Вы играете за 18-летнюю девушку по имени Мэй, у которой есть мать, отчим, сводный брат и старшая сестра. Ей нужно найти работу, поступить в колледж и либо стать более развращенной, либо остаться чистой. К сожалению, вы отвечаете за ее решения.
RPG Maker модели MV + HS / SPBR
You play an 18 year old girl named May who has a mother, step-father, step-brother, and an older sister. She needs to get a job, attend college, and either become more corrupt or remain pure. Unfortunately, you are in charge of her decisions.
RPG Maker MV + HS/SPBR models
У кого ошибка при запуске устанавливаем дополнительные библиотеки из архива RPGVXAce_RTP.zip
Год выпуска: 2020
Жанр: 3dcg, anal, animated, corruption, exhibitionism, female protagonist, group sex, handjob, incest, interracial, lesbian, masturbation, oral, school setting, sex toys, stripping, titfuck, urination, vaginal, virgin,
Цензура: Отсутствует
Разработчик/Издатель: Crazybat - ULMF
Перевод: Vitalis
Платформа: PC/Windows
Тип издания: В разработке
Таблэтка: Не требуется
Версия: v.3.1
Язык игры: Русский/Английский
Язык интерфейса: Русский/Английский
Вы играете за 18-летнюю девушку по имени Мэй, у которой есть мать, отчим, сводный брат и старшая сестра. Ей нужно найти работу, поступить в колледж и либо стать более развращенной, либо остаться чистой. К сожалению, вы отвечаете за ее решения.
RPG Maker модели MV + HS / SPBR
You play an 18 year old girl named May who has a mother, step-father, step-brother, and an older sister. She needs to get a job, attend college, and either become more corrupt or remain pure. Unfortunately, you are in charge of her decisions.
RPG Maker MV + HS/SPBR models
У кого ошибка при запуске устанавливаем дополнительные библиотеки из архива RPGVXAce_RTP.zip
Год выпуска: 2020
Жанр: 3dcg, anal, animated, corruption, exhibitionism, female protagonist, group sex, handjob, incest, interracial, lesbian, masturbation, oral, school setting, sex toys, stripping, titfuck, urination, vaginal, virgin,
Цензура: Отсутствует
Разработчик/Издатель: Crazybat - ULMF
Перевод: Vitalis
Платформа: PC/Windows
Тип издания: В разработке
Таблэтка: Не требуется
Версия: v.3.1
Язык игры: Русский/Английский
Язык интерфейса: Русский/Английский
I've provided saves at the start of this and older versions in the saves directory.
COPY one of those into the main directory if you want to use them!
Save1 => Start of 0.4
Save2 => Start of 0.5
Save3 => Start of 0.6
If you use you own old save game I HIGHLY recommend to use a save no further then Friday on week 6 with around 60 shame. Any further you'll miss one on the new events and new events might not trigger properly!!
COPY one of those into the main directory if you want to use them!
Save1 => Start of 0.4
Save2 => Start of 0.5
Save3 => Start of 0.6
If you use you own old save game I HIGHLY recommend to use a save no further then Friday on week 6 with around 60 shame. Any further you'll miss one on the new events and new events might not trigger properly!!
v3.1 - 2024-09-30
- Release 3.1 contains approximately 8015 CG (~225) new CG (Including those used for animations) have been added in 3.0)
- Added a third variant talking to npc events while wearing the V-suit. (Available when may's exhibition is 40+ and Corruption 30+)
Added a tiny npc event (women in bikini) when the events above are triggered.
- Added a 2nd stage more naughtier version at the subway. (Includes extra's for people with a certain fetish enabled)
- Added 3 small Onlyfun events on the beach when May is wearing the black bikini en the V-suit.
- Added a "Final" onetime event at the Beach bar diner.
- Added event skipping option for both stages of the cafe job. (not optimal, still need to walk to the event spot. This is due to the one time events being triggered in that event.)
Fixed some typo's for these events while I was at it.
- To prevent issue's I made some changes to the 1st event with the principle so that it can only be started when it's a college day.
- Slight increase the default font size from 26 to 28.
- Added a simple event at May living room coach that allows players to forward time.
- Can now skip/forward time in May's room in the afternoon and evening by clicking on May's bed.
- Fixed a visual bug where the guy at the bench in city central would only show after falling when wearing the red top + white skirt.
- Fixed Interacting with the priest during the morning and afternoon wearing the wrong outfit will nog longer cause the event to trigger.
- Fixed the manhole becoming impassable in front of the women at the beach after certain event where triggered.
v3.0 - 2024-06-30
- Release 3.0 contains approximately 7790CG (~388 new CG (Including those used for animations) have been added in 3.0)
- Added 2 new npc interaction event at the beach while wearing the V-suit.
Has a more naughty variant when played for the 2nd time. comes in two variants Pierced/non-pierced.
- Added a more naughty expansion/variant of the two existing npc interaction events at the beach area wearing the V-suit.
comes in two variants Pierced/non-pierced.
- Added a new quite big event in may's career as a professional sex worker.
- Added a new exhibitionist event with Gina. ( Timeline wise this one is placed between the 4th and 5th exhibitionist
challenge event.
- Added a few random CG's (With variants) when May's watching TV in the latest outfit.
- The new and some of the old NPC beach events have been added to the recollection room.
- Did some (re)work on the exhibitionist contest events.
(Removed some lines. Corrected spelling, changed contest to challenge and added 2 CG to the 3rd event)
- Fixed menu at the changing room at the beach not working if players have the V swimsuit, but don't have the sexy swimsuit in there inventory.
- When adding Gina to the party before the cheerleader auditions you can't leave the college area anymore.
Due to players getting stuck at the beach after adding Gina to the party and then moving to the beach.
- Fixed npc1 event in the replay room. A bug prevented the right event to be played.
-Fixed some map transitions inside the gym and photo studio where players who play with the mouse would get stuck.
- Fixed a bug when sunbathing for 2nd time and said yes to fixing her suit would result in the event not finishing.
v2.9 - 2024-03-31
- Release2.9 contains about 7414 CG (~300 CG (including those used in animations) have been added in V2.9.)
- Added a total of 2 small/medium sized NPC event in central city. One of those had a extended variant for daytime/nighttime. Also contains (Pierced/Plugged variants)
- Added a new old neighbor event for the final outfit. This event has several animation and contains variants with piercing and/or butt plug.
- New sunbathing event has been added. (Req 40 shame or less) Also added a pierced variant and 2 small NPC interaction with NPC on/near the beach.
- All the new NPC encounters and the existing NPC events for the last outfit have been added to the recollection room.
- A debug item will be added to May's inventory when she's on the 2nd floor at home.
This item can be used to "fix" some common bugs then might occur.
This item has two functions and should only be used in case of problems.
1) Not able to enter/continue because the event in progress flag is still active. (use tool to disable it)
2) Picture not cleared properly after an event. You can use this tool to clear all pictures if that happens.
- Fix an error events at the house pleasures wouldn't progress if May didn't wear piercings. This has been corrected.
- Fix a few small textual continuation errors.
v2.8 - 2023-12-23
- Release2.8 contains about 7130 CG (~420 CG (including those used in animations) have been added in 2.8)
- Added new variants of two work out at the gym events. Sit-ups + Walking on the treadmill.
The basic one she will wear the same outfit for her job at the gym. More variants will be available depending on her exhibition level.
(Topless+Nude) Both of them have also pierced/non-pierced variants.
- Added new event at house of pleasures. You'll need to replay the event 3 times to see all the branches and options.
- Added a small npc interaction event in central city when May is wearing the sexy outfit.
- Fixed 2 small bugs during the final repeatable event at the old neighbor house. (Nude/Non-pierced variant)
- Fixed a bug/exploit with the hooker job that might lead to issue's. You where able to go back in and start the job again if you made the choice to roam.
(Also using cancel will no longer forward time or change May's shame or corruption.)
- Time is now properly forwarded after working a shift in the House of pleasures.
V2.7 - 2023-10-03
- Release2.7 contains about 6710 CG (~300 CG have been added in 2.7)
- Two new options have been added to the Webcam event with her sister that was added in V2.6.
The 2nd new option contains two diffrent endings for those with a certain fetish enabled.
(You'll have to see the first ending, with the fetish enabled, to unlock the 2nd fetish enabled ending)
- Added a "Final" event for the Promoters job. (unlocks at 47 corruption or higher plus all the previous promoter jobs done.)
(This event has 4 variants. Including piercing, butt plug or without any)
- The promoter job will now also lower May's shame until it has reached 80. Allow for faster progress at the very earlier stages of the game.
- Added a quest log entry for the "Special" event with Mike at the clothing store.
(It won't be added if you've seen the event already!)
- Made some changes to the transfer points inside the photo studio so people using a mouse won't get stuck on the blinking circle and have to switch to the arrow keys to move again.
- Small spying event on (step)brother at night.(CG and idea for this event came from JonhyBoi77!)
Has 3 variants (random) based on unlocked events.
May need to wear the miniskirt + top.
- The mini event talking to the lifeguard while during sunbathing event has been added to the recollection room.
- All 3 parts of the event with the girl at the beach have been added to the recollection room.
(You'll need to have seen part3 for it to unlock!)
- Fixed nurse event looping in the college hallway.
- Fixed crash when working at the clothing store wearing the red dress and no panties.
- Disabling Auto save should now work properly.
(If auto save in you game is set to disabled already, but it still auto saves.
You'll first need to enable auto save and then disable it again inside the settings menu.)
As usual extract the content of the zip inside the game directory and anwer yes if asked to overwrite.
v2.6 - 2023-07-09
- Release2.6 contains about 6410 CG (~310 CG have been added in 2.6)
- A new swimsuit added for the sunbathing event at the beach (Buy it at the store)
It has two variants. (Shaved or non-Shaved) and some additional optional parts depending on certain stats.
- Added several mini events with npc's around the beach.
- 3 for the new swimsuit. Comes with bush/no bush variants.
(One of those will require you to talk to the npc 3 times at the right time to see everything)
- 3 small NPC interaction events while wearing the sexy swimsuit.
- Added a new event at the clothing store (35+ cor required)
- Added new webcam event.
- Added plugged variants for both outfit at the clothing store job. Also made some minor dialog changes.
- Added plugged variant for the job a the library.
- Made some changes to the sun bathing events so hopefully people won't end up getting stuck on the beach anymore.
I removed the barrier around the beach when sun bathing. Players can now move around the whole beach area.
Player won't be able to enter every building tho.
- replaced 1 CG and added one Cg for the toilet scene at college for the first outfit.
- replace 7 CG of the first exhibitionist contest event.
- Mouse users will now also be able to interact with the npc at the gym directly.
- Added server al tags for npc's for mouse users.
When hovering over certain Npc's icon will change to show you can interact with them.
- Changed name of the lifeguard to Ryan.
- Added some more status lines in the menu.
Should now always display a status line (Based on May's shame level.)
- Fixed picture not cleared properly after event with headmaster when saying no. (only non-pierced variant)
- The 4th nurse event will no longer trigger until may has shaved herself.
- The third nurse event won't trigger during the cheerleader try-outs anymore making players get stuck inside college.
Release notes
- Release2.5 contains about 6100 CG (~360 CG have been added in 2.5)
- New event at the House of pleasures. 2 variants (Pierced/non-pierced)
New option will unlock when playing the event for the 2nd time.
Both options have slightly different endings for both variants.
- New event added outside the library.
(CG and idea for this event came from JonhyBoi77! Thank you JonhyBoi77!)
I reworked the CG and created the text for this event.
(You will need to have seen all the webcam events and wear the skimpy outfit)
- New Final event for teaching assistant event train has been added.
(Should trigger 1st floor college hallway when May's shame is 15 or lower.
- All the new events have been added to the recollection room.
- Added 2 more point to move between City Central and City east.
- Added/changed some minor dialog when interacting with npc's in City Central map wearing the skimpy outfit.
- Up to 14000 Lines of text have been checked for spelling/typo's and corrected by Living in a lewd world!
A big thanks to Living in a lewd world for this major effort!
Another big thank you goes out to nuqqur who created a script in ruby to replace all the old lines with the new corrected lines!
Without the help they offered voluntary to me I would have taken me a long time to get all those pesky typo’s/ errors / Grammar mistakes fixed.
I did some testing and everything seems to work fine.
However there is a small chance some text that got replaced might lead to a crash in a certain line.
I’ve added a complete backup of the old date files inside the data folder called backup org 2.5.
If you run into any crashes that you may think are related to this you can just unpack the data.7z 7zipfile inside backup org 2.5 org folder into the directory to see if that fixes the issue.
And if you could let me know where is crashes that would be great too of course.
V2.4 - 2022-12-25
- Release2.4 contains about 5740 CG (~340 CG have been added in 2.4)
- New event with the headmaster.
- New event with her mother in the morning. (Weekend only)
2 Variants. Each variant has a pierced/non-pierced variant.
repeat at least once to unlock a new option.
- New event at House of pleasures. (2 Variants. Pierced variant can only be seen after having the scene first once.)
- Added "plugged" variant of the 1st job at the beach cafe.
- Reworked Pink dildo masturbate events.
Now has 4 variants total. Pieced/non-pierced + Plugged variant.
- Added "plugged" variant of the 5th Fliers stage event(s). (Skimpy sailor suite)
- "plugged" variant of the small beach vent event has been added. (Thanks to JonhyBoi77 for creating the CG!)
- A variant of the park bench exposure event for the latest outfit has been added. (Thanks to JonhyBoi77 for creating the CG!)
- Replaced all up-skirt CG (6) at the general store for the 2nd outfit.
- Added Pierced CG variant for the sex stats screens.
- Slightly modified the breakfast event when the new event with her mother has been triggered.
- Fixed inconsistency at the start of masturbate scene at home when May is wearing piercings.
- Morning-greeting old neighbor event now shows the plugged variant properly when May is wearing piercings.
2.3.1 - 2022-10-08
- Added hits to several events inside the recollection room.
- Finally added the 2nd June event to the recollection room.
- Added the 3 sun tanning events to the recollection room. (To unlock those I'll need to replay them, because I didn't have an existing variables in place that I could use) (They're unlock in my update save for 2.3)
- Added small event at the beach for the 4th outfit. (Thanks JonhyBoi77 for creating the CG!)
- Players should now be able to report to the principal's right after class when May's not any wearing piercings.
- Selecting "No" to panties the inspection at the start of the flyer job should no longer result in picture blocking the view.
- Some non-piercing CG's where displayed during the pierced variant of the 7th stage of the community services event.
- Fixed some code so players won't be able to see the "Broken" plugged variant when viewing the 7th stage community event for the first time as it was intended.
- When players use the mouse to move around, they can't move may with the mouse anymore if May lands on top of one of the blinking circles.
I changed the locations so may doesn't end up on those blinking circles again so that the mouse movement keeps working.
v2.3 - 2022-10-04
- Release2.3 contains about 5390 CG (~360 CG have been added in 2.3)
- New masturbation event added. 2 Variants(Pierced/Non-Pierced)
- Mom morning greeting event variant for the 4th outfit has been added (Thanks JonhyBoi77 for creating the CG!)
- Small event at the beach has been added for the 4th Outfit. (Thanks JonhyBoi77 for creating this event!)
- A new main event with the old next door neighbor has been added.
- New stage comes with 2 variants (Pierced/non-pierced)
- Can be repeated (optional) in the repeating cleaning event.
- 2 more variants of this new event can be seen afterwards. (Nude and another or a combination of both.)
- Added variants for the repeating cleaning event at the neighbor.
(After having finished all events. Total around 8 variants...)
- 4 events related to the principal. (1 bigger and 3 small events)
- Added several variants of existing events which can be seen during or after the principal event.(Or afterwards)
- Picture no longer stays on screen after Replaying the final cowboy event inside the recollection room.
- 6th webcam stage now unlocks in the recollection room after having viewed it and not before.
- Correct cg are now show during the nude breakfast event.
- Fixed crash when interacting with npc after cowboy job when May is not wearing piercings.
- Auto save should now only save outdoors when switching maps or when moving from outside to inside.
This should hugely reduce the risk that the game wil auto save during an event that includes a map transition.
When the game is auto saved during an event the save may become unusable.
This should make the auto save more reliable. You still shouldn't rely on auto save 100%.
I highly recommend to save manual now and then.
Failure to so do might end up wasting hours of time in case the game crashes and the auto save doesn't work.
- Change window background color to Blue.
- Finished editing/correcting the reworked alley exposure event text.
- Release2.2 contains about 5040 CG (~300 CG have been added in 2.2)
- New event added to the promotion job. New cowboy outfit. (2 stages and variants (Pierced/Non-Pierced))
- New webcam stage was added.
- New option added to "Working on the streets" job. 2 variants (Pierced/Non-Pierced)
There are 2 positions to choose from and each has two different endings.
- Added a shortcut key "w" to toggle May's movement speed. (Normal/Fast)
- Added an auto save function. Auto saves when entering a map in slot 52.
- Added a small event with npc at college area when May wears the latest outfit.
- Added a small event with npc in the city you can only trigger during the New cowboy promotion event.
- Added a Alley exposure variant for the last outfit (Pierced/Non-Pierced)
- Added a Small interaction inside "House of pleasures" Can be seen after May got her piercing.
- Added a pierced variant of one of the walking naked at night mini-events.
- All the street prostitution job events have been added to recollection room.
- The new balcony masturbation scene has been added to the recollection room.
- The two small (reworked) events with Daniel in the library have been added added to the recollection room.
(All CG have been replaced and added a few new ones. Grammar fixes.)
- The 3 events at the strip club while May is wearing the piggy suit now have a pierced variant. (26CG added)
- Started adding hints at locked events in the recollection room. Flip the lever to enable them. (only a few have been added so far.)
- May's overlay picture now updates if she puts in or takes out her piercing.
- Fixed a bug during the class events when May wears the new outfit.
(CG switched from non-pierced to pierced and last part of the event looped.)
- During the breakfast event with the new outfit some incorrect CG where displayed.
- The Old neighbor event for the new outfit is now repeatable as intended.
- Players only got the option to roam the street when choosing the last option when giving a boob job.
This should now work for any of the options.
- Version 2.1 contains around 4730 CG (~340 new CG added in 2.1)
- Added a new sexy outfit.
- Added option for May to get piercings includes a new event.
- Added 4 new breakfast event variants
New outfit piercing/no piercing
Nude piecing/no piercing
- Added a small follow-up event with mom's morning routine.
- Added a small event at college for the new outfit.
- Added a new morning greetings with the old neighbor for the new outfit. Two variants (Piercings/no-piercings)
- Added a new ending variant in Celia class event after the latest class assistant event has been completed.
- May can now walk naked inside the house during the day. Requires her shame to be 20 or lower)
- Added a new masturbate scene on the balcony. (she needs to be nude and shaved)
It has two variants (Piercings/no piercings) and a small extra for people with a certain fetish enabled.
- Added two new options for May working as a street prostitute.
Both come with at least 2 slightly different endings and both have a piercing/non-piercing variant.
- Added a piercing variant for the boob job event of May's street prostitute job.
- Added a no-mask variant of the 5th webcam event.
- Added a new event that triggers during the no-mask 5th webcam stage event.
- A new overlay picture will be shown when May is nude and her corruption is 45 or above.
- Stage5 webcam event requirement raised from 38 to 39 exhibition.
Now also requires May to have the box of toys in her inventory to trigger stage5.
- Changed shame requirement to trigger 4th event with Daniel from 59 to 60.
- Players can now interact with both the desk and the npc's:(Mainly so that Mouse users can now also click on the NPC)
- The general store.
- The Photo studio.
- The massage salon.
- Adult store.
- Lowered Gina relationship requirement to see the event after the cheerleader audition from 3 to 2.
- Fixed an inconstancy in the 2nd spying event at the gym and cheerleader try-outs depending on which you saw before.
- Fixed some spelling and grammar errors in both the 2nd spying event and the cheerleaders try outs event.
- Fixed some spelling and grammar errors in both the 2nd spying event and the cheerleaders try outs event.
Added a additional trigger to the 5th event involving her mom so it can't be skipped by accident.
- A half dozen other small corrections.
- Removed some redundant code from the menu of the 5th webcam stage.
- Corrected the variable which counts the number of times May had anal sex at the glory-hole.
- Fixed a small quest tracking (cosmetic) error during the exhibitionist training event.
- Removed some double lines and fixed some grammar/spelling mistakes for the exposing together with sister on the balcony event.
- In the morning after May wakes up the overlay picture won't be set at 100% by default
- Version 2.0 contains around 4390 CG (~260 new CG added in 2.0)
- Added new job option for May to work on the streets in city east.
- Added a new modeling event.
- Added a new swimsuit which May can use while sunbathing at the beach.
- Added a new event with Celia (Teaching assistant)
- Replaced all (12) CG from off the cheerleader try out event and fixed some spelling errors.
- Lowered cost of library dress from 150 to 100 gold.
- Sunbathing at the beach will now lower shame by 1 once for each swimsuit.
- Buying the sport swimsuit now requires 5 or more confidence instead of 91 shame or lower.
- Lowered cost of the sports swimsuit from 100 to 80 gold.
- Added a message before starting a some of the jobs if it no longer lowers/raises any stats. (library, Clothing store, beach Cafe, Lifeguard)
- Fixed some spelling error/typo's in the photo studio assistant's dialog.
- Reworked the 1st modeling event. Replaced all CG and added a new more + revised/expanded the text.
- Talking to the receptionist behind the counter at the studio won't activate the first photo shoot again.
- Includes the fix for the lifeguard job.
- The clothing-store events with the women should now always unlock properly in the recollection room.
(If only unlocked previous if you had seen one of the male event first!)
- First event with June during lifeguard job has been added to the recollection room.
(All the CG's have been replaced and text has cleared of typo's misspelling..etc...)
- Mouse support now also included with game.exe.
- Black-screen when selecting use rag during the new old neighbor event should no longer occur.
- Sleeping naked no longer breaks the topless breakfast event. May will wear correct underwear again.
- Left the CG unencrypted.
This should reduce/eliminate script "cache" line 106 error can't draw bitmap crash, which people running on lower end hardware might run into.
I took a bit longer, because I wanted to add some older event to the recollection room. (Older event during lifeguard job)
When I was doing that I saw it contained a lot of spelling errors. So I started going though all the text in the event which was a bit more then anticipated, since it had two variants.
I also noticed the CG were not that good looking so I started replacing 2 and adding a few variant CG during long conversations. In the end I just bite the bullet end ended up replacing all 12 CG and added 2 new.
- Version 1.9 contains around 4140 CG (~300 new CG added in 1.9)
- A new event with May and her mom.
- A new event with the old neighbor.
- Expanded the 2 "default" events that can be seen at the clothing store when wearing the top + skirt outfit.
- A new event while watching TV with her dad. This will become available after unlocking the last event from v1.8 with her (step)dad.
The new events has 2 variants which each have 2 different ends. So 4 variants total.
- From 25 shame or lower May will now be sleeping nude. A slightly different CG will be displayed the next morning based on May's lust level.
- A new event involving Gina's father.
- Made some changes to the last part of 2nd stage job at the clothing store to make it less grindy.
- removed some older events from the webcam event in most stages. The older events can still be viewed inside the recollection room.
- The old neighbor cleaning event can now be repeated after all events have been seen.
- Installed the mouse mod for Falxon-XP with update script. To remove it rename the current game.ini and rename game.org to game.ini
- The correct outfit is now displayed when working out at the gym when scale is set to 90% and opacity is enabled.
- Made some textual correction and fixed actor names in toy demonstration event with her sister Mia.
- Removed an incorrect CG when May is shaved during Christmas event.
- Removed some code that prevented players to see the 5th old neighbor event without panties.
- Time is now forwarded properly after the Kelly+May strip show.
- Time is now forwarded properly after playing 4th stage webcam event.
- Fixed crash when saying yes to cumming inside at the 5th event with Blake when you said yes at the 4th one too.
- Fixed 5th stage of the webcam even in the recollection room.
- Added the glory hole events to the recollection room.
- Version 1.8 now contains around 3850 CG (400+ CG have been added in 1.8)
- Added 4 new events which can be triggered during the clothing store job. (One to stage1 and three to stage2!)
- Added new dance event at the strip club. (Becomes available after Kelly's event.)
- Added new event at the strip club after the one above.
- Added new event with Blake.
- Added new stage of the exhibitionist contest!
- Added new photo shoot event!
- Webcam events up to stage4 have been added to the recollection room.
- Replaced all the CG (and added a few variants) for the First, second and introduction stage of the webcam event.
- Made some changes to the clothing store job. You won't have to walk to the backroom anymore when starting or finishing the job.
- Event skipping now also works for the clothing-store job. (No events will trigger when used though!)
- Fixed a bug which caused the overlay picture of the 2nd outfit to pop-up even when the overlay picture was set to disabled.
- The 5th teaching assistant even now adds 1 corruption as intended.
- Fixed some map errors.
- The Kelly stripper even should now trigger correctly after finishing the 4th stripper the 1st time instead of two times.
- The 5th community services event now has a no panties variant. Can also be viewed in the recollection room if you take her panties off.
- Added a mobile wardrobe which will allow May to change her clothes anywhere as long as there's no active event in which case you'll get a message.
- Added a no panties variant of the "Petting" events.
- Added a no panties variant for the college gym changing room at Friday.
- Fixed some typo's and other minor corrections. May should now be properly addressed as (step)daughter all the time while watching TV with her (step)dad.
- Replaced one CG of the 2nd clothing store job.
- Updated FalconXP mod to version 1.01.
- The park exposure event should work properly now when taking off her panties manual.
- Fixed a bug not able to trigger the stripper event while working as piggy waitress if you've viewed the new stripper that was added to v1.7 event first.
This should fix the bug where you're unable to complete the first Fliers job for Garret.
- Version 1.7 contains around 3415 CG. (1.6 contained around 3215 CG)
- May can now walk around topless inside the house and have breakfast without wearing a bra.
- Added 2 repeatable events with her dad while watching TV. One for each option.
- Added an item “panties” which will allow to walk around without panties.
- Added no panties variants of the old neighbor event in the morning.
- Added several no panties events variants (Class, Shopping)
- Added a new event in the teaching event chain. (Celia)
- Added a new stage of the fliers job. (Garret)
This new stage has 3 mini stages and a small optional event afterwards.
All these come with 2 variants (panties en no panties)
- Added a new event at the strip club. (After spinning around on the pole)
- Removed debugging NPC's from May's room.
- Fixed an error with the piggy outfit standing pic causing two pictures to display at once when opacity is enabled
- Updated PK2000 mod package to version1.0
- Modified the dialog of the 4 main events with May's (step)brother so it now shows brother when you've set family relation to
real. (There are still other parts that will need to be changed.)
- Added a prompt to setup Family relations if you skip the intro when starting a new game.
Most of the new content will be part of a new job.
The new job consists of several small stages so It might get a bit grindy to see all of then all with not as much content on the side available yet. I could have chosen to do less, but I was on a roll and just wanted to finish it up in one go.
I've uploaded a new version that fixes 2 bugs:
-Black screen after the 1st Lily event at the gym.
-Game hanging after spying on mother event or when entering the 2nd floor at night under certain conditions.
- Added an option for May to call her (Step)dad daddy only in the new scene thus far.
If you're using an exciting save and have already viewed the 1st scene you'll need to set the family relation again under settings to see the proper text in the new event or else you'll see only 0!
It now includes a setting to use the nickname or leave it default.
` Version 1.5 now contains over 3000 CG. (1.3 contained around 2715 CG)
- Added Two new events when May is working as a stripper. The 2nd event will need to be played twice to see both animations.
- Added new event between May and her (Step)dad.
- Added new event with female family member.
- Added several small and one slightly larger interaction between May and her mother during the morning.
The event will change depending on the relationship level with her mom.
They will only trigger while wearing the Red top+skirt or the Pink shirt + shorts outfit.
The later events will only trigger wearing the later outfit (Pink shirt+Shorts)
- Added a new stage to the webcam event.
You'll need to repeat the 4th stage to trigger it.
- All the stripper events have been added to the recollection room.
- The 5 mini-events after the 5th modeling shoot have been added to the recollection room.
You should be able to watch these if you have already seen/unlocked then before.
- Made a small fix to the 3rd clothing shop event which prevented one of the CG to be properly displayed.
- Replaced 3CG of the 3rd clothing shop events. (Bathing suit)
- Reworked Gym locker event with Gina.
Fixed lots of spelling/grammar errors, replaced most of the CG and added a few new ones.
- Lowered Gina points required to view the scene after the cheerleader event from 4 to 3.
- Fixed Lots of spelling/grammar errors of the library events and made some small textual changes.
- Fixed some spelling/grammar error for the 4th event with May's mother.
- Players should now be able to trigger the events involving Lilly during the gym instructors job even if they skipped/missed the whole first stage of the gym instructor job.
-Fixed a bug that made player unable to start comunity service event the first time.
- Bug fixes:
- Choosing "cum on face" during the 2nd scene with Blake will now allow you to continue the game.
- Replaying the 2nd with Blake in the recollection room will now allow you to choice the 2nd option and not default to the first one.
- Made a change so May is unable to start working as a stripper when she has already began her waitess job at the club.
- Made some small cosmetic changes to the replay of the "3rd" clothing store job. Like proper location of NPC and displaying the correct overlay picture.
- Added the "4th" clothing store event to the recollection room, also edit the text and fixed a lot of grammar errors.
-I've included PK2000 mod package.
People having performance problems or res/window problem could try running the game by using the Falcon-mkxp.exe to start the game instead of the regular executable.
v 1.4
- Version 1.4 now contains around 2715 CG. (1.3 contained around 2469 CG)
- Added new event with the neighbor.
- Added two new events with a male family member.
- May can now start working as a stripper if her shame is low enough. (includes 2 new events)
- Added a new event after working at the gym during the 2nd stage of the instructor job!
- 3 out of the 4 events that can be seen during the clothing store job have been added to the recollection room.
(Events have also had there grammar checked/corrected. Only when replaying them in the recollection room for now!)
- The last part of the cheerleader event with Gina has finally been added to the recollection room.
(I've also partly edited the text/grammar for this Event. Only when replaying it in the recollection room for now!)
- Version 1.3 contains about 2469 CG (1.2 had around 2286 CG)
- Added a new event for the old-neighbor.
- Added a series of small exhibitionist events. (5 total)
- Added a new event with the science teacher.
- Added the 4th exhibitionist contest. This event consists of 3 separate events!
- The mini-events after the 5th modeling event have been added to the recollection room.
- Added a the 3rd small event while working at the strip club while wearing the piggy outfit.
- Added a small event with the old neighbor in front of his house during the morning.
- Added an option to disable the night shadow effect during at night.
Disabling it might help if you're experiencing slowdown problems in the city at night.
- Removed the trigger for the outdoor exposure quest from the balcony exposure events.
The event is now triggered after the 1st exhibitionist contest has been completed and May's exhibitionism is 18 or higher.
- Changed the exhibnist values needed for the outdoor alley exposure event slightly.
- You can now start the library job on the first day right after the introduction instead of day2.
- 5th modeling event can now only be started during the morning or the afternoon.
- Added some lines to the final "Homework" scene with Daniel. Mostly about losing her viginity and possible pregancy.
I also fixed a dozen of spelling mistakes and fixed a small error when replaying the scene in the recollection room.
- replaced 2CG of the May showering at home that had the wrong resolution.
- Replaced the standing picture for the pink towel and the gym outfit at college by less ugly ones.
- Reduced the number of work-outs needed to trigger the weightlifter event at the gym from 4 to 2.
- Reduced the number of work-outs needed to enable push-ups in the gym from 2 to 1.
- added a message to each exercise in the Gym when May's confidence won't be raised any longer.
(Each exercise will only increase her confidence twice!)
- Both events in the bathroom with May's mother now triggered automatically instead of having to walk inside
the bathroom.
- Made some changes to event triggers of Daniel homework events. Play can now choose to postpone event and give him
a call later. Waiting too long and you will no longer be able to trigger the events!
- A lot of changes has been made the way some of the earlier events are triggered.
Instead of a fixed time/date they are now triggered by combination of shame level and/or other parameters.
Affected events:2nd photo shoot, Spying on sister, Spying on brother, Sister balcony event, Balcony expose event,
Clothing store job start, Cheerleader event, Christmass event.
- May no longer has to talk to Mike to get her pay after finishing her job at the clothing store.
- Added a hint at college for the first Janitor event when the proper conditions are met.
Bug fixes:
-Fixed: May should no longer get stuck inside the photo studio when starting the 5th or 6th event during the afternoon.
-Fixed: 6th modeling event can now be triggered during the evening.
-Fixed: Leaving the adult shop should no longer result in be a repeating message after the cam toys quest has been completed.
-Fixed: When going to the toilet at college while one of the Janitor events is active and choosing to keep the door locked should now show the right event.
-Fixed: Replaced wrong CG that was displayed during the 2nd training event with Jack/Sister
-Fixed: Players should no longer be able to skip a stage of the balcony exposure event when May's exhibition is high enough but hasn't got the new outfit yet!
-Fixed: Quest tracking of the balcony expose events should now work properly under all conditions. (I hope.)
-Fixed: May's avatar should now change into the right outfit and back even when the standing picture has been disabled under settings.
-Fixed: May's avatar will now be changed back to the correct one after finishing the 3rd fly-er job.
- Version 1.2 now contains around 2286 CG. (1.1 had around 2078).
- Added several new mini events that can be seen when May is watching TV during the evening wearing the 3rd outfit. (New CG:30)
The are 4 events (2 with Blake and 2 with Jack.) There's also a 2nd variant of 2nd events when certain conditions are met.
- Elder neighbor event has been reworked and expanded. It can now be repeated. It now contains 3 stages:
1) an Introduction stage based on previous event with added content.
2) Reworked/expanded version of the event that was added in the last version.
3) A new stage after completing stage2 (Combined New CG:44)
- Added several mini events after the 5th photo shoot at the beach.(New CG: 7)
To be able to see these mini event will require you to replay the 5h modeling from the start.
- Added the 6th modeling event. (New CG:48)
- Added a small exhibitionist event that triggers after the 3rd stage of the exhibitionist contest has been completed (New CG:12)
- Added 3rd stage of science teacher events. (New CG:16 including the CG used for the animation)
- Added 4rd stage of science teacher events. (New CG:19 including the CG used for the animation)
- Expanded mini event at the store at beach for the 3rd outfit.
- Added two small events with the neighbor outside in the morning. Can be triggered after stage1 of the community services event. (New CG:7)
- May's lust May will now increase slightly during the night depending on her corruption level.
(This was something that someone had suggested a long time ago and I finally got around to implement it.)
- Added 2nd stage of job at the strip club with 2 mini events so far. (New CG:16)
-Removed some objects from some maps to make walking less bumping into things.
-Added an option under settings (Inventory item!) To permanent disable the overlay picture.
I shouldn’t pop back anymore after changing clothes or walking on certain parts of the map
-Removed a few CG from the game directory that weren't used anymore.
-Made some changes to the tiny clerk spy event at the beach store. The event is now optional.
-Swapped the priority of the sister fetch quest and shaving event.
This means that in case both quests are active the sister fetch quest will be processed fist, before the shaving event.
This also means that the sister fetch quest will need to be completed before the shaving event will progress!
-Saying no during the 1st science teaching event will mark the quest as failed, but you should still allow you to trigger the next stage!
-Saying no during the 2nd science teaching event will mark the quest as failed, but you should still allow you to trigger the next stage!
-Changed the color of the "Events stars" to red so that they are visible better on bright backgrounds.
-Changed some values at which shame is not lowered anymore during the library job and the 1st and 2nd stage of the clothing store job.
This allows for a slightly bigger window in which both jobs can done on the same day and still both lower May's shame thus allows the players to lower May’s shame a bit faster.
May shame will now be lowered until it reaches 77 or below during the library job, or when it reaches 58 during the 2nd stage of the clothing shop job.
-Watching TV event at home can now also be triggered during the afternoon.
-Added missing CG for toilet scene at home for the latest outfit and the black underwear.
-Added missing CG for mirror scene for sexy black (with bra) underwear.
-The 1st modeling event now lowers May's shame by 1 and increases her confidence by 1.
-Bug fixes:
-Fixed: Bug that left players stuck inside the library during the library job when the 2nd outfit became available.
-Fixed: Having to pressing D twice to temporally remove the overlay picture. Pressing D once should now be enough.
-Fixed: May's exhibitionism is now raised correctly when she masturbates outside on the balcony if the cap for this event hasn't been reached yet.
-Fixed: Can now buy stuff at the beach store even when May has "lost" her panties.
-Fixed: Saying no at the start of the 2nd science teaching even should now work as intended.
-Fixed: One of the CG displayed during the first modeling event had the wrong resolution.
Bug-fix: Corrected CTD during the 3rd nurse event and Gina sleepover hallway event if you said no during the previous event.
Corrected an inconstancy in the weightlifter event when May isn't wearing any panties.
Properly closed the new modeling event so that it won't loop anymore and might conflict with other modeling events.
Replaced the jiggly animation of the new photo shoot event.
-Corrected names of 3 more CG that resulted in CTD.
-(Gym at school, Event at clothing store and the last event with Mia.)
-Bug-Fix:Game should no longer crash at start of the library job.
-Bug-Fix:Corrected filename of the panties steal event which led to crash.
-Removed debugging NPC from May's room.
-Bug fix: players should now be able to trigger the 2nd and 3rd exhibitionist event.
-Replaced all 4 CG of the sunbathing with Gina event.
-Replaced 1 and Added 2 CG to the sister kissing event.
-Added both gym college spying events to the recollection room.
-Added all event with may's sister Mia (5 events) to the recollection room.
-Edited the text the balcony exposure scene with Mia. (mostly grammar and rephrasing)
Older saves may not show all the Mia and spy events unlocked in the recollection room!
I've added an option to unlock all the Mia events if your relation with Mia is 4 or above.
For the gym spying event the option to unlock the events will appear after 6 weeks.
If you have fulfilled the condition the option will appear when interacting with the tombstone of the particular event.
- 190+ CG have been added (inc 4 animations). Total CG count for 1.0: 1850+
- Added a few more small npc interactions when May is wearing her new outfit. (note: Some of them may not be human!)
- Added new sleepwear and some small events while wearing them (during breakfast).
- Added new event with the Janitor!
- Expanded/reworked the sleepover event at Gina's house with one big event and a smaller one. (You'll need to replay the sleepover event to see this!)
- Added a small exhibitionist event. (This will be available after reaching a certain exhibitionist level.)
(Includes 3 variants (normal/with bush/and shaved. If you're using existing saves you'll might to load older save with no panties day triggered to see all variants.)
- Added CG/variant for the library Job, Clothing store job (Both stages) and the Cafe job for May's latest outfit.
- Added a small event at night when May can walk naked around the house.
- Added 3rd stage of the exhibitionist contest! This event is bigger then the previous 2 stages.
- Added a new event at college (this one is placed between The 2nd and 3rd event of the teaching assistant events)
- Expanded the 4th webcam event with another option.
- Added all the Exhibitionist contest events to recollection room.
- The new event during class, while may's wearing her new outfit was expanded so that it can now be triggered during
all classes instead on Monday only.
- Replaced all 7 CG of the changing event at the beach together with Gina with less ugly ones.
While I was at it I overhauled the text and fixed a bug which caused the wrong picture to display during this event.
- Reworked the way the exhibitionist TV events are linked into the game.
They will now becomes available shortly after the exhibitionist contest has started.
This way I feels it's integrated into the game more logical.
- Made some changes to the way the Janitor events trigger.
It should now be possible to trigger the next janitor event even if you skipped (said no) in the previous one.
(This won't work if you already said no before in an old save!)
I also changed the event so that the choice to keep the door unlocked is grayed out when the requirements are not met yet.
This way the players knows they can trigger an event when certain requirements are met.
- Quest change of clothes should now finish properly in the quest log. Only works for new games.
- Fixed bug 3rd Janitor not unlocking in recollection room properly when you choice was facial.
Bugs Fixed:
- May should now be able to leave her room again wearing a towel to take a shower after day2.
- May now get her allowance again on day1.
- Game no longer freezes after entering the recollection room after the 2nd Janitor event has been unlocked.
- Background sound no longer heard when taking the bus from the beach to east side of the city.
- May now will get dressed automatically when wearing the 1st sleepwear outfit also!
- Stepbrother events should now trigger properly after the hand job event!
If your current game is bugged it won't show the hand job (2nd) event in the recollection room after seeing it.
To fix this for your existing save: Go to the 1st stepbrother event in the recollection room and aswer yes when asked to apply the bug fix!
This will only be asked once!!!
- Added the beach,Shower and 1st of the cheerleader events with Gina to the recollection room.
The 2 part I'll add later since that one is a lot more work and needs proper testing.
The events should unlock when you say them when playing version 0.9.x. For older saves the events will unlocked after the Gina Sleepover event.
The 2 part I'll add later since that one is a lot more work and needs proper testing.
Fix the looping in the college hallway bugs.
-Around 190+ CG have been added (inc 2 animations). Total CG count for V0.9:1663.
-Added new event involving the Janitor.
-Added 2nd event during gym instructor job.
-A New outfit had been added included a small event.
-Added a new teaching assistant event.
-Added a new job for May+ several small events.
-Added a new stage to the webcam event. (You'll Need to play it several time to see all content!)
-May will now get dressed automatically when she wakes up. It's still possible to use the dresser.
- Following events are now made compatible with May's new outfit:
-Going to the toilet at college.
-Masturbation at the college toilet.
-Event during class. (Only on Monday for now....)
-Breakfast in the morning.
-Teaching assistant events have been added to the recollection room
-Janitor events have been added to the recollection room
-Gym instructor jobs events have been added to the recollection room.
-Gina sleepover event has been added to the recollection room.
-Added a very basic items which displays May's sex stats. (They are not 100% accurate yet!)
If you're using an old save pull the lever in May's room to receive it!
-Replaced 5CG for Toilet masturbation event at college for the 2nd outfit (Bush variant)
-Replaced CG+ added 1CG for Toilet use at college for the 2nd outfit (Bush variant)
-Slightly reworked the teaching assistants events added 1CG to the first stage of the event.
-Fixed: Wrong picture was show during the 2nd part of the Christmas event.(Bush variant)
-Lowered the lust requirement for masturbation at the college toilet down from 80 to 70 to make it a bit easier to trigger it.
-Removed the nickname question from the webcam event and added an option to the webcam events menu to change May's nickname.
More option will be available bases on May exhibition level
-Reworked the shame level at which several events are triggered (Massage/Dinner events/weekend at Gina/Teaching assistant) (see guide for details)
-Quest log was updated/Expanded.
-Combined music box and color box items into one item called settings.
Mostly bug fixes and some changes/optimizations:
- Know Issue's:
Some user have reported that May gets stuck in bed right after the 4th pantie steal event.
It seems RPGmaker skips part of the code when that happens. I haven't been able to reproduce this with any of my own saves.
I have no clue nor a solution yet what causes this. I suspect using cheats in combination with older (0.5) save game might cause this.
Workaround is to use one of the provided save games.
- Bugs Fixed!
- Fixed bug where you were not able to enter college after the latest Event with Gina in version 0.8
- Fixed bug where you can't leave college after 4th nurse event in case you use cheats to lower May's shame with a massive amount.
- Fixed bug You can now no longer go sleep directly after excepting your sisters last training offer which messes up the game.
- Added/changed!
- Added 1st stepbrother event to recollection room.
- Added nurse events to recollection room.
- Added additional cheat item to increase May's shame.
If you already have taken the cheat items from the box use the lever in May room to receive it!
- Added 2CG+text for toilet event at home while wearing the sexy underwear. I forgot to add that earlier.
- Added a option to disable the cars on the city map. This may increase performance on some systems.
For now this option can be set by using the Colorbook item!!!
- The sport swimsuit should show up in the store earlier, but you can only buy it when May's shame is low enough.
- I've expanded the game guide to include controls and general information/explanation of game play and more detailed guide for first two weeks in game.
Use savefile4 if you have already played version 0.7. or use your own save game. ( I recom using a savegame in which May's shame not lower then around 44)
If you have already played the first part of the Photo contest the quest log will be messed up and will not be properly updated.
So you might miss the location hints. (For the first one go the the gym dressing room at the college!) The save I've provided will not have this problem. This is due to how the Questlog script saves it's data in savefiles.
- Version 0.8 contains around 1468CG (Approx 178 new CG where added in version 0.8 including the ones used for the 2 new animations)
-Added shaved variant for the 4th modeling event (The swimsuits).
The event has also been slightly expanded with a few more CG for both variants.
Both version can be seen in the recollection room after you have completed either of them.
-Expanded/edited the "Christmas" event with more naught stuff.
The event is now been split-up into two parts. I've also added a shaved variant for this events.
Both versions van be viewed in the recollection room once you have finished the event.
-Completed the first stage of the Exhibitionist photo contest that was added in last version.
-Added a small event during the gym instructor job.
-Added a small event during the cafe job.
-Added new event with Gina
-Added the first stage of the Exhibitionist photo contest that was added in last version.
-Added the Second stage of the Exhibitionist photo contest that was added in last version.
-Added a recollection room. Not all events have been added though!
- Added a cancel option to all bus stops. (Escape key now works at all of them too which is faster.)
- Corrected inconsistency in text during event with your sister if you have viewed a certain scene at the college gym before.
- Fixed a small bug which showed the wrong picture at the end of 2nd scene with your stepbrother.
- Changed the text to be more consistent during the TV event with step bro if he has stolen your panties that morning.
- Fixed a bug during the event in class on Thursday which displayed the wrong picture.
- Rewritten part of the 3rd modeling event. This event also no longer increases May's corruption.
- Modified triggers for a couple of events. Mainly dinner events and shaving event is now triggered at 53 shame.
- Changed the Cafe event so that you can no longer skip the latest dinner event in the first outfit.
This prevents the 2nd stage events not triggering when you didn't finish all the stage1 events yet.
This should fix the following issues:
- Fixed bug not able to buy the batteries for the your mother.
- Fixed bug when choosing no at the 2nd Janitor event
- Fixed Should no longer be stuck between 1st and 2nd training event if you used cheats to lower your shame with massive amounts.
- Going to the toilets at college no longer lowers lust to 20 when May has not masturbated.
Release notes:
- 160+ CG added (2 animations) Total CG a few short of 1300.
- Added a new optional event with a family member at the bathroom.
- Added new event with the Janitor.
- Added more outfits (+shaved state) for Toilet event at home during the morning.
- Added small event with Gina at the college showers.
- Added 2 new events involving a massage.
- Added new Teaching assistant event.
- Added new Nurse event.
- Added 2 new event for outfit2 at the Cafe job.
- May can now walk naked in house during the night after reaching a certain shame level.
- Added another small exhibitionist event which can be triggered when May is not wearing panties.
- Expanded "Panties Steel event" will now be triggered a 4th time. Also slightly expanded the event.
- Added a skip event option for limited amount of events.(Library Jobs+ webcam stage2&3.)
You'll be able to skip stage of those event after completing it at least once.
You'll need to activate this feature by using the scene skipping item in your inventory!
- Added the introduction of a new quest line of exhibitionist events.
Quest will Players with old saves that have exhibition level of 10 or higher should receive this quest automatically.
- Added message to most event when May's stats no longer increase/decrease from that event.
This should take care of the crash during night visit and stuck at the gym on Friday and remove the unwanted invader in May's bedroom.
- 190+ CG added. Bringing the total to 1130 CG.
- Added new event at college (See event guide on how to trigger it!)
- Added new Photo shoot event.
- Added new stage of webcam event.
- Expanded panties "Steal" event. (There will now be two more occasions for May to "loose" her panties.
- Added new spying event at the gym. (Triggers in week6)
- Added event in which May gets to meet the principle.
- Added 6 small events at the first stage of the beach bar job.
- Added 2nd stage of Cafe job
- Added two new events at college
- Added new masturbation scene at home
-Changed some key assignments: Ctrl key is now used for skipping text and Alt to hide the textbox)
-May only has to take a shower on the first day now. The rest is optional.
-Did some grammar/text correction/changes for both library jobs.
-Replaced several CG (with bad lighting) from the library job with new CG.
-Replaced several CG from after the night visit with less shiny ones.
-Replaced several morning wake up CG. In the one added in the last version it looked like May was floating.
-Reworked 1st Gym spying event. Corrected grammar+ slightly edited text.
Changed the animation so text will be displayed during the animation making it skip-able.
-Reworked text for parts of the cheerleader events.
-Fixed a bug that broke the first scene with step bro if you changed into your sleepwear manual before the event triggered.
-Made some changes to the status screen. Can now also be viewed from the menu.
-Added experimental status screen in the menu. I "borrowed" a script someone had made for Officer Chloe.
-City East map now also has a bus stop.
- Do NOT! click on the May avatar at the gym entrance . It removes your membership card!
I forgot to remove this debugging event.
- Fixed a few typo's
- Fixed event so you can now enter the gym when you accept the job but hadn't visited the gym before.
- Fixed the flyer job event at the park.
- Fixed bug that made you get stuck when you work-out at the gym and afterwards go to the dresser and select work before you took a shower.
- Expanded/Finished the new outdoor exposure event bringing the total CG to 940
- 190+ CG added. Total CG 930+
- Added 2 new stages to the Webcam event.
- Added new event with Daniel (With animation)
- Added new event which triggers during he night.
- Added 2 new events involving your sister Mia. (1 of those has an animation)
- Added new outdoor exposure event.
- Added a few small outdoor (repeatable) exposure events.
- Added new item books of bonds to keep track of relationschip levels.
- Added a small event with Gina at the gym showers.(You need to meet the conditions!)
- Added New job at Beach cafe (Still in early stage)
- Added New job at the gym (Still in early stage)
- Added New stage for the events at toilet at college.(Trigger only afer last event!)
Extended notes:
- Reworked+Expanded the first webcam event all CG have been replaced and text has been revised/modified.
- Changed max saveslots to 50.
- Added bus stops to College and beach. You'll need to click on each of the bus signs at least once to unlock that location.
- Replaced all the CG from the breakfast events by slight beter/more consistent CG and added missing breakfast event when wearing pjamas.
- Added some banter with mom when wearing your sexy underwear.
- Added proper avatar of May when is walking around in her sexy underwear.
- Corrected spelling/revised all the shower events at the school gym.
- Replaced some of the CG used when may looks in the mirror (In the previous CG May's skin looked unnatural shiny.)
- added new CG for exsisisting events to correctly reflect May's condition.
- Changed event when May goes to bed. May will now automatic change into her proper sleeping atire. (Old method should still work tho)
- New map (city East) is now acessable. It's still a bit empty for the moment.
- Change the way the events at the gym showers at college are triggered. (Hope it doesn't introduce new bugs with old saves)
- Added/removed/changed music on a few maps.
- Did a lot of work on optimizing the code changing how certain events are triggered.
There are 2 saves included in the save directory:
Save1 => Start of version0.4 content
Save2 => Start of Version0.5 Content (There is some overlap with 0.4)
To use them copy them into the main directory!
-If you played 0.4 It's recommend to use the save game2. (69 shame just before 1st webcam event.)
Or use a old save from before triggering the 1st webcam event!
-To get the book of bonds using an old save game use the red lever in May's bedroom
-The small box in May's rooms contains cheat items.
Be aware that lowering your shame with large amounts might bug the game!
Some event will only be trigger after a certain time no matter the shame level!
-Old save games in which the 1st webcam even has already been trigger mess up the quest log!
If you still insist use a save game in which the 1st webcam event has already been trigger then use
red button in may room 11 exh needed! I didn't test this extensively! Use at our own risk!
- Release 3.1 contains approximately 8015 CG (~225) new CG (Including those used for animations) have been added in 3.0)
- Added a third variant talking to npc events while wearing the V-suit. (Available when may's exhibition is 40+ and Corruption 30+)
Added a tiny npc event (women in bikini) when the events above are triggered.
- Added a 2nd stage more naughtier version at the subway. (Includes extra's for people with a certain fetish enabled)
- Added 3 small Onlyfun events on the beach when May is wearing the black bikini en the V-suit.
- Added a "Final" onetime event at the Beach bar diner.
- Added event skipping option for both stages of the cafe job. (not optimal, still need to walk to the event spot. This is due to the one time events being triggered in that event.)
Fixed some typo's for these events while I was at it.
- To prevent issue's I made some changes to the 1st event with the principle so that it can only be started when it's a college day.
- Slight increase the default font size from 26 to 28.
- Added a simple event at May living room coach that allows players to forward time.
- Can now skip/forward time in May's room in the afternoon and evening by clicking on May's bed.
- Fixed a visual bug where the guy at the bench in city central would only show after falling when wearing the red top + white skirt.
- Fixed Interacting with the priest during the morning and afternoon wearing the wrong outfit will nog longer cause the event to trigger.
- Fixed the manhole becoming impassable in front of the women at the beach after certain event where triggered.
v3.0 - 2024-06-30
- Release 3.0 contains approximately 7790CG (~388 new CG (Including those used for animations) have been added in 3.0)
- Added 2 new npc interaction event at the beach while wearing the V-suit.
Has a more naughty variant when played for the 2nd time. comes in two variants Pierced/non-pierced.
- Added a more naughty expansion/variant of the two existing npc interaction events at the beach area wearing the V-suit.
comes in two variants Pierced/non-pierced.
- Added a new quite big event in may's career as a professional sex worker.
- Added a new exhibitionist event with Gina. ( Timeline wise this one is placed between the 4th and 5th exhibitionist
challenge event.
- Added a few random CG's (With variants) when May's watching TV in the latest outfit.
- The new and some of the old NPC beach events have been added to the recollection room.
- Did some (re)work on the exhibitionist contest events.
(Removed some lines. Corrected spelling, changed contest to challenge and added 2 CG to the 3rd event)
- Fixed menu at the changing room at the beach not working if players have the V swimsuit, but don't have the sexy swimsuit in there inventory.
- When adding Gina to the party before the cheerleader auditions you can't leave the college area anymore.
Due to players getting stuck at the beach after adding Gina to the party and then moving to the beach.
- Fixed npc1 event in the replay room. A bug prevented the right event to be played.
-Fixed some map transitions inside the gym and photo studio where players who play with the mouse would get stuck.
- Fixed a bug when sunbathing for 2nd time and said yes to fixing her suit would result in the event not finishing.
v2.9 - 2024-03-31
- Release2.9 contains about 7414 CG (~300 CG (including those used in animations) have been added in V2.9.)
- Added a total of 2 small/medium sized NPC event in central city. One of those had a extended variant for daytime/nighttime. Also contains (Pierced/Plugged variants)
- Added a new old neighbor event for the final outfit. This event has several animation and contains variants with piercing and/or butt plug.
- New sunbathing event has been added. (Req 40 shame or less) Also added a pierced variant and 2 small NPC interaction with NPC on/near the beach.
- All the new NPC encounters and the existing NPC events for the last outfit have been added to the recollection room.
- A debug item will be added to May's inventory when she's on the 2nd floor at home.
This item can be used to "fix" some common bugs then might occur.
This item has two functions and should only be used in case of problems.
1) Not able to enter/continue because the event in progress flag is still active. (use tool to disable it)
2) Picture not cleared properly after an event. You can use this tool to clear all pictures if that happens.
- Fix an error events at the house pleasures wouldn't progress if May didn't wear piercings. This has been corrected.
- Fix a few small textual continuation errors.
v2.8 - 2023-12-23
- Release2.8 contains about 7130 CG (~420 CG (including those used in animations) have been added in 2.8)
- Added new variants of two work out at the gym events. Sit-ups + Walking on the treadmill.
The basic one she will wear the same outfit for her job at the gym. More variants will be available depending on her exhibition level.
(Topless+Nude) Both of them have also pierced/non-pierced variants.
- Added new event at house of pleasures. You'll need to replay the event 3 times to see all the branches and options.
- Added a small npc interaction event in central city when May is wearing the sexy outfit.
- Fixed 2 small bugs during the final repeatable event at the old neighbor house. (Nude/Non-pierced variant)
- Fixed a bug/exploit with the hooker job that might lead to issue's. You where able to go back in and start the job again if you made the choice to roam.
(Also using cancel will no longer forward time or change May's shame or corruption.)
- Time is now properly forwarded after working a shift in the House of pleasures.
V2.7 - 2023-10-03
- Release2.7 contains about 6710 CG (~300 CG have been added in 2.7)
- Two new options have been added to the Webcam event with her sister that was added in V2.6.
The 2nd new option contains two diffrent endings for those with a certain fetish enabled.
(You'll have to see the first ending, with the fetish enabled, to unlock the 2nd fetish enabled ending)
- Added a "Final" event for the Promoters job. (unlocks at 47 corruption or higher plus all the previous promoter jobs done.)
(This event has 4 variants. Including piercing, butt plug or without any)
- The promoter job will now also lower May's shame until it has reached 80. Allow for faster progress at the very earlier stages of the game.
- Added a quest log entry for the "Special" event with Mike at the clothing store.
(It won't be added if you've seen the event already!)
- Made some changes to the transfer points inside the photo studio so people using a mouse won't get stuck on the blinking circle and have to switch to the arrow keys to move again.
- Small spying event on (step)brother at night.(CG and idea for this event came from JonhyBoi77!)
Has 3 variants (random) based on unlocked events.
May need to wear the miniskirt + top.
- The mini event talking to the lifeguard while during sunbathing event has been added to the recollection room.
- All 3 parts of the event with the girl at the beach have been added to the recollection room.
(You'll need to have seen part3 for it to unlock!)
- Fixed nurse event looping in the college hallway.
- Fixed crash when working at the clothing store wearing the red dress and no panties.
- Disabling Auto save should now work properly.
(If auto save in you game is set to disabled already, but it still auto saves.
You'll first need to enable auto save and then disable it again inside the settings menu.)
As usual extract the content of the zip inside the game directory and anwer yes if asked to overwrite.
v2.6 - 2023-07-09
- Release2.6 contains about 6410 CG (~310 CG have been added in 2.6)
- A new swimsuit added for the sunbathing event at the beach (Buy it at the store)
It has two variants. (Shaved or non-Shaved) and some additional optional parts depending on certain stats.
- Added several mini events with npc's around the beach.
- 3 for the new swimsuit. Comes with bush/no bush variants.
(One of those will require you to talk to the npc 3 times at the right time to see everything)
- 3 small NPC interaction events while wearing the sexy swimsuit.
- Added a new event at the clothing store (35+ cor required)
- Added new webcam event.
- Added plugged variants for both outfit at the clothing store job. Also made some minor dialog changes.
- Added plugged variant for the job a the library.
- Made some changes to the sun bathing events so hopefully people won't end up getting stuck on the beach anymore.
I removed the barrier around the beach when sun bathing. Players can now move around the whole beach area.
Player won't be able to enter every building tho.
- replaced 1 CG and added one Cg for the toilet scene at college for the first outfit.
- replace 7 CG of the first exhibitionist contest event.
- Mouse users will now also be able to interact with the npc at the gym directly.
- Added server al tags for npc's for mouse users.
When hovering over certain Npc's icon will change to show you can interact with them.
- Changed name of the lifeguard to Ryan.
- Added some more status lines in the menu.
Should now always display a status line (Based on May's shame level.)
- Fixed picture not cleared properly after event with headmaster when saying no. (only non-pierced variant)
- The 4th nurse event will no longer trigger until may has shaved herself.
- The third nurse event won't trigger during the cheerleader try-outs anymore making players get stuck inside college.
Release notes
- Release2.5 contains about 6100 CG (~360 CG have been added in 2.5)
- New event at the House of pleasures. 2 variants (Pierced/non-pierced)
New option will unlock when playing the event for the 2nd time.
Both options have slightly different endings for both variants.
- New event added outside the library.
(CG and idea for this event came from JonhyBoi77! Thank you JonhyBoi77!)
I reworked the CG and created the text for this event.
(You will need to have seen all the webcam events and wear the skimpy outfit)
- New Final event for teaching assistant event train has been added.
(Should trigger 1st floor college hallway when May's shame is 15 or lower.
- All the new events have been added to the recollection room.
- Added 2 more point to move between City Central and City east.
- Added/changed some minor dialog when interacting with npc's in City Central map wearing the skimpy outfit.
- Up to 14000 Lines of text have been checked for spelling/typo's and corrected by Living in a lewd world!
A big thanks to Living in a lewd world for this major effort!
Another big thank you goes out to nuqqur who created a script in ruby to replace all the old lines with the new corrected lines!
Without the help they offered voluntary to me I would have taken me a long time to get all those pesky typo’s/ errors / Grammar mistakes fixed.
I did some testing and everything seems to work fine.
However there is a small chance some text that got replaced might lead to a crash in a certain line.
I’ve added a complete backup of the old date files inside the data folder called backup org 2.5.
If you run into any crashes that you may think are related to this you can just unpack the data.7z 7zipfile inside backup org 2.5 org folder into the directory to see if that fixes the issue.
And if you could let me know where is crashes that would be great too of course.
V2.4 - 2022-12-25
- Release2.4 contains about 5740 CG (~340 CG have been added in 2.4)
- New event with the headmaster.
- New event with her mother in the morning. (Weekend only)
2 Variants. Each variant has a pierced/non-pierced variant.
repeat at least once to unlock a new option.
- New event at House of pleasures. (2 Variants. Pierced variant can only be seen after having the scene first once.)
- Added "plugged" variant of the 1st job at the beach cafe.
- Reworked Pink dildo masturbate events.
Now has 4 variants total. Pieced/non-pierced + Plugged variant.
- Added "plugged" variant of the 5th Fliers stage event(s). (Skimpy sailor suite)
- "plugged" variant of the small beach vent event has been added. (Thanks to JonhyBoi77 for creating the CG!)
- A variant of the park bench exposure event for the latest outfit has been added. (Thanks to JonhyBoi77 for creating the CG!)
- Replaced all up-skirt CG (6) at the general store for the 2nd outfit.
- Added Pierced CG variant for the sex stats screens.
- Slightly modified the breakfast event when the new event with her mother has been triggered.
- Fixed inconsistency at the start of masturbate scene at home when May is wearing piercings.
- Morning-greeting old neighbor event now shows the plugged variant properly when May is wearing piercings.
2.3.1 - 2022-10-08
- Added hits to several events inside the recollection room.
- Finally added the 2nd June event to the recollection room.
- Added the 3 sun tanning events to the recollection room. (To unlock those I'll need to replay them, because I didn't have an existing variables in place that I could use) (They're unlock in my update save for 2.3)
- Added small event at the beach for the 4th outfit. (Thanks JonhyBoi77 for creating the CG!)
- Players should now be able to report to the principal's right after class when May's not any wearing piercings.
- Selecting "No" to panties the inspection at the start of the flyer job should no longer result in picture blocking the view.
- Some non-piercing CG's where displayed during the pierced variant of the 7th stage of the community services event.
- Fixed some code so players won't be able to see the "Broken" plugged variant when viewing the 7th stage community event for the first time as it was intended.
- When players use the mouse to move around, they can't move may with the mouse anymore if May lands on top of one of the blinking circles.
I changed the locations so may doesn't end up on those blinking circles again so that the mouse movement keeps working.
v2.3 - 2022-10-04
- Release2.3 contains about 5390 CG (~360 CG have been added in 2.3)
- New masturbation event added. 2 Variants(Pierced/Non-Pierced)
- Mom morning greeting event variant for the 4th outfit has been added (Thanks JonhyBoi77 for creating the CG!)
- Small event at the beach has been added for the 4th Outfit. (Thanks JonhyBoi77 for creating this event!)
- A new main event with the old next door neighbor has been added.
- New stage comes with 2 variants (Pierced/non-pierced)
- Can be repeated (optional) in the repeating cleaning event.
- 2 more variants of this new event can be seen afterwards. (Nude and another or a combination of both.)
- Added variants for the repeating cleaning event at the neighbor.
(After having finished all events. Total around 8 variants...)
- 4 events related to the principal. (1 bigger and 3 small events)
- Added several variants of existing events which can be seen during or after the principal event.(Or afterwards)
- Picture no longer stays on screen after Replaying the final cowboy event inside the recollection room.
- 6th webcam stage now unlocks in the recollection room after having viewed it and not before.
- Correct cg are now show during the nude breakfast event.
- Fixed crash when interacting with npc after cowboy job when May is not wearing piercings.
- Auto save should now only save outdoors when switching maps or when moving from outside to inside.
This should hugely reduce the risk that the game wil auto save during an event that includes a map transition.
When the game is auto saved during an event the save may become unusable.
This should make the auto save more reliable. You still shouldn't rely on auto save 100%.
I highly recommend to save manual now and then.
Failure to so do might end up wasting hours of time in case the game crashes and the auto save doesn't work.
- Change window background color to Blue.
- Finished editing/correcting the reworked alley exposure event text.
- Release2.2 contains about 5040 CG (~300 CG have been added in 2.2)
- New event added to the promotion job. New cowboy outfit. (2 stages and variants (Pierced/Non-Pierced))
- New webcam stage was added.
- New option added to "Working on the streets" job. 2 variants (Pierced/Non-Pierced)
There are 2 positions to choose from and each has two different endings.
- Added a shortcut key "w" to toggle May's movement speed. (Normal/Fast)
- Added an auto save function. Auto saves when entering a map in slot 52.
- Added a small event with npc at college area when May wears the latest outfit.
- Added a small event with npc in the city you can only trigger during the New cowboy promotion event.
- Added a Alley exposure variant for the last outfit (Pierced/Non-Pierced)
- Added a Small interaction inside "House of pleasures" Can be seen after May got her piercing.
- Added a pierced variant of one of the walking naked at night mini-events.
- All the street prostitution job events have been added to recollection room.
- The new balcony masturbation scene has been added to the recollection room.
- The two small (reworked) events with Daniel in the library have been added added to the recollection room.
(All CG have been replaced and added a few new ones. Grammar fixes.)
- The 3 events at the strip club while May is wearing the piggy suit now have a pierced variant. (26CG added)
- Started adding hints at locked events in the recollection room. Flip the lever to enable them. (only a few have been added so far.)
- May's overlay picture now updates if she puts in or takes out her piercing.
- Fixed a bug during the class events when May wears the new outfit.
(CG switched from non-pierced to pierced and last part of the event looped.)
- During the breakfast event with the new outfit some incorrect CG where displayed.
- The Old neighbor event for the new outfit is now repeatable as intended.
- Players only got the option to roam the street when choosing the last option when giving a boob job.
This should now work for any of the options.
- Version 2.1 contains around 4730 CG (~340 new CG added in 2.1)
- Added a new sexy outfit.
- Added option for May to get piercings includes a new event.
- Added 4 new breakfast event variants
New outfit piercing/no piercing
Nude piecing/no piercing
- Added a small follow-up event with mom's morning routine.
- Added a small event at college for the new outfit.
- Added a new morning greetings with the old neighbor for the new outfit. Two variants (Piercings/no-piercings)
- Added a new ending variant in Celia class event after the latest class assistant event has been completed.
- May can now walk naked inside the house during the day. Requires her shame to be 20 or lower)
- Added a new masturbate scene on the balcony. (she needs to be nude and shaved)
It has two variants (Piercings/no piercings) and a small extra for people with a certain fetish enabled.
- Added two new options for May working as a street prostitute.
Both come with at least 2 slightly different endings and both have a piercing/non-piercing variant.
- Added a piercing variant for the boob job event of May's street prostitute job.
- Added a no-mask variant of the 5th webcam event.
- Added a new event that triggers during the no-mask 5th webcam stage event.
- A new overlay picture will be shown when May is nude and her corruption is 45 or above.
- Stage5 webcam event requirement raised from 38 to 39 exhibition.
Now also requires May to have the box of toys in her inventory to trigger stage5.
- Changed shame requirement to trigger 4th event with Daniel from 59 to 60.
- Players can now interact with both the desk and the npc's:(Mainly so that Mouse users can now also click on the NPC)
- The general store.
- The Photo studio.
- The massage salon.
- Adult store.
- Lowered Gina relationship requirement to see the event after the cheerleader audition from 3 to 2.
- Fixed an inconstancy in the 2nd spying event at the gym and cheerleader try-outs depending on which you saw before.
- Fixed some spelling and grammar errors in both the 2nd spying event and the cheerleaders try outs event.
- Fixed some spelling and grammar errors in both the 2nd spying event and the cheerleaders try outs event.
Added a additional trigger to the 5th event involving her mom so it can't be skipped by accident.
- A half dozen other small corrections.
- Removed some redundant code from the menu of the 5th webcam stage.
- Corrected the variable which counts the number of times May had anal sex at the glory-hole.
- Fixed a small quest tracking (cosmetic) error during the exhibitionist training event.
- Removed some double lines and fixed some grammar/spelling mistakes for the exposing together with sister on the balcony event.
- In the morning after May wakes up the overlay picture won't be set at 100% by default
- Version 2.0 contains around 4390 CG (~260 new CG added in 2.0)
- Added new job option for May to work on the streets in city east.
- Added a new modeling event.
- Added a new swimsuit which May can use while sunbathing at the beach.
- Added a new event with Celia (Teaching assistant)
- Replaced all (12) CG from off the cheerleader try out event and fixed some spelling errors.
- Lowered cost of library dress from 150 to 100 gold.
- Sunbathing at the beach will now lower shame by 1 once for each swimsuit.
- Buying the sport swimsuit now requires 5 or more confidence instead of 91 shame or lower.
- Lowered cost of the sports swimsuit from 100 to 80 gold.
- Added a message before starting a some of the jobs if it no longer lowers/raises any stats. (library, Clothing store, beach Cafe, Lifeguard)
- Fixed some spelling error/typo's in the photo studio assistant's dialog.
- Reworked the 1st modeling event. Replaced all CG and added a new more + revised/expanded the text.
- Talking to the receptionist behind the counter at the studio won't activate the first photo shoot again.
- Includes the fix for the lifeguard job.
- The clothing-store events with the women should now always unlock properly in the recollection room.
(If only unlocked previous if you had seen one of the male event first!)
- First event with June during lifeguard job has been added to the recollection room.
(All the CG's have been replaced and text has cleared of typo's misspelling..etc...)
- Mouse support now also included with game.exe.
- Black-screen when selecting use rag during the new old neighbor event should no longer occur.
- Sleeping naked no longer breaks the topless breakfast event. May will wear correct underwear again.
- Left the CG unencrypted.
This should reduce/eliminate script "cache" line 106 error can't draw bitmap crash, which people running on lower end hardware might run into.
I took a bit longer, because I wanted to add some older event to the recollection room. (Older event during lifeguard job)
When I was doing that I saw it contained a lot of spelling errors. So I started going though all the text in the event which was a bit more then anticipated, since it had two variants.
I also noticed the CG were not that good looking so I started replacing 2 and adding a few variant CG during long conversations. In the end I just bite the bullet end ended up replacing all 12 CG and added 2 new.
- Version 1.9 contains around 4140 CG (~300 new CG added in 1.9)
- A new event with May and her mom.
- A new event with the old neighbor.
- Expanded the 2 "default" events that can be seen at the clothing store when wearing the top + skirt outfit.
- A new event while watching TV with her dad. This will become available after unlocking the last event from v1.8 with her (step)dad.
The new events has 2 variants which each have 2 different ends. So 4 variants total.
- From 25 shame or lower May will now be sleeping nude. A slightly different CG will be displayed the next morning based on May's lust level.
- A new event involving Gina's father.
- Made some changes to the last part of 2nd stage job at the clothing store to make it less grindy.
- removed some older events from the webcam event in most stages. The older events can still be viewed inside the recollection room.
- The old neighbor cleaning event can now be repeated after all events have been seen.
- Installed the mouse mod for Falxon-XP with update script. To remove it rename the current game.ini and rename game.org to game.ini
- The correct outfit is now displayed when working out at the gym when scale is set to 90% and opacity is enabled.
- Made some textual correction and fixed actor names in toy demonstration event with her sister Mia.
- Removed an incorrect CG when May is shaved during Christmas event.
- Removed some code that prevented players to see the 5th old neighbor event without panties.
- Time is now forwarded properly after the Kelly+May strip show.
- Time is now forwarded properly after playing 4th stage webcam event.
- Fixed crash when saying yes to cumming inside at the 5th event with Blake when you said yes at the 4th one too.
- Fixed 5th stage of the webcam even in the recollection room.
- Added the glory hole events to the recollection room.
- Version 1.8 now contains around 3850 CG (400+ CG have been added in 1.8)
- Added 4 new events which can be triggered during the clothing store job. (One to stage1 and three to stage2!)
- Added new dance event at the strip club. (Becomes available after Kelly's event.)
- Added new event at the strip club after the one above.
- Added new event with Blake.
- Added new stage of the exhibitionist contest!
- Added new photo shoot event!
- Webcam events up to stage4 have been added to the recollection room.
- Replaced all the CG (and added a few variants) for the First, second and introduction stage of the webcam event.
- Made some changes to the clothing store job. You won't have to walk to the backroom anymore when starting or finishing the job.
- Event skipping now also works for the clothing-store job. (No events will trigger when used though!)
- Fixed a bug which caused the overlay picture of the 2nd outfit to pop-up even when the overlay picture was set to disabled.
- The 5th teaching assistant even now adds 1 corruption as intended.
- Fixed some map errors.
- The Kelly stripper even should now trigger correctly after finishing the 4th stripper the 1st time instead of two times.
- The 5th community services event now has a no panties variant. Can also be viewed in the recollection room if you take her panties off.
- Added a mobile wardrobe which will allow May to change her clothes anywhere as long as there's no active event in which case you'll get a message.
- Added a no panties variant of the "Petting" events.
- Added a no panties variant for the college gym changing room at Friday.
- Fixed some typo's and other minor corrections. May should now be properly addressed as (step)daughter all the time while watching TV with her (step)dad.
- Replaced one CG of the 2nd clothing store job.
- Updated FalconXP mod to version 1.01.
- The park exposure event should work properly now when taking off her panties manual.
- Fixed a bug not able to trigger the stripper event while working as piggy waitress if you've viewed the new stripper that was added to v1.7 event first.
This should fix the bug where you're unable to complete the first Fliers job for Garret.
- Version 1.7 contains around 3415 CG. (1.6 contained around 3215 CG)
- May can now walk around topless inside the house and have breakfast without wearing a bra.
- Added 2 repeatable events with her dad while watching TV. One for each option.
- Added an item “panties” which will allow to walk around without panties.
- Added no panties variants of the old neighbor event in the morning.
- Added several no panties events variants (Class, Shopping)
- Added a new event in the teaching event chain. (Celia)
- Added a new stage of the fliers job. (Garret)
This new stage has 3 mini stages and a small optional event afterwards.
All these come with 2 variants (panties en no panties)
- Added a new event at the strip club. (After spinning around on the pole)
- Removed debugging NPC's from May's room.
- Fixed an error with the piggy outfit standing pic causing two pictures to display at once when opacity is enabled
- Updated PK2000 mod package to version1.0
- Modified the dialog of the 4 main events with May's (step)brother so it now shows brother when you've set family relation to
real. (There are still other parts that will need to be changed.)
- Added a prompt to setup Family relations if you skip the intro when starting a new game.
Most of the new content will be part of a new job.
The new job consists of several small stages so It might get a bit grindy to see all of then all with not as much content on the side available yet. I could have chosen to do less, but I was on a roll and just wanted to finish it up in one go.
I've uploaded a new version that fixes 2 bugs:
-Black screen after the 1st Lily event at the gym.
-Game hanging after spying on mother event or when entering the 2nd floor at night under certain conditions.
- Added an option for May to call her (Step)dad daddy only in the new scene thus far.
If you're using an exciting save and have already viewed the 1st scene you'll need to set the family relation again under settings to see the proper text in the new event or else you'll see only 0!
It now includes a setting to use the nickname or leave it default.
` Version 1.5 now contains over 3000 CG. (1.3 contained around 2715 CG)
- Added Two new events when May is working as a stripper. The 2nd event will need to be played twice to see both animations.
- Added new event between May and her (Step)dad.
- Added new event with female family member.
- Added several small and one slightly larger interaction between May and her mother during the morning.
The event will change depending on the relationship level with her mom.
They will only trigger while wearing the Red top+skirt or the Pink shirt + shorts outfit.
The later events will only trigger wearing the later outfit (Pink shirt+Shorts)
- Added a new stage to the webcam event.
You'll need to repeat the 4th stage to trigger it.
- All the stripper events have been added to the recollection room.
- The 5 mini-events after the 5th modeling shoot have been added to the recollection room.
You should be able to watch these if you have already seen/unlocked then before.
- Made a small fix to the 3rd clothing shop event which prevented one of the CG to be properly displayed.
- Replaced 3CG of the 3rd clothing shop events. (Bathing suit)
- Reworked Gym locker event with Gina.
Fixed lots of spelling/grammar errors, replaced most of the CG and added a few new ones.
- Lowered Gina points required to view the scene after the cheerleader event from 4 to 3.
- Fixed Lots of spelling/grammar errors of the library events and made some small textual changes.
- Fixed some spelling/grammar error for the 4th event with May's mother.
- Players should now be able to trigger the events involving Lilly during the gym instructors job even if they skipped/missed the whole first stage of the gym instructor job.
-Fixed a bug that made player unable to start comunity service event the first time.
- Bug fixes:
- Choosing "cum on face" during the 2nd scene with Blake will now allow you to continue the game.
- Replaying the 2nd with Blake in the recollection room will now allow you to choice the 2nd option and not default to the first one.
- Made a change so May is unable to start working as a stripper when she has already began her waitess job at the club.
- Made some small cosmetic changes to the replay of the "3rd" clothing store job. Like proper location of NPC and displaying the correct overlay picture.
- Added the "4th" clothing store event to the recollection room, also edit the text and fixed a lot of grammar errors.
-I've included PK2000 mod package.
People having performance problems or res/window problem could try running the game by using the Falcon-mkxp.exe to start the game instead of the regular executable.
v 1.4
- Version 1.4 now contains around 2715 CG. (1.3 contained around 2469 CG)
- Added new event with the neighbor.
- Added two new events with a male family member.
- May can now start working as a stripper if her shame is low enough. (includes 2 new events)
- Added a new event after working at the gym during the 2nd stage of the instructor job!
- 3 out of the 4 events that can be seen during the clothing store job have been added to the recollection room.
(Events have also had there grammar checked/corrected. Only when replaying them in the recollection room for now!)
- The last part of the cheerleader event with Gina has finally been added to the recollection room.
(I've also partly edited the text/grammar for this Event. Only when replaying it in the recollection room for now!)
- Version 1.3 contains about 2469 CG (1.2 had around 2286 CG)
- Added a new event for the old-neighbor.
- Added a series of small exhibitionist events. (5 total)
- Added a new event with the science teacher.
- Added the 4th exhibitionist contest. This event consists of 3 separate events!
- The mini-events after the 5th modeling event have been added to the recollection room.
- Added a the 3rd small event while working at the strip club while wearing the piggy outfit.
- Added a small event with the old neighbor in front of his house during the morning.
- Added an option to disable the night shadow effect during at night.
Disabling it might help if you're experiencing slowdown problems in the city at night.
- Removed the trigger for the outdoor exposure quest from the balcony exposure events.
The event is now triggered after the 1st exhibitionist contest has been completed and May's exhibitionism is 18 or higher.
- Changed the exhibnist values needed for the outdoor alley exposure event slightly.
- You can now start the library job on the first day right after the introduction instead of day2.
- 5th modeling event can now only be started during the morning or the afternoon.
- Added some lines to the final "Homework" scene with Daniel. Mostly about losing her viginity and possible pregancy.
I also fixed a dozen of spelling mistakes and fixed a small error when replaying the scene in the recollection room.
- replaced 2CG of the May showering at home that had the wrong resolution.
- Replaced the standing picture for the pink towel and the gym outfit at college by less ugly ones.
- Reduced the number of work-outs needed to trigger the weightlifter event at the gym from 4 to 2.
- Reduced the number of work-outs needed to enable push-ups in the gym from 2 to 1.
- added a message to each exercise in the Gym when May's confidence won't be raised any longer.
(Each exercise will only increase her confidence twice!)
- Both events in the bathroom with May's mother now triggered automatically instead of having to walk inside
the bathroom.
- Made some changes to event triggers of Daniel homework events. Play can now choose to postpone event and give him
a call later. Waiting too long and you will no longer be able to trigger the events!
- A lot of changes has been made the way some of the earlier events are triggered.
Instead of a fixed time/date they are now triggered by combination of shame level and/or other parameters.
Affected events:2nd photo shoot, Spying on sister, Spying on brother, Sister balcony event, Balcony expose event,
Clothing store job start, Cheerleader event, Christmass event.
- May no longer has to talk to Mike to get her pay after finishing her job at the clothing store.
- Added a hint at college for the first Janitor event when the proper conditions are met.
Bug fixes:
-Fixed: May should no longer get stuck inside the photo studio when starting the 5th or 6th event during the afternoon.
-Fixed: 6th modeling event can now be triggered during the evening.
-Fixed: Leaving the adult shop should no longer result in be a repeating message after the cam toys quest has been completed.
-Fixed: When going to the toilet at college while one of the Janitor events is active and choosing to keep the door locked should now show the right event.
-Fixed: Replaced wrong CG that was displayed during the 2nd training event with Jack/Sister
-Fixed: Players should no longer be able to skip a stage of the balcony exposure event when May's exhibition is high enough but hasn't got the new outfit yet!
-Fixed: Quest tracking of the balcony expose events should now work properly under all conditions. (I hope.)
-Fixed: May's avatar should now change into the right outfit and back even when the standing picture has been disabled under settings.
-Fixed: May's avatar will now be changed back to the correct one after finishing the 3rd fly-er job.
- Version 1.2 now contains around 2286 CG. (1.1 had around 2078).
- Added several new mini events that can be seen when May is watching TV during the evening wearing the 3rd outfit. (New CG:30)
The are 4 events (2 with Blake and 2 with Jack.) There's also a 2nd variant of 2nd events when certain conditions are met.
- Elder neighbor event has been reworked and expanded. It can now be repeated. It now contains 3 stages:
1) an Introduction stage based on previous event with added content.
2) Reworked/expanded version of the event that was added in the last version.
3) A new stage after completing stage2 (Combined New CG:44)
- Added several mini events after the 5th photo shoot at the beach.(New CG: 7)
To be able to see these mini event will require you to replay the 5h modeling from the start.
- Added the 6th modeling event. (New CG:48)
- Added a small exhibitionist event that triggers after the 3rd stage of the exhibitionist contest has been completed (New CG:12)
- Added 3rd stage of science teacher events. (New CG:16 including the CG used for the animation)
- Added 4rd stage of science teacher events. (New CG:19 including the CG used for the animation)
- Expanded mini event at the store at beach for the 3rd outfit.
- Added two small events with the neighbor outside in the morning. Can be triggered after stage1 of the community services event. (New CG:7)
- May's lust May will now increase slightly during the night depending on her corruption level.
(This was something that someone had suggested a long time ago and I finally got around to implement it.)
- Added 2nd stage of job at the strip club with 2 mini events so far. (New CG:16)
-Removed some objects from some maps to make walking less bumping into things.
-Added an option under settings (Inventory item!) To permanent disable the overlay picture.
I shouldn’t pop back anymore after changing clothes or walking on certain parts of the map
-Removed a few CG from the game directory that weren't used anymore.
-Made some changes to the tiny clerk spy event at the beach store. The event is now optional.
-Swapped the priority of the sister fetch quest and shaving event.
This means that in case both quests are active the sister fetch quest will be processed fist, before the shaving event.
This also means that the sister fetch quest will need to be completed before the shaving event will progress!
-Saying no during the 1st science teaching event will mark the quest as failed, but you should still allow you to trigger the next stage!
-Saying no during the 2nd science teaching event will mark the quest as failed, but you should still allow you to trigger the next stage!
-Changed the color of the "Events stars" to red so that they are visible better on bright backgrounds.
-Changed some values at which shame is not lowered anymore during the library job and the 1st and 2nd stage of the clothing store job.
This allows for a slightly bigger window in which both jobs can done on the same day and still both lower May's shame thus allows the players to lower May’s shame a bit faster.
May shame will now be lowered until it reaches 77 or below during the library job, or when it reaches 58 during the 2nd stage of the clothing shop job.
-Watching TV event at home can now also be triggered during the afternoon.
-Added missing CG for toilet scene at home for the latest outfit and the black underwear.
-Added missing CG for mirror scene for sexy black (with bra) underwear.
-The 1st modeling event now lowers May's shame by 1 and increases her confidence by 1.
-Bug fixes:
-Fixed: Bug that left players stuck inside the library during the library job when the 2nd outfit became available.
-Fixed: Having to pressing D twice to temporally remove the overlay picture. Pressing D once should now be enough.
-Fixed: May's exhibitionism is now raised correctly when she masturbates outside on the balcony if the cap for this event hasn't been reached yet.
-Fixed: Can now buy stuff at the beach store even when May has "lost" her panties.
-Fixed: Saying no at the start of the 2nd science teaching even should now work as intended.
-Fixed: One of the CG displayed during the first modeling event had the wrong resolution.
Bug-fix: Corrected CTD during the 3rd nurse event and Gina sleepover hallway event if you said no during the previous event.
Corrected an inconstancy in the weightlifter event when May isn't wearing any panties.
Properly closed the new modeling event so that it won't loop anymore and might conflict with other modeling events.
Replaced the jiggly animation of the new photo shoot event.
-Corrected names of 3 more CG that resulted in CTD.
-(Gym at school, Event at clothing store and the last event with Mia.)
-Bug-Fix:Game should no longer crash at start of the library job.
-Bug-Fix:Corrected filename of the panties steal event which led to crash.
-Removed debugging NPC from May's room.
-Bug fix: players should now be able to trigger the 2nd and 3rd exhibitionist event.
-Replaced all 4 CG of the sunbathing with Gina event.
-Replaced 1 and Added 2 CG to the sister kissing event.
-Added both gym college spying events to the recollection room.
-Added all event with may's sister Mia (5 events) to the recollection room.
-Edited the text the balcony exposure scene with Mia. (mostly grammar and rephrasing)
Older saves may not show all the Mia and spy events unlocked in the recollection room!
I've added an option to unlock all the Mia events if your relation with Mia is 4 or above.
For the gym spying event the option to unlock the events will appear after 6 weeks.
If you have fulfilled the condition the option will appear when interacting with the tombstone of the particular event.
- 190+ CG have been added (inc 4 animations). Total CG count for 1.0: 1850+
- Added a few more small npc interactions when May is wearing her new outfit. (note: Some of them may not be human!)
- Added new sleepwear and some small events while wearing them (during breakfast).
- Added new event with the Janitor!
- Expanded/reworked the sleepover event at Gina's house with one big event and a smaller one. (You'll need to replay the sleepover event to see this!)
- Added a small exhibitionist event. (This will be available after reaching a certain exhibitionist level.)
(Includes 3 variants (normal/with bush/and shaved. If you're using existing saves you'll might to load older save with no panties day triggered to see all variants.)
- Added CG/variant for the library Job, Clothing store job (Both stages) and the Cafe job for May's latest outfit.
- Added a small event at night when May can walk naked around the house.
- Added 3rd stage of the exhibitionist contest! This event is bigger then the previous 2 stages.
- Added a new event at college (this one is placed between The 2nd and 3rd event of the teaching assistant events)
- Expanded the 4th webcam event with another option.
- Added all the Exhibitionist contest events to recollection room.
- The new event during class, while may's wearing her new outfit was expanded so that it can now be triggered during
all classes instead on Monday only.
- Replaced all 7 CG of the changing event at the beach together with Gina with less ugly ones.
While I was at it I overhauled the text and fixed a bug which caused the wrong picture to display during this event.
- Reworked the way the exhibitionist TV events are linked into the game.
They will now becomes available shortly after the exhibitionist contest has started.
This way I feels it's integrated into the game more logical.
- Made some changes to the way the Janitor events trigger.
It should now be possible to trigger the next janitor event even if you skipped (said no) in the previous one.
(This won't work if you already said no before in an old save!)
I also changed the event so that the choice to keep the door unlocked is grayed out when the requirements are not met yet.
This way the players knows they can trigger an event when certain requirements are met.
- Quest change of clothes should now finish properly in the quest log. Only works for new games.
- Fixed bug 3rd Janitor not unlocking in recollection room properly when you choice was facial.
Bugs Fixed:
- May should now be able to leave her room again wearing a towel to take a shower after day2.
- May now get her allowance again on day1.
- Game no longer freezes after entering the recollection room after the 2nd Janitor event has been unlocked.
- Background sound no longer heard when taking the bus from the beach to east side of the city.
- May now will get dressed automatically when wearing the 1st sleepwear outfit also!
- Stepbrother events should now trigger properly after the hand job event!
If your current game is bugged it won't show the hand job (2nd) event in the recollection room after seeing it.
To fix this for your existing save: Go to the 1st stepbrother event in the recollection room and aswer yes when asked to apply the bug fix!
This will only be asked once!!!
- Added the beach,Shower and 1st of the cheerleader events with Gina to the recollection room.
The 2 part I'll add later since that one is a lot more work and needs proper testing.
The events should unlock when you say them when playing version 0.9.x. For older saves the events will unlocked after the Gina Sleepover event.
The 2 part I'll add later since that one is a lot more work and needs proper testing.
Fix the looping in the college hallway bugs.
-Around 190+ CG have been added (inc 2 animations). Total CG count for V0.9:1663.
-Added new event involving the Janitor.
-Added 2nd event during gym instructor job.
-A New outfit had been added included a small event.
-Added a new teaching assistant event.
-Added a new job for May+ several small events.
-Added a new stage to the webcam event. (You'll Need to play it several time to see all content!)
-May will now get dressed automatically when she wakes up. It's still possible to use the dresser.
- Following events are now made compatible with May's new outfit:
-Going to the toilet at college.
-Masturbation at the college toilet.
-Event during class. (Only on Monday for now....)
-Breakfast in the morning.
-Teaching assistant events have been added to the recollection room
-Janitor events have been added to the recollection room
-Gym instructor jobs events have been added to the recollection room.
-Gina sleepover event has been added to the recollection room.
-Added a very basic items which displays May's sex stats. (They are not 100% accurate yet!)
If you're using an old save pull the lever in May's room to receive it!
-Replaced 5CG for Toilet masturbation event at college for the 2nd outfit (Bush variant)
-Replaced CG+ added 1CG for Toilet use at college for the 2nd outfit (Bush variant)
-Slightly reworked the teaching assistants events added 1CG to the first stage of the event.
-Fixed: Wrong picture was show during the 2nd part of the Christmas event.(Bush variant)
-Lowered the lust requirement for masturbation at the college toilet down from 80 to 70 to make it a bit easier to trigger it.
-Removed the nickname question from the webcam event and added an option to the webcam events menu to change May's nickname.
More option will be available bases on May exhibition level
-Reworked the shame level at which several events are triggered (Massage/Dinner events/weekend at Gina/Teaching assistant) (see guide for details)
-Quest log was updated/Expanded.
-Combined music box and color box items into one item called settings.
Mostly bug fixes and some changes/optimizations:
- Know Issue's:
Some user have reported that May gets stuck in bed right after the 4th pantie steal event.
It seems RPGmaker skips part of the code when that happens. I haven't been able to reproduce this with any of my own saves.
I have no clue nor a solution yet what causes this. I suspect using cheats in combination with older (0.5) save game might cause this.
Workaround is to use one of the provided save games.
- Bugs Fixed!
- Fixed bug where you were not able to enter college after the latest Event with Gina in version 0.8
- Fixed bug where you can't leave college after 4th nurse event in case you use cheats to lower May's shame with a massive amount.
- Fixed bug You can now no longer go sleep directly after excepting your sisters last training offer which messes up the game.
- Added/changed!
- Added 1st stepbrother event to recollection room.
- Added nurse events to recollection room.
- Added additional cheat item to increase May's shame.
If you already have taken the cheat items from the box use the lever in May room to receive it!
- Added 2CG+text for toilet event at home while wearing the sexy underwear. I forgot to add that earlier.
- Added a option to disable the cars on the city map. This may increase performance on some systems.
For now this option can be set by using the Colorbook item!!!
- The sport swimsuit should show up in the store earlier, but you can only buy it when May's shame is low enough.
- I've expanded the game guide to include controls and general information/explanation of game play and more detailed guide for first two weeks in game.
Use savefile4 if you have already played version 0.7. or use your own save game. ( I recom using a savegame in which May's shame not lower then around 44)
If you have already played the first part of the Photo contest the quest log will be messed up and will not be properly updated.
So you might miss the location hints. (For the first one go the the gym dressing room at the college!) The save I've provided will not have this problem. This is due to how the Questlog script saves it's data in savefiles.
- Version 0.8 contains around 1468CG (Approx 178 new CG where added in version 0.8 including the ones used for the 2 new animations)
-Added shaved variant for the 4th modeling event (The swimsuits).
The event has also been slightly expanded with a few more CG for both variants.
Both version can be seen in the recollection room after you have completed either of them.
-Expanded/edited the "Christmas" event with more naught stuff.
The event is now been split-up into two parts. I've also added a shaved variant for this events.
Both versions van be viewed in the recollection room once you have finished the event.
-Completed the first stage of the Exhibitionist photo contest that was added in last version.
-Added a small event during the gym instructor job.
-Added a small event during the cafe job.
-Added new event with Gina
-Added the first stage of the Exhibitionist photo contest that was added in last version.
-Added the Second stage of the Exhibitionist photo contest that was added in last version.
-Added a recollection room. Not all events have been added though!
- Added a cancel option to all bus stops. (Escape key now works at all of them too which is faster.)
- Corrected inconsistency in text during event with your sister if you have viewed a certain scene at the college gym before.
- Fixed a small bug which showed the wrong picture at the end of 2nd scene with your stepbrother.
- Changed the text to be more consistent during the TV event with step bro if he has stolen your panties that morning.
- Fixed a bug during the event in class on Thursday which displayed the wrong picture.
- Rewritten part of the 3rd modeling event. This event also no longer increases May's corruption.
- Modified triggers for a couple of events. Mainly dinner events and shaving event is now triggered at 53 shame.
- Changed the Cafe event so that you can no longer skip the latest dinner event in the first outfit.
This prevents the 2nd stage events not triggering when you didn't finish all the stage1 events yet.
This should fix the following issues:
- Fixed bug not able to buy the batteries for the your mother.
- Fixed bug when choosing no at the 2nd Janitor event
- Fixed Should no longer be stuck between 1st and 2nd training event if you used cheats to lower your shame with massive amounts.
- Going to the toilets at college no longer lowers lust to 20 when May has not masturbated.
Release notes:
- 160+ CG added (2 animations) Total CG a few short of 1300.
- Added a new optional event with a family member at the bathroom.
- Added new event with the Janitor.
- Added more outfits (+shaved state) for Toilet event at home during the morning.
- Added small event with Gina at the college showers.
- Added 2 new events involving a massage.
- Added new Teaching assistant event.
- Added new Nurse event.
- Added 2 new event for outfit2 at the Cafe job.
- May can now walk naked in house during the night after reaching a certain shame level.
- Added another small exhibitionist event which can be triggered when May is not wearing panties.
- Expanded "Panties Steel event" will now be triggered a 4th time. Also slightly expanded the event.
- Added a skip event option for limited amount of events.(Library Jobs+ webcam stage2&3.)
You'll be able to skip stage of those event after completing it at least once.
You'll need to activate this feature by using the scene skipping item in your inventory!
- Added the introduction of a new quest line of exhibitionist events.
Quest will Players with old saves that have exhibition level of 10 or higher should receive this quest automatically.
- Added message to most event when May's stats no longer increase/decrease from that event.
This should take care of the crash during night visit and stuck at the gym on Friday and remove the unwanted invader in May's bedroom.
- 190+ CG added. Bringing the total to 1130 CG.
- Added new event at college (See event guide on how to trigger it!)
- Added new Photo shoot event.
- Added new stage of webcam event.
- Expanded panties "Steal" event. (There will now be two more occasions for May to "loose" her panties.
- Added new spying event at the gym. (Triggers in week6)
- Added event in which May gets to meet the principle.
- Added 6 small events at the first stage of the beach bar job.
- Added 2nd stage of Cafe job
- Added two new events at college
- Added new masturbation scene at home
-Changed some key assignments: Ctrl key is now used for skipping text and Alt to hide the textbox)
-May only has to take a shower on the first day now. The rest is optional.
-Did some grammar/text correction/changes for both library jobs.
-Replaced several CG (with bad lighting) from the library job with new CG.
-Replaced several CG from after the night visit with less shiny ones.
-Replaced several morning wake up CG. In the one added in the last version it looked like May was floating.
-Reworked 1st Gym spying event. Corrected grammar+ slightly edited text.
Changed the animation so text will be displayed during the animation making it skip-able.
-Reworked text for parts of the cheerleader events.
-Fixed a bug that broke the first scene with step bro if you changed into your sleepwear manual before the event triggered.
-Made some changes to the status screen. Can now also be viewed from the menu.
-Added experimental status screen in the menu. I "borrowed" a script someone had made for Officer Chloe.
-City East map now also has a bus stop.
- Do NOT! click on the May avatar at the gym entrance . It removes your membership card!
I forgot to remove this debugging event.
- Fixed a few typo's
- Fixed event so you can now enter the gym when you accept the job but hadn't visited the gym before.
- Fixed the flyer job event at the park.
- Fixed bug that made you get stuck when you work-out at the gym and afterwards go to the dresser and select work before you took a shower.
- Expanded/Finished the new outdoor exposure event bringing the total CG to 940
- 190+ CG added. Total CG 930+
- Added 2 new stages to the Webcam event.
- Added new event with Daniel (With animation)
- Added new event which triggers during he night.
- Added 2 new events involving your sister Mia. (1 of those has an animation)
- Added new outdoor exposure event.
- Added a few small outdoor (repeatable) exposure events.
- Added new item books of bonds to keep track of relationschip levels.
- Added a small event with Gina at the gym showers.(You need to meet the conditions!)
- Added New job at Beach cafe (Still in early stage)
- Added New job at the gym (Still in early stage)
- Added New stage for the events at toilet at college.(Trigger only afer last event!)
Extended notes:
- Reworked+Expanded the first webcam event all CG have been replaced and text has been revised/modified.
- Changed max saveslots to 50.
- Added bus stops to College and beach. You'll need to click on each of the bus signs at least once to unlock that location.
- Replaced all the CG from the breakfast events by slight beter/more consistent CG and added missing breakfast event when wearing pjamas.
- Added some banter with mom when wearing your sexy underwear.
- Added proper avatar of May when is walking around in her sexy underwear.
- Corrected spelling/revised all the shower events at the school gym.
- Replaced some of the CG used when may looks in the mirror (In the previous CG May's skin looked unnatural shiny.)
- added new CG for exsisisting events to correctly reflect May's condition.
- Changed event when May goes to bed. May will now automatic change into her proper sleeping atire. (Old method should still work tho)
- New map (city East) is now acessable. It's still a bit empty for the moment.
- Change the way the events at the gym showers at college are triggered. (Hope it doesn't introduce new bugs with old saves)
- Added/removed/changed music on a few maps.
- Did a lot of work on optimizing the code changing how certain events are triggered.
There are 2 saves included in the save directory:
Save1 => Start of version0.4 content
Save2 => Start of Version0.5 Content (There is some overlap with 0.4)
To use them copy them into the main directory!
-If you played 0.4 It's recommend to use the save game2. (69 shame just before 1st webcam event.)
Or use a old save from before triggering the 1st webcam event!
-To get the book of bonds using an old save game use the red lever in May's bedroom
-The small box in May's rooms contains cheat items.
Be aware that lowering your shame with large amounts might bug the game!
Some event will only be trigger after a certain time no matter the shame level!
-Old save games in which the 1st webcam even has already been trigger mess up the quest log!
If you still insist use a save game in which the 1st webcam event has already been trigger then use
red button in may room 11 exh needed! I didn't test this extensively! Use at our own risk!
Тему отредактировал: admin - 18-02-2025, 11:12
Причина: Тема обновлена. Добавлена русская версия v.3.1. / Topic updated. Added Russian version v.3.1. Большое спасибо за перевод Vitalis.
Причина: Тема обновлена. Добавлена русская версия v.3.1. / Topic updated. Added Russian version v.3.1. Большое спасибо за перевод Vitalis.
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