Описание:"Workers of Kartedhir" - это 2D RPG-игра, действие которой разворачивается в фэнтезийном средневековом мире, игровой процесс которой разделен на две части: с точки зрения проститутки и с точки зрения главного героя. Как эти два аспекта будут развиваться и взаимосвязаны, зависит от вас: вы можете решить всегда играть с точки зрения проститутки, или всегда с точки зрения главного героя, или сочетать то и другое.
Что я подразумеваю под "точкой зрения"?
Вы можете начать игру в роли проститутки: выберите ее внешность, сформируйте ее характер, и как только вы останетесь довольны результатом, вы сможете отправиться в имперский город Картедир. Как только вы окажетесь в городе, вам решать, как сложится ваша история... Вы можете стать очень востребованной проституткой, дешевой уличной проституткой, честной трудолюбивой женщиной или просто продать себя в рабство (что является единственным путём в этом релизе). Как только вы достигнете важного момента в своей жизни, например, продадите себя в рабство, вы сможете сохранить игру, и "влияние", которое вы оказали на город, будет зависеть от точки зрения главного героя: вы создадите главного героя аналогичным образом, и как только вы войдете в имперский город Картедир, вы сможете встретиться и пообщаться с проституткой(ами), которую(ых) вы ранее создали, если таковые имеются. На данный момент вы можете создать столько проституток, сколько захотите, но вы можете купить только по одной на каждого главного героя, и вы пока не сможете взаимодействовать с ними: единственная хентай-сцена (анимированная) запускается NPC.
Workers of Kartedhir is a 2D RPG Game, set in a fantasy medieval world whose gameplay is split in two parts:
The prostitute's perspective and the protagonist's perspective.
How those two play out and interconnect is up to you: you may decide to always play from the prostitute's prospective or always from the protagonist's prospective or a mix of both.
What do I mean by "Perspectives"?You can start the game as a prostitute: Choose her appearence, build her character and once you are happy with the result, you can enter the imperial city of Karthedhir.
Once inside the city, how your story turns out is up to you... You may become a very sought prostitute, a cheap street hooker, a pure hardworking woman or simply sell yourself to slavery (which is the only path in this release).
Once you trigger an important point in your life, like selling yourself to slavery, you can save the game and the "impact" you had in the city connects with the protagonist's perspective: You build the protagonist in a similar way and once you entered the imperial city of Karthedir, you will be able to meet and interact with the prostitute(s) you have previously made, if any.
As of now, you can make as many prostitutes as you want but you can purchase only one per protagonist and you will not be able to interact with them yet: The only hentai scene (animated) is triggered by a NPC.
Год выпуска: 2020
Жанр: 2dcg, 2d game, slavery, male protagonist, female protagonist, exhibitionism, animated, character creation, fantasy, lesbian, monster girl, oral, rpg, vaginal, virgin, voyeurism, titfuck, bdsm, gay,
Цензура: Отсутствует
Разработчик/Издатель: www.patreon.com/winterfire
Платформа: PC/Windows
Тип издания: Completed
Таблэтка: Не требуется
Версия: R40
Язык игры: Английский
Язык интерфейса: Английский
-Fixed: You can no longer get stuck in the current day.
-Changed: Increased maximum days to 10. -Added: New Ouija missions.
-Added: 3x NPCs (Cutscene only).
-Added: Last two endings (1x Protagonist, 1x Secondary character).
-Fixed: Width of the gallery buttons to prevent numbers from being hidden.
-Fixed: Name ID for the Baker's sexual offers (Female).
-Fixed: Minor typos in Carpenter's sexual offer dialogue.
-Added: All the missing scenes between the protagonist's power vs Male NPCs.
-Added: CG numbering in Extra/Gallery.
-Added: 7x New M/M Scene + alts for different NPC's body types.
-Changed: Protagonist can now get player-made NPCs pregnant.
-Changed: Player-made NPCs's lewdness will increase even with player interactions now.
-Added: New M/F Scene (Sex) for protagonist's slave interaction.
-Added: New M/F Scene (Sex) for Brothel (End route).
-Added: New slave interactions.
-Changed: "Gallery" has been moved to "Extra".
-Added: New NPC (Nezineih).
-Added: "Hall of Fame" in "Extra".
-Added: Added first ending and system to calculate ranking through achievement points.
-Added: New map (Nezineih's home), cutscene only.
-Fixed: Events in Brothel (Past lesbian one) not triggering in new builds.
-Changed: Virgin event in Brothel set to a minimum of day 3.
-Changed: Events register the day of completition in the save file now and are no longer day-dependent (Brothel only for now).
-Added: New M/F scene.
-Added: New F/F scene.
-Added: 4x new items (Merchant).
-Fixed: You can no longer move while a shop window is open.
-Changed: Increased maximum days to 7.
-Added: New achievements (Base ones are all added in).
-Added: New Ouija mission.
-Added: Slums Innkeeper NPC.
-Added: New M/F Scene.
-Fixed: Typos in the third date's dialogue.
-Fixed: Wrong gallery ID in the R32's and R33's CGs.
-Fixed: Inflate belly CG skin color always being pure white.
-Fixed: Auto-sort button no longer deletes empty slots (Purchase button not showing up). *Refer to changed
-Fixed: If the inventory failed to initialize all the slots, upon reloading the save, it will fix itself (Purchase button not showing up).
-Changed: You can no longer work as a toilet while your belly is inflated.
-Changed: *Added a debug key (F5) which fixes a save whose inventory is broken (Purchase button not showing up).
-Added: New M/F scene.
-Added: New slave interactions.
-Added: Slums inn.
-Added: Inflated belly to CG 12, CG 14, CG 19.
-Fixed: Kid's mother in Noble District correctly despawns at night when playing as a protagonist.
-Fixed: Debug lines left in the build which caused some ouija board objectives to not show up were cleaned (Affected investigator).
-Fixed: If no other ouija mission is available for a new day, it will not reset back to the first mission.
-Changed: Increased maximum days to 6.
-Added: Corruption reaction for Chronomancer and Slaver.
-Added: New M/M scene (Protagonist Corruption: Offer/Blowjob).
-Added: "Investor" and "Salesman" feats.
-Added: Merchant guild indoor map & Investment system.
-Added: New M/F scene.
-Added: New NPC (Cutscenes only).
-Added: Day 6 ouija board quest.
-Fixed: Apply changes button in level up no longer shows if you switch screen.
-Fixed: Slave interaction will no longer attempt read dialogues that do not exist when expecting a batch of new dialogues each new day.
-Changed: "u" (you) and "ur" (your) are recognizable words for the ouija's spirits now.
-Added: Black cat and Lady luck feats.
-Added: Bank map (Indoor) & Banking system.
-Added: New M/F scene (Anal) & extended slave interactions.
-Added: New M/M scene (Carpenter's blowjob).
-Fixed: You can no longer bet money you do not have when playing blackjack.
-Fixed: The function to raise a NPC's sexual stats no longer attempts to raise it if the requester is not specified.
-Fixed: Homosexual status menu value tried to read Lesbian value instead (Not existant for male).
-Changed: Performing a sexual favor (Or trying to) increases lewdness by 1 now.
-Added: New F/F scene (Grope).
-Added: Day 5 ouija board quest.
-Added: New M/M scene (Handjob).
-Added: Sexual offer menu (Female) for Kid's mother, Alchemist, Tailor and Merchant.
-Added: Corruption menu (Male) for Carpenter.
-Added: New indoor map (Brothel's player room).
-Removed: Feats: "Spirit's friend", "Spirit's bond", "Anchor", "Ouija master".
-Fixed: Background in save windows properly is properly filled with no borders now.
-Fixed: You can no longer move around while the screen for the new days is fading in.
-Fixed: Purchasing an inn room for the day will refill thirst and hunger to 100 now.
-Fixed: You can no longer rent a room infinitely, just once a day.
-Changed: Increased maximum days to 5.
-Changed: Item statistics and prices, also added description to the items missing it.
-Changed: "Farmer girl" history is operational now.
-Changed: Dice and Blackjack minigames advance time if you play them at least once.
-Changed: Casino and Massage Parlor are no longer accessible during Late Night.
-Added: Save/Load compatibility for version 30 and up.
-Added: 4x new NPCs (Cutscene only).
-Added: 2x new maps (Cutscene only).
-Added: New power for protagonist + cutscene.
-Added: New F Scene (Breastfeeding).
-Added: New NPC (Wanderer).
-Added: 2x New items to alter fertility (Found in alchemist's shop).
-Added: Pregnancy system (Birthing, child menu and breastfeeding).
-Changed: Raw meat has a 30% chance to make you sick if eaten.
-Added: New F Scene (Belly inflation).
-Added: New M/F Scene (Old man, route end).
-Added: New job for secondary characters (Available at the end of old man's route).
-Added: 3x new items.
-Added: Campfire outside the city with a very basic cooking system.
-Fixed: Nipples no longer show when making a new secondary character (When clothed).
-Fixed: Interaction with the kid at the playground, it would not play when being too close.
-Fixed: Inn room correctly expires the day later now.
-Added: Slums map.
-Added: New NPC - Chronomancer.
-Added: 2x new clothing items.
-Added: New F scene (Masturbation).
-Fixed: Slave back hair type 02 would not load when she was sleeping (Fix pushed to R24 and R25).
-Changed: Ragged top and Ragged legs were turned into actual items (unique).
-Changed: Protagonist's starting clothes turned into craftsman clothes set.
-Changed: You can no longer sell clothing items.
-Changed: Casino indoor map to include a bar and some extra decors, lights and shadows.
-Added: Clothing system.
-Added: 5x new items (+ Converted clothes to items).
-Added: Discard button in inventory.
-Added: New NPC (Bartender).
-Added: Dice minigame (Casino).
-Fixed: Date will no longer toggle on when requirements are not met.
-Fixed: Slave dialogue will not repeat if new ones are not available.
-Fixed: Masturbation (Protagonist) unlocking the wrong index in the gallery.
-Fixed: Request menu (Slave interaction) is correctly turned off when asking for a date.
-Fixed: Request menu actions no longer go in overflow if you interact with the slave during late night before she goes to sleep.
-Added: Day 4 dialogue for the slave.
-Added: New M/F Scene (Protagonist).
-Added: Bakery indoor map.
-Added: New NPC (Baker).
-Added: 3x new items.
-Fixed: Left click will no longer show the next message if a tutorial window is open.
-Added: Achievements screen.
-Added: Tailor shop indoor map.
-Added: New NPC (Tailor).
-Added: Blackjack minigame (Casino).
-Fixed: Sometimes rain would never appear on Day 3, it should always appear now.
-Fixed: Music not playing when loading game in the temple.
-Changed: Increased maximum days to 4.
-Added: New indoor map (Casino)
-Added: 3x New NPCs
-Added: New event for the Ouija board minigame.
-Added: BDSM minigame.
-Fixed: Slave's back hair type 02 no longer overlaps with her clothes when facing up.
-Changed: Affection required to get a blowjob from your slave changed from 5 to 7.
-Changed: You can no longer perform some actions when it is late night.
-Changed: Existing tutorial windows now mention how you can rest at the bench or edit the movement's speed.
-Added: Dating events with your slave.
-Added: Day 3 dialogue for the slave.
-Added: New M/F scene (Protagonist).
-Added: New M scene (Protagonist can now masturbate in bed).
-Fixed: Elves ears no longer show in body view when they are not choosen.
-Fixed: Inventory use button no longer shows when an item has been used.
-Changed: Kartedhir's noble district has lights now.
-Changed: Kartedhir's red light district has cum stains near the toilet now.
-Changed: Protagonist's stat "Fame" renamed to "Corruption".
-Changed: Difficulty is operational now.
-Added: Pregnancy (no birthing yet), fertility rate is temporary and subject to change.
-Added: Left click can be used instead of interaction key to show the next message during dialogue.
-Added: Auto sort button in the inventory to re-order items to fill empty spots.
-Added: New M/F scene (Titjob in offer menu) for secondary characters.
-Removed: Race choice from Character creation.
-Fixed: Sprite draw order (Jezebel with small counter in brothel when getting behind her).
-Fixed: Protagonist's power works on the innkeeper now.
-Added: Ear type 02 (Elf ears).
-Added: Temple map in Noble District.
-Added: Manual (PDF), all new builds will come with one now.
-Added: New world interactions, including the possibility to rest in the noble district's benches.
-Added: Healer NPC in temple.
-Fixed: Dark line in Overworld's Back hair type 1 and 2 sprites.
-Fixed: Level up window no longer shows the wrong value (visually) when you are playing as a secondary character.
-Changed: "Cum Drinker" and "Improved cum drinker" feats are operational now.
-Changed: You can now speak with the innkeeper from the other side of the counter.
-Added: Added new music, new visual details and a few overlapping fixes in Kartedhir's noble district.
-Added: 2x New M/F Scenes.
-Added: Offer system, as a secondary character you can ask any sexual favor to all NPCs (Male only for now).
-Fixed: Power window no longer gets in the way when choosing a dialogue option.
-Changed: Upgraded project to the latest version possible (Unity 2018.3.14f1) with various improvements and also fixed false positive.
-Added: Fatigue and diseases.
-Added: New item "Lesser Potion of Cure Disease" in alchemist shop.
-Added: Guard NPCs at gates and three minor NPCs.
-Added: Noble district map.
-Fixed: Prostitutes could sleep beyond the maximum available days.
-Fixed: Game will no longer try to look for saves if SaveData folder does not exist.
-Fixed: Protagonist can no longer work at the ouija board when it is late night.
-Changed: Grass appears red now to correctly fit the game's season.
-Changed: Increased maximum days to 3.
-Added: Weather system.
-Added: New NPC (Investigator) only shown in cutscenes.
-Added: New ouija board mission.
-Added: New CG in massage parlor's scene (Secondary characters only).
R16 Changelog:
-Fixed: Red Light District lights no longer turn on during daytime.
-Fixed: Music not playing when loading game in the protagonist's living room, inn room and alchemy shop.
-Changed: Kartedhir's red light district has been extended and completed.
-Added: Massage Parlor indoor map.
-Added: Masseuse NPC.
-Added: New M/F Scene.
-Added: New F/F Scene.
R15 Changelog:
-Changed: Kartedhir's red light district has been extended to include a ring.
-Added: Three new NPCs (Announcer and two ring contestants).
-Added: New M/F Scene.
-Added: New mini game (The sex ring), only betting is available for now.
R14 Changelog:
-Fixed: "Gifted" feat description.
-Fixed: Innkeeper will speak to the protagonist.
-Changed: You can sell items to the alchemist now.
-Added: Living room in Protagonist's home.
-Added: "Scribe scroll" and "Brew potion" feats for the protagonist.
-Added: Alchemist's shop services.
-Added: Experience & Level up system.
-Added: Two new items (Potion and Scroll).
R13 Changelog:
-Changed: Improved screenshot capturing code.
-Changed: Shop system now displays a money box and new categories (none of the current shops use them yet).
-Added: Alchemist's shop and NPC.
-Added: Back hair type 02.
-Added: New M/F Scene (Brothel, its services are now available for the protagonist).
R12 Changelog:
-Fixed: Owned slave no longer freezes until you re-enter the basement when she faces up.
-Fixed: Loading from in-game correctly updates the display values (Stamina, statistics, ...) and no longer freezes the game.
-Fixed: Protagonist's charisma checks work correctly now.
-Fixed: Sex with toilets lowers desire.
-Fixed: Sexual statistics are raised correctly when having sex with toilet.
-Changed: Toilet can be used multiple times now.
-Changed: Sexual interactions with the slave will advance the time now and alter desire, it will not consume stamina though.
-Added: Day 2 dialogue for the slave (and new alt for blowjob scene).
-Added: New M/F Scene (Toilet).
R11 Changelog:
-Fixed: Slave clothes (in overworld) no longer turn the opposite direction.
-Fixed: Stairs' shadow in brothel no longer flickers.
-Fixed: Merchant's and Carpenter's sexual stats are visible now.
-Fixed: Tooltip will now disappear when closing the character menu while viewing one.
-Fixed: Fake/Corrupted Global.dat are ignored now, similar to the fix in R8 but for gallery.
-Fixed: Scene 10 and 11 no longer show in gallery when their event has not yet been unlocked.
-Fixed: Global.dat saves are now version independent, R11's global.dat will, for example, work in R13 and vice versa.
-Changed: Game no longer uses Windows Libraries.
-Changed: Slave's overworld sprite faces you when you are speaking to them now.
-Added: Loading panel in game menu.
-Added: New M/F scene (brothel).
R10 Changelog:
-Fixed: Choice text for the innkeeper when playing the protagonist.
-Fixed: You can no longer rest at the bench for an infinite number of times.
-Fixed: Inn building tile order.
-Fixed: Some NPCs like the old man no longer turn away.
-Changed: Kartedhir (Market district) includes two market stalls now.
-Changed: Innkeeper sells beverages too.
-Added: Inventory system.
-Added: Inn's music performance.
-Added: Carpenter map.
-Added: Shop system/NPC Inventory.
-Added: Merchant and Carpenter NPCs.
R9 Changelog:
-Fixed: Completed events always set an end event when available now.
-Fixed: Protagonist's character creation UI plays sounds correctly now.
-Changed: Added some texture to the inn's firepit.
-Changed: Slaver's jail map (Added lighting and shadows).
-Added: New NPC (Brothel's owner), only available to prostitutes for now.
-Added: New M/F scene (Brothel).
-Added: New F/F scene (Brothel).
R8 Changelog:
-Fixed: Global.dat and fake/corrupted .dat preventing save files from being read. (Fix pushed to R7)
-Fixed: Time no longer shows while there is dialogue. (Fix pushed to R7)
-Fixed: You can set professions again, conflict with day stage fixed. (Fix pushed to R7)
-Fixed: Game no longer freezes if you reject Mark's proposal and then come back.
-Fixed: Locked messages (Example: "Not yet available in this version") no longer repeat a second time in a row if you wait too long.
-Fixed: If you set a profession and then sell yourself to slavery, you correctly lose the profession now.
-Fixed: When using a custom made toilet the day stage will advance now.
-Fixed: Slightly improved the performance in Ouija's minigame.
-Fixed: Ouija minigame had the chance to freeze because some values were not parsed correctly.
-Fixed: Planchette correctly points to "YES" when a spirit answer positively to a question.
-Changed: Old man's hentai scene consumes stamina now.
-Changed: Ouija minigame consumes stamina and advances the day stage now.
-Changed: Not virgin slaves are worth half as much now. (Change pushed to R7)
-Changed: Maximum number of days is 2 now.
-Changed: When using a custom made toilet, her desire will decrease at each use.
-Changed: Since you can regen the stamina now, you can interact with the toilet multiple times if you fail your stamina check.
-Added: You can interact with the benches and rest now (Advances day stage and regenerates stamina).
-Added: Background category in status (Male and Female).
-Added: Sexual status for protagonist.
-Added: Detect sexual status power for protagonist.
-Added: 2x new M/F scenes.
-Added: New ouija mission for day two and a new minor npc.
R7 Changelog:
-Fixed: Movement speed does not reset back to default anymore (Integrated R4 Patch 1 in main build).
-Fixed: Reading wrong hair and nose type in Slave Management scene (Integrated R4 Patch 1 in main build).
-Fixed: Blowjob scene not loading up (Integrated R4 Patch 1 in main build).
-Fixed: Screen will instantly fade in when opening any shop UI (Fix pushed in R5+ too).
-Fixed: Barrels and boxes collision in protagonist's basement
-Added: Protagonist's bedroom map.
-Added: Sewers map.
-Added: Inn room's map.
-Added: Time of Day.
-Added: Gallery.
R6 Changelog:
-Fixed: You cannot open character menu while being on slaver shop/toilet shop UI anymore.
-Fixed: Game no longer freezes when showing breast to the old man (Integrated R3 patch 1 in main build).
-Fixed: Game no longer shows Stamina behind objectives during ouija board mini game (Fix pushed in R4 public release too).
-Fixed: Dialogue post mini game not triggering sometimes (Fix pushed in R4 public release too).
-Fixed: After Ouija board mini game the player will always face the costumer during the cutscene (fix pushed in R4 public release too).
-Changed: Brothel map (Added shadows, lighting and more details).
-Changed: Kartedhir, Market district (Added shadows, lighting, carpenter building and more details).
-Changed: Protagonist home (Added shadows and lighting)
-Added: Ambient sounds.
-Added: Inn map.
-Added: New NPC (Innkeeper).
R5 Changelog:
-Fixed: Prostitute's born location no longer changes throughout the game.
-Changed: Expanded Red Light District to add the brothel building.
-Changed: Old man hentai scene raises up desire now and sex decreases it.
-Added: Brothel indoor map.
-Added: 3x New M/F Hentai Scenes (Voyeur).
-Added: "Desire" stat (Female only, for now).
R4 Changelog:
-Fixed: You can now scroll to view more save files.
-Fixed: Eyes no longer show behind hair when going north west or north east (Protagonist).
-Added: Stamina system.
-Added: New map (Red Light District).
-Added: New M/F hentai scene (Doggy) - Protagonist perspective.
-Added: New M/F hentai scene (Doggy) - Prostitute perspective.
-Added: New job and profession: Mark's toilet.
R3 Changelog:
-Fixed: Purchased slave is pixel perfect and won't "shake" when colliding.
-Fixed: Screen fade covers the whole screen now.
-Fixed: The slaver will not replenish his inventory after loading the game now.
-Fixed: Progress on the dialogue is now resumed correctly after loading the game.
-Fixed: Draw order for the fountain water.
-Fixed: Saving and reloading a game near a sprite no longer breaks its draw order.
-Changed: Compressed graphics where possible without any noticeable loss of quality.
-Added: Purchased slave interaction with protagonist.
-Added: New M/F hentai scene (Blowjob).
-Added: Gameplay setting to adjust the movement speed.
R2 Changelog:
-Fixed: Incorrect key to screenshot is read until accessing settings at least once.
-Fixed: File delete issue that also prevented the purchase of slave unless you spam clicked the button (Only Windows 7 and up).
-Fixed: Slaver's merchandise showing incorrect amount of gold owned.
-Fixed: Slaver's merchandise not showing the body.
-Fixed: Audio settings not working in real time when changing them from main menu.
-Added: A tutorial explaining what to do when getting enslaved.
-Added: Type 2 front hair.
-Added: Type 2 nose.
-Added: New history "Ex-adventurer: Wizard".
-Added: 1 Slave NPC.
-Added: Kartedhir, Protagonist's home and Main menu music.
-Added: Sounds for all the UI.