Год выпуска: 2017
Жанр: cheating, vaginal sex, parody, stripping, oral, anal, titjobs, voyeurism
Цензура: Отсутствует
Разработчик/Издатель: Zigmut - New Lagoon Thread
Платформа: PC/Windows/MacOS/Linux
Тип издания: Заброшена / Abandoned
Таблетка: Не требуется
Версия: v.
Язык игры: Русский/Английский/Немецкий/Французский (Russian and German machine translated)
Язык интерфейса: Русский/Английский/Немецкий/Французский
Цель здесь-вести себя как идеальный муж, чтобы вернуть жене любовь или, наоборот, попытаться соблазнить всех девушек, которые появятся у вас."
"Независимо от вашей цели, вы должны быть осторожны, чтобы не вести себя как идеальный ублюдок. Уважительное отношение к женским желаниям-лучший способ сделать это. "
"Каждый человек, как правило, следует хорошо закодированный график, и вы должны присутствовать на определенных этапах, так что они более приятны для вас."
"Никогда не забывайте радовать их, если это возможно, это всегда будет выигрышная политика."
Если вы грязный отношение будет падать, а мыться можно только раз в день
Нужно делать работу по дому за неделю или отношение будет падать(необязательно делать всю работу,можно любую одну несколько раз)
Когда пойдете с Женой на вечер в диалоге с Натали нужно выбрать "у тебя какое то пятно"(для дальнейшего с ней прохождения)
Если не поехать с Женой отдыхать отношение будет падать(но иногда это будет нужно)
Пароль от ноутбука няни: Baskerville
- Cerise was masturbating in her kitchen while making coffee
- The price of the magnifying glass was not correct
- The multiplier was not correctly applied
- Bad energy management in the kitchen when preparing/eating
- Problems when Noélie enters our room while we are reading
Correction: Problem moving forward in Noélie's story when we are asked to mow the lawn
Adjustment: Dreams happen a little less often
Correction: Images of Sarah when she is near the pool
Correction: Images of Noélie when she opens the door of her room
Correction : Book writing actions that did not disappear
Correction of problems of display of images with Noélie and Sarah at the beginning of the game.
Problem fixed:
- First names were not displayed correctly in English
- English translation
- Unable to use the "Skip 30 minutes" function
Addition: Possibility to skip the scenes where we meet Cherry while doing sport near the sports field
Add: Noélie and Sarah gain attraction when she comes back from nightclub
Added: The courses to be given appear in the help panel directly in the game
Addition: You can click on each image of the photo shoot to see it in real size
Addition: Doing a photo shoot adds attraction
Addition: Ability to move quickly in places (with some constraints to avoid bugs)
Add: Pictures of portraits of Sarah when she has breakfast
Addition: 1 mp4 variation when watching tv
Add: Love scene between Noélie and Sarah in the swimming pool
Add: Christmas dream scene in blonde
Added: Some images of variations
Added: The image of the game and its name are displayed when they install on the console
Added: 1 image when sarah swims with her swimsuit
Added: Patchnote directly in the game
Added: Updated translations for English, German and Russian
Addition: Clicking on Noélie's computer image allows you to connect to it
Added: Several icons
Addition: In the men's locker room in the gym it is possible, under certain conditions, to buy a potion that gives muscle
Addition: First code sections of the module for a real interaction with AFF PNJs
Addition: Many images and videos to reduce the routine of meetings
Addition: Several variations when discussing platonically with Noélie
Addition: Continuation of the creation of the module for a real interaction with AFF NPCs (with a wider vocation if necessary)
Added: Noélie can play game console
Addition: Icon point?
Addition: Many variations
Addition: Sarah a Fb
Add: Sexy GIF when you go down the stairs at the university
Addition: Illustrative image of sudoku
Add: Gif when 2 girls kiss each other with cum on their faces
Added: Gif when 2 girls exchange sperm
Addition: Continuation and end of the story between you, sarah and noélie
Addition: Plan to find your way more easily at the university
Added: Achievements and wallpapers related to the progression and completion of the main story
Addition: Function to make fades in the game (used for loading a part for example)
Added: End cinematic
Added: Christmas blowjob scene in the shower
Addition: 2 sex scenes with noélie (in the bathroom and in her bedroom)
Add: Image when noélie gets dolled up in the bathroom
Added: Images when noélie undresses in the bathroom
Added: Several common images related to blowjob in the shower, brunette woman orgasm and swallowing cum
Added: Better consistency when looking / acting with someone in the bathroom
Added: Story of noélie and sarah 10- & gt; 11
Added: End cinematic
Addition: Scene with Noélie in the living room and first milestones for the end of the story noélie / sarah / pj
Addition: Several variations when you play sports at the level of the girls that you meet
Add: The portrait of Noélie in the info panel changes depending on the progress of the story
Added: Images for console games
Added: Images for Sarah's Fb posts
Added: Images for SMS sent by Sarah
Added: Generic sex images
Added: Story of Noélie and Sarah 8- & gt; 9
Addition: Some icons to illustrate the choice of conversation topics
Addition: Variable to know the sexual preferences of the pnj & gt; = 2000 (0homo- & gt; 50bi- & gt; 100hétéro)
Addition: Continuation of the creation of the module for a real interaction with AFF NPCs (with a wider vocation if necessary)
Addition: End of the inclusion of level 0 of questions to be asked on aff and start of the inclusion of level 1 questions
Added: Possibility to pass the blowjob scene in the car when coming back from the supermarket
Added: Several context images
Modification: Icon when the shelters are stored
Modification: $ university_place - & gt; $ event_trigger ["lieu_universite"] to facilitate resetting to 0
Modification: There is now one load in the console per game purchased
Modification: Sex scene 1 in the living room with Noélie, we choose the way to conclude by keeping the last displayed image (no more gray screen)
Modification: Sarah has her Gala outfit as soon as we arrive at the university for the Gala
Modification: When it is not possible to do a photo shoot we return to the portrait of the PNJ (instead of the room where we are)
Modification: The illustrative images of the places are all the same size
Modification: Centralization of the management of site openings
Modification: The options menu is better organized
Modification: Way of displaying objects in rooms (better homogeneity)
Change: How inventory is displayed
Modification: Renaming of 'test_possibilite_sexe' to 'test_possibilite_pnj' for greater versatility
Modification: Clicking on the image of the bathtub or the washing machine launches the action
Modification: Way of watching tv / playing console to make code more readable
Modification: All variables can no longer conflict - & gt; reduction of variable corruption
Modification: Description panels and quick actions (save, inventory, etc.) are hidden during cutscenes and love scenes
Modification: After a certain time, the search for Noélie's computer should be successful (reduction of the hazard)
Modification: Factoring of the options menu code
Modification: the 'extraction_informations_v2' module is now more versatile (transferred to the 'modules' to reflect this)
Modification: Rewrite of the function responsible for changing the background color according to the time of day to make it compatible with the new fade function
Modification: Fewer events are totally random
Modification: Redesign of the management of the SMS database (greater versatility)
Modification: Addition of variables for the PNJ, requires a regeneration
Modification: Action in the garden shed for greater speed of action
Modification: Factoring of variables
Modification: Management of Christmas and Sarah portraits simpler and allowing to add more easily
Modification: The variable relating to the relationship that we have with the pnj is modified for more consistency and less problems
Modification: All icons have a halo to be visible when the game background is dark
Modification: Slight redesign of the PNJ diary code for more readability
Modification: Slight factorization of the code
Modification: The trad files are separated (better maj and better error checking)
Modification: Continuation of the factorization of the variables
Changed: Minesweeper game code more readable for better maintenance
Modification: The function allowing to know the number of people in a room is more versatile
Modification: A number of functions are modified to take into account the elements related to the end of the main story
Adjustment: Size of the book covers harmonized
Adjustment: We can no longer skip the meal scene when history-related events occur there
Adjustment: Weighting Sarah in her college office to increase the likelihood of finding her there
Adjustment: Some code simplifications
Fit: Sports objects in the gym are the same size (better harmony)
Adjustment: Better presentation of the text when wanting to buy anal lubricant
Adjustment: It is not possible to skip the sex scenes with Sarah when it advances the Noélie / Sarah story
Adjustment: Cherry's 6- & gt; 7 story triggers faster
Adjustment: When you do not have time to do the sports session before the closing of the room, you are brought back to the choice of duration and no longer directly in the room
Fit: Sexy video of college girls walking up the stairs at college saw her height increase
Adjustment: The window "for information", is centered and takes all the width (better visual coherence)
Adjustment: Continued use of the 'pour_information' module for a larger number of messages
Adjustment: Many newlines added to make the text more readable
Adjustment: The difference between 2 Christmas dreams cannot be more than one week
Adjustment: Changed certain conditions for greater fluidity in the actions and advancement of Noélie's story
Adjustment: Look for forward / backward one page on the fb mobile site
Adjustment: Seeing Sarah masturbating is consistent with the context
Adjustment: Noélie dresses now when she finishes being in the bathroom in the morning
Adjustment: The themes of the SMS images adapt better to the progress of the story with Noélie or Sarah
Adjustment: It is no longer possible to do Sarah's striptease in the office when writing the first time
Adjustment: The text to adjust the number of successes per line and the actions related to this are on the same line
Adjustment: Several variables are modified to better match the rest of the stories (gift the blue bikini)
Adjustment: Creation date of Sarah's Fb profile
Adjustment: The automatic creation of comments is reduced by a factor of 10 (in test)
Adjustment: noelie_lingerie_1 and noelie_lingerie_1_discussion are resized to no longer show the unsightly edges
Adjustment: Visual consistency of games and easy access to different options
Adjustment: Aspect of the texts of the end kinematics
Adjustment: Better ergonomics of the game of blackjack, minesweeper and sudoku
Adjustment: Events when we sleep are more consistent with what is displayed
Adjustment: A few variables here and there for more consistency
Tweak: Code optimization
Adjustment: Several interface changes to make it more readable and practical
Tweak: Code optimizations
Correction: Nathalie did not suppress blackmail when we protected her from stalkers at college
Correction: The image of Noélie was not displayed when knocking on her door at 11:00 p.m. to advance her story
Fixed: Sarah's profile image on Fb was not showing
Correction: Stores in the city center were not open at the correct hours
Correction: Sarah was still at home when she should have been in the country house
Correction: Possibility to skip the story 6-> 7 of Noélie and Sarah
Correction: Possibility to skip the sex scenes with Sarah
Fixed: Bug that did not allow advancing in the story with Cherry (encounter on the sports field)
Fixed: Inability to purchase gym membership card
Fixed: The fast travel menu was not appearing consistently when activated in the university lobby
Correction: Good name of the action when you have the espresso machine in the kitchen
Fixed: Bug that prevented to change the pro Fb background photo of the pj
Correction: Bug which prevented to change the personal background photo Fb of the pj
Fixed: Bug which prevented changing the text of the pj's personal Fb profile
Correction: Bug which prevented to change the personal profile picture Fb of the pj
Correction: Several buggy gif
Correction: Wrong description image of Noélie's computer
Correction: Bug in the scene where Noélie surprises us watching a porn that did not allow to finish it
Correction: Name of variables which lead to no longer having the right PNJ talking to us
Correction: It is now impossible to watch TV when Noélie is playing on the console
Fixed: Bug that made it possible to watch TV in the Mall once purchased
Correction: Typo error to skip the scenes when looking at the results of a search for Noélie's nickname on the internet
Fixed: Inability to play on the console when Noélie is in the room but takes care of Pierre
Correction: Bug when you have the camera, attend the gala and want to talk to Nathalie
Correction: Many superfluous double-spaces
Correction: 2 buggy gif (when we dine at the gala)
Correction: When Noélie is at the Mall her old action does not disturb her presence at the supermarket
Correction: Images correlated to the story when Noélie bronze
Correction: Images correlate to the story when Sarah tans
Correction: The portrait images of Sarah in the country house do not take precedence over the rest
Correction: Bug in the debug menu when modifying the attraction of Sarah and Noélie
Correction: Sarah cannot masturbate and undress at the same time
Correction: Skip the reading scene in the bedroom is no longer possible when it causes Noélie's story
Correction: The icon to skip the photo shoot scene is the same as elsewhere
Correction: The variable multiplier is applied to a larger number of variables
Correction: Bug on the Fb site which did not allow to see the portrait of the one who posted
Correction: many extra spaces deleted
Correction: bug when looking at Noélie sleeping
Correction: Missing portraits when chatting with Noélie and she tans in a swimsuit
Correction: The images of the sms correspond to the progress of the story with Noélie
Correction: There will always be an image with an SMS
Correction: Bug of actions when chatting with Noélie
Correction: Display of Noélie's portrait when offered gifts
Correction: Good image for the illusatration of the game of sudoku and blackjack
Fixed: Continued work of using the dialog in the whole game whenever there is a pop-up message
Correction: Good text and image when Noélie is reading a book in the garden
Correction: Sarah undresses in the evening once before reading
Correction: Incorrect variables related to Fb profiles of pnj and pj
Fixed: Bug displaying portraits of Sarah in a swimsuit
Correction: Facebook display on the laptop
Correction: Authorization to access fb profiles is correctly managed
Correction: We come back to the right place when we want to talk to Noélie and she prepares the meal or is in the bathroom
Correction: Several supernumerary texts disappeared
Fixed: Chatting with Sarah no longer causes UI panels to disappear under certain conditions
Correction: Noélie outfit when she tans
Fixed: Wrong link for image when computer is turned on
Correction: Bug with the sudoku game preventing time passing when leaving it
Fixed: Several gif that did not want to display correctly
Correction: A small bug in the generation of conversations on the AFF site
Correction: Default background image on its pro Fb page if there is none
Correction: Typos
Correction: Very many errors corrected
Add: Help to not miss the exams
Add: Message posted by Noelle when it is added as a friend on fb
Add: Possibility to spend some action and cinematics
Add: girls kiss when they test clothes
Add: When girls test the garment their intimacy increases
Modification: Name of a variable to avoid problems
Adjustment: Design only a few warning boxes
Correction: Bug to see Cherry at the gym
Correction: Bug when we have more energy
Correction: Bug when relaxing on the grass in the park
Correction: Several bugs
Correction: Typos
Add: Progress bar for writing a book in paper / pencil and computer
Added: Date of writing the book in the database, available when you click on a cover
Add: We are put out of the room Noelie at 23:00 (except special event)
Add: You can watch Noélie tan or prepare a meal
Add: Help to advance in the story of Christmas
Change: Sarah goes into the kitchen at 8:00 am when we are in the room and that 'we go out (if we do not look at it)
Modification: The sex shop opens until 4:00 am
Adjustment: In the room of the country house, it is the reading which is the first action
Adjustment: Harmonization of the windows of posts
Adjustment: Better segmentation of actions in the code
Adjustment: Reduction of the use of "alert" boxes
Correction: Bug when sending SMS
Correction: Several bugs
Correction: Typos
Added: Translations for English, German and Russian
Added: Possibility to read books at the library of the college to increase its level in medieval literature
Add: SMS Messages + Discussions to report when you can become a student or teacher
Addition : For the AFF site, creation of a variable which signals the distance of the pnj to the player's home
Added: Impossibility to spend time during events (avoid problems later) (+ redesign of the module)
Add: Many icons unicodes added to the examples
Added: Ability to spend the kinematics when swimming alone
Added: Ability to hide the description of a place
Add: Ability to hide the image of a place
Add: Many different texts when we send an SMS
Add: Some additional error messages to better diagnose problems
Add: Additional indices for the gala
Add: Text to indicate that it is possible to buy packs of funds for facebook
Addition : Precision when describing Nathalie post-gala (according to a certain event ...)
Add: Indices to buy the clothes for the gala
Add: Automatic rotation of the wallpaper images of the start page
Add: Possibility to discuss sexy with Sarah
Add: Possibility to discuss ass with Sarah
Add: In the dresser, we can reduce each part
Add: Board to correctly configure the windows of the game
Add: Possibility to buy the game of Black Jack
Add: Small animation to furnish the homepage of the game of blackjack
Add: We can choose his starting bet in blackjack
Add: In the main loaf, we can reduce the objectives of each pnj therein (Noelie / Sarah / Cherry)
Added: During loading (into or add game) there is an animation of ...
Add: Extra help not to forget Sarah's gala and what is required
Add: Game of blackjack (must still be a game we buy)
Addition: When Noelie asks us for money, the answers depend on the money available (she asks the question as soon as we have 850 €).
Add: When you click on the first name of a pnj in the main form, its form opens (the same as in the menu relations)
Add: It is no longer possible to receive more than 2 spontaneous sms / h of each pnj
Added: Several helpers for the Christmas story
Add: 'function_execution' in modules; returns in $ result the dyneval of the first argument
Add: We can ask Sarah to organize an exam at the university, this request requires +100 of attention to each request (not possible if an exam is already planned)
Add:: /)
Add: Two variables to know the total number of times we chatted with Noelie and Cherry
Added: Automatic backup when we choose a language at the start of the game (to avoid that it is repeated every time)
Add: The objectives are displayed on the main file
Add: It is possible to fold / unfold the categories on the main form
Add: Possibility to create the info variables of the pnjs without displaying the info box
Add: Possibility to skip the scenes when Noelie masturbates when looking through the keyhole of her bedroom
Add: When we nibble, we can see what happens at the same time in the kitchen
Add: When we pass the mower or nap in the garden, we can also see what is happening at the same time
Add: When we shower in the country house, we can also see what happens at the same time
Add: When we clean the pool, we can also see what happens there at the same time
Add: When we take a bath, we can also see what happens in the bathroom at the same time
Add: When we watch TV, we can also see what is happening in the living room at the same time
Add: The automatic backup is activated by default when we start a game
Add: Now, the successes are dissociated between those of the game and those unlocked in the game. set of parts
Added: 4 sexy SMS from Noelie
Add: Possibility to spend the kinematics of the walk with Pierre
Add: Possibility to spend the video scenes of Noelie on the internet
Add: Specific module to know what to display as a portrait (allows to call anywhere)
Add: When we bouquinne we can see what is happening at the same time around us
Add: Ability to read next to the pool
Add: Many messaues when you have lunch or dinner with Sarah and Pierre (and noelie)
Add: Possibility of having strength and sex xp in the main file
Add: Ability to spend several cutscene with Sarah and Sabrina
Add: Sarah aquièce when you walk naked in the house (and its attraction is sufficient)
Add: When Cherry cleans and kissing Noelie or Sarah, 4 videos supp shows that it tease us
Add: Possibility to spend several cutscene with Cherry and Sarah
Added: The car is not available from the beginning, she happens once we have enough money (1000 €) or we have> = 100 with Sarah
Add: We can cross Nathalie in the halls of the university
Add: Fb messages according to the events (Noelie is with Sarah at the country house, without the player)
Add: Several SMS messages depending on the place and events
Added: Fiction module loading when adding a game to the console
Add: The game installation is done by console
Add: It is possible to answer Sarah when she invites us in the country house to go with Noélie and without the player
Add: We can meet Sabrina when we read in the park (the code has been factored for the occasion )
Added: Distributor of energy bars in the two locker rooms
Added: Possibility to spend several cinematics with Cherry and Noelie
Add: Many aids to advance the story of Cherry
Add: Some sms related to the stories are added
Add: The color of the links hypertext adds for better readability with the background color
Add: Sudoku game (buy the game, play it, etc.)
Add: We can prepare the meal in the country house
Add: You can read in the park
Add: It is possible to train with Cherry, different nv efforts are possible
Add: Help in Noelie but to indicate that the site fb exists in the game
Add: The console game displays the game purchased and installed
Added: Security for not being able to save quickly and that it poses pb when one reloads after
Add: It is possible to start the narrative arch of Cherry even when one went to hunt the policeman
Add: The force is no longer necessary to start the narrative arc of Cherry (it remains afterwards) if we have advanced enough in the arc of Noellie
Add: We can pass many cutscenes
Modification: The color of the hypertext links is added for a better readability with the background color
Modification: The messages of the search engine of the computer are displayed by a template
Modification: One changes the name of the variable which corresponds to the chart fb
Modification: many variables are modified to be coherent and facilitate the setting to 0
Modification: Module diary for Cherry corrected for more coherence (and modifs various to accompany this change)
Modification: Factoring the code for library where are our books
Modification: light factorization of the code when going up or down the stairs to the facade
Modification: The display of the list of success has been adapted to better enter the window
Modification: The display of the list people we know has been adapted to better enter the window
Modification: The main form is remelted and is now in a table html
Modification: The display of life bars (or any other elements Similar (positive when high value)) uses the loading bar module
Modification: The loading bar module the center by default the bars
Modification: Refresh of the meal module (factorization of the code and possibility of passing the scene)
Modification: The generated pnj by hand can no longer change the profile photos on fb (bp of consistency)
Modification: Factoring the code when looking through the keyhole of Noelie's room
Modification: Slight optimization of the code when we change the room
Modification: The possibility of passing the intro kinematics is done in the same way as elsewhere
Modification: Rewrite of the info box when we click on a pnj in the page of the Relationships
Modification: Changing the names of some variables to avoid bugs (the origin of which is unknown)
Modification: Slight rewrite of the way the object generator module handles TV
Modification: Comments in local_en disappearance
Modification: The attraction with Noelie and Sarah no longer in the game aids
Modification: Replacing variable names with more explicit ones
Modification: Moving killvar 'event_trigger' in 'choice_difficult_2'
Modification: Adjusting the design of tables
Modification: The window that opens when you finish writing (but not the book) is richer with a progress bar
Modification: Noelie asks us for money story6-> 7 only once / day if we refuse or we can not afford
Change: The variable to see the lingerie saleswoman in her shop window is integrated in event_trigger
Modification: Les conditions in change_piece are only done if we are in a room
Modification: The factorization of the code when we discuss with Sarah and Noélie is modified to avoid the bugs (one sends in parameter theimage to be displayed)
Modification: The function allowing the display of bars of life / sport / etc is returns a $ RESULT (must be called with a FUNC ())
Modification: In the main form, the display of the attraction with the pnjs is a loop
Modification : dvd_generator can return a $ RESULT when called with a '$ result' in 3rd parameter
Modification: Replacement of variable names by other more explicit (written words)
Modification: The site of the casino now has its own location
Modification : Helping to prepare a meal is an argument of the function, the function of the meal is maj accordingly
Modification: In the love module, a greater number of scenes with Sarah are factored at the level of the exit so that the bonus is identical everywhere
Modification: The function of beginning of a part is more clearly separated in different entities
Modification: L installation of a game in the console and a place is grouped into a single dynamic variable (- code in the end)
Modification: way we return to the home screen once we saw the help of game
Modification: The start page is a table that appears in a block
Edit: The parts in the dresser are tables and are displayed in a block
Edit: All discussions with Sarah are grouped in the action discussion
Modification: The debug are better inserted in the main file
Modification: The sending and the reception of sms are managed in the same way
Modification: The name of the place, its image and its description are managed by a common function (better adaptation and design unique)
Modification: The way the background image changes regularly is simpler
Modification: Changing the variable relative to the opening of the account fb for greater legibility of the code
Modification: All the objects in the inventory gives a description of the object + image when one clicks on the image (pb of coherence)
Modification: Displacement, in the options of the possibility to launch a backup on startup for a greater coherence of the categories
Modification: Each object of the client only specifies its image + description
Modification: Many actions have been deported in the action module (see addition blocking in advance of the time)
Modification: The appearance of the Noelie's computer in her room increases with the relationship we have with her (we know her better, she and her hiding places)
Modification: Several purchases in the home appliance store require fewer clicks
Modification: Several purchases in the sexshop require fewer clicks
Modification: Crossing cherry at the gym is done in a popup
Modification: The test of energy and the number of times we speak to a pnj is centralized in the right module
Modification: The connection and error messages for the Christmas computer have been reworked
Modification: Homogenization of several variables to restart a part of do with less clashes
Modification: There is always at least one vendor in the sexshop
Modification : Displays the scene of blowjob in the bathroom with Sarah in the Modules part
Modification: Factoring the code for library where are our books
Adjustment: The couple in the sauna of the gym appears more coherently
Adjustment: Many changes design to smooth the game
Adjustment: Algo to cross people in college
Adjustment: Sarah's diary is more coherent
Adjustment: The icons of the actions we want to do with the pnjs are more consistent with the rest of the game
Adjustment: The characteristics bar (main form) is a bit longer 12 -> 15
Adjustment: Cleaning variables_reset
Adjustment: Bearings for the condition of the house its adapted to the colors of the module of bars
Adjustment: One can not have more reproaches on his hygiene when the pnj sleeps but one is in the same room as him
Adjustment: The image which s' sarah's poster when asked to go to the country house no longer dynamic
Adjustment: The animation of the blackjack home menu contains a random element to avoid the
adjustment routine :Text design as you walk the halls of the university
Adjustment: Debugging texts are less imposing
Adjustment: Appearance "prettier" (and more consistent) many messages
Adjustment: Propose to go to the countryside is moved to the menu discuss sarah (+ consistent)
Adjustment: Site Design mobile facebook
Adjustment: Rewrite many actions to make them more fluid
Adjustment: To move from the Christmas story from 10 to 11, reducing the attention from 750 to 700
Correction: There is now a good update of the variables when we load a part
Correction: Many pb related to bad variables txt
Correction: Impossible to make love to Sarah in the living room of the country house
Bug fixing: Walking naked in the house correctly affects njs
Fixed: The function to display possessed clothes is debugged
Correction: killvar 'event_hour' in the reset module is placed at the end to hold events before
Correction : The number of fb posts correctly obeys what is chosen in the options
Correction: Big proofreading of the texts en to correct the mistakes
Correction: Design of tables
Correction: Change of the way the main file updates + debugging
Correction: Triggers ends to avoid getting stuck when you start a new game
Correction: Condition to avoid an error (in modules_sociaux.txt) when launching a part (deletion of an rs variable that did not exist)
Correction: Added a security so that the triggers are only triggered in-game
Fix: An image when we ask Noelie on her computer was not displayed
Correction: $ BACKIMAGE = '' is called when we update the main file (avoids the remanence of background image under certain conditions)
Correction: Bad variable when we ask Sarah to leave the country house and noelie accompanies us
Correction: Bug with facebook that gave the access no matter how
Correction: When we walk with Noelie in the countryside the game automatic food in front of the house when the time comes back
Correction: The meeting with the two girls who come back from the campaign did not always happen when it is necessary
Correction: The image of the home menu did not always display well
Correction: When we looked through the keyhole of the Christmas room we were not brought to the right place
Correction: Bugs in the creation of the NPCs
Correction: Several bugs
Correction : Typos
Fixed: Regression that could no longer use bathroom objects
Adjustment: Remove unnecessary codes
Addition: The days where we must give lessons are in bold in the agenda
Add: We receive a message at the beginning of the day when we have a lesson to give the same day
Add: The covers of books (those without contents) do not change more each time we reload the library
Correction: Post comments on the mobile site fb
Correction: Bad management of objects in rooms (tv and console)
Correction: Wrong texts when buying a book
Correction: Changing of language does not break the game
Correction: NPCs can leave comments (improvement + correction of regressions)
Correction: Some typos passed badly in other languages
Correction: When Cherry comes to clean and changed in the dining room
Modification: Code more compact
Modification: Factorization of the variables
Modification: The reset of the comments of rs is correctly made
Modification: The management of the webcams on AFF is better centralized
Modification: The pro calendar shows all the week's courses at once.
Adjustment: The number of statuses and comments left each hour is regulated
Correction: Typos
Correction: How the game checked that we had a course / exam
Correction: The library where the written books were displayed badly
Corrected: When Cherry invites us to her house and the door stays open all the time
Correction: You can see Cherry in cam when it is connected to the AFF site
Correction: Wrong placement of the image of the profiles on the site AFF
Modification: When we surprise Cherry masturbating, the display of the image is automatically made
Adjustment : Optimizing the launch of the game
Add: Additional texts of SMS
Add: Error messages to facilitate the debugging
Add: Impossible to read outside when it is night
Add: Automatic backup every N minutes (configurable)
Add: Messages when we arrive late to the courses (that l 'one gives or receives) or on examination
Correction: Variables useless texts
Correction: It is with Noélie that one triggers the kinematics where one meets Cherry with the park
Correction: The algo to calculate what one pays on the common account was incorrect
Correction: The story of sodomy with Noelie had some inconsistencies
Modification: From now on the spontaneous sms and their conclusion (signature, kisses, etc.) are separated to be called independament
Modification: Way which the fast safeguard operates in order to less make the game reaming
Modification: Aids to advance in the history with Cerise are more regular and apparent
Modification: Larger use of real time when visiting the home of Cerise after being invited
Modification: The variable relating to knowledge in medieval literature is increased by a factor of 10 to better manage cases where arrives late for courses
Modification: The way we are compensated for taking courses is the time spent following it
Fit: Passing an exam increases a little less the attraction that Sarah brings you (15-> 10)
Add: We feed the common account when we earn at least 250 € per week
Add: Elements to better manage events in real time
Add: We can ask Sarah to go to the country house (and Noelie can accompany us)
Add : Operator to avoid having an error when typing a text in the selection of the hour or the minute of the awakening
Correction: Errors typo
Correction: Link to display an image when one sits at the park
Correction: Variables texts not at good place
Correction: Bug when using the alarm
Modify: Rewriting the blackmail module for Nathalie
Modification: When Noelie masturbates in the kitchen in the morning, it does not last an hour
Modification: Purchase of the alarm clock radio (we transport and then install it)
Modification: Ask Sarah to get naked in the garden does not make before the clock an hour
Adjustment: Spend 30 minutes with the button is a little less reduce energy and hygiene
Added: Possibility of ejaculating in Sarah's mouth after sodomy (random events)
Added: The passage of the story 7-> 8 for Noelie and Sarah is imposed on the player
Add: It is possible to see the cover of the books that one has written (even if they have a generic title)
Add: Possibility of attending a medieval literature course when one is a student.
Addition: To follow a course of medieval literature increases the competence which makes it possible better to answer the exams
Added: The screen of statistic makes it possible to know if one masters all the course or not
Add: Addition of a variable so that it does not there is not much time between exams
Adding: Taking classes allows you to have a higher probability that the right or wrong answers appear when you review
Add: Conditions so that there is less pop-up of messages (when the option " pass the load times "is selected)
Correction: Variables texts not at the right place
Correction: Good variables / conditions / texts when Noelie and Sarah both leave in the country house
Correction: Passage of the story of Noelie-Sarah 7 -> 8
Modification: Factorization of the code and the variables
Modification: Grouping of the messages appearing at the beginning of the day or each week in a single window
Add: Small text for the end of the act 1
Correction: It was not really possible to read a book (regression)
Added: Helps to advance in the story with Noelie
Add: Possibility to relive some story between Noelie and Sarah (story 7-> 8)
Add: Small text + image at the beginning of the kinematics 9-> 10 to show Noelie embraces us
Add: Small text to clarify some descriptions (everywhere in the game)
Added: Possibility that a scene of the story (the 8) recurs randomly
Added: Noélie discreetly shows a breast when one serves only the Meal
Correction: Text problems in several cutscenes
Correction: Image problem when we do a photo shoot with Sarah next to the pool at home
Correction: The conditions to advance in the story (11-> 12) with Noelie was incomplete
Correction: Numerous variables texts not in the right place
Correction: Bad condition that made inconsistent the evolution of the story between Sarah and Noelie
Correction: L image of squat and treadmill did not display correctly
Correction: Addition of conditions to avoid the illogicality of certain situations
Correction: Bad sequence of videos when Sarah surprises us while we watch Noélie masturbate
Correction: Text of description when we meet Noelie at the mall (in the high tech store)
Correction: Tips of useless sentences
Correction: Typo and grammar
Correction: Description text duplication bug
Correction: Images when Sarah is in the kitchen in the morning and she is having breakfast
Modification: It is possible to kiss Noelie in her room even if Sarah is in the house (qd history = 10)
Modification: Move of actions for a greater homogeneity
Modification: The frequency of sending of sms is better correlated with the relations which one maintains with the pnjs
Modification: The conditions for Sarah to get naked and masturbates in the Garden are slightly different
Fit: The shower in the sports club adds 30 of hygiene, not 25
Added: A few additional keywords for the search engine
Add: Help to better advance in the different stories (and remember what to do)
Add: POssibility to relive some scenes between Noelie and Sarah
Add: Background images when Noelie is on the edge of the pool
Add: Additional clues to find things in the game
Add: Context description texts
Add: It is now possible to quit reading books when desired
Add: Temporary message to say when it is possible to send a sexy sms message to Noelie
Added: Temporary message to say when it is possible to send a message sms ass to Noelie
Added: Help to progress in the story with Noelie
Add: Additional descriptive texts (breakfast, quality of bedding ...)
Added: Message to eject the player from the supermarket when it is too late.
Add: You can visualize the objects before buying them in the electronics store of the supermarket
: Tutorials Added: POssibility to remove the helpers in game
Fixes: Bug with the generation of pnj
Correction: Bug when you want to buy a vibro
Fixed: Bugs with pnj and rs handling
Fixed: Spelling errors
Fixed: Decreased number of illogical situations
Fixed: Problems with texts
Bugfixes: Bugs with facebook tool
Bugfix: Incorrect alignment of books in the library
Bugfix: Display bugs with the phone when there are few messages
Bugfix: Bug when asking to accompany a girl to the park with Stone
Bugfix: Bad text when we talk bcp with Sarah
Adjustment: We do not win 2 more attraction when we send sexy messages to Noelie and the attraction> 350 (only 1)
Adjustment: We do not gain more 3 attraction when we send asshole messages to Noelie and that attraction> 700 (only 1)
Fit: We do not gain 2 more attraction when we send sexy messages to Sarah and that attraction> 250 (only 1)
Adjustment: We no longer gain 3 of attraction when we send messages of ass to Sarah and the attraction> 500 (only 1)
Adjustment: The actions of the same type report the same thing
Adjustment: The scenes between Noelie and Sarah appear more logically
Adjustment: More coherence in responses to Noelia's text messages
Adjustment: Just have the story in nv 2 to chat sexy with Noelie
Adjustment: We wake up later without waking
Adjustment: We can make a kiss to Noelie when cooking only after passing the nv of the story
Adjustment: Scratching a game ticket counts for 5 minutes (instead of 0)
Adjustment: Order of actions for more fluidity
Adjustment: Kissing only increases the attraction if you have less than 100
Adjustment: You also gain a little attraction when the house is reasonably clean
Adjustment: The familiarities with the sms depend for Noelie and Sarah of the nv of attraction
Modification : Rewriting the display module of possessed objects
Modification: Optimization of the sms generator
Modification: Slightly different management of the sms to avoid crumbling under the messages
Modification: Optimization of the game when we sleep (shift of the module to pass the time)
Modification: The variables of attraction with respect to the pnj are homogenized with the others ($ str_pnj_X [18])
Modification: The basic bed does not allow more to find 100 of energy
Added: Added translations for the new texts of the
Added: For the game of the Minesweeper the best score in the 3 nv of difficulty is saved
Added: Setting up the game of the Minesweeper when we play the game console
Addition : Ability to see many webcams pnj (random management of webcams)
Added: Ability to make a fast forward when, we are in the country house
Add: Extension possibilities of the page 'appearance'
Add: Module and infrastructure to buy funds for social networks
Add: Several sms messages when Cherry cleans up at home
Add: Schedules for the library (from 8h to 19h)
Add: Some additional statistics
Added: Ability to manage more finely the difficulty of the part
Add: Possibility to manage more finely the possible backups when we start a part
Add: Ability to manage more finely the number of pnj created at the beginning of a party
Add: Simple debug menu
Added: Ability to reset achievements unlock
Added: Action for lunch or dinner alone when you're alone at home
Add: Multiple sentences for greater diversity and a better description of situations encountered
Added: Option to remove false weather Loading
Added: Real loading screen to explain why it's freeze when we start a new game
Added: Module to create loading bars
Add: Pictures of portraits and discussion with Noelie in the campaign
Add: Many images to diversify the illustration of situations
Add: We can surprise Sarah masturbating on the edge of the pool
Add: Many images to diversify the illustration of situations
Add: Noelie or Sarah can join us in the pool when we bathe with each other
Add: Images when we talk with Noelie in the garden and she is dressed
Add: Actions and images when we dine with Noelie (she touches us sex with her feet)
Added: Scene cinematic when girls return from the country house
Addition: Story of the two girls 1-> 8 (when they come back from the country house)
Add: We can surprise the girls (Noelie and Sarah) who kiss when we are not in the room
Add: Pictures to diversify the swim with a pnj
Add: Forest outside the country house
Add: Possibility to walk with Noelie in the forest of the country house
Add: Photo shoot with Noelie in the forest of the country house
Add: Images when Noelie prepare her suitcase to accompany you in the country house
Add: Images when Sarah dresses up in the morning on weekdays
Add: Image when we look at the keyhole of Noelie's room and she undresses to go to sleep
Added: Images when we look at the keyhole of the bathroom of the house and we see Sarah undressing to go in the shower
Add: Many images to diversify the action illustrations
Add: Loading page to explain why to launch a part is so long (it is the creation of the pnj)
Correction: Two variables text with the same name
Correction: An edge of html table which had no place to be.
Fixed: Typo problems
Fixed: Image that should not be displayed consistently when cooking with a girl
Correction: Bad ejection of the bathroom when touching Sarah's buttocks
Fix: Adding variables so that it is no longer the success that conditions the information of the relationship page
Correction: Added an additional condition to check that we are prof before displaying the message as what we should give a course.
Correction: Name of the variable of the portrait of a pnj when one offers flowers or chocolate
Correction: Bad extension of the name of the image of the laptop of Noélie
Correction: Bad name of variable to describe the action of Noélie when she reads in the living room
Correction: Bug, when we got in and out of the car, an hour was added (when it was not necessary)
Fixed: Small display problem for fb profile backgrounds
Fixed: The module function of repetition executed the request once too much
Correction: The module allowing to choose the images (bottom and portrait) had a defective display
Correction: Bad name of variable to know the number of Internet sites of the game
Correction: Bug when we meet Cherry at the park and she shows us her breasts
Correction: Many bugs related to the generation of sms
Correction: Bug relating to the display of portraits for Christmas and Cherry
Correction: Bugs everywhere
Correction: Many bugs on the casino site
Bug: Bug when crossing Cherry while jogging
Correction: An image with Noelie in her room where the watermark appeared
Fix: Change of $ tmp in $ portrait_pnj to correctly display the portraits of Noelie and Sarah
Correction: Addition of an additional condition to advance the story sarah-noelie 6-> 7 (they must be in the same group of places)
Corrected: Argument error when making love to Sarah in the room with scene 2
Fixed: Love module with Noelie
Fix: Photo shoot with Noelie in the campaign during the ride
Correction: Image of the campaign during the ride
Correction: Portrait and description of Noelie during the country walk
Correction: The pages FB change less width
Correction: Bug in the generation of sms
Bugfix: Bug when Noelie masturbates in the bathroom
Adjustment: Deletion of variable initialization variables
Adjustment: Slightly reworked intro kinematics
Adjustment: Slight modification in the sms generation module in order to make more coherent the messages created with time of day
Adjustment: Presence or absence of people in offices, lecture halls, corridors and libraries (modulation according to the time of day and week)
Adjustment: Slight redesign of the page of appearance for make it smaller and cumbersome
Adjustment: Opening hours of the enlarged university
Adjustment: The function to know the number of pnj in the room was adjusted slightly to know the number of pnj of groupe_lieux
Adjustment: Size of the portraits of Noélie and Sarah of kinematics when they both return from the country house
Adjustment: Retouching on the web page of facebook (ordi) to make it more homogeneous
Adjustment: Adjustments in the compatibility control module to import the variables created before the factorization + factoring of new variables
Adjustment: It is specified when we can not do Noelie's love (+ slight rewrite of the act)
Adjustment: There is now a distinction between the last piece from which one comes and the one where one was the action of before
Adjustment: the doubles '' are replaced by ''
Adjustment: Factoring the code when we invite a pnj to swim with us
Adjustment: In the way is managed the action of making love to Noelie
Modification: Factoring of the code
Modification: Homogenization of variables
Can't purchase ebjects (ex dildo) when you restart a game : Fixed
Can't giving a cunnilingus to Sarah in the bedroom : Fixed
Update the english translation (thx wildride)
Update others translations
Жанр: cheating, vaginal sex, parody, stripping, oral, anal, titjobs, voyeurism
Цензура: Отсутствует
Разработчик/Издатель: Zigmut - New Lagoon Thread
Платформа: PC/Windows/MacOS/Linux
Тип издания: Заброшена / Abandoned
Таблетка: Не требуется
Версия: v.
Язык игры: Русский/Английский/Немецкий/Французский (Russian and German machine translated)
Язык интерфейса: Русский/Английский/Немецкий/Французский
Цель здесь-вести себя как идеальный муж, чтобы вернуть жене любовь или, наоборот, попытаться соблазнить всех девушек, которые появятся у вас."
"Независимо от вашей цели, вы должны быть осторожны, чтобы не вести себя как идеальный ублюдок. Уважительное отношение к женским желаниям-лучший способ сделать это. "
"Каждый человек, как правило, следует хорошо закодированный график, и вы должны присутствовать на определенных этапах, так что они более приятны для вас."
"Никогда не забывайте радовать их, если это возможно, это всегда будет выигрышная политика."
Если вы грязный отношение будет падать, а мыться можно только раз в день
Нужно делать работу по дому за неделю или отношение будет падать(необязательно делать всю работу,можно любую одну несколько раз)
Когда пойдете с Женой на вечер в диалоге с Натали нужно выбрать "у тебя какое то пятно"(для дальнейшего с ней прохождения)
Если не поехать с Женой отдыхать отношение будет падать(но иногда это будет нужно)
Пароль от ноутбука няни: Baskerville
- Cerise was masturbating in her kitchen while making coffee
- The price of the magnifying glass was not correct
- The multiplier was not correctly applied
- Bad energy management in the kitchen when preparing/eating
- Problems when Noélie enters our room while we are reading
Correction: Problem moving forward in Noélie's story when we are asked to mow the lawn
Adjustment: Dreams happen a little less often
Correction: Images of Sarah when she is near the pool
Correction: Images of Noélie when she opens the door of her room
Correction : Book writing actions that did not disappear
Correction of problems of display of images with Noélie and Sarah at the beginning of the game.
Problem fixed:
- First names were not displayed correctly in English
- English translation
- Unable to use the "Skip 30 minutes" function
Addition: Possibility to skip the scenes where we meet Cherry while doing sport near the sports field
Add: Noélie and Sarah gain attraction when she comes back from nightclub
Added: The courses to be given appear in the help panel directly in the game
Addition: You can click on each image of the photo shoot to see it in real size
Addition: Doing a photo shoot adds attraction
Addition: Ability to move quickly in places (with some constraints to avoid bugs)
Add: Pictures of portraits of Sarah when she has breakfast
Addition: 1 mp4 variation when watching tv
Add: Love scene between Noélie and Sarah in the swimming pool
Add: Christmas dream scene in blonde
Added: Some images of variations
Added: The image of the game and its name are displayed when they install on the console
Added: 1 image when sarah swims with her swimsuit
Added: Patchnote directly in the game
Added: Updated translations for English, German and Russian
Addition: Clicking on Noélie's computer image allows you to connect to it
Added: Several icons
Addition: In the men's locker room in the gym it is possible, under certain conditions, to buy a potion that gives muscle
Addition: First code sections of the module for a real interaction with AFF PNJs
Addition: Many images and videos to reduce the routine of meetings
Addition: Several variations when discussing platonically with Noélie
Addition: Continuation of the creation of the module for a real interaction with AFF NPCs (with a wider vocation if necessary)
Added: Noélie can play game console
Addition: Icon point?
Addition: Many variations
Addition: Sarah a Fb
Add: Sexy GIF when you go down the stairs at the university
Addition: Illustrative image of sudoku
Add: Gif when 2 girls kiss each other with cum on their faces
Added: Gif when 2 girls exchange sperm
Addition: Continuation and end of the story between you, sarah and noélie
Addition: Plan to find your way more easily at the university
Added: Achievements and wallpapers related to the progression and completion of the main story
Addition: Function to make fades in the game (used for loading a part for example)
Added: End cinematic
Added: Christmas blowjob scene in the shower
Addition: 2 sex scenes with noélie (in the bathroom and in her bedroom)
Add: Image when noélie gets dolled up in the bathroom
Added: Images when noélie undresses in the bathroom
Added: Several common images related to blowjob in the shower, brunette woman orgasm and swallowing cum
Added: Better consistency when looking / acting with someone in the bathroom
Added: Story of noélie and sarah 10- & gt; 11
Added: End cinematic
Addition: Scene with Noélie in the living room and first milestones for the end of the story noélie / sarah / pj
Addition: Several variations when you play sports at the level of the girls that you meet
Add: The portrait of Noélie in the info panel changes depending on the progress of the story
Added: Images for console games
Added: Images for Sarah's Fb posts
Added: Images for SMS sent by Sarah
Added: Generic sex images
Added: Story of Noélie and Sarah 8- & gt; 9
Addition: Some icons to illustrate the choice of conversation topics
Addition: Variable to know the sexual preferences of the pnj & gt; = 2000 (0homo- & gt; 50bi- & gt; 100hétéro)
Addition: Continuation of the creation of the module for a real interaction with AFF NPCs (with a wider vocation if necessary)
Addition: End of the inclusion of level 0 of questions to be asked on aff and start of the inclusion of level 1 questions
Added: Possibility to pass the blowjob scene in the car when coming back from the supermarket
Added: Several context images
Modification: Icon when the shelters are stored
Modification: $ university_place - & gt; $ event_trigger ["lieu_universite"] to facilitate resetting to 0
Modification: There is now one load in the console per game purchased
Modification: Sex scene 1 in the living room with Noélie, we choose the way to conclude by keeping the last displayed image (no more gray screen)
Modification: Sarah has her Gala outfit as soon as we arrive at the university for the Gala
Modification: When it is not possible to do a photo shoot we return to the portrait of the PNJ (instead of the room where we are)
Modification: The illustrative images of the places are all the same size
Modification: Centralization of the management of site openings
Modification: The options menu is better organized
Modification: Way of displaying objects in rooms (better homogeneity)
Change: How inventory is displayed
Modification: Renaming of 'test_possibilite_sexe' to 'test_possibilite_pnj' for greater versatility
Modification: Clicking on the image of the bathtub or the washing machine launches the action
Modification: Way of watching tv / playing console to make code more readable
Modification: All variables can no longer conflict - & gt; reduction of variable corruption
Modification: Description panels and quick actions (save, inventory, etc.) are hidden during cutscenes and love scenes
Modification: After a certain time, the search for Noélie's computer should be successful (reduction of the hazard)
Modification: Factoring of the options menu code
Modification: the 'extraction_informations_v2' module is now more versatile (transferred to the 'modules' to reflect this)
Modification: Rewrite of the function responsible for changing the background color according to the time of day to make it compatible with the new fade function
Modification: Fewer events are totally random
Modification: Redesign of the management of the SMS database (greater versatility)
Modification: Addition of variables for the PNJ, requires a regeneration
Modification: Action in the garden shed for greater speed of action
Modification: Factoring of variables
Modification: Management of Christmas and Sarah portraits simpler and allowing to add more easily
Modification: The variable relating to the relationship that we have with the pnj is modified for more consistency and less problems
Modification: All icons have a halo to be visible when the game background is dark
Modification: Slight redesign of the PNJ diary code for more readability
Modification: Slight factorization of the code
Modification: The trad files are separated (better maj and better error checking)
Modification: Continuation of the factorization of the variables
Changed: Minesweeper game code more readable for better maintenance
Modification: The function allowing to know the number of people in a room is more versatile
Modification: A number of functions are modified to take into account the elements related to the end of the main story
Adjustment: Size of the book covers harmonized
Adjustment: We can no longer skip the meal scene when history-related events occur there
Adjustment: Weighting Sarah in her college office to increase the likelihood of finding her there
Adjustment: Some code simplifications
Fit: Sports objects in the gym are the same size (better harmony)
Adjustment: Better presentation of the text when wanting to buy anal lubricant
Adjustment: It is not possible to skip the sex scenes with Sarah when it advances the Noélie / Sarah story
Adjustment: Cherry's 6- & gt; 7 story triggers faster
Adjustment: When you do not have time to do the sports session before the closing of the room, you are brought back to the choice of duration and no longer directly in the room
Fit: Sexy video of college girls walking up the stairs at college saw her height increase
Adjustment: The window "for information", is centered and takes all the width (better visual coherence)
Adjustment: Continued use of the 'pour_information' module for a larger number of messages
Adjustment: Many newlines added to make the text more readable
Adjustment: The difference between 2 Christmas dreams cannot be more than one week
Adjustment: Changed certain conditions for greater fluidity in the actions and advancement of Noélie's story
Adjustment: Look for forward / backward one page on the fb mobile site
Adjustment: Seeing Sarah masturbating is consistent with the context
Adjustment: Noélie dresses now when she finishes being in the bathroom in the morning
Adjustment: The themes of the SMS images adapt better to the progress of the story with Noélie or Sarah
Adjustment: It is no longer possible to do Sarah's striptease in the office when writing the first time
Adjustment: The text to adjust the number of successes per line and the actions related to this are on the same line
Adjustment: Several variables are modified to better match the rest of the stories (gift the blue bikini)
Adjustment: Creation date of Sarah's Fb profile
Adjustment: The automatic creation of comments is reduced by a factor of 10 (in test)
Adjustment: noelie_lingerie_1 and noelie_lingerie_1_discussion are resized to no longer show the unsightly edges
Adjustment: Visual consistency of games and easy access to different options
Adjustment: Aspect of the texts of the end kinematics
Adjustment: Better ergonomics of the game of blackjack, minesweeper and sudoku
Adjustment: Events when we sleep are more consistent with what is displayed
Adjustment: A few variables here and there for more consistency
Tweak: Code optimization
Adjustment: Several interface changes to make it more readable and practical
Tweak: Code optimizations
Correction: Nathalie did not suppress blackmail when we protected her from stalkers at college
Correction: The image of Noélie was not displayed when knocking on her door at 11:00 p.m. to advance her story
Fixed: Sarah's profile image on Fb was not showing
Correction: Stores in the city center were not open at the correct hours
Correction: Sarah was still at home when she should have been in the country house
Correction: Possibility to skip the story 6-> 7 of Noélie and Sarah
Correction: Possibility to skip the sex scenes with Sarah
Fixed: Bug that did not allow advancing in the story with Cherry (encounter on the sports field)
Fixed: Inability to purchase gym membership card
Fixed: The fast travel menu was not appearing consistently when activated in the university lobby
Correction: Good name of the action when you have the espresso machine in the kitchen
Fixed: Bug that prevented to change the pro Fb background photo of the pj
Correction: Bug which prevented to change the personal background photo Fb of the pj
Fixed: Bug which prevented changing the text of the pj's personal Fb profile
Correction: Bug which prevented to change the personal profile picture Fb of the pj
Correction: Several buggy gif
Correction: Wrong description image of Noélie's computer
Correction: Bug in the scene where Noélie surprises us watching a porn that did not allow to finish it
Correction: Name of variables which lead to no longer having the right PNJ talking to us
Correction: It is now impossible to watch TV when Noélie is playing on the console
Fixed: Bug that made it possible to watch TV in the Mall once purchased
Correction: Typo error to skip the scenes when looking at the results of a search for Noélie's nickname on the internet
Fixed: Inability to play on the console when Noélie is in the room but takes care of Pierre
Correction: Bug when you have the camera, attend the gala and want to talk to Nathalie
Correction: Many superfluous double-spaces
Correction: 2 buggy gif (when we dine at the gala)
Correction: When Noélie is at the Mall her old action does not disturb her presence at the supermarket
Correction: Images correlated to the story when Noélie bronze
Correction: Images correlate to the story when Sarah tans
Correction: The portrait images of Sarah in the country house do not take precedence over the rest
Correction: Bug in the debug menu when modifying the attraction of Sarah and Noélie
Correction: Sarah cannot masturbate and undress at the same time
Correction: Skip the reading scene in the bedroom is no longer possible when it causes Noélie's story
Correction: The icon to skip the photo shoot scene is the same as elsewhere
Correction: The variable multiplier is applied to a larger number of variables
Correction: Bug on the Fb site which did not allow to see the portrait of the one who posted
Correction: many extra spaces deleted
Correction: bug when looking at Noélie sleeping
Correction: Missing portraits when chatting with Noélie and she tans in a swimsuit
Correction: The images of the sms correspond to the progress of the story with Noélie
Correction: There will always be an image with an SMS
Correction: Bug of actions when chatting with Noélie
Correction: Display of Noélie's portrait when offered gifts
Correction: Good image for the illusatration of the game of sudoku and blackjack
Fixed: Continued work of using the dialog in the whole game whenever there is a pop-up message
Correction: Good text and image when Noélie is reading a book in the garden
Correction: Sarah undresses in the evening once before reading
Correction: Incorrect variables related to Fb profiles of pnj and pj
Fixed: Bug displaying portraits of Sarah in a swimsuit
Correction: Facebook display on the laptop
Correction: Authorization to access fb profiles is correctly managed
Correction: We come back to the right place when we want to talk to Noélie and she prepares the meal or is in the bathroom
Correction: Several supernumerary texts disappeared
Fixed: Chatting with Sarah no longer causes UI panels to disappear under certain conditions
Correction: Noélie outfit when she tans
Fixed: Wrong link for image when computer is turned on
Correction: Bug with the sudoku game preventing time passing when leaving it
Fixed: Several gif that did not want to display correctly
Correction: A small bug in the generation of conversations on the AFF site
Correction: Default background image on its pro Fb page if there is none
Correction: Typos
Correction: Very many errors corrected
Add: Help to not miss the exams
Add: Message posted by Noelle when it is added as a friend on fb
Add: Possibility to spend some action and cinematics
Add: girls kiss when they test clothes
Add: When girls test the garment their intimacy increases
Modification: Name of a variable to avoid problems
Adjustment: Design only a few warning boxes
Correction: Bug to see Cherry at the gym
Correction: Bug when we have more energy
Correction: Bug when relaxing on the grass in the park
Correction: Several bugs
Correction: Typos
Add: Progress bar for writing a book in paper / pencil and computer
Added: Date of writing the book in the database, available when you click on a cover
Add: We are put out of the room Noelie at 23:00 (except special event)
Add: You can watch Noélie tan or prepare a meal
Add: Help to advance in the story of Christmas
Change: Sarah goes into the kitchen at 8:00 am when we are in the room and that 'we go out (if we do not look at it)
Modification: The sex shop opens until 4:00 am
Adjustment: In the room of the country house, it is the reading which is the first action
Adjustment: Harmonization of the windows of posts
Adjustment: Better segmentation of actions in the code
Adjustment: Reduction of the use of "alert" boxes
Correction: Bug when sending SMS
Correction: Several bugs
Correction: Typos
Added: Translations for English, German and Russian
Added: Possibility to read books at the library of the college to increase its level in medieval literature
Add: SMS Messages + Discussions to report when you can become a student or teacher
Addition : For the AFF site, creation of a variable which signals the distance of the pnj to the player's home
Added: Impossibility to spend time during events (avoid problems later) (+ redesign of the module)
Add: Many icons unicodes added to the examples
Added: Ability to spend the kinematics when swimming alone
Added: Ability to hide the description of a place
Add: Ability to hide the image of a place
Add: Many different texts when we send an SMS
Add: Some additional error messages to better diagnose problems
Add: Additional indices for the gala
Add: Text to indicate that it is possible to buy packs of funds for facebook
Addition : Precision when describing Nathalie post-gala (according to a certain event ...)
Add: Indices to buy the clothes for the gala
Add: Automatic rotation of the wallpaper images of the start page
Add: Possibility to discuss sexy with Sarah
Add: Possibility to discuss ass with Sarah
Add: In the dresser, we can reduce each part
Add: Board to correctly configure the windows of the game
Add: Possibility to buy the game of Black Jack
Add: Small animation to furnish the homepage of the game of blackjack
Add: We can choose his starting bet in blackjack
Add: In the main loaf, we can reduce the objectives of each pnj therein (Noelie / Sarah / Cherry)
Added: During loading (into or add game) there is an animation of ...
Add: Extra help not to forget Sarah's gala and what is required
Add: Game of blackjack (must still be a game we buy)
Addition: When Noelie asks us for money, the answers depend on the money available (she asks the question as soon as we have 850 €).
Add: When you click on the first name of a pnj in the main form, its form opens (the same as in the menu relations)
Add: It is no longer possible to receive more than 2 spontaneous sms / h of each pnj
Added: Several helpers for the Christmas story
Add: 'function_execution' in modules; returns in $ result the dyneval of the first argument
Add: We can ask Sarah to organize an exam at the university, this request requires +100 of attention to each request (not possible if an exam is already planned)
Add:: /)
Add: Two variables to know the total number of times we chatted with Noelie and Cherry
Added: Automatic backup when we choose a language at the start of the game (to avoid that it is repeated every time)
Add: The objectives are displayed on the main file
Add: It is possible to fold / unfold the categories on the main form
Add: Possibility to create the info variables of the pnjs without displaying the info box
Add: Possibility to skip the scenes when Noelie masturbates when looking through the keyhole of her bedroom
Add: When we nibble, we can see what happens at the same time in the kitchen
Add: When we pass the mower or nap in the garden, we can also see what is happening at the same time
Add: When we shower in the country house, we can also see what happens at the same time
Add: When we clean the pool, we can also see what happens there at the same time
Add: When we take a bath, we can also see what happens in the bathroom at the same time
Add: When we watch TV, we can also see what is happening in the living room at the same time
Add: The automatic backup is activated by default when we start a game
Add: Now, the successes are dissociated between those of the game and those unlocked in the game. set of parts
Added: 4 sexy SMS from Noelie
Add: Possibility to spend the kinematics of the walk with Pierre
Add: Possibility to spend the video scenes of Noelie on the internet
Add: Specific module to know what to display as a portrait (allows to call anywhere)
Add: When we bouquinne we can see what is happening at the same time around us
Add: Ability to read next to the pool
Add: Many messaues when you have lunch or dinner with Sarah and Pierre (and noelie)
Add: Possibility of having strength and sex xp in the main file
Add: Ability to spend several cutscene with Sarah and Sabrina
Add: Sarah aquièce when you walk naked in the house (and its attraction is sufficient)
Add: When Cherry cleans and kissing Noelie or Sarah, 4 videos supp shows that it tease us
Add: Possibility to spend several cutscene with Cherry and Sarah
Added: The car is not available from the beginning, she happens once we have enough money (1000 €) or we have> = 100 with Sarah
Add: We can cross Nathalie in the halls of the university
Add: Fb messages according to the events (Noelie is with Sarah at the country house, without the player)
Add: Several SMS messages depending on the place and events
Added: Fiction module loading when adding a game to the console
Add: The game installation is done by console
Add: It is possible to answer Sarah when she invites us in the country house to go with Noélie and without the player
Add: We can meet Sabrina when we read in the park (the code has been factored for the occasion )
Added: Distributor of energy bars in the two locker rooms
Added: Possibility to spend several cinematics with Cherry and Noelie
Add: Many aids to advance the story of Cherry
Add: Some sms related to the stories are added
Add: The color of the links hypertext adds for better readability with the background color
Add: Sudoku game (buy the game, play it, etc.)
Add: We can prepare the meal in the country house
Add: You can read in the park
Add: It is possible to train with Cherry, different nv efforts are possible
Add: Help in Noelie but to indicate that the site fb exists in the game
Add: The console game displays the game purchased and installed
Added: Security for not being able to save quickly and that it poses pb when one reloads after
Add: It is possible to start the narrative arch of Cherry even when one went to hunt the policeman
Add: The force is no longer necessary to start the narrative arc of Cherry (it remains afterwards) if we have advanced enough in the arc of Noellie
Add: We can pass many cutscenes
Modification: The color of the hypertext links is added for a better readability with the background color
Modification: The messages of the search engine of the computer are displayed by a template
Modification: One changes the name of the variable which corresponds to the chart fb
Modification: many variables are modified to be coherent and facilitate the setting to 0
Modification: Module diary for Cherry corrected for more coherence (and modifs various to accompany this change)
Modification: Factoring the code for library where are our books
Modification: light factorization of the code when going up or down the stairs to the facade
Modification: The display of the list of success has been adapted to better enter the window
Modification: The display of the list people we know has been adapted to better enter the window
Modification: The main form is remelted and is now in a table html
Modification: The display of life bars (or any other elements Similar (positive when high value)) uses the loading bar module
Modification: The loading bar module the center by default the bars
Modification: Refresh of the meal module (factorization of the code and possibility of passing the scene)
Modification: The generated pnj by hand can no longer change the profile photos on fb (bp of consistency)
Modification: Factoring the code when looking through the keyhole of Noelie's room
Modification: Slight optimization of the code when we change the room
Modification: The possibility of passing the intro kinematics is done in the same way as elsewhere
Modification: Rewrite of the info box when we click on a pnj in the page of the Relationships
Modification: Changing the names of some variables to avoid bugs (the origin of which is unknown)
Modification: Slight rewrite of the way the object generator module handles TV
Modification: Comments in local_en disappearance
Modification: The attraction with Noelie and Sarah no longer in the game aids
Modification: Replacing variable names with more explicit ones
Modification: Moving killvar 'event_trigger' in 'choice_difficult_2'
Modification: Adjusting the design of tables
Modification: The window that opens when you finish writing (but not the book) is richer with a progress bar
Modification: Noelie asks us for money story6-> 7 only once / day if we refuse or we can not afford
Change: The variable to see the lingerie saleswoman in her shop window is integrated in event_trigger
Modification: Les conditions in change_piece are only done if we are in a room
Modification: The factorization of the code when we discuss with Sarah and Noélie is modified to avoid the bugs (one sends in parameter theimage to be displayed)
Modification: The function allowing the display of bars of life / sport / etc is returns a $ RESULT (must be called with a FUNC ())
Modification: In the main form, the display of the attraction with the pnjs is a loop
Modification : dvd_generator can return a $ RESULT when called with a '$ result' in 3rd parameter
Modification: Replacement of variable names by other more explicit (written words)
Modification: The site of the casino now has its own location
Modification : Helping to prepare a meal is an argument of the function, the function of the meal is maj accordingly
Modification: In the love module, a greater number of scenes with Sarah are factored at the level of the exit so that the bonus is identical everywhere
Modification: The function of beginning of a part is more clearly separated in different entities
Modification: L installation of a game in the console and a place is grouped into a single dynamic variable (- code in the end)
Modification: way we return to the home screen once we saw the help of game
Modification: The start page is a table that appears in a block
Edit: The parts in the dresser are tables and are displayed in a block
Edit: All discussions with Sarah are grouped in the action discussion
Modification: The debug are better inserted in the main file
Modification: The sending and the reception of sms are managed in the same way
Modification: The name of the place, its image and its description are managed by a common function (better adaptation and design unique)
Modification: The way the background image changes regularly is simpler
Modification: Changing the variable relative to the opening of the account fb for greater legibility of the code
Modification: All the objects in the inventory gives a description of the object + image when one clicks on the image (pb of coherence)
Modification: Displacement, in the options of the possibility to launch a backup on startup for a greater coherence of the categories
Modification: Each object of the client only specifies its image + description
Modification: Many actions have been deported in the action module (see addition blocking in advance of the time)
Modification: The appearance of the Noelie's computer in her room increases with the relationship we have with her (we know her better, she and her hiding places)
Modification: Several purchases in the home appliance store require fewer clicks
Modification: Several purchases in the sexshop require fewer clicks
Modification: Crossing cherry at the gym is done in a popup
Modification: The test of energy and the number of times we speak to a pnj is centralized in the right module
Modification: The connection and error messages for the Christmas computer have been reworked
Modification: Homogenization of several variables to restart a part of do with less clashes
Modification: There is always at least one vendor in the sexshop
Modification : Displays the scene of blowjob in the bathroom with Sarah in the Modules part
Modification: Factoring the code for library where are our books
Adjustment: The couple in the sauna of the gym appears more coherently
Adjustment: Many changes design to smooth the game
Adjustment: Algo to cross people in college
Adjustment: Sarah's diary is more coherent
Adjustment: The icons of the actions we want to do with the pnjs are more consistent with the rest of the game
Adjustment: The characteristics bar (main form) is a bit longer 12 -> 15
Adjustment: Cleaning variables_reset
Adjustment: Bearings for the condition of the house its adapted to the colors of the module of bars
Adjustment: One can not have more reproaches on his hygiene when the pnj sleeps but one is in the same room as him
Adjustment: The image which s' sarah's poster when asked to go to the country house no longer dynamic
Adjustment: The animation of the blackjack home menu contains a random element to avoid the
adjustment routine :Text design as you walk the halls of the university
Adjustment: Debugging texts are less imposing
Adjustment: Appearance "prettier" (and more consistent) many messages
Adjustment: Propose to go to the countryside is moved to the menu discuss sarah (+ consistent)
Adjustment: Site Design mobile facebook
Adjustment: Rewrite many actions to make them more fluid
Adjustment: To move from the Christmas story from 10 to 11, reducing the attention from 750 to 700
Correction: There is now a good update of the variables when we load a part
Correction: Many pb related to bad variables txt
Correction: Impossible to make love to Sarah in the living room of the country house
Bug fixing: Walking naked in the house correctly affects njs
Fixed: The function to display possessed clothes is debugged
Correction: killvar 'event_hour' in the reset module is placed at the end to hold events before
Correction : The number of fb posts correctly obeys what is chosen in the options
Correction: Big proofreading of the texts en to correct the mistakes
Correction: Design of tables
Correction: Change of the way the main file updates + debugging
Correction: Triggers ends to avoid getting stuck when you start a new game
Correction: Condition to avoid an error (in modules_sociaux.txt) when launching a part (deletion of an rs variable that did not exist)
Correction: Added a security so that the triggers are only triggered in-game
Fix: An image when we ask Noelie on her computer was not displayed
Correction: $ BACKIMAGE = '' is called when we update the main file (avoids the remanence of background image under certain conditions)
Correction: Bad variable when we ask Sarah to leave the country house and noelie accompanies us
Correction: Bug with facebook that gave the access no matter how
Correction: When we walk with Noelie in the countryside the game automatic food in front of the house when the time comes back
Correction: The meeting with the two girls who come back from the campaign did not always happen when it is necessary
Correction: The image of the home menu did not always display well
Correction: When we looked through the keyhole of the Christmas room we were not brought to the right place
Correction: Bugs in the creation of the NPCs
Correction: Several bugs
Correction : Typos
Fixed: Regression that could no longer use bathroom objects
Adjustment: Remove unnecessary codes
Addition: The days where we must give lessons are in bold in the agenda
Add: We receive a message at the beginning of the day when we have a lesson to give the same day
Add: The covers of books (those without contents) do not change more each time we reload the library
Correction: Post comments on the mobile site fb
Correction: Bad management of objects in rooms (tv and console)
Correction: Wrong texts when buying a book
Correction: Changing of language does not break the game
Correction: NPCs can leave comments (improvement + correction of regressions)
Correction: Some typos passed badly in other languages
Correction: When Cherry comes to clean and changed in the dining room
Modification: Code more compact
Modification: Factorization of the variables
Modification: The reset of the comments of rs is correctly made
Modification: The management of the webcams on AFF is better centralized
Modification: The pro calendar shows all the week's courses at once.
Adjustment: The number of statuses and comments left each hour is regulated
Correction: Typos
Correction: How the game checked that we had a course / exam
Correction: The library where the written books were displayed badly
Corrected: When Cherry invites us to her house and the door stays open all the time
Correction: You can see Cherry in cam when it is connected to the AFF site
Correction: Wrong placement of the image of the profiles on the site AFF
Modification: When we surprise Cherry masturbating, the display of the image is automatically made
Adjustment : Optimizing the launch of the game
Add: Additional texts of SMS
Add: Error messages to facilitate the debugging
Add: Impossible to read outside when it is night
Add: Automatic backup every N minutes (configurable)
Add: Messages when we arrive late to the courses (that l 'one gives or receives) or on examination
Correction: Variables useless texts
Correction: It is with Noélie that one triggers the kinematics where one meets Cherry with the park
Correction: The algo to calculate what one pays on the common account was incorrect
Correction: The story of sodomy with Noelie had some inconsistencies
Modification: From now on the spontaneous sms and their conclusion (signature, kisses, etc.) are separated to be called independament
Modification: Way which the fast safeguard operates in order to less make the game reaming
Modification: Aids to advance in the history with Cerise are more regular and apparent
Modification: Larger use of real time when visiting the home of Cerise after being invited
Modification: The variable relating to knowledge in medieval literature is increased by a factor of 10 to better manage cases where arrives late for courses
Modification: The way we are compensated for taking courses is the time spent following it
Fit: Passing an exam increases a little less the attraction that Sarah brings you (15-> 10)
Add: We feed the common account when we earn at least 250 € per week
Add: Elements to better manage events in real time
Add: We can ask Sarah to go to the country house (and Noelie can accompany us)
Add : Operator to avoid having an error when typing a text in the selection of the hour or the minute of the awakening
Correction: Errors typo
Correction: Link to display an image when one sits at the park
Correction: Variables texts not at good place
Correction: Bug when using the alarm
Modify: Rewriting the blackmail module for Nathalie
Modification: When Noelie masturbates in the kitchen in the morning, it does not last an hour
Modification: Purchase of the alarm clock radio (we transport and then install it)
Modification: Ask Sarah to get naked in the garden does not make before the clock an hour
Adjustment: Spend 30 minutes with the button is a little less reduce energy and hygiene
Added: Possibility of ejaculating in Sarah's mouth after sodomy (random events)
Added: The passage of the story 7-> 8 for Noelie and Sarah is imposed on the player
Add: It is possible to see the cover of the books that one has written (even if they have a generic title)
Add: Possibility of attending a medieval literature course when one is a student.
Addition: To follow a course of medieval literature increases the competence which makes it possible better to answer the exams
Added: The screen of statistic makes it possible to know if one masters all the course or not
Add: Addition of a variable so that it does not there is not much time between exams
Adding: Taking classes allows you to have a higher probability that the right or wrong answers appear when you review
Add: Conditions so that there is less pop-up of messages (when the option " pass the load times "is selected)
Correction: Variables texts not at the right place
Correction: Good variables / conditions / texts when Noelie and Sarah both leave in the country house
Correction: Passage of the story of Noelie-Sarah 7 -> 8
Modification: Factorization of the code and the variables
Modification: Grouping of the messages appearing at the beginning of the day or each week in a single window
Add: Small text for the end of the act 1
Correction: It was not really possible to read a book (regression)
Added: Helps to advance in the story with Noelie
Add: Possibility to relive some story between Noelie and Sarah (story 7-> 8)
Add: Small text + image at the beginning of the kinematics 9-> 10 to show Noelie embraces us
Add: Small text to clarify some descriptions (everywhere in the game)
Added: Possibility that a scene of the story (the 8) recurs randomly
Added: Noélie discreetly shows a breast when one serves only the Meal
Correction: Text problems in several cutscenes
Correction: Image problem when we do a photo shoot with Sarah next to the pool at home
Correction: The conditions to advance in the story (11-> 12) with Noelie was incomplete
Correction: Numerous variables texts not in the right place
Correction: Bad condition that made inconsistent the evolution of the story between Sarah and Noelie
Correction: L image of squat and treadmill did not display correctly
Correction: Addition of conditions to avoid the illogicality of certain situations
Correction: Bad sequence of videos when Sarah surprises us while we watch Noélie masturbate
Correction: Text of description when we meet Noelie at the mall (in the high tech store)
Correction: Tips of useless sentences
Correction: Typo and grammar
Correction: Description text duplication bug
Correction: Images when Sarah is in the kitchen in the morning and she is having breakfast
Modification: It is possible to kiss Noelie in her room even if Sarah is in the house (qd history = 10)
Modification: Move of actions for a greater homogeneity
Modification: The frequency of sending of sms is better correlated with the relations which one maintains with the pnjs
Modification: The conditions for Sarah to get naked and masturbates in the Garden are slightly different
Fit: The shower in the sports club adds 30 of hygiene, not 25
Added: A few additional keywords for the search engine
Add: Help to better advance in the different stories (and remember what to do)
Add: POssibility to relive some scenes between Noelie and Sarah
Add: Background images when Noelie is on the edge of the pool
Add: Additional clues to find things in the game
Add: Context description texts
Add: It is now possible to quit reading books when desired
Add: Temporary message to say when it is possible to send a sexy sms message to Noelie
Added: Temporary message to say when it is possible to send a message sms ass to Noelie
Added: Help to progress in the story with Noelie
Add: Additional descriptive texts (breakfast, quality of bedding ...)
Added: Message to eject the player from the supermarket when it is too late.
Add: You can visualize the objects before buying them in the electronics store of the supermarket
: Tutorials Added: POssibility to remove the helpers in game
Fixes: Bug with the generation of pnj
Correction: Bug when you want to buy a vibro
Fixed: Bugs with pnj and rs handling
Fixed: Spelling errors
Fixed: Decreased number of illogical situations
Fixed: Problems with texts
Bugfixes: Bugs with facebook tool
Bugfix: Incorrect alignment of books in the library
Bugfix: Display bugs with the phone when there are few messages
Bugfix: Bug when asking to accompany a girl to the park with Stone
Bugfix: Bad text when we talk bcp with Sarah
Adjustment: We do not win 2 more attraction when we send sexy messages to Noelie and the attraction> 350 (only 1)
Adjustment: We do not gain more 3 attraction when we send asshole messages to Noelie and that attraction> 700 (only 1)
Fit: We do not gain 2 more attraction when we send sexy messages to Sarah and that attraction> 250 (only 1)
Adjustment: We no longer gain 3 of attraction when we send messages of ass to Sarah and the attraction> 500 (only 1)
Adjustment: The actions of the same type report the same thing
Adjustment: The scenes between Noelie and Sarah appear more logically
Adjustment: More coherence in responses to Noelia's text messages
Adjustment: Just have the story in nv 2 to chat sexy with Noelie
Adjustment: We wake up later without waking
Adjustment: We can make a kiss to Noelie when cooking only after passing the nv of the story
Adjustment: Scratching a game ticket counts for 5 minutes (instead of 0)
Adjustment: Order of actions for more fluidity
Adjustment: Kissing only increases the attraction if you have less than 100
Adjustment: You also gain a little attraction when the house is reasonably clean
Adjustment: The familiarities with the sms depend for Noelie and Sarah of the nv of attraction
Modification : Rewriting the display module of possessed objects
Modification: Optimization of the sms generator
Modification: Slightly different management of the sms to avoid crumbling under the messages
Modification: Optimization of the game when we sleep (shift of the module to pass the time)
Modification: The variables of attraction with respect to the pnj are homogenized with the others ($ str_pnj_X [18])
Modification: The basic bed does not allow more to find 100 of energy
Added: Added translations for the new texts of the
Added: For the game of the Minesweeper the best score in the 3 nv of difficulty is saved
Added: Setting up the game of the Minesweeper when we play the game console
Addition : Ability to see many webcams pnj (random management of webcams)
Added: Ability to make a fast forward when, we are in the country house
Add: Extension possibilities of the page 'appearance'
Add: Module and infrastructure to buy funds for social networks
Add: Several sms messages when Cherry cleans up at home
Add: Schedules for the library (from 8h to 19h)
Add: Some additional statistics
Added: Ability to manage more finely the difficulty of the part
Add: Possibility to manage more finely the possible backups when we start a part
Add: Ability to manage more finely the number of pnj created at the beginning of a party
Add: Simple debug menu
Added: Ability to reset achievements unlock
Added: Action for lunch or dinner alone when you're alone at home
Add: Multiple sentences for greater diversity and a better description of situations encountered
Added: Option to remove false weather Loading
Added: Real loading screen to explain why it's freeze when we start a new game
Added: Module to create loading bars
Add: Pictures of portraits and discussion with Noelie in the campaign
Add: Many images to diversify the illustration of situations
Add: We can surprise Sarah masturbating on the edge of the pool
Add: Many images to diversify the illustration of situations
Add: Noelie or Sarah can join us in the pool when we bathe with each other
Add: Images when we talk with Noelie in the garden and she is dressed
Add: Actions and images when we dine with Noelie (she touches us sex with her feet)
Added: Scene cinematic when girls return from the country house
Addition: Story of the two girls 1-> 8 (when they come back from the country house)
Add: We can surprise the girls (Noelie and Sarah) who kiss when we are not in the room
Add: Pictures to diversify the swim with a pnj
Add: Forest outside the country house
Add: Possibility to walk with Noelie in the forest of the country house
Add: Photo shoot with Noelie in the forest of the country house
Add: Images when Noelie prepare her suitcase to accompany you in the country house
Add: Images when Sarah dresses up in the morning on weekdays
Add: Image when we look at the keyhole of Noelie's room and she undresses to go to sleep
Added: Images when we look at the keyhole of the bathroom of the house and we see Sarah undressing to go in the shower
Add: Many images to diversify the action illustrations
Add: Loading page to explain why to launch a part is so long (it is the creation of the pnj)
Correction: Two variables text with the same name
Correction: An edge of html table which had no place to be.
Fixed: Typo problems
Fixed: Image that should not be displayed consistently when cooking with a girl
Correction: Bad ejection of the bathroom when touching Sarah's buttocks
Fix: Adding variables so that it is no longer the success that conditions the information of the relationship page
Correction: Added an additional condition to check that we are prof before displaying the message as what we should give a course.
Correction: Name of the variable of the portrait of a pnj when one offers flowers or chocolate
Correction: Bad extension of the name of the image of the laptop of Noélie
Correction: Bad name of variable to describe the action of Noélie when she reads in the living room
Correction: Bug, when we got in and out of the car, an hour was added (when it was not necessary)
Fixed: Small display problem for fb profile backgrounds
Fixed: The module function of repetition executed the request once too much
Correction: The module allowing to choose the images (bottom and portrait) had a defective display
Correction: Bad name of variable to know the number of Internet sites of the game
Correction: Bug when we meet Cherry at the park and she shows us her breasts
Correction: Many bugs related to the generation of sms
Correction: Bug relating to the display of portraits for Christmas and Cherry
Correction: Bugs everywhere
Correction: Many bugs on the casino site
Bug: Bug when crossing Cherry while jogging
Correction: An image with Noelie in her room where the watermark appeared
Fix: Change of $ tmp in $ portrait_pnj to correctly display the portraits of Noelie and Sarah
Correction: Addition of an additional condition to advance the story sarah-noelie 6-> 7 (they must be in the same group of places)
Corrected: Argument error when making love to Sarah in the room with scene 2
Fixed: Love module with Noelie
Fix: Photo shoot with Noelie in the campaign during the ride
Correction: Image of the campaign during the ride
Correction: Portrait and description of Noelie during the country walk
Correction: The pages FB change less width
Correction: Bug in the generation of sms
Bugfix: Bug when Noelie masturbates in the bathroom
Adjustment: Deletion of variable initialization variables
Adjustment: Slightly reworked intro kinematics
Adjustment: Slight modification in the sms generation module in order to make more coherent the messages created with time of day
Adjustment: Presence or absence of people in offices, lecture halls, corridors and libraries (modulation according to the time of day and week)
Adjustment: Slight redesign of the page of appearance for make it smaller and cumbersome
Adjustment: Opening hours of the enlarged university
Adjustment: The function to know the number of pnj in the room was adjusted slightly to know the number of pnj of groupe_lieux
Adjustment: Size of the portraits of Noélie and Sarah of kinematics when they both return from the country house
Adjustment: Retouching on the web page of facebook (ordi) to make it more homogeneous
Adjustment: Adjustments in the compatibility control module to import the variables created before the factorization + factoring of new variables
Adjustment: It is specified when we can not do Noelie's love (+ slight rewrite of the act)
Adjustment: There is now a distinction between the last piece from which one comes and the one where one was the action of before
Adjustment: the doubles '' are replaced by ''
Adjustment: Factoring the code when we invite a pnj to swim with us
Adjustment: In the way is managed the action of making love to Noelie
Modification: Factoring of the code
Modification: Homogenization of variables
Can't purchase ebjects (ex dildo) when you restart a game : Fixed
Can't giving a cunnilingus to Sarah in the bedroom : Fixed
Update the english translation (thx wildride)
Update others translations
Тему отредактировал: Nikol - 26-06-2024, 15:02
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Причина: Заброшена / Abandoned
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Unfaithful_Rebirth (1 файл)