Год выпуска: 2018
Жанр: Dating Sim, Tycoon, Corruption, Spying, 3dcg, incest, oral, handjob, vaginal
Цензура: Отсутствует
Разработчик/Издатель: www.patreon.com/Boomatica
Перевод: djlaserПлатформа: PC/Windows/MacOS/Linux/Android
Тип издания: Заброшена / Abandoned
Таблэтка: Не требуется
Версия: v.0.1.4 Bugfix Rus / v.0.1.9b Eng
Язык игры: Русский/Английский
(Переключение языка в настройках)Язык интерфейса: Русский/Английский
Системные требования (минимальные):CPU: Athlon / Pentium 200 MHz
RAM: 64 MB
DirectX: 8.1
RAM: 512MB; VRAM: 128MB; HDD: ~ 1,78 ГБ
Описание:Твой дядя умирает и оставляет Частное сообщество (курорт)
Курорт сильно отличается от окружающих ...
Ваш дядя хотел построить курорт для людей, чтобы они могли жить своей жизнью.
Так что теперь вы должны закончить улучшение курорта, увеличив его репутацию, что приводит к тому, что все больше и больше жителей хотят жить там.
При этом вы увеличите свой ежедневный доход, который можно будет вернуть на курорт, или вы можете использовать деньги для своих собственных извращенных желаний.
Убедившись, что каждый житель доволен, вы сможете узнать больше о них и их предыстории.
Вы сможете поговорить с ними, подарить им подарки и пригласить их на различные мероприятия.
При этом их привязанность к вам будет расти, и вы сможете медленно вывести их из зоны комфорта, что приведет к некоторым очень эротическим событиям.
Your Distant Uncle dies and leaves you his unfinished resort.
The resort is quite different from others around...
Your uncle wanted to build a resort for people to actually move to and live out their lives.
So It's now up to you to finish your uncles legacy by upgrading the resort, increasing it's reputation leading to more and more residents wanting to live there.
In doing so you'll increase your daily income which can be put back into the resort or you can use the money for your own perverted desires.
By making sure each resident is happy you'll be able to learn more about them and their backstory.
You'll be able to talk to them, give them gifts and invite them to different activities.
In doing so their affection towards you will grow and you'll be able to slowly bring them out of their comfort zone leading to some very erotic events.
Есть читы: горшок в спальне герояAs of v0.1.7f, A NEW SAVE IS REQUIREDThis Android port is not released by developer, download at your own risk. / Этот Android-порт не выпущен разработчиком, загружайте на свой страх и риск.Тема обновлена. Добавлена английская версия v.0.1.9b Eng / Topic updated. Added English version v.0.1.9b Eng"Поблагодарить Переводчика"Яндекс кошелек: 410011373148243
От переводчика:
Привет всем!
Чтобы переключиться на русский язык необходимо
На первоначальней экране нажать START
начать играть по ESC выти в меню и переключиться на русский язык
Перевел все диалоги картинки переводит долго ну думаю к следующему релизу допереведу
Игра была переделана с RPGM поэтому некоторые вещи необходимо доперевести
в общем все играбельно...
Вопросы будут задавайте в игре есть читы но все проходиться пока без них...
Update :
- (358) new images
- (3) new Animations
Main Menu :
- Credits Bar updated with 5 names
Locations :
- Hollie's Home (accessible once Hollie is level 4)
-- Lounge (Morning, Afternoon,Evening,Night) added
-- Bedroom (Morning, Afternoon,Evening,Night) added
Main Events :
- Hollie lvl4
-- Morning
--- Reception
---- [Invite to talk]
---- [Invite to lake]
-- Afternoon
--- Reception
---- [Invite to talk]
---- [Invite to Beach]
-- Evening
--- Reception
---- [Invite to talk]
-- Night
--- Hollie's Home
---- Hollie (POI Sofa) added
---- Hollie (POI Desk) added
----- [Dialog tree] added
------ [Give Rose] added "If picked up"
------- [Repeatable Sex Event] added
-------- [Spend the night] added
--------- [Morning wake up] added (2 variants)
Interactive Objects :
- Night
-- Hollie's Home
--- [Rose] added
Photogram :
- Hollie Level 4 [3 images]
Texts :
- Hollie Level 4
-- Morning [3 messages] [2images]
-- Afternoon [3 messages] [2images]
-- Evening [3 messages] [2images]
-- Night [3 messages] [2images]
Bug Fixes :
- Emily & Sammie Diary page notifications removed until implemented.
- S at the lake speaking robot.
- Emily & Hollie Young changed to Emily and Sammie Young.
- Profiler : Emily & Sammie now show up straight away.
- Jo'anns facial expressions fixed in Office Dialog tree.
- Dialog Corrections (19 in total)
- Updating the credits bar.
- Fixing any remaining bugs. (14 in total)
- Implementing the bonus gallery + cards to find. (9 to find)
- Balancing affection gains for certain characters. (Lower Levels)
- Finishing off implementing the new security cam mechanic. (Finished)
" Content will be implemented over time in the next couple of updates"
- Creating a stable Android build.
Main Menu :
- Start up "animation" added
- Main design updated
- Turn page "animation" added
- Second page added
- Third page added (To be edited later)
- Credits bar extended
- Credits bar updated
- Phone UI for options removed
- Options moved to overlay book
- Saves moved to overlay book
Audio :
- All environmental sounds updated to HD versions
- Main Theme added (You'll have to let us know if you like it)
UI :
- Border added to game
- Removed (app) buttons from top bar
- Only 3 buttons displaying on top bar (Phone)(Time)(Map)
- Location buttons slightly updated
- Border added to location buttons
- Dialog box updated
- Text font/color changed
- Name box removed
- Name font/color changed
- Character Portraits added (Chibi versions)
- Affection bar moved above dialog box
- Affection increase "animation" added
- Level up portraits updated to (Chibi art)
Notification bar :
- Bar added to the left side of the screen
- BG for notifications are now grey
- Portraits added to notifications
- New Contact notifications added
- New Message notifications added
- New Diary page notifications added
- New Cam Footage notifications added
- New Photogram images notifications addded
- Character reaching 100% affection notifications added
Phone :
- UI updated
- Phone made interactive
- App buttons moved from menu bar to phone screen.
- App (Stats) "Will be more useful later on in development"
- App (Profiler) To display characters stats/info
- App (Photogram) Characters posted online pictures "Updates per level"
- App (Messages) Message characters "More about this below"
- App (Security Cams) Just a shortcut to the office computer
- Interactive button added "Progress messages, close phone, etc"
- Clicking outside of the phone now closes it or the current app.
- Contacts screen added
- Contacts will upload once characters are level 2 (Besides Hollie)
- Once a contact is unlocked you'll receive a message from them.
Character Level Changes :
- Maid starts at level 2
- Belle will now be level 2 after date event.
- M & S given names : Molly & Sally
- Molly will now be level 2 after arriving
- Sally will now be level 2 after arriving
Messages :
- Normal Messages added :
-- Maid Level 2 (8 new messages) (5 new images)
-- Belle level 2 (4 new messages) (3 new images)
-- M level 3 (8 new messages) (5 new images)
-- S level 3 (8 new messages) (4 new images)
- Daily Random Messages added
-- Maid Level 2 (4 new messages) (2 new images)
-- Belle level 2 (4 new messages) (2 new images)
-- Emily Level 2 (4 new messages) (3 new images)
-- Sammie Level 2 (4 new messages) (3 new images)
-- Hollie Level 2 (4 new messages) (3 new images)
-- Hollie Level 3 (4 new messages) (3 new images)
-- M level 2 (8 new messages) (4 new images)
-- M level 3 (4 new messages) (4 new images)
-- S level 2 (8 new messages) (4 new images)
-- S level 3 (4 new messages) (2 new images)
- Message mechanic re-worked
- Random Messages from Characters -> MC added.
- 1 Random message received from random character per day.
- Random Message is decided at the start of a new day.
- A time slot is picked and then chosen from the character pool.
- Once a random message has been seen, it will not appear again.
- 4 random messages per character level.
Photogram :
- Maid level 2 (3 new images)
- Molly level 3 (3 new images)
- Sally level 3 (3 new images)
Intro :
- Intro has been updated with the new maid-rework
- Intro has been updated with "Uncles Diary Pages"
- Intro has been updated with some backstory / plot hole content.
- In total (105 images) added to the intro.
Maid Level 2 Events :
- (Morning) (Office) (Cleaning) (Dialog Tree)
-- (17 Images added) (Facial expressions added)
- (Afternoon) (Maid's Room) (Resting) (Single Event)
-- (14 Images added)
- (Evening) (Pool Changing Room) (Cleaning) (Single Event)
-- (11 images added) (Audio added)
- (Night) (Reception) (Cleaning) (Dialog Tree)
-- (23 images added) (Facial expressions added)
Cheat Menu :
- Moved from players room to "Right Click Menu"
- Updated with easier options / display
- Now shows characters current max level content
Relationship Menu :
- Access from the "Right Click Menu"
- This options is for those that... well... you know.
- Tips added when enters relationships.
Bug Fixes :
- Emily / Sammie level up bug fixed
- Text Messages icons not showing fixed
- Relationship then saving bug fixed
- Text Message bubbles bug fixed
- Diary Pages not displaying fixed
- Security system "loading" sped up fixed.
Main Menu :
- Updated Credits bar (3 names added)
- Removed Notice.
Visual Updates :
We decided to do something a little bit different with this update when it came to the dialog tree parts of an event.
We realized that staring at one static image could be pretty boring when reading through the dialog tree branches and due to this we decided to add some life "animate" the eyes and mouth of the character you're speaking to.
Now please, take the term "animate" loosely, as it's simply a overlay image flicking on and off the screen.
But it does make the "scene" feel more alive when the character you're having the conversation with is blinking and opening/closing their mouths while they talk to you.
We'd love to know what you think about it as it'll help us decide if we continue doing this with future updates along with going back and doing it for the previous dialog tree scenes.
Afternoon Daily Events :
[Character (M) Level 2]
- (M&S-Lounge)
-- 2 variants of intro to dialog tree.
--- Talk Topics : [Concussion] [Sister] [Father] [Shower]
--- Flirt Topics : [Yoga Pants] [Mood] [Smile] [Caring for player]
---- End of event.
[Character (S) Level 2]
- (Lake)
-- 2 variants of intro to dialog tree.
--- Talk Topics : [The Lake] [Belly Bar] [Sleeping Underwear] [College]
--- Flirt Topics : [Bikini] [Smile] [ Appearance ] [Model]
---- End of event.
Evening Daily Events :
[Character (M) Level 2]
- (Beach)
-- 2 variants of intro to dialog tree.
--- Talk Topics : [Leaving] [Thoughts] [Relationships] [Night With Sis]
--- Flirt Topics : [Sunset] [Beauty] [Strength] [Community]
---- End of event.
[Character (S) Level 2]
- (S-Bedroom)
-- 2 variants of intro to dialog tree.
--- Talk Topics : [Dad] [Sleeping Together] [Sins 4] [About Herself]
--- Flirt Topics : [Cuteness] [Her Bed] [Her Panties] [Her Eyes]
---- End of event.
Night Daily Events :
[Character (S) Level 2]
- (S-Bedroom)
-- 1 variants of intro to dialog tree.
--- Additional choice added [Kiss]
---- End of event.
[Character (M) Level 2]
- (M-Bedroom)
-- 1 variants of intro to dialog tree.
--- Additional choice added [Kiss]
---- End of event.
Diary Pages :
- [Character (M) Level 2] page 10 added.
- [Character (S) Level 2] page 10 added.
Okay, the first big change you'll probably notice is the file size.
The game file was originally 1.2gb, it's now at 600mb.
We're using a new image compressor which is by far the best I've ever worked with!
The difference in image quality is pretty much none existent!
" 2 maybe 3% quality loss "
That being said though, we'd love to know your opinions on it, if you can see a difference or not.
Main Menu :
- Credits bar updated with 3 new supports!
- Notices added for this release about the additional release in just over a week.
Environmental Audio :
- 15 tracks added.
- Map (Morning, Afternoon, Evening & Night)
- Bedroom (Daytime & Night)
- Lake (Daytime & Night)
- Pool (Daytime & Night)
- Changing Room (All)
- Beach (All)
- Office (All)
Please let us know if you come across audio playing in the wrong places during events, this is the first time we've implemented audio and are expecting bugs.
- Door added to office (4varients)
- Diary page buttons (8-13)
Updated Images :
- Beach
-- Sammie Level 1 (Morning & Afternoon)
--- 20 updated images
Diary pages :
- Hollie
-- Page 5 added (Unlocked at Start of Game)
-- Page 6 added (Unlocked at Start of Game)
-- Page 7 added (Unlocked at Start of Game)
-- Page 8 added (Unlocked at Start of Game)
-- Page 9 added (Unlocked at Start of Game)
-- Page 10 added (Unlocked at level 1)
-- Page 11 added (Unlocked at level 2)
-- Page 12 added (Unlocked at level 3)
-- Page 13 added (Unlocked at level 4)
- M
-- Page 1 added (Unlocked after arrival event)
-- Page 2 added (Unlocked after arrival event)
-- Page 3 added (Unlocked after arrival event)
-- Page 4 added (Unlocked after arrival event)
-- Page 5 added (Unlocked after arrival event)
-- Page 6 added (Unlocked after arrival event)
-- Page 7 added (Unlocked after arrival event)
-- Page 8 added (Unlocked after arrival event)
-- Page 9 added (Unlocked after arrival event)
- S
-- Page 1 added (Unlocked after arrival event)
-- Page 2 added (Unlocked after arrival event)
-- Page 3 added (Unlocked after arrival event)
-- Page 4 added (Unlocked after arrival event)
-- Page 5 added (Unlocked after arrival event)
-- Page 6 added (Unlocked after arrival event)
-- Page 7 added (Unlocked after arrival event)
-- Page 8 added (Unlocked after arrival event)
-- Page 9 added (Unlocked after arrival event)
Main Events :
- M&S Level up event.
-- Trigger : (players bedroom in the morning)
--- Requirements : (M&S both 100% affection + peeped at night)
---- (131 New Images) (14K new words of dialog)
Bug Fixes :
- Belle's Diary Pages + Cams displaying an error.
- Belle's "idle image" added to game UI.
- Nav Buttons covering bedroom portraits, removed buttons.
- No need to peep on M 2x to show level up portraits.
- Belle's affection now starts at 0 for a new game.
- Belle's affection is set to 0 after date event.
- Belle's Text Messages now yield 2+ points the first time seen.
Main Menu :
- Credits bar updated (Jay Rabalais) added
- Emily's Image lowered 1 layer (Image Bug Fix)
Locations :
- Players Bedroom
-- Images updated ready for 0.1.5 content.
-- (Belle) (Level 1-2) (Button) added for future content.
Interactive Objects :
- Players Bedroom
-- Cheat Plant Moved to other side of room.
-- Door added
Room Navigation :
- Side bar has been removed (Due to annoyance)
- Room buttons have now been added to the bottom left.
- Reception (5 Room Buttons) added
- Pool (2 Room Buttons) added
- M&S Home (5 Room Buttons) added
Room Character Icons :
- Character Icons have now been added over the Room Buttons.
Map Character Icons :
- Belle's icon location updated to reflect level 1 events.
- Maid's icon location removed from the afternoon.
Diary Pages :
- Belle's Diary (Page 1) added "Unlocked at start of game"
- Belle's Diary (Page 2) added "Unlocked at start of game"
- Belle's Diary (Page 3) added "Unlocked at start of game"
- Belle's Diary (Page 4) added "Unlocked at start of game"
- Belle's Diary (Page 5) added "Unlocked at start of game"
- Belle's Diary (Page 6) added "Unlocked at start of game"
- Belle's Diary (Page 7) added "Unlocked at start of game"
- Belle's Diary (Page 8) added "Unlocked at start of game"
Text Messages :
- Belle's (Morning) (Level 1) SMS -added
- Belle's (Afternoon) (Level 1) SMS -added
- Belle's (Evening) (Level 1) SMS -added
- Belle's (Night) (Level 1) SMS -added
Photogram :
- Belle's (Level 1) Photogram images -updated
Spy Cams :
- Belle's bedroom (Level 1) -updated -"Once date event is finished"
Main Events :
- Belle's (Date Event) -added
Morning Time Events :
- Belle : In town "No content"
Afternoon Time Events :
- Changing Room
-- (Belle) (Fixing Sink) Button -added
--- Dialog Tree -added
---- Questions [Work] [Family] [Date] [School]
---- Compliments [Outfit] [Smile] [Work Ethic]
Evening Time Events :
- Pool
-- (Belle) (Swimming) Button -added
--- Dialog Tree -added
---- Questions : [Pool] [Friends] [Past] [Hobbies]
---- Compliments : [Swimsuit] [Eyes] [Being Single]
----- Activity : [Joining her for a swim]
------ Activity : (Changing Room) [Peep] [Leave]
Night Time Events :
- Belle's Bedroom
-- (Belle) (Getting Ready For Bed)
--- Choices : [Knock] [Leave]
---- Answers : [Music] [Stroll] [Need Anything]
Relatively small change-log for this one as the main focus for this update was the add the second part of Hollie's level up 3-4 event.
- Hollie Wade
-- Level up (3-4) Event
--- 2x choices added
---- Choice 1 : (Go Home)
----- (26+ Images) (New Dialog)
---- Choice 2 : (Spend The Night)
----- (6+ Images) (New Dialog)
----- End of Event (44+ Images)
- Cheat menu :
-- Reply Hollie's level up (3-4) Event.
"Use this if you've already played the event, use "CTRL" to skip to the new content"
- Dialog fixes
-- Submitted by "Master of Puppets"
- Credits bar updated.
-- Dumeige
-- LM
-- SMVain
- Game Changes
-- Top menu bar is now static on screen while roaming.
-- Side bar now has a "lock" toggle. "Bottom right"
-- Credits bar updated "Alex Labelle"
-- Dialog fixes throughout the game
- Over 200 new renders added
- (M&S Home)
-- (S Bedroom) (Night) Phone Light Scene
-- (M Bedroom) (Night) Phone Light Scene
- Belle's bedroom
-- Belle's Character image now appears in her room. (No content)
- Office Computer
-- Hollie
--- Diary page added
- Players bedroom
-- Hollie's level 3 - Level 4 event added
--- Total Images added(146)
---- Total Animations added (3)
- Reception
-- Hollie's level 4 Character images now appear after level up event. (No content)
Please note :
- No level 4 content for Hollie is in this version, the only new content for Hollie is the level up event.
- Added a "lock" button to the top menu bar. (Top Right)
- Added a "lock" button to the right menu bar. (Bottom right)
- Some dialog / Grammar fixes
- Intro for M&S "Wrong names being displayed" fixed.
Main Change :
- The game has been ported to Ren'py.
- Special thanks to (Quonix) which is now part of the team!
Please note :
- This is the first public Ren'py build, if you find a bug I beg you to report it so we can squash it as soon as possible.
Credits Scroll Bar :
- I've updated it but there is a slight chance that I may have missed somebody.
- If you're pledging over $20 and I've missed you please let me know.
Intro :
- (68 New Images)
- (Slight Dialog Changes)
- Maids "animation" has been re-created
UI :
- Side bar / Top bar now hide away.
- Side bar / Top bar are now "interactive"
- Outlines have been removed from objects + Characters.
- Dialog window has been remade / moved.
- Choices window has been remade / moved.
- Character dialog has new color.
- Dialog has a new font.
- Check marks now appear next to seen choices.
- An affection bar now appears during dialog.
- Character level up portraits have been updated
- Character level up portraits now appear at the bottom of the screen.
- All characters + Objects now display text in the top left corner of the screen.
Side bar :
- The bar will appear and show locations attached to the current location.
Phone apps :
- All of the phone apps have been re-made, no more choice menus.
- M&S's only appear on the phone once they've moved to the community.
Map :
- All locations now have hover state images.
- All locations now display text when hovered over.
- Character location portraits have been re-made.
- All character portraits have been updated to correct locations.
- Pool location has been moved.
- M&S's house only shows up after day 7 event.
- You can only enter M&S's house after day 14.
Players Bedroom :
- (Players bed) "POI Image+Hover" (2 New Images)
-- You can now skip time or sleep by using the bed.
- (Plant plot) "POI Image+Hover" (2 New Images)
-- This is the magic plant, use it to cheat your way through life.
Other changes :
- There's to many to list...
Main Events :
- Afternoon
-- (M&S's Home)
--- (Char :"M") "POI Image+Hover" (2 New Images)
---- (Dialog tree) (level 1)
----- (Intro) (12 New Images)
------ (Talk) (4+ Topics) (1 New Image)
------- (Flirt) (4+ Options) (1 New Image)
-------- (Activity) (TV) (1 New Image)
- Evening
-- (M&S's Home)
--- (Char :"S") "POI Image+Hover" (2 New Images)
---- (Dialog tree) (level 1)
----- (Intro) (3 New Images)
------ (Talk) (4+ Topics) (2 New Images)
------- (Flirt) (4+ Options) (2 New Images)
-------- (Activity) (PC) (13 New Images)
- Night
-- (M&S's Home) (M's Bedroom)
--- (Char :"M")
---- (Night Peep Scene)
----- (13 New Images)
-- (M&S's Home) (M's Bedroom)
--- (Char :"M")
---- (Night Peep Scene 2)
----- (Intro) (2 New Images)
------ (Choice 1) (5 New Images)
------ (Choice 2) (5 New Images)
-- (M&S's Home) (S's Bedroom)
--- (Char :"S")
---- (Night Peep Scene)
----- (Intro) (3 New Images)
------ (Choice 1) (4 New Images)
------ (Choice 2) (8 New Images)
Photogram :
- (M) - (3 New Images)
- (S) - (3 New Images)
Text Messages :
- Hollie Level 2 - Morning SMS added (4 GUI Images) - Done
- Hollie Level 2 - Morning SMS added (4 GUI Images) - Done
- Hollie Level 3 - Morning SMS added (6 GUI Images) - Done
- Hollie Level 3 - Morning SMS added (5 GUI Images) - Done
- Hollie Level 2 - Afternoon SMS added (6 GUI Images) - Done
- Hollie Level 2 - Afternoon SMS added (3 GUI Images) - Done
- Hollie Level 3 - Afternoon SMS added (8 GUI Images) - Done
- Hollie Level 3 - Afternoon SMS added (8 GUI Images) - Done
- Hollie Level 2 - Evening SMS added (4 GUI Images) - Done
- Hollie Level 2 - Evening SMS added (3 GUI Images) - Done
- Hollie Level 3 - Evening SMS added (4 GUI Images) - Done
- Hollie Level 3 - Evening SMS added (3 GUI Images) - Done
- Hollie Level 2 - Night SMS added (6 GUI Images) - Done
- Hollie Level 2 - Night SMS added (1 GUI Images) - Done
- Hollie Level 3 - Night SMS added (6 GUI Images) - Done
- Hollie Level 3 - Night SMS added (2 GUI Images) - Done
- Sammie Level 2 - Morning SMS added (3 GUI Images) - Done
- Sammie Level 2 - Morning SMS added (6 GUI Images) - Done
- Sammie Level 2 - Afternoon SMS added (4 GUI Images) - Done
- Sammie Level 2 - Afternoon SMS added (4 GUI Images) - Done
- Sammie Level 2 - Evening SMS added (3 GUI Images) - Done
- Sammie Level 2 - Evening SMS added (1 GUI Images) - Done
- Sammie Level 2 - Night SMS added (4 GUI Images) - Done
- Sammie Level 2 - Night SMS added (1 GUI Images) - Done
- Emily Level 2 - Morning SMS added (3 GUI Images) - Done
- Emily Level 2 - Morning SMS added (3 GUI Images) - Done
- Emily Level 2 - Afternoon SMS added (4 GUI Images) - Done
- Emily Level 2 - Afternoon SMS added (1 GUI Images) - Done
- Emily Level 2 - Evening SMS added (4 GUI Images) - Done
- Emily Level 2 - Evening SMS added (4 GUI Images) - Done
- Emily Level 2 - Night SMS added (7 GUI Images) - Done
- Emily Level 2 - Night SMS added (1 GUI Images) - Done
- S Level 1 - Morning SMS added (4 GUI Images) - Done
- S Level 1 - Morning SMS added (2 GUI Images) - Done
- S Level 1 - Morning SMS added (1 GUI Images) - Done
- S Level 1 - Afternoon SMS added (4 GUI Images) - Done
- S Level 1 - Afternoon SMS added (4 GUI Images) - Done
- S Level 1 - Afternoon SMS added (1 GUI Images) - Done
- S Level 1 - Evening SMS added (3 GUI Images) - Done
- S Level 1 - Evening SMS added (4 GUI Images) - Done
- S Level 1 - Evening SMS added (1 GUI Images) - Done
- S Level 1 - Night SMS added (4 GUI Images) - Done
- S Level 1 - Night SMS added (1 GUI Images) - Done
- S Level 1 - Night SMS added (4 GUI Images) - Done
- M Level 1 - Morning SMS added (1 GUI Images) - Done
- M Level 1 - Morning SMS added (3 GUI Images) - Done
- M Level 1 - Morning SMS added (2 GUI Images) - Done
- M Level 1 - Afternoon SMS added (4 GUI Images) - Done
- M Level 1 - Afternoon SMS added (1 GUI Images) - Done
- M Level 1 - Afternoon SMS added (4 GUI Images) - Done
- M Level 1 - Evening SMS added (4 GUI Images) - Done
- M Level 1 - Evening SMS added (3 GUI Images) - Done
- M Level 1 - Evening SMS added (1 GUI Images) - Done
- M Level 1 - Night SMS added (4 GUI Images) - Done
- M Level 1 - Night SMS added (2 GUI Images) - Done
- M Level 1 - Night SMS added (1 GUI Images) - Done
Access in-game cheat menu by clicking the plant in your bedroom. This will allow you to advance much faster.
Универсальная версия работает на всех устройствах, но больше по размеру. Версия v8a работает на новых Android устройствах, версия v7a требуется для старых устройств . / The universal version works everywhere but is larger. The v8a version works on new Android devices, the v7a version is required for older devices.
проведите вниз, чтобы спрятать ui
проведите вправо, чтобы начать пропускать текст.
проведите влево и вправо для переключения между быстрым меню.
длительное нажатие на миниатюру сохраненного файла на экране сохранения/загрузки, чтобы удалить этот слот.
swipe down to hide the ui
swipe right to start skipping of text
swipe left&right to toggle the quick menu
longpress the save file thumbnail in the save/load screen to delete this slot