Основной сюжет сосредоточен на стремлении Тейлора выяснить, что же, черт возьми, с ним произошло, и найти способ вернуться в свое первоначальное тело. Насколько серьезно он отнесется к этой миссии, зависит от вас. На заднем плане происходит многое, и, вероятно, потребуется несколько этапов прохождения, чтобы разгадать основную историю и познакомиться со всеми персонажами. Каждый из игровых романов уникален, у них совершенно разные темы, динамика отношений и мотиваторы, и у каждого из них будет несколько разных концовок.
The main plot focuses on Taylor's quest to find out what the heck happened to him while finding a way to return to his original body. How seriously he takes the mission is up to you. There is a lot going on in the background and so it will probably take multiple play throughs to unravel the main story and meet all of the characters. Each of the in game romances are unique and have wildly different themes and relationship dynamics and motivators and they each will have several different ends.
Год выпуска: 2020
Жанр: real porn, text based, male protagonist, animated, lesbian, masturbation, oral, vaginal, domination, pregnancy, corruption, transformation, blackmail, handjob, humiliation, drugs, male domination, anal,
Цензура: Отсутствует
Разработчик/Издатель: TFGameSite
Платформа: PC/Windows/MacOS/Linux
Тип издания: В разработке
Таблэтка: Не требуется
Версия: v.0.60
Язык игры: Английский
Язык интерфейса: Английский
Transfigure .60 - 2023-09-03
9500 words
Taylor becomes popular with the athletic guys on campus. Louise performs a rock show. Taylor tries to solve his predicament alone.
-continued the alternate path where you refuse Damien at the start of his section ([[Refuse and tell him to suck his own dick!]])( 3k+ words)
-added the F-F concert scenes and aftermath with Louise (late Mitch route) ( ~3k words)
-Continued the group activities side branch with Robbie and Evan. (give Robbie your number) ( words)
-Some minor portions of the group activities area have been rewritten and the continuity errors fixed so everything merges properly. The group BJ paths have been reconnected. New media added.
-added the option to give Robbie a fake number (group activities) (~2500 words)
-Added end #21 on Mitch’s route. (750 words)
-Ending tracker recall updated
-The option to recommend Samantha to take your place watching Craig has been cut.
-Lots of minor edits and typo fixes.
-added the short option to surrender on the Taylor vs Taylor combat section (150 words)
Transfigure .59 17k + words(2023.05.01)
Taylor follows the teachings of the wise and oh-so-pervy Zen Master Peeshi and reaches the pinnacle of personal mastery. The cosplay antics story arc continues. YP Taylor holds out for rescue. Craig discovers Taylor’s secret.
-added end #75 on Damien’s route, yellow potion, bunker area, by choosing the correct answer to the computer password question. (2600 words)
-added Zen Master content, including end # 51 and end # 52 (~9k words) (main path)
-continued the busty cosplay story area found on the yellow potion route. (includes end # 65 2300 words)
-added more Craig content on the [[Try to convince Craig that he is mistaken]] “I like you too” line with 3450 words
-dozens of minor rewrites and polish edits.
-fixed some images not displaying on non windows systems.
-cut the option to try and lie to Peeshi during the initial encounter
Transfigure .57 10k words(2022.10.22)
Taylor gets bullied by Mitch. Sam and Taylor bond.
-added a new quickjump for the new Mitch content.
-continued Mitch’s resistance route with the option to say no to drugs. (“Just take the ointment”) (7k words)
-added a new surprise character and sex scene on a branch during the above route.
-added a teaser scene on Natalie’s spy route plus a transition scene. (~1k words)
-admitting your feelings to Sam will now direct you to the main romantic route that includes new content. Several passages have been rewritten ( ~2k words)
Transfigure .56 - 7500 words(2022.09.17)
Hospital antics and more Drew endings.
-added the option to calmly enter the emergency department in the early game, including ends #76 and #77. (2500 words)
-formatted the passages in the hospital section plus minor edits and pics
-added ends 46, 54, and 55 at the end of Drew’s main path. (5k words)
-added the cosplay section to the quickjump
-various misc minor edits and fixes
Transfigure .55 ~15k words
Evan and Taylor’s story receives two new conclusions.
-added two ends on Evan’s area including true end #8 on Evan’s route as well as a less happy alternative #22. These are found late on Evan’s route with “You’re not so bad yourself” and “I’d prefer less kissing” ( 15k words)
-updated the readme file with new instructions to get Transfigure to run on a new Android device.
13.6k words
Taylor is forced to come to terms with uncomfortable truths regarding Ryan and the foundation of their emerging relationship. Bimbo Taylor gets put to work.
-added functionality to name your own save game files or use the default passage title
-added a toggle to the settings menu that allows users to switch the game’s default color scheme between night and day (light background / dark text vs dark background and light text)
-upgraded the game’s sound system to better support future background music as well as including a volume slider to control background music (potentially useful on the Transfigure Alternative story areas)
-updated the game’s story format to the latest Sugarcube version to support more advanced code (such as these new upgrades) (thanks HiEv!!)
-misc pic and video fixes on Mitch’s path (centering etc)
-continued Ryan’s primary route with new branches focused on moral dilemmas (brush off her concerns / “Two long days pass before you see Ryan again”) plus lingerie and naughty gifts! (10300 words) Thanks to Director Maiden and the Transfigure Corps for sponsoring this route!
-added end #80 on Ryan’s path
-added a quickjump for Ryan’s route
-overhauled the early portions of Ryan’s story with new centered media and loads of new edits (around 1k words of content) plus reformatted a lot of the text to match other story areas and read easier
-updated the middle node section to modern format (new media, centered pictures etc)
-fixed another branch bug that allowed users to leap to paths they weren’t on during subsequent playthroughs
-added fresh content to the Bimbo area (Trans Corp area / late Deter route ) ( 3300 words) plus end #74
-removed several watermarks and edited a small number of images to better fit various scenes
-updated the game’s main page to reset saved clothing variables so it is possible to correctly choose and track different outfits that will setup for unique flavor scenes and prevent bugs stemming from players choosing different routes / clothing on subsequent playthroughs
v0.53 Beta
20k words
Tim and his cousins meet up with our intrepid protagonist. Taylor fails to escape from a mysterious organization. Yellow Potion Taylor makes some tough decisions.
-continued the choice “scream for help and make a big scene” on the spy area found on Drew’s path including end # 43 ( 5400 words) + closed part of the loop allowing a connection to other routes
-added more Tim content (found late on Mitch’s primary route) plus an offshoot area with his cousin Leon including ending #58 (about 10,000 words)
-added end #9 and #60 at the end of the Yellow Potion section in Damien’s area (4200 words)
-enlarged and centered some media on Drew’s path
-fixed a major bug at the story's middle node that allowed players to access routes they shouldn’t be able to on subsequent playthroughs.
-numerous small edits and typo fixes
v0.52 Beta
Julie and Taylor nurture a budding romance. Taylor negotiates with Mitch for valuable information. Taylor and Teddy find comfort in each other’s company. Threesome at the Clarks!
Transfigure .52 Beta 17,000 words
-added more content for Julie’s section. (truth / love variation) ( 4500 words)
-continued the Mitch route by turning him down after the coffee date (3100 words)
-added solo and threesome scenes in the Yellow Potion / Clark area. (4500 words)
-continued Teddy’s brothel story, adding ends #32 and #33 ( 5000 words)
-added in some side content on the Teddy brothel bypass path: “This is too embarrassing!” -linked a new scene during the Teddy massage when staying silent (Thanks Jkip for the reminder!) Plus one short scene for the answer “Ask him about his family” line
-edited and added several small bits to the spy setup area leading to Natalie’s section in order to prepare for upcoming content.
-reduced Teddy’s age slightly when referenced.
-fixed and marked several minor dead ends.
-added a list of the current in game endings to the main page within a spoiler button
-muted several videos that had sound playing by default. (to enable sound on eligible videos right click and unmute)
-added a recall button to some of the endings (all 100 will be added eventually)
-fixed some bugs with the quickjump and double portraits.
v0.51 Beta
23,700+ words
Training continues under the Zen Master’s guidance and Taylor engages in a salacious ritual. Little Taylor gets roped into a relationship with an older couple. The Cabin adventure continues. Taylor seeks out Sophie for the sake of the Bell family.
-added more content on Zen Master Peeshi’s area. (7200 words)
-added a new path in the “Yellow Potion” section. (8500 words, special thanks to Director Maiden for sponsoring this route!) Found off “Sorry, but I really need to be getting home…” branch in the yellow potion cosplay area.
-added more content to the “Two Friends” cabin area to make up for the awkward end last time. (~3k words)
-added more content to Craig’s section and introduced the new character Sophie Bell. Content is found with “Give Craig an earful instead” option after the clothing theft incident. ( 5000 words, additional content sponsored by Director Maiden!)
-fixed display errors on the credits page (Thanks Valrin72!)
-minor phrasing and typo fixes on several paths.
-scattered media edits and adjustments, mainly on Craig’s starting area.
v0.5 Beta
12400 words
Taylor and his two best friends take a break from recent events by continuing their yearly tradition of spending the long weekend at Evan’s cabin. Zen Master Peeshi trains Taylor in the art of erotic self discipline. Taylor and Samantha struggle to fend off the machinations of Lucas Ferret.
-continued the “two friends” route with the alternate cabin adventure (where the trio go together). (~5k words)
-continued the ZMP route (branch found on Drew’s route, complete the ritual, QJ available) (1800 words) Note: this update isn’t finished and will continue next time.
-added a quickjump for one of the main decision trees at school in the early game
-edited Deter’s route and Peeshi’s, fixed and added more media
-continued the T Corp Resistance route with Samantha, Victoria, and Lucas. 5500~ words (Thanks to Director Jstar6264 for sponsoring this route addition!) To arrive on this route, answer Lucas’ riddle incorrectly and then refuse to cooperate.
-Fixed a minor narrative inconsistency on Ryan’s route (Thanks T7792!)
-added a bypass on the T Corp / Deter area so players can skip the protestor scene if desired.
-many minor edits courtesy of Poopoopuh and Tango (mostly spelling, grammar, and word choice)
.99 Alpha
25k words
Yellow potion Taylor explores the world with a new body that seems to attract attention before going to a cosplay convention.
-continued alt yellow potion adventure with a cute cosplay section (Thanks Director Rin for sponsoring this route!) 25,000 words (“Are you sure the cops will believe you?” “No way, that sounds way too shady!”)
-added ends 66 and 67 on above route
-extended the ending list capacity from 50 to 100 (Mwaha ahaha…)
.98 Alpha
12500+ words
Taylor Roux2 accidentally starts a shitstorm.
-Taylor demonstrates the extent of her powers. (Taylor vs Taylor main branch, imposter variation + “rational” + “Tell her she will have to find her own place” + added ends #44 and #47
-Continued Evan’s “Date Day”
v9780085 Alpha
12,200 words
With Drew’s guidance Taylor considers how to spend her remaining time as a woman. Evan and Taylor reach a turning point in their relationship (Part one).
-continued Taylor and Drew’s romantic path all the way to ending #2 (Thanks to Director G and the Transfigure Corps for sponsoring this route! ~10,500 words)
-added a new bonus scene on Drew’s main route right before the Christmas transformation decision
-continued Evan’s romantic route “You’re not so bad yourself.” with the first part of the date day.
-updated several links with images instead of the raw URL (Thanks HiEv!)
-added Taylor and the Proprietor to the character popup menu
-added new quickjumps for Drew and Peeshi
-cleaned many images and removed distracting watermarks while improving image quality in some areas
-changed / setup Damien’s path so that the rape scene is now avoidable. (2nd bypass is now before the rape, not during) Bypass is currently a dead path for now just FYI.
-added several banners to the intro page and main folder for fans. (Thanks whisperpuppy and Raminita!)
Upgrade 96 to 97 (cut and paste mega if necessary)
words 12350 words +
Taylor accepts the second place bid at the virginity auction… and makes a startling and very public discovery about her new body. Taylor’s powers are revealed to a group with nefarious intent. Taylor fattens her bank account while serving Teddy. Taylor finds out Teddy’s secret and sympathetically agrees to comfort him.
-continued brothel Taylor story (tell the Proprietor the truth / Teddy sub segment “I didn’t have fucking surgery!”) + Ending 36 (also includes a bonus lesbian scene)
-continued Teddy’s main path (Thanks to Director G for sponsoring this route!) ~ 3300 words
-added more xs for under construction paths
-updated the early part of Evan’s path with centered media and spaced lines.
-fixed a minor narrative inconsistency (Thanks Mark!)
-multiple scattered grammar and polish edits.
-updated the credits and info page
-added a new transformation and the framework for several more
v0.96 15.6k words (includes the 95 spy bonus)
Taylor is coaxed by her alternate mother to embrace her inner cuteness. Spy Taylor learns of Plan Groundwork! + another new shocking ending!
-added end # 37 on Ariana’s spy route - A new enemy is revealed!
-added a new mostly non-sex focused path and ending #20 in the Bloomverse section with Marg Roux (Thanks Director Rin for sponsoring this route!) (10, 600 words)
v.0.9.480085 - 2 year anniversary edition! 18.5k words.
Yellow Potion Taylor attempts to escape the bunker and pursues different avenues for a potential cure. Brothel-Taylor struggles with the aftermath of her virginity auction… and the pursuit of a stubborn man that won’t leave her the hell alone. Taylor looks after Craig and suffers through the first part of two weeks alone with the perverted manchild.
-added the yellow potion bunker escape attempt on the Damien sub route (altered by changing the PC response to the voice). Plus many edits and recentering the first part of the route as well as the addition of Ending 11 (True End).
-continued the alternative Yellow potion split “Are you sure the cops will believe you?”
-added more Teddy Roux brothel content (~4k words, main path) Thanks Director G for sponsoring this route addition!)
-added more content on Craig’s route (“We can study the next time I come over. I am busy tonight.”)
-small coat of polish edits
I am finally done!
Transfigure .9380085 11500 words
Victoria reveals her secrets… Taylor continues the fight against Lucas Ferret in order to save the love of his life. Drew and Taylor celebrate Christmas. Tim and our unfortunate heroine spend some quality time together. Mitch and Taylor go on a date.
-added a new Christmas scene with Drew (alphabetical porn star)
-added a “training” scene on the resist Lucas/Tcorp branch with Victoria (includes lesbian content)
-continued Tim’s path (found on Mitch’s route) (Thanks Director G for sponsoring this path!) (5800 words)
a small amount of content on the Mitch romantic path
-updated the title page with the game’s more thorough disclaimer.
-fixed numerous grammatical and phrasing errors. Also reformatted and edited the early parts of the Mitch route + several new media swaps and additions. (Significant edits)
-updated dozens of video and picture links to center and resize properly and updated lots of old code to the newest versions (display etc)
-added a quick jump to Mitch’s first decision and another for the branch with Tim.
-added end 28 (Lucas) to the ending tracker (missed in previous releases)
-added more characters to the popup menu
Early access to all those that have left an honest review for Transfigure. You'll have to wait until I wake up though, about to pass out after finishing this update
I set the public release for Friday the 24th for those who are wondering.
<3 Hummingbird Man
Transfigure .9280085
~14000 words
Evan pulls out all the stops in an attempt to woo Taylor and distract her from pursuit of a cure. Taylor’s actions result in blackmail at the Bell household. Taylor argues with a nutty chick with the same name and an unbelievable story.
-added Bell Blackmail (found on Craig path, 5k + words) (Thanks to Director G for sponsoring this route!)
-continued Evan’s route; added the build up to the mega date day. This also includes a bonus section at the beach written by Nicke and Tango. (Thanks Nicke for contributing!)
-added content on the Taylor vs Taylor route (the one where Taylor avoids the first transformation). (“No deal” variation; “invite her to live with you” variation, plus a single short scene at “Deal”)
-added the first decision branch to the quickjump as well as the new Craig branch.
-Minor polish edits and media swaps.
-Fixed a bunch of typos and minor errors (Thanks Poopoopuh!)
Transfigure 0.9.180085
- 17,750 words
Taylor is forced to make lewd concessions by a victorious Craig. Sandra Bell makes Taylor an offer she can’t refuse. Taylor begins a new spy mission and suffers an unfortunate side effect right before being thrust into the life of famed performer Ariana Mucho. Teddy Roux fights to claim his “prize.”
-added the first update of the “Ending Tracker” feature with Transfigure’s nine complete endings- using the return to start link after discovering an end will save its progress! (currently “restart” resets the ending data so be forewarned. Save files save everything until reset and can be reloaded.)
-Added a main menu button to the sidebar to return for ending checks and scene checks (eventually)
-updated credits and info page
-added brothel route to quickjump
-added a new Rhea lesbian scene on the brothel path, found just before the auction (not at the end of the path like usual)
-started Ariana Mucho’s spy mission (chipped variation) 5500+ words
-continued awkward brothel auction with Teddy Roux (Thanks Director G for sponsoring this route!) (5k words)
-continued Craig’s main path up to start of the next chapter. (Thanks Director BUsy Bat for sponsoring this route addition!) ( 7250words)
-added some minor misc media (Cho, brothel) and centered numerous pics.
-Added an end/ warning for a continuity error on the group activities route (Thanks MichelleK2 for pointing this out!) I will replace this with a new scene one day.
Transfigure .9080085
- 12,600 words
Taylor is convinced to take a potentially lucrative deal at the brothel while awkwardly fending off his father’s advances. A bimbofied Taylor endures servitude in the clutches of T Corp’s Lucas Ferret.
-continued Bimbo Tay experience on Lucas’ route. (4600 words)
-quickjump added for bimbo content
-edited the Proprietor’s introduction
-added brothel intro mark II on Rhea’s path (Teddy Roux variation) (Thanks to Director G for sponsoring this route!) (8000 words)
-added a Patreon logo and Tango Fiction logo to the title page.
-more Xs added to show blank paths in development
-various minor edits and typo fixes, several pic fixes (Teddy etc).
Upgrade pack 89 to 90, google drive:
Transfigure .8980085
13,000+ words
Taylor attempts to lead his friends back to civilization. Sam and Taylor go head to head in a high stakes card game. A fateful discovery is made on the internet. Taylor’s celebrity impersonations lead to some awkward encounters. Louise and Taylor get it on. Taylor gets taken advantage of at a concert with Drew.
-edited Drew’s early route, added several new lines, pictures, and edits, + fixed various formatting errors, picture sizes etc
-added a passage to bypass the floor milk licking scene on Drew’s route (use the towel)
-added the option to make a different visualization during masturbation on Drew’s route (imagine coating…)
-added a new scene and branch on Drew’s route during the concert along with “Dunko’s End”
-”upgraded” Drew’s picture from “Superbad” to “Neckbeard”
-added a small amount of content on Taylor Quicksilver’s Spy route. (Singing with Tay Tay! / BBQ start)
-continued the two friends story branch lost in the woods (Thanks Director Mitsuha!)
-added a jump point for best friends camping
-significantly reduced the file size of the Transfigure media folder with minimal quality loss. ~150 megabytes saved! (Thanks Valid Florian for the suggestion!)
-Added more Natalie Prynn content (Refuse and call it a night )+ changed Natalie’s picture and centered pics on her route. + a dead alt variation with the bodyguards is filled in.
-numerous minor polish edits across multiple paths (Tay QS, Drew, Natalie, two friends).
-continued Sam’s romantic route (Evan offshoot, cardgame)
-added the sex scene after Taylor’s date with Louise.
Transfigure .8880085
12k + words
Julie plays pool with her new “sister.” Mitch and Taylor’s relationship reaches its final tipping point. While impersonating Julie, Taylor meets a familiar handsome gentleman.
-added a scene where Julie and Taylor play erotic pool (Julie route, “I am your brother!” variation)
-continued Mitch route and added new endings (ask Julie for some money) (Thanks Director Mitsuha!)
-added an impersonation scene where Taylor meets Ryan in Julie’s body (Drew route, after the police station, make sure to not get arrested or involve Drew)
-added the Mitch branch to the quickjump (will eventually use default clothing choices for skipped shopping scene)
-added Julie’s route to quickjump
-added a picture for Victoria to the character and popup menu
-added a picture for Teddy Roux and added him to the popup menu
-misc typo and pic fixes
-added the code and description (but not the story) for the Ariana Mucho transformation (agency branch) Note: The actual story will appear in an upcoming update.
Transfigure .87...80085
14,600 words
Yellow potion Taylor endures captivity while attempting to escape the BT sex bunker. The trio of friends take things a bit too far in the pursuit of an urban legend... Taylor attempts to escape Trans Corp while Lucas Ferret tries to force her into submission. Craig enjoys his victory.
-continued yellow potion sex bunker adventure (YPSBA)
-continued “defeated by Craig” (Honor your agreement with Craig)
-continued slavery vs will (Lucas)
-minor edits and pic fixes
-added some more jump points
-continued two friends route with Mongoose Adventure (Thanks Mitsuha for sponsoring!)
-added two “bad” ends
Transfigure .86BOOBS
Well another month *and a third has passed by in a blur… These are are the days of our lives… waiting for updates of our favorite saucy artists (lol). Anyway, I appreciate everyone sticking around! A multi-pronged saga like Transfigure takes a lot of effort to construct and I am super grateful to everyone who has contributed their time and money to help make Transfigure better. I apologize for the delays and my poor time estimation skills. I can’t believe this last update took so damned long, so sorry about that.
I try and give estimates for courtesy’s sake but it is hard. About half the time I get it right, the other half I am like “Oh yeah, that will take like an hour.” *Three hours later* “Maybe like another couple hours?” I actually produced a lot of content this month but not all of it got finished for the update. I am never really satisfied with an individual update no matter how good I think it is, but I do think I have higher standards than most adult games when it comes to writing. So if it doesn’t pass that internal standard I probably won’t release anything until it is improved to at least par. One of the bigger stories that didn’t quite make it this month was Samantha’s. I just couldn’t link the scenes without more connection scenes. I like these connection/buildup scenes to be brief when appropriate but don’t like jarring hops in the stories. Sam’s route is also pretty important so I want to do it justice. I also worked on pretty much all the voted content but, like Sam’s route, not all of it is ready for release. Sometimes I look at all the stories I have started and wonder if I am a bit nuts, but that’s cool. One question I never ask is if I will be able to finish all this stuff because I know the answer is that I will. I am over a year into what I consider is a one million word project and I figure I am about ~40% done …which frankly is way further along than I thought I would be at this point. That is mostly due to all the cool patrons that support me, so thanks for motivating me!
Writing wise, I was all over the place in April/May. Normally I feel like I am in a state of focused randomness, hovering between a few different storylines. Recently it has been more like thirty story lines… writing little bits here and there. I also got inspired around mid April and worked on two upcoming project demos for a bit. Both of the demos will be fairly small (probably 5-10k words) and are meant to give a basic introduction to the story and characters. I will probably do all the demos in Twine, just for ease then put them in Ren Py if can ever afford to commission some art. I have several ideas and projects in development (listed here in the secret project post: https://www.patreon.com/posts/21971031 ) all of which are much smaller in scope vs Transfigure. I don’t really devote much time to working on the alternative projects unless the mood strikes me but I have built up a decent story bank that doesn’t fit within Transfigure. I feel a lot of these new projects are more mainstream and would be way easier to make art or renders for them to create visual novels.
I hesitate to talk a lot about the in development side projects because realistically they won’t appear in a complete state for a long time. I think it is better for them to be a nice random surprise one day rather than an overhyped letdown. Once I get a few of the demos completed, I will let patrons pick what gets developed in tandem if the following ever increases to a level where that makes sense. I will always focus on Transfigure until it is near complete but as the Patreon/SS following grows, it isn’t a big deal to devote a few hours here and there to put out a few other stories. With the exception of maybe one or two ideas, these are all SHORT stories (at least in comparison to Transfigure).
I took some time to play Transfigure from the very beginning and found it impossible not to edit and rewrite some stuff on the way (this is an OCD timesink). It is a pretty slow process to read, search, and edit which is why I really appreciate Poopoopuh (best sounding name ever, btw. Say that three times fast!) and others who send me typos and other errors. It really transfigures things up a wee bit :P I also have to commend Nicke, Valid Florian, and Ivan and all the other people who volunteer their time and and feedback to contribute to the project, everything accumulates to make every single version more impressive than the last. Some games regress with development but we only march forward! Thanks a lot everyone! I wish I could pay ya, but I’ll do so with love and a better game :P
Many patrons have also increased their pledges over the past couple months, while others have been with me for a long time and you’re still sticking around so that’s really cool! I am honored to have gained your trust and support. Thank you!
I think I did okay this month even though the word count added isn’t super high. But with many edits and little improvements, I think things are flowing and looking a lot better. I am pretty shocked how adding a male portrait and 150 save slots made the experience so much better in my little playthrough. What the heck were we even doing before? When the game started it was pretty damned barren...speaking of barren...
Play that and tell me we haven’t come a long way! :P
This already long but I was also going ask everyone for suggestions about what they would like to see for the upcoming appearance of Taylor’s father (Teddy Roux). He is mentioned several times in the stories but not his physical traits, so let me know what kind of character you had as your mental image of him.
Now, this is indeed a very long ass post. And isn’t over yet!
Transfigure .86...80085 10,400 words
Taylor finds an uncomfortable clue regarding Sophie at the Bell residence. Taylor hangs out with Rhea and checks out a possible lead which requires her to pursue “employment” with Rhea. Yellow potion Taylor endures captivity while attempting to escape the BT sex bunker.
-changed Rhea’s picture/model to Lily Ivy
-extended Rhea’s route with new content.
-added a character portrait for male Taylor pre first transformation
-fixed several distorted pictures in the early game and added a code to center videos (ongoing process)
-edited and updated Damien route, including the new centered pic style. Several minor rewrites. -Polish edits Evan/Sam/Rhea route and some minor early game content and rewrites ~500 words.
-added more Xs to mark decision trees under construction
-removed logos for immersion, resized and reduced the the file size of a shitload of pictures. (Thanks Nicke for taking all the time to photoshop everything!!!)
-added some new media sprinkled around + More coming! (Thanks Ivan and Nicke!)
-continued Craig line “chase after Craig” during the shower scene (Relax in living room variation)
-continued yellow potion sex bunker adventure (YPSBA)
Here is a brief patch with numerous typo fixes by Poopoopuh and a couple missing pictures (not needed)!
Transfigure rearmed.zip
Transfigure .80.80085
9500+ words + 10500 word preview of a Transfigure Alternative (Island Adventure) by Lucia87
Taylor gets interrogated by the police. Drew and Taylor become intimate. Taylor uses his powers for the sake of Christmas. Mitch tightens his control over Taylor and sends her to work for a mysterious gentleman. (Transfigure Alternative by Lucia87/ Tango!)
-added two new transformations (Emily Grey /Riley Reid)
-continued the Drew route / police encounter (Come up with a more believable story)
-added an early xmas transformative moment with Drew
-started Transfigure Alternative Mitch path by Lucia87 (intro and edits by Tango)
-Continued "Group activities" on Evan route post strip poker on "...I will use my mouth." (Thanks to Mitsuha for sponsoring!)
-fixed the ui bar blank spaces where the character portrait resides.
-added a readme file with Android instructions
Transfigure .791
+8700 words
Taylor plays soccer and then joins some friends for an after-party and "group activities". Taylor goes on a date with a mysterious woman who radiates attitude.
-removed several redundant passages and words.
-fixed all references to Taylor being Julie's sister on the Ryan route before the reveal as well as many typos and grammar errors. (Thanks Poopoopuh!!!) + many other misc edits.
-fixed several media links to display properly on Linux /case sensitive systems. (Thanks Taladar!)
-added several pictures (makeup/strip poker)
-Players can now meet Louise and go on a first date. (Mitch route)
-Continued "Group activities" on Evan route post strip poker (Special thanks to Mitsuha for sponsoring this scene!!!)
Transfigure .783885
5800 words
Taylor mulls over the possibility of becoming Evan's girlfriend. Taylor gets roped into more trouble babysitting Craig.
-added a transformative clue on Evan route / road trip.
-added more content to Evan's romantic route.
-continued Craig route and added 2nd game night. Includes shower trick start, magic trick, "Where's Weirdo?" and aftermath start.
-added a quickjump menu for patrons (concept out for public on this version)
-resized several pictures, minor edits.
Transfigure .7780085 - 12k + words
The Ryan, Julie, and Taylor trio indulge themselves. Foxy Taylor and Evan go to a Halloween party. Taylor indulges Drew while a mysterious force begins to pursue them. Meanwhile, Taylor gets into serious trouble with the law. Natalie Roux indulges in a lewd photo shoot.
-continued TMTM/Drew path with a titjob scene and "picture to remember" plus an interrogation strategy
-continued Evan's romantic route up to Halloween party, including Foxy Taylor! / Pirate Pillage
-added the first sharing is caring threesome scene with Ryan & Julie.
-added the start of the Natalie Prynn photo shoot impersonation
-broke up several walls of text, added a video to first anal scene with Mitch, many minor edits and fixes on Evan/Mitch/Drew paths.
-added several minor passages/text fixes
Основной сюжет сосредоточен на стремлении Тейлора выяснить, что же, черт возьми, с ним произошло, и найти способ вернуться в свое первоначальное тело. Насколько серьезно он отнесется к этой миссии, зависит от вас. На заднем плане происходит многое, и, вероятно, потребуется несколько этапов прохождения, чтобы разгадать основную историю и познакомиться со всеми персонажами. Каждый из игровых романов уникален, у них совершенно разные темы, динамика отношений и мотиваторы, и у каждого из них будет несколько разных концовок.
The main plot focuses on Taylor's quest to find out what the heck happened to him while finding a way to return to his original body. How seriously he takes the mission is up to you. There is a lot going on in the background and so it will probably take multiple play throughs to unravel the main story and meet all of the characters. Each of the in game romances are unique and have wildly different themes and relationship dynamics and motivators and they each will have several different ends.
Год выпуска: 2020
Жанр: real porn, text based, male protagonist, animated, lesbian, masturbation, oral, vaginal, domination, pregnancy, corruption, transformation, blackmail, handjob, humiliation, drugs, male domination, anal,
Цензура: Отсутствует
Разработчик/Издатель: TFGameSite
Платформа: PC/Windows/MacOS/Linux
Тип издания: В разработке
Таблэтка: Не требуется
Версия: v.0.60
Язык игры: Английский
Язык интерфейса: Английский
Transfigure .60 - 2023-09-03
9500 words
Taylor becomes popular with the athletic guys on campus. Louise performs a rock show. Taylor tries to solve his predicament alone.
-continued the alternate path where you refuse Damien at the start of his section ([[Refuse and tell him to suck his own dick!]])( 3k+ words)
-added the F-F concert scenes and aftermath with Louise (late Mitch route) ( ~3k words)
-Continued the group activities side branch with Robbie and Evan. (give Robbie your number) ( words)
-Some minor portions of the group activities area have been rewritten and the continuity errors fixed so everything merges properly. The group BJ paths have been reconnected. New media added.
-added the option to give Robbie a fake number (group activities) (~2500 words)
-Added end #21 on Mitch’s route. (750 words)
-Ending tracker recall updated
-The option to recommend Samantha to take your place watching Craig has been cut.
-Lots of minor edits and typo fixes.
-added the short option to surrender on the Taylor vs Taylor combat section (150 words)
Transfigure .59 17k + words(2023.05.01)
Taylor follows the teachings of the wise and oh-so-pervy Zen Master Peeshi and reaches the pinnacle of personal mastery. The cosplay antics story arc continues. YP Taylor holds out for rescue. Craig discovers Taylor’s secret.
-added end #75 on Damien’s route, yellow potion, bunker area, by choosing the correct answer to the computer password question. (2600 words)
-added Zen Master content, including end # 51 and end # 52 (~9k words) (main path)
-continued the busty cosplay story area found on the yellow potion route. (includes end # 65 2300 words)
-added more Craig content on the [[Try to convince Craig that he is mistaken]] “I like you too” line with 3450 words
-dozens of minor rewrites and polish edits.
-fixed some images not displaying on non windows systems.
-cut the option to try and lie to Peeshi during the initial encounter
Transfigure .57 10k words(2022.10.22)
Taylor gets bullied by Mitch. Sam and Taylor bond.
-added a new quickjump for the new Mitch content.
-continued Mitch’s resistance route with the option to say no to drugs. (“Just take the ointment”) (7k words)
-added a new surprise character and sex scene on a branch during the above route.
-added a teaser scene on Natalie’s spy route plus a transition scene. (~1k words)
-admitting your feelings to Sam will now direct you to the main romantic route that includes new content. Several passages have been rewritten ( ~2k words)
Transfigure .56 - 7500 words(2022.09.17)
Hospital antics and more Drew endings.
-added the option to calmly enter the emergency department in the early game, including ends #76 and #77. (2500 words)
-formatted the passages in the hospital section plus minor edits and pics
-added ends 46, 54, and 55 at the end of Drew’s main path. (5k words)
-added the cosplay section to the quickjump
-various misc minor edits and fixes
Transfigure .55 ~15k words
Evan and Taylor’s story receives two new conclusions.
-added two ends on Evan’s area including true end #8 on Evan’s route as well as a less happy alternative #22. These are found late on Evan’s route with “You’re not so bad yourself” and “I’d prefer less kissing” ( 15k words)
-updated the readme file with new instructions to get Transfigure to run on a new Android device.
13.6k words
Taylor is forced to come to terms with uncomfortable truths regarding Ryan and the foundation of their emerging relationship. Bimbo Taylor gets put to work.
-added functionality to name your own save game files or use the default passage title
-added a toggle to the settings menu that allows users to switch the game’s default color scheme between night and day (light background / dark text vs dark background and light text)
-upgraded the game’s sound system to better support future background music as well as including a volume slider to control background music (potentially useful on the Transfigure Alternative story areas)
-updated the game’s story format to the latest Sugarcube version to support more advanced code (such as these new upgrades) (thanks HiEv!!)
-misc pic and video fixes on Mitch’s path (centering etc)
-continued Ryan’s primary route with new branches focused on moral dilemmas (brush off her concerns / “Two long days pass before you see Ryan again”) plus lingerie and naughty gifts! (10300 words) Thanks to Director Maiden and the Transfigure Corps for sponsoring this route!
-added end #80 on Ryan’s path
-added a quickjump for Ryan’s route
-overhauled the early portions of Ryan’s story with new centered media and loads of new edits (around 1k words of content) plus reformatted a lot of the text to match other story areas and read easier
-updated the middle node section to modern format (new media, centered pictures etc)
-fixed another branch bug that allowed users to leap to paths they weren’t on during subsequent playthroughs
-added fresh content to the Bimbo area (Trans Corp area / late Deter route ) ( 3300 words) plus end #74
-removed several watermarks and edited a small number of images to better fit various scenes
-updated the game’s main page to reset saved clothing variables so it is possible to correctly choose and track different outfits that will setup for unique flavor scenes and prevent bugs stemming from players choosing different routes / clothing on subsequent playthroughs
v0.53 Beta
20k words
Tim and his cousins meet up with our intrepid protagonist. Taylor fails to escape from a mysterious organization. Yellow Potion Taylor makes some tough decisions.
-continued the choice “scream for help and make a big scene” on the spy area found on Drew’s path including end # 43 ( 5400 words) + closed part of the loop allowing a connection to other routes
-added more Tim content (found late on Mitch’s primary route) plus an offshoot area with his cousin Leon including ending #58 (about 10,000 words)
-added end #9 and #60 at the end of the Yellow Potion section in Damien’s area (4200 words)
-enlarged and centered some media on Drew’s path
-fixed a major bug at the story's middle node that allowed players to access routes they shouldn’t be able to on subsequent playthroughs.
-numerous small edits and typo fixes
v0.52 Beta
Julie and Taylor nurture a budding romance. Taylor negotiates with Mitch for valuable information. Taylor and Teddy find comfort in each other’s company. Threesome at the Clarks!
Transfigure .52 Beta 17,000 words
-added more content for Julie’s section. (truth / love variation) ( 4500 words)
-continued the Mitch route by turning him down after the coffee date (3100 words)
-added solo and threesome scenes in the Yellow Potion / Clark area. (4500 words)
-continued Teddy’s brothel story, adding ends #32 and #33 ( 5000 words)
-added in some side content on the Teddy brothel bypass path: “This is too embarrassing!” -linked a new scene during the Teddy massage when staying silent (Thanks Jkip for the reminder!) Plus one short scene for the answer “Ask him about his family” line
-edited and added several small bits to the spy setup area leading to Natalie’s section in order to prepare for upcoming content.
-reduced Teddy’s age slightly when referenced.
-fixed and marked several minor dead ends.
-added a list of the current in game endings to the main page within a spoiler button
-muted several videos that had sound playing by default. (to enable sound on eligible videos right click and unmute)
-added a recall button to some of the endings (all 100 will be added eventually)
-fixed some bugs with the quickjump and double portraits.
v0.51 Beta
23,700+ words
Training continues under the Zen Master’s guidance and Taylor engages in a salacious ritual. Little Taylor gets roped into a relationship with an older couple. The Cabin adventure continues. Taylor seeks out Sophie for the sake of the Bell family.
-added more content on Zen Master Peeshi’s area. (7200 words)
-added a new path in the “Yellow Potion” section. (8500 words, special thanks to Director Maiden for sponsoring this route!) Found off “Sorry, but I really need to be getting home…” branch in the yellow potion cosplay area.
-added more content to the “Two Friends” cabin area to make up for the awkward end last time. (~3k words)
-added more content to Craig’s section and introduced the new character Sophie Bell. Content is found with “Give Craig an earful instead” option after the clothing theft incident. ( 5000 words, additional content sponsored by Director Maiden!)
-fixed display errors on the credits page (Thanks Valrin72!)
-minor phrasing and typo fixes on several paths.
-scattered media edits and adjustments, mainly on Craig’s starting area.
v0.5 Beta
12400 words
Taylor and his two best friends take a break from recent events by continuing their yearly tradition of spending the long weekend at Evan’s cabin. Zen Master Peeshi trains Taylor in the art of erotic self discipline. Taylor and Samantha struggle to fend off the machinations of Lucas Ferret.
-continued the “two friends” route with the alternate cabin adventure (where the trio go together). (~5k words)
-continued the ZMP route (branch found on Drew’s route, complete the ritual, QJ available) (1800 words) Note: this update isn’t finished and will continue next time.
-added a quickjump for one of the main decision trees at school in the early game
-edited Deter’s route and Peeshi’s, fixed and added more media
-continued the T Corp Resistance route with Samantha, Victoria, and Lucas. 5500~ words (Thanks to Director Jstar6264 for sponsoring this route addition!) To arrive on this route, answer Lucas’ riddle incorrectly and then refuse to cooperate.
-Fixed a minor narrative inconsistency on Ryan’s route (Thanks T7792!)
-added a bypass on the T Corp / Deter area so players can skip the protestor scene if desired.
-many minor edits courtesy of Poopoopuh and Tango (mostly spelling, grammar, and word choice)
.99 Alpha
25k words
Yellow potion Taylor explores the world with a new body that seems to attract attention before going to a cosplay convention.
-continued alt yellow potion adventure with a cute cosplay section (Thanks Director Rin for sponsoring this route!) 25,000 words (“Are you sure the cops will believe you?” “No way, that sounds way too shady!”)
-added ends 66 and 67 on above route
-extended the ending list capacity from 50 to 100 (Mwaha ahaha…)
.98 Alpha
12500+ words
Taylor Roux2 accidentally starts a shitstorm.
-Taylor demonstrates the extent of her powers. (Taylor vs Taylor main branch, imposter variation + “rational” + “Tell her she will have to find her own place” + added ends #44 and #47
-Continued Evan’s “Date Day”
v9780085 Alpha
12,200 words
With Drew’s guidance Taylor considers how to spend her remaining time as a woman. Evan and Taylor reach a turning point in their relationship (Part one).
-continued Taylor and Drew’s romantic path all the way to ending #2 (Thanks to Director G and the Transfigure Corps for sponsoring this route! ~10,500 words)
-added a new bonus scene on Drew’s main route right before the Christmas transformation decision
-continued Evan’s romantic route “You’re not so bad yourself.” with the first part of the date day.
-updated several links with images instead of the raw URL (Thanks HiEv!)
-added Taylor and the Proprietor to the character popup menu
-added new quickjumps for Drew and Peeshi
-cleaned many images and removed distracting watermarks while improving image quality in some areas
-changed / setup Damien’s path so that the rape scene is now avoidable. (2nd bypass is now before the rape, not during) Bypass is currently a dead path for now just FYI.
-added several banners to the intro page and main folder for fans. (Thanks whisperpuppy and Raminita!)
Upgrade 96 to 97 (cut and paste mega if necessary)
words 12350 words +
Taylor accepts the second place bid at the virginity auction… and makes a startling and very public discovery about her new body. Taylor’s powers are revealed to a group with nefarious intent. Taylor fattens her bank account while serving Teddy. Taylor finds out Teddy’s secret and sympathetically agrees to comfort him.
-continued brothel Taylor story (tell the Proprietor the truth / Teddy sub segment “I didn’t have fucking surgery!”) + Ending 36 (also includes a bonus lesbian scene)
-continued Teddy’s main path (Thanks to Director G for sponsoring this route!) ~ 3300 words
-added more xs for under construction paths
-updated the early part of Evan’s path with centered media and spaced lines.
-fixed a minor narrative inconsistency (Thanks Mark!)
-multiple scattered grammar and polish edits.
-updated the credits and info page
-added a new transformation and the framework for several more
v0.96 15.6k words (includes the 95 spy bonus)
Taylor is coaxed by her alternate mother to embrace her inner cuteness. Spy Taylor learns of Plan Groundwork! + another new shocking ending!
-added end # 37 on Ariana’s spy route - A new enemy is revealed!
-added a new mostly non-sex focused path and ending #20 in the Bloomverse section with Marg Roux (Thanks Director Rin for sponsoring this route!) (10, 600 words)
v.0.9.480085 - 2 year anniversary edition! 18.5k words.
Yellow Potion Taylor attempts to escape the bunker and pursues different avenues for a potential cure. Brothel-Taylor struggles with the aftermath of her virginity auction… and the pursuit of a stubborn man that won’t leave her the hell alone. Taylor looks after Craig and suffers through the first part of two weeks alone with the perverted manchild.
-added the yellow potion bunker escape attempt on the Damien sub route (altered by changing the PC response to the voice). Plus many edits and recentering the first part of the route as well as the addition of Ending 11 (True End).
-continued the alternative Yellow potion split “Are you sure the cops will believe you?”
-added more Teddy Roux brothel content (~4k words, main path) Thanks Director G for sponsoring this route addition!)
-added more content on Craig’s route (“We can study the next time I come over. I am busy tonight.”)
-small coat of polish edits
I am finally done!
Transfigure .9380085 11500 words
Victoria reveals her secrets… Taylor continues the fight against Lucas Ferret in order to save the love of his life. Drew and Taylor celebrate Christmas. Tim and our unfortunate heroine spend some quality time together. Mitch and Taylor go on a date.
-added a new Christmas scene with Drew (alphabetical porn star)
-added a “training” scene on the resist Lucas/Tcorp branch with Victoria (includes lesbian content)
-continued Tim’s path (found on Mitch’s route) (Thanks Director G for sponsoring this path!) (5800 words)
a small amount of content on the Mitch romantic path
-updated the title page with the game’s more thorough disclaimer.
-fixed numerous grammatical and phrasing errors. Also reformatted and edited the early parts of the Mitch route + several new media swaps and additions. (Significant edits)
-updated dozens of video and picture links to center and resize properly and updated lots of old code to the newest versions (display etc)
-added a quick jump to Mitch’s first decision and another for the branch with Tim.
-added end 28 (Lucas) to the ending tracker (missed in previous releases)
-added more characters to the popup menu
Early access to all those that have left an honest review for Transfigure. You'll have to wait until I wake up though, about to pass out after finishing this update
I set the public release for Friday the 24th for those who are wondering.
<3 Hummingbird Man
Transfigure .9280085
~14000 words
Evan pulls out all the stops in an attempt to woo Taylor and distract her from pursuit of a cure. Taylor’s actions result in blackmail at the Bell household. Taylor argues with a nutty chick with the same name and an unbelievable story.
-added Bell Blackmail (found on Craig path, 5k + words) (Thanks to Director G for sponsoring this route!)
-continued Evan’s route; added the build up to the mega date day. This also includes a bonus section at the beach written by Nicke and Tango. (Thanks Nicke for contributing!)
-added content on the Taylor vs Taylor route (the one where Taylor avoids the first transformation). (“No deal” variation; “invite her to live with you” variation, plus a single short scene at “Deal”)
-added the first decision branch to the quickjump as well as the new Craig branch.
-Minor polish edits and media swaps.
-Fixed a bunch of typos and minor errors (Thanks Poopoopuh!)
Transfigure 0.9.180085
- 17,750 words
Taylor is forced to make lewd concessions by a victorious Craig. Sandra Bell makes Taylor an offer she can’t refuse. Taylor begins a new spy mission and suffers an unfortunate side effect right before being thrust into the life of famed performer Ariana Mucho. Teddy Roux fights to claim his “prize.”
-added the first update of the “Ending Tracker” feature with Transfigure’s nine complete endings- using the return to start link after discovering an end will save its progress! (currently “restart” resets the ending data so be forewarned. Save files save everything until reset and can be reloaded.)
-Added a main menu button to the sidebar to return for ending checks and scene checks (eventually)
-updated credits and info page
-added brothel route to quickjump
-added a new Rhea lesbian scene on the brothel path, found just before the auction (not at the end of the path like usual)
-started Ariana Mucho’s spy mission (chipped variation) 5500+ words
-continued awkward brothel auction with Teddy Roux (Thanks Director G for sponsoring this route!) (5k words)
-continued Craig’s main path up to start of the next chapter. (Thanks Director BUsy Bat for sponsoring this route addition!) ( 7250words)
-added some minor misc media (Cho, brothel) and centered numerous pics.
-Added an end/ warning for a continuity error on the group activities route (Thanks MichelleK2 for pointing this out!) I will replace this with a new scene one day.
Transfigure .9080085
- 12,600 words
Taylor is convinced to take a potentially lucrative deal at the brothel while awkwardly fending off his father’s advances. A bimbofied Taylor endures servitude in the clutches of T Corp’s Lucas Ferret.
-continued Bimbo Tay experience on Lucas’ route. (4600 words)
-quickjump added for bimbo content
-edited the Proprietor’s introduction
-added brothel intro mark II on Rhea’s path (Teddy Roux variation) (Thanks to Director G for sponsoring this route!) (8000 words)
-added a Patreon logo and Tango Fiction logo to the title page.
-more Xs added to show blank paths in development
-various minor edits and typo fixes, several pic fixes (Teddy etc).
Upgrade pack 89 to 90, google drive:
Transfigure .8980085
13,000+ words
Taylor attempts to lead his friends back to civilization. Sam and Taylor go head to head in a high stakes card game. A fateful discovery is made on the internet. Taylor’s celebrity impersonations lead to some awkward encounters. Louise and Taylor get it on. Taylor gets taken advantage of at a concert with Drew.
-edited Drew’s early route, added several new lines, pictures, and edits, + fixed various formatting errors, picture sizes etc
-added a passage to bypass the floor milk licking scene on Drew’s route (use the towel)
-added the option to make a different visualization during masturbation on Drew’s route (imagine coating…)
-added a new scene and branch on Drew’s route during the concert along with “Dunko’s End”
-”upgraded” Drew’s picture from “Superbad” to “Neckbeard”
-added a small amount of content on Taylor Quicksilver’s Spy route. (Singing with Tay Tay! / BBQ start)
-continued the two friends story branch lost in the woods (Thanks Director Mitsuha!)
-added a jump point for best friends camping
-significantly reduced the file size of the Transfigure media folder with minimal quality loss. ~150 megabytes saved! (Thanks Valid Florian for the suggestion!)
-Added more Natalie Prynn content (Refuse and call it a night )+ changed Natalie’s picture and centered pics on her route. + a dead alt variation with the bodyguards is filled in.
-numerous minor polish edits across multiple paths (Tay QS, Drew, Natalie, two friends).
-continued Sam’s romantic route (Evan offshoot, cardgame)
-added the sex scene after Taylor’s date with Louise.
Transfigure .8880085
12k + words
Julie plays pool with her new “sister.” Mitch and Taylor’s relationship reaches its final tipping point. While impersonating Julie, Taylor meets a familiar handsome gentleman.
-added a scene where Julie and Taylor play erotic pool (Julie route, “I am your brother!” variation)
-continued Mitch route and added new endings (ask Julie for some money) (Thanks Director Mitsuha!)
-added an impersonation scene where Taylor meets Ryan in Julie’s body (Drew route, after the police station, make sure to not get arrested or involve Drew)
-added the Mitch branch to the quickjump (will eventually use default clothing choices for skipped shopping scene)
-added Julie’s route to quickjump
-added a picture for Victoria to the character and popup menu
-added a picture for Teddy Roux and added him to the popup menu
-misc typo and pic fixes
-added the code and description (but not the story) for the Ariana Mucho transformation (agency branch) Note: The actual story will appear in an upcoming update.
Transfigure .87...80085
14,600 words
Yellow potion Taylor endures captivity while attempting to escape the BT sex bunker. The trio of friends take things a bit too far in the pursuit of an urban legend... Taylor attempts to escape Trans Corp while Lucas Ferret tries to force her into submission. Craig enjoys his victory.
-continued yellow potion sex bunker adventure (YPSBA)
-continued “defeated by Craig” (Honor your agreement with Craig)
-continued slavery vs will (Lucas)
-minor edits and pic fixes
-added some more jump points
-continued two friends route with Mongoose Adventure (Thanks Mitsuha for sponsoring!)
-added two “bad” ends
Transfigure .86BOOBS
Well another month *and a third has passed by in a blur… These are are the days of our lives… waiting for updates of our favorite saucy artists (lol). Anyway, I appreciate everyone sticking around! A multi-pronged saga like Transfigure takes a lot of effort to construct and I am super grateful to everyone who has contributed their time and money to help make Transfigure better. I apologize for the delays and my poor time estimation skills. I can’t believe this last update took so damned long, so sorry about that.
I try and give estimates for courtesy’s sake but it is hard. About half the time I get it right, the other half I am like “Oh yeah, that will take like an hour.” *Three hours later* “Maybe like another couple hours?” I actually produced a lot of content this month but not all of it got finished for the update. I am never really satisfied with an individual update no matter how good I think it is, but I do think I have higher standards than most adult games when it comes to writing. So if it doesn’t pass that internal standard I probably won’t release anything until it is improved to at least par. One of the bigger stories that didn’t quite make it this month was Samantha’s. I just couldn’t link the scenes without more connection scenes. I like these connection/buildup scenes to be brief when appropriate but don’t like jarring hops in the stories. Sam’s route is also pretty important so I want to do it justice. I also worked on pretty much all the voted content but, like Sam’s route, not all of it is ready for release. Sometimes I look at all the stories I have started and wonder if I am a bit nuts, but that’s cool. One question I never ask is if I will be able to finish all this stuff because I know the answer is that I will. I am over a year into what I consider is a one million word project and I figure I am about ~40% done …which frankly is way further along than I thought I would be at this point. That is mostly due to all the cool patrons that support me, so thanks for motivating me!
Writing wise, I was all over the place in April/May. Normally I feel like I am in a state of focused randomness, hovering between a few different storylines. Recently it has been more like thirty story lines… writing little bits here and there. I also got inspired around mid April and worked on two upcoming project demos for a bit. Both of the demos will be fairly small (probably 5-10k words) and are meant to give a basic introduction to the story and characters. I will probably do all the demos in Twine, just for ease then put them in Ren Py if can ever afford to commission some art. I have several ideas and projects in development (listed here in the secret project post: https://www.patreon.com/posts/21971031 ) all of which are much smaller in scope vs Transfigure. I don’t really devote much time to working on the alternative projects unless the mood strikes me but I have built up a decent story bank that doesn’t fit within Transfigure. I feel a lot of these new projects are more mainstream and would be way easier to make art or renders for them to create visual novels.
I hesitate to talk a lot about the in development side projects because realistically they won’t appear in a complete state for a long time. I think it is better for them to be a nice random surprise one day rather than an overhyped letdown. Once I get a few of the demos completed, I will let patrons pick what gets developed in tandem if the following ever increases to a level where that makes sense. I will always focus on Transfigure until it is near complete but as the Patreon/SS following grows, it isn’t a big deal to devote a few hours here and there to put out a few other stories. With the exception of maybe one or two ideas, these are all SHORT stories (at least in comparison to Transfigure).
I took some time to play Transfigure from the very beginning and found it impossible not to edit and rewrite some stuff on the way (this is an OCD timesink). It is a pretty slow process to read, search, and edit which is why I really appreciate Poopoopuh (best sounding name ever, btw. Say that three times fast!) and others who send me typos and other errors. It really transfigures things up a wee bit :P I also have to commend Nicke, Valid Florian, and Ivan and all the other people who volunteer their time and and feedback to contribute to the project, everything accumulates to make every single version more impressive than the last. Some games regress with development but we only march forward! Thanks a lot everyone! I wish I could pay ya, but I’ll do so with love and a better game :P
Many patrons have also increased their pledges over the past couple months, while others have been with me for a long time and you’re still sticking around so that’s really cool! I am honored to have gained your trust and support. Thank you!
I think I did okay this month even though the word count added isn’t super high. But with many edits and little improvements, I think things are flowing and looking a lot better. I am pretty shocked how adding a male portrait and 150 save slots made the experience so much better in my little playthrough. What the heck were we even doing before? When the game started it was pretty damned barren...speaking of barren...
Play that and tell me we haven’t come a long way! :P
This already long but I was also going ask everyone for suggestions about what they would like to see for the upcoming appearance of Taylor’s father (Teddy Roux). He is mentioned several times in the stories but not his physical traits, so let me know what kind of character you had as your mental image of him.
Now, this is indeed a very long ass post. And isn’t over yet!
Transfigure .86...80085 10,400 words
Taylor finds an uncomfortable clue regarding Sophie at the Bell residence. Taylor hangs out with Rhea and checks out a possible lead which requires her to pursue “employment” with Rhea. Yellow potion Taylor endures captivity while attempting to escape the BT sex bunker.
-changed Rhea’s picture/model to Lily Ivy
-extended Rhea’s route with new content.
-added a character portrait for male Taylor pre first transformation
-fixed several distorted pictures in the early game and added a code to center videos (ongoing process)
-edited and updated Damien route, including the new centered pic style. Several minor rewrites. -Polish edits Evan/Sam/Rhea route and some minor early game content and rewrites ~500 words.
-added more Xs to mark decision trees under construction
-removed logos for immersion, resized and reduced the the file size of a shitload of pictures. (Thanks Nicke for taking all the time to photoshop everything!!!)
-added some new media sprinkled around + More coming! (Thanks Ivan and Nicke!)
-continued Craig line “chase after Craig” during the shower scene (Relax in living room variation)
-continued yellow potion sex bunker adventure (YPSBA)
Here is a brief patch with numerous typo fixes by Poopoopuh and a couple missing pictures (not needed)!
Transfigure rearmed.zip
Transfigure .80.80085
9500+ words + 10500 word preview of a Transfigure Alternative (Island Adventure) by Lucia87
Taylor gets interrogated by the police. Drew and Taylor become intimate. Taylor uses his powers for the sake of Christmas. Mitch tightens his control over Taylor and sends her to work for a mysterious gentleman. (Transfigure Alternative by Lucia87/ Tango!)
-added two new transformations (Emily Grey /Riley Reid)
-continued the Drew route / police encounter (Come up with a more believable story)
-added an early xmas transformative moment with Drew
-started Transfigure Alternative Mitch path by Lucia87 (intro and edits by Tango)
-Continued "Group activities" on Evan route post strip poker on "...I will use my mouth." (Thanks to Mitsuha for sponsoring!)
-fixed the ui bar blank spaces where the character portrait resides.
-added a readme file with Android instructions
Transfigure .791
+8700 words
Taylor plays soccer and then joins some friends for an after-party and "group activities". Taylor goes on a date with a mysterious woman who radiates attitude.
-removed several redundant passages and words.
-fixed all references to Taylor being Julie's sister on the Ryan route before the reveal as well as many typos and grammar errors. (Thanks Poopoopuh!!!) + many other misc edits.
-fixed several media links to display properly on Linux /case sensitive systems. (Thanks Taladar!)
-added several pictures (makeup/strip poker)
-Players can now meet Louise and go on a first date. (Mitch route)
-Continued "Group activities" on Evan route post strip poker (Special thanks to Mitsuha for sponsoring this scene!!!)
Transfigure .783885
5800 words
Taylor mulls over the possibility of becoming Evan's girlfriend. Taylor gets roped into more trouble babysitting Craig.
-added a transformative clue on Evan route / road trip.
-added more content to Evan's romantic route.
-continued Craig route and added 2nd game night. Includes shower trick start, magic trick, "Where's Weirdo?" and aftermath start.
-added a quickjump menu for patrons (concept out for public on this version)
-resized several pictures, minor edits.
Transfigure .7780085 - 12k + words
The Ryan, Julie, and Taylor trio indulge themselves. Foxy Taylor and Evan go to a Halloween party. Taylor indulges Drew while a mysterious force begins to pursue them. Meanwhile, Taylor gets into serious trouble with the law. Natalie Roux indulges in a lewd photo shoot.
-continued TMTM/Drew path with a titjob scene and "picture to remember" plus an interrogation strategy
-continued Evan's romantic route up to Halloween party, including Foxy Taylor! / Pirate Pillage
-added the first sharing is caring threesome scene with Ryan & Julie.
-added the start of the Natalie Prynn photo shoot impersonation
-broke up several walls of text, added a video to first anal scene with Mitch, many minor edits and fixes on Evan/Mitch/Drew paths.
-added several minor passages/text fixes
Тему отредактировал: Nikol - 3-09-2023, 14:34
Причина: Тема обновлена до версии v.0.60 / Topic updated to v.0.60
Причина: Тема обновлена до версии v.0.60 / Topic updated to v.0.60
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Downloaded from Porno-Island
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Transfigure (1 файл)