Семена хаоса - это бесплатная игра в жанре фэнтези с элементами хоррора, готики и эротики, сделанная в Ren'py, вдохновленная мирами Берсерка, Темных Душ, Ведьмака и других эпических фэнтезийных серий, а также взрослыми играми Corruption of Champions, Legend of Queen Opala и Slavemaker.
Действие игры разворачивается в шести Королевствах, самом западном континенте в мире Солансии. Семь лет прошло со времени Последней Войны демонов, и поражение Лорда Карнаса от рук сил Света. Это открыло новую эру мира и процветания для всех рас шести королевств. Однако зло никогда не дремлет долго, и в тени начинают шевелиться новые угрозы хрупкому миру.
В первом сценарии вы играете за Роуэна, ветерана последней войны демонов. Он и его товарищи-герои с помощью богини света преследовали Карнаса до самого сердца его крепости, замка Бладмин, и победили его раз и навсегда. Повесив свой меч по возвращении домой и женившись на своей возлюбленной детства, Алексии, он находит свою жизнь идеальной. Но прибытие красивой и таинственной женщины все перевернет и прежде чем он осознает это, он будет вынужден служить той самой тьме,с которой он боролся, чтобы уничтожить семь лет назад.
Основные функции:
Вы плохой парень - в отличие от большинства игр с системами выравнивания, которые позволяют вам быть хорошим, злым или морально нейтральным, в Seeds of Chaos вы играете злодея. Этические решения будут сосредоточены на том, насколько коррумпированным становится ваш характер, и последствия этого изменения.
Визуальные сцены в стиле романа со сложными, разветвленными диалоговыми деревьями, вдохновленными Black Isle / Obsidian, Bioware и играми The Witcher, которые влияют на более поздние встречи и события.
Система случайных событий, которая адаптируется к выбору игрока и другим переменным (прошлые события, статистика, содержимое инвентаря, репутация, привязанность и т. д.) чтобы сформировать игру по мере ее развития, добавляя ценность воспроизведения, предоставляя различные впечатления от каждого прохода (см. события ниже для более подробной информации).
Несколько окончаний (включая плохие концы).
Качественное оригинальное искусство от ряда талантливых художников.
Оригинальный саундтрек от Leet Music, известный своей работой над многочисленными проектами Winter Wolves.
Профессиональные звуковые эффекты, главным образом из BOOM библиотеки
Галерея CG, музыкальная комната и галерея воспроизведения сцен.
Если будет собрано достаточно денег, я хотел бы работать над расширением мира, добавляя альтернативные сценарии (новые главные герои с разными историями), расширения (альтернативные наборы событий) и режим тренера (похожий на Slavemaker / Princess Trainer), а не создавать сиквелы.
Также будет выпущена безопасная версия без сексуально откровенного контекста для тех, кто просто хочет играть в игру.
Доп. описание:
В игре присутствие приятное музыкальное сопровождение, а также частичная озвучка вздохов женских персонажей.
Seeds of Chaos is a free to play dark fantasy eroge made in Ren'py, inspired by the worldbuilding of Berserk, Dark Souls, The Witcher and other epic fantasy series', as well as the adult games Corruption of Champions, Legend of Queen Opala, and Slavemaker. The game is set in The Six Realms, the westernmost continent in the world of Solanse. Seven years have passed since the last Demon War, and the defeat of Lord Karnas at the hands of the forces of Light ushered in a new era of peace and prosperity for all the races of the six kingdoms. Evil never lies dormant for long, however, and in the shadows new threats to the tenuous peace begin to stir.
In the first scenario, you play as Rowan, a veteran of the last Demon War. He and his fellow heroes, aided by the Goddess of Light, pursued Karnas to the heart of his stronghold, Castle Bloodmeen, and defeated him once and for all. Having hung up his sword upon returning to his peaceful home village and marrying his childhood sweetheart, Alexia, he finds his idyllic life shattered by the arrival of a beautiful, mysterious woman. Before he knows it, he is forced to serve the very darkness he fought to destroy seven years ago.
Core Features
You are the bad guy - Unlike most games with alignment systems that allow you to be good, evil, or morally neutral, in Seeds of Chaos you play the villain. Ethical decisions will focus on just how corrupt you character is becoming, and the consequences of that change.
Visual novel style scenes with complex, multi-branched dialogue trees inspired by Black Isle / Obsidian, Bioware, and the Witcher games that affect later meetings and events.
A random event system that adapts to choices the player makes, and other variables (past events, stats, inventory content, reputation, affection, etc.) to shape the game as it progresses, adding replay value by providing different experiences on each playthrough (see Events below for more detail).
Multiple endings (including bad ends).
Quality original art by a number of talented artists.
An original soundtrack by Leet Music, known for his work on numerous Winter Wolves projects.
Industry professional grade sound effects, mostly from BOOM Library.
CG gallery, Music Room, and a Scene Replay gallery.
If enough money is raised, rather than produce sequels, I'd like to work on expanding the world by adding alternate scenarios (new main characters with different stories), expansions (alternate event sets), and a trainer mode (similar to Slavemaker / Princess Trainer).
There will also be a relatively safe for work version produced, with the sexually explicit content removed, for those who just want to play the game without the adult content.
Год выпуска: 2020
Жанр: 2dcg, fantasy, male protagonist, female protagonist, multiple protagonist, corruption, oral, anal, cheating, management, monster girls, corruption, group sex, cheating, female domination, futa, trans, gay, lesbian, monster, ntr,
Цензура: Отсутствует
Разработчик/Издатель: Vénus Noire - Patreon - Itch.io - Steam - Discord
Перевод: TATOSHCKA_2030
Платформа: PC/Windows/Linux/Android
Тип издания: В разработке
Таблэтка: Не требуется
Версия: v.0.4.09a
Язык игры: Русский/Английский
Язык интерфейса: Русский/Английский
Поддержать Переводчика (Boosty)
v0.409 - 2025.02.13
v0.4.08 - 2024-12-01
One new Andras NTR path event (including six sex scenes)
One new Jezera Favour event (including one sex scene)
A dominant Rowan sex scene has been added to the most recent Whitescar event
Five reworked/expanded Helayna events
A section in which Rowan participates in battle has been added to the battle of Astarte
16 new CGs, with 48 variants
Dark Sanctum Cubi report details
Breeding pits report details
Army report
Reserved army over capacity
Orc army tooltip
Drider egg reducing drider recruitment
Equipped orcs generation overfills
UI button animation on save and load
Skill UI text colors
End of week review
Wrong Rowan images for corruption
Research points carry over to the next research
Mission after week 22
Name change of Map “The Dark Heart of Kar-Tor” to “Blackrose Forest”.
Selling Iron added a confirmation window
Workshop tooltip updated
End of week personal gold calculation fixed
Gold change animation decimal points fixed
A whole lot of typos and visual adjustments
v0.4.07 - 2024-10-04
One new Andras NTR event (with one new sex scene)
One new Goblin story event (with some small sexual content)
One new Whitescar path Fey story scene
One new X'zaral NPC arc event (with one new sex scene)
One new Helayna non-claimed ruler event
One new Goblin exploration event (with one new sex scene)
Alternative sex scene added to last previously added Helayna non-claimed ruler event
Rowan's dominance display event has had an alternative sex scene added for different level of Alexia's corruption to make it easier to trigger
It is now possible to attempt to dominate Jezera (new sex scene) during the battle of Astarte if the conditions are met
Sixteen new CGs (with forty-eight variants
v.0.4.06 - 2024-08-05
31 CGs (with 79 variants)
One new Andras NTR path scene (including two full sex scenes, and a smaller one)
Two new ruler events including two sex scenes
One new Blackholt event for the Che-Lin path
One new Blackholt exploration event
Reworked Events
One new Xzaratl relationship event
Three reworked Helayna relationship events
One new Alexia maid job event
The Battle of Astarte has continued to be reworked with one new sex scene
Helayna's Day Off 3 has been reworked with a new sex scene
v0.4.05 Dev - 2024-06-01
v.0.4.04 - 2024-04-02
Release Notes: Events
A meeting with Alexia has been added to the pre-Astarte battle event, with both low/not-low relationship variants (includes one sex scene, with two more to follow based on Alexia's level of corruption).
If the chaos incursion Rip and Tear has been completed, Ghorza can now be visited prior to the battle of Astarte in the pre-Astarte battle event.
A new Jezera-focused threesome has been added to the Arzyl riddle competition fey event.
Both the Helayna's day off events have been substantially reworked, with one new and one extended sex scene.
Sixteen new CGs with forty-eight variants.
0.4.03 release notes: - 2024-02-14
New Events
One new main story event, the Astarte war council (with two new sex scenes, Andras x Rowan, and Rowan x X'zaratl)
Two new Blackholt Goblin Arc events (with one new sex scene, Rowan & Tue-Row x Zii-Zii)
One new Helayna event (with one new sex scene, Orcs x Helayna)
One new Fae Arc event (with one sex scene with two variant paths, Rowan x Whitescar or Whitescar x Rowan)
One sex scene has been added to the Andras Arc finale (Andras x Rowan)
One sex scene has been added to the Liurial Arc finale (Rowan x Liural & Alexia)
One sex scene added to the Aryzl riddle event (Rowan x Jezera & Arzyl)
Reworked Events
The Rowan helps Helayna escape event has been edited to bring it in line with the rest of the new Helayna content
You can now fulfil Mission 3 requirements by completing the Blackholt storyline
16 new CGs (with 44 variants)
4 recoloured BGs for Fae event
Bunch of bugs squashed
Whitescar and Heartsong paths have been separated, both are available in Whitescar's room
v.0.4.02 - 2023-12-19
New Events
2 New Helayna Events (with one sex scene)
3 New Cliohna Events (with one sex scene)
1 New Fae Event (with one sex scene)
1 New Goblin Event
Reworked Events
2 Reworked Helayna events (Claimed / Unclaimed Acclimation scenes)
15 new CGs with 36 variants
One huge illustration for the intro
v0.4.01 - 2023-10-08
Release Notes:
New Events
One new Fae event (with two sex scenes)
One new Goblin event (with two sex scenes)
One new Andras NPC arc event (with three sex scenes)
Four new Helayna scenes (with four sex scenes)
Reworked Events
One reworked Helayna scene (Dinner is Served)
Cliohna Introduction and the first Abbey scene have been slightly reworked
Sixteen new CGs (with forty-two variants)
Plot & Event Changes:
The deadline for the Astarte battle has been moved from week 60 to week 70, giving the player more time to explore the map and complete some of the castle’s storylines.
A small number of events featuring Alexia will now trigger at the start of the exploration segment, as jobs events do.
Completing Orciad and Blackholt will now give weekly rewards, giving the player incentive to complete them earlier over exploring the map during the midgame. Currently only Orciad bonuses are added:
Ulcro: +2 orcs per week, +0,5 morale per week.
Batri: +2,5 orcs per week.
Tarish: +1 orc per week, +1,5 morale per week.
Delane: + 1 orc per week, -0,5 morale per week, weekly guilt decrease. (WIP)
New Journal and Incursions:
A new type of quests are now available, “Chaos Incursions”. Incursions are optional sidequests which often involve several outcomes, give more Exp and provide substantial rewards.
Whenever an incursion is unlocked the player will be informed about it via a unique message that appears after the Start of Week status screen. Each incursion is started by viewing the debrief event found in the throne room (or the respective NPC room), and can then be found on the Rosaria map in a predetermined tile. You can track its progress via the new Journal, which will also provide a visual hint on the tile location.
The Quest Chain involving the struggle between the dragon ogress Ygriss and the dryad Isdriuel, The Grudge of Thorns, is now implemented as an Incursion. This plotline has been in the game for a while, but due to the complicated conditionals for its event it was very difficult to trigger, so we’re looking forward to your feedback on it.
Four other events have also been adjusted to act as incursions, as originally intended:
Cormalda Calling
Elf Smuggler
Rip and Tear
The Crooked Priest
General UI Changes:
Prisoners are now visible on the top-bar resource tab, with a placeholder icon for the time being.
Arzyl and Whitescar now have their own rooms in Castle Bloodmeen. Fae events are no longer accessible through Jezera’s “visit” button. Heartsongs’ dream will trigger on its own if the player decides to keep the Fae, after which Arzyl and Whitescar events will both be accessible through their new rooms in the castle’s main floor.
Map and Portal UI:
Both the exploration map and the portal UI have been reworked from the ground up.
Rosaria is now split into 6 regions, each with a portal in the middle of it. Each region is split into 2-3 provinces, and should the player research “History of Rosaria” (though the option is enabled by the default for now) they’ll be able to check what resources can be found in each province.
The portal UI now allows the player to resume traveling simply by clicking Rowan’s portrait on the map. It will also mark the location of all important Quests and Incursions.
The map itself has received a visual upgrade, with new Forest, Raeve and Orciad tiles. It was also populated with more resource tiles, and several areas have been reworked to better reflect the history and current events of Rosaria.
Cla-Min shop:
“Ploys” have been added to Cla-Min’s shop. These strong but temporary castle buffs can be bought with Rowan’s personal gold at the player’s convenience. Players can now decide what they wish to focus on - the Castle’s development, or Rowan’s personal abilities.
Cla-Min’s shop has also been moved closer to the center of the Castle UI, for player convenience.
Research and Buildings:
Research has been heavily reworked. Several techs have been rolled into one, new optional research has been added, and new tiers of tech have been added, allowing the player to fully restore the castle.
Several buildings can now be fully upgraded:
Orc Barracks can be upgraded to level 4.
Dark Sanctum can be upgraded to level 3.
Breeding Pits can be upgraded to level 3.
Arena can be upgraded to level 3.
Library can be upgraded to level 3.
Forge can be upgraded to level 3.
Tavern can be upgraded to level 3.
Brothel can be upgraded to level 3.
Castle Hall can be upgraded to level 3.
Nasim’s Transformation Chamber is also no longer lost, and can now be properly excavated.
Building order has been adjusted. It’s no longer alphabetical, but instead sorted depending on how important a building is for long term expansion.
Bloodmeen army has heavily been rebalanced, allowing the player to field a far, far larger army. The military power of orcs, cubi and driders has been reduced, but so was the upkeep.
Units have been split into two categories - Retinue, and Reserve.
Retinue is Rowan’s personal troops he can command as he sees fit. They’re soldiers who take villages and fight at Raeve, and once Rowan takes to the field in Astarte, these will be the men, demons and beasts who follow him into battle.
Reserves are troops outside of Rowan’s direct control. While they can’t be used to take villages, the player pays only 25% of their upkeep, and they will be fully mobilized to fight the armies of Rastedel when the time is right.
Bloodmen’s army will now also benefit from Other Bonuses - unique individuals or resources the player managed to find in their travels.
Acquiring a large army will be the focal point of Rowan’s effort in Rosaria after the fall of Raeve keep. While players who wish for Bloodmeen’s eventual demise may find little benefit in expanding it beyond what the twins’ require of them, all Rowans will benefit from increasing the army’s War Readiness - a unique variable that tracks the level of intelligence Rowan has gathered on the Rosarian army.
Managing Morale.
Proper morale upkeep has been reimplemented, together with Low Morale consequences. Should the player fail at keeping morale over 50%, they may experience one of the fourteen new negative events that address the issue. Failing to deal with the problem for an extended period of time may result in Andras stepping in to bring the orcs to heel - something no Rowan wants.
Other Fixes:
You can now meet Cliohna in the first Abbey you visit even before meeting her in Bloodmeen. Tutorial Abbey now also gives a research bonus, as it should.
Spy efficiency now works properly.
Allying Maud on Werden’s route should now properly trigger Rastedel Finale.
Trading with human settlements no longer gives ten times the intended treasury reward.
Minor mine fixes.
Renpy 8.
Seeds of Chaos has been upgraded to Renpy 8.
Future plans - The upcoming Astarte Rework.
Much of the work related to research and building has been in preparation for allowing the player themselves to build Bloodmeen’s army from the grounds up, so it is their very own soldiers that meet the Rosarian on the fields of Astarte. While the Astarte Rework is a work in progress for now, all players can share how well they were able to manage the castle’s expansion segment.
Right at the start of the battle, the game will copy to clipboard a handful of Stats related to your current game state. Please paste them into the SoC Alpha Astarte Army channel on discord, or share it on Patreon. If you have a moment, add something about your playthrough - like “Tried to be as evil as possible” or “Opposed the twins at every step, never burned villages, always traded with them.”, so we can compare how they impact the player’s army strength
Plot & Event Changes:
The deadline for the Astarte battle has been moved from week 60 to week 70, giving the player more time to explore the map and complete some of the castle’s storylines.
A small number of events featuring Alexia will now trigger at the start of the exploration segment, as jobs events do.
Completing Orciad and Blackholt will now give weekly rewards, giving the player incentive to complete them earlier over exploring the map during the midgame. Currently only Orciad bonuses are added:
Ulcro: +2 orcs per week, +0,5 morale per week.
Batri: +2,5 orcs per week.
Tarish: +1 orc per week, +1,5 morale per week.
Delane: + 1 orc per week, -0,5 morale per week, weekly guilt decrease. (WIP)
New Journal and Incursions:
A new type of quests are now available, “Chaos Incursions”. Incursions are optional sidequests which often involve several outcomes, give more Exp and provide substantial rewards.
Whenever an incursion is unlocked the player will be informed about it via a unique message that appears after the Start of Week status screen. Each incursion is started by viewing the debrief event found in the throne room (or the respective NPC room), and can then be found on the Rosaria map in a predetermined tile. You can track its progress via the new Journal, which will also provide a visual hint on the tile location.
The Quest Chain involving the struggle between the dragon ogress Ygriss and the dryad Isdriuel, The Grudge of Thorns, is now implemented as an Incursion. This plotline has been in the game for a while, but due to the complicated conditionals for its event it was very difficult to trigger, so we’re looking forward to your feedback on it.
Four other events have also been adjusted to act as incursions, as originally intended:
Cormalda Calling
Elf Smuggler
Rip and Tear
The Crooked Priest
General UI Changes:
Prisoners are now visible on the top-bar resource tab, with a placeholder icon for the time being.
Arzyl and Whitescar now have their own rooms in Castle Bloodmeen. Fae events are no longer accessible through Jezera’s “visit” button. Heartsongs’ dream will trigger on its own if the player decides to keep the Fae, after which Arzyl and Whitescar events will both be accessible through their new rooms in the castle’s main floor.
Map and Portal UI:
Both the exploration map and the portal UI have been reworked from the ground up.
Rosaria is now split into 6 regions, each with a portal in the middle of it. Each region is split into 2-3 provinces, and should the player research “History of Rosaria” (though the option is enabled by the default for now) they’ll be able to check what resources can be found in each province.
The portal UI now allows the player to resume traveling simply by clicking Rowan’s portrait on the map. It will also mark the location of all important Quests and Incursions.
The map itself has received a visual upgrade, with new Forest, Raeve and Orciad tiles. It was also populated with more resource tiles, and several areas have been reworked to better reflect the history and current events of Rosaria.
Cla-Min shop:
“Ploys” have been added to Cla-Min’s shop. These strong but temporary castle buffs can be bought with Rowan’s personal gold at the player’s convenience. Players can now decide what they wish to focus on - the Castle’s development, or Rowan’s personal abilities.
Cla-Min’s shop has also been moved closer to the center of the Castle UI, for player convenience.
Research and Buildings:
Research has been heavily reworked. Several techs have been rolled into one, new optional research has been added, and new tiers of tech have been added, allowing the player to fully restore the castle.
Several buildings can now be fully upgraded:
Orc Barracks can be upgraded to level 4.
Dark Sanctum can be upgraded to level 3.
Breeding Pits can be upgraded to level 3.
Arena can be upgraded to level 3.
Library can be upgraded to level 3.
Forge can be upgraded to level 3.
Tavern can be upgraded to level 3.
Brothel can be upgraded to level 3.
Castle Hall can be upgraded to level 3.
Nasim’s Transformation Chamber is also no longer lost, and can now be properly excavated.
Building order has been adjusted. It’s no longer alphabetical, but instead sorted depending on how important a building is for long term expansion.
Bloodmeen army has heavily been rebalanced, allowing the player to field a far, far larger army. The military power of orcs, cubi and driders has been reduced, but so was the upkeep.
Units have been split into two categories - Retinue, and Reserve.
Retinue is Rowan’s personal troops he can command as he sees fit. They’re soldiers who take villages and fight at Raeve, and once Rowan takes to the field in Astarte, these will be the men, demons and beasts who follow him into battle.
Reserves are troops outside of Rowan’s direct control. While they can’t be used to take villages, the player pays only 25% of their upkeep, and they will be fully mobilized to fight the armies of Rastedel when the time is right.
Bloodmen’s army will now also benefit from Other Bonuses - unique individuals or resources the player managed to find in their travels.
Acquiring a large army will be the focal point of Rowan’s effort in Rosaria after the fall of Raeve keep. While players who wish for Bloodmeen’s eventual demise may find little benefit in expanding it beyond what the twins’ require of them, all Rowans will benefit from increasing the army’s War Readiness - a unique variable that tracks the level of intelligence Rowan has gathered on the Rosarian army.
Managing Morale.
Proper morale upkeep has been reimplemented, together with Low Morale consequences. Should the player fail at keeping morale over 50%, they may experience one of the fourteen new negative events that address the issue. Failing to deal with the problem for an extended period of time may result in Andras stepping in to bring the orcs to heel - something no Rowan wants.
Other Fixes:
You can now meet Cliohna in the first Abbey you visit even before meeting her in Bloodmeen. Tutorial Abbey now also gives a research bonus, as it should.
Spy efficiency now works properly.
Allying Maud on Werden’s route should now properly trigger Rastedel Finale.
Trading with human settlements no longer gives ten times the intended treasury reward.
Minor mine fixes.
Renpy 8.
Seeds of Chaos has been upgraded to Renpy 8.
v0.3.13 - 2023-08-12
- Two new Andras NPC arc events
- One new Arzyl path Fae event
- Two new Helayna room events
- The initial Raeve keep content with Helayna, as well as the claiming scene, and first castle sex scene has been reworked
- 17 new CGs, with 57 variants
0.3.12 - 2023-06-13
v0.3.11 - 2023.03.29
v.0.3.10 - 2022-10-06
Here is the release on time as promised. I thought it was going to be a smallish one due to the holidays, but it turned out to be a bit of a banger with 12(!) sex scenes, and some pretty great events with a good range; hot sex, comedy, and some heavy drama, IMO. I didn't have time to do the next NTR one again, but there are two new Andras-related NTR scenes in the fully reworked Andras tavern harassment event to make up for it a bit.
Release Notes
- New Andras NPC arc event (with three sex scenes)
- Two new Blackholt Tue-San events (with four sex scenes)
- Two additional sex scenes were added to the Fae Banquet event
- Three new map resource events
- One new Ophelia-related tavern job event (with one new sex scene)
- One partially reworked Andras-related tavern job event
- One majorly reworked Andras-related tavern job event (with two new sex scenes)
- 17 new CGs (with 42 variants)
- One new Sprite (Tue-Mai)
- More bugfixes, including Arena mouseover error
v0.3.09a - 2022-10-11
One new Andras x Rowan ruler event (with one sex scene)
One new Arzyl Fey event (with two sex scenes)
One new Tue-San Goblin arc event
Two new Tavern job events featuring Ophelia (with one sex scene)
One new Forge job event (with one mini sex scene)
Both the initial Aryzl and Whitescar events have been completely reworked
Indarah's dance scene has been completely reworked
Sixteen new CGs (with forty-eight variants)
One new animation (Jezera intro sex)
One new sprite (Che-Lin)
Fixed a number of small bugs, including the issue causing all Andras NTR events to occur in a row
0.3.08 - 22.10.06
v0.3.07c - 2022-08-02
"[Update - So, I was so tired this morning I added the missing BGs to the git branch, and didn't download the new version, I just rebuilt and uploaded one that still had them missing. This fixes that.]"
- One new Fae event (including one sex scene)
- Two new chaos incursion events
- Two new Blackholt events (including two sex scenes)
- One new Breeding Pits job event (including one sex scene)
- 16 new CGs (with 44 variants)
- 2 reworked CGs (with 9 variants)
- 1 new sprite (Zii-Zii)
- 4 new BGs (for Blackholt locations)
- 2 new Goblin Recruitment Arc events have been added.
- The finale to the Liurial NPC arc has been added (including 2 sex scenes, Rowan x Liurial and Rowan x Alexia)
- 2 new Jezera NPC arc events have been added, which can be triggered from the "Spend Favour" option in her castle map location, after the capture of Raeve Keep if the player has enough favour (including 2 sex scenes, Jezera x Rowan, and Rowan & Jezera x Madeline)
- 5 new Chaos Incursion events have been added (including 2 new sex scenes, Rowan x Ghorza and Ghorza x Rowan, and 1 re-purposed sex scene, Rowan x Ygriss)
- 17 new CGs (with 57 variants)
- 1 new animation (Rowan x Cla-Min) with 1 variant
- 2 reworked CGs
- 2 new sprites (Tue-Row and Tue-San)
- 1 new BG (Castle baths)
- One new Andras NTR path event (including one new sex scene)
- One new Liurial NPC arc event (including one new sex scene)
- One new X'zaratl room event (including one new sex scene)
- Two new NTR themed breeding pit job events (including one new sex scene)
- Two new chaos incursion events (including one new sex scene - more on these next release)
- Two new Goblin Recruitment arc events
- The remainder of the intro has been reworked, including improvements to the first Rowan x Alexia sex scene, and a rewrite of the village elder's death event
- 18 new CGs with 68 variants
- 3 new animations
- 4 reworked backgrounds and 5 variant backgrounds
- 5 CGs reworked to better suit the game's aesthetic
- Alexia's job menu now appears on week 22, not 23, as intended
- Added Alexia corruption gains to two twins related events that did not award any
- Fixed an issue where Heylana's acclimation event could trigger too early
- Changed Nasim's sprite to his correct hooded sprite in his abbey event
- Fixed an issue where failing to gain access to Ulcro did not unlock the axe at Cla-Min's shop
- Fixed an issue where the player could not request Cla-Min to provide a distraction during Delane's escape
- Changed the event for Raeve infiltration to trigger immediately to fix issues with it clashing with other events
- Added skillchecks to a number of Shaya investigation events
- Adjusted the priority of a number of early events to fix issues with events not triggering in the correct week
Rowan x Greyhide x Alexia 1
Rowan x Greyhide x Alexia 2 (with 2 variants)
Rowan x Darla 1 (with 1 variant)
Rowan x Darla 2 (with 2 variants
Sil x Alexia 1 (with 1 variant)
Sil x Alexia 2 (with 1 variant)
Zahira x Alexia 1 (with 2 variants)
Zahira x Alexia 2
Alexia x Alexia 1 (with 2 variants)
Alexia x Alexia 2 (with 2 variants)
Alexia x Alexia 3
Jezera x Alexia 1
Rowan x Cla-Min 1 (with 8 variants)
Rowan x Cla-Min 2 (with 1 variant)
Rowan & Patron x Whore
The Dark Lord Karnas Cinematic CG
11 Andras CGs reworked to better match the game's aesthetic
10 Rowan x Alexia CGs reworked to better match the game’s aesthetic
3 Intro CGs reworked to better match the game’s aesthetic
Rowan x Draith (Gay)
Indarah’s Dance (Erotic dancing)
Drider x Succubus (Monster, demon, anal)
Rowan x Liurial (BDSM)
Rowan x Alexia Intro (Vanilla)
Andras x Alexia Intro (NTR, anal)
Rowan x Liural 1 (Vanilla, light maledom)
Rowan x Liurial 2 (Anal, maledom)
- Major expansions to the investigative segment of the Shaya arc, including one fully reworked event
- New variant of the Shaya Rowan Orgy featuring a new sex scene [Rowan x Whore x Orgy Attendee][M/F/M, Debauchery]
- New Shaya Event featuring 2 variant sex scenes [Rowan x Shaya x Whore] [Sensory Deprivation, Public Humiliation] [Sadism]
- Shaya Act 1 Finale, featuring 2 Paths and 2 Sex Scenes [Rowan x Shaya] [Rough Sex, Male Dom] [Femdom, ???]
- 1 major X'zaratl Event [X'z/Rowan/Alexia] [Femdom/Edging]
- Major Draith Event [Rowan x Draith] [M/M, Mdom]
- 1 Map Event: Village Capture [Rowan x Gretcha] [Blowjob, Rough Sex]
- 2 Ruler Events [Rowan x Darius] [M/M, Prostitution] [Rowan x Drider] [Monster Sex, Mdom]
- 1 Job Event: Tavern [Alexia x Goblins] [Threesome, Goblin Sex]
- 19 new CGs with 16 variants
- 13 CGs reworked to better suit the game's aesthetic
- Numerous minor bug fixes, and QoL improvements
- Map updated
- Transformation chamber added
- Four new Greyhide NPC events (including five completely different sex scenes) depending on your previous choices (Rowan / Alexia / Poly / Platonic)
- One new Andras NTR event (including two sex scenes)
- Four new Sil based breeding job events (including two sex scenes)
- Three new events relating to the construction of the transformation chamber
- Fourteen short low morale ruler events
- Incubus x Sister Gwen 1 & 2 (with 4 variants)
- Rowan x Shaya (bondage) 1, 2 & 3 (with 4 variants)
- Rowan x Shaya (standing sex) 1, 2 & 3 (with 3 variants)
- The arrival of Sil cinematic CG (with 2 variants)
- Sil x Alexia 1 & 2 (with 2 variants)
- Rowan x Alexia with X'zaratl 1
- X'zaratl x Alexia 1 (with one variant)
- Rowan x Alexia x X'zaratl 1 (with 3 variants)
- Ameraine solo 1 (with 3 variants)
- Rowan x Ameraine 1 (with 1 variant)
- 5 Orciad CGs reworked to better match the game's aesthetic
- 18 X'zaratl CGs reworked to better match the game's aesthetic
- Andras' slave sprite
- Updated Ameraine sprite
- Transformation chamber BG (WIP)
This time our focus was on, and it will be for a lot of the near future, working on the NPC narrative arcs for this act. To this end, nearly all the X’zaratl events in-game have received a rewrite to bring them in line with her planned arc, alongside two brand new events. In addition, we also have more progress on the Jezera NTR narrative arc, as well as a number of new ruler, map, and job events.
This month we have 18 new CGs, with 41 variants, and 12 reworked CGs:
Rickon x Cla-Yill CGs 1 & 2 (with 1 variant)
Rowan’s Knighting CG (with 2 variants)
Jacques Fate CG (with 4 variants)
Alexia Meets Greyhide CG (with 2 variants)
Jezera x Alexia CG
Alexia x Mary CGs 1 & 2 (with 4 variants)
Jezera is Stressed CG (with 3 variants)
Shaya’s Orgy (with 1 variant)
Rowan x Courtesan (with 3 variants)
Rowan x Helyan CGs 1 & 2 (with 3 variants)
Rowan x Kether (with 2 variants)
Rowan x Bootleg Alexia (with 4 variants)
A Dream of Karst (with 1 variant)
The Arrival of the Emissaries CG (with 2 variants)
Alexia’s Fertility Treatment CG (with 5 variants)
Reworked 12 breeding pits related CGs to better fit the game’s aesthetic
As mentioned earlier, the main focus of this release is the X’zaratl narrative arc, and three of her events have undergone extensive rewrites, alongside two new events, one of which is an Alexia and Rowan sex scene. The Jezera NTR arc also has a new events, which features two sex scenes; Alexia distracting a female orc warrior, and Jezera rewarding Alexia for a job well done.
Outside of character events, we have four new ruler events, which include two sex scenes, a new one for Rowan and Draith, as well as a scene between Rowan and two members of the goblin Cla clan. We also have two new forest exploration events, which include one sex scene between Rowan and a proud huntress, as well as three new breeding pits job events, in which Alexia “meets” Draith’s newest charge, Sil, an aquatic lifeform.
This month we have seven new sex scenes:
Rowan x Alexia with X’zaratl (Vanilla, Breeding)
Female Orc x Alexia (Orc, Light Femdom)
Jezera x Alexia (NTR)
Rowan x Darla the Huntress (BDSM, Oral)
Alexia x Sil (Monster, Oral)
Rowan x Draith
Rowan x Cla-Tre & Cla-Owi (Goblin, Titjob)
Release Notes
- Save files can be renamed
- Save files can be deleted
- Research and Workshop updated
- Added the perks and prerequisites on the UI detail
- Research complete UI changed
- Workshop structures can now level up with perks addition
- Fixed the Dark Sanctum Bug
- Fixed mouse cursor disappearing bug
- Castle Tooltip implemented
- Portal UI cleaned and added tooltip details
- Alexia Maid Job Introduction
- Alexia Maid Job Harassment Events
- Jezera Wants a New Agent (Alexia x Garforth sex scene fully rewritten)
- Shaya Introduction
- Alexia Spying on Jezera and Shaya (Jezera x Shaya sex scene rewritten)
- (Minor) Shaya Room Event Chain
- Greyhide's Table Manners (Greyhide X Alexia)
- Greyhide Shares his People's Liquor ( Greyhide X Rowan)
- What happened after drinking Greyhide's Alcohol (Greyhide X Alexia) ( Greyhide X Rowan) and (Greyhide X Rowan X Alexia)
- Nasim's "Discuss fertility treatment" option
- Two Shaya character events (Orgy feat. Rowan, Shaya, Others) and (Rowan x Shaya)
- Two Map Events (Rowan x Kethar) (Sister Gwen x Incubus)
- One Repeatable Room scene for Helayna pre-week 30 (Rowan x Addled Helayna)
- One Repeatable Room scene for Shaya (Rowan x Shaya)
- One Greyhide character event
- One Random Cliohna castle event
- Two Alexia pregnancy woes events
- Alexia fertility treatment 1 (Rowan X Alexia)
- One Repeatable castle scene for Corrupt Rowan (Rowan X [Redacted])
- Battle of Astarte CG (with 4 variants)
- Rowan's Childhood Dream CG
- Drinking Buddies CG
- Rowan x Greyhide CG
- Rowan x Patricia CG 1 & 2
- Rowan x Female Succubus CG 1 & 2
- Rowan x Cliohna CG
- Patricia's Fate CG (with 4 variants)
- Rowan x Alexia & Succubi CG (with 5 variants)
- Rowan & Jezera x Mary & Maid CG 1, 2, & 3 (with 7 variants)
- The Box CG (with 1 variant)
- Alexia Solo CG (with 4 variants)
- Andras x Alexia Grope CG (with 1 variant)
- Andras x Alexia CG (with 18 variants)
- 2 Andras x Alexia animations
- 6 CGs reworked to better fit game aesthetic (Jezera x Shaya 1, 2, & 3, and Jak x Indarah 1, 2, & 3)
- Three new ruler events, including two sex scenes (Rowan & Jezera x Maids, Rowan x Alexia featuring succubi)
- One new Alexia NTR event (Andras x Alexia)
- One new Cliohna arc event
- Two rewritten Greyhide arc events (Introduction, Drinking Buddies)
- One new Greyhide repeatable sex scene
- Three new Fae events
- One new completely rewritten Fae event (Arrival of the Emissaries)
- Two new Alexia maid job events, including two sex scenes (Jezera x Alexia, Mary x Alexia)
- One new mine resource event, including one sex scene (Rowan x Valrys)
- One rewritten orciad sex scene (Rowan x Tarish)
- Sixteen new CGs, with fifty-five variants
- Two new animations (Rowan x Alexia, Rowan x Delane)
- One new sprite (Alexia slut outfit)
- Workshop backend reworked and readied for the gameplay improvement effort
- Added the option to choose map hex position when leaving Rastedel
- First tranche of Journal revision implemented
- Fixed the blank UI for the throne room
- Added a back button for summon Liurial menu
- Fixed the blank UI for breeding pit.
- Revised Report UIs (Sanctum, Breeding pit, Barracks, Forge) for consistency
- Added scene name on the top left during the start of the scene.
- Two new ruler events, including one sex scene (Rowan x Alexia)
- One additional sex scene added to the Succubi Murder Mystery ruler event (Rowan x female Rylea)
- One new Jezera NTR path, including two sex scenes (Alexia x Mikael, Jezera x Alexia)
- Two Alexia breeding pits job events, including two sex scenes (Alexia x Drider, Whitescar x Draith)
- One new Alexia maid job event
- One new Alexia barmaid job event
- Two new hill exploration events, including one sex scene (Ran-Cou x Zelda)
- One new village trade event
- 16 new CGs with 44 variants
- 2 new animations (Rowan x Cla-Min (Daughter), Rowan x Patricia)
- 2 new backgrounds
- All older goblin CGs (except one) have been reworked to match current game aesthetic
We have also added a number of QA features, including:
- Improved the exploration map UI, adding zoom and pan, as well as much requested UI display for objectives and deadlines
- Improved the castle map UI
- Added animation to gold change
- Added hotkey display to map for movement
- Reworked the living quarters and the throne room screens
- Adjusted map event probability, and adjust road tiles to now trigger plains events
Finished the vast majority of outstanding Rastedel content, including (but not limited to);
- the rest of Maud's path containing one new sex scene (Rowan x Maud)
- full integration of Werden's route to the same level as Patricia and Jacques
- the alternative Patricia corruption route including one new sex scene (Rowan x Patricia)
- the post coronation epilogue containing one sex scene (??? x Marianne)
- One new ruler event including one sex scene (Rowan x Rylea [an incubus])
- One new barmaid job events, including one sex scene (Alexia x Tarek [an orc])
- One new forge job event
- One new repeatable Helanya event, including one sex scene (Rowan x Helyana x Liurial)
- Twenty four new CGs, with thirty-eight variants
- Four new animations
- One new background, with three new variants
- Two new character sprites
- Fixed an issue where the game would not count any captured villages above two
- Added pan and zoom functionality to the map, as well as some other small improvements
Rowan x Alexia 1, 2, & 3 (Maledom)
Rowan x Shaya 1, 2, & 3 (Titjob)
Rowan & Ameraine x Patricia 1 & 2 (Threesome, BDSM)
Greyhide x Alexia 1 & 2 (Oral)
Rowan x Alain 1 & 2 (Gay)
Wulump Bad end 1 & 2 (Tentacle)
The Coronation (Group sex)
New scenes
Andras x Alexia (Kissing, NTR)
Rowan x Koh 1 & 2 (Orc, Vanilla)
Rowan x Draith (Gay)
Rowan x Liurial (Light maledom, Spanking)
Pony Stop 2 (BDSM, Lesbian, Pony Play)
Rowan x Helayna 1 & 2 (Cunnilingus)
Batri Victorious (Cinematic CG)
Ulcro Victorious (Cinematic CG)
Alexia x Mary 1 & 2 (Lesbian)
Rowan x Qais 1 & 2 (Gay)
Rowan x Shani (BDSM)
Rowan x Alexia Aftercare (Vanilla)
Rastedel Story CGs 1, 2, 3, 4, & 5 (Cinematic CGs)
Rastedel Night Variant Background
Slums Night Variant Background
Rastedel Barracks Variant Background
Mirrored Palace Aftermath Variant Background
Thorn Knight Sprite
Royal Knight Sprite
Release Notes
- Fixed an issue where the new Cliohna scene would not trigger due to submission being set wrongly in the previous event
- Fixed an error caused when visiting Rastedel lodge due to a missing variable
Release Notes
- Nine new Rastedel events (including two sex scenes, Rowan x Juliet, and Rowan x Shani)
- Two new ruler events (including the Cliohna submission path conclusion)
- Three new job events (including one new sex scene, Alexia x Mary)
- Three new resource events, and one updated resource event (including two new sex scenes, Orc Chieftess x Rowan, and Rowan x Qais)
- One new Helayna training event (including one new bedslave path sex scene)
- Sixteen new CGs with thirty six variants (Andras x Alexia 1, Andras x Alexia 2, Andras x ???, Andras Punishing Drokk, Jezera x Doran, Jezera x Aryzl, Rowan x Delane 1, Rowan x Delane 2, Fey Possessed Drider x Rowan, Abbey Gangbang, Rowan x Liurial, Ulcro vs Batri Orciad Showdown, Alexia x Liurial 1, Alexia x Liurial 2, Rowan x Heartsong 1, Rowan x Heartsong 2)
- Five animation loops (Andras x ???, Andras x Alexia, Rowan x Liurial, Rowan x Delane, Alexia x Liurial)
- Edited a number of CGs for consistency (Liurial and Greyhide scenes)
- One new background (Winery)
- Four new Rastedel events
- Two new ruler events, including two sex scenes (Rowan x Liurial BDSM, and Rowan x Fey possessed drider with male and female drider variant)
- Completed Andras NTR scene including two sex scenes (Andras x mystery slave, Andras x Alexia)
- Eight new CGs, with a large number of variants (Jezera kills Dark Elf Queen, Jezera x Commander, Orcs x Nileth 1 & 2, Greyhide Solo, Jezera x Whores, Rowan x Alexia, Drokk x Alexia)
- Four CGs retouched for consistancy (Rowan x Greyhide 1 & 2, Rowan x Jezera x Dark Elf Queen 1 &2)
- Three new BGs (Hills, Drider Nest, Slums)
It is the end of the month, so that means it is time for another Seeds of Chaos backer release! A bit of a slog this month, with a few issues, as well as another bloody heatwave, but with some hard work and determination, we managed to get everything ready on time for the new version.
Once again, the focus this month was on adding more Rastedel content as we move towards getting it completely finished over the next two months, and Winter has written two more events that bring us quite close to the end of the current phase. We also have one new ruler event that further explores Rowan’s relationship with Cliohna, for those of you interested in our resident librarian, as well as a new Fey event with the foxy (pun intended) Heartsong.
This month we have eight new CGs with 17 variations. We also commissioned a new character sprite and background that will be added in next month’s release.
- Drider Attack
- Spy (Orc) x Delane (Blowjob)
- Alexia x Liurial (Lesbian)
- Jezera x Alexia (NTR, Lesbian, Femdom, Facesitting)
- Obelius x Rowan 1 (Gay)
- Obelius x Rowan 2 (Gay)
- Jezera x Rowan 1 (Femdom, Handjob)
- Jezera x Rowan 2 (Femdom)
Once again, as previously mentioned, we have pushed forward with the Rastedel narrative arc, adding two more events where Rowan carries out his first task for his chosen ally. We also have one new ruler event featuring Cliohna, that diverges heavily depending on Rowan’s previous two encounters with her, as well as a new Fey narrative event with Heartsong.
This month we have three new sex scenes:
- Rowan x Heartsong (Vanilla, Anthro)
- Cliohna x Rowan (Femdom)
- Orc Gangbang (Orc, Groupsex)
- New Rastedel events. The follow up event to siding with Patricia Crevette is now available, as well as a follow up debrief with the twins after choosing an ally
- Two new ruler events, including one sex scene (Rowan x Alexia)
- One new room event, including one sex scene (Rowan x Shaya)
- The first half of the Alexia Andras corruption path, including one sex scene (Orc sexual harassment)
- Eight new CGs (Rowan x Alexia, Shapeshifted Spy x Delane, Rowan x Delane, Introducing Garforth, Rowan x Orcs Threesome, Mary's Interesting Body, Andras x Draith, Jezera x Alexia)
- One new BG (Andras' Chambers)
- One new sprite (Mysterious beautiful woman)
-New Rastedel events, including options to ally with Werden (requires Delane to be free), and the continuation of the Jacques ally line
-Two new ruler events, including one sex scene (Jezera x Alexia)
-One new exploration event, including two new sex scenes (Rowan x Obelius [gay], Rowan x Koh [female orc])
-Ten new CGs with a lot of variants (Liurial solo, Mary x Alexia, Batri and Andras x Rowan, Jezera x Rowan [massage], Rowan x Aelxia x Liurial, Ulcro x Delane, Batri x Delane, Jezera x Alexia, Jezera x Dorane and Rowan's return to Rastedel)
-Two updated CGs (Jezera x Doran, Jezera x Rowan)
-One alternative outfit for Alexia (Jezera's slave)
- Continuation of the Rastedel narrative (Copper Club and Lodge events / Faction decision event)
- One new ruler event (Rowan x Alexia scene)
- One new job event (Barmaid)
- Three new resource events (Village capture, Abbey, and Orc camp which includes sex scene)
- Fixed an issue w here Liurial's intro event would not trigger
- 8 new CGs with 30 variants (Rowan x TF Orc, Wulump x Female Commander, Rowan x Young Aspirant, Rowan x Delane, Rowan x Village Girls, Rowan x Helayna, Jak x Indarah, Andras x Draith, and Jezera x Helayna)
- 2 new backgrounds (Copper Club and Rastedel Inn Room)
- 2 new sprites (Liliana and Mysterious Male)
This release should be a pretty big deal for the Alexia and Jezera fans out there, as the centrepiece is a long event between the two that starts the path of Alexia falling under Jezera’s sway.
We also have a bunch of other smaller events, including new ruler events, a new job event, and a rewrite of some of the current Cliohna events to take the character in a bold new direction. We’ve also been making strides on the technical stride, implementing something people have been asking for - the ability to trigger character events from their rooms, as well as setting the foundations to improve the game’s core mechanics over the next few months.
This month we have nine new CGs, as well as one new background, and one new background variant:
Elves x Sacrifice CG (Femdom)
Elves x Sacrifice & Rowan CG (Femdom, Handjob)
Rowan x Agatha 1 CG (Monstergirl, Oral)
Rowan x Agatha 2 CG (Monstergirl)
Andras x Rowan CG (Maledom, Exhibitionism, Gay)
Greyhide x Alexia CG (Minotaur, Blowjob)
Ulcro x Delane CG (Orc, Exhibitionism)
Rowan x Orc Woman CG (Orc, Vanilla)
Rowan x Helayna CG (Maledom, Blowjob)
Codifice BG
Plains Night Variant BG
The main focus this month was on advancing Alexia’s corruption arc, following the recent addition of the first event in that narrative - The Demon Tree. Players who have been having Alexia spend a lot of time with Jezera will get to see her work her magic on Alexia, and attempt to pull her strings as only the demoness can.
In addition, we have three new ruler events, focused around everyone’s favourite wheeler dealer goblin, Cla-Min; two of which feature her interacting with the recently added character, Nasim. We have also overhauled Cliohna’s narrative arc, adjusting scenes to focus more on magical elements, as well as added one new job event for Alexia.
This month we have three new sex scenes:
- Jezera x Whores (Yuri)
- Jezera x Alexia (NTR, Yuri)
- Cliohna x Rowan (Magic)
The focus this month has been on two areas; expanding the Rastedel narrative, and introducing a new Castle NPC - Nasim. We’ll be continuing to work on both in the current month, as we bring the end of the first chapter to a climax with the closing of the Rastedel event chain. In addition, we also have added a number of general events, including new fey events, to this release to round the content out.
This month we have nine new CGs, as well as one new sprite:
- Rowan x Helayna CG (Vanilla)
- Andras x Alexia CG (Baths Harassment)
- Alexia Solo CG (Corruption)
- Helayna CG (Solo)
- Helayna CG 2 (Solo)
- Aryzl and the Midnight Court (Group)
- Goblin Dinner
- Rowan x Alexia x X’zaratl
- Skordred’s Sketch
- Nasim Sprite
As mentioned above, the focus has been on two areas this month. Firstly, Rastedel, and players can now attend the post-battle victory feast in Bloodmeen, as well as return to the city to revisit two of the major players. Secondly, the new NPC, Nasim, who will appear in the castle during a new event on week 15, and can be visited in the library for a number of new events and conversations.
In addition we also have two new Fey events on the Midnight Court side, that can be seen by visiting Arzyl in the castle, as well as two new Abbey resource events, both featuring Cliohna, and one new Tavern job event.
This month we have three new sex scenes:
- Wulump x Woman (Tentacles)
- Rowan x Transformed Orcess (Titjob, TF)
- Orcs x Nileth (Gay)
As they say, start the year as you mean to go on, so here at Venus Noire we have started the year with another release on time. We have a lot of plans for 2019, which you’ll no doubt be hearing about soon, and hopefully it will be a great one for the game.
This release is another mixed bag one, as we continue to work on wrapping up the first realm, Rosaria, later in the year. It has a bunch of new events in the ruler event pool, and the tavern job event pool, while we have also added comprehensive notes in the codex to the entire Orciad event chain to help people in getting the outcome that they want. Next month, the focus will be on Rastedel.
This month we have six CGs as usual, with other ten variants, as well as one new sprite, and one new BG:
- Rowan x Alexia CG (Blowjob)
- Alexia Solo CG (Futa)
- Greyhide x Alexia (Beastman)
- Jezera x Half-Minotaur Girl CG (Shibari)
- Rowan x Mystery Woman CG (Vanilla)
- Andras & Batri x Rowan CG (Gay)
- Mary Sprite
- Grand Lodge Background
As mentioned earlier, this release has two new ruler event, focused around sexual scenes with both Jezera and Andras. In addition, we also have eight tavern job events, including a new sex scene between Jak and Indarah.
We also spent some time making edits to the Greyhide x Alexia scene, to address the concerns of people who felt that it was too rushed. At a future date, we will be introducing another scene featuring stretching, that will precede it, and hopefully, solve this issue.
This month we have four new sex scenes:
- Jezera x Rowan (Handjob)
- Jezera x Rowan (Femdom, Denial)
- Andras x Rowan (Gay, Exhibitionism)
- Jak x Indrah (Rough sex)
The holidays are upon us! Everyone here at Venus Noire has been working hard to get this release out with the development window being only three weeks due to Christmas. The good news is that not only did we release on time, we also managed to put in 25k-30k words of new content, and seven CGs, making it the same size as a normal release, despite the shortened development cycle.
As it is the end of the year, we decided to focus on putting out a general content release, instead of partially starting an ongoing part of the major story. As a result, this release is a bit of a mixed bag, containing a number of new events of different event pools. Next month we will be getting back to Rastedel, and the main story will continue.
As mentioned, this month we have seven new illustrations, with over ten variations:
- Castle Bloodmeen CG
- Rowan x Maid with Helayna CG (Cuckqueaning)
- Rowan x Skordred CG (Gay)
- Jezera x Doran CG (Femdom)
- Rowan x Alexia Picnic CG (Vanilla)
- Tavern Harassment CG (NTR)
- Breeding Pits Harassment CG (Monster)
As mentioned earlier, this month is a bit of a mixed bag when it comes to new content. We have one major story event, the first of a chain that makes up Alexia’s corruption narrative. We have also added a new event that warns the player if they are approaching the deadline for the third task set by the twins, with goals still to achieve.
In addition, we have also added four new ruler events, and five new maid job events for Alexia, focusing on her fellow maid, Mary. Lastly, we have added three new events for the ongoing fey narrative, that can be seen in the living quarters after the arrival of the emissaries at castle Bloodmeen.
This month we have three new sex scenes:
- Andras x Alexia (Bathing, harassment, NTR)
- Alexia Corruption Event (Alexia solo masturbation, demonic influence)
- Rowan x Young Aspirant (Gay)
Changelog - 0.2.39
As with the previous release, our main aim was continuing the Rastedel narrative arc, so we have a number of scenes that further the plot through the second phase of the narrative, as well a few events that can occur when Rowan visits the city.
In addition to this, we also have a new ruler event that continues the X’zaratl character arc, as well as a new job event in the forge for Alexia.
This month we have four new sex scenes:
- Rowan x Delane (Anal)
- Jezera (Disguised) x Human Commander
- Alexia x Greyhide
- Alexia Futa Solo Masturbation
It is finally here - Rastedel! A lot of you have been asking for the story to continue for a while, and for those of you who were asking, this is the update for you. After the capture of Raeve Keep, the twins will task you with visiting the capital of Rosaria, Rastedel, in order to lay the groundwork for its eventual fall.
This month you’ll be able to visit the city for the first time and discover the current political problems. Over the next few months, the story will continue, and you’ll be able to learn more about plots within the court, choose who to ally with (and fuck, of course), and either help or hinder the twins plans for conquering the city, and taking control of all of Rastedel.
We have a bit less art in the CG department this month, due to Winter not getting as far as he hoped with the Rastedel storyline, but we do have more than usual in other areas to make up for it. We’ll also be adding the missing two CGs, which are already done, next month, so the November release will have at least eight CGs.
- Five new Rastedel character sprites
- One new Rastedel background (City streets)
- Rastedel World Map Location (Six tiles)
- Rowan x Emma CG, with five additional variants (Pregnant)
- Rowan x Draith CG (gay)
- Rowan x Tarish CG (Orc)
- Rowan x Liurial & Alexia (Threesome)
As mentioned earlier, the main focus this month has been on adding the introductory part of Rowan’s first visit to Rastedel, so you’ll be able to see the response to his return, visit the court and meet the key players in the city’s upper echelon, as well as attend a ball.
In addition, we also have three new job events for Alexia, two of which feature her being harassed by Andras, another new event that advances the Helayna relationship path, and two new ruler events, one being the arrival of the ambassadors for the fae narrative.
This month we have five new sex scenes:
- Rowan x Maid (with Helayna)
- Rowan x Mystery Woman
- Jezera x Half-Minotaur Girl (BDSM)
- Alexia Pits Harassment Event (Masturbation)
- Alexia Tavern Harassment Event
One new large Alexia themed event, taking into account a number of decisions that player has made during the game, with two very different outcomes depending on the path chosen, and two sex scenes (Jezera x Alexia, or Rowan x Alexia)
Two ruler events, including two sex scenes (Cliohna x Rowan, and Rowan x Alexia)
Two new job events (Library, and Breeding Pits), including a sex scene (Andras x Draith)
Two new events on the Helayna path, for those who chose to keep her, including one sex scene (Rowan x Helayna)
A debrief event has been added, that triggers the week after the completion of the Orciad, that varies depending on the player’s chosen path
Three new map events
More changes have been made to the argument scene following the claiming of Helayna to improve it
Changes have to been made the completion of goal two event, including a scene where Alexia and Rowan make up if they have fallen out
One new fey event, including one sex scene (Rowan x Ygriss)
Fixed a number of small bugs, including the two that sometimes caused infinite loop crashes
Ten new CGs (Shaya’s dance, Jak x Indarah, Batri x Delane, Andras & Batri x Rowan, Kraug & Snag x Delane, Dark Elf x Rowan)
One new sprite (Ygriss)
Changelog - 02.36
- It is now possible to rescue Delane: A new menu of choices to plan the escape becomes available when the escape criteria has been met with a number of related events.
- The Delane escape event has been added, with two possible outcomes (success and failure)
- It is now possible to hunt for gifts after talking to Ulcro: a new option has been added to the main Orciad camp menu, with ten new related events.
- Two new ruler events, one new Alexia Job event (maid), and three new room events.
- Four new sex scenes (Rowan x Liural x Alexia, Rowan x Emma, Rowan x Delane, Shaya solo "performance")
- Three new Fey events.
- Six new CGs (Andras x Alexia, Andras x Rowan, Jezera x Alexia, Jezera x Rowan, Rowan x Liurial, Dazzanath x Agatha)
- Three new sprites (Isdruel, Heartsong, Whitescar)
Changelog - 02.35
-New Delane interactions (It is now possible to convince her to choose Ulcro)
- It is now possible to abduct Delane for Tarish if you met all the prerequisites.
- The showdown between Ulcro and Batri has been added, with different outcomes dependant on player choices.
- The Ulcro victory scene has been added, with an Ulcro x Delane scene
- The Batri victory scene has been added, with a Batri x Delane, and a Andras & Batri x Rowan scene
- The Tarish victory scene has been added, with a orcs x Delane threesome scene, and a Rowan x Tarish scene
- The payer can view a "bad end" for Delane, if visiting the camp after Tarish is victorious
- Five new CGs (Rowan x Alexia, Andras x Alexia, Rowan x Sheera, Rowan x Cla-Min, and Dazzanath x Rowan & Agatha)
- Three new ruler events (two Cliohna, and one Liurial relationship events)
Changelog - 02.34
- Unknown.
Changelog - 02.33
- Character icons have been added to the castle map
- Underground floor now displays rubble until rooms are built
- Roads have been added to the map of Rosaria (requires a new game)
Changelog - 02.32 -07/02/2018
- Fixed issue where typo in event code was causing the event manager to throw up an error when that was the last event in the pool
- Fixed issue where fatal error occurs the week after "Helayna's Day Off"
- Fixed issue where error occurs at the end of the adventuring party mine event
Changelog - 0.2.31 - 6/30/2018
- Four new sex scenes (total)
- Three new Skordred centric ruler events, including a new sex scene
- Repeatable sex scene with Cla-Min (titjob)
- One new abbey event
- Repeat visits have been added to Lady Delane’s tent, allowing you to get to know her better, and earn her trust
- Batri’s route has been updated, allowing you to corrupt Lady Delane, and reclaim her from Ulcro (includes two sex scenes)
- Tarish’s route has been updated, allowing you to collect the quest items required, and convince Lady Delane to trust you
- Six new unique CGs (Rowan x village girls, Rowan x orc woman, Jezera x Shaya, Jezera x slave girl with Helayna, Cliohna x Rowan, and Wulump x Alexia)
- New sprite for Jak, who appears in the tavern job events
- Three new job outfits for Alexia’s sprite (barmaid, forge, and breeding pits)
- Title screen has been redesigned to be more in line with the aesthetic of the rest of the game
- All option menus have been converted to the new UI style
- Level up screen has been converted to the new UI style
- The castle map has been converted to the new UI style
- The world map has been converted to the new UI style
- The bottom floor of the castle has a new map illustration, bringing it in line with the ground floor
- All rooms now display their correct names
- Descriptive text added for all buildings in the workshop that previously did not have descriptions
- Numerous fixes to button sizes / alignments, and text alignments
Changelog - 0.2.30 - 06/15/2018
- Fixed new mine event (adventurers) bug
- Andras x Alexia 5 should trigger for everyone now
- Helayna should no longer be in Rowan's room after escaping
Changelog - 0.2.29 - 06/02/2018
- Various bugs squashed
- Added Jak x Indarah CG
Changelog - 0.2.28 - 05/28/2018
- New ruler events
- New resource events
- More Helayna story content
- More Alexia dungeon content
- Five new sex scenes
- Four new CGs (Greyhide threesome #3, Liurial Dungeon #2, Helayna's Daydream, Wulump x Alexia #2)
- More progress on the new UI
- Level up has been re-implemented
- Story advancing "Dream" events
- Two new repeatable sexual interactions with Liurial
- Week one of Alexia's punishment
- Two other sex scenes
- Introduction to the Fey narrative, introducing two new characters.
- New job for Alexia - Forge
- New sprites, BGs, and CGs
- Map size has been increased to represent half of Rosaria
- Lots of new resource hexes have been added as a result, with new resource events
- The game has undergone extensive balancing
- Villages and keeps now require military points to be spent in order to capture or destroy them
- A new storyline has been added to Raeve keep that allows you to claim Helayna. This will have an effect on your relationship with Alexia
- Five new sex scenes have been added
- Three more backgrounds have been added to the castle
- Four new CGs, plus variants have been added
– Patching architecture added, meaning from now on we can patch saves from previous versions, making them a lot more compatible
– Spying mechanic added – building a brothel and hiring spies will allow you to infiltrate targets
– Infiltration events added to villages
– Infiltration route added to Raeve Keep
– Ruined Arthdale location hex, and start of rebuilding quest added
– New map resource, Drider’s Nest, has been added, which will allow you to recruit driders if you have built breeding pits
– Drider’s Nest events, and breeding related Castle events added
– New character, Shaya, added
– 4 new sex scenes added
– 4 new CGs (with variations) added
– Colour adjustment on some of the CGs by my good friend Yron (of The Eternal Feast fame) so Rowan looks a bit less tanned
– Backgrounds for Jezera’s room and Cla-Min’s caravan added
– More missing castle menu features added
Here’s a new release with the issue Redknight reported regarding the Breeding Pits fixed.
Release Notes
- Turn count upped to 22
- The second goal (capture Raeve Keep by week 22) can now be completed (or failed)
- First society decision added - influence the twins and shape life at Castle Bloodmeen
- Almost 20 new events, bringing the total ingame count to over 100
- Six new sex scenes
- Courtyard and keep exterior backgrounds have been added to Raeve Keep (interior to follow)
- Knight sprite has been added to Raeve Keep scenes
- Two out of three (plus variants) cgs have been added to the X'zaratl x Rowan x Alexia scene
- Numerous typo / wrong tense / conflicting text mistakes have been fixed
- A number of castle room features have been added to in game menus, with the rest to follow
- Orc morale cost has been greatly reduced
- Turn count upped to 22
- The second goal (capture Raeve Keep by week 22) can now be completed (or failed)
- First society decision added - influence the twins and shape life at Castle Bloodmeen
- Almost 20 new events, bringing the total ingame count to over 100
- Five new sex scenes
- Courtyard background has been added to Raeve Keep (others to follow)
Семена хаоса - это бесплатная игра в жанре фэнтези с элементами хоррора, готики и эротики, сделанная в Ren'py, вдохновленная мирами Берсерка, Темных Душ, Ведьмака и других эпических фэнтезийных серий, а также взрослыми играми Corruption of Champions, Legend of Queen Opala и Slavemaker.
Действие игры разворачивается в шести Королевствах, самом западном континенте в мире Солансии. Семь лет прошло со времени Последней Войны демонов, и поражение Лорда Карнаса от рук сил Света. Это открыло новую эру мира и процветания для всех рас шести королевств. Однако зло никогда не дремлет долго, и в тени начинают шевелиться новые угрозы хрупкому миру.
В первом сценарии вы играете за Роуэна, ветерана последней войны демонов. Он и его товарищи-герои с помощью богини света преследовали Карнаса до самого сердца его крепости, замка Бладмин, и победили его раз и навсегда. Повесив свой меч по возвращении домой и женившись на своей возлюбленной детства, Алексии, он находит свою жизнь идеальной. Но прибытие красивой и таинственной женщины все перевернет и прежде чем он осознает это, он будет вынужден служить той самой тьме,с которой он боролся, чтобы уничтожить семь лет назад.
Основные функции:
Вы плохой парень - в отличие от большинства игр с системами выравнивания, которые позволяют вам быть хорошим, злым или морально нейтральным, в Seeds of Chaos вы играете злодея. Этические решения будут сосредоточены на том, насколько коррумпированным становится ваш характер, и последствия этого изменения.
Визуальные сцены в стиле романа со сложными, разветвленными диалоговыми деревьями, вдохновленными Black Isle / Obsidian, Bioware и играми The Witcher, которые влияют на более поздние встречи и события.
Система случайных событий, которая адаптируется к выбору игрока и другим переменным (прошлые события, статистика, содержимое инвентаря, репутация, привязанность и т. д.) чтобы сформировать игру по мере ее развития, добавляя ценность воспроизведения, предоставляя различные впечатления от каждого прохода (см. события ниже для более подробной информации).
Несколько окончаний (включая плохие концы).
Качественное оригинальное искусство от ряда талантливых художников.
Оригинальный саундтрек от Leet Music, известный своей работой над многочисленными проектами Winter Wolves.
Профессиональные звуковые эффекты, главным образом из BOOM библиотеки
Галерея CG, музыкальная комната и галерея воспроизведения сцен.
Если будет собрано достаточно денег, я хотел бы работать над расширением мира, добавляя альтернативные сценарии (новые главные герои с разными историями), расширения (альтернативные наборы событий) и режим тренера (похожий на Slavemaker / Princess Trainer), а не создавать сиквелы.
Также будет выпущена безопасная версия без сексуально откровенного контекста для тех, кто просто хочет играть в игру.
Доп. описание:
В игре присутствие приятное музыкальное сопровождение, а также частичная озвучка вздохов женских персонажей.
Seeds of Chaos is a free to play dark fantasy eroge made in Ren'py, inspired by the worldbuilding of Berserk, Dark Souls, The Witcher and other epic fantasy series', as well as the adult games Corruption of Champions, Legend of Queen Opala, and Slavemaker. The game is set in The Six Realms, the westernmost continent in the world of Solanse. Seven years have passed since the last Demon War, and the defeat of Lord Karnas at the hands of the forces of Light ushered in a new era of peace and prosperity for all the races of the six kingdoms. Evil never lies dormant for long, however, and in the shadows new threats to the tenuous peace begin to stir.
In the first scenario, you play as Rowan, a veteran of the last Demon War. He and his fellow heroes, aided by the Goddess of Light, pursued Karnas to the heart of his stronghold, Castle Bloodmeen, and defeated him once and for all. Having hung up his sword upon returning to his peaceful home village and marrying his childhood sweetheart, Alexia, he finds his idyllic life shattered by the arrival of a beautiful, mysterious woman. Before he knows it, he is forced to serve the very darkness he fought to destroy seven years ago.
Core Features
You are the bad guy - Unlike most games with alignment systems that allow you to be good, evil, or morally neutral, in Seeds of Chaos you play the villain. Ethical decisions will focus on just how corrupt you character is becoming, and the consequences of that change.
Visual novel style scenes with complex, multi-branched dialogue trees inspired by Black Isle / Obsidian, Bioware, and the Witcher games that affect later meetings and events.
A random event system that adapts to choices the player makes, and other variables (past events, stats, inventory content, reputation, affection, etc.) to shape the game as it progresses, adding replay value by providing different experiences on each playthrough (see Events below for more detail).
Multiple endings (including bad ends).
Quality original art by a number of talented artists.
An original soundtrack by Leet Music, known for his work on numerous Winter Wolves projects.
Industry professional grade sound effects, mostly from BOOM Library.
CG gallery, Music Room, and a Scene Replay gallery.
If enough money is raised, rather than produce sequels, I'd like to work on expanding the world by adding alternate scenarios (new main characters with different stories), expansions (alternate event sets), and a trainer mode (similar to Slavemaker / Princess Trainer).
There will also be a relatively safe for work version produced, with the sexually explicit content removed, for those who just want to play the game without the adult content.
Год выпуска: 2020
Жанр: 2dcg, fantasy, male protagonist, female protagonist, multiple protagonist, corruption, oral, anal, cheating, management, monster girls, corruption, group sex, cheating, female domination, futa, trans, gay, lesbian, monster, ntr,
Цензура: Отсутствует
Разработчик/Издатель: Vénus Noire - Patreon - Itch.io - Steam - Discord
Перевод: TATOSHCKA_2030
Платформа: PC/Windows/Linux/Android
Тип издания: В разработке
Таблэтка: Не требуется
Версия: v.0.4.09a
Язык игры: Русский/Английский
Язык интерфейса: Русский/Английский
Поддержать Переводчика (Boosty)
v0.409 - 2025.02.13
v0.4.08 - 2024-12-01
One new Andras NTR path event (including six sex scenes)
One new Jezera Favour event (including one sex scene)
A dominant Rowan sex scene has been added to the most recent Whitescar event
Five reworked/expanded Helayna events
A section in which Rowan participates in battle has been added to the battle of Astarte
16 new CGs, with 48 variants
Dark Sanctum Cubi report details
Breeding pits report details
Army report
Reserved army over capacity
Orc army tooltip
Drider egg reducing drider recruitment
Equipped orcs generation overfills
UI button animation on save and load
Skill UI text colors
End of week review
Wrong Rowan images for corruption
Research points carry over to the next research
Mission after week 22
Name change of Map “The Dark Heart of Kar-Tor” to “Blackrose Forest”.
Selling Iron added a confirmation window
Workshop tooltip updated
End of week personal gold calculation fixed
Gold change animation decimal points fixed
A whole lot of typos and visual adjustments
v0.4.07 - 2024-10-04
One new Andras NTR event (with one new sex scene)
One new Goblin story event (with some small sexual content)
One new Whitescar path Fey story scene
One new X'zaral NPC arc event (with one new sex scene)
One new Helayna non-claimed ruler event
One new Goblin exploration event (with one new sex scene)
Alternative sex scene added to last previously added Helayna non-claimed ruler event
Rowan's dominance display event has had an alternative sex scene added for different level of Alexia's corruption to make it easier to trigger
It is now possible to attempt to dominate Jezera (new sex scene) during the battle of Astarte if the conditions are met
Sixteen new CGs (with forty-eight variants
v.0.4.06 - 2024-08-05
31 CGs (with 79 variants)
One new Andras NTR path scene (including two full sex scenes, and a smaller one)
Two new ruler events including two sex scenes
One new Blackholt event for the Che-Lin path
One new Blackholt exploration event
Reworked Events
One new Xzaratl relationship event
Three reworked Helayna relationship events
One new Alexia maid job event
The Battle of Astarte has continued to be reworked with one new sex scene
Helayna's Day Off 3 has been reworked with a new sex scene
v0.4.05 Dev - 2024-06-01
v.0.4.04 - 2024-04-02
Release Notes: Events
A meeting with Alexia has been added to the pre-Astarte battle event, with both low/not-low relationship variants (includes one sex scene, with two more to follow based on Alexia's level of corruption).
If the chaos incursion Rip and Tear has been completed, Ghorza can now be visited prior to the battle of Astarte in the pre-Astarte battle event.
A new Jezera-focused threesome has been added to the Arzyl riddle competition fey event.
Both the Helayna's day off events have been substantially reworked, with one new and one extended sex scene.
Sixteen new CGs with forty-eight variants.
0.4.03 release notes: - 2024-02-14
New Events
One new main story event, the Astarte war council (with two new sex scenes, Andras x Rowan, and Rowan x X'zaratl)
Two new Blackholt Goblin Arc events (with one new sex scene, Rowan & Tue-Row x Zii-Zii)
One new Helayna event (with one new sex scene, Orcs x Helayna)
One new Fae Arc event (with one sex scene with two variant paths, Rowan x Whitescar or Whitescar x Rowan)
One sex scene has been added to the Andras Arc finale (Andras x Rowan)
One sex scene has been added to the Liurial Arc finale (Rowan x Liural & Alexia)
One sex scene added to the Aryzl riddle event (Rowan x Jezera & Arzyl)
Reworked Events
The Rowan helps Helayna escape event has been edited to bring it in line with the rest of the new Helayna content
You can now fulfil Mission 3 requirements by completing the Blackholt storyline
16 new CGs (with 44 variants)
4 recoloured BGs for Fae event
Bunch of bugs squashed
Whitescar and Heartsong paths have been separated, both are available in Whitescar's room
v.0.4.02 - 2023-12-19
New Events
2 New Helayna Events (with one sex scene)
3 New Cliohna Events (with one sex scene)
1 New Fae Event (with one sex scene)
1 New Goblin Event
Reworked Events
2 Reworked Helayna events (Claimed / Unclaimed Acclimation scenes)
15 new CGs with 36 variants
One huge illustration for the intro
v0.4.01 - 2023-10-08
Release Notes:
New Events
One new Fae event (with two sex scenes)
One new Goblin event (with two sex scenes)
One new Andras NPC arc event (with three sex scenes)
Four new Helayna scenes (with four sex scenes)
Reworked Events
One reworked Helayna scene (Dinner is Served)
Cliohna Introduction and the first Abbey scene have been slightly reworked
Sixteen new CGs (with forty-two variants)
Plot & Event Changes:
The deadline for the Astarte battle has been moved from week 60 to week 70, giving the player more time to explore the map and complete some of the castle’s storylines.
A small number of events featuring Alexia will now trigger at the start of the exploration segment, as jobs events do.
Completing Orciad and Blackholt will now give weekly rewards, giving the player incentive to complete them earlier over exploring the map during the midgame. Currently only Orciad bonuses are added:
Ulcro: +2 orcs per week, +0,5 morale per week.
Batri: +2,5 orcs per week.
Tarish: +1 orc per week, +1,5 morale per week.
Delane: + 1 orc per week, -0,5 morale per week, weekly guilt decrease. (WIP)
New Journal and Incursions:
A new type of quests are now available, “Chaos Incursions”. Incursions are optional sidequests which often involve several outcomes, give more Exp and provide substantial rewards.
Whenever an incursion is unlocked the player will be informed about it via a unique message that appears after the Start of Week status screen. Each incursion is started by viewing the debrief event found in the throne room (or the respective NPC room), and can then be found on the Rosaria map in a predetermined tile. You can track its progress via the new Journal, which will also provide a visual hint on the tile location.
The Quest Chain involving the struggle between the dragon ogress Ygriss and the dryad Isdriuel, The Grudge of Thorns, is now implemented as an Incursion. This plotline has been in the game for a while, but due to the complicated conditionals for its event it was very difficult to trigger, so we’re looking forward to your feedback on it.
Four other events have also been adjusted to act as incursions, as originally intended:
Cormalda Calling
Elf Smuggler
Rip and Tear
The Crooked Priest
General UI Changes:
Prisoners are now visible on the top-bar resource tab, with a placeholder icon for the time being.
Arzyl and Whitescar now have their own rooms in Castle Bloodmeen. Fae events are no longer accessible through Jezera’s “visit” button. Heartsongs’ dream will trigger on its own if the player decides to keep the Fae, after which Arzyl and Whitescar events will both be accessible through their new rooms in the castle’s main floor.
Map and Portal UI:
Both the exploration map and the portal UI have been reworked from the ground up.
Rosaria is now split into 6 regions, each with a portal in the middle of it. Each region is split into 2-3 provinces, and should the player research “History of Rosaria” (though the option is enabled by the default for now) they’ll be able to check what resources can be found in each province.
The portal UI now allows the player to resume traveling simply by clicking Rowan’s portrait on the map. It will also mark the location of all important Quests and Incursions.
The map itself has received a visual upgrade, with new Forest, Raeve and Orciad tiles. It was also populated with more resource tiles, and several areas have been reworked to better reflect the history and current events of Rosaria.
Cla-Min shop:
“Ploys” have been added to Cla-Min’s shop. These strong but temporary castle buffs can be bought with Rowan’s personal gold at the player’s convenience. Players can now decide what they wish to focus on - the Castle’s development, or Rowan’s personal abilities.
Cla-Min’s shop has also been moved closer to the center of the Castle UI, for player convenience.
Research and Buildings:
Research has been heavily reworked. Several techs have been rolled into one, new optional research has been added, and new tiers of tech have been added, allowing the player to fully restore the castle.
Several buildings can now be fully upgraded:
Orc Barracks can be upgraded to level 4.
Dark Sanctum can be upgraded to level 3.
Breeding Pits can be upgraded to level 3.
Arena can be upgraded to level 3.
Library can be upgraded to level 3.
Forge can be upgraded to level 3.
Tavern can be upgraded to level 3.
Brothel can be upgraded to level 3.
Castle Hall can be upgraded to level 3.
Nasim’s Transformation Chamber is also no longer lost, and can now be properly excavated.
Building order has been adjusted. It’s no longer alphabetical, but instead sorted depending on how important a building is for long term expansion.
Bloodmeen army has heavily been rebalanced, allowing the player to field a far, far larger army. The military power of orcs, cubi and driders has been reduced, but so was the upkeep.
Units have been split into two categories - Retinue, and Reserve.
Retinue is Rowan’s personal troops he can command as he sees fit. They’re soldiers who take villages and fight at Raeve, and once Rowan takes to the field in Astarte, these will be the men, demons and beasts who follow him into battle.
Reserves are troops outside of Rowan’s direct control. While they can’t be used to take villages, the player pays only 25% of their upkeep, and they will be fully mobilized to fight the armies of Rastedel when the time is right.
Bloodmen’s army will now also benefit from Other Bonuses - unique individuals or resources the player managed to find in their travels.
Acquiring a large army will be the focal point of Rowan’s effort in Rosaria after the fall of Raeve keep. While players who wish for Bloodmeen’s eventual demise may find little benefit in expanding it beyond what the twins’ require of them, all Rowans will benefit from increasing the army’s War Readiness - a unique variable that tracks the level of intelligence Rowan has gathered on the Rosarian army.
Managing Morale.
Proper morale upkeep has been reimplemented, together with Low Morale consequences. Should the player fail at keeping morale over 50%, they may experience one of the fourteen new negative events that address the issue. Failing to deal with the problem for an extended period of time may result in Andras stepping in to bring the orcs to heel - something no Rowan wants.
Other Fixes:
You can now meet Cliohna in the first Abbey you visit even before meeting her in Bloodmeen. Tutorial Abbey now also gives a research bonus, as it should.
Spy efficiency now works properly.
Allying Maud on Werden’s route should now properly trigger Rastedel Finale.
Trading with human settlements no longer gives ten times the intended treasury reward.
Minor mine fixes.
Renpy 8.
Seeds of Chaos has been upgraded to Renpy 8.
Future plans - The upcoming Astarte Rework.
Much of the work related to research and building has been in preparation for allowing the player themselves to build Bloodmeen’s army from the grounds up, so it is their very own soldiers that meet the Rosarian on the fields of Astarte. While the Astarte Rework is a work in progress for now, all players can share how well they were able to manage the castle’s expansion segment.
Right at the start of the battle, the game will copy to clipboard a handful of Stats related to your current game state. Please paste them into the SoC Alpha Astarte Army channel on discord, or share it on Patreon. If you have a moment, add something about your playthrough - like “Tried to be as evil as possible” or “Opposed the twins at every step, never burned villages, always traded with them.”, so we can compare how they impact the player’s army strength
Plot & Event Changes:
The deadline for the Astarte battle has been moved from week 60 to week 70, giving the player more time to explore the map and complete some of the castle’s storylines.
A small number of events featuring Alexia will now trigger at the start of the exploration segment, as jobs events do.
Completing Orciad and Blackholt will now give weekly rewards, giving the player incentive to complete them earlier over exploring the map during the midgame. Currently only Orciad bonuses are added:
Ulcro: +2 orcs per week, +0,5 morale per week.
Batri: +2,5 orcs per week.
Tarish: +1 orc per week, +1,5 morale per week.
Delane: + 1 orc per week, -0,5 morale per week, weekly guilt decrease. (WIP)
New Journal and Incursions:
A new type of quests are now available, “Chaos Incursions”. Incursions are optional sidequests which often involve several outcomes, give more Exp and provide substantial rewards.
Whenever an incursion is unlocked the player will be informed about it via a unique message that appears after the Start of Week status screen. Each incursion is started by viewing the debrief event found in the throne room (or the respective NPC room), and can then be found on the Rosaria map in a predetermined tile. You can track its progress via the new Journal, which will also provide a visual hint on the tile location.
The Quest Chain involving the struggle between the dragon ogress Ygriss and the dryad Isdriuel, The Grudge of Thorns, is now implemented as an Incursion. This plotline has been in the game for a while, but due to the complicated conditionals for its event it was very difficult to trigger, so we’re looking forward to your feedback on it.
Four other events have also been adjusted to act as incursions, as originally intended:
Cormalda Calling
Elf Smuggler
Rip and Tear
The Crooked Priest
General UI Changes:
Prisoners are now visible on the top-bar resource tab, with a placeholder icon for the time being.
Arzyl and Whitescar now have their own rooms in Castle Bloodmeen. Fae events are no longer accessible through Jezera’s “visit” button. Heartsongs’ dream will trigger on its own if the player decides to keep the Fae, after which Arzyl and Whitescar events will both be accessible through their new rooms in the castle’s main floor.
Map and Portal UI:
Both the exploration map and the portal UI have been reworked from the ground up.
Rosaria is now split into 6 regions, each with a portal in the middle of it. Each region is split into 2-3 provinces, and should the player research “History of Rosaria” (though the option is enabled by the default for now) they’ll be able to check what resources can be found in each province.
The portal UI now allows the player to resume traveling simply by clicking Rowan’s portrait on the map. It will also mark the location of all important Quests and Incursions.
The map itself has received a visual upgrade, with new Forest, Raeve and Orciad tiles. It was also populated with more resource tiles, and several areas have been reworked to better reflect the history and current events of Rosaria.
Cla-Min shop:
“Ploys” have been added to Cla-Min’s shop. These strong but temporary castle buffs can be bought with Rowan’s personal gold at the player’s convenience. Players can now decide what they wish to focus on - the Castle’s development, or Rowan’s personal abilities.
Cla-Min’s shop has also been moved closer to the center of the Castle UI, for player convenience.
Research and Buildings:
Research has been heavily reworked. Several techs have been rolled into one, new optional research has been added, and new tiers of tech have been added, allowing the player to fully restore the castle.
Several buildings can now be fully upgraded:
Orc Barracks can be upgraded to level 4.
Dark Sanctum can be upgraded to level 3.
Breeding Pits can be upgraded to level 3.
Arena can be upgraded to level 3.
Library can be upgraded to level 3.
Forge can be upgraded to level 3.
Tavern can be upgraded to level 3.
Brothel can be upgraded to level 3.
Castle Hall can be upgraded to level 3.
Nasim’s Transformation Chamber is also no longer lost, and can now be properly excavated.
Building order has been adjusted. It’s no longer alphabetical, but instead sorted depending on how important a building is for long term expansion.
Bloodmeen army has heavily been rebalanced, allowing the player to field a far, far larger army. The military power of orcs, cubi and driders has been reduced, but so was the upkeep.
Units have been split into two categories - Retinue, and Reserve.
Retinue is Rowan’s personal troops he can command as he sees fit. They’re soldiers who take villages and fight at Raeve, and once Rowan takes to the field in Astarte, these will be the men, demons and beasts who follow him into battle.
Reserves are troops outside of Rowan’s direct control. While they can’t be used to take villages, the player pays only 25% of their upkeep, and they will be fully mobilized to fight the armies of Rastedel when the time is right.
Bloodmen’s army will now also benefit from Other Bonuses - unique individuals or resources the player managed to find in their travels.
Acquiring a large army will be the focal point of Rowan’s effort in Rosaria after the fall of Raeve keep. While players who wish for Bloodmeen’s eventual demise may find little benefit in expanding it beyond what the twins’ require of them, all Rowans will benefit from increasing the army’s War Readiness - a unique variable that tracks the level of intelligence Rowan has gathered on the Rosarian army.
Managing Morale.
Proper morale upkeep has been reimplemented, together with Low Morale consequences. Should the player fail at keeping morale over 50%, they may experience one of the fourteen new negative events that address the issue. Failing to deal with the problem for an extended period of time may result in Andras stepping in to bring the orcs to heel - something no Rowan wants.
Other Fixes:
You can now meet Cliohna in the first Abbey you visit even before meeting her in Bloodmeen. Tutorial Abbey now also gives a research bonus, as it should.
Spy efficiency now works properly.
Allying Maud on Werden’s route should now properly trigger Rastedel Finale.
Trading with human settlements no longer gives ten times the intended treasury reward.
Minor mine fixes.
Renpy 8.
Seeds of Chaos has been upgraded to Renpy 8.
v0.3.13 - 2023-08-12
- Two new Andras NPC arc events
- One new Arzyl path Fae event
- Two new Helayna room events
- The initial Raeve keep content with Helayna, as well as the claiming scene, and first castle sex scene has been reworked
- 17 new CGs, with 57 variants
0.3.12 - 2023-06-13
v0.3.11 - 2023.03.29
v.0.3.10 - 2022-10-06
Here is the release on time as promised. I thought it was going to be a smallish one due to the holidays, but it turned out to be a bit of a banger with 12(!) sex scenes, and some pretty great events with a good range; hot sex, comedy, and some heavy drama, IMO. I didn't have time to do the next NTR one again, but there are two new Andras-related NTR scenes in the fully reworked Andras tavern harassment event to make up for it a bit.
Release Notes
- New Andras NPC arc event (with three sex scenes)
- Two new Blackholt Tue-San events (with four sex scenes)
- Two additional sex scenes were added to the Fae Banquet event
- Three new map resource events
- One new Ophelia-related tavern job event (with one new sex scene)
- One partially reworked Andras-related tavern job event
- One majorly reworked Andras-related tavern job event (with two new sex scenes)
- 17 new CGs (with 42 variants)
- One new Sprite (Tue-Mai)
- More bugfixes, including Arena mouseover error
v0.3.09a - 2022-10-11
One new Andras x Rowan ruler event (with one sex scene)
One new Arzyl Fey event (with two sex scenes)
One new Tue-San Goblin arc event
Two new Tavern job events featuring Ophelia (with one sex scene)
One new Forge job event (with one mini sex scene)
Both the initial Aryzl and Whitescar events have been completely reworked
Indarah's dance scene has been completely reworked
Sixteen new CGs (with forty-eight variants)
One new animation (Jezera intro sex)
One new sprite (Che-Lin)
Fixed a number of small bugs, including the issue causing all Andras NTR events to occur in a row
0.3.08 - 22.10.06
v0.3.07c - 2022-08-02
"[Update - So, I was so tired this morning I added the missing BGs to the git branch, and didn't download the new version, I just rebuilt and uploaded one that still had them missing. This fixes that.]"
- One new Fae event (including one sex scene)
- Two new chaos incursion events
- Two new Blackholt events (including two sex scenes)
- One new Breeding Pits job event (including one sex scene)
- 16 new CGs (with 44 variants)
- 2 reworked CGs (with 9 variants)
- 1 new sprite (Zii-Zii)
- 4 new BGs (for Blackholt locations)
- 2 new Goblin Recruitment Arc events have been added.
- The finale to the Liurial NPC arc has been added (including 2 sex scenes, Rowan x Liurial and Rowan x Alexia)
- 2 new Jezera NPC arc events have been added, which can be triggered from the "Spend Favour" option in her castle map location, after the capture of Raeve Keep if the player has enough favour (including 2 sex scenes, Jezera x Rowan, and Rowan & Jezera x Madeline)
- 5 new Chaos Incursion events have been added (including 2 new sex scenes, Rowan x Ghorza and Ghorza x Rowan, and 1 re-purposed sex scene, Rowan x Ygriss)
- 17 new CGs (with 57 variants)
- 1 new animation (Rowan x Cla-Min) with 1 variant
- 2 reworked CGs
- 2 new sprites (Tue-Row and Tue-San)
- 1 new BG (Castle baths)
- One new Andras NTR path event (including one new sex scene)
- One new Liurial NPC arc event (including one new sex scene)
- One new X'zaratl room event (including one new sex scene)
- Two new NTR themed breeding pit job events (including one new sex scene)
- Two new chaos incursion events (including one new sex scene - more on these next release)
- Two new Goblin Recruitment arc events
- The remainder of the intro has been reworked, including improvements to the first Rowan x Alexia sex scene, and a rewrite of the village elder's death event
- 18 new CGs with 68 variants
- 3 new animations
- 4 reworked backgrounds and 5 variant backgrounds
- 5 CGs reworked to better suit the game's aesthetic
- Alexia's job menu now appears on week 22, not 23, as intended
- Added Alexia corruption gains to two twins related events that did not award any
- Fixed an issue where Heylana's acclimation event could trigger too early
- Changed Nasim's sprite to his correct hooded sprite in his abbey event
- Fixed an issue where failing to gain access to Ulcro did not unlock the axe at Cla-Min's shop
- Fixed an issue where the player could not request Cla-Min to provide a distraction during Delane's escape
- Changed the event for Raeve infiltration to trigger immediately to fix issues with it clashing with other events
- Added skillchecks to a number of Shaya investigation events
- Adjusted the priority of a number of early events to fix issues with events not triggering in the correct week
Rowan x Greyhide x Alexia 1
Rowan x Greyhide x Alexia 2 (with 2 variants)
Rowan x Darla 1 (with 1 variant)
Rowan x Darla 2 (with 2 variants
Sil x Alexia 1 (with 1 variant)
Sil x Alexia 2 (with 1 variant)
Zahira x Alexia 1 (with 2 variants)
Zahira x Alexia 2
Alexia x Alexia 1 (with 2 variants)
Alexia x Alexia 2 (with 2 variants)
Alexia x Alexia 3
Jezera x Alexia 1
Rowan x Cla-Min 1 (with 8 variants)
Rowan x Cla-Min 2 (with 1 variant)
Rowan & Patron x Whore
The Dark Lord Karnas Cinematic CG
11 Andras CGs reworked to better match the game's aesthetic
10 Rowan x Alexia CGs reworked to better match the game’s aesthetic
3 Intro CGs reworked to better match the game’s aesthetic
Rowan x Draith (Gay)
Indarah’s Dance (Erotic dancing)
Drider x Succubus (Monster, demon, anal)
Rowan x Liurial (BDSM)
Rowan x Alexia Intro (Vanilla)
Andras x Alexia Intro (NTR, anal)
Rowan x Liural 1 (Vanilla, light maledom)
Rowan x Liurial 2 (Anal, maledom)
- Major expansions to the investigative segment of the Shaya arc, including one fully reworked event
- New variant of the Shaya Rowan Orgy featuring a new sex scene [Rowan x Whore x Orgy Attendee][M/F/M, Debauchery]
- New Shaya Event featuring 2 variant sex scenes [Rowan x Shaya x Whore] [Sensory Deprivation, Public Humiliation] [Sadism]
- Shaya Act 1 Finale, featuring 2 Paths and 2 Sex Scenes [Rowan x Shaya] [Rough Sex, Male Dom] [Femdom, ???]
- 1 major X'zaratl Event [X'z/Rowan/Alexia] [Femdom/Edging]
- Major Draith Event [Rowan x Draith] [M/M, Mdom]
- 1 Map Event: Village Capture [Rowan x Gretcha] [Blowjob, Rough Sex]
- 2 Ruler Events [Rowan x Darius] [M/M, Prostitution] [Rowan x Drider] [Monster Sex, Mdom]
- 1 Job Event: Tavern [Alexia x Goblins] [Threesome, Goblin Sex]
- 19 new CGs with 16 variants
- 13 CGs reworked to better suit the game's aesthetic
- Numerous minor bug fixes, and QoL improvements
- Map updated
- Transformation chamber added
- Four new Greyhide NPC events (including five completely different sex scenes) depending on your previous choices (Rowan / Alexia / Poly / Platonic)
- One new Andras NTR event (including two sex scenes)
- Four new Sil based breeding job events (including two sex scenes)
- Three new events relating to the construction of the transformation chamber
- Fourteen short low morale ruler events
- Incubus x Sister Gwen 1 & 2 (with 4 variants)
- Rowan x Shaya (bondage) 1, 2 & 3 (with 4 variants)
- Rowan x Shaya (standing sex) 1, 2 & 3 (with 3 variants)
- The arrival of Sil cinematic CG (with 2 variants)
- Sil x Alexia 1 & 2 (with 2 variants)
- Rowan x Alexia with X'zaratl 1
- X'zaratl x Alexia 1 (with one variant)
- Rowan x Alexia x X'zaratl 1 (with 3 variants)
- Ameraine solo 1 (with 3 variants)
- Rowan x Ameraine 1 (with 1 variant)
- 5 Orciad CGs reworked to better match the game's aesthetic
- 18 X'zaratl CGs reworked to better match the game's aesthetic
- Andras' slave sprite
- Updated Ameraine sprite
- Transformation chamber BG (WIP)
This time our focus was on, and it will be for a lot of the near future, working on the NPC narrative arcs for this act. To this end, nearly all the X’zaratl events in-game have received a rewrite to bring them in line with her planned arc, alongside two brand new events. In addition, we also have more progress on the Jezera NTR narrative arc, as well as a number of new ruler, map, and job events.
This month we have 18 new CGs, with 41 variants, and 12 reworked CGs:
Rickon x Cla-Yill CGs 1 & 2 (with 1 variant)
Rowan’s Knighting CG (with 2 variants)
Jacques Fate CG (with 4 variants)
Alexia Meets Greyhide CG (with 2 variants)
Jezera x Alexia CG
Alexia x Mary CGs 1 & 2 (with 4 variants)
Jezera is Stressed CG (with 3 variants)
Shaya’s Orgy (with 1 variant)
Rowan x Courtesan (with 3 variants)
Rowan x Helyan CGs 1 & 2 (with 3 variants)
Rowan x Kether (with 2 variants)
Rowan x Bootleg Alexia (with 4 variants)
A Dream of Karst (with 1 variant)
The Arrival of the Emissaries CG (with 2 variants)
Alexia’s Fertility Treatment CG (with 5 variants)
Reworked 12 breeding pits related CGs to better fit the game’s aesthetic
As mentioned earlier, the main focus of this release is the X’zaratl narrative arc, and three of her events have undergone extensive rewrites, alongside two new events, one of which is an Alexia and Rowan sex scene. The Jezera NTR arc also has a new events, which features two sex scenes; Alexia distracting a female orc warrior, and Jezera rewarding Alexia for a job well done.
Outside of character events, we have four new ruler events, which include two sex scenes, a new one for Rowan and Draith, as well as a scene between Rowan and two members of the goblin Cla clan. We also have two new forest exploration events, which include one sex scene between Rowan and a proud huntress, as well as three new breeding pits job events, in which Alexia “meets” Draith’s newest charge, Sil, an aquatic lifeform.
This month we have seven new sex scenes:
Rowan x Alexia with X’zaratl (Vanilla, Breeding)
Female Orc x Alexia (Orc, Light Femdom)
Jezera x Alexia (NTR)
Rowan x Darla the Huntress (BDSM, Oral)
Alexia x Sil (Monster, Oral)
Rowan x Draith
Rowan x Cla-Tre & Cla-Owi (Goblin, Titjob)
Release Notes
- Save files can be renamed
- Save files can be deleted
- Research and Workshop updated
- Added the perks and prerequisites on the UI detail
- Research complete UI changed
- Workshop structures can now level up with perks addition
- Fixed the Dark Sanctum Bug
- Fixed mouse cursor disappearing bug
- Castle Tooltip implemented
- Portal UI cleaned and added tooltip details
- Alexia Maid Job Introduction
- Alexia Maid Job Harassment Events
- Jezera Wants a New Agent (Alexia x Garforth sex scene fully rewritten)
- Shaya Introduction
- Alexia Spying on Jezera and Shaya (Jezera x Shaya sex scene rewritten)
- (Minor) Shaya Room Event Chain
- Greyhide's Table Manners (Greyhide X Alexia)
- Greyhide Shares his People's Liquor ( Greyhide X Rowan)
- What happened after drinking Greyhide's Alcohol (Greyhide X Alexia) ( Greyhide X Rowan) and (Greyhide X Rowan X Alexia)
- Nasim's "Discuss fertility treatment" option
- Two Shaya character events (Orgy feat. Rowan, Shaya, Others) and (Rowan x Shaya)
- Two Map Events (Rowan x Kethar) (Sister Gwen x Incubus)
- One Repeatable Room scene for Helayna pre-week 30 (Rowan x Addled Helayna)
- One Repeatable Room scene for Shaya (Rowan x Shaya)
- One Greyhide character event
- One Random Cliohna castle event
- Two Alexia pregnancy woes events
- Alexia fertility treatment 1 (Rowan X Alexia)
- One Repeatable castle scene for Corrupt Rowan (Rowan X [Redacted])
- Battle of Astarte CG (with 4 variants)
- Rowan's Childhood Dream CG
- Drinking Buddies CG
- Rowan x Greyhide CG
- Rowan x Patricia CG 1 & 2
- Rowan x Female Succubus CG 1 & 2
- Rowan x Cliohna CG
- Patricia's Fate CG (with 4 variants)
- Rowan x Alexia & Succubi CG (with 5 variants)
- Rowan & Jezera x Mary & Maid CG 1, 2, & 3 (with 7 variants)
- The Box CG (with 1 variant)
- Alexia Solo CG (with 4 variants)
- Andras x Alexia Grope CG (with 1 variant)
- Andras x Alexia CG (with 18 variants)
- 2 Andras x Alexia animations
- 6 CGs reworked to better fit game aesthetic (Jezera x Shaya 1, 2, & 3, and Jak x Indarah 1, 2, & 3)
- Three new ruler events, including two sex scenes (Rowan & Jezera x Maids, Rowan x Alexia featuring succubi)
- One new Alexia NTR event (Andras x Alexia)
- One new Cliohna arc event
- Two rewritten Greyhide arc events (Introduction, Drinking Buddies)
- One new Greyhide repeatable sex scene
- Three new Fae events
- One new completely rewritten Fae event (Arrival of the Emissaries)
- Two new Alexia maid job events, including two sex scenes (Jezera x Alexia, Mary x Alexia)
- One new mine resource event, including one sex scene (Rowan x Valrys)
- One rewritten orciad sex scene (Rowan x Tarish)
- Sixteen new CGs, with fifty-five variants
- Two new animations (Rowan x Alexia, Rowan x Delane)
- One new sprite (Alexia slut outfit)
- Workshop backend reworked and readied for the gameplay improvement effort
- Added the option to choose map hex position when leaving Rastedel
- First tranche of Journal revision implemented
- Fixed the blank UI for the throne room
- Added a back button for summon Liurial menu
- Fixed the blank UI for breeding pit.
- Revised Report UIs (Sanctum, Breeding pit, Barracks, Forge) for consistency
- Added scene name on the top left during the start of the scene.
- Two new ruler events, including one sex scene (Rowan x Alexia)
- One additional sex scene added to the Succubi Murder Mystery ruler event (Rowan x female Rylea)
- One new Jezera NTR path, including two sex scenes (Alexia x Mikael, Jezera x Alexia)
- Two Alexia breeding pits job events, including two sex scenes (Alexia x Drider, Whitescar x Draith)
- One new Alexia maid job event
- One new Alexia barmaid job event
- Two new hill exploration events, including one sex scene (Ran-Cou x Zelda)
- One new village trade event
- 16 new CGs with 44 variants
- 2 new animations (Rowan x Cla-Min (Daughter), Rowan x Patricia)
- 2 new backgrounds
- All older goblin CGs (except one) have been reworked to match current game aesthetic
We have also added a number of QA features, including:
- Improved the exploration map UI, adding zoom and pan, as well as much requested UI display for objectives and deadlines
- Improved the castle map UI
- Added animation to gold change
- Added hotkey display to map for movement
- Reworked the living quarters and the throne room screens
- Adjusted map event probability, and adjust road tiles to now trigger plains events
Finished the vast majority of outstanding Rastedel content, including (but not limited to);
- the rest of Maud's path containing one new sex scene (Rowan x Maud)
- full integration of Werden's route to the same level as Patricia and Jacques
- the alternative Patricia corruption route including one new sex scene (Rowan x Patricia)
- the post coronation epilogue containing one sex scene (??? x Marianne)
- One new ruler event including one sex scene (Rowan x Rylea [an incubus])
- One new barmaid job events, including one sex scene (Alexia x Tarek [an orc])
- One new forge job event
- One new repeatable Helanya event, including one sex scene (Rowan x Helyana x Liurial)
- Twenty four new CGs, with thirty-eight variants
- Four new animations
- One new background, with three new variants
- Two new character sprites
- Fixed an issue where the game would not count any captured villages above two
- Added pan and zoom functionality to the map, as well as some other small improvements
Rowan x Alexia 1, 2, & 3 (Maledom)
Rowan x Shaya 1, 2, & 3 (Titjob)
Rowan & Ameraine x Patricia 1 & 2 (Threesome, BDSM)
Greyhide x Alexia 1 & 2 (Oral)
Rowan x Alain 1 & 2 (Gay)
Wulump Bad end 1 & 2 (Tentacle)
The Coronation (Group sex)
New scenes
Andras x Alexia (Kissing, NTR)
Rowan x Koh 1 & 2 (Orc, Vanilla)
Rowan x Draith (Gay)
Rowan x Liurial (Light maledom, Spanking)
Pony Stop 2 (BDSM, Lesbian, Pony Play)
Rowan x Helayna 1 & 2 (Cunnilingus)
Batri Victorious (Cinematic CG)
Ulcro Victorious (Cinematic CG)
Alexia x Mary 1 & 2 (Lesbian)
Rowan x Qais 1 & 2 (Gay)
Rowan x Shani (BDSM)
Rowan x Alexia Aftercare (Vanilla)
Rastedel Story CGs 1, 2, 3, 4, & 5 (Cinematic CGs)
Rastedel Night Variant Background
Slums Night Variant Background
Rastedel Barracks Variant Background
Mirrored Palace Aftermath Variant Background
Thorn Knight Sprite
Royal Knight Sprite
Release Notes
- Fixed an issue where the new Cliohna scene would not trigger due to submission being set wrongly in the previous event
- Fixed an error caused when visiting Rastedel lodge due to a missing variable
Release Notes
- Nine new Rastedel events (including two sex scenes, Rowan x Juliet, and Rowan x Shani)
- Two new ruler events (including the Cliohna submission path conclusion)
- Three new job events (including one new sex scene, Alexia x Mary)
- Three new resource events, and one updated resource event (including two new sex scenes, Orc Chieftess x Rowan, and Rowan x Qais)
- One new Helayna training event (including one new bedslave path sex scene)
- Sixteen new CGs with thirty six variants (Andras x Alexia 1, Andras x Alexia 2, Andras x ???, Andras Punishing Drokk, Jezera x Doran, Jezera x Aryzl, Rowan x Delane 1, Rowan x Delane 2, Fey Possessed Drider x Rowan, Abbey Gangbang, Rowan x Liurial, Ulcro vs Batri Orciad Showdown, Alexia x Liurial 1, Alexia x Liurial 2, Rowan x Heartsong 1, Rowan x Heartsong 2)
- Five animation loops (Andras x ???, Andras x Alexia, Rowan x Liurial, Rowan x Delane, Alexia x Liurial)
- Edited a number of CGs for consistency (Liurial and Greyhide scenes)
- One new background (Winery)
- Four new Rastedel events
- Two new ruler events, including two sex scenes (Rowan x Liurial BDSM, and Rowan x Fey possessed drider with male and female drider variant)
- Completed Andras NTR scene including two sex scenes (Andras x mystery slave, Andras x Alexia)
- Eight new CGs, with a large number of variants (Jezera kills Dark Elf Queen, Jezera x Commander, Orcs x Nileth 1 & 2, Greyhide Solo, Jezera x Whores, Rowan x Alexia, Drokk x Alexia)
- Four CGs retouched for consistancy (Rowan x Greyhide 1 & 2, Rowan x Jezera x Dark Elf Queen 1 &2)
- Three new BGs (Hills, Drider Nest, Slums)
It is the end of the month, so that means it is time for another Seeds of Chaos backer release! A bit of a slog this month, with a few issues, as well as another bloody heatwave, but with some hard work and determination, we managed to get everything ready on time for the new version.
Once again, the focus this month was on adding more Rastedel content as we move towards getting it completely finished over the next two months, and Winter has written two more events that bring us quite close to the end of the current phase. We also have one new ruler event that further explores Rowan’s relationship with Cliohna, for those of you interested in our resident librarian, as well as a new Fey event with the foxy (pun intended) Heartsong.
This month we have eight new CGs with 17 variations. We also commissioned a new character sprite and background that will be added in next month’s release.
- Drider Attack
- Spy (Orc) x Delane (Blowjob)
- Alexia x Liurial (Lesbian)
- Jezera x Alexia (NTR, Lesbian, Femdom, Facesitting)
- Obelius x Rowan 1 (Gay)
- Obelius x Rowan 2 (Gay)
- Jezera x Rowan 1 (Femdom, Handjob)
- Jezera x Rowan 2 (Femdom)
Once again, as previously mentioned, we have pushed forward with the Rastedel narrative arc, adding two more events where Rowan carries out his first task for his chosen ally. We also have one new ruler event featuring Cliohna, that diverges heavily depending on Rowan’s previous two encounters with her, as well as a new Fey narrative event with Heartsong.
This month we have three new sex scenes:
- Rowan x Heartsong (Vanilla, Anthro)
- Cliohna x Rowan (Femdom)
- Orc Gangbang (Orc, Groupsex)
- New Rastedel events. The follow up event to siding with Patricia Crevette is now available, as well as a follow up debrief with the twins after choosing an ally
- Two new ruler events, including one sex scene (Rowan x Alexia)
- One new room event, including one sex scene (Rowan x Shaya)
- The first half of the Alexia Andras corruption path, including one sex scene (Orc sexual harassment)
- Eight new CGs (Rowan x Alexia, Shapeshifted Spy x Delane, Rowan x Delane, Introducing Garforth, Rowan x Orcs Threesome, Mary's Interesting Body, Andras x Draith, Jezera x Alexia)
- One new BG (Andras' Chambers)
- One new sprite (Mysterious beautiful woman)
-New Rastedel events, including options to ally with Werden (requires Delane to be free), and the continuation of the Jacques ally line
-Two new ruler events, including one sex scene (Jezera x Alexia)
-One new exploration event, including two new sex scenes (Rowan x Obelius [gay], Rowan x Koh [female orc])
-Ten new CGs with a lot of variants (Liurial solo, Mary x Alexia, Batri and Andras x Rowan, Jezera x Rowan [massage], Rowan x Aelxia x Liurial, Ulcro x Delane, Batri x Delane, Jezera x Alexia, Jezera x Dorane and Rowan's return to Rastedel)
-Two updated CGs (Jezera x Doran, Jezera x Rowan)
-One alternative outfit for Alexia (Jezera's slave)
- Continuation of the Rastedel narrative (Copper Club and Lodge events / Faction decision event)
- One new ruler event (Rowan x Alexia scene)
- One new job event (Barmaid)
- Three new resource events (Village capture, Abbey, and Orc camp which includes sex scene)
- Fixed an issue w here Liurial's intro event would not trigger
- 8 new CGs with 30 variants (Rowan x TF Orc, Wulump x Female Commander, Rowan x Young Aspirant, Rowan x Delane, Rowan x Village Girls, Rowan x Helayna, Jak x Indarah, Andras x Draith, and Jezera x Helayna)
- 2 new backgrounds (Copper Club and Rastedel Inn Room)
- 2 new sprites (Liliana and Mysterious Male)
This release should be a pretty big deal for the Alexia and Jezera fans out there, as the centrepiece is a long event between the two that starts the path of Alexia falling under Jezera’s sway.
We also have a bunch of other smaller events, including new ruler events, a new job event, and a rewrite of some of the current Cliohna events to take the character in a bold new direction. We’ve also been making strides on the technical stride, implementing something people have been asking for - the ability to trigger character events from their rooms, as well as setting the foundations to improve the game’s core mechanics over the next few months.
This month we have nine new CGs, as well as one new background, and one new background variant:
Elves x Sacrifice CG (Femdom)
Elves x Sacrifice & Rowan CG (Femdom, Handjob)
Rowan x Agatha 1 CG (Monstergirl, Oral)
Rowan x Agatha 2 CG (Monstergirl)
Andras x Rowan CG (Maledom, Exhibitionism, Gay)
Greyhide x Alexia CG (Minotaur, Blowjob)
Ulcro x Delane CG (Orc, Exhibitionism)
Rowan x Orc Woman CG (Orc, Vanilla)
Rowan x Helayna CG (Maledom, Blowjob)
Codifice BG
Plains Night Variant BG
The main focus this month was on advancing Alexia’s corruption arc, following the recent addition of the first event in that narrative - The Demon Tree. Players who have been having Alexia spend a lot of time with Jezera will get to see her work her magic on Alexia, and attempt to pull her strings as only the demoness can.
In addition, we have three new ruler events, focused around everyone’s favourite wheeler dealer goblin, Cla-Min; two of which feature her interacting with the recently added character, Nasim. We have also overhauled Cliohna’s narrative arc, adjusting scenes to focus more on magical elements, as well as added one new job event for Alexia.
This month we have three new sex scenes:
- Jezera x Whores (Yuri)
- Jezera x Alexia (NTR, Yuri)
- Cliohna x Rowan (Magic)
The focus this month has been on two areas; expanding the Rastedel narrative, and introducing a new Castle NPC - Nasim. We’ll be continuing to work on both in the current month, as we bring the end of the first chapter to a climax with the closing of the Rastedel event chain. In addition, we also have added a number of general events, including new fey events, to this release to round the content out.
This month we have nine new CGs, as well as one new sprite:
- Rowan x Helayna CG (Vanilla)
- Andras x Alexia CG (Baths Harassment)
- Alexia Solo CG (Corruption)
- Helayna CG (Solo)
- Helayna CG 2 (Solo)
- Aryzl and the Midnight Court (Group)
- Goblin Dinner
- Rowan x Alexia x X’zaratl
- Skordred’s Sketch
- Nasim Sprite
As mentioned above, the focus has been on two areas this month. Firstly, Rastedel, and players can now attend the post-battle victory feast in Bloodmeen, as well as return to the city to revisit two of the major players. Secondly, the new NPC, Nasim, who will appear in the castle during a new event on week 15, and can be visited in the library for a number of new events and conversations.
In addition we also have two new Fey events on the Midnight Court side, that can be seen by visiting Arzyl in the castle, as well as two new Abbey resource events, both featuring Cliohna, and one new Tavern job event.
This month we have three new sex scenes:
- Wulump x Woman (Tentacles)
- Rowan x Transformed Orcess (Titjob, TF)
- Orcs x Nileth (Gay)
As they say, start the year as you mean to go on, so here at Venus Noire we have started the year with another release on time. We have a lot of plans for 2019, which you’ll no doubt be hearing about soon, and hopefully it will be a great one for the game.
This release is another mixed bag one, as we continue to work on wrapping up the first realm, Rosaria, later in the year. It has a bunch of new events in the ruler event pool, and the tavern job event pool, while we have also added comprehensive notes in the codex to the entire Orciad event chain to help people in getting the outcome that they want. Next month, the focus will be on Rastedel.
This month we have six CGs as usual, with other ten variants, as well as one new sprite, and one new BG:
- Rowan x Alexia CG (Blowjob)
- Alexia Solo CG (Futa)
- Greyhide x Alexia (Beastman)
- Jezera x Half-Minotaur Girl CG (Shibari)
- Rowan x Mystery Woman CG (Vanilla)
- Andras & Batri x Rowan CG (Gay)
- Mary Sprite
- Grand Lodge Background
As mentioned earlier, this release has two new ruler event, focused around sexual scenes with both Jezera and Andras. In addition, we also have eight tavern job events, including a new sex scene between Jak and Indarah.
We also spent some time making edits to the Greyhide x Alexia scene, to address the concerns of people who felt that it was too rushed. At a future date, we will be introducing another scene featuring stretching, that will precede it, and hopefully, solve this issue.
This month we have four new sex scenes:
- Jezera x Rowan (Handjob)
- Jezera x Rowan (Femdom, Denial)
- Andras x Rowan (Gay, Exhibitionism)
- Jak x Indrah (Rough sex)
The holidays are upon us! Everyone here at Venus Noire has been working hard to get this release out with the development window being only three weeks due to Christmas. The good news is that not only did we release on time, we also managed to put in 25k-30k words of new content, and seven CGs, making it the same size as a normal release, despite the shortened development cycle.
As it is the end of the year, we decided to focus on putting out a general content release, instead of partially starting an ongoing part of the major story. As a result, this release is a bit of a mixed bag, containing a number of new events of different event pools. Next month we will be getting back to Rastedel, and the main story will continue.
As mentioned, this month we have seven new illustrations, with over ten variations:
- Castle Bloodmeen CG
- Rowan x Maid with Helayna CG (Cuckqueaning)
- Rowan x Skordred CG (Gay)
- Jezera x Doran CG (Femdom)
- Rowan x Alexia Picnic CG (Vanilla)
- Tavern Harassment CG (NTR)
- Breeding Pits Harassment CG (Monster)
As mentioned earlier, this month is a bit of a mixed bag when it comes to new content. We have one major story event, the first of a chain that makes up Alexia’s corruption narrative. We have also added a new event that warns the player if they are approaching the deadline for the third task set by the twins, with goals still to achieve.
In addition, we have also added four new ruler events, and five new maid job events for Alexia, focusing on her fellow maid, Mary. Lastly, we have added three new events for the ongoing fey narrative, that can be seen in the living quarters after the arrival of the emissaries at castle Bloodmeen.
This month we have three new sex scenes:
- Andras x Alexia (Bathing, harassment, NTR)
- Alexia Corruption Event (Alexia solo masturbation, demonic influence)
- Rowan x Young Aspirant (Gay)
Changelog - 0.2.39
As with the previous release, our main aim was continuing the Rastedel narrative arc, so we have a number of scenes that further the plot through the second phase of the narrative, as well a few events that can occur when Rowan visits the city.
In addition to this, we also have a new ruler event that continues the X’zaratl character arc, as well as a new job event in the forge for Alexia.
This month we have four new sex scenes:
- Rowan x Delane (Anal)
- Jezera (Disguised) x Human Commander
- Alexia x Greyhide
- Alexia Futa Solo Masturbation
It is finally here - Rastedel! A lot of you have been asking for the story to continue for a while, and for those of you who were asking, this is the update for you. After the capture of Raeve Keep, the twins will task you with visiting the capital of Rosaria, Rastedel, in order to lay the groundwork for its eventual fall.
This month you’ll be able to visit the city for the first time and discover the current political problems. Over the next few months, the story will continue, and you’ll be able to learn more about plots within the court, choose who to ally with (and fuck, of course), and either help or hinder the twins plans for conquering the city, and taking control of all of Rastedel.
We have a bit less art in the CG department this month, due to Winter not getting as far as he hoped with the Rastedel storyline, but we do have more than usual in other areas to make up for it. We’ll also be adding the missing two CGs, which are already done, next month, so the November release will have at least eight CGs.
- Five new Rastedel character sprites
- One new Rastedel background (City streets)
- Rastedel World Map Location (Six tiles)
- Rowan x Emma CG, with five additional variants (Pregnant)
- Rowan x Draith CG (gay)
- Rowan x Tarish CG (Orc)
- Rowan x Liurial & Alexia (Threesome)
As mentioned earlier, the main focus this month has been on adding the introductory part of Rowan’s first visit to Rastedel, so you’ll be able to see the response to his return, visit the court and meet the key players in the city’s upper echelon, as well as attend a ball.
In addition, we also have three new job events for Alexia, two of which feature her being harassed by Andras, another new event that advances the Helayna relationship path, and two new ruler events, one being the arrival of the ambassadors for the fae narrative.
This month we have five new sex scenes:
- Rowan x Maid (with Helayna)
- Rowan x Mystery Woman
- Jezera x Half-Minotaur Girl (BDSM)
- Alexia Pits Harassment Event (Masturbation)
- Alexia Tavern Harassment Event
One new large Alexia themed event, taking into account a number of decisions that player has made during the game, with two very different outcomes depending on the path chosen, and two sex scenes (Jezera x Alexia, or Rowan x Alexia)
Two ruler events, including two sex scenes (Cliohna x Rowan, and Rowan x Alexia)
Two new job events (Library, and Breeding Pits), including a sex scene (Andras x Draith)
Two new events on the Helayna path, for those who chose to keep her, including one sex scene (Rowan x Helayna)
A debrief event has been added, that triggers the week after the completion of the Orciad, that varies depending on the player’s chosen path
Three new map events
More changes have been made to the argument scene following the claiming of Helayna to improve it
Changes have to been made the completion of goal two event, including a scene where Alexia and Rowan make up if they have fallen out
One new fey event, including one sex scene (Rowan x Ygriss)
Fixed a number of small bugs, including the two that sometimes caused infinite loop crashes
Ten new CGs (Shaya’s dance, Jak x Indarah, Batri x Delane, Andras & Batri x Rowan, Kraug & Snag x Delane, Dark Elf x Rowan)
One new sprite (Ygriss)
Changelog - 02.36
- It is now possible to rescue Delane: A new menu of choices to plan the escape becomes available when the escape criteria has been met with a number of related events.
- The Delane escape event has been added, with two possible outcomes (success and failure)
- It is now possible to hunt for gifts after talking to Ulcro: a new option has been added to the main Orciad camp menu, with ten new related events.
- Two new ruler events, one new Alexia Job event (maid), and three new room events.
- Four new sex scenes (Rowan x Liural x Alexia, Rowan x Emma, Rowan x Delane, Shaya solo "performance")
- Three new Fey events.
- Six new CGs (Andras x Alexia, Andras x Rowan, Jezera x Alexia, Jezera x Rowan, Rowan x Liurial, Dazzanath x Agatha)
- Three new sprites (Isdruel, Heartsong, Whitescar)
Changelog - 02.35
-New Delane interactions (It is now possible to convince her to choose Ulcro)
- It is now possible to abduct Delane for Tarish if you met all the prerequisites.
- The showdown between Ulcro and Batri has been added, with different outcomes dependant on player choices.
- The Ulcro victory scene has been added, with an Ulcro x Delane scene
- The Batri victory scene has been added, with a Batri x Delane, and a Andras & Batri x Rowan scene
- The Tarish victory scene has been added, with a orcs x Delane threesome scene, and a Rowan x Tarish scene
- The payer can view a "bad end" for Delane, if visiting the camp after Tarish is victorious
- Five new CGs (Rowan x Alexia, Andras x Alexia, Rowan x Sheera, Rowan x Cla-Min, and Dazzanath x Rowan & Agatha)
- Three new ruler events (two Cliohna, and one Liurial relationship events)
Changelog - 02.34
- Unknown.
Changelog - 02.33
- Character icons have been added to the castle map
- Underground floor now displays rubble until rooms are built
- Roads have been added to the map of Rosaria (requires a new game)
Changelog - 02.32 -07/02/2018
- Fixed issue where typo in event code was causing the event manager to throw up an error when that was the last event in the pool
- Fixed issue where fatal error occurs the week after "Helayna's Day Off"
- Fixed issue where error occurs at the end of the adventuring party mine event
Changelog - 0.2.31 - 6/30/2018
- Four new sex scenes (total)
- Three new Skordred centric ruler events, including a new sex scene
- Repeatable sex scene with Cla-Min (titjob)
- One new abbey event
- Repeat visits have been added to Lady Delane’s tent, allowing you to get to know her better, and earn her trust
- Batri’s route has been updated, allowing you to corrupt Lady Delane, and reclaim her from Ulcro (includes two sex scenes)
- Tarish’s route has been updated, allowing you to collect the quest items required, and convince Lady Delane to trust you
- Six new unique CGs (Rowan x village girls, Rowan x orc woman, Jezera x Shaya, Jezera x slave girl with Helayna, Cliohna x Rowan, and Wulump x Alexia)
- New sprite for Jak, who appears in the tavern job events
- Three new job outfits for Alexia’s sprite (barmaid, forge, and breeding pits)
- Title screen has been redesigned to be more in line with the aesthetic of the rest of the game
- All option menus have been converted to the new UI style
- Level up screen has been converted to the new UI style
- The castle map has been converted to the new UI style
- The world map has been converted to the new UI style
- The bottom floor of the castle has a new map illustration, bringing it in line with the ground floor
- All rooms now display their correct names
- Descriptive text added for all buildings in the workshop that previously did not have descriptions
- Numerous fixes to button sizes / alignments, and text alignments
Changelog - 0.2.30 - 06/15/2018
- Fixed new mine event (adventurers) bug
- Andras x Alexia 5 should trigger for everyone now
- Helayna should no longer be in Rowan's room after escaping
Changelog - 0.2.29 - 06/02/2018
- Various bugs squashed
- Added Jak x Indarah CG
Changelog - 0.2.28 - 05/28/2018
- New ruler events
- New resource events
- More Helayna story content
- More Alexia dungeon content
- Five new sex scenes
- Four new CGs (Greyhide threesome #3, Liurial Dungeon #2, Helayna's Daydream, Wulump x Alexia #2)
- More progress on the new UI
- Level up has been re-implemented
- Story advancing "Dream" events
- Two new repeatable sexual interactions with Liurial
- Week one of Alexia's punishment
- Two other sex scenes
- Introduction to the Fey narrative, introducing two new characters.
- New job for Alexia - Forge
- New sprites, BGs, and CGs
- Map size has been increased to represent half of Rosaria
- Lots of new resource hexes have been added as a result, with new resource events
- The game has undergone extensive balancing
- Villages and keeps now require military points to be spent in order to capture or destroy them
- A new storyline has been added to Raeve keep that allows you to claim Helayna. This will have an effect on your relationship with Alexia
- Five new sex scenes have been added
- Three more backgrounds have been added to the castle
- Four new CGs, plus variants have been added
– Patching architecture added, meaning from now on we can patch saves from previous versions, making them a lot more compatible
– Spying mechanic added – building a brothel and hiring spies will allow you to infiltrate targets
– Infiltration events added to villages
– Infiltration route added to Raeve Keep
– Ruined Arthdale location hex, and start of rebuilding quest added
– New map resource, Drider’s Nest, has been added, which will allow you to recruit driders if you have built breeding pits
– Drider’s Nest events, and breeding related Castle events added
– New character, Shaya, added
– 4 new sex scenes added
– 4 new CGs (with variations) added
– Colour adjustment on some of the CGs by my good friend Yron (of The Eternal Feast fame) so Rowan looks a bit less tanned
– Backgrounds for Jezera’s room and Cla-Min’s caravan added
– More missing castle menu features added
Here’s a new release with the issue Redknight reported regarding the Breeding Pits fixed.
Release Notes
- Turn count upped to 22
- The second goal (capture Raeve Keep by week 22) can now be completed (or failed)
- First society decision added - influence the twins and shape life at Castle Bloodmeen
- Almost 20 new events, bringing the total ingame count to over 100
- Six new sex scenes
- Courtyard and keep exterior backgrounds have been added to Raeve Keep (interior to follow)
- Knight sprite has been added to Raeve Keep scenes
- Two out of three (plus variants) cgs have been added to the X'zaratl x Rowan x Alexia scene
- Numerous typo / wrong tense / conflicting text mistakes have been fixed
- A number of castle room features have been added to in game menus, with the rest to follow
- Orc morale cost has been greatly reduced
- Turn count upped to 22
- The second goal (capture Raeve Keep by week 22) can now be completed (or failed)
- First society decision added - influence the twins and shape life at Castle Bloodmeen
- Almost 20 new events, bringing the total ingame count to over 100
- Five new sex scenes
- Courtyard background has been added to Raeve Keep (others to follow)
Тему отредактировал: admin - 4-03-2025, 08:52
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