Я должен сказать, что эта игра для взрослых. Мы постараемся сделать много сюжетных линий - т.е. вы пройдете и завершите игру как добрый и хороший мальчик ^_^. Но в любом случае, в нашей игре будут разнообразные эротические действия с Белль (и не только с Белль). Суть LS в том, что вы можете влиять на Белль и изменять ее по своему усмотрению. Непокорная девушка-рабыня в ошейнике и цепях, Злая Королева с плетью, домохозяйка в фартуке на голое тело и т.д.... В общем, возможностей будет много, и они будут очень разными.
I have to say this game is for adults. We'll try to make a lot of storylines - i.e. you would pass and complete the game as kind and good boy ^_^. But in any case, there will be a variety of erotic actions with Belle (and not only Belle) in our game. The essence of LS is that you can influence on Belle and modify her as you wish. Uncomplaining slave girl wearing a collar and chains, Wicked Queen with a whip, a housewife in apron over her naked body, etc... In general there will be many opportunities and it will be very different.
Год выпуска: 2020
Жанр: 2dcg, adventure, combat, corruption, fantasy, humor, male protagonist, masturbation, parody, rape, spanking, turn based, combat, voyeurism,
Цензура: Отсутствует
Разработчик/Издатель: Xaljio - Latissa
Платформа: PC/Windows/Linux/Android
Тип издания: В разработке
Таблэтка: Не требуется
Версия: v. SE
Язык игры: Русский+Английский
Язык интерфейса: Русский+Английский
Андроид порт от разработчика! / Android port from the developer!
Password for all patrons/subscribers to receive the starting bonus:
"new chapter"
The password is "tree activity"
Я должен сказать, что эта игра для взрослых. Мы постараемся сделать много сюжетных линий - т.е. вы пройдете и завершите игру как добрый и хороший мальчик ^_^. Но в любом случае, в нашей игре будут разнообразные эротические действия с Белль (и не только с Белль). Суть LS в том, что вы можете влиять на Белль и изменять ее по своему усмотрению. Непокорная девушка-рабыня в ошейнике и цепях, Злая Королева с плетью, домохозяйка в фартуке на голое тело и т.д.... В общем, возможностей будет много, и они будут очень разными.
I have to say this game is for adults. We'll try to make a lot of storylines - i.e. you would pass and complete the game as kind and good boy ^_^. But in any case, there will be a variety of erotic actions with Belle (and not only Belle) in our game. The essence of LS is that you can influence on Belle and modify her as you wish. Uncomplaining slave girl wearing a collar and chains, Wicked Queen with a whip, a housewife in apron over her naked body, etc... In general there will be many opportunities and it will be very different.
Год выпуска: 2020
Жанр: 2dcg, adventure, combat, corruption, fantasy, humor, male protagonist, masturbation, parody, rape, spanking, turn based, combat, voyeurism,
Цензура: Отсутствует
Разработчик/Издатель: Xaljio - Latissa
Платформа: PC/Windows/Linux/Android
Тип издания: В разработке
Таблэтка: Не требуется
Версия: v. SE
Язык игры: Русский+Английский
Язык интерфейса: Русский+Английский
Андроид порт от разработчика! / Android port from the developer!
Password for all patrons/subscribers to receive the starting bonus:
"new chapter"
The password is "tree activity"
Belle has difficulties with paying for books. The event is activated in the library. New opportunities open at 100, 200 corrupting, and after completing the quest for Bed Skills Level 2 and collecting of at least 3 arguments for persuading Belle. Arguments can be obtained by going through the following quests: tentacle tree, magic bra, activated exhibitionism (for patrons), masturbation Belle, storyline with Ariel. The final scenes of this quest is affected by the Bed Skills parameter (200-250 and more than 250).
Belle spends time on the lake. Wait for rumors about it a week from the beginning of the game. Be sure to activate patron's password, because a significant part of the variants of events is tied to exhibitionism. Events are affected by corruption parameter (<200 and 200+). Some options are opened after activation of the previous ones. Be sure to wait for the second swim of naked Belle! ;)
Ariel again waits for help. Just complete her initial quest (rumors about the mermaid appear after 15 days) and wait a week until she is ready to accept help.
У Белль сложности с оплатой книг. Событие активируется в библиотеке. Новые возможности открываются на 100, 200 развратности, а также после выполнения квеста на Постельное Мастерство 2 уровня и сбора минимум 3 аргументов для убеждения Белль. Аргументы можно получить пройдя следующие линии: тентакле-дерево, магический лифчик, активированный эксгибиционизм (для патронов), мастурбация Белль, линия с Ариэль. На финальные сцены влияет значение Постельного Мастерства в границах 200-250 и больше 250.
Белль проводит время на озере. Дождитесь слухов об этом через неделю от начала игры. Обязательно активируйте код патрона, т.к. значительная часть вариантов событий завязана на эксгибиционизме. На события влияет развратность (в значениях < 200 и 200+). Некоторые опции открываются после активации предыдущих. Обязательно дождитесь второго голого заплыва Белль! ;)
Ариэль снова ждет помощи. Просто выполните ее начальный квест (слухи о русалке появляются после 15 дня) и подождите неделю, пока она будет готова принять помощь.
Belle has difficulties with paying for books. The event is activated in the library. New opportunities open at 100, 200 corrupting, and after completing the quest for Bed Skills Level 2 and collecting of at least 3 arguments for persuading Belle. Arguments can be obtained by going through the following quests: tentacle tree, magic bra, activated exhibitionism (for patrons), masturbation Belle, storyline with Ariel. The final scenes of this quest is affected by the Bed Skills parameter (200-250 and more than 250).
Belle spends time on the lake. Wait for rumors about it a week from the beginning of the game. Be sure to activate patron's password, because a significant part of the variants of events is tied to exhibitionism. Events are affected by corruption parameter (<200 and 200+). Some options are opened after activation of the previous ones. Be sure to wait for the second swim of naked Belle! ;)
Ariel again waits for help. Just complete her initial quest (rumors about the mermaid appear after 15 days) and wait a week until she is ready to accept help.
У Белль сложности с оплатой книг. Событие активируется в библиотеке. Новые возможности открываются на 100, 200 развратности, а также после выполнения квеста на Постельное Мастерство 2 уровня и сбора минимум 3 аргументов для убеждения Белль. Аргументы можно получить пройдя следующие линии: тентакле-дерево, магический лифчик, активированный эксгибиционизм (для патронов), мастурбация Белль, линия с Ариэль. На финальные сцены влияет значение Постельного Мастерства в границах 200-250 и больше 250.
Белль проводит время на озере. Дождитесь слухов об этом через неделю от начала игры. Обязательно активируйте код патрона, т.к. значительная часть вариантов событий завязана на эксгибиционизме. На события влияет развратность (в значениях < 200 и 200+). Некоторые опции открываются после активации предыдущих. Обязательно дождитесь второго голого заплыва Белль! ;)
Ариэль снова ждет помощи. Просто выполните ее начальный квест (слухи о русалке появляются после 15 дня) и подождите неделю, пока она будет готова принять помощь. SE - 2024-08-23
v. - 2023-04-07
Список изменений LS
— Бонусный интерактив с Щупальцедревом и Белль (самый большой в игре на данный момент) для категории подписчиков Почетный горожанин+
— Система достижений в интерактиве для разблокирования новых опций
— Механика ловли Белль для Щупальцедрева при ее обычных садовых занятиях
— Секс Щупальцедрева с Бетси теперь открыт для категории Старожилов
— Чудовище и Белль:
— линия в лесной локации доступна для всех подписчиков
— линия на утесе разблокирована для всех игроков
—Линия с Щупальцедревом и Чудовищем теперь доступна для всех подписчиков
— Ошибка, из-за которой при разногласиях с Гильдией воров квест при определенных выборах не мог быть продолжен.
— Вор мог одновременно находится в колодках и отзываться на условный знак в подворотне.
— Квест "Странные перчатки" теперь можно корректно завершить для текущей версии (разблокирован небольшой финальный текст);
— Ошибка форматирования в одном из сообщений в ветке "контроля мастурбации Бетси" (русская версия);
— Можно было обкончать Эмму в накидке невидимости прямо на глазах у Джерома;
— При определенной последовательности выборов в предыдущих квестах, во время "мести Эмме" при нажатии на Эмму в колодках выводились диалоги Вора;
— Логическая ошибка, возникающая в случае если Гастон победил Чудовище в первую встречу с ним и дальше не проигрывал до появления его подручных. При таких условиях Гастон мог упустить разговор с Бинкертелль, в котором узнавал рецепт серебряных слитков и серебряной стрелы.
— Ряд мелких графических ошибок.
— Опечатки, ошибки в локализации и переводе текста.
List of changes in LS
Quest log:
— Now updated quests are moved to the beginning of the Quest log;
— Added the new quest category "maximum in the current version is achieved", to make it easier to navigate in the Quest log;
— You can see the stages of completion of already completed quests;
— Added a 'completion/maximum in the current version' indicator for many quests from the previous versions (20+ quests) (should work with old saves as well);
— Added the "Back" button, leading to the root of the quests list from the log of a particular quest.
— The guards will calm down a bit with their night raids. The interval between roundups has been increased from 3-7 days to 7-10, the first roundup will occur two weeks after the start of the game, instead of three days, as before. Also, the maximum fine for resisting guards has been reduced from 300 coins to 200.
— A bug that sometimes causes crashes in Betsy's masturbation control events. The whole system is now more stable.
— 'les' bug during Betsy and Emma's event in the stocks (also made changes to avoid similar errors in the future).
— Scylla no longer takes off her mask at inappropriate moments.
— Some (minor) episodes did not activate on the Lake.
— Betsy no longer gives silver plates in the middle of a conversation, only after receiving the task.
— Wrong layers order in the scene with Emma and Belle in the garden with the Tentacle Tree.
— Misprints, mistakes in texts and localization in English.
The next (content) version LS is planned to be released in February 2023. Gaston's return to the town is coming! ^__^ It will be quite soon, so stay in touch, guys.
Thanks a lot for your support! And we are back to work on the next content version
List of changes in LS - 2022.12.25
— Continuation of the Tentacle Tree line:
— The Beast decided to look into the city. IMPORTANT! This event will only happen if Belle has already slept with the Beast. This event is for $5 and $10+ patrons, so be sure to activate your code before starting the Tentacle Tree line or loading a save from the previous version.
— Belle decided to milk the Tentacletree at night, but forgot to take the smoker… what happened?
— The first version of the scene with Belle on the Tentacle Tree. Now you can choose yourself what and how the insidious tree will do with her.
— The mechanics of wet grass in the garden depending on the rains and the time elapsed after them... Yes, we know that this important mechanic was really missing in our game and we finally added it! ^__^
Fixed and corrected:
- In the previous scenes with the Tentacle tree, it was not taken into account that Belle may no longer be a virgin;
- The sound of rain in some situations remained in the garden after the end of the Tentacle Tree line;
- Character sprites were not reset after some events, which could cause Belle to have tears and blush in inappropriate scenes, for example;
- A number of typos, errors, problems with localization;
In the next versions 0.97.5.x will be added:
— Exclusive bonus content for $10+ patrons;
— New events in the Reading Room;
— A mini-game where the Tentacle tree catches agile (but not dexterous enough!) bipedal females!
— The main mechanics of the game for the Tentacle tree, tied, among other things, to the weather.
The next version is supposed to be released in January 2023, so stay tuned guys! Soon the additional questline on behalf of the Tentacle tree will be completed and we will return to the main plot (and Gaston, accordingly, will return to the town ^__^).
We are very grateful to you for your support in this difficult year, guys. Now we have the opportunity to work more on our projects, so we look forward with optimism. Let the New Year be as good for all of us as possible!
Fix LS - 2022.11.14
Error in fights with str_list
Bug in some scenes with transitions between sprites
Various minor fixes
We are starting to publish LS 0.97.5 content. Given the circumstances, we release this version by parts and each one will give you something to look at. Today the first one is: LS This version should work well with previous saves. But, as usual, it's better to make a backup or don't overwrite all of them.
For all patrons/subscribers: Gaston is temporarily absent from the city... But life in the city does not stop for this time. You have a unique opportunity to try to spend a few days on behalf of the Tentacle Tree! What events will happen to him? Which of the townspeople will be able to get acquainted with an inquisitive plant?
Important: to trigger these events, Gaston must sell at least half of the books from the initial stock, and also be familiar with Betsy and become her "teacher" in the thieving business. Also, Belle was supposed to have had sex with Tentacletree already. After that, Gaston will have the idea of the trip for new books.
In addition, most of Belle's forest adventures with the Beast from previous versions are now available to all patrons / subscribers.
For $5+ patrons/subscribers: Belle's full forest adventure with the Beast (including Gaston's special reward). In future versions, you will receive additional bonus content with Belle and Tentacle tree.
For $10+ patrons/subscribers: Bonus special option for the Tentacle Tree when interacting with Betsy... Plus a surprise ending to this scene. Further, in the 2nd part of the current version, i.e. v (which will be released within 2 weeks), you will receive a whole chain of events on behalf of the Tentacle Tree.
Password for all patrons/subscribers to receive the starting bonus:
new chapter
Important: in LS, the Tentacle Tree line will continue. We have a number of additional events for it, which are in the "almost ready" state, but which we simply did not have time to add to this version for known reasons.
We will also be bringing back the currently cut Tentacle Tree resource management and the Belle capture mini-game (which we may be expanding to other heroes as well). We thought it would be wise to add this gameplay to the game after all the planned scenes become available.
As we said, we have quite a lot of 'near-done' content right now, and we're in the process of moving it into the 'release-ready' category right now. So by the end of this year we're going to release a couple more content versions (not counting the expected fixes and patches). Their content planned by us:
1. All events of the Tentacle Tree questline (yes, with Belle too ^__^). As well as the opportunity to get the "Day of the Triffids" achievement. :D
2. Game mechanics related to the Tentacle Tree.
3. The dog and the development of his plot.
4. New locations: Hunters' Guild and Mayor's garden.
5. Continuation of the reading room, scenes and events in it.
New content version, LS will be released before the end of next week.
We are very grateful for your support during this difficult time, guys! And we will try to do our best to thank you with entertaining events, scenes and quests in our game. Right now, the new Tentacle Tree line is the largest volume of the plot in 'The Library Story'. And we've just started publishing it.
As usual, write about all the errors found to xallat8@yandex.ru or to the PM.
Special thanks to those who helped us with translation, proofreading, testing and so on and so forth, namely: Zellemate, Someones, Ross, Rwede, Vielstern, New D. and T&T!
List of changes and fixes in LS 0.97.3
Game mechanics:
New mechanics of punishing Gaston in the stocks on the Main Square, as well as a corresponding system of fines with control of payment and activation of new events.
The Hunters Guild and the Hunting Shop are now closed at night.
Now the evening sound theme of locations coincides with the night one.
Some graphical bugs of storylines in the reading room and with the Tentacle tree are fixed.
A number of various minor corrections and fixes.
- Important! The bug related to f_music_place() and, accordingly, loading locations under certain conditions is fixed.
- Important! It was not the best decision to close access to the Hunters Guild at night :D. Now access to the telescope at night is open again. By the way, in the next version (LS 0.97.5) the Hunters Guild will be added as a separate location, hence, now this is a temporary solution. Patch LS 0.97.31
- The "Fear of the Charmed Ones" potion was not consumed while using in battle, and after the first use, the skill continued to be displayed in battles where the Beast's helpers were already absent. Corrected.
Game mechanics:
New mechanics of punishing Gaston in the stocks on the Main Square, as well as a corresponding system of fines with control of payment and activation of new events.
The Hunters Guild and the Hunting Shop are now closed at night.
Now the evening sound theme of locations coincides with the night one.
Some graphical bugs of storylines in the reading room and with the Tentacle tree are fixed.
A number of various minor corrections and fixes.
Game mechanics:
New mechanics for night events. This mechanic will evolve in the future.
The system of passwords for patrons has been reworked (content opened with current passwords will not be closed after updating passwords for new versions).
New mechanic - sexual activity counter. So far, it applies only to Belle's masturbation and sex with her. Affects some specific parameters. The mechanics will evolve.
Now if you "to leave a trail" in Belle's bedroom at night, the window will not become inaccessible. On the contrary, it leads to a chain of new events.
The meeting with Lumiere is no longer tied to Emma's storyline. It is activated one week after the start of the game (during a regular visit to the Laboratory).
Simple lockpicks can now be purchased from the Thief.
Sometimes the light from the basement of Belle's house was displayed during the days when Maurice was not working there. Fixed.
Fixed a bug in overlaying layers for some backgrounds.
Added shading for dialogs and sprites for evening and night.
A number of improvements that should improve the performance of the game.
Now the wonderful silver tureen, if Gaston decided to keep it, should be displayed on the shelf.
Reworked the time skip menu.
Fixed a bug with escape from the location when the Beast caught Belle (the option for the first attempt to retreat was displayed all the time)
In some scenes, during pauses, clicking on the interface elements could break the script logic. Fixed.
Many fixes and improvements for events and mechanics from previous versions of the game.
UPD2: In version 0.95.54:
The interface of buy/sell menu is improved: graphic buttons and a slider for quick setting the required amount of items are added.
Improved loading of locations (they load faster, in addition, the problem with loading different layers at different times is partially fixed, which allows the objects appear synchronously)
Bug: Couldn't find file 'img/chars/emma/new/stocks/EMM_displeased.png'
Bug when trying to enter the FAQ section in the start menu
Removed the ability to sell endlessly a silver arrow for 10 coins and redeem it back for 0.
UPD: In version 0.95.53 fixed:
Error with "img/chars/emma/new/EMM_displ.png"
Exception: u'/color' closes a text tag that isn't open
Events that should occur during playing a new Emma's quest could be activated later.
Fixed crash with qt_095_belle_education and the issue with trophies from hunting when loading old saves.
Here is the release of 'The Library Story' 0.95. We went a long way towards this, and here we are. All storylines of the game are compiled, no any 'special starting conditions', everything can be passed from the very beginning.
In this version you will see new characters; you can the whole event with the Smugglers Password, we are very proud of. Additionally, pay attention to the telescope that will appear in the newly-minted Hunters Guild (some scenes are updated in the process of characters' development and the plot).
0.95 Part 1
You must have noted this suspicious "part 1" in the title... Yes, this is not the whole LS 0.95. If you followed the chronicle of work on version 0.95, you already know that we had certain problems with it, including translation.
The situation has improved. Great thanks to everyone who helps us with English language! But at the moment, some new quests are still in the process of translation. An alternative option could be another postponing the release of the full 0.95 (or even switch to the "ASAP-mode"), but that would just be infair. Therefore, we decided to publish 0.95 by parts as soon as ready, with the addition of start options for quick access to new content.
As you probably remember, we've recently released the LS 'Tentacle edition', where a part of the this big quest was shown. In the first part of LS 0.95, it gets an additional big development: another character joins the scene.
We also made a sequel of the quest with the password of robbers (Betsy and Belle are waiting for new adventures ^__^). This, in fact, is one of the main lines in the plot, which leads to the emergence of some new characters and situations.
We plan to release LS 0.95 part 2 on April 10th (we’ll still have to get remained translations). Thus, the break between the releases will be very short.
We understand that the fuss with LS 0.95 turned out to be too time-consuming, with all those postponements and other difficulties... But we made some conclusions from this situation, which we're about to discuss with you... But after the release of v.0.95 completely, of course. We hope that you'll be interested in plot twists of this part of LS 0.95. The second part is also around the corner.
0.94b - Tentacle Tree Edition
This version is designed solely to demonstrate some new content of the tentacle tree storyline. For a simplified start, part of the other quests is considered completed, and Belle has “fixed” parameters, so do not try to pass other quests - you may encounter bugs in the logic of the game. In fact, to view the new content you need only two locations: Belle's house and the garden. For the rest, it is still the same version 0.94, to which we transferred the part of the new content from v.0.95.
For this version no passwords are needed, we release it only for you, our patrons, so all bonuses are included ino the game by default.
Here are two starting points. One from the moment when Belle started milking tentacles, for those who want to remember what happened there before. The second right before the start of new content.
An important point - we transferred to this version about a half of the tentacle-related content from LS 0.95. Behind the scenes there are two mini-games, the Gaston-defender part (with excellent rewards from the damsel in distress!), the line with another character who will also closely meet the tentacle-tree in 0.95 ... In general, you'll have a decent amount of content to see in the upcoming release, even in this storyline, not to mention others.
As we've already said, we added a new educational interactive into the game (Gaston's Training quest).
In order to access it, you need to start the quest for Bed Skills level 2, convince Belle to start learning Gaston, then to see a couple of familiar training scenes... After that you will have the opportunity to try out the educational interactive episode, the idea of which, by the way, was appeared from the writing of Gaston's Training quest itself.
Pay attention that if you load the previous saves, then your progress of the quest for Bed Skills 2 level is supposed to be reset, even if you've already completed it. Version 0.94b should support saving from versions 0.94 and 0.93.
We recommend to try repeatedly different options - the results may be unexpected. In addition, pay attention to the fact that the teacher's outfit changes as you progress the educational quest, which has an impact on the educational interactive.
Now some words about the workflow.
Despite the fact that the new educational interactive is the largest at the moment in our game, the work on it took an inadmissibly long time Of course, we tried to make this interactive episode different from the previous ones (there are some real-time elements here - try to click on the "flashing" buttons as quickly as possible at the right moments! ^__^).
Error "list.remove (x): x not in list" appearing during the meetings of Belle and Ariel on the lake;
In additional quest for $ 5+ patrons, Gaston could complete a part of Ariel's quest before getting to know her;
The situation when Gaston's training quest got interrupted after Belle taking 'The Magic Textbook ';
In some variants of passing of Princess Peach's quest the wooden club could disappear from the inventory.
Links for LS 0.93 in the release posts are already replaced by LS 0.93b
0.93 Changelog:
In this version you'll see the continuation and the "real" ending of Gaston's training quest, the big development of the Lake location (now Belle will regularly visit it and different things will happen there)."
Belle has difficulties with paying for books. The event is activated in the library. New opportunities open at 100, 200 corrupting, and after completing the quest for Bed Skills Level 2 and collecting of at least 3 arguments for persuading Belle. Arguments can be obtained by going through the following quests: tentacle tree, magic bra, activated exhibitionism (for patrons), masturbation Belle, storyline with Ariel. The final scenes of this quest is affected by the Bed Skills parameter (200-250 and more than 250).
Belle spends time on the lake. Wait for rumors about it a week from the beginning of the game. Be sure to activate patron's password, because a significant part of the variants of events is tied to exhibitionism. Events are affected by corruption parameter (<200 and 200+). Some options are opened after activation of the previous ones. Be sure to wait for the second swim of naked Belle!
Ariel again waits for help. Just complete her initial quest (rumors about the mermaid appear after 15 days) and wait a week until she is ready to accept help.
v. - 2023-04-07
Список изменений LS
— Бонусный интерактив с Щупальцедревом и Белль (самый большой в игре на данный момент) для категории подписчиков Почетный горожанин+
— Система достижений в интерактиве для разблокирования новых опций
— Механика ловли Белль для Щупальцедрева при ее обычных садовых занятиях
— Секс Щупальцедрева с Бетси теперь открыт для категории Старожилов
— Чудовище и Белль:
— линия в лесной локации доступна для всех подписчиков
— линия на утесе разблокирована для всех игроков
—Линия с Щупальцедревом и Чудовищем теперь доступна для всех подписчиков
— Ошибка, из-за которой при разногласиях с Гильдией воров квест при определенных выборах не мог быть продолжен.
— Вор мог одновременно находится в колодках и отзываться на условный знак в подворотне.
— Квест "Странные перчатки" теперь можно корректно завершить для текущей версии (разблокирован небольшой финальный текст);
— Ошибка форматирования в одном из сообщений в ветке "контроля мастурбации Бетси" (русская версия);
— Можно было обкончать Эмму в накидке невидимости прямо на глазах у Джерома;
— При определенной последовательности выборов в предыдущих квестах, во время "мести Эмме" при нажатии на Эмму в колодках выводились диалоги Вора;
— Логическая ошибка, возникающая в случае если Гастон победил Чудовище в первую встречу с ним и дальше не проигрывал до появления его подручных. При таких условиях Гастон мог упустить разговор с Бинкертелль, в котором узнавал рецепт серебряных слитков и серебряной стрелы.
— Ряд мелких графических ошибок.
— Опечатки, ошибки в локализации и переводе текста.
List of changes in LS
Quest log:
— Now updated quests are moved to the beginning of the Quest log;
— Added the new quest category "maximum in the current version is achieved", to make it easier to navigate in the Quest log;
— You can see the stages of completion of already completed quests;
— Added a 'completion/maximum in the current version' indicator for many quests from the previous versions (20+ quests) (should work with old saves as well);
— Added the "Back" button, leading to the root of the quests list from the log of a particular quest.
— The guards will calm down a bit with their night raids. The interval between roundups has been increased from 3-7 days to 7-10, the first roundup will occur two weeks after the start of the game, instead of three days, as before. Also, the maximum fine for resisting guards has been reduced from 300 coins to 200.
— A bug that sometimes causes crashes in Betsy's masturbation control events. The whole system is now more stable.
— 'les' bug during Betsy and Emma's event in the stocks (also made changes to avoid similar errors in the future).
— Scylla no longer takes off her mask at inappropriate moments.
— Some (minor) episodes did not activate on the Lake.
— Betsy no longer gives silver plates in the middle of a conversation, only after receiving the task.
— Wrong layers order in the scene with Emma and Belle in the garden with the Tentacle Tree.
— Misprints, mistakes in texts and localization in English.
The next (content) version LS is planned to be released in February 2023. Gaston's return to the town is coming! ^__^ It will be quite soon, so stay in touch, guys.
Thanks a lot for your support! And we are back to work on the next content version
List of changes in LS - 2022.12.25
— Continuation of the Tentacle Tree line:
— The Beast decided to look into the city. IMPORTANT! This event will only happen if Belle has already slept with the Beast. This event is for $5 and $10+ patrons, so be sure to activate your code before starting the Tentacle Tree line or loading a save from the previous version.
— Belle decided to milk the Tentacletree at night, but forgot to take the smoker… what happened?
— The first version of the scene with Belle on the Tentacle Tree. Now you can choose yourself what and how the insidious tree will do with her.
— The mechanics of wet grass in the garden depending on the rains and the time elapsed after them... Yes, we know that this important mechanic was really missing in our game and we finally added it! ^__^
Fixed and corrected:
- In the previous scenes with the Tentacle tree, it was not taken into account that Belle may no longer be a virgin;
- The sound of rain in some situations remained in the garden after the end of the Tentacle Tree line;
- Character sprites were not reset after some events, which could cause Belle to have tears and blush in inappropriate scenes, for example;
- A number of typos, errors, problems with localization;
In the next versions 0.97.5.x will be added:
— Exclusive bonus content for $10+ patrons;
— New events in the Reading Room;
— A mini-game where the Tentacle tree catches agile (but not dexterous enough!) bipedal females!
— The main mechanics of the game for the Tentacle tree, tied, among other things, to the weather.
The next version is supposed to be released in January 2023, so stay tuned guys! Soon the additional questline on behalf of the Tentacle tree will be completed and we will return to the main plot (and Gaston, accordingly, will return to the town ^__^).
We are very grateful to you for your support in this difficult year, guys. Now we have the opportunity to work more on our projects, so we look forward with optimism. Let the New Year be as good for all of us as possible!
Fix LS - 2022.11.14
Error in fights with str_list
Bug in some scenes with transitions between sprites
Various minor fixes
We are starting to publish LS 0.97.5 content. Given the circumstances, we release this version by parts and each one will give you something to look at. Today the first one is: LS This version should work well with previous saves. But, as usual, it's better to make a backup or don't overwrite all of them.
For all patrons/subscribers: Gaston is temporarily absent from the city... But life in the city does not stop for this time. You have a unique opportunity to try to spend a few days on behalf of the Tentacle Tree! What events will happen to him? Which of the townspeople will be able to get acquainted with an inquisitive plant?
Important: to trigger these events, Gaston must sell at least half of the books from the initial stock, and also be familiar with Betsy and become her "teacher" in the thieving business. Also, Belle was supposed to have had sex with Tentacletree already. After that, Gaston will have the idea of the trip for new books.
In addition, most of Belle's forest adventures with the Beast from previous versions are now available to all patrons / subscribers.
For $5+ patrons/subscribers: Belle's full forest adventure with the Beast (including Gaston's special reward). In future versions, you will receive additional bonus content with Belle and Tentacle tree.
For $10+ patrons/subscribers: Bonus special option for the Tentacle Tree when interacting with Betsy... Plus a surprise ending to this scene. Further, in the 2nd part of the current version, i.e. v (which will be released within 2 weeks), you will receive a whole chain of events on behalf of the Tentacle Tree.
Password for all patrons/subscribers to receive the starting bonus:
new chapter
Important: in LS, the Tentacle Tree line will continue. We have a number of additional events for it, which are in the "almost ready" state, but which we simply did not have time to add to this version for known reasons.
We will also be bringing back the currently cut Tentacle Tree resource management and the Belle capture mini-game (which we may be expanding to other heroes as well). We thought it would be wise to add this gameplay to the game after all the planned scenes become available.
As we said, we have quite a lot of 'near-done' content right now, and we're in the process of moving it into the 'release-ready' category right now. So by the end of this year we're going to release a couple more content versions (not counting the expected fixes and patches). Their content planned by us:
1. All events of the Tentacle Tree questline (yes, with Belle too ^__^). As well as the opportunity to get the "Day of the Triffids" achievement. :D
2. Game mechanics related to the Tentacle Tree.
3. The dog and the development of his plot.
4. New locations: Hunters' Guild and Mayor's garden.
5. Continuation of the reading room, scenes and events in it.
New content version, LS will be released before the end of next week.
We are very grateful for your support during this difficult time, guys! And we will try to do our best to thank you with entertaining events, scenes and quests in our game. Right now, the new Tentacle Tree line is the largest volume of the plot in 'The Library Story'. And we've just started publishing it.
As usual, write about all the errors found to xallat8@yandex.ru or to the PM.
Special thanks to those who helped us with translation, proofreading, testing and so on and so forth, namely: Zellemate, Someones, Ross, Rwede, Vielstern, New D. and T&T!
List of changes and fixes in LS 0.97.3
Game mechanics:
New mechanics of punishing Gaston in the stocks on the Main Square, as well as a corresponding system of fines with control of payment and activation of new events.
The Hunters Guild and the Hunting Shop are now closed at night.
Now the evening sound theme of locations coincides with the night one.
Some graphical bugs of storylines in the reading room and with the Tentacle tree are fixed.
A number of various minor corrections and fixes.
- Important! The bug related to f_music_place() and, accordingly, loading locations under certain conditions is fixed.
- Important! It was not the best decision to close access to the Hunters Guild at night :D. Now access to the telescope at night is open again. By the way, in the next version (LS 0.97.5) the Hunters Guild will be added as a separate location, hence, now this is a temporary solution. Patch LS 0.97.31
- The "Fear of the Charmed Ones" potion was not consumed while using in battle, and after the first use, the skill continued to be displayed in battles where the Beast's helpers were already absent. Corrected.
Game mechanics:
New mechanics of punishing Gaston in the stocks on the Main Square, as well as a corresponding system of fines with control of payment and activation of new events.
The Hunters Guild and the Hunting Shop are now closed at night.
Now the evening sound theme of locations coincides with the night one.
Some graphical bugs of storylines in the reading room and with the Tentacle tree are fixed.
A number of various minor corrections and fixes.
Game mechanics:
New mechanics for night events. This mechanic will evolve in the future.
The system of passwords for patrons has been reworked (content opened with current passwords will not be closed after updating passwords for new versions).
New mechanic - sexual activity counter. So far, it applies only to Belle's masturbation and sex with her. Affects some specific parameters. The mechanics will evolve.
Now if you "to leave a trail" in Belle's bedroom at night, the window will not become inaccessible. On the contrary, it leads to a chain of new events.
The meeting with Lumiere is no longer tied to Emma's storyline. It is activated one week after the start of the game (during a regular visit to the Laboratory).
Simple lockpicks can now be purchased from the Thief.
Sometimes the light from the basement of Belle's house was displayed during the days when Maurice was not working there. Fixed.
Fixed a bug in overlaying layers for some backgrounds.
Added shading for dialogs and sprites for evening and night.
A number of improvements that should improve the performance of the game.
Now the wonderful silver tureen, if Gaston decided to keep it, should be displayed on the shelf.
Reworked the time skip menu.
Fixed a bug with escape from the location when the Beast caught Belle (the option for the first attempt to retreat was displayed all the time)
In some scenes, during pauses, clicking on the interface elements could break the script logic. Fixed.
Many fixes and improvements for events and mechanics from previous versions of the game.
UPD2: In version 0.95.54:
The interface of buy/sell menu is improved: graphic buttons and a slider for quick setting the required amount of items are added.
Improved loading of locations (they load faster, in addition, the problem with loading different layers at different times is partially fixed, which allows the objects appear synchronously)
Bug: Couldn't find file 'img/chars/emma/new/stocks/EMM_displeased.png'
Bug when trying to enter the FAQ section in the start menu
Removed the ability to sell endlessly a silver arrow for 10 coins and redeem it back for 0.
UPD: In version 0.95.53 fixed:
Error with "img/chars/emma/new/EMM_displ.png"
Exception: u'/color' closes a text tag that isn't open
Events that should occur during playing a new Emma's quest could be activated later.
Fixed crash with qt_095_belle_education and the issue with trophies from hunting when loading old saves.
Here is the release of 'The Library Story' 0.95. We went a long way towards this, and here we are. All storylines of the game are compiled, no any 'special starting conditions', everything can be passed from the very beginning.
In this version you will see new characters; you can the whole event with the Smugglers Password, we are very proud of. Additionally, pay attention to the telescope that will appear in the newly-minted Hunters Guild (some scenes are updated in the process of characters' development and the plot).
0.95 Part 1
You must have noted this suspicious "part 1" in the title... Yes, this is not the whole LS 0.95. If you followed the chronicle of work on version 0.95, you already know that we had certain problems with it, including translation.
The situation has improved. Great thanks to everyone who helps us with English language! But at the moment, some new quests are still in the process of translation. An alternative option could be another postponing the release of the full 0.95 (or even switch to the "ASAP-mode"), but that would just be infair. Therefore, we decided to publish 0.95 by parts as soon as ready, with the addition of start options for quick access to new content.
As you probably remember, we've recently released the LS 'Tentacle edition', where a part of the this big quest was shown. In the first part of LS 0.95, it gets an additional big development: another character joins the scene.
We also made a sequel of the quest with the password of robbers (Betsy and Belle are waiting for new adventures ^__^). This, in fact, is one of the main lines in the plot, which leads to the emergence of some new characters and situations.
We plan to release LS 0.95 part 2 on April 10th (we’ll still have to get remained translations). Thus, the break between the releases will be very short.
We understand that the fuss with LS 0.95 turned out to be too time-consuming, with all those postponements and other difficulties... But we made some conclusions from this situation, which we're about to discuss with you... But after the release of v.0.95 completely, of course. We hope that you'll be interested in plot twists of this part of LS 0.95. The second part is also around the corner.
0.94b - Tentacle Tree Edition
This version is designed solely to demonstrate some new content of the tentacle tree storyline. For a simplified start, part of the other quests is considered completed, and Belle has “fixed” parameters, so do not try to pass other quests - you may encounter bugs in the logic of the game. In fact, to view the new content you need only two locations: Belle's house and the garden. For the rest, it is still the same version 0.94, to which we transferred the part of the new content from v.0.95.
For this version no passwords are needed, we release it only for you, our patrons, so all bonuses are included ino the game by default.
Here are two starting points. One from the moment when Belle started milking tentacles, for those who want to remember what happened there before. The second right before the start of new content.
An important point - we transferred to this version about a half of the tentacle-related content from LS 0.95. Behind the scenes there are two mini-games, the Gaston-defender part (with excellent rewards from the damsel in distress!), the line with another character who will also closely meet the tentacle-tree in 0.95 ... In general, you'll have a decent amount of content to see in the upcoming release, even in this storyline, not to mention others.
As we've already said, we added a new educational interactive into the game (Gaston's Training quest).
In order to access it, you need to start the quest for Bed Skills level 2, convince Belle to start learning Gaston, then to see a couple of familiar training scenes... After that you will have the opportunity to try out the educational interactive episode, the idea of which, by the way, was appeared from the writing of Gaston's Training quest itself.
Pay attention that if you load the previous saves, then your progress of the quest for Bed Skills 2 level is supposed to be reset, even if you've already completed it. Version 0.94b should support saving from versions 0.94 and 0.93.
We recommend to try repeatedly different options - the results may be unexpected. In addition, pay attention to the fact that the teacher's outfit changes as you progress the educational quest, which has an impact on the educational interactive.
Now some words about the workflow.
Despite the fact that the new educational interactive is the largest at the moment in our game, the work on it took an inadmissibly long time Of course, we tried to make this interactive episode different from the previous ones (there are some real-time elements here - try to click on the "flashing" buttons as quickly as possible at the right moments! ^__^).
Error "list.remove (x): x not in list" appearing during the meetings of Belle and Ariel on the lake;
In additional quest for $ 5+ patrons, Gaston could complete a part of Ariel's quest before getting to know her;
The situation when Gaston's training quest got interrupted after Belle taking 'The Magic Textbook ';
In some variants of passing of Princess Peach's quest the wooden club could disappear from the inventory.
Links for LS 0.93 in the release posts are already replaced by LS 0.93b
0.93 Changelog:
In this version you'll see the continuation and the "real" ending of Gaston's training quest, the big development of the Lake location (now Belle will regularly visit it and different things will happen there)."
Belle has difficulties with paying for books. The event is activated in the library. New opportunities open at 100, 200 corrupting, and after completing the quest for Bed Skills Level 2 and collecting of at least 3 arguments for persuading Belle. Arguments can be obtained by going through the following quests: tentacle tree, magic bra, activated exhibitionism (for patrons), masturbation Belle, storyline with Ariel. The final scenes of this quest is affected by the Bed Skills parameter (200-250 and more than 250).
Belle spends time on the lake. Wait for rumors about it a week from the beginning of the game. Be sure to activate patron's password, because a significant part of the variants of events is tied to exhibitionism. Events are affected by corruption parameter (<200 and 200+). Some options are opened after activation of the previous ones. Be sure to wait for the second swim of naked Belle!
Ariel again waits for help. Just complete her initial quest (rumors about the mermaid appear after 15 days) and wait a week until she is ready to accept help.
Тему отредактировал: admin - 23-08-2024, 23:53
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