В этой игре вы играете за новоиспеченную королеву небольшого королевства, которой предстоит разгребать последствия внезапной смерти своего отца. В результате чего она узнала, что многие свои проблемы она может решить сексуальным путем.
In this game you play as a newly crowned queen of a little kingdom, who has to pick up after her father's untimely death. And how she found out that she could solving many of her problems sexually.
Год выпуска: 2021
Жанр: 2d game, 2dcg, exhibitionism, fantasy, female protagonist, group, rape, rpg, vaginal, virgin,
Цензура: Отсутствует
Разработчик/Издатель: BrokenTorpedo - Blogspot - Patreon
Перевод: engeering
Платформа: PC/Windows
Тип издания: В разработке
Таблэтка: Не требуется
Версия: v.0.26b Fixed Rus / v.0.28a Eng
Язык игры: Русский/Английский
Язык интерфейса: Русский/Английский
Поддержать Переводчика (Boosty)
Hello! Here's a guide on how to get started with the game. Since the UI at the moment still isn't very self explanatory.
Basic Mechanics
The game's objective is keep your kingdom standing, expanding if possible, the game will supposedly ends at the end of Year Five if you didn't get a game over before hand,
but that's not implanted yet.
Some useful keyboard options:
Q= Text history
A= Hide text Box
Shift = Run
And here are a few variables to have in mind:
The currency in this world is called Ducat. You will get tax income every 30 days. How much you'll get, is determined by the Citizen Satisfaction and Prestige, also how many land you own. Minus the spend on feeding your soldiers and other monthly cost, the rest will be what you'll end up getting.
Stamina, almost every action requires some stamina. If you run out of SP, then it’s time to go home and sleep.
=People’s Satisfaction=
How much the people is satisfied with your rule. If the number is low then you might start to see rebellion. And if the number gets TOO LOW, then you are in danger of being overturned, thus getting a game over.
How much the people and the others respect you. Some events will require a certain level of Prestige to trigger, either high or low.
How much the people and others antagonize you. You get this by violating others. If the number is low then you are more likely to get attacked, less likely to make peace. and might see some rebellion within your lands.
=Troops and Moral=
Troops is how many soldiers you have under your command. Moral is how much your soldiers are willing to fight. Both would effect the outcome of a battle.
В этой игре вы играете за новоиспеченную королеву небольшого королевства, которой предстоит разгребать последствия внезапной смерти своего отца. В результате чего она узнала, что многие свои проблемы она может решить сексуальным путем.
In this game you play as a newly crowned queen of a little kingdom, who has to pick up after her father's untimely death. And how she found out that she could solving many of her problems sexually.
Год выпуска: 2021
Жанр: 2d game, 2dcg, exhibitionism, fantasy, female protagonist, group, rape, rpg, vaginal, virgin,
Цензура: Отсутствует
Разработчик/Издатель: BrokenTorpedo - Blogspot - Patreon
Перевод: engeering
Платформа: PC/Windows
Тип издания: В разработке
Таблэтка: Не требуется
Версия: v.0.26b Fixed Rus / v.0.28a Eng
Язык игры: Русский/Английский
Язык интерфейса: Русский/Английский
Поддержать Переводчика (Boosty)
v0.28 - 2024-10-16
-Fixed the bug at the end of the Duke's castle mini game the game freeze if you answer "Yes".
-Change the succession event-chain forceful happening to 30 weeks.
-Added new rebellion variation: the noble rebels in the rebel system, which will rise up when both Prestige and Prosperity get low.
-Added new flavor progression dialogue with some of the NPCs in the hometown.
-Added portrait sprite for Lead Prostitute Hedera.
-New H and non-H events, one each, in the succession chain.
-New progression and H event in the war with the Barbarian line.
-Fixed the bug in the mini game in some encounters with the maids the game frozes dead.
-Fixed the bug in the mini game where if you go to the lobby from 2f you won't be able to return.
-Fixed the bug in the mini game where some paintings changes when you investigate them.
-Fixed the bug in the mini game in some more location where the sex sprite would not disappear after the scene.
-Other minor fixes.
-Added an option to skip the mini-game at the start of it, since I still cannot find the cause of serious lag in the mini-game that some people encountered.
-Fixed the bug where the latest Duke event wouldn't give a black screen in repeat.
-Fixed the bug in the slum bar where if you didn't pay the bartender in any way the first time and pay him the second time talk to him the game crushes.
-Fixed the bug where the barrack's whore morale raising event chain would skip to the latest scene.
-Fixed the bug in the mini game where servants would keep walking after encounter
-Fixed the bug in the mini game in some location where the sex sprite would not disappear after the scene.
-Fixed the bug in the recollection room where the latest Duke event would start out as unlocked.
-Other minor fixes.
-New mini game in the Duke's bold action event chain.
-New H-event in the Duke's bold action event chain.
-New H-event in the barrack's whore morale raising event chain.
-Now the succession event-chain will force it selves to happen after 40 weeks even if you don't clear the southern trade route bandit.
-Decreased the negative effect of lower morale in battle.
-Other minor fixes.
v0.26b - 2024-03-01
-Fixed the bug so the repeatable Big Beggar card game actually works as intended now.
-Fixed the bug with missing audio file "slapping_piggimon_366386_OneShot"
-Fixed the title so it now says 0.26 instead of 0.25.
-Other minor fixes.
-New H-event in the Barbarian cultural event chain.
-New H-event in the Duke's bold action event chain.
-The game now notifies you of available reform when expanding bureaucracy.
-Other minor fixes.
-Fixed the bug where new game doesn't start where it should.
-Fixed the bug where the starting event of the next stage of the war would stuck.
-Fixed the bug with idle assistant officials number.
-Fixed the bug where next stage of the war with the Barbarian won't trigger properly
-Fixed the bug where it wrongfully display the WIP message when you won battle against Barbarian when you haven't.
-New stage of the war with the Barbarian.
-New H-event when lose in said stage.
-New H-event follow up to the nude meeting.
-Fixed the bug where bad end won't trigger organically instead you will be stock with a black screen.
-Added marker on the steward at the beginning, make it so new player will notice him.
-Fixed the bug where the Prostitute raising moral 2 event in the recollection room plays the first one instead.
-Fixed the bug where the succession event-chain conflicts with other events and ended up stock you with controlling Lavinia.
-Other minor fixes.
-New H-event with Gerard
-New H-event in the succession chain.
-Added the new "Reform" category in the throne room decisions,the tax base is now nerfed, and can be raise by this.
-Fixed the bug where sometimes speak with Nighveil's "Bailabaikal" option won't show up properly
-Other minor changes.
-Fixed the bug with the blue bandana guy in the slum, where you might stuck with the queen's boobs always out if you chose to show them.
-Fixed the bug where the 3rd nude meeting scene in the recollection room won't play.
-Fixed the bug now the consequence for low trust is easier to occur.
-Two New H-events with the Duke.
-Consequence for low trust with the Barbarian Tribe added.
-Added the option to bath in the bathroom in the second floor once per term/week, that recovers a bit of SP.
-Redraw the boobs of the Queen's character portraits.
-Fixed the bug where the MiniEvet for the guard near the gate wouldn't happen.
-Other minor changes.
-Fixed the bug where going to the equipment screen it immediately goes to world map.
-Fixed the bug where dethrone button not triggering the Bad Ends properly after the implement of rebellion system.
-Fixed the bug with skipping restoration scene where the option to give them extra funds won't show up in some circumstances.
-Other minor fixes.
-New H-event in the succession chain.
-New rebellion system, peasant might revolt when Prosperity gets low.
-Succession chain events in the recollection room, including the major non-H one.
-New H- event in the Barbarian Tribe trust earning line.
-Bug fixes, mostly graphical error.
-Other minor changes.
Fixed the bug with the New story event created in the previous update where the event won't play properly.
-Fixed the bug where the advenced options with Duke conquered (again, I know), now the speak in private option will work properly.
-Fixed the bug where the advenced options with Duke conquered won't show up.
-Fixed the bug when skipping the reconstruction inspection the option of investing more money into it won't show up.
-Other minor fixes.
-Fixed the bug with the Duke's horse ride scene where the game is unable to play a misfiled audio file.
-Fixed the bug with the recollection version of Rite of Passage where the player character won't show up after it ended.
-Expanded the options with the Duke when Conquered.
-New H-event with the Duke.
-New story event that triggers after you cleared out the bandit raiding the southern trade route.
-Replaced some WAV audio files that are conflicting with the new launcher.
-Fixed the bug of the Duke's loyalty counter, now the Duke when Conquered now actually stays content longer as he should be.
-Other minor changes.
-Fixed the bug in the Bar line that the group won't show up
-Fixed the bug when you try to enter the confessional twice in a role the game bugs out.
-Fixed the bug where the game mixes up two of the names you can lose virginity to, though this doesn't effect the saves with virginity already lost.
-Other minor changes.
-One new mini H-Event of Blow Job, triggers with two guards in town when with low morale.
-Lewd graffiti around the city will be unlocks after certain events.
-Confessional in the church now can be used to lower one's impurity, once a week.
-New story event that sabotages your efforts in the Barbarian Tribe.
-New H- event in the Barbarian Tribe trust earning line.
-Included the Falcon-mkxp launcher, A performance enhancement that can be used instead of the Game.exe, and hopefully any compatibility issue has been worked out.
-Adjusted how tax is calculated
-Bug fix now the in the Carmelli reconstruction event chain unlocks properly for new players.
-Repeatable H-events in the Carmelli reconstruction event chain, with the option to finish inside.
-New H-event in the barrack's morale raising options.
-Added the last Carmelli reconstruction H-scene's recollection version, which was left out in the last version.
-Changed the game icon.
-Added an extra control sheet in the game folder, since a lot of players didn't know those exist.
-Other minor changes and bug fixes.
-Fixed the bug where the latest nude meeting scene won't play properly.
-New H-event in the Carmelli reconstruction event chain.
-New H-event follow up to the nude meeting.
-Added a guide to the card game with Nighveil.
-Remade the world map.
-Other minor changes.
-Fixed the bug where the game bugs out when you visit the Duke on week 4.
-Readjust the event so all three of the Duke's bold action events have the same chance of repeating.
-Other minor fixes
-Fixed the bug with one thug on the left side of the city that freezes the game.
This is the only notable one, others are all pretty minor.
-New H-event in the Carmelli reconstruction event chain.
-One mini H-Event against the wall, for now it only triggers with one thug on the left side of the city, and another man with blue headcloth in the slum.
-Now when making peace with Floranerica, the "Seek Alternative Method" with the Duke will lead to the Duke scenes with small dialogue variation.
-The discretion of the diplomatic options during war will work and reflect the VP you have against the opponent
-More chatting dialogue with Williamina.
-Carmelli's broken bridge cut-scene after the first time you turned down the opportunity, will now only occurs at week 3 and 4.
-Other minor changes.
-Bug fixes:
=Fixed the bug where the tar oil scene misplays before the first arena fight.
=Fixed the bug where after winning the second arena fight the screen doesn't fade back in.
=Fixed the bug of the tribal nude meeting event where it skips straight to the repeating version of the second one.
=Fixed the bug where in the second Barbarian cultural event, it has no effect when choosing to let Teghrian attend.
=Attempted to fix the bug where player using on android got frozen in the barbarian route's progression event, more of an experiment, not guaranteed to work.
-New H-event with the Barbarian cultural event chain
-New H-event of Williamina in the arena of Verrtignis.
-Simple chating option with Williamina in the Palace, though the content is still very lacking at the moment.
-Fixed the bug where the new Carmelli H-event was somehow blocked.
-New event chain triggered after the Barbarian Chief's second scene.
-New H-event with the event chain mentioned above, trigger by talking to the Chief.
-New H-event in the Carmelli reconstruction event chain.
-Some other minor changes.
-Bug fix:
=Fixed the bug with the cold down of the locust plague.
=Fixed the bug of the Barbarian Chief's second scene's recollection version.
-New H-event with the Duke.
-New H-event for the Barbarian in the hostage's resident.
-Some new random events.
-Some visual change in the main town corresponding to the statues.
-New H-event in the Carmelli reconstruction event chain.
-New H-event follow up to the nude meeting.
-Reworked the Immediate Conscription decision.
-Minor dialog update for the repeatable horseback scene.
-New H-event in the barrack.
-Next stage of the non-H Carmelli reconstruction event.
-Repeatable version of the poker game and the first bar scene with it.
-Fixed the bug where troops number won't go down in war at all.
-Readjusted the calculation of tax and expense.
-One minor dialog update outside the bar.
-A few random events that balances out things a bit.
-New event line that can be opened when reach maximum loan number.
-New H-event of Williamina in the arena of Verrtignis.
-New H-event in the arena of Verrtignis.
-Expand the intro.
-New H-event when losing to the barbarian can be accessed, after the event that triggers when you get 50+ victory point against them.
-New non-H event in the Carmeli.
-A non-H scene in the Traders' League where you ask to extend the maximum amount of loans.
-A random event that triggers when you are at war while having high Prestige.
-New H-event with the Duke.
-UI improvement.
-New H-event with the Duke.
-New non-H event in the Carmeli.
-Two variations of Barbarian H-event in Carmeli hostage's resident.
-New H-event for low morale in the Barracks (civilian dress required)
-Added the recollection room, which could be accessed from the palace 2F.
-Fixed the bug at the end of the Duke's castle mini game the game freeze if you answer "Yes".
-Change the succession event-chain forceful happening to 30 weeks.
-Added new rebellion variation: the noble rebels in the rebel system, which will rise up when both Prestige and Prosperity get low.
-Added new flavor progression dialogue with some of the NPCs in the hometown.
-Added portrait sprite for Lead Prostitute Hedera.
-New H and non-H events, one each, in the succession chain.
-New progression and H event in the war with the Barbarian line.
-Fixed the bug in the mini game in some encounters with the maids the game frozes dead.
-Fixed the bug in the mini game where if you go to the lobby from 2f you won't be able to return.
-Fixed the bug in the mini game where some paintings changes when you investigate them.
-Fixed the bug in the mini game in some more location where the sex sprite would not disappear after the scene.
-Other minor fixes.
-Added an option to skip the mini-game at the start of it, since I still cannot find the cause of serious lag in the mini-game that some people encountered.
-Fixed the bug where the latest Duke event wouldn't give a black screen in repeat.
-Fixed the bug in the slum bar where if you didn't pay the bartender in any way the first time and pay him the second time talk to him the game crushes.
-Fixed the bug where the barrack's whore morale raising event chain would skip to the latest scene.
-Fixed the bug in the mini game where servants would keep walking after encounter
-Fixed the bug in the mini game in some location where the sex sprite would not disappear after the scene.
-Fixed the bug in the recollection room where the latest Duke event would start out as unlocked.
-Other minor fixes.
-New mini game in the Duke's bold action event chain.
-New H-event in the Duke's bold action event chain.
-New H-event in the barrack's whore morale raising event chain.
-Now the succession event-chain will force it selves to happen after 40 weeks even if you don't clear the southern trade route bandit.
-Decreased the negative effect of lower morale in battle.
-Other minor fixes.
v0.26b - 2024-03-01
-Fixed the bug so the repeatable Big Beggar card game actually works as intended now.
-Fixed the bug with missing audio file "slapping_piggimon_366386_OneShot"
-Fixed the title so it now says 0.26 instead of 0.25.
-Other minor fixes.
-New H-event in the Barbarian cultural event chain.
-New H-event in the Duke's bold action event chain.
-The game now notifies you of available reform when expanding bureaucracy.
-Other minor fixes.
-Fixed the bug where new game doesn't start where it should.
-Fixed the bug where the starting event of the next stage of the war would stuck.
-Fixed the bug with idle assistant officials number.
-Fixed the bug where next stage of the war with the Barbarian won't trigger properly
-Fixed the bug where it wrongfully display the WIP message when you won battle against Barbarian when you haven't.
-New stage of the war with the Barbarian.
-New H-event when lose in said stage.
-New H-event follow up to the nude meeting.
-Fixed the bug where bad end won't trigger organically instead you will be stock with a black screen.
-Added marker on the steward at the beginning, make it so new player will notice him.
-Fixed the bug where the Prostitute raising moral 2 event in the recollection room plays the first one instead.
-Fixed the bug where the succession event-chain conflicts with other events and ended up stock you with controlling Lavinia.
-Other minor fixes.
-New H-event with Gerard
-New H-event in the succession chain.
-Added the new "Reform" category in the throne room decisions,the tax base is now nerfed, and can be raise by this.
-Fixed the bug where sometimes speak with Nighveil's "Bailabaikal" option won't show up properly
-Other minor changes.
-Fixed the bug with the blue bandana guy in the slum, where you might stuck with the queen's boobs always out if you chose to show them.
-Fixed the bug where the 3rd nude meeting scene in the recollection room won't play.
-Fixed the bug now the consequence for low trust is easier to occur.
-Two New H-events with the Duke.
-Consequence for low trust with the Barbarian Tribe added.
-Added the option to bath in the bathroom in the second floor once per term/week, that recovers a bit of SP.
-Redraw the boobs of the Queen's character portraits.
-Fixed the bug where the MiniEvet for the guard near the gate wouldn't happen.
-Other minor changes.
-Fixed the bug where going to the equipment screen it immediately goes to world map.
-Fixed the bug where dethrone button not triggering the Bad Ends properly after the implement of rebellion system.
-Fixed the bug with skipping restoration scene where the option to give them extra funds won't show up in some circumstances.
-Other minor fixes.
-New H-event in the succession chain.
-New rebellion system, peasant might revolt when Prosperity gets low.
-Succession chain events in the recollection room, including the major non-H one.
-New H- event in the Barbarian Tribe trust earning line.
-Bug fixes, mostly graphical error.
-Other minor changes.
Fixed the bug with the New story event created in the previous update where the event won't play properly.
-Fixed the bug where the advenced options with Duke conquered (again, I know), now the speak in private option will work properly.
-Fixed the bug where the advenced options with Duke conquered won't show up.
-Fixed the bug when skipping the reconstruction inspection the option of investing more money into it won't show up.
-Other minor fixes.
-Fixed the bug with the Duke's horse ride scene where the game is unable to play a misfiled audio file.
-Fixed the bug with the recollection version of Rite of Passage where the player character won't show up after it ended.
-Expanded the options with the Duke when Conquered.
-New H-event with the Duke.
-New story event that triggers after you cleared out the bandit raiding the southern trade route.
-Replaced some WAV audio files that are conflicting with the new launcher.
-Fixed the bug of the Duke's loyalty counter, now the Duke when Conquered now actually stays content longer as he should be.
-Other minor changes.
-Fixed the bug in the Bar line that the group won't show up
-Fixed the bug when you try to enter the confessional twice in a role the game bugs out.
-Fixed the bug where the game mixes up two of the names you can lose virginity to, though this doesn't effect the saves with virginity already lost.
-Other minor changes.
-One new mini H-Event of Blow Job, triggers with two guards in town when with low morale.
-Lewd graffiti around the city will be unlocks after certain events.
-Confessional in the church now can be used to lower one's impurity, once a week.
-New story event that sabotages your efforts in the Barbarian Tribe.
-New H- event in the Barbarian Tribe trust earning line.
-Included the Falcon-mkxp launcher, A performance enhancement that can be used instead of the Game.exe, and hopefully any compatibility issue has been worked out.
-Adjusted how tax is calculated
-Bug fix now the in the Carmelli reconstruction event chain unlocks properly for new players.
-Repeatable H-events in the Carmelli reconstruction event chain, with the option to finish inside.
-New H-event in the barrack's morale raising options.
-Added the last Carmelli reconstruction H-scene's recollection version, which was left out in the last version.
-Changed the game icon.
-Added an extra control sheet in the game folder, since a lot of players didn't know those exist.
-Other minor changes and bug fixes.
-Fixed the bug where the latest nude meeting scene won't play properly.
-New H-event in the Carmelli reconstruction event chain.
-New H-event follow up to the nude meeting.
-Added a guide to the card game with Nighveil.
-Remade the world map.
-Other minor changes.
-Fixed the bug where the game bugs out when you visit the Duke on week 4.
-Readjust the event so all three of the Duke's bold action events have the same chance of repeating.
-Other minor fixes
-Fixed the bug with one thug on the left side of the city that freezes the game.
This is the only notable one, others are all pretty minor.
-New H-event in the Carmelli reconstruction event chain.
-One mini H-Event against the wall, for now it only triggers with one thug on the left side of the city, and another man with blue headcloth in the slum.
-Now when making peace with Floranerica, the "Seek Alternative Method" with the Duke will lead to the Duke scenes with small dialogue variation.
-The discretion of the diplomatic options during war will work and reflect the VP you have against the opponent
-More chatting dialogue with Williamina.
-Carmelli's broken bridge cut-scene after the first time you turned down the opportunity, will now only occurs at week 3 and 4.
-Other minor changes.
-Bug fixes:
=Fixed the bug where the tar oil scene misplays before the first arena fight.
=Fixed the bug where after winning the second arena fight the screen doesn't fade back in.
=Fixed the bug of the tribal nude meeting event where it skips straight to the repeating version of the second one.
=Fixed the bug where in the second Barbarian cultural event, it has no effect when choosing to let Teghrian attend.
=Attempted to fix the bug where player using on android got frozen in the barbarian route's progression event, more of an experiment, not guaranteed to work.
-New H-event with the Barbarian cultural event chain
-New H-event of Williamina in the arena of Verrtignis.
-Simple chating option with Williamina in the Palace, though the content is still very lacking at the moment.
-Fixed the bug where the new Carmelli H-event was somehow blocked.
-New event chain triggered after the Barbarian Chief's second scene.
-New H-event with the event chain mentioned above, trigger by talking to the Chief.
-New H-event in the Carmelli reconstruction event chain.
-Some other minor changes.
-Bug fix:
=Fixed the bug with the cold down of the locust plague.
=Fixed the bug of the Barbarian Chief's second scene's recollection version.
-New H-event with the Duke.
-New H-event for the Barbarian in the hostage's resident.
-Some new random events.
-Some visual change in the main town corresponding to the statues.
-New H-event in the Carmelli reconstruction event chain.
-New H-event follow up to the nude meeting.
-Reworked the Immediate Conscription decision.
-Minor dialog update for the repeatable horseback scene.
-New H-event in the barrack.
-Next stage of the non-H Carmelli reconstruction event.
-Repeatable version of the poker game and the first bar scene with it.
-Fixed the bug where troops number won't go down in war at all.
-Readjusted the calculation of tax and expense.
-One minor dialog update outside the bar.
-A few random events that balances out things a bit.
-New event line that can be opened when reach maximum loan number.
-New H-event of Williamina in the arena of Verrtignis.
-New H-event in the arena of Verrtignis.
-Expand the intro.
-New H-event when losing to the barbarian can be accessed, after the event that triggers when you get 50+ victory point against them.
-New non-H event in the Carmeli.
-A non-H scene in the Traders' League where you ask to extend the maximum amount of loans.
-A random event that triggers when you are at war while having high Prestige.
-New H-event with the Duke.
-UI improvement.
-New H-event with the Duke.
-New non-H event in the Carmeli.
-Two variations of Barbarian H-event in Carmeli hostage's resident.
-New H-event for low morale in the Barracks (civilian dress required)
-Added the recollection room, which could be accessed from the palace 2F.
Hello! Here's a guide on how to get started with the game. Since the UI at the moment still isn't very self explanatory.
Basic Mechanics
The game's objective is keep your kingdom standing, expanding if possible, the game will supposedly ends at the end of Year Five if you didn't get a game over before hand,
but that's not implanted yet.
Some useful keyboard options:
Q= Text history
A= Hide text Box
Shift = Run
And here are a few variables to have in mind:
The currency in this world is called Ducat. You will get tax income every 30 days. How much you'll get, is determined by the Citizen Satisfaction and Prestige, also how many land you own. Minus the spend on feeding your soldiers and other monthly cost, the rest will be what you'll end up getting.
Stamina, almost every action requires some stamina. If you run out of SP, then it’s time to go home and sleep.
=People’s Satisfaction=
How much the people is satisfied with your rule. If the number is low then you might start to see rebellion. And if the number gets TOO LOW, then you are in danger of being overturned, thus getting a game over.
How much the people and the others respect you. Some events will require a certain level of Prestige to trigger, either high or low.
How much the people and others antagonize you. You get this by violating others. If the number is low then you are more likely to get attacked, less likely to make peace. and might see some rebellion within your lands.
=Troops and Moral=
Troops is how many soldiers you have under your command. Moral is how much your soldiers are willing to fight. Both would effect the outcome of a battle.
Тему отредактировал: Nikol - 3-11-2024, 09:46
Причина: Тема обновлена. Добавлена английская версия v.0.28a Eng. / Topic updated. Added English version v.0.28a Eng.
Причина: Тема обновлена. Добавлена английская версия v.0.28a Eng. / Topic updated. Added English version v.0.28a Eng.
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