Так как ваши родители узнали, что вы проводите слишком много времени, за порно, они решили принять меры и сделать что-то с этим.
Они решают отправить вас на яхту вашего дяди где нет телефона, телевизора и компьютера. Вы не видели своего дядю много лет, ваша мать и он редко разговаривают друг с другом и вы незнаете из-за чего. Несколько лет назад он стал миллионером и с тех пор живет роскошной жизнью. Он женат на Рейчел, и у них есть две дочери : Хлоя и Эмили. Эмили, старшая, родилась от предыдущих отношений, и вы никогда не видели ее отца. Хлою удочерили через несколько месяцев после того, как мой дядя женился на Рейчел.
Оказавшись на борту, вы должны будете следовать новым правилам, чтобы жить на яхте, и узнаете, что нарушение их имеет последствия. Когда вы замечаете, что на борту только потрясающие женщины, вы видите возможность отказаться от порно ради чего-то еще лучшего! Как вы достигнете своей цели? Это зависит от вас.
Since your parents found out that you're spending way too much time watching porn they decided to take action and do something about it.
Finally, they come to the conclusion to send you on your Uncle yacht without a phone, TV and computer. You're not sure what happened, you didn't see your Uncle for many years, your mother and him rarely talk to each other.
Apparently few years ago he becomes a millionaire and live a luxurious life since then. He's married to Rachel and they have two daughters : Chloe and Emily. Emily, the oldest, was born from a previous relationship, I've never seen her father. Chloe was adopted a few months after my uncle married Rachel.
Once on board you'll have to follow new rules to live on the boat and you'll learn that breaking them has consequences. When you notice there's only stunning women on board, you see an opportunity to give up porn for something even better! How will you achieve your goal? That's up to you.
Год выпуска: 2020
Жанр: 3dcg, anal, bdsm, big tits, corruption, creampie, female domination, footjob, groping, group sex, humiliation, incest, interracial, lesbian, male domination, male protagonist, milf, oral, sandbox, sex toys, spanking, teasing, titfuck, vaginal, voyeurism,
Цензура: Отсутствует
Разработчик/Издатель: www.patreon.com/TheGary
Перевод: westalek | Ch.5 Ep.1C - fa1con_eye
Платформа: PC/Windows/Linux/Android
Тип издания: [Completed]
Таблэтка: Не требуется
Версия: Ch.1-4 Full Rus/Eng + Ch.5 Ep.1C Rus/Eng
Язык игры: Русский/Английский (Смена в настройках)
Язык интерфейса: Русский/Английский
Поддержать Переводчика (Boosty westalek)
Payeer.com (westalek) - P1060469286
Поддержать Переводчика (Boosty fa1con_eye)
ВНИМАНИЕ! Перед запуском игры удалите все сохранения игры в самой папке и по пути C:\Usersпользователь\AppData\Roaming\RenPy. Это позволит вам получить переведенные подсказки получения звезд. Перевод выполнен ТОЛЬКО 1 и 2 глав. Об ошибках и неточностях пишите в личку. И в конце особая благодарность R-NATA за обкатку и проверку игры.
Так как ваши родители узнали, что вы проводите слишком много времени, за порно, они решили принять меры и сделать что-то с этим.
Они решают отправить вас на яхту вашего дяди где нет телефона, телевизора и компьютера. Вы не видели своего дядю много лет, ваша мать и он редко разговаривают друг с другом и вы незнаете из-за чего. Несколько лет назад он стал миллионером и с тех пор живет роскошной жизнью. Он женат на Рейчел, и у них есть две дочери : Хлоя и Эмили. Эмили, старшая, родилась от предыдущих отношений, и вы никогда не видели ее отца. Хлою удочерили через несколько месяцев после того, как мой дядя женился на Рейчел.
Оказавшись на борту, вы должны будете следовать новым правилам, чтобы жить на яхте, и узнаете, что нарушение их имеет последствия. Когда вы замечаете, что на борту только потрясающие женщины, вы видите возможность отказаться от порно ради чего-то еще лучшего! Как вы достигнете своей цели? Это зависит от вас.
Since your parents found out that you're spending way too much time watching porn they decided to take action and do something about it.
Finally, they come to the conclusion to send you on your Uncle yacht without a phone, TV and computer. You're not sure what happened, you didn't see your Uncle for many years, your mother and him rarely talk to each other.
Apparently few years ago he becomes a millionaire and live a luxurious life since then. He's married to Rachel and they have two daughters : Chloe and Emily. Emily, the oldest, was born from a previous relationship, I've never seen her father. Chloe was adopted a few months after my uncle married Rachel.
Once on board you'll have to follow new rules to live on the boat and you'll learn that breaking them has consequences. When you notice there's only stunning women on board, you see an opportunity to give up porn for something even better! How will you achieve your goal? That's up to you.
Год выпуска: 2020
Жанр: 3dcg, anal, bdsm, big tits, corruption, creampie, female domination, footjob, groping, group sex, humiliation, incest, interracial, lesbian, male domination, male protagonist, milf, oral, sandbox, sex toys, spanking, teasing, titfuck, vaginal, voyeurism,
Цензура: Отсутствует
Разработчик/Издатель: www.patreon.com/TheGary
Перевод: westalek | Ch.5 Ep.1C - fa1con_eye
Платформа: PC/Windows/Linux/Android
Тип издания: [Completed]
Таблэтка: Не требуется
Версия: Ch.1-4 Full Rus/Eng + Ch.5 Ep.1C Rus/Eng
Язык игры: Русский/Английский (Смена в настройках)
Язык интерфейса: Русский/Английский
Поддержать Переводчика (Boosty westalek)
Payeer.com (westalek) - P1060469286
Поддержать Переводчика (Boosty fa1con_eye)
ВНИМАНИЕ! Перед запуском игры удалите все сохранения игры в самой папке и по пути C:\Usersпользователь\AppData\Roaming\RenPy. Это позволит вам получить переведенные подсказки получения звезд. Перевод выполнен ТОЛЬКО 1 и 2 глав. Об ошибках и неточностях пишите в личку. И в конце особая благодарность R-NATA за обкатку и проверку игры.
Patch B:
Fix an infinite loop during a spanking that was possible in some cases.
Ch.5 Ep1 Patch Note:
It's a stand-alone! Don't try to load your old save, start a new game.
2000+ Renders, without animation! (Biggest of all time)
Amy's path:
1 outdoor sex event
3 outdoor mini events
1 Threesome
1 BIG Interactive Spanking event
Chloe's path:
2 outdoor sex events
2 indoor sex events while you work
1 outdoor mini event
1 Threesome
1 BIG BDSM event
Emily's path
1 outdoor sex event
2 indoor sex events while you work
3 outdoor mini events
2 Threesomes
Yacht content:
2 events in the poll if you take a swim
6 events by the poll if you suntan or just happen to be there at the right time
2 events by the terrace if you decide to take a nap
And of course you'll be able to play Go with Susan :
1 win gives you 1 spanking event with Susan (2 versions)
1 lose puts you on the receiving end of a 1 spanking event (FEMDOM), it can be avoided for a non femdom scene
Best of 3 games win gives you one sex event with Susan (2 versions)
Best of 3 defeat puts you on the receiving end of a 1 sex event (FEMDOM), it can be avoided for a non femdom scene
4 wins give you 1 bonus sex event with Susan
Ch.4 Episode 3 Patch B
Patch Note:
2200 Renders
Story progression, big step, lot of revelations.
1 Rachel scene
1 Chloe PoV scene
1 Amy interactive scene
1 Emily interactive scene
1 Chloe, big interactive scene. Multiples clothes, actions, ending,...
1 Amy, big interactive scene with many animations.
1 Emily, big interactive scene. Multiples clothes, actions, ending,...
Patch B
When doing the story in a specific order it was impossible to progress.
Fixed a crash
Ch.4 Ep.2 patch B
1 Interactive spanking event. 4 positions, 4 Outfits, 2 Implements, 3 Intensity, 4 endings (2 special).
3 "Favorite Girl" events that are only possible when Chloe, Emily or Amy is your favorite girl.
2 Events with Sophie, you guys voted for it in November and here it is!
1 "Mysterious" event about your work for the company.
1 short scene with Seo-yun as a poll result of November.
Animations are back for two event.
1200+ renders needed for the update
Ch. 4 Ep.1 C
New chapter
Chapter 4 doesn't require your old save. Just start a new game.
One new location has been added. [Poll Result]
Added missing portrait of the representatives and the reception clerk .
Updated GUI
Updated Tracker GUI and added functionalities (track all, untrack all)
Lots of new idles of Emily and Chloe living in the penthouse.
New punishment reason for Chloe and Emily to reflect the current situation.
New babysitting starting condition, it's not possible if Chloe and Emily are at home.
1 punishment event for Chloe, it has one main scene and 2 additional small scenes.
1 more event for Chloe, it has 2 different scenes.
1 event for Emily with 2 main scenes.
1 event with Chloe, Amy and Charlotte. It's a multi steps event with a lot of small scenes to find.
1 event with Sophie. 1 main scene with 2 possible extras. Also has a small femdom scene (optional).
Ch.3 Ep.11 A
Added an improved punishment for Chloe
Added new scene for the babysitting event.
Added an event with Sophie
Added an event with Sophie and Charlotte
Added an event for Rachel, this event has 2 scenes possible.
Added an event for Emily
Added an event for Amy
Added dialogues regarding the "Dare" event situation.
Added a series of talks regarding Uncle and the family.
Contract negotiations are back in a new, simplified version
Enabled representatives call (not much use right now, but it gives you a preview of their personalities).
Improved some transitions with the guest mechanic.
Fixed reported bugs and typos.
Episode 6 Patch Note
1 Linda event
2 Emily event
1 Chloe/Linda event
1 Rachel event
1 Susan event
Added all missing scenes to the tracker
Fixed reported bugs
Patch B
Fixed reported stars not working properly
Patch C
More fixes for the tracker
Ch. 3 Ep. 5d
Added 5 new events
Some old events have updated dialogue now that Chloe and Emily know about each other
Now every interaction you have with an NPC falls into different categories (repeatables, quests, actions)
Fixed several issues and bugs
Ch. 3 Ep. 2b
7 New events.
One of the new events in an "interactive" spanking event, I had many requests for it, let me know what you think about it ;).
Major developments in the story about Chloe and Emily.
Added a gallery with all the scenes available in the game, the button to open it is available in the top right corner of the screen.
Added old (Chapter 2) events to the tracker for new players, still missing some, they'll be added later.
Default settings for the tracker are set to avoid spoilers (blurred action name and thumbnail).
Added new dialogues for Amy rewards and punishments to reflect her improving behavior.
Added a 'swim' button, it has a few outcomes, it's the first player action to come back, more to come in future updates.
Fixed reported bugs.
Ch. 3 Ep. 1d
Introduction of 3 new characters (out of the 6 created for the chapter).
4 New locations
550+ images rendered
2 Animations
Reworked GUI
Rollback is enabled and should be safe to use
Rewritten much of the underlying code
Added the foundation for a gallery, it should be ready in one of Chapter 3 Episode 1 patch.
The tracker has been improved to handle new types of events (like the one with the new NPC), it will show a list of "actions" available for each character, if you click on it, you'll see the old tracker information with the star and how to complete/unlock it.
Its missing the percentage indicator for each character, it will be added soon.
Office content:
This content is mostly linear and introduces you to what is planned for this chapter. I want to make clear it's not a direction the game is taking, it is just an introduction.
During the 3 days, you will spend at the new location, there will be a few night events, they have different outcomes possible. That doesn't mean there's a good or bad choice (no game over).
You can't go back once you leave for the yacht (in this update).
Yacht content:
A new reward for acing Rachel's test (study)
A new punishment for Rachel
A new possibility for the Lookout event (Rachel and Susan sunbathing)
Two new actions with Linda when having fun with her in her office.
Chapter 3 Episode 1 IMPORTANT: The Chapter 3 update is a standalone, you don't need your old save. The game starts just after the end of the second chapter (download post). Essentially it starts you off with a 100% save when starting a new game.
Most of the trigger that needed a specific render were not working properly. It was making the progression in "Good To Go" impossible.
The game has been split in 2 chapters and you can start playing immediately from chapter 2. Chapter 1 is still available by using the "Chapters" menu on the main screen.
Reworked the tracker to be much more helpful, Chapter 2 only.
Added a dialogue history window, available at all time , Chapter 2 only. .
10 new events
200+ full new images
7+ new animations
Updated the tracker GUI and code optimization.
Extra Naughty #2 : You don't have to watch Chloe's strapping to complete the event.
It was possible to talk to an NPC during their sleep, it's fixed but only after True Nature (it has very small impact before).
Updated the punishment window to make it less confusing.
After True Nature, all the idles are now random or semi-random.
The spanking marks duration is now additive up to 10 hours.
Updated scrollbar to make it easier to see.
Fixed an issue with save name in Chapter 1.
Lowered the chores success rate probability of Emily and Chloe when you don't encourage them (10%).
And as usual lot of small fixes.
0.10 Changelog
The game has been split in 2 chapters and you can start playing immediately from chapter 2. Chapter 1 is still available by using the "Chapters" menu on the main screen.
Reworked the tracker to be much more helpful, Chapter 2 only.
Added a dialogue history window, available at all time , Chapter 2 only. .
10 new events
200+ full new images
7+ new animations
Updated the tracker GUI and code optimization.
Extra Naughty #2 : You don't have to watch Chloe's strapping to complete the event.
It was possible to talk to an NPC during their sleep, it's fixed but only after True Nature (it has very small impact before).
Updated the punishment window to make it less confusing.
After True Nature, all the idles are now random or semi-random.
The spanking marks duration is now additive up to 10 hours.
Updated scrollbar to make it easier to see.
Fixed an issue with save name in Chapter 1.
Lowered the chores success rate probability of Emily and Chloe when you don't encourage them (10%).
And as usual lot of small fixes.
Patch Note 0.9.1
Fixed one potential crash when loading a save.
Added some missing renders
Added a cooldown for Rachel asking you to meet her in your room (same cooldown has the request talk).
Fixed a few other minor issues.
Changelog for the 0.9
3 new events - two of them quite long
2 older events extended
Lot of small scenes not considered core content (not linked to a star)
Some little additions to make life on the yacht more varied
More than 15 new animations .
Over 250 new individual renders (900+ rendered total).
Fixed several bugs
New system to handle parts of the NPCs daily schedule, introducing some randomness (no impact on quests)
Improved quality of post island dialogues (0.6/0.7 content mostly).
GUI updated (and more help added)
Patch note
Added the possibility to start an island trip within the dream menu (after "True Nature")
Fixed the unlock hint for "True Nature"
Removed one star from Sun Tzu #1. It will allow the event to be fully completed. Added it to the dream list for the players who missed it.
In some rare cases the total progression percentage did not update properly. It has been fixed.
"Am I Sick" can now trigger when the dreams are disabled.
Edited the tooltip of 2 stars for "Three Envelopes.”
Added Linda's night visit event to pre-island dream for those who skipped it.
Chloe's strapping in the dream menu now require "Extra Naughty #2"
Edited the tooltip of the first star for "The Deal #2"
Added a warning message if rollback has been enabled due to the recent reports of broken saves due to it.
0.8.3 Patch Note:
Added additional help for "True Nature"
Added a warning about potential game over with an invitation to save the game
The threesome trigger was modified, it will now trigger the same hour you asked it for it.
Added a warning when trying to skip time while Linda is waiting for a threesome in the bathroom.
Added 3 new render for "True Nature" for the "trap".
Added one animation for "The Deal 2"
During "True Nature", if you fail one mandatory requirement for the quest, the game over will trigger immediately.
Added a "Go to next meal" skip time button. The button is disabled in the afternoon on a day with a chores check.
Fixed trigger for "The Deal 2" when trying to do it before completing "True Nature", it was working but counter-intuitive.
Added, "For Real?" to the dreams
Added all strapping to the dreams
Added a missing time slot to trigger Chloe's corruption talk.
Removed MC's clothes state from the setting window, it was not used after the island.
Added Extra naughty 2 as a requirement for True Nature (it was possible to miss it)
Added a warning about the island trip being disabled if you continue "True Nature".
Added "True Nature" to the dreams.
Fixed a bug that allowed the post-island dreams to be available before the event was completed.
Patch note:
6 New events
4 Events extended (Inappropriate Chloe, Shoe does Deserve It, Sun Tzu, The Deal,)
1 New scene for the public punishment
300+ new images (as usual, not counting layers, UI, etc.)
2 Animations (Rachel)
Fixed a lot of typos in older content.
Fixed reported bugs.
Added Exhibition and Corruption talks to reflect the current state of the game.
Fixed a crash with 0.5 saves (could be ignored without any issue)
Added new dream menu and added "Dare or Dare" and "Sun Tzu" in it.
+ few minor tweak / typo / bug fixes.
Over 300 new images (not counting layers or GUI assets)
8 animations
1 event extended
10 new events
Added back the punishments
Added more punishment steps
Added new study chores
Added new cleaning chores
Improved the GUI
Added a new window about the punishments method.
Added back a reworked version of the character info window.
Added shortcut to close/open main window (n = notebook, p = progression, t = settings, c = characters info, u = punishment)
Pressing the space bar will close most GUI window and talk menu.
Added Chloe's bedroom
Added Rachel's bedroom
Added the bathroom
Added the spanking marks on NPCs that were recently spanked and a GUI to keep track.
Fixed a few minor bugs
Fixed a bug that was causing the new yacht to be empty on a new game (related to previous bug fix).
Fixed a GUI issue when using "relive the past".
Fixed a bug when reaching the end of the island for the first time on a new game.
Significantly improved render quality
Reworked all locations but three (they will be ready for 0.7)
Lots of new idles (more will be added with 0.7)
Around 200 new images
1 New event about Susan
1 New event about Rachel
1 New event with Emily
New exhibition level for all the girls. New outfits to go with it.
Handled the island trip departure and arrival.
New progression window.
New dialogue mechanics.
Reworked the code to isolate old obsolete code completely from the new one (It lifts some restrictions I had before, it will be easier to add new things).
Added a 'Relive the past' dream menu, you'll be able to play previous content when using it.
Added a cheat menu when dreaming about the past.
Extended Rachel's ending.
Added many talks during the island trip.
Added a slider to change the textbox opacity in the preferences.
Added the current progression to the saves name.
You can now press "space" to exit a talk menu (experimental, on the island only.)
Fixed a bug preventing you to distract Emily and Chloe after coming back from the island.
Fixed Rachel being able to catch you enter rooms during the night.
Fixed some typos.
Fixed the "Can you come tonight" dialogue with Susan. It will only be possible if you did "Sacrifice" at least once.
Fixed a bug on an island that makes some day not count in the day counter.
Some other minor fixes.
New location: The Island
More than 500 new full images (not counting partials).
12 new events, including:
3 new events for Chloe
3 new events for Emily
1 new event for Amy
5 more events featuring two or all three girls at the same time, including the longest event in the game yet (in terms of image count).
Additionally, the new update has:
4 different endings for island week depending on what you did during the week. (this is in addition to the 12 new events - no double counting)
The ability to replay the week once it's over or return to the yacht.
Several smaller changes and additions (Including fix for impossible stars).
Fixed, Rachel's 8p.m. punishment wasn't counting and was triggering another punishment in the morning.
Fixed Linda scene when Rachel comes back. It wasn't adding her the "spanked" state.
Fixed the last star of "Fulfilling Linda's Request.” It will update automatically if you already saw it.
Fixed display bug with the "Anal Training" progress bar showing up where it wasn't supposed to.
Fixed the first notebook of "Spending Time With Emily,” it wasn't showing up (It wasn't blocking the event, you needed to speak with Amy).
raw data, copy/paste as reported, don't mind the wording they're all fixed.
3rd star in Chloe shower says "enter" but it filled after "peek"
Rachel was sleeping in her room after the pills but at midnight at pool MC had option to talk to Rachel and ask for helping hand
When you get offences that warrants you a spanking after 20:00 Rachel comments after comming to your room that you were supposed to ask for spanking while you weren't at the time (accumulated offences after the hour)
Flashlight - did search first day at 20:00 in MC bathroom - he commented about Susan having it 5 there and event finished on bridge - probably I wasn't supposed to find it in bathroom
Joining Linda option shows that it needs stamina but could join her having 0 left
Susan spanking MC - strange "square" shows on part of his butt
Susan spanking Rachel - some pictures with panties on some without
First time being in Rachel room with Susan - notebook entry at 22:00 still showed that MC should visit Rachel at 20:00
Message for end of event in 0.1 still on while now is 0.4 - pet name
Emily 2nd toy event dialogues should be updated when Emily accept anal again.
Emily "surprise me" event dialogues should be updated when Emily accept anal again.
Susan and Rachel still think Amy is in MC room in some talks when she already moved out.
Some weird clothes issue when Emily is on the phone
Catching Rachel's masturbating in her room can be played in loop.
2 stars of "Aunt Makes Mistakes" are not updating correctly when femdom is turned off.
0.5 teaser can trigger even if you don't have 10/10 Rachel's punishment (should not be possible)
Rachel spanking method - reversed to 1 (can happen when you reach the experience limit)
+ fixed a few minor bugs.
Fixed a bug with "Sister Rivalry" that could stop the event progression.
Fixed a star with Emily shower that was impossible to complete after reaching a certain point in the game.
Fixed Susan/Rachel meeting, it was possible for them to be at 2 locations at the same resulting in some minor bugs.
Fixed some minor bugs.
Chloe can only check on the MC in the shower if the bathroom has no other characters in it.
The update is around 160 new images for the added scenes.
Added spanking marks for 'Aunt Makes Mistakes' spankings.
Added spanking marks for 'Before Bed Relaxation.'
4 New events.
3 Events got added content.
1 Small "hidden" change for an event with Emily related to her new progression.
First bondage scene.
1 New call from Uncle
1 New call from Mom
3 New traits are revealed, not much of a surprise here, they were obvious at this point.
This will be a detailed changelog. Thus it can have spoilers so if you didn't complete the game you might want to avoid reading. Unless you think you have a bug. As you might have noticed, this is the first time I'm experimenting with putting (limited) new content in a patch. It felt like a good opportunity for trying something new. I struggled with the idea of how to implement this update while staying fair to everyone. Patch should be ready for tomorrow or the following day.
Bug Fixes:
Emily's bikini during pool cleaning chore after you unlocked her exhibition level 1.
Some clothing errors during Truth or Dare.
When entering a room during Chloe or Emily punishment, Rachel was catching the MC and the render was wrong. If Rachel is busy with Chloe or Emily, she can't catch you entering other rooms.
When Susan enters during Chloe's spanking, there were some clothing issues.
+1 hour button has been removed in some location (bedroom, Linda's office, bridge,...)
At dinner, Rachel will properly talk about Emily's homework when she fails.
When you asked Chloe to do your chores, Rachel knew about it somehow, this is not the case anymore. There is a new scene after breakfast to reflect this change.
The flashlight is not usable the first time you do the event, added a dialogue line to make it clear.
Package delivery was causing too much confusion, it will now be delivered sooner. Items will arrive the next day after you asked Charlotte for them, during the day in your room.
It was impossible to trigger Rachel's handjob in the MC bathroom after the first milestone.
Fixed "Hot Tub Pleasure" stars and triggers. Some scenes were impossible to see under some conditions.
Emily's first blowjob was causing a lot of confusion, a notebook entry has been added in this version. As soon as it is possible to unlock, the notebook will tell you what to do.
"+1 hour" hotkey (w) has been reworked, it won't work if you're in an event / talk. To avoid skipping triggers or causing some unwanted behavior.
"Linda's Night Visit,” it was possible to never see the first version of the event.
/!\ IMPORTANT: Fixed bug that stopped progression with Chloe. You needed to spank her but she stopped being sick. Loading a save with this bug should fix it immediately. You will be able talk to Chloe and continue normally. (You might skip the spanking but you'll be able to do it again, don't worry ;)).
Removed some dialogue lines about the hairbrush.
Fixed Chloe's spanking marks at 5 p.m. and 6 p.m.
Fixed a game freeze happening during Emily's bath.
Fixed a bug during MC shower when Chloe shows up, it was causing some weird overlapping issues.
Some of Chloe's dialogues about being sore were not triggering properly. (used Emily's status instead of Chloe)
The night visit trigger to enable or disable this event was not working in some instances.
Changed Emily's face in the dialogue box during "Payback.” She's not smiling anymore ;)
Fixed a bug in the "event" window. Some progression stars were considered completed when they should not have.
When asking "About your revenge", sometimes the midnight meeting was not triggering.
In Truth or Dare you can't repeat the invitation once the girls already agreed to play. A notebook entry reminding you to go to the interior at 2:00 a.m. has been also added when this happens.
New content in the game:
Enabled most of the spanking marks not related to sexual events (spanking marks during sex scenes will be added over time, new events will have them.).
A talk with Chloe when she's in the corner of the interior.
A missing render during Linda's sex scene in the hot tub.
More talks to Amy.
Render for the storyline regarding Emily's drinking in the interior.
New more advanced massage for Linda.
Talk with Rachel about using lotion on Linda.
A follow-up conversation about Linda's dinner distraction (Aunt Makes Mistakes quest.)
New dialogues between Emily and Amy.
Introducing some of the story between Amy and Rachel.
Added how long the spanking marks will last for in the "intensity" tooltip.
New icon in the GUI to show if a character is affected by a spanking (red paddle under their face in the top bar).
New striptease for Linda.
3 New scenes for Chloe.
Chloe "thighjob" has new clothes if you do it after 6am.
In "Sister Rivalry", Emily can now watch the event at 16:00 without having to peek in some cases.
Lowered "spanking after effect", you should be able to spank Chloe more often. (Maximum 7 hours between each spanking.)
Fixed a game crash that could happen during Chloe new "fast spanking". (TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for -=: 'unicode' and 'int')
Fixed reported issues with some "stars".
Fixed a major crash that could happen during "Aunt Makes Mistakes"( Exception: Cannot start an interaction in the middle of an interaction, without creating a new context. )
The progression speed has been considerably increased (cooldown reduced, increased rewards, etc.).
New system to handle different types of dialogues with all characters.
New system to handle characters location, it's used to know if a NPC is alone or who is with it, etc.
New punishment system. The game now keeps better track of punishments and some NPCs may have lasting effects for a few hours. Rachel's punishment will gradually become harsher and more embarrassing over time. She will take it easy at the start of the game.
Rachel will not spank the MC, Emily or Chloe for one small mistake. After someone collects 3 warnings , Rachel will announce their punishment during dinner. Emily and Chloe can now misbehave and gain Rachel's warnings on their own, without player intervention. You can find out what they did if you talk to them. You can also try to provoke one of them during breakfast or lunch in front of Rachel. And finally their offenses will increase if they fail to study due to your distractions.
Important info: the MC can't 'skip' a punishment step, let’s say current step is 8 but the last time the MC got spanked it was 3, then if the MC should be punished step 4 will be used and not 8.
New stamina. It determines the maximum amount of time he can cum in a day. It starts at 1 and stops at 5. It starts increasing after the first time the MC cum when using the pool or doing yoga with Rachel.
Mood removed. Scenes previously using 'mood' have been reworked or use another trigger (might look random but most of the time, it's not).
Various GUI improvements to reflect new mechanics.
Reworked / Improved some events (new renders, new talks).
Fixed most of the inconsistencies reported.
Removed the hairbrush event (I will add it back when possible).
Added help windows after the intro (you can see it again using the "help" window).
Added a consequent number of new dialogues.
Added a new character.
Added 3 new events with the new character.
New "help" window options: You can change your name. You can enable MC punishment when playing with femdom disabled and choose which clothes you allow during a spanking. You can also disable Linda night visit if you wish.
And many other smaller changes.
mproved progression tracking system
Added a tooltip when you hover a star.
You can see what you can do and what you need to do to unlock an event.
The GUI has been improved a little.
If you disabled femdom, the femdom content is not counted towards the progression percentage (%) tracking.
Mechanics' changes
After reaching the first milestone, MC can’t have a public erection anymore and it’s not needed for Rachel’s Helping Hands.
New dialogues related to the “Payback” event during dinner.
New activities during the weekend.
Night visit : Rachel will not enter MC room in the middle of the night anymore. If the MC must be punished, you must then talk to Rachel after dinner to receive the punishment. If you don’t talk to her, Rachel’s tolerance will not reset. It makes things easier to control the severity of the punishment but if you never go to Rachel for the punishment you’ll most likely reach the game over threshold.
You can order some items when calling Mr. Elwell personal assistant.
When MC reads a book, there are a few new dialogues.
Existing events with new content
Rachel’s Helping Hands
Chloe’s Training
Emily’s Help
Chloe’s New Punishment (new action for favors)
Linda’s Surprise Visit
Midnight Bath
Aunt Makes Mistake
New events
Sister Rivalry
Asking for It
Emily’s Exam
Not so Safe Anymore
Emily’s second toy
?????? (I don’t want to spoil this one with the name, eheh.)
Bug fix & Others
Various code improvement.
Fixed some missing renders.
Fixed a few triggers (they didn’t block progression)
Bug Fixes, Crash fixes, etc.
Bugs fix
Fixed reported typos.
It was possible to miss some "stars" in Is She Sick events if you unlocked the rectal temperature without looking at the oral one. Linda will now use oral check if she has a good mood to allow you to see the outcome after having unlocked the rectal temperature.
It's now not possible to ask Chloe to be sick on Friday and Saturday.
Once you asked Chloe to be sick, you won't be able to ask her again the same day.
At 20:00 if the "Aunt Makes Mistakes" event triggered, Rachel and Susan won't be in the interior.
+ Fixed a few other minor issues.
New feature
You can now disable femdom content (it's a first step)
It has the following effects :
Changed Rachel's "Night Visit" to a version where the MC will only get warnings from her.
You can't lose a contest in the "Aunts Makes Mistake" event.
The chores event involving MC and Susan has been changed.
The intro has been rewritten if you disabled femdom.
Existing events
Chloe's New Punishment:
Added more reasons to punish Chloe.
Added a new action for favors.
Naughty doctor
Added a new scene when you caught Linda.
New scene if you didn't listen to her.
Aunt Makes Mistakes
Added a new contest.
Added 2 new punishment for Rachel.
Emily try anal
Added anal sex success.
Aunt Finally Finds Out (Poll result)
Added a scene.
New events
Introduction to Yoga
You can now do learn Yoga from Rachel in the morning.
Before Bed Relaxation
You can join Linda in the hot tub.
Truth or Dare
You'll be able to play Truth or Dare with Emily and Chloe.
Chloe’s training
You can start a special training for Chloe.
It also adds new punishments.
MC will be able to take revenge on Chloe and Emily for distracting him during his chores.
You are now able to distract the girls when they are attempting to do their chores
Mr. Elwell stepping in
You need to "complete" all events to unlock this one.
New corruption level
Chloe Level 1
8 new possibilities for existing and new events.
Emily Level 1
8 new possibilities for existing and new events.
Fix an infinite loop during a spanking that was possible in some cases.
Ch.5 Ep1 Patch Note:
It's a stand-alone! Don't try to load your old save, start a new game.
2000+ Renders, without animation! (Biggest of all time)
Amy's path:
1 outdoor sex event
3 outdoor mini events
1 Threesome
1 BIG Interactive Spanking event
Chloe's path:
2 outdoor sex events
2 indoor sex events while you work
1 outdoor mini event
1 Threesome
1 BIG BDSM event
Emily's path
1 outdoor sex event
2 indoor sex events while you work
3 outdoor mini events
2 Threesomes
Yacht content:
2 events in the poll if you take a swim
6 events by the poll if you suntan or just happen to be there at the right time
2 events by the terrace if you decide to take a nap
And of course you'll be able to play Go with Susan :
1 win gives you 1 spanking event with Susan (2 versions)
1 lose puts you on the receiving end of a 1 spanking event (FEMDOM), it can be avoided for a non femdom scene
Best of 3 games win gives you one sex event with Susan (2 versions)
Best of 3 defeat puts you on the receiving end of a 1 sex event (FEMDOM), it can be avoided for a non femdom scene
4 wins give you 1 bonus sex event with Susan
Ch.4 Episode 3 Patch B
Patch Note:
2200 Renders
Story progression, big step, lot of revelations.
1 Rachel scene
1 Chloe PoV scene
1 Amy interactive scene
1 Emily interactive scene
1 Chloe, big interactive scene. Multiples clothes, actions, ending,...
1 Amy, big interactive scene with many animations.
1 Emily, big interactive scene. Multiples clothes, actions, ending,...
Patch B
When doing the story in a specific order it was impossible to progress.
Fixed a crash
Ch.4 Ep.2 patch B
1 Interactive spanking event. 4 positions, 4 Outfits, 2 Implements, 3 Intensity, 4 endings (2 special).
3 "Favorite Girl" events that are only possible when Chloe, Emily or Amy is your favorite girl.
2 Events with Sophie, you guys voted for it in November and here it is!
1 "Mysterious" event about your work for the company.
1 short scene with Seo-yun as a poll result of November.
Animations are back for two event.
1200+ renders needed for the update
Ch. 4 Ep.1 C
New chapter
Chapter 4 doesn't require your old save. Just start a new game.
One new location has been added. [Poll Result]
Added missing portrait of the representatives and the reception clerk .
Updated GUI
Updated Tracker GUI and added functionalities (track all, untrack all)
Lots of new idles of Emily and Chloe living in the penthouse.
New punishment reason for Chloe and Emily to reflect the current situation.
New babysitting starting condition, it's not possible if Chloe and Emily are at home.
1 punishment event for Chloe, it has one main scene and 2 additional small scenes.
1 more event for Chloe, it has 2 different scenes.
1 event for Emily with 2 main scenes.
1 event with Chloe, Amy and Charlotte. It's a multi steps event with a lot of small scenes to find.
1 event with Sophie. 1 main scene with 2 possible extras. Also has a small femdom scene (optional).
Ch.3 Ep.11 A
Added an improved punishment for Chloe
Added new scene for the babysitting event.
Added an event with Sophie
Added an event with Sophie and Charlotte
Added an event for Rachel, this event has 2 scenes possible.
Added an event for Emily
Added an event for Amy
Added dialogues regarding the "Dare" event situation.
Added a series of talks regarding Uncle and the family.
Contract negotiations are back in a new, simplified version
Enabled representatives call (not much use right now, but it gives you a preview of their personalities).
Improved some transitions with the guest mechanic.
Fixed reported bugs and typos.
Episode 6 Patch Note
1 Linda event
2 Emily event
1 Chloe/Linda event
1 Rachel event
1 Susan event
Added all missing scenes to the tracker
Fixed reported bugs
Patch B
Fixed reported stars not working properly
Patch C
More fixes for the tracker
Ch. 3 Ep. 5d
Added 5 new events
Some old events have updated dialogue now that Chloe and Emily know about each other
Now every interaction you have with an NPC falls into different categories (repeatables, quests, actions)
Fixed several issues and bugs
Ch. 3 Ep. 2b
7 New events.
One of the new events in an "interactive" spanking event, I had many requests for it, let me know what you think about it ;).
Major developments in the story about Chloe and Emily.
Added a gallery with all the scenes available in the game, the button to open it is available in the top right corner of the screen.
Added old (Chapter 2) events to the tracker for new players, still missing some, they'll be added later.
Default settings for the tracker are set to avoid spoilers (blurred action name and thumbnail).
Added new dialogues for Amy rewards and punishments to reflect her improving behavior.
Added a 'swim' button, it has a few outcomes, it's the first player action to come back, more to come in future updates.
Fixed reported bugs.
Ch. 3 Ep. 1d
Introduction of 3 new characters (out of the 6 created for the chapter).
4 New locations
550+ images rendered
2 Animations
Reworked GUI
Rollback is enabled and should be safe to use
Rewritten much of the underlying code
Added the foundation for a gallery, it should be ready in one of Chapter 3 Episode 1 patch.
The tracker has been improved to handle new types of events (like the one with the new NPC), it will show a list of "actions" available for each character, if you click on it, you'll see the old tracker information with the star and how to complete/unlock it.
Its missing the percentage indicator for each character, it will be added soon.
Office content:
This content is mostly linear and introduces you to what is planned for this chapter. I want to make clear it's not a direction the game is taking, it is just an introduction.
During the 3 days, you will spend at the new location, there will be a few night events, they have different outcomes possible. That doesn't mean there's a good or bad choice (no game over).
You can't go back once you leave for the yacht (in this update).
Yacht content:
A new reward for acing Rachel's test (study)
A new punishment for Rachel
A new possibility for the Lookout event (Rachel and Susan sunbathing)
Two new actions with Linda when having fun with her in her office.
Chapter 3 Episode 1 IMPORTANT: The Chapter 3 update is a standalone, you don't need your old save. The game starts just after the end of the second chapter (download post). Essentially it starts you off with a 100% save when starting a new game.
Most of the trigger that needed a specific render were not working properly. It was making the progression in "Good To Go" impossible.
The game has been split in 2 chapters and you can start playing immediately from chapter 2. Chapter 1 is still available by using the "Chapters" menu on the main screen.
Reworked the tracker to be much more helpful, Chapter 2 only.
Added a dialogue history window, available at all time , Chapter 2 only. .
10 new events
200+ full new images
7+ new animations
Updated the tracker GUI and code optimization.
Extra Naughty #2 : You don't have to watch Chloe's strapping to complete the event.
It was possible to talk to an NPC during their sleep, it's fixed but only after True Nature (it has very small impact before).
Updated the punishment window to make it less confusing.
After True Nature, all the idles are now random or semi-random.
The spanking marks duration is now additive up to 10 hours.
Updated scrollbar to make it easier to see.
Fixed an issue with save name in Chapter 1.
Lowered the chores success rate probability of Emily and Chloe when you don't encourage them (10%).
And as usual lot of small fixes.
0.10 Changelog
The game has been split in 2 chapters and you can start playing immediately from chapter 2. Chapter 1 is still available by using the "Chapters" menu on the main screen.
Reworked the tracker to be much more helpful, Chapter 2 only.
Added a dialogue history window, available at all time , Chapter 2 only. .
10 new events
200+ full new images
7+ new animations
Updated the tracker GUI and code optimization.
Extra Naughty #2 : You don't have to watch Chloe's strapping to complete the event.
It was possible to talk to an NPC during their sleep, it's fixed but only after True Nature (it has very small impact before).
Updated the punishment window to make it less confusing.
After True Nature, all the idles are now random or semi-random.
The spanking marks duration is now additive up to 10 hours.
Updated scrollbar to make it easier to see.
Fixed an issue with save name in Chapter 1.
Lowered the chores success rate probability of Emily and Chloe when you don't encourage them (10%).
And as usual lot of small fixes.
Patch Note 0.9.1
Fixed one potential crash when loading a save.
Added some missing renders
Added a cooldown for Rachel asking you to meet her in your room (same cooldown has the request talk).
Fixed a few other minor issues.
Changelog for the 0.9
3 new events - two of them quite long
2 older events extended
Lot of small scenes not considered core content (not linked to a star)
Some little additions to make life on the yacht more varied
More than 15 new animations .
Over 250 new individual renders (900+ rendered total).
Fixed several bugs
New system to handle parts of the NPCs daily schedule, introducing some randomness (no impact on quests)
Improved quality of post island dialogues (0.6/0.7 content mostly).
GUI updated (and more help added)
Patch note
Added the possibility to start an island trip within the dream menu (after "True Nature")
Fixed the unlock hint for "True Nature"
Removed one star from Sun Tzu #1. It will allow the event to be fully completed. Added it to the dream list for the players who missed it.
In some rare cases the total progression percentage did not update properly. It has been fixed.
"Am I Sick" can now trigger when the dreams are disabled.
Edited the tooltip of 2 stars for "Three Envelopes.”
Added Linda's night visit event to pre-island dream for those who skipped it.
Chloe's strapping in the dream menu now require "Extra Naughty #2"
Edited the tooltip of the first star for "The Deal #2"
Added a warning message if rollback has been enabled due to the recent reports of broken saves due to it.
0.8.3 Patch Note:
Added additional help for "True Nature"
Added a warning about potential game over with an invitation to save the game
The threesome trigger was modified, it will now trigger the same hour you asked it for it.
Added a warning when trying to skip time while Linda is waiting for a threesome in the bathroom.
Added 3 new render for "True Nature" for the "trap".
Added one animation for "The Deal 2"
During "True Nature", if you fail one mandatory requirement for the quest, the game over will trigger immediately.
Added a "Go to next meal" skip time button. The button is disabled in the afternoon on a day with a chores check.
Fixed trigger for "The Deal 2" when trying to do it before completing "True Nature", it was working but counter-intuitive.
Added, "For Real?" to the dreams
Added all strapping to the dreams
Added a missing time slot to trigger Chloe's corruption talk.
Removed MC's clothes state from the setting window, it was not used after the island.
Added Extra naughty 2 as a requirement for True Nature (it was possible to miss it)
Added a warning about the island trip being disabled if you continue "True Nature".
Added "True Nature" to the dreams.
Fixed a bug that allowed the post-island dreams to be available before the event was completed.
Patch note:
6 New events
4 Events extended (Inappropriate Chloe, Shoe does Deserve It, Sun Tzu, The Deal,)
1 New scene for the public punishment
300+ new images (as usual, not counting layers, UI, etc.)
2 Animations (Rachel)
Fixed a lot of typos in older content.
Fixed reported bugs.
Added Exhibition and Corruption talks to reflect the current state of the game.
Fixed a crash with 0.5 saves (could be ignored without any issue)
Added new dream menu and added "Dare or Dare" and "Sun Tzu" in it.
+ few minor tweak / typo / bug fixes.
Over 300 new images (not counting layers or GUI assets)
8 animations
1 event extended
10 new events
Added back the punishments
Added more punishment steps
Added new study chores
Added new cleaning chores
Improved the GUI
Added a new window about the punishments method.
Added back a reworked version of the character info window.
Added shortcut to close/open main window (n = notebook, p = progression, t = settings, c = characters info, u = punishment)
Pressing the space bar will close most GUI window and talk menu.
Added Chloe's bedroom
Added Rachel's bedroom
Added the bathroom
Added the spanking marks on NPCs that were recently spanked and a GUI to keep track.
Fixed a few minor bugs
Fixed a bug that was causing the new yacht to be empty on a new game (related to previous bug fix).
Fixed a GUI issue when using "relive the past".
Fixed a bug when reaching the end of the island for the first time on a new game.
Significantly improved render quality
Reworked all locations but three (they will be ready for 0.7)
Lots of new idles (more will be added with 0.7)
Around 200 new images
1 New event about Susan
1 New event about Rachel
1 New event with Emily
New exhibition level for all the girls. New outfits to go with it.
Handled the island trip departure and arrival.
New progression window.
New dialogue mechanics.
Reworked the code to isolate old obsolete code completely from the new one (It lifts some restrictions I had before, it will be easier to add new things).
Added a 'Relive the past' dream menu, you'll be able to play previous content when using it.
Added a cheat menu when dreaming about the past.
Extended Rachel's ending.
Added many talks during the island trip.
Added a slider to change the textbox opacity in the preferences.
Added the current progression to the saves name.
You can now press "space" to exit a talk menu (experimental, on the island only.)
Fixed a bug preventing you to distract Emily and Chloe after coming back from the island.
Fixed Rachel being able to catch you enter rooms during the night.
Fixed some typos.
Fixed the "Can you come tonight" dialogue with Susan. It will only be possible if you did "Sacrifice" at least once.
Fixed a bug on an island that makes some day not count in the day counter.
Some other minor fixes.
New location: The Island
More than 500 new full images (not counting partials).
12 new events, including:
3 new events for Chloe
3 new events for Emily
1 new event for Amy
5 more events featuring two or all three girls at the same time, including the longest event in the game yet (in terms of image count).
Additionally, the new update has:
4 different endings for island week depending on what you did during the week. (this is in addition to the 12 new events - no double counting)
The ability to replay the week once it's over or return to the yacht.
Several smaller changes and additions (Including fix for impossible stars).
Fixed, Rachel's 8p.m. punishment wasn't counting and was triggering another punishment in the morning.
Fixed Linda scene when Rachel comes back. It wasn't adding her the "spanked" state.
Fixed the last star of "Fulfilling Linda's Request.” It will update automatically if you already saw it.
Fixed display bug with the "Anal Training" progress bar showing up where it wasn't supposed to.
Fixed the first notebook of "Spending Time With Emily,” it wasn't showing up (It wasn't blocking the event, you needed to speak with Amy).
raw data, copy/paste as reported, don't mind the wording they're all fixed.
3rd star in Chloe shower says "enter" but it filled after "peek"
Rachel was sleeping in her room after the pills but at midnight at pool MC had option to talk to Rachel and ask for helping hand
When you get offences that warrants you a spanking after 20:00 Rachel comments after comming to your room that you were supposed to ask for spanking while you weren't at the time (accumulated offences after the hour)
Flashlight - did search first day at 20:00 in MC bathroom - he commented about Susan having it 5 there and event finished on bridge - probably I wasn't supposed to find it in bathroom
Joining Linda option shows that it needs stamina but could join her having 0 left
Susan spanking MC - strange "square" shows on part of his butt
Susan spanking Rachel - some pictures with panties on some without
First time being in Rachel room with Susan - notebook entry at 22:00 still showed that MC should visit Rachel at 20:00
Message for end of event in 0.1 still on while now is 0.4 - pet name
Emily 2nd toy event dialogues should be updated when Emily accept anal again.
Emily "surprise me" event dialogues should be updated when Emily accept anal again.
Susan and Rachel still think Amy is in MC room in some talks when she already moved out.
Some weird clothes issue when Emily is on the phone
Catching Rachel's masturbating in her room can be played in loop.
2 stars of "Aunt Makes Mistakes" are not updating correctly when femdom is turned off.
0.5 teaser can trigger even if you don't have 10/10 Rachel's punishment (should not be possible)
Rachel spanking method - reversed to 1 (can happen when you reach the experience limit)
+ fixed a few minor bugs.
Fixed a bug with "Sister Rivalry" that could stop the event progression.
Fixed a star with Emily shower that was impossible to complete after reaching a certain point in the game.
Fixed Susan/Rachel meeting, it was possible for them to be at 2 locations at the same resulting in some minor bugs.
Fixed some minor bugs.
Chloe can only check on the MC in the shower if the bathroom has no other characters in it.
The update is around 160 new images for the added scenes.
Added spanking marks for 'Aunt Makes Mistakes' spankings.
Added spanking marks for 'Before Bed Relaxation.'
4 New events.
3 Events got added content.
1 Small "hidden" change for an event with Emily related to her new progression.
First bondage scene.
1 New call from Uncle
1 New call from Mom
3 New traits are revealed, not much of a surprise here, they were obvious at this point.
This will be a detailed changelog. Thus it can have spoilers so if you didn't complete the game you might want to avoid reading. Unless you think you have a bug. As you might have noticed, this is the first time I'm experimenting with putting (limited) new content in a patch. It felt like a good opportunity for trying something new. I struggled with the idea of how to implement this update while staying fair to everyone. Patch should be ready for tomorrow or the following day.
Bug Fixes:
Emily's bikini during pool cleaning chore after you unlocked her exhibition level 1.
Some clothing errors during Truth or Dare.
When entering a room during Chloe or Emily punishment, Rachel was catching the MC and the render was wrong. If Rachel is busy with Chloe or Emily, she can't catch you entering other rooms.
When Susan enters during Chloe's spanking, there were some clothing issues.
+1 hour button has been removed in some location (bedroom, Linda's office, bridge,...)
At dinner, Rachel will properly talk about Emily's homework when she fails.
When you asked Chloe to do your chores, Rachel knew about it somehow, this is not the case anymore. There is a new scene after breakfast to reflect this change.
The flashlight is not usable the first time you do the event, added a dialogue line to make it clear.
Package delivery was causing too much confusion, it will now be delivered sooner. Items will arrive the next day after you asked Charlotte for them, during the day in your room.
It was impossible to trigger Rachel's handjob in the MC bathroom after the first milestone.
Fixed "Hot Tub Pleasure" stars and triggers. Some scenes were impossible to see under some conditions.
Emily's first blowjob was causing a lot of confusion, a notebook entry has been added in this version. As soon as it is possible to unlock, the notebook will tell you what to do.
"+1 hour" hotkey (w) has been reworked, it won't work if you're in an event / talk. To avoid skipping triggers or causing some unwanted behavior.
"Linda's Night Visit,” it was possible to never see the first version of the event.
/!\ IMPORTANT: Fixed bug that stopped progression with Chloe. You needed to spank her but she stopped being sick. Loading a save with this bug should fix it immediately. You will be able talk to Chloe and continue normally. (You might skip the spanking but you'll be able to do it again, don't worry ;)).
Removed some dialogue lines about the hairbrush.
Fixed Chloe's spanking marks at 5 p.m. and 6 p.m.
Fixed a game freeze happening during Emily's bath.
Fixed a bug during MC shower when Chloe shows up, it was causing some weird overlapping issues.
Some of Chloe's dialogues about being sore were not triggering properly. (used Emily's status instead of Chloe)
The night visit trigger to enable or disable this event was not working in some instances.
Changed Emily's face in the dialogue box during "Payback.” She's not smiling anymore ;)
Fixed a bug in the "event" window. Some progression stars were considered completed when they should not have.
When asking "About your revenge", sometimes the midnight meeting was not triggering.
In Truth or Dare you can't repeat the invitation once the girls already agreed to play. A notebook entry reminding you to go to the interior at 2:00 a.m. has been also added when this happens.
New content in the game:
Enabled most of the spanking marks not related to sexual events (spanking marks during sex scenes will be added over time, new events will have them.).
A talk with Chloe when she's in the corner of the interior.
A missing render during Linda's sex scene in the hot tub.
More talks to Amy.
Render for the storyline regarding Emily's drinking in the interior.
New more advanced massage for Linda.
Talk with Rachel about using lotion on Linda.
A follow-up conversation about Linda's dinner distraction (Aunt Makes Mistakes quest.)
New dialogues between Emily and Amy.
Introducing some of the story between Amy and Rachel.
Added how long the spanking marks will last for in the "intensity" tooltip.
New icon in the GUI to show if a character is affected by a spanking (red paddle under their face in the top bar).
New striptease for Linda.
3 New scenes for Chloe.
Chloe "thighjob" has new clothes if you do it after 6am.
In "Sister Rivalry", Emily can now watch the event at 16:00 without having to peek in some cases.
Lowered "spanking after effect", you should be able to spank Chloe more often. (Maximum 7 hours between each spanking.)
Fixed a game crash that could happen during Chloe new "fast spanking". (TypeError: unsupported operand type(s) for -=: 'unicode' and 'int')
Fixed reported issues with some "stars".
Fixed a major crash that could happen during "Aunt Makes Mistakes"( Exception: Cannot start an interaction in the middle of an interaction, without creating a new context. )
The progression speed has been considerably increased (cooldown reduced, increased rewards, etc.).
New system to handle different types of dialogues with all characters.
New system to handle characters location, it's used to know if a NPC is alone or who is with it, etc.
New punishment system. The game now keeps better track of punishments and some NPCs may have lasting effects for a few hours. Rachel's punishment will gradually become harsher and more embarrassing over time. She will take it easy at the start of the game.
Rachel will not spank the MC, Emily or Chloe for one small mistake. After someone collects 3 warnings , Rachel will announce their punishment during dinner. Emily and Chloe can now misbehave and gain Rachel's warnings on their own, without player intervention. You can find out what they did if you talk to them. You can also try to provoke one of them during breakfast or lunch in front of Rachel. And finally their offenses will increase if they fail to study due to your distractions.
Important info: the MC can't 'skip' a punishment step, let’s say current step is 8 but the last time the MC got spanked it was 3, then if the MC should be punished step 4 will be used and not 8.
New stamina. It determines the maximum amount of time he can cum in a day. It starts at 1 and stops at 5. It starts increasing after the first time the MC cum when using the pool or doing yoga with Rachel.
Mood removed. Scenes previously using 'mood' have been reworked or use another trigger (might look random but most of the time, it's not).
Various GUI improvements to reflect new mechanics.
Reworked / Improved some events (new renders, new talks).
Fixed most of the inconsistencies reported.
Removed the hairbrush event (I will add it back when possible).
Added help windows after the intro (you can see it again using the "help" window).
Added a consequent number of new dialogues.
Added a new character.
Added 3 new events with the new character.
New "help" window options: You can change your name. You can enable MC punishment when playing with femdom disabled and choose which clothes you allow during a spanking. You can also disable Linda night visit if you wish.
And many other smaller changes.
mproved progression tracking system
Added a tooltip when you hover a star.
You can see what you can do and what you need to do to unlock an event.
The GUI has been improved a little.
If you disabled femdom, the femdom content is not counted towards the progression percentage (%) tracking.
Mechanics' changes
After reaching the first milestone, MC can’t have a public erection anymore and it’s not needed for Rachel’s Helping Hands.
New dialogues related to the “Payback” event during dinner.
New activities during the weekend.
Night visit : Rachel will not enter MC room in the middle of the night anymore. If the MC must be punished, you must then talk to Rachel after dinner to receive the punishment. If you don’t talk to her, Rachel’s tolerance will not reset. It makes things easier to control the severity of the punishment but if you never go to Rachel for the punishment you’ll most likely reach the game over threshold.
You can order some items when calling Mr. Elwell personal assistant.
When MC reads a book, there are a few new dialogues.
Existing events with new content
Rachel’s Helping Hands
Chloe’s Training
Emily’s Help
Chloe’s New Punishment (new action for favors)
Linda’s Surprise Visit
Midnight Bath
Aunt Makes Mistake
New events
Sister Rivalry
Asking for It
Emily’s Exam
Not so Safe Anymore
Emily’s second toy
?????? (I don’t want to spoil this one with the name, eheh.)
Bug fix & Others
Various code improvement.
Fixed some missing renders.
Fixed a few triggers (they didn’t block progression)
Bug Fixes, Crash fixes, etc.
Bugs fix
Fixed reported typos.
It was possible to miss some "stars" in Is She Sick events if you unlocked the rectal temperature without looking at the oral one. Linda will now use oral check if she has a good mood to allow you to see the outcome after having unlocked the rectal temperature.
It's now not possible to ask Chloe to be sick on Friday and Saturday.
Once you asked Chloe to be sick, you won't be able to ask her again the same day.
At 20:00 if the "Aunt Makes Mistakes" event triggered, Rachel and Susan won't be in the interior.
+ Fixed a few other minor issues.
New feature
You can now disable femdom content (it's a first step)
It has the following effects :
Changed Rachel's "Night Visit" to a version where the MC will only get warnings from her.
You can't lose a contest in the "Aunts Makes Mistake" event.
The chores event involving MC and Susan has been changed.
The intro has been rewritten if you disabled femdom.
Existing events
Chloe's New Punishment:
Added more reasons to punish Chloe.
Added a new action for favors.
Naughty doctor
Added a new scene when you caught Linda.
New scene if you didn't listen to her.
Aunt Makes Mistakes
Added a new contest.
Added 2 new punishment for Rachel.
Emily try anal
Added anal sex success.
Aunt Finally Finds Out (Poll result)
Added a scene.
New events
Introduction to Yoga
You can now do learn Yoga from Rachel in the morning.
Before Bed Relaxation
You can join Linda in the hot tub.
Truth or Dare
You'll be able to play Truth or Dare with Emily and Chloe.
Chloe’s training
You can start a special training for Chloe.
It also adds new punishments.
MC will be able to take revenge on Chloe and Emily for distracting him during his chores.
You are now able to distract the girls when they are attempting to do their chores
Mr. Elwell stepping in
You need to "complete" all events to unlock this one.
New corruption level
Chloe Level 1
8 new possibilities for existing and new events.
Emily Level 1
8 new possibilities for existing and new events.
Тему отредактировал: Nikol - 7-11-2024, 13:36
Причина: Тема обновлена. Добавлена русская версия Ch.5 Ep.1C Rus. / Topic updated. Added Russian version Ch.5 Ep.1C Rus. Большое спасибо за перевод fa1con_eye и westalek.
Причина: Тема обновлена. Добавлена русская версия Ch.5 Ep.1C Rus. / Topic updated. Added Russian version Ch.5 Ep.1C Rus. Большое спасибо за перевод fa1con_eye и westalek.
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Cure_My_Addiction (17 файлов)
CHAPTER_1_2_Eng (3 файла)

CHAPTER_1_2_Rus (2 файла)

CHAPTER_3_Eng (3 файла)

CHAPTER_3_Rus (1 файл)

CHAPTER_4_Eng (2 файла)

CHAPTER_4_Rus (3 файла)

CHAPTER_5_Eng (1 файл)

CHAPTER_5_Rus (2 файла)