Последний Монарх - это фэнтезийная RPG для взрослых, которая погружает вас в сагу о мире, раздираемом силами похоти и чистоты. Вступив в сложный конфликт, вы проложите новый путь, который изменит ход истории! ... возможно. Дело в том, что, действуя как большинство героев, вы можете погибнуть, а планы большинства злодеев не имеют смысла. Последний Монарх - это игра, которая переворачивает ваши ожидания от игр для взрослых, при этом полностью переосмысливая некоторые из старых знакомых тропов, предлагая много увлекательного и сексуального контента.
The Last Sovereign is an adult fantasy RPG that plunges you into the saga of a world torn between forces of lust and purity. As you enter the complex conflict, you forge a new path that will change the course of history! ...maybe. The thing is, acting like most heroes gets you killed, and most evil overlords' plans make no sense. The Last Sovereign is a game that twists your expectations for adult games, while fully embracing a reconstruction of some familiar old tropes to provide a lot of fun, sexy content.
Год выпуска: 2020
Жанр: 2d game, 2dcg, adventure, anal, big ass big tits, bukkake, cheating, dilf, drugs, fantasy, female domination, footjob, furry, futa, trans, graphic violence, group sex, harem, incest, lesbian, male domination, male protagonist, management, masturbation, milf, mind control, monster, monster girl, oral, prostitution, puzzle, rape, romance, rpg, sex toys, slave, strategy, swinging, text based, titfuck, turn based combat, vaginal, virgin, voyeurism,
Цензура: Отсутствует
Разработчик/Издатель: Sierra Lee - Patreon - Wiki - Subscribestar - Steam
Перевод: Dimenturus
Платформа: PC/Windows
Тип издания: В разработке
Таблэтка: Не требуется
Версия: v.0.78.2b Rus / v.0.79.2 Eng
Язык игры: Русский/Английский
Язык интерфейса: Русский/Английский
У кого ошибка при запуске в раздаче имеется RPGVXAce_RTP.zip с дополнительным пакетом для игры. Полно экранный режим F5.
Поблагодарить переводчика (Boosty)
Последний Монарх - это фэнтезийная RPG для взрослых, которая погружает вас в сагу о мире, раздираемом силами похоти и чистоты. Вступив в сложный конфликт, вы проложите новый путь, который изменит ход истории! ... возможно. Дело в том, что, действуя как большинство героев, вы можете погибнуть, а планы большинства злодеев не имеют смысла. Последний Монарх - это игра, которая переворачивает ваши ожидания от игр для взрослых, при этом полностью переосмысливая некоторые из старых знакомых тропов, предлагая много увлекательного и сексуального контента.
The Last Sovereign is an adult fantasy RPG that plunges you into the saga of a world torn between forces of lust and purity. As you enter the complex conflict, you forge a new path that will change the course of history! ...maybe. The thing is, acting like most heroes gets you killed, and most evil overlords' plans make no sense. The Last Sovereign is a game that twists your expectations for adult games, while fully embracing a reconstruction of some familiar old tropes to provide a lot of fun, sexy content.
Год выпуска: 2020
Жанр: 2d game, 2dcg, adventure, anal, big ass big tits, bukkake, cheating, dilf, drugs, fantasy, female domination, footjob, furry, futa, trans, graphic violence, group sex, harem, incest, lesbian, male domination, male protagonist, management, masturbation, milf, mind control, monster, monster girl, oral, prostitution, puzzle, rape, romance, rpg, sex toys, slave, strategy, swinging, text based, titfuck, turn based combat, vaginal, virgin, voyeurism,
Цензура: Отсутствует
Разработчик/Издатель: Sierra Lee - Patreon - Wiki - Subscribestar - Steam
Перевод: Dimenturus
Платформа: PC/Windows
Тип издания: В разработке
Таблэтка: Не требуется
Версия: v.0.78.2b Rus / v.0.79.2 Eng
Язык игры: Русский/Английский
Язык интерфейса: Русский/Английский
У кого ошибка при запуске в раздаче имеется RPGVXAce_RTP.zip с дополнительным пакетом для игры. Полно экранный режим F5.
Поблагодарить переводчика (Boosty)
Пожалуйста, изучите список элементов управления, которые могут оказаться неочевидными:
Shift: удерживайте, чтобы ходить, а не бегать, а так же прокручивать меню экипировки в магазинах
Ctrl, Q, или L1 на контроллере: автоматический пропуск текста (быстро пропускается при выборе опции - мгновенный текст)
Стрелки: прокрутка больших текстовых окон
W, PageDown или R1 на контроллере: прячет текст не переходя к следущему, смена отряда в некоторых сегментах игры
D: открыть историю текста в стиле визуальных новелл (кнопка отмены - закрывает его)
В TLS можно играть с помощью контроллера. Вышеуказанные кнопки должны соответствовать кнопкам контроллера, назначенным через F1.
Некоторые кнопки контроллера могут отличаться от указанных.
F1: Опции, переназначить клавиши
F5: Войти в полноэкранный режим или выйти из него
Alt+Enter: альтернативный полноэкранный режим (F5 предпочтительнее)
F6: Изменение размера оконного режима
F12: Немедленный перезапуск игры
*Переназначение клавиш рекомендуется выполнять через меню "Настройки".
Q: Могут ли файлы сохранения быть перенесены на другую версию?
A: Да. Просто переместите файлы сохранения - "Save01.rvdata2" и так далее - в новую папку с игрой.
Q: Как работает автосохранение?
A: Автосохранение находится в слоте 100 в нижней части списка.
К нему можно быстро получить доступ, нажав Вверх в верхней части списка или удерживая PageDown/W.
Мы рекомендуем вам делать свои собственные сохранения и не полагаться на автосохранение.
Q: Каким образом распределяется опыт в отряде игрока?
A: Любой персонаж в отряде, живой или мёртвый, активный или неактивный, получает одинаковое количество.
Q: Как работают очки отношения?
A: Каждый член отряда имеет свою точку зрения на разные ситуации и их очки изменятся в соовествии с вашим решением.
Когда персонаж достигает 100 очков, можно иницировать разговор, который гарантирует вечную лояльность и их очки отношения больше не уменьшатся.
Q: Возможен ли гринд?
A: Нет. Количество противников и опыта строго ограничено. Впрочем, есть возможность погриндить слизней ради незначительного количества опыта и предметов.
Q: Возможно ли Sx конвертировать в ProN?
A: Нет. Sx предполагается не сольно задумываясь тратить на снаряжение.
Q: Я застрял в Стайнфорде, что делать?
A: Попробуйте следовать квесту Мегайл и спать.
Q: Множественные атаки иногда наносят меньшее число ударов, чем указано в описании, это баг?
A: Нет. Множественные атаки выбирают цели в начале раунда, таким образом если противник погибает до нанесения заданного числа атак, некоторые удары оказываются потеряны.
Q: Можно ли переносить файлы сохранений из английской версии в русскую?
A: Да, но это настоятельно не рекомендуется, поскольку приведёт к некорректному переводу некоторых деталей интерфейса.
Shift: удерживайте, чтобы ходить, а не бегать, а так же прокручивать меню экипировки в магазинах
Ctrl, Q, или L1 на контроллере: автоматический пропуск текста (быстро пропускается при выборе опции - мгновенный текст)
Стрелки: прокрутка больших текстовых окон
W, PageDown или R1 на контроллере: прячет текст не переходя к следущему, смена отряда в некоторых сегментах игры
D: открыть историю текста в стиле визуальных новелл (кнопка отмены - закрывает его)
В TLS можно играть с помощью контроллера. Вышеуказанные кнопки должны соответствовать кнопкам контроллера, назначенным через F1.
Некоторые кнопки контроллера могут отличаться от указанных.
F1: Опции, переназначить клавиши
F5: Войти в полноэкранный режим или выйти из него
Alt+Enter: альтернативный полноэкранный режим (F5 предпочтительнее)
F6: Изменение размера оконного режима
F12: Немедленный перезапуск игры
*Переназначение клавиш рекомендуется выполнять через меню "Настройки".
Q: Могут ли файлы сохранения быть перенесены на другую версию?
A: Да. Просто переместите файлы сохранения - "Save01.rvdata2" и так далее - в новую папку с игрой.
Q: Как работает автосохранение?
A: Автосохранение находится в слоте 100 в нижней части списка.
К нему можно быстро получить доступ, нажав Вверх в верхней части списка или удерживая PageDown/W.
Мы рекомендуем вам делать свои собственные сохранения и не полагаться на автосохранение.
Q: Каким образом распределяется опыт в отряде игрока?
A: Любой персонаж в отряде, живой или мёртвый, активный или неактивный, получает одинаковое количество.
Q: Как работают очки отношения?
A: Каждый член отряда имеет свою точку зрения на разные ситуации и их очки изменятся в соовествии с вашим решением.
Когда персонаж достигает 100 очков, можно иницировать разговор, который гарантирует вечную лояльность и их очки отношения больше не уменьшатся.
Q: Возможен ли гринд?
A: Нет. Количество противников и опыта строго ограничено. Впрочем, есть возможность погриндить слизней ради незначительного количества опыта и предметов.
Q: Возможно ли Sx конвертировать в ProN?
A: Нет. Sx предполагается не сольно задумываясь тратить на снаряжение.
Q: Я застрял в Стайнфорде, что делать?
A: Попробуйте следовать квесту Мегайл и спать.
Q: Множественные атаки иногда наносят меньшее число ударов, чем указано в описании, это баг?
A: Нет. Множественные атаки выбирают цели в начале раунда, таким образом если противник погибает до нанесения заданного числа атак, некоторые удары оказываются потеряны.
Q: Можно ли переносить файлы сохранений из английской версии в русскую?
A: Да, но это настоятельно не рекомендуется, поскольку приведёт к некорректному переводу некоторых деталей интерфейса.
TLS 0.79.2 - 2025-03-24
- Additional bugfixing and polishing.
- Some new sprites, faces, and busts.
- Some fixes/improvements for the battle busts.
- Fix for the "Points Are Power" achievement. It could be obtained in some instances, but not all.
v.0.78.2- 2025-02-25
v0.77.2 - 2025-01-10
The big thing I'm concerned about personally is the achievements, which should cause no trouble for players here but appear on the Steam version. If all goes well, in the next update I will add all the achievements for the whole game, taking us one step closer to being ready for the 1.0.0 release.
For you guys, though, the content you'll care about is the epilogue. You should be able to pick up from the final battle or the waiting room, but either way, this is a little coda to the game that I hope you will enjoy. It's one more romp with the characters, tying off some loose ends and bringing things full circle.
After this comes polishing, QoL, and feature improvement updates, eventually leading up to the completed postgame and release. Please look forward to it!
v0.77.0 - 2024-12-01
- Epilogue section of the game added.
- SFW mode now also censors sprites and portraits, thanks to Grim8P, Annikath, and Rachnera.
- New option for faster boss collapse animation, thanks to Lamsey.
- New illustrated scenes: Aka + Uyae, Dari's Changed Body, Dari's New Body, Nalili x Fenima
v0.76.3 - 2024-11-01
- Added new rewards to the final optional dungeon, including RP and a Shining Sword.
- Final touch-up.
- Many new interactions added for the new harem member.
- Minor balance and fixes.
- No real bugs, for once, but still good to put out an improved build.
- Final harem member now has dialogue busts.
- Minor additions to the final optional dungeon.
- Minor balance tweaks.
- Final optional dungeon and last combat challenges.
- Final harem member with attached sex scene.
- Final base books and unique equipment.
- Minor changes to final battle due to optional dungeon.
- LUK has been slightly rebalanced, notably no longer adding to enemy evasion.
- Improvements and bugfixes to the dialogue busts, thanks to Rachnera and Lamsey.
- Improvements and bugfixes to new skills thanks to Lord Forte.
- Three new illustrated scenes: Orilise x Altina, Rescued Erosians, Robin Transformation
v.0.75.5 - 2024-10-11
v0.75.4 - 2024-09-27
This was a big and scattered update, so check the version history if you want to look at everything. This time I need to give huge thanks to Rachnera, Lamsey, and Decarabia for helping the new bust dialogue system function. You can't just magically get the character expression on screen, it required a ton of fiddling and work that they handled for me. This feature would not have happened without them.
Aside from the visual improvements, the biggest thing is all the balance changes and new skills. While I tried to work on the balance during the testing weeks, it could definitely use more feedback, so please feel free to speak up if you have any thoughts.
v0.74.7 - 2024-07-09
Whew, here we finally are. I've been living and breathing this content for the past month, and tons of players have given it a shot, but this is a lot of fresh story anyone playing for the first time! During the development I have added more content, refined balance significantly, and tweaked all manner of things. Hopefully it will be a fun conclusion for everyone. ^-^
As I've said elsewhere, this update fulfills many of the promises I've made over the course of TLS. The remaining plot threads will be wrapped up in the optional dungeon, epilogue, and postgame. This isn't the end, not by any means, but we've definitely reached one of the last big milestones.
v0.73.4 - 2024-03-31
- Following Megail's quest, investigate near Iris to create a new potential piece of equipment.
- Investing in the Erosian smith now grants access to new equipment (at the Erosian temple), a new investment (at Fuck Palace), and new orc equipment (during Balia's quest).
- Five new pieces of unique equipment related to the above.
- Yet more bugfixing and polishing.
- Balance tweaks to Vhala's quest, including two extra points.
- The base portrait system now includes transformed Robin, both of Sabitha's forms, and mourning Zelica.
- Hopefully final keyboard/controller scripts from Rachnera.
- Additional bugfixing and polishing.
- Additional conversations have been added to Vhala's quest.
- Vhala's quest now grants additional influence for saves with lower ProN returns, as a mercy mechanic.
- Vhala's quest now grants more RP and other variables.
- Balia's quest now causes the training orcs in the base to upgrade, with four new training fights.
- Solely in the Divergent Church scenario, Bertricia has a Shining Sword to give the player.
- Solely in the New Religion scenario, Yelarel will give a Shining Sword during Sarai's quest.
- Upgraded keyboard/controller scripts thanks to Rachnera. The intro text and text describing key presses have been changed to account for this.
- Updated Elleani/Yarra scene thanks to Annikath.
- Additional bugfixing and polishing.
v0.73.0 - 2024-03-08
- Vhala has a "harem" quest, starting in the base hallway after the Incubus War.
- Stineford has been entirely overhauled! This is one of the biggest visual updates I've done to the game and I'm just crossing my fingers that I didn't screw something up during the upgrade.
- If Sarai was sexually restricted in your game, you can now get her to join the harem via her personal quest (if you already finished it, there's an alternate event in her tower). This is functionally the same, but involves some new conversations and dialogue variants.
- Nalili's quest now grants an additional reward, which can be found in her room even if you've already completed the quest. This is necessary for...
- A short quest that will grant a final battle item, if you've gathered all four major ingredients.
- Fuani now appears in the Renthnor Wilds guild, offering tips about all incomplete harem quests.
- Yarra's upgraded sex room now has two alternate configurations, for those who complained about the original tiles.
- Additional details around the base dependent on country scores, now covering Darghelon, Gheldaron, Zirantia, Erosia, and Rodak.
- Depending on the Entity Cohesion variable, you can see a scene resting under the tree at the Nostalgic Home.
- The final Shining Sword bonus is now available. I intend to add one more in the last optional dungeon for flex, however.
- During the Orilise segment of the elven forests sequence, the timer running out should now cause game over. This needs more testing.
- Did you know that the majority of cases refer to "Miners' Junction" but in 29 locations I accidentally wrote "Miner's Junction"? Well, not anymore!
- Bug where you could see Wendis transformed early fixed.
- Thanks to Rachnera, TLS has advanced keyboard remapping options in the System menu.
- There are now control tutorials when starting a new game.
- What may be the final investments of the game, pending any final balance tweaks.
- The placeholder in the teleportation room has finally been replaced with Riala, who will check preparedness and lead to the final battle (next time).
- One new sex scene.
- New illustrated scenes: Elleani Relief, Megail x Iris Anal, Janine Wedding Night
- Assorted bugfixing and polishing.
v0.72.2 - 2023-12-16
- New Orcent assets thanks to Lamsey and Annikath.
- Even MORE Orcent variant dialogue.
- Clarified that Megail's quest also resets research.
- Duplicate equipment bug fixed.
- Assorted bugfixing and polishing.
- All 26 events in the Orcent dungeon now have different dialogue for all six forms. You better appreciate this flavor text, because it was so much copy-pasting. T-T
- New visual assets for Orcent's dungeon thanks to Lamsey.
- There's a free healing point in Orcent's dungeon as well.
- New NPCs/dialogue added responding to quest completion.
- Various balance tweaks throughout, notably a significant buff to Mana Shock.
- Assorted bugfixing and polishing.
- New harem quest beginning in Ari-Yhilina: Merchant District.
- New harem quest beginning in Ari-Yhilina: Order of Thaumaturgy.
- New Orcent quest beginning in the Bloody Spire.
- Two new unique items can be created at the Nostalgic Home, if certain requirements are met.
- UI fixes from the previous new script.
- One new sex scene.
- Three new illustrated scenes: Special Surprise, Aka + Yarra, Megail + Qum
TLS 0.71.0 - 2023-11-17
- Fixed bug in Sarai's quest that made her event appear earlier in the game.
- Fixed issues with the alternate method to access the new Mother quests.
- Additional upgrades to the VN-style backlog script.
- Limit breaker script added. The only effect should be that characters no longer max at level 99, or so I hope.
- Two new illustrated scenes: Yarra + Hilstara, Victory Orgy
- Everything is illustrated through Chapter 3, so the "limited art" message has been moved to after that point.
Changelog for v 0.70.2 - 2023-10-31
Another update with more harem quests! The .1 version also added a backlog for if you missed dialogue, so please enjoy that. The roadmap is getting much closer to complete.
Changelog for v 0.70.0
- New harem quest beginning in the base main hall (after the Incubus War).
- New harem quest beginning in Sarai's Headquarters.
- The Mother's Guard quest is now accessible even if Theltiar is destroyed.
- Grynyth added to Uyae and Janine's harem quests (no mechanic impact).
- Also added to Yarra's harem quest (minimal combat impact).
- Also added to Altina's harem quest (dialogue and mechanical changes, but no ultimate balance change).
-Five new illustrated scenes: Crypt Handjob, Healing Dreams, Meeting Iris, Sending a Message, Trin 100 (missionary)
Another update! Some questing, some dungeons, and tons and tons of conversations. Also a whole bunch of continuity edits, quality of life stuff, and other general tinkering. There is no particular reason it should take longer than the usual week except that I am very tired right now. Sleeeep. -_-
Changelog for v 0.69.0 - 2023-09-20
- New harem quest beginning in Theltiar.
- New plot quest beginning in a location revealed within this update.
- New harem quest beginning in base courtyard (contingent on the above plot quest).
- Penultimate harem member, the last before the secret optional member.
- Fully 12 (!) new sex scenes, two of them affection scenes.
- New illustrated scenes: Aka + Varia, Altina From Behind, Restoring Riala, Yarra + Qum + Nalili, and all 15 (!) of Lilith's Chaos scenes
Supossedly there was more content added in v.0.69.1 but no idea what it is most likely added more pictures for scenes but no clue, and no info on v0.69.2 except for " This one had two weeks of refinements, so everyone should have a good experience unless I bungled a bugfix at the end. With this, we wrap up a major loose end and a couple harem quests, bringing the quest much closer to the end. "
0.68.2 [ - 2023-07-09]
0.68.0 [6/09/23]
- New harem quest beginning in the Renthnor Wilds.
- New harem quest beginning in Orgasmic Palace 4F (after Philon quest line).
- New Wilds building unlocked.
- Additional interaction/consequence added to Succession Crisis (Blademasters Guild).
- Further cleanup and minor bugfixing from the Succession Crisis.
- Six new sex scenes.
- Three new illustrated scenes: Ginasta First Time, Hilstara Missionary, Robin First Time
0.67.2 - 2023-05-29
I doesn't exist, as the creator is busy creating the next update.
- Various changes and additions behind the scenes. Optimization is overall easier, but the negative consequences are more severe.
- It is no longer possible to have Tyna marry Kalant with poor enough variables.
- It is now possible to walk Tyna down the aisle with sufficient variables. This has no numerical impact.
- NPCs around Ardford now respond to news of Tyna's wedding.
- Four new illustrated scenes: Hilstara x Lynine, Yarra's Joint Squad, Megail + Orilise, Nalili Tentacles
- Dari's quest now adds additional relationship points.
- Internal variables renamed for easier comprehension by data miners. =P
- The succession crisis can now be resolved via a new quest line beginning in Ardford.
- New harem quest beginning in Ardford Religious District.
- Three new sex scenes.
- Item sell bug (hopefully) fixed.
0.66.2 [4/21/23]
- Hopefully final edits to the filtering script.
- Minor polishing.
0.66.1 [4/19/23]
- Added new title card assets.
- Carina's special equipment event will now disappear if you got the previous version of it.
- All issues related to the gallery/filter are hopefully resolved, but please test.
- Bugfixing and polishing.
0.66.0 [4/14/23]
- New title screen and new branding across platforms!
- New harem quest beginning by Yarra in Headquarters B1.
- New harem quest beginning in Tak'Kan regional map.
- Additional flavor text and SFX added to Lilith's Abed.
- Seven new pieces of ultimate/custom equipment.
- Three new sex scenes (all found via the above harem quests).
- Five new illustrated scenes: Aka Riding, Balia's First Time, Forest Orgy, Lynine + Orilise, and Restoring Unsuccubi
- New quality of life feature thanks to Arachne: the gallery can now be filtered by any harem member!
Bug Fix
With so many more people playing TLS, I can't get away with bugs in the same way. Despite taking two weeks and many iterations, this most recent build has a couple issues. The sort of thing that the majority of players will never see, but again, with enough players some of them will get stuck. Putting out a build takes up some time, but... so does handling bug reports.
Anyway, before people make assumptions, I have been hard at work on TLS 0.66.0. I'm feeling good about it, but there's no way I can finish it super quickly. So I made the decision that it was better to put out this build for everyone playing the game meanwhile.
v0.65.2 - 2023-02-21
- New plot quest, beginning in the Renthnor Wilds.
- New harem quest, beginning in the Yhilini Royal Chambers (any time in Chapter 5).
- New harem quest, beginning in the base front hall (any time after the Incubus War).
- New harem quest beginning in the Renthnor Wilds (after completing the new plot quest).
- Major new base feature: full portrait mode, including 29 unique pieces of art and 125 paintings total!
- New harem member, with either 1 or 15 sex scenes, depending on how you count.
- Aside from that, two plot sex scenes.
- Final combat party member, bearing 17 new skills and some bizarre mechanics.
- In Balia's challenge, teaching orcs skills only costs essence once each iteration. If you create new orcs, you can teach them already-learned skills for no additional cost.
- The Simon Recovery variable has been slightly tweaked now that there are more than enough points.
- 5 new illustrated scenes: Aka's New Form, Hilstara X Succubi, Lynine's First Time, Megail 100, Orilise's First Time
0.64.3 - 2022-11-27
v.0.63.3 - 22.10.04
- Critical party swap bug fixed.
- Multiple party dungeon bug fixed.
- Seven new illustrated scenes: Altina Seated, Esthera Dominance, Iris Meeting, Ivala First Time, Megail Anal, Mithyn First Time, Robin Seated
- Ramasta dead end fixed.
- Content in Sarai's headquarters made more accessible.
- All other reports cleaned up.
- New open world segment, with an unusual number of updates.
- 9 new scenes.
- Two new characters can join the harem, bringing six new affection scenes with them.
- Two other characters joining the base.
- An old character's affection can be uncapped via a new scene, allowing them to be maxed.
- New harem quest.
- Shining Swords can finally be turned in for rewards.
- Various new opportunities around the world, making it possible to restore the "entity" even if items were previously missed.
- Thanks to the work of DukeLeto7, Decanter, and others, several obscure bugs have been eliminated.
- Annikath has made some improvements to several dozen past scenes (purely on her own time), so all of those have been updated.
- Four new illustrated scenes: Elleani Titfuck, Janine 69, Riala Dreaming, Sarai Doggy
- New segment finishing the Incubus War.
- Minor edits to the prison content.
- New scenes, the number depending on how you count them.
- Art exists for 14 new scenes, but to make my release window, it was deferred. Expect it to be added to the .1 or .2 update.
- New section of the story
- No new art. There is art ready, but I won't have time to include it until the .1 release or so.
Though this isn't quite the update I originally intended, I think it's the right update for moving the story forward. Instead of trying to tackle all of the remainder of the Incubus War in one update, I focused on a discrete section this time and will conclude everything in 0.59.0.
This one is a bit crazy, sort of an RPG within an RPG. Hopefully everyone will enjoy it as a change of pace in between the chaotic sections of the war, but for now it is complete and I can sleep. -_-
v0.55.2 Public
- More polishing and bugfixing.
- A succubus in the Orgasmic Empire library now shows the map of Renthnor.
- The Renthnor map is added to the teleportation room maps after being viewed.
- Hilstara RP shifted, Balia RP added to orc investment.
- Xestris RP added to her first headquarters conversation.
Time for the update! This one should be reasonably polished, but it needs to come with a warning: the balance for the entire Gathering is not finalized. Though I did my best, it's possible that after the next update, I or someone else will realize the game would be better with a tweak to this section. If you're highly concerned with game balance, I suggest keeping a save prior to this version.
That said, this one has quite a bit of different content I hope you will enjoy. ^-^ Though I want to continue working on Once Ever After, TLS 0.54.0 will be higher priority.
TLS 0.52.0
- New plot section.
- Fixed Robin profile thanks to Lamsey.
- New illustrated scenes: Lynine titfuck, Nalili 69, Orilise luxury, Fuckety Fuck.
I expect this update to be in pretty good shape overall, but I burned out on balance testing at the end. Yet again, I'd forgotten that my bad and low level games are behind the current content. However, there's one thing that didn't get limited testing:
There's a multi-boss this update that I hope people will find interesting. We haven't used this mechanic in a while, but I thought this was the time for it. This strikes me as on the edge of too many battles in a row, but hopefully people will find it a fun challenge. I worry it may be a bit too easy, since my weakest party managed without too much trouble, but resisted the urge to buff at the last second.
This has been a rough week. Nothing serious, or really personal at all, just lots of outside stuff slowing me down. Please feel free to report bugs or give any criticism, of course. But if you like any of the new stuff... well, this would be a nice time to tell me. ^-^
I'm not sure if I'll have anything to say in an update this Sunday. Maybe just something brief along with an updated version.
- Depending on your decisions, you may be able to unlock a new segment and final state for Eustrin.
- Aka's personal quest can now be completed.
- Hilstara has a complete personal quest.
- The Tower mine has reopened, granting different saves different items. Both regions have been repopulated with a few new fights.
- Two new scenes, three new affection scenes.
- Two more scenes that are inaccessible without cheating. Working ahead.
- If you're still locked out of Ardoheim in Chapter 5, you can now gain access via a payment in Headquarters 1F.
- If you didn't receive the Crystal of Harmony, it can now be purchased in Ari-Yhilina.
- If Fheliel's conversation was missed, you can find her in Ryoken.
- Returning to Wynn's house after the recent transformation will unlock new dialogue (and a new scene).
- Improved Qum and Megail sex sprites thanks to Decanter.
- Minor continuity fixes in early content.
- New Illustrated Scenes: Carina Solo, Altina Blowjob, Megail Doggy, Trin Orgy
TLS 0.50.0
- Grand art update: All scenes in Chapter 1 now have an illustrated image!
- Total added: 28 scenes, 5 joke scenes (52 images total)
Non-consistent art are the joke scenes involving the Chosen.
This update was more involved than you might think. I was only able to make everything work properly thanks to scripting assistance from Lamsey and Decanter. Future updates will be normal chunks of gameplay plus whatever new art is finished.
final bugfixing and polishing.
- Zirantian leaders now report on the state of their nation. This can potentially unlock the new Biyue scene.
- The Stineford succubus bar is now available if missed, and can be visited as a new map, but only going through the improved iterate event mentioned below.
- Min now appears in the Givino Vinai Court.
- Antarian now appears in Ardford Cathedral.
- Nabith now has a new conversation when first spoken to in Chapter 5 (with Yhilin Final).
- More variant dialogue has been added, notably in Ardford Business District and Orri's Restaurant.
- The physical condition of Ryoken now varies based on Erosia's country score.
- Retroactive: The Ramasta Unperson HQ now visually improves if Gawnfall helped the Unpeople.
- Lynine and Iris have conversations that increase their RP if you investigate their funded investments.
- Serious improvements have been made to the Chapter 5 iterate event, including more potential RP for Tertia.
- Quest objective bugs fixed (only if you repeat the events).
- The Duelist's Pin can now be enchanted in Ghenalon.
- The costs for a number of investments have decreased, some based on past decisions.
- Sublime equipment is in some cases more expensive, but overall buffed.
- Sublime equipment now has unique icons.
- Assorted minor changes, fixes, and improvements.
- Further bugfixes, minor dialogue additions.
- Optional battle further nerfed.
- Quest log updated to include recent events.
- New section covering Eustrin and more.
- One new scene.
TLS 0.47.1
- Bugfixing, typos, and minor improvements.
- The self-destruct attack now works, thanks to Decanter.
- The Ledger is now updated to the new version.
- Sprite animations now play when you access the bed.
TLS 0.47.0
- Big Stineford update!
- Two new scenes, including the longest in the game by a fair margin.
- The first final party member sidequest is introduced, though it can't be finished yet.
- Minor touchup.
- For once, I think there were no true bug fixes. Some improvements and minor graphic things, though.
- Lots of new dialogue.
- End of chapter and interlude.
- Two new scenes.
- Last investment/research cycle of this chapter.
TLS 0.44.6
- This update is mostly to fix the heal bug.
- Improved Tanurak image thanks to Bug Reporting and Decanter.
- Fixed Erosian maps thanks to Lamsey.
- Additional improvements, fixes, and balance changes.
- New warfront images courtesy of Lamsey.
- The balance of healing spells has been changed. There's no effect at lower levels, but at higher character levels healing will start to scale slightly faster. This is especially true of single-target healing spells, which I've felt were lagging in an unintended way.
TLS 0.42.0
- Plot advances with a trip back to Stenai.
- Upon return from Stenai, multiple events and a dungeon prepping for the next section.
- The optional challenge dungeon in New Givini is now available.
- Two new scenes.
- New investment cycle. Includes a new investment on Succubus Acceptance paths that involves a new scene.
- A new slate of research options is unlocked, and you have a new research project available.
- Depending on your research choices, Robin may have a new scene.
- Four new pieces of customized equipment can be created.
- Simon now has bust images (both green and black outfits) thanks to Lamsey.
- A conversation between Altina and Riala about the events in the first chapter has been added retroactively (it isn't accessible in current content).
Every save should get a chunk of new plot content, plus a whole set of sundry items getting ready for the next major plot event. But the other significant piece of work in this update is the final optional dungeon for this chapter. It requires a large investment to access, but I put a lot of effort into the challenges beyond. Honestly, it may be a bit too far on the frustrating end... but that's why it's optional content.
TLS 0.41.4
- More fixes and tweaks.
TLS 0.41.3
New Additions
- Previously, nothing changed in Zirantia. Now more things are updated.
- This includes an event leading to a brand new scene.
- Herin and Kaskia can be found in various locations. Not essential, just flavor in response to the synod.
- Depending on vote results, Tak'Kan has a sanctification team in the Wilds.
- Also potentially a new location in Tak'Kan.
- A foreign succubus captured during the Gathering shows up then and later in Gasm Falls.
Minor changes
- Usual typos and minor improvements.
- Synod: Slight balance change to Esmera's deal.
- Small lore addition giving Sarai a formal title.
- Xerces coloration standardized thanks to Decanter.
- Retroactive: Lady Entila now has a faceset and her conversation has been modified to use multiple expressions.
TLS 0.41.2
- Lots of polishing and minor variants/fixes, no significant new content added.
- New scenes added to Reflection menu.
- There was new content added to the Aramite fort, but it was inaccessible before now.
- Fixed the bug in the harem menu.
TLS 0.41.0
Core Updates
- Significant synod overhaul. (see details below)
- Entire world updated based on synod results.
- 4 new plot scenes, 3 new affection scenes.
- Sarai can now join, depending on your synod results.
- Orilise can now be maxed, depending on your synod results.
Synod Overhaul
- More speakers added to the votes in the latter half (flavor only).
- Zirantia now sends a representative. He's mostly flavor, but he influences the last vote.
- Tak'Kan Vote: Ignias's support increased.
- Tak'Kan Vote: Simon speaking now grants an additional bonus.
- Tak'Kan Vote: Nabith + Sanitation Guild bonus improved.
- Tak'Kan Vote: Kerannii's deal has an impact on her results.
- Fucklord Vote: Kerannii's deal now has a greater impact.
- Economic Vote: The cost now varies based on the Religion stat.
- Eustrin Vote: There is now a new option to spend additional influence on this vote.
- Eustrin Vote: The result requirements have been tweaked.
- Goddess of Magic Vote: Requirements and rewards tweaked.
- Goddess of Magic Vote: Yelarel's contribution now varies based on her influence variable.
- Mother's Guard Vote: Requirements and rewards tweaked.
- Mother's Guard Vote: Yelarel's contribution now varies based on her influence variable.
- Inquisition Vote: You can now receive a bonus from Religion, but the requirements increased a little.
- Succubus Holy Knights: The cost of applying Sarai's influence now varies based on Yelarel's influence.
- Succubus Holy Knights: The Yelarel bonuses have changed.
TLS 0.40.1-5
- Wrestling with the scope of the event.
TLS 0.40.0
- New content finishing the Council of Gawnfall.
- One new scene.
- Misc fixes on previous sections in preparation for the Steam release.
TLS 0.39.3
- Minor changes. Only doing a release to clear up the fade bug.
TLS 0.39.2
- Numerous balance changes, on average making the vote requirements easier.
- New/improved Kerannii expressions thanks to Bug Reporting.
- Improved musical tracks thanks to Lamsey.
- High Priestesses have been added to the waiting room for those who want to check influence scores again.
There are a lot of tweaks made that you may be interested in.* While this version of the council should be a bit more forgiving and more nuanced, I still can't promise this is 100% final balance. I did my best, though.
*I know this adds work for the people managing the guides and wiki. I tried to list all the changes I made to the hidden mechanics in my responses to Decanter and Fulminato, so hopefully that will make updating things easier for you.
Will make a post on more updatey stuff on Sunday.
TLS 0.39.0
- New update covering the first three days of the Ivalan summit.
- Initial lamia battler swapped with improved version (thanks to Decanter for finding it).
- Retroactively added custom sprite/bust/face for Vera (priestess of the Goddess of Magic). This is thanks to Bug Reporting, who also did the new characters this update.
Alright, I've done what I think is best for the game: split the summit into two parts. This way I can keep up release momentum as well as get feedback on some of the new things I'm trying with this update. It will be reminiscent of the Ardford Summit, but with this one I put the emphasis on social manipulation. Hopefully with some tweaking, this will be a fun addition to the game.
This update isn't a trivial one, though! It introduces all the High Priestesses you hadn't met before in addition to some important characters from other religious factions. In the votes covered by this update, you'll lead the religious situation on Arclent in one of several major directions, which will have a permanent impact on the world.
Because this update is a bit experimental, I have no idea what to say about when it will be released publicly. This blog is the place to check for major updates, while the progress will be focused on Patreon.
TLS 0.38.1-2
- Minor polishing and bugfixing.
TLS 0.38.0
- New section of the plot with a bunch of followup to last update's reveal.
- New round of investing and research available.
- Several new mini-dungeons and another option unlocked.
- One new scene.
TLS 0.37.3
- Further bugfixes and refinements.
- The major change is that making Altina's custom weapon now grants affection where it didn't before.
TLS 0.37.1
- Several changes made to make the switch puzzles easier and clearer.
- All party members' base lines changed after the Stenai events. NPCs around the world have NOT yet changed.
- Some new unique sprites thanks to Bug Reporting.
- Music issues fixed thanks to Lamsey.
- Bugfixing and polishing, as always.
TLS 0.37.0
- Stenai update covering the next section of the game.
- Four new scenes.
TLS 0.36.0
- Small update laying the groundwork for the Stenai update.
- Three new scenes added.
- New synergy skill for Aka and Uyae.
- There is now a merchant in the slums that sells Yhilini orc equipment, once Yhilin has reached its final state.
- Based on player requests, there is a new option for training orcs in the courtyard, a group that has very high HP.
- An autosave script has been added thanks to Decanter. Comment if you want it to save after battles in addition to its current behavior.
TLS 0.35.7
- Blade of Lust XP bug fixed.
- Several cases where it was possible to not get credit for all your actions fixed.
- Misc polishing.
TLS 0.35.6
- More polishing.
- The Dwarren Embassy investment now benefits the Aramite Tower section.
- Wynn gets RP from the Zirantian Tower segment, Sarai from Yhilin's.
- Dari is now visible during the ritual. This change is purely cosmetic, but I know some wanted it. ^-^
- Nalili's Blade of Lust skill now counts as defeating an enemy (thanks to Decanter for assistance).
- Fixed music and looping thanks to Lamsey.
- The game now has a custom executable icon thanks to BetatesterFP.
- Minor but blocking mapping errors.
0.35.3 fixed game-breaking bug I added 0.35.2.
TLS 0.35.2
- More polishing.
- Aram now has two new soundtracks.
TLS 0.35.1
- Fixes and polishing.
- Multiple changes to combat balance.
- Changes to war balance, notably including Simon bonus EXP and effects of Ginasta choices.
TLS 0.35.0
- Large new section covering the war with Erosia.
- Two new plot scenes.
TLS 0.34.3 [11/05/2018]
- The threshold for Dari has been lowered somewhat.
- There is now an event to upgrade Hilstara's Helm at the succubus armorer, if you funded her. I don't want to go overboard with upgrades like this, but patrons made some good suggestions on this one.
- There are conversations on the statues in the new dungeon. I had meant to include these earlier but they got lost in the shuffle.
- More bugfixes and polishing.
TLS 0.33.4
- Party order saving bug is fixed. If you have a bugged save, cycle through both parties and it should be fixed.
TLS 0.33.3
- Further fixes and refinements.
- Party order is now saved when switching between the two groups thanks to Decanter.
- It isn't commonly known, but TLS can be played with a controller. Decanter added a script that ties text skipping to L1, which means you should be able to do anything with a controller you can do with a keyboard.
Version 0.32.2 [03/02/2018]
Version 0.32.1 [1/27/18]
- You can now customize flowers in the training yard.
- Patrici now has her proper custom sprite.
- Andra has a new faceset.
- The cathedral library has been updated, though not with much.
- So many minor fixes.
- Additional bugfixing and polishing.
- Some new sprites, faces, and busts.
- Some fixes/improvements for the battle busts.
- Fix for the "Points Are Power" achievement. It could be obtained in some instances, but not all.
v.0.78.2- 2025-02-25
v0.77.2 - 2025-01-10
The big thing I'm concerned about personally is the achievements, which should cause no trouble for players here but appear on the Steam version. If all goes well, in the next update I will add all the achievements for the whole game, taking us one step closer to being ready for the 1.0.0 release.
For you guys, though, the content you'll care about is the epilogue. You should be able to pick up from the final battle or the waiting room, but either way, this is a little coda to the game that I hope you will enjoy. It's one more romp with the characters, tying off some loose ends and bringing things full circle.
After this comes polishing, QoL, and feature improvement updates, eventually leading up to the completed postgame and release. Please look forward to it!
v0.77.0 - 2024-12-01
- Epilogue section of the game added.
- SFW mode now also censors sprites and portraits, thanks to Grim8P, Annikath, and Rachnera.
- New option for faster boss collapse animation, thanks to Lamsey.
- New illustrated scenes: Aka + Uyae, Dari's Changed Body, Dari's New Body, Nalili x Fenima
v0.76.3 - 2024-11-01
- Added new rewards to the final optional dungeon, including RP and a Shining Sword.
- Final touch-up.
- Many new interactions added for the new harem member.
- Minor balance and fixes.
- No real bugs, for once, but still good to put out an improved build.
- Final harem member now has dialogue busts.
- Minor additions to the final optional dungeon.
- Minor balance tweaks.
- Final optional dungeon and last combat challenges.
- Final harem member with attached sex scene.
- Final base books and unique equipment.
- Minor changes to final battle due to optional dungeon.
- LUK has been slightly rebalanced, notably no longer adding to enemy evasion.
- Improvements and bugfixes to the dialogue busts, thanks to Rachnera and Lamsey.
- Improvements and bugfixes to new skills thanks to Lord Forte.
- Three new illustrated scenes: Orilise x Altina, Rescued Erosians, Robin Transformation
v.0.75.5 - 2024-10-11
v0.75.4 - 2024-09-27
This was a big and scattered update, so check the version history if you want to look at everything. This time I need to give huge thanks to Rachnera, Lamsey, and Decarabia for helping the new bust dialogue system function. You can't just magically get the character expression on screen, it required a ton of fiddling and work that they handled for me. This feature would not have happened without them.
Aside from the visual improvements, the biggest thing is all the balance changes and new skills. While I tried to work on the balance during the testing weeks, it could definitely use more feedback, so please feel free to speak up if you have any thoughts.
v0.74.7 - 2024-07-09
Whew, here we finally are. I've been living and breathing this content for the past month, and tons of players have given it a shot, but this is a lot of fresh story anyone playing for the first time! During the development I have added more content, refined balance significantly, and tweaked all manner of things. Hopefully it will be a fun conclusion for everyone. ^-^
As I've said elsewhere, this update fulfills many of the promises I've made over the course of TLS. The remaining plot threads will be wrapped up in the optional dungeon, epilogue, and postgame. This isn't the end, not by any means, but we've definitely reached one of the last big milestones.
v0.73.4 - 2024-03-31
- Following Megail's quest, investigate near Iris to create a new potential piece of equipment.
- Investing in the Erosian smith now grants access to new equipment (at the Erosian temple), a new investment (at Fuck Palace), and new orc equipment (during Balia's quest).
- Five new pieces of unique equipment related to the above.
- Yet more bugfixing and polishing.
- Balance tweaks to Vhala's quest, including two extra points.
- The base portrait system now includes transformed Robin, both of Sabitha's forms, and mourning Zelica.
- Hopefully final keyboard/controller scripts from Rachnera.
- Additional bugfixing and polishing.
- Additional conversations have been added to Vhala's quest.
- Vhala's quest now grants additional influence for saves with lower ProN returns, as a mercy mechanic.
- Vhala's quest now grants more RP and other variables.
- Balia's quest now causes the training orcs in the base to upgrade, with four new training fights.
- Solely in the Divergent Church scenario, Bertricia has a Shining Sword to give the player.
- Solely in the New Religion scenario, Yelarel will give a Shining Sword during Sarai's quest.
- Upgraded keyboard/controller scripts thanks to Rachnera. The intro text and text describing key presses have been changed to account for this.
- Updated Elleani/Yarra scene thanks to Annikath.
- Additional bugfixing and polishing.
v0.73.0 - 2024-03-08
- Vhala has a "harem" quest, starting in the base hallway after the Incubus War.
- Stineford has been entirely overhauled! This is one of the biggest visual updates I've done to the game and I'm just crossing my fingers that I didn't screw something up during the upgrade.
- If Sarai was sexually restricted in your game, you can now get her to join the harem via her personal quest (if you already finished it, there's an alternate event in her tower). This is functionally the same, but involves some new conversations and dialogue variants.
- Nalili's quest now grants an additional reward, which can be found in her room even if you've already completed the quest. This is necessary for...
- A short quest that will grant a final battle item, if you've gathered all four major ingredients.
- Fuani now appears in the Renthnor Wilds guild, offering tips about all incomplete harem quests.
- Yarra's upgraded sex room now has two alternate configurations, for those who complained about the original tiles.
- Additional details around the base dependent on country scores, now covering Darghelon, Gheldaron, Zirantia, Erosia, and Rodak.
- Depending on the Entity Cohesion variable, you can see a scene resting under the tree at the Nostalgic Home.
- The final Shining Sword bonus is now available. I intend to add one more in the last optional dungeon for flex, however.
- During the Orilise segment of the elven forests sequence, the timer running out should now cause game over. This needs more testing.
- Did you know that the majority of cases refer to "Miners' Junction" but in 29 locations I accidentally wrote "Miner's Junction"? Well, not anymore!
- Bug where you could see Wendis transformed early fixed.
- Thanks to Rachnera, TLS has advanced keyboard remapping options in the System menu.
- There are now control tutorials when starting a new game.
- What may be the final investments of the game, pending any final balance tweaks.
- The placeholder in the teleportation room has finally been replaced with Riala, who will check preparedness and lead to the final battle (next time).
- One new sex scene.
- New illustrated scenes: Elleani Relief, Megail x Iris Anal, Janine Wedding Night
- Assorted bugfixing and polishing.
v0.72.2 - 2023-12-16
- New Orcent assets thanks to Lamsey and Annikath.
- Even MORE Orcent variant dialogue.
- Clarified that Megail's quest also resets research.
- Duplicate equipment bug fixed.
- Assorted bugfixing and polishing.
- All 26 events in the Orcent dungeon now have different dialogue for all six forms. You better appreciate this flavor text, because it was so much copy-pasting. T-T
- New visual assets for Orcent's dungeon thanks to Lamsey.
- There's a free healing point in Orcent's dungeon as well.
- New NPCs/dialogue added responding to quest completion.
- Various balance tweaks throughout, notably a significant buff to Mana Shock.
- Assorted bugfixing and polishing.
- New harem quest beginning in Ari-Yhilina: Merchant District.
- New harem quest beginning in Ari-Yhilina: Order of Thaumaturgy.
- New Orcent quest beginning in the Bloody Spire.
- Two new unique items can be created at the Nostalgic Home, if certain requirements are met.
- UI fixes from the previous new script.
- One new sex scene.
- Three new illustrated scenes: Special Surprise, Aka + Yarra, Megail + Qum
TLS 0.71.0 - 2023-11-17
- Fixed bug in Sarai's quest that made her event appear earlier in the game.
- Fixed issues with the alternate method to access the new Mother quests.
- Additional upgrades to the VN-style backlog script.
- Limit breaker script added. The only effect should be that characters no longer max at level 99, or so I hope.
- Two new illustrated scenes: Yarra + Hilstara, Victory Orgy
- Everything is illustrated through Chapter 3, so the "limited art" message has been moved to after that point.
Changelog for v 0.70.2 - 2023-10-31
Another update with more harem quests! The .1 version also added a backlog for if you missed dialogue, so please enjoy that. The roadmap is getting much closer to complete.
Changelog for v 0.70.0
- New harem quest beginning in the base main hall (after the Incubus War).
- New harem quest beginning in Sarai's Headquarters.
- The Mother's Guard quest is now accessible even if Theltiar is destroyed.
- Grynyth added to Uyae and Janine's harem quests (no mechanic impact).
- Also added to Yarra's harem quest (minimal combat impact).
- Also added to Altina's harem quest (dialogue and mechanical changes, but no ultimate balance change).
-Five new illustrated scenes: Crypt Handjob, Healing Dreams, Meeting Iris, Sending a Message, Trin 100 (missionary)
Another update! Some questing, some dungeons, and tons and tons of conversations. Also a whole bunch of continuity edits, quality of life stuff, and other general tinkering. There is no particular reason it should take longer than the usual week except that I am very tired right now. Sleeeep. -_-
Changelog for v 0.69.0 - 2023-09-20
- New harem quest beginning in Theltiar.
- New plot quest beginning in a location revealed within this update.
- New harem quest beginning in base courtyard (contingent on the above plot quest).
- Penultimate harem member, the last before the secret optional member.
- Fully 12 (!) new sex scenes, two of them affection scenes.
- New illustrated scenes: Aka + Varia, Altina From Behind, Restoring Riala, Yarra + Qum + Nalili, and all 15 (!) of Lilith's Chaos scenes
Supossedly there was more content added in v.0.69.1 but no idea what it is most likely added more pictures for scenes but no clue, and no info on v0.69.2 except for " This one had two weeks of refinements, so everyone should have a good experience unless I bungled a bugfix at the end. With this, we wrap up a major loose end and a couple harem quests, bringing the quest much closer to the end. "
0.68.2 [ - 2023-07-09]
0.68.0 [6/09/23]
- New harem quest beginning in the Renthnor Wilds.
- New harem quest beginning in Orgasmic Palace 4F (after Philon quest line).
- New Wilds building unlocked.
- Additional interaction/consequence added to Succession Crisis (Blademasters Guild).
- Further cleanup and minor bugfixing from the Succession Crisis.
- Six new sex scenes.
- Three new illustrated scenes: Ginasta First Time, Hilstara Missionary, Robin First Time
0.67.2 - 2023-05-29
I doesn't exist, as the creator is busy creating the next update.
- Various changes and additions behind the scenes. Optimization is overall easier, but the negative consequences are more severe.
- It is no longer possible to have Tyna marry Kalant with poor enough variables.
- It is now possible to walk Tyna down the aisle with sufficient variables. This has no numerical impact.
- NPCs around Ardford now respond to news of Tyna's wedding.
- Four new illustrated scenes: Hilstara x Lynine, Yarra's Joint Squad, Megail + Orilise, Nalili Tentacles
- Dari's quest now adds additional relationship points.
- Internal variables renamed for easier comprehension by data miners. =P
- The succession crisis can now be resolved via a new quest line beginning in Ardford.
- New harem quest beginning in Ardford Religious District.
- Three new sex scenes.
- Item sell bug (hopefully) fixed.
0.66.2 [4/21/23]
- Hopefully final edits to the filtering script.
- Minor polishing.
0.66.1 [4/19/23]
- Added new title card assets.
- Carina's special equipment event will now disappear if you got the previous version of it.
- All issues related to the gallery/filter are hopefully resolved, but please test.
- Bugfixing and polishing.
0.66.0 [4/14/23]
- New title screen and new branding across platforms!
- New harem quest beginning by Yarra in Headquarters B1.
- New harem quest beginning in Tak'Kan regional map.
- Additional flavor text and SFX added to Lilith's Abed.
- Seven new pieces of ultimate/custom equipment.
- Three new sex scenes (all found via the above harem quests).
- Five new illustrated scenes: Aka Riding, Balia's First Time, Forest Orgy, Lynine + Orilise, and Restoring Unsuccubi
- New quality of life feature thanks to Arachne: the gallery can now be filtered by any harem member!
Bug Fix
With so many more people playing TLS, I can't get away with bugs in the same way. Despite taking two weeks and many iterations, this most recent build has a couple issues. The sort of thing that the majority of players will never see, but again, with enough players some of them will get stuck. Putting out a build takes up some time, but... so does handling bug reports.
Anyway, before people make assumptions, I have been hard at work on TLS 0.66.0. I'm feeling good about it, but there's no way I can finish it super quickly. So I made the decision that it was better to put out this build for everyone playing the game meanwhile.
v0.65.2 - 2023-02-21
- New plot quest, beginning in the Renthnor Wilds.
- New harem quest, beginning in the Yhilini Royal Chambers (any time in Chapter 5).
- New harem quest, beginning in the base front hall (any time after the Incubus War).
- New harem quest beginning in the Renthnor Wilds (after completing the new plot quest).
- Major new base feature: full portrait mode, including 29 unique pieces of art and 125 paintings total!
- New harem member, with either 1 or 15 sex scenes, depending on how you count.
- Aside from that, two plot sex scenes.
- Final combat party member, bearing 17 new skills and some bizarre mechanics.
- In Balia's challenge, teaching orcs skills only costs essence once each iteration. If you create new orcs, you can teach them already-learned skills for no additional cost.
- The Simon Recovery variable has been slightly tweaked now that there are more than enough points.
- 5 new illustrated scenes: Aka's New Form, Hilstara X Succubi, Lynine's First Time, Megail 100, Orilise's First Time
0.64.3 - 2022-11-27
v.0.63.3 - 22.10.04
- Critical party swap bug fixed.
- Multiple party dungeon bug fixed.
- Seven new illustrated scenes: Altina Seated, Esthera Dominance, Iris Meeting, Ivala First Time, Megail Anal, Mithyn First Time, Robin Seated
- Ramasta dead end fixed.
- Content in Sarai's headquarters made more accessible.
- All other reports cleaned up.
- New open world segment, with an unusual number of updates.
- 9 new scenes.
- Two new characters can join the harem, bringing six new affection scenes with them.
- Two other characters joining the base.
- An old character's affection can be uncapped via a new scene, allowing them to be maxed.
- New harem quest.
- Shining Swords can finally be turned in for rewards.
- Various new opportunities around the world, making it possible to restore the "entity" even if items were previously missed.
- Thanks to the work of DukeLeto7, Decanter, and others, several obscure bugs have been eliminated.
- Annikath has made some improvements to several dozen past scenes (purely on her own time), so all of those have been updated.
- Four new illustrated scenes: Elleani Titfuck, Janine 69, Riala Dreaming, Sarai Doggy
- New segment finishing the Incubus War.
- Minor edits to the prison content.
- New scenes, the number depending on how you count them.
- Art exists for 14 new scenes, but to make my release window, it was deferred. Expect it to be added to the .1 or .2 update.
- New section of the story
- No new art. There is art ready, but I won't have time to include it until the .1 release or so.
Though this isn't quite the update I originally intended, I think it's the right update for moving the story forward. Instead of trying to tackle all of the remainder of the Incubus War in one update, I focused on a discrete section this time and will conclude everything in 0.59.0.
This one is a bit crazy, sort of an RPG within an RPG. Hopefully everyone will enjoy it as a change of pace in between the chaotic sections of the war, but for now it is complete and I can sleep. -_-
v0.55.2 Public
- More polishing and bugfixing.
- A succubus in the Orgasmic Empire library now shows the map of Renthnor.
- The Renthnor map is added to the teleportation room maps after being viewed.
- Hilstara RP shifted, Balia RP added to orc investment.
- Xestris RP added to her first headquarters conversation.
Time for the update! This one should be reasonably polished, but it needs to come with a warning: the balance for the entire Gathering is not finalized. Though I did my best, it's possible that after the next update, I or someone else will realize the game would be better with a tweak to this section. If you're highly concerned with game balance, I suggest keeping a save prior to this version.
That said, this one has quite a bit of different content I hope you will enjoy. ^-^ Though I want to continue working on Once Ever After, TLS 0.54.0 will be higher priority.
TLS 0.52.0
- New plot section.
- Fixed Robin profile thanks to Lamsey.
- New illustrated scenes: Lynine titfuck, Nalili 69, Orilise luxury, Fuckety Fuck.
I expect this update to be in pretty good shape overall, but I burned out on balance testing at the end. Yet again, I'd forgotten that my bad and low level games are behind the current content. However, there's one thing that didn't get limited testing:
There's a multi-boss this update that I hope people will find interesting. We haven't used this mechanic in a while, but I thought this was the time for it. This strikes me as on the edge of too many battles in a row, but hopefully people will find it a fun challenge. I worry it may be a bit too easy, since my weakest party managed without too much trouble, but resisted the urge to buff at the last second.
This has been a rough week. Nothing serious, or really personal at all, just lots of outside stuff slowing me down. Please feel free to report bugs or give any criticism, of course. But if you like any of the new stuff... well, this would be a nice time to tell me. ^-^
I'm not sure if I'll have anything to say in an update this Sunday. Maybe just something brief along with an updated version.
- Depending on your decisions, you may be able to unlock a new segment and final state for Eustrin.
- Aka's personal quest can now be completed.
- Hilstara has a complete personal quest.
- The Tower mine has reopened, granting different saves different items. Both regions have been repopulated with a few new fights.
- Two new scenes, three new affection scenes.
- Two more scenes that are inaccessible without cheating. Working ahead.
- If you're still locked out of Ardoheim in Chapter 5, you can now gain access via a payment in Headquarters 1F.
- If you didn't receive the Crystal of Harmony, it can now be purchased in Ari-Yhilina.
- If Fheliel's conversation was missed, you can find her in Ryoken.
- Returning to Wynn's house after the recent transformation will unlock new dialogue (and a new scene).
- Improved Qum and Megail sex sprites thanks to Decanter.
- Minor continuity fixes in early content.
- New Illustrated Scenes: Carina Solo, Altina Blowjob, Megail Doggy, Trin Orgy
TLS 0.50.0
- Grand art update: All scenes in Chapter 1 now have an illustrated image!
- Total added: 28 scenes, 5 joke scenes (52 images total)
Non-consistent art are the joke scenes involving the Chosen.
This update was more involved than you might think. I was only able to make everything work properly thanks to scripting assistance from Lamsey and Decanter. Future updates will be normal chunks of gameplay plus whatever new art is finished.
final bugfixing and polishing.
- Zirantian leaders now report on the state of their nation. This can potentially unlock the new Biyue scene.
- The Stineford succubus bar is now available if missed, and can be visited as a new map, but only going through the improved iterate event mentioned below.
- Min now appears in the Givino Vinai Court.
- Antarian now appears in Ardford Cathedral.
- Nabith now has a new conversation when first spoken to in Chapter 5 (with Yhilin Final).
- More variant dialogue has been added, notably in Ardford Business District and Orri's Restaurant.
- The physical condition of Ryoken now varies based on Erosia's country score.
- Retroactive: The Ramasta Unperson HQ now visually improves if Gawnfall helped the Unpeople.
- Lynine and Iris have conversations that increase their RP if you investigate their funded investments.
- Serious improvements have been made to the Chapter 5 iterate event, including more potential RP for Tertia.
- Quest objective bugs fixed (only if you repeat the events).
- The Duelist's Pin can now be enchanted in Ghenalon.
- The costs for a number of investments have decreased, some based on past decisions.
- Sublime equipment is in some cases more expensive, but overall buffed.
- Sublime equipment now has unique icons.
- Assorted minor changes, fixes, and improvements.
- Further bugfixes, minor dialogue additions.
- Optional battle further nerfed.
- Quest log updated to include recent events.
- New section covering Eustrin and more.
- One new scene.
TLS 0.47.1
- Bugfixing, typos, and minor improvements.
- The self-destruct attack now works, thanks to Decanter.
- The Ledger is now updated to the new version.
- Sprite animations now play when you access the bed.
TLS 0.47.0
- Big Stineford update!
- Two new scenes, including the longest in the game by a fair margin.
- The first final party member sidequest is introduced, though it can't be finished yet.
- Minor touchup.
- For once, I think there were no true bug fixes. Some improvements and minor graphic things, though.
- Lots of new dialogue.
- End of chapter and interlude.
- Two new scenes.
- Last investment/research cycle of this chapter.
TLS 0.44.6
- This update is mostly to fix the heal bug.
- Improved Tanurak image thanks to Bug Reporting and Decanter.
- Fixed Erosian maps thanks to Lamsey.
- Additional improvements, fixes, and balance changes.
- New warfront images courtesy of Lamsey.
- The balance of healing spells has been changed. There's no effect at lower levels, but at higher character levels healing will start to scale slightly faster. This is especially true of single-target healing spells, which I've felt were lagging in an unintended way.
TLS 0.42.0
- Plot advances with a trip back to Stenai.
- Upon return from Stenai, multiple events and a dungeon prepping for the next section.
- The optional challenge dungeon in New Givini is now available.
- Two new scenes.
- New investment cycle. Includes a new investment on Succubus Acceptance paths that involves a new scene.
- A new slate of research options is unlocked, and you have a new research project available.
- Depending on your research choices, Robin may have a new scene.
- Four new pieces of customized equipment can be created.
- Simon now has bust images (both green and black outfits) thanks to Lamsey.
- A conversation between Altina and Riala about the events in the first chapter has been added retroactively (it isn't accessible in current content).
Every save should get a chunk of new plot content, plus a whole set of sundry items getting ready for the next major plot event. But the other significant piece of work in this update is the final optional dungeon for this chapter. It requires a large investment to access, but I put a lot of effort into the challenges beyond. Honestly, it may be a bit too far on the frustrating end... but that's why it's optional content.
TLS 0.41.4
- More fixes and tweaks.
TLS 0.41.3
New Additions
- Previously, nothing changed in Zirantia. Now more things are updated.
- This includes an event leading to a brand new scene.
- Herin and Kaskia can be found in various locations. Not essential, just flavor in response to the synod.
- Depending on vote results, Tak'Kan has a sanctification team in the Wilds.
- Also potentially a new location in Tak'Kan.
- A foreign succubus captured during the Gathering shows up then and later in Gasm Falls.
Minor changes
- Usual typos and minor improvements.
- Synod: Slight balance change to Esmera's deal.
- Small lore addition giving Sarai a formal title.
- Xerces coloration standardized thanks to Decanter.
- Retroactive: Lady Entila now has a faceset and her conversation has been modified to use multiple expressions.
TLS 0.41.2
- Lots of polishing and minor variants/fixes, no significant new content added.
- New scenes added to Reflection menu.
- There was new content added to the Aramite fort, but it was inaccessible before now.
- Fixed the bug in the harem menu.
TLS 0.41.0
Core Updates
- Significant synod overhaul. (see details below)
- Entire world updated based on synod results.
- 4 new plot scenes, 3 new affection scenes.
- Sarai can now join, depending on your synod results.
- Orilise can now be maxed, depending on your synod results.
Synod Overhaul
- More speakers added to the votes in the latter half (flavor only).
- Zirantia now sends a representative. He's mostly flavor, but he influences the last vote.
- Tak'Kan Vote: Ignias's support increased.
- Tak'Kan Vote: Simon speaking now grants an additional bonus.
- Tak'Kan Vote: Nabith + Sanitation Guild bonus improved.
- Tak'Kan Vote: Kerannii's deal has an impact on her results.
- Fucklord Vote: Kerannii's deal now has a greater impact.
- Economic Vote: The cost now varies based on the Religion stat.
- Eustrin Vote: There is now a new option to spend additional influence on this vote.
- Eustrin Vote: The result requirements have been tweaked.
- Goddess of Magic Vote: Requirements and rewards tweaked.
- Goddess of Magic Vote: Yelarel's contribution now varies based on her influence variable.
- Mother's Guard Vote: Requirements and rewards tweaked.
- Mother's Guard Vote: Yelarel's contribution now varies based on her influence variable.
- Inquisition Vote: You can now receive a bonus from Religion, but the requirements increased a little.
- Succubus Holy Knights: The cost of applying Sarai's influence now varies based on Yelarel's influence.
- Succubus Holy Knights: The Yelarel bonuses have changed.
TLS 0.40.1-5
- Wrestling with the scope of the event.
TLS 0.40.0
- New content finishing the Council of Gawnfall.
- One new scene.
- Misc fixes on previous sections in preparation for the Steam release.
TLS 0.39.3
- Minor changes. Only doing a release to clear up the fade bug.
TLS 0.39.2
- Numerous balance changes, on average making the vote requirements easier.
- New/improved Kerannii expressions thanks to Bug Reporting.
- Improved musical tracks thanks to Lamsey.
- High Priestesses have been added to the waiting room for those who want to check influence scores again.
There are a lot of tweaks made that you may be interested in.* While this version of the council should be a bit more forgiving and more nuanced, I still can't promise this is 100% final balance. I did my best, though.
*I know this adds work for the people managing the guides and wiki. I tried to list all the changes I made to the hidden mechanics in my responses to Decanter and Fulminato, so hopefully that will make updating things easier for you.
Will make a post on more updatey stuff on Sunday.
TLS 0.39.0
- New update covering the first three days of the Ivalan summit.
- Initial lamia battler swapped with improved version (thanks to Decanter for finding it).
- Retroactively added custom sprite/bust/face for Vera (priestess of the Goddess of Magic). This is thanks to Bug Reporting, who also did the new characters this update.
Alright, I've done what I think is best for the game: split the summit into two parts. This way I can keep up release momentum as well as get feedback on some of the new things I'm trying with this update. It will be reminiscent of the Ardford Summit, but with this one I put the emphasis on social manipulation. Hopefully with some tweaking, this will be a fun addition to the game.
This update isn't a trivial one, though! It introduces all the High Priestesses you hadn't met before in addition to some important characters from other religious factions. In the votes covered by this update, you'll lead the religious situation on Arclent in one of several major directions, which will have a permanent impact on the world.
Because this update is a bit experimental, I have no idea what to say about when it will be released publicly. This blog is the place to check for major updates, while the progress will be focused on Patreon.
TLS 0.38.1-2
- Minor polishing and bugfixing.
TLS 0.38.0
- New section of the plot with a bunch of followup to last update's reveal.
- New round of investing and research available.
- Several new mini-dungeons and another option unlocked.
- One new scene.
TLS 0.37.3
- Further bugfixes and refinements.
- The major change is that making Altina's custom weapon now grants affection where it didn't before.
TLS 0.37.1
- Several changes made to make the switch puzzles easier and clearer.
- All party members' base lines changed after the Stenai events. NPCs around the world have NOT yet changed.
- Some new unique sprites thanks to Bug Reporting.
- Music issues fixed thanks to Lamsey.
- Bugfixing and polishing, as always.
TLS 0.37.0
- Stenai update covering the next section of the game.
- Four new scenes.
TLS 0.36.0
- Small update laying the groundwork for the Stenai update.
- Three new scenes added.
- New synergy skill for Aka and Uyae.
- There is now a merchant in the slums that sells Yhilini orc equipment, once Yhilin has reached its final state.
- Based on player requests, there is a new option for training orcs in the courtyard, a group that has very high HP.
- An autosave script has been added thanks to Decanter. Comment if you want it to save after battles in addition to its current behavior.
TLS 0.35.7
- Blade of Lust XP bug fixed.
- Several cases where it was possible to not get credit for all your actions fixed.
- Misc polishing.
TLS 0.35.6
- More polishing.
- The Dwarren Embassy investment now benefits the Aramite Tower section.
- Wynn gets RP from the Zirantian Tower segment, Sarai from Yhilin's.
- Dari is now visible during the ritual. This change is purely cosmetic, but I know some wanted it. ^-^
- Nalili's Blade of Lust skill now counts as defeating an enemy (thanks to Decanter for assistance).
- Fixed music and looping thanks to Lamsey.
- The game now has a custom executable icon thanks to BetatesterFP.
- Minor but blocking mapping errors.
0.35.3 fixed game-breaking bug I added 0.35.2.
TLS 0.35.2
- More polishing.
- Aram now has two new soundtracks.
TLS 0.35.1
- Fixes and polishing.
- Multiple changes to combat balance.
- Changes to war balance, notably including Simon bonus EXP and effects of Ginasta choices.
TLS 0.35.0
- Large new section covering the war with Erosia.
- Two new plot scenes.
TLS 0.34.3 [11/05/2018]
- The threshold for Dari has been lowered somewhat.
- There is now an event to upgrade Hilstara's Helm at the succubus armorer, if you funded her. I don't want to go overboard with upgrades like this, but patrons made some good suggestions on this one.
- There are conversations on the statues in the new dungeon. I had meant to include these earlier but they got lost in the shuffle.
- More bugfixes and polishing.
TLS 0.33.4
- Party order saving bug is fixed. If you have a bugged save, cycle through both parties and it should be fixed.
TLS 0.33.3
- Further fixes and refinements.
- Party order is now saved when switching between the two groups thanks to Decanter.
- It isn't commonly known, but TLS can be played with a controller. Decanter added a script that ties text skipping to L1, which means you should be able to do anything with a controller you can do with a keyboard.
Version 0.32.2 [03/02/2018]
Version 0.32.1 [1/27/18]
- You can now customize flowers in the training yard.
- Patrici now has her proper custom sprite.
- Andra has a new faceset.
- The cathedral library has been updated, though not with much.
- So many minor fixes.
Тему отредактировал: admin - 24-03-2025, 08:02
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Причина: Тема обновлена. Добавлена английская версия v.0.79.2 Eng. Topic updated. Added English version v.0.79.2 Eng.
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