История происходит вокруг вашего персонажа, которого неохотно отправили в дом его матери. Город, который вы знали раньше, теперь совсем другой - так много изменилось. Прежде всего, после всего лишь одной ошибки вы потеряли доверие своих братьев и сестер. Ни денег, ни любви, только твоя новая камера и желание перевернуть все вверх дном...
The story is happening around your character, who was unwilingly sent to his mother house. The city you have known before is now like different - so much has changed. Above all, after just one mistake you lost your siblings trust. No money, no love, only your new camera and desire to turn things upside down...
Прохождение Photo Hunt - 0.15.1a RU by_СЭНД
Cheat Code = mon4life
Cheat Code = munchkin / Gallery Unlock Code = extra2pass
Год выпуска: 2020
Жанр: 3dcg, anal, animated, big ass, big tits, blackmail, cheating, corruption, cosplay, creampie, drugs, exhibitionism, female domination, footjob, groping, handjob, humiliation, humor, incest, interracial, lesbian, male domination, male protagonist, masturbation, milf, oral, prostitution, rape, romance, sandbox, school setting, sex toys, sexual harassment, spanking, stripping, teasing, titfuck, vaginal, virgin, voyeurism,
Цензура: Отсутствует
Разработчик/Издатель: Moochie - Patreon - Subscribestar - Discord
Перевод и Адаптация Мода: troffim и 3y6acta9
Тестирование перевода: KekasXD
Prequel: Follower
Платформа: PC/Windows/Linux/Android
Тип издания: В разработке
Таблэтка: Не требуется
Версия: v.0.17.1 Extra Rus / v.0.18.1 Extra Eng
Язык игры: Русский/Английский
Язык интерфейса: Русский/Английский
Поддержать Переводчика (Boosty) (troffim)
Поддержать Переводчика (Patreon) (troffim)
Карта VISA : 4731 1856 1828 5859
Mastercard: 5169 3600 1678 2942
PayPal (troffim3@gmail.com)
Поддержать Переводчика (Boosty 3y6acta9)
Поблагодарить Переводчика (3y6acta9):
Сбербанк: 2202 2022 3284 9053
История происходит вокруг вашего персонажа, которого неохотно отправили в дом его матери. Город, который вы знали раньше, теперь совсем другой - так много изменилось. Прежде всего, после всего лишь одной ошибки вы потеряли доверие своих братьев и сестер. Ни денег, ни любви, только твоя новая камера и желание перевернуть все вверх дном...
The story is happening around your character, who was unwilingly sent to his mother house. The city you have known before is now like different - so much has changed. Above all, after just one mistake you lost your siblings trust. No money, no love, only your new camera and desire to turn things upside down...
Прохождение Photo Hunt - 0.15.1a RU by_СЭНД
Cheat Code = mon4life
Cheat Code = munchkin / Gallery Unlock Code = extra2pass
Год выпуска: 2020
Жанр: 3dcg, anal, animated, big ass, big tits, blackmail, cheating, corruption, cosplay, creampie, drugs, exhibitionism, female domination, footjob, groping, handjob, humiliation, humor, incest, interracial, lesbian, male domination, male protagonist, masturbation, milf, oral, prostitution, rape, romance, sandbox, school setting, sex toys, sexual harassment, spanking, stripping, teasing, titfuck, vaginal, virgin, voyeurism,
Цензура: Отсутствует
Разработчик/Издатель: Moochie - Patreon - Subscribestar - Discord
Перевод и Адаптация Мода: troffim и 3y6acta9
Тестирование перевода: KekasXD
Prequel: Follower
Платформа: PC/Windows/Linux/Android
Тип издания: В разработке
Таблэтка: Не требуется
Версия: v.0.17.1 Extra Rus / v.0.18.1 Extra Eng
Язык игры: Русский/Английский
Язык интерфейса: Русский/Английский
Поддержать Переводчика (Boosty) (troffim)
Поддержать Переводчика (Patreon) (troffim)
Карта VISA : 4731 1856 1828 5859
Mastercard: 5169 3600 1678 2942
PayPal (troffim3@gmail.com)
Поддержать Переводчика (Boosty 3y6acta9)
Поблагодарить Переводчика (3y6acta9):
Сбербанк: 2202 2022 3284 9053
v0.18.1- 2025-02-25
- Grace main story continuation
- Grace's napping guard update
- Monica's extra scene integration into the main game (new topic for both of her routes)
- New MC's dream event
- New Rule34 content
- A couple of Monica's scene rerendered
- Minor improvements
- 280 images, 9 animations, 10 missing animations from the previous update, 1 rerendered animation (from Monica's extra scene that is integrated into the main game)
v0.17.1 - 2024-10-31
Monica's main story continuation (both Vanilla and RM routes)
Risa's scene at school
Lina's scene at the gym
Evelyn's anime night update
New Rule34 content
2 archievements
Minor improvements
428 images, 23 animations (+1 missing animation from the previous update - Evelyn x Will x Alice x MC swinging)
v0.16.3 - 2024-08-03
Alice story continuation (both Vanilla and RM routes)
Dani's news scene
New Risa's scenes at school
New Rule34 content
Some content of Jen's library, Jen's messages, Monica's house scenes have been rerendered
Minor improvements
421 images, 20 animations (+1 extra scene animation and 6 rerendered animations), 258 rerenders
v0.16.2 - 2024-03-24
Skylar main story continuation
New Rule34 content
Minor improvements
479 images (+21 extra scene images), 197 rerendered images (mostly Jen's art club events), 10 animations (+1 extra scene animation), 18 animations remade
v0.16.1 - 2023-11-19
Skylar main story introduction
Kira main story continuation
Kira new clue (from Skylar's main story)
Evelyn college continuation -> Evelyn Breakfast event one new option
New Rule34 content
1 new location
Minor improvements
582 images (+21 extra scene images), 15 animations (+1 extra scene animation)
v0.15.3b - 2023-07-23
Rachel's side activities (new and continuation of old ones): Rachel morning yoga, expanded Rachel watching pron event, 'Bathe together' and new photos MC can take with Rachel in the bath, Rachel night events
2 scenes with Adrian and Bobby (hang out with them to trigger the scenes)
New MC dream scene
New Sakura's service at RM (if you brought at least 4 girls to RM) + new event which will be happening occassionally (only for those who super loyal to RM)
Fiona new night call (triggers if you finished Using the first key event at the Abandoned hospital)
Evelyn and Kimberly scene
Evelyn roleplay scene at the cinema (only for PS route)
Foundation for future Harry's scenes (visit Hotel) with one available event
New girls' profiles images and rerendered ones (phone content, 26 images)
New Rule34 content
Minor improvements
339 images, 20 animations, 82 rerenders (+1 reworked animation)
v0.15.3a - 2023-05-14
Rachel's old side activities (revamped and expanded going to cinema activity, Sunday morning pool event continuation, night ice cream scene)
Rachel Miro club events at school (complete all Rachel's Breaking up with Miroslav events and 'Attend classes')
New Lina hanging out with Rachel scene
New Rachel's service in Red Maiden
Rachel reacting to the chosen Evelyn's route
New Rule34 content
Minor improvements and changes (important: photo sessions with Rachel at home are now only for Rachel Romance route!)
201 images (+22 images from extra scene), 13 animations (+1 animation from extra scene), 83 rerenders (+5 reworked animations)
v0.15.2 - 2023.03.25
Rachel's Main story continuation*
Risa and Fiona scene (if you chose 'Risa+Lina' route and progressed far enough with Fiona. Look for Risa at school)
1 Achievement
Minor improvements
New Rule34 content
400 images (+22 images extra scene), 20 animations (+1 animation extra scene), 33 rerenders (Rachel Clothing store scene, Rachel's first message, Rachel House photo session, including a scene with Monica)
v0.15.1a - 2022-12-22
Miroslav big final event
Tutorial (right after the prologue)
Minor improvements
1 achievement
1 Fiona's message, 1 Grace message, 1 Jen's message
221 images, 10 animations (Evelyn's bath scene is now animated), 68 rerenders (Lina Hospital #2, Lina Metro, Monica Teachers' room, Fiona Night call #1, Rachel Outside photo session #1,#2)
v0.15.1 - 2022-11-10
Rachel's main story continuation (go to Red Maiden)
Kira's main story continuation (unlocks once you shared enough clues with Kira and completed Rachel's first sex scene)
Rachel and Kelly scene (unlocks right after the last Rachel's main story scene of the update)
Chan Mi continuation (attend classes at school)
New MC's dream scene
A slight change in the scene where you meet Melanie in Evelyn's office on Wednesday while she's away (which could be probably turned out into a separate Melanie's scene in the future)
New Evelyn's message
You can make more money at the storehouse once you work 10 times (+more bonus money)
New Fiona's dorm spycams scene (unlock if you use her help in one of the new Rachel's main story scenes)
New images for Rule34
1 achievement
Minor improvements
341 images (+19 images from extra scene), 11 animations (+2 animations from extra scene), 210 rerenders (Rachel's cafe activities, Rachel's activities at home (morning, evening, night), Monica's jogging scenes, taking a special picture for Jennifer at the park)
Grace's main story continuation
New Grace's side activities
Fiona and Grace cross scene (napping guard duty event)
Grace, Fiona and Jennifer cross scene at school
Evelyn's massage by the pool new option for each route (and changing what's already there in each already existed option based on current Evelyn's main story progression)
Art contest expansion: Oksana properly reacts to you now if you already met her (not mentioning if you already have relationship with her)
New UI (you'll be able to use the computer in your room. IMPORTANT: Some features are still in development and will be improved!)
Minor improvements (amongst which is Digital Arts location properly removed, prologue has been rerendered as well as some old achievements images, text improvements...)
625 images (+32 images of extra scene), 41 rerenders, 15 animations
Photo Hunt v0.13.4
New scene for Charlotte's service 'Drink tea' as well as one new service at RM (+1 service for Charlotte at the parking lot)
Two services for Quinn at RM
New scenes for Daniella's news
A couple of scenes for Adrian and Bobby at school
2 new scenes with Lina (if 'Risa+Lina' route has been chosen)
A lot of Lina's scenes has been rerendered (+1 new image for hospital sex scene with Lina; Risa blowing you under the table is now animated)
Lina's old scenes text correction
'Digital arts' location is now replaced by 'Science club' which you can find at school in the morning
137 images, 155 rerenders (+1 animation rerendered), 7 animations
Evelyn's Fashion model route continuation
More options to 'tired Evelyn' event (your house, night)
More options to 'passed out Evelyn' event (your house, Friday evening)
Jennifer's new activity at school (only Jen yandere route)
2 new Evelyn's messages
138 images, 7 animations
Evelyn's main storyline continuation ('PS' and 'Fashion model' routes)
1 Evelyn's message
1 achievement
355 images (+24 images extra scene), 9 animations
Evelyn's main storyline continuation
Evelyn's side activities continuation (massage by the pool, anime night and breakfast)
Investigating Tom's strange activity at the model agency (Kira's new clue)
Alice aftermath events with route splitting if she was fired
New Alice's topics
New Sakura's service (if you brought at least 3 girls in RM)
New scenes with Melanie (classroom posing, 2 scenes)
Option to call Risa at the art club to pose for Jen (whichever the route has been chosen for Lina. Just make sure you played the scene with Lina, Risa and Jen in the library)
One achievement
362 images (+18 images extra scene), 10 animations
v0.13.1 Extras
Evelyn's main storyline continuation
Evelyn's side activities continuation (some of them will be left untouched. We'll get to them in the next updates)
Evelyn's College storyline continuation (3 scenes) where you'll meet 2 new side girls
Images illustrating the route you are going to choose
One new outfit in the clothing store (belongs to Evelyn's main storyline)
New Rachel's message
One achievement
Inventory UI
Text improving
372 images (+26 images of extra scene), 4 animations
Bonus features available for higher tiers:
v0.12.3 Extra
RM expansion:
-You will meet new girls (if you brought 1/2 girls to RM)
-Quinn's aftermath (if you chose to bring her to RM)
-2 Sakura's scenes
-Introduction of an important to RM storyline character (if you brought 1/2 girls to RM)
-New clue for Kira
-Sakura and a new girl's profiles in your phone (also, Sakura now can be unlocked in 'Messages')
-Most of old Sakura's topics now go along with images (+3 new topics)
Continuation of Fiona's main storyline (Abandoned hospital)
Evelyn's main storyline scene: save one of the girls from Harry
Besides rerendering most of Evelyn's scenes, some of them were slightly expanded (The scene with passed out Evelyn and Alice has been reworked - now it's divided into two scenes and require you to complete the presentation scene first and Alice not to get fired)
Fiona will react to you at school differently based on the chosen route (the same goes for Sakura at RM based on how many girls have been brought to RM)
Text improving and bugs fixing
3 achievements
248 images (+27 images from extra scene), 5 animations (+1 animation from extra scene), 244 rerenders
Continuation of Fiona's main storyline
Fiona at the clothing store scene
Hanging out with Fiona at the abandoned hospital
Helping Rachel deal with bullies at school
Monica's warning when you skip school too often has been reworked (both routes)
New 'Attend classes' image if your relationship with Grace is pretty high
Rachel-Miroslav-Evelyn scenes has been rerendered and reworked - more options to deal with Miroslav in some scenes + proper Evelyn's reaction if your relationship with her is high
3 achievements
334 images, 10 animations, 35 rerenders
Helping Fiona at school (Main story)
Hanging out with Scott (Main story)
Helping Fiona at her workplace (Main story)
'Flowers' gift to Fiona
New side characters introduction
New location
'Fiona' topic of Adrian and Bobby remade
3 achievements
306 images (+23 images of extra scene), 7 animations, all Lucy images rerender*
Text corrections, minor changes and fixes
Harry's introduction (as well as some more girls on his own storyline)
Bug fixes and text corrections
Evelyn's Dorm roof photoshoot scene has been rerendered (+added a proper ending for the second scene)
Evelyn's morning jogging has been rerendered
Changed Lucy's (Fiona's roommate) model
59 images, 13 rerenders and 1 animation
5 scenes of Grace's main storyline
3 scenes of Evelyn's main storyline
A lot of hospital scenes in the afternoon (with Lina and Risa, Evelyn, Fiona, Jennifer)
1 scene of Lina hanging out with Rachel in your house
1 new message from Evelyn
1 new message from Jennifer
You'll be able to call Grace to ask her to take a special picture for Jen in the park
Grace and Oksana in the clothing store scene
Small changes to 'Ask Grace to help Jen in the Art contest' scene based on high enough relationship with Grace
'Lina and bully at the gym', 'Family introduction with Evelyn' and some more images have been rerendered (+1 animation in meantioned Lina's scene)
Chronologic order change: now all cunnilingus scenes with Evelyn are available after the last new Evelyn's main storyline scene
178 images (+20 images of extra scene)
7 animations (+1 animation in extra scene)
27 rerenders
Text correction and some minor tweaks
Grace's main storyline introduction
3 scenes for hanging out with Adrian and Bobby
Possibility to ask Monica to pose for Jen in the art club if you chose Monica's blackmail route (2 scenes, one of which is reworked scene from romance route)
1 new message from Kira
2 new locations
3 new achievements (achievement 'Gold digger' has been rerendered)
327 images, 5 animations
Extra scene contains 14 images and 1 animation
Text correction and other minor changes
New scene with Skylar (go to the police station after you shared at least one clue with Kira)
New achievement
-'d8s is not defined' fixed
-'loc42_kira_clues' fixed
-Kira calls you at night before you actually meet her
-The gallery scene for 'Kira sends nudes' did not unlock after seeing the scene
-Now it's impossible to ask Fiona or Grace to help Jen at the art contest after you completed the art contest itself
-Bug with the sixth scene of taking nudes with Sakura
-Confession scene in RM with Rachel now belongs only to Rachel's romance route
Kira's main storyline introduction
Side activities with Kira (with Evelyn)
2 scenes with MC's father calling Evelyn in the mornings
A new option with drunk Evelyn on Friday evening, as well as 1 new topic (both concerning Kira)
Jennifer's romance route continuation (2 scenes)
A night call from Kira
Rachel's romance route continuation (2 scenes)
1 new 'Take pictures' scene with Sakura
A new girl to fantasize about while Monica blowing you in cafe bathroom (Monica's blackmail route)
1 new achievement
1 new location
216 images (+12 images of extra scene), 5 rerenders, 2 animations
Corrected text mistakes
v0.10.2a bugfix
Now you repay your debt on 5th payment day, not on 7th
Fixed dream scenes about Jen (3rd dream couldn't start)
Fixed 'Skylar science club intro' scene in the gallery
Now you can give 'Slutty outfit' to Monica only after the 3rd date with her
Text correction
Minor fixes
Monica's romance route continuation
New Monica's romance route side activities
A couple of scenes continuing Jen's romance route
Introduction of a new girl (help Scott to meet her)
Photo shoots with Rachel at your house (with Lina or Monica as well)
One more event with Monica and Lina in Lina's 'Swimming pool' option
New activities with Melanie when visiting her at the Model agency
You can call Monica to take pictures of her at the park for Jennifer (fixed bug)
Fixed the dinner scene with Lina's grandfather (wrong image)
469 images (+20 images of extra scene)
15 animations
2 achievements
New Monica's profile image in your phone
1 new location
New main menu image
Lina's main storyline continuation (+added hints for 'Lina panties' event)
New Sakura's service at RM (if you brought a second girl to RM)
Jennifer art contest aftermath (both routes)
New Monica profile picture (blackmail route)
87 images (+28 images of extra scene)
2 animations
Monica blackmail continuation (main content)
New scene with Kelly at the clothing store
You'll see familiar face at Red Maiden besides the new one
Intro scene of a new female character
Scene with Fiona at school (both Fiona Dom/Sub routes)
224 images (+22 images of extra scene)
10 animations
2 achievements
Massive text revision
Rachel Red Maiden revamped and expanded
New service available from Sakura at RM
New service available from Rachel at RM
Night calls - you'll be able to call a girl from your house at night or they will call you
2 scenes with Evelyn getting calls from MC's father
Melanie's role in the game is extended with a few new scenes
Reduced debt to Mr.Roberts (from 10x100$ to 7x100$)
You now gain attributes at a faster rate
Important topics are now highlighted
Scene gallery (see pause menu)
'Skylar' topic in the 'Talk' option with Monica and Lina
You'll be able to learn Evelyn's phone number by just trying to gift her a phone, without starting her college storyline
Many of Rachel's, Adrian and Bobby's talk topics get new images
A new dress for Evelyn's 'Dress show'
You'll be able to install spy cams in Evelyn's bedroom
One new message from Jennifer after the art contest (either she won or lost)
'Make her stop drinking' scene with Evelyn has been expanded and animated
New scene chain with Rachel in which you'll be able to punish her, give her flowers and do something naughty in the cafe bathroom
3 scenes with Skylar
308 images ready
152 images rerendered
2 new achievements
7 new animations
2 old animations rerendered
Fixed bugs:
'fio_hint(' error (0.9.1b)
The art contest doesn't start even if player did everything that said in Hints
Player could start erotic book events with Jennifer before Mr. Roberts showed up in the library
One of the frames of Risa sex scene animation is missing
Image "loc9_jenpic_mon_cor_01_2" not found
Fixed portraits in the last dream with Jennifer
Some typos
- Rachel's (MC's sister) storyline.
- Three new side characters.
- Conversations with girls have become less static.
- Phone, map and shops interface has been changed.
- Added hints.
- Prologue text has been corrected (v0.1-0.3 text will be corrected as well in the future).
- 1 new night scene with Evelyn.
- Some minor changes.
- All in all, v0.4 contains: 160 renders, 12 rerenders, about 15k words, 4 animation + extra scene for patrons.
-Continuation of Jennifer's storyline (center of the update)
-Continuation of Lina's storyline
-Scene with Grace during the classes
-Fiona posing for Jen in the art club
-2 new options of what to do with drunk Evelyn
-Evelyn shows up in the park
-2 Skylar scenes
-Twister scenes with Rachel and Evelyn at home after which there will be unlocked one option of hanging out with them
-Scene with Kelly in her shop
-2 more nude photos of Sakura at the Red Maiden
-3 scenes with Monica and Lina in the pool
-Main character can pay his debt (finally!)
Side events with Rachel, Evelyn, Alice, Jennifer, Monica, Lina
Fiona storyline revamped
Clothing shop revamped
170 new images
3 new animations
2 new achievements
160 images rerendered
Minor changes
Introduction of Jennifer storyline
312 new images (+23 images of extra scene)
5 new animations (+1 animation of extra scene)
3 new achievement (#35 has been remade)
14 rerenders
Repetative house scenes with Evelyn and Rachel have been expanded
v0.7 text has been revised
89 images rerendered (mostly Monica's romance route)
1 animation of sex scene with Risa
A few minor changes (bug with shop is now fixed)
'Missing animation' bug is fixed
A part of the text has been revised
A few minor changes
Continuation of Lina's storyline (~27k words)
276 new images (+33 images of extra scene)
37 remade images
6 animations
New option for Lina passing oral exam scene (if you confessed to Monica)
3 new achievements
New pictures for achievements #24 and #32 (achievement #20 has been remade and now it's available)
A few minor changes
- Fixed a bug in 3rd photo session with Evelyn at school
- Evelyn's hints have been expanded
- New option has been added to 'Spend time with them' scene (now you can do nothing with passed out Evelyn nor Alice)
- Now it's easier to know that you are on the verge of getting expelled from school.
- More convenient controls in achievements menu
- Achievement #17 is a bit less difficult to get.
- a few minor changes.
1) Continuation of Evelyn's main storyline
2) 260 new pictures
3) 29 pictures have been redone
4) 4 new achievements
5) 3 new profile pictures in the phone (Lina, Evelyn, Alice)
6) Extention of some previous scenes (Rachel 'Make breakfast' scene, Rachel night scene, Liam payout)
7) Other minor changes
Hint: storyline of this update starts off from 'Look for Evelyn' in the evening on weekends (only if you completed 'Listen to gossip' scenes at Evelyn's workplace).
1)Fixed Monica jogging bug.
2)Now you can reset your achievements if you start a new game.
3)Fixed bug with patreon code.
1)Evelyn introduction (her daily routine mostly)
2)199 new renders + 24 extra renders
3)Archievements (35), 20 achievement not available yet.
4)About 30k words.
5)Rachel Sunday pool scenes
6)Some minor addings
Version 0.4.2:
-Some Evelyn's scenes have been rewritten.
-Textbox and font have been changed for more convenient reading.
-Other minor changes in UI.
-Now it's a little bit easier to get the second 'Let her go home' event.
-Fixed small bugs.
v0.4.1 Beta
- Rachel's (MC's sister) storyline.
- Three new side characters.
- Conversations with girls have become less static.
- Phone, map and shops interface has been changed.
- Added hints.
- Prologue text has been corrected (v0.1-0.3 text will be corrected as well in the future).
- 1 new night scene with Evelyn.
- Some minor changes.
- All in all, v0.4 contains: 160 renders, 12 rerenders, about 15k words, 4 animation + extra scene for patrons.
- Conversion .png to .webp format (size reduced from 1100mb to 360mb)
- Fixed a bug in 'Sleeping Monica' event. It should start on the 12th hanging out with Kevin in his house.
- Fixed a bug in the second Rachel's riddle.
- Now you can see correct variants in 'Literature with Lina' events, if your intellect is high enough.
- Some misspelling mistakes
- Fixed 'sc_port' problem
- Now you earn +1 sneaking point every time you successfully use this skill.
- Some misspelling mistakes
-The game has been remaked from Unity to Renpy
-Not only time of day, but day of the week is of matter now
-Monica's romance route is expanded (Monica's house in the weekends)
-Many renders have been redone
-Some new scenes with Rachel (in the MC house)
-A lot of other minor changes
- Grace main story continuation
- Grace's napping guard update
- Monica's extra scene integration into the main game (new topic for both of her routes)
- New MC's dream event
- New Rule34 content
- A couple of Monica's scene rerendered
- Minor improvements
- 280 images, 9 animations, 10 missing animations from the previous update, 1 rerendered animation (from Monica's extra scene that is integrated into the main game)
v0.17.1 - 2024-10-31
Monica's main story continuation (both Vanilla and RM routes)
Risa's scene at school
Lina's scene at the gym
Evelyn's anime night update
New Rule34 content
2 archievements
Minor improvements
428 images, 23 animations (+1 missing animation from the previous update - Evelyn x Will x Alice x MC swinging)
v0.16.3 - 2024-08-03
Alice story continuation (both Vanilla and RM routes)
Dani's news scene
New Risa's scenes at school
New Rule34 content
Some content of Jen's library, Jen's messages, Monica's house scenes have been rerendered
Minor improvements
421 images, 20 animations (+1 extra scene animation and 6 rerendered animations), 258 rerenders
v0.16.2 - 2024-03-24
Skylar main story continuation
New Rule34 content
Minor improvements
479 images (+21 extra scene images), 197 rerendered images (mostly Jen's art club events), 10 animations (+1 extra scene animation), 18 animations remade
v0.16.1 - 2023-11-19
Skylar main story introduction
Kira main story continuation
Kira new clue (from Skylar's main story)
Evelyn college continuation -> Evelyn Breakfast event one new option
New Rule34 content
1 new location
Minor improvements
582 images (+21 extra scene images), 15 animations (+1 extra scene animation)
v0.15.3b - 2023-07-23
Rachel's side activities (new and continuation of old ones): Rachel morning yoga, expanded Rachel watching pron event, 'Bathe together' and new photos MC can take with Rachel in the bath, Rachel night events
2 scenes with Adrian and Bobby (hang out with them to trigger the scenes)
New MC dream scene
New Sakura's service at RM (if you brought at least 4 girls to RM) + new event which will be happening occassionally (only for those who super loyal to RM)
Fiona new night call (triggers if you finished Using the first key event at the Abandoned hospital)
Evelyn and Kimberly scene
Evelyn roleplay scene at the cinema (only for PS route)
Foundation for future Harry's scenes (visit Hotel) with one available event
New girls' profiles images and rerendered ones (phone content, 26 images)
New Rule34 content
Minor improvements
339 images, 20 animations, 82 rerenders (+1 reworked animation)
v0.15.3a - 2023-05-14
Rachel's old side activities (revamped and expanded going to cinema activity, Sunday morning pool event continuation, night ice cream scene)
Rachel Miro club events at school (complete all Rachel's Breaking up with Miroslav events and 'Attend classes')
New Lina hanging out with Rachel scene
New Rachel's service in Red Maiden
Rachel reacting to the chosen Evelyn's route
New Rule34 content
Minor improvements and changes (important: photo sessions with Rachel at home are now only for Rachel Romance route!)
201 images (+22 images from extra scene), 13 animations (+1 animation from extra scene), 83 rerenders (+5 reworked animations)
v0.15.2 - 2023.03.25
Rachel's Main story continuation*
Risa and Fiona scene (if you chose 'Risa+Lina' route and progressed far enough with Fiona. Look for Risa at school)
1 Achievement
Minor improvements
New Rule34 content
400 images (+22 images extra scene), 20 animations (+1 animation extra scene), 33 rerenders (Rachel Clothing store scene, Rachel's first message, Rachel House photo session, including a scene with Monica)
v0.15.1a - 2022-12-22
Miroslav big final event
Tutorial (right after the prologue)
Minor improvements
1 achievement
1 Fiona's message, 1 Grace message, 1 Jen's message
221 images, 10 animations (Evelyn's bath scene is now animated), 68 rerenders (Lina Hospital #2, Lina Metro, Monica Teachers' room, Fiona Night call #1, Rachel Outside photo session #1,#2)
v0.15.1 - 2022-11-10
Rachel's main story continuation (go to Red Maiden)
Kira's main story continuation (unlocks once you shared enough clues with Kira and completed Rachel's first sex scene)
Rachel and Kelly scene (unlocks right after the last Rachel's main story scene of the update)
Chan Mi continuation (attend classes at school)
New MC's dream scene
A slight change in the scene where you meet Melanie in Evelyn's office on Wednesday while she's away (which could be probably turned out into a separate Melanie's scene in the future)
New Evelyn's message
You can make more money at the storehouse once you work 10 times (+more bonus money)
New Fiona's dorm spycams scene (unlock if you use her help in one of the new Rachel's main story scenes)
New images for Rule34
1 achievement
Minor improvements
341 images (+19 images from extra scene), 11 animations (+2 animations from extra scene), 210 rerenders (Rachel's cafe activities, Rachel's activities at home (morning, evening, night), Monica's jogging scenes, taking a special picture for Jennifer at the park)
Grace's main story continuation
New Grace's side activities
Fiona and Grace cross scene (napping guard duty event)
Grace, Fiona and Jennifer cross scene at school
Evelyn's massage by the pool new option for each route (and changing what's already there in each already existed option based on current Evelyn's main story progression)
Art contest expansion: Oksana properly reacts to you now if you already met her (not mentioning if you already have relationship with her)
New UI (you'll be able to use the computer in your room. IMPORTANT: Some features are still in development and will be improved!)
Minor improvements (amongst which is Digital Arts location properly removed, prologue has been rerendered as well as some old achievements images, text improvements...)
625 images (+32 images of extra scene), 41 rerenders, 15 animations
Photo Hunt v0.13.4
New scene for Charlotte's service 'Drink tea' as well as one new service at RM (+1 service for Charlotte at the parking lot)
Two services for Quinn at RM
New scenes for Daniella's news
A couple of scenes for Adrian and Bobby at school
2 new scenes with Lina (if 'Risa+Lina' route has been chosen)
A lot of Lina's scenes has been rerendered (+1 new image for hospital sex scene with Lina; Risa blowing you under the table is now animated)
Lina's old scenes text correction
'Digital arts' location is now replaced by 'Science club' which you can find at school in the morning
137 images, 155 rerenders (+1 animation rerendered), 7 animations
Evelyn's Fashion model route continuation
More options to 'tired Evelyn' event (your house, night)
More options to 'passed out Evelyn' event (your house, Friday evening)
Jennifer's new activity at school (only Jen yandere route)
2 new Evelyn's messages
138 images, 7 animations
Evelyn's main storyline continuation ('PS' and 'Fashion model' routes)
1 Evelyn's message
1 achievement
355 images (+24 images extra scene), 9 animations
Evelyn's main storyline continuation
Evelyn's side activities continuation (massage by the pool, anime night and breakfast)
Investigating Tom's strange activity at the model agency (Kira's new clue)
Alice aftermath events with route splitting if she was fired
New Alice's topics
New Sakura's service (if you brought at least 3 girls in RM)
New scenes with Melanie (classroom posing, 2 scenes)
Option to call Risa at the art club to pose for Jen (whichever the route has been chosen for Lina. Just make sure you played the scene with Lina, Risa and Jen in the library)
One achievement
362 images (+18 images extra scene), 10 animations
v0.13.1 Extras
Evelyn's main storyline continuation
Evelyn's side activities continuation (some of them will be left untouched. We'll get to them in the next updates)
Evelyn's College storyline continuation (3 scenes) where you'll meet 2 new side girls
Images illustrating the route you are going to choose
One new outfit in the clothing store (belongs to Evelyn's main storyline)
New Rachel's message
One achievement
Inventory UI
Text improving
372 images (+26 images of extra scene), 4 animations
Bonus features available for higher tiers:
v0.12.3 Extra
RM expansion:
-You will meet new girls (if you brought 1/2 girls to RM)
-Quinn's aftermath (if you chose to bring her to RM)
-2 Sakura's scenes
-Introduction of an important to RM storyline character (if you brought 1/2 girls to RM)
-New clue for Kira
-Sakura and a new girl's profiles in your phone (also, Sakura now can be unlocked in 'Messages')
-Most of old Sakura's topics now go along with images (+3 new topics)
Continuation of Fiona's main storyline (Abandoned hospital)
Evelyn's main storyline scene: save one of the girls from Harry
Besides rerendering most of Evelyn's scenes, some of them were slightly expanded (The scene with passed out Evelyn and Alice has been reworked - now it's divided into two scenes and require you to complete the presentation scene first and Alice not to get fired)
Fiona will react to you at school differently based on the chosen route (the same goes for Sakura at RM based on how many girls have been brought to RM)
Text improving and bugs fixing
3 achievements
248 images (+27 images from extra scene), 5 animations (+1 animation from extra scene), 244 rerenders
Continuation of Fiona's main storyline
Fiona at the clothing store scene
Hanging out with Fiona at the abandoned hospital
Helping Rachel deal with bullies at school
Monica's warning when you skip school too often has been reworked (both routes)
New 'Attend classes' image if your relationship with Grace is pretty high
Rachel-Miroslav-Evelyn scenes has been rerendered and reworked - more options to deal with Miroslav in some scenes + proper Evelyn's reaction if your relationship with her is high
3 achievements
334 images, 10 animations, 35 rerenders
Helping Fiona at school (Main story)
Hanging out with Scott (Main story)
Helping Fiona at her workplace (Main story)
'Flowers' gift to Fiona
New side characters introduction
New location
'Fiona' topic of Adrian and Bobby remade
3 achievements
306 images (+23 images of extra scene), 7 animations, all Lucy images rerender*
Text corrections, minor changes and fixes
Harry's introduction (as well as some more girls on his own storyline)
Bug fixes and text corrections
Evelyn's Dorm roof photoshoot scene has been rerendered (+added a proper ending for the second scene)
Evelyn's morning jogging has been rerendered
Changed Lucy's (Fiona's roommate) model
59 images, 13 rerenders and 1 animation
5 scenes of Grace's main storyline
3 scenes of Evelyn's main storyline
A lot of hospital scenes in the afternoon (with Lina and Risa, Evelyn, Fiona, Jennifer)
1 scene of Lina hanging out with Rachel in your house
1 new message from Evelyn
1 new message from Jennifer
You'll be able to call Grace to ask her to take a special picture for Jen in the park
Grace and Oksana in the clothing store scene
Small changes to 'Ask Grace to help Jen in the Art contest' scene based on high enough relationship with Grace
'Lina and bully at the gym', 'Family introduction with Evelyn' and some more images have been rerendered (+1 animation in meantioned Lina's scene)
Chronologic order change: now all cunnilingus scenes with Evelyn are available after the last new Evelyn's main storyline scene
178 images (+20 images of extra scene)
7 animations (+1 animation in extra scene)
27 rerenders
Text correction and some minor tweaks
Grace's main storyline introduction
3 scenes for hanging out with Adrian and Bobby
Possibility to ask Monica to pose for Jen in the art club if you chose Monica's blackmail route (2 scenes, one of which is reworked scene from romance route)
1 new message from Kira
2 new locations
3 new achievements (achievement 'Gold digger' has been rerendered)
327 images, 5 animations
Extra scene contains 14 images and 1 animation
Text correction and other minor changes
New scene with Skylar (go to the police station after you shared at least one clue with Kira)
New achievement
-'d8s is not defined' fixed
-'loc42_kira_clues' fixed
-Kira calls you at night before you actually meet her
-The gallery scene for 'Kira sends nudes' did not unlock after seeing the scene
-Now it's impossible to ask Fiona or Grace to help Jen at the art contest after you completed the art contest itself
-Bug with the sixth scene of taking nudes with Sakura
-Confession scene in RM with Rachel now belongs only to Rachel's romance route
Kira's main storyline introduction
Side activities with Kira (with Evelyn)
2 scenes with MC's father calling Evelyn in the mornings
A new option with drunk Evelyn on Friday evening, as well as 1 new topic (both concerning Kira)
Jennifer's romance route continuation (2 scenes)
A night call from Kira
Rachel's romance route continuation (2 scenes)
1 new 'Take pictures' scene with Sakura
A new girl to fantasize about while Monica blowing you in cafe bathroom (Monica's blackmail route)
1 new achievement
1 new location
216 images (+12 images of extra scene), 5 rerenders, 2 animations
Corrected text mistakes
v0.10.2a bugfix
Now you repay your debt on 5th payment day, not on 7th
Fixed dream scenes about Jen (3rd dream couldn't start)
Fixed 'Skylar science club intro' scene in the gallery
Now you can give 'Slutty outfit' to Monica only after the 3rd date with her
Text correction
Minor fixes
Monica's romance route continuation
New Monica's romance route side activities
A couple of scenes continuing Jen's romance route
Introduction of a new girl (help Scott to meet her)
Photo shoots with Rachel at your house (with Lina or Monica as well)
One more event with Monica and Lina in Lina's 'Swimming pool' option
New activities with Melanie when visiting her at the Model agency
You can call Monica to take pictures of her at the park for Jennifer (fixed bug)
Fixed the dinner scene with Lina's grandfather (wrong image)
469 images (+20 images of extra scene)
15 animations
2 achievements
New Monica's profile image in your phone
1 new location
New main menu image
Lina's main storyline continuation (+added hints for 'Lina panties' event)
New Sakura's service at RM (if you brought a second girl to RM)
Jennifer art contest aftermath (both routes)
New Monica profile picture (blackmail route)
87 images (+28 images of extra scene)
2 animations
Monica blackmail continuation (main content)
New scene with Kelly at the clothing store
You'll see familiar face at Red Maiden besides the new one
Intro scene of a new female character
Scene with Fiona at school (both Fiona Dom/Sub routes)
224 images (+22 images of extra scene)
10 animations
2 achievements
Massive text revision
Rachel Red Maiden revamped and expanded
New service available from Sakura at RM
New service available from Rachel at RM
Night calls - you'll be able to call a girl from your house at night or they will call you
2 scenes with Evelyn getting calls from MC's father
Melanie's role in the game is extended with a few new scenes
Reduced debt to Mr.Roberts (from 10x100$ to 7x100$)
You now gain attributes at a faster rate
Important topics are now highlighted
Scene gallery (see pause menu)
'Skylar' topic in the 'Talk' option with Monica and Lina
You'll be able to learn Evelyn's phone number by just trying to gift her a phone, without starting her college storyline
Many of Rachel's, Adrian and Bobby's talk topics get new images
A new dress for Evelyn's 'Dress show'
You'll be able to install spy cams in Evelyn's bedroom
One new message from Jennifer after the art contest (either she won or lost)
'Make her stop drinking' scene with Evelyn has been expanded and animated
New scene chain with Rachel in which you'll be able to punish her, give her flowers and do something naughty in the cafe bathroom
3 scenes with Skylar
308 images ready
152 images rerendered
2 new achievements
7 new animations
2 old animations rerendered
Fixed bugs:
'fio_hint(' error (0.9.1b)
The art contest doesn't start even if player did everything that said in Hints
Player could start erotic book events with Jennifer before Mr. Roberts showed up in the library
One of the frames of Risa sex scene animation is missing
Image "loc9_jenpic_mon_cor_01_2" not found
Fixed portraits in the last dream with Jennifer
Some typos
- Rachel's (MC's sister) storyline.
- Three new side characters.
- Conversations with girls have become less static.
- Phone, map and shops interface has been changed.
- Added hints.
- Prologue text has been corrected (v0.1-0.3 text will be corrected as well in the future).
- 1 new night scene with Evelyn.
- Some minor changes.
- All in all, v0.4 contains: 160 renders, 12 rerenders, about 15k words, 4 animation + extra scene for patrons.
-Continuation of Jennifer's storyline (center of the update)
-Continuation of Lina's storyline
-Scene with Grace during the classes
-Fiona posing for Jen in the art club
-2 new options of what to do with drunk Evelyn
-Evelyn shows up in the park
-2 Skylar scenes
-Twister scenes with Rachel and Evelyn at home after which there will be unlocked one option of hanging out with them
-Scene with Kelly in her shop
-2 more nude photos of Sakura at the Red Maiden
-3 scenes with Monica and Lina in the pool
-Main character can pay his debt (finally!)
Side events with Rachel, Evelyn, Alice, Jennifer, Monica, Lina
Fiona storyline revamped
Clothing shop revamped
170 new images
3 new animations
2 new achievements
160 images rerendered
Minor changes
Introduction of Jennifer storyline
312 new images (+23 images of extra scene)
5 new animations (+1 animation of extra scene)
3 new achievement (#35 has been remade)
14 rerenders
Repetative house scenes with Evelyn and Rachel have been expanded
v0.7 text has been revised
89 images rerendered (mostly Monica's romance route)
1 animation of sex scene with Risa
A few minor changes (bug with shop is now fixed)
'Missing animation' bug is fixed
A part of the text has been revised
A few minor changes
Continuation of Lina's storyline (~27k words)
276 new images (+33 images of extra scene)
37 remade images
6 animations
New option for Lina passing oral exam scene (if you confessed to Monica)
3 new achievements
New pictures for achievements #24 and #32 (achievement #20 has been remade and now it's available)
A few minor changes
- Fixed a bug in 3rd photo session with Evelyn at school
- Evelyn's hints have been expanded
- New option has been added to 'Spend time with them' scene (now you can do nothing with passed out Evelyn nor Alice)
- Now it's easier to know that you are on the verge of getting expelled from school.
- More convenient controls in achievements menu
- Achievement #17 is a bit less difficult to get.
- a few minor changes.
1) Continuation of Evelyn's main storyline
2) 260 new pictures
3) 29 pictures have been redone
4) 4 new achievements
5) 3 new profile pictures in the phone (Lina, Evelyn, Alice)
6) Extention of some previous scenes (Rachel 'Make breakfast' scene, Rachel night scene, Liam payout)
7) Other minor changes
Hint: storyline of this update starts off from 'Look for Evelyn' in the evening on weekends (only if you completed 'Listen to gossip' scenes at Evelyn's workplace).
1)Fixed Monica jogging bug.
2)Now you can reset your achievements if you start a new game.
3)Fixed bug with patreon code.
1)Evelyn introduction (her daily routine mostly)
2)199 new renders + 24 extra renders
3)Archievements (35), 20 achievement not available yet.
4)About 30k words.
5)Rachel Sunday pool scenes
6)Some minor addings
Version 0.4.2:
-Some Evelyn's scenes have been rewritten.
-Textbox and font have been changed for more convenient reading.
-Other minor changes in UI.
-Now it's a little bit easier to get the second 'Let her go home' event.
-Fixed small bugs.
v0.4.1 Beta
- Rachel's (MC's sister) storyline.
- Three new side characters.
- Conversations with girls have become less static.
- Phone, map and shops interface has been changed.
- Added hints.
- Prologue text has been corrected (v0.1-0.3 text will be corrected as well in the future).
- 1 new night scene with Evelyn.
- Some minor changes.
- All in all, v0.4 contains: 160 renders, 12 rerenders, about 15k words, 4 animation + extra scene for patrons.
- Conversion .png to .webp format (size reduced from 1100mb to 360mb)
- Fixed a bug in 'Sleeping Monica' event. It should start on the 12th hanging out with Kevin in his house.
- Fixed a bug in the second Rachel's riddle.
- Now you can see correct variants in 'Literature with Lina' events, if your intellect is high enough.
- Some misspelling mistakes
- Fixed 'sc_port' problem
- Now you earn +1 sneaking point every time you successfully use this skill.
- Some misspelling mistakes
-The game has been remaked from Unity to Renpy
-Not only time of day, but day of the week is of matter now
-Monica's romance route is expanded (Monica's house in the weekends)
-Many renders have been redone
-Some new scenes with Rachel (in the MC house)
-A lot of other minor changes
Тему отредактировал: admin - 25-02-2025, 06:16
Причина: Тема обновлена. Добавлена английская версия v.0.18.1 Extra Eng. Topic updated. Added English version v.0.18.1 Extra Eng.
Причина: Тема обновлена. Добавлена английская версия v.0.18.1 Extra Eng. Topic updated. Added English version v.0.18.1 Extra Eng.
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