Наконец пришел день, когда наш герой окончил среднюю школу. Теперь пришло время ему войти во взрослую жизнь и поступить в колледж, и для этого он должен переехать с его когда-то толстой и уродливой хулиганкой кузиной (которую он не видел с его нежного детства) в большой город.
Пришло время воспользоваться возможностью окунуться в студенческую жизнь, полную драйва и разврата.
Finally came the day where our protagonist graduated from high-school. Now it's time for him to step into adulthood and go to college, and to do that he needs to move-in with his once fat and ugly bully of a cousin (whom he hadn't seen since his tender childhood) in the big city.
It's the time to take the opportunity to plunge into student life full of drive and debauchery.
3dcg, animated, big ass, big tits, blackmail, creampie, drugs, handjob, interracial, male protagonist, masturbation, milf, oral, rape, sandbox, school setting, sex toys, turn based combat, vaginal, voyeurism,
MCR [v.1.6.1 Rus / v.1.6.13 Eng] / MCR 2 v.0.9 Extra Rus / MCR2 v.14.02092 Extra
v14.02092 Extra - 2025-02-27
v13.12310 - 2025-01-10
MCR2 v.12.10121 Extra - 2024-10-14
v.1.1.05280 - 2024-08-02
What's new in this release:
Multilingual support:You can now immerse yourself in the game in your native language! Supported languages:
I have worked hard to provide comprehensive translations, though there may be minor inaccuracies. Please bear with me as I continue to refine them.
Revised storyline: The plot has been reimagined with more thrilling twists and captivating events, making your journey even more exciting.
New scenes: Several new scenes have been added to enrich the game's narrative and provide a more diverse experience.
Clear direction for the future: With your feedback, I now have a clearer vision for the game's future direction. Your suggestions have been instrumental in shaping this path.
0.8 Extra - 2023-05-18
0.7 Extra - 2022-12-23
v0.6 - 2022-09-20
The gym is finally accessible and you will find a new character there.
You can also progress a little bit in the photo studio and finally create those photos. I also simplified the money-making webcam minigame. Now it will get easier and easier the more times you do it. It should help a lot with the necessary repetition.
There is also a brand new minigame with a character you might recognize. Anyway, I hope you will enjoy the new update.
The game has also partial translation into many new languages (Chinese, German, Russian, Spanish, Czech and Vietnamese). It may not be complete in some places, but that's because some scenes are not translated yet (for example all the new ones that just got added).
Initial Release
v1.6.1 Ex Beta
- Added the ability to beat Dick at the end of the game.
- Added translations.
- Added scene replayer.
v1.6.01ex beta
Bug Fix
v1.4.0ex beta
Whats new:
Sex scenes with:
- Roommate
- Director
- Derek & Dean
- Derek & Dean & Hero
Added hearts
Added crash report
v1.1.0ex- Сhanged memory game now it's more sexual
- Changed game ending
- Added sex scene with new character
v0.9.1Hi, thanks for your support. This is a small update of the game. Added translations. Added scene replay. New content will be in this month.
v0.9.0- Sex scene with Barbara
- Sex scene with Director
- Sex scene with Secretary
- FFM Director Secretary
v0.8.0(0.8.0ex for android will be aviable June 13) What's new:
- You can name a "roomate" as you like. In the text there is no mention of a roomate, you can call her cousin or anyone.
Added sex scenes:
- FFM Roomate and Emily
- Sex scene with salesgirl
- added Russian, Spanish and Korean translations
- fixed all known bugs
v.0.7.1 exBugfix
v.0.7.0 exv0.7.0
There will be several new sex scenes with the roommate also some sex scenes with the director. Added 3 comics for TV, added fullscreen mode for TV, as well as redesigned interface and inventory.
v.0.6.2 exMultilingual version
v.0.6.1 exBugfix
- Secretar new photoshooting
- Sex scene FFM: Director, Secretar, Hero
- Spank scene
- Sex scene with Anna
- Blowjob from Barbara
- Sex scene FFM: Anna, Barbara, Hero
- Click game: fuck dean with finger
- Sex scene with Dean
v.0.5.1 ex- Added Spanish and Russian translations
- Changed the key for cheating. The old key did not work for some.
- Fixed bugs
Emily :
- 2 new cosplay outfit photoshooting scene
- Blowjob scene
- Masturbation scene
- massage scene
- sex scenes: finger in the pussy, blowjob, missionare sex
- 1 hidden button
- new fight trening game
- Laptop with hot pictures
- Photoshooting scenes
Director(new character):
- Sex scene
- 1 neew location, 2 new books
- A new battle in which you finally can win