Год выпуска: 2020
Жанр: real porn, male protagonist, male domination, female domination, oral, vaginal, anal, bdsm, transformation, futa, shemale
Цензура: Отсутствует
Разработчик/Издатель: purzelkraut
Платформа: PC/Windows/MacOS/Linux
Тип издания: В разработке
Таблэтка: Не требуется
Версия: v.
Язык игры: Английский
Язык интерфейса: Английский
Системные требования (минимальные):
OS: WinXP/Vista/7/8/10 HDD: 200 МБ
Вы Джейк Доу довольно скучный парень в возрасте около двадцати. Вместе со своими двумя коллегами классный Адам и действительно горячая Эмили, вы должны по поручению компании отправиться в отель, в странный отель.
You are Jake Doe a rather boring guy in his late twenties. Together with your two colleagues the cool Adam and the really hot Emily you have to make company trip towards a strange hotel. Things are not like the other years though as you will have to learn.
This hotfix addresses the black screen bug that appeared when exploring the hotel and got a lot worse with This should make the game now stable again.
This is a hotfix addressing the new (and old) bugs from 0.5.7. This is a html-file only. If you already have downloaded 0.5.7 you can just overwrite the old file with the new one.
******* FIXED *********
- Fixed a bigger bug that caused events, dreams, etc. to disappear and creating black screens.
--> If you encounter black screens, please click on the "Debug" link on the left side. In the upper half is a property called "CurrentPassage". Please contact me and tell me what it says. Thanks! :)
- Winning 'Bondage Dice' rewards you now with SP. (It's a harsh game, but not harsh.)
- After finishing 'A Sight Of Pink', the event will no longer trigger anew, causing a black screen when leaving the room.
- Fixed two of the mingle events inside the Golden Lounge, which caused you to get stuck.
- You can no longer trigger the Group S event multiple times by rereading Mistress Santinis mail.
- If you chose the female intro, Mistress Santini won't ask you to join multiple times anymore.
- Removed some debug information inside Bondage Dice. (Why was it still there lel)
- Fixed a missing portrait image when picking the pink drink in the female intro.
2022.09.13: 0.5.7
Note: None of the main Group story lines will be updated in this version. Old saves will probably not work.
******* ADDED *********
- A quest log. You can now explore quests that guide you through different parts of the content. For now there are only two quests to find. But if this works like intended, we will implement quite a bit more.
- The maids in the hotel have a new field of work. Inspired by the site "bondage-club.com" the maids of the hotel will now travel the halls and rescue guests from bondage predicaments and traps. If you join the maids yourself, you will be able to take over this work too! This contains several new events.
- 10 new dream scenes if you selected the female intro.
- You can now decide to take a shower each morning automatically after meeting the gasmask guard. (This can be toggled in the settings)
- Moira got her own avatar for dialogues.
- New icons for the sidebar: inventory, settings, etc.
- 10 Mingle events in the Golden Lounge.
- The Casino inside of the Golden Lounge has opened! Check out the brand new gambling game 'Bondage Dice' and play against five opponents after the introduction.
- If you have Gianna in Group M, she may talk to you in the evening. This is a teaser of a deeper relationship tree that is about to come.
- Patreon version only: You can now unlock the Golden Lounge immediately via the Patreon Lounge.
******* CHANGED *********
- You can now directly join Group M or Group L if you like to get quicker to new content. This function was patreon-only content until now. You find it in the HotelNET in your room.
******* FIXED *********
-A massive bug that caused events to disappear when playing for a long time.
-With it was no longer possible to see the tasks you could do in Group M. This now works again.
-A bug which caused the links in the sidebar to disappear when you enter the Golden Lounge.
-If visited Mistress Santini as maid and with the female intro, her character description wouldn't trigger. It does now.
-As member of Group L it was still possible to join Group S. Until the rework of Group S this isn't any longer possible.
-Fixed several occasions of missing avatars in dialouge boxes.
-The black catsuit of Group L will now be correctly shown in the fashion event.
There is no new content in this update.
Only bugfixes and mechanics.
Added: Since you are able to join Group S but reach the end of content then, you can now travel back in time from Group S, keep on your adventure without restarting the game.
Added: A hint on how and where to use the doll from Natasha.
Added: A button to use the red ball on a random girl to make the decision more visible.
Changed: Some UI changes.
Changed: Shortened the shower scenes. The bad end with the "shower doll" is not escapable anymore but will only occur once. Reworked the shower in the background so it'll be easier for us to add more interesting things there in the future. ;)
Changed: Changed more webms to mp4s.
Fixed: Sometimes Moira wasn't in her room after Soris scene. She will now be there if you go directly to her.
Fixed: A black screen that could be encountered when going showering.
Fixed: Several occasions where the first name wasn't showed properly.
Fixed: Several filenames for case-sensitive systems.
Fixed: Several missing pics and videos.
Fixed: A bug that you could meet Jaime on the floor besides his mail, causing to actually meet him twice.
Fixed: Jaime will no longer run away, when you wear the collar of Group S. (For now.)
Fixed: A bug where you could meet the mysterious woman more than once.
Fixed: When started as female you still got occasionally the male dialog. (Note: Group S might still have bugs like that. Group S will
Added: An alternative intro! Check it out. :) (The first intro will be fleshed out like the new one in future updates!)
Added: Continued Group L path.
Added: Lots of amazing new art from MissDomme (https://twitter.com/missdommeart), most prominent the rework of the 3 protagonist avatars.
Added: Several new events and stuff to find.
Added: Characters-Page. Here you can keep track of all the characters you met.
Added: Settings-Page. Here you can find some options like switiching between photo and drawn avatars. While progressing in the game more features will be here available.
Added: A setting which if activated will let you put on automatically the lounge dress and heels when visiting the lounge.
Added: Meeting Bianca is now part of the guided events so you will have a much higher chance of meeting her.
Added: You can change the avatars during the game via the settings link.
Added: (Patreon version only) You can now also directly skip forward to joining Group L.
Changed: Changed the RNG mechanic of the game. With that repeating events should be now way rarer.
Changed: To give a little push into the "main" story for now, you'll meet Moira on day 4 the first time 100%, if you hadn't meet her till then. Also you'll be able to go to her directly in the morning of each day.
Changed: Jaime will now send you mail to meet him instead of just bumping into him randomly.
Changed: When you got a new mail you see now a mail icon in your room. This should make it more visible.
Changed: We started to convert the webm-files to mp4-files for better compatibility. This will be an ongoing change since there are so many files. So from update to update more files will be converted.
Fixed: Photo avatars appear now again if you don't skip the intro.
Fixed: At the current end of Lila's questline won't appear a black screen anymore.
Fixed: The difficulty setting has now an actual impact on the mini games again.
Fixed: Some of the hypno gifs you can see after losing the quiz haven't been shown. This should now be fixed.
Fixed: Some dead links and pics.
Please note, that saves of older versions won't be compatible for big parts of the new update.
Added: A bit new content if you joined the maid group. :)
Added: The ass expansion works now similiar like the breasts: several times and not only once.
Added: Drawn avatars for the combination of latex masks and gags.
Changed: Changed the storyline around Lila a bit. For now you won't be able to miss her and thus the lounge anymore.
Fixed: You can now remove the stockings and gloves you receive from Natasha.
Fixed: You won't be denied entry in the lounge even though you waer the dress anymore.
Fixed: Reading Moiras mail again after joining Group M won't trigger the "learning" quest again.
Fixed: Some stuff here some stuff there... Hotfix
Added: You can now reconsider your decision giving the doll to someone.
Changed: Skipping the intro brings you now directly into the room.
Fixed: You should be now able again to wear clothes after joining Group L.
Fixed: Sori can no longer be encountered in the M-Foyer after your trickery...
Fixed: Checked for some missing images on case-sensitive systems. There are probably more. Please write me any occurrences you find. :)
Since it's been quite a while since the last update I can't really tell you everything that has changed since I haven't keep record all the time. But here things I still remember :)
Added: Quite a few new drawings of the wonderful MissDomme <3
Added: "I like it shiny." As decided in a poll on patreon this updates focus lays on the mysterious Group L. If you have trouble finding your way into the group consider checking the "Walkthrough" tab (spoiler warning tho).
Added: "Mirror mirror on the wall" A mirror can now be found in your room. It shows you your body and eventually changes of it.
Added: Due to a commission on my patreon there is now an event where an item can be found that will influence your boob growth...
Added: "I am still dreaming..." More dreams added.
Added: Wake up events added. A few event can now happen after you wake up.
Added: "Traps aren't gay" You can now decline the joining of Group S and still get some shemale content. When you decline Mistress Santini you can choose between no shemale content at all or shemale events. (Just a few for now but soon will add more).
Changed: The chance to get a "guided link" in the hub if you play in "guided" mode has been increased from 25% to 50%. This should make it way more easy to reach story relevant content.
Changed: The back button of Twine will now be available. In the beginning I tried hard to avoid this function since the game tries to have a good replay value. On the other hand go ahead. Use it as you like. In several cases it won't work though.
Changed: Technical blabla. Worked a lot around in the framework behind the game.
Changed: You stay now in the inventory if you use an item.
Fixed: Sometimes you were punished for not wearing panties even though a dress or similiar covered it. For several clothes this has been now fixed.
2019/12/30: 0.5.3
-Added: "F*ck the system!" A new option "Guided" has been implemented. Activate it in the beginning of the game and occasionally you'll be led to a story event. This will hopefully take a bit off the randomness. I can tweak the chance of these "help passages" up and down. So feedback is always welcome. If it works well the option will become the default.
-Added: "I have a name!" You can now give yourself as protagonist a name in the beginning and after transforming again.
-Added: You can now actually change your mind and go back from the "I am stuck :(" passage
-Added: "I have a dream!" Some new dreams can now be encountered.
-Added: Some events got now an interactive part when your sluttiness (dignity) is high enough.
-Added: "Go to work!" Some events that can be encountered after joining Group M.
-Added/Changed: "Irina who?" Reworked the Irina encounter a bit and added a new event with her after spending a night with her.
-Changed: You can now pick up the comic and read it from the inventory instead of encountering it as an event several times.
-BugFix: Some proofreading here some editing there.
2019/10/06: 0.5.2
-Bugfix: You shouldn't be able to get stuck in the latex hobble dress. The event for Room 150 can only be entered once as intended in the first place.
-Bugfix: While gaining the maid uniform you have to strip down your current clothes manually now. No more forced onion clothing.
-Bugfix: During the inspection of your clothes doesn't appear an error anymore.
-Added: A 'debug' link on the left side which shows some information which will help me to hunt bugs you guys find.
2019/10/06: 0.5.1
-Fixed a bug with the showing of the sources.
0.4.1 (hotfix)
- Made the color for Ms. Carters font a bit brighter. Please write me if there are any other bad fonts.
- You should now be able to distinguish between items that are being worn and that can be equipped.
- Added the version number on the sidebar.
2018/10/03: 0.4
-Added overall a bit content
-Reworked the intro skip passage
-Removed the 'Explore the room' option. Shouldn't have been there yet. (Sorry)
-Spell check and some overall formatting
-Reduced size of media files
-Rearranged some pictures
2018/07/29: 0.3.2
-Fixed several bugs
-Removed 'Objectives' for now
-Polished the memory game
2018/07/22: 0.3.1
-Very hot hotfix: The back link in Objectives should now work properly
-You shouldn't be able to get stuck at the Maid Costume anymore
2018/07/22: 0.3
-New content
-Fixed another bug where you could end up in a loop
-Remodelled the mail system of the HotelNET internally. New mails will fly in soon very often.
-Remodelled the memory game for better resolution handling
2018/07/07: 0.2.3
-Fixed save games. Now you should be able to actually save and reload a game probably.
-Fixed path to media. Replaced all backslashes with slashes for non-windows systems.
-Added an "eject"-button which jumps you to the main HUB in case you got stuck in a loop somewhere. (Use with caution)
-Added some small events to fill up the game a bit.
For more details please check out the forum.
2018/07/02: 0.2.2 (HotFix)
-Fixed a game breaking bug where the HotelNet causes you to go to sleep immediately after but then produces an error
-Added a nice cover art :)
2018/07/02: 0.2.1 (HotFix)
-You can now see where you choose the difficulty of the game
-You have no 60 seconds to win the memory game at easy difficulty (tho I want to see you all lose <3)
-Fixed the bug where you could end up in a game breaking loop during entering the inventory from the HotelNET
2018/07/01: 0.2
-Big mechanical update
-Smaller story progressions
-Took out most of the pictures and videos in the media folder which aren't part of the game yet (no need for such a waste of space)
-Removed the back and forward buttons (Yes, yes I know. But since RNG is a big element of the game I don't want to give you guys the easy way to break it ;-))
2018/05/27: 0.1.1
-Added new content after the transformation
-Put some more flavor in several intro passages
-Added and fixed some formating stuff
-Changed some colors into more eye-friendly colors
-Added several behind the scenes mechanics for later use
2018/05/21: 0.1
-First Version: Just the intro for now
Жанр: real porn, male protagonist, male domination, female domination, oral, vaginal, anal, bdsm, transformation, futa, shemale
Цензура: Отсутствует
Разработчик/Издатель: purzelkraut
Платформа: PC/Windows/MacOS/Linux
Тип издания: В разработке
Таблэтка: Не требуется
Версия: v.
Язык игры: Английский
Язык интерфейса: Английский
Системные требования (минимальные):
OS: WinXP/Vista/7/8/10 HDD: 200 МБ
Вы Джейк Доу довольно скучный парень в возрасте около двадцати. Вместе со своими двумя коллегами классный Адам и действительно горячая Эмили, вы должны по поручению компании отправиться в отель, в странный отель.
You are Jake Doe a rather boring guy in his late twenties. Together with your two colleagues the cool Adam and the really hot Emily you have to make company trip towards a strange hotel. Things are not like the other years though as you will have to learn.
This hotfix addresses the black screen bug that appeared when exploring the hotel and got a lot worse with This should make the game now stable again.
This is a hotfix addressing the new (and old) bugs from 0.5.7. This is a html-file only. If you already have downloaded 0.5.7 you can just overwrite the old file with the new one.
******* FIXED *********
- Fixed a bigger bug that caused events, dreams, etc. to disappear and creating black screens.
--> If you encounter black screens, please click on the "Debug" link on the left side. In the upper half is a property called "CurrentPassage". Please contact me and tell me what it says. Thanks! :)
- Winning 'Bondage Dice' rewards you now with SP. (It's a harsh game, but not harsh.)
- After finishing 'A Sight Of Pink', the event will no longer trigger anew, causing a black screen when leaving the room.
- Fixed two of the mingle events inside the Golden Lounge, which caused you to get stuck.
- You can no longer trigger the Group S event multiple times by rereading Mistress Santinis mail.
- If you chose the female intro, Mistress Santini won't ask you to join multiple times anymore.
- Removed some debug information inside Bondage Dice. (Why was it still there lel)
- Fixed a missing portrait image when picking the pink drink in the female intro.
2022.09.13: 0.5.7
Note: None of the main Group story lines will be updated in this version. Old saves will probably not work.
******* ADDED *********
- A quest log. You can now explore quests that guide you through different parts of the content. For now there are only two quests to find. But if this works like intended, we will implement quite a bit more.
- The maids in the hotel have a new field of work. Inspired by the site "bondage-club.com" the maids of the hotel will now travel the halls and rescue guests from bondage predicaments and traps. If you join the maids yourself, you will be able to take over this work too! This contains several new events.
- 10 new dream scenes if you selected the female intro.
- You can now decide to take a shower each morning automatically after meeting the gasmask guard. (This can be toggled in the settings)
- Moira got her own avatar for dialogues.
- New icons for the sidebar: inventory, settings, etc.
- 10 Mingle events in the Golden Lounge.
- The Casino inside of the Golden Lounge has opened! Check out the brand new gambling game 'Bondage Dice' and play against five opponents after the introduction.
- If you have Gianna in Group M, she may talk to you in the evening. This is a teaser of a deeper relationship tree that is about to come.
- Patreon version only: You can now unlock the Golden Lounge immediately via the Patreon Lounge.
******* CHANGED *********
- You can now directly join Group M or Group L if you like to get quicker to new content. This function was patreon-only content until now. You find it in the HotelNET in your room.
******* FIXED *********
-A massive bug that caused events to disappear when playing for a long time.
-With it was no longer possible to see the tasks you could do in Group M. This now works again.
-A bug which caused the links in the sidebar to disappear when you enter the Golden Lounge.
-If visited Mistress Santini as maid and with the female intro, her character description wouldn't trigger. It does now.
-As member of Group L it was still possible to join Group S. Until the rework of Group S this isn't any longer possible.
-Fixed several occasions of missing avatars in dialouge boxes.
-The black catsuit of Group L will now be correctly shown in the fashion event.
There is no new content in this update.
Only bugfixes and mechanics.
Added: Since you are able to join Group S but reach the end of content then, you can now travel back in time from Group S, keep on your adventure without restarting the game.
Added: A hint on how and where to use the doll from Natasha.
Added: A button to use the red ball on a random girl to make the decision more visible.
Changed: Some UI changes.
Changed: Shortened the shower scenes. The bad end with the "shower doll" is not escapable anymore but will only occur once. Reworked the shower in the background so it'll be easier for us to add more interesting things there in the future. ;)
Changed: Changed more webms to mp4s.
Fixed: Sometimes Moira wasn't in her room after Soris scene. She will now be there if you go directly to her.
Fixed: A black screen that could be encountered when going showering.
Fixed: Several occasions where the first name wasn't showed properly.
Fixed: Several filenames for case-sensitive systems.
Fixed: Several missing pics and videos.
Fixed: A bug that you could meet Jaime on the floor besides his mail, causing to actually meet him twice.
Fixed: Jaime will no longer run away, when you wear the collar of Group S. (For now.)
Fixed: A bug where you could meet the mysterious woman more than once.
Fixed: When started as female you still got occasionally the male dialog. (Note: Group S might still have bugs like that. Group S will
Added: An alternative intro! Check it out. :) (The first intro will be fleshed out like the new one in future updates!)
Added: Continued Group L path.
Added: Lots of amazing new art from MissDomme (https://twitter.com/missdommeart), most prominent the rework of the 3 protagonist avatars.
Added: Several new events and stuff to find.
Added: Characters-Page. Here you can keep track of all the characters you met.
Added: Settings-Page. Here you can find some options like switiching between photo and drawn avatars. While progressing in the game more features will be here available.
Added: A setting which if activated will let you put on automatically the lounge dress and heels when visiting the lounge.
Added: Meeting Bianca is now part of the guided events so you will have a much higher chance of meeting her.
Added: You can change the avatars during the game via the settings link.
Added: (Patreon version only) You can now also directly skip forward to joining Group L.
Changed: Changed the RNG mechanic of the game. With that repeating events should be now way rarer.
Changed: To give a little push into the "main" story for now, you'll meet Moira on day 4 the first time 100%, if you hadn't meet her till then. Also you'll be able to go to her directly in the morning of each day.
Changed: Jaime will now send you mail to meet him instead of just bumping into him randomly.
Changed: When you got a new mail you see now a mail icon in your room. This should make it more visible.
Changed: We started to convert the webm-files to mp4-files for better compatibility. This will be an ongoing change since there are so many files. So from update to update more files will be converted.
Fixed: Photo avatars appear now again if you don't skip the intro.
Fixed: At the current end of Lila's questline won't appear a black screen anymore.
Fixed: The difficulty setting has now an actual impact on the mini games again.
Fixed: Some of the hypno gifs you can see after losing the quiz haven't been shown. This should now be fixed.
Fixed: Some dead links and pics.
Please note, that saves of older versions won't be compatible for big parts of the new update.
Added: A bit new content if you joined the maid group. :)
Added: The ass expansion works now similiar like the breasts: several times and not only once.
Added: Drawn avatars for the combination of latex masks and gags.
Changed: Changed the storyline around Lila a bit. For now you won't be able to miss her and thus the lounge anymore.
Fixed: You can now remove the stockings and gloves you receive from Natasha.
Fixed: You won't be denied entry in the lounge even though you waer the dress anymore.
Fixed: Reading Moiras mail again after joining Group M won't trigger the "learning" quest again.
Fixed: Some stuff here some stuff there... Hotfix
Added: You can now reconsider your decision giving the doll to someone.
Changed: Skipping the intro brings you now directly into the room.
Fixed: You should be now able again to wear clothes after joining Group L.
Fixed: Sori can no longer be encountered in the M-Foyer after your trickery...
Fixed: Checked for some missing images on case-sensitive systems. There are probably more. Please write me any occurrences you find. :)
Since it's been quite a while since the last update I can't really tell you everything that has changed since I haven't keep record all the time. But here things I still remember :)
Added: Quite a few new drawings of the wonderful MissDomme <3
Added: "I like it shiny." As decided in a poll on patreon this updates focus lays on the mysterious Group L. If you have trouble finding your way into the group consider checking the "Walkthrough" tab (spoiler warning tho).
Added: "Mirror mirror on the wall" A mirror can now be found in your room. It shows you your body and eventually changes of it.
Added: Due to a commission on my patreon there is now an event where an item can be found that will influence your boob growth...
Added: "I am still dreaming..." More dreams added.
Added: Wake up events added. A few event can now happen after you wake up.
Added: "Traps aren't gay" You can now decline the joining of Group S and still get some shemale content. When you decline Mistress Santini you can choose between no shemale content at all or shemale events. (Just a few for now but soon will add more).
Changed: The chance to get a "guided link" in the hub if you play in "guided" mode has been increased from 25% to 50%. This should make it way more easy to reach story relevant content.
Changed: The back button of Twine will now be available. In the beginning I tried hard to avoid this function since the game tries to have a good replay value. On the other hand go ahead. Use it as you like. In several cases it won't work though.
Changed: Technical blabla. Worked a lot around in the framework behind the game.
Changed: You stay now in the inventory if you use an item.
Fixed: Sometimes you were punished for not wearing panties even though a dress or similiar covered it. For several clothes this has been now fixed.
2019/12/30: 0.5.3
-Added: "F*ck the system!" A new option "Guided" has been implemented. Activate it in the beginning of the game and occasionally you'll be led to a story event. This will hopefully take a bit off the randomness. I can tweak the chance of these "help passages" up and down. So feedback is always welcome. If it works well the option will become the default.
-Added: "I have a name!" You can now give yourself as protagonist a name in the beginning and after transforming again.
-Added: You can now actually change your mind and go back from the "I am stuck :(" passage
-Added: "I have a dream!" Some new dreams can now be encountered.
-Added: Some events got now an interactive part when your sluttiness (dignity) is high enough.
-Added: "Go to work!" Some events that can be encountered after joining Group M.
-Added/Changed: "Irina who?" Reworked the Irina encounter a bit and added a new event with her after spending a night with her.
-Changed: You can now pick up the comic and read it from the inventory instead of encountering it as an event several times.
-BugFix: Some proofreading here some editing there.
2019/10/06: 0.5.2
-Bugfix: You shouldn't be able to get stuck in the latex hobble dress. The event for Room 150 can only be entered once as intended in the first place.
-Bugfix: While gaining the maid uniform you have to strip down your current clothes manually now. No more forced onion clothing.
-Bugfix: During the inspection of your clothes doesn't appear an error anymore.
-Added: A 'debug' link on the left side which shows some information which will help me to hunt bugs you guys find.
2019/10/06: 0.5.1
-Fixed a bug with the showing of the sources.
0.4.1 (hotfix)
- Made the color for Ms. Carters font a bit brighter. Please write me if there are any other bad fonts.
- You should now be able to distinguish between items that are being worn and that can be equipped.
- Added the version number on the sidebar.
2018/10/03: 0.4
-Added overall a bit content
-Reworked the intro skip passage
-Removed the 'Explore the room' option. Shouldn't have been there yet. (Sorry)
-Spell check and some overall formatting
-Reduced size of media files
-Rearranged some pictures
2018/07/29: 0.3.2
-Fixed several bugs
-Removed 'Objectives' for now
-Polished the memory game
2018/07/22: 0.3.1
-Very hot hotfix: The back link in Objectives should now work properly
-You shouldn't be able to get stuck at the Maid Costume anymore
2018/07/22: 0.3
-New content
-Fixed another bug where you could end up in a loop
-Remodelled the mail system of the HotelNET internally. New mails will fly in soon very often.
-Remodelled the memory game for better resolution handling
2018/07/07: 0.2.3
-Fixed save games. Now you should be able to actually save and reload a game probably.
-Fixed path to media. Replaced all backslashes with slashes for non-windows systems.
-Added an "eject"-button which jumps you to the main HUB in case you got stuck in a loop somewhere. (Use with caution)
-Added some small events to fill up the game a bit.
For more details please check out the forum.
2018/07/02: 0.2.2 (HotFix)
-Fixed a game breaking bug where the HotelNet causes you to go to sleep immediately after but then produces an error
-Added a nice cover art :)
2018/07/02: 0.2.1 (HotFix)
-You can now see where you choose the difficulty of the game
-You have no 60 seconds to win the memory game at easy difficulty (tho I want to see you all lose <3)
-Fixed the bug where you could end up in a game breaking loop during entering the inventory from the HotelNET
2018/07/01: 0.2
-Big mechanical update
-Smaller story progressions
-Took out most of the pictures and videos in the media folder which aren't part of the game yet (no need for such a waste of space)
-Removed the back and forward buttons (Yes, yes I know. But since RNG is a big element of the game I don't want to give you guys the easy way to break it ;-))
2018/05/27: 0.1.1
-Added new content after the transformation
-Put some more flavor in several intro passages
-Added and fixed some formating stuff
-Changed some colors into more eye-friendly colors
-Added several behind the scenes mechanics for later use
2018/05/21: 0.1
-First Version: Just the intro for now
Тему отредактировал: СынПирокара - 23-09-2022, 17:40
Причина: Тема обновлена до версии v. / Topic updated to version v.
Причина: Тема обновлена до версии v. / Topic updated to version v.
Пароль на архив / Archive password:
Downloaded from Porno-Island
Загрузил: СынПирокара (23 сентября 2022 17:10)
Статус: Проверено (СынПирокара)
Взяли: 3342 | Размер: 704,09 Mb
Раздают: 4 Качают: 0 Скачали: 1987
Мультитрекер: Раздают: 6 Качают: 4 Скачали: 173
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2 1 6
Fetish_Hotel (1 файл)