Жена и муж больше не выносят друг друга – по большим причинам, чем те, о которых они могут догадываться. Их прошлая любовь разрушена, а семья, казалось бы, трещит по швам, и измученная жена и мать ищет сексуального утверждения. У безупречной сестры и дочери начинается неизбежное сексуальное пробуждение. Выберите свою роль Отца или Сына и станьте свидетелем двух перспектив распада одной семьи, цепляясь за любые возможные признаки любви в их падении на дно.
A wife and husband can no longer stand each other – for more reasons they care to claim for. With their past love crushed and family seemingly splitting at the seams, an exhausted wife and mother seeks sexual validation. A faultless sister and daughter begins her inevitable sexual awakening. Choose your role as Father or Son and witness two perspectives of one family falling to pieces, grasping for any possible signs of love in their descent
- POOL showcase segment (PARTY)
- ISLAND EVENT & ANIMATION (select previous paintings - visit plane)
- PARTY HALL story segment (YOUTH + DEVIANT)
- ISLAND EVENT & ANIMATION (select previous paintings - visit plane)
- TV|DS showcase & story segment (MATRIARCH + YOUTH)
- ISLAND EVENT & ANIMATION (select previous paintings - visit plane)
- DIN|LICK story segment (YOUTH + MATRIARCH)
- ISLAND EVENT & ANIMATION (select previous paintings - visit plane)
- ADAMA story segment (MATRIARCH)
- ISLAND EVENT & ANIMATION (select EAT for previous paintings)
- AVES short story segment (YOUTH)
- ISLAND EVENT & ANIMATION (select DAY for previous paintings)
v.0.98 CEAct I - Part IX is finished!
Don't forget to press F1 to access the menus!
Don't forget that pressing H hides the dialogue box!
I'll be uploading a patch in 2/3 days to add in the puzzles and CE clothes for Part IX -- these take a good chunk time to code in.
VERY IMPORTANT things to keep in mind going into Part IX:
Each campaign contains vital information about the other for this part -- I implore you to play through both of them to see the whole picture. Don't be deceived by first impressions!
The S campaign has a major split-path decision, prompting what kind of girls you like. Please explore both -- if you cannot access one of them due to past mistakes, start a new game and use the story skip feature. This will save choices/rel. points and get you back to where you were quickly. I didn't have time to add in the previous two parts, so you can skip through them by using the ctrl key (fast forward).
If your profiles are bugged in any way, whether the card is missing or the rel. points look wrong, don't worry. These are just graphical errors -- the actual amount is stored numerically and will be updated graphically when patched.
Night I (M) segment
Night II (K) segment
Morning/Room segment
Foyer/Fight segment
(Path A) Sex segment
(Path B) Friend segment
Roam/Sunset segment
Dinner segment
Undressing segment
Dim-Lit Ending segment
Couch/TV segment
Crash segment
Morning TV/Master segment
Foyer/Fight segment
Garage/Apt segment
Sex segment
Sunset Gar/Apt segment
Sunset Home segment
Restaurant segment
Redemption segment
The walkthrough will be posted soon -- it's going to take me a little longer since there's so many choices this time around. Don't feel too intimidated by choosing wrong -- separating trivial and vital choices should be simple.
As always, PLEASE message me if you encounter any game-breaking bugs or exception errors so I can patch it as needed.
Thank you for holding on so strong and for so long -- that was one HELL of a wait. I can happily say that the development cycle won't be this egregious ever again, both with me recruiting local help and doubling my rendering setup for next month. Part X and future installments will be closer to 6-7 weeks each.
I hope you'll enjoy Part IX and the variety of things packed in there. After a wait like that, many will set their expectations at their very highest, understandably so. While it may not be the full-cast, bombastic orgy you were hoping for, I thank you for playing through it and hope you enjoy what's to be discovered.
Have fun. See you soon!
Gumdrop Games
Added 2 gallery and 2 secret puzzles to find and complete
Deleted the few unused images from game archive
Added 4 new Christmas CE character clothing for profiles & character cards!
Secret items to look out for:
A Dial
A Lid
In case you're not familiar how to switch the character profile clothing, head to the SECRETS menu and click the question mark button. You can cycle each characters clothing by clicking them, combining them in any order that you desire. Returning to the PROFILES menu will show your selected character clothes, along with their respective character cards being updated.
Thanks for your patience. See you soon!
Gumdrop Games
Morning segment (Sis + Aunt + Mom)
Beach segment (Sis + Aunt + Mom)
Spying segment (Aunt + Mom)
Talking segment (Sis)
Glory Hole segment (Cousin)
Blowjob segment (Cousin)
Dinner segment (Sis + Aunt + Mom)
Hot Tub segment (Mom)
Night segment (Aunt + Cousin)
Morning segment (Daughter + In-Law + Wife + Niece)
Beach segment (Daughter + Niece)
Ocean segment (Niece)
Cafe & Cave segment (Daughter + In-Law)
Dinner segment (Daughter + In-Law + Wife)
Hot Tub segment (In-Law)
Night segment (Karen)
The two secret items you should look out for:
A Pole
A Towel
v.0.61GENERALFinally, additional save slots! Select Father or Son Saves to use them
Fixed secrets unlocking without clicking hidden objects
Redesigned "Retrieval" puzzle
Realigned Gallery & Secrets menus
Added relationship points to gain for both Father & Son campaigns
Fixed zoomed in resolution for some scenes from Son's Part III
CUSTOM EDITION ONLYFixed mystery menu -- can now mix and match characters freely
Redesigned Cousin/Niece CE render -- now looking drunk, not dumb
Preview of what's coming to the CE next installment
Don't remember how to get to the Mystery Menu?
On the Secrets Menu, click the question mark at the bottom of the screen to access the Mystery Menu! This is where you'll find much of the future CE content.
secret menu - F1
Yes, more previews are on the way! Summer may be ending for some of us, but DUAL FAMILY is still basking in it's blazing glory. The searing sand kissing the crashing ocean sets the perfect stage to have our characters -- your family -- to experience some classic summertime antics. Stay tuned!
0.54 Tutorial Update Changelog
Heya there.
I wanted to polish the release once more before I get back to working on the next story part. Here's what I added in:
Son's legs in Part III are no longer smooth-shaven like a woman
Included some more scenes left out of Part IV
Removed the hazard of starting a game without naming characters
Added an optional, complete tutorial that explains Dual Family's controls and functions
Swapped the last two character cards for the daughter/sister to their correct order
Remastered the goofier looking title cards for the son and father
Act I - Part IV (0.50)
Mom morning after segment (Dick & Ass)
Mom shower spying segment (Full frontal, multiple profiles)
Mom masturbation segment ( Full frontal, multiple profiles)
Cousin drunk segment (Upskirt peek)
Escape & dinner segments (Ties in father canon)
Mystery visitor at night segment
Daughter dream segment (Bare ass, back, chest)
Niece + Daughter kitchen segment (Intro Karen)
Optional exposition segment (Room searching)
Niece + Daughter bedroom segment (Daughter nudity)
Surprise shower visitor segment (Full frontal, multiple profiles)
Dinner & night segments (Story lead)
Act I Part III! (0.40)
The Son
House explore segment (Mom’s panties / Sis’s phone)
Mom kitchen segment (Nude fantasy / hugging / groping)
Garage workout segment (Bench / Squat intimate spotting)
Night explore segment (F/D continuity)
Drunk Mom segment
In bed with Mom segment
The Father
Daughter dream segment
House search segment
Mall food court segment
Mall clothes shop/changing segment
Mall cinema segment + encounter with a familiar face
Family reunites, family dinner segment
In bed segment w/ wife or daughter