Это 3D-игра, разработанная на Unreal Engine 4. Это каламбур, основанный на Biohazard (вы, наверное, догадались). Это пародийная игра для взрослых, основанная на франшизе Resident Evil. Так что вы можете ожидать хоррор на выживание (ориентированный на экшн) с зараженными врагами, которые попытаются получить от вас некоторое «облегчение». Идея родилась из нашей любви к франшизе Resident Evil, особенно к 5-й части. В эту мы играли более ста часов. Так что да, добавьте это к нашей любви к хентай-играм и результату? Биоасард. Но не думайте, что это просто основано на ориентации франшизы на действия, которые она получила от Resident Evil 5. Потому что вторая игра RE, которую мы любим больше всего, — это 2ndone. Так что будут головоломки и несколько страшных моментов.
It's a 3D game developed in Unreal Engine 4. It's a pun based on Biohazard (You guessed I think). It's an adult parody game based on the Resident Evil franchise. So you can expect a survival-horror (action-oriented) with infected enemies that will try to get some "relief" on you. The idea was born from our love to the Resident Evil franchise, especially to the 5th part. This one we played for over hundred hours. So yeah add this to our love for hentai games and the result? Bioasshard. But don't think this is just based on the action orientation the franchise got from Resident Evil 5 on ahead. Because the second RE game we love the most is the 2ndone. So there will be puzzles and some scary moments too.
Год: 2020
Жанр: 3d game, 3dcg, animated, anal, big ass, combat, creampie, female protagonist, horror, monster, oral, parody, shooter, vaginal,
Цензура: Отсутствует
Разработчик / Издатель: www.patreon.com/versusxstudio
Платформа: PC/Windows (x64)
Тип издания: В разработке
Таблетка: не требуется
Версия: v.1.0.241 Revision 3
Язык игры: Английский
Язык интерфейса: Английский
Системные требования:
OS: Win XP/Vista/7/8/10
· AMD FX-4100 Quad-core @3.59 GHz
· 8Gb RAM
· AMD Radeon HD 6800 Series (6738) 1024 Mb GDDR5
· MoBo basic fan so no OC is even possible
v1.0.241 Revision 3 - 2024-07-09
v1.0.241 Revision 2
v1.0.241 - 2024-04-21
+New+ Mission 12
The last mission for the Arena. Similar to Mission 9, there you can test the mechanics -the newly added ones along with the rest-.
+New+ Explosive barrels system
For now, they won’t damage Julia, so take advantage of that XD.
+New+ Destructible wooden boxes/barrels system
A new way to obtain items and money.
+New+ Two new BJ S*xttack animation for the three average Infected -making a total of 6 “new” anims-
Well, sort of. Let me explain: It's the already existing one that has a change of pace in between that caused some people to dislike it but divided into two separated animations, one for the slow part and another one for the faster part. Doesn’t add much but it was necessary to test how enemies behave having more than one S*xttack of specific type (in this case: the BJ).
+New+ Cheap Storm System (to add some atmosphere when necessary)
Pretty cheap indeed and it’s just a temp solution, the game will have a different one along with the rain effect. The new mission had to feature this and we decided to make the fastest and easiest method since it’s just for testing purposes.
+New+ Skin shader for Julia (temporal? it depends on your input)
Wanted to try this approach for a long time now, I had some time finally and here it is, would be cool if you let me know what you think about it. Do you like it more than the previous one or rather the opposite?
+New+ Credits Screen System (skippable after the first view)
Yep, it’s more than just a section in the included .txt file. If you want you get your name/nickname immortalized inside the Arena, now it’s your chance, look for the corresponding tier! (What a brilliant and sneaky way of asking for support huh, nobody will notice for sure XD)
+New+ Content for the Showcase Level: Sexttack pose
+New+ Content for the Showcase Level: Enemies
+New+ Stat system in Mission Selection Screen (is finally here!)
+New+ Three different kinds of locked door for puzzles and stuff (you can find them on Mission 12)
+New+ Face type (?) for Julia - a surprise Fantasy Card!
+New+ Surprise for the last mission (Mission 12)
+New+ Final update to the guide with all the info to get the most out of the Arena and its content, downloadable in PDF! (Will be made available soon, first enjoy the new Mission on your own ^_^)
+New+ 3 hair pubes styles (including a new fiber one) for Julia
+New+ Game Over System 2.0
+Change+ Tweaks made to enemies' physics (y'know where lol to try and avoid those *things* going crazy when FPS can't keep up high enough)
+Change+ Normal items can now have different radius of activation for the pop-up alert, making some of them harder/easier to find than others
+Fix+ When dying and retrying on missions with more than one level will cause the inventory and the Itembox to be empty and a mission restart will be necessary to "fix" that
+Fix+ Sometimes when playing a new version and using the Rank Card code won't re-unlock the unlockables obtained in a previous version
+Fix+ There's a few concrete cubes that allow Julia to get on unwalkable places on Mission 11, 3rd floor
+Fix+ The shelf hiding a door behind in Mission 9, cannot be moved enough to see/interact-with said door
v0.9.271 - 2023-10-22
+New+ Mission 11
+New+ 3 more jump types for Julia
+New+ 4 more jump types for enemies
+New+ Jump animations for the new jump types for Julia and the enemies
+New+ Key items can now have more than one use
+New+ 3 hair pubes styles (including a new fiber one) for Julia
+Change+ The physical attack to a stunned enemy command prompt has now priority over everything else, including dodging
+Change+ The POI icon for interactable stuff has got its behind the scene behavior (i.e., the code for it to work) reworked making it lighter and simpler
+Change+ Every interactable is now a 'child' of a Parent class containing all the shared code for them to be interacted
+Change+ The mission selector screen now allows scrolling through missions
+Change+ Tweaks have been made to Mission 1 in terms of enemy's behavior
+Fix+ Changing your tier level resets the weapon upgrades
+Fix+ There's a jump down in the "VR Level" (Mission 1 & 10) that can get Julia stuck out of bounds
+Fix+ Closed doors aren't showing their associated camera
+Fix+ Inflation keeps causing flickering on Julia's belly when it's not at full
+Fix+ Reading a document with a usable item equipped (does not happen with weapons) show both the item and the document in the hand
v0.8.194 - 2023-07-23
+New+ Mission 9
+New+ Mission 10
+New+ Loading Screen System
+New+ Weapon Upgrade System
+New+ Item type: Money
+New+ 'Impostor' System ~ WIP (put into test in Mission 9 only for now) ~ The ultimate system for off-screen enemy optimization
+New+ Graphics and Sounds for the new Weapon Upgrade System
+New+ Graphics and Sounds for the new Loading Screen System
+New+ Total revamp of the Weapon Manager
+New+ Jumps and Ladders can now load and unload Streaming Levels when required
+New+ You can now use mouse buttons on Remapping Menu (use them at your own risk)
+New+ Door Type: Hatch (you can interact with them this time)
+New+ Door Mechanism: Can require more than one key to be used / puzzle to be completed / switch to be turned on / etc.
+New+ Totally revamped the saving a loading system used for the enemies
+New+ System to control the stats, parameters, inventory, etc. that are carried between levels
+New+ Function that controls everything related to changing from one level to another
+New+ BGM/BGS Controller Systems
+New+ Shader that allows making holes in the terrain when creating levels
+New+ Art Picture for the result screen background for the new Missions
+New+ Hair bush style for Julia
+New+ Fantasy Cards and codes
+Change+ Now all the enemies can leave money when dying too
+Change+ All the weapons are back to their Level 1 (ie they're worse than in previous releases until you upgrade them)
+Change+ The Weapon Upgrade option on Intermission Screen is now available
+Change+ How the Streaming Levels with enemies on them work and how they're loaded and unloaded
+Change+ How the Respawn process for enemies works
+Change+ Now when starting a new mission, you first go to Intermission Screen so you can enhance your weapons
+Change+ How the Intermission Screen controls the current and next missions
+Change+ The obsolete Checkpoint system got deprecated and deleted
+Change+ Doors are now 'aware' of changes in puzzles and/or switches making them do 'things' when necessary
+Fix+ A Loading screen is appearing when the game starts
+Fix+ The inventory is lost when changing level in a mission
+Fix+ The damaged clothes aren't updating until changing levels
+Fix+ Bars aren't showing when there's no slot selected in Weapon Upgrade Menu
+Fix+ You can keep pressing 'Accept' button even when a parameter is already maxed in Weapon Upgrade Menu
+Fix+ Julia gets stuck on aiming as if she were aiming with the rocket launcher, but with the knife showing in the HUD, under specific conditions, causing a soft-lock that can only be fixed if an enemy attacks her
+Fix+ Receiving an attack at the exact same frame as receiving a grab causes a hard-lock for the enemy trying to grab, making him unkillable
+Fix+ Enemy AI Controller for spawned enemies can't get access back to their linked enemy entity causing errors
+Fix+ Jumping down from any place other than in front of where the obstacle is causes Julia to get stuck outside the level
... and a lot more.
+New+ Mission 8
+New+ Showcase Level
+New+ Mechanic: An Item that can be used as weapon as an usable one: Eggs
+New+ Interaction for AI: Enemies can now recognize doors
+New+ Behaviors for Interactable switches
+New+ Animations for new mechanics / interactions
+New+ Sounds for the new mechanics / interactions
+New+ Content for the Showcase Level
+New+ Logo specifically for the Arena
+New+ Art Picture for the result screen background for the new Mission
+New+ Fantasy Cards and codes
+Change+ Made to every door to be recognisable by the AI
+Change+ Enemies now rotate to its nearest target while still look at the player if its detected
+Change+ Tweaked the respawning of enemies in Mission 7
+Change+ Made to some internal vars for AI that alter their look and behavior
+Change+ How the Use command is read by the UI to allow for different command names
+Change+ Now respawning enemies can have a delay before doing the actual respawn
+Change+ How sub-levels are managed on the Mansion level for better performance
+Fix+ The Game Over options menu doesn't work on Mission 7
+Fix+ The HUD doesn't update the Egg quantity after using one
+Fix+ The auto-equip process when discarding/using the equipped item is equipping items that aren't equipable
+Fix+ Sometimes Julia is grabbed from behind and her clothes will remain intact
+Fix+ AI get stuck when trying to interact with a door if/when it's dismembered
+Fix+ AI keeps walking towards its target even if it cannot reach it
+Fix+ AI goes back to the "interaction point origin" after interacting with a door
+Fix+ A Lamp in the Mansion is making a Big Guy to get stuck in a corridor causing the player to get stuck as well if it can't be killed
+Fix+ Some animations cause visual glitches on some enemies and also prevent them from moving
+Fix+ Enemies appear naked even when there're clothes configured for them
... and a lot more.
+New+ Level with different areas to show some newly added map interactions, puzzle behavior and more
+New+ Mission 7
+New+ Fantasy Cards that allow Julia to have different kind of pubes (3 texture-only styles & 1 fiber style -watch out for the performance when using this one since it's a bit heavy-)
+New+ Configuration options have been added to change the FOV (requested for users with ultra-wide monitors), Bloom strength and turning Motion Blur ON and OFF
+New+ Input Remapping System
+New+ The knife has it's own slot on the inventory now
+New+ Item Box to store anything you want from your inventory
+New+ The Item Box has been added to every mission where it may be needed
+New+ Unlocked weapons are added to the Item Box instead of being scattered around levels
+New+ You can now read documents!
+New+ Added some documents to most of the Missions. Right now are mostly just parts of the FAQ (so make sure to read them ^^) and the Rare and Legendary Fantasy Cards
+New+ UI graphics for the new systems
+New+ UI sounds for the new systems
+New+ Help added to almost every menu, including controls and behaviors
+New+ Damage visual representation on enemies. You can now see holes and there's a lot of added gore to it
+New+ Behavior (idle, walk, run, etc.) animations for the average Infected
+New+ Total rework of Enemy Entity *2 (yeah, once again and re-done 2 times for this one XD)
+New+ Global Input Controller
+New+ Art Picture for the result screen background for the new Mission
+New+ Fantasy Cards and codes
+New+ Engine version used (with a recreation from scratch instead of just upgrading the project files)
+Change+ You can now access the Input Remapping option from the pause menu
+Change+ There's a Blue Herb on the Mission 4 now
+Change+ You can now evade at any time, pressing the Interact button a bit longer when there's nothing to interact with
+Change+ Removed the WIP IK system for Enemies, since it brought more problems than solutions
+Change+ Added more checks to avoid empty pointers
+Change+ There's now a limit on Key Items you can collect (this is to enforce the usage of the Item Box)
+Change+ The way inputs are handled is totally different now (will it change in the future to adapt to UE5's Enhanced Input System? that's still in the air)
+Change+ When using different input methods (ie keyboard+mouse or gamepad) the checks to update the UI are changed to optimize them by reducing it to only one general check
+Change+ You can no longer equip items that has no use when equipped like the ammo
+Change+ Added a new "stat" for items/key items which is their materials like metallic, plastic, etc.
+Change+ Now every existing item/key item have their materials defined
+Change+ The result screen can now appear without a fade in effect (when requested for gameplay purposes)
+Change+ Removed deprecated configuration options from menu
+Change+ Average Infected are now slower overall, but more dangerous as they can now grab you from behind and destroy your clothes at the same time
+Change+ The Enemies' ataccking rate now varies depending on how many of them are close to Julia. Less enemies around means more aggresive enemy
+Change+ Julia now it's automatically moved to the 'object' she's interacting with to avoid any soft-lock caused in the past for examining closed doors when she was to far on a side of the door
+Fix+ Julia cannot interact while running
+Fix+ Equipped weapon shows in hand while reading a document
+Fix+ Every "Accessed NONE while trying to read property XXXX" while simulating
+Fix+ The Key Items show a quantity number under their icons on the Item Box
+Fix+ When in the seventh slot in the inventory and pressing down it causes a wrong index value to be sent for item checking
+Fix+ The interact prompts disappear after interacting once and never appear again
+Fix+ The maximum number of shotgun shells are differently counted for combination process, resulting in wrong calculations when combining two slots of shotgun ammo and gaining an extra 5 shells after it
+Fix+ When getting one Key Items near another one, the UI doesn't update to show the other one
+Fix+ When using a gamepad, aiming the knife acts wrongly making Julia to aim then stop and then back to aiming again
+Fix+ Flipping a document using a gamepad, causes Julia to go to aiming with the knife after exiting the document interaction
+Fix+ Using gamepad, the Zoom-in/out during Sexttacks is not working
+Fix+ Julia's shader is acting all weird after upgrading engine version, causing her to look like a T-1000 Julia
+Fix+ Menus with scrolling bar don't reset it after exiting and re-entering causing a visual glitch
+Fix+ Ripping of a member when the Infected is already crawling, will make him end up facing up instead of down
+Fix+ Crawling enemies can be yet pushed away
+Fix+ The prompt to avoid enemies' attacks is not appearing
+Fix+ After an Infected falls once, after he gets up, he will start acting weird and moving super-fast
+Fix+ An enemy trying to grab while Julia is getting hit or finishing another action will cause a soft-lock making the game to loop forever in the Sexttack with no camera controls and no other choice but to restart the mission
+Fix+ The average Infected goes crazy directions -instead of where Julia is- when trying to grab Julia
+Fix+ An enemy that were running before getting a leg ripped off, is unable to ever move again
+Fix+ Atacking an enemy that is laying down in the floor sometime causes him to remain in the floor forever
+Fix+ Attacking an enemy while jumping over causes him to start floating while finishing the jumping animation
+Fix+ Enemies with pre-defined position (like some of them in Mission 4) aren't showing where they should and they appear floating instead
+Fix+ CQC prompts aren't showing
+Fix+ After finishing the Boss introduction sequence, Julia's equipped weapon isn't showing
+Fix+ When dying, the enemies doesn't move while playing the death animation but instead remain in place
+Fix+ When there are multiple enemies around Julia, if one tries to grab her, it'll fail
+Fix+ The enemies on the upper floor in the Sewers on Mission 2 do get up before they have to during the countdown sequence
+Fix+ The enemies on the upper floor in the Sewers on Mission 2 disappear falling through the floor before reaching the area
+Fix+ Flipping a document doesn't reset the scrolling bar to the top of the text
+New+ Total rework of Enemy Entity (+more than 170 subtasks on this)
+New+ Total rework of Sexttack System (lots of subtasks goes on here as well)
+New+ Total rework of Camera System (same)
+New+ 22 Sexttack animations
+New+ FadeFX System (custom made) for the Grappling and Sexttack Cameras
+New+ Enemies that never ejaculate
+New+ Very WIP IK system for Enemies -very glitchy causing some weird behaviors in build- (to be replaced with Ctrl RIG if possible)
+New+ Sewing Machine with limited number of uses (for specific cases)
+New+ Enemies now get tired of chasing a target
+New+ A system to interpolate from one cubemap/lut to another one
+New+ Type of Sexttack (for the Boss)
+New+ Ability to make a screen shake out of animations
+New+ WIP Julia's skin shader (hopefully this one is the definitive)
+New+ You can now dismember enemy's legs too
+New+ Two sequences for the new Mission
+New+ Type of damage added (stun) to the Enemy (Boss)
+New+ Enemy Types (Mission 6)
+New+ WIP Drop Needed Item System (Don't know how to call it, but it's basically the system that control if you need a kind of item when killing an enemy to 'help' drop it) (only on the new mission for now)
+New+ Saccade Movement for Julia's eyes
+New+ A LOT of new animations for the new enemy states and for the new enemy (Boss)
+New+ More LODs added for the enemies
+New+ Art Picture for the result screen background for the new Mission
+New+ Fantasy Cards and codes
+New+ Engine version used
+Change+ Tweaked Julia Physics a bit
+Change+ Redesign of Interactable Entities to make them children of a Parent one to reunite common code
+Change+ Pivot for the Viewpoint of the Cerberus to make it easier for him to detect targets
+Change+ The enemies' configuration to adequate to the new systems
+Change+ Added the new Mission to the Mission Selector Menu
+Change+ Made the crosshair to disappear during sequences
+Change+ Julia can now use the knife to free from grabbings when necessary (Boss)
+Change+ Enemies can now be truly spawned instead of resetting one to a new position (only on the new mission for now)
+Change+ Julia's longer damage animations (belly hurting, etc.) will now happen less times and is linked to the damage received, the bigger the damage received the more probability to play those animations
+Change+ Randomly decide the Sexttack speed (so that never two Sexttack are the same anymore)
+Change+ Highest LOD for enemies now only shows during grapples and Sexttacks to free a lot of GPU load
+Fix+ StringIsEmpty usage is now deprecated from a plugin view and added to engine itself
+Fix+ PlayTo(Frames) usage is now deprecated and replaced with SetPlaybackPosition
+Fix+ Rework the usage of Direct Capsule Shadows that causes Crashes in the new updated Engine
+Fix+ The camera is shaking too much during the third sequence in the Sewers (Mission 2)
+Fix+ Removed the old glitchy-FadeFX system
+Fix+ All the UI animations were broken, after upgrading the Engine
+Fix+ Unused Tags are causing a Fatal Error
+Fix+ "Scripted" animations for some enemies are allowing them to get back to normal before dying (Mission 4)
+Fix+ After jumping over, if the enemy is pushed over, it may cause him to remain uncollisonable, therefore causing him to stay on place and being unkillable
+Fix+ Prevent Julia from going to Idle poses during a sequence
+Fix+ Got rid of enemies outside level boundaries
+Fix+ Camera gets reset after "Giving Up" to Game Over Sexttacks (Big Guy)
+Fix+ Grappling input value never resets making only the first one enemy hard to get free from
+Fix+ Prevent Julia from crossing a door before it's opened
+Fix+ Door Cameras aren't working
+Fix+ Julia rotations when getting an item will cause camera pops
+Fix+ Audio Configuration aren't working at all, only "Master Volume" and it's only affecting one type of audio
+New+ Julia's model with improved polygon count and smoother skin (more than 40 subtasks went into this)
+New+ Soft skin (+ physics) system for Julia with more jiggly stuff
+New+ Skin shaders for Julia
+New+ Mission 3 (with tons of subtask that didn't got accounted for the versioning number)
+New+ Mission 4 (with tons of subtask that didn't got accounted for the versioning number)
+New+ Stamina parameter used for some new actions
+New+ Dodge system for enemy attacks (more than 15 subtasks went into this)
+New+ Physical attack system to help avoid getting surrounded when you have no ammo (WIP) (more than 10 subtasks went into this)
+New+ CQC system meaning you can now hit a key part on the enemy then get closer to him to physically apply a lot of damage (WIP)
+New+ Animation damage system for enemies now showing animMontages instead of sequences
+New+ Dismemberment system (WIP: you can't dismember legs for now, because there's no crawling enemies AI implementation yet) (more than 20 subtasks went into this)
+New+ Wandering system added to Infected as well, not only for dogs anymore
+New+ Cheap wet surfaces shader (you can see them in the Exterior area in Mission 2, especially in the Mansion porch)
+New+ Culling configuration for big levels, to alleviate drawing distance charge
+New+ Title Screen (this is the look it will have in the game) (WIP) (more than 15 subtasks went into this)
+New+ Pause Screen (WIP)
+New+ Character Customization Screen look
+New+ Way of handle saving stuff like unlockables for the future saving system
+New+ Unlockable requisites including the ones for the new hair style and outfit
+New+ Hair style
+New+ Outfit
+New+ Fantasy Cards for this release
+New+ Programming implementation for the new FCs including the increasing of the weapon's critical % parameter
+Change+ Added a blur effect to the pause screen to avoid mesh shaking
+Change+ Made the interaction area for Julia bigger so it's easier to interact now
+Change+ Tweak and rebuild of lighting and fog in the Exterior Area in both Mission 1 and 2
+Change+ Improved the interaction system, now when a heal item is equipped using it will have priority over other interactions like jumping over, etc.
+Change+ Getting rid of Patreon rank checks for unlockables since now everyone can unlock them
+Change+ Tweaks made to roughness and specular channels to avoid Julia's skullcap being so different from hair
+Change+ Updated Mission 3 related info vars to add the corresponding preview image
+Change+ Updated Mission 4 related info vars to add the corresponding preview image
+Change+ Updated some Sexttacks animation morphs to avoid boobs clipping into straps (for outfit with those)
+Change+ Changed the Infected disintegration FX to make it look more similar to the dogs one
+Change+ Updated the version number to reflect the new update
+Change+ Updated the Changelog to reflect all the new stuff
+Fix+ The handgun appears as unloaded even when there's ammo on it already
+Fix+ Julia enters sometimes in an infinite animation loop when reloading the handgun
+Fix+ Knife can't hit enemies lying in the floor
+Fix+ The handgun crosshair opens too much with slight movements
+Fix+ Enemies can grab Julia when she's interacting with something else
+Fix+ Enemies' gens act weird during grab animations
+Fix+ Physics on enemies' gens have misconfigured collisions
+Fix+ Julia's hair color resets after level changing
+Fix+ After getting ammo, if there's any qty left, this disappears like if it was dropped by an enemy
+Fix+ The big trees in the Mansion's courtyard can cause Julia to stuck in them forcing a reset
+Fix+ Retrying the Mission 1 during the sewer's countdown causes an inventory lost
+Fix+ The Julia's Interactor area goes through the floor now that such area is bigger
+Fix+ Enemies drop more than one keyitem even when only one is specified
+Fix+ Pressing F consecutively while examining the hatch at the beginning of Mission 2 at the Exterior area causes the text to stuck and stack on the screen
+Fix+ Dogs sometimes turn 90º to one direction before jumping causing them to go into places they shouldn't
+Fix+ When getting an item in the exact moment it's disappearing or while Julia's running and she passes the item while stopping causes an inability to interact with anything else forcing a reset
+Fix+ Doing a physical attack or a CQC attack when there's no equipped weapon makes no damage on enemies
+Fix+ Doing a physical attack, a CQC attack or a Knife stab is counted as a shot from the equipped weapon for the stats
+Fix+ Julia and enemies meshes are a bit floaty (in the sewers sequence it may look like Julia is still floating when the camera moves far from her, but that's a visual glitch from UE4 making her shadow to disappear on her feet)
+Fix+ Knife stabs won't show enemy damage animations
+Fix+ Sometimes even when the button is showing up to get an item, Julia still won't get it
+Fix+ Some morphs aren't working with the new Julia's outfit
+Fix+ When opening the door to the Mansion in Mission 2, the rain appears inside it
+Fix+ Sometimes the porch floor won't appear wet like it should in Mission 2
+Fix+ Character customization background lines cover some important parts of Julia's model, like her face
+Fix+ Some levels are missing the way to capture environment light to project it onto Julia, causing her to have some green reflections in some areas like her eyes
+Fix+ Enemies can grapple Julia for Sexttacks other than the blowjob one when the new outfit is still a no-go for those
+Fix+ (Not totally confirmed that this is fixed) Landscapes like the Exterior area have problems with physic interactions like enemies going ragdoll when dying causing a Fatal Error
+Fix+ Julia shaders have a too strong SSS
+Fix+ Some navmeshes aren't properly built
+Fix+ Title screen is still warning about some unbuilt lighting for objects
+Fix+ Enemies shot after jumping over an obstacle will make them falling to floor instantly in an unnatural way
... and a lot behind the scenes work.
+New+ 103 total new addings including new systems, mechanics, bug-fixing, etc
+New+ A new FX system that reflects damage, dirt and cum on Julia
+New+ Enemy cums now stain the floor, etc
+New+ You can now change the hair color in the Character Customization Screen
+New+ A very early implementarion of the Intermission Screen
+New+ model+rig+materials+textures+animations for the Cerberus
+New+ Fantasy Card System added
+New+ An early implementation of weather effects
+New+ Shootable items (similar to sellable items in RE5)
+New+ A new UI to help you know your current objective. You can toggle it on or off
+New+ A Mission Selector Screen (WIP)
+Change+ The Infection system is now complete including the blue herb mesh totally finished now
+Change+ Julia's shader has been remade to addapt it to new mechanics and simplifying it as much as possible
+Change+ The colors for the Secret Outfit 1 has been tweaked
+Change+ The enemies' AI has been tweaked
+Change+ Tweaked the physics for the enemies's gens a bit
+Change+ Some tweaks to Julia's physics as well
+Change+ Tweaked the enemies's movement (except for the Cerberus) to try and make them rotate instead of popping out in a direction (very WIP)
+Change+ Tweaked the Cerberus' AI making him to walk more instead of only running among a lot of other things
+Change+ Added a new "type of door" to the door system
+Change+ Added a new "type of puzzle" to the puzzle system
+Change+ Added new conditions to drop items to the enemies (like killing a certain number of enemies)
+Change+ Improved the teleport between levels system so we can set exactly where Julia must appear
+Change+ Improved the navigation meshes in the Sewers (this is for Enemies's AI)
+Change+ Tweaked Post-Process Effects and fog effect in the Sewers a bit
+Change+ Unlocking unlockables now display a visual notification instead of just a sound
+Change+ Adapted the Result Screen to the new required behaviours
+Change+ Updated the VXS logo
+Change+ Updated the VXS avatar in the Main Menu/Tittle Screen
+Change+ Some graphics were updated
+Fix+ Cerberus (I don't think we have to add anything here, right? lol)
+Fix+ Exiting the Sewers would cause the outfit to reset for Pigeon Patrons and Free users
+Fix+ Enemy damaged parts like arms and legs now recover in an smoother way
+Fix+ Enemies take around two seconds to start acting after they see/hear Julia
+Fix+ Julia in the Main Menu/Title Screen was stuck playing only one animation and not moving her head nor even blinking
+Fix+ Enemies showing strange animation framerates in the Exterior Area
+Fix+ Enemies stop chasing you when you turn your camera out of them
+Fix+ Some clippings during Infected Cerberus attack animations
+Fix+ An error when trying to rebuild the lighting caused by referenced BSP Brushes
+Fix+ Found and fixed some memory leaks that were happening every frame like some checks for inexistent actors or trying divisions by 0 value
+Fix+ After exiting the Mansion, Julia would clip through the floor on fall to the infinity
+Fix+ The same for some enemies
+Fix+ The rain effect would appear even under roof
... and a lot more.
+Added+ A little easter-egg/extra in the Main Menu/Title Screen for those who complete again the Arena
+Changed+ When an Infected discovers you from a high distance it pops to your direction without turning animation. This should have changed now
+Changed+ Small tweak to the inflation morph to try and avoid some clipping in the cloth
+Changed+ The "help" text for the Patreon option in the Main Menu/Title Screen
+Changed+ Version Number on Main Menu/Title Screen and in the Results Screen to reflect the new version
+Bugfix+ Sometimes when aiming or getting hit Jill’s model start to glitch (like vertices going crazy around the map) and stop after a second or two.
+Bugfix+ When getting KeyItems you can see Jill going naked for a second
+Bugfix+ When triggering the end of the countdown scene while being sexttacked the QTE UI graphics will remain there even when you auto-counter it after the scene
+Bugfix+ Grammar error in the first door when examining it while still closed
Bioasshard Arena v.0.0.2 Released!
This one is focused mainly on bugfixing. But also added a feature vastly demanded: Settings Menu.
From this menu you can configure many aspects of the game like Audio, Graphics and Gameplay stuff (including a configuration for the Sexttacks duration [IMG] ).
Good news:
All the bugfixes made!
17 total changes, including Add-on, Changes and Bugfixes!
Settings Menu available in the Main Menu/Title Screen and the Pause Menu during game!
Updated the Readme! file with the new stuff so read it, please!
Bad news:
After so many days talking about a patch for the new version, it ended up being a fully-rebuilded version. Sorry about that. Because we added a new plugin, the patch wasn't able to add the necessary dependencies.
Tried to fix the "exploding model" glitch just to discover that my PC (Meguido's) said "enough is enough". I'm unable to import new models with morphs... So this means this will be limiting a lot unless we start getting more support that allows us to finally get new hardware and send these ones to hell.
Early version has been removed from the server. So this way you can always download the latest version (this is for now, when we release an actual patch, the version won't be removed obviously XD).
Known Bugs / Glitches (working on fixing them)
(Common) Visual glitch that happens randomly when attacking with the survival knife causing a blood impact fx to show when not hitting anything.
(Rare) Sometimes hit impacts are not counted as such but as miss for the accuracy stat.
(VeryRare/Probably AMD old or my pc only specific problem) Sometimes when aiming or getting hit Jill’s model start to glitch (like vertices going crazy around the map) and stop after a second or two.
(Common) Due to the impossibility of fully test the Arena, there’s a huge chance that you’ll find some cameras to go through the map or through the models. Usually the rest of the cameras are good, so if you find this problem, change to another camera (LMB/RMB | LB/RB | L1/R1).
(Rare) Sometimes depending on the distance to the infected and also depending to the distance behind him to a wall, shots may miss due to a miscalculation in the process of collision detection. This bug is almost fixed and will be included in the first patch.
(Common if you have a pc like mine) When climbing a ladder, due to the slowness of the pc, Jill may get stuck when finishing the climb. Only solution to this is to not have a pc like mine (or older if that even exists).
Это 3D-игра, разработанная на Unreal Engine 4. Это каламбур, основанный на Biohazard (вы, наверное, догадались). Это пародийная игра для взрослых, основанная на франшизе Resident Evil. Так что вы можете ожидать хоррор на выживание (ориентированный на экшн) с зараженными врагами, которые попытаются получить от вас некоторое «облегчение». Идея родилась из нашей любви к франшизе Resident Evil, особенно к 5-й части. В эту мы играли более ста часов. Так что да, добавьте это к нашей любви к хентай-играм и результату? Биоасард. Но не думайте, что это просто основано на ориентации франшизы на действия, которые она получила от Resident Evil 5. Потому что вторая игра RE, которую мы любим больше всего, — это 2ndone. Так что будут головоломки и несколько страшных моментов.
It's a 3D game developed in Unreal Engine 4. It's a pun based on Biohazard (You guessed I think). It's an adult parody game based on the Resident Evil franchise. So you can expect a survival-horror (action-oriented) with infected enemies that will try to get some "relief" on you. The idea was born from our love to the Resident Evil franchise, especially to the 5th part. This one we played for over hundred hours. So yeah add this to our love for hentai games and the result? Bioasshard. But don't think this is just based on the action orientation the franchise got from Resident Evil 5 on ahead. Because the second RE game we love the most is the 2ndone. So there will be puzzles and some scary moments too.
Год: 2020
Жанр: 3d game, 3dcg, animated, anal, big ass, combat, creampie, female protagonist, horror, monster, oral, parody, shooter, vaginal,
Цензура: Отсутствует
Разработчик / Издатель: www.patreon.com/versusxstudio
Платформа: PC/Windows (x64)
Тип издания: В разработке
Таблетка: не требуется
Версия: v.1.0.241 Revision 3
Язык игры: Английский
Язык интерфейса: Английский
Системные требования:
OS: Win XP/Vista/7/8/10
· AMD FX-4100 Quad-core @3.59 GHz
· 8Gb RAM
· AMD Radeon HD 6800 Series (6738) 1024 Mb GDDR5
· MoBo basic fan so no OC is even possible
v1.0.241 Revision 3 - 2024-07-09
v1.0.241 Revision 2
v1.0.241 - 2024-04-21
+New+ Mission 12
The last mission for the Arena. Similar to Mission 9, there you can test the mechanics -the newly added ones along with the rest-.
+New+ Explosive barrels system
For now, they won’t damage Julia, so take advantage of that XD.
+New+ Destructible wooden boxes/barrels system
A new way to obtain items and money.
+New+ Two new BJ S*xttack animation for the three average Infected -making a total of 6 “new” anims-
Well, sort of. Let me explain: It's the already existing one that has a change of pace in between that caused some people to dislike it but divided into two separated animations, one for the slow part and another one for the faster part. Doesn’t add much but it was necessary to test how enemies behave having more than one S*xttack of specific type (in this case: the BJ).
+New+ Cheap Storm System (to add some atmosphere when necessary)
Pretty cheap indeed and it’s just a temp solution, the game will have a different one along with the rain effect. The new mission had to feature this and we decided to make the fastest and easiest method since it’s just for testing purposes.
+New+ Skin shader for Julia (temporal? it depends on your input)
Wanted to try this approach for a long time now, I had some time finally and here it is, would be cool if you let me know what you think about it. Do you like it more than the previous one or rather the opposite?
+New+ Credits Screen System (skippable after the first view)
Yep, it’s more than just a section in the included .txt file. If you want you get your name/nickname immortalized inside the Arena, now it’s your chance, look for the corresponding tier! (What a brilliant and sneaky way of asking for support huh, nobody will notice for sure XD)
+New+ Content for the Showcase Level: Sexttack pose
+New+ Content for the Showcase Level: Enemies
+New+ Stat system in Mission Selection Screen (is finally here!)
+New+ Three different kinds of locked door for puzzles and stuff (you can find them on Mission 12)
+New+ Face type (?) for Julia - a surprise Fantasy Card!
+New+ Surprise for the last mission (Mission 12)
+New+ Final update to the guide with all the info to get the most out of the Arena and its content, downloadable in PDF! (Will be made available soon, first enjoy the new Mission on your own ^_^)
+New+ 3 hair pubes styles (including a new fiber one) for Julia
+New+ Game Over System 2.0
+Change+ Tweaks made to enemies' physics (y'know where lol to try and avoid those *things* going crazy when FPS can't keep up high enough)
+Change+ Normal items can now have different radius of activation for the pop-up alert, making some of them harder/easier to find than others
+Fix+ When dying and retrying on missions with more than one level will cause the inventory and the Itembox to be empty and a mission restart will be necessary to "fix" that
+Fix+ Sometimes when playing a new version and using the Rank Card code won't re-unlock the unlockables obtained in a previous version
+Fix+ There's a few concrete cubes that allow Julia to get on unwalkable places on Mission 11, 3rd floor
+Fix+ The shelf hiding a door behind in Mission 9, cannot be moved enough to see/interact-with said door
v0.9.271 - 2023-10-22
+New+ Mission 11
+New+ 3 more jump types for Julia
+New+ 4 more jump types for enemies
+New+ Jump animations for the new jump types for Julia and the enemies
+New+ Key items can now have more than one use
+New+ 3 hair pubes styles (including a new fiber one) for Julia
+Change+ The physical attack to a stunned enemy command prompt has now priority over everything else, including dodging
+Change+ The POI icon for interactable stuff has got its behind the scene behavior (i.e., the code for it to work) reworked making it lighter and simpler
+Change+ Every interactable is now a 'child' of a Parent class containing all the shared code for them to be interacted
+Change+ The mission selector screen now allows scrolling through missions
+Change+ Tweaks have been made to Mission 1 in terms of enemy's behavior
+Fix+ Changing your tier level resets the weapon upgrades
+Fix+ There's a jump down in the "VR Level" (Mission 1 & 10) that can get Julia stuck out of bounds
+Fix+ Closed doors aren't showing their associated camera
+Fix+ Inflation keeps causing flickering on Julia's belly when it's not at full
+Fix+ Reading a document with a usable item equipped (does not happen with weapons) show both the item and the document in the hand
v0.8.194 - 2023-07-23
+New+ Mission 9
+New+ Mission 10
+New+ Loading Screen System
+New+ Weapon Upgrade System
+New+ Item type: Money
+New+ 'Impostor' System ~ WIP (put into test in Mission 9 only for now) ~ The ultimate system for off-screen enemy optimization
+New+ Graphics and Sounds for the new Weapon Upgrade System
+New+ Graphics and Sounds for the new Loading Screen System
+New+ Total revamp of the Weapon Manager
+New+ Jumps and Ladders can now load and unload Streaming Levels when required
+New+ You can now use mouse buttons on Remapping Menu (use them at your own risk)
+New+ Door Type: Hatch (you can interact with them this time)
+New+ Door Mechanism: Can require more than one key to be used / puzzle to be completed / switch to be turned on / etc.
+New+ Totally revamped the saving a loading system used for the enemies
+New+ System to control the stats, parameters, inventory, etc. that are carried between levels
+New+ Function that controls everything related to changing from one level to another
+New+ BGM/BGS Controller Systems
+New+ Shader that allows making holes in the terrain when creating levels
+New+ Art Picture for the result screen background for the new Missions
+New+ Hair bush style for Julia
+New+ Fantasy Cards and codes
+Change+ Now all the enemies can leave money when dying too
+Change+ All the weapons are back to their Level 1 (ie they're worse than in previous releases until you upgrade them)
+Change+ The Weapon Upgrade option on Intermission Screen is now available
+Change+ How the Streaming Levels with enemies on them work and how they're loaded and unloaded
+Change+ How the Respawn process for enemies works
+Change+ Now when starting a new mission, you first go to Intermission Screen so you can enhance your weapons
+Change+ How the Intermission Screen controls the current and next missions
+Change+ The obsolete Checkpoint system got deprecated and deleted
+Change+ Doors are now 'aware' of changes in puzzles and/or switches making them do 'things' when necessary
+Fix+ A Loading screen is appearing when the game starts
+Fix+ The inventory is lost when changing level in a mission
+Fix+ The damaged clothes aren't updating until changing levels
+Fix+ Bars aren't showing when there's no slot selected in Weapon Upgrade Menu
+Fix+ You can keep pressing 'Accept' button even when a parameter is already maxed in Weapon Upgrade Menu
+Fix+ Julia gets stuck on aiming as if she were aiming with the rocket launcher, but with the knife showing in the HUD, under specific conditions, causing a soft-lock that can only be fixed if an enemy attacks her
+Fix+ Receiving an attack at the exact same frame as receiving a grab causes a hard-lock for the enemy trying to grab, making him unkillable
+Fix+ Enemy AI Controller for spawned enemies can't get access back to their linked enemy entity causing errors
+Fix+ Jumping down from any place other than in front of where the obstacle is causes Julia to get stuck outside the level
... and a lot more.
+New+ Mission 8
+New+ Showcase Level
+New+ Mechanic: An Item that can be used as weapon as an usable one: Eggs
+New+ Interaction for AI: Enemies can now recognize doors
+New+ Behaviors for Interactable switches
+New+ Animations for new mechanics / interactions
+New+ Sounds for the new mechanics / interactions
+New+ Content for the Showcase Level
+New+ Logo specifically for the Arena
+New+ Art Picture for the result screen background for the new Mission
+New+ Fantasy Cards and codes
+Change+ Made to every door to be recognisable by the AI
+Change+ Enemies now rotate to its nearest target while still look at the player if its detected
+Change+ Tweaked the respawning of enemies in Mission 7
+Change+ Made to some internal vars for AI that alter their look and behavior
+Change+ How the Use command is read by the UI to allow for different command names
+Change+ Now respawning enemies can have a delay before doing the actual respawn
+Change+ How sub-levels are managed on the Mansion level for better performance
+Fix+ The Game Over options menu doesn't work on Mission 7
+Fix+ The HUD doesn't update the Egg quantity after using one
+Fix+ The auto-equip process when discarding/using the equipped item is equipping items that aren't equipable
+Fix+ Sometimes Julia is grabbed from behind and her clothes will remain intact
+Fix+ AI get stuck when trying to interact with a door if/when it's dismembered
+Fix+ AI keeps walking towards its target even if it cannot reach it
+Fix+ AI goes back to the "interaction point origin" after interacting with a door
+Fix+ A Lamp in the Mansion is making a Big Guy to get stuck in a corridor causing the player to get stuck as well if it can't be killed
+Fix+ Some animations cause visual glitches on some enemies and also prevent them from moving
+Fix+ Enemies appear naked even when there're clothes configured for them
... and a lot more.
+New+ Level with different areas to show some newly added map interactions, puzzle behavior and more
+New+ Mission 7
+New+ Fantasy Cards that allow Julia to have different kind of pubes (3 texture-only styles & 1 fiber style -watch out for the performance when using this one since it's a bit heavy-)
+New+ Configuration options have been added to change the FOV (requested for users with ultra-wide monitors), Bloom strength and turning Motion Blur ON and OFF
+New+ Input Remapping System
+New+ The knife has it's own slot on the inventory now
+New+ Item Box to store anything you want from your inventory
+New+ The Item Box has been added to every mission where it may be needed
+New+ Unlocked weapons are added to the Item Box instead of being scattered around levels
+New+ You can now read documents!
+New+ Added some documents to most of the Missions. Right now are mostly just parts of the FAQ (so make sure to read them ^^) and the Rare and Legendary Fantasy Cards
+New+ UI graphics for the new systems
+New+ UI sounds for the new systems
+New+ Help added to almost every menu, including controls and behaviors
+New+ Damage visual representation on enemies. You can now see holes and there's a lot of added gore to it
+New+ Behavior (idle, walk, run, etc.) animations for the average Infected
+New+ Total rework of Enemy Entity *2 (yeah, once again and re-done 2 times for this one XD)
+New+ Global Input Controller
+New+ Art Picture for the result screen background for the new Mission
+New+ Fantasy Cards and codes
+New+ Engine version used (with a recreation from scratch instead of just upgrading the project files)
+Change+ You can now access the Input Remapping option from the pause menu
+Change+ There's a Blue Herb on the Mission 4 now
+Change+ You can now evade at any time, pressing the Interact button a bit longer when there's nothing to interact with
+Change+ Removed the WIP IK system for Enemies, since it brought more problems than solutions
+Change+ Added more checks to avoid empty pointers
+Change+ There's now a limit on Key Items you can collect (this is to enforce the usage of the Item Box)
+Change+ The way inputs are handled is totally different now (will it change in the future to adapt to UE5's Enhanced Input System? that's still in the air)
+Change+ When using different input methods (ie keyboard+mouse or gamepad) the checks to update the UI are changed to optimize them by reducing it to only one general check
+Change+ You can no longer equip items that has no use when equipped like the ammo
+Change+ Added a new "stat" for items/key items which is their materials like metallic, plastic, etc.
+Change+ Now every existing item/key item have their materials defined
+Change+ The result screen can now appear without a fade in effect (when requested for gameplay purposes)
+Change+ Removed deprecated configuration options from menu
+Change+ Average Infected are now slower overall, but more dangerous as they can now grab you from behind and destroy your clothes at the same time
+Change+ The Enemies' ataccking rate now varies depending on how many of them are close to Julia. Less enemies around means more aggresive enemy
+Change+ Julia now it's automatically moved to the 'object' she's interacting with to avoid any soft-lock caused in the past for examining closed doors when she was to far on a side of the door
+Fix+ Julia cannot interact while running
+Fix+ Equipped weapon shows in hand while reading a document
+Fix+ Every "Accessed NONE while trying to read property XXXX" while simulating
+Fix+ The Key Items show a quantity number under their icons on the Item Box
+Fix+ When in the seventh slot in the inventory and pressing down it causes a wrong index value to be sent for item checking
+Fix+ The interact prompts disappear after interacting once and never appear again
+Fix+ The maximum number of shotgun shells are differently counted for combination process, resulting in wrong calculations when combining two slots of shotgun ammo and gaining an extra 5 shells after it
+Fix+ When getting one Key Items near another one, the UI doesn't update to show the other one
+Fix+ When using a gamepad, aiming the knife acts wrongly making Julia to aim then stop and then back to aiming again
+Fix+ Flipping a document using a gamepad, causes Julia to go to aiming with the knife after exiting the document interaction
+Fix+ Using gamepad, the Zoom-in/out during Sexttacks is not working
+Fix+ Julia's shader is acting all weird after upgrading engine version, causing her to look like a T-1000 Julia
+Fix+ Menus with scrolling bar don't reset it after exiting and re-entering causing a visual glitch
+Fix+ Ripping of a member when the Infected is already crawling, will make him end up facing up instead of down
+Fix+ Crawling enemies can be yet pushed away
+Fix+ The prompt to avoid enemies' attacks is not appearing
+Fix+ After an Infected falls once, after he gets up, he will start acting weird and moving super-fast
+Fix+ An enemy trying to grab while Julia is getting hit or finishing another action will cause a soft-lock making the game to loop forever in the Sexttack with no camera controls and no other choice but to restart the mission
+Fix+ The average Infected goes crazy directions -instead of where Julia is- when trying to grab Julia
+Fix+ An enemy that were running before getting a leg ripped off, is unable to ever move again
+Fix+ Atacking an enemy that is laying down in the floor sometime causes him to remain in the floor forever
+Fix+ Attacking an enemy while jumping over causes him to start floating while finishing the jumping animation
+Fix+ Enemies with pre-defined position (like some of them in Mission 4) aren't showing where they should and they appear floating instead
+Fix+ CQC prompts aren't showing
+Fix+ After finishing the Boss introduction sequence, Julia's equipped weapon isn't showing
+Fix+ When dying, the enemies doesn't move while playing the death animation but instead remain in place
+Fix+ When there are multiple enemies around Julia, if one tries to grab her, it'll fail
+Fix+ The enemies on the upper floor in the Sewers on Mission 2 do get up before they have to during the countdown sequence
+Fix+ The enemies on the upper floor in the Sewers on Mission 2 disappear falling through the floor before reaching the area
+Fix+ Flipping a document doesn't reset the scrolling bar to the top of the text
+New+ Total rework of Enemy Entity (+more than 170 subtasks on this)
+New+ Total rework of Sexttack System (lots of subtasks goes on here as well)
+New+ Total rework of Camera System (same)
+New+ 22 Sexttack animations
+New+ FadeFX System (custom made) for the Grappling and Sexttack Cameras
+New+ Enemies that never ejaculate
+New+ Very WIP IK system for Enemies -very glitchy causing some weird behaviors in build- (to be replaced with Ctrl RIG if possible)
+New+ Sewing Machine with limited number of uses (for specific cases)
+New+ Enemies now get tired of chasing a target
+New+ A system to interpolate from one cubemap/lut to another one
+New+ Type of Sexttack (for the Boss)
+New+ Ability to make a screen shake out of animations
+New+ WIP Julia's skin shader (hopefully this one is the definitive)
+New+ You can now dismember enemy's legs too
+New+ Two sequences for the new Mission
+New+ Type of damage added (stun) to the Enemy (Boss)
+New+ Enemy Types (Mission 6)
+New+ WIP Drop Needed Item System (Don't know how to call it, but it's basically the system that control if you need a kind of item when killing an enemy to 'help' drop it) (only on the new mission for now)
+New+ Saccade Movement for Julia's eyes
+New+ A LOT of new animations for the new enemy states and for the new enemy (Boss)
+New+ More LODs added for the enemies
+New+ Art Picture for the result screen background for the new Mission
+New+ Fantasy Cards and codes
+New+ Engine version used
+Change+ Tweaked Julia Physics a bit
+Change+ Redesign of Interactable Entities to make them children of a Parent one to reunite common code
+Change+ Pivot for the Viewpoint of the Cerberus to make it easier for him to detect targets
+Change+ The enemies' configuration to adequate to the new systems
+Change+ Added the new Mission to the Mission Selector Menu
+Change+ Made the crosshair to disappear during sequences
+Change+ Julia can now use the knife to free from grabbings when necessary (Boss)
+Change+ Enemies can now be truly spawned instead of resetting one to a new position (only on the new mission for now)
+Change+ Julia's longer damage animations (belly hurting, etc.) will now happen less times and is linked to the damage received, the bigger the damage received the more probability to play those animations
+Change+ Randomly decide the Sexttack speed (so that never two Sexttack are the same anymore)
+Change+ Highest LOD for enemies now only shows during grapples and Sexttacks to free a lot of GPU load
+Fix+ StringIsEmpty usage is now deprecated from a plugin view and added to engine itself
+Fix+ PlayTo(Frames) usage is now deprecated and replaced with SetPlaybackPosition
+Fix+ Rework the usage of Direct Capsule Shadows that causes Crashes in the new updated Engine
+Fix+ The camera is shaking too much during the third sequence in the Sewers (Mission 2)
+Fix+ Removed the old glitchy-FadeFX system
+Fix+ All the UI animations were broken, after upgrading the Engine
+Fix+ Unused Tags are causing a Fatal Error
+Fix+ "Scripted" animations for some enemies are allowing them to get back to normal before dying (Mission 4)
+Fix+ After jumping over, if the enemy is pushed over, it may cause him to remain uncollisonable, therefore causing him to stay on place and being unkillable
+Fix+ Prevent Julia from going to Idle poses during a sequence
+Fix+ Got rid of enemies outside level boundaries
+Fix+ Camera gets reset after "Giving Up" to Game Over Sexttacks (Big Guy)
+Fix+ Grappling input value never resets making only the first one enemy hard to get free from
+Fix+ Prevent Julia from crossing a door before it's opened
+Fix+ Door Cameras aren't working
+Fix+ Julia rotations when getting an item will cause camera pops
+Fix+ Audio Configuration aren't working at all, only "Master Volume" and it's only affecting one type of audio
+New+ Julia's model with improved polygon count and smoother skin (more than 40 subtasks went into this)
+New+ Soft skin (+ physics) system for Julia with more jiggly stuff
+New+ Skin shaders for Julia
+New+ Mission 3 (with tons of subtask that didn't got accounted for the versioning number)
+New+ Mission 4 (with tons of subtask that didn't got accounted for the versioning number)
+New+ Stamina parameter used for some new actions
+New+ Dodge system for enemy attacks (more than 15 subtasks went into this)
+New+ Physical attack system to help avoid getting surrounded when you have no ammo (WIP) (more than 10 subtasks went into this)
+New+ CQC system meaning you can now hit a key part on the enemy then get closer to him to physically apply a lot of damage (WIP)
+New+ Animation damage system for enemies now showing animMontages instead of sequences
+New+ Dismemberment system (WIP: you can't dismember legs for now, because there's no crawling enemies AI implementation yet) (more than 20 subtasks went into this)
+New+ Wandering system added to Infected as well, not only for dogs anymore
+New+ Cheap wet surfaces shader (you can see them in the Exterior area in Mission 2, especially in the Mansion porch)
+New+ Culling configuration for big levels, to alleviate drawing distance charge
+New+ Title Screen (this is the look it will have in the game) (WIP) (more than 15 subtasks went into this)
+New+ Pause Screen (WIP)
+New+ Character Customization Screen look
+New+ Way of handle saving stuff like unlockables for the future saving system
+New+ Unlockable requisites including the ones for the new hair style and outfit
+New+ Hair style
+New+ Outfit
+New+ Fantasy Cards for this release
+New+ Programming implementation for the new FCs including the increasing of the weapon's critical % parameter
+Change+ Added a blur effect to the pause screen to avoid mesh shaking
+Change+ Made the interaction area for Julia bigger so it's easier to interact now
+Change+ Tweak and rebuild of lighting and fog in the Exterior Area in both Mission 1 and 2
+Change+ Improved the interaction system, now when a heal item is equipped using it will have priority over other interactions like jumping over, etc.
+Change+ Getting rid of Patreon rank checks for unlockables since now everyone can unlock them
+Change+ Tweaks made to roughness and specular channels to avoid Julia's skullcap being so different from hair
+Change+ Updated Mission 3 related info vars to add the corresponding preview image
+Change+ Updated Mission 4 related info vars to add the corresponding preview image
+Change+ Updated some Sexttacks animation morphs to avoid boobs clipping into straps (for outfit with those)
+Change+ Changed the Infected disintegration FX to make it look more similar to the dogs one
+Change+ Updated the version number to reflect the new update
+Change+ Updated the Changelog to reflect all the new stuff
+Fix+ The handgun appears as unloaded even when there's ammo on it already
+Fix+ Julia enters sometimes in an infinite animation loop when reloading the handgun
+Fix+ Knife can't hit enemies lying in the floor
+Fix+ The handgun crosshair opens too much with slight movements
+Fix+ Enemies can grab Julia when she's interacting with something else
+Fix+ Enemies' gens act weird during grab animations
+Fix+ Physics on enemies' gens have misconfigured collisions
+Fix+ Julia's hair color resets after level changing
+Fix+ After getting ammo, if there's any qty left, this disappears like if it was dropped by an enemy
+Fix+ The big trees in the Mansion's courtyard can cause Julia to stuck in them forcing a reset
+Fix+ Retrying the Mission 1 during the sewer's countdown causes an inventory lost
+Fix+ The Julia's Interactor area goes through the floor now that such area is bigger
+Fix+ Enemies drop more than one keyitem even when only one is specified
+Fix+ Pressing F consecutively while examining the hatch at the beginning of Mission 2 at the Exterior area causes the text to stuck and stack on the screen
+Fix+ Dogs sometimes turn 90º to one direction before jumping causing them to go into places they shouldn't
+Fix+ When getting an item in the exact moment it's disappearing or while Julia's running and she passes the item while stopping causes an inability to interact with anything else forcing a reset
+Fix+ Doing a physical attack or a CQC attack when there's no equipped weapon makes no damage on enemies
+Fix+ Doing a physical attack, a CQC attack or a Knife stab is counted as a shot from the equipped weapon for the stats
+Fix+ Julia and enemies meshes are a bit floaty (in the sewers sequence it may look like Julia is still floating when the camera moves far from her, but that's a visual glitch from UE4 making her shadow to disappear on her feet)
+Fix+ Knife stabs won't show enemy damage animations
+Fix+ Sometimes even when the button is showing up to get an item, Julia still won't get it
+Fix+ Some morphs aren't working with the new Julia's outfit
+Fix+ When opening the door to the Mansion in Mission 2, the rain appears inside it
+Fix+ Sometimes the porch floor won't appear wet like it should in Mission 2
+Fix+ Character customization background lines cover some important parts of Julia's model, like her face
+Fix+ Some levels are missing the way to capture environment light to project it onto Julia, causing her to have some green reflections in some areas like her eyes
+Fix+ Enemies can grapple Julia for Sexttacks other than the blowjob one when the new outfit is still a no-go for those
+Fix+ (Not totally confirmed that this is fixed) Landscapes like the Exterior area have problems with physic interactions like enemies going ragdoll when dying causing a Fatal Error
+Fix+ Julia shaders have a too strong SSS
+Fix+ Some navmeshes aren't properly built
+Fix+ Title screen is still warning about some unbuilt lighting for objects
+Fix+ Enemies shot after jumping over an obstacle will make them falling to floor instantly in an unnatural way
... and a lot behind the scenes work.
+New+ 103 total new addings including new systems, mechanics, bug-fixing, etc
+New+ A new FX system that reflects damage, dirt and cum on Julia
+New+ Enemy cums now stain the floor, etc
+New+ You can now change the hair color in the Character Customization Screen
+New+ A very early implementarion of the Intermission Screen
+New+ model+rig+materials+textures+animations for the Cerberus
+New+ Fantasy Card System added
+New+ An early implementation of weather effects
+New+ Shootable items (similar to sellable items in RE5)
+New+ A new UI to help you know your current objective. You can toggle it on or off
+New+ A Mission Selector Screen (WIP)
+Change+ The Infection system is now complete including the blue herb mesh totally finished now
+Change+ Julia's shader has been remade to addapt it to new mechanics and simplifying it as much as possible
+Change+ The colors for the Secret Outfit 1 has been tweaked
+Change+ The enemies' AI has been tweaked
+Change+ Tweaked the physics for the enemies's gens a bit
+Change+ Some tweaks to Julia's physics as well
+Change+ Tweaked the enemies's movement (except for the Cerberus) to try and make them rotate instead of popping out in a direction (very WIP)
+Change+ Tweaked the Cerberus' AI making him to walk more instead of only running among a lot of other things
+Change+ Added a new "type of door" to the door system
+Change+ Added a new "type of puzzle" to the puzzle system
+Change+ Added new conditions to drop items to the enemies (like killing a certain number of enemies)
+Change+ Improved the teleport between levels system so we can set exactly where Julia must appear
+Change+ Improved the navigation meshes in the Sewers (this is for Enemies's AI)
+Change+ Tweaked Post-Process Effects and fog effect in the Sewers a bit
+Change+ Unlocking unlockables now display a visual notification instead of just a sound
+Change+ Adapted the Result Screen to the new required behaviours
+Change+ Updated the VXS logo
+Change+ Updated the VXS avatar in the Main Menu/Tittle Screen
+Change+ Some graphics were updated
+Fix+ Cerberus (I don't think we have to add anything here, right? lol)
+Fix+ Exiting the Sewers would cause the outfit to reset for Pigeon Patrons and Free users
+Fix+ Enemy damaged parts like arms and legs now recover in an smoother way
+Fix+ Enemies take around two seconds to start acting after they see/hear Julia
+Fix+ Julia in the Main Menu/Title Screen was stuck playing only one animation and not moving her head nor even blinking
+Fix+ Enemies showing strange animation framerates in the Exterior Area
+Fix+ Enemies stop chasing you when you turn your camera out of them
+Fix+ Some clippings during Infected Cerberus attack animations
+Fix+ An error when trying to rebuild the lighting caused by referenced BSP Brushes
+Fix+ Found and fixed some memory leaks that were happening every frame like some checks for inexistent actors or trying divisions by 0 value
+Fix+ After exiting the Mansion, Julia would clip through the floor on fall to the infinity
+Fix+ The same for some enemies
+Fix+ The rain effect would appear even under roof
... and a lot more.
+Added+ A little easter-egg/extra in the Main Menu/Title Screen for those who complete again the Arena
+Changed+ When an Infected discovers you from a high distance it pops to your direction without turning animation. This should have changed now
+Changed+ Small tweak to the inflation morph to try and avoid some clipping in the cloth
+Changed+ The "help" text for the Patreon option in the Main Menu/Title Screen
+Changed+ Version Number on Main Menu/Title Screen and in the Results Screen to reflect the new version
+Bugfix+ Sometimes when aiming or getting hit Jill’s model start to glitch (like vertices going crazy around the map) and stop after a second or two.
+Bugfix+ When getting KeyItems you can see Jill going naked for a second
+Bugfix+ When triggering the end of the countdown scene while being sexttacked the QTE UI graphics will remain there even when you auto-counter it after the scene
+Bugfix+ Grammar error in the first door when examining it while still closed
Bioasshard Arena v.0.0.2 Released!
This one is focused mainly on bugfixing. But also added a feature vastly demanded: Settings Menu.
From this menu you can configure many aspects of the game like Audio, Graphics and Gameplay stuff (including a configuration for the Sexttacks duration [IMG] ).
Good news:
All the bugfixes made!
17 total changes, including Add-on, Changes and Bugfixes!
Settings Menu available in the Main Menu/Title Screen and the Pause Menu during game!
Updated the Readme! file with the new stuff so read it, please!
Bad news:
After so many days talking about a patch for the new version, it ended up being a fully-rebuilded version. Sorry about that. Because we added a new plugin, the patch wasn't able to add the necessary dependencies.
Tried to fix the "exploding model" glitch just to discover that my PC (Meguido's) said "enough is enough". I'm unable to import new models with morphs... So this means this will be limiting a lot unless we start getting more support that allows us to finally get new hardware and send these ones to hell.
Early version has been removed from the server. So this way you can always download the latest version (this is for now, when we release an actual patch, the version won't be removed obviously XD).
Known Bugs / Glitches (working on fixing them)
(Common) Visual glitch that happens randomly when attacking with the survival knife causing a blood impact fx to show when not hitting anything.
(Rare) Sometimes hit impacts are not counted as such but as miss for the accuracy stat.
(VeryRare/Probably AMD old or my pc only specific problem) Sometimes when aiming or getting hit Jill’s model start to glitch (like vertices going crazy around the map) and stop after a second or two.
(Common) Due to the impossibility of fully test the Arena, there’s a huge chance that you’ll find some cameras to go through the map or through the models. Usually the rest of the cameras are good, so if you find this problem, change to another camera (LMB/RMB | LB/RB | L1/R1).
(Rare) Sometimes depending on the distance to the infected and also depending to the distance behind him to a wall, shots may miss due to a miscalculation in the process of collision detection. This bug is almost fixed and will be included in the first patch.
(Common if you have a pc like mine) When climbing a ladder, due to the slowness of the pc, Jill may get stuck when finishing the climb. Only solution to this is to not have a pc like mine (or older if that even exists).
Тему отредактировал: СынПирокара - 9-07-2024, 19:46
Причина: Тема обновлена до версии v.1.0.241 Revision 3 / Topic updated to v.1.0.241 Revision 3
Причина: Тема обновлена до версии v.1.0.241 Revision 3 / Topic updated to v.1.0.241 Revision 3
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