Год выпуска: 2020
Жанр: 3DCG, 2D Game, school setting, female protagonist, corruption, sci-fi
Цензура: Отсутствует
Разработчик/Издатель: www.patreon.com/user?u=7901495
Перевод: Rexus
Платформа: PC/Windows
Тип издания: В разработке
Таблэтка: Не требуется
Версия: Succulence 1 v.2.5 / Succulence 2 v.0.55.3 Rus / v.0.58.2 Eng
Язык игры: Русский/Английский (Смена языка в настройках)
Язык интерфейса: Русский/Английский
Системные требования: OS: WinXP/Vista/7/8/10
Вы играете за строгую учительницу, которая находит портал в другой
мир и обнаруживает шокирующий факт о своем происхождении.
Будет ли она жить мирной жизнью или она утонет в своих плотских желаниях?
Все будет так, как захочет игрок.
You play as a strict female teacher, who finds a portal to a different
world, and discovers a shocking fact about her origin. Will she keep
living her life peacefully, or will she drown in her carnal desires?
That will be for a player to decide.
-Starting a new game is required- for version before v0.2.
No need to update if you played v0.2.1 or v0.2.2
Полноэкранный режим - ALT+ENTER. У кого ошибка при запуске , в раздаче присутствует архив RPGVXAce_RTP.zip , установите из него RTP100 запустив файл Setup.exe.
Поддержать Переводчика (Boosty)
Поблагодарить Переводчика : Яндекс кошелёк 410011908107082
Жанр: 3DCG, 2D Game, school setting, female protagonist, corruption, sci-fi
Цензура: Отсутствует
Разработчик/Издатель: www.patreon.com/user?u=7901495
Перевод: Rexus
Платформа: PC/Windows
Тип издания: В разработке
Таблэтка: Не требуется
Версия: Succulence 1 v.2.5 / Succulence 2 v.0.55.3 Rus / v.0.58.2 Eng
Язык игры: Русский/Английский (Смена языка в настройках)
Язык интерфейса: Русский/Английский
Системные требования: OS: WinXP/Vista/7/8/10
Вы играете за строгую учительницу, которая находит портал в другой
мир и обнаруживает шокирующий факт о своем происхождении.
Будет ли она жить мирной жизнью или она утонет в своих плотских желаниях?
Все будет так, как захочет игрок.
You play as a strict female teacher, who finds a portal to a different
world, and discovers a shocking fact about her origin. Will she keep
living her life peacefully, or will she drown in her carnal desires?
That will be for a player to decide.
-Starting a new game is required- for version before v0.2.
No need to update if you played v0.2.1 or v0.2.2
Полноэкранный режим - ALT+ENTER. У кого ошибка при запуске , в раздаче присутствует архив RPGVXAce_RTP.zip , установите из него RTP100 запустив файл Setup.exe.
Поддержать Переводчика (Boosty)
Поблагодарить Переводчика : Яндекс кошелёк 410011908107082
- Arrow keys/2,4,6,8 on numpad to move
- Z, Enter, num5 to confirm/use
- X, Esc, num0 to cancel
- Hold Shift to run/walk
- Hold Ctrl to hide text
- Hold Q to skip text
- Hold W to display map(Only in the ruins)
- Hold S to hold in place
Note: Sometimes skipping text in the cutscenes may break the game.
- Z, Enter, num5 to confirm/use
- X, Esc, num0 to cancel
- Hold Shift to run/walk
- Hold Ctrl to hide text
- Hold Q to skip text
- Hold W to display map(Only in the ruins)
- Hold S to hold in place
Note: Sometimes skipping text in the cutscenes may break the game.
Big changes:
- Large Holiday Special update
- Unlockable bonuses from completing Holiday Special(with secrets)
- Interactive Tape added to Serena's TV
- TV tapes and specials display updated character images
- Changes to almost all major characters(new clothes, new looks) - Most noticeable when doing Welcoming Party quest
- Lust Frenzy rebalance
- Relationship options prototype menu added(only for Mai so far)
Small changes:
- Dream world map changes
- New improved crowd reactions(can be seen in Holiday Special)
- Small UI and menu changes that make adding bonuses that persist through multiple playthroughs much easier
- Prologue conclusion added
Temporarily Removed[Still]:
- Bed event
- Bath event expansion
- Valentine's event
Didn't make it:
- Fight system upgrade
- Repeatable welcoming party event
- Work tasks
- Train events
- Mall events & Desire clothes shop
Difference between 0.58.1 and 0.58.2
- Bunch of bugs fixed in Holiday Special and TV events.
- TV specials and tapes now display updated character images(although it might not display correct outfit)
- Further optimized game size(more carefully this time)
- Holiday Special update with upgraded images(some images remained the same because there's no good way to upgrade them)
- Eve event
- Tonic Delivery event(multiple outcomes)
- Desire Shop photoshoot event
- Bath event
- Welcoming party event
- New wardrobe functions/bugfixes
- Phone selfies re-added
- Wallpaper button rework
- Contacts + Camera buttons functional
- Dream world menu added
- New outfits for Yuko and Mrs. Mollette
- Parts of character traits changed for various characters
- Changes to Lust Frenzy system(most of them are currently disabled, but it is a foundation for future improvements)
- Wall pictures in Serena's apartment completely reworked(requires testing on old save files): Extra picture spot + new picture added.
- Added indicators on the walls that show where a picture can be framed
- Small mini-quest for the choker added
- Changed active effect for Succubus title
Didn't make it:
- Last Holiday Special event: It was based around new partner mechanic that I've been trying out, but it still needs some work. Will be fleshed out in the next release.
- Holiday Tape: Didn't like how it turned out. Tapes are supposed to be wacky and silly, so I'll re-do it to be more like that. Will also be added in the next release.
And that's about it. It's been a horrible month, but here's what's weird - ever since last week my "drive" has suddenly returned and I've been hammering away at the update pretty much non-stop. Most of things that are finished in this update - were finished last week.
I don't know how long it will last, and it's not like I'm crazy productive right now - the work speed is still slow, but because I'm putting in more work hours, the progress is decent.
Next update will be scheduled at the end of this month, in 2-3 weeks. It will feature more Holiday Special updates, continuation of the prologue, Dream realm boss fight and fighting system CG upgrade.
The game size is also becoming a problem, so I'll have to spend some time optimizing the files too for the next update.
Thanks for reading this, and once again, thank you for the support.
Changes between 0.55.3 and 0.55.2:
- Fixed Selfie game crash
- Disabled mirror in Desire Shop in the special
- Changed Status Menu display slightly
- Eve event
- Tonic Delivery event(multiple outcomes)
- Desire Shop photoshoot event
- Bath event
- Welcoming party event
- New wardrobe functions/bugfixes
- Phone selfies re-added
- Wallpaper button rework
- Contacts + Camera buttons functional
- Dream world menu added
- New outfits for Yuko and Mrs. Mollette
- Parts of character traits changed for various characters
- Changes to Lust Frenzy system(most of them are currently disabled, but it is a foundation for future improvements)
- Wall pictures in Serena's apartment completely reworked(requires testing on old save files): Extra picture spot + new picture added.
- Added indicators on the walls that show where a picture can be framed
- Small mini-quest for the choker added
- Changed active effect for Succubus title
- Outfit bug fixed with casual top and black bra
- Blackjack quest can be progressed properly(and all bar dates that follow after it)
- Ms. Stone's kick stun chance has been reduced by 10%
- Fixed bug with blue memory crystal
- Fixed bugs with new TV beach event
- Speaking to Boss now shows some options, depending on the progression of TV events
- Added a little gravure to Serena's Dream Base as thanks to those who help find bugs.
- Suppressant+ and ++ are now functioning as intended
- Laptop in Serena's office is visible again
- Fixed bug with Clothes Shop that prevented buying items
- Mostly bugfixes to the bugs reported above.
- Recollection room entries added for all events except Beach weather report and elevator.
- Also added Desire Power Portal near second Desire Shop
- New maps and Fast Travel added to Dream Realm
- New location - Inn is available
- 4 Main Story events added(To progress main story you need to repeat Train Station event with Ms. Stone)
- 4 TV events added
- 3 Bar events added
- Entry to Bar now possible without BlackJack quest
- Bar events are easier to discover
- Pool mini-game now has random hit spots on the gauge
- Leveling gauges reworked
- Titles and milestones added as rewards for leveling
- New items added in Desire Shop
- Notification for new stock in Desire Shop added(need to be in Serena's flat for it)
- Quiz Show can be scheduled on any work day if progressed enough
- Black Suit outfit variations can be used in more interactions and events around the mall/office
- Added experimental mechanics for passive stat gain of side characters
- Bugs fixed with various events and combat
Temporarily unavailable:
- New work outfit + 2 events with it - too sick to finish it today
- New mini-game - same as above
Didn't make it:
- Ms. Stone's customization menu - part of the main story that was supposed to introduce it got removed - need another way to add it
- Giant boss section of Dream world - adding new enemies is a big headache
- Various parts of main story that got reworked several times, then removed
- Fixed UI bug after evening train
- Wardrobe variations are more polished
- Some bugs fixed, less flickering and extra "in-between" images added.
- Visibility icons added to the wardrobe in the Dream Realm and the Chair in Dream Shop.
- Finally fixed the issue with outfit variations not working for quiz show
- fixed image bugs with Live Interview and some Dream Realm maps
- Repeat of Threesome event has different CG at the beginning if Serena's not wearing Black Suit
- Following Ms. Stone in a wet suit impacts the CG's in the train correctly
- Ms. Stone repeat bossfight available
- Extra event from 0.45 moved to Serena's TV
- fixed(hopefully for good) the bar bugs listed above
- New Bossfight
- New Dream Realm maps
- New Disguise + New Device event
- New Dream Realm items
- New sample outfit
- 2 Rent events(normal & high lust)
- 2 Main Story events
- 3 new TV events added
- Short Park event added
- TV ratings system reworked
- Outfit variation system sample added to TV studio
- Functional Experience lock added
- Soda Machines are functional
- Shorts & Top available at TV studio after unlocking a wardrobe there
- Hints from recollection room can be saved in the phone
- ID Card option added to the phone
0.45.1 to 0.45.2
- Added recollection room entries for new events and some old events(Device events were never added for some reason)
- Fixed some bugs with saved hints and other events, etc.
- New Bossfight
- New Dream Realm maps
- New Disguise + New Device event
- New Dream Realm items
- New sample outfit
- 2 Rent events(normal & high lust)
- 2 Main Story events
- 3 new TV events added
- Short Park event added
- TV ratings system reworked
- Outfit variation system sample added to TV studio
- Functional Experience lock added
- Soda Machines are functional
- Shorts & Top available at TV studio after unlocking a wardrobe there
- Hints from recollection room can be saved in the phone
- Id card option added to the phone
- Added hints to new events(will add the ability to view them in recollection room tomorrow with tier 2 update)
- Added some bug fixes
- Extra event added in TV studio when LusTV ratings reach more than 20%
There might be more bugs, couldn't test a much as usual and pester the dev with the bugs ^^
- New Bossfight
- New Dream Realm maps
- New Disguise + New Device event
- New Dream Realm items
- New sample outfit
- 2 Rent events(normal & high lust)
- 2 Main Story events
- 3 new TV events added
- Short Park event added
- TV ratings system reworked
- Outfit variation system sample added to TV studio
- Functional Experience lock added
- Soda Machines are functional
- Shorts & Top available at TV studio after unlocking a wardrobe there
- Hints from recollection room can be saved in the phone
- Id card option added to the phone
- Added hints to new events(will add the ability to view them in recollection room tomorrow with tier 2 update)
- Added some bug fixes
- Extra event added in TV studio when LusTV ratings reach more than 20%
: - Bugs in recollection room fixed - Extra secret bar wallpaper added - Extra preview added - Previews moved to dream realm from Desire Shop - Old Rent CG have been updated - Battle Tutorial works properly - Fixed bugs with wall pictures in Serena's apartment. Also added option to change them at will. Note: the bugfix may cause wall pictures to disappear and you'll have to buy an extra picture frame to hang them on the wall again. - Level cap now works properly - All titles in the game are now visible in the Title Menu. They are locked, and feature some subtle hints on how to obtain them. This is an experimental feature, so it might not work properly yet.
Recollection room bugfix
Added recollection room entries and some bug fixes to events, both new and old.
What's inside:
- 4 Weekend Bar events
- 6 Work Week Bar events
- 2 TV events
- Battle Attack Skills CG update
- Battle turn order changed to be more fluid
- Status Menu visual update
- More stats added to Stats Screen
- Leveling Screen added
- Title Menu update with new titles and bonuses
- Lust Meter updated to be more clear
- Boulevard, Bar and TV Studio maps have been changed
- Black Suit CG updated slightly
- Pool mini-game difficulty updated
- TV rating prototype added(back-up version
The name might be confusing, so to clarify, it contains:
Succulence Final Version[1.4.3] + Anniversary Edition Special[Ver.2.5]
The special is available at the TV in Serena's house.
Special Changelog:
- More freedom of movement
- Two branching paths
- Save points
- New Classroom event
- New outdoors event
- Expanded dialogue in some events
- Various interactions when talking to(some) NPC's
- New Pool event
- New ending
- Extra CG's added to events from previous version of the Special
Changes between 2.4 and 2.5 are fixes to old bugs in the recollection room and when sanity reaches 0.
A lot of the additions are mechanical and miscellaneous, with the purpose of making the special more than just one cutscene, so it's not that much overall.
Still, I hope you'll enjoy the new events, since they are the final events added to this game. I don't have any plans to do these specials annually, so this was a one-time thing :)
After the public release of the special edition the work on the sequel will resume immediately, with polls and previews of the progress that's been done.
If everything goes well, new version of Succulence 2 will be done in the second half of November.
That's it from me, I'll see you on Monday with Sequel News.
Difference between ver.2.3 and 2.4 are just minor bugfixes(and blocked off entrance to the library)
- More freedom of movement
- Save points
- New Classroom event
- Expanded dialogue in some events
- Various interactions when talking to(some) NPC's
- New Pool event
- New ending
- Extra CG's added to old events
- New outdoor event
- Events and ending from the previous version of the Special re-added(some of them expanded)
- 2 new events
- Code Lock working properly
- Bugs fixed with nightclub, balcony events, Quiz Show, accessories menu, defeat screen for Serena - 2 More balcony events added
- Recollection room entries added for all new events(most will need to be replayed to be unlocked) - Bar date event updated slightly
Changelog:(it's long)
- 2 Main Story events
- 3 Bathroom quest events
- 1 TV event
- Phone wallpapers reworked
- 9 Selfies added(unlocked by doing some events and interacting with mirrors)
- Battle Shop rework
- 2 New Skills added(1 is old, but it was broken)
- New enemy types
- 5 New Maps in the Dream Realm
- Random loot added to the Dream Realm
- Mini-map added to Desire Shop
- Second Boss Teaser added
- Disguise System implemented
- 3 Disguise events added
- Using items in battle now works properly
- Escaping the battles also works(except bosses)
- Regular enemies drop gold on defeat
- Old Recollection Room added
- 2 Photo Memories added(1 old, 1 new)
- 1 New Title added(more coming soon)
- Wardrobe added to TV studio
- Loads of bugs fixed(and loads more to come)
- Night Club map is partially open
- Deck of Cards animated quest added(starts in Desire Shop)
- Deck of Cards quest added with 2 animated sequences and lots of CG's
- Bugs fixed with old recollection room flashbacks
- Tutorial bugs fixed
- now you can't use Tease or Lust Blast there
- A few bugs fixed with Tease skill and messed up CG's
Known Bugs:
- Certain underwear & outfit combos don't show up properly when equipped
- Story from 0.2 rewritten and expanded
- Battle system improvements added: New battle skill, More options during the grab, Less dialogue, Tutorial added
- Neighbour interactions added to Maria and Elena
- Elena park event added
- "After Shower" CG set added
- Mall, TV Offices and Train maps return
- 4 TV events added(old events reworked)
- 3 Train events added
- 2 Escalator events added(old event reworked)
- 2 Flashbacks added(1 animation)
- More places in home to interact during Lust Frenzy
- Clothing Shop added with 4 items to buy
- Added a defeat screen when lust meter fills up to 100%(2 variations)
- Salary is now earned daily by doing work tasks at TV office
- Various Dream Realm events added(most are story related)
- Recollection room returns with 29 entries
- Bonus Tape added to Serena's TV - made it a bit extra lewd to compensate for the lack of action this update
- Game has full week cycle now - It's not really needed but I needed to make sure it works.
- Tape added to Serena's TV
- Fixed bugs with Emergence memory
- Taking an item to the fitting room in Clothing Shop disables menu now
- Also added controls info for "look closely" option in the fitting room
- Added a message for insufficient gold when it's rent time.
- Story from 0.2 rewritten and expanded
- Battle system improvements added: New battle skill, More options during the grab, Less dialogue, Tutorial added
- Neighbour interactions added to Maria and Elena
- Elena park event added
- "After Shower" CG set added
- Mall, TV Offices and Train maps return
- 4 TV events added(old events reworked)
- 3 Train events added
- 2 Escalator events added(old event reworked)
- 2 Flashbacks added
- More places in home to interact during Lust Frenzy
- Clothing Shop added
- Added a "Gameover" screen when lust meter fills up to 100%(2 variations)
- Various Dream Realm events added(most are story related)
- Game has full week cycle now - It's not really needed but I needed to make sure it works. Now it should.
Note: Emergence memory event is bugged if Serena's not wearing glasses. Will be fixed in 0.25.2.
(Almost) 1 hour of game time
- Prologue reworked completely
- Lust management mechanic added
- 2 Shower events
- 5 Bath events
- 1 Bed event
- 5 Prologue events(might be more, I'm too tired)
- Battle system prototype added(1 enemy - tutorial sacked)
- 2 outfits
- Image flickering almost completely removed
- More items in Desire Shop(no combat items yet, but those are on the way)
- Bugs with image boxes fixed
- New titles now display properly in the status
- Choices in Dream World are centered properly on the screen Also Recollection room will not have entries added for now
- there are some issues with the way I added them in, and I might need to change the way they work to avoid problems with them in the future. The ability to replay unlocked events will be added on public release.
- Loads of bugs fixed
- Changing glasses On/Off now changes character sprite(Mini-Serena) properly
- Valentine's event now properly accessible
- Park can be entered every night instead of only on the weekends
- Shorts & Top can be used to enter the bar
- Extra photo added to Desire Shop
- Prologue changed a lot
- 4 events added on Serena's balcony, depending on her clothes
- Rent payment has 2 events
- TV Channel job has 2 events(reworked old events from the alpha)
- New look for the train event in the morning
- Valentine's Day event added with Yuko - untested!
- Christmas Special merged with the game
- Halloween Special is available at the TV in Serena's flat
- Escalator event added back from the alpha
- Bar date added back from the alpha
- Small event added with Elena
- Anniversary Special available at the TV in Serena's home
- Bunch of fixes to old bugs added
- Pool Events (only a few pics )
- New interactions in the inn added in the City of Ahn
- Guard interacitons in the preparation room fixed up
- A few bugs fixed.
v1.42 Final
- Final scene added to AV Star ending
- 2 Small events added to Slave School that round things up
- 1 extra Gloryhole event added(might need to re-do the previous one for it to appear)
- Extra tape is added to the statue that unlocks after finishing the main story(note: it is inacessible if you unlock recollection room through the debug menu since it's a bonus for those who reached the true end)
- Doing Stan events that lead to his ending will automatically make him Serena's Master(bug fix)
v1.4.1 to 1.4.2:
- 1 Extra Video Game Club event added - Hidden event added that was inspired by a bug(described in MIsc section, and in the spoiler changelog)
- Added interactions with the guards in the preparation room, right before the main elevator. - A bunch of bugs fixed
-Stan events - Repeat of Stan:Lunch event might be required to unlock them because of a bug.
-First event starts by talking to stan after classes - then visiting storage room.
-Second event - After first talk to Stan in the morning while wearing what Serena suggests - revealing suit + no panties + garters
-Ending - after second event talk to stan after classes
-Festival request - requires exposure contract - stay in the crowd while wearing the flower robe - choose "make sure"
-Slave School - in order to unlock third floor collect all the suit accessories and equip them(vibe + piercings)
Holiday Special -v0.1.2
- 1 big holiday event
- special outfit
- new selfie
- 2 bath events
- Black Jack mini-game added
- short animated sample event
v 0.1.3
- Bugs fixed with wallet and salary.
- Landlord now properly comes to collect rent every Saturday morning.
- Fixed bugs with recollection room and photo pieces
- Added underwear and socks images for Student Uniform
- Student Uniform is affected by the rainy weather
- Optimised game size
vSucculence 2: Live Action 0.1.1
- Intro to the main quest added
- Questlog and inventory added
- 2 small quests added in the beginning
- Lust battle prototype added(might be buggy and janky) - looking forward to feedback on this one
- Halloween Special added(in the office)
- Desire Shop now functions as a shop
- Weather system added
- New clothing items added
- Camera added to the phone(experimental)
- 3 scenes added in prologue
- Some old scenes from the alpha are still functional(they will be erased/reworked in the next update)
- Old scenes that aren't fuctional are in Recollection Room
- Week days temporarily looped from Friday to Sunday
- Removed Status menu and Fast Travel temporarily
- Some areas have been closed off until next update(Train, mall, square)
- 2 Stan events added
- Stan ending +Title added
- Festival request in City of Ahn added
- New Slave School floor added
- Final stage of Slave School "outfit" added
- Gem aftermath event added
- Recollection Room updated
- A few hundeds of grammar errors fixed
- A bunch of recollection room bugs fixed
- Recollection room can be unlocked from Debug Menu
- Bugs fixed in Slave School events
1.35.1: - Gem afterstory event added - Stan events should be visible and functional - Some bugs fixed in Slave School - Festival request fixed.
1.35.2: - Bugs fixed with Stan events, Gem aftermath, Slave School, Early Train, Festival Request.
- A few dozens of recollection room bugs fixed - Fixed bug in massage salon that broke the game when trying to leave naked(and added special interaction)
- Starting a new game fixed (was broken)
- Fluffy quest finally fixed, no more stuck in dungeon after the flowers and touching any skeleton to grab some loot
- New tape added
- Recollection room entries added for new events
- One of the older tapes restored(it disappeared for some reason)
- Number of bugs fixed
- Recollection room can be fully unlocked after getting True End.
- Fixed game crash with status menu.
- Text crawl now properly disappears
- Suspenders news report now has extra reward.
- Added small event to the balcony.
- When fast traveling to the first floor, it moves Serena directly to her flat.
- Fixed bugs with tutoring events showing up randomly when viewing other events
- Fixed lighting bugs when using teleport at home
- More small tutoring events fixes
- Small fixes with Vendy's teleport
- 1 Final Gem event added
- AV Start bad end expanded(in recollection room)
- 1 Art conference event added
- 1 Big Slave School event added along with a new floor
- Ogre quest added
- Bunch of new nicknames added for those who grinded out stats
- Submission contract can be filled to 100
- Returing from the ruins using emergency crystal now can raise exposure gauge if the suit is damaged enough
- New items added to Desire shop(XP vials) - available on the counter
- A number of old bugs fixed
Didn't make it:
- Domination contract update - got replaced by more tutoring events
- 5 Final Tutoring events added
Truckload of bugfixes in the school, recollection room, Richards house, beach, Serena's house, Eve hub, combat tutorial and more that I probably forgot about. If you played through all the new stuff already, you don't need to re-download the game, fixes will carry on to the next release
- 5 Roof events added
- Exposure spot added on the school roof
- Torn Suit event added inside the school
- 3 Tutoring events added
- Richards ending added
- Gem School Photoshoot reworked(extra photo spot added)
- Gem ending added
- New Stan task added(requires repeating walk home to unlock)
- Small new year party event added
- Art Club event added
- School fair event added
- 2 Church events added
- New sleeping CG added(at critical sanity)
- School roof reworked
- Standing images added for painted bunny suit
- NPC interactions added to school fair
- Confession booth added to Church of Ahn
- Changed dialogue when repeating the priest quest at the panel
- Slave School outfit modification added(unlocked in customization options)
- Latest Puzzle Tape modified
- Recollection room got expanded
- Submission gauge can be raised to 75 points now(doesn't really unlock anything yet)
- Getting defeated in the dungeon counts as performing a submission task
- Lust gain when failing to satisfy dominance contract deal is 50 instead of 70
5 roof events - visit roof every day(reduce shame II required) - open quietly
- exposure on roof has 2 random events - Angie event requires having unlocked her Revealing suit Gift event
torn suit event - required reduce shame III - go inside the school
Tutoring events:
-pet event outside has 2 commands now(event 1)
-pet event inside unlocks after the one outside is done(event 2)
-during tutoring, go to the toilet, wait for richards there, have dinner and go to the basement(event 3 - new variation to basement event)
gem photoshoot - to unlock new event you need to repeat old photoshoot(choose "remove skirt") - new spot will appear next time you do the shoot
-event 2: requires Enslave I from Eve, go to gem and ambush Pete there
New stan task: repeat naked walk home with Stan - talk to him next morning while wearing revealing suit
Art club event: Repeat statue event, next day talk to blonde woman, then conference will unlock through talking with art teacher
Church events: repeat the task from requests panel until confession room becomes empty
- 4 Camp trip events
- 6 Tutoring events
- 1 Art club event
- 1 Classroom device event
- 1 Slave School event
- Gem school photoshoot expansion
- Ability to play cards during card trip added
- Lust Frenzy is usable during camp trip
- Options menu added to title screen
- Calendar in Richard's house is now interactable
- Game remembers options settings across all save files
- Fullscreen plugin added(Help text file updated)
- Sanity and lust drain reduced in the afternoon - depending on critical lust/sanity
- Strong Sedative and Aphrodisiac added to Desire Shop
- Options menu now defaults to 0 extra save slots when starting the game with default options
Didn't make it:
- Tutoring story conclusion and afterstory - after debating it for a while I decided to scrap the "story" elements from Richard's side of the story along with the ending. I rewritten it twice already and it still doesn't feel right to me. Maybe I should shelf it for a bit and focus on something else instead.
- 1 Stan event - Ran out of time
- 1 Church event - Ran out of time
Game updated to 1.1.3 to fix nasty wardrobe bug when starting new game. If you intended to start a new playthrough, re-download the game. Otherwise this fix will carry over to next release, so you don't need to worry
Detailed Changelog
+ Big tutoring update added - Junior's part - 7 events + ending + nickname
+ Nude beach event added
+ Stan event added
+ Slave School interactive bad ending is open!(2 events, special outfit + few areas to explore)
- Some leftover bugs fixed from previous releases(forgot to note them down -__-)
- Doing Richard event during tutoring when having submission contract active will automatically submit Serena to him
- Junior's status can be checked by using his PC
- People in the supermarket have reactions if Serena's wearing lewd outfit - massage salon and diner are next in line for this adjustment
- Recollection room now includes hint on how to get the Gift Suit
- Walkthrough for main quest now comes with the game.
- Big camp trip holiday added(unlocked in the principals office after getting revealing suit)
- New outfit added for the camp trip
- 3 Beach events added, with variations for each bikini
- Big waitress event added to nude beach(2 variations)
- Festival science club event added(not included in recollection room)
- Teleport at Vendy's is now functional (5 events + ending)
- New tape added to Serena's collection
- Fixed Jenny's dialogue in the Video Game club, her event is now available
- A bunch of bugs fixed in the Mansion boss room
- Runner at the school ground has been fixed for the prologue
- Mansion bad ends properly unlock in the recollection room(you'll have to play through mansion again to unlock them)
- Mansion bad ends can be unlocked in the recollection room if you've unlocked one of them.
- Beach poster on the closed shack can be viewed properly
- State of bunny outfit can be restored at the festival(club member near the welcoming spot)
- Big camp trip holiday added(unlocked in the principals office after getting revealing suit - variations depending on wearing revealing suit with no underwear or not)
- 3 Beach events added, with variations for each bikini
- Big waitress event added to nude beach(2 variations)
- Festival science club event added
- Teleport at Vendy's is now functional
- New tape added to Serena's collection
- Fixed Jenny's dialogue in the Video Game club, her event is now available
- A bunch of bugs fixed in the Mansion boss room
- Runner at the school ground has been fixed for the prologue
- Mansion bad ends properly unlock in the recollection room(you'll have to play through mansion again to unlock them)
- Mansion bad ends can be unlocked in the recollection room if you've unlocked one of them.
- Beach poster on the closed shack can be viewed properly
- State of bunny outfit can be restored at the festival(club member near the welcoming spot)
Didn't make it:
- Extra school event - I might still add it
- Camp trip variations - there was supposed to be 4, but only 2 are in for now
- Nude beach - one event got scrapped, will get added next month
- Main story wrapped up, more or less.(ending sequence starts by clicking the highlighted cupboard in the boss room)
- 2 main story events added(and a few small ones).
- Aria event added.
- Christmas event added(during the "naked run home" event, explore third floor of the school.).
- Big sleepover event added(4 events tied together) - 2 variations depending on lust.
- New train event added, that leads to 2 school events. - after taking early train in revealing suit, repeat it in default teacher suit(0 repair kits required, and unlocked "behind the school" event with the homeless man)
- Policeman in residential area can be seduced during exposure daily quest.(lust frenzy required)
- Shirt sleepwear can be worn outside.
+ New Mansion area added.
+ 10 events added in the mansion locations.
+ 2 standing images added with different variations in dialogues and menu.
+ Small waitress mini-game added.
+ 3 endings added in the mansion.
+ New train event added for revealing suit(will get updated next month) - 2 variations depending on legwear.
+ New combat skill added.
+ Small Aria event added in the menu.
+ Lots of exposition added that might be re-edited in the future.
- Minor animation bugs fixed
- Fixed tutoring event reset from last update
- There were more, but I forgot to note them down.
Didn't make it:
- quest log - it was to be expected at this point. Maybe standard walkthrough is better idea after all.
- Cosplay tape - ran out of time.
- School segment - It was only partially done so I've decided to scrap it for now.
Thank you for your support, and sorry for past mess of a month. Schedule for the next update will be posted later today.
Next update will be dominated by Serena.
+ 2 Classroom events added.
+ Reactions to revealing suit added.(only in Serena's classroom for now)
+ Art Club event added(4 variations).
+ Statue of Serena added in the hallway(has daily buffs/debuffs)
+ 2 Card club events added.
+ Serena can participate in club tournaments without underwear.(need reduce shame II)
+ 5 Pool events added.
+ New swimming outfit added.
+ 1 Gym event added.
+ Nude beach trip added.
+ 1 Gem event added.(untested - beware)
- Salary bonuses added for completing club events.
- Accessories now don't unequip if "undress" option is selected in the wardrobe.
- Added a spot that you can dump excessive scans of Serena's body into(in the faculty room).
- Status menu now properly shows Serena's customization options.
- Added option for increasing available save-slots to the options menu.(still wip)
- Slightly changed Serena's expression in one of the Lust Frenzy animated scenes.
- Added a bunch of hints on how to get some outfits to recollection room.(only 3 so far, let me know if you'd like me to add more)
What didn't make it:
- Main story - it will be added in one big package next month.
- Normal beach events - ran out of time.
- Roof event. - ran out of time.
- Contract related events - ran out of time.
- 1 gym event - removed due to being too ridiculous.
- Questlog - good news is: it works, but it will take some time to fill it up. It should get released along with main story update next month.
Known Bugs(0.95.2):
Debug option in the menu is there by mistake, and breaks the game when used.
+ New Aria event added.
+ School Fair holiday added(2 events).
+ 5 Tutoring events added(includes new master and task for submission contract).
+ Serena can look in the window of Richards house when she's doing daily exposure quest(requires progression with tutoring).
+ Added early train event for revealing suit(2 events)
+ Added new option at the diner table in the evening(+ event for revealing suit).
+ Both Bikini's are available in the pool(+ small swimming event).
+ Anniversary tape added to Serena's collection.
- Serena now receives daily payment when she visits school(possible bonuses for doing club activities in the future).
- Sanity/lust sustain items cost slightly cheaper now.
- Fixed some bugs involving early train with science club progression overlapping.
- Clothes are properly removed when stolen/teleported in all cases.
- Clothing shop is only locked after confirming purchase now.
- Bikini unlocks in Cosplay Club after talking to Jenny(progressing Gem events isn't necessary anymore)
- A lot of recollection room bugs and issues got fixed(some events still don't work properly, especially revealing suit variations).
Didn't make it:
- Main story progression: It's pretty funny, considering this was supposed to be a big main quest update, but here we are. The way that I approached main quest was wrong, so I cut almost all related events for now. I'll re-do at least part of them for the next update.
- Quest log: I was supposed to make a prototype this month, but it still has some issues that need to be worked out(mainly with old saves).
- New outfit for the pool. - Ran out of time. Will add it for the next update.
- New public request - Ran out of time.
+ New skills added for all 3 contracts.
+ New task for Stan added.
+ New Eve event added.
+ 2 exposure events added.
+ 4 classroom events added(3 for revealing suit).
+ Video Club event added.
+ Art Club event added for revealing suit.
+ Running home naked event expanded.
+ Cheerleading event added.
+ Beach class trip event added(only 1 small event so far and a few items).
+ Gloryhole event added.
+ Small tutoring event added.
+ Homeless man near Serena's house can finally be captured.
+ New outfit available for diner dates - 2 new encounters added for it:
Old encounters are still there, new are not randomized - are dependent on underwear choice.
+ Aria apology event added(>_<)
+ Skills are now only purchasable one after the other(you can't skip reduce shame I anymore)
+ Eve task got added to recollection room.
+ Fixed some recollection room bugs.
+ Fixed bugs with running home naked event.
+ Fixed Serpent Coin in Richards house.
+ Added new expression for panties off skill when reduce shame II is obtained.
Didn't make it:
- pool, gym and roof events - lack of time on my side.
- train event for revealing suit - got replaced with cheerleading event.
- nickname interactions - that will come with the expansion of submission contract.
- Exposure contract isn't fully done, even though you can reach 100 of it now - there are still some outfit restrictions(or lack of reactions) in many places. This is the biggest contract that has influences big parts of the game(unlike the others which are more constricted), so it will take some time to fully complete it.
- New skills for submission and domination contract are experimental, and I would like to hear your opinions on them(especially on domination one) - they are made in a way to be similar to reduce shame, and unlocking them will unlock more events tied to these contracts in the future.
+ New skills added for all 3 contracts.
+ New task for Stan added. - for revealing suit.
+ New Eve event added. - punishment event: visit her and leave without doing her task.
+ 2 exposure events added: Day time exposure event and supermarket night event(sunglasses and reduce shame III needed for both)
+ 4 classroom events added(3 for revealing suit). - for new device event need 100 lust.
+ Video Club event added.
+ Art Club event added for revealing suit.
+ Running home naked event expanded. - need park events completed for one of them.
+ Cheerleading event added. - after teaching them to drop their panties - visit them again.
+ Beach class trip event added(only 1 small event so far and a few items).
+ Gloryhole event added. - less than 25 sn required.
+ Small tutoring event added. - black suit and no underwear required.
+ Homeless man near Serena's house can finally be captured. - enslave I required.
+ New outfit available for diner dates - 2 new encounters added for it:
Old encounters are still there, new are not randomized - are dependent on underwear choice. - revealing suit is the new outfit for diner.
+ Aria apology event added(>_<)
New stuff:
+ Main story progression added.
+ New maps and ruins section added.
+ Slums and top floor of the shrine are available.
+ New enemies added.
+ New defeat screen added in new areas.
+ 2 Bad endings added in new areas.
+ 3 Aria events added.
+ 2 Hot springs events added.
+ Added Eve task for submission contract.
+ Cheerleaders event added in school grounds.
+ New Video Game club event added.
+ Library event added with revealing suit.
+ Stan mini-event added in class.
+ Added option to stay in school when Serena's clothes get taken away.
+ Added another Stranger encounter.
+ Locked door in the other world inn can be unlocked.
- Added item that let's user escape from "captured" state.(untested)
- recollection room is accessible from school and inn in the other world(untested).
- Added wardrobe near orc village.
- Bombs are more expensive now.
- Skull of defeat is slightly cheaper.
- Fixed several bugs with Panties Off.
- Fixed bugs with Eve and Stan both being masters at the same time(need to enter Serena's home to fix it for old saves).
+ New teacher suit added.
+ New combat suit added.
+ 2 new contracts added.
+ New skills available at Eve.
+ New items added to Desire Shop, that prevent bad ends,
and make unlocking contracts easier.
+ 3 events added for Science Club.
+ Bad ending added to Science Club.
+ Aftermath event added for Science Club(different for every teacher suit)
+ 3 Park events added.
+ New nicknames added.
+ New event with Angie added.
+ 2 events with Stan added.
+ New sleepwear added.
+ Lust Frenzy is available to use at school.
+ Contract mark now is divided on 3 stages.
- Conditions for unlocking black suit have been changed: You now need to have only sexy clothes(garter + panties) and fancy teacher suit to unlock it).
- Added pop-up message in the supermarket when black suit unlocks.
- numerous Desire Shop issues fixed(deleted outdated items, updated stock).
- Fixed bugs with science club conflicting with other events.(not sure if all of them...)
What didn't make it:
- Unique new combat suit events: Contracts and countless shop bugs ate too much of my time, so they will be added in the next update.
- Exposure contract finish: Unfortunately naked strolls through crowded town will have to wait until next update, because I want to make proper citizen reactions to such event, and there's a lot of them.
- All of the might be done section of last month's schedule. Rip.
Next month is the main story month.
- Lot's of bugs fixed(probably not all of them).
- New events available in the recollection room, with hints.
- Recollection room expanded for the future.
- Butterflies are easier to catch.
- You can play black jack for money with Mr.Swanson in the afternoon(participate in card club tournament to unlock).
+ New teacher suit added.(Unlocks by progressing new park events)
+ New combat suit added.(Unlocks by progressing Domination Contract)
+ 2 new contracts added:
- Submission: exposes masochistic side of Serena. Progress it by getting defeated or having Serena punished for her misdeeds.
- Domination: exposes sadistic side of Serena. Progress it by feeding on defeated enemies(after looting them), or using lust frenzy when lust is critical.
Contracts unlock the same way as exposure: after gathering enough points cutscene will trigger when going to sleep.
+ New skills available at Eve.
+ New items added to Desire Shop. - including some that protect from sanity\lust bad ends, and potions that help progressing contracts.
+ 3 events added for Science Club. - high sanity required.
+ Bad ending added to Science Club.
+ Aftermath event added for Science Club(different for every teacher suit) - after finishing science club arc, in the classroom.
+ 3 Park events added. - black suit required.
+ New nicknames added.
+ New event with Angie added.
+ 2 events with Stan added. - masturbate in class to unlock.(also needs submission contract)
+ New sleepwear added.(unlocks by completing science club storyline)
+ Lust Frenzy is available to use at school. - need to unlock Stan events first.
+ Contract mark now is divided on 3 stages.
Other world:
+ 3 combat skills added(2 require exposure contract).
+ 3 new events added in orc village, 2 of them animated.(all unlock after completing trials)
+ New npc added that exchanges serpent coins.(2 encounters)
+ New Aria event added(untested, be wary).
+ New Public Request added(selling panties).
+ Defeat event changed and has 2 variations now.
+ Blessing can be bought from the fortune teller in preparation room.
+ 3 tutoring events added.(they combine into one big one.)
+ 1 Bruce event added(animated - Lust frenzy and critical lust required)
+ Drunk dancing event added in the diner(for white and black tops)
+ 2 Gem events added.
+ Train event reworked - happens in the morning now(old one is in the recollection room, tell me which one's better)(different version for black suit)
+ New "sleeping on the train event" added(different version for black suit)
+ New tape added to Serena's collection.
+ Lust Frenzy is now available to use during exposure daily quest(untested - 2 npc's added)
+ 3 class events reworked to make them more sexy - lesson with critical lust, self-study with critical lust and critical sanity.(black suit required)
low sanity now takes priority in class events(means if you have critical sanity and lust, sanity version of the event will happen.)
+ New event added in the card club.
+ Small event added in the art club(after unlocking the shawl event - repeat the notebook one)
+ New event added in cosplay club
+ 2 new outfits added.
+ Normal End now has an image in the recollection room.
+ New event added when leaving empty classroom, requires exposure contract.
- Critical sanity changes from 20 to 25 - all events and Lust Frenzy adjusted.
- Lust limit is now on display in menu.
- Title music isn't so ear-piercingly loud anymore.
What didn't make it:
- Park events: That's a big one. I constantly pushed them back in my schedule and in the end there wasn't time left for them. I'll add them next month definitely.
- Exposure progress - I had plans to unlock the full power of the contract, but ran out of time...
- Fluffy quest - I added it, but there have been a few issues with that quest, so I disabled it for now.
Big changes:
- Large Holiday Special update
- Unlockable bonuses from completing Holiday Special(with secrets)
- Interactive Tape added to Serena's TV
- TV tapes and specials display updated character images
- Changes to almost all major characters(new clothes, new looks) - Most noticeable when doing Welcoming Party quest
- Lust Frenzy rebalance
- Relationship options prototype menu added(only for Mai so far)
Small changes:
- Dream world map changes
- New improved crowd reactions(can be seen in Holiday Special)
- Small UI and menu changes that make adding bonuses that persist through multiple playthroughs much easier
- Prologue conclusion added
Temporarily Removed[Still]:
- Bed event
- Bath event expansion
- Valentine's event
Didn't make it:
- Fight system upgrade
- Repeatable welcoming party event
- Work tasks
- Train events
- Mall events & Desire clothes shop
Difference between 0.58.1 and 0.58.2
- Bunch of bugs fixed in Holiday Special and TV events.
- TV specials and tapes now display updated character images(although it might not display correct outfit)
- Further optimized game size(more carefully this time)
- Holiday Special update with upgraded images(some images remained the same because there's no good way to upgrade them)
- Eve event
- Tonic Delivery event(multiple outcomes)
- Desire Shop photoshoot event
- Bath event
- Welcoming party event
- New wardrobe functions/bugfixes
- Phone selfies re-added
- Wallpaper button rework
- Contacts + Camera buttons functional
- Dream world menu added
- New outfits for Yuko and Mrs. Mollette
- Parts of character traits changed for various characters
- Changes to Lust Frenzy system(most of them are currently disabled, but it is a foundation for future improvements)
- Wall pictures in Serena's apartment completely reworked(requires testing on old save files): Extra picture spot + new picture added.
- Added indicators on the walls that show where a picture can be framed
- Small mini-quest for the choker added
- Changed active effect for Succubus title
Didn't make it:
- Last Holiday Special event: It was based around new partner mechanic that I've been trying out, but it still needs some work. Will be fleshed out in the next release.
- Holiday Tape: Didn't like how it turned out. Tapes are supposed to be wacky and silly, so I'll re-do it to be more like that. Will also be added in the next release.
And that's about it. It's been a horrible month, but here's what's weird - ever since last week my "drive" has suddenly returned and I've been hammering away at the update pretty much non-stop. Most of things that are finished in this update - were finished last week.
I don't know how long it will last, and it's not like I'm crazy productive right now - the work speed is still slow, but because I'm putting in more work hours, the progress is decent.
Next update will be scheduled at the end of this month, in 2-3 weeks. It will feature more Holiday Special updates, continuation of the prologue, Dream realm boss fight and fighting system CG upgrade.
The game size is also becoming a problem, so I'll have to spend some time optimizing the files too for the next update.
Thanks for reading this, and once again, thank you for the support.
Changes between 0.55.3 and 0.55.2:
- Fixed Selfie game crash
- Disabled mirror in Desire Shop in the special
- Changed Status Menu display slightly
- Eve event
- Tonic Delivery event(multiple outcomes)
- Desire Shop photoshoot event
- Bath event
- Welcoming party event
- New wardrobe functions/bugfixes
- Phone selfies re-added
- Wallpaper button rework
- Contacts + Camera buttons functional
- Dream world menu added
- New outfits for Yuko and Mrs. Mollette
- Parts of character traits changed for various characters
- Changes to Lust Frenzy system(most of them are currently disabled, but it is a foundation for future improvements)
- Wall pictures in Serena's apartment completely reworked(requires testing on old save files): Extra picture spot + new picture added.
- Added indicators on the walls that show where a picture can be framed
- Small mini-quest for the choker added
- Changed active effect for Succubus title
- Outfit bug fixed with casual top and black bra
- Blackjack quest can be progressed properly(and all bar dates that follow after it)
- Ms. Stone's kick stun chance has been reduced by 10%
- Fixed bug with blue memory crystal
- Fixed bugs with new TV beach event
- Speaking to Boss now shows some options, depending on the progression of TV events
- Added a little gravure to Serena's Dream Base as thanks to those who help find bugs.
- Suppressant+ and ++ are now functioning as intended
- Laptop in Serena's office is visible again
- Fixed bug with Clothes Shop that prevented buying items
- Mostly bugfixes to the bugs reported above.
- Recollection room entries added for all events except Beach weather report and elevator.
- Also added Desire Power Portal near second Desire Shop
- New maps and Fast Travel added to Dream Realm
- New location - Inn is available
- 4 Main Story events added(To progress main story you need to repeat Train Station event with Ms. Stone)
- 4 TV events added
- 3 Bar events added
- Entry to Bar now possible without BlackJack quest
- Bar events are easier to discover
- Pool mini-game now has random hit spots on the gauge
- Leveling gauges reworked
- Titles and milestones added as rewards for leveling
- New items added in Desire Shop
- Notification for new stock in Desire Shop added(need to be in Serena's flat for it)
- Quiz Show can be scheduled on any work day if progressed enough
- Black Suit outfit variations can be used in more interactions and events around the mall/office
- Added experimental mechanics for passive stat gain of side characters
- Bugs fixed with various events and combat
Temporarily unavailable:
- New work outfit + 2 events with it - too sick to finish it today
- New mini-game - same as above
Didn't make it:
- Ms. Stone's customization menu - part of the main story that was supposed to introduce it got removed - need another way to add it
- Giant boss section of Dream world - adding new enemies is a big headache
- Various parts of main story that got reworked several times, then removed
- Fixed UI bug after evening train
- Wardrobe variations are more polished
- Some bugs fixed, less flickering and extra "in-between" images added.
- Visibility icons added to the wardrobe in the Dream Realm and the Chair in Dream Shop.
- Finally fixed the issue with outfit variations not working for quiz show
- fixed image bugs with Live Interview and some Dream Realm maps
- Repeat of Threesome event has different CG at the beginning if Serena's not wearing Black Suit
- Following Ms. Stone in a wet suit impacts the CG's in the train correctly
- Ms. Stone repeat bossfight available
- Extra event from 0.45 moved to Serena's TV
- fixed(hopefully for good) the bar bugs listed above
- New Bossfight
- New Dream Realm maps
- New Disguise + New Device event
- New Dream Realm items
- New sample outfit
- 2 Rent events(normal & high lust)
- 2 Main Story events
- 3 new TV events added
- Short Park event added
- TV ratings system reworked
- Outfit variation system sample added to TV studio
- Functional Experience lock added
- Soda Machines are functional
- Shorts & Top available at TV studio after unlocking a wardrobe there
- Hints from recollection room can be saved in the phone
- ID Card option added to the phone
0.45.1 to 0.45.2
- Added recollection room entries for new events and some old events(Device events were never added for some reason)
- Fixed some bugs with saved hints and other events, etc.
- New Bossfight
- New Dream Realm maps
- New Disguise + New Device event
- New Dream Realm items
- New sample outfit
- 2 Rent events(normal & high lust)
- 2 Main Story events
- 3 new TV events added
- Short Park event added
- TV ratings system reworked
- Outfit variation system sample added to TV studio
- Functional Experience lock added
- Soda Machines are functional
- Shorts & Top available at TV studio after unlocking a wardrobe there
- Hints from recollection room can be saved in the phone
- Id card option added to the phone
- Added hints to new events(will add the ability to view them in recollection room tomorrow with tier 2 update)
- Added some bug fixes
- Extra event added in TV studio when LusTV ratings reach more than 20%
There might be more bugs, couldn't test a much as usual and pester the dev with the bugs ^^
- New Bossfight
- New Dream Realm maps
- New Disguise + New Device event
- New Dream Realm items
- New sample outfit
- 2 Rent events(normal & high lust)
- 2 Main Story events
- 3 new TV events added
- Short Park event added
- TV ratings system reworked
- Outfit variation system sample added to TV studio
- Functional Experience lock added
- Soda Machines are functional
- Shorts & Top available at TV studio after unlocking a wardrobe there
- Hints from recollection room can be saved in the phone
- Id card option added to the phone
- Added hints to new events(will add the ability to view them in recollection room tomorrow with tier 2 update)
- Added some bug fixes
- Extra event added in TV studio when LusTV ratings reach more than 20%
: - Bugs in recollection room fixed - Extra secret bar wallpaper added - Extra preview added - Previews moved to dream realm from Desire Shop - Old Rent CG have been updated - Battle Tutorial works properly - Fixed bugs with wall pictures in Serena's apartment. Also added option to change them at will. Note: the bugfix may cause wall pictures to disappear and you'll have to buy an extra picture frame to hang them on the wall again. - Level cap now works properly - All titles in the game are now visible in the Title Menu. They are locked, and feature some subtle hints on how to obtain them. This is an experimental feature, so it might not work properly yet.
Recollection room bugfix
Added recollection room entries and some bug fixes to events, both new and old.
What's inside:
- 4 Weekend Bar events
- 6 Work Week Bar events
- 2 TV events
- Battle Attack Skills CG update
- Battle turn order changed to be more fluid
- Status Menu visual update
- More stats added to Stats Screen
- Leveling Screen added
- Title Menu update with new titles and bonuses
- Lust Meter updated to be more clear
- Boulevard, Bar and TV Studio maps have been changed
- Black Suit CG updated slightly
- Pool mini-game difficulty updated
- TV rating prototype added(back-up version
The name might be confusing, so to clarify, it contains:
Succulence Final Version[1.4.3] + Anniversary Edition Special[Ver.2.5]
The special is available at the TV in Serena's house.
Special Changelog:
- More freedom of movement
- Two branching paths
- Save points
- New Classroom event
- New outdoors event
- Expanded dialogue in some events
- Various interactions when talking to(some) NPC's
- New Pool event
- New ending
- Extra CG's added to events from previous version of the Special
Changes between 2.4 and 2.5 are fixes to old bugs in the recollection room and when sanity reaches 0.
A lot of the additions are mechanical and miscellaneous, with the purpose of making the special more than just one cutscene, so it's not that much overall.
Still, I hope you'll enjoy the new events, since they are the final events added to this game. I don't have any plans to do these specials annually, so this was a one-time thing :)
After the public release of the special edition the work on the sequel will resume immediately, with polls and previews of the progress that's been done.
If everything goes well, new version of Succulence 2 will be done in the second half of November.
That's it from me, I'll see you on Monday with Sequel News.
Difference between ver.2.3 and 2.4 are just minor bugfixes(and blocked off entrance to the library)
- More freedom of movement
- Save points
- New Classroom event
- Expanded dialogue in some events
- Various interactions when talking to(some) NPC's
- New Pool event
- New ending
- Extra CG's added to old events
- New outdoor event
- Events and ending from the previous version of the Special re-added(some of them expanded)
- 2 new events
- Code Lock working properly
- Bugs fixed with nightclub, balcony events, Quiz Show, accessories menu, defeat screen for Serena - 2 More balcony events added
- Recollection room entries added for all new events(most will need to be replayed to be unlocked) - Bar date event updated slightly
Changelog:(it's long)
- 2 Main Story events
- 3 Bathroom quest events
- 1 TV event
- Phone wallpapers reworked
- 9 Selfies added(unlocked by doing some events and interacting with mirrors)
- Battle Shop rework
- 2 New Skills added(1 is old, but it was broken)
- New enemy types
- 5 New Maps in the Dream Realm
- Random loot added to the Dream Realm
- Mini-map added to Desire Shop
- Second Boss Teaser added
- Disguise System implemented
- 3 Disguise events added
- Using items in battle now works properly
- Escaping the battles also works(except bosses)
- Regular enemies drop gold on defeat
- Old Recollection Room added
- 2 Photo Memories added(1 old, 1 new)
- 1 New Title added(more coming soon)
- Wardrobe added to TV studio
- Loads of bugs fixed(and loads more to come)
- Night Club map is partially open
- Deck of Cards animated quest added(starts in Desire Shop)
- Deck of Cards quest added with 2 animated sequences and lots of CG's
- Bugs fixed with old recollection room flashbacks
- Tutorial bugs fixed
- now you can't use Tease or Lust Blast there
- A few bugs fixed with Tease skill and messed up CG's
Known Bugs:
- Certain underwear & outfit combos don't show up properly when equipped
- Story from 0.2 rewritten and expanded
- Battle system improvements added: New battle skill, More options during the grab, Less dialogue, Tutorial added
- Neighbour interactions added to Maria and Elena
- Elena park event added
- "After Shower" CG set added
- Mall, TV Offices and Train maps return
- 4 TV events added(old events reworked)
- 3 Train events added
- 2 Escalator events added(old event reworked)
- 2 Flashbacks added(1 animation)
- More places in home to interact during Lust Frenzy
- Clothing Shop added with 4 items to buy
- Added a defeat screen when lust meter fills up to 100%(2 variations)
- Salary is now earned daily by doing work tasks at TV office
- Various Dream Realm events added(most are story related)
- Recollection room returns with 29 entries
- Bonus Tape added to Serena's TV - made it a bit extra lewd to compensate for the lack of action this update
- Game has full week cycle now - It's not really needed but I needed to make sure it works.
- Tape added to Serena's TV
- Fixed bugs with Emergence memory
- Taking an item to the fitting room in Clothing Shop disables menu now
- Also added controls info for "look closely" option in the fitting room
- Added a message for insufficient gold when it's rent time.
- Story from 0.2 rewritten and expanded
- Battle system improvements added: New battle skill, More options during the grab, Less dialogue, Tutorial added
- Neighbour interactions added to Maria and Elena
- Elena park event added
- "After Shower" CG set added
- Mall, TV Offices and Train maps return
- 4 TV events added(old events reworked)
- 3 Train events added
- 2 Escalator events added(old event reworked)
- 2 Flashbacks added
- More places in home to interact during Lust Frenzy
- Clothing Shop added
- Added a "Gameover" screen when lust meter fills up to 100%(2 variations)
- Various Dream Realm events added(most are story related)
- Game has full week cycle now - It's not really needed but I needed to make sure it works. Now it should.
Note: Emergence memory event is bugged if Serena's not wearing glasses. Will be fixed in 0.25.2.
(Almost) 1 hour of game time
- Prologue reworked completely
- Lust management mechanic added
- 2 Shower events
- 5 Bath events
- 1 Bed event
- 5 Prologue events(might be more, I'm too tired)
- Battle system prototype added(1 enemy - tutorial sacked)
- 2 outfits
- Image flickering almost completely removed
- More items in Desire Shop(no combat items yet, but those are on the way)
- Bugs with image boxes fixed
- New titles now display properly in the status
- Choices in Dream World are centered properly on the screen Also Recollection room will not have entries added for now
- there are some issues with the way I added them in, and I might need to change the way they work to avoid problems with them in the future. The ability to replay unlocked events will be added on public release.
- Loads of bugs fixed
- Changing glasses On/Off now changes character sprite(Mini-Serena) properly
- Valentine's event now properly accessible
- Park can be entered every night instead of only on the weekends
- Shorts & Top can be used to enter the bar
- Extra photo added to Desire Shop
- Prologue changed a lot
- 4 events added on Serena's balcony, depending on her clothes
- Rent payment has 2 events
- TV Channel job has 2 events(reworked old events from the alpha)
- New look for the train event in the morning
- Valentine's Day event added with Yuko - untested!
- Christmas Special merged with the game
- Halloween Special is available at the TV in Serena's flat
- Escalator event added back from the alpha
- Bar date added back from the alpha
- Small event added with Elena
- Anniversary Special available at the TV in Serena's home
- Bunch of fixes to old bugs added
- Pool Events (only a few pics )
- New interactions in the inn added in the City of Ahn
- Guard interacitons in the preparation room fixed up
- A few bugs fixed.
v1.42 Final
- Final scene added to AV Star ending
- 2 Small events added to Slave School that round things up
- 1 extra Gloryhole event added(might need to re-do the previous one for it to appear)
- Extra tape is added to the statue that unlocks after finishing the main story(note: it is inacessible if you unlock recollection room through the debug menu since it's a bonus for those who reached the true end)
- Doing Stan events that lead to his ending will automatically make him Serena's Master(bug fix)
v1.4.1 to 1.4.2:
- 1 Extra Video Game Club event added - Hidden event added that was inspired by a bug(described in MIsc section, and in the spoiler changelog)
- Added interactions with the guards in the preparation room, right before the main elevator. - A bunch of bugs fixed
-Stan events - Repeat of Stan:Lunch event might be required to unlock them because of a bug.
-First event starts by talking to stan after classes - then visiting storage room.
-Second event - After first talk to Stan in the morning while wearing what Serena suggests - revealing suit + no panties + garters
-Ending - after second event talk to stan after classes
-Festival request - requires exposure contract - stay in the crowd while wearing the flower robe - choose "make sure"
-Slave School - in order to unlock third floor collect all the suit accessories and equip them(vibe + piercings)
Holiday Special -v0.1.2
- 1 big holiday event
- special outfit
- new selfie
- 2 bath events
- Black Jack mini-game added
- short animated sample event
v 0.1.3
- Bugs fixed with wallet and salary.
- Landlord now properly comes to collect rent every Saturday morning.
- Fixed bugs with recollection room and photo pieces
- Added underwear and socks images for Student Uniform
- Student Uniform is affected by the rainy weather
- Optimised game size
vSucculence 2: Live Action 0.1.1
- Intro to the main quest added
- Questlog and inventory added
- 2 small quests added in the beginning
- Lust battle prototype added(might be buggy and janky) - looking forward to feedback on this one
- Halloween Special added(in the office)
- Desire Shop now functions as a shop
- Weather system added
- New clothing items added
- Camera added to the phone(experimental)
- 3 scenes added in prologue
- Some old scenes from the alpha are still functional(they will be erased/reworked in the next update)
- Old scenes that aren't fuctional are in Recollection Room
- Week days temporarily looped from Friday to Sunday
- Removed Status menu and Fast Travel temporarily
- Some areas have been closed off until next update(Train, mall, square)
- 2 Stan events added
- Stan ending +Title added
- Festival request in City of Ahn added
- New Slave School floor added
- Final stage of Slave School "outfit" added
- Gem aftermath event added
- Recollection Room updated
- A few hundeds of grammar errors fixed
- A bunch of recollection room bugs fixed
- Recollection room can be unlocked from Debug Menu
- Bugs fixed in Slave School events
1.35.1: - Gem afterstory event added - Stan events should be visible and functional - Some bugs fixed in Slave School - Festival request fixed.
1.35.2: - Bugs fixed with Stan events, Gem aftermath, Slave School, Early Train, Festival Request.
- A few dozens of recollection room bugs fixed - Fixed bug in massage salon that broke the game when trying to leave naked(and added special interaction)
- Starting a new game fixed (was broken)
- Fluffy quest finally fixed, no more stuck in dungeon after the flowers and touching any skeleton to grab some loot
- New tape added
- Recollection room entries added for new events
- One of the older tapes restored(it disappeared for some reason)
- Number of bugs fixed
- Recollection room can be fully unlocked after getting True End.
- Fixed game crash with status menu.
- Text crawl now properly disappears
- Suspenders news report now has extra reward.
- Added small event to the balcony.
- When fast traveling to the first floor, it moves Serena directly to her flat.
- Fixed bugs with tutoring events showing up randomly when viewing other events
- Fixed lighting bugs when using teleport at home
- More small tutoring events fixes
- Small fixes with Vendy's teleport
- 1 Final Gem event added
- AV Start bad end expanded(in recollection room)
- 1 Art conference event added
- 1 Big Slave School event added along with a new floor
- Ogre quest added
- Bunch of new nicknames added for those who grinded out stats
- Submission contract can be filled to 100
- Returing from the ruins using emergency crystal now can raise exposure gauge if the suit is damaged enough
- New items added to Desire shop(XP vials) - available on the counter
- A number of old bugs fixed
Didn't make it:
- Domination contract update - got replaced by more tutoring events
- 5 Final Tutoring events added
Truckload of bugfixes in the school, recollection room, Richards house, beach, Serena's house, Eve hub, combat tutorial and more that I probably forgot about. If you played through all the new stuff already, you don't need to re-download the game, fixes will carry on to the next release
- 5 Roof events added
- Exposure spot added on the school roof
- Torn Suit event added inside the school
- 3 Tutoring events added
- Richards ending added
- Gem School Photoshoot reworked(extra photo spot added)
- Gem ending added
- New Stan task added(requires repeating walk home to unlock)
- Small new year party event added
- Art Club event added
- School fair event added
- 2 Church events added
- New sleeping CG added(at critical sanity)
- School roof reworked
- Standing images added for painted bunny suit
- NPC interactions added to school fair
- Confession booth added to Church of Ahn
- Changed dialogue when repeating the priest quest at the panel
- Slave School outfit modification added(unlocked in customization options)
- Latest Puzzle Tape modified
- Recollection room got expanded
- Submission gauge can be raised to 75 points now(doesn't really unlock anything yet)
- Getting defeated in the dungeon counts as performing a submission task
- Lust gain when failing to satisfy dominance contract deal is 50 instead of 70
5 roof events - visit roof every day(reduce shame II required) - open quietly
- exposure on roof has 2 random events - Angie event requires having unlocked her Revealing suit Gift event
torn suit event - required reduce shame III - go inside the school
Tutoring events:
-pet event outside has 2 commands now(event 1)
-pet event inside unlocks after the one outside is done(event 2)
-during tutoring, go to the toilet, wait for richards there, have dinner and go to the basement(event 3 - new variation to basement event)
gem photoshoot - to unlock new event you need to repeat old photoshoot(choose "remove skirt") - new spot will appear next time you do the shoot
-event 2: requires Enslave I from Eve, go to gem and ambush Pete there
New stan task: repeat naked walk home with Stan - talk to him next morning while wearing revealing suit
Art club event: Repeat statue event, next day talk to blonde woman, then conference will unlock through talking with art teacher
Church events: repeat the task from requests panel until confession room becomes empty
- 4 Camp trip events
- 6 Tutoring events
- 1 Art club event
- 1 Classroom device event
- 1 Slave School event
- Gem school photoshoot expansion
- Ability to play cards during card trip added
- Lust Frenzy is usable during camp trip
- Options menu added to title screen
- Calendar in Richard's house is now interactable
- Game remembers options settings across all save files
- Fullscreen plugin added(Help text file updated)
- Sanity and lust drain reduced in the afternoon - depending on critical lust/sanity
- Strong Sedative and Aphrodisiac added to Desire Shop
- Options menu now defaults to 0 extra save slots when starting the game with default options
Didn't make it:
- Tutoring story conclusion and afterstory - after debating it for a while I decided to scrap the "story" elements from Richard's side of the story along with the ending. I rewritten it twice already and it still doesn't feel right to me. Maybe I should shelf it for a bit and focus on something else instead.
- 1 Stan event - Ran out of time
- 1 Church event - Ran out of time
Game updated to 1.1.3 to fix nasty wardrobe bug when starting new game. If you intended to start a new playthrough, re-download the game. Otherwise this fix will carry over to next release, so you don't need to worry
Detailed Changelog
+ Big tutoring update added - Junior's part - 7 events + ending + nickname
+ Nude beach event added
+ Stan event added
+ Slave School interactive bad ending is open!(2 events, special outfit + few areas to explore)
- Some leftover bugs fixed from previous releases(forgot to note them down -__-)
- Doing Richard event during tutoring when having submission contract active will automatically submit Serena to him
- Junior's status can be checked by using his PC
- People in the supermarket have reactions if Serena's wearing lewd outfit - massage salon and diner are next in line for this adjustment
- Recollection room now includes hint on how to get the Gift Suit
- Walkthrough for main quest now comes with the game.
- Big camp trip holiday added(unlocked in the principals office after getting revealing suit)
- New outfit added for the camp trip
- 3 Beach events added, with variations for each bikini
- Big waitress event added to nude beach(2 variations)
- Festival science club event added(not included in recollection room)
- Teleport at Vendy's is now functional (5 events + ending)
- New tape added to Serena's collection
- Fixed Jenny's dialogue in the Video Game club, her event is now available
- A bunch of bugs fixed in the Mansion boss room
- Runner at the school ground has been fixed for the prologue
- Mansion bad ends properly unlock in the recollection room(you'll have to play through mansion again to unlock them)
- Mansion bad ends can be unlocked in the recollection room if you've unlocked one of them.
- Beach poster on the closed shack can be viewed properly
- State of bunny outfit can be restored at the festival(club member near the welcoming spot)
- Big camp trip holiday added(unlocked in the principals office after getting revealing suit - variations depending on wearing revealing suit with no underwear or not)
- 3 Beach events added, with variations for each bikini
- Big waitress event added to nude beach(2 variations)
- Festival science club event added
- Teleport at Vendy's is now functional
- New tape added to Serena's collection
- Fixed Jenny's dialogue in the Video Game club, her event is now available
- A bunch of bugs fixed in the Mansion boss room
- Runner at the school ground has been fixed for the prologue
- Mansion bad ends properly unlock in the recollection room(you'll have to play through mansion again to unlock them)
- Mansion bad ends can be unlocked in the recollection room if you've unlocked one of them.
- Beach poster on the closed shack can be viewed properly
- State of bunny outfit can be restored at the festival(club member near the welcoming spot)
Didn't make it:
- Extra school event - I might still add it
- Camp trip variations - there was supposed to be 4, but only 2 are in for now
- Nude beach - one event got scrapped, will get added next month
- Main story wrapped up, more or less.(ending sequence starts by clicking the highlighted cupboard in the boss room)
- 2 main story events added(and a few small ones).
- Aria event added.
- Christmas event added(during the "naked run home" event, explore third floor of the school.).
- Big sleepover event added(4 events tied together) - 2 variations depending on lust.
- New train event added, that leads to 2 school events. - after taking early train in revealing suit, repeat it in default teacher suit(0 repair kits required, and unlocked "behind the school" event with the homeless man)
- Policeman in residential area can be seduced during exposure daily quest.(lust frenzy required)
- Shirt sleepwear can be worn outside.
+ New Mansion area added.
+ 10 events added in the mansion locations.
+ 2 standing images added with different variations in dialogues and menu.
+ Small waitress mini-game added.
+ 3 endings added in the mansion.
+ New train event added for revealing suit(will get updated next month) - 2 variations depending on legwear.
+ New combat skill added.
+ Small Aria event added in the menu.
+ Lots of exposition added that might be re-edited in the future.
- Minor animation bugs fixed
- Fixed tutoring event reset from last update
- There were more, but I forgot to note them down.
Didn't make it:
- quest log - it was to be expected at this point. Maybe standard walkthrough is better idea after all.
- Cosplay tape - ran out of time.
- School segment - It was only partially done so I've decided to scrap it for now.
Thank you for your support, and sorry for past mess of a month. Schedule for the next update will be posted later today.
Next update will be dominated by Serena.
+ 2 Classroom events added.
+ Reactions to revealing suit added.(only in Serena's classroom for now)
+ Art Club event added(4 variations).
+ Statue of Serena added in the hallway(has daily buffs/debuffs)
+ 2 Card club events added.
+ Serena can participate in club tournaments without underwear.(need reduce shame II)
+ 5 Pool events added.
+ New swimming outfit added.
+ 1 Gym event added.
+ Nude beach trip added.
+ 1 Gem event added.(untested - beware)
- Salary bonuses added for completing club events.
- Accessories now don't unequip if "undress" option is selected in the wardrobe.
- Added a spot that you can dump excessive scans of Serena's body into(in the faculty room).
- Status menu now properly shows Serena's customization options.
- Added option for increasing available save-slots to the options menu.(still wip)
- Slightly changed Serena's expression in one of the Lust Frenzy animated scenes.
- Added a bunch of hints on how to get some outfits to recollection room.(only 3 so far, let me know if you'd like me to add more)
What didn't make it:
- Main story - it will be added in one big package next month.
- Normal beach events - ran out of time.
- Roof event. - ran out of time.
- Contract related events - ran out of time.
- 1 gym event - removed due to being too ridiculous.
- Questlog - good news is: it works, but it will take some time to fill it up. It should get released along with main story update next month.
Known Bugs(0.95.2):
Debug option in the menu is there by mistake, and breaks the game when used.
+ New Aria event added.
+ School Fair holiday added(2 events).
+ 5 Tutoring events added(includes new master and task for submission contract).
+ Serena can look in the window of Richards house when she's doing daily exposure quest(requires progression with tutoring).
+ Added early train event for revealing suit(2 events)
+ Added new option at the diner table in the evening(+ event for revealing suit).
+ Both Bikini's are available in the pool(+ small swimming event).
+ Anniversary tape added to Serena's collection.
- Serena now receives daily payment when she visits school(possible bonuses for doing club activities in the future).
- Sanity/lust sustain items cost slightly cheaper now.
- Fixed some bugs involving early train with science club progression overlapping.
- Clothes are properly removed when stolen/teleported in all cases.
- Clothing shop is only locked after confirming purchase now.
- Bikini unlocks in Cosplay Club after talking to Jenny(progressing Gem events isn't necessary anymore)
- A lot of recollection room bugs and issues got fixed(some events still don't work properly, especially revealing suit variations).
Didn't make it:
- Main story progression: It's pretty funny, considering this was supposed to be a big main quest update, but here we are. The way that I approached main quest was wrong, so I cut almost all related events for now. I'll re-do at least part of them for the next update.
- Quest log: I was supposed to make a prototype this month, but it still has some issues that need to be worked out(mainly with old saves).
- New outfit for the pool. - Ran out of time. Will add it for the next update.
- New public request - Ran out of time.
+ New skills added for all 3 contracts.
+ New task for Stan added.
+ New Eve event added.
+ 2 exposure events added.
+ 4 classroom events added(3 for revealing suit).
+ Video Club event added.
+ Art Club event added for revealing suit.
+ Running home naked event expanded.
+ Cheerleading event added.
+ Beach class trip event added(only 1 small event so far and a few items).
+ Gloryhole event added.
+ Small tutoring event added.
+ Homeless man near Serena's house can finally be captured.
+ New outfit available for diner dates - 2 new encounters added for it:
Old encounters are still there, new are not randomized - are dependent on underwear choice.
+ Aria apology event added(>_<)
+ Skills are now only purchasable one after the other(you can't skip reduce shame I anymore)
+ Eve task got added to recollection room.
+ Fixed some recollection room bugs.
+ Fixed bugs with running home naked event.
+ Fixed Serpent Coin in Richards house.
+ Added new expression for panties off skill when reduce shame II is obtained.
Didn't make it:
- pool, gym and roof events - lack of time on my side.
- train event for revealing suit - got replaced with cheerleading event.
- nickname interactions - that will come with the expansion of submission contract.
- Exposure contract isn't fully done, even though you can reach 100 of it now - there are still some outfit restrictions(or lack of reactions) in many places. This is the biggest contract that has influences big parts of the game(unlike the others which are more constricted), so it will take some time to fully complete it.
- New skills for submission and domination contract are experimental, and I would like to hear your opinions on them(especially on domination one) - they are made in a way to be similar to reduce shame, and unlocking them will unlock more events tied to these contracts in the future.
+ New skills added for all 3 contracts.
+ New task for Stan added. - for revealing suit.
+ New Eve event added. - punishment event: visit her and leave without doing her task.
+ 2 exposure events added: Day time exposure event and supermarket night event(sunglasses and reduce shame III needed for both)
+ 4 classroom events added(3 for revealing suit). - for new device event need 100 lust.
+ Video Club event added.
+ Art Club event added for revealing suit.
+ Running home naked event expanded. - need park events completed for one of them.
+ Cheerleading event added. - after teaching them to drop their panties - visit them again.
+ Beach class trip event added(only 1 small event so far and a few items).
+ Gloryhole event added. - less than 25 sn required.
+ Small tutoring event added. - black suit and no underwear required.
+ Homeless man near Serena's house can finally be captured. - enslave I required.
+ New outfit available for diner dates - 2 new encounters added for it:
Old encounters are still there, new are not randomized - are dependent on underwear choice. - revealing suit is the new outfit for diner.
+ Aria apology event added(>_<)
New stuff:
+ Main story progression added.
+ New maps and ruins section added.
+ Slums and top floor of the shrine are available.
+ New enemies added.
+ New defeat screen added in new areas.
+ 2 Bad endings added in new areas.
+ 3 Aria events added.
+ 2 Hot springs events added.
+ Added Eve task for submission contract.
+ Cheerleaders event added in school grounds.
+ New Video Game club event added.
+ Library event added with revealing suit.
+ Stan mini-event added in class.
+ Added option to stay in school when Serena's clothes get taken away.
+ Added another Stranger encounter.
+ Locked door in the other world inn can be unlocked.
- Added item that let's user escape from "captured" state.(untested)
- recollection room is accessible from school and inn in the other world(untested).
- Added wardrobe near orc village.
- Bombs are more expensive now.
- Skull of defeat is slightly cheaper.
- Fixed several bugs with Panties Off.
- Fixed bugs with Eve and Stan both being masters at the same time(need to enter Serena's home to fix it for old saves).
+ New teacher suit added.
+ New combat suit added.
+ 2 new contracts added.
+ New skills available at Eve.
+ New items added to Desire Shop, that prevent bad ends,
and make unlocking contracts easier.
+ 3 events added for Science Club.
+ Bad ending added to Science Club.
+ Aftermath event added for Science Club(different for every teacher suit)
+ 3 Park events added.
+ New nicknames added.
+ New event with Angie added.
+ 2 events with Stan added.
+ New sleepwear added.
+ Lust Frenzy is available to use at school.
+ Contract mark now is divided on 3 stages.
- Conditions for unlocking black suit have been changed: You now need to have only sexy clothes(garter + panties) and fancy teacher suit to unlock it).
- Added pop-up message in the supermarket when black suit unlocks.
- numerous Desire Shop issues fixed(deleted outdated items, updated stock).
- Fixed bugs with science club conflicting with other events.(not sure if all of them...)
What didn't make it:
- Unique new combat suit events: Contracts and countless shop bugs ate too much of my time, so they will be added in the next update.
- Exposure contract finish: Unfortunately naked strolls through crowded town will have to wait until next update, because I want to make proper citizen reactions to such event, and there's a lot of them.
- All of the might be done section of last month's schedule. Rip.
Next month is the main story month.
- Lot's of bugs fixed(probably not all of them).
- New events available in the recollection room, with hints.
- Recollection room expanded for the future.
- Butterflies are easier to catch.
- You can play black jack for money with Mr.Swanson in the afternoon(participate in card club tournament to unlock).
+ New teacher suit added.(Unlocks by progressing new park events)
+ New combat suit added.(Unlocks by progressing Domination Contract)
+ 2 new contracts added:
- Submission: exposes masochistic side of Serena. Progress it by getting defeated or having Serena punished for her misdeeds.
- Domination: exposes sadistic side of Serena. Progress it by feeding on defeated enemies(after looting them), or using lust frenzy when lust is critical.
Contracts unlock the same way as exposure: after gathering enough points cutscene will trigger when going to sleep.
+ New skills available at Eve.
+ New items added to Desire Shop. - including some that protect from sanity\lust bad ends, and potions that help progressing contracts.
+ 3 events added for Science Club. - high sanity required.
+ Bad ending added to Science Club.
+ Aftermath event added for Science Club(different for every teacher suit) - after finishing science club arc, in the classroom.
+ 3 Park events added. - black suit required.
+ New nicknames added.
+ New event with Angie added.
+ 2 events with Stan added. - masturbate in class to unlock.(also needs submission contract)
+ New sleepwear added.(unlocks by completing science club storyline)
+ Lust Frenzy is available to use at school. - need to unlock Stan events first.
+ Contract mark now is divided on 3 stages.
Other world:
+ 3 combat skills added(2 require exposure contract).
+ 3 new events added in orc village, 2 of them animated.(all unlock after completing trials)
+ New npc added that exchanges serpent coins.(2 encounters)
+ New Aria event added(untested, be wary).
+ New Public Request added(selling panties).
+ Defeat event changed and has 2 variations now.
+ Blessing can be bought from the fortune teller in preparation room.
+ 3 tutoring events added.(they combine into one big one.)
+ 1 Bruce event added(animated - Lust frenzy and critical lust required)
+ Drunk dancing event added in the diner(for white and black tops)
+ 2 Gem events added.
+ Train event reworked - happens in the morning now(old one is in the recollection room, tell me which one's better)(different version for black suit)
+ New "sleeping on the train event" added(different version for black suit)
+ New tape added to Serena's collection.
+ Lust Frenzy is now available to use during exposure daily quest(untested - 2 npc's added)
+ 3 class events reworked to make them more sexy - lesson with critical lust, self-study with critical lust and critical sanity.(black suit required)
low sanity now takes priority in class events(means if you have critical sanity and lust, sanity version of the event will happen.)
+ New event added in the card club.
+ Small event added in the art club(after unlocking the shawl event - repeat the notebook one)
+ New event added in cosplay club
+ 2 new outfits added.
+ Normal End now has an image in the recollection room.
+ New event added when leaving empty classroom, requires exposure contract.
- Critical sanity changes from 20 to 25 - all events and Lust Frenzy adjusted.
- Lust limit is now on display in menu.
- Title music isn't so ear-piercingly loud anymore.
What didn't make it:
- Park events: That's a big one. I constantly pushed them back in my schedule and in the end there wasn't time left for them. I'll add them next month definitely.
- Exposure progress - I had plans to unlock the full power of the contract, but ran out of time...
- Fluffy quest - I added it, but there have been a few issues with that quest, so I disabled it for now.
Тему отредактировал: Nikol - 19-10-2022, 08:26
Причина: Тема обновлена. Добавлена английская версия Succulence 2 v.0.58.2 Eng. / Topic updated. Added English version Succulence 2 v.0.58.2 Eng.
Причина: Тема обновлена. Добавлена английская версия Succulence 2 v.0.58.2 Eng. / Topic updated. Added English version Succulence 2 v.0.58.2 Eng.
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