Описание:Нике приходится бегать по ночным улицам голой, потому что она попала в приключение, которое полностью изменило ее образ жизни. У нее есть специальный смартфон, с помощью которого она может видеть фрагменты, которые ей нужно собрать, чтобы собрать ключи. С помощью этих ключей можно открывать ящики с квестами, которые она должна выполнить. И конечно же делать это все голышом!
Nika has to run around night streets naked, because she got oneself into an adventure, that completely changed her way of living. She's got a special smartphone through which she can see the fragments she needs to collect to assemble the keys. With this keys can open the boxes with quests she has to complete. And of course do this all naked!
Год выпуска: 2019
Жанр: 2d game, 2dcg, anal, animated, big ass, big tits, creampie, exhibitionism, female protagonist, groping, group sex, multiple penetration, oral, rape, sexual, harassment, titfuck, vaginal,
Цензура: Отсутствует
Разработчик/Издатель: EraHunter -
Patreon -
Itch.ioПлатформа: PC/Windows/Android
Тип издания: Оригинальная (лицензионная)
Таблэтка: Не требуется
Версия: v.0.9
Язык игры: Русский/Английский
Язык интерфейса: Русский/Английский
This game is based on Naked Order, which impressed us and inspired to develop games. We started working on it before EraHunter. You can regard it as a fan fiction\fanart (fangame? X))
By the way, we called this version 0.3, because though we did the previous two, we didn't release them. Initially, we wanted to release a small demo (that didn't even have animations) with 1 quest at the beginning of summer. But it quickly became clear that there was no point in it.
Yes, for this game I had to learn how to make animation, so the result is probably still far from ideal (^__^')
EraHunter hasn't been abandoned, we've been working on it in parallel all this time, and we are working on it now. This is it I guess. Hope you'll enjoy the game x)
v0.9 - 2025.02.18
We added the 14th quest and fixed bugs from previous version.
0.8 - 2024-10-07
v0.7 - 2024-02-09
Continuing work on EraHunter. One of the two routes in the quest to find Yuna is almost finished.
Two more quests for Nika are also in the process. My friend has already rewrote one of the quests 8 times, then showed me the final version, I criticized it and now we are reworking it for the 9th time. Sometimes you get it right the first (or almost first) time, and sometimes you redo it many, many times. The creative struggles
v0.6 - 2023-05-04
Added quest 11
Wrote a plugin that supports more than one language, so that we don't have to do multiple builds
Fixed the mac version, now it's fully working
Various improvements to some other quests
General improvements
Wat's new:
Added Quests 10
Various minor improvements
wasd or arrows - move
shift - crawl
right click - hide the game interface
There is no new content, only 1 major fix. It turned out that fragments did not respawn. Also finished other small things.
1. Fragments now respawn
2. You can turn off running animation on Nika's computer
3. WASD movement support
4. Added Nika's sprite in work clothes
5. The transitions are now marked with green arrows
Fixes for Android version:
0.3.3 version should work on more devices
What's new:
- Added a small tutorial in the beginning of the game
- Made Sasha and Kevin move faster with pressed space
- Changed a little the first cut-scene
- Set the boundaries of locations (to make it more obvious where you can and can't go)