Год выпуска: 2020
Жанр:3DCG, anal, bdsm, big ass, big tits, blackmail, bukkake, corruption, creampie, exhibitionism, female domination, groping, group sex, humiliation, interracial, male domination, male protagonist, milf, mind control, multiple endings, oral, school setting, sci-fi, sex toy,s slave, spanking, stripping, trainer, transformation, vaginal, voyeurism
Цензура: Отсутствует
Разработчик/Издатель: deviantdiscoveries - www.patreon.com/deviantdiscoveries
Платформа: PC/Windows/Linux
Тип издания: Заброшена / Abandoned
Таблэтка: Не требуется
Версия: v.0.50.0
Язык игры: Английский
Язык интерфейса: Английский
Системные требования (минимальные):
OS: Win XP/Vista/7/8/10
Вы играете за ученого/профессора, который изобрел способ изменения человеческого тела. Он намеревается испытать его на учениках школы, в которой в настоящее время работает, развращая их в процессе.
You play a scientist/professor which has invented ways to alter the human body.
He sets out to test it on students at the school he currently works in, corrupting them in the process.
Жанр:3DCG, anal, bdsm, big ass, big tits, blackmail, bukkake, corruption, creampie, exhibitionism, female domination, groping, group sex, humiliation, interracial, male domination, male protagonist, milf, mind control, multiple endings, oral, school setting, sci-fi, sex toy,s slave, spanking, stripping, trainer, transformation, vaginal, voyeurism
Цензура: Отсутствует
Разработчик/Издатель: deviantdiscoveries - www.patreon.com/deviantdiscoveries
Платформа: PC/Windows/Linux
Тип издания: Заброшена / Abandoned
Таблэтка: Не требуется
Версия: v.0.50.0
Язык игры: Английский
Язык интерфейса: Английский
Системные требования (минимальные):
OS: Win XP/Vista/7/8/10
Вы играете за ученого/профессора, который изобрел способ изменения человеческого тела. Он намеревается испытать его на учениках школы, в которой в настоящее время работает, развращая их в процессе.
You play a scientist/professor which has invented ways to alter the human body.
He sets out to test it on students at the school he currently works in, corrupting them in the process.
V 0.50.0 Changelog:
56 new images rendered, that's not counting the new puppets, backgrounds and additional detail images.
Kara now has two possible ways to deal with Howard, one for those that don't like sharing and one for those who don't mind it.
Lola now has one ending ready and that is for her double green serum path.
Three new scenes for that ending.
A whole lot of typos fixed.
Known bugs:
When loading a save if you get an error, rollback to a stable state and change location.
The notifications can sometime appear a second time.
The notifications can also have a weird behavior when it comes to rollback.
The travel menu sometime stay visible when the rest of the GUI is hidden
V 0.49.6 Changelog:
Fixing error on displaying new Lola content
Known bugs:
When loading a save if you get an error, rollback to a stable state and change location.
The notifications can sometime appear a second time.
The notifications can also have a weird behavior when it comes to rollback.
The travel menu sometime stay visible when the rest of the GUI is hidden
v0.49.5 Changelog:
24 new images rendered
Those images are distributed across all the stages for Lola for her now active sms content.
Seeing as Lola has two different paths, I'd recommend saving at her initial stage before choosing the serums in order to get all the new content in one go.
Fixed a whole lot of typos especially in Lola's dialogue.
Known bugs:
When loading a save if you get an error, rollback to a stable state and change location.
The notifications can sometime appear a second time.
The notifications can also have a weird behavior when it comes to rollback.
The travel menu sometime stay visible when the rest of the GUI is hidden
V 0.49.0 Changelog:
91 new images rendered and that's not including the new portraits for Luna
Those images are spread across all of Luna's remastered content as well as Francesca's and Luna's 4 new scenes which will tie up their stories.
Fixed a possible softlock of the tutoring ban.
Corrected over a hundred typos all across the game.
v0.48.0 Changelog:
26 new images rendered and one of those images is something new I tried for this update. It should display right at the stories end.
Two new portraits, one for Yuki and one for a new character which you'll meet during the main story.
Known bugs:
When loading a save if you get an error, rollback to a stable state and change location.
The notifications can sometime appear a second time.
The notifications can also have a weird behavior when it comes to rollback.
The travel menu sometime stay visible when the rest of the GUI is hidden
V 0.47.0 Changelog:
30 new images rendered and distributed across three new scenes as well as the ending scene for Harley.
Again. Please do note that the ending scene is not available as of now. It's there, but you can't get to it just now. We will make it available as soon as we can.
Two new portrait images for Harley, clothed and unclothed.
Known bugs:
When loading a save if you get an error, rollback to a stable state and change location.
The notifications can sometime appear a second time.
The notifications can also have a weird behavior when it comes to rollback.
The travel menu sometime stay visible when the rest of the GUI is hidden
V 0.46.0 :
44 new images rendered and distributed across three vastly improved scenes for Kara at the pool.
New portrait images for Kara, wearing her bikini.
The three new scenes all have two possible endings, as well as three new intros to those scenes as well as a "Mini" ending for Kara.
Improving the process of buying toys for Luna's events.
Made Luna still available for mentoring even after being sent home without the need to call her again.
Known bugs:
When loading a save if you get an error, rollback to a stable state and change location.
The notifications can sometime appear a second time.
The notifications can also have a weird behavior when it comes to rollback.
The travel menu sometime stay visible when the rest of the GUI is hidden.
V 0.45.1 Changelog:
Fixed a bug that prevent buying toys for Lola double green route
Fixed a bug preventing to progress on Lola's gym events
Known bugs:
When loading a save if you get an error, rollback to a stable state and change location.
The notifications can sometime appear a second time.
The notifications can also have a weird behavior when it comes to rollback.
The travel menu sometime stay visible when the rest of the GUI is hidden
V 0.45.0 Changelog:
Close to 80 new images distributed across 10 new scenes.
Two of those scenes have a choice ending.
Two different sets of portraits for this stage of Lola.
Made the girls in the classroom only display the day during weekdays
Removed unnecessary step when talking to Yuki in the classroom
Removed time pass when blueing Kara in favor of returning to classroom
Fixed a bug making you return to home after talking to Frankie for the first time
Added missing case of going to Kara's office after missing work
Fixed a case of the Travel panel staying open after traveling
Added a "give assignments" button in the classroom
Fixed a bug displaying options to reveal to Kara she got pinked and blued and pinked as available
Fixed a bug with the price of Burly Bob not putting enough strain on income
Known bugs:
When loading a save if you get an error, rollback to a stable state and change location.
The notifications can sometime appear a second time.
The notifications can also have a weird behavior when it comes to rollback.
The travel menu sometime stay visible when the rest of the GUI is hidden
V 0.44.1 Changelog:
Fixed a bug preventing to buy the Tinkerbell clamps once Yuki is plugged
Fixed a bug that docked the pay when doing too much work
Rebalanced the teaching income calculation, it should be less confusing now
Known bugs:
When loading a save if you get an error, rollback to a stable state and change location.
The notifications can sometime appear a second time.
The notifications can also have a weird behavior when it comes to rollback.
The travel menu sometime stay visible when the rest of the GUI is hidden
V 0.44.0 Changelog:
Reworked the sexshop inventory and menus to improve navigation
Reworked the stripclub logic to improve reliability
Added delightfully whimsical names to the sexshop toys
Added the availability of the lab at day during the weekend
Added an event marking system to highlight the needed item in the sexshop the mark are color coded to the girl needing the item
Added the possibility to send Chrystal buy her slut outfit from home during tutoring
Made the event following Chrystal buying the outfit on a trigger
Made some requirements clearer to reduce some confusion
Fixed a bug making the inventory tooltips show when the inventory was hidden
Removed the availability of the dean's office during the weekend
Known bugs:
When loading a save if you get an error, rollback to a stable state and change location.
The notifications can sometime appear a second time.
The notifications can also have a weird behavior when it comes to rollback.
The travel menu sometime stay visible when the rest of the GUI is hidden
V 0.43.5:
Fixed an a bug preventing pinked Lola to be available at home for tutoring
Removed the UI during the talk with Alex about pinked Lola
V 0.43.4:
Fixed Lola's second stage events being available even on third stage
Fixed a number of issues with the sexshop promotion event choices being grayed out
Fixed a bug making the serum manufacturing free
Fixed a bug when loading an old yet compatible save
V 0.43.3:
Fixed the phone UI bug making calls impossible
V 0.43.2:
Fixed a bug when a girl made revenue stripping
V 0.43.1:
Fixed a bug with the sexshop
V 0.43.0:
Lola now has top tier content which takes place after the first green serum content(The content she has with dean Kara.)
It includes 81 new images which are spread over 10 new scenes with Lola, and of those 10 new scenes 3 of them have alternate choice endings.
A whole variety of new portraits for her in various states of dress...
Changed time division, now a full day is composed of day, evening and night, that change should streamline the gameplay.
Added weekends, during those teaching is not possible but not needed.
Added a simplified display of the day of the week and time, when hovered it will show the regular panel, it can also be clicked to pass time.
Changed the pass time icon.
Added a "Home" button to facilitate navigation.
Made replayable scenes more explicitly 'replayable' as opposed to 'repeatable'.
Fixed a number of display issues with the gym and the phone.
Added tooltips for the inventory and incomes.
Added a different income unit visual to more explicitly represent maxed incomes.
Significantly improved performances during SMS events.
Made the clickable zone to open the SMS images span the whole width of the message to help clicking.
Added a notification in the main menu if an update is available.
Known bugs:
When loading a save if you get an error, rollback to a stable state and change location.
The notifications can sometime appear a second time.
The notifications can also have a weird behavior when it comes to rollback.
Fixing some cases that could lead to a bug when managing the girl working at the stripclub
When loading a save you will probably get a "Could not find return label" exception, in that case just rollback, it should work.
V 0.42:
33 new images for Kara's redesigned content that goes from meeting her first and up to her wardrobe change (That content will come at a later time.)
Kara now also has several more portrait encounters which are triggered by how you decide to approach the classroom and teaching.
7 new images for Harley's new strip club scene + dialogue about her appearing with Alexey.
There are of course also the new portraits for Kara at her two initial stages.
V 0.41.3:
Fixed a bug when displaying SMS images from saves made prior v0.41.1
V 0.41.2:
Fixed the bug preventing the updater to open
V 0.41.1:
Fixed a bug on non-native imagepacks crashing when trying to display SMS events
V 0.41.0:
A total of 59 new images were made for this update.
Seven new scenes featuring each of the girls helping to promote Francesca's sexshop
Added seven new sms discussions with each girl, asking them if they're willing to help out with the shop.
Fixed a display bug on the income notifications
Fixed a minor bug when telling Alice to come with the materials
Fixed a bug causing the SMS discussions to be triggered twice
Known bugs:
The notifications can sometime appear a second time.
The notifications can also have a weird behavior when it comes to rollback.
The flash effect is currently bugged on some old content and may not look as intended.
V 0.40.7 Changelog:
Hopefully finally fixed the issues with Lola.
V 0.40.6 Changelog:
Fixed the bug before meeting Alice.
Fixed a bug during SMS dialogue allowing to click the thumbnail of a sent picture (thanks the66)
V 0.40.5 Changelog:
Corrected a bug with Alice's trigger
Hopefully mitigated a bug preventing Lola after being injected green serum to come at the MC's home in the evening
Corrected a bug with a date trigger
V 0.40.4 Changelog:
Corrected some typos
Fixed the display of long menu options
Fixed the end events with Greg
Removed the "Nothing to do here" option and replaced it by useful shortcuts
Added an option to work at the lab's office when Yuki is not available to it instead
V 0.40.3 Changelog:
Fixed a bug preventing Harley to get trained.
Fixed the number of green serum needed to transform Chrystal.
Fixed the bug when buying the sybian.
Hiding Kara's portrait when leaves during the first home talk with her.
Fixed infinity loop in the dean's office after getting surprised by Howard.
Fixed the green serum not getting used when injecting Greg.
Fixed an issue with SMS dialogue triggering multiple time.
Fixed a bug preventing Kara's house to be displayed in the travel list once Greg has been dealt with.
V 0.40.3 Changelog:
Fixed a bug preventing Harley to get trained.
Fixed the number of green serum needed to transform Chrystal.
Fixed the bug when buying the sybian.
Hiding Kara's portrait when leaves during the first home talk with her.
Fixed infinity loop in the dean's office after getting surprised by Howard.
Fixed the green serum not getting used when injecting Greg.
Fixed an issue with SMS dialogue triggering multiple time.
Fixed a bug preventing Kara's house to be displayed in the travel list once Greg has been dealt with.
V 0.40.2 Changelog:
Displayed the income needed in the requirements.
Improved serum crafting.
Corrected a bug with Frankie's training that made its income stay even when not trained.
Corrected a display bug that made income decrease display on the wrong line.
Corrected a bug displaying Francesca SMS discussion directly after passing time.
Fixed a bug with the income display when buying something.
Tweaked one time event menu option visibility once played.
V 0.40.1 Changelog:
Fixed a bug when sleeping after training Frankie.
Fixed a bug when crafting serums.
V 0.40.0 Changelog:
I ended up doing somewhere close to 70 new images for this update which most of them are the pictures for the scenes, some are Francesca's new portraits and a new sexshop background.
I'll continue listing the changes here below:
Complete overhaul of the sexshop.
Francesca's content redone with somewhere around 16 new encounters.
Added a new simplified monetary system.
Added an inventory system (sort of.)
Added the requirements to buy the toys before using them with the girls.
Reworked the GUI to reflect the changes.
Added a flash visual effect during spanking scenes
Added a toggle to flashing visual effect in the preferences
Added a GUI element displaying the requirement for grayed out events
Corrected a bug displaying Chrystal with her blonde hairstyle right at the end of the first talk after her transformation
Added the possibility to postpone the response to Chrystal's request
Event that should be played only once to make sense are now displayed dimmed once played, but they are still replayable (not implemented for all events)
Known bugs:
The notifications can sometime appear a second time
The notifications can also have a weird behavior when it comes to rollback
Vaasrefs comments:
The changes made in the version 0.40.0 were massive.
They affected almost the entirety of the gameplay and while it cost a huge amount of work we really hope it was worth it and that it will significantly improve the general experience of the players.
I was lucky enough to be able to work pretty much full-time on this update for a few weeks and the most tricky part was to not overload Jan with a mountain of TODOs, well, I tried …
Anyway, that allowed me to make some gameplay changes I was planning since quite a few months already as well as including a number of save-breaking changes that were already done for a while and that were on the backburner.
We are very interested to know what you think about this version.
One of the reasons we are late is that I am quality procrastinator.
In the last few days I kept adding little, and not-so-little, things on the TODO list. While it increases the overall quality over time it adds up and we end up with a lot of little changes.
V 0.39.1:
Fixing Harley's anal sex scene.
Light fixing some error that can be encountered with corrupted saves.
Fixing an issue in the tutoring menu.
V 0.39.0:
There were 52 images rendered for a total of six new scenes and eight new phone encounters.
All of those scenes are at Harley's 3rd Tier and are listed below.
Harley's scenes:
A new "chill" scene. It nets affection and it should alternate between four different images.
She also has a brand new spanking scene.
Piv doggy scene, where she's strapped to a bench.
A wandplay scene which has two different endings
What would an update from me be, without a butt stuff scene? This time it involves her and a buttplug.
She also has a new Bj scene with two different endings as well.
Harley's selfies:
There are a total of 8 new selfies you can recieve from Harley.
If you inspect her, then she sends you a text.
Spend enough time with her just chilling to raise affection and she will text you.
Do the spanking scene for the next image.
Do the wandplay action and then end by denying her orgasm and she will send you a text. You'll then get two choices which will lead to two different images. Repeat for the other image.
Play with her on the fuck machine for another text.
Plug her butt for the last text.
Additional changes:
Improved readability of character SMS with lighter colors.
V 0.38.0:
Reworked the intro:
We redid the intro to better fill in maybe some blanks and provide a much needed background for the character.
Main story:
For the main story to trigger you do need to have finished dealing with both Howard and Greg for Kara as well as visiting her at her house (the pool part, specifically.).
It's then triggered by meeting an person from your past at the school and from there on it should be pretty much straightforward.
Chrystal's slutty ending:
So we did manage to get one of Chrystal's endings made and implemented and this ending is the outcome of maxing her sluttiness.
If you're having troubles with maxing her sluttiness you could always put her to work at the strip club.
That ending is not really something that's tied to the main story, but more like a side ending or a closure for her character.
Adding a toggle switch in the Preferences to activate the console.
Sorting the travel menu by name.
Adding a blink to the Dean's Office travel option when Kara is available for meeting up.
Removing the Gym from the travel menu when it's closed.
Fixing an issue making the phone icon and Kara's contact entry blink.
Fixing an issue preventing Chrystal from texting the MC after the second study session.
Fixing the issue with skipping deactivating for good.
Polishing the halting when skipping to notify the available SMS event.
Fixed a potential issue preventing SMS events to trigger (including the one needed in the story).
Added a little increase in the sluttiness of the girl working at the stripclub.
Added a cap to the money a girl can make at the stripclub.
Fixing an issue with SMS notifications appearing multiple times.
Added an adaptive outline to text over colored background to improve readability.
Known bugs:
The notifications can sometime appear a second time
The notifications can also have a weird behavior when it comes to rollback
V 0.37.4:
Corrected the incoherence around the chain of event unlocking Luna
Improved feedback when hovering buttons
Made the travel menu appear when hovered
Optimized SMS display
Made the Lab Office accessible without having to pass by the Lab first
Fixed a bug making the contact list window too small
We weren't able to add everything that we wanted into this version, for example we had to leave out a still in development system which will add onto Yuki at her pet stage.
V 0.37.1 Changelog:
Fixed bug with Kara's first injection.
We weren't able to add everything that we wanted into this version, for example we had to leave out a still in development system which will add onto Yuki at her pet stage.
But rest assured I will talk about that feature at a later time and we will surely add that system as soon as it's finished.
Most of all I'd like to really thank you guys for your ongoing support and especially your patience this past month.
V 0.37.0 Changelog:
64 images were rendered for this update.
Yuki's content is from this version forward now split between her either wearing the tail plug and engaging in puppy play or her normal, submissive self.
Yuki's content:
I reworked the old put her tail in scene, adding a lot more dialogue in the process. So after you play that scene Yuki will switch to her pet role, making those scenes available.
Yuki now has a long awaited scene where she puts her enhanced chest to good use.
Last but not least, a new doggystyle scene.
Yuki's pet play content:
I added a lot more of scenes for her pet playing role, plus I reworked the old tail out scene. That will revert her to her normal self.
You can now walk and feed her which are two separate scenes.
Reward her with a treat or punish her are also two separate scenes.
While in her pet role, she's allowed to hump things which I made a scene of.
I reworked the old bj scene.
Finally, she also has a new anal scene.
Additional changes:
Added the contact list to the GUI removing the "Look at phone" entry from the home choice menu
Added a save compatibility check
Added blinking message icon when a SMS event is available
Added blinking avatar in the list of SMS discussion when an event is available
Added a hard pause when the MC is thinking about contacting a girl via SMS
Fixing an issue with the SMS dialogue that prevented to rollback
Known bugs:
The notifications can sometime appear a second time
The notifications can also have a weird behavior when it comes to rollback
The nature of the changes made on some systems of the game on this update, made it prone to introduce some bugs related to the SMS events.
V 0.36.0:
73 new images rendered for this update, and even though some of the images are reworks of scenes that were already in the game, I did make sure to carefully go through each and every one of them to bring them up to my current standard of artwork.
Chrystal now has 8 new scenes at her top tier and I will list them right below.
I think it also goes without saying that in reworking the images I felt I also had to rewrite the dialogue for those scenes, so going through those scenes should be a completely different experience.
Some typo corrections.
Fixed the bug preventing a softlock on Harley's last injection.
Chrystal's content:
After Chrystal's injection you can now inspect her changes, making comments through the examination.
Three new scenes where the Mc's coaches her through different tasks that deal with her new found love for exhibitionism and objectification.
A new scene which unlocks as long as Chrystal has performed at the strip club. In it Chrystal will wear her club dress and ride the mc reverse cowgirl style. I made two different endings for that scene which you can choose from.
The old buttplug scene got reworked.
The old missionary Piv scene got reworked and now has tow different endings that you can choose from.
The old anal scene got reworked.
V 0.35.3:
Two new backgrounds both of the deans office since the new content with Lola mostly happens there. One for daytime and then one for nighttime
New portraits for Kara's Tier 3, now she wears her office clothes.
Some typos correction
Adding the possibility to jump to the Dean's office and the School Gym from anywhere anytime.
Fixed save issue some people were having.
In order to access her new content, you must pick the green serum when prompted to choose at the gym.
This time there are 66 new images spread out over 10 scenes.
Kara gets to punish Lola.
Lola gets to know Kara a bit better by inspecting her.
Two camshow scenes.
Two sort of training scenes where Kara teaches Lola some skills.
Three varying short scenes where Lola gets to watch videos on her own.
Finally one scene where the MC gets to join in the fun.
Correcting a bug preventing to train Chrystal at last stage.
Correcting a bug preventing to train pinked Lola when loading a save from last version with an already pinked Lola
Fixed the issue with scrolling SMS threads. Added arrow key as control.
Known bugs:
The notifications can sometime appear a second time.
The notifications can also have a weird behavior when it comes to rollback.
The avatar on SMS threads and messages don't render properly if you scroll down.
V 0.35.0 Changelog:
Two new backgrounds both of the deans office since the new content with Lola mostly happens there. One for daytime and then one for nighttime
New portraits for Kara's Tier 3, now she wears her office clothes.
Some typos correction
Adding the possibility to jump to the Dean's office and the School Gym from anywhere anytime.
Lola's content:
Like I said earlier, in order to access her new content, you must pick the green serum when prompted to choose at the gym.
This time there are 66 new images spread out over 10 scenes.
Kara gets to punish Lola.
Lola gets to know Kara a bit better by inspecting her.
Two camshow scenes.
Two sort of training scenes where Kara teaches Lola some skills.
Three varying short scenes where Lola gets to watch videos on her own.
Finally one scene where the MC gets to join in the fun.
Known bugs:
The notifications can sometime appear a second time.
The notifications can also have a weird behavior when it comes to rollback.
The avatar on SMS threads and messages don't render properly if you scroll down.
Hopefully you guys will have some fun with this update and I'm looking forward to hearing your thoughts on it.
Many typos correction
Fixed the name display on the stripclub earning report
Fixed an issue preventing Lola to be available at the stripclub
Known bugs:
The notifications can sometime appear a second time
The notifications can also have a weird behavior when it comes to rollback
The avatar on SMS threads and messages don't render properly if you scroll down
V 0.32.0 Changelog:
I redid two of the backgrounds since I was getting sick of looking at them.
I rendered 54 new pictures in this update and that's not counting the portrait pics. So there's definitely a lot of new stuff to look at.
So much text... Like seriously. I don't know why I write so much when doing Harley's dialogue, but it's just a lot.
Harley's content:
In order to get the new content you should have the option of injecting her at home.Then meet her at school, talk to her and then you'll be able to talk to her at school the day after.
Inspection scene, where you get up close with her transformation.
Two machine scenes, each with their own style.
A sort of free use scene.
Finally, an anal scene with two different outcomes.
Fixed Harley's composite values bug
Fixed Kara's call in a night bug
Private dance scenes for:
Kara tier 3
Yuki tier 3
Harley tier 2
Lola tier 1
Coding changes:
The save from 0.30.x should be compatible, you may not want to use them if you got yourself into a lock state, but you can always try.
Fixed issue causing a 50% bug when a girl is performing at the stripclub.
GUI harmonization pass.
Known bugs:
Rollbacks are still broken and cannot be repaired until the next save breaking update.
Fixed tutoring ban events.
Fixed Kara's assessment.
Fixed bug making Chrystal changing appearance during a talk.
Added gate to prevent Chrystal's last stage sluttiness lock.
Removed gate preventing training Lola at the gym after first blowbang.
Added Patreon button on main menu.
Removed useless volume sliders.
Stripclub earning are now based on the sluttiness of the performer.
Fixed some spelling errors.
Known bugs:
Rollbacks are however still broken and cannot be repaired until the next save breaking update.
V 0.30.0 Changelog:
So this update is probably the biggest in regards to behind the scenes work, even though I tried my best to put as many scenes as I could it doesn't really compare to the amount of work my coder put in to this update.
Seeing as Vaasref rewrote all of the code, and reworked all of the game's systems that is the main reason for this version bump.
Now this time, and probably also going forward, I'll try to split the changelog into scenes and other visible content, and then the inner workings and changes in code.
Let's start with the former:
New location:
The stripclub, where the girls can be set to work, netting you a passive income each night. You'll also be able to watch the girls perform and in this update you can get a private dance from one of them.
New Character:
Alexey, who is the owner of the stripclub. You'll have to talk to him in order to unlock the features of the club.
New scenes:
Chrystal's performance and her private dancing.
Lola's show
Kara's dancing
Harley's performance
Yuki's dancing
- Correcting various typos
- Rewriting the game logic hopefully dealing with the bugs
- Laying the foundation for better, deeper and more connected storylines
- Tweaking "tutoring" difficulty
- Implementing the first drafts of coming GUI
- Compressing images from now on
Note from Vaasref
Due to the nature of the work on the backend of the game and my recent arrival on this project things didn't have time to settle down yet.
What that mean for you is that for the next few updates your saves will probably not work from a version to the next. And while I'll try to keep my naming OCD in check to avoid unnecessary save breaking, as the game currently undergo massive backend changes and save breaking will be mandatory until I finished pumping out all sorts of new functionalities for Jan the spider to go crazy with.
56 new images rendered, that's not counting the new puppets, backgrounds and additional detail images.
Kara now has two possible ways to deal with Howard, one for those that don't like sharing and one for those who don't mind it.
Lola now has one ending ready and that is for her double green serum path.
Three new scenes for that ending.
A whole lot of typos fixed.
Known bugs:
When loading a save if you get an error, rollback to a stable state and change location.
The notifications can sometime appear a second time.
The notifications can also have a weird behavior when it comes to rollback.
The travel menu sometime stay visible when the rest of the GUI is hidden
V 0.49.6 Changelog:
Fixing error on displaying new Lola content
Known bugs:
When loading a save if you get an error, rollback to a stable state and change location.
The notifications can sometime appear a second time.
The notifications can also have a weird behavior when it comes to rollback.
The travel menu sometime stay visible when the rest of the GUI is hidden
v0.49.5 Changelog:
24 new images rendered
Those images are distributed across all the stages for Lola for her now active sms content.
Seeing as Lola has two different paths, I'd recommend saving at her initial stage before choosing the serums in order to get all the new content in one go.
Fixed a whole lot of typos especially in Lola's dialogue.
Known bugs:
When loading a save if you get an error, rollback to a stable state and change location.
The notifications can sometime appear a second time.
The notifications can also have a weird behavior when it comes to rollback.
The travel menu sometime stay visible when the rest of the GUI is hidden
V 0.49.0 Changelog:
91 new images rendered and that's not including the new portraits for Luna
Those images are spread across all of Luna's remastered content as well as Francesca's and Luna's 4 new scenes which will tie up their stories.
Fixed a possible softlock of the tutoring ban.
Corrected over a hundred typos all across the game.
v0.48.0 Changelog:
26 new images rendered and one of those images is something new I tried for this update. It should display right at the stories end.
Two new portraits, one for Yuki and one for a new character which you'll meet during the main story.
Known bugs:
When loading a save if you get an error, rollback to a stable state and change location.
The notifications can sometime appear a second time.
The notifications can also have a weird behavior when it comes to rollback.
The travel menu sometime stay visible when the rest of the GUI is hidden
V 0.47.0 Changelog:
30 new images rendered and distributed across three new scenes as well as the ending scene for Harley.
Again. Please do note that the ending scene is not available as of now. It's there, but you can't get to it just now. We will make it available as soon as we can.
Two new portrait images for Harley, clothed and unclothed.
Known bugs:
When loading a save if you get an error, rollback to a stable state and change location.
The notifications can sometime appear a second time.
The notifications can also have a weird behavior when it comes to rollback.
The travel menu sometime stay visible when the rest of the GUI is hidden
V 0.46.0 :
44 new images rendered and distributed across three vastly improved scenes for Kara at the pool.
New portrait images for Kara, wearing her bikini.
The three new scenes all have two possible endings, as well as three new intros to those scenes as well as a "Mini" ending for Kara.
Improving the process of buying toys for Luna's events.
Made Luna still available for mentoring even after being sent home without the need to call her again.
Known bugs:
When loading a save if you get an error, rollback to a stable state and change location.
The notifications can sometime appear a second time.
The notifications can also have a weird behavior when it comes to rollback.
The travel menu sometime stay visible when the rest of the GUI is hidden.
V 0.45.1 Changelog:
Fixed a bug that prevent buying toys for Lola double green route
Fixed a bug preventing to progress on Lola's gym events
Known bugs:
When loading a save if you get an error, rollback to a stable state and change location.
The notifications can sometime appear a second time.
The notifications can also have a weird behavior when it comes to rollback.
The travel menu sometime stay visible when the rest of the GUI is hidden
V 0.45.0 Changelog:
Close to 80 new images distributed across 10 new scenes.
Two of those scenes have a choice ending.
Two different sets of portraits for this stage of Lola.
Made the girls in the classroom only display the day during weekdays
Removed unnecessary step when talking to Yuki in the classroom
Removed time pass when blueing Kara in favor of returning to classroom
Fixed a bug making you return to home after talking to Frankie for the first time
Added missing case of going to Kara's office after missing work
Fixed a case of the Travel panel staying open after traveling
Added a "give assignments" button in the classroom
Fixed a bug displaying options to reveal to Kara she got pinked and blued and pinked as available
Fixed a bug with the price of Burly Bob not putting enough strain on income
Known bugs:
When loading a save if you get an error, rollback to a stable state and change location.
The notifications can sometime appear a second time.
The notifications can also have a weird behavior when it comes to rollback.
The travel menu sometime stay visible when the rest of the GUI is hidden
V 0.44.1 Changelog:
Fixed a bug preventing to buy the Tinkerbell clamps once Yuki is plugged
Fixed a bug that docked the pay when doing too much work
Rebalanced the teaching income calculation, it should be less confusing now
Known bugs:
When loading a save if you get an error, rollback to a stable state and change location.
The notifications can sometime appear a second time.
The notifications can also have a weird behavior when it comes to rollback.
The travel menu sometime stay visible when the rest of the GUI is hidden
V 0.44.0 Changelog:
Reworked the sexshop inventory and menus to improve navigation
Reworked the stripclub logic to improve reliability
Added delightfully whimsical names to the sexshop toys
Added the availability of the lab at day during the weekend
Added an event marking system to highlight the needed item in the sexshop the mark are color coded to the girl needing the item
Added the possibility to send Chrystal buy her slut outfit from home during tutoring
Made the event following Chrystal buying the outfit on a trigger
Made some requirements clearer to reduce some confusion
Fixed a bug making the inventory tooltips show when the inventory was hidden
Removed the availability of the dean's office during the weekend
Known bugs:
When loading a save if you get an error, rollback to a stable state and change location.
The notifications can sometime appear a second time.
The notifications can also have a weird behavior when it comes to rollback.
The travel menu sometime stay visible when the rest of the GUI is hidden
V 0.43.5:
Fixed an a bug preventing pinked Lola to be available at home for tutoring
Removed the UI during the talk with Alex about pinked Lola
V 0.43.4:
Fixed Lola's second stage events being available even on third stage
Fixed a number of issues with the sexshop promotion event choices being grayed out
Fixed a bug making the serum manufacturing free
Fixed a bug when loading an old yet compatible save
V 0.43.3:
Fixed the phone UI bug making calls impossible
V 0.43.2:
Fixed a bug when a girl made revenue stripping
V 0.43.1:
Fixed a bug with the sexshop
V 0.43.0:
Lola now has top tier content which takes place after the first green serum content(The content she has with dean Kara.)
It includes 81 new images which are spread over 10 new scenes with Lola, and of those 10 new scenes 3 of them have alternate choice endings.
A whole variety of new portraits for her in various states of dress...
Changed time division, now a full day is composed of day, evening and night, that change should streamline the gameplay.
Added weekends, during those teaching is not possible but not needed.
Added a simplified display of the day of the week and time, when hovered it will show the regular panel, it can also be clicked to pass time.
Changed the pass time icon.
Added a "Home" button to facilitate navigation.
Made replayable scenes more explicitly 'replayable' as opposed to 'repeatable'.
Fixed a number of display issues with the gym and the phone.
Added tooltips for the inventory and incomes.
Added a different income unit visual to more explicitly represent maxed incomes.
Significantly improved performances during SMS events.
Made the clickable zone to open the SMS images span the whole width of the message to help clicking.
Added a notification in the main menu if an update is available.
Known bugs:
When loading a save if you get an error, rollback to a stable state and change location.
The notifications can sometime appear a second time.
The notifications can also have a weird behavior when it comes to rollback.
Fixing some cases that could lead to a bug when managing the girl working at the stripclub
When loading a save you will probably get a "Could not find return label" exception, in that case just rollback, it should work.
V 0.42:
33 new images for Kara's redesigned content that goes from meeting her first and up to her wardrobe change (That content will come at a later time.)
Kara now also has several more portrait encounters which are triggered by how you decide to approach the classroom and teaching.
7 new images for Harley's new strip club scene + dialogue about her appearing with Alexey.
There are of course also the new portraits for Kara at her two initial stages.
V 0.41.3:
Fixed a bug when displaying SMS images from saves made prior v0.41.1
V 0.41.2:
Fixed the bug preventing the updater to open
V 0.41.1:
Fixed a bug on non-native imagepacks crashing when trying to display SMS events
V 0.41.0:
A total of 59 new images were made for this update.
Seven new scenes featuring each of the girls helping to promote Francesca's sexshop
Added seven new sms discussions with each girl, asking them if they're willing to help out with the shop.
Fixed a display bug on the income notifications
Fixed a minor bug when telling Alice to come with the materials
Fixed a bug causing the SMS discussions to be triggered twice
Known bugs:
The notifications can sometime appear a second time.
The notifications can also have a weird behavior when it comes to rollback.
The flash effect is currently bugged on some old content and may not look as intended.
V 0.40.7 Changelog:
Hopefully finally fixed the issues with Lola.
V 0.40.6 Changelog:
Fixed the bug before meeting Alice.
Fixed a bug during SMS dialogue allowing to click the thumbnail of a sent picture (thanks the66)
V 0.40.5 Changelog:
Corrected a bug with Alice's trigger
Hopefully mitigated a bug preventing Lola after being injected green serum to come at the MC's home in the evening
Corrected a bug with a date trigger
V 0.40.4 Changelog:
Corrected some typos
Fixed the display of long menu options
Fixed the end events with Greg
Removed the "Nothing to do here" option and replaced it by useful shortcuts
Added an option to work at the lab's office when Yuki is not available to it instead
V 0.40.3 Changelog:
Fixed a bug preventing Harley to get trained.
Fixed the number of green serum needed to transform Chrystal.
Fixed the bug when buying the sybian.
Hiding Kara's portrait when leaves during the first home talk with her.
Fixed infinity loop in the dean's office after getting surprised by Howard.
Fixed the green serum not getting used when injecting Greg.
Fixed an issue with SMS dialogue triggering multiple time.
Fixed a bug preventing Kara's house to be displayed in the travel list once Greg has been dealt with.
V 0.40.3 Changelog:
Fixed a bug preventing Harley to get trained.
Fixed the number of green serum needed to transform Chrystal.
Fixed the bug when buying the sybian.
Hiding Kara's portrait when leaves during the first home talk with her.
Fixed infinity loop in the dean's office after getting surprised by Howard.
Fixed the green serum not getting used when injecting Greg.
Fixed an issue with SMS dialogue triggering multiple time.
Fixed a bug preventing Kara's house to be displayed in the travel list once Greg has been dealt with.
V 0.40.2 Changelog:
Displayed the income needed in the requirements.
Improved serum crafting.
Corrected a bug with Frankie's training that made its income stay even when not trained.
Corrected a display bug that made income decrease display on the wrong line.
Corrected a bug displaying Francesca SMS discussion directly after passing time.
Fixed a bug with the income display when buying something.
Tweaked one time event menu option visibility once played.
V 0.40.1 Changelog:
Fixed a bug when sleeping after training Frankie.
Fixed a bug when crafting serums.
V 0.40.0 Changelog:
I ended up doing somewhere close to 70 new images for this update which most of them are the pictures for the scenes, some are Francesca's new portraits and a new sexshop background.
I'll continue listing the changes here below:
Complete overhaul of the sexshop.
Francesca's content redone with somewhere around 16 new encounters.
Added a new simplified monetary system.
Added an inventory system (sort of.)
Added the requirements to buy the toys before using them with the girls.
Reworked the GUI to reflect the changes.
Added a flash visual effect during spanking scenes
Added a toggle to flashing visual effect in the preferences
Added a GUI element displaying the requirement for grayed out events
Corrected a bug displaying Chrystal with her blonde hairstyle right at the end of the first talk after her transformation
Added the possibility to postpone the response to Chrystal's request
Event that should be played only once to make sense are now displayed dimmed once played, but they are still replayable (not implemented for all events)
Known bugs:
The notifications can sometime appear a second time
The notifications can also have a weird behavior when it comes to rollback
Vaasrefs comments:
The changes made in the version 0.40.0 were massive.
They affected almost the entirety of the gameplay and while it cost a huge amount of work we really hope it was worth it and that it will significantly improve the general experience of the players.
I was lucky enough to be able to work pretty much full-time on this update for a few weeks and the most tricky part was to not overload Jan with a mountain of TODOs, well, I tried …
Anyway, that allowed me to make some gameplay changes I was planning since quite a few months already as well as including a number of save-breaking changes that were already done for a while and that were on the backburner.
We are very interested to know what you think about this version.
One of the reasons we are late is that I am quality procrastinator.
In the last few days I kept adding little, and not-so-little, things on the TODO list. While it increases the overall quality over time it adds up and we end up with a lot of little changes.
V 0.39.1:
Fixing Harley's anal sex scene.
Light fixing some error that can be encountered with corrupted saves.
Fixing an issue in the tutoring menu.
V 0.39.0:
There were 52 images rendered for a total of six new scenes and eight new phone encounters.
All of those scenes are at Harley's 3rd Tier and are listed below.
Harley's scenes:
A new "chill" scene. It nets affection and it should alternate between four different images.
She also has a brand new spanking scene.
Piv doggy scene, where she's strapped to a bench.
A wandplay scene which has two different endings
What would an update from me be, without a butt stuff scene? This time it involves her and a buttplug.
She also has a new Bj scene with two different endings as well.
Harley's selfies:
There are a total of 8 new selfies you can recieve from Harley.
If you inspect her, then she sends you a text.
Spend enough time with her just chilling to raise affection and she will text you.
Do the spanking scene for the next image.
Do the wandplay action and then end by denying her orgasm and she will send you a text. You'll then get two choices which will lead to two different images. Repeat for the other image.
Play with her on the fuck machine for another text.
Plug her butt for the last text.
Additional changes:
Improved readability of character SMS with lighter colors.
V 0.38.0:
Reworked the intro:
We redid the intro to better fill in maybe some blanks and provide a much needed background for the character.
Main story:
For the main story to trigger you do need to have finished dealing with both Howard and Greg for Kara as well as visiting her at her house (the pool part, specifically.).
It's then triggered by meeting an person from your past at the school and from there on it should be pretty much straightforward.
Chrystal's slutty ending:
So we did manage to get one of Chrystal's endings made and implemented and this ending is the outcome of maxing her sluttiness.
If you're having troubles with maxing her sluttiness you could always put her to work at the strip club.
That ending is not really something that's tied to the main story, but more like a side ending or a closure for her character.
Adding a toggle switch in the Preferences to activate the console.
Sorting the travel menu by name.
Adding a blink to the Dean's Office travel option when Kara is available for meeting up.
Removing the Gym from the travel menu when it's closed.
Fixing an issue making the phone icon and Kara's contact entry blink.
Fixing an issue preventing Chrystal from texting the MC after the second study session.
Fixing the issue with skipping deactivating for good.
Polishing the halting when skipping to notify the available SMS event.
Fixed a potential issue preventing SMS events to trigger (including the one needed in the story).
Added a little increase in the sluttiness of the girl working at the stripclub.
Added a cap to the money a girl can make at the stripclub.
Fixing an issue with SMS notifications appearing multiple times.
Added an adaptive outline to text over colored background to improve readability.
Known bugs:
The notifications can sometime appear a second time
The notifications can also have a weird behavior when it comes to rollback
V 0.37.4:
Corrected the incoherence around the chain of event unlocking Luna
Improved feedback when hovering buttons
Made the travel menu appear when hovered
Optimized SMS display
Made the Lab Office accessible without having to pass by the Lab first
Fixed a bug making the contact list window too small
We weren't able to add everything that we wanted into this version, for example we had to leave out a still in development system which will add onto Yuki at her pet stage.
V 0.37.1 Changelog:
Fixed bug with Kara's first injection.
We weren't able to add everything that we wanted into this version, for example we had to leave out a still in development system which will add onto Yuki at her pet stage.
But rest assured I will talk about that feature at a later time and we will surely add that system as soon as it's finished.
Most of all I'd like to really thank you guys for your ongoing support and especially your patience this past month.
V 0.37.0 Changelog:
64 images were rendered for this update.
Yuki's content is from this version forward now split between her either wearing the tail plug and engaging in puppy play or her normal, submissive self.
Yuki's content:
I reworked the old put her tail in scene, adding a lot more dialogue in the process. So after you play that scene Yuki will switch to her pet role, making those scenes available.
Yuki now has a long awaited scene where she puts her enhanced chest to good use.
Last but not least, a new doggystyle scene.
Yuki's pet play content:
I added a lot more of scenes for her pet playing role, plus I reworked the old tail out scene. That will revert her to her normal self.
You can now walk and feed her which are two separate scenes.
Reward her with a treat or punish her are also two separate scenes.
While in her pet role, she's allowed to hump things which I made a scene of.
I reworked the old bj scene.
Finally, she also has a new anal scene.
Additional changes:
Added the contact list to the GUI removing the "Look at phone" entry from the home choice menu
Added a save compatibility check
Added blinking message icon when a SMS event is available
Added blinking avatar in the list of SMS discussion when an event is available
Added a hard pause when the MC is thinking about contacting a girl via SMS
Fixing an issue with the SMS dialogue that prevented to rollback
Known bugs:
The notifications can sometime appear a second time
The notifications can also have a weird behavior when it comes to rollback
The nature of the changes made on some systems of the game on this update, made it prone to introduce some bugs related to the SMS events.
V 0.36.0:
73 new images rendered for this update, and even though some of the images are reworks of scenes that were already in the game, I did make sure to carefully go through each and every one of them to bring them up to my current standard of artwork.
Chrystal now has 8 new scenes at her top tier and I will list them right below.
I think it also goes without saying that in reworking the images I felt I also had to rewrite the dialogue for those scenes, so going through those scenes should be a completely different experience.
Some typo corrections.
Fixed the bug preventing a softlock on Harley's last injection.
Chrystal's content:
After Chrystal's injection you can now inspect her changes, making comments through the examination.
Three new scenes where the Mc's coaches her through different tasks that deal with her new found love for exhibitionism and objectification.
A new scene which unlocks as long as Chrystal has performed at the strip club. In it Chrystal will wear her club dress and ride the mc reverse cowgirl style. I made two different endings for that scene which you can choose from.
The old buttplug scene got reworked.
The old missionary Piv scene got reworked and now has tow different endings that you can choose from.
The old anal scene got reworked.
V 0.35.3:
Two new backgrounds both of the deans office since the new content with Lola mostly happens there. One for daytime and then one for nighttime
New portraits for Kara's Tier 3, now she wears her office clothes.
Some typos correction
Adding the possibility to jump to the Dean's office and the School Gym from anywhere anytime.
Fixed save issue some people were having.
In order to access her new content, you must pick the green serum when prompted to choose at the gym.
This time there are 66 new images spread out over 10 scenes.
Kara gets to punish Lola.
Lola gets to know Kara a bit better by inspecting her.
Two camshow scenes.
Two sort of training scenes where Kara teaches Lola some skills.
Three varying short scenes where Lola gets to watch videos on her own.
Finally one scene where the MC gets to join in the fun.
Correcting a bug preventing to train Chrystal at last stage.
Correcting a bug preventing to train pinked Lola when loading a save from last version with an already pinked Lola
Fixed the issue with scrolling SMS threads. Added arrow key as control.
Known bugs:
The notifications can sometime appear a second time.
The notifications can also have a weird behavior when it comes to rollback.
The avatar on SMS threads and messages don't render properly if you scroll down.
V 0.35.0 Changelog:
Two new backgrounds both of the deans office since the new content with Lola mostly happens there. One for daytime and then one for nighttime
New portraits for Kara's Tier 3, now she wears her office clothes.
Some typos correction
Adding the possibility to jump to the Dean's office and the School Gym from anywhere anytime.
Lola's content:
Like I said earlier, in order to access her new content, you must pick the green serum when prompted to choose at the gym.
This time there are 66 new images spread out over 10 scenes.
Kara gets to punish Lola.
Lola gets to know Kara a bit better by inspecting her.
Two camshow scenes.
Two sort of training scenes where Kara teaches Lola some skills.
Three varying short scenes where Lola gets to watch videos on her own.
Finally one scene where the MC gets to join in the fun.
Known bugs:
The notifications can sometime appear a second time.
The notifications can also have a weird behavior when it comes to rollback.
The avatar on SMS threads and messages don't render properly if you scroll down.
Hopefully you guys will have some fun with this update and I'm looking forward to hearing your thoughts on it.
Many typos correction
Fixed the name display on the stripclub earning report
Fixed an issue preventing Lola to be available at the stripclub
Known bugs:
The notifications can sometime appear a second time
The notifications can also have a weird behavior when it comes to rollback
The avatar on SMS threads and messages don't render properly if you scroll down
V 0.32.0 Changelog:
I redid two of the backgrounds since I was getting sick of looking at them.
I rendered 54 new pictures in this update and that's not counting the portrait pics. So there's definitely a lot of new stuff to look at.
So much text... Like seriously. I don't know why I write so much when doing Harley's dialogue, but it's just a lot.
Harley's content:
In order to get the new content you should have the option of injecting her at home.Then meet her at school, talk to her and then you'll be able to talk to her at school the day after.
Inspection scene, where you get up close with her transformation.
Two machine scenes, each with their own style.
A sort of free use scene.
Finally, an anal scene with two different outcomes.
Fixed Harley's composite values bug
Fixed Kara's call in a night bug
Private dance scenes for:
Kara tier 3
Yuki tier 3
Harley tier 2
Lola tier 1
Coding changes:
The save from 0.30.x should be compatible, you may not want to use them if you got yourself into a lock state, but you can always try.
Fixed issue causing a 50% bug when a girl is performing at the stripclub.
GUI harmonization pass.
Known bugs:
Rollbacks are still broken and cannot be repaired until the next save breaking update.
Fixed tutoring ban events.
Fixed Kara's assessment.
Fixed bug making Chrystal changing appearance during a talk.
Added gate to prevent Chrystal's last stage sluttiness lock.
Removed gate preventing training Lola at the gym after first blowbang.
Added Patreon button on main menu.
Removed useless volume sliders.
Stripclub earning are now based on the sluttiness of the performer.
Fixed some spelling errors.
Known bugs:
Rollbacks are however still broken and cannot be repaired until the next save breaking update.
V 0.30.0 Changelog:
So this update is probably the biggest in regards to behind the scenes work, even though I tried my best to put as many scenes as I could it doesn't really compare to the amount of work my coder put in to this update.
Seeing as Vaasref rewrote all of the code, and reworked all of the game's systems that is the main reason for this version bump.
Now this time, and probably also going forward, I'll try to split the changelog into scenes and other visible content, and then the inner workings and changes in code.
Let's start with the former:
New location:
The stripclub, where the girls can be set to work, netting you a passive income each night. You'll also be able to watch the girls perform and in this update you can get a private dance from one of them.
New Character:
Alexey, who is the owner of the stripclub. You'll have to talk to him in order to unlock the features of the club.
New scenes:
Chrystal's performance and her private dancing.
Lola's show
Kara's dancing
Harley's performance
Yuki's dancing
- Correcting various typos
- Rewriting the game logic hopefully dealing with the bugs
- Laying the foundation for better, deeper and more connected storylines
- Tweaking "tutoring" difficulty
- Implementing the first drafts of coming GUI
- Compressing images from now on
Note from Vaasref
Due to the nature of the work on the backend of the game and my recent arrival on this project things didn't have time to settle down yet.
What that mean for you is that for the next few updates your saves will probably not work from a version to the next. And while I'll try to keep my naming OCD in check to avoid unnecessary save breaking, as the game currently undergo massive backend changes and save breaking will be mandatory until I finished pumping out all sorts of new functionalities for Jan the spider to go crazy with.
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