Описание:Если кратко это HTML - аналог "ЭТО", "Сurced" и прочих текстобродилок с картинками. Простая, небольшая игрушка, с малым количеством диалогов и сплошными рандом - ивентами.
Вы всю жизнь прожили в маленькой деревушке, прилегающей к Озерному краю. Вы никогда не бывали в больших городах, так как мама и папа говорили вам, что Ливерпуль и Манчестер полны опасностей. Но через неделю после того, как вам исполнилось 17 лет, ваши родители развелись, и вам пришлось выбирать, с кем жить. Не было правильного или неправильного выбора, но все равно любой выбор казался неправильным, как будто вы изменяли другому родителю. Итак, начало положено, и Лиззи оказывается в Амстердаме. Сможет ли она не попасть в опасную нисходящую спираль наркотиков, секса, проституции и тому подобного? Это зависит только от вас.
You've lived all your life in a small village adjacent to The Lake District. You never realy been to a big city as mum and dad told you Liverpool and Manchester were full of dangers. But a week after you turned 17 you're parents got divorced and you were forced to choose who to live with. There was no right or wrong choice, still whatever choice you wanted to make felt wrong, as if you were cheating on the other parent. So that is the start and Lizzy ends up in Amsterdam. Will she be able to not fall into the dangerous downward spiral of drugs, sex, prostitution and the like? It is up to you.
Год выпуска: 2020
Жанр: anal, animated, blackmail, corruption, drugs, exhibitionism, female protagonist, groping, group, interracial, lesbian, masturbation, multiple endings, multiple penetration, oral, prostitution, rape, real porn, rpg, sandbox, sex toys, simulator, text based, urination, vaginal, voyeurism,
Цензура: Отсутствует
Разработчик/Издатель: Burningsun BurningSun -
PatreonПлатформа: PC/Windows/MacOS/Linux
Тип издания: В разработке
Таблетка: Не требуется
Версия: v.
Язык игры: Английский
Язык интерфейса: Английский
V0.8.8.73 - 2025-01-21
- Redone the kitchen stuff related to Cees. I believe it works like a charm now.... BUT I thought that the other time as well. Let me know peeps if you find any bugs. I tested it and ran through all different options in the questline and everything worked fine for me. It is possible that a certain save in a certain moment in the questline doesn't work. There are many scenarios so impossible for me to fix them all for you. Sorry if it is the case.- ty Forca, Del.Mar, GladiusVictorius, Fake_Zeus, scorpion14gandy and many more
- Fixed the Raul dead end. - ty mspman, Fake_Zeus and others
- Third Adam visit now, should no longer happen; Helen shouldn't ask Lizzy for it anymore. - ty Forca
Version - 13/01/2025
- Updated the Willem hints section to be more clear.
- Fixed some textual errors in the final part of Cees's blackmail path in the kitchen.
- Potentially fixed a bug with Cees resulting in a dead end. - ty ced77
- Fixed a dead end at the club during drunk toilet visit. - ty ced77
- First handjob when wlaking the streets now no longer is free of charge. - ty Dybbuk
- Fixed several dead ends when being drunk at the club and flirting with people. - ty Raziel31000 & BBZ01
- Summer last event is.... gone? Or at least the correct version omg! It is missing choices etc. I seriously messed up there. For now I added a link to at least be able to continue. Will fix this for the next main version. Sorry all!! - ty Raziel31000 for highlighting the issue.
- Fixed an issue where condoms could be inaccessible even though Lizzy would have some. - ty Dybbuk
- Fixed several typos here and there. - ty Dybbuk
- Selling yourself to the couple in the club no longer results in double payout. - ty Dybbuk
- Removed the $Person references from a certain passage. - ty EAngelinaC
- Corrected the Beach shop opening hours. This time for realz. Fingers crossed. - ty EAngelinaC
- Fixed a double 'play vid' issue. - ty EAngelinaC
- Removed a double link to the Club. - ty EAngelinaC
- Added a piece of code to the update to check if Cees is rightly set or not in the save games. - ty EAngelinaC
Version - 04/01/2025
- Updated Hints section with a hint regarding the alarm. Also updated a few other hints.
- Fixed the message in the club which would say; Error: the passage "ClubMeet" does not exist. - ty Tiredpuff, onionconsumer21, xthreshprince, Cere Burn, Philjd, ohhellyea, GladiusVictorius and others
- Fixed an issue in the club where it is calling for 'MainClub' when dancing for Raul. Ugh had forgotten this whole passage! - ty xthreshprince, Otomo, ohhellyea & ced77
- Cees can now be met again in the kitchen. - ty VictorHayes & GeenIdeeOk
- Fixed a variety of issues at the Dance School. Should now all work again. - ty yozara, Sabberlot23, Cere Burn, ced77 & EAngelinaC
- When the pole dancing clothes are bought, they now show up in the inventory.
- Fixed a dead end with the very special cannabis powder drink. - ty darkgummy & DashaTaran
- Fixed Adam's path at the flowershop route to now properly stop after the 2nd visit and show a 'End of content' message. - ty ambos & EAngelinaC
- Lowered the liberal & dignity needed to enter the Sexshop to 40. - ty Nilisa
- Removed the call for the image Shop16. - ty Dybbuk
- Park wee-event now checks for the preferences selected at the start of the game. - ty EAngelinaC
- Fixed a small bug with stats during swimming. - ty EAngelinaC
- The beach shop is no closed between 22:00h and 07:00h. - ty EAngelinaC
- If Lizzy is late on her first workday, she no longer gets praised for being on time. - ty EAngelinaC
- Fixed a coding issue in the Adam path. - ty EAngelinaC
- Fixed an issue with the Andrei variables. - ty EAngelinaC
- Lizzy can no longer look for wildflowers when being naked or wearing a bikini. She will now automatically change into her normal clothes. - ty EAngelinaC
- Fixed an issue where Lizzy could select more than one bikini in the beach changing booth. - ty EAngelinaC
- Squashed lot of other little bugs
Known (possible) bugs to be fixed in next main release or if possible in the next bug release:
- All Sit-images in the club are missing. - ty DashaTaran
- All images in the first few days of Lizzy working behind the window are missing.
- Walking images at the beach at night are missing.
- Some of the beach shop images are missing. - ty EAngelinaC
- Possible issue when paying your debt to Mo the first time. - ty kwalicious
- A small textual issue during one of the shower events saying Lizzy is alone, but still meeting other girls. - ty EAngelinaC
Version 'Last Christmas' 25/12/2024
- Changed the hard setting to now also have the 'Go to work button'. - You need to thank BBZ01 for that one :)
- Reworked the Club passages. They now have been updated with new code like other areas like the beach or the pub.
- The existing random events now happen when navigating through the club, like when Lizzy navigates from one part of the city to the next.
- The toilets can now be visited as a seperate area, just like the bar and the dancefloor and the entrance/main area.
- Almost all events have been reworked/updated/rewritten in some way or another.
- Lizzy can now choose to have pubic hair or not at the start of the game. It only has effect on her body choice and look for now. Not on the video's etc. so solely for RP purposes. This may change in the future but I don't really think it will ever have an impact on a large part of the story.
- Lizzy can now pay for a complete makeover at the salon. Complete means that Lizzy can chance her Avatar, Body and pubic hair, even though that is not very immersive. This will help her reduce fame drastically and at the same time improve her hair and her nails as if a normal treatment was purchased. Be aware though that the more often she uses it, the less impact the fame reduction will have. - ty mogon for this idea!
- Added five more Avatars to chose from.
- Added three more bodytypes to chose from. If anyone has a nice toned/sporty body I could use let me know.
- Added a new weird event at the beach while walking.
- Updated the Dance School passages. Simplified the code, fixed some inconsistencies and now Lizzy actually needs to have proper clothes in order to be able to join a lesson. Additionally, Lizzy now can take Jazz dancing lessons, thought there is no use for this yet. - ty BBZ01 for pointing out the clothing need.
- Reduced the cost of the Maid costume.
- Added a tracker to show how many cliens Lizzy serviced behind Mo's window.
- Linked up some more events tied to the choices at the start of the game; Golden showers etc. If you have any that need to be added let me know.
- The beauty girl now starts with 10 Fitness in stead of 5 (so she can enter the club from the start... she still needs to 'find' it though).
- Corrected some of the hints for Faoud's story. - ty BBZ01
- When Lizzy works the streets, she now no longer can keep going even though her energy is at 0. Slightly decreased the payout and slightly decreased the chance to find a John. - ty BBZ01 for ideas, hints and checks!
- Lizzy can now apply sunscreen when lying on a towel in the park. She will tan or burn now when on the towel in the park - ty Skyllah
- Summer story continued with 2 more events. It will bring the relation to 40? if played right. Lizzy does need to have a phone as otherwise Summer will not be able to call her! Event at 10 Rel changed and is now checking if Lizzy has a phone or not. This means that the story can only be progressed if Lizzy has a phone at that point.
- When Lizzy works behind the window, she now more likely gets normal/friendly customers, rather than horrible ones. The chance to get horrible ones decreased and also made it more clear when it is a horrible one.
- When Lizzy starts working behind the window for Mo, the first four to five times she does so, will have a special event which will 'help' her get used to the work. These events are over 15.000 words and somehow has taken me ages, absolutely ages to write. Ugh not sure why but it just did. I literally mean at least a hundred hours! Glad it is done as it adds a lot to the story imho. Hope you like it. BEWARE; Missing vids. UGH!!!! I accidently deleted all the vids/images for these events. So there are placeholders for now.... will get them added nex time bah!
- Added a condom vending machine in the RLD toilets which Lizzy can visit if needed. Condoms are a lot more expensive here though.
- You can no longer meet Bibi in the pub if you have not met her befrore. - ty Shadey99
Version 18/05/24
- Added an option at the start so people can choose what they want or not. At the moment only one option is present; Champagne events, aka Golden shower events. It is not fully functional yet; Well it is, but there are many events that this option has an impact on, so I will likely have missed some. Please let me know so I can fix them.
- Extended the flasher-event in the park a little with one more option if Lizzy has the cumcraze.
- Added the option to choose Lizzy's age when selecting her Avatar and body. (I put a min/max in, in order to limit the number of options and to be safe for obvious reasons). There are a fair few referrals in the game to Lizzy's age. I may not have covered all of them and therefore it might be her age is mentioned incorrectly. Let me know if this happens and I will change it.
- Added 3 more Avatars to choose from.
- Phone is back.. still in old format... I tried and failed to update it. maybe next time.
- Updated the Hints section with all the different endings and how to get them.
- Updated the Hints section for the characters Henry, Leo, Mo, Patricia and Raul. Henry, Leo and Patricia need more details which will come at a later stage. - ty BBZ01 for your help!
- You can now safely talk to any person about a job and start with another job without making the jobs disappear. - ty mtq2904229 & VictorHayes
- Fixed an issue where a small event at the park was not accessible. - ty EAngelinaC
- Fixed an issue in the club which could result in a black screen. - ty EAngelinaC & BBZ01
- Fixed a small issue where too much time was added during sex in the glroyhole. - ty EAngelinaC
- Fixed a small error during one of Summer's encounters. - ty J1215 & thusetro
- Fixed an issue with Mo's elevator. - ty sosd21
- Updated the hints for Bianca's encounters. - ty BBZ01
- Lizzy can meet Bibi in the pub for drinks. Just mingling. - ty BBZ01 for the idea.
- Lizzy can now meet a new Character. He is called Cees. Lizzy can meet him in the kitchen. Lizzy can 'build' the relationship so far up to 15.
- Fixed a small issue at the club; Lizzy can now only work at the pub during the summer months. - ty BBZ01
- Andrei now has a face and an icon as well as his own description in the Hints area.
- When lying on the towel in the park, it now shows a proper image (just the drink) when drinking a Breezer. - ty EAngelinaC
Known bugs/issues:
- The makeup tutorial has a grey "Makeup skill improved slightly" and affects $MakeupSkillR which doesn't have a green +1 Skill notification and doesn't show on Character Stats until it's enough to change $MakeupSkill and Lizzie refreshes her makeup. - ty EAngelinaC
- If you have multiple debts due, they aren't listed on separate lines, so they'll run together like: - ty EAngelinaC
- Fixed an issue where Buswork could only happen on certain trips. Now it can happen on all trips. - ty EAngelinaC
Version 06/01/2024
- Fixed the width of the perk section at the start of the game so it is actually using the whole width of the screen now. - ty itslydiabxtch
- Toggling the perfume in the Diary pages now no longer shows an error. - ty GladiusVictorius
- Fixed the Henry encounter. No idea why I thought it wasn't bugged as it clearly was. Sorry all. Fixed several minor bugs here and there. Should now work. - ty Jameshern, BodilyParts, Terakahn, pornojonas, coper & mattjones0805.
- Summer has been spotted at the party again! - ty Jameshern
- Fixed a bug in the workbutton Widget causing it so show an error in the left side menu. - ty julzor for detailed description helped me find it super quick.
- Fixed a dead end in the 'lost' city event when taking the bus. - ty julzor
- Corrected a typo in the SuperDry store. It now says 'sporting outfits'.
- Fixed a dead end in the shower - ty GladiusVictorius & Jared Gandy
- Fixed the Gloryhole dead end. - ty GXT145 and many others.
- Fixed the dead end when returning from Adam's visit when choosing not to 'help' Adam. - ty ConsoleCog
- Buying the Museum card now opens up the museums. - ty bolondro2 & Thisguy01
- Fixed an issue with the event where Lizzy could find a book, glasses or a phone in the park. - ty EAngelinaC
- Fixed (I hope) an issue with topless sunbathing in the park which also affected the normal yoga - ty EAngelinaC
- When giving the clown a BJ in the park at night, it now plays the correct vid. - ty EAngelinaC
- Removed a double video playing-code at the beach booth. - ty EAngelinaC
- Fixed an issue when taking computer lessons at the library. - ty EAngelinaC
- Fixed an issue where ordering snacks in the stripbar would make Lizzy magically end up in the pub. - ty vulf
Known bugs/possible issues:
- Also, lying on the towel in the park, there are topless/nude versions of all of the activities except for drinking a breezer, which is still fully dressed. - ty EAngelinaC
- The makeup tutorial has a grey "Makeup skill improved slightly" and affects $MakeupSkillR which doesn't have a green +1 Skill notification and doesn't show on Character Stats until it's enough to change $MakeupSkill and Lizzie refreshes her makeup. - ty EAngelinaC
- If you have multiple debts due, they aren't listed on separate lines, so they'll run together like: - ty EAngelinaC