В недалеком будущем, в некоем островном государстве возник кризис. Число студентов, оканчивающих школу, резко сократилось, и места в университетах остались незаполненными. Столкнувшись с перспективой массовой безработицы, и потенциальной экономической катастрофы, правительство вынуждено было ввести чрезвычайные меры. Все учащиеся старше восемнадцати лет, которые не смогли сдать экзамены, или были исключены из школ за своё поведение, были привлечены к обучению в ряде специальных учреждений.
В роли директора школы, вы играете эксперта в области психологии юных девушек, с некоторыми уникальными идеями о том, как справиться с кризисом. После демонстрации ваших теорий на конференции учителей, к вам обращается агент таинственной организации. Он приглашает Вас пройти собеседование на должность директора одной из вновь созданных школ для учениц старше восемнадцати лет. Стремясь доказать всем эффективность свох теорий, вы с радостью принимаете это предложение.
Используя свои уникальные дисциплинарные методы, вы должны превратить целую школу провинившихся девушек, в трудолюбивых и послушных учениц. Но все для вас будет совсем не просто. Вы должны привлечь своих коллег на свою сторону, удовлетворить необычные требования владельцев школы, и иметь дело с доставляющей неприятности правительственным инспектором.
"Меню читов:
в меню повтора нажмите красную кнопку 3 раза"
Прохождение Headmaster_v0-15-3-1-Rus by СЭНД.pdf
In the not too distant future, on a small island nation, a crisis has arisen. The number of students graduating from school has fallen sharply and university places are going unfilled. Faced with the prospect of mass unemployment and potential economic disaster the government is forced to introduce emergency measures. All students over eighteen who failed or were expelled from school are to be forced back into education at a number of special facilities.
In The Headmaster you play an expert in young adult psychology with some unique ideas about how to tackle the crisis. After a demonstration of your theories at a teachers conference you are approached by the agent of a mysterious organisation. He invites you to interview for the position of headmaster (principal) at one of the newly founded schools for over eighteen year olds. Keen to prove yourself and your theories you gladly accept.
Using your unique disciplinary methods you must turn a whole school of delinquent young women into hard working and obedient students. Things will not be easy for you. You must win your colleagues to your side, cater to the unusual demands of the schools owners and deal with a troublesome government inspector.
Старые сохранения с прошлой, русской версии не поддерживаются.
Cheats menu:
in the replay menu push the red button 3 times
Год выпуска: 2020
Жанр: 3dcg, anal, animated, bdsm, big ass, big tits, blackmail, corruption, creampie, drugs, exhibitionism, groping, group sex, handjob, harem, humiliation, humor, interracial, lesbian, male domination, male protagonist, management, masturbation, oral, pov, romance, sandbox, school setting, sex toys, spanking, stripping, teasing, titfuck, trainer, twins, vaginal, virgin, voyeurism,
Цензура: Отсутствует
Разработчик/Издатель: Altos and Herdone - Patreon - Itch.io - Discord
Перевод: lf2mr
Платформа: PC/Windows/Linux/Android
Тип издания: В разработке
Таблэтка: Не требуется
Версия: v.0.16.4 + Christmas Special + Halloween
Язык игры: Русский/Английский (Смена языка в меню)
Язык интерфейса: Русский/Английский
Поддержать Переводчика (Boosty lf2mr)
Поблагодарить Переводчика: Yoomoney кошелёк 410014776465748
В недалеком будущем, в некоем островном государстве возник кризис. Число студентов, оканчивающих школу, резко сократилось, и места в университетах остались незаполненными. Столкнувшись с перспективой массовой безработицы, и потенциальной экономической катастрофы, правительство вынуждено было ввести чрезвычайные меры. Все учащиеся старше восемнадцати лет, которые не смогли сдать экзамены, или были исключены из школ за своё поведение, были привлечены к обучению в ряде специальных учреждений.
В роли директора школы, вы играете эксперта в области психологии юных девушек, с некоторыми уникальными идеями о том, как справиться с кризисом. После демонстрации ваших теорий на конференции учителей, к вам обращается агент таинственной организации. Он приглашает Вас пройти собеседование на должность директора одной из вновь созданных школ для учениц старше восемнадцати лет. Стремясь доказать всем эффективность свох теорий, вы с радостью принимаете это предложение.
Используя свои уникальные дисциплинарные методы, вы должны превратить целую школу провинившихся девушек, в трудолюбивых и послушных учениц. Но все для вас будет совсем не просто. Вы должны привлечь своих коллег на свою сторону, удовлетворить необычные требования владельцев школы, и иметь дело с доставляющей неприятности правительственным инспектором.
"Меню читов:
в меню повтора нажмите красную кнопку 3 раза"
Прохождение Headmaster_v0-15-3-1-Rus by СЭНД.pdf
In the not too distant future, on a small island nation, a crisis has arisen. The number of students graduating from school has fallen sharply and university places are going unfilled. Faced with the prospect of mass unemployment and potential economic disaster the government is forced to introduce emergency measures. All students over eighteen who failed or were expelled from school are to be forced back into education at a number of special facilities.
In The Headmaster you play an expert in young adult psychology with some unique ideas about how to tackle the crisis. After a demonstration of your theories at a teachers conference you are approached by the agent of a mysterious organisation. He invites you to interview for the position of headmaster (principal) at one of the newly founded schools for over eighteen year olds. Keen to prove yourself and your theories you gladly accept.
Using your unique disciplinary methods you must turn a whole school of delinquent young women into hard working and obedient students. Things will not be easy for you. You must win your colleagues to your side, cater to the unusual demands of the schools owners and deal with a troublesome government inspector.
Старые сохранения с прошлой, русской версии не поддерживаются.
Cheats menu:
in the replay menu push the red button 3 times
Год выпуска: 2020
Жанр: 3dcg, anal, animated, bdsm, big ass, big tits, blackmail, corruption, creampie, drugs, exhibitionism, groping, group sex, handjob, harem, humiliation, humor, interracial, lesbian, male domination, male protagonist, management, masturbation, oral, pov, romance, sandbox, school setting, sex toys, spanking, stripping, teasing, titfuck, trainer, twins, vaginal, virgin, voyeurism,
Цензура: Отсутствует
Разработчик/Издатель: Altos and Herdone - Patreon - Itch.io - Discord
Перевод: lf2mr
Платформа: PC/Windows/Linux/Android
Тип издания: В разработке
Таблэтка: Не требуется
Версия: v.0.16.4 + Christmas Special + Halloween
Язык игры: Русский/Английский (Смена языка в меню)
Язык интерфейса: Русский/Английский
Поддержать Переводчика (Boosty lf2mr)
Поблагодарить Переводчика: Yoomoney кошелёк 410014776465748
v0.16.4 - 2025-01-07
New Staff Quest for Samantha (including scenes in the office, cafeteria and Samantha’s house/garden)
New Student Quest for Liz (including scenes in the dorms, the courtyard, the classroom and the headmasters office)
Added the first level of Liz’s punishment system
Expanded Liz’s first naked classroom punishment
Expanded Liz’s first naked public punishment
One new scene at Sally’s Apartment
You can now summon Lucy to your office for a blow job
New Staff Quest for the nurse.
The first group medical has been updated with new images
The second (and much longer) group medical has been added
A new scene for the twins in the cafeteria
A new uniform rule (Cafeteria Uniform)
A new construction upgrade for the cafeteria
One new scene for Arabella in the new cafeteria uniform
One new scene for Emily and Maxine in the new cafeteria uniform
There were far too many changes to list here. A full list of the coding changes can be seen in this document. The highlights include:
Complete re-coding of the character logs, cheat menu and the replay menu/event log
Quest log improvements to make certain steps more clear
Quest log steps that reference other quests will now include cross-quest links
Set caps for horniness and influence points to the current maximum available
Numerous bug-fixes
Changes from 16.2 to 16.3public
Full French translation for the version 0.16 content
Some minor bug fixes
v0.16.2 - 2024-09-06
Changes from the beta version
Added repeatable versions of several scenes (the second medical, Liz’s punishments in the punishment system, Liz’s after class HJ, Lucy’s office BJ, gardening with Samantha). However, there are no new images.
There was an issue where two points of influence were not being awarded for arranging the prostitute for Mr Wilson in Chapter 1, soft locking some people from reaching chapter 2. All old saves that have seen that scene will receive 2 influence points.
Several minor bug fixes including; the Sunday night TV not working; some old save showing an error on load; incorrect money awarded for some punishments; a crash when visiting Sally’s apartment too soon; a crash when watching porn in your office.
v0.16.1 Beta - 2024-08-16
New Staff Quest for Samantha (including scenes in the office, cafeteria and Samantha’s house/garden)
New Student Quest for Liz (including scenes in the dorms, the courtyard, the classroom and the headmasters office)
Added the first level of Liz’s punishment system
Expanded Liz’s first naked classroom punishment
Expanded Liz’s first naked public punishment
One new scene at Sally’s Apartment
You can now summon Lucy to your office for a blow job
New Staff Quest for the nurse.
The first group medical has been updated with new images
The second (and much longer) group medical has been added
A new scene for the twins in the cafeteria
A new uniform rule (Cafeteria Uniform)
A new construction upgrade for the cafeteria
One new scene for Arabella in the new cafeteria uniform
One new scene for Emily and Maxine in the new cafeteria uniform
Coding Changelog
The highlights include:
Complete re-coding of the character logs, cheat menu and the replay menu/event log
Quest log improvements to make certain steps more clear
Quest log steps that reference other quests will now include cross-quest links
Set caps for horniness and influence points to the current maximum available
Numerous bug-fixes
Mykock's Manor Special
Mykock's Manor has been updated to version 0.2, with new content and a new Patreon poll. You can continue from your old save, or you can start a new one and skip to Part 2.
v0.15.3.1 - 2024-02-05
debbie_camera is undefined crashes for players who skipped the day 1 intro no longer happen
the missing guided punishment prompt getting Rachel from L6 to L7 after Rachel's Difficult Morning scene is restored
Liz's Chapter 1 hallway inspection (Liz and the Blue Underwear) will be unlocked in replay if you are in Chapter 2, even if you missed it in regular game play.
Please note that if you’ve played the latest Patreon only version you are already up to date; the public version adds the French translation and fixes a few minor bugs.
You can now punish Amy in the nude using the punishment system
Additional detail in Sally’s quest log
Additional steps in Claire's quest log; to make clear that you need to progress Debbie's quest at the same time.
v0.15.1 Beta - 2023-12-18
New main quest: Many Hands for Many Bottoms.
New staff quest for Miss Potts: Teaching Miss Potts - Part 2 (includes 2 repeatable sex scenes and Claire's punishment for the twins)
New Student Quest for Debbie: Taming a Prefect - Part 2 (includes a lesbian threesome, and second threesome with the headmaster and Rachel)
Two repeatable group punishment scenes
Three staff training lessons (includes a sex scene with Amy)
The headmaster can eat lunch at the cafeteria (with six short scenes)
A new “Hot Night” event at the dorms (with three variants based on the girls horniness)
A new weekend patrol event.
“Ready to level”/ “Level up not available” notifications at the start of a private punishment. With additional hints on what to do next.
Option to be guided through private punishments on easy mode
A new student log for Lucy to help guide players through her existing content
Preview new rule proposals in advance via the Review Rules tool on the PC in your office
Hints for finding horniness and influence points will be provided in the quest log
0.14.3 - 2023-05-28
v0.14.1 Beta - 2023-05-06
Content Changelog:
New Main Quest: “Who’s Pulling Mykock?”
New Student Quest: “Pride and President.”
New uniform rule: Charity Exemptions
Added Maxine’s fundraiser: a (50K word, 1000 render, 40 video) mega event spanning an entire in-game week, featuring nearly all the students
New public punishment: The minimal uniform
One new repeatable patrol event (careless flasher)
Updated Maxine and Lucy’s locker room event for after the fundraiser
Coding Changelog:
Major changes:
Easy Mode - stats and price adjustments
Named Saves and search for saves
Full rebuild of quests code - Including new alerts for quest and character log updates
Full rebuild of rules and proposals (to allow for horniness thresholds)
New online shop code, including SOLD OUT status (spoiler)
Redesign of the Chapter 2 patrol event distribution (to reduce grind and make event changes easier to find)
New methods for building the map and simplifying skip period/skip day code
Quality of life issues:
Tooltip for the spying bar
New alerts for inventory items available or added
Debbie’s prefect badge added to her character card
Pornsight search bar easter egg
New protection for stat changes in replay
Updates to photo album on the PC including better support for looping through sets of images
Support for changing how certain characters address the HM in private (i.e. Claire, Lucy or Samantha)
Better support for displaying punishment reasons on the various whiteboards
Some new extras in the nurse’s office from time to time
Hundreds of bug and continuity and typo/speaker fixes. Highlights:
Allow Amy level 5 punishment to be repeated if she didn’t level up
Hiding Faye scenes when she’s meant to be at the hospital
Allowing Maxine Gets A Whipping spy scene to start again the following night if not finished
Make Rachel less jealous in patrol scenes when she’s been cured
Twin Swap spying scene Mary & Louise speaker swap fix
Got a bug fixed in Renpy itself to support rollback and avoid infinite loop crashes
Some patrol scenes adjust when seeing them a second time
The Golden Gun was restored to one image where it was
From 13.0Beta to 13.2: - 2022-09-12
One additional patrolling-the-halls event
Five new events when spying on the girl's dorms shower
Added Debbie’s Halloween to the replay menu (unlock by clinking on the staff training option in the afterschool punishment menu)
Added butt job animation for Rachel’s after-punishment option
Added a new straddle spank orgasm animation
Added videos for the nipple licking action
Added teaser event for a new poll with Maxine
Completed the French translation of the new content (some minor parts still need finishing)
Added a black screen between video transitions using the red butt effect. This should prevent crashes some people reported when switching animations
v0.13.0- 2022-09-07
This update sees the conclusion to Rachel’s storyline and punishment system where we raise her to level 10. There is also a significant amount of content for Miss Newman as we introduce her to the headmaster’s most advanced disciplinary techniques. As well as adding several new actions to the punishment system we’ve also redone all of Rachel’s punishment animations to bring them up to current standards and to add the red butt effect. The update contains around 40,000 words of dialogue, around 1000 new renders and over 300 video files.
Content changes
New student quest for Rachel (The Headmaster’s Pet - Part 2) with several new events
Added dildo practice option when speaking with Rachel in the office
Added several new videos to the in-game porn website, plus added the option to watch porn with Rachel
Remade all of Rachel’s punishment system animations and added the red butt effect
Rachel can naked for punishment (with her cat ears)
New punishment actions for Rachel (check bruises, dildo, anal dildo and sex)
Candid photos of the twins and secret selfies added to Ada’s phone
New Character entry for “The Other Students”
New Patrol event featuring unnamed girls (lots more of these to come)
Major coding changes
A skip to chapter 2 option has been added
The stats bar now displays a description of what each statistic does when hovering over each icon
The game's economy has been completely overhauled. Several items and construction projects have reduced costs. The headmaster will also get raises from the school's owners after passing certain rules. A large bonus will be given when starting chapter 2.
The way the game's statistics are coded has been changed in order to pave the way for different game modes (e.g. easy mode, hard mode etc) as well as some other new gameplay features.
Discipline and grades have been "padded" to increase gains and reduce losses when close to losing the game.
When there is a new item, email or construction option available on the headmaster's computer, a star will display on the appropriate icon
Almost all of the games image buttons have been re-coded to remove unnecessary hover images
Almost all “baked-in” text has been removed to make translations easier
Version 0.11.1 is now available for everyone. Please note that if you've played the patron-only version then you are up to date, the public release does not have any additional content.
v0.11 Beta
New student quest for Cassandra
Cassandra’s punishment system now goes to level 5
Blowjobs from Cassandra at your apartment and at your office
A lesbian scene for Debbie and Cassandra
Added new spanking animation for Cassandra being punished in class
New extra service from Lucy (handjob)
v0.10 Beta
Four new repeatable sports events
Four football practice events
New scenes for Lucy
Lucy will now clean naked
Lucy will offer extra services (currently spanking, dancing and kiss)
Double spanking for the twins from HM and Claire
Public punishment for the twins
Poolside punishment for the twins
A spanking scene for Samantha or Arabella
Sex scene with Amy in the girls’ locker room
Threesome with Rachel and Debbie
Body searches for: Emily, Alice, Priti
You can unlock the cafeteria (just a placeholder there for now but unlocking it will trigger new scenes)
Two new students (Jasmine and Arabella)
New lunch lady (Patricia)
Strip search for the twins
Strip search for Liz
Body search for Lucy
0.9.1 beta:
Introduction scene for chapter 2
Five new/updated patrolling-the-halls events.
One new and four updated weekend patrol events
Three new repeatable class events (including spankings) for Priti, Liz, Faye
New classroom spanking from the headmaster for Rachel
New repeatable punishments in your office: Priti, Liz, Faye
New classroom punishment: Girls can be made to sit through class topless (implemented for Rachel, Cassandra, Faye, Priti and Liz)
New Friday quiz, where you can pick which girl to punish
Girls can now be made to clean the school grounds in their underwear.
New headmasters privilege rule: Can give a body search to anyone on campus
A scene for Maxine in your office
A scene for Miss Chang at her apartment
Sex ed lesson from the nurse
Swimming pool added.
New student: Olivia.
You can spend time in your office watching porn
You can watch TV with the girls on Sunday evening
Strip search for Nina
Spanking and Tit job scene for Alice
BJ scene with Sally
Sex scene with Miss Swallows
Spanking and masturbation scene with Sally and Liz
There was a bug in Amy's questline preventing you from downloading her magazine. It has been fixed now and links at the bottom have been updated.
New scene for when you lose because grades hit zero
New repeatable scene for Rachel in your office after she gets a promotion
New scene in class for Rachel
Lucy will now clean your apartment topless
New scene when spying on Lucy changing in your apartment
0.8 Beta
Three new scenes for the English teacher, Claire
Rachel can now go up to level 7
New punishment action for Rachel
Several new scenes for Rachel
Part 2 of the Dungeons and Dragons event
Punishment system implemented for Cassandra (only to level 2)
New spying scene for Cassandra
Version 0.7.2 is now available to my $5 and up patrons. Apologies for the slight delay getting this out, with so many people at home on quarantine slowing down the internet it took me all night to upload the files to Mega.
This update is focused on Amy with the implementation of her punishment system up to level five. Catch Amy misbehaving, punish her in your office and then spy on her room to trigger her quest-line. There are multiple objectives to complete for Amy so don’t forget to keep checking the quest log if you get stuck.
There should be no need to start a new save to see everything for Amy. When you load an old save the game will give you three options; you can reset all of Amy’s content if you want to see everything from the beginning, you can watch a brief recap of Amy’s content, or you can just continue as normal.
There are also a bunch of little scenes at the weekends around the dorms and the lake and a short funny scene for Lucy at your apartment. As always the easiest way to find out what’s new is to check the replay menu. Click on a locked event to get a hint on how to see it.
As I said in my last development update I didn’t have time to get very far with Cassandra’s punishment system. I thought about leaving it in partially implemented but I decided, in the end, it would be better to hold it all back until its ready. Expect that in another update in three or four weeks time along with some scenes for the English teacher Claire and by popular demand some extra content for Rachel.
Please note: There is a small error in Rachel’s questline where the quest log says you can get her up to level 2 with just the camera and ointment. When actually you need to have unlocked the rule to remove skirts as well. I’ll get that fixed soon.
v0.7.1 Beta
A missing frame of an animation when Amy was getting paddled by the mc without her underwear causing a crash
A crash for some people in the sex scene for Amy
The spying event for Maxine not showing as complete in the replay menu
A crash when taking Amy’s picture
Amy can now be summoned to your office for punishment after level 5
v0.7 Beta
Punishment system implemented for Amy
New quest-line for Amy with several new scenes - Follow her Quest-log
New spying scene for Debbie and Maxine (visit Rachel’s room when prompted to)
Movie night scene at the dorms on a Friday evening
D&D game at dorms on Sunday afternoon
Scenes for Amy and Donna at the lake on Saturday afternoon
A scene for Emily at the lake on Sunday Morning
New scene for Lucy at your Apartment
You can now go on a date with your P.A.Samantha. With a follow up scene the next day.
Added one extra scene for Rachel after she gets to level 5 (click on the headmaster locker on a thursday afternoon)
Added lots of extra small interactions with Rachel when she is following you around the school.
You can now talk to Ada on a Monday afternoon in the hallway.
More Information
Hi guys,
The 0.6.2 is now complete. There are a total of 5850 images in this version so up over 1500 from 0.5.3 with dozens of new animations and several new videos. I hope you all enjoy it.
Unfortunately the Android version has decided to give some last minute unexpected problems and it’s not quite ready yet. I will hopefully be posting it tomorrow morning. My sincere apologies to all the Android players out there.
There are two main aspects for this update. The first of which is Rachel’s punishment system. A Student Quest log for Rachel will start the morning after you spy on her room and see the event with Donna, Maxine and the ointment. The quest log will tell you exactly what you need to do then. Rachel’s punishment system is slightly more difficult than Debbie’s as she doesn’t suffer from the same weakness and you need to take your punishment actions in a more specific order. I suspect some people might struggle so I’ve included a mini walkthrough explaining exactly what to do.
The other main aspect is unlocking the ability to punish the girls yourselves. The conditions for the main quest A Man’s Work have been slightly changed. In addition to the previous requirements it will also now be necessary to make Debbie your Prefect before unlocking the rule to punish the girls yourself. Once you unlock this rule you will trigger a very large event (probably about a third of the whole update) where you hold a special assembly for the girls. My plan was to then update all the class scenes, patrol scenes etc but that turned out to be way too much work for one update. So for now the only effect of changing this rule will be to see this scene and also to punish Rachel yourself in the punishment system.
Debbie also has a new scene in the punishment system once you unlock the ability to punish the girls. She now goes up to level six with a new reward scene. However, I haven’t made all the animations yet for the headmaster punishing Debbie. I also haven’t had time to add the new actions that we can use on Rachel.
v0.6.1 Beta
The 0.6 beta version is now ready. There are about 1400 new images in this version (including animation frames), dozens of new animations and several new videos. I hope you all enjoy it.
Please bear in mind this is a beta version and I was working on content right up to the last minute. Make sure you keep a fresh save from version 0.5 in case you need to go back and start from there. Any major bugs I will fix them tonight or first thing tomorrow morning. Anything minor I will fix over the course of the week. Please post your bug reports over on the appropriate Discord channel.
Please also note that I didn’t get as far as I had planned for Rachel. She currently only goes up to level 5 whereas my plan is to get her up to level 7 this update. Rather than delay the release again and risk not getting the main release out before Christmas I’m going to release what I have and add the extra scenes next week. There are also a couple of placeholders for minor animations and these will also be sorted out by the end of next week.
There are two main aspects for this update. The first of which is Rachel’s punishment system. I don’t want to spoil any surprises so I won’t say too much just now. A Student Quest log for Rachel will start the morning after you spy on her room and see the event with Donna, Maxine and the ointment. The quest log will tell you exactly what you need to do then. Rachel’s punishment system is slightly more difficult than Debbie’s as she doesn’t suffer from the same weakness and you need to take your punishment actions in a more specific order. I suspect some people might struggle so I’ve included a mini walkthrough explaining exactly what to do.
The other main aspect is unlocking the ability to punish the girls yourselves. The conditions for the main quest A Man’s Work has been slightly changed. In addition to the previous requirements it will also now be necessary to make Debbie your Prefect before unlocking the rule to punish the girls yourself. Once you unlock this rule you will trigger a very large event (probably about a third of the whole update) where you hold a special assembly for the girls. My plan was to then update all the class scenes, patrol scenes etc but that turned out to be way too much work for one update. So for now the only effect of changing this rule will be to see this scene and also to punish Rachel yourself in the punishment system.
Debbie also has a new scene in the punishment system once you unlock the ability to punish the girls. She now goes up to level six with a new reward scene. However, I haven’t made all the animations yet for the headmaster punishing Debbie. I also haven’t had time to add the new actions that we can use on Rachel.
Please note that there is no beta version for Android. This will take some extra work to make and I’ll release an Android version with the main release next week.
Punishment System implemented for Rachel up to level 5 (with three new punishment actions)
New student quest for Rachel including several new scenes (follow her quest log and check the replay menu to make sure you have seen everything).
New rule: Men are allowed to perform spankings (triggers a major new scene but otherwise only affects Debbie and Rachel in the punishment system).
New rule: Girls must strip to underwear for punishment (currently only affects Debbie and Rachel through the punishment system).
Теперь вы можете шпионить за комнатой Мэри (близняшка). Посетите её, чтобы вызвать сюжетную линию для близнецов (требует следующих условий; иметь лопатку, иметь возможность конфисковывать юбки, пройден эвент с шуткой близнецов в классе.)
В четверг днем Салли будет будет выводить девочек на пробежку в холле спортзала. Проведите спортивный урок в тот же день, и она зайдёт пока вы находитесь в душе.
Эвент с сексом и лёгким отшлёпыванием Салли в душе (сработает только в том случае, если вы вернули ей ключи, и Дебби уже стала вашим префектом)
Новый эвент патрулирования (срабатывает, если вы позволите вашей горничной Люси увидеть ваш член)
Новый эвент патрулирования в выходной, с Фэй и Ниной (срабатывает после первой недели)
Вы можете поговорить с Гарриет, и проверить ее униформу в понедельник днем, в холле спортзала.
Изменения от 0.53beta до 0.5.4:
Переработано первое наказание для Дебби
Сексуальная сцена с Салли теперь повторяется в понедельник днем.
Исправлена ошибка "перепрыгивания" с утра четверга на день в мужской раздевалке
Исправлены диалоговые опции, не исчезающие для некоторых сотрудников после их прочтения.
Исправлена ошибка в первый день при посещении английского класса.
В этой версии я не стал по новой переводить квесты, инвентарь и описания персонажей. Ничего там не поменялось, смыла снова вручную все искать и прописывать нет. В новой версии, конечно, сделаю.
Желающие начать сначала - могут начать в 5.2, и когда основной контент будет пройден, доиграть новые эвенты в 5.4.
You can now spy on Mary's room. Visit it to trigger a storyline for the twins (Requires the following conditions; own the paddle, can confiscate skirts, have seen the twins class event).
On Thursday afternoons Sally will be in the gym reception and will be taking the girls out for a run. Teach a sports class that afternoon and she will arrive back while you are in the shower.
Sex and spanking scene for Sally in the shower (Will only trigger if you have returned her keys and Debbie is your Prefect)
New patrol event (triggered if you let your maid Lucy see your dick)
New weekend patrol event for Faye and Nina (triggers after first week)
You can talk to Harriet and inspect her uniform on a Monday afternoon at the gym reception.
From 0.53beta to 0.5.4:
Reworked day 1 punishment scene for Debbie
Sex scene with Sally is now repeatable on Monday afternoons.
Fixed a bug where it would jump to thursday morning from Thursday afternoon in the mens changing room
Fixed dialogue options not disappearing for certain staff after reading them.
Fixed a crash on day one when visiting the English classroom.
Hi guys,
As promised here is the ‘mini’ update we had planned to add some additional content we had to cut from version 0.5. It's smaller by our standards but still three hundred or so renders and several thousand words of dialogue so well worth a playthrough. Hopefully this will tide you over while we continue to work on all the new animations and dialogue for punishing the girls yourselves as well as expanding the punishment system for additional girls.
There are two main aspects to this update. First is a new storyline for the twins which will trigger when you spy on Mary's room. It will only trigger if have met the following conditions; you have seen the twins practical joke event in class; you own the paddle; and you can confiscate skirts during corporal punishment. Pretty big spoiler there as to what might happen. The story line is split into five parts, and takes place in Mary's room, in class and in your office.
The second major addition is that on Thursday afternoons at the gymnasium you will see Sally taking a group of girls out for a run. If you teach a sports class that afternoon Sally will get back from her run while you are in the shower. The scene will play out differently depending on whether the following conditions are met; you have given Sally her keys; and Debbie is your Prefect. Meet those conditions and Sally will get in the shower with you.
There are a couple of other little bits and pieces and these are all listed in the change log below. As always I didn't end up doing exactly what I had planned. I decided to focus on adding an H scene for Sally rather than my initial plan of having a first date with Samantha. I wouldn't have had time to do much justice to Samantha's story in a mini update so I'll save that for next time.
Change log:
You can now spy on Mary's room. Visit it to trigger a storyline for the twins (Requires the following conditions; own the paddle, can confiscate skirts, have seen the twins class event).
On Thursday afternoons Sally will be in the gym reception and will be taking the girls out for a run. Teach a sports class that afternoon and she will arrive back while you are in the shower.
Sex and spanking scene for Sally in the shower (Will only trigger if you have returned her keys and Debbie is your Prefect)
New patrol event (triggered if you let your maid Lucy see your dick)
New weekend patrol event for Faye and Nina (triggers after first week)
You can talk to Harriet and inspect her uniform on a Monday afternoon at the gym reception.
New areas - Office reception, Teachers Lounge
New Staff Quest for the school inspector Ruth.
New scene for English teacher at her apartment and a follow up scene in the English classroom.
New patrol event for the science technician, Anna.
New patrol event for dance teacher, Trixie.
Can visit Trixie’s apartment for a repeatable H scene which will be expanded upon in future updates.
If you didn’t hire Trixie the first time around there is now a second opportunity to hire her (and a new cheat option to make it so you didn’t hire her).
New dream sequence.
New scenes for Sally and Miss Chang.
Water fight scene in two parts. (After the first part you’ll need to order a new item, which can be found under electronics)
For those who have played the beta version:
There is now a part 2 to the water fight.
Please note that when the game updated to version 0.5 I hadn’t correctly set the definition that records whether we had seen the scene with Claire holding the books up. Leading to a crash if you visited her classroom before seeing that scene. I’ve had to reset the definition meaning that people who’ve played that scene will have to play it again.
I’ve fixed a bug where the water fight scene wouldn’t trigger more than once or if you’d seen it in replay mode.
Fixed bug that caused a crash when talking to Sally after she's been in the shower.
Hello Beta Testers,
Version 0.5 beta version is now ready. Image folder now contains around 3900 images, so up almost a thousand since the last version. As usual please report any bugs on the appropriate channel of the Discord.
The focus of this update is on convincing the school inspector Ruth to let you punish the girls yourself. The game now updates automatically when you load a save so no need to skip to a new period. Check your quest log when you first start, this will guide you through the main quest.
The quest line involving the old headmasters death also advances this update. Make sure you go down to the lake in the morning to speak with Jimmy even if you already asked him about the old headmaster (this is an important step in the update and one that might be easily missed for old players).
There is now a water fight scene which can been seen by patrolling the halls at the weekend. You can now visit the dance teacher at her apartment and she will give you the reward she promised all the way back in version 0.2. You can visit the english teacher Claire and continue her ‘training’. There is also a follow up scene for Claire in her classroom (requires the confiscate underwear rule to have been unlocked).
So you might notice that there are some major omissions from what I had planned initially to what’s listed here, including the scenes for the twins. This was because the main quest line for this version took a lot longer to make than expected and I had to cut several scenes. So, as before, I’m going to be continuing work on version 0.5 next week with additional content for the main release. I may also release a mini update to version 0.5 around a week or so after that just to get myself caught up. So next weekend expect to see part two of the water fight and a date with your P.A. Samantha. Then I’ll probably add a bunch of spying scenes and some content for the twins shortly after in a mini update. So there’s lots here already and lots more still to come over the next couple of weeks.
I shall be posting a walkthrough here tomorrow morning.
Full changelog:
New areas - Office reception, Teachers Lounge
New Staff Quest for the school inspector Ruth.
New scene for English teacher at her apartment and a follow up scene in the English classroom.
New patrol event for the science technician, Anna.
New patrol event for dance teacher, Trixie.
Can visit Trixie’s apartment for a repeatable H scene which will be expanded upon in future updates.
If you didn’t hire Trixie the first time around there is now a second opportunity to hire her (and a new cheat option to make it so you didn’t hire her).
New dream sequence.
New scenes for Sally and Miss Chang.
Part 1 of the water fight scene (more to come soon).
v 0.4.2
Several bug fixes.
You can now visit the lake. Not much there now but you can meet the groundskeeper. He has Sally’s keys. He won’t remember where they are until Sally has asked for them and you have stolen Sally’s towel.
New event for Sally in the locker room
New volleyball event at the lake (after you give Sally her keys).
After you’ve given sally her keys, if you punish Rachel in class in the afternoon Sally will arrive in a bikini (works in replay mode too).
Debbie’s reactions in the hallway now change as she levels up (at level 3 and level 5).
Altered the formula for calculating payments from the school’s owners.
After confiscate underwear rule unlocked:
Can confiscate Emily’s underwear in the hallway. Updated class event for Emily.
Can confiscate Alice’s underwear
In Debbie’s public punishment you can now confiscate her bra.
Please note I have not updated the private punishments for Amy, Rachel and Cassandra. Their animations need some improvement and I didn’t have the time
New Staff Quest for the sports teacher Sally (can earn up to three influence points).
Punishment system implemented for Debbie. Can Raise Debbie's level up to 5 and begin testing her obedience. More levels will be available in future versions.
Two new school rules to unlock. You can now order girls to remove skirts during punishments. You can also make the uniform policy even stricter .
Created new online shop. Items are now delivered the next working day.
Added photo album on your computer to look at any pictures you’ve taken in game.
New internet search feature (use it to look for Amy’s pictures)
Added alternative branch to Mr Wilson’s story line so you no longer have to give him the photos of Priti. If you handed them over but want to go back then use the option in the cheat menu (recommended or you’ll miss a good scene).
New weekend event for Maxine (triggers on Sundays after you catch Debbie spanking Maxine).
Fixed the bugs listed below:
If you started a new game and skipped to day 2, Debbie would be stuck at level 1.
Fixed issue where you couldn’t complete Mr Wilson quest if you bought the expensive pills (I recommend you buy the cheap ones FYI!)
Fixed an issue where the notification of new items being delivered didn’t always go away.
Fixed a problem with the massage thigh animation where there were some white flashes.
Fixed an error message that would appear at the begining for some people saying 'pain is not defined'.
This version fixes a bug where the warning message about old saves wasn't disappearing for saves files made with the 0.3 beta version.
It also fixes a bug where you couldn’t earn a horniness point from spanking Amy in class.
Please note, If you didn’t earn the horniness point from Amy then don’t worry it. I’m probably going to reset your progress punishing the students in the next version of the game when I introduce the punishment system. Essentially it will be as if you hadn’t sent any of the students to your office before. I think this will be the simplest way to introduce the new system without making people start completely new saves.
New to version 0.3.3:
New scenes for Lucy (please note that I forgot to put a condition in the last version to record whether you had seen her wear the maid outfit before. You will need to make her wear the maid outfit one more time, then the new content will start the following week).
New scene for Faye in the nurse's office
Continuation of Priti’s story line.
One new patrol event for Maxine.
Spying scenes for Rachel and Cassandra (triggered after they have been spanked in your office).
Added several spying scenes in Liz’s dorm room, where the girls discuss recent events.
Added a men’s changing area. The sports teacher is there in the afternoons.
Redesigned nurse office. You can now speak with the nurse in the afternoons.
Redesigned the dorm reception. There are a few new opportunities to speak with the girls here.
Added renders for the public punishment scenes.
Added a new rule regarding the public punishments.
Added additional functionality to the cheat menu.
Fixed bug where you couldn’t speak to Miss Chang on the first day.
Fixed bug where the game crashed after you inspected Priti’s underwear.
Fixed bug where the view changer buttons were still displaying after Debbie’s first spanking scene.
Fixed bug where game crashes if you refuse Mister Wilson’s request to take naked photos of Priti (please note the quest ends here for now, more in version 0.3).
Fixed bug where you couldn’t perform a uniform inspection on Charlotte.
Fixed bug where some events were not being recorded as seen in the replay screen.
Fixed bug where you required a different number of stats points than stated (For rule change and sports events).
Fixed several typos.
Added character information sheets for April and Emily (for old saves these won’t appear until you start a new day).
Added character notes for the nurse, Donna, Liz, April and Emily (for old saves these won’t appear until you start a new day).
Added in 0.2:
Game now runs indefinitely on a weekly cycle.
Added quest for the science teacher
Added quest for the English teacher
Added quest for maths teacher
Introduced weekly board meetings with the option to introduce a new rule.
Added a new main quest linking these together. Complete all the objectives to trigger something good.
Created some base events for current available actions (teaching a class, coaching a sports lesson, patrolling the halls, doing paperwork and spying on the girls). These are mostly quite short at the moment and will be expanded upon with more options as the game develops.
Added lots of small interactions with characters around the school.
New Staff Quest for Samantha (including scenes in the office, cafeteria and Samantha’s house/garden)
New Student Quest for Liz (including scenes in the dorms, the courtyard, the classroom and the headmasters office)
Added the first level of Liz’s punishment system
Expanded Liz’s first naked classroom punishment
Expanded Liz’s first naked public punishment
One new scene at Sally’s Apartment
You can now summon Lucy to your office for a blow job
New Staff Quest for the nurse.
The first group medical has been updated with new images
The second (and much longer) group medical has been added
A new scene for the twins in the cafeteria
A new uniform rule (Cafeteria Uniform)
A new construction upgrade for the cafeteria
One new scene for Arabella in the new cafeteria uniform
One new scene for Emily and Maxine in the new cafeteria uniform
There were far too many changes to list here. A full list of the coding changes can be seen in this document. The highlights include:
Complete re-coding of the character logs, cheat menu and the replay menu/event log
Quest log improvements to make certain steps more clear
Quest log steps that reference other quests will now include cross-quest links
Set caps for horniness and influence points to the current maximum available
Numerous bug-fixes
Changes from 16.2 to 16.3public
Full French translation for the version 0.16 content
Some minor bug fixes
v0.16.2 - 2024-09-06
Changes from the beta version
Added repeatable versions of several scenes (the second medical, Liz’s punishments in the punishment system, Liz’s after class HJ, Lucy’s office BJ, gardening with Samantha). However, there are no new images.
There was an issue where two points of influence were not being awarded for arranging the prostitute for Mr Wilson in Chapter 1, soft locking some people from reaching chapter 2. All old saves that have seen that scene will receive 2 influence points.
Several minor bug fixes including; the Sunday night TV not working; some old save showing an error on load; incorrect money awarded for some punishments; a crash when visiting Sally’s apartment too soon; a crash when watching porn in your office.
v0.16.1 Beta - 2024-08-16
New Staff Quest for Samantha (including scenes in the office, cafeteria and Samantha’s house/garden)
New Student Quest for Liz (including scenes in the dorms, the courtyard, the classroom and the headmasters office)
Added the first level of Liz’s punishment system
Expanded Liz’s first naked classroom punishment
Expanded Liz’s first naked public punishment
One new scene at Sally’s Apartment
You can now summon Lucy to your office for a blow job
New Staff Quest for the nurse.
The first group medical has been updated with new images
The second (and much longer) group medical has been added
A new scene for the twins in the cafeteria
A new uniform rule (Cafeteria Uniform)
A new construction upgrade for the cafeteria
One new scene for Arabella in the new cafeteria uniform
One new scene for Emily and Maxine in the new cafeteria uniform
Coding Changelog
The highlights include:
Complete re-coding of the character logs, cheat menu and the replay menu/event log
Quest log improvements to make certain steps more clear
Quest log steps that reference other quests will now include cross-quest links
Set caps for horniness and influence points to the current maximum available
Numerous bug-fixes
Mykock's Manor Special
Mykock's Manor has been updated to version 0.2, with new content and a new Patreon poll. You can continue from your old save, or you can start a new one and skip to Part 2.
v0.15.3.1 - 2024-02-05
debbie_camera is undefined crashes for players who skipped the day 1 intro no longer happen
the missing guided punishment prompt getting Rachel from L6 to L7 after Rachel's Difficult Morning scene is restored
Liz's Chapter 1 hallway inspection (Liz and the Blue Underwear) will be unlocked in replay if you are in Chapter 2, even if you missed it in regular game play.
Please note that if you’ve played the latest Patreon only version you are already up to date; the public version adds the French translation and fixes a few minor bugs.
You can now punish Amy in the nude using the punishment system
Additional detail in Sally’s quest log
Additional steps in Claire's quest log; to make clear that you need to progress Debbie's quest at the same time.
v0.15.1 Beta - 2023-12-18
New main quest: Many Hands for Many Bottoms.
New staff quest for Miss Potts: Teaching Miss Potts - Part 2 (includes 2 repeatable sex scenes and Claire's punishment for the twins)
New Student Quest for Debbie: Taming a Prefect - Part 2 (includes a lesbian threesome, and second threesome with the headmaster and Rachel)
Two repeatable group punishment scenes
Three staff training lessons (includes a sex scene with Amy)
The headmaster can eat lunch at the cafeteria (with six short scenes)
A new “Hot Night” event at the dorms (with three variants based on the girls horniness)
A new weekend patrol event.
“Ready to level”/ “Level up not available” notifications at the start of a private punishment. With additional hints on what to do next.
Option to be guided through private punishments on easy mode
A new student log for Lucy to help guide players through her existing content
Preview new rule proposals in advance via the Review Rules tool on the PC in your office
Hints for finding horniness and influence points will be provided in the quest log
0.14.3 - 2023-05-28
v0.14.1 Beta - 2023-05-06
Content Changelog:
New Main Quest: “Who’s Pulling Mykock?”
New Student Quest: “Pride and President.”
New uniform rule: Charity Exemptions
Added Maxine’s fundraiser: a (50K word, 1000 render, 40 video) mega event spanning an entire in-game week, featuring nearly all the students
New public punishment: The minimal uniform
One new repeatable patrol event (careless flasher)
Updated Maxine and Lucy’s locker room event for after the fundraiser
Coding Changelog:
Major changes:
Easy Mode - stats and price adjustments
Named Saves and search for saves
Full rebuild of quests code - Including new alerts for quest and character log updates
Full rebuild of rules and proposals (to allow for horniness thresholds)
New online shop code, including SOLD OUT status (spoiler)
Redesign of the Chapter 2 patrol event distribution (to reduce grind and make event changes easier to find)
New methods for building the map and simplifying skip period/skip day code
Quality of life issues:
Tooltip for the spying bar
New alerts for inventory items available or added
Debbie’s prefect badge added to her character card
Pornsight search bar easter egg
New protection for stat changes in replay
Updates to photo album on the PC including better support for looping through sets of images
Support for changing how certain characters address the HM in private (i.e. Claire, Lucy or Samantha)
Better support for displaying punishment reasons on the various whiteboards
Some new extras in the nurse’s office from time to time
Hundreds of bug and continuity and typo/speaker fixes. Highlights:
Allow Amy level 5 punishment to be repeated if she didn’t level up
Hiding Faye scenes when she’s meant to be at the hospital
Allowing Maxine Gets A Whipping spy scene to start again the following night if not finished
Make Rachel less jealous in patrol scenes when she’s been cured
Twin Swap spying scene Mary & Louise speaker swap fix
Got a bug fixed in Renpy itself to support rollback and avoid infinite loop crashes
Some patrol scenes adjust when seeing them a second time
The Golden Gun was restored to one image where it was
From 13.0Beta to 13.2: - 2022-09-12
One additional patrolling-the-halls event
Five new events when spying on the girl's dorms shower
Added Debbie’s Halloween to the replay menu (unlock by clinking on the staff training option in the afterschool punishment menu)
Added butt job animation for Rachel’s after-punishment option
Added a new straddle spank orgasm animation
Added videos for the nipple licking action
Added teaser event for a new poll with Maxine
Completed the French translation of the new content (some minor parts still need finishing)
Added a black screen between video transitions using the red butt effect. This should prevent crashes some people reported when switching animations
v0.13.0- 2022-09-07
This update sees the conclusion to Rachel’s storyline and punishment system where we raise her to level 10. There is also a significant amount of content for Miss Newman as we introduce her to the headmaster’s most advanced disciplinary techniques. As well as adding several new actions to the punishment system we’ve also redone all of Rachel’s punishment animations to bring them up to current standards and to add the red butt effect. The update contains around 40,000 words of dialogue, around 1000 new renders and over 300 video files.
Content changes
New student quest for Rachel (The Headmaster’s Pet - Part 2) with several new events
Added dildo practice option when speaking with Rachel in the office
Added several new videos to the in-game porn website, plus added the option to watch porn with Rachel
Remade all of Rachel’s punishment system animations and added the red butt effect
Rachel can naked for punishment (with her cat ears)
New punishment actions for Rachel (check bruises, dildo, anal dildo and sex)
Candid photos of the twins and secret selfies added to Ada’s phone
New Character entry for “The Other Students”
New Patrol event featuring unnamed girls (lots more of these to come)
Major coding changes
A skip to chapter 2 option has been added
The stats bar now displays a description of what each statistic does when hovering over each icon
The game's economy has been completely overhauled. Several items and construction projects have reduced costs. The headmaster will also get raises from the school's owners after passing certain rules. A large bonus will be given when starting chapter 2.
The way the game's statistics are coded has been changed in order to pave the way for different game modes (e.g. easy mode, hard mode etc) as well as some other new gameplay features.
Discipline and grades have been "padded" to increase gains and reduce losses when close to losing the game.
When there is a new item, email or construction option available on the headmaster's computer, a star will display on the appropriate icon
Almost all of the games image buttons have been re-coded to remove unnecessary hover images
Almost all “baked-in” text has been removed to make translations easier
Version 0.11.1 is now available for everyone. Please note that if you've played the patron-only version then you are up to date, the public release does not have any additional content.
v0.11 Beta
New student quest for Cassandra
Cassandra’s punishment system now goes to level 5
Blowjobs from Cassandra at your apartment and at your office
A lesbian scene for Debbie and Cassandra
Added new spanking animation for Cassandra being punished in class
New extra service from Lucy (handjob)
v0.10 Beta
Four new repeatable sports events
Four football practice events
New scenes for Lucy
Lucy will now clean naked
Lucy will offer extra services (currently spanking, dancing and kiss)
Double spanking for the twins from HM and Claire
Public punishment for the twins
Poolside punishment for the twins
A spanking scene for Samantha or Arabella
Sex scene with Amy in the girls’ locker room
Threesome with Rachel and Debbie
Body searches for: Emily, Alice, Priti
You can unlock the cafeteria (just a placeholder there for now but unlocking it will trigger new scenes)
Two new students (Jasmine and Arabella)
New lunch lady (Patricia)
Strip search for the twins
Strip search for Liz
Body search for Lucy
0.9.1 beta:
Introduction scene for chapter 2
Five new/updated patrolling-the-halls events.
One new and four updated weekend patrol events
Three new repeatable class events (including spankings) for Priti, Liz, Faye
New classroom spanking from the headmaster for Rachel
New repeatable punishments in your office: Priti, Liz, Faye
New classroom punishment: Girls can be made to sit through class topless (implemented for Rachel, Cassandra, Faye, Priti and Liz)
New Friday quiz, where you can pick which girl to punish
Girls can now be made to clean the school grounds in their underwear.
New headmasters privilege rule: Can give a body search to anyone on campus
A scene for Maxine in your office
A scene for Miss Chang at her apartment
Sex ed lesson from the nurse
Swimming pool added.
New student: Olivia.
You can spend time in your office watching porn
You can watch TV with the girls on Sunday evening
Strip search for Nina
Spanking and Tit job scene for Alice
BJ scene with Sally
Sex scene with Miss Swallows
Spanking and masturbation scene with Sally and Liz
There was a bug in Amy's questline preventing you from downloading her magazine. It has been fixed now and links at the bottom have been updated.
New scene for when you lose because grades hit zero
New repeatable scene for Rachel in your office after she gets a promotion
New scene in class for Rachel
Lucy will now clean your apartment topless
New scene when spying on Lucy changing in your apartment
0.8 Beta
Three new scenes for the English teacher, Claire
Rachel can now go up to level 7
New punishment action for Rachel
Several new scenes for Rachel
Part 2 of the Dungeons and Dragons event
Punishment system implemented for Cassandra (only to level 2)
New spying scene for Cassandra
Version 0.7.2 is now available to my $5 and up patrons. Apologies for the slight delay getting this out, with so many people at home on quarantine slowing down the internet it took me all night to upload the files to Mega.
This update is focused on Amy with the implementation of her punishment system up to level five. Catch Amy misbehaving, punish her in your office and then spy on her room to trigger her quest-line. There are multiple objectives to complete for Amy so don’t forget to keep checking the quest log if you get stuck.
There should be no need to start a new save to see everything for Amy. When you load an old save the game will give you three options; you can reset all of Amy’s content if you want to see everything from the beginning, you can watch a brief recap of Amy’s content, or you can just continue as normal.
There are also a bunch of little scenes at the weekends around the dorms and the lake and a short funny scene for Lucy at your apartment. As always the easiest way to find out what’s new is to check the replay menu. Click on a locked event to get a hint on how to see it.
As I said in my last development update I didn’t have time to get very far with Cassandra’s punishment system. I thought about leaving it in partially implemented but I decided, in the end, it would be better to hold it all back until its ready. Expect that in another update in three or four weeks time along with some scenes for the English teacher Claire and by popular demand some extra content for Rachel.
Please note: There is a small error in Rachel’s questline where the quest log says you can get her up to level 2 with just the camera and ointment. When actually you need to have unlocked the rule to remove skirts as well. I’ll get that fixed soon.
v0.7.1 Beta
A missing frame of an animation when Amy was getting paddled by the mc without her underwear causing a crash
A crash for some people in the sex scene for Amy
The spying event for Maxine not showing as complete in the replay menu
A crash when taking Amy’s picture
Amy can now be summoned to your office for punishment after level 5
v0.7 Beta
Punishment system implemented for Amy
New quest-line for Amy with several new scenes - Follow her Quest-log
New spying scene for Debbie and Maxine (visit Rachel’s room when prompted to)
Movie night scene at the dorms on a Friday evening
D&D game at dorms on Sunday afternoon
Scenes for Amy and Donna at the lake on Saturday afternoon
A scene for Emily at the lake on Sunday Morning
New scene for Lucy at your Apartment
You can now go on a date with your P.A.Samantha. With a follow up scene the next day.
Added one extra scene for Rachel after she gets to level 5 (click on the headmaster locker on a thursday afternoon)
Added lots of extra small interactions with Rachel when she is following you around the school.
You can now talk to Ada on a Monday afternoon in the hallway.
More Information
Hi guys,
The 0.6.2 is now complete. There are a total of 5850 images in this version so up over 1500 from 0.5.3 with dozens of new animations and several new videos. I hope you all enjoy it.
Unfortunately the Android version has decided to give some last minute unexpected problems and it’s not quite ready yet. I will hopefully be posting it tomorrow morning. My sincere apologies to all the Android players out there.
There are two main aspects for this update. The first of which is Rachel’s punishment system. A Student Quest log for Rachel will start the morning after you spy on her room and see the event with Donna, Maxine and the ointment. The quest log will tell you exactly what you need to do then. Rachel’s punishment system is slightly more difficult than Debbie’s as she doesn’t suffer from the same weakness and you need to take your punishment actions in a more specific order. I suspect some people might struggle so I’ve included a mini walkthrough explaining exactly what to do.
The other main aspect is unlocking the ability to punish the girls yourselves. The conditions for the main quest A Man’s Work have been slightly changed. In addition to the previous requirements it will also now be necessary to make Debbie your Prefect before unlocking the rule to punish the girls yourself. Once you unlock this rule you will trigger a very large event (probably about a third of the whole update) where you hold a special assembly for the girls. My plan was to then update all the class scenes, patrol scenes etc but that turned out to be way too much work for one update. So for now the only effect of changing this rule will be to see this scene and also to punish Rachel yourself in the punishment system.
Debbie also has a new scene in the punishment system once you unlock the ability to punish the girls. She now goes up to level six with a new reward scene. However, I haven’t made all the animations yet for the headmaster punishing Debbie. I also haven’t had time to add the new actions that we can use on Rachel.
v0.6.1 Beta
The 0.6 beta version is now ready. There are about 1400 new images in this version (including animation frames), dozens of new animations and several new videos. I hope you all enjoy it.
Please bear in mind this is a beta version and I was working on content right up to the last minute. Make sure you keep a fresh save from version 0.5 in case you need to go back and start from there. Any major bugs I will fix them tonight or first thing tomorrow morning. Anything minor I will fix over the course of the week. Please post your bug reports over on the appropriate Discord channel.
Please also note that I didn’t get as far as I had planned for Rachel. She currently only goes up to level 5 whereas my plan is to get her up to level 7 this update. Rather than delay the release again and risk not getting the main release out before Christmas I’m going to release what I have and add the extra scenes next week. There are also a couple of placeholders for minor animations and these will also be sorted out by the end of next week.
There are two main aspects for this update. The first of which is Rachel’s punishment system. I don’t want to spoil any surprises so I won’t say too much just now. A Student Quest log for Rachel will start the morning after you spy on her room and see the event with Donna, Maxine and the ointment. The quest log will tell you exactly what you need to do then. Rachel’s punishment system is slightly more difficult than Debbie’s as she doesn’t suffer from the same weakness and you need to take your punishment actions in a more specific order. I suspect some people might struggle so I’ve included a mini walkthrough explaining exactly what to do.
The other main aspect is unlocking the ability to punish the girls yourselves. The conditions for the main quest A Man’s Work has been slightly changed. In addition to the previous requirements it will also now be necessary to make Debbie your Prefect before unlocking the rule to punish the girls yourself. Once you unlock this rule you will trigger a very large event (probably about a third of the whole update) where you hold a special assembly for the girls. My plan was to then update all the class scenes, patrol scenes etc but that turned out to be way too much work for one update. So for now the only effect of changing this rule will be to see this scene and also to punish Rachel yourself in the punishment system.
Debbie also has a new scene in the punishment system once you unlock the ability to punish the girls. She now goes up to level six with a new reward scene. However, I haven’t made all the animations yet for the headmaster punishing Debbie. I also haven’t had time to add the new actions that we can use on Rachel.
Please note that there is no beta version for Android. This will take some extra work to make and I’ll release an Android version with the main release next week.
Punishment System implemented for Rachel up to level 5 (with three new punishment actions)
New student quest for Rachel including several new scenes (follow her quest log and check the replay menu to make sure you have seen everything).
New rule: Men are allowed to perform spankings (triggers a major new scene but otherwise only affects Debbie and Rachel in the punishment system).
New rule: Girls must strip to underwear for punishment (currently only affects Debbie and Rachel through the punishment system).
Теперь вы можете шпионить за комнатой Мэри (близняшка). Посетите её, чтобы вызвать сюжетную линию для близнецов (требует следующих условий; иметь лопатку, иметь возможность конфисковывать юбки, пройден эвент с шуткой близнецов в классе.)
В четверг днем Салли будет будет выводить девочек на пробежку в холле спортзала. Проведите спортивный урок в тот же день, и она зайдёт пока вы находитесь в душе.
Эвент с сексом и лёгким отшлёпыванием Салли в душе (сработает только в том случае, если вы вернули ей ключи, и Дебби уже стала вашим префектом)
Новый эвент патрулирования (срабатывает, если вы позволите вашей горничной Люси увидеть ваш член)
Новый эвент патрулирования в выходной, с Фэй и Ниной (срабатывает после первой недели)
Вы можете поговорить с Гарриет, и проверить ее униформу в понедельник днем, в холле спортзала.
Изменения от 0.53beta до 0.5.4:
Переработано первое наказание для Дебби
Сексуальная сцена с Салли теперь повторяется в понедельник днем.
Исправлена ошибка "перепрыгивания" с утра четверга на день в мужской раздевалке
Исправлены диалоговые опции, не исчезающие для некоторых сотрудников после их прочтения.
Исправлена ошибка в первый день при посещении английского класса.
В этой версии я не стал по новой переводить квесты, инвентарь и описания персонажей. Ничего там не поменялось, смыла снова вручную все искать и прописывать нет. В новой версии, конечно, сделаю.
Желающие начать сначала - могут начать в 5.2, и когда основной контент будет пройден, доиграть новые эвенты в 5.4.
You can now spy on Mary's room. Visit it to trigger a storyline for the twins (Requires the following conditions; own the paddle, can confiscate skirts, have seen the twins class event).
On Thursday afternoons Sally will be in the gym reception and will be taking the girls out for a run. Teach a sports class that afternoon and she will arrive back while you are in the shower.
Sex and spanking scene for Sally in the shower (Will only trigger if you have returned her keys and Debbie is your Prefect)
New patrol event (triggered if you let your maid Lucy see your dick)
New weekend patrol event for Faye and Nina (triggers after first week)
You can talk to Harriet and inspect her uniform on a Monday afternoon at the gym reception.
From 0.53beta to 0.5.4:
Reworked day 1 punishment scene for Debbie
Sex scene with Sally is now repeatable on Monday afternoons.
Fixed a bug where it would jump to thursday morning from Thursday afternoon in the mens changing room
Fixed dialogue options not disappearing for certain staff after reading them.
Fixed a crash on day one when visiting the English classroom.
Hi guys,
As promised here is the ‘mini’ update we had planned to add some additional content we had to cut from version 0.5. It's smaller by our standards but still three hundred or so renders and several thousand words of dialogue so well worth a playthrough. Hopefully this will tide you over while we continue to work on all the new animations and dialogue for punishing the girls yourselves as well as expanding the punishment system for additional girls.
There are two main aspects to this update. First is a new storyline for the twins which will trigger when you spy on Mary's room. It will only trigger if have met the following conditions; you have seen the twins practical joke event in class; you own the paddle; and you can confiscate skirts during corporal punishment. Pretty big spoiler there as to what might happen. The story line is split into five parts, and takes place in Mary's room, in class and in your office.
The second major addition is that on Thursday afternoons at the gymnasium you will see Sally taking a group of girls out for a run. If you teach a sports class that afternoon Sally will get back from her run while you are in the shower. The scene will play out differently depending on whether the following conditions are met; you have given Sally her keys; and Debbie is your Prefect. Meet those conditions and Sally will get in the shower with you.
There are a couple of other little bits and pieces and these are all listed in the change log below. As always I didn't end up doing exactly what I had planned. I decided to focus on adding an H scene for Sally rather than my initial plan of having a first date with Samantha. I wouldn't have had time to do much justice to Samantha's story in a mini update so I'll save that for next time.
Change log:
You can now spy on Mary's room. Visit it to trigger a storyline for the twins (Requires the following conditions; own the paddle, can confiscate skirts, have seen the twins class event).
On Thursday afternoons Sally will be in the gym reception and will be taking the girls out for a run. Teach a sports class that afternoon and she will arrive back while you are in the shower.
Sex and spanking scene for Sally in the shower (Will only trigger if you have returned her keys and Debbie is your Prefect)
New patrol event (triggered if you let your maid Lucy see your dick)
New weekend patrol event for Faye and Nina (triggers after first week)
You can talk to Harriet and inspect her uniform on a Monday afternoon at the gym reception.
New areas - Office reception, Teachers Lounge
New Staff Quest for the school inspector Ruth.
New scene for English teacher at her apartment and a follow up scene in the English classroom.
New patrol event for the science technician, Anna.
New patrol event for dance teacher, Trixie.
Can visit Trixie’s apartment for a repeatable H scene which will be expanded upon in future updates.
If you didn’t hire Trixie the first time around there is now a second opportunity to hire her (and a new cheat option to make it so you didn’t hire her).
New dream sequence.
New scenes for Sally and Miss Chang.
Water fight scene in two parts. (After the first part you’ll need to order a new item, which can be found under electronics)
For those who have played the beta version:
There is now a part 2 to the water fight.
Please note that when the game updated to version 0.5 I hadn’t correctly set the definition that records whether we had seen the scene with Claire holding the books up. Leading to a crash if you visited her classroom before seeing that scene. I’ve had to reset the definition meaning that people who’ve played that scene will have to play it again.
I’ve fixed a bug where the water fight scene wouldn’t trigger more than once or if you’d seen it in replay mode.
Fixed bug that caused a crash when talking to Sally after she's been in the shower.
Hello Beta Testers,
Version 0.5 beta version is now ready. Image folder now contains around 3900 images, so up almost a thousand since the last version. As usual please report any bugs on the appropriate channel of the Discord.
The focus of this update is on convincing the school inspector Ruth to let you punish the girls yourself. The game now updates automatically when you load a save so no need to skip to a new period. Check your quest log when you first start, this will guide you through the main quest.
The quest line involving the old headmasters death also advances this update. Make sure you go down to the lake in the morning to speak with Jimmy even if you already asked him about the old headmaster (this is an important step in the update and one that might be easily missed for old players).
There is now a water fight scene which can been seen by patrolling the halls at the weekend. You can now visit the dance teacher at her apartment and she will give you the reward she promised all the way back in version 0.2. You can visit the english teacher Claire and continue her ‘training’. There is also a follow up scene for Claire in her classroom (requires the confiscate underwear rule to have been unlocked).
So you might notice that there are some major omissions from what I had planned initially to what’s listed here, including the scenes for the twins. This was because the main quest line for this version took a lot longer to make than expected and I had to cut several scenes. So, as before, I’m going to be continuing work on version 0.5 next week with additional content for the main release. I may also release a mini update to version 0.5 around a week or so after that just to get myself caught up. So next weekend expect to see part two of the water fight and a date with your P.A. Samantha. Then I’ll probably add a bunch of spying scenes and some content for the twins shortly after in a mini update. So there’s lots here already and lots more still to come over the next couple of weeks.
I shall be posting a walkthrough here tomorrow morning.
Full changelog:
New areas - Office reception, Teachers Lounge
New Staff Quest for the school inspector Ruth.
New scene for English teacher at her apartment and a follow up scene in the English classroom.
New patrol event for the science technician, Anna.
New patrol event for dance teacher, Trixie.
Can visit Trixie’s apartment for a repeatable H scene which will be expanded upon in future updates.
If you didn’t hire Trixie the first time around there is now a second opportunity to hire her (and a new cheat option to make it so you didn’t hire her).
New dream sequence.
New scenes for Sally and Miss Chang.
Part 1 of the water fight scene (more to come soon).
v 0.4.2
Several bug fixes.
You can now visit the lake. Not much there now but you can meet the groundskeeper. He has Sally’s keys. He won’t remember where they are until Sally has asked for them and you have stolen Sally’s towel.
New event for Sally in the locker room
New volleyball event at the lake (after you give Sally her keys).
After you’ve given sally her keys, if you punish Rachel in class in the afternoon Sally will arrive in a bikini (works in replay mode too).
Debbie’s reactions in the hallway now change as she levels up (at level 3 and level 5).
Altered the formula for calculating payments from the school’s owners.
After confiscate underwear rule unlocked:
Can confiscate Emily’s underwear in the hallway. Updated class event for Emily.
Can confiscate Alice’s underwear
In Debbie’s public punishment you can now confiscate her bra.
Please note I have not updated the private punishments for Amy, Rachel and Cassandra. Their animations need some improvement and I didn’t have the time
New Staff Quest for the sports teacher Sally (can earn up to three influence points).
Punishment system implemented for Debbie. Can Raise Debbie's level up to 5 and begin testing her obedience. More levels will be available in future versions.
Two new school rules to unlock. You can now order girls to remove skirts during punishments. You can also make the uniform policy even stricter .
Created new online shop. Items are now delivered the next working day.
Added photo album on your computer to look at any pictures you’ve taken in game.
New internet search feature (use it to look for Amy’s pictures)
Added alternative branch to Mr Wilson’s story line so you no longer have to give him the photos of Priti. If you handed them over but want to go back then use the option in the cheat menu (recommended or you’ll miss a good scene).
New weekend event for Maxine (triggers on Sundays after you catch Debbie spanking Maxine).
Fixed the bugs listed below:
If you started a new game and skipped to day 2, Debbie would be stuck at level 1.
Fixed issue where you couldn’t complete Mr Wilson quest if you bought the expensive pills (I recommend you buy the cheap ones FYI!)
Fixed an issue where the notification of new items being delivered didn’t always go away.
Fixed a problem with the massage thigh animation where there were some white flashes.
Fixed an error message that would appear at the begining for some people saying 'pain is not defined'.
This version fixes a bug where the warning message about old saves wasn't disappearing for saves files made with the 0.3 beta version.
It also fixes a bug where you couldn’t earn a horniness point from spanking Amy in class.
Please note, If you didn’t earn the horniness point from Amy then don’t worry it. I’m probably going to reset your progress punishing the students in the next version of the game when I introduce the punishment system. Essentially it will be as if you hadn’t sent any of the students to your office before. I think this will be the simplest way to introduce the new system without making people start completely new saves.
New to version 0.3.3:
New scenes for Lucy (please note that I forgot to put a condition in the last version to record whether you had seen her wear the maid outfit before. You will need to make her wear the maid outfit one more time, then the new content will start the following week).
New scene for Faye in the nurse's office
Continuation of Priti’s story line.
One new patrol event for Maxine.
Spying scenes for Rachel and Cassandra (triggered after they have been spanked in your office).
Added several spying scenes in Liz’s dorm room, where the girls discuss recent events.
Added a men’s changing area. The sports teacher is there in the afternoons.
Redesigned nurse office. You can now speak with the nurse in the afternoons.
Redesigned the dorm reception. There are a few new opportunities to speak with the girls here.
Added renders for the public punishment scenes.
Added a new rule regarding the public punishments.
Added additional functionality to the cheat menu.
Fixed bug where you couldn’t speak to Miss Chang on the first day.
Fixed bug where the game crashed after you inspected Priti’s underwear.
Fixed bug where the view changer buttons were still displaying after Debbie’s first spanking scene.
Fixed bug where game crashes if you refuse Mister Wilson’s request to take naked photos of Priti (please note the quest ends here for now, more in version 0.3).
Fixed bug where you couldn’t perform a uniform inspection on Charlotte.
Fixed bug where some events were not being recorded as seen in the replay screen.
Fixed bug where you required a different number of stats points than stated (For rule change and sports events).
Fixed several typos.
Added character information sheets for April and Emily (for old saves these won’t appear until you start a new day).
Added character notes for the nurse, Donna, Liz, April and Emily (for old saves these won’t appear until you start a new day).
Added in 0.2:
Game now runs indefinitely on a weekly cycle.
Added quest for the science teacher
Added quest for the English teacher
Added quest for maths teacher
Introduced weekly board meetings with the option to introduce a new rule.
Added a new main quest linking these together. Complete all the objectives to trigger something good.
Created some base events for current available actions (teaching a class, coaching a sports lesson, patrolling the halls, doing paperwork and spying on the girls). These are mostly quite short at the moment and will be expanded upon with more options as the game develops.
Added lots of small interactions with characters around the school.
Simple walkthrough. (Not complete at all but this will help.)
The numbers of days do not mater.
MC must teach classes, to gain grade or to maintain them, if hit 0 game over.
MC must spank in office to make money for items and upgrades. (1 point of discipline each time.)
MC needs to spank sometimes in the classroom, this is not a must but it can help at times with discipline. (If discipline hits 0 game over, you get 2 discipline points doing this).(I will give 1 hint why this maybe a good idea, masochist. There is no difference but it may come in later updates.)
MC needs to do staff quest for Potts first and foremost to stop grades going down all the time and work on discipline as much as possible. (Low discipline = grades go down.)
Its very easy to do quest and all you got to do is read them for what needs to be done.
For those who skip unread text you are screwed because hints are in there.
The numbers of days do not mater.
MC must teach classes, to gain grade or to maintain them, if hit 0 game over.
MC must spank in office to make money for items and upgrades. (1 point of discipline each time.)
MC needs to spank sometimes in the classroom, this is not a must but it can help at times with discipline. (If discipline hits 0 game over, you get 2 discipline points doing this).(I will give 1 hint why this maybe a good idea, masochist. There is no difference but it may come in later updates.)
MC needs to do staff quest for Potts first and foremost to stop grades going down all the time and work on discipline as much as possible. (Low discipline = grades go down.)
Its very easy to do quest and all you got to do is read them for what needs to be done.
For those who skip unread text you are screwed because hints are in there.
money = xxx (xxx) = amount you want.
discipline = xxx
grades = xxx
horniness = xxx (Yes that is how it is spelled in the game.)
influence = xxx
popularity = xxx
spy_points = x (1 - 5 with 1 being the best for you.)
(Okay this one the lower it is the more time you get and in the game. 5 is all you get so a 1 is best, you can change it to 1 many, many times to keep redoing the windows in the demo version of the game but its the same thing over and over again.)
discipline = xxx
grades = xxx
horniness = xxx (Yes that is how it is spelled in the game.)
influence = xxx
popularity = xxx
spy_points = x (1 - 5 with 1 being the best for you.)
(Okay this one the lower it is the more time you get and in the game. 5 is all you get so a 1 is best, you can change it to 1 many, many times to keep redoing the windows in the demo version of the game but its the same thing over and over again.)
Although this is only Version 0.1 it has roughly an hours worth of content, contains hundreds of images and dozens of animations.
Тему отредактировал: admin - 10-01-2025, 04:14
Причина: Тема обновлена. Добавлена русская версия v.0.16.4. / Topic updated. Added Russian version v.0.16.4. Большое спасибо за перевод lf2mr.
Причина: Тема обновлена. Добавлена русская версия v.0.16.4. / Topic updated. Added Russian version v.0.16.4. Большое спасибо за перевод lf2mr.
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