. Only used in therapy sessions right now, but if it works I'll spread it to the other events too.
Bug: Left the TEST FIGHT option from dev testing in the war room... whoops!
Bug: You could send Goons to the rehabilitation centre before it was built. Now they actually have to wait for construction to be done, first!
Bug: You could re-recruit Boss Girls when roleplaying in the dungeon with them. No more cloning! It ruined Spider-man...
Bug: The blade plunges deep into Typo Hero's chest and the world... cracks... falling away in green shards which shatter against the cold marble floor... of the Dread Arc's tower!
I hope you enjoy this week's update! Next Early Access update will be Monday, 12th of June.
v0.18.9 - 2023-05-28
REHABILITATION CENTRE: New building in Northside! The Rehabilitation Centre, once built, will allow you to recruit Boss Girls without using the dungeon! You can also recruit Goons you beat (who can eventually be turned into new squads, assigned to particular buildings and functions and so on)!
Rehab: You can send defeated Boss Girls to the Rehab Centre directly after beating them, or from the dungeon at any time! After seven days (you will be able to shorten this number in future updates) the girl will be recruited once you visit them!
Rehab: You can now send Goons to the rehab centre when you beat them! Future updates will allow you to recruit them for various tasks, but right now you can just talk to them (five unique dialogues)!
Combat: Made some changes to the combat UI and graphics. This will give me more "real estate" to work with, as well as helping to future proof certain systems and fun little ideas I have planned. If you're wondering where the HP/WP and stat breakdowns are, just click on the names in the top left and top right of the battle screen!
Combat: Brand new player and enemy sprites!
Combat: Battle maps are now animated! Ooooh!
Investigate: Investigating Northside will now reveal the Build Site! (Build the Rehabilitation Centre there!)
Scavenge: You can now find Assorted Materials when selecting "Search for Supplies" in Northside (after finding the Build Site)!
Misc: Updated the Northside background image
Misc: Changed The Glades and Northside districts to use the forest battlemap instead of the hills
Misc: Old Town and Hillside Development fights now take place in the forest and the hills respectively. This is temporary, while I design the interior battle maps
Misc: Made a start on making the text on the warmap more readable, but honestly I think I'm going to redesign that whole UI...
Bug: Missing recipes have now been returned - I pinky-promise this time!
Bug: Ami had overlapping paperdolls in the East Hallway and the Bathroom. The doppelganger has been shooed away now
Bug: Talking to Lucille in the hallway now displays her correct paperdoll and her expressions change, as they should
Bug: One of the arrows in Veronica's character card was misaligned. Now it is not!
Bug: Sparks flicker from the tip of Typo Hero's sword as it scrapes against the rocks outside of the cave. The sparks are... green..? He pauses, statue-still for a long, long moment... then sighs and raises his sword... to place the tip against his own chest...
v0.18.8 - 2023-05-18
CONSTRUCTION YARD: New building in Hillside! The Construction Yard, once built, will allow you to construct unique buildings in other districts (Training Ground only for now - more buildings coming in future updates)!
TRAINING GROUNDS: New building in The Glades! The Training Grounds, once built, will allow you to increase the MC's PHY stat permanently by one! Also, may have more uses later!
Investigate: Investigating Hillside Development will now reveal the Construction Yard!
Investigate: Investigating The Glades will now reveal the Training Grounds!
Investigate: Investigating The Glades will now reveal the The Clearing! Revisit it for some peeks into MC's childhood, or Pixie being weird (five unique, randomised lines for each)!
Scavenge: You can now find Construction Materials when selecting "Search for Supplies" in Hillside (after finding the Yard!)
Scavenge: You can now find Vegetables when selecting "Search for Supplies" in The Glades!
Scavenge: You can now find Timber when selecting "Search for Supplies" in The Glades (after finding the Training Grounds!)
Molly: You can now be naughty with Molly in Act Three! Just talk to her while she's in the garden!
Cooking: Now when you learn your first recipe you will also get the ingredients for it, so they're not listed as "unknown" in the recipe book
Misc: Changed the Qarinah dream in Act Three so it only shows up once, and gave the "speaker" a namebox
Misc: Tweaked a couple of the district location backgrounds. Trying something out
Bug: While in the SUPPORT position, Rachel was incorrectly being called Ophelia. Very embarrassing
Bug: Players could access Roxy's character card before meeting her - this SHOULD be fixed, but let me know if not, as the code is a little complex
Bug: The simulation in which he was trapped is broken. Shaken, bloodied but unbowed, Typo Hero emerges from the cave and looks up at the Dread Arc's Tower once more. Brushing a fragment of crystal from his shoulder, he sets off once again...
I hope you enjoy this week's update! Next Early Access update will be Monday, 22nd of May.
v0.18.7 (Patreon)
The weekly update has been released!
This week it's a slightly smaller update as a lot of the work was done in the back end (giggity) rather than the front, to set up future systems and - hopefully - allow players to start building things in the next update! Still, there's some lore, a new recipe that should make it easier to fight Temptress Bosses, a new way to gather supplies and a few UI and bug fixes! I hope you enjoy! :)
Due to the necessity of changing the User Interface some screens (such as the skill, inventory, fighter and crafting screens) haven't had a UI pass and look kinda janky. All this will be fixed in the next few updates, so please bear with me until then. Thank you!
War Map: Experimenting with adding new options when scouting conquered districts, to allow for more exploration and discovery. Only Hillside Development and Riverview Apartments for now
Hillside Development: New options! "Investigate the area" and "search for supplies"!
Recipe: New recipe! Sugar Water! Found in the Hillside Development district after you've conquered it!
Item: New item: Sugar Water! Heals half of your maximum WP!
Item: You can now find sugar by selecting "Search for supplies" when scouting the conquered Hillside Development district!
Item: You can now find water by selecting "Search for supplies" when scouting the conquered Riverview district!
Lore: You can learn a little something by selecting "Investigate the area" when scouting the conquered Hillside Development district (must have the sugar water recipe first)!
Lore: You can learn a little something by selecting "Investigate the area" when scouting the conquered Riverview district!
UI: Finally got around to fixing the weirdly offset "return" button on some screens!
Bug: Hopefully fixed the issue with leftover battle numbers hanging around after combat if you skipped the text via other methods than TAB
Bug: Enemy was refusing to accept defeat when a support character dealt the finishing blow. They are now less elitist about who beats them
Bug: Noelle's lust attack will no longer trigger the enemy's counter-attack
I hope you enjoy this week's update! Next Early Access update will be Monday, 15th of May.
v0.18.6 Changelog:
The weekly update has been released!
This week it's a new conquerable location and a new Boss Girl - Rachel of the Riverview Apartments! Also, you can now chat properly with Molly and Gwen, there's a new dream and a number of UI and bug fixes! I hope you enjoy! :)
Due to the necessity of changing the User Interface some screens (such as the skill, inventory, fighter and crafting screens) haven't had a UI pass and look kinda janky. All this will be fixed in the next few updates, so please bear with me until then. Thank you!
War Map: New Conquerable location! "Riverview Apartments"! (East of the Manor)
Boss Girl: New Boss Girl! "Rachel" is in charge of the Riverview district!
Skill: New combat skill - PURIFY! Removes negative effects like Befuddle! Learned from Rachel, the new Boss Girl!
Molly: You can now talk to Molly! Find her in the Manor Garden!
Gwen: You can now chat properly with Gwen in the Living Room!
Qarinah: A new dream has been added! If you dream (10% chance on sleep) then you will now have a guaranteed dream that hints at what's going on with Qarinah...
UI: Removed black bars from: Living Room, Front Door, Lily's Bar, Pixie's Event, Emma's Event, Ami's Event, Gwen's Event, Molly's event and Manor Garden
Dialogue: Tidied up the dialogue and dialogue UI for Jessica and Ami
Bug: The Qarinah/Beast dream was appearing in Act Three, even though that makes no sense. Now it isn't!
Bug: Lucille's paperdoll was appearing on the wrong side in the wardrobe scene
Bug: From beneath the bloodied, huddled rags a haggard form stirs and rises, trembling, to its feet. From one skeletal hand dangles a sword, obviously too heavy to hold and yet still the figure holds on... on the blade is inscribed two simple words: "Typo Hero". Gwen & Ami: Kid Detectives gasp! The jam thief at last!
I hope you enjoy this week's update! Next Early Access update will be Monday, 8th of May.
v0.18.5 Changelog: - 2023-05-02
The weekly update has been released!
I was super sick last week because someone threw pee on me (don't ask - I'm in Thailand right now and it's a Songkran thing) so this update is mostly bugfixes and polishing. And also a naughty scene with the Puppet... if you dare! I hope you enjoy! :)
Due to the necessity of changing the User Interface some screens (such as the skill, inventory, fighter and crafting screens) haven't had a UI pass and look kinda janky. All this will be fixed in the next few updates, so please bear with me until then. Thank you!
Puppet: You can now have naughty fun with the Puppet in Act Three! (If you dare...)
Puppet: Added a new line of dialogue to the Puppet in Act Three, allowing you to ask about MC's mother
Jessica: Jessica will now appear naked on Wednesday mornings ONLY in the bathroom and when you summon her to the living room. No more warring with Org members with the girls hanging out
Ami: Ami's paperdoll has been updated to the newer version (no more being cut in half! Poor mouse...)
Lucille: Lucille's paperdoll has been updated to the newer version (no more being cut in half! Though you know she loves to be split apart...)
Molly: Molly now has a paperdoll!
Misc: The dialogue bar was masking the Nexus icon in Artifact's demesne. The icon has been removed and replaced with a dialogue option instead to make things cleaner
Misc: Added a couple lines of dialogue to the first Qarinah encounter in case you don't get it before Act Two
Misc: Adjusted a line in Asteria's exercise event to account for the fact that Mistis may or may not be there
Bug: An "iExit" tag was displaying text instead of an icon
Bug: Ophelia's support attack was causing an error. She has been told to stop aiming it at the CPU
Bug: "Pump It" was displaying the PHY boost as "0" no matter what. Now you can get your gains again, bruh!
Bug: Healing effects were always showing on the enemy's side, not the player's. No more heal-stealing!
Bug: There was a little screen tearing around the "decorate" and "wardrobe" buttons
Bug: You can no longer "Talk to Pixie" in Act Three upon just waking up
Bug: Some incorrect names have been corrected
Bug: Weird line breaks in two events have been removed
Bug: Courtyard Girls in Act Two were discussing things and people MC hadn't discovered or met yet
Bug: During your first class, the Courtyard Girls talked as though you've met even though players may not have spoken to them yet
Bug: College staff and students weren't correctly changing to casual clothing when the option was unlocked
Bug: Fixed a couple of text run-over menu options
Bug: Qarinah's Heart Card is now locked until the meeting in the garden near the start of Act Two
Bug: Qarinah's "Princess" outfit is now locked in her heart card until players complete the event that unlocks it
Bug: Gwen & Ami: Lid Defectives have dim-covered the jam thief! Lurking at each other, they gulf loudly and peach our their hands...
I hope you enjoy this week's update! Next Early Access update will be Monday, 1st of May.
v18.4 Changelog:
The weekly update has been released!
This week it's another conquerable district, with a brand-new Boss Girl and skill, and the return of the "Puppet Nun" who is... somehow even weirder than before. It's probably fine, though, right? Right!? I hope you enjoy! :)
Due to the necessity of changing the User Interface some screens (such as the skill, inventory, fighter and crafting screens) haven't had a UI pass and look kinda janky. All this will be fixed in the next few updates, so please bear with me until then. Thank you!
War Map: New Conquerable location! "Old Town"! (East of the Manor)
Boss Girl: New Boss Girl! "Ophelia" is in charge of the Old Town district!
Skill: New combat skill - IMPALE! Chance to insta-kill your opponent! Learned from Ophelia, the new Boss Girl!
Puppet Nun: You can now talk to the Puppet Nun (if you rescued her in the finale) - just head to the East Hallway!
Puppet Nun: Puppet Nun now has a paperdoll!
Android: New SWIPE GESTURES feature! You can now swipe your phone screen to activate certain functions! (Swipe left to rollback, right to skip, up for game menu and down to hide the UI!) Many thanks to a certain player for the code snippet!
Misc: More quick menu tweaks in a desperate attempt to get it working properly on Android. Yaaaaay
Misc: Fixed a little tearing around the sides of the War Room nav icon
Bug: Some people were missing the Endure and Shatter powers in their skill menu. These have been restored!
Bug: If enemy HP or WP was reduced to zero by a support character attack, the enemy would keep fighting. They've been told off and will stop cheating from now on
Bug: Chastity was showing off her new War outfit in Acts One and Two. She has been slapped with a spoiler warning
Bug: Chloe's dialogue wasn't showing the OUTBREAK notification at one point. Now it is!
Bug: Gwen & Ami: Kid Detectives enter the dark cage... I mean cave. There at the bank is a hatched fig cure. I mean at the bark is a bunched... at the bunk... what is going on!?
I hope you enjoy this week's update! Next Early Access update will be Monday, 24th of April.
v18.3 Changelog:
Chastity: Meet Chastity again, and find out a little about what's happened to her! (Just go to sleep any time after doing the combat tutorial)
Chastity: Chastity now has a paperdoll!
Chastity: You can now change Chastity's outfit at the Wardrobe!
War Map: New Conquerable location! "The Glades"! (Just north-east of the Manor)
Boss Girl: New Boss Girl! "Terri" is in charge of The Glades district!
Boss Girl: New Boss Girl! "Tammi" is Terri's twin and acts as her support!
Skill: New combat skill - SHIELD STANCE! Learned from Terri, the new Boss Girl!
Combat: Enemy SUPPORT character system implemented! Only for Terri & Tammi right now, but its modular nature means it can be plugged into any fight! Enemy support characters do not show their intent, so beware of hidden skills and attacks!
Combat: Player stats are updated immediately after being altered and no longer just at the start of the turn. This should prevent confusion about support buffs not appearing to work
Misc: Applied another fix to hopefully solve the Android quick_menu issues, so let's see if this one works!
Bug: Northside was showing as conquered if you'd already conquered Crescent Hills. Now it will display properly
Bug: Noelle was pretending to be Hazel in the dungeon. Her masquerade has ended
Bug: "noelle_captive_type" variable error has been fixed
Bug: Noelle's support move was displaying the wrong damage numbers
Bug: "tempCOR is not defined" error was been fixed
Bug: You can no longer tell when your enemy is going to counter you if you're befuddled!
Bug: Gwen & Ami: Kid Detectives continue to follow the trail of jam, What's this? There's a weird, huge tower up ahead! And some kind of cave that the jam leads right into!
v18.2a Changelog:
War Map: New Conquerable location! "Northside"! (Just north of the Manor)
Boss Girl: New Boss Girl! "Noelle" is in charge of the Northside district!
Jessica: Jessica will now default to naked if she's in the bathroom (or if you summon her while she was in the bath)!
Gwen: You can now find and chat with Gwen at the FRONT DOOR on WEEKDAY EVENINGS!
Gwen: Gwen now has a paperdoll!
Android: I have changed the code to make the quick menu permanently visible while I try to figure out how to get the on/off code working consistently. All Android users should now see the quick menu at the top of their screens
Misc: Added a flash transition to some dungeon scenes to mask the animation reset on variable change
Bug: Trying to do naughty things with Chloe was sometimes throwing up an error
Bug: Eating food no longer opens you up to a counter-attack. Although it kind of should..?
Bug: The "e_HEAL not defined" error has been crushed beneath my sandalled feet
Bug: ENDURE battle skill was confused as to whether it blocked physical or arcane damage. It's fine now
Bug: Goon was shaking his breasts at you in combat. He's been asked to knock it off
Bug: Jessica was being duplicated in the bathroom. I know, more Jessicas = more fun! But the existential crisis was getting to her so she's back down to just one now
Bug: Pixie clone was appearing in Act Two when you asked for Easter Egg hints. She has been returned to her vat
Bug: HP and WP weren't being restored correctly if switching from a low HP/WP character to a high HP/WP character. Now they are!
Bug: Squads were being removed from battles that should have had them if done after "looking for trouble". They have returned!
Bug: Gwen & Ami: Kid Detectives find nothing but boring paper with pictures of old people in the wallet. What a waste! After feeding the paper to a cow, they continue their mission!
0.18.1 - 2023.03.31
Pixie: Added "Talk to Pixie" option back to the Manor bedroom in Act Three! Complete with naughty events, too!
Pixie: Pixie now has a paperdoll!
Pixie: You can change Pixie's outfit at the Wardrobe now!
Chloe: Chloe now appears in the War Room every MORNING and AFTERNOON!
Chloe: New naughty event with Chloe! Talk to her in the WAR ROOM!
Chloe: All of Chloe's features have been reinstated for Act Three, including changing her speech patterns, making her drink potions and all the naughty stuff!
Chloe: Chloe now has a paperdoll!
Chloe: You can change Chloe's outfit at the Wardrobe now!
Bimbo: Chloe's "Bimbo" Fey Form now has a paperdoll!
Wardrobe: Fixed Jessica and Hana's Wardrobe section so they're not appearing under menu choices any more
UI: Changed the bedroom menu in Act Two slightly so the "Decorate" option is on the nav bar and "Talk to Pixie" is higher on the list as it should be.
Bug: Org Goons were showing up in Asteria's final heart event in Act Two. They have been kicked out! Blasted gatecrashers...
Bug: Gwen & Ami: Kid Detectives follow the jam trail back to a very lazy man. He's just lying in a field and won't wake up to answer questions! So rude. So they take his wallet. Maybe there's clues inside!
I hope you enjoy this week's update! Next Early Access update will be Monday, 3rd of April.
Due to the necessity of changing the User Interface some screens (such as the skill, inventory, fighter and crafting screens) haven't had a UI pass and look kinda janky. All this will be fixed in the next few updates, so please bear with me until then. Thank you!
Due to the necessity of changing the User Interface some screens (such as the skill, inventory, fighter and crafting screens) haven't had a UI pass and look kinda janky. All this will be fixed in the next few updates, so please bear with me until then. Thank you!
War Map: New Conquerable location! "Hillside Development"! (Just south of the Manor)
Boss Girl: New Boss Girl! "Hazel D." in charge of the Hillside Development district!
Skill: New combat skill - PUMP IT! Learned from Hazel, the new Boss Girl!
Combat: Reworked the AI a little bit to prevent them defaulting to a single move most of the time (TANK especially has been completely reworked)
Jessica: You can now call Jessica to the LIVING ROOM any time you like! No more hunting around the Manor for her! Man, she was good at hide and seek!
Ard & Hana: Now have updated paperdolls! No more bisected Hana in the kitchen. Phew!
Misc: Highlighted the word GARDEN in the "Learn How to Fight" lead as people weren't reading it carefully and were getting confused as to where Jessica was (fixed in 0.17.8b)
Bug: Fixed a situation in which you could get soft-locked in the Dungeon. Uh-oh!
Bug: Fixed a UI issue where "(iExit)" was appearing on Wardrobe options
Bug: Fixed an issue where Jessica would sometimes pop up during battle. Don't be a helicopter mom, Jessica!
Bug: Fixed the "black bar at bottom of screen" bug! (fixed in 0.17.8b)
Bug: You could recruit the Boss Girl multiple times from the dungeon. No more clones! (fixed in 0.17.8b)
Bug: You could "Mount an Attack" before doing the battle tutorial in the garden, which would mess up progression (fixed in 0.17.8b)
Bug: The lab background wasn't showing up in Act Two. Now it is! (fixed in 0.17.8b)
Bug: Jessica's stats weren't increasing for her naughty bathroom event (fixed in 0.17.8b)
Bug: Moved quick_menu to the top of the screen and tied its visibility to the visibility of the top bar. Hopefully this will solve the Android "quick menu is blocking stuff" (fixed in 0.17.8b)
Bug: Gwen & Ami: Kid Detectives approach the creaking cupboard slowly. Is it the missing jam? A lead? A clue!? AHHHH! NOITSBUGS! ITSBUUUUUUGS!
v0.17.7 - 2023-02-04
Jessica: You can now have naughty fun with Jessica in the bathroom (WEDNESDAY MORNING)!
Ami: Ami is now on lookout duty only in the AFTERNOON
Ami: Ami can now be found cleaning the bathroom on MONDAY MORNINGS
Ami: Ami can now be found cleaning the east hallway on WEDNESDAY MORNINGS
Ami: Ami can now be found clearing the garden on FRIDAY MORNINGS
Misc: Added a fade transition when opening the War Map so it's less jarring
Bug: Ami will no longer regenerate her eye when switching to her ponytail hairstyle. Poor Ami...
Bug: Time wasn't advancing when MC went looking for the fish girls. Super Simping Swimming Speed?
Bug: Hopefully fixed the overlapping quick menu and exit buttons on the War Map for Android players (Hopefully)
Bug: Gwen & Ami: Kid Detectives! Their first adventure: the case of the Terrible Typos! Who is the typo in the white sheet? Is the Manor haunted? And who took all the jam? These questions and more will probably not be answered in... Gwen & Ami: Kid Detectives!
War Room: New room: the War Room! Talk to Jessica (Front Door on Sunday afternoon) and select "Strategise with Jessica"
War Map: New mechanic - the interactive War Map! Just for information right now, but you will be able to plan attacks and conquer territory with it very soon!
Paperdolls: New paperdoll for Ami (Dress her up at the wardrobe in your room)!
Misc: Removed the Church from the property listings since you can't buy it yet and it was worrying people about to do the Act Two finale
Misc: Moved the Manor nav UI around a bit again. The number of buttons on this UI is too damn high!
Bug: Typo stuff... or Gwen And Ami: Kid Detectives! Either one
Main Story: Main Story progression! After exploring the map, return to the Manor's Front Door
Nexus: You can now TRY to use the Nexus portal in the Manor (emphasis on "try")!
Kana: Added some extra dialogue lines in Act One to help people who are confused about springing the Org trap
Bug: The East Hallway was trapping players who interacted with anything in it. The curse has been lifted and everyone should be free now
Bug: A mysterious figure emerges to encase Typo Hero's body in green crystal! So while he's in there, how about the Adventures of Gwen & Ami: Kid Detectives!
Ami: You can now be naughty with Ami at the front door (talk to her when she's at the front door)!
Goon Squad: Added Org Goon Squads to the Roadblock and Train locations to prevent MC from escaping!
Misc: Updated the "Exit" button at night to bounce you back to wherever you tried to exit from
Misc: Updated some of the Manor navigation backend code to properly record where you're located to make future redirections easier
Bug: The chain link fence when meeting Molly wasn't stretching the whole way. Pretty significant security flaw, Molly!
Bug: The boar was riddled with parasites and Typo Hero DIES! Can I do that? Am I allowed? It's my changelog after all! Let me check the rules...
Тему отредактировал: severnivolk - 24-01-2025, 09:13
Причина: Тема обновлена. Добавлена английская версия v.0.22.3 Eng. / Topic updated. Added English version v.0.22.3 Eng.
Причина: Тема обновлена. Добавлена английская версия v.0.22.3 Eng. / Topic updated. Added English version v.0.22.3 Eng.
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